HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 172-93RESOLUTION NO. I 72- 93' A RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS, OVERTURNING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION APPROVING NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING SEGMENT I OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD 2010 GENERAL PLAN (LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT 3-93). WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Section 65353 of the Government Code, held a public hearing on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1993 and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1993, on Segment I of a proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan, notice of the time and place of hearing having been given at least twenty-one (21) calendar days before said hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, such Segment I of the proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan is as follows: SEGMENT I: DEWALT CORPORATION representing RIVERLAKES RANCH/UNIBELL has applied to amend the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan consisting of a change from LR (Low Density Residential, less than or equal to 7.26 dwelling units per net acre), HMR (High Medium Density Residential, greater than 7.26 and less than or equal to 17.42 units per net acre), HR (High Density Residential, greater than 17.42 and less than or equal to 72.6 dwelling units per net acre), and MC (Major Commercial) to LMR (Low Medium Density Residential, greater than 4 and less than or equal to 10 dwelling units per net acre) on 70.6___ acres. and WHEREAS, for the above-described Segment, an Initial Study was conducted, and it was determined that the proposed project would not have a significant effect on the environment, and a Negative Declaration with mitigation was prepared; and WHEREAS, the law and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of Negative Declarations as set forth in CEQA and City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures have been duly followed by city staff and the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 47-93 on September 16, 1993, the Planning Commission recommended disapproval of Segment I and this Council has fully considered the findings made by the Planning C~t~f14~00~ as set forth in that Resolution; and ~. ORIGINAL WHEREAS, Dennis DeWalt has filed an appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission for the above-described project; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Section 65355 of the Government Code, conducted and held a public hearing on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1993, on the appeal and above described Segment I of the proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, notice of time and place of the hearing having been given at least ten (10) calendar days before the hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, the Council, on the basis of written and verbal testimony overturned the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approved this request; and findings: WHEREAS, the Council has considered and hereby makes the following 1. All required public notices have been given. 2. The provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been followed. 3. Based on the initial study, staff has determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. A Negative Declaration was posted on August 11, 1993. 4. Conditions of approval attached to the project as Exhibit "A" are included in the project to mitigate impacts. 5. The proposed amendment of the general plan is compatible with existing designations and development adjacent of the site. 6. Conditions of approval from previous general plan amendments (Riverlakes Ranch/Unibel Specific Plan) are applicable to this project. (See attached Exhibit "C".) 7. That on the basis of written and verbal testimony, the request for LMR has been determined to be consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan and the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan. 8. The appeal by Dennis DeWalt is hereby approved, overturning the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approving General Plan Amendment 3-93, Segment I. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and found by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: correct. 1. The above recitals and findings, incorporated herein, are true and adopted. 2. The Negative Declaration for Segment I is hereby approved and 3. The report of the Planning Commission, including maps and all reports and papers relevant thereto, transmitted by the Secretary of the Planning Commission to the City Council, is hereby received and accepted. 4. The City Council hereby overturns the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approves the appeal filed by Dennis DeWalt. 5. The City Council hereby approves Segment I of the proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, constituting changes as shown on the map marked Exhibit "B," attached hereto and incorporated as though fully set forth, for property generally located within the boundaries of the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan, north of Rosedale Highway between Meacham Road, Baron Avenue (proposed), Friant-Kern Canal and Main Plaza Drive subject to conditions listed in Exhibits "A" and "C." 5. That Segment l, approved herein, be combined with other approved segments described in separate resolutions, to form a single Land Use Element Amendment, GPA 3-93. .......... o0o .......... 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held #0¥ 1 0 ~ by the following vote: NOES: COUNCIL ~'~/'~,( .. ~r~]~,O~ . ABSTNN: COUNCILMEMBERS ~'1 [1'~ [, .- ~ENT: ~UNGILMEM~RS ...... V~ Assistant CITY CLERK and Ex OfficiO5 Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED NOV 1 0 l.~ MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI, CITY ATTORNEY T CITY ATTORNEY RD:pjt res\r393sl.cca December 2, 1993 ORIGINAL EXHIRIT "A" General Plan Amendment 3-93, Segment I Specific Plan Amendment 2-93 Zone Change No. $491 Conditions of Approval Planning: In order to mitigate the impacts of any natural to urban land conversion on the San Joaquin kit fox (a State and Federally-listed Endangered Species), the applicant must, prior to ground disturbance, follow the Advisory Notice, detai!ing the linerun Mitigation Measures established for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation PLan. Specifications and standards in the Riverlakes Ranch~UnibeH Specific PLan, as amended, and conditions of approval in City Council Resolution Nos. 80-90. 81-90 119-91 and 232-91 and RiverLakes Ranch/UnibeH Agreement No. 90-74 Partial Amendment of Development Agreement 86-54 shad be applicable to this site. Prior to the issuance of a buildlug permit within the project site, $3.65 per square foot of a.~.,.~able space, as defined in Section 65995 of the Government Code, shall be paid for the purpose o£ providing school facilities. Public Works: Offers of dedication will be required to allow for the construction of the entire portion w~thln the project area of Main Plaza Drive and Baron Avenue to collector standards. Such offers ~hnll include sufficient widths for expanded intersections and additional areas for landscaping as directed by the City Engineer. The offers of dedication, fully executed, shall be submitted to the City prior to development or recordation of any subdivision map or certificate of compliance within the GPA area. With the first development within the General Plan Amendment area, Main Plaza Drive from Meacham Road from its existing southerly tern'anus to Baron Avenue, and Baron Avenue from Main p]n?a Drive to Coffee Road shall be constructed. Minimum improvements will consist of 32 feet of pavement with 8 feet wide graded shoulders. With the Baron Avenue construction, a left- turn %vorm" shah be constructed in the median isLand of Coffee Road. The appllcant shall submit a comprehensive drainage study covering the General Plan Amendment area. The drainage study should include. but not necessari ,ly be limited to, drainage calculations, pipe sizes and locations, the drainage basin size. and construction phasing. The existing basin at the northwest corner of the project shall be eularged to accept the drainage from this area, and no additional drainage basin will be allowed within the GPA area. The drainage study shad be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. and any required flowage easements for enlargement of the drainage basin site or pipelines shall be deeded to the City, ptior to recording of any subdivision map or certificate of compliance or review of any improvement plan within the project area. p:393sl.ea OR(GINAL EXHIBIT "B" GPA 3-93, SEGMENT I SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 2-93 ~R ~R OS-P TO HMR HR HMR ORIGINAL 20 T295. R27E EXHIBIT C Previous conditions of approval: GPA 1-90, Segment III - Rivertakes (from City. Council Resolution No. 80-90). Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan (from City. Council Resolution No. 81-90). Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan Amendment/Zone Change .5149 (from Citv Council Resolution No. 232-91~. ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "C" Condi51ons of Approval GPA 2-90, £e~men% ilI - - =~= Ranch Amendmenu to Riveriakes/UniDeit Land Use Designations. All land use maps and specific plan proposals of the appli- cant are conditions of approval except as modified by the following conditions of approval. 2. Deny the General Commerclai designation for the southwest corner of Norrls and Coffee Road. Designate the site SuburDan Residentiai with the stipulation that the site be used as a church szte. 2. Qen? the General Comme~c~ai designation at the southwest corner of Hageman Roaa and Coffee Road. The 8-acre s~te shall be changed from.to High-Medium Denslay Res~dent~ai, and the eight acres of the adjoining 16-acre High-Medium Density site to the west shall be designated Low Density Residential. The 23-acre Low Density Residential site along the southeast corner of Creekside Drive and Hageman Road shall be increased in size to 31 acres. Approve the southwest corner of Coffee Road and MeaLy Avenue for ten acres of General Commercial. The use designation cf the 5-acre site at the northeast cor- ner of Callowav Drive and Meacnam Road snai! be Office i~mmercltl ~:n :no £~uiat~cn %na~ ~ses snaii ~e cenerai!l ziass~fied as pro£ess~cnai c:fice, church, 2r~en% ustc, medical, dental or cn~id care fac~!in~es. The General Sommerclai Calloway Dr~ve an~ Hageman Road snail De six acres rather nnan five acres. approved as ShOWn on 5no General Plan Amendment 1-90, Segment I!I/Riveriakes Ranch £pec!fic Plan Amendmen~ maP. resldent~ai classification nav~ng zero-ic~ line ceveicpment ~nai! be cn isus tangent from a m~n~mum cf 4,000 souare feet 6,000 square feet in area. ORIGINAL Exniolu Page Amendments uc Land Use Designation names for non-Unibeil portion of the Soeclfic Plan Policy Document !0. APprove name change for land use desiunations as follows: !1. 12. 14. a. Single Family Estate (1.8 units per acre) to Rural Residential (1.8 units per net acre). b. Single Family Estate (3.5 units per acre) to SuburDan Residential (3.5 units per net acre). c. Single Famlly detached (5.0 units per acre) to Low Density Residential (5 un~[s per net acre). d. Muitipie Famliy-Momiienome (10 units per acreJ ~o Low Medium Density Residen=ial-Mobilehome (10 units per net acre). e. Office Retail to Office Commercial. f. Industrial to Light Industrial. g. Apartments to High Medium Density Residential. Total Dwellina Units The total number of dwelling units for Riverlakes Ranch/ Unibell shall not exceed 4,430 dwelling units. ?he aDDiicant snail 3cnfer wzzn %he North ~'=~ ~'~ -=~ c .......... a .... totage Dlsur~cu, %~e Friend-Kern Water Users Authorizy and the agree tc ~ence requirements and access locations. Phe agreement s~all 2e suom~uted to t~e P!ann~n~ Commission fcr approval pr~or 50 recordation cf any subdivision map. AS a ~nimum the canals snail be fenced with a six-foo~ chainlink fence. ~ac1 ...... ?he recreeulcn !aci!!u~es agreement between 5he aDgiicant and t~e North BaKersfield Recreation and Park D~stric% snail School Facilities xnlD,. Page 2910 Plan Center Concept 15. Applicant snail submit a master development plan fcr devel- opment of the 121 acre site designated as Major Commercial. The master development plan snail be approved in the same manner as a Planned Commercial Development as specified in %he City Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.54. 16. NO development shall be allowed in the Major Commercial site until approval of a master development plan. LaKe Management 17. Applicant shall submit evidence that the Final LaKe Plan has seen reviewed and approved by the following agencies: Kern County Health Department, Kern Mosquito Abatement District and the Water Quaii~y Control Board. 18. The lakes shall be accessible at all times to Kern Mosquito Abatement District personnel for control purposes and shall be managed in compliance with requirements of local, state and federal agencies. Archaeoloay 19. Prior to development, applicant through the California Archaeological Center at California State University Bakersfield shall submit a report based on an archaeological inventory analysis. ~0iic Worms 20. 9ffers o~ dedica5~on w~il De r~culred w~%nln 5he SPA area to allow for the construction of Calloway Drive t~e north boundary of t~e project, of Coffee Road (1/2 width) to arterial ~tandards from Rosedale Highway nc Norris Road, of Hageman Road to arter~ai s%andards ~rom Coffee Road to Calloway Drive, cf Olive Dr~ve tc arte- rial standards from Coffee Road ~o Calloway Drive, and cf Norris Road ,1 2 width) to cc!!ector standards from Coffee Road to the west boundary cf the project. Suc~ for landscaping as directed by the City Engineer. The ri~nn-c/-wav z~Jtn cf ~ ztan~ar~ ~r~eri~! ~ !i~' with .... and addin~cna± 5tea %o permit 10' of iandsca~ing behind the combination %or is 90 fz. ^~ztn additional w~denlng ~n~ addl~lcnai area zs perml~ Riverlakes Ranch Exhibit C Page 4 21. 22. 23. 25. The developer snail make a financlai contribution tca Wests~de Freeway Development Fund in lieu of the spe- cific long term mitigation outlined in the Traffic Study. The amount of the contribution shall be six hun- dred seventy-five thousand dollars ($675,000.00) and included in the amended Development Agreement. Offers of dedication for the above-referenced streets within each ~eveiopment phase area shown on Exhibit 10C in the Specific Plan Document shall be submitted, fully executed, to the city prior to issuance of a building permit or recordation of any subdivision map or certifi- cate of compliance within that phase. Additional offers of dedication for portions of the above streets outside the phase area oelng developed may be required during development. Any road crossings required to be constructed over new waterways created by the ap91icant/developer/subdivider shall be constructed solely by the applicant/developer/ subdivider to the full ultimate width of the street. Golf cart crossings at public roads will be Public Works Department for traffic impacts. gation measures will be required. reviewed by the Traffic miti- Construct transition areas as required by the for all approacnes [o and departures from the paved area. City Engineer new ultimate City Engineer, and using traffic index values estasiioned Sy The applicant shall supmir a comprehensive drainage s~udy. The drainage study should ~nciude, Put not necessariiy oe limited to, drainace calculations, pipe s~zes and locations, drainage sas~n sites and s~zes, and ccnstructlon phasing. Any tentative maps suPm~uted within the GPA area snail be conditioned to conform zo this drainage study and pay appro- ...... ~-n ==== ~ nra!na~e _~u~v snail be suomi~ted -~ and approved Dv the ClLy Engineer pr~cr no the aDprovai cf any improvement or development plans within the GPA area. .h- required drainage basin s~es and necessary == ° ' shall be deeded to the City prior to recordation cf any SUD- sulidlng permlt 'slsnin %he GPA area. Phasing 0£ Riverlakes Ranch Exhibit C Page f 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. All new cuDdivisions and developments will be connect to existing sewer services within the %he time of development. required to GPA area at The applicant s~ali suumlt a comprehensive landscape and wall concept plan for approval by the Planning Commission prior to submittal of any tentative cuDdivision map or development plan within this area. Comply with existing and future requirements of the State Division of Oil and Gas for oil well facilities within the GPA area and the City of Bakersfield municipal code relating to drilling for and production of hydrocaroon substance. The developer shall be responsible for paying all fees and/or c~arges related to amending the existing assessments to conform with the new land use designations. The City shall require that the developer perform an appraisal or other land valuation method approved by the City confirming that the amended property value/lien ratio is in conformance with existing City requirements. In addition, any change in land use within the Rancho Laborde Planned Drainage Area shall necessitate a modifica- tion to the fee structure of the PDA. The modification shall be prepared by the developer and approved by the City. NO subdivision maps or certificates of compliance snail De recorded until SUCh modification is made and approveu. Phasing cf wnoie ~ndependen5 ~ysLems wlll De ~ermlzte~. Norris Road, Coffee Road and gageman Road are future Dike- ways on Lne "21keways Xas%er ?fan." The zorsh ~Je c~ Hageman shall be constructed to a half width 96' curd 50 CUrD standard as required for arterlai streets w~Ln Dike lanes and Norris Road snail be constructed 5o a 74' curd 50 curd standard as reuulred for collector streets with bike lanes as stated in une circulation element cf %he 29!0 General Plan. A bike path along %he west side cf Coffee Road s~ail be outside 5ne rlgnt-of-way fur that street. ' ~ ~ed led ~ ~: ~ · ~su~c~ '~==~-~ cc~cur- renuiy wiun a revised Development Agreement. AJS/meg r,, s3ea. 2 ORIGINAL ~JORR1S ROAD GPA 1-90, SEGMENT Iii RIVERLAKES RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT I_-. EXHIBIT C Riverlakes EXHIBIT Zoec~ic ~an Tex~ Coolicon: snail suDml: one }Pec!='' :'an cex~ cons:sO:nO c= 3hooters A aria B for ~iveriaKes Rancn/UniDeil ana Rivertakes Ranch oro3ects resPecciveiy and orecare a Riverlakes Ranch clan mad aeoicting stanaaras and wall aria ianascaolng for Riverlakes Rancn ana Riverlakes Rancn/Unioell. ~ . q ~ Plan: "Development of AdO :o Page Q, Item ~ of the local stree:s is likely to reauce ~ne maximum number of units since conformance ~o m~n~mum is: size exciuaes 'deal streets ana easemen%s." Add ~o Page 46, :tem 2: "The L£Z acres oesienateo as major commercial snould be pereloped as cne core of the northwes% "censers" concede. Setbacks for lots sharing an immeOia:e boundary with cne golf course or lakes shall be 20 fee~ for the fron: yard ang 15 feet for the rear yard. The linear landscape park/buffer loca:eO on the west side of Coffee sh~ll be developed as follows: a. Minimum landscape setback of 25 ft. for commercial lang uses and a minimum width of 50 ft. for medium ang high Oensity residential long uses and 84 ft. for suDuroan and low density residential land uses. 3. C3ns~rucced concwrrenz!? w~h the :~'5t SUDOiV'Sion or -3il3~ne segmen~2: ') Norrls ta Olive S) ~ageman cs CreeKs]~e ORIGINAL o .ertltie ano Deoes~r]an ~ngress and egress So She dian ],ens~:¥ Resioent]a~, ~ion Medium Density, ,ow Density :es]aentiai ano Suburban Residential ~ites aojacent :a ~offee Eoad snail be limiteo to Norris Roao, Olive Drive, nageman Roao ano CreeKside Drive. Driveways or other access ~oaos for residential uses shall not allow venicie access to Coffee Roa~. ~age 18, Item 6 - Add: The public oeoestrian anO bicycle ~a:n along the Friant-Kern Canal will be oeleted from the plan. Page 22, ~tem 10. Add: Where faults may potentially affect critical or essential facilities, including out not limited zo fire stations, nosoitals, police stations, government aomlnistrat~ve offices one ambulance facilities, snouid be covereo by a specific ~eoioglc ~eoort prepared ~tr each SUCh location. The Precise Plan for their development snail snow ~uilding placement tom=area to open space/parKinq lots. If necessary, specific geological reports shall be prepared for sites which overlay historical faults. ~tem #39 would be modifieO to read, "The applicant shall mitigate the effects of the existing steam cleaning sump to standaros set forth by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division prior to developing th~s site or prior ~o oeveloping residential uses within 300 feet that are located within the project." ~aoe 12 qection a ? l.b. and ~xniDi: 'J-$ Mod~F,, ~xhibit ]S-S SD S~Ow ~ ~' ~,]Oe ~lmewa~Ks 19 luGInc ur ~:: '' oca! 'E~eezs 7~,ai! ~ave ~ mlnlmum ~=en:--=-~ay ~stn ef 50 feet. :age :2, £ect~on B.S.B ano Page _, ....... n _~.;.- :uantities of seveiopment ano the applicant':- DroDortlonate '~ne -_ime She eeveioDmen; agreemenz 's amendec. : ~: ]Z -eC'lO~ ~.]. 7 - LDDrova~ ....... =~ ,, Cm'~ Sqe *'mnt-of-~ay of the :r,ant-Kern and Sziloway ]anais may District, etc.). ORIGINAL ZDec:~-: ~ian ~xnibi: C ~age ]4. !5. !6. 18. !9. :age 2~, Section 9.4.~ snail be aDoroveo by Cne ~DA Dian. Any SuD-recen~ion ~v ano conform basins and sumDs rage 25, Section 9.4.3 F nai oeslgn of lake systems Der- coining to stormwater runoff shall incorporate methobs to prevent initial stormwacer flows from polluting the lakes wniie at the same time benefiting from the dilution capacity from major storm flows. This system snail be aDproved by the City Engineer. Page 25, Section 9.4.3 Revisions ~o the PDA shall be a:proved by t~e City. Should these revisions require an increase nn PDA fees, such increase snail be proportioned over t~e GPA area only. ~age J~, _ec,,on ,_.~.4.~ ~roDer~',' DrODOSeO ~ Scormwater retention will either be dedicaced to ~ne City or De within an easement gran:ed to tne City for this use. Approval will be required from the affected utility companies for the use of their easement areas for stormwater detention. A mainte- nance district will be required to maintain these areas. Page 36, Section and Exhibit 36-B Wrought iron fences shall be on private property and not within City right-of-way or easements. These fences shall De maintained by en~ities other cnan the City of Bakersfield. ~age 47, Section iZ.8 Petroleum facilities shall observe ~eouireo setbaCKS from s~reet right-of-way. ORIGINAL 8 , -EGEND ~ - - - ~'~ 16 i,~ _ ~ " '~ ~ GPA 1-90, ~ SEGMENT !11 ~ ~'~~RIVERLAKES RANCH --,~ ,- ,,.. -. ,o SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT C R_r%,~LAI~S RANCIt/I. INIBELL SPECI~riC I'L~ 14~i2.9012 $peci~h~ Plan AmendmemoDra/'t II February 11, I991 Revisea February. 22. 1991 lh, m ~1 R~ ! &l',~ USE PT.AM {:=ktbit 10-A Delete '(Mobile Home Park)' designation from Low-Medium Density. residential parc~ at southwest portion of project along the south side of Meacham Road. Delete 'Mobile Hon~ Park' re~-rmm~ f~om Land Use Plan Summar~ under th~ hendin~: Ltmw-Medium DertsiW' Seelion XI {11.5.3 Residential Land Use Concept} p.44 Dele+,. paragm-aph A.. 'The Low-Medium Density-Mobile Home Park Classification...,' In its entiremy. Renumber suon~_qive para~'aphs accordingly. T~,,,, #2 o Aa'a "Rl~,~lr~s M~i~, Landscspe plm~- a~ by, The Ci~ ot ~ ~ Commiuion October 18.1~o, to ~ p, ived~as i~mch/Unib~{l Spenae Plan, Terimic,l o R~piac2 Exl~its 37-A and 37-B with rtndsed 'Wall and Fenc~ Plan" u ~bit 37-A and {~-vise text accordingly. o Add Exhibit 38-A, "Master Landscape Plan" and rewse t~xt accordingly. [tmn s'3 Exhibit A, Condition 5d. ot City Council Resolution No. 81-90 Add the following lan~uaee: 'ConsU'uct a six foot high masom'v wall atop a two foot high bemm along the west boundary of the Linear Park which homers Hi§h- Medium Densiiy rpaidential land us~.' Item USE PTAN ~,a, ibit 10-A ("f~t'"IYf &'rfoN FI'.AN Exhibit lI-A Rename north/south collector from Hagennan Ro~d to Rosedale Highway from 'Rivena~:es ~,ancn ~nve to Norm Viiiage Drive- ano eiiect a at£C~t C~alTle change on all reconted maps and approved plans. Item RF~ Section IV (4.3 Clrculagon Sy~tsm D-ai~nationat p.12 Add suu paragraph ic. to reaa as toilows ",~c. ai Collectors: ~ foot ngnt-of-way vath two rraff'ic lanes ~n an exuanded pavement secuon: umvide~eest j~.