HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 4-93 RESOLUTION NO. ,~ - 9 $ RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CALLOWAY DRIVE SPECIFIC PLAN LINE. WHEREAS, areas west of State Highway 99 are rapidly urbanizing and becoming developed with residences and businesses; and WHEREAS, urbanization creates significant increases in demand for transportation facilities; and WHEREAS, the provision of a major arterial road connecting Calloway Drive at Brimhall Road to Stockdale Highway at Old River Road, is necessary to meet present transportation needs and the projected needs of the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Specific Plan Line supersedes the existing arterial alignment, as shown on the Circulation element, Kern River Plan Element, and the Parkway Plan; and WHEREAS, the Specific Plan Line is necessary to retain Transportation Level of Service at "C" in the west Metropolitan Bakersfield area and to preserve the arterial road alignment from encroaching development; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield has identified the project area as containing sensitive biological resources and has met with representatives of the Bakersfield Educational Area Advisory Committee and Kern Parkway Committee, and property owners in the project area to discuss potential impacts and mitigation measures proposed for the project; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield has solicited the active cooperation of the County of Kern in protecting and securing the same right-of-way for the arterial road project, as required in the Kern River Plan Element, and as an implementation measure of the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with provisions of Section 65353 of the Government Code, held a public hearing on October 15, 1992, on the proposed specific plan line and proposed Negative Declaration, notice of the time and place of hearing having been given at least ten (10) calendar days before said hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation; and ORIGINAL WHEREAS, such proposed Calloway Specific Plan Line is as follows: The City of Bakersfield is proposing to construct an extension of Calloway Drive between Brimhall Road and Stockdale Highway, across the Cross Valley Canal and the Kern River. The project includes realignment of the existing Calloway Road 1,750 feet to the west, off the section line. Construction of the project will include the initial development of a four-lane arterial road, one, 10-foot high bridge over the Kern River, one, 18-foot high bridge over the Cross Valley Canal, and 7,000 linear feet of roadway. The maximum road construction area is estimated at 38.6 acres (240-foot wide construction corridor that includes 65-foot wide maximum disturbance zones along both sides of the right-of-way). The 110-foot right-of-way would allow future construction to a full six lanes. Construction of the road and bridges are expected in 1994-95, with construction of the Kern River Freeway and Calloway Interchange by the year 2002. Total project cost is estimated as $7.5 million; and WHEREAS, for the above-described project, an Initial Study was conducted, and it was determined that the proposed project would not have a significant effect on the environment, and a mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared, and posted on August 28, 1992, in accordance with CEQA; and WHEREAS, the law and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of Negative Declarations as set forth in CEQA and City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures have been duly followed by city staff and the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 56-92 on October 15, 1992, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of Calloway Specific Plan Line, subject to conditions and mitigation listed in Exhibit "A", and this Council has fully considered the findings made by the Planning Commission as set forth in that Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Section 65355 of the Government Code, conducted and held a public hearing on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1993, on the above described Calloway Specific Plan Line, notice of time and place of the hearing having been given at least ten (10) calendar days before the hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation; and 2 ORIGINAL WHEREAS, the Council has considered and hereby makes the following findings: 1. All required public notices have been given. 2. The provisions of CEQA have been followed. 3. The proposed Specific Plan Line, as mitigated in Exhibit "A", will not have a significant effect on the environment. 4. The Specific Plan Line is consistent with the goals and policies of the Management Plan adopted by the City Council in March, 1989 for the Bakersfield Educational Studies Area and 2,800 Acre Recharge Area. 5. The proposed plan line is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan Circulation and Kern River Plan Elements, and Kern River Parkway Plan. 6. The public necessity, convenience, and general welfare justify the construction of the arterial road to keep the Level of Service at "C" in the west Bakersfield metropolitan area. 7. The Specific Plan Line supersedes the existing alignment as shown in the Circulation Element, and is necessary to preserve the arterial road alignment from encroaching development. 