HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 95-93RESOLUTION NO. 95-93 RESOLUTION ORDERING A CHANGE AND MODIFICATION TO SCOPE OF WORK ~ COST OF IMPROVEMENTS TO ALLOCATE IMPROVEMENT BOND PROCEEDS FOR PAYMENT OF CERTAIN INCIDENTAL EXPENSES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 90-1 (JEWETTA TRUNK SEWER/CALLOWAY CANAL RELOCATION) RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California (the "City"), as follows: WHEREAS, on May 22, 1991, the city Council adopted Resolution No. 78-91 whereby the City Council adopted the engineer's report (the "Report"), confirmed the assessment and ordered work and improvements (collectively, the "Improvements") to be constructed and acquired in City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 90-1 ("A.D. 90-1"); the total estimated cost of constructing and acquiring the Improvements and all incidental expenses in connection therewith was $4,412,000.00; and WHEREAS, on June 5, 1991, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 99-91 whereby the city Council confirmed the list of unpaid assessments within A.D. 90-1 and ordered issuance of improvement bonds (the "Bonds"), secured by the unpaid assessments, to finance the costs and expenses of constructing and acquiring the Improvements and incidental expenses in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the Bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of $4,357,580.00, were sold on June 19, 1991, and are now outstanding; and WHEREAS, due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond the city's control, the estimated costs allocated in the engineer's report for items of Improvements and incidental expenses will not be expended for those items and, as a result, there are now in the improvement fund for A.D. 90-1 (the "Improvement Fund") unexpended proceeds in a total amount of approximately $603,956.00, representing the amount of unexpended estimated Improvement costs, plus earnings thereon, as shown on Exhibit A, which is attached to and incorporated in this resolution; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 148(f) (4) (C) of the Internal Revenue Code and Treasury Regulation 1.148-6, the City will be required to pay periodically a one and one-half percent penalty on all construction proceeds in the Improvement Fund that have not been expended for the governmental purposes of the Bonds prior to July 2, 1993; and WHEREAS, payment of interest on the Bonds is a governmental purpose of the Bonds for purposes of Internal Revenue Code Section 148(f) (4) (C) and Treasury Regulation 1.148-6; payment of interest on the Bonds is also a proper incidental expense of A.D. 90-1 under applicable California law; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the city, the owners of property subject to assessment in A.D. 90-1 and the public generally that the amounts remaining unexpended in the Improvement Fund be allocated and used to pay interest on the Bonds, thereby reducing and eventually eliminating the City's liability for the above-described penalty; and WHEREAS, such allocation and use requires a change and modification to certain items in the scope of work and estimated costs for A.D. 90-1, but will not increase the total amount of the assessment or any individual assessment; accordingly, pursuant to California Streets & Highways Code subdivision 10352(b) (1), such change and modification may be ordered without a noticed public hearing; THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL FINDS, DETERMINES AND ORDERS as follows: 1. The scope of work for A.D. 91-1 is modified to add, as an item of miscellaneous construction incidental cost (item VI of Exhibit B of the Report), "Payment of Interest Installments on Bonds," and the cost of the Improvements for A.D. 90-1 is modified to allocate to this item an estimated cost of $603,956.00. This amount represents a reallocation of unexpended proceeds from those cost items listed on Exhibit A, plus earnings thereon. 2. Prior to July 2, 1993, all unexpended construction proceeds in the Improvement Fund, plus earnings thereon, in the approximate amount of $603,956.00, shall be transferred from the Improvement Fund and deposited into a separate account. The account, including all earnings thereon, shall be used solely to (i) make transfers to the redemption fund for the Bonds (the "Redemption Fund") to pay installments of interest on the Bonds as such installments become due, and (ii) pay any penalty amount due to the United States from time to time pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 148(f)(4)(C) and Treasury Regulation 1.148-6, until such account is depleted. 3. The officers of the City are authorized and directed to execute all documents, including but not limited to any agreement with or directions to Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association as transfer agent, registrar and paying agen~ for the Bonds, and to take all other actions as may be appropriate or necessary to carry out the transactions contemplated by this resolution. -2- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on June 9, 1993 , 1993, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: MCDERMOTt, EDWARDS, DEMONs, SMITH, KANE, SALVAGGIO COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: BRUNNI ABSTENTIONS: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 9TH day of June, 1993 MAYOR ~t~C~f Bakersfield COUNTERS~NED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jackson Hargrove Em~ich Pedreira & Nahigian BOND COUNSEL APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY of th~'J city of Bakersfield ?003700H.R01 -3- ORIGINAL