HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 106-93RESOLUTION NO. ~ 0 6 ~ 9 3 A RESOLUTI0~ ADOPTING '~'~ 1993-2013 REGIONAL T~ANSPORTATI0~ CAPITAL I ~PROV]~f PLAN. W~K,~AS, Ordinance No. 3513 implemented a Transportation Impact Fee program for new development in order for new development to bear a proportionate share of the cost of the new or expanded transportation facilities required by such development; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3513 requires that the City Council annually adopt a proposed capital improvement plan for road construction funded by the impact fee program; and WffJS~LEAS, a public hearing before the City Council was advertised and held June 23, 1993. NOW, TH~/~EFOPJ~, BE IT~F~OL~mby the Council of the City of Bakersfield that the plan set forth as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved and adopted. .......... o0o .......... I H~REBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of th~_Eity of Bakersfield at a regular meeting _thereof held on JUN ~ ~ ~9~ , by the following vote: ~TAIN C~NOILMEM~RS' ~ ~ CITY CLERK and EX OFFICIO of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED ,JUN MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: LAWRENCE M. LUNA~DINI City Attorney Assistant City Attorney City of Bakersfield LCM/meg 6/8/93 - 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ~s List ; $4,90~,000 * * ~ssto~ Freeway $169,653,000 * * $169,653 $196,000,000 $62 * $149,653 $45,000 ; $108,796,000 ; ; $1,913,000 .$ $250 $1,000 $106,011 · * $1,913 $13,230,000 * * $2,812 $10,418 MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS YEAR ($~,OOQ*s of TDF Funds) KERN RIVER BRIDGES ~ TOTALCOST 93-94 94-95 : 95-98 98-2012 Funding Allen Road @ Kern River-- $3,000,000 r $3,000 Calloway Drive @ Kern Rive~ $3,000,000 $75 $1,925 $0 $1,000 Mohawk S~'eet @ Kern River $3,500,000 $80 $6,420 $0 Chester Avenue @ Kern River (widen) - City/County $1,920,000 $1,920 Manor Sl~eet @ K~n River (widen) - CityjCounty $1,610,0001I $1,610 M~rning Drive @ Ke~n Riv~- County I $0 Subtotal - Ke~n ~ Brld~es $13,030.000 I $6,530 $1,00(3 CANAL BRIDGES Panama Lane @ A~in Edison west (widen) $360,000 $360 $0 S, H. 58 ~ Frisnt Kern (widen) $320,000 $320 S.H. 58@ Celloway west (widen) C~ure/ $0 S. H. 58 @ Calloway east (widen) , Ccunt7 $6 Nlen Road @ Cross Valley $500,000 $500 Cdiloway Dri~ ~ C~oss VaJley $1,000,000 $75 $425 $0 $500 Ashe Road @ An~in Edison $600,000 $600 $0 Mohawk Street ~ Cross Vetiey $5OO.O00 $8O $420 $0 Mohawk Street @ Cdiloway County $0 Sfina Road ~ Edison (widen) $320,000 $280 $43 $40 Manor Sfreet @ Car~isr $270,000 $55 $0 $215 South H Street @ Nvin Edison (widen) $320.000 $217 $0 $103 North Chester Avenue @ I!~eards~y (wfden) County Oswell St'ee~ @ ~'.~in Edison Cour~ Wible Read @.Nvin Edison (wider~ $320,000 $320 Olive Or~ @ Calloway $,500,000 $.500 SU~,;=[ - Canal Bridges $6,510,000 $2,140 $858 cipf31 .wkl *Funds to be made available for ~-otec~on of rights of way. es needed, ~- each ~eeway alignment, **$1.285.000 in FY 92-93 for pri~ year Gas Tax expenditures. ~q'otsl Costs f~ ~rojects have been adjusted to reflect more accurate cost es~rnates. As ~ojects are completed, ~ will be removed fTom f~e list. O~ha' funding is shown only for those budgeted projects wh~e an alternate funding source has been identified. EXHIBII "A" 11 -Jun-93 Page 1 CI'IY OF BAKERSFIELD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN List PROJECTS ' ' YEAR ($1 000's of TDF Funds) Othe~ CANALCULVERTS ~ TOTALCO$~ 93~94 94-~5 : 95-98 98--2012 Funding TaftHi~hw~¥ (S R I19) @Farm's (widen) County $O Panama Lane@ Buena Vista (~den) $100,000 $17 $0 $83 Panama L~ne @ Farmer's (widen), $100,000 $17 $0 $83 Panama Lane @ Kern Island (central fl~anch) $180,000 $180 PachecO Road @ Bue~e, ,V'~ta (widen) $35,000 $35 Pach~ Raad @ Fa~m~ s {widen) SS0,000 Pacheco Road @ K~n tsbnd (widen) $80.000 $10 $0 $70 White !.ane@Y, ern Island (wide) $100,000 $10 $O $90 White Lane~) Kern Isl~r~ Cereal B~ (widen) , $40,000 $40 MulI~ Road @ Eastside County $O Ming Avenue ~ River Canal $180,000 $180 Min~l Avenue @ J~mes _ _ $80,000 $80 Cas~ Loma Drive @ Kern Island County $0 Stockdale Highway @Riv~ Canal $180,000 $180 OIive Drive @ Beardsley County $0 Renfro Road @ James County $O Rer~o P~ad @River Canal C~unty SO Allen Rc~d @ Buena V'~ta $80,000 $80 Nle~ Road @ James $80,000 $80 __ Allen Road @ ~ Canal $180,000 $180 Nlen Read ~ Goose ~ Sk~h (widen) $40,000 $12 $0 $28 Buena Vista Road @ Buena ~r~-~la (widen) $100,000 $100 Buena V',~ta Road @ ~ Canal (w~den) $100,000 $100 Frur~e Avenue @~ (wld~) Cou~ SO New Stine I~ad ~ StJne (~iden) $100,000 $100 Haley Steer @ Eastslde i~eni $100,000 $100 s.H. ~S4 @ Easts~e (w~den) i County SO Subtotal - Canal Culverls $1,935,000 $1,515 $354 CAN^[ ~ELAT~ PROJECTS panama I.ane @ Farme~ 's .... $48,000 $48 Panama Lane @ An4n Edison -road realignment : $460,000 $460 Sou'~ H St. eet @ Kern Island (S.R. t 19 to White) - rc~d ~eali~nment $2,300,000 $2,300 s.H. ~84 @ Easbide County Subtotal - ~ Related Projects $2,8O8,0OO $2,8O8 11 - Jun-93 Page 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN List PROJECTS ' ' YEAR ($1,00O's of ~F FUndS) Other : DRANAGECULVERTSEast~Road@~CreekBypassBRDGESANDDTCHES ~ TOTALCOSTcounty 93-94 94-95 95-98 98-2012 $0 Funding Shalene Avenue ~ Culverte (10 Iocatic3ns) County $0 Shalene A..