HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 158-92 RESOLUTION NO. 158-92 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINDING THAT CERTAIN WEEDS, GRASSES, DEAD SHRUBS, AND WASTE MATTER ON PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSTITUTE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND DIRECTING THE CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO ABATE SUCH NUISANCE. WHEREAS, on Wednesday Auqust 26, 1992, a public hearing was held before the City Council in order to determine if the weeds, grasses, dead shrubs, and waste matter on the properties in the City of Bakersfield, identified in Exhibits "A","B", "C", "D", and "F", had become a public nuisance; and WHEREAS, the owners of said properties were duly notified of the time and place of said hearing in accordance with the requirement of Section 8.28.050 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. WHEREAS, the owners of said properties being duly noticed had an opportunity to appear before the Council and be heard on this matter, and ample opportunity was allowed said property owners to remove or cause said weeds to be removed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. That the City Council finds and determines that the weeds, grasses, dead shrubs, and waste matter existing upon the properties identified in Exhibits "A", "B", "C", "D", and "F" hereto constitute a public nuisance. 2. That the Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Bakersfield is hereby directed to proceed with the work of abating said public nuisance pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 8.28 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. ~(~ ............ oOo ............ ~ ORIG~NAI I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 26th day of August, 1992 , by the following vote: AYES; COUNCILMEMBERS: EDWARDS. DeMOND, S~, BRUNNI, PETERSON. McDERMOTt, SALVAGGIO NOES; COUNCILMEMBERS: _~_ ASSENT COUNCILM~Z~CR~: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS' ~ITY CLERK and £x Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 26th day of August, 1992 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield ORIGINAL In the Matter of 1201 Potomac Mayflower add. lots 1, 2; Lowell add. S. 287.2 ft. of E. 152.625 ft., Lowell add. S. 150 ft. E. 152.625 ft. 3501 Reeder; vacant property west of S. "H" St., south of Pacheco Rd. Declaration of Fire Chief Michael R. Kelly, I, Michael R. Kelly declare: 1. I am the acting fire chief of the City of Bakersfield, California. 2. Fire Department records reflect that since at least April, 1992, the properties located at 1201 Potomac; Mayflower add. lots 1, 2; Lowell add. $. 287.2 ft. of E. 152.625 ft., Lowell add. S. 150 ft. E. 152.625 ft.; 3501 Reeder; vacant property west of S. "H" St., south of Pacheco Rd. have been over grown with weeds and littered with excessive debris. Several Fire Ordinance Violation Notices sent to the owners of the properties have gone unheeded. The most recent of said notices was sent to the owners on June 22, 1992. Attached hereto as Exhibits "A" collectively and incorporated herein by this reference are true and correct copies of said notices. 3. The presence of the weeds and debris on the aforesaid property constitutes a fire hazard and a nuisance to the public. 4. Records of the Bakersfield Fire Department reflect that on August 7, 1992, Bakersfield Fire Department Fire Inspector Tony DeMarco mailed a copy of a Notice to Clean Premises to the owners of the property and posted same on property. Attached hereto as Exhibits "B", "C", "D", "E", and "F" incorporated herein by this reference is a true and correct copy of the Notice to Clean Premises. 5. The foregoing matters are and if called as a witness herein, testify thereto. within my personal knowledge I could and would competently I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this August 13, 1992, at Bakersfield, California. Michael R. Kelly ~ Acting Fire Chief Dated: OF~IGI~AL 19!6 (Revised 8-15-86) OCCUPANCY DIST~RICT BLOCK NO. TO: TITLE ADDRESS: 6253 Hollywood B1.~,~.4, Los Angeles, CA CORRECT ALL LOCATION DE VIOLATION ADN #0~.~-[01-00 VIOLATIONS CHECKED BELOW 1201 Potomac, Bake:sfield, CA Combustible waste / dry vegetation c,- OF.A.E..,E.D 52100 FIRE DEPARTMENT IDATE FIRE ORDINANCE VIOLATION 6/25/92 FIRM OR Oue I imane Co. mP co~0028 BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE REQUIREMENTS Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and dry vegetation o. the above premises (U.F.C.) ALSO, REMOVE WEEDS. 2 Provide noncombustible containers with tight fitl~n9 lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal. (UEC.) Combustible Storage 3 RMocate combostible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box/fire door (N.E.C.) (U F.C.) Extinguishers 4 Relocatefireextinguishe~s) so that they will ha in a conspicious location, hangmg onbrachatswiththetoptotheextinginshernut more thuDS feet abovethafioor (NFP. A, #10) 5 Provide and install approved (type b size( portable fire extinguishel to be immediately accessible far use in (area) IU.F C.) 6 Recharge ag fire extinguishers Fire extinguishers shall be serviced at lease once each year, and/or after each use, by a person having a valid license or cedificate. (U.F.C.) Signs 7 Provide and maintain "EXIT' sign(s) with letters 5 or more inches in height over each required exit (door/window) to fire escape. 8 Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting bachground and visible from the street to indicate the correct address of the building. (B.M.C.) (U.F.C.) Fire doord/ftreSeparations~ 9 Repair all (cracks/holes/haerdngs) in piaster in (location). Plastering shall rerum the sudace to r~s orkjinal tim res.alive conriffian (U.B C.) Exits Storage O,{R~ove-Ragair) (item ~ Iocabon). Self-closing doom shall be designed to close by gravity, or by the achon of ~ ! merchanical device, or by an approved smoke and heat sensitive device. Self-closinq dams shall have no attachments capable of pteveetthq the operaban of ~e closinq device. (U.F C.) 1IRemove ail obstruction from hallways. Maintain all means of agrees free of any storage. I U.F.C.) Prayode a contrasting colored and permanenby ir=talied electdc light over or near required exit (location) te clearly indicate it as an exit (U.F.C.) Remove all storage aneV or other obstruchons from ( fire escape landings and stai~vnys stair shafts). ( Rre escapes/stair shafts are to be maintained free from obsmJstndns at all I~mes,) ( U. F. C.} Electrical Appliances 14 Extension cords shall not be used in lieu of pelmamnt approved widag. lostall additional appmved electdeal outlets wbem needed (N. EC.) (U F.C.) 15 Remove mulilfple attachment conds from specified Mectdcal conveinefice oudet (one plug per outlet). (N. EC.) (U.F.~) Other UFC 11.412 REQUIREMENT SEE BELOW. BOARD & SECURE VACANT HO,~JE. PAGE 1 OF 11 ON / /19 AN INSPECTION WIIA BE MADE, IF NO COMPUANCE, 16 92 COURT ACTION MAY BE INITIATED. AFTER VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED, RETURN THIS NOTICE BY MAll OR IN PERSON, TO: Fire Safety Control 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone 326-3951 Pemon receiving notice ol violation: BY ORDER OF THE FIRE CHIEF Dare Completed: LEGEND: U.F.C. - Uniform Fire Code U.B.C. - Uniform Building Code ~'(~(~(.?~,~ B.M.C. - Bakersfield Municipal Code ~ N.F.P.A. - National Fire Protection A~sociat~on ~ N. EC. - National Electric Code f'- ORIGINAL FD 1916 (Revised 8-15-86) OCCUPANCY DISTRICT BLOCK NO. I ' TO: ADDRESS: CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS CHECKED BELOW TITLE LOCATION OF VIOLATION APN #018-260-15 CA Mayflower add. lots 1. 2, Bakersfield. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT IDATE FIRE ORDINANCE VIOLATION 4/30/92 FIRM OR D.B.A* / 941 [~ JBUSINESS PHONE HOME Combustible waste / :~ Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and dry vegetation on the above premises (U.FIC.) ,AcT,SO ~ 51812 REMOVE WEEDS & TRASH. 2 Provide noncombustible containers with tight fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal (U.F.C~) PHONE Combustible Storage 3 Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motol f~se box/fire door {N.E.C.) (U.F C.) Extin0ui~hers 4 Relocatefireextinguishads) sothot they wig be in a conspicious location, hanging on brackntswiththatopta tha estinguisharnot morethan5 fast abovethafioor.(N.F P.A. #10) 5 Provide and install approved (type 8 size) portable fire extinguishe~ to be immediately accessible for use in (area). (U.F.C.) 6 Recharge all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shall be semicod at lease once each year. and/or after each use. by a person having a vaed license or certificate. (U.F.C.) Signs 7 Provide and maintain "EXIT' sign(s) wLth letiers 5 or more inches in height over each required exit (door/window) to fire escape. (U.F.C.I 8 Provide and maintain adpmpnate numbers on a cootlasting background and visible from the street to indicate the correct address of the building. IR.M.C.) (U.P C.) Fire doors/fire Separations~ 9 Repair all (eraeke/hales/openings) in piaster in (location). Plastedn9 shall rerum the sadam to its oeginal fire resistr~e condOoft (U.$.C.) 1Of(Remove-Repair) litre ~ 10cntiDn). Self-cinsieg d~rs shall be designed to close by 9ra~ty, or by the action of a ~ merchanical device, ar by an approved smoke and heat sensitive dewee, Sel~-closinq doom shall have no attachments capable of prevenbnq the opera~on of the closing devin[ {U.£C.) Exits 1 l i Remove all obstmchon from haiNrays. Maintain all means of egress Nee of any storage. (U. EC) 1 2i Provide a contrasdog colored and permanently installed electha light over or near required exd (location) to cleady indicate it as an ext. (U. EC.) Storage 1 3 Remove all storage and/or other obstructinns from ( fire escape landlegs and stairways stad shafts). ( Fire escape~ stad shafts are ta be maintained flee from obst~uctmns at all gmes.) ( U. £ C.) Electrical Appliances 14- Extension curds shall not be used in lieu of permanent approved w,dng. Install adddional approved ~ectdcal outtots where neede~L (N.E.C.) IU F.C.) 1 5 Remo~e molidple attachment conJs from sperJfied electrical convenience ooget (one plug per outlet). (N. EC.) (U.F.C.) Other 1 6 REOUIREMENT PAGE 2 OF 11 ON 5 /19 AN INSPECTION WILL BE MADE. IF NO COMPLIANCE, 2 % 92 COURT ACTION MAY BE INITIATED. AFTER VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED, RETURN THiS NOTICE BY MAIL OR IN PERSON, TO: Fire Safety Control 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phon~. 326-3951 Ely ORDER OF THE FIRE CHIEF INSPECTOR LEGEND: U.F.C. Uniform Fire Code Uniform Building Code Bakersfield Municipal Code National Fire Protection Assoctation.~. ORIGINAL FD 1916 (Iievised 8-15-86) SECON]} ICE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 52099 FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY DISTRICT BLOCK NO, J DATE FIRE ORDINANCE VIOLATION 6/29/92 TO: TITLE FIRM OR 94103 ADORES$: PHONE 3265 16rh St., San Francisco, CA CORRECT ALL LOCATION OF VIOLATION APN #018-260-15 [ VIOLATIONS CHECKED BELOW Mayflower add. lots 1, 2, BakersIieldk CA Combustible waste / X,~ Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous rethse and dry vegetation on the above premises (U.F.C.) ALSO, REMOVE WEEDS & TRASH. 2 Provide noncombustible containers with tight fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal. {U.F C.) Combuctible Storage Extiug~sh~rs Signs Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box/fire door (N,E.C.) {U. FIC ) Relocate fire extinguishers)so that they wdlbe in a conspicious location, hanging on bratkote with the topto the extingoishar not more than5 feet abovetheRoor. iN.F.p.k #10) Provide and instag approved (type ~ size) portable fire extinguisher to be immediately accessible for use rd loren). (U.F C.) Recharge all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shall be sewiced at lease ~nce each year, and/or after each use, by a person having a valid license or certificate. (U. FIC.) Provide and maintain "EXIT' sign(s) with letters 5 or more inches in height over each required exit (door/window) to fire escape. (U.F.C,) Provide and mareLain agpropriate numbers on a contrasting background and visible from the street to indicate the correct address of the buildin9, Fire doors/firaSeparctionsl 9 Repair all (cracks/holex/openings) in plaster in Storage Electrical Appliances (Iocahan). Plastenng shall rmum the sudace to its edginal fire resishve coediboP, (U. 8. C.) 10 (Res°re-Repel0 (item 8 Iotabun). Serf-closing doors shall be designed to close by gravity, or by the ethan of a merchanical device, or by an approved smoke and heat sens~tr~e device. Self-closinq doors shall have no attachments capable of prevectmq the operation of the closing device. (U. EC.) 1 1IRemove all obstrucbon from haiNrays. Maintain afi means of ogres free of ar~ storage. (U.EC.) 12 Prov.Je a cordTasting colored and permanentiy installed ~qestnc light over or near required exit (location) to dandy indicate it as an exit (U. EC.) 1 3 Remove all storage and/or other nbstmcbons from ( fire escape landings and stai~ays stair shafts) ( Fire escape~/sta~r sng~ am to be manrained flee from obs~untions at eli bm~.) ( U E ~) 14 Extension cords shall not ~e used in lieu of permanent approved wrong. Install additional ngpmvnd elentJ~cal oednts where needed. (NEC.) (U. EC,) 1 5 Remove mrdifiple attachment cords from spedfind alestotal convenience outlet (one plug p~ outlet). (N. EC.) (U.F.C.) 16 REOUIREMENT PAGE 3 OF 11 ON / 1 ~19 AN INSPECTION WILL BE MADE IF NO COMPUANCE, 7 ~ ~2 COURT ACTION MAY BE INITIATED. .~ ORDER OF THE FIRE CHIEF AFTER VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED, RETURN ,,~,, , ,,r~-/, _ THIS NOTICE BY MAIL OR IN PERSON, TO: ey ~ ' Fire Safety Control LEGEN[~ U.F.C, 2101 "H" Street U.B.C. Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ ' N.F.P.A. Phone~ 326-39~1 N.E.C. INSPECTOR Urnform Fire Code Uniform Building Code Bakersfield Municipal Code - National Fire Protection ~ssociation - Natloner Electric Code ORrGINAL ........... [ FEE .... I BLOCK NO. i DATE ADDRESS ZIP CODE IBUSINESS LICENSE NO PERMIT REQUIRED PERMIT YES ~ NO ~ OWNER ~ NO. OF FLOORS SQUARE FOOTAGE VIOLATION NOTICE ISSUED? '~ ~ ~ OCCUPANT LOAD  OTHER ~DATE OF R/INSPeCTION ~ (2) (3) ~ INSPECTOR STATION/SHIFT/STATION PHONE ~ FD 191~ IRevised 8-15-86) CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY DISTRICT BLOCK NO - FIRE ORDINANCE VIOLATION TO: T~TLE FIRM OR DB~A. Dee L. Abbot, et al ADDRESS: ZIP CODE t231 W. Robinhood~_, ~D-1. Stockton, CA 95207 CORRECT ALL LOCATION OF VIOLATiON APN #010-312-11, 12: LoWell add. s. VIOLATIONS CHECKED BELOW Lowell add s. 150 ft. e. 152.625 ft. - Bakersfield, Violanon NO, REQUIREMENTS Combustible waste / dry vegetation 51832 DATE 5/13/92 BUS,NESS PHONE HOME PHONE 287.2 ft. of e 152.625 ft.,, CA Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and dry vegetation on the above premises (U.F.C.) ALSO, REMOVE WEEDS & RUBBISH. 2 Provide noncombustible containers with tight fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish penging its safe disposal. (U.E.C,I Combustible Storage 3 Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse boa/fire door (N,E,C.) (U.F.C) Extinguishers 4 Relocatefireextinguishe~s) so tbat they wgl be in a conspicious location, hanging on brackets with the top te the extinguisher not more than 5 feetabovethefloor.(N FPA~ #10) 5 Provide and install approved (type & size) portable fire extinguishm to be immediately accessible for use m (areal (U FC,) 6 Recharge aft fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shall be serviced at lease once each year, and/or aher each use, by a person having a valid license or certificate. (U.F.C.) Signs 7 Prowde and maintain "EXIT" sign(s) with ietters 5 or more inches in height over each required exit (door/window) to fire escape. (U F.C.) 8 Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and visible from the street to indicate the correct address of the building. (8,M.C.) (U.F.C.) Fire doors/fire Separationsi 9 Repair all (cranks/holes/openings) in plaster in (locationt, Plantetin9 shall mt~m the sudac~ to its oqinai fire restive coedSoft (U.B.C.) Exits 10i Remove-Repair (item 8 Incaboo) Self-closing doom shall be designed to close by merchamcal device, or by an approved smoke a~l heat sensitive device. Self-closinq doors shall have no ~achmente capable of preventinq the operation of the dosing device, {U F C.) 1 1 Remove all obstruction from halN~avs. Maintain all means of egress h~e of any storage. Storage Electrical Appliances 1 2 Provide a contracting colored and pe~anently installed e~ectnc light over or near required exd (Iocabon) to ciea~/ indicate it as an ext. (U. EC) 1 3 Remove all storage and/or other obstructions from ( fire meade landings aed starways ctair shahs). (Rre escapes/stair shaf~ are to be maintained flee from obs~uchons at all bm~ ) ( U. F. C.) 141Extension cords shall not be used in lieu of permanent approved wth~g, Install additional approved electhcal outlets where needed. IN. EC.) (U F.C.) 1 5 Remove muligple atlacbmem CDOJS from specilfed elecLdcal convenience outlet (o~e plug per oudnt). {N. EC) (U.F.C.) Other 1 6 REQUIREMENT PAGE 5 OF 11 ON / /19 AN INSPECTION WILL BE MADE IF NO COMPLIANCE 6 3 92 COURT ACTION MAY BE INITIATED AFTER VIOLASfinNS ARE CORRECTED, RETURN THIS NOTICE BY MAIL OR IN PERSON. TO: Fire Safety Control 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone:. 326-3951 LEGEND: U.F,C. JNSPECTOR Uniform Fire Code Nangoal Fire Protection Associati~ ORIGINAL FD t Bt S (Revised 8-1§-8~) SECO}, *~OTICE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 52049 OCCUPANCY DISTRICT BLOCK NO FIRE DEPARTMENT J DATE FIRE ORDINANCE VIOLATION 6/19/92 TO: TITLE FIRM OR D. BA- DO~ L. Ahhr~r~ er ADDRESS: ZIP CODE95207 BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE 12'~l W Pnh~nh,'mrt Dr'., #D-1 ~ ,qt'ockPcm, CA VIOtAT~ONS APN #010-312-11, 12: L~well add. $. 287.2 ft. of e 152.625 ft., CHBCKEOBBLOW howPll add s. 150 ft. e. 152.625 ft. -)Bakersfield, CA V,olat,on NO REQUIREMENTS Combustible waste / ~ Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and d~y vegetation on the above premises (U,F.C.) ALSO, RF'~J0V]~ W~.EDS & RUBBTSH. 2 Provide noncombustible containers with tight fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal. (U F.C.) Combustible Storage 3 Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box/fire door (N.E.C) (U F.C,} Extiaguisl~ers 4 Relocate fireextinguishm(s) sothattheywillbeinaconspiciouslocat~on, hanging onbrackstswiththetoptotheextinguishernotmorethan5 feetabovethefloor.(U.F.P.A. #10) 5 Provide and install approved (type ~' size) portable fire extinguisher to be immediately accessible for use pn (area} (U.F C.