HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/26/78 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting - September 26, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper, Tuesday, September 26, 1978, at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Jeanne Foth Frank S. Lewis John S. Mooneyham Ralph H. Poehner, Vice Chairman Dr. Glenn D. Puder ABSENT: Robert E. King STAFF: H. E. Bergen, Executive Director Dennis S. Needham, Deputy Executive Director Philip Kelmar, Treasurer Richard Oberholzer, Assistant City Attorney Calvin Bidwell, Building Director Mr. Bergen ~ntroduced Mr. Dennis Needham, Director of Fire and Development Services, as the new Deputy Executive Director of the Agency. MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 25, 1978, and the Recessed Regular Meeting of July 26, 1978, were approved as ma~led. FINANCIAL a) Voucher Approva! - On motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried, Vouchers Nos. 11 through 20 (Voucher Register dated September 26, 1978) were approved for payment. PROJECTS a) Status of E.D.A. Fund Applications - Mr. Needham reviewed the status of Economic Development Administration Fund applications, stating that the forms had been completed and submitted by Agency Counsel Gene Jacobs; and that no action was required at this time by the Agency. Chairman Casper stated he would like to encourage staff to continue to look at alt possible sources of providing funds for parking facilities. Mr. Needham stated he had just returned from the League of California Cities' meeting where a resolution was adopted in which it was "...Resolved, that the League sponsor or support legislation next year that w~ll provide long term solutions and alternatives to redevelopment financing." Mr. Needham stated he would followup on this. b) Blodget/Mosesian Project - Mr. Needham reported Agency Counsel Gene Jacobs had submitted an alternative proposal to Mr. Blodget, for his review, to be located at the City's parking lot at 18th and "K" Streets. Mr. Needham stated Mr. Jacobs had not yet received any response from Mr. Blodget on his report. c) Correspondence from The Development Groupe - Mr. Needham read a letter from Mr. Anthony E. Wells of the The Development Groupe (owners of the Haberfelde Building) stating they had heard of the possible parking development at 18th and "K" Streets, and wished to express their pleasure with the news, and would llke to commit for the rental of 80 parking spaces. GENERAL a) Phase 1 and Phase 2 Reports for Downtown Parking Study - Mr. Needham passed out to Agency members a copy of this report from Quad Consultants. He noted that a "master" copy which includes maps, detailed information, etc., was available in his office for anyone who might wish to look it over. He also stated Mr. Tow had asked him to point out that this report contains technical information on which future decisions will be based, and that at this time there are no recom- mendations. Mr. Bergen reported the Council Committee had several meetings with Mr. Tow on interim parking requirements studies, and he would keep the Agency apprised of any developments. The Agency requested staff to include this item on the next Agency meeting Agenda. b) Tuneup Masters (Signage Appeal) - Mr. Needham read a letter from Mr. Floyd Wheeler's secretary stating Mr. Wheeler would not be able to attend this meeting, would also be unable to attend the October meeting, and therefore would like his appeal to be placed on the Agenda of the Agency's November meeting. It was the consensus of members that this should be delayed no longer. On motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, Agency authorized staff to include this on the Agenda of the October 24, 1978 meeting, and to so notify Mr. Wheeler. c) Design Review Board Appointments - Mr. Bidwell reported that Mr. Tim Banks had resigned and Mrs. Mary Prewett had been assigned by the Planning Com- mission to replace him as their representative on the Board. A letter was received from the Downtown Business Association nominating Mr. Kevin Servatius (DBA member and owner of Johnson's for Children) to replace Mr. Richard Ramkey who resigned. Following discussion, on motion by Dr. Puder, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, the Agency approved the appointment of Mrs. Prewett and Mr. Servatius to the Design Review Board. d) Design Review Board Recommendations - Mr. Bidwell reviewed the Board's recommendations for approval as follows: 1. American Business Machines Company, 821 - 18th Street, concrete Block storage addition. 2. Pacific Telephone Company, 1520 - 20th Street, complete fourth floor addition. 3~ Pacific Telephone Company, 2120 "L" Street, a sign (which meets Agency standards). 4. Household Finance Corporation, 18th Street, wall-mounted sign (which meets Agency standards). Sketches and photographs were available for perusal. Following discus- sion, on motion by Mr. Poehner, seconded by Ms. Foth, and carried, the Agency approved all four items above, as recommended. 4:35 P.M. - DR. PUDER REQUESTED TO BE EXCUSED. e) Participation Agreements - Mr. Needham noted that Agency staff had been directed by the City Council to contact Messrs. Brady and Boynton regarding their request to have their property deleted from the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area. In compliance, Mr. Needham stated proposed agreements, prepared by Mr. Jacobs' office, were given to Messrs. Brady and Boynton, which if executed would exempt them from eminent domain by the Agency, but would retain their properties in the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area. Mr. Needham said this is a status report, with no action required. f) Financial Consultant Contract - Mr. Kelmar reported the advisability of terminating the Agency's current contract with John F. Gray, and initiating a new contract for financial services with Katz, Hollis, Coren & Associates. He ex- plained that Mr. Cal Hollis, who previously worked with Agency Counsel Jacobs on Bakersfield redevelopment activities, is no longer employed by Mr. Gray's firm. Mr. Kelmar pointed out that even in his new association, Mr. Hollis has been handling Agency activities for Mr. Gray though his contract. Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr~ Poehner, and carried, staff was authorized to give John F. Gray the required 30-day notice to terminate the contract, and prepare an agreement with Mr. Hollls' firm for presentation at the next Agency meeting for approval. Mr. Needham stated he would appreciate it to let him know; he will be happy to answer them. right away, he will get it for you. if members have any questions If he doesn't have an answer ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come befo[~ the Bakersfield Redevelop- ment Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the meetin~g~.~:50 p.m. ~,-....~ ~, ,~/_-'~ ~r~I~NCENT\CA~SPER,~Ch]~t~r~an ~~/'~:~-~Z~'"~"-- Bakersfield Re~lopment Agency Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency