HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/1994 MINUTES CCBAleRSFIELD CIT COUNCIL MINUTES MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 1994 WORKSHOP- 5:15 P.M. - Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield This Workshop was called to order at 5:25 p.m. by Mayor Price. 1. ROLL CALL ACTION Ti~KEN Present: Mayor Price, Councilmembers McDermott, Edwards, DeMond, Smith, Brunni, Rowles (seated at 5:36), Salvaggio (seated at 5:35) Absent: None 2e SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENT/GREEN WASTE PROGRAM UPDATE. Water & Sanitation Manager Bogart and Sanitation Superintendent Sides provided an update on the pilot Green Waste and Recycling Programs. Sanitation Superintendent Sides also provided the preliminary result of the entomology study by IT Corporation. Sanitation Recycling Supervisor Richmond provided an update on the Curbside Green Waste Collection Program. Sanitation Recycling Supervisor II Sanders presented a slide presentation showing examples of the existing MRFs (Materials Recovery Facilities) technology in the valley. SB 1082 - HAZARDOUS HATERIALS. Acting Fire Chief Kelly and Hazardous Materials Coordinator Huey presented information on the Hazardous Materials Division and Senate Bill 1082. Motion by McDermott to recess to APPROVED Closed Session at 6:15 p.m. 213 Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 2 CLOSED SESSION ACTION TAKEN Conference with Legal Counsel (existing litigation) pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) in the case of Evans vs. City of Bakersfleld, et al., Court of Appeals of the state of California Fifth Appellate District No. F016745, Kern County Superior Court Case No. 208234. Motion by DeMond to adjourn Closed Session at 6:40 p.m. SETTLEMENT OFFER WAS AUTHORIZED APPROVED REGULAR ME~ING - 7:00 P.M. - Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield 1. I~O~A~ON by Rick Roper, Director, First Assembly of God Church 2. pi r:nGE OF .ali ;=GLANCE 3. ROM. CAI. J_ ACTION TAKEN Present: Absent: Mayor Price, Councilmembers McDermott, Edwards, DeMond, Smith, Brunni, Rowles, Salvaggio None CLOSEDSESSION ACTION Mayor Price announced Closed Session action as reflected above. PRESENTA~ONS Mayor Price presented a proclamation proclaiming Friday, February 25, 1994 as "Dental Health Day" in the City of Bakersfield. Dr. Tom Armstrong, President, Kern County Dental Society, accepted the proclamation and recognized Dr. Rick Grabski, Peggy Grabski, members of the All Saints Church and Gail Mullen, Dental Health Specialist, Kern County Health Department. Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 3 214 5. PRESENTA~ONS ACTION TAKEN Do Mayor Price presented a plaque to Ed Schulz, Director of Public Works, acknowledging appreciation for his 27 years of service to the City, March 4, 1994 being his last day° Inez Don Carlos, Kern River Parkway Foundation, presented a letter propos- ing a landscaping project along the Bike Path at Truxtun Extension and Par Course, with funding being donated by Texaco Corporation. Brunni referred the issue to staff. 6e PUBLIC STATEMENTS Irma Carson, Director, Ebony Counseling Outpatient Substance Abuse Center, announced the 1st Annual Black American Expo Conference, February 25, 1994, at the Hill House° be Ilo Scatena announced the American Legion Convention, May 19 - 26, 1994, at the Red Lion. APPOINTMENTS CONSENT CAI;NDAR ae Voucher Nos. 6014 to 6467 inclusive, in the amount of $1,819,017.24 and Self Insurance Voucher Nos. 1558 to 1756 inclusive, in the amount of $83,450.62. be Minutes of the Workshop, Closed Session and Regular Meeting of February 9, 1994. Co Communication has been received from Rick Cole, Mayor, city of Pasadena, dated January 26, 1994, submitting their Resolution No. 7045 and request- ing Council consider adopting a similar resolution related to combatting rampant violence in the community through joint efforts at the Local, State and National levels. (Receive and refer to Police Department) REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION 215 Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 4 8. CONSENT CA~ ;:NDAR ACTION TAKEN Notices of Completion and acceptance of work: Contract No. 93-212 with Griffith Company for 4th Street culvert extension at the Kern Island Canal, completed February 7, 1994. Contract No. 93-198 with R.L. Morton Welding, Inc. for