8. The provision of an arterial road between Brimhall Road and Stockdale Highway is necessary to meet present transportation needs and the projected needs of the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and found by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals and findings, incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. The Negative Declaration for the Calloway Specific Plan is hereby approved and adopted. 3. The report of the Planning Commission, including maps and all reports and papers relevant thereto, transmitted by the Secretary of the Planning Commission to the City Council, is hereby received, accepted and approved. 3 4. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the Calloway Specific Plan Line, consisting of an amended arterial alignment between Calloway Drive at Brimhall Road and Stockdale Highway at Old River Road, as described in Exhibit "C," and as shown on the map marked Exhibit "B," subject to the conditions of approval and mitigation measures shown on Exhibit "A." 4 ORIGINAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the Cityof Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held JAN ~ ~ 1~ by the following vote: AYES; COUNCILMEMBERS: EDWARDS, De.'~ONO, SMITH, 8RUNNI, [(/'~N~.. McDERMOTT, SALVAGGIU NOI~S; COUNCILMEMBERS: /~ t~AI ~ ~ENT COUNC~LUEMd~RS: ~0~ CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED ~ 0 O ~ MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI CITY AITORNEY of the City of Bakersfield pit res\rcspl.cc ORIGINAL Exhibit A Recommended Mitigation Measures and Condition of Approval Condition: 1. When Draft Concept Plans are developed for the road, Public Works will call a meeting between the Planning Commission Trails Committee and Kern River Parkway Committee to review design plans and report back to full Commission. The following mitigation measures are recommended to offset potential impacts of the project on threatened and endangered species: 2. Prior to commencement of any grading or construction at the project site, the City of Bakersfield shall pay the required Mitigation Fee for each gross acre within the secondary floodway to be impacted by the Calloway Drive Extension project. This fee is calculated (under the current $680/acre fee) as $1,775, based on the 2.61 acres within the secondary floodway. The fee shall be held in trust for payment of HCP development costs and habitat mitigation as identified in the MBHCP. 3. Prior to any disturbance within the primary floodplain area, the City of Bakersfield will enter into formal consultation with the USFWS and CDFG for the purpose of determining acceptable levels of mitigation and, if required, compensation. Consultation may result in the requirement for either separate FESA Section 10(a) and CDFG Section 2081 agreements. Consultation with the CDFG will determine levels of mitigation and, if required, compensation for take of state-listed animal species in the primary floodplain, and take of state-listed species outside of the primary floodplain if those species are not covered by the MBHCP. 4. Within 60 days prior to initiation of field work or as directed by USFWS or CDFG, the City of Bakersfield shall hire a qualified biologist acceptable to both CDFG and USFWS to conduct pre-activity surveys to re-inventory the lands that will be subject to modification for the occurrence of threatened and endangered species. The inventory shall be conducted by a qualified biologist with prior inventory experience for the San Joaquin kit fox. This is necessary to implement protection measures described below. 5. Fenced exclusion zones shall be established by a qualified biologist around all kit fox dens that can be avoided but may be inadvertently impacted by project activities. Exclusion zone fencing shall consist of either large flagged stakes connected by rope or cord, or survey laths or wooden stakes prominently flagged with smvey ribbon. Each ORIGINAL exclusion zone shall be roughly circular in configuration with a radius of the following distance measured outward from the den or burrow entrances: potential kit fox den: 50 feet known kit fox den: 100 feet kit fox pupping den: 150 feet 6. All San Joaquin kit fox dens previously determined to be known dens, as well as, any other known dens identified within the project impact area shall be monitored to determine the current status. The activity status will be determined by monitoring the den entrance utilizing a tracking medium (sifted flour or equivalent) for three nights. ff monitoring reveals current den utilization by kit fox, the den entrance will be monitored for at least five consecutive days from the time of observation. During this time, use of the den will be discouraged by partially plugging the entrance with soil in a manner that will allow animals to escape. Following the blocking effort, the unoccupied den will be excavated as described below. 7. Any known and potential kit fox dens located within the specified disturbance zone which shall be unavoidably destroyed by the proposed project shall be excavated pursuant to conditions described below to the onset of ground disturbing activities. Excavation of kit fox dens shall not proceed without authorization from USFWS and CDFG. a. Destruction of a potential kit fox den may proceed without prior notification of the USFWS of no current or previous use of the den by kit foxes is known, as determined by a qualified biologist. However, ff any den thought to be a potential den is determined during excavation to be a currently or previously used kit fox den (e.g. if kit fox sign is found inside), the USFWS will be notified immediately of the change in status. b. In the event that the USFWS and CDFG concur that a San Joaquin kit fox den will be unavoidably destroyed by planned project actions, the following procedures shall be implemented: 1. Prior to the commencement of construction activities, the subject den shah be carefully excavated using hand tools either by a qualified biologist or under the direct supervision of a biologist to ensure that no animals are trapped or injured. Any kit foxes in residence shall be allowed to escape unimpeded. 2. The den shall be completely excavated and then refilled and compacted to prevent future use of the site by resident animals. 3. Documentation of the den loss shall be conveyed in writing to the USFWS, Sacramento Field Office, and to the CDFG Fresno and Sacramento Field Offices. 2 8. To protect female kit foxes and their pups during the breeding season, no development activities likely to result in incidental take of kit foxes and no excavation of kit fox dens shall be permitted on the site between January ! to April 30, if biological surveys conforming to USFWS minimum survey recommendations demonstrate the presence of kit foxes on the project site. Minimum survey recommendations for the period from January 1 to April 30, and for one calendar week preceding January 1, shall consist of seven consecutive nights of negative survey results where methods including spotlighting, scent stations, and placing of tracking medium at all known and potential kit fox dens on the subject property. This shall be enforced unless: a. Subsequent surveys demonstrate that kit foxes have vacated the property on their own without any deliberate human disturbance within 100 feet of or directly to kit fox dens. b. Circular exclusion zones of 100 feet in radius are staked and flagged around all known and potential kit fox dens on the project area. Development could then proceed on the balance of the project area that is outside these exclusion zones. c. Survey information collected by a qualified wildlife biologist indicates that incidental take of kit foxes resulting from den excavations should not occur, provided that such information is presented in writing to the Service's Sacramento Field Office and the Service concurs in writing. Results of survey information referenced in this section should also be presented in writing to the Depai'tment of Fish and Game, Region 4, Environmental Services Supervisor, and CDFG concurrence required. 9. Project (disturbance) area boundaries shah be clearly delineated by fencing, stakes, flagging, and/or rope or cord to minimize inadvertent degradation or loss of adjacent wildlife habitats during project activities. 10. All construction, spill, spoil and equipment storage sites, and parking and staging areas shall be confined to the 240-foot Disturbance Area on-site. 11. Prior to project commencement, all personnel should attend a worker education program. Specifics of this program should include the listed species present on site, their life histories, and measures implemented to reduce sensitive biological and other environmental impacts. This educational program should be presented through a video tape or other documented medium with worker sign-in for monitoring purposes. This program shall be included in the construction contract to perform any job related to the actual construction of Calloway Road. The Educational Program shall include education of the following work-site restrictions: a. All project-related vehicle traffic will be restricted to project area; off-project area traffic will be prohibited. Project-related traffic shall adhere to a speed limit of 20 mph on project site roads with the exception of county and state highways. 3 ORIGINAL b. To reduce noise impacts on wildlife and surrounding sensitive land uses, all construction activities shall be limited to weekday, daylight hours unless otherwise permitted at the discretion of the Director of Public Works. c. To reduce the amount of wind erosion and dust particles emitted from the project, dust attenuation practices shall be used, including minimizing the time surfaces are left exposed, periodic sprinkling of exposed areas and soil piles with water, and covering soil piles with plastic sheets or tarpaulins to limit disturbance. d. All food-related items such as wrappers, cans, bottles, and food scraps generated during the project shah be disposed of in closed containers only and regularly removed from the site. Food items may attract kit foxes onto a project site, consequently exposing such animals to increased risk of injury or mortality. No deliberate feeding of wildlife shall be allowed. e. To prevent harassment, mortality, or destruction of kit fox dens, by domestic dogs and cats, no pets shall be permitted on-site during project activities. f. Standard use of rodenticide and herbicides on the site is permitted for health and safety reasons, but only within the specified project site, and only as part of a USFWS-approved management plan. g. Any contractor or employee that inadvertently kills or injures a threatened or endangered species or who finds any such animal either dead, injured, or entrapped shall be required to report the incident immediately to the USFWS and CDFG. In addition, formal notification shall be provided in writing within three working days of the finding of any such animal(s). Notification shall include the date, time, location, and circumstances of the incident. USFWS and CDFG contacts for this information shall be designated prior to project commencement. Any threatened or endangered species found dead or injured shall be turned over immediately to the CDFG for care, analysis or disposition. In the case of entrapped animals, escape ramps or structures shall be installed immediately if possible to allow the subject animal(s) to escape unimpeded. 12. To discourage kit fox from crossing the Calloway Drive extension and direct movements of kit foxes through the Kern River corridor, the City of Bakersfield shall install chain-link fencing with concrete curbs, at the bottom edge of the slope easement, along both sides of the roadway from south of the Cross Valley Canal bridge to the bicycle path. This chain-link fencing is not required on the Kern River or Canal bridges. Fencing shall have a concrete curb and shall be a minimum of 4 feet in height. 13. Prior to the commencement of project construction, a small mammal trapping program shall be conducted to identify the species of kangaroo rat currently inhabiting the project site. Specific trapping requirements and methodologies shall be determined by the USFWS and CDFG. Persons conducting Tipton kangaroo rat live-trapping will ORIGINAL obtain the appropriate State and Federal permits prior to onset of this action. If Tipton kangaroo rats are found to occur at the project site, the City of Bakersfield shall consult with the USFWS and CDFG to determine appropriate measures to avoid "take" of the species. This measure will not be required if the 2081 Permit or MBHCP assumes presence of Tipton kangaroo rat, and provides suitable mitigation and compensation. 14. Prior to the commencement of project construction, blunt-nosed leopard lizard surveys should be conducted to determine species presence on the project site. The CDFG recommended guidelines for surveying this species shall be followed. If blunt- nose leopard lizards are found to inhabit the site, the City of Bakersfield shall consult with the USFWS and CDFG to determine appropriate measures to avoid "take" of the species. This measure will not be required if the 2081 Permit or MBHCP assumes presence of Blunt-nosed leopard lizard, and provides suitable mitigation and compensation. The following mitigation measures are recommended to offset potential impacts to riparian habitats, and to control erosion along the Kern River:. 15. The road section shall be designed and constructed to full road bed width (although only two lanes each way will be initially constructed) for the purpose of not disturbing fence and landscaping installed with proposed first phase improvements. 16. All disturbed sites within the BESA area shown in Figure 5 shall be revegetated using the seeding mixture rate indicated in Table 6 and number and types of shrub and tree species indicated in Table 7. The area to be revegetated with grasses and herbs only includes the portion from the top of the slope to the toe of slope within the slope easement (outside of the right-of-way) between the south edge of the Cross Valley Canal, and the northern right-of-way of Stockdale Highway, minus the area within the sandy river bottom. The area to be revegetated with trees, shrubs and grasses and herbs includes other areas beyond the toe of the slope, outside the road right-of-way, between the south edge of the Cross Valley Canal, and the bicycle path, minus the area within the sandy river. Tree and shrub species must be planted in a non- .symmetrical, free-form or organic manner, with tree heights staggered and non-uniform. The specific method and timetable of revegetation and landscape engineering will be determined by City Public Works Engineering during actual construction plan development and incorporated into design specifications for the project. 