HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 15, 2004 AGENDA REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Thursday, January 15, 2004 - 5:30 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall 1. ROLL CALL: DAVID GAY, Chairman MURRAY TRAGISH, Vice Chairman TED BLOCKLEY BURTON R. ELLISON BARBARA LOMAS JOHN S. SPENCER JEFFREY TKAC 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS: 4. CONSENT CALENDER: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items 4.1 a Approval of Public Resources Code Section 21151.2 review for a new high school at the southwest corner of Allen Road and Kratzmeyer Road/Olive Drive. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 4) Group Vote 4.2 Public Hearing Items 4.2a Approve continuance to the February 5, 2004 Planning Commission meeting of Zone Change No. 03-1133 (Aera Energy, LLC) located north of Paladino Drive, west of the proposed Morning Drive alignment, northwest quarter of Section 7, T29S, R29E. (Negative Declaration on file) (Continue from December 4, 2003) (Agenda Item 6.1) A zone change from A (Agriculture) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and A- HD (Agricultural-Hillside Development) to R-1-HD (One Family Dwelling- Hillside Development) on 160 +/- acres. (Ward 3) • The order of the agenda may change to accommodate consent item requests submitted prior to the Thursday meeting. Agenda, PC, Thursday, January 1S. 2DD4 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 4.2b (McIntosh and Assoc.) located north of Snow Rmmd, east of the Frimnt-Kern Cmnm|, gmnmnm||y west of Cm||ovvmy Drive. (Negative Declaration of file) (Agenda Item Q.2) A zone change from A (4ghcu|tune) tnanE (Estate) zone nn74.35acres and tnaO| (Drilling Island) zone nn2.5acres. (Ward 4) 4.2c Approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 11051 (McIntosh and Associates) located on the southwest corner ofBrimnhm|| Road and Cm||ovvmy Drive. (Negative Declaration on file) (Agenda Item 7) Containing three parcels on 4.08 acres for purposes of commercial development, zoned C'2 (Regional Commercial) and a request tnwaive mineral rights signatures pursuant tnBK8C1G.2O.OGOB.1. (Ward 4) 4.2d Approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6283 Phased) (0m|mnmrtmr & 0mifa|) located on the northwest corner ofStine and McKee Roads. (Negative Declaration onfile) (Agenda Item Q.3) Containing 25 lots on 16.14 acres for purposes of single and multiple family development zoned R'2 (Limited K8u|Up|e Family Dwelling) including a request for alternate lot and street design and a waiver of mineral rights owners signatures pursuant tnBK8C1G.2O.OGOB.2. (Ward G) 4.2m Approve continuance to the February 5, 2004 Planning Commission meeting of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6256 (Porter-Robertson Eng.) located on the southwest corner ofPm|mdino Drive (mmtmndmd) and Lamplight Street. (Negative Declaration on file) (Agenda Item 8.7) Containing 33 lots for single family residential purposes on 10.01 acres zoned R-1 HO (One Family Dwelling — Hillside Development) and a request for a modification to allow reverse corner lots, private streets, non-radial/non-perpendicular lot |ines, double frontage |nts, centerline radii be|nvv standand, and a waiver of mineral rights owners signatures pursuant to BK8C 16.20.060 B.1. (Ward 3) 4.2f Approve continuance to the February 5, 2004 Planning Commission meeting of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6202 (Porter-Robertson Eng.) gmnmnm||y located on the south side of Pm|mdino Drive (extended) between Fairfax Road and Morning Drive. (Negative Declaration onfile) (Agenda Item Q.Q) Containing 02 lots for single family residential purposes and a sump lot on 53.81 acres zoned R'1 (One Family Ovve||ing), R'1 HO (One Family Dwelling — Hillside Development) and R'2 (Limited K8u|Up|e Family Dwelling) and a request for a modification to a||nvv reverse corner |nts, private streets, non-radial/non-perpendicular lot |ines, double frontage lots, block lengths that exceed standand, and a waiver of mineral rights owners signatures pursuant tnBK8C1G.2O.OGOB.1. (Ward 3) Agenda, PC, Thursday, January 1S. 2DD4 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) FOR THE PROPOSED ALLEN ROAD CROSSING AT THE KERN RIVER._ PUBLIC SCOPING MEETING TO DISCUSS THE CONTENT OF THE (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Receive comments and refer tostaff. -' PUBLIC HEARINGS —Zone Changes 0.1 (4eno Energy. LLC) located north nfPa|adinn Ohms, west of the proposed Morning Drive alignment, northwest quarter of Section 7, T208. R20E. (Negative Declaration on file) (Continue from December 4, 2003) (See Consent Agenda Item 4.2a) A zone change from A (Agriculture) to R'1 (One Family Dwelling) and A-HD (Agricultural-Hillside Development) to R-1-HD (One Family Dwelling-Hillside Development) nn1GO +/- acres. (Ward 3) RECOMMENDATION: Continue tn February 5. 2OO4. Planning Commission meeting. 6.2 (McIntosh and Assoc.) located north of Snow Rnad, east of the Fhant'Kern Cana|, generally west of Calloway Drive. (Negative Declaration nffile) (See Consent Agenda Item 4.2b) Aznne change from A (4ghcu|tune) tn an E (Estate) zone on 74.35 acres and tn aO| (Drilling Island) zone nn2.5acres. (Ward 4) 7. (McIntosh and Associates) located on the southwest corner of Bhmha|| Road and Calloway Drive. (Negative Declaration nnfile) (See Consent Agenda Item 4.2c) Containing three parcels on 4.08 acres for purposes of commercial development, zoned C'2 (Regional Commercial) and a request to waive mineral rights signatures pursuant to BK8C 16.20.060 B.1. (Ward 4) 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS —Tentative Tract Maps 8.1m Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6250 (McIntosh and Associates) generally located on the west side ofJexxet m Avenue' approximately 600 feet north ofStockdm|eHighway. (Negative Declaration onfile) Containing 425 lots for purposes of single family development, seven lots for private parks, and 28 private landscape lots on 103.88 acres, zoned R'1 (One Family Dwelling) including a request for alternate lot and street design, and a request to waive mineral rights owners signatures pursuant to BK8C 16.20.060 B.1. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll Call Vote: Agenda, PC, Thursday, January 1S. 2DD4 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 8.1b (McIntosh and Associates) generally located on the west side ofJexxetm Avenue' approximately 600 feet north ofStockdm|eHighway. (Negative Declaration onfile) A zone change from R'1 (One Family Dwelling) to a PUO (Planned Unit Development) zone on 104.46 acres for purposes of a private street single family residential deve|npment, including private parks and other private landscape areas. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll Call Vote: 8.2 Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6254 (McIntosh and Associates) located on the north side of BhmhaU Road, approximately 1.000 hssd east of Jewet a Avenue. (Negative Declaration on file) Containing 17 lots for purposes of multiple family development, one lot for recreational amenity, and one sump lot zoned R-2 (Limited K8u|Up|e Family Dwelling) including a request tn approve access byprivate easement pursuant tn BK8C 16.28.100(A)(2) and a request to waive mineral rights owners signatures pursuant to BK8C 16.20.060 B.1. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Withdrawn 8.3 (Oe|marter & Oeihs|) located on the northwest corner of Stine and McKee Roads. (Negative Oec|anoUnn on file) (Consent Agenda Item 4.2d) Containing 25 lots on 16.14 acres for purposes of single and multiple family development zoned R'2 (Limited K8u|Up|e Family Dwelling) including a request for alternate lot and street design and a waiver of mineral rights owners signatures pursuant to BK8C 16.20.060 B.2. (Ward G) 8.4 Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6243 (Porter-Robertson Eng.) located within the Rio Bravo County Club mnom' west of Donm|do Street. (Negative Declaration on file) (Continued from November 6 and December 4, 2003) Containing 37 lots for single family residential purposes on 12.02 acres zoned R- 1 (One Family Dwelling). The application includes a request to a||nvv private stneets, reverse corner |nts, streets that do not meet the minimum radius standard, non-radial/non-perpendicular lot |ines, and a waiver of mineral rights owners signatures pursuant to BK8C Section 16.20.060 B.1. (Ward 3) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll Call Vote: 8.5 Vesting Tentative Tract No. 5516 (Porter-Robertson Eng.) located within the Rio Bravo gated community southeast of Vista Grande. (Negative Declaration on file) Agenda, PC, Thursday, January 1S. 2DD4 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page Containing 139 lots for single family residential purposes of 74.47 acres zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and R-1-HD (One Family Dwelling — Hillside Development) and a request for modification tn allow reverse corner lots, private streets, non-radial/non-perpendicular lot lines, block lengths that exceed 1.000 hssd, curve radii below standard, and a waiver nfmineral rights owners signatures pursuant to BK8C 16.20.060 B.1. (Ward 3) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll Call Vote: 8.6 Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5517 (Porter-Robertson Eng.) located within the Rio Bravo gated community north and south of Vim Napoli (extended). (Negative Declaration on file) Containing 86 lots for single family residential purposes on 56.04 acres zoned R'1 (One Family Dwelling) and R-1-HD (One Family Dwelling — Hillside Development) and a request for modification to a||nvv reverse corner |nts, private streets, non-radial/non-perpendicular lot |ines, curve radii be|nvv standard and a waiver of mineral rights owners signatures pursuant to BK8C 16.20.060 B.1. (Ward 3) RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll Call Vote: 87 Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6256 (Porter-Robertson Eng.)_|ncated on the southwest corner nfPa|adinn Drive (extended) and Lamplight EXnesd. (Negative Declaration nnfile) (Consent Agenda Item 4.2e) Containing 33 lots for single family residential purposes on 10.91 acres zoned R'1 HO (One Family Dwelling — Hillside Development) and a request for a modification to a||nvv reverse corner |nts, private stneets, non-radial/non- perpendicular lot lines, double frontage |nts, centerline radii below standard, and a waiver of mineral rights owners signatures pursuant to BK8C 16.20.060 B.1. (Ward 3) RECOMMENDATION: Continue tn February 5. 2OO4. Planning Commission meeting. 8.8 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6202 (Porter-Robertson Eng.) generally located nn the south side nfPa|adinn Drive (extended) between Fairfax Road and Morning Drive. (Negative Declaration nnfile) (Consent Agenda Item 4.20 Containing 02 lots for single family residential purposes and a sump lot on 53.81 acres zoned R'1 (One Family Ovve||ing), R'1 HO (One Family Dwelling — Hillside Development) and R'2 (Limited K8u|Up|e Family Dwelling) and a request for a modification to a||nvv reverse corner |nts, private stneets, non-radial/non- perpendicular lot |ines, double frontage |nts, block lengths that exceed standand, and a waiver nf mineral rights owners signatures pursuant to BK8C 16.20.060 B.1. (Ward 3) RECOMMENDATION: Continue tn February 5. 2OO4. Planning Commission meeting. Agenda, PC, Thursday, January 15, 2004 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 6 9. COMMUNICATIONS: 10. (COMMISSION COMMENTS: 11. ADJOURNMEIVIT: STANLEY GRADY, Secretary Planning Director March 9,2004