HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/26/1994 MINUTES CCBAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL 1 8 ~.~ MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 26, 1994 WORKSHOP- 5:15 P.M. - Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield 1. ROLL CALL ACTION TAKEN Present: Absent: Mayor Price, Councilmembers McDermott (seated at 5:20), Edwards (seated at 5:20), DeMond, Smith, Brunni, Rowles, Salvaggio None Motion by Rowles to add Closed Session Item 3. that arose after the Agenda was posted and requires action tonight. APPROVED AB MCDERMO~F EDWARDS Motion by DeMond to adjourn to City Manager's Conference Room for Workshops on Budget and city Council Goal Setting; and Closed Session at 5:25 p.m. APPROVED ABEDWARDS CLOSED SESSION Conference with Legal Counsel (anticipated litigation) Initiation of litigation pur- suant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) (one potential case). STAFF DIRECTED TO CONTINUE TO NEGOTIATE Conference with Legal Counsel (existing litigation) pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) in the case of Evans vs. City of Bakersfield, et al., Court of Appeals of the State of California Fifth Appellate District, No. F016745, Kern County Superior Court Case No. 208234. STAFF AUTHORIZED T,O REJECT THE SETTLEMENT OFFER AND WAS GRANTED AUTHORITY FOR NEGOTIATION Conference with Legal Counsel (existing litigation) pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) in the case of City of Bakersfield, Petitioner, rs. County of Kern, et al., Respondent, Kern County Superior Court Case No. 224714 NFT. SETTLEMENT OFFER WAS REJECTED Bakersfield, California, January 26, 1994 - Page 2 REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M· Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield IN~OCA~ON by Randy Rankin, Director, First Assembly of God Church. 2. PLEDGE OF AI ' I=GIANCE by Rodney Moyer, Troop 218. 3. ROLL CALL ACTION TAKEN Present: Absent: Mayor Price, Councilmembers McDermott, Edwards, DeMond, Smith, Brunni, Rowles, Salvaggio None CLOSEDSESSION ACTION Vice-Mayor McDermott announced Closed Session action as reflected on Page 1. 5e PRESENTA~ONS Motion by McDermott to add Presentation Item a. that arose after the Agenda was posted and requires action tonight. APPROVED Mayor Price presented a letter of commendation to Building Director Fidlet recognizing the assistance of Building Department Employees to Santa Clarita following the Northridge Earthquake. Mayor Price encouraged Council to view the Disaster Preparedness video, presented to Building Director Fidler. PUBUC STATEMENTS Daniel E. DeFord, spoke regarding the Fire Chief position, urging that it be filled as soon as possible. John Tait, Community First Bank, spoke in support of the proposed improvements on K Street. (New Business Item 12.g.) Brunni requested someone respond to Mr. DeFord to explain Council's role in that appointment. Bakersfield, California, January 26, 1994 - Page 3 7. APPOINTMENTS ACTION TAKEN ae Two (2) appointments to the Community Advisory Council due to the expiration of terms of Fred Rodriguez and Tony Manzano, terms expired December 31, 1993. Motion by Edwards to defer this item to the meeting of February 9, 1994. APPROVED Rowles recognized Troop 218 from the Park Stockdale Civic Association and thanked them for their interest in the community. 8e CONSENTCALENDAR ae Voucher Nos. 5025 to 5517 inclusive, in the amount of $3,674,377.76. be Minutes of the Workshop, Closed Session and Regular Meeting of January 12, 1994. REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATIC~ Ce Communication has been received from Paige S. Halterman, Golden Empire Transit District, dated December 21, 1993, submitting the District's Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1993. (Receive and place on file) Notices of Completion and acceptance of work: Contract No. 92-226 with Glenwood Partners for Tract No. 5389, Phase 3, landscaping, located southeast of Akers Road and Birkshire Road, completed January 5, 1994. Contract No. 93-192 with Tract 5445 Partners for Tract No. 5445, Phase 3, located on the southeast corner of Calloway Drive and Meacham Road, completed January 11, 1994. Bakersfield, California, January 26, 1994 - Page 4 8. CONSENTCALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN do 3. Contract No. 92-194 with Villa Rosa Development for Tract No. 5545, landscaping, located on the south- west corner of White Lane and Mountain Vista Drive, completed January 9, 1994. Plans and Specifications for resurfacing California Avenue between Stockdale Highway and Real Road. (Ward 5) Contract Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. 