} 6 Recharge all fire extinguishers Eire extinguishers shall be sewiced at lease once each year, and/or after each use, by a person having a valid license or cedificate. (U.F C.) Signs 7 Provide and maintain "EXIT' sign(s) with letters § or more inches in height over each required exit (door/window) to fire escape. (U.F C.) 8 Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and visible from the street to indicate the co,ect address of the building, IBM. C.) (U.F.C.) Eira doors/f raSeparati~lns 9 Repair all Icracks/holes/openiegs) in plaster in (locationS. l:qastering shall return the Budace to its original fire resistive coeditior: (U,B.C.) 101(Remove-Repair) (item ~ location}. Self-closing doors shall be destumid to close by gra~ty, or by the action of a me~chamca device. or by an approved smoke and heat sonsgive dewc~ Seg-closinq doors shag have no attachments capable of preve~gnq the operation of the closinq device. (U F.C) Exits 1 1 Remove all obstruction from hallways. Maintain all means of egress flee of any storage. (U.F.C.) 1 21 Provide a contrasting colored and permanently restailed electdc tight ove~ or near raguired exg (location) Ito cleaby indicate it as an exJ[ (U.E.C.) Storage 1 3 Remove all storage and/m other obstmntions from (fire escape landings and stainNays stair shafts). (Rre escapes/stair shafts are te be maimaloud flee from obstructions at all ~mes.) { U. F.C.) Electrical Appliances 14 Extension cords shall r~t be used in lieu of permanent aplxoved wideg. Install addigonal approved electhcal outlets where r~de~ (N. EC.) (OF C.) 1 5 Remo~e muligple attachmum co,is from specified e~tncal convenience ouget {ooe plug per outlet). (N. EC.) (U.F.C.) Other 1 6 REQUIREMENT PAGE 6 OF 11 ON / /19 AN INSPECTION WILL BE MADE, IF NO COMPUANCE, 7 6 92 COURT ACTION MAY BE INITIATED. AFTER VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED, RETURN THiS NOTICE BY MAIL OR IN PERSON. TO: By__ Fire Safety Control 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phon~ 326-3951 LEGEND: Signature BY ORDER OF THE FIRE CHIEF Date Completed: iNSPECTOR iNSPECTOR U.F.C. - Urnform Fire Code U.B.C. - Uniform Building Code %~'~,~.~ B.M.C. Bakersfield Municipal Code (~(( N,F,P.A_ Nationat Fire Protection Association ~ N.F-C. National Electric Code ORIGI~AL 'DATE ADDRESS ZIP CODE FEE lBLOCK-~O~ (.-I?-?~ A~]~ o~o--5~--~)w_ t3S~ ',BUSINESS LICENSE NO. PERMIT REQUIRED PERMIT ~ YES ~ NO ~ ~ BUILDING C~SS/TYPE OF OCCUPANCY BUSINESS NAME ,~BUSINESSOWNER ~E ~. ~p EC ~ BUSINESS PHONE ~-- I HOME PHONE ~ NO. OF F~OORS SQUARE FOOTAGE VIOLATION NOTICE ISSUED~ OCCUPANT LOAD ; DATE OF REINSPECTION / -~ (2) (3) ~ INSPECTOR .~' STATION/SH IFT/STATION PHONE ~ FD 1916 (Revised 8-15-86) OCCUPANCY~, . _ ~DISTRICT BLOCK NO. TO: Sharon To/berC ADOREMS: 311 Garnse¥ Ave., E~.~s£ietd, CA CORRE~ ALL VIOLATIONS CHECKED BELOW CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE FIRE ORDINANCE VIOLATION 5/7/92 TITLE FIRM OR D.B.A. ZIP C;D3E3 09 BUSINESS PHONE REQUIREMENTS LOCATION OF VIOLATION AmS #441-022-11 3501 Reeder Combustible waste / dry vegetation 51828 - Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and dry vegetation on the above premises (U.F.C) .¥bS0, REMOYE WEEDS & COMBUSTIBLE RUBBISH. Provide noncombustible containers with tigM f'~ing I~ds for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its sate disposal. HOME PHONE Combustible Storage 3 Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box/fire door (N.E.C.) (U.F.C.) Extinguishers 4 Relocatefireextinguishe~s) sothattheywigbeinacofispiciousiocation, hanging onbracketswiththetopnttheextinguisbernotmorethan5 thetabovetheRoor.(N-F.P-A-~10) 5 Provide and install approved (type E' size) podable fire extingoishe* to be immediately accessible for use in (area). (U.F C) 6 Recharge all fire extinguishers. Fire exlinguishers shall be serviced at lease once each year, and/or after each use, by a person having a valid license or cadificate. (U.F.C) Signs 7 Provide and maintain "EXIT" sign(s) with lettern 5 or more inches in hei9ht over each required exit (door/window) to tim escape. (U.F.C.) 8 Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a c0ntrastio9 background and visible from the street to indicate the c0r~ent address of the building. (B.M.C.) (U.F.C) Fire doors/fireSeparations, 9 Repair all (cracks/holes/openings) in plaster in Exits Storage (location). Plastebn9 shall return the surface to its o~gina[ fire resistive candiborL (U.B.C) 10 (R~move-Repair) (item 8 location). SelNclosing doers shall be pesigned to close by gravity, or by the acton of ~ merchamcal device, or by an approved smoke and heat sensitive device~ Sed-closinq doms shall have rm attachments capable of prevefibnq the oper~on of the closinq device. lU. FC.} 1 I Remove ag obsb",Jchon from hallways. Maintain all means of e(jress free of any s~orage. (U. EC.) 1 2! Provide a coatresin9 colored and pePma~eatly inntalk~ e~ec'mc 1~9ht over or near requbed exg (location) to clearly indicate it as an ex~L (U.F.C.) 13 Remove all stor~e and/or other obs~JC~Ons from ( fire escape landings and stairways sta~' shafts). ( Rm escapes/stair shafts are to be maintained free from obs~Jcdons at aft dies.) ( U.E C.