~ local S~ without access to aaiacent reslde~ntial para§rapns. OR,G. EXHIBIT C Speofic Plan Amendment-Draft II Revised February 22, 1991 Pa~ Two Item #6 RE: Seclton IV (4.3 CL.~-~l~io~ System Desig~alio~.~) p.]~ Revise sub-paragraph lc. to read: "Local Streets: Located m minimize through traffic; provides direct access to ad~acont property with two traffic lanes, a minimum flow-line to flow-line wMth of 40' and a right-of-way width of 60'." Revise sub-para~n'aph ld. to read: "Residential cul-de~ac streets: Provides di~cl a~ to ad'~:ent property with two traffic lanes, a minimum flow-Une ~ flow-line width o~ 36' and a right-of-way width of 60'. The right-of-way width of straight cul-de-sac st~e~ less than 500' in length may be 52'.' RE: Se~toa IV (4.4 Circulation Pla~ pJ3 Add new paragraph 6. to read as follows: "Local Collector~, as depicted on the Cbculation Plan, shall be treated as major roads which prohibit di~-et acorns to adjacent pmpe~. Wan and landscape treatments wm be developed at the edges of these sm~s and as such, double fronta~ residmeal lois MIi be permitted alon~ l~m #8 RHg Serffoil IV ((~t~xLidion Plan) ~hmit I~-A 0 R~ Cll~'u~ion Plsl~ to ~horl~n the leg~th of th~ north~n most Local Collectl~ to ~t of ~h~ glm~nm.y Soltool site (~ ~ Exhibit 14-A attache). Design Standards) p O Revis~ the last sentence of paragraph 2. to read: 'Such rear yard setbacks for the main reindeuce may be ~luced to 15 feet prowded no more than 20 percent of the requm~ yant aros ls cover~ by the residerico. Other acc~sory buffclings or stmctures.(e.g., pools, gazebos and covered patios) shall comply with the Baka~field Mumopal Code, Title 17 (Zoning Ordinance) for setbacks. ORIGINAL SeXton XI (11.52 Design Standards) p.43 Add paragraph 5. to read: "It is iecog~ni,~nt that due to the unique open space and rec~aiional amenities provided by the goff course and lakes, residential neighborhoods adjacent to either the Soft course or the central south lake shall be pernutted the/oilowing setback modificanons i'Residential neighborhoods" shall be defu~t as the land use 'bubbles' depicted on the Land Use Plan which are adiacent to the golf course or south lake and described as Suburban, Low DensiV/and Low-Medium Density): a. Front yard setbacks may be reduced to 20' provided the following are met:. (1) No more than 50% of the residences wnthin anv one neighborhood which do not share a rear property. Une w~th either the goif course or take shall be pertrotted to have a 2~ front yard setback. EXHIBIT C $peofic Plan Amendment-Draft II Februa~ n, 1991 Revised Febroa~ 22, 1991 Pa~e Three (2) When a residence is pernutted a 20' front yard setback. each side yard setback shall be a nurdmum of 6'. (3) Residences which locate the garage door parallel to and at the 20' front yard Mibsck line shall be required to install roll-up garage doors with automatic garab, e door operas. Residences with garage doors perpendicular to the 20' front yard setback line (i.e., are &ccc~sible front the direction of the side yard) shall not be required to inslali roll.up gm~ doors with aummaOc gare~e door opener. Reside~es may locate livin~ Sl~Om at the 20' front yard setl~ck line and the garase space at or behind a 25' ~Mmck line. It is intended that through the pt,.ceding setback modifications. a more modulated streetscape is achieved throush varying front yard setbacks while at the same lima preserving desired densities through increased s~de yard se'cbac~s. ORIGINAL ITEU Concept Land Use Plan RIVERLAKE8 SPA (02111191) ORIGINAL EXHIBIT C RIVERLAKES RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN Bakersfield, California 6-18-90