HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/29/1992 MINUTES CC BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 29t 1992 WORKSHOP - 5:15 P.M. - Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield 1. ROLL CALL COUNCIL ACTION Present: Absent: Vice Mayor McDermott, Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Smith (seated at 5:30), Brunni, Peterson (seated at 5:30), Salvaggio Mayor Medders McDermott announced Medders is absent· He is attending a meeting honoring the 100 largest cities in the nation. Proposed Baseball Stadium. David Parker, representing professional baseball in Bakersfield, gave a brief overview of the project, and asked that the City of Bakersfield join with the Bakersfield Dodgers Baseball Club and the County of Kern in a public/private sector partnership to build a new stadium. Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy. Jan Fulton, Associate Planner, Econcomic/ Community Development Department, provided a brief explanation of the CHAS document. CLOSED SESSION Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 regarding 1992 Labor Negotiations with the City's Chief Negotiator Bill Avery regarding Blue and White Collar and General Supervisory Unit negotiations. Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 2 CLOSED SESSION continued Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 regarding the role of the reclasslfication study in the negotiation process. Motion by Peterson to recess to City Manager's Conference Room for Closed Session at 5:35 p.m. COUNCIL ACTION APPROVED AB MEDDERS McDermott reconvened the meeting at 5:50 p.m. for the purpose of adding an item to the Closed Session. Motion byPeterson that the following Item 3., which arose after the Agenda was prepared and upon which action is required, be added to the Agenda at this time. APPROVED AB MEDDERS Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54959.9 (b) (1) regarding potential litigation. Motion by Peterson to recess to City Manager's Conference Room for Closed Session at 5:55 p.m. CityAttorney givenauthority to take appropriate action in ongoing investigation. APPROVED AB MEDDERS Motion by McDermott to adjourn Closed Session at 6:30 p.m. APPROVED ABMEDDERS REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield INVOCATION by Randy Rankin, Member of the Board of Deacons, First Assembly of God Church. Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COUNCIL ACTION ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Vice Mayor McDermott, Councilmembers Edwards, Smith, Brunni, Peterson, Salvaggio Mayor Medders DeMond, CLOSED SESSION ACTION (if any) McDermott announced an item which arose after the Agenda was prepared had been added to the Closed Session, and authority has been granted to the City Attorney to take appropriate action regarding an ongoing investigation in the matter of Medelyian Grady. PRESENTATION City Manager Hawley announced his retirement effective July 10, 1992. CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of Voucher Nos. 5907 to 6269, inclusive, in the amount of $2,430,365.14 and Self Insurance Voucher Nos. 1234 to 1379 inclusive, in the amount of $104,964.42. Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 8, 1992, and Workshop, Closed Session and Regular Meeting of January 15, 1992, for approval. Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 4 CONSENT CALENDAR continued c. Communication from: J. Dale Hawley, City of Bakersfield City Manager, dated January 7, 1992, regarding reorganization of City Manager's Office. (Receive and Refer to Personnel Committee) COUNCIL ACTION David Y. Milazzo, Milazzo & Associates Architects, 3300 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 300, dated January 3, 1992, regarding concurrent application for General Plan Amendment and Zone Change, located at the southwest corner of Columbus Street and Wenatchee Avenue. (Receive and Refer to Planning Department) Dan N. Kimm, 2709 Rose Marie Drive, requesting property located at China Alley be considered for cultural resources designation. (Receive and Refer to Urban Development Committee) Dedication of Properties: Drainage and Access Easement from Truxton Management Corporation for an easement located east of Akers Road and south of Berkshire Road. (Ward 6) DEED 3449 Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 5 6o CONSENT CALENDAR continued do 2· Access Easement from Truxton Management Corporation for an easement located east of Akers Road between Asino Avenue and Indigo Street. (Ward 6) Street Right-of-Way Deed from Centercal-Hinesley for a portion of Noriega Road easterly of Jewetta Avenue. (Ward 4) Waterline Easement from R. Chandler Myers for an easement located on the east side of Buena Vista Road, north of Pacheco Road. (Ward 4) Waterline Easement from the Roman Catholic Bishop of Fresno for an easement located on the east side of Buena Vista Road, north of Pacheco Road. (Ward 4) Waterline Easement from the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod for an easement located on the east side of Buena Vista Road, north of Pacheco Road. (Ward 4) 7 o Waterline Easement from the Kern College Land Company for an easement located on the east side of Buena Vista Road, north of Pacheco Road. (Ward 4) Waterline Easement from the Estate of Eugene Antongiovanni, Helen Antongiovanni, as executor of said estate and David Antongiovanni for an easement located on the east side of Buena Vista Road, south of Pacheco Road. (Unincorporated area) COUNCIL ACTION DEED 3450 DEED 3451 DEED 3452 DEED 3453 DEED 3454 DEED 3455 DEED 3456 Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 6 CONSENT CALENDAR continued do 9. Waterline Easement from Ernest L. Antongiovanni, et al, for an easement located on the east side of Buena Vista Road, north of Panama Lane. Unincorporated area) Notices of Completion and acceptance of work: Contract No. 91-198 with Karleskint-Crum, Inc., for landscape irrigation system for a portion of the Kern River Parkway between Mohawk Street and Commercial Way, completed December 13, 1991. Contract No. 91-213 with Griffith Company for modification of medians on Truxtun Avenue between "A" Street and "H" Street, completed January 10, 1992. Contract No. 90-288 with Cambridge Properties for Tract No. 4957 (Landscaping) located north of Panama Lane and west of Stine Road, completed December 22, 1991. f. Approval of Plans and Specifications: Traffic signal system on Old River Road at Stockdale Highway. Traffic signal modification on "H" Street at Truxtun Avenue. Contract Change Order No. 4, Contract No. 91-157, with Rising Sun Company, Inc., for the relocation of the Calloway Canal. (Ward 4) COUNCIL ACTION DEED 3457 Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 7 CONSENT CALENDAR continued License Agreement with Occidental International Exploration and Production Company for a fiber optics cable run from 1200 Discovery Way to 5701 Truxtun Avenue via the Carrier Canal property owned by the City. (Ward 5) License Agreement with Union Pacific Fuels, Inc., for an 8-inch encased gas line crossing China Grade Loop near Round Mountain Road. (Ward 2) Agreement with North Bakersfield Recreation & Park District for use and capacity in City sewer facilities. (Ward 4) Agreement with Coleman Homes, Inc., for the acquisition of improvements, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 91-1 (Hosking Trunk Sewer). Amendment to Agreement No. 89-270 with Gregory D. Bynum and Associates, Inc., for Carrier Canal development. (Extension of Time) Approval and submission of the City Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Motion by DeMond to adopt Items (a) through (m) of the Consent Calendar. COUNCIL ACTION AGR 92-9 AGR 92-10 AGR 92-11 AGR 92-12 AGR 92-13 APPROVED NS SALVAGGIO AB MEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 8 PUBLIC STATEMENTS McDermott announced Medders is absent due to his attendance at a meeting honoring the 100 largest cities in the nation. The following individuals spoke in opposition to the placement of PG&E powerlines in the Campus Park area: (1) Tom Barnard, 4725 Tilyard Court; (2) Janine Keiser, 9225 Lanneau Court; (3) Eric G. Wolfe, 4724 Tilyard Court; (4) Brenda Abrames, 9312 Lanneau Court; (5) Kathy Marzolf, 8809 Worrell Court; (6) Dan Crisp, 4400 La Farge Drive; (7) Sam Stein, 4716 Angelain Lane; (8) J. R. Boxley, 8701 Worrell Court; and (9) Phillip B. Warren, 8621 Worrell Court. Brunni referred to staff the issue of studying ordinances from other cities, to come back to Council with an ordinance for review to determine if and to what extent powerlines can be regulated. COUNCIL ACTION Motion by Brunni to add to the Agenda the item relating to PG&Epowerlines in the Campus Park area, which arose after the Agenda was prepared and upon which action is required prior to the next Council meeting. APPROVED AB MEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 9 7. PUBLIC STATEMENTS continued COUNCIL ACTION Brunni requested the City Attorney write a letter to the Public Utilities Commission requesting a hearing on powerline installation in Campus Park. Motion by Brunni to recognize Mr. Elias from PG&E. APPROVED ABMEDDERS Mr. Elias responded to Brunni's question regarding undergrounding. Brunni read and submitted a letter she wrote to the Public Utilities Commission, and asked all interested individuals to join her in signing the letter. McDermott suggested an amendment to Brunni's motion to have staff prepare for the Urban Development Committee's review an ordinance that would require undergrounding of powerlines. Salvaggio requested to include in Brunni's motion and McDermott's that the review by staff include the possibility that