} Electrical Appliances 14 Ex~nsion cords shall not be used in lieu of permanent approved w~dng. Install add~onal approved electhcal o~ets where rmede~ (N. EC.) (U.F.C.) 1 5 Remo~e mrdi~ple attachment cords from spe~fied elect~al convemence oudet (one plug pe~ eudet). (NEE) (U.F.C.) Other 1 6 REQUIREMENT PAGE 8 OF 11 ON / /19 AN INSPECTION WILL BE MADE, IF NO COMPLIANCE, 5 28 0~ou~r ACTION MAY BE INITIATED. AFTER VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED. RETURN THIS NOTICE BY MAIL OR IN PERSON, TO: By Fire Safety Control 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone~ 326-3951 LEGEND: ORDER OF~THE FIRE CHIEF Person receiving notice of violetion: INSPECTOR Uniform Fire Code Uniform RuRding Code akersfield Municipal Code ~ ~-~ NB ati°nal Fire Pr°tecti°n Ass°ciati°n_~.~© National Electric Code N-- ORIG;NAL FD 1916 (Revised 8-15-86) OCCUPANCY DISTRICT BLOCK NO. TO: Joe Fambrough ADORESS: 924 2nd SO. , Ba<e_~f~L~.]~. CA CORRECT ALL LOCATION OF VIOLATION APN #372-O31-12 VIOLATIONS CITY OF BAKERSFIELL . FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE ORDINANCE VIOLATION TITLE FIRM OR D.B.A. ZIP CODE 93304 Violation NO Combustible waste / dry vegetation DATE BUSINESS PHONE "~" St., south of Pacheco Rd. REQUIREMENTS 51532 5/11/92 HOME PHONE Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and thy vegetation on the above premises (U.F.C.) .ALSO, ~MOVE WEEDS · Provide noncombustible contamers with tight fittin9 lids for the storage of comhustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal. (U F.C.) Combustible Storage 3 Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box/fire door (N.E.C.) (U.F C.) Extinguishers 4 Relocatefireextingumhe~s) so that they wdl he in a conspicious locution, hanging onbracketswiththetoptotheextinguisharnotmorethan§ feetabovethefioor.(NF.P.A. #10) Signs Provide and install approved {type ~ size} podable fire extinguishm to be immediately accessible for use in (area}. (U FC.) Recharge all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shah be serviced at lease once each year, and/or after each use, by a person having a valid license or cedificate. (U.F.C.) Provide and maintain "EXIT" sign(s) with letters 5 or more inches in height over each required exit (door/window} to fire escape. (UEC.) 8 Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and visible from the street to indicate the correct address of the building (B.M.C.} (U,F.C.) Firedoora/fireSeparafions 9 Repair all {cracks/holes/openings) in plastol in (incadon). Plasterm9 shall rut~m the sudace to its miginal rfm resistive coedlbo.. (U. 8. C.) Exits O (Remove-Repair) (ite~ ~ location). Serf-closing doors shall be designed to cthse by gravity, or by the aedon of a merchonical device, or by an approved smoke and heat sensitive device. Sed-closthq doers shall have no uttachmeuts capahie of prevmtmg the operation of the closinq device. (U FC.) 1 Remove all obstructinn from haiNrays. Maintain all means of egre~s free of a,y storage, (U.F.C.) Storage Provide a cornranting colored and pe~manemly iratailed dentnc light over or near requfred exg (Iocahon( tO cloudy indicate it as an exit (U.F.C.) Remove all storage aed/or other o~atmntiuns from ( fire escape [andinRs and ntain~ays stair shafts). ( Fire escapes/stag sha~ are to be maintained free from oha~cfions at all hme~ ) ( U. E C.) Electrical Appliances 1 4 Extension curds shall not be used in lieu of permanent approved widng. Install add'rhanal approved elentncal outlets whore ne~d~ {N.£C,) {U.F.C.) 1 5 Remove mulihple attachment conJs from specified electrical convenience outlet (one plug p~ ougnt). (N.EC.) (U.F,C,) Other 1 6 REQUIREMENT PACE 9 OF 11 ON 6 / 1 /1%9AN INSPECTION WILL BE MADE. IF NO COMPLIANCE. "'- COURT ACTION MAY BE INITIATED. AFTER VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED, RETURN THIS NOTICE BY MAiL OR IN PERSON, TO: Fire Safety Control 2101 "l-r' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phonec 326-3951 LEGEND: BY ORDER OF THE FIRE CHIEF Date Completed: U.F.C. - Uniform Fire Code U.B.C. - Uniform Budding Code EM.C. Bakersfield Municipal Code N.F.P.A_ National Fire Protection Association N.E.C. - National Electric Code To: I 6/19/92 ~,Joe Fordbrough TITLE FIRM OR DB, A 924 2nd St., Bakersfield, CA CORRECT ALL L0CATrON OF VIOLATION APN #372-031-12 VIOLATIONS CHECKED BELOW vacant property west of S. "H" SE., s uth of Parhero Rd. REQUIREMENTS Electaical Appliances Combustible waste / .'~ Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and dr/ vegetation on the a~ove premises (U.F.C.) ~T~SO, REMOVE WEEDS. dry veqstation 2 Provide nancombustible containers with light fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal. (U.F.C.