HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 134-94 A RESOLUTION APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE BLUE AND WHITE COLLAR UNITS AND ADOPTING SALARY SCHEDULE AND RELATED BENEFITS. WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, Section 12, authorizes the City Council to provide for salaries and related benefits for officers and employees of the City; and WHEREAS, in compliance with the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act of the State of California, the City has met and conferred in good faith with the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.), which represents employees of the City's Blue and White Collar Units; and WHEREAS, the City's negotiator and the S.E.I.U. have agreed upon salaries and benefits for said Units; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the salaries and related benefits as agreed upon by the City's negotiator and the S.E.I.U. are acceptable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. That Resolution No. 57-92, together with amendatory resolutions, to the extent the same applies to employees in the Blue and White Collar Units, is superseded by this Resolution. 2. That the attached Memorandum of Understanding for the Blue and White Collar Units is hereby approved, setting salaries and benefits for employees in said Units. 3. That, effective December 27, 1993, except as otherwise provided in the Resolution, the attached salary schedule covering Blue and White Collar Units shall constitute the salaries for employees in the categories and positions specified therein and that the whole of said attachment is hereby incorporated and approved as a part of the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Bakersfield and the S.E.I.U. for Blue and White Collar Units. 4. That the schedule of paid holidays set forth in the attached Memorandum of Understanding is hereby adopted and approved for employees in the Blue and White Collar Units. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on AU~ 1~ 1~% , by the following vote: COUNCiLMEMBERS McDERMOTT, L:gW~MID~ [:[elvlOl~), ~MITH BRUNN, ROWLES, SALVA~IGIO COUNCILM~M:. ~ ' AI~TAIN: COU NClclvic~idEHS ~; COUNCILMEMBERS CITY CLERK and EX OFFICIO CLERK of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AUG 1 0 199% MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: Un S' OUSEN J ~/~CITY ATTORNEY of the y of Bakersfield JM/kec RES.94\B&WSAL.BEN 4-2-92 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND THE KERN COUNTY PUBLIC EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC,, LOCAL 700 SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL/CIO January 1, 1994 - January 1, 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I - PURPOSE .......................................... 1 ARTICLE II - RECOGNITION ...................................... 1 Section 1 ............................................... 1 Section 2 ............................................... 1 Section 3 ............................................... 1 ARTICLE III - TERM OF AGREEMENT ............................... I ARTICLE IV - RENEWAL ......................................... I ARTICLE V - MAINTENANCE OF BENEFITS ........................... 2 Section 1 ............................................... 2 Section 2 ............................................... 2 ARTICLE VI - REPRESENTATION - UNION OFFICERS .................... 2 Section 1 ............................................... 2 Section 2 ............................................... 2 Section 3 ............................................... 2 Section 4 ............................................... 2 ARTICLE VII - UNION STEWARDS .................................. 2 Section 1 ............................................... 2 Section 2 ............................................... 2 Section 3 ............................................... 2 ARTICLE VIII - NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT ............................ 2 ARTICLE IX - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ............................... 3 ARTICLE X - RESERVED ......................................... 3 ARTICLE Xl - PROCESSING OF FORMAL GRIEVANCES .................. Section 1 ............................................... 3 3 Section 2 ............................................... 3 Section 3 ............................................... 3 Section 4 ............................................... 3 Section 5 ............................................... 3 ARTICLE XII - EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT .................... 4 ARTICLE Xlll - PERS PICK-UP ..................................... 4 ARTICLE XlV - COMPENSATION ................................... 4 ARTICLE XV - STAND-BY PAY ..................................... 4 ARTICLE XVl - RETIREMENT ...................................... 5 ARTICLE XVII - PROMOTIONS ..................................... 5 ARTICLE XVlII - CITY INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION ..................... 5 Medical, Vision and Dental Benefits ............................ 5 Ufe Insurance ............................................ 5 ARTICLE XlX - HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................... 5 Section 1 ............................................... 5 Section 2 ............................................... 5 Section 3 ............................................... 5 Section 4 ............................................... 6 Section 5 ............................................... 6 Section 6 ............................................... 6 ARTICLE XX - SAFETY EQUIPMENT ................................ 6 ARTICLE XXl - TRAINING ......................................... 6 ARTICLE XXII - PREMIUM COMPENSATION ........................... 6 Section 1 ................................................ 6 Section 2 ................................................ 7 Section 3 ................................................ 7 ARTICLE XXlII - HOLIDAYS ....................................... 7 Floating Holidays .......................................... 8 Sanitation Holidays ........................................ 8 ARTICLE XXIV - SHIFT ASSIGNMENTS .............................. 9 ARTICLE XXV - SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL ............................... 9 ARTICLE XXVI - UNIFORM ALLOWANCE ............................. 9 ARTICLE XXVII - TOOL ALLOWANCE ................................ 9 ARTICLE XXVIII - COMPENSATORY TIME ............................. 9 ARTICLE XXIX - SICK LEAVE ...................................... 10 ARTICLE XXX - PERSONAL NECESSITY LEAVE ........................ 10 ARTICLE XXXl - DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ..................... 10 ARTICLE XXXll - PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS ............................ 10 ARTICLE XXXIII - CLASSIFICATION REQUESTS ........................ 10 ARTICLE XXXlV - COMMITTEES ................................... 11 ARTICLE XXXV - LONGEVITY PROGRAM ............................. 11 ARTICLE XXXVI - RETIREE MEDICAL ................................ 11 ARTICLE XXXVII - TRAINING STEP .................................. 11 ARTICLE XXXVlII - DRUG TESTING ................................. 12 Introduction ............................................. 12 Authority for Testing ....................................... 12 Conditions Allowing for Testing ............................... 12 Testing Procedure ......................................... 12 Testing Agent ............................................ 12 ARTICLE XXXIX - COURT CALL BACK ............................... 12 ARTICLE XL - VACATION ........................................ 13 ARTICLE XLI - STATE CERTIFICATIONS .............................. 13 ARTICLE XLII - JURY DUTY ....................................... 13 ARTICLE XLIII - IRS 125 PROGRAM ................................. 13 ARTICLE XLIV - RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT .......................... 13 ARTICLE XLV - PAYROLL CHANGES ................................ 13 ARTICLE XLVI - AGENCY SHOP ................................... 14 Service Fee .............................................. 14 Service Fee Complaint Procedure .............................. 15 Informal Mediation .................................... 15 Selection of Arbitrator ................................. 15 iii Date for Complaint Hearing ............................. 15 Payment of Costs .................................... 16 Effect of Arbitrator's Decision ............................ 16 ARTICLE XLVII - CITY CHARTER CHANGES ........................... 16 ARTICLE XLVlII - CITY CODE MODIFICATIONS ......................... 16 ARTICLE XUX - SDI ELECTION .................................... 16 ARTICLE L- SEVERABILITY ....................................... 16 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF THE KERN COUNTY PUBLIC EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC., LOCAL 700 SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL/ClO The duly authorized representatives of the City of Bakersfield, herein after referred to as ~rhe City" and the Kern County Public Employees Association, Inc., Local 700, Sewice Employees International Union, AFIJClO, hereinafter referred to as "The Union', having met and conferred in good faith concerning the issues of wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment, as herein set forth, declare their agreement to the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding. ARTICLE I - PURPOSE It is the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding to promote end provide the harmonious relations, cooperation and understanding between Management and the employees covered by this Memorandum; to provide an orderly and equitable means of resolving any misunderstanding; and to set forth the full and entire understanding of the parties reached as a result of good faith meeting and conferring regarding the wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment covered by this Memorandum. ARTICLE II - RECOGNITION Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the City Employer-Employee Relations Ordinance, Supplemental Rules and Regulations and applicable State law, the Kern County Public Employees Association, Inc., Local 700, S.E.I.U., AF[./CIO is recognized as the majority representative of the City employees in the Blue Collar Unit and While Collar Unit and as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employees in said Units. Section 2. The term "employee" or "employees" as used herein shall refer only to the regular and probationary employees employed by the City in said Unit in the employees classifications comprising said Units as well as such classes as may be added hereafter by mutual agreement between the City and the Union according to the provisions of the City Empioyer-Empioyea Relations Ordinance. Section 3. Nothing contained in this Memorandum shall prohibit any employee of the Blue Collar Unit or White Collar Unit of the City of Bakersfield, who is not a member of S.E.I.U., Local 700 from appearing in his/her own behalf in his/her employment relations with the City. ARTICLE III - TERM OF AGREEMENT The City and the Union agree that the term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 1994, and expire at 12:00 midnight on January 1, 1996. ARTICLE IV - RENEWAL Except as provided herein, the City and the Union agree that, for the term of this Agreement, each party waives the dght and each agrees that the other party shall not be obligated to meat and confer with respect to any subject or matter pertaining to or covered by this Agreement, except as to meeting and conferring over the renewal or continuation of this Agreement. The City and the Union further agree that meeting and conferring over the renewal or continuation of this Agreement shall be initiated and conducted in accordance with the applicable sections of the City of Bakersfield Employer-Employee Relations Ordinance, Supplemental Rules and Regulations and that every effort will be made to reach an agreement prior to the expiration of this Agreement on January 1, 1996. It is further agreed that nothing in this Agreement shall in any way diminish the rights of the employees, the City or the Union as established by the Meyers-Milles-Brown Act of the State of California and all amendments thereto, except as herein provided. ARTICLE V - MAINTENANCE OF BENEFITS Section 1. The City and the Union agree that the following benefits shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement: Hours of Work, Call-Back, Overtime, Jury Duty, Sick Leave and Vacation except as modified herein. Section 2. It is understood that existing ordinances, resolutions and policies of the City cover matters pertaining to employer-employee relations including, but not limited to, salaries, wages, benefits, hours and other terms and conditions of employment. Therefore, it is agreed that all such ordinances, resolutions and policies including the City of Bakersfield Employer-Employee Relations Ordinance, Supplemental Rules and Regulations are hereby incorporated herein as though set forth in full. ARTICLE Vl - REPRESENTATION - UNION OFFICERS Section 1. The City and the Union agree that Union Officers and Representatives will be allowed to meet with City Management on City time for the purpose of meeting and confen'ing in good faith without loss of pay or any benefits. Section 2. The Union agrees to provide the City Human Resources Manager with a list of the Union Officers and Representatives with their job classification, who are authorized to meet and confer in good faith. Section 3. The City agrees that authorized Union staff members shall be given access to work locations during working hours to conduct Union grievance investigations and/or observe working conditions. Such visits are to be made in accordance with the procedures outlined in the applicable sections of the City of Bakersfield Employer-Employee Relations Ordinance, Supplemental Rules and Regulations. Section 4. The City agrees to allow authorized Union representatives access in City facilities before and atter working hours in order to present facts regarding benefit programs. ARTICLE VII - UNION STEWARDS Section 