HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 173-93RESOLUTION NO..l ~ ~ ' 9 3 A RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS, OVERTURNING THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION, APPROVING NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 2-93 OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE RIVERLAKES RANCH/UNIBELL SPECIFIC PLAN. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Section 65353 of the Government Code, held a public hearing on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1993 and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1993, on Specific Plan Amendment 2-93 of a proposed amendment to the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan, notice of the time and place of hearing having been given at least twenty-one (21) calendar days before said hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation: and WHEREAS, such Specific Plan Amendment 2-93 of the proposed amendment to the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan is as follows: Specific Plan Amendment 2-93 DEWALT CORPORATION representing RIVERLAKES RANCH/UNIBELL has applied to amend the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan consisting of a change from Low Density Residential (up to four units per net acre), High Medium Density Residential, (up to 17.42 units per net acre), High Density Residential, (up to 29 units per net acre) and Major Commercial to Low Medium Density Residential (up to 10 units per net acre) on 70.6 acres. and WHEREAS, for the above-described Segment, an Initial Study was conducted, and it was determined that the proposed project would not have a significant effect on the environment, and a Negative Declaration with mitigation was prepared; and WHEREAS, the law and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of Negative Declarations as set forth in CEQA and City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures have been duly followed by city staff and the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 48-93 on September 16, 1993, the Planning Commission recommended disapproval of Specific Plan Amendment 2~93 and this Council has fully considered the findings made by the Planning Commission as set forth in that Resolution; and ORIGINAL WHEREAS, Dennis DeWalt has filed an appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission for the above-described project; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Section 65355 of the Government Code, conducted and held a public hearing on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1993, on the above described Specific Plan Amendment 2-93 of the proposed amendment to the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan, notice of time and place of the hearing having been given at least ten (10) calendar days before the hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered and hereby makes the following findings: 1. All required public notices have been given. 2. The provisions of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been followed. 3. Based on the initial study, staff has determined the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. A Negative Declaration was posted on August 11, 1993. 4. Conditions of approval attached to the project as Exhibit "A" are included in the project to mitigate impacts. 5. The proposed amendment of the specific plan is compatible with existing designations and development adjacent of the site. 6. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. 7. Conditions of approval from previous general plan and specific plan amendments are applicable to this project. (See attached Exhibit "C".) 8. The appeal by Dennis DeWalt is hereby approved overturning the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approving Specific Plan Amendment 2-93. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and found by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals and findings, incorporated herein, are true and correct. ORIGINAL 2. The Negative Declaration for Specific Plan Amendment 2-93 is hereby approved and adopted. 3. The report of the Planning Commission, including maps and all reports and papers relevant thereto, transmitted by the Secretary of the Planning Commission to the City Council, is hereby received and accepted. 4. The City Council hereby overturns the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approves the appeal filed by Dennis DeWalt. 5. The City Council hereby approves and adopts Specific Plan Amendment 2-93 of the proposed amendment to the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan constituting changes as shown on the map marked Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated as though fully set forth, for property generally located within the boundaries of Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan, north of Rosedale Highway between Meacham Road, Baron Avenue (proposed), the FriantoKern Canal and Main Plaza Drive, subject to conditions of approval shown on Exhibits "A" and "C". 