HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 223-92i~,ESOlJ, JTION NO. ~ 8.11 - 11 g RESOLUTION TO MODIFY 1tlE ItEIGIfl' LIMIT TO I'FRMII A 185-F'OOT HIGtt 'lOWER FOR A PROPOSED CELLUI~AR TELEPItONE FACILITY AT 2100 BRICYN LANE WHEREAS, the Council of tile City of Bakersfield, Imrsuan! It) Section 17.64.085, BMC 1991~ desires to modify the height limit for a proposed eelMar telephone facility: and WttERLAS, the City Council was presented wilh M'ormation telalive to the design of the facility; and WII[';REAS, the City Council was presented with the justificalion for the new facility inch, cling the required height dimension. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Cily of Bakersfield as follows: Under the provision of Section 17.64.085, BMC 1991, the Council approves the modification, subject to the applicant making application for Site Plan Review and complying with all conditions of Site Plan Review. In addition, this approval is conditioned on the requirement that both the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) provide written approval of this facilily and site prior to the issuance of a building permit. .......... 000 .......... ! HEREI3Y £'EP, TIFY Ihat Ih¢ fo]egoing Resolution ~as pa,~cd and adopied by the Council of lhe City of Bakc]sficld at a regular m¢clin~ lhc~co[ held on 13EC 9 1992 . by tile following vote: AYES; COUNCILMEMBERS: EDWARDS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT COUNCiLMEMBERS ~TAIN' COUNCILMEMBERS ( 11Y ( I,LRK and EX Olq:l('lO CLF, I~,K of the Council of tile City of Bakc~,sl'icld APPROVED DEC 9 1992 CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of lhe City of Bakc~sl'ield API)I~,()V[';D as Io CITY A'I'FORNI!Y of tile City ot Bakcrsficld