17. Automatic water irrigation shall be provided for all tree and shrub species, along the BESA revegetation area, as shown in Figure 5, and as specified in measure # 20. 18. A certified soils report shall be prepared on the revegetation area shown in Figure 5, for purposes of defining appropriate soil amendments necessary to support listed plant species and ensure proper growth. No land or erosion control operations shall take place 5 ORIGINAL without Public Works approval of the certified soils report. At the discretion of the Public Works and Planning Directors, the types of proposed seed materials may be subjected to change based on results of the soils report. 19. The non-native tree species Tamarix shall be completely removed from the project area due to its invasive and dominant nature. Its location is indicated in Figure 3 of the Biological Assessment, described as north of the river, south of the canal, on the west side of the proposed alignment, within the 240 foot disturbance area. The tree will be identified and marked by the biologist within 60 days of ground disturbance, during the preconstruction sensitive species survey. Tree will be either cut down and the stump chemically treated to prevent return growth, or the entire tree stump removed during construction activities. 20. Adequate maintenance and replacement of planted trees and shrubs will be conducted to provide a reasonable likelihood of successful revegetation. Public Works or its contractor shall frequently inspect the plantings, and respond to adverse conditions of disease, pests, vandalism, nutrients, water, or other detrimental and remediable conditions. Up to 10 percent of the original number of planted trees and shrubs may be lost annually without replacement. Losses in excess of 10 percent shall be replaced by the same species, however, different native species of shrubs and trees may be substituted at the discretion of Public Works ff indicated by site conditions. Maintenance shall commence immediately after installation of plants and continue for a period of 5 years. Plants replaced due to annual losses on excess of 10 percent shall be maintained for a period of 5 years from date of planting. Termination of or modification of maintenance prior to the 5 year period may be requested, subject to the approval of CDFG. Public Works reports annually to CDFG, Region 4 Environmental Services. ORIGINAL Table 6 Recommended Seeding Mixture for Revegetation Area as Shown on Figure 5 Species Calandria ciliata Red Maids Application Rate (PLS~ lbs/acre) 1.0 5.0 1.0 0.25 1.0 2.0 Eschscholzia californica California poppy Festuca megalura Foxtail fescue Lupinus bicolor Ground lupine Orthocarpus purpurascens Owls clover Phacelia tanacetifolia Caterpillar phacelia Salvia carduacea or S. columbarie Sages Pure Live Seed Total Pounds~ 3.5 17.5 3.5 0.9 3.5 7.0 TOTAL 10.25 35.9 PLS = pure live seed Trace Amount (<0.1 PLS lbs/acre) Assume 3.5 acre revegetation area, as shown in Figure 5. 7 ORIGINAL Table 7 Recommended Shrub and Tree Transplant Species for the Revegetation Area outside of the Slope Area, Within BESA, as Shown on Figure 5 Species Potential Impact 4 Number of Plants~ shrubs or trees removed Atriplex lentiformis 50 150 Valley saltbushz Baccharis viminea 61 183 Mule fat2 Cephalanthus occidentalis~ Buttonwillow 1 3 Populus fremontii3 Fremont cottonwood 17 51 Salix spp.2 18 54 Willows TOTAL 129 bushes 17 trees 390 bushes 51 trees t Assuming impact over entire 240 foot wide area at a 3:1 ratio of numbers of individual plants removed. Revegetation Area is 2.5 acres, located outside of the slope area, as shown on Figure 5. Only seeding and no trees or shrubs are proposed within the slope area. Revegetation should be planned relative to the actual number of trees and shrubs removed or mortally disturbed through the project, and not by the acreage of land disturbed. Minimum 1 gallon shrubs Minimum I gallon trees 4 Estimated impact is taken from the Biological Assessment performed for the project by the Planning Center, July 1992. ms:~:~:alloway.con 8 ORIGINAL ENTER LINE :ALLOWAY DRIVE CROSS VALLEY CANAL SECONDARY FLOODPLAIN PRIMARY FLOODPLAIN ~o-$ECONDARY FLOODPLAiN,,/" OLD RIVER ROAD RIVER BICYCLE PATH R~VEGE'FATION AREA OR/GI~iAL ORIGINAL EXHIBIT B NOTE: SEE CALLOWAY - BRIMHALL INTERSECTION DETAIL. POINT DATA c~y POINT # NORTHING EASTING  679587.54 1665606.70 679643,76 1666506.69 3 680057.79 1667513,95 ¢ 680255.46 1667722.88 5 680253.62 1667844.43 6 680136,87 1667825.09 7 679833.24 1667§66.69 8 679655,57 1668041.69 9 679537.04 1668936.69 10 679327.62 1668896.69 11 679236.17 1667866.69 12 679065.67 1667686,69 13 679647.75 1667558.67 14 678649.42 1667448.66 15 576800,22 1667396.69 16 686095.31 1671375.06 17 678971.20 1667001.69 18 679211.59 1666646.69 19 679295.83 1666366.69 20 679379.29 1665476.69 BRIMHALL. RD. N89'O6'37"W ] a E 166850048 E 1667~O9.40 >- o N 682548,28 EL 907,7661' S86'24'48"W C 306,4731' S07'48'07#E : NOT~: ~'}' S[~P~" EASEMENTS, AS REQUIRED, ARE NOT SHOWN. 