HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 208-94RESOLUTION NO. 2 0 8 ' 9 4 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINDING THAT CERTAIN UNSECURED DOORWAYS, WINDOWS AND OTHER OPENINGS IN VACANT STRUCTURES ON PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSTITUTE A "DANGEROUS BUILDING" AND A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND DIRECT THE BUILDING DIRECTOR TO ABATE SUCH NUISANCE. WHEREAS, on December 14, 1994, a public hearing was held before the City Council in order to determine if the unsecured doors, windows and other openings in vacant structures at 621-625 So. Haley Street, Units A & B; 335-339 So. Owens Street, Units A & B; 338 Clifton Street, Units A & B; and 1105 Ralston Street, Unit A in the City of Bakersfield, had become a public nuisance; and WHEREAS, all testimony was duly considered and the owner of said property being duly noticed had an opportunity to appear before the Council and be heard on this matter, and ample opportunity was allowed said property owner to secure against entry or cause said structure to be secured against entry. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The City Council finds and determines that the unsecured doors, windows and other openings in vacant structures existing upon the properties set forth above constitute a "dangerous building" and a public nuisance. 2. The Building Director of the City of Bakersfield is hereby directed to proceed with the work of abating said public nuisance pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 4 and 9 of the "Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings". ......... o00 ........ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on rlgf:. 1 4 l~t~ , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS DI~OND, CARSON, SMITH, M .... -', ROWLESt ..... , SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCIL~!lgmm~S ABSTAIN: COUNCILME~!EBER CYl~--CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED 13[¢ 1 4 1.q$% BOB PR~EE~;~ MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDY SKOUSEN CITY ATTORNEY LAURA C. MARINO Assistant City Attorney November 30, 1994 j/danger. res PARTIAL CHRONOLOGICAL RECORDING Exhibit A, page I PROPERTIES: 621-625 So. Haley St. Units A & B, 335-339 So. Owens St. Units A & B, 338 Clifton St., Units A & B, & 1105 Ralston St., Unit A owned by Nathan Cockerel: 621-625 So. Haley Street, Units A & B APN #019-102-15 04/06/94 04/26/94 04/29/94 07/06/94 08/17/94 08/18/94 09/01/94 Inspector Champlin stated to the judge in hearing that the City of Bakersfield was very concerned as to the safety of Nathan Cockerel's properties and the general public. Typical for all Nathan Cockerel properties. Inspector Mandc sent "Property Maintenance Letter" certified and regular mail to 2701 Lee Drive. Recorded Return Receipt from Nathan Cockerel. Supervisor Hightill & Inspector Mande take pictures of tires stored in rear yard. Received letter & pictures from Mrs. Crisp.- complains of drugs & fire hazard. New paperwork started per City Attorneys Office. Inspector Lovell posted again. Typical for all Nathan Cockerel Properties. Supervisor Highfill & Inspector Lovell delivered notices to Princess Burnside who is Nathan Cockcrcl's daughter. Typical for all Nathan Cockerel Properties. Supervisor Highfill posts Notice to Secure, pictures taken & hand delivered to Nathan Cockerel. Typical for all Nathan Cockerel Properties. 335-339 So. Owens Street, Units A & B APN #018-290-31 & 32 08/I 1/92 09/03/92 12/07/92 04/O6/94 04/26/94 06/21/94 06/27/94 06/28/94 08/17/94, Inspector Smith issues Correction Notice for lack of utilities. Supervisor Highfill issues Correction Notice for fire damage. Building vacant, Inspector Smith issues Correction Notice to secure premises. Typical Refer to 621-625 So. Haley Street. Inspector Mande & R. Hall posted "Notice of Dangerous Building", pictures. Sent certified & regular mail to 2701 Lee Drive. Unable to locate certified receipts. Remailed certified. Same conditions. Received certified letter return receipts. 08/18/94 & 09/01/94 Typical Refer to 621-625 So. Haley Street. PARTIAL CHRONOLOGICAL RECORDING Exhibit A, page 2 338 Clifton Street, Units A & B APN #018-370.02 07/30/93 09/10/93 Complaint card received stating: front door & windows are broken. Building vacant - Inspector Smith issued Correction Notice to secure all openings into Unit A or make necessary repairs to make it habitable by 09/20/93. Correction Notice sent by certified mail. received 09/13/93. 