6. The City Council hereby changes the Riverlakes/Unibell Specific Plan text showing the number of Low Density Residential to be 1,471 units, Low Density 594, High Medium Density 451 and High Density 239 with a total residential cap of 3,815 dwellings. 7. The City Council hereby caps this project at 380 residential units. .......... 000 .......... 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held #0¥ 1 0 ~ by the following vote: AYES' COUNCILMEMBER8 McOERMOTT, ~ $MrrH ' '. _ , RUNNI, RO ES, SAI. VAGGIO A~t~.~TAIN: COUNGILMEM~FI~ w J'f.,-Y~ ! u' · ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ' I/~ ! Assistart Cl~l~ C~R~I~ and~Ex Of~io Clerk Council of the City of Bakersfield of the APPROVED liOV I 0 1~ BOMAByoP c f~~he City o~/~f Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield BY:/~[2ity Attorney RD:pjt res\r393cca.spa December 2, 1993 ORIGINAL C~neral Plan Amendment 3-93, $~gment I Specific Plan Amendment 2-93 Zone Change No. ~491 Conditions of Approval Planning: In order to mitigate the impacts of any natural to urban land conversion on the San Joaquin kit fox (a State and Federally-listed Endangered Species), the applicant must, prior to ground disturbance, follow the Advisory Notice, detailing the Interim Mitigation Measures established for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. Specifications and standards in the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan, as mended, and conditions of approval in City Council Resolution Nos. 80-90, 81-90 119-91 and 232-91 and Riverlakes Ranch/Un/bell Agreement No. 90-74 Partial Amendment of Development Agreement 86-54 shall be applicable to this site. Prior to the/ssuance of a building permit within the project site, $3.65 per square foot of assessable space, as defined in Section 65995 of the Government Code, shall be paid for the purpose of providing school facilities. Public Works: Offers of dedication will be required to allow for the construction of the entire portion within the project area of Main pIn~,~ Drive and Baron Avenue to collector standards. Such offers RhA!I include sufficient widths for expanded intersections and additional ureas for landscaping as dh-ected by the City Engineer. The offers of dedication, hfily executed, slugl be submitted to the City prior to development or recordation of any subdivision map or cert/ficate of compliance w/th/n the GPA area. With the first development within the General Plan Amendment area, Main p!aTa Drive from Meacham Road from its existing southerly terminus to Baron Avenue, and Baron Avenue from Main Plaza Drive to Coffee Road shall be constructed. Minimum improvements will consist of 32 feet of pavement with 8 feet wide graded shoulders. With the Baron Avenue construction, a left- turn %vorm" shall be constructed in the median island of Coffee Road. The applicant shall submit a comprehensive drainage study covering the General Plan Amendment area. The drainage study should include, but not necessarily be limited to, drainage calculations, pipe sizes and locations, the drainage basin size, and construction phasing. The existing basin at the northwest corner of the project shall be enlarged to accept the drainage from this urea, and no additional drainage basin will be allowed within the GPA area. The drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer, and any required flowage easements for enlargement of the drainage basin site or pipelines shall be deeded to the City, prior to recording of any subdivision map or certificate of compliance or review of any improvement plan within the project area. p:393sl.ea ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "B" GPA 3-93, SEGMENT I SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 2-93 OS-P $R / / / / / / GC TO HMR HMR TO; ~C ORiGiNAL 20 T2~IS, R27£ 7~3~3 EXHIBIT C Previous conditions of approval: GPA 1-90, Segment Ill ~ Riverlakes (from City Council Resolution No. 80-90). Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan (from City Council Resolution No. 81-90). Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan Amendment/Zone Change $149 (from City Council Resolution No. 232-91). EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval GPA 1-90, Segment III- Riverlakes Ranch Amendment to Riverlakes/Unibeli Land Use Designations. All land use maps and specific plan proposals of the appli- cant are conditions of approval except as modified by the following conditions of approval. Deny the General Commercial designation for the southwest corner of Norris and Coffee Road. Designate the site Suburban Residential with the stipulation that the site be used as a church site. Deny the General Commercial designation at the southwest corner of Hageman Road and Coffee Road. The 8-acre site shall be changed from.to High-Medium Density Residential, and the eight acres of the adjoining 16-acre High-Medium Density site to the west shall be designated Low Density Residential· The 23-acre Low Density Residential site along the southeast corner of Creekside Drive and Hageman Road shall be increased in size to 31 acres. Approve the southwest corner of Coffee Road and Meany Avenue for ten acres of General Commercia!. The use designation of the 5-acre site at the northeast cor- ner of Calloway Drive and Meacnam Road shall be Office Commercial wl~h the ~lpuiatlon that uses shall be generally ciass!fied as professlonai office, church, ~rgen5 3~re, medical, dental or cniid care facliities. The General Commercial site a% the nOrrheas= Calloway Drive and Hageman Road shall be s~x than five acres. corner v= acres rather The remainder of the requested land use designations be approved as shown on the General Plan Amendment 1-90, Segment III/Riveriakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment map. Single Family ceuacneG drilLS ~'iLhi~ iee LLw Medium 2-"~ .... residential c!assificatxon hav~ng zero-lot line development ~nall be on lots rangxng from a minimum of 4,000 square feet %o 6,000 square feet ~n area. ORIGINAL Riverlakes Ranch Exhibit C Page 2 Amendments to Land Use Designation names for non-Unibell portion of the Specific Plan Policy Document 10. Approve name change for land use designations as follows: 11. 14. a. Single Family Estate (1.8 units per acre) to Rural Residential (1.8 units per net acre). b. Single Family Estate (3.5 units per acre) to Suburban Residential (3.5 units per net acre). c. Single Family detached (5.0 units per acre) to Low Density Residential (5 units per net acre). d. Multiple Famiiy-MoDilehome (10 units per acre) to Low Medium Density Residential-Mobilehome (10 units per net acre). e. Office Retail to Office Commercial. f. Industrial to Light Industrial. g. Apartments to High Medium Density Residential. Total Dwelling Units The total number of dwelling units for Riverlakes Ranch/ Unibell shall not exceed 4,430 dwelling units. Canal Considerations The applicant snail ccnfer xlLh nne North Kern Water Storage District, the Friant-Kern Water Users Authority and the UnlLed StaLes 2ureau ~ ~c ...... ann-Kern CLna]% ~nd agree to fence requirements and access locations. The agreement shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval prior to recordation of any subdivision map. As a minimum the canals shall be fenced with a six-foot chainlink fence. Recreation Facilities The recreation facilities agreement between the applicant and the North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District snail me incoruoraneJ i--~ +~= p~ mrl mc ........... v .... ak__ Specific Plan. School Facilities The school facilities agreement between uhe applicant and %he Norris and ~ruluvale School ~is~rlcts snail be %'~ _..co_~ ...... 229 Riverlakes C~=c~fic O]an ORIG;NAL Riverlakes Ranch Exhibit C Page 3 2010 Plan Center Concept 15. Applicant shall submit a master development plan for devel- opment of the 121 acre site designated as Major Com~nercial. The master development plan shall be approved in the same manner as a Planned Commercial Development as specified in the City Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.54. 16. No development shall be allowed in the Major Commercial site until approval of a master development plan. Lake Management 17. Applicant shall submit evidence that the Final Lake Plan has been reviewed and approved by the following agencies: Kern County Health Department, Kern Mosquito Abatement District and the Water Quality Control Board. 18. The lakes shall be accessible at all times to Kern Mosquito Abatement District personnel for control purposes and shall be managed in compliance with requirements of local, state and federal agencies. Archaeology 19. Prior to development, applicant through the California Archaeological Center at California State University Bakersfield shall submit a report based on an archaeological inventory analysis. Public Works 20. Offers of dedication will be required wiunin %ne GPA area to allow for the construction of Calloway Drive %1/2 WldLh} 5© ar%erial s%ansaras from u==~ m ~oad to the north boundary of the project, of Coffee Road (1/2 width) to arterial standards from Rosedale Highway to Norris Road, of Hageman Road to arterial standards from Coffee Road to Calloway Drive, of Olive Drive to arte- rial standards from Coffee Road to Calloway Drive, and of Norris Road (1/2 width) to collector standards from Coffee Road to the west boundary of the project. Such z~f__s shall ~',~o =~ ~ ~idths for ~xDanded ~ntersections, easements for slopes and addit!onai areas for landscaping as directed by the City Engineer. The rl~hn-of-wav "~ - -- ~ arterial is !±0 'with additional widening au interseculons and addinlonal area to permit 10' of landscaping behind the combination s~dewaik. -he rz~n~-c~-wav wid'~ ~ .... d cettec- let !s 90 ft. wl~h additional wzdenlng an %ntel,~ ,ticns and addi~lonai area ~o permit 6 f~. cf ianasc~Pl..