in the future matters like this come to Council. Motion by Brunni to refer to staff the request to the PUC to have a public hearing, and to staff and the Urban Development Committee the possibility of an ordinance requiring undergrounding of utilities and notification of the Council. APPROVED AB MEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 10 PUBLIC STATEMENTS continued McDermott recessed the meeting at 8:05 p.m. and reconvened at 8:10 p.m. COUNCIL ACTION Motion by DeMond that the Public Statements regarding the health insurance issue be postponed until immediately prior to the item being on the Agenda. APPROVED ABMEDDERS McDermott announced it would be the will of the Council if anyone wished to speak now regarding the health insurance issue that it would be acceptable. Joette Highfill Lee, P. O. Box 60293, spoke regarding Employee Insurance Benefits. The following individuals spoke regarding Transportation Development Impact Fees: (1) Dennis Fox, 918 Blossom; and (2) Don Lindsay, President of the Building Industry Association of Kern County, 10000 Ming Avenue (read prepared statement). Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 11 HEARINGS Hearing of an appeal of the decision of the Board of Zoning Adjustment denying the request by Willis Snow for modification to allow the reduction of the required front yard setback and the side yard setback at 2508 Agate Street (Ward 7). The following individuals spoke in support of leaving the carports the way they were built: (1) Steven Snow; and (2) Willis Snow, 2508 Agate Street. Hearing closed. Motion by Salvaggio to uphold the decision of the Board of Zoning Adjustment denying the modification. COUNCIL ACTION APPROVED ABMEDDERS bo Appeal hearing of the Planning Commission condition of approval on Zoning Upon Annexation No. 5253 (Ward I or 7). Harold Robertson, representing the property owners, spoke in opposition to the Planning Commission's condition of approval. Hearing closed. Motion by Edwards to overturn the ruling of the Planning Commission and grant the applicant the request for a C-2 zoning. APPROVED AB MEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 12 HEARINGS continued Hearing regarding a Resolution making findings and approving amendments to the Riverlakes Ranch/Unibell Specific Plan regarding landscaping along and south of Meacham Road (Ward 4). No one spoke at Hearing. closed. Hearing Motion by Brunni to adopt Resolution. COUNCIL ACTION RES 11-92 APPROVED ABMEDDERS Hearing as required by Resolution of Intention No. 1087 declaring the City's intention to order the establishment of Underground Utility District No. 2, Division 22 (White Lane) (Ward 6). No one spoke at Hearing. Hearing closed. Motion by McDermott to adopt Resolution establishing Underground Utility District No. 2, Division 22. RES 12-92 APPROVED ABMEDDERS McDermott recessed the meeting at 8:50 p.m. and reconvened at 9:00 p.m. Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 13 REPORTS Urban Development Committee Report No. 1-92 regarding Proposed Transportation Development Fee. Ordinance amending Title 15 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by adding Chapter 15.84 implementing a Transportation Impact Fee on all new development. Correspondence has been received from Building Industry Association of Kern County in support of the proposed Traffic Impact Fee Ordinance. Motion by McDermott to accept Report. COUNCIL ACTION ORD 3429 APPROVED ABMEDDERS Motion by McDermott to adopt the Ordinance. APPROVED NS EDWARDS DEMOND SALVAGGIO AB MEDDERS Motion by McDermott to direct staff to reconvene the Transportation Impact Fee Committee to study the various cost estimates. APPROVED AB MEDDERS Motion by McDermott to refer the Level of Service policy to the Technical Advisory Committee, made up of Industry, County and City individuals, and then to the Planning Commission for study, hearing and recommendation back to the Council. APPROVED ABMEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 14 REPORTS continued Urban Development Committee Report No. 2-92 regarding Proposed Transit Transfer Station in the southwest Bakersfield Area. Communication has been received from Steve Ruggenberg, General Manager, Golden Empire Transit District, dated January 14, 1992, regarding the Southwest Transfer Center Site Evaluation. Motion by Peterson to accept Report. COUNCIL ACTION APPROVED ABMEDDERS $alvaggio requested Steve Ruggenberg, General Manager, Golden Empire Transit District, come forward and respond to questions. Motion by McDermott to recognize Thomas Fallgatter to speak on behalf of the Valley Plaza. APPROVED AB MEDDERS Motion by Edwards to place on the Agenda of the next regular meeting of the Council the issue of the time for Gelden Empire Transit District to find an alternative site be extended to February 1. 