02/09/94 Supervisor Highfill & Inspector Champlin call Nathan Cockerel. Mr. Cockerel states he has no control of property and refers them to Robert Brumfielck Attorney. Supervisor Highfill calls Robert Bruinfield and leaves message. Received letter from Attorney Bruinfield. Typical Refer to 621-625 So. Haley Street. Building vacant - visited site and observed open windows & doors. 08/17/94 & 09/01/94 Typical Refer to 621-625 So. Haley Street. 04/01/94 04/06/94 06/27/94 1105 Ralston Street, Unit APN #018-111-02-00-4 03/07/85 04/25/94 04/26/94 Dangerous Building Notice Certificate recorded. Inspector Mande & R. Hall observe vacant & open building - took pictures. Inspector Mande sent" Property Maintenance Letter", certified & regular mail to 2701 Lc¢ Drive. 05/27/94 Rcccivcd certified letter back unopened. 06/27/94 Same Condition. 08/17/94, 08/18/94 & 09/01/94 Typical Refer to 621-625 So. Haley Street. PARTIAL CHRONOLOGICAL RECORDING Exhibit A, page 3 1208 Eureka Street .APN #017-240-15-006 01/16/91 07/13/94 08/01/94 09/01/94 09/12/94 Building vacant & unsecured - Inspector Smith issues Correction Notice to secure all openings. (Subsequent years several notices and orders were issued as recorded in address file.) Building open - Inspector Maude issued Property Maintenance Orders with receipt. Inspector Maude speaks with Coroners Office, Public Administrator, Diane Foster. Her records show property is taxed defaulted and liens exceed property's value. The owner as listed in the Tax Roles, reads Louise Robinson c/o Dorothy Barnes. Louise Robinson is deceased and Dorothy Barnes does not want any responsibility. Supervisor Highfill posts "Notice to Secure." Supervisor Highfill tclephone's Diane Foster, Coroner's Office. Diane indicates her investigation of the property supports 08/01/94 record by Inspector Maude. She also states the property has defaulted to taxes, but Liens against the property exceed it value. B A K E R S F I E L Dennis C. Fidlet · Building Director November 16, 1994 Nathan Cockerel 2701 Lee Drive Bakersfield, Ca 93304 RE: Rehab of Substandard Dangerous Structures at the Failc,~ng Locations: 338 Clifton Unit A & B. 621-625 Halex,. 1105 Ralston. _:35. 339 $o. Owens Dear Mr. Cockerel: In our meeting on November 8. 1994 between you. Mr. Hax~ard Cox from Community. Development and myself. we suggested that staff would look iz:o wavs to help rehab some of your properties that have become unsafe and dangerous. 2-his letter is to verify my conversation with you on November 15. 1994 of the three methods we can assm you regarding your propemes (attached memo dated Nm'ember ~:. 1994). Please notify me of your direcnon prior to December 1. 199a ~gain. if there ~s any way I or mv staff can assist you in e.'cpediting the rehab of your prope.mes. please call me ai 326'- 3720. Very. truly yours, Dennis Fidler Building Director DF/k~nc II EXHIBIT B City of Bakersfield · Development Services · 1 715 Chester ,Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 EXHIBIT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: .' :::B.A::K E R S F IEL D Economic and Community Development Dcpartmcni ME:MORAND.UM.' DENNIS FIDLER, BUII.~ING DIRECTOR Nov~nbea- i0, 1994 JAKE WAGER, ECONOMIC 2EVELOPMENT DIRECTO '1~_.) Demolition os; rehab of substandard structures owned by Nathan Cmkerel · ~ ~' ~ -.' .: : In ~ganl to the propertics mentioned above, F.z=nomic and Commumty - tO assist m d~,c following mann~ · ' ' Development is ~ Demolition funds will bc pio~ided at no char~ to Mr. Cociam:t if he fu..ally ~atucsts the City to demolish the dangerous su'-~nncs; , . Rehab loans arc availablc for 50% of'the cost of rehab, with an interest ratc of 4% to ,Mr. Cocke~l under the condition that he ~ccts the unck'rwridng mteria and the rehab must be done by a licensed Conffactor. - If the acuon o, t~ese braidings' goes ::~u~h me fun appem process and'~ in a demolition oig~r, CDBG funds may be ~ b? a h.'.en will be placed ,.o=i.st the ~ . pwl~m~S to recover aQ ~OSr~ incun~ by the City: including figs idcp.i..t,,cnc . : '~ ~,. NOV 8 0 1994 CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT