HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 061-04RESOLUTION NO. 0 6 I - 0 4 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE KERN COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FOR ALLOCATION OF TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004-05. WHEREAS, the Transportation Development Act of 1971 provides for the disbursement of funds from the local Transportation Fund held in trust by the Kern County Auditor-Controller for use by eligible claimants for the purpose authorized by Sections 99260(a) and 99400(a) of the California Public Utilities Code; and WHEREAS, an eligible claimant wishing to receive an allocation from the Local Transportation Fund must file its application with the Kern Council of Governments pursuant to the rules and regulations that have been adopted by the Secretary of the Business and Transportation Agency of the State of California in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned legislation; and WHEREAS, funds from the Local Transportation Fund will be required to maintain a multimodal facility on the public transportation system. NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: That the Public Works Director is authorized to execute and file an appropriate claim pursuant to the terms of the Transportation Development Act of 1971, as amended, and pursuant to applicable rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, together with all necessary supporting documents, with the Kern Council of Governments for fiscal year 2004-05 Transportation Development Act monies. That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Kern Council of Governments in conjunction with the filing of the claim; and the Kern Council of Governments be requested to concur in these findings and grant the allocation of funds as specified in the City's claim. ............... 000 ............... -1- ORIGINAl I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted, by the Council o..f,,~e City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on t~P, ?~ &Zu by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH, CARSON, BENHAH, MAGGAP, D~4'IAN'SGNt-SUL!..tVAN, SALVAGG]'O COUNClLMEMBER COUNClLMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER. PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CI~ CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED MAR 2 4 2004 APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney Deputy City Attorney -2- ORIGINAL Kem Council of Govemmer~.~ TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMEHT ACT PUBLIC TRANSIT CLAIM FY 2004/2005 PART I OF 8 - CLAIMANT INFORMATION Agency: Mailing Address: Office Address: City, State, Zip Telephone: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (661) 326-3724 Name: Title: Department: Mailing Address: Office Address: City, State, Zip Telephone: FAX: E-Mail: WEB Site: GEORGINA LORENZI ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS - ADMINISTRATION 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (661) 326-3572 (661)852-2120 olorenzi @ ci.bakersfield.ca.us httD://www.ci.bakersfield.ca, us ORIGINAL Kern Council of Governments TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT PUBLIC TRANSIT CLAIM PART 2 OF 8 - CLAIM AND ASSURANCES For Fiscal Year 2004/2005 A. C~IM: The City of Bakersfield - Public Works Dept. hereby claims Local Transportation Fund and State Transit Assistance Fund apportionments and allocations for the 2004/2005 fiscal year plus all unencumbered funds and/or deferred revenues held in its local treasury for public transit uses. ~: The City of Bakemfield - Public Works Dept. hereby certifies that, as a condition of receiving funds pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Sections 99200, et. seq., and California Code of Regulations Sections 6600, et, seq., as amended, it shall ensure that: 1. All funds will be expended in compliance with the requirements of California Public Utilities Code Sections 99200 through 99408, California Code of Regulations Sections 6600 through 6756 and Kern Council of Governments' Transportation Development Act Rules and Regulations. 2. All funds will be expended in accordance with the budgets described in Part 6 of this claim, attached hereto and made a part hereof, by this reference. These assurances are given in consideration of and the for the purpose of obtaining any and all funds apportioned and allocated for public transit purposes pursuant to Public Utilities Codes, Division 10, Part 11, Chapter 4 of the State of California. The person whose signature appears below has been authorized to provide the assurances cited above and to prepare, submit and execute this claim on behalf of: City of Bakersfield - Public Works Dept. Claimant Si~ature March 15, 2004 Date Public Works Director Title ASSU~CES: As the chief financial officer of the City of Bakersfield I hereby attest to the reasonableness and accuracy of the financial information presented in this claim and declare it to be consistent wi~m system of accounts and records adopted by the Controller of the State of California..~.~~_.. J3/~&'Z.4~/..~,~ ,,~5,..~,~7/_~ Signature Date Finance Director Title ORIGINAL Kern Council of Governments PART 3 OF 8--PROJECTED PUBLIC TRANSIT RESOURCES For Fiscal Year 2003/2004 CLAIMANT: City of Bakemfield - Public Works Department t. FY 2003/2004 PROJECTED AVAILABLE RESOURCES A. Deferred Revenues -- unexpended prior year cash receipts held in the claimant's treasury as of June 30, 2003 (from the 2002/03 audit report) B. Unreserved/Unrestricted Retained Earnings C. Interest Earnings -- interest earnings on claimant cash balances through June 30, 2004 D. Federal Grants & Reimbursements (Source & Amount): 1. FTA Planning Assistance 2. FTA Operating Assistance 3. FTA Capital Assistance 4. E. State Grants & Reimbursements (Source & Amount): 1. F. Local Cash Grants & Reimbursements (Source & Amount) 1. LTF--Regional Planning (PUC 99262) 2. LTF--Operations/Capital (PUC 99260a) 3. LTF--Capital Reserve Withdrawl (CCR 6648) 4. LTF--Social Service Transit (PUC 99275) 5. LTF--Contracted/Purchased Transit Services (PUC 99400c) 6. STAF--Operations (CCR 6730a) 7. STAF--Capital (CCR 6730b) 8. STAF--Contracted/Purchased Transit Services (CCR 6731b) 9. STAF--Social Service Transit (CCR 6731c) 10. County of Kern--Service Contract(s) 11. G. Operating Revenues: 1. Passenger Fares 2. Special Fares 3. School Bus Service 4. Freight Tariffs 5. Charters H. Other Revenues (Source & Amount): 1. 2. I. TOTAL FY 2003/2004 PROJECTED AVAILABLE RESOURCES -- enter here and Part 4, Line J (Sections A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H) $272,697 $340,599 CLAIMANT: Kern Council of Governments PART 4 OF 8-PROJECTED PUBLIC TRANSIT EXPENSES For Fiscal Year 2003/2004 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT J. TOTAL FY 2003/2004 PROJECTED AVAILABLE RESOURCES (From Part 3, Line I) II. FY 2003/2004 PROJECTED EXPENSES & USES K. Personnel: 1. Administrative Salaries & Wages 2. Operating Salaries & Wages 3. Other Salaries & Wages 4. Fringe Benefits L. Services & Supplies: 1. Professional Services (track insp. $30,000; sig. insp. $5,000) 2. Maintenance Services (janitorial $89,000; landscape $5,800) 3. Other Services 4. Vehicle Maintenance & Supplies 5. Utilities (water $21,000; electricity $22,000; phone $230) 6. Insurance 7. Purchased Transportation Services 8. Miscellaneous 9. Expense & Inter-fund Transfers 10. Interest 11. Lease & Rentals 12. Other (omcall track maintenance $5,000; repair of automatic doors $2,600) M. Capital Assets (Itemize by Object & Amount): 1. N. Other Uses (Object & Amount): 1. Regional Planning Contribution (from FY 2003/2004 TDA Estimate) 2. O. FY 2003/2004 PROJECTED EXPENSES & USES (Sections K+L+M+N) $340,599 $10,000 $5,000 $35,000 $94,8OO $43,230 $11,000 $15,000 $7,600 $221,630 P. DEFERRED REVENUES AND AVAILABLE RESERVES AS OF