HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/77 MINUTES RA-17- MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting-Aug.ust 23, 1977 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper Tuesday, August 23, 1977 at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Frank S. Lewis John S. Mooneyham Ralph H. Poehner ABSENT: Jeanne Foth Robert E. King Dr. Glenn D. Puder, Vice Chairman STAFF: Dick Foster, Deputy Executive Director Denny Haynes, Treasurer Murray Kane, Agency Counsel (E. B. Jacobs' office) MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 19, 1977, were approved as mailed. FINANCIAL a) Voucher ApprovaI and carried, Vouchers Nos. were approved for payment. - On motion by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, 3, 4 and 5 (Voucher Register dated August 23, 1977) PROJECTS a) Plaza Agreement - Mr. Foster reported all participants had signed this agreement, except United California Bank who is now reviewing ~t. b) Kiosk in Plaza - Mr. Foster defined a "kiosk'~ as a small structure open on one or more sides, used as a newsstand, bandstand, entrance to a subway, etc.-- and in this case a sandwich shop. Mr. Larry Keller, owner/operator of the "Nooner" sandwich shop, now located in a building proposed to be purchased and demolished by the Agency, has requested permission to build a kiosk on the plaza between United California Bank and Bank of America. Mr. Keller, and his designer Mr. Ray Dooley, were introduced, and presented their proposal. They requested help from staff Lo pursue their effort, and stated when all conditions, legal opinions and designs are completed, they will submit a final proposal to the Agency. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried, the Agency authorized staff to work with Mr. Keller in his pursuit of this effort. c) Status of Projects - California Republic Bank: Mr. Foster introduced Mr. Murray Kane of Mr. Gene Jacobs' office, who reported agreement on a draft Disposition and Development Agreement. Following discussion, Mr. Mooneyham moved the Agency recommend the City Council set the date and time for a joint public hearing of the Council and the Agency for the proposed sale of real property in the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project, and on the proposed Disposition and Development Agreement, for Wednesday, September 21, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The motion was seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried. Mr. Foster requested, and Mr. Kaneconcurred, that two authorizations were needed from the Agency; one for a reappraisal of the property involved (the last appraisal was made over a year ago); and the other, to negotiate a contract for relocation of tenants Tn the existing buildings on the property. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Poehner, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, staff was authorized to obtain an up-dated appraisal on the property involved in the California Republic Bank Project; and on motion by Mr. Poehner, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, -18- staff was authorized to negotiate a contract with Port and Flor to administer the relocation work for the Agency necessary in the California Republic Bank Project. Shopping Center: Mr. Kane reported no further progress on this project. Hotel: Mr. Kane stated he expected to have a Disposition and Development Agreement on the proposed hotel project within the next few weeks. GENERAL a) Sign Application - Mr. A. E. Stewart, Bakersfield Neon Sign Company, presented a drawing of a proposed freestanding sign for the B. F. Goodrich Company at 21st and K Streets, which they wish to replace an older, larger, freestanding sign now at the site. The proposed sign conforms to the City Sign Ordinance, however, is not within the Agency's Design for Development Standards. Abatement period for the present, older sign is nine years. Following discussion, Mr. Mooneyham stated that since it would be an improvement over the old sign, he would move for Agency approval of the proposed smaller, freestanding sign. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lewis and carried. b) Correspondence from Mr. John Brock - Mr. Foster read a letter from Mr. Brock requesting his representative, Mr. Richard Del Guericio (his Los Angeles attorney), be allowed to examine the Agency's records in regard to the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project. Mr. Jacobs reported to Mr. Foster that he had been contacted by Mr. Del Guericio, and had allowed the Agency records to be examined. c) 1977. Next Meeting Date - The next scheduled meeting date is September 27, ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Bakersfield Redevelop- ment Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting at 4:55~P~4h. VINCENT' CASPER,/[Cho i r~an ~ ~' Bakersfield Red'vel o '~ Agency Bernice E. Stewart, 'Secretary to the Bake rsf~eld Redevelopment A§enc¥