1. The City agrees that the Union may designate up to ten (10) Stewards per Bargaining Unit to represent employees in the processing of grievances. It is further agreed the Union may designate alternate Stewards for use when a Steward is on an approved leave of absence or vacation. Section 2. The Union shall furnish Management Representatives with a written list identifying by name and work location all regular and alternate Stewards and the list shall be kept current by the Union at times. Section 3. The Steward is to begin investigating a grievance only after the employee has tried to resolve the problem with his/her immediate supervisor and the two parties failed to reach a resolution of the problem. ARTICLE VIII - NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT The City and the Union agree that during the term of this Agreement the City will not lockout employees and the Union will not engage in labor practices detrimental to providing services to the citizens of Bakersfield; or detrimental to the interests of the City, nor will the Union sanction, support, condone 2 approve or engage in any strike, sick-in, slow down, work stoppage or speed ups. The City and the Union further agree that all matters of controversy coming within the scope of this Agreement will be settled by established grievance procedures. ARTICLE IX - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS The parties hereto recognize the City has and will retain the exclusive dght to manage and direct the performance of City services and the work forces pe~orming such services. The City and Union agree that nothing in this Memorandum of Understanding shall in any way abridge, restdct or modify the rights and prerogatives of the City and its employees as set forth in Sections 3.16.040, 3.16.050 and 3.16.060 (c) of Ordinance No. 2154 and said sections are hereby incorporated by this reference and made a part hereof as though set forth in full. The City shall, however, give the Union reasonable notice of any plan to contract work currently performed by Union Members. Upon request, the City will meet with the Union to explain the reason for the decision to contract out and to solicit Union views on the proposal. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the right of the City Council to contract out work in its sole discretion. ARTICLE X - RESERVED ARTICLE YJ - PROCESSING OF FORMAL GRIEVANCES Section 1. The Union agrees that whenever investigations or processing of a grievance is to be transacted dudng working hours, only the amount of time necessary to bring about a prompt disposition of the matter will be utilized. Section 2. Stewards will be permitted reasonable time off with pay for the investigation and processing of grievances. Stewards, when leaving their work locations to transact such investigations or processing, shall first obtain permission from the Department Head or his/her designees and inform him/her of the nature of the business. Permission to leave will be granted promptly unless such absence would cause an undue interruption of work. Section 3. Upon entering a work location, the Steward shall inform the cognizant Department Head and Supervisor of the nature of his/her business. Permission to leave the job, but not the location, will be granted promptly to the employee unless such absence would cause undue interruption of work. If the employee cannot be made available the Steward will be immediately informed when the employee will be made available. Section 4. The parties agree that all formal grievances will be processed in accordance with the City's grievance procedure. The parties also agree that any grievance over the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement may be submitted through the grievance procedure for resolution. Section 5. The City agrees to alter its formal grievance procedure as follows: Grievances which are not settled pursuant to the grievance procedure at the City Manager's level shall be further considered in the following manner: Upon written response from the City Manager, the affected employee shall have the option of a third party advisory review. Such advisory review shall be conducted as follows: The City and Union shall select one representative for the purpose of selecting a third party who shall hold a hearing for the purpose of reviewing the City Manager's decision. 3 The agreed to third party, shall, as soon as practical, but not later than thirty (30) days, hold closed hearings on the grievance which shall be held in conformity to normal hearing procedures. Either the City or the Union may call any employee as a witness and the City agrees to release said witness from work if he/she is on duty. Any employee called as a witness by the City shall be debited for any hours not worked while on such call, Employees called by the Union may be reimbursed by the Union for any loss of pay for time off. The third party shall have no power to alter, amend, change, add to or subtract from any of the terms of this Memorandum. The opinion of the third party shall be based solely upon the evidence and arguments given by the respective parties in the presence of each other. E. Either party may be represented by legal counsel. Parties shall pay their own expenses except for the third party whose expenses shall be shared equally. The opinion of the third party shall be stdctly advisory and shall be submitted to the employee or his/her designated representative and to the City Manager for his/her further consideration. No opinion of the third party shall require the exercise of the legislative authorfly of the City Council nor shall it contravene any existing City Ordinance, City Charter or State law. The opinion of the third party shall be in writing within twenty (20) days from the close of the hearing. ARTICLE XII - EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT The City and the Union agree that the provisions of this Agreement shall be applied equally to all employees covered herein without favor or discrimination because of race, creed, color, sex, age handicap, marital status, national origin, political or religious affiliations or union membership. ARTICLE XIII - PERS PICK-UP At the beginning of the employee's seventh (7th) uninterrupted year of service, the City will pay the full portion of the normal contributions required to be paid by the employee to the Public Employees' Retirement System. Such payments by the City shall be reported as normal contributions and shall be credited to said employees' accounts pursuant to Government Code Section 20615. This PERS pick-up is done in accordance with Section 414H (2) of the Internal Revenue Code. ARTICLE XlV. COMPENSATION Effective December 27, 1993, salary ranges shall be increased by two point five percent (2.5%) for all classifications covered under the terms of this Agreement and employed at the time of its execution. EffectNe January 9, 1995, the salary ranges shall be increased by three percent (3%) for all classifications. ARTICLE XV. STAND-BY PAY The City and the Union agree that when an employee is officially designated by management to remain available to return to work at any time during specific hours outside of normal working hours the employee shall receive twenty five dollars ($25) per each eight (8) hours on stand-by or faction thereof. Such pay shall be in addition to any call-back compensation. To the extent feasible, the parties agree that stand-by shall be assigned on an equitable basis to all eligible employees. 4 ARTICLE XVI - RETIREMENT The City shall maintain in effect the existing two percent (2%) at 55 retirement formula. As soon as possible, the City shall amends its contract with PERS to provide the level three (3) 1959 survivors benefits (Section 21382.4) ARTICLE XVII - PROMOTIONS The City agrees that whenever there are, in the employ of the City, a sufficient number of employees who meet the minimum qualifications for en open position and have performed at the standard level or above, the job examination for that position shall be given on a promotional basis. ARTICLE XVIII - CITY INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION The City and Union have agreed that all future meeting and conferring and decisions regarding the structure of medical/dental insurance coverages shall take place through the Joint City/Employee Medical Insurance Committee. The Committee shall consist of representatives from each Unit and the City. There shall be a good faith effort to make all decisions by October 31 of each year. Discussions as to the City's contribution toward medical/dental insurance shall continue to be determined through the formal meet and confer process between the City and the individual Units. Medical, Vision and Dental Benefits. The City and employees shall share bi-weekly contributions towards a medical, vision and dental plan for all employees of these Units subject to the following contributions: Eligible Fee Dental HMO Dental Fee Dental HMO Dental Employee Fee Health HMO Health HMO Health Fee Health Contribution Vision Vision Vision Vision Employee 80% 80% 80% 80% 20% only Employee + 1 80% 80% 80% 80% 20% Family 80% 80% 80% 80% 20% Life Insurance. For the term of this Agreement, the City shall maintain in effect the existing life insurance coverage of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000). ARTICLE XIX - HEALTH AND SAFETY Section 1. The City and the Union agree to abide by all provisions of the California Plan approved in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and any legislation as may be passed by the State of California to implement that plan. Section 2. The City agrees that eny safety courses the employees are required to take will be provided on City time with pay. Section 3. The City agrees to maintain a Safety Program in accordance with and where required by law. 5 Section 4. The Union agrees to support without qualification, the City's Safety Program and will encourage its members to attend safety courses and to obtain First Aid Certificates if required by the City and made available on City time. Section 5. Both the City and the Union recognize the need and will strive to reduce the number of industrial injudes among the employees. Employees are expected to report for work in suitable clothing including appropriate footwear for the type of work to be performed. Section 6. It is the duty of Management to make every reasonable effort to provide and maintain a safe place of employment. Local 700 will cooperate by encouraging all employoos to perform their work in a safe manner. It is the duty of all employees in the course of performing their regularly assigned duties to be alert to unsafe practices, equipment and conditions and to report any such unsafe practices or conditions to their immediate supervisors. If such condition cannot be satisfactorily remedied by his/her immediate supervisor, any employee has the right to submit the matter either personally or through the Steward to his/her Department Head or his/her designated representative. ARTICLE XX - SAFETY EQUIPMENT The City and the Union agree that the City will either provide all safety equipment required by the City or will reimburse the employee for purchasing the equipment whenever such equipment has been required by the City as necessary on the job. Such equipment shall include, but not be limited to, safety shoes, safety glasses, helmets, gloves, boots, life jackets and all related safety items. Both parties agree that the City shall retain the dght to determine the minimum specifications of the safety equipment, procurement procedures and limitations and exclusions. ARTICLE X)G - TRAINING The City and Union recognize that the training programs and the advancement of employees to positions of higher skills are matters of great importance and interest to the City, the Union and the employees covered by this Agreement. The City and Union agree that all costs and time for training or instruction required by the City shall be paid by the City; however, the City shall retain the right to determine what training is required for the employee to improve his/her performance on the job and to make such training a condition of employment. Whenever possible and practical, the City will rotate the scheduling of employees into training programs in order to assure employees an equal opportunity in advancing to higher classifications. ARTICLE XXII - PREMIUM COMPENSATION Section 1. The City and the Union agree that it is the intent of Departmental Management, whenever possible, to avoid working an employee out-of-classification for a prolonged period of time. It is further agreed that working an employee out-of-classification will occur only to meet work requirements within the City and that such out-of-classification work will terminate after one (1) calendar day, or if extended beyond one (1) day, the employee shall be compensated at the rate of the higher classification while the out-of classification work continues. For the purpose of this Article, an out-of-class assignment is the full-time performance of all the duties of an authorized, funded, permanent, full-time position in one (1) class by an employee in a position in another class. A minimum of five percent (5%) premium pay shall be provided for the period of out-of-class work and a minimum of ten percent (10%) premium pay whenever the out-of-class work: 1) involves work in a classification whose compensation is twenty percent (20%) higher than the position held by the employee, 6 or 2) involves grade skipping within normal promotional sequences. (Example of grade skipping is an Equipment Operator I being assigned the job duties of Equipment Operator Ill.) In no case, shall the out-of-classification pay be less than Step "1 · nor shall the pay exceed Step "5" of the higher classification. Section 2. Sanitation employees working alone on a route designated by the City as a two-person route shall be compensated with an additional four (4) hours of straight time pay. Section 3. The City and the Union agree that when an employee is assigned as follows, they shall receive a five percent (5%) increase during the pedod of such lead assignment: When any Blue Collar or White Collar employee is assigned to lead a crew of three (3) or more members who are assigned to the same salary grade as the leader. When an employee in the classification of light Equipment Operator, Heavy Equipment Operator, Tree Maintenance II, Spray Rig Operator, Maintenance Craftworker I and II or Sewer Maintainer is assigned to lead worker responsibilities for the majority of the shift to a project, truck or job. ARTICLE X)QII. HOUDAYS All eligible employees in the Blue and White Collar Units shall observe the following eight-hour holidays with pay: Monday January 17 Monday February 21 Monday May 30 Friday July 1 Monday July 4 Monday September 5 Fdday November 11 Thursday November 24. Friday November 25 Monday December 26 Monday January 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Presidents' Day Memorial Day Three (3) Floating Holidays Credited Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day (Observed) New Ysar's Day (Observed) Monday Monday Monday Saturday Tuesday Monday Fdday Thumday Fdday Monday Monday January 16 February 20 May 29 July 1 July 4 September 4 November 10 November 23 November 24 December 25 January 1, 1996 -1995- Martin Luther King's Birthday Presidents' Day Memorial Day Three (3) Floating Holidays Credited Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Day alter Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day New Year's Day * Note: Floating holidays must be used one (1) year from the holiday's odginal credit date, orwfil be forfeited. Employees shall also receive every day designated by the President, Governor and City Council as special holidays in commemoration or in memorial of an extraordinary occurrence as paid holidays. Whenever a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed. Whenever a holiday falls on a Saturday, none of the above shall be observed as a holiday. Employees assigned to seven-day per week shilt schedules shall observe the actual, not the observed holiday. Floatinq Holidays. Each employee in the Blue and White Collar Unit, who is employed by the City when a floating holiday is credited, shall be eligible for that floating holiday. Floating holiday(s) must have prior departmental approval and shall be consistent with the efficient operation of the affected department and its activities. Sanitation Holidays. The Sanitation Division will work all designated holidays, excluding New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, July 4th and those days the landfill is closed. Employees working on the next scheduled route day following a holiday off shall be paid an additional four (4) hours of straight time for that day. Overtime compensation on those days (next scheduled route day) shall commence with the ninth hour of actual work. ARTICLE XX!V - SHIFT ASSIGNMENTS The City agrees to continue its present practice at the Public Works Department in scheduling shift assignments. If changes are made, the City will meet and consult with the Union pdor to making said changes. ARTICLE )O(V - SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL A shift differential of $.65 per hour shall be paid any employee when the majority of their shift fails between the hours of 3 p.m. and 12 midnight. A shift differential of $1.00 per hour will be paid any employee when the majority of their shift falls between 12 midnight and 7 a.m. ARTICLE )(XVI - UNIFORM ALLOWANCE All employees in the Blue Collar Unit required to wear uniforms will be furnished such uniforms at no cost to the employees. The City shall provide employees with eleven (11) uniforms dudng each biweekly uniform cleaning cycle. Except for Police Service Technicians, non-safety personnel employed in the Police Department who ara required by the Chief of Police to wear a uniform, shall be provided with a Two Hundred Fifty Dollar ($250) per year uniform allowance. Police Service Technicians and Fire Prevention Personnel required to wear a uniform shall receive a Four Hundred Fifty Dollar ($450) per year uniform allowanco. Effective July 1, 1994, the above uniform amounts shall be modified to Three Hundred Forty Dollars ($340) and Five Hundred Dollars ($500) per year respectively. This allowance is to be paid in advance every six months on a pro rata basis. The City shall provide at no cost to the employee all required patches and chevrons. ARTICLE )O(VII - TOOL ALLOWANCE The following classifications who ara employed as of January 1, and are required to provide a complement of hand tools as approved by the Public Works Director, shall be reimbursed by the City for approved tool purchases: Equipment Mechanics Trades Assistants Automotive Service Workers Up to $325.00 Up to $225.00 Up to $125.00 Trades Assistants shall provide two-thirds (2/3) of the full tool set as per the established tool list. AutomotNe Service Workers shall provide one-third (1/3) of the full tool set to be determined by management. Tools purchased pursuant to this Section remain the property of the employee. ARTICLE XXVlII - COMPENSATORY TIME The accumulation of compensatory time shall not exceed eighty (80) hours. Any compensatory time in excess of eighty (80) hours shall be automatically paid if management is unable to schedule the time off. The use of comp time shall be scheduled through mutual agreement between the employee and management. Management may establish the time off for comp time in excess of forty (40) hours where mutual agreement cannot be reached. Employees retain the right to cash payment for any comp time on the books, subject to budgetary restraints. 9 The Deferred Compensation program allows employees to convert compensatory time, under existing rules, to Deferred Compensation once annually not to exceed IRS regulations. ARTICLE XXlX. SICK LEAVE All unused sick leave earned during the calendar year, which would othenviea cause an employee's accumulated balance to exceed one hundred twenty (120) days, will be converted into additional vacation time at seventy-five percent (75%) of the unused current year accumulation. The City will provide, at the employee's option, cash payment for all or a portion of annual sick leave which is converted to vacation time. The non-converted portion of Sick Leave, pursuant to Paragraph I above, shall be maintained in a separate bank. This bank may only be used by employees to provide sick leave pay in the event that all other accrued sick leave has been exhausted. The bank shall have no conversion nor any other value. ARTICLE )O(X - PERSONAL NECESSITY LEAVE The City agrees to allow each employee covered by this Agreement to utilize eight (8) hours per year as Personal Necessity Leave, chargeable to Sick Leave. Such leave is designed to permit employee time off dudrig normal working time to conduct personal business. Personal Leave shall require prior approval and shall be taken in minimum two (2) hour increments. ARTICLE XXXl. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN All probationary and regular employees in the Blue and White Collar Units of the City shall be eligible to participate in the City's Deferred Compensation Plan. ARTICLE )00GI - PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS The City agrees to provide payroll deductions for Union dues and benefit programs at no cost to the employees or Union. ARTICLE XXXIII - CLASSIFICATION REQUESTS Requests for classification consideration will be processed once a year on February 1, except those requests of an emergency nature (as determined by the Human Resources Office) may be acted upon regardless of the submission date and presented for review outside the routine schedule. The effec-tNe date of any proposed upward classification will be implemented with the budget in the year that it is approved. Normally, position reviews will be generated in one of two ways: by request of the employee and/or by request of the Department Head Prior to reaching any final decision, the Human Resources Office shall forward its draft findings to the employee and shall consider any comments the employee may have on the draft report. If the recommendation of the Human Resources Office is negative, no further action shall be taken on the request, if the recommendation is positive, it shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate Civil Service Commission and City Council 10 ARTICLE XXXIV - COMMITFEES The City and Union agree to refer the issues of certification and incentive pay proposals to a joint committee with report to be prepared for submittal to the City Council no later than November 15, 1994. Any Council approved action shall become effective January 1, 1995. The City and Union agree to establish a City-wide committee to study the issue of catastrophic leave policies. Committee recommendations shall be submitted to the City Council by October 1, 1994. ARTICLE )O(XV - LONGEVITY PROGRAM Unit members shall be eligible for a Longevity Pay Program as follows: 10 or more uninterrupted years of City service 2% of Base Pay. 15 or more uninterrupted years of City service 4% of Base Pay. 20 or more uninterrupted years of City service 6% of Base Pay. The amounts above are not cumulative. Employees hired after January 1, 1985, shall not be eligible for Longevity Pay. ARTICLE XXXVl - RETIREE MEDICAL Eligibility for and contributions toward retiree medical insurance shall be as set forth in Bakersfield City Council Resolution #227-88 (See Exhibit 1). Any employee eligible to receive retiree medical insurance coverage who is eligible for Medicare coverage whether through the City of Bakersfield, other employers, spouse coverage, or for any other reason, shall be required to obtain and utilize such coverage as a condition for receiving coverage under the City's plan. ARTICLE XXXVII - TRAINING STEP A Training ("T") Step exists for the following classifications: Building Maintainer I Street Maintainer Canal Tender I Sewer Maintainer I Automotive Service Worker Trades Assistant Auditorium Maintainer 1 Park Maintainer Sanitation Worker I Tree Maintainer I Traffic Painter I Clerk Typist I This step shall be ten percent (10%) below Step "1". Newly hired employees shall be hired at the "T' Step whenever, in the opinion of the City, the hiree is not fully prepared to function in their classification until a training period has been completed. Employees shall be advanced to Step "1" by the end of six (6) months of continuous service. Time spent in the "T" Step shall count towards satisfying the probationary period. 11 ARTICLE X)O(VIII - DRUG TESTING Introduction. The goal and intent of this program is the rehabJlitaUon and assisting of first-time offenders with drug problems. However, action taken against an employee shall be determined by individual circumstances of each case and disciplinary action, up to and including termination, is possible. Authority for Testina. Only an employea's Department Head or his/her designee, acting in the absence of the Department Head, may order a drug test. Conditions AIIowinq for Testina. Employees may be subjected to drug testing if the City has a reasonable suspicion that the employee is using: 1) illegal drugs, 2) prescription drugs without or contrary to a prescription, or 3) being under the influence of alcohol during working hours. Reasonable suspicion shall mean one or more of the following exists as determined by the Department Head or his/her designee: 1. Having more evidence for than against. An apparent state of facts and/or circumstances which would lead a reasonable person to believe an individual wes using drugs/narcotics. A reasonable grounds for belief in the existence of facts or circumstances warranting an order to submit to a drug test. Testincl Procedure. Detailed testing procedures shall be developed by the City to: 1. Positively identify employees prior to testing. 2. Provide for employee privacy and security of samples. 3. Establish if an employee is taking any drugs legitimately under medical supenvision. Develop a two-step test. Both urine and blood samples shall be drawn unless the employee waives his/her right to the blood sample. Any specimen testing positive in the urinalysis shall be subject to confirmation by blood test unless waived. No notification shall be given of initial positive tests until the confirmation blood test has been completed and is positive. At the time the samples are drawn, a second set of samples shall be taken and sealed. Should the original blood test show positive, the second sealed set of samples shall be retained for six (6) months to allow for further testing in the event of a dispute. Testin~ Aclent. The laboratory selected to conduct the analysis must be experienced and capable of quality control, documentation, chain of custody, technical expertise and demonstrated proficiency. ARTICLE XXXlX. COURT CALL BACK Unit employees in the Police Department shall receive a minimum of three (3) hours compensation at the appropriate rate of pay when called back for court appearances. 12 Vacation accrual shall be as follows: Years 5-13 14+ ARTICLE XL · VACATION Days 10 15 ARTICLE XU - STATE CERTIFICATIONS The City shell pay for obtaining and maintaining required certifications as follows: Waste Water - Grades 1-3 Parks Pesticides Certificates Sewer Maintenance Sewer Certificates Payments shall be made only for those certificates required by the City. Payment shall be made after an employee successfully obtains the required certificate. The City shall reimburse employees for any cost of obtaining and/or renewing a City required driver's license, above the cost of a Class "C' license. ARTICLE XL.11 - JURY DUTY The City shall provide for paid leave, when an employee is subpoenaed to Jury Duty and/or to appear as a witness in court in Kern County on matters of civic concam. Examples of matters of cNic concern would include criminal matters, accidents, etc. ARTICLE XMII - IRS 125 PROGRAM The City has implemented the IRS 125 Program for payment of medical insurance premiums, childcare and unreimbursed expense. Employees may voluntarily participate in the childcare and unreimbursed medical portions of the program. ARTICLE XLIV - RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT The residency requirement for Unit employees shall require that employees maintain residency within forty-five (45) minutes normal driving time from City Hall. Normal driving time shall be defined as driving the most direct route at the posted speed limit. ARTICLE XLV - PAYROLL CHANGES The City shall maintain in effect the voluntarily direct deposit program for unit employees with the following provisions: Require all newly hired regular employees to participate in direct deposit. Participation shall be voluntary for current employees. 