HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 123-99RESOLUTION NO. ]' 2 8" 9 9 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE KERN COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FOR ALLOCATION OF TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999-00. WHEREAS, the Transportation Development Act of 1971 provides for the disbursement of funds from the local Transportation Fund held in trust by the Kern County Auditor-Controller for use by eligible claimants for the purpose authorized by Sections 99260(a) and 99400 (a) of the California Public Utilities Code; and WHEREAS, an eligible claimant wishing to receive an allocation from the Local Transportation Fund must file its application with the Kern County Council of Governments pursuant to the rules and regulations that have been adopted by the Secretary of the Business and Transportation Agency of the State of California in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned legislation; and WHEREAS, funds from the Local Transportation Fund will be required to maintain the street and road system and provide public transportation. NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: That the Public Works Director is authorized to execute and file an appropriate claim pursuant to the terms of the Transportation Development Act of 1971, as amended, and pursuant to applicable rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, together with all necessary supporting documents, with the Kern Council of Governments for fiscal year 1999-00 Transportation Development Act monies. That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Kern Council of Governments in conjunction with the filing of the claim; and the Kern County Council of Governments be requested to concur in these findings and grant the allocation of funds as specified in the City's claim. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on AU6 ~ ,5 1999', by the following vote: /~YES ~H~CILMEMBER DeMONO, CARSON, MAGGARD, COUCH, ROWLES, SULLIVAN, aALVA~I~IIO 'C, Eb COUNCILMEMBER ~o ~ E . ABSTAIN: CO~L~EMBER ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,. AB~NT' COUN~M~R ~ .... ~~CI~LERK ~CLERK of the Counci of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED ,, ~,dG .~(~1999 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ?{~FFICEOFTHE CIIYATTORNE of the City of Bakersfield G:\GROUPDAT~RESOLUTI\1998~RESTDF.WPD I. Claimant Agency: Mailing Adclress: Office Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone: WEB Site: II. Contact Person Name: Title: Department: Office Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone: E-mail: Kern Council of Governments TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT STREETS AND ROADS CLAIM Part 1 of 6 - CLAIMANT INFORMATION City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 661-326-3572 www.ci.bakersfield.ca.us Georgina Lorenzi Assistant to the Public Works Director Public Works 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield~ CA 93301 (661)326-3572 glorenzi(~ci.bakersfield.ca.us Transportation Deve Act.wb3 Ci~ of Bakersfield TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT STREETS AND ROADS CLAIM Part 2 of 6 - Claim and Assurances For Fiscal Year 1999~2000 A. CLAIM: The City of Bakersfield hereby claims all Local Transportation Fund apportionments and allocations for the 1999~00 fiscal year plus all unencumbered fund balances and/or deferred revenues held in its local treasury less funds first allocated for transit uses. B. COMPLIANCE ASSURANCES: The City of Bakersfield hereby certifies that, as a condition of receiving funds pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 99200, et seq. and California Administrative Code Section 6600, et seq., as amended, it shall ensure that: 1. All funds will be expended in compliance with the requirements of Public Utilities Code Sections 99200 through 99408, California Administrative Code Sections 6600 through 6684, Office of the State Controller "Guidelines R~latJng to Gas Tax Expenditures" and Kern Council of Governments' Transportation Development Act Rules and Regulations. 2. All funds will be e~pended in accordance with the budgets described in Parts 4 and 5 of this claim, attached hereto and made a part hereof, by this reference. These assurances are given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all funds allocated for streets and roads purposes pursuant to Public Utilities Code, Division 10, Part 11, Chapter 4 of the St~.