1993. FAILED NS MCDERMOTT' DEMOND SMITH BRUNNI PETERSON SALVAGGIO Motion by Peterson to implement recommendations. the APPROVED NS EDWARDS AB MEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 15 10. ACTION ON BIDS Drilling, casing and pump testing Ashe Water Well Nos. 28 and 29 located on Harris Road east of Caracas, and on Brimhall Road east of Allen Road, respectively (Wards 6 and 4). Motion by Brunni to accept low bid from S. A. Camp Pump Company, in the amount of $178,494.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the Contract. COUNCIL ACTION CON 92-14 APPROVED AB MEDDERS Reroofing the Bakersfield Courthouse at 3500 21st Street. Motion by Peterson to reject the bids, and direct staff to re-evaluate the project. APPROVED AB MEDDERS 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS Ordinance amending Section 6.04.270; repealing Sections 6.08.030 and 6.20.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Animals. Ordinance amending Sections 8.24.040, 8.27.020, 8.28.022, 8.48.180; repealing Sections 8.12.040, 8.16.080, 8.32.140, 8.38.030, 8.40.030 and 8.52.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Health and Safety. Ordinance amending Section 9.54.010; repealing Sections 9.02.020, 9.16.030, 9.22.030, 9.24.090, 9.28.050t 9.30.020, 9.32.030, 9.34.100, 9.34.140, 9.34.160, 9.44.030 and 9.70.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Public Peace, Morals and Welfare. ORD 3430 ORD 3431 ORD 3432 Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 16 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS continued Ordinance repealing Sections 10.04.060, 10.68.120, 10.69.130, 10.76.130, 10.80.070 and 10.82.030 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to the Violation-Penalty Provisions in Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic). Ordinance amending Sections 12.28.010 and 12.28.020; repealing Sections 12.16.260, 12.21.020t 12.24.040, 12.28.050, 12.40.120, 12.44.040, 12.56.260 and 12.57.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places. Ordinance amending Section 8.20.040, Section 8.20.060, Sub-Section B. of Section 8.20.120, adding Subsection E. to Section 8.20.130, amending Section 8.20.140, Subsection A. of Section 8.20.150 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Pest Abatement. Ordinance repealing Chapter 5.40 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Pool Halls. Ordinance amending Chapter 5.16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Cardrooms. Ordinance repealing Section 5.10.160 and Subsection B. of Section 5.50.330 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to the Violation-Penalty Provisions in Title 5 (Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations). Ordinance amending Chapter 1.40 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to General Penalty. COUNCIL ACTION ORD 3433 ORD 3434 0RD3435 ORD 3436 ORD 3437 0RD3438 ORD 3439 Bakersfield, california, January 29, 1992 Page 17 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS continued Ordinance amending Sections 8.27.030, 8.28.025, 8.29.040 and 8.32.080; repealing Sections 8.28.030 through 8.28.150 relating to General Abatement provisions in Chapter 8.28 (Weeds and Debris) and Sections 8.29.080 through 8.29.200 relating to General Abatement provisions in Chapter 8.29 (Litter Control) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. Ordinance adding Chapter 8.80 to the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Abatement of Public Nuisances. Motion by Edwards to remove for separate consideration. Ordinance repealing Chapter 9.60 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Hats in Theaters. Ordinance repealing Chapter 6.16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Hog Pens. Motion by Salvaggio to adopt Items 11.a. through n., with the exception of Item 11.1. COUNCIL ACTION 0RD3440 APPROVED AB MEDDERS ORD 3441 ORD 3442 APPROVED AB MEDDERS Ordinance adding Chapter 8.80 to the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Abatement of Public Nuisances. Motion by Edwards to Adopt. ORD 3443 APPROVED AB BRUNNI MEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 18 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS continued Ordinance repealing Chapter 5.04 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to the Business Improvement District Tax. Motion by DeMond to Adopt. COUNCIL ACTION 0RD3444 APPROVED AB MEDDERS Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map No. 123-18 by changing the zoning of 18.57 acres located southwest of White Lane and Mountain Vista Drive from an R-1-CH Zone to a P.U.D. Zone for a 93 lot single family subdivision. (Ward 4) Motion by Brunni to Adopt. ORD 3445 APPROVED AB MEDDERS Ordinance amending Title Seventeen of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map No. 102-20 by changing the zoning of 24.23 acres located south of