HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 18-94 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESSMENTSs PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS AND AWARDING SALE OF BONDS IN CONNECTION WITH THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (SERIES I - TAX EXEMPT) RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL (the "Council") OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (the "City") as follows: WHEREAS, on October 27, 1993, the Council passed and adopted Resolution of Intention No. 1110, regarding the construction and/or acquisition of improvements (the "Improvements',) under and pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, and therein provided that bonds would be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, reference to the Resolution of Intention is made for further particulars; and WHEREAS, the bonds are to be issued in two separate series, one series to be tax-exempt and one series to be taxable; and WHEREAS, notice of the recordation of the assessment and of the time within which assessments were to be paid in cash was duly published and mailed in the manner provided by law, and the time so provided for receiving payment of assessments in cash has expired, and the Finance Director of the City, the official who has been designated by the Council as Collection Officer for cash payments of the assessments, has filed for presentation to the Council a list of all assessments which remain unpaid; and WHEREAS, the Council has duly considered the list and has determined that the same is an accurate statement thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOUND, DETERMINED AND ORDERED, as follows: SECTION 1. Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, the terms defined in this Section 1 shall, for all purposes of this Resolution, have the meanings herein specified and shall be equally applicable to both the singular and plural forms of any of the terms herein defined. ~707.4) "Act" means the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, Division 10 of the California Streets and Highways Code. "Aqent" means the transfer agent, registrar and paying agent appointed pursuant to Section 29 of this Resolution. The Issuer may act as its own Agent. "Arbitra~e Bonds" means each and all bonds in an issue when any portion of the proceeds of the issue is reasonably expected (at the time of issuance of the bonds) to be used directly or indirectly (i) to acquire Higher Yielding Investments, or (ii) to replace funds which were used directly or indirectly to acquire Higher Yielding Investments. A bond which was not an Arbitrage Bond at the time it was issued can become an Arbitrage Bond if the Issuer intentionally uses any portion of the proceeds of the issue of which such bond is a part for one of the purposes described in (i) or (ii) above. "Authority" means the Bakersfield Public Financing Authority. "Bond" or "Bonds" means the City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 93-1 Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, issued in two separate series, one series to be tax-exempt and one series to be taxable, each series being issued pursuant to the Act. "Bond Counsel" means the law firm of Burke, Williams & Sorensen, Fresno, California. "Bond Date" means the dated date of the Series I Bonds, which shall be determined by the City and the Authority and established by the purchase contract for the Series I Bonds identified in Section 27 hereof. "Bond Denomination" means the amount of $5,000.00, which is the minimum amount in which the Series I Bonds may be issued, except that one Series I Bond, due on September 2, 1994, will include the amount, if any, by which the principal amount of the Series I Bonds exceeds the largest integral multiple of $5,000.00 contained therein. "Bond Year" means the twelve-month period beginning on September 2 of each year and ending September 1 of the following year. The first Bond Year shall begin on the Closing Date and end September 1, 1994. "Closin~ Date" means the date upon which there is an exchange of the Series I Bonds for the proceeds representing the purchase of the Series I Bonds by the Original Purchaser. 67o7.4) - 2 - ORIGINAL "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Any reference in this Resolution to a section of the Code shall be deemed to refer to any section of similar import enacted in lieu of or in amendment of such section or contained in any Code enacted in lieu of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. "Debt Service" means the scheduled amount of interest and principal payable on the Series I Bonds either over the life of the Series I Bonds or during any Bond Year, as the context may require, excluding amounts scheduled during such period which relate to principal which has been retired before the beginning of such period. "Gross Proceeds" means the sum of the following amounts: (i) original proceeds, namely, net amounts (after payment of all Issuance Costs) received by or for the Issuer as a result of the sale of the Series I Bonds, excluding original proceeds which become transferred proceeds (determined in accordance with applicable Regulations) of obligations issued to refund in whole or in part the Series I Bonds; (ii) investment proceeds, namely, amounts received at any time by or for the Issuer, such as interest and dividends, resulting from the investment of any original proceeds (as referred to in clause (i) above) or investment proceeds (as referred to in this clause (ii)) in Nonpurpose Obligations, increased by any profits and decreased (if necessary, below zero) by any losses on such investments, excluding investment proceeds which become transferred proceeds (determined in accordance with applicable Regulations) of obligations issued to refund in whole or in part the Series I Bonds; (iii) sinking fund proceeds, namely, amounts, other than original proceeds or investment proceeds (as referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) above) of the Series I Bonds, which are held in the Series I Redemption Fund and any other fund to the extent that the Issuer reasonably expects to use such other fund to pay Debt Service on the Series I Bonds; (iv) amounts deposited in a fund, if any, established as a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund; (v) Investment Property pledged as security for payment of Debt Service on the Series I Bonds by an ultimate obligor or a related person or by the Issuer; (7O7.4) -3- (vi) amounts, other than as specified in this definition, used to pay Debt Service on the Series I Bonds; and (vii) amounts received as a result of investing amounts described in this definition. "Hi~her Yieldin~ Investments" means any investment property which produces a Yield over the term of the issue which is materially higher than the Yield on the issue. "Interest Pavment Date" means the dates upon which interest on the Series I Bonds is payable, commencing on September 2, 1994, and semiannually thereafter on March 2 and September 2 of each year to maturity. "Investment Property" means any security (as that term is defined in either subsection (A) or (B) of Part (2) of para- graph (g) of Section 165 of the Code), obligation, annuity or investment-type property, excluding, however, obligations the interest on which is exempt from income tax under Section 103 of the Code. "Issuance Costs" means all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the Series I Bonds, including to the extent applicable, but not limited to: (i) underwriters' fees other than those taken in the form of a discount on the Closing Date; (ii) counsel fees, including Bond Counsel, Under- writers' counsel, Issuer's Counsel and special tax counsel fees, as well as any other specialized counsel fees; (iii) financial advisor fees; (iv) rating agency fees; (v) trustee fees and trustee counsel fees; (vi) paying agent and certifying and authenticat- ing agent fees; (vii) accountant fees; (viii) printing costs of the Series I Bonds and of the preliminary and final official statement or similar disclosure documents; (ix) publication costs associated with these proceedings; and ~07.4) -4 - OR~G~AL (x) costs of engineering and feasibility studies necessary to the issuance of the Series I Bonds. "Issuer" means the issuer of the Series I Bonds, which is the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California. "Net Proceeds of the Series I Bonds" means proceeds of the Series I Bonds received by or for the Issuer on the Closing Date, less amounts used to pay Issuance Costs and less amounts deposited on the Closing Date for use as a required reserve or replacement fund, if any. "Nonpurpose Investment" means any Investment Property which is acquired with the Gross Proceeds of the Series I Bonds and is not acquired in order to carry out the governmental purpose of the Series I Bonds. "Oriqinal Purchaser" means the purchaser of the Series I Bonds from the Issuer on the Closing Date, which is the Bakersfield Public Financing Authority. "Private Business Use" means use directly in a trade or business carried on by a natural person or in any activity carried on by a person other than a natural person, excluding, however, use by a governmental unit and use as a member of the general public. "Private Activity Bond" means any bond or certificate issued by a governmental entity the proceeds of which are used directly or indirectly to pay for or finance private non-govern- mental activities or facilities in a trade or business or a person unrelated to the governmental entity. "Project" means the construction and/or acquisition of Improvements described in Resolution of Intention No. 1110. "Purchase Price," for the purpose of computation of the Yield of the Series I Bonds, as provided in the Code, means, in general, the initial offering price to the public (not including bond houses and brokers, or similar persons or organizations acting in the capacity of underwriters or wholesalers) at which price a substantial amount of the Series I Bonds is sold or, if the Series I Bonds are privately placed, the price paid by the first buyer of the Series I Bonds or the acquisition cost of the first buyer. The term "Purchase Price," for the purpose of computation of the Yield of Nonpurpose Investments, means the fair market value of the Nonpurpose Investments on the date of use of Gross Proceeds for acquisition thereof, or if later, on the date such Investment Property becomes a Nonpurpose Investment of the Series I Bonds. "Rebate Certificate" means that certificate executed in connection with the Series I Bonds, relating to the requirements of (1111194) ~07.4) -- 5 -- ORiGINAl_ Section 148 of the Code and the Regulations thereunder, signed by the Issuer on the date the Series I Bonds are issued, as the same may be amended or supplemented in accordance with its terms. "Rebate Fund" means the fund by that name established pursuant to Section 22. "Rebate Requirement" means an amount equal to the sum of (i) the excess of the aggregate amount earned on all Nonpurpose Investments over the amount that would have been earned if such Nonpurpose Investments had a Yield equal to the Yield on the Series I Bonds, plus (ii) any income attributable to the excess described in (i). The Rebate Requirement is more specifically defined and calculated in the Rebate Certificate. "Redemption Premium" means the following percentages of the principal amount of the Series I Bonds for the periods indicated: Redemption Date (both dates inclusive) Redemption Premium Closing Date through September 1, 2002 September 2, 2002, through September 1, 2003 September 2, 2003, through September 1, 2004 September 2, 2004, and thereafter 3% 2% 1% O% The Redemption Premium will be paid on Series I Bonds redeemed prior to maturity as stated in Section 13 hereof. The Original Purchaser and any subsequent owner of the Series I Bonds may waive any Redemption Premium owing on the Series I Bonds. The Series I Bonds shall not be redeemed in whole until on or after September 2, 2001. "Requlations" means temporary and permanent regulations promulgated under Section 148 of the Code. "Sale Proceeds" means any amounts actually or constructively received from the sale of the Series I Bonds, including amounts used to pay underwriters' discount, if any, or compensation and accrued interest on such Series I Bonds (other than pre-issuance accrued interest, if any). "Series I Bonds" means the City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 93-1 Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series II, in the aggregate principal amount of $9.775,000.00 , issued pursuant to the Act and this Resolution. Each Series I Bond shall be substantially in the form provided in Exhibit A, which is attached to and made part of this Resolution. The Series I Bonds are expected to be tax-exempt bonds. (1111194) ~.4) - 6 - ORtG;NA[ "Series II Bonds" means the City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 93-1 Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series II, a separate issue of bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of $ 805,000.00, to be issued by the City pursuant to the Act. The Series I Bonds are expected to be taxable bonds. The Series II Bonds are secured by the same assessment lien as the Series I Bonds and have parity with the Series I Bonds. Said lien is sufficient to pay Debt Service on both series of Bonds. Pursuant to Section 17 hereof, the City has covenanted that any foreclosure action against said lien shall be simultaneous for the Series I Bonds and the Series II Bonds. Pursuant to Section 11 hereof, payments or collections of assessments shall be applied first to Debt Service of the Series II Bonds and then to Debt Service of the Series I Bonds. "Series I Improvement Fund" means the fund established by the Treasurer into which shall be placed the proceeds received from the sale of the Series I Bonds, including any premium, all pursuant to Section 9 hereof. "Series I Redemption Fund" means the fund established by the Treasurer into which shall be placed any accrued interest for the period from the Bond Date to the Closing Date and all sums received from the collection of unpaid assessments and of the interest and penalties thereon, all as provided in Section 10 hereof. "Treasurer" means the Finance Director of the City of Bakersfield, or such other person appointed by the Finance Director to carry out the duties of the Treasurer required hereunder. "Yield" means, for purposes of Section 148 of the Code, the amount of income from an investment expressed as a percentage of the issue price (within the meaning of Sections 1273 and 1274 of the Code). SECTION 2. List of Unpaid Assessments. The assessments now remaining unpaid are as shown on the list filed and presented herewith to the Council and are in the aggregate amount of $10,580,000.00 For a particular description of the lots or parcels of land bearing the respective assessment numbers set forth in said list, reference is hereby made to the assessment and to the diagram recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield (or the City official charged with the duties of the Superintendent of Streets) after confirmation thereof by the Council. SECTION 3. Issuance of Series I Bonds. Series I Bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $ 9~775,000.00 , shall be issued as hereinafter provided upon the security of the unpaid assessments in accordance with, under and pursuant to the (1111194) ~7o7.4) - 7 - ORIGIN4[ provisions of Resolution of Intention No. 1110 and the proceedings thereunder duly had and taken. The Series I Bonds shall be issued only in fully registered form in the amount of the Bond Denomination or any integral multiple thereof (except for one Series I Bond due on September 2, 1994, which will include the amount, if any, by which the principal amount of the issue exceeds the largest integral multiple of $5,000.00 contained therein), and shall mature in the amounts and on the dates and at the rates of interest set forth in the purchase contract for the Series I Bonds to be entered into by the City and the Authority pursuant to Section 27 hereof. The Series I Bonds shall be numbered consecutively from 1 upward, and shall be payable in numerical order, consecutively, commencing with the lowest number within the maturity. If the Authority acquired the Series I Bonds, one Series I Bond in an amount not to exceed $9~?75,000.00 may be issued to represent all series bonds; and/or, if term bonds are issued, a separate certificate for each term bond maturity may be issued. SECTION 4. Form of Series I Bonds. The Series I Bonds shall be substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit "A." SECTION 5. Pavment of Series I Bonds. The Series I Bonds shall bear interest at the rate or rates determined by the Council at the time of sale of the Series I Bonds (not to exceed twelve percent (12%) per annum, or such higher rate of interest as may be authorized by applicable law at the time of sale of the Series I Bonds), payable on each Interest Payment Date. Each Series I Bond shall bear interest from the Interest Payment Date next preceding the date on which it is authenticated and registered, unless authenticated and registered (i) prior to an Interest Payment Date and after the close of business of the fifteenth (15th) day of the month immediately preceding such Interest Payment Date, in which event it shall bear interest from such Interest Payment Date, or (ii) prior to the close of business on the fifteenth (15th) day of the month preceding the first Interest Payment Date, in which event it shall bear interest from the Bond Date; provided, however, that if at the time of authentication interest is in default, each Series I Bond shall bear interest from the date to which interest has been paid. Each Series I Bond will continue to bear interest after maturity at the rate stated therein, provided it is presented at maturity and payment thereof is refused on the sole ground that there is not sufficient money in the Series I Redemption Fund with which to pay same; if it is not presented at maturity, interest thereon will run only until maturity. SECTION 6. Execution. The Series I Bonds shall be executed on behalf of the Issuer and under its official seal by its Treasurer and by the City Clerk or by such other persons as are authorized by the City Manager of the City of Bakersfield, whose (1111194) ~.4) - 8 - signatures shall be manually placed on the Series I Bonds or reproduced by engraved, printed or lithographed facsimile thereof, and the official seal may be placed on the Series I Bonds in like manner; such signing and sealing shall constitute and be a sufficient and binding execution of each and every one of the Series I Bonds. If the Series I Bonds are executed under seal by facsimile, the Series I Bonds shall then be delivered to the Treasurer or the Agent for authentication by the Treasurer or Agent. If any officer whose signature appears on the Series I Bonds ceases to be such officer before the authentication and delivery of the Series I Bonds to the purchaser thereof, such signature shall be as valid as if such officer had remained in office until the authentication and delivery of the Series I Bonds. SECTION 7. Authentication. Only those Series I Bonds which bear thereon the original manual signatures of the Treasurer and City Clerk or such other persons as are authorized by the City Manager of the City of Bakersfield, and the original imprint of the official seal of the Issuer, or a certificate of authentication substantially in the form below, manually executed by the Treasurer or the Agent, shall be valid or obligatory for any purpose or entitled to the benefits of this Resolution. For Series I Bonds bearing a certificate of authentication, such certificate shall be conclusive evidence that the Series I Bonds so authenticated have been duly executed, authenticated and delivered hereunder and are entitled to the benefits of this Resolution. The certificate of authentication on any Series I Bond requiring authentication shall be deemed to be duly executed if signed by an authorized officer or signatory of the Treasurer or the Agent, but it shall not be necessary that the same officer or signatory sign the certificate of authentication on all the Series I Bonds issued hereunder. [FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION AND REGISTRATION] This is one of the Series I Bonds described in the Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessments and Providing for Issuance of Bonds and Awarding Sale of Bonds referred to herein. [Name Of Authenticating Entity] By Authorized Representative SECTION 8. PreDaration and Deliverv of Series I Bonds. The Treasurer is hereby directed to cause the Series I Bonds to be prepared in accordance with this Resolution and to cause the Series I Bonds to be executed and/or authenticated and delivered to the Original Purchaser, upon receipt of the purchase price therefor, and upon the performance of the conditions contained in the purchase agreement for the Series I Bonds. (707.4) -- 9 - SECTION 9. Series I Improvement Fund. The Treasurer shall establish the Series I Improvement Fund designated by the name and/or number of the improvement or assessment district into which shall be placed the proceeds received from the sale of the Series I Bonds, including any premium (except that any interest accrued from the date of the Series I Bonds to the date of delivery thereof shall be placed in the Series I Redemption Fund provided for herein). All moneys in the Series I Improvement Fund shall be withdrawn only upon checks or drafts of the Issuer and shall be applied exclusively to the payment of the cost of the acquisitions and/or construction of the Improvements described in the proceedings under and pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 1110, as now or hereafter changed or modified by appropriate legal proceedings, and all expenses incidental thereto. Any surplus remaining after payment of all costs and all legal charges, claims and expenses shall be used as set forth in such proceedings. SECTION 10. Series I RedemDtion Fund. The Treasurer shall establish the Series I Redemption Fund designated by the name of the Series I Bonds, into which shall be placed any accrued interest for the period from the Bond Date to the date of delivery thereof, funded interest, to the maximum permitted by law as of the Bond Date, and all sums received from the collection of unpaid assessments provided for in Section 11 hereof and allocated to the series I Bonds, including interest and penalties thereon. From the Series I Redemption Fund, disbursements shall be made to pay the principal or advance redemption price of the Series I Bonds and the interest due thereon. A portion of the Net Proceeds of the Series I Bonds shall be used to fund the September 2, 1994, interest payment on the Series I Bonds. SECTION 11. Collection of Unpaid Assessments. The unpaid assessments shown on the list, together with the interest thereon, shall be payable in annual installments corresponding in number to the number of serial and/or term maturities of the Series I Bonds and the Series II Bonds issued. An annual proportion of each unpaid assessment shall be payable in each year preceding the date of maturity of each of the several maturities of Series I Bonds issued, sufficient to pay the Series I Bonds when due. Such proportion of each unpaid assessment coming due in any year, together with the annual interest thereon, shall be payable in the same manner and at the same time and in the same installments as the general taxes on real property are payable, and shall become delinquent at the same times and in the same proportionate amounts and bear the same proportionate penalties and interest after delinquency as do the general taxes on real property. All sums received from the collection of the unpaid assessments and of the interest and penalties thereon shall be allocated first to the Series Ii Bonds and placed in the redemption fund for the Series II Bonds in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Series II Bonds due on the next Interest Payment Date, and - 10 - then to the Series I Redemption Fund. All assessments collected for the principal and interest payments on the Bonds shall be allocated first to payment of the Series II Bonds and thereafter to payment of the Series I Bonds. Payment of the Series II Bonds shall have priority over payment of the Series I Bonds; the Series I Bonds shall be subordinate to the Series II Bonds. SECTION 12. Redemption Prior to Maturity. The Series I Bonds will not be redeemed on whole and paid in whole in advance of maturity until on or after September 2, 2001. However, each Series I Bond, or any portion thereof in the amount of the Bond Denomination or any integral multiple thereof, outstanding may be redeemed and paid in advance of maturity upon any Interest Payment Date in any year by giving at least 60 days notice and by paying the principal amount thereof together with the Redemption Premium, if not waived, plus interest to the date of advanced maturity, unless sooner surrendered, in which event interest will be paid to the date of payment, all in the manner and as provided in the Act. The Treasurer shall cause to be called for redemption and retire Series I Bonds upon prepayment of assessments in amounts sufficient therefor, or whenever sufficient surplus funds are available therefor in the Series I Redemption Fund. In selecting Series I Bonds for retirement, the lowest numbered Series I Bonds of the various annual maturities shall be chosen pro rata in such a way that the ratio of outstanding Series I Bonds to issued Series I Bonds shall be approximately the same in each annual maturity, insofar as possible. Within each annual maturity, Series I Bonds shall be selected for retirement by lot. The provisions of Part 11.1 of the Act are applicable to the advance payment of assessments and to the calling of the Series I Bonds. SECTION 13. Exchanqe of Series I Bonds. Any Series I Bond, upon surrender thereof at the office of the Treasurer, together with an assignment duly executed by the registered owner thereof or his attorney or legal representative in such form as shall be satisfactory to the Treasurer, may, at the option of such owner, be exchanged for an aggregate principal amount of Series I Bonds equal to the principal amount of the Series I Bond so surrendered, and of any authorized denomination or denominations. The Issuer shall make provision for the exchange of Series I Bonds at the office of the Treasurer. SECTION 14. Neqotiabilitv0 Reqistration and Transfer of Series I Bonds. The Treasurer or Agent shall keep books for the registration, and for the registration of transfers, of the Series I Bonds as provided in this Resolution, which shall at all times be open to inspection by the Issuer. The transfer of any Series I Bond may be registered only upon such books upon surrender thereof to the Treasurer or Agent together with an assignment duly executed by the owner or his attorney or legal representative in such form (1111194) ~.4) - 11 - as shall be satisfactory to the Treasurer or Agent. Upon any such registration of transfer, the Issuer shall execute and the Treasurer or Agent shall authenticate and deliver in exchange for such Series I Bond a new Series I Bond or Series I Bonds registered in the name of the transferee, of any Bond Denomination or Bond Denominations authorized by this Resolution, and in an aggregate principal amount equal to the principal amount of such Series I Bond or Series I Bonds so surrendered. In all cases in which Series I Bonds shall be exchanged, the Issuer shall execute and the Treasurer or Agent shall authenticate and deliver at the earliest practicable time Series I Bonds in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution. All Series I Bonds surrendered in any such exchange or registration of transfer shall forthwith be cancelled by the Treasurer or Agent. The Issuer may make a charge for every such exchange or registration of transfer of Series I Bonds sufficient to reimburse it for any tax or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such exchange or registration of transfer, but no other charge shall be made to any owner for the privilege of exchanging or registering the transfer of Series I Bonds under the provisions of this Resolution. The Issuer shall not be required to make such exchange or registration of transfer of Series I Bonds during the period from the 15th day of the month immediately preceding any Interest Payment Date and such Interest Payment Date. SECTION 15. Ownership of Series I Bonds. The person in whose name any Series I Bond shall be registered shall be deemed and regarded as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes and payment of or on account of the principal, and Redemption Premium, if any, of any such Series I Bond, and the interest on any such Series I Bond, shall be made only to or upon the order of the registered owner thereof or such owner's legal representative. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such Series I Bond, including the Redemption Premium, if any, and interest thereon to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. SECTION 16. Limited Obliqation. Pursuant to Section 8769 of the Act the Issuer has determined that the Issuer will not obligate itself to advance available funds from the City treasury to cure any deficiency which may occur in the Series I Redemption Fund. Such determination shall not prevent the Issuer from, in the Issuer's sole discretion, so advancing funds. SECTION 17. Covenant to Foreclose. The Issuer hereby covenants with and for the benefit of the owners of the Series I Bonds that it will order and cause to be commenced within 150 days following the date of delinquency, and thereafter diligently prosecute, an action in the superior court to foreclose the lien of any assessment or installment thereof not paid when due, pursuant (1111194) (7o7.4) - 12 - OR;G~NAL to and as provided in Sections 8830 through 8836, inclusive, of the Act, provided that the alternative method of tax apportionment (Sections 4701 through 4717 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code) is no longer applied by Kern County to special assessments, for which bonds have been issued pursuant to the Act, for any reason whatsoever. The Issuer further covenants that for any foreclosure proceedings initiated pursuant to the foregoing, the Issuer shall also simultaneously initiate foreclosure proceedings for the Series I Bonds. Any foreclosure proceedings taken pursuant to this section shall be performed simultaneously with the foreclosure proceedings for the Series II Bonds. SECTION 18. Investment of Funds. Moneys in the Series I Improvement Fund and the Series I Redemption Fund shall, whenever practicable, be invested in legal investments for the Issuer under applicable law for the moneys held pursuant to this Resolution at the time when any of such moneys are to be invested therein. Any income therefrom or interest thereon shall accrue to and be deposited in the fund from which the moneys were invested, except as otherwise provided in Section 22 hereof. (a) Nonpurpose Investments. Except to the extent that the limitations on Nonpurpose Investments are avoided by qualifying the investments under the "temporary period" rules, the Treasurer shall adhere to the following limitations and requirements for Nonpurpose Investments to avoid treatment of the Series I Bonds as Arbitrage Bonds and the loss of the interest exclusion from federal income tax. (1) At no time during any Bond Year may the amount invested in Nonpurpose Investments with a Yield materially higher than the Yield on the Series I Bonds exceed 150 percent of the "Debt Service" on the Series I Bond for the Bond Year, and (2) the aggregate amount invested as provided in (1) above shall be promptly and appropriately reduced as the amount of outstanding Series I Bonds is reduced. (b) Temporary Period Investments. Proceeds of the Series I Bonds may be invested in Higher Yielding Investments for a temporary period until such proceeds are needed for the purpose for which the Series I Bonds were issued and/or for temporary investment periods related to Debt Service. The temporary period for Series I Bond proceeds used for construction shall be two years. The temporary period for all other Series I Bond proceeds shall be six months. In addition to the foregoing general instructions, the Treasurer shall adhere to the following guidelines with respect to the Series I Redemption Fund (debt service fund) (1111194) t?ov.4) -13- ('707.4) and the Series I Improvement Fund (purpose for which the Series I Bonds were issued): (1) Proceeds derived from the sale of the Series I Bonds and deposited in the Series I Redemption Fund are considered a "debt service fund." If the gross earnings on a bona fide debt service fund are less than $100,000 in the Bond Year, then such earnings are not to be taken into account in determining the aggregate amount earned on Nonpurpose Investments for purposes of determining the Rebate Requirement pursuant to the Rebate Certificate. (2) Proceeds derived from the sale of the Series I Bonds deposited in the Series I Improvement Fund to be expended to pay costs of construction of the Improvements, and all expenses incident thereto, are entitled to a temporary period extending until such proceeds are expended within the time limits of subsection (b) of this Section 18 for construction of Improvements and, therefore, such proceeds may be invested in Higher Yielding Investments. (3) The Issuer will review all investments within five (5) months (or 23 months for construction funds) after the date which the Series I Bonds are issued and determine which of the Nonpurpose Investments rely on the temporary period investment exception, and within six (6) months (or 24 months for construction funds) after which the Series I Bonds are issued reinvest all such investments in government bonds or 501(c) (3) bonds which are excluded from the definition of Nonpurpose Investments. (4) Amounts deposited in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund, if any, have no temporary period (but see paragraph (c) below for special rule). (c) Minor Portion Exception. Pursuant to Section 148(e) of the Code, notwithstanding paragraphs (a) through (b) above, the Series I Bonds will not be treated as Arbitrage Bonds if in addition to the amounts excepted under the "temporary period" exception (paragraph (b) above), an amount is invested in Higher Yielding Investments which does not exceed the lesser of $100,000 or five percent of the proceeds of the issue, as defined by Section 1.48-8(d) of the Regulations. (d) Restricted Investments. Gross Proceeds of the Series I Bonds, other than amounts eligible for a temporary period as described in paragraph (b) or the exception for minor portions in paragraph (c), shall be invested in obligations the interest on which is excluded from gross -14- income for federal income tax purposes under Section 103(a) of the Code, or in Nonpurpose Investments at a composite Yield not in excess of the Yield on the Series I Bonds (in the case of Nonpurpose Investments acquired with Gross Proceeds derived from the sale of the Series I Bonds and investment earnings thereon, the Yield on the Series I Bonds plus 1/8 of one percent). SECTION 19. No Arbitraqe or Hedge Bonds. (a) No Arbitrage. The Issuer shall not, except as permitted by law, use any portion of the proceeds from the issuance of the Series I Bonds, directly or indirectly (1) to acquire Higher Yielding Investments, (2) to replace funds which were used directly or indirectly to acquire Higher Yielding Investments, and will (3) rebate to the federal government all arbitrage profits, (4) comply with limitations on the amount of Series I Bond proceeds that may be invested in Nonpurpose Investments and (5) comply with all of the other provisions of Section 148 of the Code in order to avoid treatment of the Series I Bonds as Arbitrage Bonds subject to federal income taxation by reason of Code Section 103(b). (b) No Hedqe Bonds. The Issuer reasonably expects to spend eighty-five percent (85%) of the "spendable proceeds" of the Issue (the "Spendable Proceeds") within the three (3) year period beginning on the issue date of the Series I Bonds. For these purposes, the "Spendable Proceeds" are sale proceeds of the Series I Bonds less proceeds used for costs of issuance, reasonably required reserve or replacement funds and Debt Service. If the Series I Bonds are classified as hedge bonds, the Issuer shall comply with all requirements for maintaining the tax exempt status of the Series I Bonds pursuant to Code Section 149(g). SECTION 20. Certificate as to Non-Arbitra~e or Hedqe Bonds. On the basis of the facts, estimates and circumstances now in existence and in existence on the date of issue of the Series I Bonds, as determined by the Treasurer, the Treasurer is authorized and directed to certify that it is not expected that the proceeds of the Series I Bonds will be used in a manner that would cause the Series I Bonds to be arbitrage or hedge bonds, as defined in the Code. Such certification shall be delivered to the Original Purchaser of the Series I Bonds at the time of delivery of and payment for the Series I Bonds. SECTION 21. [RESERVED]. SECTION 22. Rebate Fund and Rebate Requirement. Notwithstanding any unrestricted investment for a temporary period, Section 148 of the Code and accompanying Regulations require that (1111194) ~.4) - 15 - the Rebate Requirement be paid to the United States Treasury. The Treasurer shall establish and maintain the Rebate Fund designated by the name of the Series I Bonds and shall deposit into the Rebate Fund the Rebate Requirement, all as required, determined and calculated pursuant to the Rebate Certificate, the Code and the Regulations. Monies held in the Rebate Fund are hereby pledged to secure payments of the Rebate Requirement to the United States Treasury, and the Issuer will pay or cause to be paid to the United States the Rebate Requirement at the times and in the amounts set forth in the Rebate Certificate. Monies in the Rebate Fund will be invested in legal investments for the Issuer under applicable law for such monies, and all investment earnings with respect thereto will be deposited in the Rebate Fund. SECTION 23. Private Activity and Private Loan Prohibitions. (a) Private Activity Prohibition. The Issuer shall assure that (i) not in excess of i0 percent of the Sale Proceeds of the Series I Bonds are used for a Private Business Use if, in addition, the payment of more than 10 percent of the principal or 10 percent of the interest due on the Series I Bonds during the term thereof is, under the terms of the Series I Bonds or any underlying arrangement, directly or indirectly, secured by any interest in property used or to be used for a Private Business Use or in payments in respect of property used or to be used for a Private Business Use or is to be derived from payments, whether or not to the Issuer, in respect of property or borrowed money used or to be used for a Private Business Use; and (ii) in the event that both (A) in excess of five percent of the Sale Proceeds of the Series I Bonds are used for a Private Business Use, and (B) an amount in excess of five percent of the principal or five percent of the interest due on the Series I Bonds during the term thereof is, under the terms of the Series I Bonds or any underlying arrangement, directly or indirectly, secured by any interest in property used or to be used for a Private Business Use or in payments in respect of property used or to be used for a Private Business Use or is to be derived from payments, whether or not to the Issuer, in respect of property or borrowed money used or to be used for a Private Business Use, then such excess over the five percent of Sale Proceeds of the Series I Bonds used for a Private Business Use shall be used for a Private Business Use related to the governmental use of the Project. (b) Private Loan Prohibition. The Issuer shall assure that not in excess of five percent of the Sale Proceeds of the Series I Bonds is used, directly or indirectly, to make or finance loans (other than loans constituting Nonpurpose ~707.4) -16- Investments or assessments) to persons other than governmental units. (c) Disbursement Statement. Upon each disbursement of Net Proceeds of the Series I Bonds deposited in the Series I Improvement Fund, the Treasurer shall prepare and execute a statement setting forth the portion, if any, of the Net Proceeds of the Series I Bonds to be used for a Private Business Use or to make or finance a private loan (other than a loan constituting a Nonpurpose Investment or an assessment) and certifying that there has been compliance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above. Such statements shall be maintained as a part of the permanent business records of the Issuer pertaining to the Series I Bonds. SECTION 24. No Federal Guarantee. The Issuer shall take no action nor permit nor suffer any action to be taken if the result of the same would cause the Series I Bonds to be a federally guaranteed obligation within the meaning of Section 149(b) of the Code. SECTION 25. Amendment. Without the consent of the Series I Bond holders, the Issuer may amend this Resolution to add, modify or delete provisions if the amendment is necessary or desirable, in the opinion of the Bond Counsel of the Issuer, to assure the exemption of interest on the Series I Bonds from federal income taxation, provided that the security interest of the Series I Bond holders is not affected thereby. SECTION 26. Authority of Treasurer. All actions mandated by this Resolution to be performed by the Treasurer may be performed by the designee thereof or such other official of the Issuer or independent contractor, contractor or trustee duly authorized by the Treasurer to perform such action or actions in furtherance of all or a specific portion of the requirements hereof. SECTION 27. Sale of Series I Bonds. The Council hereby approves the sale of the Series I Bonds by negotiation with the Authority. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to negotiate or cause to be negotiated a purchase contract with the Authority for such sale subject to the following terms: (i) the Yield on the Series I Bonds shall not exceed the yield on the Authority's Revenue Bonds, Series 1993B, by more than 1.5 percent; (ii) the annual interest rate on the Series I Bonds shall not exceed twelve percent; (iii) the total discount (inclusive of original issue discount and underwriting discount) on the Series I Bonds, if any, shall not exceed three percent of the aggregate principal amount of the Series I Bonds; and (iv) the aggregate principal amount of the Series I Bonds shall not exceed $10,220,000. The Mayor of the city, the City Manager of the City and/or the Treasurer are hereby (1111194) (7o7.4) - 17 - authorized and directed to execute such purchase contract in the name and on behalf of the City and to execute all other necessary documents, in form approved by Bond Counsel and the City Attorney of the City, and to do all other things necessary to complete the sale and delivery of the Series I Bonds. SECTION 28. Leqal Opinion. The Issuer will furnish the legal opinion of Burke, Williams & Sorensen approving the legality of the proceedings and the issuance of the Series I Bonds. SECTION 29. Appointment of Agent. The Treasurer of the City of Bakersfield is authorized to appoint a qualified financial institution to serve as Agent, and such appointment is at the sole determination of the Treasurer. The Issuer may act as its own Agent. SECTION 30. Certified CoDies. The City Clerk shall furnish a certified copy of this Resolution to the Treasurer, the Agent, and to the Auditor of the County of Kern. (1111194) 0o7.4) - 18 - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the city Council of the city of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 26th day of January, 1994, by the following vote: ---- ~ EDWARDS. DeMONO. ~11~.4, BRLINNI, ROW1.ES, SALVA~10 AY~$~ COUNCILMEMgERS Mcot:t<m,.~, ,, g: %- NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS %~'% ~ , OUNCtLMEMIBERS ~'~ A~ENT: COUNCILMEMBERS city Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield 1994: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ichard H.' Hargrove, BOND COUNSEL COUNTERSIGNED: CITY/ATTORNE~ of the City of BakTsfield~ (707,4) -19- EXHIBIT A UNITED STATES OF ~IERICA STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF KERN NUMBER $ INTEREST RATE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DIBTRICT NO. 93-1 LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BOND (SERIES I - TAX EXEMPT) MATURITY DATE BOND DATE CUSIP REGISTERED OWNER: PRINCIPAL AMOUNT: Under and by virtue of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, Division 10 of the California Streets and Highways Code (the "Act"), the City of Bakersfield, California, (the "City"), will, out of the Series I Redemption Fund on the maturity date specified above for the payment of the Series I Bonds issued upon the unpaid portion of assessments made for the acquisitions, work, and improvements more fully described in proceedings taken pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 1110, adopted by the City Council of the City on October 27, 1993, pay to the registered owner hereof, or registered assigns, on the maturity date stated above, the principal sum shown hereon in lawful money of the United States and in like manner pay interest at the rate per annum stated above, payable semiannually on March 2 and September 2 in each year commencing September 2, 1994. This Series I Bond bears interest from the interest payment date next preceding its date of authentication and registration unless it is authenticated and registered (i) prior to an interest payment date and after the close of business of the fifteenth (15th) day of the month immediately preceding such interest payment date, in which event it shall bear interest from such interest payment date, or (ii) prior to the close of business on the fifteenth (15th) day of the month immediately preceding September 2, 1994, in which event it shall bear interest from its date, until payment of such principal sum shall have been discharged. Both the principal hereof and Redemption Premium hereon are payable upon presentation and surrender hereof at the office of the Finance Director of the City, EXHIBIT A A- 1 or its successors, as Transfer Agent, Registrar and Paying Agent (the "Agent"), and the interest hereon is payable by check or draft mailed to the owner hereof at such owner's address as it appears on the registration books of the Agent, or at such address as may have been filed with the Agent for that purpose, as of the fifteenth (15th) day of the month immediately preceding each interest payment date. This Series I Bond is one of several annual series of bonds of like date, tenor and effect, but differing in amounts, maturities, and interest rates, issued by the City under the Act and that certain resolution titled, "A Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessments, Providing for Issuance of Bonds and Awarding Sale of Bonds," adopted by the City Council of the City on January 26, 1994 (the "Resolution of Issuance") in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $ for the purpose of providing means for paying for the improvements and acquisitions described in said proceedings, and is secured by the moneys in said Series I Redemption Fund and by the unpaid portion of said assessments made for the payment of said improvements and acquisitions, and, including principal and interest, is payable exclusively out of said Series I Redemption Fund. This Series I Bond is transferable by the registered owner hereof, in person or by the owner's attorney duly authorized in writing, at said office of the Agent, subject to the terms and conditions provided in the Resolution of Issuance, including the payment of certain charges, if any, upon surrender and cancellation of this Series I Bond. Upon such transfer, a new registered Series I Bond or Series I Bonds, of any authorized denomination or denominations, of the same maturity, and for the same aggregate principal amount, will be issued to the transferee in exchange therefor. Series I Bonds shall be registered only in the name of an individual (including joint owners), a corporation, a partnership or a trust. Neither the City nor the Agent shall be required to make such exchange or registration of transfer of Series I Bonds between the fifteenth (15th) day of the month immediately preceding any March 2 or September 2 and such March 2 or September 2. The City and the Agent may treat the owner hereof as the absolute owner for all purposes, and the City and the Agent shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary. This Series I Bond, or any portion of it in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or any integral multiple thereof, may be redeemed and paid in advance of maturity upon the 2nd day of March or September in any year by giving at least sixty (60) days EXHIBIT A A - 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORTHEAST SEWER/GAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (1) (2) ASSMT DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER ASSESSMENT AS GAS NO. P~RCEL NUMBER CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT (3) (4) (5) (6) UNPAID UNPAID SEWER PAYMENTS SEWER GAS ASSESSMENT RECEIVED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 16 386-210-20-00-2 Neff, Patrick D. & .~oyce M. 9,659.95 0.00 17 386-210-21q)0-5 Neff. Patrick D. & Joyce M. 8.130.62 0.00 18 386-210-24~0M Galey, Don R. & Jean L. 9,659.95 0.00 19 386-210-25q)0-7 Steele. Paul L. & Kathryn C. 8,130.62 0.00 20 3864)40-12q}04) Reddy Gautham Malladi, et.al. TR 58,010.56 0.00 21 386-040 14-01-5 Weody. (Mile G TR 22 386~40-16~0-2 Reddy Gautham Malladi, et.al. TR 23 386-040-18-00-8 Gale)', Donald R. & Jean L. 24 386~40-19430-1 Galey, Donald R. & Jean L. $14,618.66 $14,618.66 $0.00 131.146.77 131,146.77 0.00 15.099.72 15,099.72 0.00 184,758.84 184,758.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,289.30 28.289.30 0.00 66.787.63 66,787.63 0.00 5,939.50 5,939.50 0.00 17.868.01 17,868.01 0.00 23,630.57 23,630.57 0.00 4,431.46 4,431.46 0.00 66,009.92 66,009.92 0.00 26,781.26 26,781.26 0.00 9,659.95 9.659.95 0.00 8,130.62 8,130.62 0.00 9.659.95 9.659.95 0.00 8,130.62 8,130.62 0.00 58.010.56 58.010,56 0.00 58,010.56 0.00 58,010.56 58,010.56 0.00 77,434.48 0.00 77,434.48 77,434.48 0.00 13,473.60 0.00 13,473.60 13,473.60 0.00 23,172.27 0.(~O 23,172.27 23,172.27 0.00 77.434.48 0.00 77,434.48 77,434.4g 0.00 784.523.55 79,163.81 705,359.74 705.359.74 79,163.81 78.483.03 7,919.48 70,563.55 70,563.55 7,919.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 119,850.88 12.093.78 107,757.10 107,757.10 12,093.78 225,390.96 22,743.50 202.647.46 202,647.46 22,743.50 31 386-050-12~0-3 Tandam Coast. Inc. 32 386-050-13-00-6 Nickel Enterprises 33 3864)60-03~0-0 Nickel Enterprises 34 386q)60-04-00-3 Nickel Ealterprises 35 386-060-144)0-2 Nickel Enterprises 36 386~60-154}0-5 ATC Realty Five. lac. 37 3864)60-16-00-8 Tandam Coast. Inc. 38 3874)10-034)0-2 Korean Village 77,228.36 7,792.87 69,435.49 69,435.49 7.792.87 192,018.97 24.994.60 167,024.37 167.024.37 24,994.60 117.754.44 15,327.79 102,426.65 102,426.65 15.327.79 66,984.73 8,719.23 58.265.50 58.265.50 8,719.23 421,819.60 54,907.15 366,912.45 366,912.45 54.907.15 16,137.96 2,100.64 14,037.32 14,037.32 2,100.64 39,409.72 3,976.71 35,433.01 35.433.01 3,976.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25-Jan-94 Page 1 AD 93-1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORTHEAST SEWERIGAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)U UNPAID NPAID GAS SEWER PAYMENTS SEWER GAS I ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT RECEIVED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT] ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER ASSESSMENT AS NO. PARCEL NUMBER CONFIRMED 4O 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 3874}10-2{~00-1 Grimes, James B. & Tracie 6_17.~0 3874} 10-25-C4~6 MHW Realty 24,877.70 166,243.14 1661243.14 24.877.70 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 41,195.33 4,156.89 37.038.44 37,038.44 4,156.89 518.45 52.32 466.13 466.13 52.32 46.682.28 4.710.56 41,971.72 41,971.72 4,710.56 0.00 0.00 0.CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 219,339.83 22,132.89 197.206.94 197,206.94 22,132.89 134.932.60 13.6~5.63 121,316.97 121,316.97 13,615.63 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 17.281.73 1,743.85 15.537.88 15.537.88 1,743.85 20,201.80 2,629.62 17,572.18 17,572.18 2,629.62 50 3874)60-014)¢~1 . _ Korean Village 51 3874)814H4)0-4 Barmann. Bernard C. Sr. & Beatrice M. 617.20 52 387-0814Y24}O-7 Norby. Philip A. & Deni~ M. 617.20 53 3874)814)34~O4} Ware, games F. & Winifred A. 617.20 54 3874)81~4-0~3 Korean Village c/o Harry L. Cuddy 617.20 55 387q)81~05~0-6 Korean Village c/o Harry L. Cuddy 617.20 56 3874)81~6-0~-9 Korean Village cio Harry L. Cuddy 617.20 57 387-081-07q~-2 Paine, Edward R. & Maria L. 617.20 58 387-081q)Sq)O-5 Kuwahara. Terrance F. & Ann M. 617.20 59 3874)824)14}0-1 Freeze. Dom'fie Paul Family Tr. 617.20 60 387q)82-02-CO-4 Clark. games N. 617.20 62.28 554.92 617.20 0,00 0.00 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.00 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62,28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.~2 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.00 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.00 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.00 62.28 554.92 554.92 62,28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 71 3874)90-02-00-3 See, Thomas B. & Olga J. 617.20 72 3874Y~O-03-00-6 Korean Village c/o Harry L. Cuddy 617.20 73 3874)90-044~-9 Korean Village c/o Harry L. Cuddy 617.20 74 3874)9~05-0C~2 Alade, Clea~eat O. & Ceeeile L. 617.20 75 387-101-01-00-9 Holloway, Stephen C, & Mary S. 617.20 76 387-101-024}0-2 Owsley. Ivan M. & Linda L. 617.20 62.28 554,92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 25-Jan-94 Page 2 AD 93-1 ASSMT. DIAG. ASSF~SOR'S NO. PARCEL NUMBER LAND OWNER EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORTHEAST SEWER/GAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)] UNPAID ASSESSMENT AS GAS SEWER PAYMENTS SEWER CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT RECEIVED ASSESSMENT ASS 77 38%1014}3-00-5 78 387-101-04410-8 79 387-1014}5°CO-I 80 387-101-064}0-4 81 387-1014174)0-7 82 387-1014}8420-0 83 387-1014}94)0-3 Weisman. Donna Sue lcardo, Philip A. & Suanne L. Croasley. Harold H. & Linda L Tmnk¢[, Donald G. & Ka~n R. Croad, Martin E. & Patricia Hill, Louis Raymond & Bonnie M, Davidmn, R.E. & Diane L. 85 3877!024}~r0076 H~lzer, Ron & Chery_t 86 387-1024}2-00-9 Giumarra, Salvadore & Florence 87 387-1024}3-00-2 Duff, Kenneth & Carolyn 88 387-1024)44~-5 Moon, Gregory W. & Marguerite H. 89 387-1024}54}0-8 Drake, Dan S. & Jennifer A. 90 387-1024}(M30-1 Brown. Michael & Camila M. 617.20 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.00 617.20 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0,00 617.20 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.00 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 617.20 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.00 617,20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 617.20 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.00 617.20 62,28 554.92 554.92 62.28 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 91 387-102-07-004 Jones. Albert & Jane 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 92 387-1024}84}0-7 Baxter, l~:lmer D. & Jacqu¢lyn 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 93 387-102-094)04} Jasper. Mark F. & Louise M. 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 94 387-102-1{M)0-2 Jasper, Mark F. & Louise M. 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 . 95 38_7-102-11430-5 Jasper, Mark F. & Louise M. 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 96 387-1214}14}0-5 Williams, Patrick A, & Ruth K. 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 97 387-1214}2410-8 Helvie, Richard E. & Susan R. 617.20 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.C~ 98 387-1214}34)0-I Maloney, Rober: A. & Nancy 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 99 387-1214)44304 Willes. Edric B. & Eva 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 I_O0 387-1214)5410-7 Bolthouse, W.J. & Nora J. 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 I01 387-1214}6-004} Potter, Robert A. & Olivia E. 617.20 62.28 554,92 554,92 62.28 102 387-1214}74}0-3 LaughlLn, Robert L. & Jcrilee 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 103 387-1214}8-0~6 Boylan. Terry & Christine 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62,28 104 387-1214}9-00-9 Kuwahas~, Keith T. & Kimberly A. 617,20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 105 387-121-10-00-1 Allen, Edward C. & Karen D. 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 106 387-122~44}O-I Lewy. TLmothy & Tina 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 107 387-122-05-004 Singh. Sarabjit & Bimaljit 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 108 387-131-01-00-8 Tam. Charles & Ruby 617.20 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.00 109 387-131-024}O-I Gill. Zora S. & Lucill¢ S. 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.72 62.28 110 387-1314}34}04 Ha'eri, Ghol R & Nima F. 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 I I 1 387-131-05-004} Ha'cfi. Ghol B. & Nima F. 617.20 62,28 554.92 554.92 62.28 112 387-132-014}O-5 Hill, Louis R. & Bonnie 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 113 387-132-02410-8 Amitpour, Vahdatyar & Mina 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 114 387-132-03-00-1 Dabbas. Emil & L~ila M. 617.20 62.28 554.92 354.92 62.28 25-Jan-94 Page 3 AD 93-1 ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S NO. PARCEL NUMBER EXHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORTHEAST SEWER/GAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (1) (2) UNPAID NPA]ID SEWER PAYMENTS SEWER G~,S ] AS~_ESSMENT RECEIVED ~ AS~ ESS~E_NT_- .~SSE~_SM E_~!T LAND OWNER ASSESSMENT AS GAS CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT 115 387-132-04-CO-4 Sidhu, Manj0 & Barii_nder 617.20 62.28 116 387-132~0541C~7 Smith. Thomas W. & Patricia M. 617.20 62.28 117 387-141~02-00-4 Mukhopadhyay, Madan G. & As0a 617.20 62.28 118 387-141-03-00-7 Moreland. Terry 617.20 62.28 119 38%141 ~4-00-0 Blair. Don Charle~ & Theresa M. 617.20 62.28 120 387-141-05~0-3 WiUes, Edoc & Eva 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.00 554.92 554.92 62.28 554.92 617.20 0.00 0.00 554.92 554.92 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 387-142-07-00-6 387-180~02-00-9 387-180-04-00-5 B~rnard, Harvey D. & Linda C. 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.:28 Lahiri, Sunhil R. & Vivicn H. 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.:28 Lahiri. Sunhil R. & Vivien H. 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 Sanghera. Mehaga & Harder 617.20 62.28 554.92 554.92 62.28 Rio Bravo Fairwa~ Hmonrs Assn. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Stevens, Patsy Ann 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 Contcz. Robert M. & Senaida 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 Hobin Family Trust 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 Booth, Stcven 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs Assn 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 131 387-180-08~0-7 132 387-180~9~(~0 133 387-180-10~0-2 134 387-180-11~0-5 135 387-18~-12d)0-8 Mapes. Richa~nl L & Linda M 553.10 0.00 Dixon, David S & garen Joan 553.10 0.00 FcBon, Mark J & Susan B 553.10 0.00 La~zerini, A J 553.10 0.00 Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs Assn 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.430 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.O0 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 136 387-18B-I 3~0-I 138 387-180-15~O-7 140 387-180-17-00-3 McGaff. George W & Karen S 553.10 O.CO 553.10 553.10 0.00 Johnston. Josephine T 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 Hockcrsmlth, Wesley D & Marion H 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 ]ones. William J & Vieki T 553.10 0.00 553.10 553,10 0.00 Arslan, Ronald 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 O.BO 141 387-180-18~)-6 142 387-180-19-00-9 143 387-190-O1 ~)0-9 144 387-19~-02~0-2 145 387-19~03-00-5 146 387-190~-0~-8 147 387-19~054}0-1 148 387-19~4 149 387-190-07-0~-7 150 387-190~)8-00-0 Weisman, Donna Sue 553.10 0.00 Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs A~n 0.00 0,00 Crawford, Harold & Gloria 553.10 0.~O H~am. William W & Re. ca A 553.10 0.00 Cierley, Ann 553.10 OId~nkamp, l W & M E TR Love, Jam~ E & Rosanne A May, Richard & Shirley Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs Asm Rio Bravo Fairway Hmonrs Assn 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.~0 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 553. I0 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 151 387-19~00-3 152 387-190-18~00-5 Hoopcr, RoM:nC&ShatonR Amerin¢, Ann~teW, 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 25-Jan-94 Page 4 AD 93-1 F.XHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORTHEAST SEWER/GAS ASSESSMENT DISTR/CT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) U 153 154 155 156 157 387-190-15~0-0 158 387-190-1(~O0-3 159 387-2004)1 ~1 387-190-11~O-8 Ch0ko, James A. & Carol A. 553.10 0.00 553.10 387-190-12-00-1 Maddox, Denis E. & Cheryl D. 553.10 0,00 553.10 387- 90- 3-~O~ Bek, ~ Anne 553.10 0.00 553.10 387-180~14-00-7 Border, Donald J. & Joaane M. 553.10 0.00 553.10 White, Jack D. & Glenda O. 553.10 Messner, Gr~gor~ L. 553.10 Cbenot, David & Ann 553.10 Mchan, Philllp Z. _ 55_3:!0 Schai~on, Gary H. & P. Maurise 553.10 Bruce, Robert W. & Mary Overa0 553.10 Choi, Ok Sun 553.10 Heath, Nicholas L. & Brenda J. 553.10 Kraft/e, Ralph E. & Helen D. 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 0.CO 553.10 553.10 0.CO 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0,00 ._ 553.~0_ ....... ~53.~0 ..... 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.CO 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.CO 167 387-200-09~0-5 168 387-200-10~0-7 170 387-200-12~O-3 Wilson, Frances L 553.10 Codd, John A. & Lenna L. TR 553.10 Thayer, Kenneth J. 553.10 Newthn, W. Miller & Christin L 553.10 Saber Labs 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0,00 553.10 553.10 0.CO 0,00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 171 387-200-13~O-6 172 387-210~}1~}0-4 173 387-210-02~0-7 174 387-210~)3~0~) 175 387-210-04~O-3 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.(20 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0,00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 Mardn, Rex L. & Carolyn F. 553.10 Friday, Ronald A. & Bonney K. 553.10 Chenot Family TR 553.10 Hollick, Dale K. 553.10 McGrew, Lowell S. & Carol¥~n.A. 553.10 Sheldon, Harriet L. TR 553.10 Embr~e, Wayne W. & Claudia R. 553.10 Margot, Sap. dm Le~ 553.10 H~mlrix, Raymond H. & L. Jean 553.10 Nelson, Dendwell & EIvera 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.CO 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 186 387-221-0400-3 187 387-221-05~0-6 188 387-221~6~0-9 189 387-221 ~)7-00-2 190 387-221 ~)8d}0-5 Barnes, Rndger & Reb~.ca 553.10 Collier, Carole L. 553.10 Doyle, Ma~/P. 553.10 D~HaR, William M. & Jennifer 553.10 Valenzuela, Charles & Barbara 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 25-Jan-94 Page 5 AD 93-1 ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S NO. PARCEL NUMBER EXHmIT A CITY OF BAKEP~FIELD NORTHEAST SEWER/GAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 LAND OWNER (I) (2) ASSESSMENT AS GAS CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT (3) SEWER ASSESSMENT (4) PAYMENTS RECEIVED (5) UNPAID SEWER ASSESSMENT (6)UNPAID1 192 387-221-10~0-0 193 387-221-11-00-3 195 387-~21-13-00-9 Cardiel, Augie & Treva D. Hochhalter, Timothy 1. Kalpakoff, Abram & Paula TR Arden Family TR Hays, Ion M. 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0,00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196 387-221-14-CO-2 Kelly, Jane Arm 197 387-221-15~0-5 Barro. Mary Helen 198 387-221-164}O-8 Smith, Terv/ L. 199 387-221-17-00-1 Owen, Fred W. 200 387-221-184)0~ Dennis. Paul A. & Jacklyn A. 201 387-221-19~0-7 Craz, Jose Luis 202 387-221-204}0-9 Thayer, Jerry Jean 203 387-221-214}0-2 Hins. Kevin J. & Roxanne B. 204 387-221-224)0-5 May. Gerald E. & June 205 387-221-234}0-8 Trembla¥. Norman G. & La Vona R. 206 387-221-24-00-1 Phillips, Leon N. 207 387-221-25-00~ Klm. Byung-Tae & Wi Hyo 208 387-221-26~O-7 Banales, Rosalio 553.10 0.C~ 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.CO 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.CO 553.10 553.10 0.CO 553.10 0.00 0.CO 0.C~ 0.00 0.00 0.C~ 553.10 0.CO 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 216 387-222~)4-00-0 McCuistion, Ardour W. 217 387-222~)5~0-3 Norris, Brad D. 218 387-2224}6-00-6 Morgan. Wyman 219 387-2224}7q)0-9 Zeider, Robert L. & Ardi 1. 220 387-222-08~0-2 Bmmmel, Keith D. & Jud~L~J. 221 38%222-09-00-5 Nelson, Rodney Dale 222 387-222-10~00-7 Momes, Thomas L. 223 387-222-11430-0 Williams Family TR 224 387-222-12-00-3 Thomas, William M. & Sharon L. 225 38%222-13-00-6 palmer, Michael 553.10 0.C~ 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553,10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.CO 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553,10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 226 227 228 387-222-14-00-9 38%251-01-00-3 387-2514}2-00-6 Kalpako ff, David Malone'/, Carolyn Pratt. Robcrt M. & Jennifer 1. 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 25-Jan-94 Page 6 AD 93-1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) I ASSMT. DIAG. 229 387-2514)3-00-9 Fawn, Donald & Amelia Europa 553.10 230 387-2514)4-00-2 H_anin. Priscilla A. 553.10 231 387~251-05-00-5 Collins. Kenneth B. 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0,00 553.10 553.10 0.~0 0.00 55310 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 236 387-251-10-00-9 Christie. Rosa L~e 553.10 237 387-251-11-00-2 Ackcrley. Jessie C, 553.10 238 387-251-12~0-5 Self, Charles C. & Mary Anne 553.10 239 387-251-134~O-8 Denison, Marsha $. 553,10 240 387-251-14-00-1 Dav~. Kevin Dean 553,10 241 387-251-15~0-4 Santa Paula Enterprise, Inc. 553.10 242 387-252~)1-00-0 Atchley, Kren Lee 553.10 243 387-252~}2~0-3 Santa Paula Enterprls~s. Inc. 553.10 244 387-252~}3~O-6 Rodriguez, Susan Patricia 553.10 245 387-252-04~0-9 Ward, David L. & KLm A. 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 O.CO 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.CO 553,10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.~0 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 O.CO 553.10 553.10 0.00 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 387-252~6-00-5 387-231-02~004) 387-231~}3-00-3 387-231-08-CO-8 387-231-12-00-9 Cheshire, Richard T. & Jennifer Wrobel. Charles Rio Bravo Canyon Ctry. Ho. Ownrs. Assn. Lucas. Shirley M & Chester C. Rio Bravo Canyon Country Rio Bravo Canyon Country Rio Bravo Canyon Coumry Rio Bravo Canyon Country Rio Bravo Canyon Country Wundcrlin, George J. & Mildr~:t L Bonnet, David Brian Sceales. Michael Foss, Ruby M. TR Apperti, Jorge A. Olsen, Ne. al W. & Joanne K. 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.(~0 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 O.CO 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 261 387-231-13~0-2 262 387-231-14~0-5 263 387-231-15-00-8 264 387-231-16~0-1 265 387-231-17-0(g4 266 387-231-1~00-7 Hamilton. William D. & Sharon A. 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 Buerkle, Helen 553. l0 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 Desmarais, Shcree 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 Rio Bravo Canyon Counu~ 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 Rio Bravo Canyon Ctry. Ho,Ownrs. Assn. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25-Jan-94 Page 7 AD 93-1 ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S NO. PARCEL HUMBER LAND OWNER EXHmlT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORTHEAST SEWEPdGA8 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (1) (2) ASSESSMENT AS GAS CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT (3) SEWER ASSESSMENT (4) PAYMENTS RECEIVED (5) UNPAID SEWER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 267 387-232~01-O0-4 PJcarda, Patrick & Paig¢ 268 387-232-02~0-7 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 269 387-232-03-004} Rio Bravo Canyon Country 270 387-232-04~O-3 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 271 387-232-05-00-6 Merrier, Brian J. 272 387-232-06-00-9 Johnston, Kevin C. & Sandra M. 273 387-232-07~0-2 Elkins, Hurley J. & Rene~ D, 274 387-232-08d~O-5 Sughrue, Edward L & Peggy J. 275 387-232-09~O-8 McAIlister, Bradley & Teresa 276 387-232-10-00-0 Yi. Ung Mok 277 387-232-11-00-3 Dougherly, James L. & Barbara 278 387-232-12-00-6 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 279 387-232-13-00-9 Eliade~. Timothy G. 280 387-232-14~00-2 Rio Bravo Can/on Country 281 387-232-15~0-5 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 282 387-232-16~}O-8 McMasters, Charles L & Carolyn 283 387-233-01-00-1 Capinha. Victor L. & Kathleen A. 284 387-233-024R~4 McKianey. Richard Bowen 285 387-233-03-00-7 Matin, Jason L _ 286 38%233-04-00-0 Smiler, Craig W. 287 387-233-05-00-3 AIImon, Clifford R. 288 387-233-06-00-6 Lit:ach, Arnold R. & Teresa P. 289 387-233-07~0-9 lamieson, T. J. 290 387-233-13~6 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 291 387-233-144)0-9 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 292 387-240-01-00-3 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 293 387-241-014}0-0 Rio Bravo Canyon Coun~ 294 387-241-02~O-3 Thomas, E. Leon & Andre John 295 387-241-03~0-6 Thomas, E. Leon & Andre John 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.~O 553,10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553. I0 0.00 553. l0 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553,10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.I0 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.~O 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.~O 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 296 387-241 *04-00-9 Rio Bravo Canyon Count~3' 297 387-241-05410-2 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 298 387-241-0(~00-5 P6o Bravo Canyon Country 299 387-241-07~)-8 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 300 387-241-08~0-1 Staple'/, Waync C. & Dcbbie D. 301 387-241 ~09-0B~[ Rio Bravo Canyon Country 302 387-241-10-00-6 Alhnon. Clifford R. 303 387-241-11430-9 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 304 387-241-12~00-2 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0,00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.~0 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 25-Jan-94 Page 8 AD 93-1 miBrr A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORTHEAST SEWER/GAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (1) (2) ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER ASSESSMENT AS GAS NO. PARCEL NUMBER _ ~ONFIRMED ASS~S~ME_N.T. 305 3O6 307 387-241-15~0-1 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 308 387-241 - 16~0~1 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 309 387-241-17~0-7 Harris, HaroLd Dean 310 387-241-18~0-0 Rio Bravo C_a~_yon Country 387-241-13420-5 Barraza, Dar)iai & Carol L. 387-241-14410-8 Roberts. Jimmy S. & laths L. 311 387-241-19~0-3 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 312 387~241-2~O0-5 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 313 387-242-01~30-7 Rio Bravo Canyon Countw 314 387-242-02~0~} Rio Bravo Canyon Country 315 387-2424}3-00-3 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 316 387-242~4-00~6 Rio Bravo Canyon CountP/ 317 387-242~}5~O-9 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 318 387-2424}64)0-2 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 319 387-242-07-O6-5 Dors~y. Edward L & Mimi C 320 387-242~08~0-8 Petrini, Gre~gory L. 321 387-242-09-00-1 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 322 387-242-10~O-3 Nollthgsead. Marshall C. Il 323 387-242-114}0-6 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 324 387-242-12~0-9 Rio Bravo Canyon Country 325 387-242-13410-2 Giumarra S. & Florence TR Rio Bravo Canyon Countxy Nelsen, D~ndwell & Elvera Rio Bravo Can~yon Co. Ho. Assn. R~lmoud, Darrell R. & Monica A. Anderson. Judith A. Pacific Health Educalion Center leffers. Philip T. & lean A. MeMillian, Robert D. 326 387-242-14~0-5 327 387-242-15410*8 328 387-242-164}O-1 329 387-242-174}04 330 387-242-184)0-7 331 387-243-01-004 332 387-243-02~0-7 333 387-243-03-00-0 334 387-243~4~0-3 335 387-243-05-00-6 553.10 0.00 (3) (4) (5) (6) UNPAID UNPAID SEWER PAYMENTS SEWER GASI ASSESSMENT RECEIVED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553.10 0,00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553,10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553,10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0,00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0,00 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553. I 0 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 553,10 553.10 0.00 336 387-243~6~0-9 337 387-243-07~0-2 338 387-243-08~O-5 339 387-243-09~0-8 340 387-243-104)0-0 341 387-243-114~0-3 342 3874}20-01-00-9 Browder. Steve 553.10 0.00 Browder, Steve 553.10 0.00 May, Gerald & June 553.10 0.00 Mallard, Irvin E. & Loretm 1, 553.10 0.00 AckeHey~ .less!~ C. 553.10 0.00 Rio Bravo Canyon Co. Ho. Assn. 0.00 0.00 Paola, Alexandra 43,117.92 4,350.89 553.10 553.10 0.00 553,10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 553.10 553.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38,767.03 38,767.03 4,350.89 25-Jan~94 Page 9 AD 93-1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORTHEAST SEWER/GAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRJCT NO. 93-1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ASSMT. UNPAID UNPAiD ! DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LAND OWNER ASSESSMENT AS GAS SEWER PAYMENTS SEWER GAS; NO. PARCEL NUMBER CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT RECEIVED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTI 343 3874}20dY2~0-2 Paola, Alexandra 43.139.52 4,353.07 38.786.45 38,786.45 4,353.07 344 387-020-03430-5 Paola, Aiexandra 43.139.52 4,353.07 38.786.45 38.786.45 4,353.07 345 387-0204}4-00-8 P~ola. Alexandra 43,117.92 4.350.89 38,767.03 38,767.03 4.350.89 346 387.0204}7-CO-7 Santa Fe Energy Resources, Inc. 164.630.09 16,612.31 148,017.78 148,017.78 16,612.31 347 387.020-14~O-7 Phoenix, Harry & Vada TR 186,057.00 18,774A3 167.282.57 167.282.57 18,774.43 348 387.020-15.004} Mitchell, IE & BB, TR. et.ah 83,140.43 8,389.44 74.750.99 74.750.99 8,389.44 349 3874}20-16~0-3 Biggar. David M.. et.ah 52,766.07 0.00 52,766.07 52,766.07 350 3874}20-18.00-9 W~st Kern Corp& Fr~idman TE 137.798.06 13,904.77 123.893.29 123.893.29 13.904.77 351 3874}20-21 ~0-7 Korean Village 60,942.17 6,149.48 54,792.69 54.792.69 6.149.48 352 387~20-27-00-5 Nalbandian, Eugene TR, et.al. 41,246.37 4,162.04 37.084.33 37.084.33 4,162.04 353 387.020-29.00-1 Nalbandian. Engene TR. et,al. 55,125.19 4,008.66 51.116.53 51,116.53 4,008.66 354 387-020-304~-3 Nalbandian. Eugene TR. et.al. 54,645.58 3,973.79 50,671.79 50,671.79 3,973.79 355 387-020-314-6 Nalbandian. Enlg~e TR, ~t,al. 238,640.35 22.491.12 216,149.23 216,149.23 22.491.12 356 387.020-33~2 City of Bakersfield 0.00 0.CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 357 3874}20-34~0-5 Edison-Malaga 53.686.36 3,904.03 49.782.33 49.782.33 3,904.03 358 387-020-35-CO-8 Nalbandian. Eugene TR, et.al. 79,230.32 6,165.59 73.064.73 73,064.73 6,165.59 359 387-020-364)0-1 Nalbandian, Eugene TR, et.al. 30,675.07 3,095.33 27.579.74 27,579.74 3,095.33 360 387-020-374304 Taadam Coast, 1~. 22,034.21 2.223.40 19,810.81 19,810.81 2,223.40 361 387.020-38~0-7 Reddy, Malladi S. 17,173.72 1.732.95 15,440.77 15,440.77 1,732.95 362 387-020-39.00~ Tandam Coast, Inc. 37.032.28 3.736.81 33,295.47 33,295.47 3,736.81 363 3874}20~10~0-2 Tandam Coast, Inc. 122,149.31 12,325.70 109,823.61 109,823.61 12,325.70 364 387.020~$3.00-1 Tandam Coast. Inc. 406,488.09 41,017.44 365,470.65 365,470.65 41,017.44 365 387-150-01~0-7 W~st K~m Corp. 8,887.31 380.53 8.506.78 8,506.78 380,53 366 387-1504}24}04) West Kern Corp. 7.374.58 315.76 7,058.82 7,058.82 315.76 367 387-150q}3~0-3 West Kern Corp. 5.847.30 250.37 5,596.93 5.596.93 250.37 368 387-150.04.00-6 W~st Kcm Corp. 6,923.67 296.45 6,627.22 6.627.22 296.45 369 387-2614}14}0-6 W Potter, Inc. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 370 387-261-02z00~9 West Ke~r0.~org. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 371 387-261-03-00-2 W~s~ Kern Corp. 372 387-261-04-00-5 West Kern Corp. 373 387-261 4}5-00-8 West Kern Corp. 374 387-261.06-00-1 L W Potter, Inc. 375 387-261-074}~4 We~t Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 916.26 62.28 853.98 853,98 62.28 376 387-261-08.00-7 Salazar, Lawrence & Maria R. 916.26 62.28 853,98 853.98 62.28 377 387-261-094}04) Brandt, Robert H. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 378 387-261-10-00-2 Wast ggm Corp. 916.26 62,28 853.98 853.98 62.28 379 387-261-114}0-5 W~t Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853,98 62.28 380 387-261-124}0-8 Hanson, Sandra J. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 25-Jan-94 Page 10 AD 93-1 F, XHIBIT A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORTHEAST SEWER/GAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)U I ASSMT. UNPAID NPAID DIAG. ASSESSOR'S LANDOWNER ASSESSMENT AS GAS SEWER PAYMENTS SEWER GAS] _ NO. PARCEL NUMBER CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT RECEIVED ASSE$SMENT ASSESSMENT 381 387-262-01-(;O-3 West Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853,98 62.28 382 387-2624124~-6 Jackson, Timothy Bryan 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 383 387-262-03-00-9 West Kern Coq~. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 384 387-2624)44~-2 West Kern Con~. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 385 387-262415-0(}-5 Jackson, Timothy Bryan 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 386 387-2624)6-00-8 west Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 387 387-262497410-1 West Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 388 38%2624}8410-4 We~ Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 389 387-2624D-00-7 West Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 390 387~:_262-10-00-_9 We_ldin, Lynda M 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 391 387-262-11410-2 West Kcs Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 392 387-262-124)0-5 West Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 393 387-262-13410-8 Wnl Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 394 387-262-14410-1 West Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 395 387-262-154)04 West Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 853.98 62.28 853.98 62.28 396 387-262-16410-7 West Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 397 387-262-17-CO-0 West Kern Coq~. 916.26 62.28 853.98 398 387-263-01-00-0 West Kern Corp. 916.26 62.28 853.98 399 387-2634}2-00-3 West Kern Corp. 916.27 62.28 853.99 400 387-263-034XN6 West Kcs Corp. 916.27 62.28 853.99 853.98 62.28 853.98 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 401 387-263-04-0(N9 West Kern Corp. 916.27 62.28 853.99 402 387-263415q~-2 West Kern Corp. 916.27 62.28 853.99 403 387-263~6-00-5 West Kern Corp. 916.27 62.28 853.99 404 387-2634)74)0-8 West Kern Corp. 916.27 62.28 853.99 405 387-2634}84}0-1 West Kern Corp. 916.27 62.28 853.99 406 387-263q)94}0-4 Brandt, Robetl H. 916.27 62.28 853.99 407 387-263-1{N00-6 Mason, Michael H. 916.27 62.28 853.99 408 387-263-114~-9 West Kern Corp. 916.27 62.28 853.99 409 387-263-12410-2 West Kern Corp. 916.27 62.28 853.99 410 387-263-13410-5 West Kern Corp. 916.27 62.28 853.99 411 387-263-14410-8 West Kcs Corp. 412 387-263-15410-1 W~t Kern Corp. 413 38%263-16410-4 West Kern Corp. 414 387-263-17-00-7 West Kern Corp. 415 38%263-18-00-0 W~t Kern Corp. 416 387-263-19-00-3 West Kern Corp. 417 387-263-20410-5 W~st Kern Corp. 418 387-263-21-00-8 West Kcs Corp. 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 916.27 62.28 853.99 853.99 62.28 916.27 62.28 853.99 853.99 62.28 916.27 62.28 853.99 853.99 62.28 916.27 62.28 853.99 853.99 62.28 916.27 62.28 853.99 853.99 62.28 916.27 62.28 853.99 853.99 62.28 916.27 62.28 853.99 853.99 62.28 916.27 62.28 853.99 853.99 62.28 25-Jan-94 Page 11 AD 93-1 EXHIBIT A Cl'?'( OF BAKERSFIELD NORTHEAST SEWER/GAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (l) (2) (3) ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR S LAND OWNER ASSESSMENT AS GAS SEWER NO. PARCEL NUMBER CONFIRMED _ _A_~_E$ S M_E_NT ASSESSMENT (4) (5) (6)U UNPAID NPAID PAYMENTS SEWER GASAS[ RE~C~EI~¥~.D_~ . _ __A_S~SESSMENT 419 387-263-22~1 West Kern Corp. 420 387-263-23-00-4 ~est Kern CorE~ 421 387-263-24-00-7 Mason, Michael H. 916.27 422 387-263-254)~0 Wea Kern Corp. 916.27 423 387-264~01 00-7 West Kern Corp. 916.27 424 387-264-02-004} West Kern Corp. 916.27 425 3874}3~014)1-1 Chevron USA. lr~. 1.587,464.35 426 387-03(~024)1-4 Tiros, Donald A, et al. 77,434.49 427 3874)304}4-01 4} SheU Oil Company 176,442.78 428.1 387-0304)54}2-2 Abularach. l~sie TR & Afana J. 3.702.89 428.2 3874}30-05-03-1 Afatm, David N.. et.aL 5.262.94 429.1 3874}30~6~034 Afana. David N., et.al. 12,736.13 916.27 62.28 853.99 916.27 62.2_8 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 62.28 853.99 160,186.05 1,427,278.30 853.99 853.99 853.99 853.99 853.99 853.99 1,427,278.30 62.28 62.28 62.28 62.28 62.28 62.28 160,186.05 0.00 77,434.49 0,~0 176.442.78 0.00 3,702,89 0.00 5,262,94 0.00 12,736.13 77.434.49 176,442.78 3.702.89 5,262.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.960.86 0.00 68.264.114 0.00 6.411.59 8.960.86 68,264.04 6.411.59 106,202.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 433.1 3874)30q0-02-6 Hood. Jack M. & Sharon B. TR 2.212.42 433.2 3874}30-104)1-7 Blocmer, Geri 2,212.42 434 38%030-11~0-1 Smith. Glen Alan & Lee Kent 38,717.25 435 3874)30-134}1-6 Bio.mcr. Geri 2.212.42 436 3874}30-14-004) Spauldthg. Kelth W,, et. al. 2,212.42 437 3874}30-154)0-3 Guy, Arthur D. & Diane G. 77.434.49 438 3874}30-164~6 Marshall, Ira A. Ir. 38,717.25 439 3874}30-~ 74)0-9 Marshall Plan Ltd. 19,358.63 440 3874}30-184~-2 Reddy Gautham Malladi TR, eX.al. 19,358.63 441 3874}30-204)0-7 I~rn~¢in & Mckalian W., et. ua. 9,679.32 0.00 2.212.42 0.00 2,212.42 0.00 38.717.25 0.00 2,212.42 0.00 2,212.42 0.00 77.434.49 0.00 38.717.25 0.00 19,358.63 0.00 19,358.63 0.00 9,679.32 2,212.42 38.717.25 2,212.42 77.434.49 38,717.25 19.358.63 19,358.63 9,679.32 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.CO 0.00 0.00 442 3874)30-214)0-0 McClure. Robert F. 9,679.32 443 3874)30-22-01-2 Thompson, WA Inc. 19,358.63 444 387-0404}14)0-5 Chevron USA. Inc. 215.596.97 445 3874)40-02-00-8 Chevron USA, Inc. 480,113.17 446 387-0404}44)0-4 Chevron USA, Inc. 3,360.06 447 3874}404}6411~ Horn, A.P. & Parker G.M. & J.H. 448.1 387-0404}74)1-2 Weatwal~r. Fanily M. & David Leo 448.2 387-0404}74)2-1 Carapbell, Helen W~I, et,aL 449 3874}404}8-00-6 West, Charle~ W. 450 ~87~09410-9 ~ampbell, William S. & Helen W. et. al. 0.00 9,679.32 0.00 19,358,63 0.00 215,596.97 0.00 480.113.17 0.00 3,360.06 1,657.45 0,00 1.657.45 551.11 0.00 551.11 1,106.35 0.00 1,106.35 1,657.45 0.00 1,657.45 1,657.45 0.00 1.657.45 9,679.32 19,358.63 215,596.97 3,360.06 551.11 553.18 553.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 451 3874}40-104}0-1 Wright, Berrie W., et.al. 1.243.09 0.00 1,243.09 1,243,09 25-Jan-94 Page 12 AD 93-1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORTHEAST SEWER/GAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ASSMT. DIAG. ASSESSOR'S NO. PARCEL NUMBER LAND OWNER UNPAID UNPAID ASSESSMENT AS GAS SEWER PAYMENTS SEWER GAS CONFIRMED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT RECEIVED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 1,243.09 0.00 1,243.09 1.243.09 0.00 1,659.32 0.00 1.659.32 1.659.32 0,00 1.659.32 0.00 1,659.32 1,659.32 0.00 0.00 100.874.88 10,178.97 ~O.695.91 90,695.91 10,178.97 13.413.70 1,746.03 11.667.67 11,667.67 1,746.03 262,569.49 26,495.06 236,074.43 236,074.43 26,495.06 400,490.44 40.412.23 360.078.21 360.078.21 40.412.23 10.671.48 1,076.82 9.594.66 9,594.66 1,076.82 462 387-040-24-00-2 463 387-040-25-00-5 464 3874140-27-00-1 465 387-040-28-004 American West Lands Co., ~t.al. Collins, Francis M. & Shirley Collins. Frank A. & Virginia Collins. Francis M. & Shirley Collins, Frank A. & Virginia 466 387-040-29-00-7 Collins, Frank A. & Virginia 467 387-050-014~-8 Chevron USA. Inc. 410.861.24 41,458.72 369,402.52 369,402.52 41,458.72 1.234.42 124.56 1.109.86 1.109.86 124.56 2,468.83 249.12 2,219.71 2,468.83 0.00 0.CO 12,344. l0 1.245.60 I 1,098.50 11,098.50 1,245.60 2,468.83 249.12 2,219.71 2,468.83 0.00 0.00 74,434.90 7.510.99 66.923.91 74,434.90 0.00 0.00 63.151.15 0.00 63.151.15 63,151.15 0-00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,623.14 0.00 60.623.14 60,623.14 0.00 471 388-030~2-00-2 472 388-271-01-00-6 473 388-271-02-00-9 474 388-271413-00-2 475 388-2714)44)0-5 476 388-271-07~O4 477 388-271418-00-7 478 388-272-01-00-3 479 388-272-03410-9 480 388-2724)4410-2 481 388-272-06-01-7 482 388-272-074}0-1 483 386-020-124)O4 484 Lot 1, T 5737 485 Lot 2, T 5737 486 Lot 3, T5737 487 LOt 4, T 5737 488 LOt 5, T 5737 489 LOt 6, T 5737 County of Kern Pearmn, Elsie E. & Brace Albeit Kellogg, William W 111 & Johnson C. Ninesley. Floyd G. Hill~ley~ Charles W. & Judith Hine~ley, Floyd G. Corotto Company, Inc. Corotlo Company, Inc. Corotth Company, Inc. Corotlo Company, Inc. Corotto Company. Inc. Casa Club Fairway Oev. LO1. Casa Club Fg~rway Dev. Ltd. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,389.41 0.00 12,389.41 12,389.41 0.00 16.537.80 0.00 16.537.80 16,537.80 0.00 32,331.40 0.00 32.331.40 32.331.40 0.00 16,537.80 0.00 16,537.80 16,537.80 0.00 6,194.71 0-00 6.194.71 6,194.71 0-00 6.194.71 0.00 6,194.71 6,194.71 0.00 553.11 0.00 553.11 553.11 0.00 0.00 553.11 0.00 553.11 553.11 0-00 0.00 553.11 0-00 553.11 553.11 0.00 0.00 553.11 0.00 553.11 553.11 0.00 0.00 553.11 0.00 553.11 553.11 0.00 0.00 2.212.42 0.00 2.212.42 2.212.42 0.00 617.21 62.28 554.93 554,93 62,28 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 25-Jan-94 Page 13 AD 93-1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NORI~IEAST SEWER/GAS ASSF~SMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 93-I (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 496 Lot 13 497 Lot 14 498 Lot 15 499 Lot 16 500 Lot 17 501 Lot 18 502 Lot 19 503 Lot 20 504 Lot21 505 LOt 22 T 5737 Casa Club F~ir~y Dev. Ltd. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 T 5737 Casa Club Fai~vay Dev. L~. _ _617~L ~ 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 T 5737 Casa Club Fait~zay Dev. Lid. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Dev. L~:l. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 T 5737 Casa Club Fair~/ay Dev. L~l. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 506 LOt 23 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 507 LOt 24 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Dev. I~cl. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 508 Lot 25 T 5737 Casa Club Fab~ay Dev. L~d. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 509 Lot 26 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Der. Ltd. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 510 Lol 27 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Der D.d. 617.21 62.28 554.93 554.93 62.28 511 LOt 28 T5737 Casa Club Fairway Dev. Ltd. 617.21 62.29 554.92 554.92 62.29 512 LOt 29 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Der. L~I. 617.21 62.29 554.92 554.92 62.29 513 Lot 30 T 5737 Casa Club Fairway Der. Lsd. 617.21 62.29 554.~2 554.92 62.29 514 387~2(F42-00-8 Tandam Coast, Inc. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL $10,585,000.00 $806,000.00 $9,779,000.00 $115,390.04 $9,672,491.11 $797,118.851 25-Jan-94 Page 14 AD 93-1