2) EXPANDED INTERSECTIONS AT STOCKDALE HIGHWAY AND BRIMHALL ROAD ARE REQUIRED. KERN RIVER FREEWAY ALIGNMENT f [] ~/4 sec. ~ CURVE DATA (~b* = 42'33'10' I~A = 25'13'25' (~, = 34'25'01' r = 2700.00 R = 2755.00 R = 200.00 T = 1051.41 T = 616,41 r = 61.94 L = 2005.26 L = 1212.84 L = 1~0.14 T29R27 3132 'T30R27 NOTE: SEE CALLOWAY - STOCKDALE INTERSECTION DETAIL. CALLOWAY DR. - BRIMHALL RD. ~.'~ ..... SPECIFIC PlAN ~.- ,~-- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NO 1 CALIFORNIA ~ EXHIBIT C CALLOWAY DRIVE SPECIFIC PLAN LINE FROM KERN RIVER FREEWAY TO NORTH OF BRIMHALL ROAD Three Parcels of land situated in Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., City of Bakersfield and unincorporated area of the County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1 (CALLOWAY DRIVE) Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 29; THENCE (1) North 00'44'20" East along the west line of said section, a distance of 658.44 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE (2) South 89'15'37" East, 55.00 feet; THENCE (3) South 00'07'22" East, 78.45 feet to the beginning of a 1558.58 foot radius, non-tangent curve, concave westerly, having a radial of South 89'54'55" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (4) Southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 09°44'01", an arc distance of 264.78 feet to the beginning of a 1560.00 foot radius, non-tangent curve, concave northwesterly, having a radial of North 79'31'45" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (5) Southwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 10'44'30", an arc distance of 292.46 feet; THENCE (6) South 28°58'00" East, 46.09 feet; THENCE (7) South 26°01'51" West, 113.68 feet to POINT "A" and the beginning of a non-tangent, 30.00 foot radius curve, concave southeasterly, having a radial of South 11'57'06" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (8) Southwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 74'33'00" an arc distance of 39.03 feet to the beginning of a 1570.00 foot radius curve, concave northwesterly, having a radial of North 62'35'54" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (9) Southwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 08'16'59" an arc distance of 226.97 feet to the beginning of a 3101.14 foot radius, non-tangent curve, concave northwesterly, having a radial of North 48°37'10" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (10) Southwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 07'34'31" an arc distance of 410.02 feet; THENCE (11) South 51°36'02" West, 59.19 feet; ORIGINAL THENCE (12) South 50°44'20" West, 331.03 feet to the beginning of a 2645.00 foot radius curve, concave southeasterly; THENCE (13) Southwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 24'07'31" an arc distance of 1113.71 feet to the beginning of a 200.00 foot radius compound curve, concave easterly, having a radial of South 63'23'11" East from said beginning of curve; THENCE (14) Southerly along said curve through a central angle of 34'25'01" an arc distance of 120.14 feet; THENCE (15) South 07'48'07" East, 306.47 feet; THENCE (16) South 44°34'02" East, 249.38 feet; THENCE (17) South 82'27'20" East, 902.82 feet to a point on the north boundary of the "SPECIFIC PLAN LINE" FOR THE KERN RIVER FREEWAY; THENCE (18) North 89°08'04" West, along said north boundary line, 3330.38 feet; THENCE (19) departing from said north line, North 86'24'48" East, 901.77 feet; THENCE (20) North 67'39'18" East, 1089.03 feet to the beginning of a 400.00 foot radius curve, concave northwesterly; THENCE (21) Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 42'08'31" an arc distance of 294.21 feet to the beginning of a 2755.00 foot radius, reverse curve, concave southeasterly having a radial of South 64°29'05" East from said beginning of curve; THENCE (22) Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 25°13'25" an arc distance of 1212.84 feet; THENCE (23) North 50°44'20" East, 331.03 feet; THENCE (24) North 49'52'38" East, 59.19 feet to the beginning of a 1441.53 foot radius, non-tangent curve, concave northwesterly, having a radial of North 40'08'58" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (25) Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 10'28'33" an arc distance of 263.56 feet to the beginning of a 1440.00 foot radius, compound curve, concave northwesterly, having a radial of North 49'43'53" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (26) Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 09'43'51", an arc distance of 244.56 feet; THENCE (27) North 24'16'02" West, 49.03 feet; 2 ORIGINAL THENCE (28) North 28°51'53" East, 136.08 feet to POINT "B" and the beginning of a 30.00 foot radius, non-tangent curve, concave northwesterly, having a radial of North 12'27'45" East from said beginning of curve; THENCE (29) Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 79'50'27" an arc distance of 41.80 feet to the beginning of a 1430.00 foot radius, compound curve, concave northwesterly, having radial of North 67'22'42" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (30) Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 07'33'49" an arc distance of 188.77 feet to the beginning of a 1600.00 foot radius, compound curve, concave westerly having a radial of North 73'28'40" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (31) Northerly along said curve through a central angle of 12°51'46" an arc distance of 359.19 feet; THENCE (32) North 01'36'03" East, 78.45 feet; THENCE (33) South 89'15'37" East, 55.