13 2. Eliminate payoff checks for sick leave converted to vacation with all such payoffs being added to the regular paycheck. Limit employees to changing financial institutions once annually when participating in direct deposit. 4. Employees are responsible for investigating errors in direct deposit with their bank. City will give notice to the Union should it wish to change any of the paycheck release times currently in effect. The City will give reasonable advance notice if it will be unable to provide direct deposit for a gNen pay period. Effective immediately, all payroll changes shall become effective at the start of the nearest payroll period. C. Effective January 1, 1995, early release of vacation checks shall be eliminated. ARTICLE XLVI - AGENCY SHOP Each employee in the Blue Collar Bargaining Unit and new employees in the White Collar Unit hired after the adoption of the 1994 Memorandum of Understanding shall either 1) become a member of the Union to the extent of tendering the periodic dues uniformly required for membership, or 2) pay to the Union a periodic representational fee. Such representational fee shall be in an amount uniformly established by the Union's Board of Directors, but in no event shall such representational fee exceed ninety-~,e percent (95%) of the amount that a Union member would pay in dues for the came pedod. The Union shall indemnify the employer and hold it harmless against any and all suits, claims, demands or other liabilities, including the employer's reasonable attorney fees, that may adse out of or by reason of any action taken by the employer for purposes of complying with this Article. This Article was implemented in accordance with Government Code Section 3502.5. The requirement for Blue Collar Bargaining Unit members was implemented following a secret ballot election of the Bargaining Unit employees which was held on February 28, 1989. The requirement for White Collar Bargaining Unit members hired after the adoption of the 1994 Memorandum of Understanding was negotiated and adopted with the 1994 Memorandum of Understanding. The Union agrees to adhere to all statutory and judicial requirements relating to Agency Shop. Specifically: Service Fee Union agrees to keep an adequate itemized record of its financial trancactions and shall make available annually to the City within sixty (60) days after the end of its fiscal year, a written financial statement in the form of a balance sheet and an operating statement certified as to accuracy by KCPEA's Board and a Certified Public Accountant. Union further agrees to hold such disputed fees in their entirety in an Escrow account to be maintained at the Kern Federal Credit Union, 1717 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, pending resolution of the dispute pursuant to the Service Fee Complaint procedure. 14 Service Fee Complaint Procedure This Complaint Procedure shall be utilized solely to resolve disputes adsing out of the deduction of a Service Fee by the City pursuant to a negotiated agreement. 1. Issues subject to this Complaint Procedure shall be limited to the following: That a portion of the Service Fee deduction is being utilized for non- representational activities. That the non-member is a member of a bona fide religion, body or sect which has historically held conscientious objections to joining or financially supporting public employee organizations. In the event that it is determined pursuant to this procedure that such non-member is a member of a religion or body pursuant to this Section, he may designate a charitable fund exempt from taxation under Section 501, Paragraph C, Subsection 3 of the Internal Revenue Code chosen from the following: Any United Way Charity City agrees to deduct and to remit fees so designated on behalf of one of the above charitable organizations to said organization. Any non-member who objects to the deduction of the Service Fee by the Union shall file a complaint with the Kern County Public Employees Association. The complaint shall be in writing and shall specify the reeson(s) for the objection to the deduction. The complaint need not be formal but shall cleedy state the basis for the objection. An employee who objects to the deduction of the Service Fee shall fortyard his/her written complaint to the Union within for[y-five (45) calendar days after the fee is initially deducted. Upon receipt of the written complaint the Union shall place the entire Service Fee deduction into Escrow pending resolution of the dispute and shall request a list of arbitrators from the Sate Conciliation Service or the American Arbitration Service. Informal Mediation. Notwithstanding Step B, Subsection 2, above; either the Union or the complainant may request the services of a State Conciliation Service Mediator in a preliminary effort to resolve the dispute prior to arbitration. The Mediator shall be utilized in an advisory capacity only. Following such non-binding informal advisory mediation, if either complainant or Union is dissatisfied either party may request arbitration. Selection of Arbitrator. The Arbitrator shall be selected by mutual agreement between the Union and the complainant. Date for Complaint Hearinq. The Union shall contact the selected Arbitrator within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the completion of the Mediation Process, or in the event that Mediation is not utilized, within ten (10) working days of receipt of the complaint. Upon confirmation by the Arbitrator, the Union will forthwith contact the 15 complainant by Certified Mail indicating the date, time and place of the Complaint Hearing. Payment of Costs. In the event that the Union prevails in said Arbitration, the cost of arbitration shall be shared equally between the Union and complainant. Should complainant prevail, the Union shall pay the entire cost of the Arbitration. Effect of Arbitrator's Decision. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding. Upon receipt of the Arbitrator's decision, fees being held in Escrow shall be disbursed by the Union in accordance with said decision. In the event that the Union prevails, the City shall continue to deduct the Service Fees and remit them to the Union as determined by the Arbitrator. ARTICLE XLVII - CITY CHARTER CHANGES The City shall place on the next City-wide ballot language to remove layoff provisions from the City Charter. Layoff procedures shall be contained in the Bakersfield City Municipal Code. ARTICLE XLVIII - CITY CODE MODIFICATIONS The City and Union have agreed to modify the following sections of the Bakersfield City Municipal Code; 2.72.230, 2.84.350, 2.84.440, 2.84.490, 2.84.560, 2.84.570, 2.84.590, 2.84.620. Copies of the agreed upon language are attached as Exhibit II. ARTICLE XMX. SDI ELECTION The City, utilizing the State Conciliation Service shall conduct an etection in the Blue Collar Unit on the possible addition of State Disability Insurance coverage. If implemented, premiums shall be paid by the employee utilizing payroll deductions. SDI pay shall be integrated with the employee's sick leave as is done in the White Collar Unit. ARTICLE L- SEVERABIUTY It is understood and agreed that this Memorandum of Understanding is subject to all present and future applicable Federal and State laws and regulations and the provisions hereof shall be effective and implemented only to the extent permitted by such laws or regulations. If any part of this Memorandum of Understanding is in conflict or inconsistent with such applicable provisions of Federal and State laws or regulations, or otherwise held to be invalid or unenforceable by any tdbunal of competent jurisdiction, such part or provisions shall be suspended and superseded by such applicable laws and regulations and the remainder of this Memorandum of Understanding shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect. The City and Union agree to meat and confer in an attempt to replace and/or adjust for any suspended or superseded provisions. 16 THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING entered into and signed this day of ~,¼r~kX]~ , 1994. FOR KCPEA, SEIU LOCAL 700, AFL-CIO: FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD: Chief Negotia{or _~ J ~/~_~/~ ~.~.~..~---- DATE: AUG 1.0 1~ Date: kec B&W. 94 17 EXHIBIT I -PROPOSED- RESOLUTION NO. 227-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAKERSFIELD REG~DING CITY CONTRIBUTIONS TO PREMIUMS FOR RETIREES =FEE FOR SERVICE= HEALTH PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield wishes to accurately calculate retiree claims costs; and WHEREAS, said calculation will, through separate experience rating, result in increased retiree premiums on the =Fee for Service= Health Plan; and WHEREAS, the active employee groups expressed their concerns that adjusted higher rates for the =Fee for Services Health Plan should be shared by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. Forty-two percent (42%) of the actual premium for the "Fee for Service= Retiree Health Plan shall be paid by the City of Bakersfield; and 2. The balance of the above premium shall be calculated pursuant to the formula attached on Exhibit "A.= 3. Retired employees covered under the HMO Insurance (Health Net Plan) shall only receive City contributions under the formula described in Exhibit "A.= ......... O00 .......... OAIG~NAL EXHIBIT I I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on November 16, 19~8 , by the following vote: NOES: COUNCILMEI~ None ABSENT. COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAINING: COUNCILMEMBERS. None CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of Council of the City of Bakersfield the APPROVED November 16, 1988 MAYOR of the City ~f Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: Cl~1~f ATTORN~f t~e City o~ Bakersfield R RES 4 RETIREE. 1 Attachment - Exhibit "A" 11/15/88 EXHIBIT EXHIBIT CURRENT FORMULA FOR CITY CONTRIBUTION RETIRED EMPLOYEES GROUP Effective May 1, 1985, retired employees covered under the City's health plan shall receive City contributions base4 on the following formula: the City shall contribute two percent (2%) of the monthly premium for Health Net (under age 65 rate) times each year of service (to the nearest half year) for single- party coverage, and one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) of monthly premium for two-party coverage for Health Net (under age 65 rate) times each year of service (to the nearest half year) for retired employees with two-party and family coverage. LTC/lg R RES 5 RETIREE.3 3 EX/{IBIT I . EXHIBIT II -PROPOSED- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE A~ENDING SECTION 2.72.230 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAlCODE RELATING TO REDUCTION IN FORCE· BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION Section 2.72.230 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2·72.230 Reduction in force. Purpose. For reasons of economy or due to a lack of work or funds, the Department Head, at the direction of the City Manager, or his designee, may reorganize or eliminate any department or division, or may abolish any position and/or reduce the number of, or the hours worked by, City employees. When any such action causes a displacement of employees, the selection of those to be displaced shall be made under the following: To decrease the work force in any department, the Department Head, at the direction of the City Manager, or his designee, may specify the number and/or class of employees to be displaced, together with the department and division in which the displacement is to be made. The Department Head shall then notify the Personnel Division, in writing, of the classes and numbers of employees to be displaced. Upon receipt of such notice, the Personnel Division shall give the department head a certified seniority list of department employees for the classes affected within that department. The Department Head shall then determine, under these Rules, the particular employees to be displaced, and advise the City Manager of his/her decision. B. Definitions. Class: A group of positions which are sufficiently alike in general duties and responsibilities to warrant the use of the same title, class (job) specification, and salary range, and the application of common standards of selection, transfer and promotion. EXHIBIT II Department Displacement Re-emplovment List: A list containing names of qualified full-time employees by total city seniority displaced from a position within a department as a result of a reduction of operations or personnel. Placement on such list grants specific rights to displaced employees for return to a similar position within the class and department, should vacancies occur after such displacement within the specified period of time. Displace: An action caused by a reduction of authorized, budgeted positions wherein an employee is demoted or laid-off from the work force. The term "displacement" shall include removal from City employment, reassignment to a former or other class pursuant to these rules, and reduction from full-time to part-time status. Citv Displacement Re-emplovment List: Qualified full- time employees who are displaced may have their names placed on this list for the classes in which they previously held full-time status. This list will be used to fill vacant positions after exhausting the Department Displacement Re-employment List and prior to the use of other employment lists. Non-Qualified Full-Time Employee: An employee with civil service status whose overall performance evaluation rating is below a Satisfactory rating for the last two annual rating periods. Recalled Emplovee: An employee who returns to city service from a re-employment list. Qualified Full-Time Employee: An employee with civil service status whose last two annual performance evaluations was Satisfactory or higher. A qualified full-time employee who has been promoted or transferred and whose status is probationary or out-of-class shall, for the purpose of these displacement