Meacham Road, 800 feet east of Calloway Drive from R-2 to R-1 Zones. (Ward 4) ORD 3446 Motion by Brunni to Adopt. APPROVED ABMEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 19 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS continued An amendment to the Kern River Plan Element by Kern County. (1) General Plan Amendment No. 1, Map No. 140, (2) General Plan Amendment No. 3, Map NO. 121, (3) General Plan Amendment No. 3, Map No. 103-18, (4) General Plan Amendment No. 1, Map No. 103-19, (5) General Plan Amendment NO. 3, Map No. 102-13 (6) General Plan Amendment No. 1, Map No. 102-24. A hearing was held at the Council meeting of January 15, 1992, with action deferred to January 29, 1992. Dave Rickles, Kern County Planning Department, was recognized and responded to questions. Motion by Salvaggio to adopt Resolution making findings and recommending approval of County General Plan Amendments related to the expansion of the Kern River Plan Element. COUNCIL ACTION RES 13-92 APPROVED AB MEDDERS 1) Agreement with Blue Cross for Blue Cross Medical Indemnity Insurance. 2) Agreement with Blue Cross for CaliforniaCare Insurance. This item was heard with Personnel Committee Report No. 1-92 at the Council meeting of January 15, 1992, with action deferred to January 29, 1992. Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 20 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS continued The following individuals spoke regarding Employee Health Benefits: (1) Michele Moreau, Director of Marketing and Sales for Health Net, 5601 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 225; (2) Richard Watkins, 4201 McKelvey, representing the Captains of the Bakersfield City Fire Department on the Joint Insurance Committee; (3) Chuck Waide, Kern County Employees Association, SEIU Local 700, 1001 17th Street, Suite A, representing the Blue and White Collar Bargaining Units within the City; and (4) Mike Lee, P.O. Box 41645, member of the Insurance Committee. DeMond requested Jeff Brown, Sales Representative for Blue Cross, be recognized and respond to questions. COUNCIL ACTION Salvaggio requested Margaret Ursin, former City employee of the Personnel Department, be recognized to speak at this time. McDermott reminded the Council of the policy that establishes an 11 o'clock deadline to determine which items on the Agenda still need to be acted upon in order to adjourn the meeting at Midnight. He suggested a 10-minute break be taken to think about which items need to be dealt with this evening. McDermott recessed the meeting at 11:10 p.m. and reconvened at 11:20 p.m. 47 Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 21 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS continued Edwards announced that New Business Item 12.a. must be acted on this evening. Brunni was advised by the City Attorney to abstain from discussion and action on this item this evening. DeMond called for the question. Peterson requested Kathy Nix, Bakersfield Family Medical Center, be recognized to respond to questions. COUNCIL ACTION Motion by DeMond to approve Agreement with Blue Cross for Blue Cross Medical Indemnity Insurance and authorize the Mayor to execute. TIED NS MCDERMOTT' SMITH PETERSON AB BRUNNI MEDDERS Substitute Motion by McDermott to refer this issue back to the Insurance Committee. TIED NS EDWARDS DEMOND SALVAGGIO ABBRUNNI MEDDERS DeMond requested Chuck Waide, Kern County Employees Association, be recognized to speak. He expressed his concern regarding the insurance coverage that will expire on Saturday. Motion by McDermott to accept the offers from Blue Cross and Health Net to extend the coverage through February for Blue Cross Fee for Service and Health Net HMO, and to continue the payments on the health insurance as was done in January. APPROVED AB BRUNNI MEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 22 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS continued Consultant,s Agreement with Cal State Bakersfield Foundation, Business Research and Education Center regarding sales tax study. Motion by McDermott to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. COUNCIL ACTION AGR 92-15 APPROVED ABMEDDERS Motion by McDermott to transfer $15,000 from Council Contingency to City Manager's Operating Budget in the General Fund. APPROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS 12. NEW BUSINESS Resolution preliminary adopting, confirming and approving the Public Works Director's Report; appointing time and place for hearing protests to the proposed district; setting the boundaries thereof; the fairness of the benefit formula; the amount of assessment to be levied against each parcel and the reservation of right to perform work by city forces (Resolution of Intention No. 1088, Union Avenue Maintenance District). (Wards i & 2) Motion by Edwards to Adopt. RES 14-92 APPROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS Resolution describing proposed boundaries of assessment district, approving map therefor and designating name of assessment district. (Assessment District No. 91-1, Hosking Trunk Sewer) (Wards 6 & 7) Motion by Salvaggio to Adopt. RES 15-92 APPROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 23 12. NEW BUSINESS continued Resolution providing for the adjustment of property tax revenues upon local agency jurisdictional change resulting from Annexation No. 361, LAFCO Proceeding No. 1098, Brimhall No. 2 Annexation. (Ward 4) Motion by Brunni to Adopt. COUNCIL ACTION RES 16-92 APPROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS Resolution providing for the adjustment of property tax revenues upon local agency jurisdictional change resulting from Annexation No. 360, LAFCO Proceeding No. 1097, Haley No. 1 Annexation. (Ward 2 or 3) Motion by DeMond to Adopt. RES 17-92 APPROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS Resolution specifying that Meacham No. i Annexation shall, upon annexation, be included within the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, and setting hearing for objections thereto. (Ward 4) Motion Brunni to Adopt. RES 18-92 APPROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 Page 24 12. NEW BUSINESS continued Resolution of Application proposing proceedings for annexation of territory to the City of BaKersfield identified as Annexation No. 367, located south of Panama Lane, between Lowry Street and Nadeau Street. (Ward 7) Motion by Salvaggio to Adopt. COUNCIL ACTION RES 19-92 A~PROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS Resolution approving the application for grant funds for the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program under Section 164.56 of the Streets and Highways Code 1989 for Rosedale Interchange Landscaping. Motion by Brunni to Adopt. RES 20-92 APPROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS Agreement with the State of California for modification, operation and maintenance of traffic control signal systems and lighting on Union Avenue from Brundage Lane to 20th Street. (Wards i & 2) Motion by Edwards to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. AGR 92-16 APPROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS Transportation Development Act (TDA), Article 3 Funding Award in the amount of $1,000 for a Bicycle Safety Program administered by the Crime Prevention Section of the Bakersfield Police Department. Motion by Brunni to appropriate $1,000 grant to the Police Department Operations Budget in the General Fund. APPROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 25 12. NEW BUSINESS continued An increase in a grant award in the amount of $3,300 for a roadside sobriety checkpoint program from the California Office of Traffic Safety. Motion by DeMond to appropriate $3,300 State Grant to the Police Department Operations Budget in the General Fund. COUNCIL ACTION APPROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS TWO (2) appointments to the Citizens' Convention Center Committee due to the expiration of term of Judy Valenzuela (Ward 5) term expired January 3, 1992; and resignation of Maxine Simpson (Ward 2) term expiring January 3, 1994. McDermott deferred to the next meeting. 13. COUNCIL STATEMENTS McDermott thanked Council for getting through a very heavy Agenda with a lot big issues. McDermott referred to the Urban Development Committee a traffic signal at 19th and Oak Streets. McDermott expressed his appreciation to City Manager Hawley for the job he has done, and referred to the Personnel Committee the process for selecting a new City Manager. Brunni expressed her appreciation to City Manager Hawley. Bakersfield, California, January 29, 1992 - Page 26 13. COUNCIL STATEMENTS continued Brunni expressed her concern regarding the streetlights near Silver Creek with regard to their not sticking out onto Gosford Road. She indicated that they cannot be seen in foggy weather. COUNCIL ACTION Brunni advised it has been brought to her attention that there may be a need for a little arm streetlight on the southwest corner of Scarlett Oak and Ming Avenue because it is very dark on that corner and unsafe to make a left turn across Ming. Brunni advised she received a complaint regarding U-turn signs on Truxtun Avenue, specifically at "F" Street, which is not consistent with the others up and down Truxtun. Brunni stated she would like to talk to staff regarding the manner in which graffiti issues in Campus Park are being treated in comparison to the manner in which they are being treated in The Oaks. 14. ADJOURNMENT Motion by DeMond at 12:30. a.m., January 30, 1992. MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield, ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, CA ndw APPROVED AB PETERSON MEDDERS CA