construc- tion of retaining wall and guard- rail at Manor Drive, completed February 1, 1994. Plans and Specifications for traffic signal modification on Wilson Road at Akers Road. (Ward 6) fJ Resolution approving Cultural Resource Designation Application by Robert E. McCarthy III, owner, for the Standard Oil Building located at 1800 19th Street and placement of the property on the Bakersfield Register of Historic Places in the City of Bakersfield. ge Resolution accepting street and lighting improvements on Lancer Drive and Lancer Court for maintenance by City of Bakers- field. (Ward 3) Amendment No. 3 to Lease Agreement No. 88-45 with the Bakersfield Senior Center, Inc. for an additional two years of storage facility use. Motion by McDermott to adopt Items (a) through (h) of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items c. and h. RES 24-94 RES 25-94 REMOVED FOR SEPARATE OONSIDERATIOI; APPROVED Communication has been received from Rick Cole, Mayor, City of Pasadena, dated January 26, 1994, submitting their Resolution No. 7045 and request- ing Council consider adopting a similar resolution related to combatting rampant violence in the community through joint efforts at the Local, State and National levels. (Receive and refer to Police Department) Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 5 21(~ 8. CONSF. NTCA~;NDAR continued ACTION T~%KEN Ce Motion by Edwards to refer Consent Calendar Item c. to the Police Depart- ment and Legislative and Litigation Committee. APPROVED Amendment No. 3 to Lease Agreement No. 88-45 with the Bakersfield Senior Center, Inc. for an additional two years of storage facility use. Motion by DeMond to adopt Item h. of the Consent Calendar. Acting City Attorney Skousen explained this is not a tie vote because the number of votes for and the number of votes against are not the same, nor did the motion pass because there are not four votes in favor. Three votes "aye" and three votes "nay" would make a tie. Abstentions do not make a tie. Motion by McDermott to refer Item h. to the Budget & Finance Committee. FAILED ABS MCDERMO~'I' BRUNNI ROWLES AB ElIWARDS APPROVED NS SALVAGGIO AB EUWARDS HEARINGS me Public Rearing as required by Resolution of Intention No. 1111 regarding assess- ments for Maintenance District 3, Divi- sion 5, McKee Road. (Ward 6) Mayor Price announced this is the first of two hearings to be held on this issue, with no action required tonight. Brunni absent due to conflict of interest. Assistant Public Works Director Kloepper provided background information. No one spoke at hearing. Hearing closed. McDermott inquired why McKee Road is being expanded incrementally. Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 6 9. HFJ~INGS continued ~TION TAKEN Public Hearing regarding Assessment District No. 93-2, Stine/Harris. (Resolution of Intention No. 1112} (Ward 6) Mayor Price announced this is the first of two hearings to be held on this issue, with no action required tonight. Rowles absent due to conflict of interest. Assistant Public Works Director Kloepper provided background information. No one spoke at hearing. Hearing closed. Appeal by Steve DeBranch, DeWalt Corpor- ation, of Planning Commission decision regarding Tentative Tract Map 5716. (Ward 4) Planning Director Hardisty provided background information. Hearing opened. Steve DeBranch, DeWalt Corporation, spoke in support and requested Condi- No. 13 of Exhibit "A" be removed as a condition of approval. George Shader, Marketing Director, Riverlakes Ranch, referred to the December 1, 1993 and January 6, 1994 letters from Riverlakes to the Planning Commission and their position on this project, requesting removal of the open space requirement. Hearing closed. Rowles recommended the issue of small lots, the "anemity recommendations" from Urban Development Committee, be referred back to that committee for review. Motion by Brunni to adopt Resolution overturning the Planning Commission decision, approving Tentative Tract 5716, subject to Conditions of approval (Exhibit A) with the deletion of Condi- tion No. 13. RES 26-94 APPI~DVED NS EUWARDS DEMOND Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 7 ~ 9. HEARINGS continued ACTION T~KEN Hearing for consideration of an Ordin- ance amending Ordinance No. 3573 of Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municlpal Code and Zoning Map No. 102-20 