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2 (BRIMHALL ROAD-WEST) Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 30; THENCE (1) North 89°06'37" West along the south line of said section, a distance of 851.56 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE (2) North 00'35'18" West, 55.02 feet; THENCE (3) South 89°58'43" East, 330.03 feet to the beginning of a 1560.00 foot radius, non-tangent curve, concave southwesterly, having a radial of South 00°53'04" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (4) Southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 11'34'41" an arc distance of 315.24 feet to POINT "B"; THENCE (5) South 28'51'53" West, 136.08 feet to the beginning of a 1430.00 foot radius, non-tangent curve, concave southwesterly, having a radial of South 13'47'12" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (6) Westerly along said curve through a central angle of 05°33'45" an arc distance of 138.83 feet; THENCE (7) North 81'46'33" West, 112.51 feet; THENCE (8) North 88'14'34" West, 330.04 feet; 3 ORIGINAL THENCE (9) North 00'35'18" West, 55.02 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 3 (BRIMHALL ROAD-EAST) Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 29; THENCE (1) South 89'10'29" East, along the south line of said section, a distance of 996.56 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE (2) South 00°37'03" West, 1455.00 foot radius, non-tangent a radial of South 00'36'22" West 45.00 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave southerly, having from said beginning of curve; THENCE (3) Westerly along said curve through a central angle of 09'29'49" an arc distance of 241.17 feet; THENCE (4) South 80°34'51" West, 259.05 feet to the beginning of a 1558.75 foot radius, non-tangent curve, concave northerly, having a radial of North 09°24'36" West from said beginning of curve; THENCE (5) Westerly along said curve through a central angle of 15°56'47" an arc distance of 433.82 feet to the beginning of a 1549.00 foot radius, compound curve, concave northerly having a radial of North 06°56'09" East from said beginning of curve; THENCE (6) Westerly along said curve through a central angle of 05'01'01" an arc distance of 135.64 feet to POINT "A"; THENCE (7) North 26'01'51" East, 113.68 feet to the beginning of a 1439.00 foot radius, non-tangent curve, concave northerly, having a radial of North 10'51'04" East from said beginning of curve: THENCE (8) Easterly along said curve, through a central angle of 07°45'19" an arc distance of 194.77 feet to the beginning of a 2392.80 foot radius, compound curve, concave northerly, having a radial of North 02'36'00" East from said beginning of curve; THENCE (9) Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 13'34'46" an arc distance of 567.11 feet to the beginning of a 1545.00 foot radius, non-tangent curve, concave southeasterly, having a radial of South 08'53'47" East from said beginning of curve; THENCE (10) Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle 09'30'12" an arc distance of 256.26 feet; THENCE (11) South 00'37'03" West, 45.00 feet to the point of beginning. O:CDSPL RTY:wrn ORIGINAL CALLOWAY DRIVE SPECIFIC PLAN LINE BETWEEN KERN RIVER FREEWAY AND STOCKDALE HIGHWAY A parcel of land situated in Section 31, Township 29 South, Range 27 East and Section 6, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the north line of said Section 6, distant North 89°11'16" West, 1547.24 feet from the northeast corner of said Section 6; THENCE (1) South 14'23'28" East, 418.14 feet to the point of intersection of the center lines of Stockdale Highway and Old River Road and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE (2) South 75'37'42" West, along the center line of Stockdale Highway, 100.01 feet; THENCE (3) North 14'23'28" West, 60.00 feet to a point on the northerly right of way line of Stockdale Highway; THENCE (4) North 30'37'07" East, 42.43 feet; THENCE (5) North 14'23'28" West, 179.97 feet; THENCE (6) North 09°37'40" West, 120.42 feet; THENCE (7) North 13°31'23" West, 330.04 feet; THENCE (8) North 14'23'28" West, 136.96 feet to the beginning of a 4055.00 foot radius curve concave easterly; THENCE (9) Northerly along said curve through a central angle of 15°06'47" an arc distance of 1069.60 feet; THENCE (10) North 00 43'19" East, 462.33 feet; THENCE (11) North 19 01'16" West 159.51 feet; THENCE (12) THENCE (13) THENCE (14) THENCE (15) THENCE (16) South Boundary North 65 38'45" West North 67 14'47" West North 55 53'45" West North 73 15'21" West North 84°38'35" West of the "SPECIFIC FREEWAY; 175.63 feet; 254.83 feet; 428.73 feet; 292.40 feet; 893.90 feet to a point on the PLAN LINE" FOR THE KERN RIVER THENCE (17) South 89'08'04" East, along said south boundary line, 3420.39 feet; THENCE (18) departing form said south boundary line, South 85'02'12" West, 1033.88 feet; THENCE (19) South 46'15'07" West, 249.17 feet; THENCE (20) South 17'01'28" West, 437.28 feet; THENCE (21) South 00°43'19" West, 462.05 feet to the beginning of a 3945.00 foot radius curve, concave easterly; THENCE (22) Southerly along said curve through a central angle of 15'06'47" an arc distance of 1040.58 feet; THENCE (23) South 14'23'28" East, 136.96 feet; THENCE (24) South 15'15'33" East, 330.04 feet; THENCE (25) South 14'23'28" East, 290.03 feet; THENCE (26) South 59°22'53" East, 42.42 feet to a point on the northerly right of way line of Stockdale Highway; THENCE (27) South 00°23'28" East, 70.00 feet to a point on the center line of Stockdale Highway; THENCE (28) South 75'37'42" West, along said center line 89.99 feet to the point of beginning. O:CDSPKRSH RTY:wrn 2 ORIG)I'iAL PO Box Bakersfleid. CA 96386 October iS. i992 Michelle $uverkrubbe, Assistant Planner Bakersfield City Planning Department i501Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Calloway Specific Plan Line Dear Ms. Suverkrubbe: We would like to comment on particulars regarding this project proposal. 7-he loss of acreage from the Bakersfield Educational Studies Area [B.E.S.A) should be mitigated by purchasing an equal area of adjacent land. Land immediately east of the Stockdale Bridge could be added to the Studies Area. Another possibility is purchasing an acre at the western entrance to California State University. north of Stockdale Highway. /'his would provide a parking area for school buses to access the Another mitigation could be installing water lines to the existing mature cottonwood trees. 7-hese trees are dying due to the draught and lack of ground water in the area. There is proposea mitigation of planting an equal number of trees to those removed by the project. Native trees have a high failure rate and there should be a I 1/2 or 2 tree ratio of trees replaced to those removed by construction. Also. past experience from the parkway has shown that the city Goes not provide a reliable source of water to the trees planted along the bike path. Any trees that die in i-2 years ~houid be replaced by the Public Works Department. %ne trees should be from local stock and hopefully our city:s money would be spent locally. Also, we propose that the replacement cottonwood trees be both male and female. ~Tis wiii provide future trees wi]en there will be water in the river. Plancing of 35.9 lbs of annual seeds ~s a waste of g'ood money. Wiidfiower seed now sells at approximaate $100 per pound. There will be little reseeding the following year. as many of us ]7ave found who plant wildflowers in our gardens. Poppies and other annuals do not naturally grow in our ~ardens, nor do %hey naturally grow zn %he i<ern River corzl~lor. We have worke~ A;( CO preserve the B,E.S.A. in as natural ~ state as possiDie. (~%' ~ ?he ~ioiogzcai Assessment cites Ernest ~wisseimann's Piora c,f~ Kern ~ounty. Consulting this book. you will find ~ ORIGINAL that most of the listed wildflowers in the seed package do not naturally occur in this area. Poppys are pretty but they really should be left to the iuiilsides near Gorman. The area is full of non-native species such as bromes. rescues, and pepper grass. ~-hey Wlli take over the heavily compacted construction area rather quickly. Save the money and use it to buy land. We are concerned about lighting along Calloway north of Stockdale Hwy. /2qere is presently extensive light projected into the B.E.S.A. from the super market at Stockdale and Coffee. This light probably adversely affects the nocturnal mammals of the area. Engineering design could shield the light so that it is directed onto the roadway only and not onto the surrounding land. We are distressed that there is no water available to recharge the water bank and that so much is diverted for agricultural uses. We hope the city will successfully negotiate for more water in 2012 when the leases expire. We hope that "as additional water exchanges and new programs come on line, we will begin to see more flow," (Kern River Parkway DEIR 17-5). The Kern River Wildlife Migration Corridor is a recreational gem. As our population increases we will find ourselves with too few parks. Now we joke about walking on the river. This land is an asset to the community and future water will make this area appealing for local businesses and residences. The City has been most cooperative in helping make the B.E.S.A happen. Lets not chop away at it's fringes until it is an isolated park hemmed in by overpasses and freeways. Sincerei¥, Lorraine L Herrou Unger x