~ ~..a .... , ..... hasion z~iewaik. Riverlakes Ranch Exhibit C Page 4 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. The developer shall make a financial contribution to a Westside Freeway Development Fund in lieu of. the spe- cific long term mitigation outlined in the Traffic Study. The amount of the contribution shall be six hun- dred seventy-five thousand dollars ($675,000.00) and included in the amended Development Agreement. Offers of dedication for the above-referenced streets within each ~evelopment phase area shown on Exhibit 10C in the Specific Plan Document shall be submitted, fully executed, to the city prior to issuance of a building permit or recordation of any subdivision map or certifi- cate of compliance within that phase. Additional offers of dedication for portions of the above streets outside the phase area being developed may be required during development. Any road crossings required to be constructed over new waterways created by the applicant/developer/subdivider shall be constructed solely by the applicant/developer/ subdivider to the full ultimate width of the street. Golf cart crossings at public roads will be reviewed by the Public works Department for traffic impacts. Traffic miti- gation measures will be required. Construct transition areas as required by the City Engineer for all approaches to and departures from the new ultimate paved area. All suree~ paving sections are 5o be determined based on R- value ~esus, the humDer and location to be determined by the City Engineer, and using traffic index values esnablisned by nne Traffic Englneer. The applicant shall suPmir a comprehensive drainage study. The drainage study should include, but not necessarily be limited to, drainage calculations, pipe sizes and locations, drainage basin sites and sizes, and construction phasing. Any tentative maps suPmitred within the GPA area shall be conditioned to conform to this drainage study and pay appro- priate P~A fee~. ~he drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by %he City Engineer prior ~o %he approval cf any improvement or development plans within the GPA area. The required drainage basin sites and necessary easements shall be deeded to the City prior to recordation of any sub- iivi£icn map ~r certificate cf csmpli~nce, or?~ ~_s~c~ of any building perml~ '~ithin ~he GPA area. ~ _ oz wnoie lndeoen~enn systems wlii De DermiLLed ~ ~ ORigINAL Riverlakes Ranch Exhibit C Page 5 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. All new subdivisions and developments will be required to connect to existing sewer services within the GPA area at the time of development. The applicant shall submit a comprehensive landscape and wall concept plan for approval by the Planning Commission prior to submittal of any tentative subdivision map or development plan within this area. Comply with existing and future requirements of the State Division of 0il and Gas for oil well facilities within the GPA area and the City of Bakersfield municipal code relating to drilling for and production of hydrocarbon substance. The developer shall be responsible for paying all fees and/or charges related to amending the existing assessments to conform with the new land use designations. The City shall require that the developer perform an appraisal or other land valuation method approved by the City confirming that the amended property value/lien ratio is in conformance with existing City requirements. In addition, any change in land use within the Rancho Laborde Planned Drainage Area shall necessitate a modifica- tion to the fee structure of the PDA. The modification shall be prepared by the developer and approved by the City. No subdivision maps or certificates of compliance shall be recorded until such modification is made and approved. Phasing cf whole ~ndependen~ systems will be permitted. Norris Road, Coffee Road and ~ageman Road are future bike- ways on the "~ikeways ~.~aster Plan." The north side of Hageman shall be constructed to a half width 96' curb to curb standard as required for arterial streets with bike lanes and Norris Road shall be constructed to a 74' curb to curb standard as required for collector streets with bike lanes as stated in the circulation element of the 2010 General Plan. A bike path along the west side cf Coffee Road shall be outside the right-of-way for that street. Developmenu Agreement This GPA" ~ ~= scheduled for City Council hearing concur- rentty with a revised Development Agreement. AJS/meg -'3/~0 r/s3ea.2 · ORIGINAL 8 NORRIS ROAD LEGEND XXXX ~ ~ ~"~' JGPA 1-90 ,'~ ~'',' '~SEGMENT III "'~ ~'~" "'° RIVERLAKES RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT ORIGINAL EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT "G' Rivertakes ~ of ~DDroval ~onoi~lons Rancn/UniDeil SDeCl¢i¢ alan Amenomenc ~oecific Plan Text AoDliCant Shall SuDmic one SDeClfiC ~ian text consisclno of 2hapters A and B for Riverlakes Rancn/Unibell and RiverlaKes Ranch projects