rules, be defined as a full-time employee of the department in which the currently-held position is allocated. Senioritv: The length of total continuous, unbroken time worked in a department in a regular budgeted full- time position, regardless of a particular class. Continuous, unbroken time worked includes time during which the employee was absent with pay or was on approved long-term military leave. Employees working in a division which has been transferred from one department to another shall receive credit for the entire time they worked in the departments affected. Approved leaves of absence without pay maintain the continuity of employment, but the duration of the leave is deducted from the total continuous time period. An 2 EXHIBIT II employee who was in a full-time position and was displaced to a part-time position shall have the prior full-time service counted, as long as the employee is currently in a full-time position and there was not a break in continuous service. Order of displacements. Displacements in each class shall be made in the following order: first, temporary or part- time employees; second, probationary employees; third, full- time non-qualified employees; and fourth, qualified full- time employees· Seasonal employees may be hired to handle specific job functions that occur on a seasonable basis. Said positions do not have to be taken into consideration when determining displacement order. Seasonal employees shall not replace full-time positions; however, displaced employees shall be offered first opportunity for seasonal employment. When one or more probationary or full-time employees must be displaced, those who are displaced shall be the employees with the least departmental seniority in the class affected. Where the displacement is limited to temporary or part- time employees, the Department Head, at the direction of the City Manager or his designee may determine which of the employees within the particular class shall be displaced. In the event two or more full-time employees have the same seniority, the person who placed lowest on the eligible list shall be displaced first. In the event two or more employees occupy the same placement on the eligible list, the person to be displaced shall be determined by their grade scores. In the event said grade scores are unavailable, the person to be displaced shall be determined by lot. Qualified full-time employees so affected by the displacement procedures shall be re-hired in inverse order of total Department seniority (last out, first in). Seniority in displacements. Seniority in displacements shall be calculated as set forth in section B.8. EXHIBIT II A qualified full-time employee who receives a notice of displacement may displace a less senior employee in a lower class within the department, provided that the employee held the position within the lower class in the department, or the lower class is in the employee's immediate job family as determined by the Human Resources Manager. Where the lower class requires supervisory experience, the more senior employee must have supervisory experience prior to displacement to the lower level, or must have held such position in order to displace the less senior supervisory employee. The salary range of an employee displaced to a lower level shall be the salary range of that lower level. The employee will be placed at the step level of the lower class that is closest to their current salary without providing a raise. An employee displaced to a lower class shall not be required to serve a probationary period. ~otice of displacement. Notice of any displacement, under these Rules, shall be made by giving a letter to the employees to be displaced a minimum of three days prior to the effective date of the displacement. The letter shall inform the employees of the appointing authority's decision to reduce the work force· If any employee affected by the displacement cannot be located within twenty-four (24) hours after the effective date of displacement, the letter containing the displacement notice shall be mailed via certified mail, return receipt requested, to that employee's last known address as shown on the employee's records on file in the Personnel office. Municipal Code section 2.84·310 shall apply as to severance pay. Placement of names on re-emplo~finent lists. On the date displacements become effective, the City Manager shall order the names of displaced full-time and/or initial probationary employees to be placed on the re-employment lists established for all classes from which they were displaced· Reversion to former status. When a reduction in the work force results in the displacement of an employee who had acquired full-time status in a former class, the employee shall, dependent upon his/her seniority, be reinstated to that former class. If the employee's seniority is not sufficient to displace any employee in his/her former class, he/she shall be placed on the re-employment list for that class. However, the employee must have continuous service with the City and may not have been removed from his/her former class for cause. EXHIBIT Use of re-employment lists. If, after a displacement occurs within a department, a position subsequently becomes available, the following method of filling the vacant position shall be used: The department head shall notify the Manager of Human Resources of the vacant position to be filled. The Manager of Human Resources shall certify the most senior individual eligible for re-employment to the position from the Department Displacement Re-employment List and notify the eligible individual to contact the Department Head to arrange the date for filling the position. If the Department Displacement Re-employment List is exhausted, the Manager of Human Resources shall certify the three most senior eligible individuals from the City Displacement Re-employment List and shall notify those individuals to contact the department head for a job interview. If the list contains less than three eligible individuals, said list shall be supplemented by the normal Civil Service rules. Rights of employees recalled from displacements. An employee recalled from a Displacement Re-employment List shall return to the same salary step held prior to displacement. The employee shall assume the same vacation accrual rate, vacation accrual date and increment seniority date (minus displacement period) as previously enjoyed in the class. All sick leave credits of record at the time of displacement shall be re-credited to the employee upon return to a full-time position within the class formerly held. Recalled full-time status employees from the Department Displacement Re-employment List shall not be required to serve a probationary period; unless the employee was displaced during a probationary period, whereupon the remaining probationary time shall be served when recalled. Employees recalled from the City Displacement Re- employment List shall be required to serve a probationary period. If an employee does not pass probation, his/her name shall be placed back on the City displacement re- employment list. EXHIBIT II .~ Priority and duration of re-employment lists. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Department Displacement Re-employment List and the City Displacement Re-employment List shall have precedence over all other employment lists. Displaced employees, in continuous service within the City, shall have the right to return to their former positions. However, they shall be required to maintain all job-required training, certification and licenses. The duration of affected employees' rights to return to work through the Department Displacement Re-employment List and the City Displacement Re-employment List shall be three (3) years from the date of placement on such lists. If an employee desires re-instatement, he/she shall be required annually to notify, in writing, the Manager of Human Resources of his/her intention. Prior to re- employment, said employee shall be required to demonstrate that he/she has maintained the required level of expertise or skills by passing any required _entrance examinations, including, but not limited to, written, medical, agility or psychological testing as required by the Department Head. Also, it shall be incumbent upon all displaced employees to maintain all job-required training certification and licenses. Individual names shall be removed from the Department Displacement Re-employment List and the City Displacement Re-employment List for any of the following reasons; Failure to accept employment or report to work, within fourteen (14) working days after receipt of notice certifying eligibility for re-employment, in a similar position in the same class within the department from which the employee was displaced; Failure to notify the Manager of Human Resources of any change in their address or telephone number within seven working days of change; After three years of displacement, failure to provide the Manager of Human Resources with annual notification of intent to stay on said list; Failure to appear for a job interview after notification; EXItlBIT Failure to respond, for any reason, within seven (7) working days after posting by certified mail, return receipt requested, of a notice to the employee certifying eligibility for re-employment; Request in writing by the employee to be removed from the lists; Failure to accept employment or report to work for a position within a class listed by the employee on the City Displacement Re-employment form shall remove the employee's name from the City displacement re-employment lists. Appeal proce4ure. Any displaced probationary or full-time employee may object to his/her displacement on grounds that the seniority calculation was incorrect or that the displacement action was the result of an improper or illegal employment practice. The employee may do so by filing an appeal within three (3) days after being either personally served with a notice of displacement by the department head, or after receiving a certified or first-class letter informing him/her of the pending displacement. The City Manager or his designee shall determine the method of review and may conduct his own investigation, call witnesses, review documents, and/or proceed in the same manner it would for a hearing under these Rules. After either a review or hearing, the City Manager or his designee shall make a final determination. If the employee who is displaced fails to make a timely appeal to his/her displacement, the displacement shall be effective as of the date specified in the notice of displacement. However, the City Manager may correct an error in seniority calculations at any time and may make appropriate adjustments in an order of displacement or a priority list ranking due to the correction. .......... o0o .......... EXHIBIT II I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting.thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDE K. SKOUSEN CITY ATTORNEY MGA: gp: rb ORDINANChA2-7L230.FIN 7/27/94 8 EXHIBIT II -PROPOSED- ORDINANCE NO, AK ORDINANCE AMENDIN(3 BECTION8 2.84,3S0 AND 2.84.440 ~ REPEALIN(3 SECTIONS 2,84.410 AND 2.84.470 OF BAKERSFIELD MUHICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ANNUAL V]tCATION LF~V'B BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION Section 2.84.350 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to annual vacation leave is hereby amended as follows: 2.84.3S0 ~nnual vacation leave--~ccrual. A. All eligible employees of the miscellaneous and police departments shall earn and take vacation leave on the basis of working days. Accrual of vacation leave shall be at the following rate: 1. First four years, 0.385 of a working day biweekly to yield ten working days annually; 2. Five through thirteen years, 0.577 of a working day biweekly to yield fifteen working days annually; 3. Fourteen years or more, 0.770 of a working day biweekly to yield twenty working days annually. B. Fire department safety employees who are required to work on twenty-four-hour duty shifts shall accrue vacation leave at the following rates: 1. First four years, 0.180 of a twenty-four-hour duty shift biweekly to yield 4.68 twenty-four-hour duty shifts annually; 2. Five through fifteen years, 0.270 of a twenty-four- hour duty shift biweekly to yield 7.02 twenty-four-hour duty shifts annually; 3. Sixteen years or more, 0.360 of a twenty-four-hour duty shift biweekly to yield 9.36 twenty-four-hour duty shifts annually. 1 f EXHIBIT II C. All other fire department employees shall accrue vacation leave in the same manner as employees of the miscellaneous departments. D. Table 2.84.350(A) and (C) VACATION ACCRUAL (Excludes Fire Department Safety Personnel) Lenath of Service Bi-weekly Accrual Rate Annual Accrual Rate Maximum Vacation Accrual through 4 years through 13 years 0.385 0.577 10 working days (80 hours) 15 working days (120 hours) 20 working days (160 hours) 33 working days (264 hours) 14 years or more 0.770 20 working days 49 working days (160 hours) (392 hours) Table 2.84.350(B) VACATION ACCRUAL--FIRE DEPARTMENT SAFETY PERSONNEL (Required to Work 24-Hour Duty Shifts) Len=th of Service Bi-weekly Accrual Rate Annual Accrual Rate Maximum Vacation Accrual O through 4 years 5 through 15 years 16 years or more 0.180 of a 24- hr. duty shift 4.68 24-hr. duty shifts 9.36 24-hr. duty shifts (224.64hrs.) 0.270 of a 24- 7.02 24-hr. 15.44 24-hr. duty hr. duty shift duty shifts shifts (370.56hrs.) 9.36 24-hr. duty shifts 0.360 of a 24- hr. duty shift 21.52 24-hr. duty shifts (516.48 h rs.) SECTION 2 relating follows: Section 2.84.440 to annual vacation of the Bakersfield Municipal Code leave is hereby amended to read as 2.S4.440 Annual vacation leave--Loss for nonuse Limitation of accrual. A. An employee may not accumulate vacation leave in excess of the number of working hours/days or 24-hour duty shifts as set forth in Tables 2.84.350(A)(C) and 2.84.350(B) without 2 EXHIBIT II express written consent of the Department Head and City Manager or his/her designee. B. When, at the convenience of the city, an employee is unable to take or complete vacation leave, compensation in the amount equivalent to the regular salary may be paid upon written request by the employee and approval of the Department Head and City Manager or his/her designee. C. This provision shall take effect December 31, 1995. SECTION 3 Section 2.84.410 of the Bakersfield Municipal relating to annual vacation leave is hereby repealed. Code SECTION 4 Section 2.84.470 of the Bakersfield Municipal relating to annual vacation leave is hereby repealed. Code SECTION 5 This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o .......... 