HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 128-97RESOLUTION NO. I 2 8" 9 ? A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADOPTING THE 1997-2016 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PHASES I AND 1I, AND FEE SCHEDULES PHASES I AND H. WHEREAS, Chapter 15.84 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code implemented a Transportation Impact Fee program for new development in order for new development to bear a proportionate share of the cost of the new or expanded transportation facilities required by such development; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3736 amended said chapter, eliminating the need for local traffic mitigation study for development consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan; and WHEREAS, existing vesting maps and maps which have had their local mitigation measures determined by the Planning Commission have been "grandfathered" in at the rates prior to Resolution 142-96; and WHEREAS, Chapter 15.84 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code requires that the City Council annually update the capital improvement plan for road construction funded by the impact fee program and adopt a proposed fee schedule; and WHEREAS, a public heating before the City Council was advertised and held June 25, 1997. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein. 2. That the Capital Improvement Plan, Phase I set forth as Exhibit "A", is hereby approved and adopted for vesting maps and maps which have had their local mitigation measures determined by the Planning Commission. 3. That Capital Improvement Plan, Phase II set forth as Exhibit "B", is hereby approved and adopted for all other developments. 4. That the fee schedule for Phases I and II set forth as Exhibit "C" is hereby approved and adopted. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on AUG 0 § l~O? by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMSER DeMOND, CARSON,.,,~q~I~McDERMOTr, ROWLES, SULLIVAN, SALV^GGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEM~ER CITY CLERK and Ex Offi~i6 Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDY ~l~. ~KOU~S]/I~ C1T~/ATTORNE'~ of the City of Bakersfield Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibit "C" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1997 - 2016 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan - Phase I West BeEwal/-: Seventh S~rdlt~ ~ti ~ i [ $4,908,000 $4,908 $169,653,000 $169,653 ~R~e~;Freeway:~Stockdale~H..~ i $196,000,000 $1,285 $60 $40 SgO $300 $149,355 $45,000 South B~ ~ West ~ to.Cotamwo0d i $108,796,000 $250 $250 $40 $108,256 $1,913,000 $18 $40 $158 $1,855 $18,169.000 * $181169 ' :Cal!OWay Ddve ~l~ :Kern:River v,8 R, ,oa~wa, ¥ ,between, I:r,~esl. $6,626,000 $4 $3 $,305 $1,058 $3,164 $0 $2,091 Mott~awk S~res{ ~ :Kern I:{i'~ :: ...... :. $3,500,000 $25 $3,475 Chester Avenue ~ Kern Ri~r (wldefl);. CItylCo~ n~y $1,920,000 $1,920 Msner Street i~. Kern River (widen)+ C~/COUnty, i,:,i $1,610,000 $1,610 Morning Drlve:l~ Kern River · · · ! County $0 ' .[; ::' [ $ uMo~al ;: Kern Rtve[ Bridges: $16656000I $8~621 $0 Panama Lane {~ Arvin EdiS~ west(widen) $360,000 $360 $0 s.H.:5~=r~nt~n(widen) . : .. $400,000 $40 $396 ($36) S! H: 58'~ Calloway west (widen) County $0 S~ H,.58 ~ Calloway east (widen) County $0 Allelt Road {~ Cros~ Valley i $.500~000 $500 Calloway Drive {~ Cross Valley $1,000,000 $1 $0 $46 $160 $478 $316 AkersRoad ~ArvlnEdison i i:: :; $205~000 $205 $o Mohaw~ Street ~, Cross Valley $.500~000 $500 $0 Mohawk Street ~ Calloway County $O Stine Road {~ Arvin EcEson (widen) i' $320,000 $320 $O Manor Strest ~. Carder $270~000 $55 $O $215 South H Street~, Arvin Edisor~ (widen) $320,000 $320 $0 North Chester Avenu~ ~ BeardsteY (wides) : County $O Oswelt Strest ~ A~Vin E~ i ;; i i County $0 Wible Reed {~ Arvin Ediso~ ~: $320,000 $320 $0 Olive Drive ~ :Calloway · $500~000 $500 OIh~e Dd~e ~, Fdent-Kem $500,000 $500 · Subtotal- Cana~ B~S $5~195~000 $1~780 $215 G:\P R OJ ECTSWIARiAN\TiF~97tifcip4.Wk1 · Funds to be mede available for protectiou of rights of way, as needed, for each freeway alignment. 6To{al Costs for projects have been adjusted to reflect more accurate cost estimates. As projects are completed, they will be removed from the list. Other funding is shown only for those budgeted Ixojects where an alternate funding source has been identified. 25-Jul-97 Page I EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1997 - 2016 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan - Phase I ; :.:Ta!1:Hig~(S;R~:.~I.19) =:F, mmef$ ,~widen) ............... Count $0 : PenamaLene{~Buera~rtsta(widen):::: ;:. ::i $100~000 $17 $5 $83 : ":pa~,~ =ne=============================== :; ::.: :::. :. : ;: $1oo,ooo $1oo $5 :.':'::P~i~a:[~i~e:{~ ~ Islai~d[~(~l bi;a~Ch)!::::!: !: :' :': ~': S180,000 $180 pamlma Lene ~.:Arvfil EdlS43~l ... :.. $200,000 $200 $5 Pacheco Road =Farmefs~n).': · · : '::::. '. $80,000 $80 Pachecd Road {~ Ke~ lst~nd {wfd~n) $80,000 $20 $5 $60 : WhiteLane:~ Keri~l~(widen) $100,000 $10 $90 $0 · Whitel:ane~:Kem Islendcentm~Sr.:(wlden) :: :: .: ::::: ~40,000 $43 {$31 :Mul~' Road ~LEj Eastslde :: .:: . : County ~0 · :MingAven~e =RIve~:Canat :: $180,000 $180 Mir~ Avenue{~, James: · $50r000 $80 ' Case LOma Drive ~: Kemlsland. : : : Count,/ $5 Stockdafe I-~hway~ RiverCanal: .: : · $180,000 $180 Olive Drive:= Beardsley.', · ::. . County $5 :Renfro Road t~_ James: ; County $5 ·. Renfr0 R0ad~ Ri~canal' ': ::: : i ::: co~Jnty $5 Allen Road~, Buena¥ista : · · $50~000 $80 · Allen:Road ~ James: · $80~000 $80 Allen Roa(~ ~ Rivef~Cenal $180,000 $180 Allen Roa~ ~, GooseLake $1~qh {widen ) $40,000 $12 $5 $28 Buena ¥~sta Road = Buena ~r~sta {wkten) ' $100,000 $100 Buena;V'~staRoad ~:Rber Canal.(widen) .. $100,000 $100 Fruitvale Aw~nue I~, B~ardsley (widen) County $5 New Stine Road (~ Stine;(widen) $100,000 $100 Hate,/Stree{ {~ Eas~de {wlden) $100,(300 $100 Fakfax Road:~ £astside.(widen): : : County $43 S. H. 184 ~ £aStStde (widen) · County $5 · : :: :::::: ': :"' '' Subtotai.-Cana~Cul~ts $2~135~000 $1~472 $171 ~7,ANALREI..~TEDPROJEC3'S :. :.' :;i :::;:'' : ::: .... : :. · · ' :.'