respectively and predate a Riverlakes Rancn plan map depicting standards an0 wall and landscaping for Riverlakes Rancn ano Riverlakes Rancn/Unibell. Add to Page 9, Item 1 of the Specific Plan: "Development of local streets is likely to reduce the maximum numoer of units since conformance to minimum lot size excludes local streets and easements." ~. "The 121 acres designated as major 3. Add to Page 46, Item ~. commercial should be Oeveloped as the core of the northwest "centers" concept. Setbacks for lots sharing an immediate boundary with the golf course or lakes shall be 20 feet for the front yard and 15 feet for the rear yard. 5. The linear landscape park/buffer located on Coffee shall be developed as follows: the west side of a. Minimum landscape setback of 25 ft. for commercial land uses and a minimum width of 50 ft. for medium and high density residential land uses and 84 ft. for suPurban and low density residential land uses. ~. Constructed concurrently with ~ne :irst subdivision or ~arce! mad aojacen~ :s Coffee ;Odd w~cnin eacn cf She following segments: Norris to Olive ~ive ~ naoeman ~ageman to CreeKside Linear parks adjacent Co residential land ~onstructed by the applicant and ~iaceo in ~is~rict. ~anoscaDeO setbacks ac commercial snall ~e constructed anO ma~nza!neo ~y eacn oarcei owner/developer. uses snail De a ma~ncenance 7and uses resbective Sons:ruct a masonry wall elgn~ ~Ee~ -n nelonc ~ ong :ne west boundary Of che linear carK for all res~oen:~ai ,and -se nes~gnacions -~? =n ~'',,o -~ Haoeman lna~ interface wl~h Cne parK. QRIGINAL SDeclfic ?lan Text Exhibit 0 Page 2 o 10. 12. ¥enicle and pedestrian ingress and egress to the High Density Residential, Higb Medium Density, Low Density Residential and SuburPan Residential sites adjacent to Coffee Road shall be limited to Norris Road, Olive Drive, Hageman Road and Creekside Drive. Driveways or other access roads for residential uses shall not allow ve~icle access to Coffee Road· Page 18, Item 6 Add: The public pedestrian and bicycle oath along the Friant-Kern Canal will be deleted from the plan. Page 22, Item 10. Add: Where faults may potentially affect critical or essential facilities, including put not limited to fire stations, hospitals, police stations, government administrative offices and amPulance facilities, should be covered by a specific geologic report preoared for each such location. The Precise Plan for their development shall snow building placement compared to open space/parking lots. If necessary, specific geological reports s~all be prepared for sites which overlay historical faults. Item #39 would be modified to read, "The applicant shall mitigate the effects of the existing steam cleaning sump to standards set forth by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division prior to developing this site or prior to developing residential uses within 300 feet that are located within the project." Cage 12, Section 4.3.1.b. and Exhibit !4-A - Modify Exhibit i~-A ~o snow 6 ft. w~oe sidewalks ~nciuoing CUrd. ]reekside :nail he oesiqnated as a Collector-~Iternate Secoion cJr- ¢ently defined ~n ~ne Subdivis;on Design Manual. ''~ ~ocai S~ee~s shall have a minimum rion~-c=-way widt~ of 60 feet. ~age 22, Section 8.3.8 and Page 27, Section i0.3.4 - The ouantities of develooment and the applicant's oroporcionate snare of concributlon for fire Station construccion will 3e approved with this Specific Plan out will De analyzed at che ~ime tne development agreement is amended. rignt-of-way of the Friant-Kern and Calloway Canals may also ~e Subject to the approval of other adenoids tnan ~nose men- sioneo [i.e. Frian~ wa~er Jser~s AUthorils, :,ern Sei~a ~acer District, etc.). ORIGINAL Specific Plan Text £xhibit C Page 3 14. !5. 16. 17. 18. 19. Page 25, Section 9.4.3 Any sub-retention basins and sumos shall be approved by the City and conform to the approved PDA plan. Page 25, Section 9.4.3 Final design of lake systems per- gaining to stormwater runoff shall incorporate methods to prevent initial stormwater flows from polluting the lakes while at the same time Oenefiting from the dilution capacity from major storm flows. This system shall be approved by the City Engineer. Page 25, Section 9.4.3 Revisions to the PDA shall be approved by the City. Should these revisions require an increase in PDA fees, such increase shall be proportioned over the GPA area only. Page 32, Section Property proposed for stormwater retention will either be dedicated to the City or be within an easement granted to the City for this use. Approval will be required from the affected utility companies for the use of their easement areas for stormwater detention. A mainte- nance district will be required to maintain these areas. Page 36, Section 11,4.7.2c and Exhibit 36-B Wrought iron fences shall be on private property and not within City right-of-way or easements. These fences shall be maintained by entities other than the City of Bakersfield. Page 47, Section 11.8 Petroleum facilities shall observe reouired setbacks from s~ree~ right-of-way. r/rs3spea ORiGiNAL LEGEND XXXX ~ co~,,n- 16 '~. ,,,., ,, ~ .