3 EXHIBIT II I HE~BBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: BOB PRICE, Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: JUDY K. SKOUSEN City Attorney 4 EXHIBIT II -PROPOSED- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.84.490 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SICK LEAVE--POLICY BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Section 2.84.490 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code related to sick leave--policy is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.84.490 Sick leave--Policy. A. Sick leave shall not be considered as a right which an employee may use at his/her discretion, but shall be allowed only in case of necessity and actual sickness or disability other than industrial injury. Medical and dental appointments qualify for sick leave. B. Sick leave shall be allowed in case of the employee's own illness, the employee's spouse, parent, person in loco parentis, or minor children are ill or injured and in need of medical attention, provided that no one else is readily available to care for them. Accumulated sick leave shall also be utilized for leaves of absence pursuant to 2.84.620(G). C. Employees may utilize one eight-hour day or its shift equivalent per year as personal necessity leave chargeable to sick leave. Such leave is designed to permit employees time off during normal working time to conduct personal business. Personal necessity leave shall require prior approval of the department head and shall be taken in minimum increments of two hours. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o ......... EXHIBIT II ,:~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: JUDY K. SKOUSEN City Attorney 6/17/94 7/12/94 - MGA-ORDINANCE\2-84-490.FIN EXHIBIT II : -PROPOSED- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTION A OF SECTION 2.84.560 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SICK LEAVE--DEPLETION BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Subsection A of Section 2.84.560 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code related to Sick leave--Depletion is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.84.560 Sick leave--Depletion. A. Upon depletion of accumulated sick leave, unless leave is taken pursuant to section 2.84.620, an employee may apply for medical leave of absence without pay. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o .......... EXHIBIT II I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDY K. SKOUSEN CITY ATTORNEY MGA: rb ORD\2-84-560. 7/27/94 EXHIBIT II -PROPOSED- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.84.570 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SICK LEAVE--PAYMENT FOR ACCUMULATED LEAVE--UPON RETIREMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Section 2.84.570 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code related to Sick leave--Payment for accumulated leave--Upon retirement is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.84.570 Sick leave--Payment retirement. for accumulated leave--Upon A. An employee eligible for retirement who leaves permanent city service shall be allowed regular compensation for one-half of the accumulated sick leave due up to the effective date of Termination. An employee may not delay an otherwise appropriate industrial disability retirement date by a request to exhaust previously accumulated sick leave prior to the effective date of said retirement. B. This payment shall not be construed as any part of gross remuneration for purposes of retirement. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o .......... EXHIBIT II f I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: JUDY K. SKOUSEN City Attorney MGA:rb ORD\2-84-570.AMD 5/4/94 7/11/94(MGA-ORDINANCE\2-84-570.FIN EXHIBIT II -PROPOSED- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.84.590 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SICK LEAVE--RETENTION OF ACCUMULATED LEAVE ON REHIRXNG BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Section 2.84.590 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code related to slck leave--retention of accumulated leave on rehlrtng Is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.84.590 Sick leave--Retention of accumulated leave on rehlrinq. Whenever any city employee is rehired to city employment and his/her break in city service does not exceed thirty working days, the city council may credit him/her with the accumulated sick leave earned prior to separation from city employment which the employee was not otherwise compensated for. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o ......... EXI{IBIT II I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: JUDY K. SKOUSEN City Attorney M~3Acgp ORD\2-84-590.AMD 4/13/94 7/12/94(MGA-ORDINANCE\2-84-590.FIN) EXHIBIT II -PROPOSED- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.84.620 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TOLEAVES OF ABSENCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION Section 2.84.620 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code related to leaves of absence is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.84.620 Leaves of absence. A. Leave of Absence Without Pay. Leaves of absence without pay, up to a period of one hundred eighty calendar days, may be granted to an employee upon the recommendation of the department head with the approval of the city manager. No leave of absence shall be granted to allow an employee to accept other employment on a trial basis. Leaves of absence for a period of time longer than one hundred eighty calendar days must be approved by the city council. Employees on authorized leave of absence without pay shall not accrue vacation, holiday or sick leave benefits during such leave. Employees on such leaves for a full biweekly pay period shall pay for their own health plan insurance. B. Unauthorized Leave of Absence. Unauthorized leave of absence shall be considered to be without pay and reductions in the employee's pay shall be made accordingly. Unauthorized leave of absence for more than two consecutive working days shall result in automatic termination of employment unless the employee can demonstrate that such absence was due to circumstances beyond his control. C. Military Leave of Absence. Military leave shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of state and federal laws. All employees entitled to military leave shall give the department concerned an opportunity, within the limits of military regulations, to determine when such leave shall be taken. D. Leaves of Absence With Pay--Designated Personnel. Employees designated by the letters "C" or "D" preceding each class title in the Schedule of Salaries and Related Benefits as adopted by resolution of the city council may be granted administrative leave of absence with pay by the department head with the approval of the city manager. Such leave granted at any one time shall not exceed one working day for employees designated by the letter "C" or three working days for employees designated by the letter "D" in said schedule. I EXI{IBIT II E. Jury Duty--Leave of Absence. Employees required to report for Jury duty on a scheduled workday shall be granted a leave of absence from their assigned duties until release by the court. When on jury duty, such employees shall receive compensation from the city equal to the difference between their regular salaries and the amount received from the court for Jury duty service, less mileage. Employees released from Juryduty must report for work as soon as possible the same day. F. Maternity--Leave of Absence. Any employee disabled due to pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions may use disability (where available), accrued sick leave, accrued vacation, other accrued leave (where available) or unpaid medical leave of absence for the period during which such disability exists, not to exceed six months except as approved by the city council pursuant to Section 2.84.560. An employee requesting maternity leave must provide thirty days' notice, unless the related medical condition is unforeseeable, to the department head, as well as the estimated duration of the maternity leave. G. Family Care--Leave of Absence. Accrued vacation, other accrued leave (where available), or unpaid leave of absence not to exceed twelve weeks in any twelve-month period shall be granted to an employee who has accrued more than one year of continuous service with the city and has worked at least 1,250 hours within the previous twelve-month period for the following purposes: 1. The birth, adoption or serious illness of a child, including the placement of a child in foster care. An employee seeking to take a leave for the birth of a child or placement of a child in adoption or foster care must take the leave during the twelve-month period immediately following the birth or placement. 2. The serious illness of a spouse, child or parent. 3. The employee's own serious illness. Leave provided for in this subsection may be taken in one or more periods, but shall not exceed a total of twelve weeks within a twelve-month period from the date the leave commenced. Leave is available only for an illness which involves either in-patient care or continuing treatment by a health care provider. Covered conditions include any serious or chronic health condition involving continuing treatment by a health care provider and causing more than three days' absence from work, school or other regular daily activity or which, would result in such absence. 2 if left untreated, EXHIBIT II "Continuing treatment by a health care provider" is defined as two or more treatments by such provider, or one treatment followed by a regimen of continuing treatments, such as physical therapy. This includes being supervised by a health care provider, without necessarily being actively treated, due to a serious long-term or chronic condition or disability which cannot be cured. Medical verification for the leave period requested is required for the employee or ill family member. Employees are required to give at least thirty (30) days' written notice in the event of a foreseeable leave. In unexpected or unforeseeable situations, an employee should provide as much written notice as is practicable. In granting a leave of absence pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), the City requires employees to utilize all accrued vacation and other accrued leave (where available) during the twelve weeks of leave. In granting a leave of absence pursuant to the California Family Rights Act (FRA), the City requires employees to utilize all accrued vacation and other accrued leave (where available) during the twelve weeks of leave for the employee's own serious health condition. However, the City and the employee may mutually agree to the use of accumulated leave in the instance of leave under FRA for the birth, adoption or foster care of a child, or to care for a child, parent or spouse with a serious health condition. The balance of the twelve-week leave period shall be an unpaid leave of absence. Employees retain "employee" status while on family care leave. The leave does not constitute a break in service for purposes of longevity, and/or seniority. However, an employee on unpaid family care leave does not continue to accrue vacation leave, sick leave or any form of leave based upon hours worked. Pregnancy disability leave is provided for in subsection F. Employee health benefits shall be maintained under the same conditions as coverage would have been provided if the employee had been continuously employed during the leave period. Employees utilizing all accrued vacation and other accrued leave (where available) during the twelve weeks of leave shall continue to pay their employee contributions for health benefits. Employer may recover its premium if employee fails to return from leave for reasons other than serious health condition or other circumstances beyond employee's control. Any other conditions or interpretations of this leave shall be based upon the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act and the California Family Rights Act. All leaves of absence without pay not covered by this subsection shall be requested pursuant to subsection A. EXHIBIT II H. Community Service--Leave of Absence. Leave of absence wi~hpay, not to exceed one full working day in any twelve- month period, may be granted to an employee upon the recommendation of the department head and the approval of the city manager if such leave is determined to provide a community service and is in the best interests of the city. I. Discretion of the City Council. The city council may, at its discretion, upon good cause shown, grant leaves of absence other than as provided for in this chapter. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o .......... 4 EXHIBIT I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was 9assed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDY K. SKOUSEN City Attorney MGA:gp:rb ORD\2-84-620.AMD 5/4/94 7/12/94(mga-ordinancs\2-84-620.fin) EXHIBIT II EXHIBIT III 09:32AM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 1 - BLUE COLLAR UNIT 0 C SALARY CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE D BASIS 8 MONTHLY 306 A BUILDING MAINTAINER I 306 A BUILDING MAINTAINER I T TRAINING MONTHLY H MONTHLY 308 A AUDITORIUM MAINTAINER 308 A AUDITORIUM MAINTAINER I T TRAINING BI-WKLY MONTHLY H BI-WKLY MONTHLY 310 A BUILDING MAINTAINER AUDITORIUM MAINTAINER Ii H 81-WKLY MONTHLY 312 A H MONTHLY 314 A STREET MAINTAINER 314 A STREET MAINTAINER T TRAINING 81-WKLY MONTHLY LIGHT EQUIP OPER'STREETS H BI'WKLY MONTHLY 317 A H BI-WKLY MONTHLY 318 A LIGHT EQUIP OPER'PARKS HEAVY EQUIP OPER'STREETS H MONTHLY 320 A EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 DEC 1993 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 HOURLY 8.600 9.029 9.481 9.955 10.456 688.00 722.32 758.48 796.40 836.48 1,496.40 1,571.05 1,649.69 !,732.17 1,819.34 H00RLY 7.739 619.12 1,346.59 HOURLY 9.429 9.899 10.398 10.918 11.462 754.32 791.92 831.84 8?3.44 916.96 1,640.65 1,722.43 1,809.25 1,899.73 1,994.39 HOURLY 8.486 678.88 1,476.56 HOURLY 9.429 9.899 10.398 10.918 11.462 ~54.32 ~91.92 831.84 8?3.44 916.96 1,640.65 1,722.43 1,809.25 1,899.73 1,994.39 HOURLY 10.349 10.864 11.406 11.973 12.575 827.92 869.12 912.48 957.84 1,006.00 1,800.73 1,890.34 1,984.64 2,083.30 2,188.05 HOURLY 10.349 10.864 11.406 11.973 12.575 827.92 889.12 912.48 957.84 1,006.00 1,800.73 1,890.34 1,984.64 2,083.30 2,188.05 HOURLY 9.314 745.12 1,620.64 HOURLY 11.640 12.221 12.830 13.479 14.148 931.20 977.68 1,026.40 1,078.32 1,131.84 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 HOURLY 11.640 12.221 12.830 13.479 14.148 931.20 977.68 1,026.40 1,078.32 1,131.84 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 HOURLY 13.412 14.078 14.784 15.526 16.298 1,072.96 1,126.24 1,182.72 1,242.08 1,303.84 2,333.69 2,449.5? 