.. : : Penama'Lar~e ~J Farmers: :~ $48,000 $17 $31 $5 Panama Lar~e {~ An,In Edison -mad realignment $460,000 $460 $5 Sout~ H 'street ~ 'Ker~ Island'~'S.R; ~ ~ 9 toWhEe} -road r~ $2,300,000 $2,300 · :S. H: 184 {~ [astside::, r County $5 : :; : rr Sub{otal*Ca~alRelatadPro~cts $2,808,000 $2,300 I $5 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1997 - 2016 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan - Phase I East Ea~ R~; ~:Caliente Creek County $0 , i:,Sha~ne Aven~e Box Cu~erts (~0 ~ons) ~ ;, County $5 Shalane Avenue B~ (3 ~tiohs) County $0 ~!1~ AveP, ue Box Cu~ (Valencia ~ tD ~ ~ $320,000 $520 25-Jul-97 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1997 - 2016 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan - Phase I : ~ing Dfi'~e B ~; ~ ~; ~ ~!!~ ;:.:. i ; ; $580,000 $580 :.~A~BRIDGE~N~N~ ~:~:~ ~?~:. ~ ~ ~: ~:::.:.:.:::.:. :::.:::.: :: :: ~ W~H ~(~)~ : ~ $1,475~ $1~ $1~ $1~ C~ C~ ~i~ ~ Affr~ Hazel ~ O~) ~ ~ C~nt $1 ~ $1 $~.~,~ $1~ ;S:H C~nt ~ C~nt $7.~,~ $7,~ O~1 ~t~ ~A~ ~ &[S~ [~ R~ Count ~in~ Dd~ ~ A~ & S E2S~P~ R R Count Count $16,625,~ $7,~ $2,172 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1997 - 2016 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan- Phase I Panama Road~ ~ B~ (A~ ~i & S F~ R~ R~ Count $0 Panama Large g~ Suns~ ~:~S~:~:. R:.:~:} i :. i :. ii ii i:;ii $100,000 $100 $100,(~00 Sl O0 Mu~ Road ~ nn4n 8ra~ch I~A~ ~ .& S~ F Ri R:.} Count $0 iC~i~ ~ ~ ~ S; F~;:Ri ~:l~'anch . :i~' Count ~t~CEdat~i~ Si pi R~; ~ :. :.: Count $0 N~Ro~d~ S~i Pi Ri R! SIX~': ::: Cou~ Norms Read ~ S;P; P, iR~ S~r~ C~n~ 25-Jul-97 Page 3 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1997 - 2016 Regional Transportation Improvement Plan - Phase I : :B~ ~sta Road ~ S~..F' R~ R?.Brahcl~ i $10o~0o0 $I 00 Old R~S~R~:R~ ~ i : i [:: $100,000 $100 ~ A~e~d~ ~is F~; R Ri Branch $100,000 $100 County $0 :Uhi~Kve~u~ il~ Si:.~ ~ R. B~: :.: i i i i i County $0 i $7~807,000 $34 $65 $60~ $7r105 $1~080~000 SC30 $1~020 Stockdat~ ~ ~ Me~o B~lrtdal¥ t0 :Atl~ R(iad. i i $3,757,429 $100 $3,657 $1r165~O0 $200 $40 $658 $307 $11~700,000 $11~700 S~ Hi 1~ ~Moming D~ te EdisonRoad $2~573,900 $2~574 Uh~ $1 r403,048 $1 ~403 23rd & 24tli St~ trhprovernents $4,500,000 $4,500 C~l~way D~ ~ha~ ~d t~kdah~ Hig~ $1,500,000 $376 $1r124 $0 $0 $3~050~000 $50 $2,000 $1r000 $0 County Catif~nlia Aven~ ~ W~ing ~ St ~o "A" ~i $350r000 $150 $72 $128 Tmxt~ Avenhe ~ W~ (~ Oak St~ $400r000 $200 $104 ;i E~n~ of~md~e lo 20f0;~1o~ ·I $7~688,0G0 I $0 / $77/ $77/ $77 / $77 I / $231 / $7,149// P~e4 EXHIBIT "A" Page4 TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES - PHASE I AND II SINGLE FAMILY, DETACHED 1 $1,179 $2,197 MULTI-FAMILY 2 $828 $1 ~471 H~ISERVICE INDUSTR~L 3 ~87 ~87 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 4 S~ OFFICE COMMERC~L Under 1 ~,~ ~. ff. 5 $33 $33 1~,~1~,~ ~. ff. 6 $39 ~,~ ~. ff. & over 7 $41 $41 RETAIL COMMERCIAL Under 10,~ ~. ff. 8 $39 $35 10,~9,~ ~. ff. 9 $25 $45 ~,~,~ ~. ff. 10 $28 1~,~1~,~ ~. ff. 11 $31 N/A ~,~,~ ~. ff. 12 $35 N/A ~,~,~ ~. ff. 13 $~ N/A ~,~,~ ~. ff. 14 $53 N/A ~,~,~ ~. ff. 15 $~ N/A 1,~,~ ~. ff. & over 16 $71 N/A p:\tJf~phase2~fullfee.wb2 G;~PROJECTS~AR[AN\TIF~PHASE2~FULLFEE.WB2