~SEGMENT III ~',~ xx~ ~-I~RIVERLAKES RANCH .......... ~, AMENDMENT ROSEDALE :; ~GHWAY ORIGINAL EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT C ! kl%rD USE PLAN Exhibit 10=A Delete '(Mobile Home Park)" d~i~on ~m ~w-M~ ~i~ ~id~i ~1 at ~u~w~t ~mon o~ p~ along ~e ~u~ side of M~c~m ~d. Del~ "M~ ~ Pa~" ~ ~ ~ U~ ~ S~ u~ ~ ~ ~ium ~i~. D~I~ ~ra~ph ~, "~e ~w-~ium De~i~-Mobile Home Park ~ #2 o Add Exhibit 38-A, 'Master Landscape Plan" and revise text accordingly. Item ~3 RE: Exhibit A, Condition 5cl. of City Council Resolution No. 81-90 Add the following lanzuage:. "Construct a six foot high masonry wall atop a two foot high berm along the west boundary of the Linear Park which borOers Hi§h- Medium Demity r~ide~tial land uses." Item m4 RE: !.AND USE Pt.&N Exhibit 10-A C'f~CI2T &TION PT ~ Exhibit 14-A o Rename north/south collector from Hageman Road to Rosedale Highway/tom "RiverlaKes Kancn Onve to 'Norm Village Drive' ana eiiect a ~treet name change on all recorded maps and approved plans. Item #$ RE: Section IV (4.3 Clrml~on System Desi~natiom) p.12 EXHIBIT C Specific Plan Amendment-Draft II ~-,~sed February 22, 1~91 Pag~ Two Item #6 RE: Section IV (4.3 Circulation System Designations) p.12 Revise sub-paragraph lc. to read: "Local Si~eet~: Looted to minimize through traffic; provides direct access to adjacent property with two traffic lanes, a minimum flow-line to flow-line width of 40' and a right-of-way width of 60'.' Revise sub-paragraph ld. to mad: "Residential cul-de-sac streets: Provides di~ecl ace,~* to adjacent property with two traffic lanes, a minimum flow-line to flow-line width of 36' and a right-of-way width of 60'. The right-of-way width of straight cubde-sac streets less than 500' in length may be 52'.' If-,n #7 R~- Section IV (4.4 ~fion Plan) p.13 Add new paragraph 6. to read as follows: "Local Collectors, as depicted on the ~tion Plan, shall be trem~d as maior roads which prohibit direct access to ad~c~t pmp~ty. Wall and landscape treatn~n~ will be developed at the edges o~ these strips and as such, double ;,~,,,ta~ residential lots will be pannitted alon~ RE: Se~len. IV' (Cl,~'u~-~lon Plan) l~vhil',it ll-A o Revise Circulation Plan to shorten the leith ot the northern most Local Collector to east of the Elementary School site (se~ revised Exhibit 14-A attach~[). RE: Seerion XI (11,5.2 Design Standards) p 43 Revise the last sentence of paragraph 2. to read: 'Such rear yard setbacks for the rnein residence may be reduced to 15 feet provided no more than 20 percent of the required yard area is coverot by the residence. Other accessory buildings or structur~.(e.g., pools, gazebes and covered patios) shall comply with the Baim~field Municipal Code, Title 17 (Zoning Ordinance) for settracks. RF~ Seetton XI (11..~2 Design Startdavis) p.13 Add paragraph 5. to mad: 'It is re~dzed that due to the unique open space and rec~mional amenities provided by ~ Soft course and lakes, residential neishborhoods adjacent to either the 8olt course or the central south lake shall be l:~wrmKed the following setback modifications ('Residential neighborhoods" shah be defined as the land use "bubbles" depicted on the land Use Plan which are adj~e~nt to the golf course or south lake and described as Suburban, Low Density and Low-Medium Density): a. Front yard setbacks may be reduced to 20' provided the following are met:. (l) No more than 50% of the residences within any one neighborho~df~d'l~s~ do not share a rear propert3t line with either the golf course o.L(~ke '~ shall be [x:~,lutted to have a 20' front yard setback. ORIGINAL EXHIBIT C. Specific Plan Amendment-Draft II Revised February Z2, 1991 Page Three (2) When a residence is pernutted a 20' front yard setback, each side yard setback shall be a ~inimum of 6'. (3) Residences which locate the garage door parallel to and at the 20' front yard setback line shall be required to install roll-up garage doors with automatic garage door o!~me~. Residences with $arage doors peslmmdicular to the 20' front yard setback line (i~., are accessible from the direction of the side yard) shall not be required to install roll-up garage doors with automatic garage door opener. Reside~_,~_-__ may locate !ivtn$ spaces at the 20' from yard setback line and the gerage space at or It is intended that throuKh the preceding setback modifications, a mote modulated streetscape is achieved through varying front yard setbacks while at the same time preserving desis~d densities through increased side yard setbacks. b. Rmr yard sethacks for the main readerice may be reduced to 15' provided no more than 20 parerot of the mpdred yard a~z~ is covemi by the residence.' ITEM ~ 1 Concept Land Use Plan RIVERLAKE8 SPA (0~'/11/91) ORiGiNAL E X HIBIT C RIVERLAKES RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN , Bakersfield, California 6-18-90