} Combustible Storage 3 Relocate combustible storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse box/fire door (N. EC.) (U.F.C.) Extinguishers '-4 Relocate fireextinguisbeI(s)sothattheywglbein a conspiciooslocation, hangingonbracketswiththetoptotheextinguishernolmorethan§ feetabovethefloor,(N,F,P,A. #10) 5 Provide and instag approved to be immediately access;ble for use m (~ype fr size) pot:able tire exfinguishm larea) IU,F.C ) 6 Recharge all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shaft be serviced at lease once each year, and/or after each use, by a person having a valid lidense or certificate. Signs 7 Provide and maintain "EXIT' sights) with letters 5 or more inches in height over each required exit (door/window) to fire escape. (U.F C.) 8 Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a contrasting background and visible from the street to indicate the correct address of the building. (B. MC.) (U.F.C.) Fire doors/fimSepamtionsl 9 Repair all (cracks/holes/openings) in plaster in (Iocagon). Plastenng shall rerum the surface to ~ edginal fire restive coed~o~. (U.B.C.) 10i(Remove-Regad) (item fr idcatidn). Self-clesing doom shall be designed to cle~e by gravity, or by the action of a merchanicai device, or by an approved smoke and heat seatlive device. SeR-cidsinq dogre shall have ~o attachments capable of preventing the operation of the cidsioq device, lU.F.C.) Exits '[ '~ Remove all obstruction from haiNrays. Maintain all means of egress ft~e of any stmage. (U.F.C.) 12Prowde a contrashng cotgrad and permanently installed decide light over ol near required exh (Iocahon) to eleady indicate it as an eidL (U.F.C.) 13 Remove all stmage and/or other obstm~ons from ( hm escape landings aed stoinvays stair shafts). (Fire escapes/stair shafts am to be maintailed free from ohstroUghs at an lJme~) ( U. 1 4 Extension cords shall not be used in lieu of permanent approved widng. Install additional approved electrical outlets whom needed. (N. EC,) (U.F.C.) 1 5 Remove mulitlple attachment cones from spedfled electrical convenience outlet (one plug pm ouget). (N. EC.) (U.F.C.) Other 1 6 REQUIREMENT PAGE 10 OF 11 / /19 AN INSPECTION WILL BE MADE. IF NO COMPUANCE. 7 6 9~2 COURT ACTION MAY BE INFrlATEO~ Person ~ecelv~ng t~OtlCe of violation: Signature AFTER VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED, RETURN THIS NOTICE BY MAIL OR IN PERSON, TO: Fire Safety Control 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phon~c 326-3951 BY ORDER OF THE FIRE CHIEF Data Comptele(l: ORIGINAL auoo;m NOII~)3dSNI--ld3a 3EIId al~ldS,.,~, ..... o o Z o PAGE 11 OF 11 OR,G,NAL EXHIBIT "B" Re: 1201 Potomac APN #018-101-06 Owner: Quellmane co. 6253 Hollywood Bi., #614 Los Angeles, CA 90029 NOTICE TO CLEAN PREMISES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under the provisions of Chapter 8 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code that weeds, grasses, and waste matter upon property owned by you and/or on the abutting half of the street, sidewalk space, and/or alley, in the City of 5akersfield are a public nuisance in that they are a fire hazard and any rubble, discarded asphalt and concrete, and other waste material thereon that might interfere with the abatement of the aforementioned public nuisance, are also a public nuisance. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that said public nuisances are required to be abated within ten (10) days from the date of this notice. If not abated by destruction and removal on or before such time, the City of Bakersfield will abate the public nuisance or cause the same to be abated, in which case the costs thereof will be assessed against the land and become a tax lien thereon as provided in Chapter 8 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and will be collected on the tax roll upon which property taxes are collected. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED to appear before the City Council of said City at its meeting at 7:00 p.m., on August 26, 1992, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 1501 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA, and show cause, if any you have, why said nuisance should not be found to exist and the same ordered abated as provided in said Chapter. Dated: ~,~ ~ /~?--- G~e~%%~ D. Johnson ~ef of ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "C" Re: Mayflower add. lots 1, 2 APN #018-260-15 Owner: Light House Full Gospel Church 3265 16th St. San Francisco, CA 94103 NOTICE TO CLEAN PREMISES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under the provisions of Chapter 8 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code that weeds, grasses, and waste matter upon property owned by you and/or on the abutting half of the street, sidewalk space, and/or alley, in the City of Bakersfield are a public nuisance in that they are a fire hazard and any rubble, discarded asphalt and concrete, and other waste material thereon that might interfere with the abatement of the aforementioned public nuisance, are also a public nuisance. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that said public nuisances are required to be abated within ten (10) days from the date of this notice. If not abated by destruction and removal on or before such time, the City of Bakersfield will abate the public nuisance or cause the same to be abated, in which case the costs thereof will be assessed against the land and become a tax lien thereon as provided inChapter 8 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and will be collected on the tax roll upon which property taxes are collected. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED to appear before the City Council of said City at its meeting at 7:00 p.m., on August 26, 1992, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 1501 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA, and show cause, if any you have, why said nuisance should not be found to exist and the same ordered abated as provided in said Chapter. Dated: ~ ~ /qga Ch>~f ~teph~'~ D. Johnson ef of t~akersfield Fire Dept. EXHIBIT "D" Re: Lowell add. s. 287.2 ft. of e 152.625 ft., Lowell add s. 150 ft. e. 152.625 ft. APN #010-312-11, 12 Owner: Dee L. Abbott, et al 1231 W. Robinhood Dr., #D-1 Stockton, CA 95207 NOTICE TO CLEAN PREMISES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under the provisions of Chapter 8 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code that weeds, grasses, and waste matter upon property owned by you and/or on the abutting half of the street, sidewalk space, and/or alley, in the City of Bakersfield are a public nuisance in that they are a fire hazard and any rubble, discarded asphalt and concrete, and other waste material thereon that might interfere with the abatement of the aforementioned public nuisance, are also a public nuisance. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that said public nuisances are required to be abated within ten (10) days from the date of this notice. If not abated by destruction and removal on or before such time, the City of Bakersfield will abate the public nuisance or cause the same to be abated, in which case the costs thereof will be assessed against the land and become a tax lien thereon as provided in Chapter 8 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and will be collected on the tax roll upon which property taxes are collected. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED to appear before the City Council of said City at its meeting at 7:00 p.m., on August 26, 1992, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 1501 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA, and show cause, if any you have, why said nuisance should not be found to exist and the same ordered abated as provided in said Chapter. ~h e~St ep~ Dated: ~ '7//~? hnson /~tef of t~Bakersfield Fire Dept. ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "F" Re: vacant property west of $. "H" St., south of Pacheco Rd. APN #372-031-12 Owner: Joe Fambrough 924 2nd St. Bakersfield, CA 933049 NOTICE TO CLEAN PREMISES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under the provisions of Chapter 8 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code that weeds, grasses, and waste matter upon property owned by you and/or on the abutting half of the street, sidewalk space, and/or alley, in the City of Bakersfield are a public nuisance in that they are a fire hazard and any rubble, discarded asphalt and concrete, and other waste material thereon that might interfere with the abatement of the aforementioned public nuisance, are also a public nuisance. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that said public nuisances are required to be abated within ten (10) days from the date of this notice. If not abated by destruction and removal on or before such time, the City of Bakersfield will abate the public nuisance or cause the same to be abated, in which case the costs thereof will be assessed against the land and become a tax lien thereon as provided in Chapter 8 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and will be collected on the tax roll upon which property taxes are collected. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED to appear before the City Council of said City at its meeting at 7:00 p.m., on August 26, 1992, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 1501 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA, and show cause, if any you have, why said nuisance should not be found to exist and the same ordered abated as provided in said Chapter. Dated: ~. 0, /~a C~i~f ~tep~ D. Johnson ~h~ef of t~Bakersfield Fire Dept. ORIGINAL