JUNE 30, 2004 -- enter here and on Line A, Part 5 (Sections J-O) $118,969 ORIGINAL ~ Kern Council of Governments PART S OF 6-BUDGETED PUBLIC TRANSIT RESOURCES For Fiscal Year 2004/2005 ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I. FY 2004/2005 NONCURRENT TDA & OTHER BUDGETED RESOURCES A. Deferred Revenues & Available Reserves-- unexpended prior year cash receipts and reserves held in the claimant's treasury as of June 30, 2004 (From Part 4, Line P) $118,969 B. Interest Earnings--interest earnings on claimant cash balances through June 30, 2005 $3,000 C. Federal Grants and Reimbursements: 1. FTA Planning Assistance 2. FTA Operating Assistance 3. FTA Capital Assistance 4. D. State Grants and Reimbursements (Soume/Amount): 1. 2. E. Non-TDA Local Cash Grants and Reimbursement (Source/Amount): 1. County of Kern -- Service Contract 2. F. Operating Revenues: 1. Passenger Fares 2. Special Fares 3. School Bus Service 4. Freight Tariffs 5. Charters G. Other Revenues (Source/Amount): 1. 2. I. FY 2004/2005 NONCURRENT TDA & OTHER BUDGETED RESOURCES--enter here and on Part 6, Line J (Sections A+B+C+D+E+F+G) $121,969 ORIGIN^[ Kern Council of Governments PART 6 OF 8--BUDGETED PUBLIC TRANSIT EXPENSES For Fiscal Year 2004/2005 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT J. FY 2004/2005 NONCURRENT TDA & OTHER BUDGETED RESOURCES (From Part 5, Line I) $121,969 II. FY 2004/2005 BUDGETED EXPENSES & USES K. Personnel: 1. Administrative Salaries & Wages 2. Operating Salaries & Wages 3. Other Salaries & Wages 4. Fringe Benefits $20,000 $10,000 $42,000 $95,O00 $3,ooo $55,300 $11,000 $30,000 L. Services & Supplies: 1. Professional Services (track insp. $32,000; sig. insp. $10,000) 2. Maintenance Services (janitorial $89,000; landscape $6,000) 3. Other Services (cleaning & replacement of banners $3,000) 4. Vehicle Maintenance & Supplies 5. Utilities (water $25,000; electrical $30,000; phone $300) 6. Insurance 7. Purchased Transportation Services 8. Miscellaneous 9. Expense & Inter-fund Transfers 10. Interest 11. Lease & Rentals 12. Other (on-call track maint. $15,000; R&M for automatic doors $10,000) $25,000 M. Capital Assets (Itemize): 1. Replace automatic doors and openers 2. 3. $24,500 N. Other Uses: 1. Regional Planning Contribution (from 04/05 TDA estimate) 2. Capital Outlay Reserve Contribution O. FY 2004/2005 BUDGETED EXPENSES & USES (Sections K+L+M+N) $315,800 P. FY 2004/2005 UNFUNDED BALANCE (Line J-O) ($193,831 ) ORIGINAL Kern Council of Governments PART 7 OF 8--TDA FUNDING CLAIM For Fiscal Year 2004/2005 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I. FY 2004/2005 UNFUNDED BALANCE (From Part 6, Line P) II. FY 2004/2005 TDA TRANSIT FUNDING CLAIM 1. LTF--Regional Planning (PUC 99262) (Same as Part 6, Line N1) 2. LTF--Operations/Capital (PUC 99260a) 3 LTF--Capital Reserve Withdrawal (CCR 6648) 4~ LTF--Social Service Transit (PUC 99275) 5. LTF--Contracted/Purchased Transit Services (PUC 99400¢) 6. LTF--Capital Res. Contrib.(CCR 6648) (Same as Part 6, Line N2) 7. STAF--Operations (CCR 6730a) 8. STAF--Capital (CCR 6730b) 9. STAF--Contracted/Purchased Transit Services ( CCR 6731b) 10. STAF--Social Service Transit (CCR 6731c) 11. 12. III. FY 2004/2005 TDA FUNDING CLAIM (Should eoual line UNEXPENDED RESOURCES AS OF JUNE 30, 2005 (Line I+Line III)(Should be $0) ($193,831) $193,831 $193,831 $0 ORIGINAL Kern Council of Governments PART 8.2 OF 8--SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS QUESTIONNAIRE For Fiscal Year 2004/2005 (NOTE: Place an "X" in the proper column) Question 1. Have all recommendations for corrective action from the FY 2002/03 independent financial audit report been implemented ? IF NO, PLEASE SUBMIT A CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN COVERING EACH RECOMMENDATION NOT ADDRESSED. 2. Have ail recommendations for corrective action from the FY 2001/02 performance audit report been implemented ? IF NO, PLEASE SUBMIT A CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN COVERING EACH RECOMMENDATION NO ADDRESSED. 3. Have all past transportation development plan recommendations been implemented ? IF NO, PLEASE SUBMIT A CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN COVERING EACH RECOMMENDATION NOT ADDRESSED. 4. Does the claimant maintain it's financial records in accordance with the California State Controller's approved "uniform system of accounts and records ? 5. Has the claimant submitted it's "Annual Report of Financial Transactions of Transit Operators" to the California State Controller for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003 ? 6. Is the system expected to meet the applicable farebox revenue ratio requirement for FY 2003/04 ? 7. Is the system budgeted to meet the applicable farebox revenue ratio requirement for FY 2004/2005 ? 8. If the answer to questions 6 or 7 is NO (i,e, fares revenues alone are insufficient to meet the applicable revenue ratio requirement), has the claimant committed sufficient "local funds" to supplement fares and thereby comply ? 9. Does the claimant expect to qualify for and claim an "extension of service exemption" for either FY 2003/04 or FY 2004/2005 ? 10. Is a budget increase in excess of 15% proposed for FY 2004/2005 ? 11. Is an increase or decrease in excess of 15% in the scope of operations or capital budget provisions proposed for FY 2004/2005 ? YES NO Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable X Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable X X ORIGI~,~^L Kern Council of Governments PART 8.3 OF 8--SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS OUESTIOINI~I,~IRF For Fiscal Year 2004/2005 (NOTE: Place an "X" in the proper column) Question (NOTE: If the answer to question 11 or 12 is YES, PLEASE SUBMIT A STATEMENT WHICH DESCRIBES THE COMPONENTS OF THE INCREASE/DECREASE AND JUSTIFIES OR SUBSTANTIATES THE CHANGE.) 12. Is the claimant proposing an increase in executive level salaries for FY 2004/2005 ? IF YES, PLEASE SUBMIT A STATEMENT WHICH DEFINES AND JUSTIFIES THE INCREASE. 13. Is the claimant precluded by contract from contracting with common carriers or persons operating under franchise or license ? 14. Does the claimant expect to subcontract with outside parties for the provision of operator services in FY 2004/2005 ? IF YES, PLEASE SUBMIT A COPY OF ALL NEW OR AMENDED CONTRACTS NOT PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED. 15. Is the claimant precluded by contract from employing part-time drivers ? 16. Does the claimant routinely staff public transportation vehicles designed to be operated by one person with two or more persons ? 17. Has the claimant's participation in the California Department of Motor Vehicle "Driver Pull Notice Program" been certified by the California Highway Patrol within the past 13 months ? IF YES, PLEASE SUBMIT A COPY OF FORM chp 339, "TRANSIT OPERATOR COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE". 18. Is the claimant's retirement system fully funded with respect to it's officers and employees ? 19. Does the claimant have a private pension plan ? 20. If the answer to question 19 is YES and the plan is a "defined benefit plan", does the claimant do each of the following: a. Conduct periodic actuarial studies of it's employee pension plans to determine the annual cost of future pension benefits ? b. Set aside and invest, on a current basis, funds sufficient to provide for the payment of future pension benefits ? YES NO Not Applicable X Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable X X Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 0RIGIN~! Kern Council of Governments PART 8.4 OF 8--SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS QUESTIONNAIRE For Fiscal Year 2004/2005 LISTING OF SUBCONTRACTORS 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. (NOTE: If the contract is new or amended from prior years, please submit a copy.) ORIGIN.~,L