regard- ing the school fee requirement with a proposed change to Condition No. 3. (Ward 4) Planning Director Hardisty provided background information. Hearing opened. Steve DeBranch, DeWalt Corporation, spoke in support. Hearing closed. Brunni stated she spoke with Dr. Carl Olson, Superintendent, Fruitvale School District, and suggested the applicant, Mr. Olson, and City staff confer with each other prior to the Ordinance returning to Council. FR 10. R~PO~ ae Budget & Finance Committee Report No. 1-94 regarding Prevailing Wage Ad Hoo Task Force. John Spaulding, Executive Secretary, Kern County Building Trades, spoke regarding the Ad Hoc Task Force applicant selection. City Clerk Williams announced Marvin Dean expressed his concern, by phone, of the lack of minority representatives on the committee. Motion by McDermott to accept Report. APPROVED Motion by HcDermott to appoint James A. Chilko, J. Dale Hawley, John Lencioni, Robert E. McCarthy, John R. Tarjan and Leroy C. Weygand, as recommendedby Budget & Finance Committee, to the Prevailing Wage AdHoc Task Force. APPROVED NS EUWARDS Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 8 10. REPORT~ continued ACTION TAKEN Motion by McDermott to expand the size of the Task Force to nine members and appoint Michael S. Abril, Daniel J. Kane and Robert A. Patterson. NAT Salvaggio requested McDermott amend his motion to expand the size of the Task Force to eight members and appoint Michael S. Abril and Daniel J. Kane. Amended motion by McDermott to expand the size of the Task Force to eight members and appoint Michael S. Abril and Daniel J. Kane. APPROVED NS ROWLES Mayor Price announced a 10-minute recess at 9:05 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Mayor Price announced William Chipp wishes to speak under Public State- ments when the loitering ordinances are placed back on the agenda, and City Clerk to notify him. 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS ae Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map Nos. 104-19, 104-20, 104-21 and 104-29 by prezoning property southeast of Freeway 17S and Kern Canyon Road. (Kern Canyon Road No. I Annexation) (Ward 3) (First Reading February 9, 1994) ORD 3579 Motion by Smith to adopt Ordinance. APPROVED Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 9 22O 12. NEW BUSINESS ACTION TAKEN Ordinance amending Chapter 17.60 and Chapter 17.04 of Title 17 of the Bakers- field Municipal Code relating to signs and associated definitions, respectively. Planning Director Hardisty provided background information. HotionbyBrunni tog ire First Reading to Ordinance and refer it to Urban Development Committee. FR APPROVED Ce Ordinance adding College No. 5 Annexa- tion to Ward 3, located at the south- east corner of Morning Drive and College Avenue. (Ward 3) Ordinance adding Subsectlon J. and K. to Section 17.64.070 and amending Subsection E. of Section 17.64.140 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relat- ing to reapplication for conditional use permits, modifications and zone changes. Planning Director Hardisty provided background information. Rowles requested copies of written comments from Building Industry Associ- ation (BIA) and Bakersfield Association of Realtors, if available, and asked if written correspondence could be a standard inclusion in these documents. FR Hotion by McDermott to refer this proposed amended Ordinance to Planning Commission to conduct appropriate hearings. APPROVED Resolution amending Resolutlon No. 116-93 adopting fees and service charges pursuant to the Revenue/cost Comparison System under Chapter 3.70 of the Bakers- field Municipal Code. (Reduces softball fees $25 per team) Community Services Manager Andersen provided background information. RES 27-94 Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 10 12. NL%~BUSlNESS continued ACTION TAKEN Hotion by Brunni to leave the existing fee as is. FAILED NS EUWARDS DEHOND SMITH ROWLES SALVAGGIO Motion by Edwards to adopt Resolution. APPROVED NS MCDERMOTT Resolution declaring intent to reim- burse expenditures from the proceeds of subsequent refunding bonds therefor and directing certain related actions and authorizing temporary appropriation of Sewer Enterprise Revenues for current redemption of Assessment District No. 86-2 Improvement Bonds. Finance Director Klimko provide back- ground information. Motion by Brunni