93-93 with Kern County Construction Inc., for construction of Ashe Water Well No. 27. (Ward 4) Resolution proposing Expansion No. 5 of the boundaries of the Southeast Metro- politan Bakersfield Incentive Area. (Ward 2) Tract Maps and Improvement Agreements: Tevis Ranch, L.P., for Tract No. 5666, Phase 1, located approxi- mately 700 feet south of White Lane, west of, and adjacent to, the Buena Vista Canal. (Ward 4) 2 o Kaufman and Broad of Southern California, Inc., for Tract No. 5701, located on the south side of Harris Road, approximately 1300 feet east of Ashe Road. (Ward 4) Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 92-99 with Nationwide Commercial Auction Systems for auctioneer services. Accept bid to award Annual Contract to Tri State Auction Company (5.9% commission) for auctioneer services to sell City surplus equipment (other than vice seizure). Accept bid to award Annual Contract to Niagara Car Wash ($28,260) for washing City vehicles. REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION AGR 94-14 REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION CON 94-15 CON 94-16 Bakersfield, California, January 26, 1994 - Page 5 1'.:)0 8. CONSENTCALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN Accept bid to award Annual Contract to Valley Tree & Construction ($131,710) for demolition of substandard buildings for use by the Development Services Department. Accept bid to award Contract to A.D.& D. Flooring ($22,025) to furnish and install carpet in City Hall Annex. Appropriation of $43,500 for City-Wide Park Assessment District consulting services from fund balance in the General Fund to the Parks Division Operating Budget within the General Fund. Appropriations of $62,500 for previously approved construction costs for Contract No. 93-246; and $71,200 for Contract Change Order Nos. 1 - 4 with Granite Construction Company for the Ashe Road at Harris Road box culvert and inter- section construction at the Arvin- Edison Canal from the Transportation Development Fund Balance to the Public Works Capital Improvements Budget within the Transportation Development Fund. (Wards 4 & 6) Motion by DeMond to adopt Items (a) through (0) of the Consent Calendar, with the excep- tion of Items b., e., g., h.i., i., n. and o. CON 94-17 CON 94-18 REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATIf~ REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATIC~ APPROVED Minutes of the Workshop, Closed Session and Regular Meeting of January 12, 1994. Motion by McDermott to adopt Consent Calendar Item b. with an amendment to Page 13, Public Statements Item d., first sentence, to read: "The follow- ing individuals spoke in opposition to portions of. or proposed changes to, the DDA:" APPROVED Plans and Specifications for resurfacing California Avenue between Stockdale Highway and Real Road. (Ward 5) Motion by Rowles to adopt Consent APPROVED Calendar Item e. Bakersfield, California, January 26, 1994 - Page 6 8. CONSENTCALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN Resolution proposing Expansion No. 5 of the boundaries of the Southeast Metro- politan Bakersfield Incentive Area. (Ward 2) Motion by DeMond to adopt Consent Calendar Item g. RES 15-94 APPROVED NS EUWARDS Tract Map and Improvement Agreement: Tevis Ranch, L.P., for Tract No. 5666, Phase 1, located approxi- mately 700 feet south of White Lane, west of, and adjacent to, the Buena Vista Canal. (Ward 4) Brunni requested staff confirm, for the record, that the park issue dealing with Tract 5666 has been resolved. Tandy acknowledged that the acquisition has been handled, the estimate of about $70,000 away from funding the improve- ments is correct and the location of the park has been rectified. Motion by Brunni to adopt Consent Calendar Item h.i. AGR 94-19 APPROVED Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 92-99 with Nationwide Commercial Auction Systems for auctioneer services. Motion by Brunni to adopt Consent Calendar i. to include a condition that an RFP be done in September with the anticipation of awarding a contract for a December renewal date. AGR 94-20 APPROVED Appropriation of $43,500 for City-Wide Park Assessment District consulting services from fund balance in the General Fund to the Parks Division Operating Budget within the General Fund. Motion by Brunni to adopt Consent Calendar Item n. APPROVED NS EDWARDS DEMOND SMITH Bakersfield, California, January 26, 1994 Page 7 19£ 8. OONSENTOALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN Appropriations of $62,500 for previously approved construction costs for Contract No. 93-246; and $71,200 for Contract Change Order Nos. 1 - 4 with Granite Construction Company for the Ashe Road at Harris Road box culvert and inter- section construction at the Arvin- Edison Canal from the Transportation Development Fund Balance to the Public Works Capital Improvements Budget within the Transportation Development Fund. (Wards 4 & 6) Motion by McDermott to adopt Consent Calendar Item o. APPROVED NS ROWLES HEARINGS Continued appeal by Fred Porter, Porter-Robertson Engineering for Landtech, regarding the amount of park land credit approved for Tentative Tract 5656. (Ward 3) (Continued from January 12, 1994} Assistant Planning Director Grady provided background information. Hearing reopened. Randy Berkowitz, Porter-Robertson Engineering, spoke in support of staff recommendation. Hearing closed. Motion by Smith to adopt Resolution modifying the decision of the Planning Commission by granting 1.75 acres of park land credit for park facilities developed in conjunction with the drainage channel of Tentative Tract 5656. RES 16-94 APPROVED 10. REPORTS Bakersfield, California, January 26, 1994 - Page 8 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS ACTION TAKEN Ordinance adding Subsection E. to Section 16.20.060 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to signatures of parties owning recorded mineral interests on final tract maps. (First Reading January 12, 1994) Motion by McDermott to adopt Ordinance. ORD 3576 APPROVED 12. NEW BUSINESS a. Tow Trucks: Ordinance repealing Chapter 5.52 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to tow trucks. Resolution setting rates and equipment specifications for tow truck services provided pursuant to contract with the City of Bakersfield. Ordinance amending Subsection C. of Section 5.51.010 and Subsection B.29. of Section 17.22.020 and repeallng Section 17.04.610 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code regarding temporary promotional activities. Motion by McDermott to give First Reading to Ordinances and refer Items a. 1. & 2. and b. to the appropriate committee. (Budget & Finance Committee) FR FR APPROVED Brunni requested Item a. be referred to Chamber of Commerce, California Tow Truck Association and Automobile Club of Southern California. Ordinance amending Subsection D. of Section 2.04.150 of the Bakersfield Munlcipal Code regarding City Council meetings (Ordinances). Assistant City Attorney Marino provided background information. FR 194 Bakersfield, California, January 26, 1994 - Page 9 12. NEW BUSINESS continued ACTION TAKEN de ee Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map No. 102-08 by changing the zoning of 4.60 acres from R-1 to C-1 on 2.56 acres; C-1 to R-1 on 1.85 acres; and C-1 to OS on 0.19 acres, to facilitate the reconfiguration of zoning district boundaries within the Riverlakes Ranch/ Unibell Specific Plan area, generally located at the northwest corner of Coffee Road and Olive Drive. (Ward 4) Resolution adopting city Schedule of Paid Holidays for Blue and White Collar, General Supervisory, Police Supervisory and Management Units. Amended motion by McDermott to amend the Resolution to strike the words "President. Governor" in the last paragraph of Section A, first pages of Exhibits A and B. FR RES 17-94 FAILED NS EDWARDS DEMOND SMITH SALVAGGIO Motion by Edwards to adopt Resolution. APPROVED NS MCDERMO~.F BRUNNI ROWLES Assessment District No. 93-1, Northeast Sewer & Gas Lines (Ward 3): Resolution determining unpaid assessments, providing for issuance of bonds and awarding sale of bonds in connection with Assessment District No. 93-1. (Series I - Tax Exempt, Sewer Line) Resolution determining unpaid assessments, providing for issuance of bonds and awarding sale of bonds in connection with Assessment District No. 93-1. (Series II - Taxable, Gas Line) Smith absent due to conflict of interest. RES 18-94 RES 19-94 Motion by DeMond to adopt Resolutions. APPROVED AB SMITH Bakersfield, California, January 26, 1994 - Page 10 12. NEWBUSINESS continued ACTION TAKEN K Street Improvements and city Parking Lot (Ward 2): Reimbursement Agreement with 19th and K Partnership (Kress) for K Street improvements and City parking lot. Reimbursement Agreement with Community First Bank (CFB) for K Street improvements and city parking lot. (Ward 2) Economic Development Principal Planner Lyman provided background information. Motion byDeMond to approve Agreements. AGR 94-21 AGR 94-22 APPROVED Amendment No. 2 to Memorandum of Under- standing, Agreement No. 91-254, with County of Kern to implement the Fair Housing Program. Community Development Coordinator Gonzales provide background information. Motion by Edwards to approve Agreement and recognize the applicability of the Amendment to work performed between the period of October 1, 1993 and January 25, 1994. AGR 94-23 APPROVED Contract for recruitment of City Attorney. Motion by McDermott to approve a Contract with Griffith & Associates for recruitment of City Attorney. CON 94-24 APPROVED NS SALVAGGIO Motion by Edwards to require provider to meet with each Councilmember for independent interviews. APPROVED Bakersfield, California, January 26, 1994 - Page 11 13. COUNCIL STATEMENTS ACTION TAKE~N McDermott reported the Budget & Finance Committee decisions relating to Ad Hoc Prevailing Wage Research Task Force, as follows: - Recruitment of volunteers - Seven members with broad spectrum of expertise - Study will be short time frame - Applications are available and due February 7, 1994 Smith referred to Traffic Committee the following concerns: - Signal light needed at Niles and Highway 178 (corner by Mesa Marin), because of the new Cesar Chavez School; - Signal light needed at Highway 178 and Comanche because of garbage trucks traveling through there; - Speed zones on Bernard, between Mt. Vernon and Oswell (school at Mt. Vernon and Bernard); speed begins at 25 mph and advances to 45 mph within a short span; and - Tumbleweeds on Panorama past Panorama Park. Brunni referred to Traffic Committee the possibility of a 4-way stop at Verdugo and Hageman because of a future school opening. Brunni referred to Public Works the median that was promised to be built at the intersection of Calloway Drive and Meacham. Brunni mentioned complaints she has been receiving regarding garbage fees from small-business and apartment owners. Rowles recognized the Building Department for assisting a business owner and Public Works Assistant Director Kloepper for his assistance in the Quailwood/Park Stockdale neighborhood meetings. Rowles referred to Parks Superintendent a~ irrigation pipe leak in the soccer area at Beach Park. Bakersfield, California, January 26, 1994 - Page 12 13. COUNCIL STATEBE~[rs continued ACTION TAKEN Rowles thanked Vice-Mayor McDermott for his effort in the hotel project. Salvaggio referred to Public Works Director Schulz a request for a time line on the construction of a traffic signal at Panama Lane and South H. Salvaggio referred to City Manager an unstable masonrywall behind Teal Street on the old Green Valley Recreation Center property. Rowles referred to Assistant City Manager Stinson, correspondence from Richard E. Brown, dated January 24, 1994, regarding 911 calls. Mayor Price announced that the Council Resolution supporting release of Alaskan North Slope Oil was sent to the President, Governor and various State and Federal Legislature. Mayor Price commended Economic/Community Development employees David Lyman, George Gonzales and Hillary Rojo who met with Mayor's Youth Council last evening; interest was shown in a City-Wide High School Graffiti Removal Day in May. 14. ADJOURNMENT Motion by McDermott at 8:45 p.m. APPROVED MA~-OR of the City of Bakersfield, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, CA JAN26.MZN 2/11/94 4:38pm