2,5?2.42 2,701.52 2,835.85 PAGE: 1 RUN DATE: 07-22-94 EDU PCT PAY13.10.01 09:32AM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 1 - SLUE COLLAR UNIT 0 C SALARY CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE O BASIS 321 A HE,AVY EQUIP OPER-PARKS 322 A HEAVY EQUIP OPER-WATER EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 DEC 1993 EDU STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 PCT H HOURLY 13.412 14.0~8 14.784 15.526 16.298 BI-WKLY 1,072.96 1,126.24 1,182.72 1,242.08 1,303.84 MONTHLY 2,333.69 2,449.57 2,572.42 2,701.52 2,835.85 H HOURLY 13.412 14.018 14.784 15.526 16.298 BI-WKLY 1,072.96 1,126.24 1,182.72 1,242.08 1,303.84 MONTHLY 2,333.69 2,449.57 2,5?2.42 2,701.52 2,835.85 HOURLY 13.412 14.078 14.784 15.526 16.298 1,072.96 1,126.24 1,182.12 1,242.08 1,303.84 2,333.69 2,449.57 2,572.42 2,701.52 2,835.85 H HOURLY 13.420 14.091 14.796 15.531 16.311 BI-WKLY 1,073.60 1,127.28 1,183.68 1,242.48 1,304.88 MONTHLY 2,335.08 2,451.83 2,574.50 2,702.39 2,838.11 H HOURLY 10.349 10.864 11.406 11.9;3 12.575 BI-WKLY 827.92 869.12 912.48 957.84 1,006.00 MONTHLY 1,800.;3 1,890.34 1,984.64 2,083.30 2,188.05 HOURLY 9.314 323 A HEAVY EQUIP OPER-SANITATION H BI-WKLY MONTHLY 327 A MOTOR SWEEPER OPERATOR 330 A PANK MAINTAINER 330 A PARK MAINTAINER T TRAINING MONTHLY 331 A PARK MAINTAINER III 745.12 1,620.64 H HOURLY 12.790 13.424 14.096 14.802 15.540 BI-WKLY 1,023.20 1,073.92 1,127.68 1,184.16 1,243.20 MONTHLY 2,225.46 2,335.78 2,452.70 2,575.55 2,703.96 H HOURLY 11.640 12.221 12.830 13.479 14.148 BI-WKLY 931.20 977.68 1,026.40 1,078.32 1,131.84 MONTHLY 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 H HOURLY 10.349 10.864 11.406 11.9;3 12.575 BI-WKLY 827.92 869.12 912.48 957.84 1,006.00 MONTHLY 1,800.;3 1,890.34 1,984.64 2,083.30 2,188.05 T HOURLY 9.314 BI-WKLY 745.12 MONTHLY 1,620.66 H HOURLY 11.640 12.221 12.830 13.479 BI-WKLY 931.20 977.68 1,026.40 1,078.32 1,131.84 MONTHLY 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 332 A PARK MAINTA]NER Il 334 A CANAL TENDER [ 334 A CANAL TENDER TRAINING 335 A CANAL TENDER 14.148 PAGE: 2 RUN DATE: 07-22-94 )--4 PAY13.10.01 09:32AM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 1 - BLUE COLLAR UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 DEC 1993 0 C SALARY CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE D BASIS STEP I STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 339 A SANITATION gORKER I H HOURLY 10.349 10.864 11.406 11.973 12.575 B1-WKLY 827.92 869.12 912.48 957.84 1,006.00 MONTBLY 1,800.73 1,890.34 1,984.64 2,083.30 2,188.05 339 A SANITATZON WORKER I T HOURLY 9.314 TRAINING BI-WKLY 745.12 MONTHLY 1,620.64 342 A SANITATION WORKER l[ H HOURLY 11.640 12.221 12.830 13.479 14.148 B['WKLY 931.20 977.68 1,026.40 1,078.32 1,131.84 NONTHLY 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 343 A SANITATZON WORKER III H HOURLY 12.790 13.424 14.096 14.802 15.540 BI-WKLY 1,023.20 1,073.92 1,127.68 1,184.16 1,243.20 MONTHLY 2,225.46 2,335.78 2,452.70 2,575.55 2,703.96 344 A SEWER MAINTAINER I H HOURLY 10.349 10.864 11.406 11.973 12.575 BI-WKLY 827.92 869.12 912.48 957.84 1,006.00 MONTHLY 1,800.73 1,890.34 1,984.64 2,083.30 2,188.05 344 A SEWER MAINTAINER I T HOURLY 9.314 TRAINING BI-WKLY 745.12 MONTHLY 1,620.~ 346 A SEWER MAINTAINER Il H HC~JRLY 11.~0 12.221 12.830 13.479 14.148 BI-~KLY 931.20 977.68 1,026.40 1,078.32 1,131.84 MONTHLY 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 347 A SEWER MAINTAINER III H HOURLY 12.790 13.424 14.096 14.802 15.540 81-WKLY 1,023.20 1,073.92 1,127.68 1,184.16 1,243.20 MONTHLY 2,225.46 2,335.78 2,452.70 2,575.55 2,703.96 348 A UTILITY WORKER H HOURLY 9.429 9.899 10.398 10.918 11.462 BI-WKLY 754.32 791.92 831.84 873.44 916.96 MONTHLY 1,~0.65 1,722.43 1,809.25 1,899.~ 1,994.39 351 A WELDER I H HOURLY 14.067 14.776 15.514 16.290 17.110 BI-WKLY 1,125.36 1,182.08 1,241.12 1,303.20 1,368.80 MONTHLY 2,447.~5 2,571.02 2,699.44 2,834.46 2,977.14 352 A WELDER II H HOURLY 15.462 16.232 17.047 17.892 18.790 BI-WKLY 1,236.96 1,298.56 1,363.76 1,431.36 1,503.20 MONTHLY 2,690.39 2,824.37 2,966.18 3,113.21 3,269.46 PAGE: 3 RUN DATE: 07-22-94 EDU PCT PAY13.10.01 09:32AM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PAGE: 4 S A L A R Y S C H E D U L E RUN DATE: 07-22-94 1 - BLUE COLLAR UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 DEC 1993 0 C SALARY EDU CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE D BASIS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 PCT ~ 358 A MACHINIST N HOURLY 15.462 16.232 17.047 17.892 18.790 BI-W1CLY 1,236.96 1,298.56 1,363.76 1,431.36 1,503.20 ~ MONTHLY 2,690.39 2,824.37 2,9~.18 3,113.21 3,269.46 r~ 361 A TREE MAINTAINER i H HOURLY 10.349 10.864 11.406 11.973 12.575 ~r! BI-~KLY 827.92 869.12 912.48 957.84 1,006.00 MONTHLY 1,800.7'5 1,890.34 1,984.64 2,083.30 2,188.05 L:~ 361 A TREE MAINTAINER I T HOURLY 9.314 TRAINING BI-WKLY 745.12 MONTHLY 1,620.64 362 A TREE MAINTAINER [I H HOURLY 11.640 12.221 12.830 13.479 14.148 Bi-WKLY 931.20 977.68 1,026.40 1,078.32 1,131.84 MONTHLY 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 363 A TREE MAINTAINER Ill H HOURLY 12.790 13.424 14.096 14.802 15.540 BI-~KLY 1,023.20 1,073.92 1,127.68 1,184.16 1,243.20 MONTHLY 2,225.46 2,335.78 2,452.70 2,575.55 2,703.96 364 A SPRAY RIG OPERATOR/PEST CONT H HOURLY 12.220 12.831 13.474 14.148 14.855 BI-WKLY 977.60 1,026.48 1,077.92 1,131.84 1,188.40 MONTHLY 2,126.28 2,232.59 2,344.48 2,461.75 2,584.77 406 A AUTO SERVICE WORKER H HOURLY 10.349 10.864 11.406 11.973 12.575 Bi-WKLY 827.92 869.12 912.48 957.84 1,006.00 MONTHLY 1,800.73 1,890.34 1,984.64 2,083.30 2,188.05 406 A AUTO SERVICE t~ORKER T HOURLY 9.314 TRAINING BI-WKLY 745.12 MONTHLY 1,620.64 408 A TRAFFIC PAINTER I H HOURLY 10.349 10.864 11.406 11.973 12.575 BI'WKLY 827.92 869.12 912.48 957.84 1,006.00 MONTHLY 1,800.7"5 1,890.34 1,984.64 2,083.30 2,188.05 408 A TRAFFIC PAINTER I T HOURLY 9.314 TRAINING BI-WKLY 745.12 MONTHLY 1,620.64 410 A ELECTRICAL TECH II H HOURLY 16.139 16.939 17.788 18.677 19.609 BI-~KLY 1,291.12 1,355.12 1,423.04 1,494.16 1,568.72 MONTHLY 2,808.19 2,947.39 3,095.11 3,249.80 3,411.97 09:32AM 0 CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE 413 A ELECTRICAL TECH I 414 A AIR COND TECHNICAN I H B[-~KLY MONTHLY 419 A TRAFFIC PAINTER Il H BI-gKLY MONTHLY 420 A MAINT CRAFT ~ORKER I H B['WKLY MONTHLY 422 A MAINT CRAFT ~ORKER Il H MONTHLY 428 A 430 A 432 A 433 A 435 A 436 A 439 A H MONTHLY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC H BI-WKLY MONTHLY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II H BI-WKLY MONTHLY MAINTENANCE MECHANIC H MONTHLY AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC H BI'WKLY MONTHLY INDUSTRIAL WASTE INSPECTOR H BI-~KLY MONTHLY MONTHLY TREAT PLANT OPR I H MONTHLY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 1 - BLUE COLLAR UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 DEC 1993 C SALARY EDU D BASIS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 PCT HQURLY 14.328 15.050 15.?'98 16.585 17.419 1,146.24 1,204.00 1,263.84 1,$26.80 1,393.52 2,493.07 2,618.70 2,748.85 2,885.79 3,030.91 HOURLY 14.067 14.~76 15.514 16.290 17.110 1,125.36 1,182.08 1,241.12 1,303.20 1,368.80 2,447.66 2,571.02 2,699.44 2,834.46 2,977.14 HOURLY 11.640 12.221 12.830 13.479 14.148 931.20 977.68 1,026.40 1,078.32 1,131.84 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 HOURLY 13.729 14.419 15.136 15.896 16.687 1,098.32 1,153.52 1,210.88 1,271.68 1,334.96 2,388.85 2,508.91 2,633.66 2,765.90 2,903.54 HOURLY 14.707 15.451 16.228 17.052 17.919 1,176.56 1,236.08 1,298.24 1,364.16 1,433.52 2,559.02 2,688.47 2,823.67 2,967.05 3,117.91 HOURLY 15.462 16.232 17.047 17.892 18.790 1,236.96 1,298.56 1,363.76 1,431.36 1,503.20 2,690.39 2,824.37 2,966.18 3,113.21 3,269.46 HOURLY 16.044 16.851 17.708 18.600 19.545 1,283.52 1~348.08 1,416.64 1,488.00 1,563.60 2,791.66 2,932.07 3,081.19 3~236.40 3,400.83 HOURLY 13.383 14.057 14.754 15.493 16.269 1,070.64 1,124.56 1,180.32 1,239.44 1,301.52 2,328.64 2,445.92 2,567.20 2,695.78 2,830.81 HOURLY 12.773 13.412 14.079 14.785 15.525 1,021.84 1,072.96 1,126.32 1,182.80 1,242.00 2~222.50 2,333.69 2,449.75 2,572.59 2,701.35 HOURLY 13.706 14.390 15.110 15.863 16.659 1,096.48 1,151.20 1,208.80 1,269.04 1,332.72 2,384.84 2,503.86 2,629.14 2,760.16 2,898.67 HOURLY 13.706 14.390 15.110 15.863 16.659 1,096.48 1,151.20 1,208.80 1,269.04 1,332.72 2,384.84 2,503.86 2,629.14 2,760.16 2,898.67 HOURLY 11.357 11.923 12.515 13.145 13.803 908.56 953.84 1,001.20 1,051.60 1,104.24 1,976.12 2,074.60 2,177.61 2,287.23 2,401.72 PAGE: 5 RUN DATE: 07-22-94 PAY13.10.01 09:32AM 0 C CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE D 442 A W W TREAT PLANT OPR Il H MONTHLY 443 A STAGE TECHNICIAN H MONTHLY 446 A TRADES ASSISTANT - EQUIPMENT H MONTHLY 447 A TRADES ASSISTANT H MONTHLY 447 A TRADES ASSISTANT T TRAINING MONTHLY 448 A TRADES ASSISTANT ' FIRE HYDR H BI'WKLY MONTHLY 531 A TRAFFIC SIGNAL TECHNICIAN H MONTHLY 719 A TRAFFIC PAINTER III H BI-WKLY MONTHLY 757 A AIR COND TECH Il H BI-WKLY MONTHLY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 1 - BLUE COLLAR UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 DEC 1993 SALARY EDU BASIS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 PCT HOURLY 12.790 13.424 14.096 14.802 15.540 1,023.20 1,0~3.92 1,127.68 1,184.16 1,243.20 2,225.46 2,335.78 2,452.70 2,5~5.55 2,703.96 HOURLY 13.383 14.057 14.~4 15.493 16.269 1,070.6/* 1,124.56 1,180.32 1,239.44 1,301.52 2,328.6/* 2,445.92 2,56?.20 2,695.78 2,830.81 HOURLY 11.640 12.221 12.830 13.479 14.148 931.20 977.68 1,026.40 1,078.32 1,131.84 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 HOURLY 11.640 12.221 12.830 13.4~9 14.148 931.20 97?.68 1~026.40 1,078.32 1,131.84 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 HOURLY 10.223 817.84 1,778.80 HOURLY 11.640 12.221 12.830 13.479 14.148 931.20 977.68 1,026.40 1,078.32 1,131.84 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 HOURLY 16.139 16.939 17.788 18.677 19.609 1,291.12 1,355.12 1,423.04 1,494.16 1,568.72 2,808.19 2,947.39 3,095.11 3,249.80 3,411.97 HOURLY 12.~90 13.424 14.096 14.802 15.540 1,023.20 1,073.92 1,127.68 1,184.16 1,243.20 2,225.46 2,335.?8 2,452.70 2,575.55 2,703.96 HOURLY 15.085 15.838 16.632 17.458 18.333 1,206.80 1,267.04 1,330.56 1,396.64 1,466.64 2,624.79 2,755.81 2,893.97 3,037.69 3,189.94 PAGE: 6 RUN DATE: 07-22-94 PAY13.10.01 09:33AM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 2 - WHITE COLLAR UNIT 0 C SALARY CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE D BASIS EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 DEC 1993 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 120 A POLICE LAB TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 15.462 16.232 17.047 17.892 18.790 BI-~KLY 1,236.96 1,298.56 1,363.76 1,431.36 1,503.20 MONTHLY 2,690.39 2,824.37 2,966.18 3,113.2! 3,269.46 145 A POLICE SERVICE TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 11.194 11,756 12.346 12.964 13.611 BI-WKLY 895.52 940.48 987.68 1,037.12 1,088.88 MONTHLY 1,941.16 2,045.54 2,148.20 2,255.74 2,368.31 147 A FIRE INSPECTOR H HOURLY 13.236 13.898 14.593 15.324 16.089 BI-~KLY 1,058.88 1,111.84 1,167.44 1,225.92 1,287.12 MONTHLY 2,303.06 2,418.25 2,539.18 2,666.38 2,799.49 148 A FIRE PREVENTION ]NSP/PETROLE H HOURLY 13.236 13.898 14.593 15.324 16.089 BI-WKLY 1,058.88 1,111.84 1,167.44 1,225.92 1,287.12 MONTNLY 2,303.06 2,418.25 2,539.18 2,666.38 2,799.49 150 A COMMUNITY SERVICE SPECIALIST N HOURLY 11.194 11.756 12.346 12.964 13.611 BI-WKLY 895.52 940.48 98?.68 1,031.12 1,0~.88 MONTHLY 1,947.76 2,045.54 2,148.20 2,255.74 2,368.31 201 A ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT [ H HOURLY 13.795 14.484 15.212 15.972 16.771 BI-WKLY 1,103.60 1,158.72 1,216.96 1,277.76 1,341.68 MONTHLY 2,400.33 2,520.22 2,646.89 2,7~.13 2,918.15 202 A ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Il H HOURLY 14.785 15.525 16.300 17.115 17.969 BI-WKLY 1,182.80 1,242.00 1,304.00 1,369.20 1,437.52 MONTHLY 2,572.59 2,701.35 2,836.20 2,918.01 3,126.61 213 A FLEET SERV SYSTEMS ANALYST H HOURLY 13.366 14.034 14.?'~7 15.474 16.249 BI'WKLY 1,069.28 1,122.72 1,178.96 1,237.92 1,299.92 MONTHLY 2,325.68 2,441.92 2,564.24 2,692.48 2,827.33 434 A AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SPECIALIST N HOURLY 10.349 10.864 11.406 11.97~ 12.515 BI'WKLY 827.92 869.12 912.48 957.84 1,006.00 MONTHLY 1,800.2'5 1,890.34 1,984.64 2,083.30 2,188.05 444 A PARK TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 16.178 16.9~ 17.836 18.7'50 19.~3 BI-WKLY 1,294.24 1,359.04 1,426.~ 1,498.40 1,573.04 MONTHLY 2,814.97 2,955.91 3,103.46 3,259.02 3,421.36 501 A HAZAROOUS MATERIALS TECHNIC! N HOURLY 16.178 16.9~ 17.836 18.7'50 19.