to adopt Resolution. RES 28-94 APPROVED Resolution ca11ing a Special Municipal Election for the purpose of submitting to the voters a question relating to forming a City-Wide Park Maintenance District and requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern to order consolidation of said election with the State of California Direct Primary Election to be held Tuesday, June 7, 1994. Assistant City Manager Stinson provided background information and introduced Steve Hawkins, Consultant, who explained the Preliminary Engineer's Report. Brunni requested staff report on City landscape costs and park maintenance costs, acre for acre and line item byline item in our budget, compared to North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District costs. Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 11 222 12. NEWBUSINESS continued ACTION TAKEN Motion byBrunni to adopt Resolution amending the election date to November 8, 1994. NAT Amended motion by Brunni to adopt Resolution amending the election date to November 8, 1994 with staff to modify the language of the question proposed to voters and bring back to Council. FAILED NS MCDERMOTT EUWARDS SMITH ROWLES ge Finanoing Agreement pursuant to Section 801 and addendum to Ballroom Lease Agreement No. 94-12 of the Bakersfleld Convention Center Hotel Disposition and Development Agreement° City Manager Tandy provided background information. Motion by McDermott to approve Agree- ment. AGR 94-30 APPROVED City Council Goals. Motion by DeMond to approve, with the capability to make recommendations for future changes. APPROVED ABS BRUNNI 13. COUNCILSTATEMENTS McDermott referred to Public Works corres- pondence from constituents regarding speed bumps and requested to be involved in dis- cussions with the residents. McDermott referred to Budget & Finance Committee to review and report back to Council a memo from Mayor Price regarding Sister City delegation and invitation for the City to participate in the grand open- ing of their major project this summer. Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 12 13. COUNCILSTATEMENTS continued ACTION TAKEN $alvaggio commented on Brunni's referral regarding the Kern River Parkway Foundation and Texaco Kern River Bike Path landscaping proposal and requested staff expedite this project. Salvaggio referred to staff a memo from Chief Brummer regarding Kern River Bike Path cellular phones (call boxes). Salvaggio requested a new updated phone list card for Council. DeHond referred to staff to report back on maintenance costs per phone for Kern River Bike Path. DeNond referred to staff the obsolete/ unused street lights on 19th Street. Brunni referred to Assistant city Attorney $kousen and Water Department correspondence regarding Vaughn Water Company water rates. Brunni referred to staff the cost estimate given for development of a park in the Tevis Ranch area and the disparity in development costs for parks improvements. Brunni referred to Public Works the possi- bility of posting Brimhall Road as "No Parking". Brunni mentioned the next two Planning Commission meetings were cancelled due to lack of business and expressed her interest in the Planning Commission applications. Brunni referred to staff traffic impact fees and clarification of how we fund the unfundedportions of specific improvements, ie. traffic signals. Bakersfield, California, February 23, 1994 - Page 13 224 13. COUNCIL STATEMENTS continued ACTION T~KEN Mayor Price requested to meet with Acting City Attorney Skousen to discuss Robert's Rules of Order. Rowles commented on the City-Wide Park Maintenance District and advised the voters need to be told the level of service will be maintained or increased, a significant savings to consolidations and disparity of cost will be resolved. Rowles referred to Assistant Public Works Director Kloepper the issue of maintaining the intersection by the park on Bahamas due to the impact of traffic activity. Rowles referred to Urban Development Comm;ttee a request for an update on the speed bump program and notification of residents. Edwards referred to staff the possibility of a community (summit) meeting to address crime and violence in this city. 14. ADJOURNM~F Motion by McDermott at 11:00 p.m. APPROVED ATTEST: ~OR of the/City of Bakersfield, CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, CA CA FEB23.MIN 3/10/94 3:37pa