HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/24/78 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting - January 24, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper Tuesday, January 24, 1978, at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Jeanne Foth Robert E. King Frank S. Lewis John S. Mooneyham Ralph H. Poehner ABSENT: Dr. Glenn D. Puder, Vice Chairman STAFF: H. E. Bergen, Executive Director Dick Foster, Deputy Executive Director Denny Haynes, Treasurer Richard Oberholzer, Assistant City Attorney MINUTES a) Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 22, 1977; and the Regular Adjourned Meetings of December 8, 9 and 15, 1977, were approved as mailed. b) Minutes of the Joint Meeting and Public Hearing of December 2t, 1977, were approved as mailed. FINANCIAL a) Voucher Approval - On motion by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Ms. Foth, and carried, Vouchers Nos. 20 through 33 (Voucher Register dated January 24, 1978) were approved for payment. PROJECTS a) California Republic Bank Status - Mr. Foster reviewed the status and necessary actions on this project. Concept Plans (except garage): Following discussion, and perusal of the plans, Mr. Mooneyham moved to approve the concept plans, with the exception of the garage (which will be reviewed at a later date). The motion was seconded by Mr. Lewis, and carried. Mr. King asked that the Minutes reflect that he abstained from discussion or voting on this project on grounds of a possible conflict of interest. Grant Deed on Stoner Property: Mr. Oberholzer stated the Grant Deed on the Stoner property had been signed over to the Agency, and a motion would be necessary to accept and consent to the recording of the deed. On motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, the Grant Deed to the Stoner property was accepted, and Chairman Casper was authorized to execute for recordation. Mr. Hugh Sill, local businessman (and charter member of the Redevelopment Agency) asked the amount paid for the property. He was advised by Mr. Oberholzer the Agency paid $120,000. Mr. Oberholzer stated he was working with Port & Flor on relocation of tenants, hoping to soon acquire the Smith property. Ms. Fo~h expressed a concern by the Agency for the fair treatment of the tenants being relocated, and a desire for more information on the indivi- dual cases. She suggested a committee be formed for revlew[ng staff's activities on relocations. She was assured by both Mr. Bergen and Mr. Foster that the tenant is protected by State law; however, Mr. Foster noted that the law also protects the privacy of these individuals. Mr. Bergen advised that any Agency member can, at ant time, come into his or Mr. roster's office for information on these transactions. Chairman Casper appointed a committee of three, Ms. Foth and Messrs. Mooneyham and Poehner, to follow up on these relocation activities and keep Agency members apprised of the progress. Relocation Payments: On motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried, the Agency authorized Agency Treasurer, Denny Haynes, to make relocation payments when due, as required by law. Use of City Parking: Mr. Foster stated he had received a request from the developers, Guay & Danielson, for use of approximately 20 parking spaces, in the City parking lot across Eye Street from the project, for a period of approximately 90 days. They would like these committed to them well in advance of construction of the garage, which will be built first. Mr. Foster stated he believed this could be worked out by Public Works Department. b) Hotel Status - Mr. Foster reviewed the status of the hotel project, and reported that the Design Review Board had studied the concept plans at their January 17, 1978 meeting and found them to be orderly and harmonious with downtown~ Therefore, they recommended approval of the concept plans. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Mr. King, and carried, the Agency approved the concept plans for the hotel project. Mr. Bergen noted that recently there has been considerable discussion regarding the proposed development of a first-rate hotel, and he would recommend the Redevelopment Agency, with Agency legal consultant Gene Jacobs, make a status report to the City Council at an early date. Chairman Casper concurred. GENERAL a) Design Review Board Request - Mr. Foster read a memo to the Agency (dated January 24, 1978) regarding the Design Review Board's request that the Agency consider budgeting funds in the 1978-79 Budget for a long-range renovation project (which they have proposed) within the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area. The money would be paid to a professional for a rendering of what could be done to a specific area (cosmetic improvements only); meetings would be held with pro- perty owners, who would be financially liable for the improvements. Before proceeding with any project, project plans and cost estimates would be presented for Agency review and approval. Following discussion, Mr. Poehner moved that the Agency encourage further endeavor by the Design Review Board on this project, but that no action be taken to budget funds at this time. The motion was seconded by Ms. Foth, and carried. It was the consensus of the group that a meeting be arranged with Mr. Jacobs (Agency's legal counsel), the Design Review Board members and Agency members, to discuss the best legal approach to a project of this type. b) Plaza Agreement Status - Mr. Foster described his efforts of the past to obtain an executed copy of this agreement from United California Bank, the only participant who has not signed it. He stated they have held the Agreement for approximately seven months now, with a constant promise that it would be forthcoming within the next week. He reported he had received an "Amendment" to the Agreement from UCB last week, which covered the maintenance of the Plaza in more specific terms. Mr. Foster stated he had forwarded copies of this Amendment to all parties concerned for their signatures. Mr. King moved this matter be referred to the City Attorney for legal action against United California Bank. Mr. Poehner seconded the motion, which carried. c) Election of Officers - Chairman Casper asked for nominations for Agency Chairman for 1978. Mr. Lewis nominated Mr. Casper for re-election, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham. Mr. King recommended nominations be closed. Chairman Casper was unanimously re-elected. Ms. Foth nominated Mr. Ralph H. Poehner for Vice Chairman, Mr. Lewis seconded the nomination; nominations were closed, and he was unanimously elected. d) Proposed Shopping Center - Mr. Lewis requested, and other members agreed, there be an update soon on the proposed shopping center. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Bakersfield Redevelop- ment Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m., to be continued to 4 p.m., Tuesday, February 7, 1978, in the Council Chamber of City Hall, for the purpose of acting on the garage plans for the California Republic Bank Project, and the bids for demolition of the old structures on thls property. Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency