HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/24/78 MINUTES RA MINUTES BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Regular Meeting - October 24, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Casper Tuesday, October 24, 1978 at 4 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The secretary called the roll as follows: PRESENT: Vincent Casper, Chairman Jeanne Foth John S. Mooneyham Ralph H. Poehner, Vice Chairman ABSENT: Robert E. King Frank S. Lewis Dr. Glenn D. Puder STAFF: OTHERS: H. E. Bergen, Executive Director Dennis S. Needham, Deputy Executive Director Philip Kelmar, Treasurer Kirby Blodget (Mosesian/Blodget Project) Carl Danielson, Guay & Danielson, Developers MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 26, 1978 were approved as mailed. FINANCIAL a) Voucher Approval - On motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, Vouchers Nos. 21 through 24 (Voucher Register dated October 24, t978) were approved for payment. b) Financial Statement - Mr. Kelmar reviewed the Agency's Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1978 (copy mailed to members), and recommended acceptance by the Agency. Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried, the Financial Statement was accepted as presented. c) Financial Consultant A9reement - Mr. Kelmar reviewed a proposed agreement with Katz, Hollis, Coren & Associates of Los Angeles, explaining that Mr. John F. Gray, with whom the Agency previously had a contract, had recently passed away. He noted that Mr. Cal Hollis, of the new firm of Katz, Hollis, Coren & Associates, was formerly with Mr. Gray's firm, and is familiar with the Agency's business. Therefore, Mr. Kelmar recommended the Agency enter into a contract with Mr. Hollis' firm. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Mooneyham, seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried, the Agency approved the Financial Consultant Agreement as presented. PROJECTS a) Status Reports on Projects: Mr. Needham reported as follows: 1. Proposed Hotel - Mr. Jacobs is currently revising the agreement with developers, and a "Schedule for Actions" may be available at the next Agency meeting. Also, a proposed "Retainer Agreement" was received from E. J. Jackson & Associates, Inc. of Los Angeles to perform the schematic architectural design and preliminary design development services required to remodel the existing auditorium and construct a parking structure for the pro- posed hotel. Mr. Bergen recommended the Agency not enter into this agreement at this time, but wait until the agreement with the developers, which Mr. Jacobs is currently preparing, is available. 2. Shoppin9 Center - Negotiations are still in progress between the developers and stores, with a number of meetings having been held. 3. Mosesian/BIodget Project - Mr. Needham met with Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Blodget, and when and if an agreement is ratified by Messrs. Mosesian and BIodget and staff, it will then be brought to the Agency for approval or rejection. Chairman Casper recognized Mr. Blodget who had requested permission to speak at this meeting. Mr. Blodget said the proposal was undergoing revisions. He noted that his initial proposal was for the air rights over the City's parking lot at Truxtun and "Eye," whereas staff's preference is over the City's parking lot at 18th and "K" Streets. He stated the reason Mr. Moses~an wanted the Truxtun Avenue site is that he had plans for a hotel on the 18th Street site. When asked for more information regarding the hotel, Mr. Blodget said he had no sketches with him, that the architect (Eddy) was doing a feasibility study on it. Chairman Casper asked what size hotel, and Mr. Blodget responded, "...a minimum of 200 rooms, plus ancillary services..." Mr. Bergen commented that the staff position on the Truxtun Avenue site is not a "preference," but based on the fact that: 1) The parking need is not as easy to determine at the Truxtun site as at the 18th Street site; and 2) The Agency has another proposal for parking on the Truxtun site. Chairman Casper suggested that possibly reaction to both proposals could be made at the same time following completion of the Downtown Parking Plan study. Downtown Parking Plan - Mr. Needham reviewed City Council Ordinance No. 2450, New Series, which provides for fees in lieu of parking spaces. He stated this will enable some flexibility, thereby providing an interim solution for some downtown parking problems. Chairman Casper noted an item in the Bakersfield Californian recently which quoted the Bank of America Building as being 92% filled, and recommended the Agency instruct staff to look into the possibility of an additional floor on the "K" Street Parking structure. Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Poehner, seconded by Ms. Foth, and carried, staff was instructed to review the feasibility of renegotiating with Bank of America and Arcon for the addition of a third floor of parking on the "K" Street Garage. GENERAL a) Design Review Board Activity: Mr. Needham reported as follows: 1. Tuneup Masters - Building Official was notified by Tuneup Masters they will remove the illegal signs at their 23rd and Chester location. 2. Kern County Employees Federal Credit Union - ~tr. Carl Danielson, developer of this new construction, presented colored renderings for Agency perusal. Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Foth, seconded by Mr. Mooneyham, and carried, the Agency approved the plan as recommended by the Design Review Board for construction at Truxtun and "H." 3. One-Block Renovation Project - Mr. Dean Gay, Design Review Board Chairman, requested this item be considered at this meeting (memo dated October 3, 1978). The Board is interested ~n selecting another "priority" block and continuing this effort; however, they desired the Agency's opinion, as well as the status of financial assistance previously approved. Fol- lowing discussion, Ms. Foth moved, seconded by Mr. Poehner, and carried, that the Design Review Board select a block for the proposed project; that the project not exceed the $2,500 per block previously alloted; and with the stipulation that property owners within the selected block agree to pay one-half the fee if nothing is done within one year after the architect finalizes the conceptual colored rendering of just a cosmetic facelift for the structures. Staff was instructed that the final proposal be brought back to the Agency for approval before any agreements with property owners or architects are executed. b) Participation Agreements - Mr. Needham reported Mr. Jacobs had met with Mr. Boynton, and that Mr. Boynton seems mainly agreeable. Mr. Brady was unable to meet with Mr. Jacobs, but his attorney is in contact with Mr. Jacobs. c) Retainer A~reement for Review - This item was covered "Projects, a)-l," above. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come be~ ,e the~_~B~l~ersfield Redevelop- ment Agency, Chairman Casper adjourned the mee~fn~' 4:55 ~,xm,~Z~.~j ~ L~ V~'NC~NT CgSPE~, Chairm~ - -- ~ Bakersfield ~edevelop/me~nt Agency Bernice E. Stewart, Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency