HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 157-94RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DESIGNATING THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE AS THE LOCAL TASK FORCE PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE §40950 WHEREAS, with the passage of Assembly Bill 939 into law (Chapter 1095 of the Statutes of 1990) the State Legislature: (a) found there was no coherent State policy to ensure that the State's solid waste is managed in an effective and environmentally sound manner for the remainder of the 20th century and beyond; (b) declared that the responsibility for solid waste management is to be a shared responsibility between the State and Local Governments; (c) declared that the State shall exercise its legal authority in a manner that ensures an effective and coordinated approach to the safe management of all solid waste generated within the State; and (d) declared that it is in the public interest for the State to require cities and counties to make adequate provision for solid waste handling, both within their respective jurisdictions and in response to regional needs. WHEREAS, in part, Chapter 1095 of the Statutes of 1990 adds Division 30 (commencing with Section 40000) to the Public Resources Code, which requires all cities and counties to undertake certain activities with respect to solid waste; and WHEREAS, among the activities required to be undertaken at the local level is the appointment of a local task force to assist in coordinating the development of city source reduction and recycling elements and the countywide siting element; and WHEREAS, the membership of this task force is to be determined by the Board of Supervisors and a majority of the cities within the county which contain a majority of the population in the county and may include representatives of the solid waste industry, environmental organizations, general public, special districts, and affected governmental agencies; and WHEREAS, the task force is to ensure a coordinated and cost-effective regional recycling system by doing all of the following: (a) identifying solid waste management issues of countywide or regional concern; (b) determining the need for solid waste collection systems, processing facilities, and region: marketing strategies that can serve more than one local jurisdiction withing the -]- ORIGtNAL (c) facilitating the development of multi-jurisdictional arrangements for the marketing of recyclable materials; (d) to the extent possible, facilitating resolution of conflicts and inconsistencies between or among city source reduction and recycling elements; and (e) develop goals, policies, and procedures to guide the development of siting plans and the county-wide integrated waste management plan; and WHEREAS, the Kern County Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 90-151, designating the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee of the County of Kern as the Solid Waste Management Local Task Force, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 40950; and WHEREAS, although the composition of the County's Solid Waste Advisory Committee and the scope of its activities have increased since first convened, the workings of the Committee have evidenced its ability to undertake the activities mandated by the Sher Bill to the Local Task Force; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this resolution that the current Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee of the County of Kern be designated the Local Task Force and be authorized and directed to undertake those activities set forth in the State law appropriate to this designation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby: Designates the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee of the County of Kern as the Local Task Force for the purpose of undertaking local task force activities as set forth in Chapter 1095 of the Statutes of 1990 (particularly Public Resources Code section 40950). Sets forth the current membership of the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee in Exhibit "A" to this resolution, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Approves and confirms the current membership of the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee. 4. Instructs the City Clerk to send copies of this Resolution to the following: a) Kern County Waste Management Department, Attn.: Nancy Ewert, 2700 "lvl~' Street, Suite 500, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ooo -2- ORIGINAL 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Bakersfield City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 28th day of September, 1994, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBErS. McDERMOTT. EDv.~ / ~AR~ ~ ~ ~ll, ROWLES, SALVAC~ NO~S: COUNCILMEMI~ RS '(\ ~ ~-~ · ABS*TAIN: COUNCI~.M~MBF-~{S ~, c ~ a ABSENT: COUNCILblEMBEI;~ ' I/~(¥' \XT.~ " CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED SEP 2 $ ~' BOB PRICE-/ MAYOR APPROVED as to form: JUDY SKOUSEN CITY ATFORNEY ORIGINAL BXHIBIT "A" KERN COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMIM1TrEE Number Membership Annointment bv City of Bakersfield Coun(:jlllLe. t]~.~I Bakersfield City Council City Councilmember Bakersfieldl Association of Cities ! Board of Sul;ervisors Imeraber of Intersovernmental Relati~Ps Committee Board of Supervisors {no.: member of Intemovemmental Rel ~tions Committee Waste hauler fmetropolitmn Bakersfield] Board of Suuervisors Board of Suuervisors Board of Sugarvisors 1 Waste hauler fnot meh'oI,olitan Bakersfieldl Board of Suoervisors Recycler [metrol~olitanB~kersfieldl Board of SuGarvisors Recycler inot metrol~olit~n Bakersfieldl Board of Supervisors 1 Industry, larse volume w~sts {ienerator Industi'y. small volume ~ste 8enerator R~ant_o f 5uuervisors Board of Suuervisors ORIGINAL SWMAC Restructure Update - presented by Daphne Washington. Chairman Washington stated that the Department has scheduled this item for the cities' agendas the beginning of the month and to be concluded by end of September, so that the new committee could be seated by October. The existing committee will remain in effect until then. The appropriate Resolutions have been drafted and approved by County Counsel. In accordance with Board directire, the SWMAC now reflects the following representation: 1 - City of Bakersfield - Councilmember Councilmember Patricia DeMond 1 - Association of Cities Representative Councilmember other than the City of Bakersfield Councilmember Cathy Prout (Shafter) (Alternate) CoandlmemberDernardlneHaubrich {Tehachapi) 1 - County of Kern - Supervisor and Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IGRC) Representative Supervisor Shell 1 - County of Kern - Supervisor not serving on the IGRC Supervisor Peterson lndn~tr? 1 - Metropolitan Bakersfield Hauler Robert Bovee (Alternate) Dan Panera 1 - Non-MetropoLitan Bakersfield Hauler Mike Thomas (Alternate) to be determined later 1 - Metropolitan Bakersfield Recycler Dennis Lynch (Granite Construction) 1 - Non-Metropolitan Bakersfield Recycler Paul Benz 1 - Industry - Large Volume Waste Generator Ron Chambers (SWEPI) 1 - Industry - Small Volume Waste Generator Brian Hobin (Nia~oara Ca~ Wash) (Alternate) Mary Helen Barro (KAFY Radio) Supervisor Shell commended the current SWMAC members for all their efforts. Robert Bovee expressed appreciation of the contribution of current and past members of the committee. Because of their experience and expertise, Mr. Bovee suggested that it would be prudent for the new committee members to consult the former members for advice. Mr. Bovee commented that new members should not be limited to those of Waste Management staff, but inclusive of starf of the Environmental Health Department and Planning Department. ORIGINAL