~3 BI-WKLY 1,294.24 1,359.04 1,426.88 1,498.40 1,57~.04 MONTHLY 2,814.97 2~955.91 3,103.46 3,259.02 3,421.36 503 A PLANNING TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 14,034 14.733 15.471 16.242 17.056 BI-WKLY 1,122.72 1,178.64 1,237.68 1,299.36 1,364.48 MONTHLY 2,441.92 2,563.54 2,691.95 2,826.11 2,967.74 PAGE: 1 RUN DATE: 07-22-94 EOU PCT PAY13.10.01 09:33AM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 2 - WHITE COLLAR UNIT 0 C SALARY CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE D BASIS EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 DEC 1993 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 504 A ASSISTANT PLANNER B HOURLY 15.279 16.044 16.840 17.681 18.568 BI-~KLY 1,222.32 1,283.52 1,347.20 1,414.48 1,485.44 MONTHLY 2,658.55 2,~91.66 2,930.16 3,076.49 3,230.83 506 A DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE H HOURLY 19.200 20.161 21.168 22.229 23.342 BI-WKLY 1,536.00 1,612.88 1,693.44 1,r78.32 1,867.36 MONTHLY 3,340.80 3,508.01 3,6~3.23 3,86?.85 4,061.51 507 A DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT H HOURLY 17.377 18.245 19.157 20.114 21.118 BI-WKLY 1,390.16 1,459.60 1,532.56 1,609.12 1,689.44 MONTHLY 3,023.60 3,174.63 3,333.32 3,499.84 3,674.53 508 A DATA PROCESSING OPERATOR H HOURLY 11.620 12.204 12.816 13.457 14.129 DI-WKLY 929.60 976.32 1,025.28 1,076.56 1,130.32 MONTHLY 2,021.88 2,123.50 2,229.98 2,341.52 2,458.45 509 A PROGRAMMER/ANALYST H HOURLY 14.830 15.570 16.349 17.162 18.026 BI-WKLY 1,186.40 1,245.60 1,307.92 1,372.96 1,442.08 MONTHLY 2,580.42 2,709.18 2,844.73 2,986.19 3,136.52 510 A OFFICE SYSTEMS ANALYST H HOURLY 14.830 15.570 16.349 17.162 18.026 BI-WKLY 1,186.40 1,245.60 1,307.92 1,372.96 1,442.08 MONTHLY 2,580.42 2,709.18 2,844.73 2,986.19 3,136.52 511 A OFFICE SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 13.136 13.793 14.488 15.210 15.974 BI-WKLY 1,050.88 1,103.44 1,159.04 1,216.80 1,27r.92 MONTHLY 2,285.66 2,399.98 2,520.91 2,646.54 2,779.48 512 A ENGINEER I H HOURLY 17.809 18.700 19.637 20.619 21.669 8I-WKLY 1,424.72 1,496.00 1,570.96 1,6/,9.52 1,?31.92 MONTHLY 3,098.77 3,253.80 3,416.84 3,587.71 3,766.93 515 A ENGINEER Il H HOURLY 20.482 21.505 22.581 23.712 24.895 BI-WKLY 1,638.56 1,720.40 1,806.48 1,896.96 1,991.60 MONTHLY 3,563.87 3,741.87 3,929.09 4,125.89 4,331.73 516 A TRANSPORTATION PLANNER H HOURLY 20.482 21.505 22.581 23.712 24.895 BI-WKLY 1,638.56 1,720.40 1,806.48 1,896.96 1,991.60 MONTHLY 3,563.8? 3,741.87 3,929.09 4,125.89 4,331.73 518 A ENGINEERING AIDE I H HOURLY 10.349 10.864 11.406 11.973 12.575 BI-WKLY 827.92 849.12 912.48 957.84 1,006.00 MONTHLY 1,800.73 1,890.34 1,984.64 2,083.30 2,188.05 520 A COMPUTER ORAFTING TECH I H HOURLY 12.790 13.424 14.096 14.802 15.540 BI-WKLY 1,023.20 1,073.92 1,127.68 1,184.16 1,243.20 MONTHLY 2,225.46 2,335.78 2,452.?0 2,575.55 2,703.96 PAGE: 2 RUN DATE: 07-22-94 EDU PCT PAY13.10.01 09:33AM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 2 - WHITE COLLAR UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 0 C SALARY CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE O BASIS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 521 A ENGINEERING AIDE II H HDURLY 11.6<.0 12.221 12.830 13.479 BI-WKLY 931.20 977.6~ 1,026.40 1,078.32 1,131.8/* MONTHLY 2,025.36 2,126.45 2,232.42 2,345.35 2,461.75 522 A ENGINEER]NG AIOE Ill H HOURLY 12.790 13.424 14.096 14.802 BI-WKLY 1,023.20 1,073.92 1,127.6~ 1,18/*.16 1,243.20 MONTHLY 2,225.46 2,335.78 2,452.70 2,575.55 2,703.96 523 A GRAPHICS TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 13.383 14.057 14.754 15.493 BI-WKLY 1,070.64 1,124.56 1,180.32 1,239.44 1,301.52 MONTHLY 2,328.64 2,445.92 2,567.20 2,695.78 2,830.81 524 A COMPUTER DRAFTING TECN Il H HOURLY 14.989 15.738 16.524 17.350 BI-WKLY 1,199.12 1,259.04 1,321.92 1,388.00 1,457.52 MONTHLY 2,608.09 2,738.41 2,875.18 3,018.90 3,170.11 525 A CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I H HOURLY 14.707 15.451 16.228 17.052 BI-WKLY 1,176.56 1,236.08 1,298.24 1,36~.16 1,433.52 MONTHLY 2,559.02 2,688.47 2,823.67 2,967.05 3,117.91 526 A CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR ~I H HOURLY 16.178 16.988 17.836 18.7~0 BI~WKLY 1,294.24 1,359.04 1,426.88 1,498.40 1,573.04 MONTHLY 2,814.97 2,955.91 3,103.46 3,259.02 3,421.36 527 A ENGINEERING TECH I H HOURLY 16.178 16.988 17.836 18.730 BI-WKLY 1,294.24 1,359.04 1,426.88 1,498.40 1,573.04 MONTHLY 2,814.97 2,955.91 3,103.46 3,259.02 3,421.36 528 A SURVEY PARTY CHIEF H HOURLY 14.062 14.765 15.505 16.280 BI-~LY 1,124.96 1,181.20 1,240.40 1,302.40 1,367.60 MONTHLY 2,446.79 2,569.11 2,697.87 2,832.72 2,974.53 529 A TRAFFIC OP TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 16.139 16.939 17.788 18.677 BI'WKLY 1,291.12 1,355.12 1,423.04 1,494.16 1,568.72 MONTHLY 2,808.19 2,947.39 3,095.11 3,249.80 3,411.97 600 A PEAL PROPERTY AGENT H HOURLY 18.795 19.734 20.719 21.757 BI'WKLY 1,503.60 1,578.72 1,657.52 1,740.56 1,827.44 MONTHLY 3,270.33 3,433.72 3,605.11 3,785.72 3,974.68 603 A ACCOUNTANT ! H HOURLY 13.795 14.48/* 15.212 15.972 BI-~,~KLY 1,103.60 1,158.72 1,216.96 1,277.76 1,341.68 MONTHLY 2,400.33 2,520.22 2,6~6.89 2,779.13 2,918.15 604 A ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST ] H HOURLY 15.279 16.044 16.8/+0 17.681 BI-~KLY 1,222.32 1,283.52 1,347.20 1,414.48 1,485.44 MONTHLY 2,658.55 2,791.66 2,930.16 3,076.49 3,230.83 OEC 1993 STEP 5 14.148 15.540 16.269 18.219 17.919 19.663 19.663 17.095 19.609 22.843 16.771 18.568 PAGE: 3 RUN DATE: 07-22-94 EDU PCT 09:33AM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 2 - WHITE COLLAR UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 0 C SALARY CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE D BASIS STEP I STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 605 A ACCOUNTING CLERK I H HOURLY 9.429 9.899 10.398 10.918 BI-WI(LY 754.32 791.92 831.84 873.44 916.96 MONTHLY 1,640.65 1,722.43 1,809.25 !,899.73 1,994.39 606 A ACCOUNTING CLERK II H HOURLY 10.420 10,941 11.491 12,062 BI-~KLY 833.60 875.28 919.28 964.96 1,013.36 MONTHLY 1,813,08 1,903.73 1,999.43 2,098.?9 2,204.06 608 A FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR N HOURLY 11.449 12.023 12,626 13.255 BI-WKLY 915.92 961.84 1,010.08 1,060.40 1,113.20 MONTHLY 1,992.13 2,092.00 2,196.92 2,306.37 2,421.21 609 A BUDGET ANALYST H HOURLY 15.279 16.044 16.840 17.681 BI-WKLY 1,222.32 1,283.52 1,347.20 1,414.48 1,485.44 MONTHLY 2,658.55 2,791.66 2,930.16 3,076.49 3,230.83 611 A ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST II H HOURLY 16.345 17.173 18.042 18.958 BI-WKLY 1,307.60 1,373.84 1,443.36 1,516.64 1,593.20 MONTHLY 2,844.03 2,988.10 3,139.31 3,298.69 3,465.21 612 A CASHIER-RECEPTIONIST H HOURLY 9.003 9.454 9.926 10.422 B[-WKLY 720.24 756.32 794.08 833.76 875.68 MORTHLY 1,566.52 1,645.00 1,727.12 1,813.43 1,904.60 614 A MICROGRAPHIC TECHNICIAN fl HOURLY 9.301 9.769 10.261 10.771 BI~WKLY 744.08 781.52 820.88 861.68 904.72 MONTHLY 1,618.37 1,699.81 1,785.41 1,874.15 1,967.77 617 A DATA ENTRY CLERK H HOURLY 9.429 9.899 10.398 10.918 BI-~KLY 7'54.32 791.92 831.84 873.44 916.96 MONTHLY 1,640.65 1,722.43 1,809.25 1,899.73 1,994.]9 618 A CLERK STENOGRAPHER I H HOURLY 9.003 9.454 9.926 10.422 BI-WKLY 720.24 756.32 794.08 833.76 875.68 MONTHLY 1,5~.52 1,645.00 1,727.12 1,813.43 1,904.60 621 A CLERK STENOGRAPHER 11 H HOURLY 9.740 10.224 10.737 11.280 BI-WKLY 7?9.20 817.92 858.96 902.40 947.04 MONTHLY 1,694.76 1,778.98 1,868.24 1,962.72 2,059.81 622 A CLERK TYPIST I N HOURLY 8.212 8.626 9.054 9.510 BI'~KLY 656.96 690.08 724.32 760.80 798.80 MONTHLY 1,428.89 1,500.92 1,57'5.40 1,654.74 1,?'37.39 622 A CLERK TYPIST ] T HOURLY 7.391 TRAINING SI-W~LY 591.28 MONTHLY 1,286.03 DEC 1993 STEP 5 11.462 12.667 13.915 18.568 19.915 10.946 11.309 11.462 10.946 11.038 9.985 PAGE: 4 RUN DATE: 07-22-94 EDU PET I-4 09:33A~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 2 - WHITE COLLAR UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 DEC 1993 0 C SALARY CLS T CLASSIFICATIC]N TITLE D BASIS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 623 A CLERK TYPIST Il H HOURLY 9.301 9.?69 10.261 10.77'1 11.309 BI-WKLY 74&.08 781.52 820.88 861.68 904.72 MONTHLY 1,618.37 1~699.81 !,785.A1 1,874.15 1,967.77 625 A TRANSCRIBING TYPIST N HOURLY 9.916 10.409 10.932 11.47'7 12.053 BI-WICLY 793.28 832.72 874.56 918.16 964.24 MONTHLY 1,725.38 1,811.17 1,902.17 1,997.00 2,097.22 626 A FIRE DISPATCHER I H HOURLY 10.325 10.840 11.384 11.954 12.551 BI~WKLY 826.00 867.20 910.72 956.32 1,004.08 MONTHLY 1,796.55 1,886.16 1,980.82 2,080.00 2,183.87 629 A FIRE DISPATCHER Il N HOURLY 11.463 12.039 12.640 13.274 13.936 BI-WKLY 917.04 963.12 1,011.20 1,061.92 1,114.88 MONTHLY 1,994.56 2,094.~9 2,199.36 2,309.68 2,424.86 630 A LEGAL SECRETARY - MUNICIPAL H HOURLY 12.022 12.625 13.257 13.917 14.609 BI-WKLY 961.76 1,010.00 1,060.56 1,113.36 1,168.72 MONTHLY 2,091.83 2,196.~5 2,306.72 2,421.56 2,541.97 631 A LEGAL SECRETARY - LITIGATION H HOURLY 12.022 12.625 13.257 13.917 14.609 BI-WKLY 961.76 1,010.00 1,060.56 1,113.36 1,168.72 MONTHLY 2,091.83 2,196,~ 2,306.72 2,421.56 2,541.97 635 A DEPUTY CLERK H HOURLY 11.449 12.023 12.626 13.255 13.915 BI-WKLY 915.92 961.84 1,010.08 1,060.40 1,113.20 MONTHLY 1,992.13 2,092.00 2,196.92 2,306.37 2,421.21 637 A TELECOMMUNICATOR I H HOURLY 11.463 12.039 12.640 13.274 13.936 BI-WKLY 91?.04 963.12 1,011.20 1,061.92 1,114.88 MONTHLY 1,994.56 2,094.7'9 2,199.36 2,309.68 2,424.86 638 A TELECOM~MNICATOR II H HOURLY 12.193 12.806 13.443 14.119 14.825 BI-WKLY 975.44 1,024.48 1,075.44 1,t29.52 1,186.00 MONTHLY 2,121.58 2,228.24 2,339.08 2,456.71 2,579.55 639 A REVENUE PROGRAM AIDE H HOURLY 11.357 11.923 12.515 13.145 13.803 BI-gKLY 908.56 953.84 1,001.20 1,051.60 1,104.24 MONTHLY 1,976.12 2,074.60 2,177.61 2,287.23 2,401.72 640 A HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 14.785 15.525 16.300 17.115 17.969 BI-~KLY 1,182.80 1,242.00 1,304.00 1,369.20 1,437.52 MONTHLY 2,5?2.59 2,?01.35 2,836.20 2,978.01 3,126.61 641 A PARK & LANDSCAPE DESIGNER H HOURLY 17.377 18.245 19.157 20.114 21.118 BI-~KLY 1,390.16 1,459.60 1,532.56 1,609.12 1,689.44 MONTHLY 3,023.60 3,174.63 3,333.32 3,499.84 3,674.53 PAGE: 5 RUN DATE: 07-22-94 EDU PCT PAY13.10.D1 09~33AM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 2 ' WHITE COLLAR UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 DEC 1993 0 C SALARY EDU CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE D BASIS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 PCT 642 A RECEPTIONIST B HOURLY 9.003 9.454 9.926 10.422 10.946 BI-WKLY 720.24 756.32 794.08 833.76 875.68 MONTHLY 1,566.52 1,645.00 1,727.12 1,813.43 1~904.6D 643 A ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 14.785 15.525 16.300 17.115 17.969 BI-WKLY 1,182.80 1,242.00 1,304.00 1,369.20 1,437.52 MONTHLY 2,572.59 2,701.35 2,836.20 2,978.01 3,126.61 644 A HUMAN RESOURCES CLERK H HOURLY 11.449 12.023 12.626 13.255 13.915 BI-~KLY 915.92 961.84 1,010.08 1,060.40 1,115.20 MONTHLY 1,992.13 2,092.00 2,196.92 2,306.37 2,421.21 645 A SECRETARY I H HOURLY 10.420 10.941 11.491 12.062 12.667 BI-~KLY 833.60 875.28 919.28 964.96 1,013.36 MONTHLY 1,813.08 1,903.73 1,999.43 2,098.79 2,204.06 646 A SENIOR POLICE RECORDS CLERK H HOURLY 11.449 12.023 12.626 13.255 13.915 BI-~KLY 915.92 961.84 1,010.08 1,060.40 1,115.20 MONTHLY 1,992.13 2,092.00 2,196.92 2,306.37 2,421.21 647 A BENEFITS TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 16.345 17.173 18.042 18.958 19.915 BI-UKLY 1,307.60 1,373.84 1,443.36 1,516.64 1,593.20 MONTHLY 2,844.03 2,988.10 3,139.31 3,298.69 3,465.21 649 A SECRETARY Il H flOURLY 11.449 12.023 12.626 13.255 13.915 BI-~KLY 915.92 961.84 1,010.08 1,060.40 1,113.20 MONTHLY 1,992.13 2,092.00 2,196.92 2,306.37 2,421.21 701 A HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST [ H HOURLY 15.279 16.044 16.840 17.681 18.568 BI-WKLY 1,222.32 1,283.52 1,347.20 1,414.48 1,485.44 MONTHLY 2,658.55 2,791.66 2,930.16 3,076.49 3,230.83 705 A PLAN CHECKER (RESIDENTIAL) H HOURLY 18.417 19.351 20.331 21.362 22.441 BI-~KLY 1,473.36 1,548.08 1,626.48 1,708.96 1,795.28 MONTHLY 3,204.56 3,367.07 3,537.59 3,716.99 3,904.73 706 A ASSOCIATE PLANNER H HOURLY 19.200 20.161 21.168 22.229 23.342 BI-~KLY 1,536.00 1,612.88 1,693.44 1,778.32 1,867.36 MONTHLY 3,340.80 3,508.01 3,683.23 3,867.85 4,061.51 707 A ASSOC PLANNER CON DEr H HOURLY 19.200 20.161 21.168 22.229 23.342 BI-~KLY 1,536.00 1,612.88 1,693.44 1,778.32 1,867.36 MONTHLY 3,340.80 3,508.01 3,683.23 3,867.85 4,061.51 708 A BUILOING INSPECTOR [[ B HOURLY 16.178 16.98~ 17.836 18.730 19.663 BI-UKLY 1,294.24 1,359.04 1,426.88 1,498.40 1,5~r3.04 MONTHLY 2,814.97 2,955.91 3,103.46 3,259.02 3,421.36 PAGE: 6 RUN DATE: 07-22-94 PAY13.10.01 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PAGE: 7 09:33AM S A L A R Y S C H E D U L E RUN DATE: 07-22-94 2 - WHITE COLLAR UNIT 0 C SALARY CLS T CLASSIFICATION TITLE O RASIS 710 A REBAB]LITATION SPEC]AL]ST H BI-~KLY MONTHLY 714 A BUILDING INSPECTOR ] H BI-WKLY MONTHLY 716 A BUILDING PERMIT TECHNICIAN H BI'~KLY MONTHLY 723 A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALI H BI-WKLY MONTHLY 734 A SENIOR PROPERTY TECHNICIAN H BI-WKLY MONTHLY 737 A COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN I H BI'WKLY MONTHLY 7'38 A COHMUNICAT]ONS TECHNIC]AN Il H MONTHLY 751 A FIRE/SAFETY EDUCATION SPEC[A H MONTHLY 752 A BUYER H BI-WKLY MONTHLY 754 A BUYER ]] H BI-WKLY MONTHLY 801 A ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE H BI'WKLY MONTHLY EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 DEC 1993 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 HOURLY 16.178 16.988 17.836 18.730 19.663 1,294.24 1,359.04 1,426.88 1,498.40 1,573.04 2,814.97 2,955.91 3,103.46 3,259.02 3,421.36 HOURLY 14.707 15.451 16.228 17.052 17.919 1,176.56 1,236.08 1,298.24 1,364.16 1,433.52 2,559.02 2,688.47 2,823.67 2,967.05 3,117.91 HOURLY 14.707 15.451 16.228 17.052 17.919 1,176.56 1,236.08 1,298.24 1,364.16 1,433.52 2,559.02 2,688.47 2,823.67 2,967.05 3,117.91 HOURLY 17.809 18.700 19.637 20.619 21.649 1,424.72 1,496.00 1,570.96 1,649.52 1,731.92 3,098.77 3,253.80 3,416.84 3,587.71 3,766.93 HOURLY 13.383 14.057 14.754 15.493 16.269 1,070.6~ 1,124.56 1,180.32 1,239.44 1,301.52 2,328.64 2,445.92 2,567.20 2,695.78 2,830.81 HOURLY 14.707 15.451 16.228 17.052 17.919 1,176.56 1,236.08 1,298.24 1,364.16 1,433.52 2,559.02 2,688.47 2,823.67 2,967.05 3,117.91 HOURLY 17.377 18.245 19.157 20.114 21.118 1,390.16 1,459.60 1,532.56 1,609.12 1~689.44 3,023.60 3,174.63 3,333.32 3,499.84 3,674.53 HOURLY 11.194 11.756 12.346 12.964 13.611 895.52 940.48 987.68 1,037.12 1,088.88 1,947.76 2,045.54 2,148.20 2,255.74 2,368.31 HOURLY 13.136 13.793 14.488 15.210 15.974 1,050.88 1,103.44 1,159.04 t,216.80 1,277.92 2,285.66 2,399.98 2,520.91 2,646.54 2,779.48 HOURLY 16.178 16.988 17.836 18.730 19.663 1,294.24 1,359.04 1,426.~ 1,498.40 1,5~.04 2,814.97 2,955.91 3,103.46 3,259.02 3,421.36 HOURLY 13.795 14.484 15.212 15.972 16.771 1,103.60 1,158.72 1,216.96 1,277.76 1,341.68 2,400.33 2,520.22 2,6J+6.89 2,779.13 2,918.15 EDU PCT