~ of Califomia. The person whose signature appears below has been authorized to provide the assurances cited above and prepare, submit and execute this claim on behalf of: City of Bakersfield Claimant ,....-"'~. L ~--/ .-~- / Signature~..~ Raul M. Rojas Public Works Director Title Date C. FINANCIAL ASSURANCES: As the chief financial officer of the City of Bakersfield~ I hereby attest to the reasonableness and accuracy of the financial information presented in this claim and declare it to be consistent with the uniform system of accounts and records adopted by the Controller of the State o, California. ~,~~ Title Transportation Deve Act.wb3 City of Bakersfield TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT STREETS AND ROADS CLAIM Part 3 of 6 - FY 99~00 Revenues and Exoenditures Accoun~Descdofion I. FY 98~99 Available Resources A. Deferred Revenues - Actual unexpended prior year TDA cash receipts held in claimant's treasury as of June 30, 1998 (from 97~98 audit report) B. FY 98/99 Cash Receipts from trust funds - TDA cash receipts through June 30, 1999. 1. Local Transportation Fund C. FY 98/99 Interest Earned - interest earnings on claimant cash balances through June 30, 1999. D. Fund Balance - Actual fund balances or reserves held in claimant's treasury as of June 30, 1998 (fi.om 97198 audit report) E. TOTAL FY 98~99 AVAILABLE RESOURCES (Lines A+BI+C+D) II. FY 98~99 Expenditures F. Adminisl~afion and Engineering G. Maintenance H. Construction I. Equipment J. Other K. TOTAL FY 98/99 EXPENDITURES (Lines F+G+H+I+J) L. AVAILABLE RESOURCES AT JUNE 30, 1999-enter here and Part 4, Line (Line E-K) Amount 0 0 207 $ 41o99 $ 4,306 $ 27o $ 270 $ 4~036 Transportation Deve Act.wb3 City of Bakersfield TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT STREETS AND ROADS CLAIM Part 4 of 6 - Obiect Budtqet For Fiscal Year 1999~2000 Account/Description I. FY 99/00 Available Resources A. Available Resources - estimated unexpended prior year TDA cash receipts held in claimant's treasu~ as of June 30, 1999 (from Part 3, Line L) B. Trust Fund Balances at June 30, 1999 1. Local Transportation Fund C. FY 99/00 Trust Fund Apportionments - (from Kern COG estimate) 1. Local Transportation Fund 2. Regional Planning Contribution D. FY 99/00 Interest Earned - estimated interest earnings on claimant cash balances through June 30, 2000. E. TOTAL ESTIMATED FY 99~00 AVAILABLE RESOURCES (Line A+B 1 +Cl+C2+D) II. FY 99/00 Plannin[q & Transit Allocations F. Local Transportation Fund 1. Public Transit 2. Regional Planning Contribution G. NET ESTIMATED FY 99~00 AVAILABLE RESOURCES (Line E-Fl-F2) IlL FY 99/00 Estimated Expenditures H. Adminis~afion and Engineering I. M~intenance J. Construction K. Equipment L. Other M. TOTAL FY 99~00 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES-Itemize in Part 5 (Une H+I+J+K+L) N. Capital Outlay Reserve Allocations 1. Local Transportation Fund O. DEFERRED REVENUES OR FUND BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 1999 (Line G-M-N1) Amount $ 4~036 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 41036 <SN/A> <SN/A> $ 4r036 $ 41036 $ 4~036 $ 0 Transportation Deve Act.wb3 City of Bakersfield TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT STREETS AND ROADS CLAIM Part 5 of 6 - Project Buclqet For Fiscal Year 1999/2000 Location/Description CONSTRUCT/MAINTAIN FACILITIES WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAY Type Expenditures $ 4,036 TOTAL FY 99/00 PROJECT EXPENDITURES (Equal to Part 4, Line M) $ 4,036 Transportation Deve Act.wb3 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT STREETS AND ROADS CLAIM Part 6 of 6 - Suoolemental Information For Fiscal Year 1999/2000 Attach the following documentation: 1. A copy of the proof of publication for the public notice regarding conduct of a headng for the purpose of receiving public testimony regarding transit needs within the claimant's service area. 2. A copy of the governing body's resolution or minute order which makes one of the following findings: a. There are no unmet transit needs. b. There are no unmet transit needs that are reasonable to meet. c. There are unmet transit needs, including needs that are reasonable to meet. 3. A copy of the governing body's authorization to execute and file this claim.