~nue Bridges (a Io~.tio~) County $o Coflege Avenue Box Culvats (Yalermis Dr. to Kern Canyon Road) $520,000 $520 Paladino Oflve BoX Cutverts (Faldax to Nf, Harref0 $325,000 $325 Nted Hanel Hwy Box ~verts (FaJrfax to S.R. 178) $560,000 $560 Morr~ng D~i~ Box C~ {I ~ - $.FL 178 to A!f J-I~rell) $80,000 $80 Morning Drive Bridge(1 {erg®& i smSll) ' $580,000 $580 Edison Road Box Cuiverts (4 Ioca'~=ns - S. FL58 to Atf,Harrell) $320,000 $320 Edison Road Bridges (2 locations - S R 58 to All. ~r elP/ $1,000,000 $1,000 Subtotal - Drainage Culve~'ts, l~idges and Ditches $3,385,000 ~ $3,385 STATE HWY BRIDGES/INTERCHANGES Taft Highway @ S. H. 99 (~:len) County I $0 Penem~ Lane @S H ~9 (Yaden) $1,500,000 $~,500 Wh~ Lane@ S. H. 99 (widen) $1,000,000 $1,000 Olha~ Drive @ S H~ g9 (widen) County $0 7th Standard Road @ 8. H, 99 (widen) County $0 Fairfax Road ~ S. H. 58 (widen) County $0 Fai~x Road @S. H. ~Ta ~n~change) - City/State SS,000,000 $3,OOO Fa~ax Road @ Alfred Ha~ref Hwy (widen) County $0 Mcxning Drive @ Alfred He, ret Hwy {'mte~change) County $3 Morning Dr!ye @ SJ-L t78 ~e~ct-at~e) - City/State $5,000,000 $5,000 Hc~king Overcr°SSing @ S. H. 99 (widen) $1,500,000 $1,500 McKee Ova=tossing @ S,H. 99 $1 ~400,000 $1,400 SubtOtal - State Hw),. Brid~les/Intercheng es $17,400,000 $17,400 RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATIONS S.H Sa~^ ~ &S.~. R. R~(widen) C~nty O1~ Drive @S. P, R, FL County $0 7~h Stendard Road @ S. P, R.R. County $3 Ca,owa~,-o~@~T. &s.F R Ri .... CourW ~ 1~3ad ~ A. T, & $. F. R, FL -- C,"~/State/Rairroad $8.125,000 $1,250 $3 $5,875 Mor)awk S~eet @ A.T. & S, F, R. t~ - City/Co~ $7,500,0OO $7,5OO Oswell S~est @ A, T~ & 8~ F,/~; P~ FL R; County $0 M~nl~g 0rive @~ T. & S~ F,/S. P; R. R? County Mt. Ve~r~°n Avenue @ A. T, & S. Fj~. P. R. FL(widen} County $0 Su~ -- Railroed Grade Separ~s I $15,625,000 $7,500 $6,875 11 -Jun-93 Page 3 CI3Y OF BAKEP~FIELD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ilifies List PROJECTS ' ' YEAR ($1,000's of TDF Funds) Otha' IMPROVE RAILROADGRADE ~S1NGS ~ TOTAL COST 93-94 94.-g~ 95~g8 98--201;2 Funding panarr~ Ro~d {~ Branch (A. T. & S. F. R.R.) County $O Panama Lane @ Sunset Branch (8. P. R.R.) $100,000 $100 Pscheco R~ad :~ Sunset Branch (S. P. R, R.) $100,000 $100 Muilet Road @.Nvin E~,anch (A. T. & S, F, I~ R.) Coun~ $0 Casa Loma D~ive @ $ P. R. FL Branch County $O Stock(Jale Highly @S. P. FL R. Branch County $O $. H. 58 @ A. T. & S. F./S. P, FL FL Connec~on (West of Lendco) County $0 Hageman Road @ ~ T, &S. F. County $9 Norris I~d @ S. P. FL FL Spt~ Coun~ $0 Norris Road @ S. P. P~ R. Sptx County $0 Renf~= Road @S, P, R. FL Branch County $O Allen Road ~ S. P. R. R. Branch County $O Buena Vista Read @ S. P. R. FL Branch $100,000 $100 Old Rk, er @ S. P. R. FL Branch $100,000 $100 South Chester A~,~nue @ S. P. R, R. Brar~h $100,000 $100 Nor~ Chester Aven~e @ S. P. R. R. Sp~x County $9 UnionAvem~ @ S. P. I~ R Branch C~Jnty SCI Subt~al - Im~o~,~ R~ilroad Grade C~ossin~s $500,000 $.500 TRAFFIC sIGNALS New lnstaltattbns (66 Ioca~ons) $7,920,000 $113 $465 $665 $6,677 Upgrades (9 I~ons) $1 ,eeO,000 $60 $1,020 · Subtotal - Traffic S~nals $9,000,000 .v. ~ .. ~ . $7,697 Stockdale ~ ~ Melz~ ~ ~ Allen ~d $6,757,429 $3,757 S1,165,400 Sl ,165 SH .700.000 $11.700 S $2.573.900 $2.574 s.~,ooo 11 -Jun-93 Page 4