HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/09/2000 AGENDA PACKET BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 2000 Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Pre-Meeting - 5:15 p.m. Regular Meeting - 7:00 p.m~ PRE-MEETING 1. ROLL CALL (15 min) (15 min) (15 min) WORKSHOP a. SCA 3 - ½ Cent Sales Tax Update. (Public Works Director Raul Rojas) b. Status Report on construction of the Bakersfield Amtrak Station and Q Street Underpass. (Arnold Ramming, Project Manager) c. Bakersfield Water Supply Outlook for 2000 (Water Resources Manager Gene Bogart) CLOSED SESSION Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Subdivision (b)(3)(C) of Government Code Section 54956.9; One potential case. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9; City of Bakersfield vs. U.S. Fire Insurance Company, et al.; Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BC171941. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Closed Session pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9; City of Bakersfield, etc. vs. Valley Communities, Inc., etc., et al.; Kern County Superior Court Case No. 238380-RA REGULAR 1. 2. 3. MEETING INVOCATION by Bob Anderson, First Assembly of God Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL 4. CLOSED SESSION ACTION (Ward 5) (Ward 4) PRESENTATIONS a. Presentation by Mayor Price of Proclamation to Conchita Nieto-Moreno, American Society of Civil Engineers Southern San Joaquin Branch Past President, proclaiming February 20-26, 2000 as "National Engineers Week". PUBLIC STATEMENTS APPOINTMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes: a. January 26, 2000 Council Meeting. Payments: b. Payments from January '15, to January 28, 2000 in the amount of $4,'166,260.06; and Self Insurance payments from January '15, to January 28~ 2000 in the amount of $46,427.09. Resolutions: c. Resolution establishing ambulance service charges. d. Resolution of Application proposing proceedings for annexation of territory by annexing to the City of Bakersfield property identified as Annexation No. 412 located along the north side of Rosedale Highway, west of Freeway 99. Agreements: e. Improvement Agreement with B & C Associates for Parcel Map 9630 located west of Coffee Road, south of Brimhall Road. f. Multi-Agency Aerial Imagery Co-Operative Agreement: 1. Memorandum of Understanding with Kern COG as Lead Agency for Multi- Agency Aerial Imagery Co~Operative Agreement, City's portion not to exceed $67,200. 2. Appropriate $37,200 Fund Balance to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Transportation Development Fund. 3. Appropriate $20,000 Fund Balance in the Sewer Enterprise Fund to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Transportation Development Fund. 4. Transfer $10,000 from the Operating Budget in the Agricultural Water Fund to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Transportation Development Fund. -2- (Ward 4) (Ward 4) (Ward 4) (Ward 3) (Ward 5) (Ward 2) CONSENT CALENDAR continued Agreement with Fruitvale Properties LLC to purchase real property at the southwest corner of Coffee and Norris Roads for $73,000 for a domestic water storage tank site. Kern River Parkway Property Acquisition Purchase Agreement for $118,000 with Delvin Dwight McDonald and Betty L. McDonald and to acquire real property located west of Coffee Road, between the Cross Valley Canal and the Kern River Channel. Agreement with BHA Properties LLC to purchase real property located at 10418 Crandon Park Drive for $25,000 to expand an existing water well site. Contract with Select Temporary Services for temporary employees. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 98-300 with Bart J. Thiltgen - City Attorney's Contract. Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 99-325 with Mountain View Bravo, Inc. for preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for concurrent General Plan Amendment/Zone Change P99-0647. Bids: Award Annual Contractto Jim Alfler, Cement Contractor, forcanallinerrepair, not to exceed $52,400. Award Contract to Space Leasing Company, $16,485 to provide and install a mobile office trailer at the Police Pistol Range. Award Contract to Halopoff and Sons, $341,169.60 for installation of Domestic Water Line to Interconnect Ashe and Fairhaven Water systems for the Water Resources Department. Award Contract to Bakersfield Laundry, for laundry service for the Fire Department, not to exceed $19,392 per year. This contract is for one year, with two one year extensions at the City's option. Bakersfield AMTRAK Station and Q Street Underpass: Award Contract to Elite Landscaping, Inc., $809,688 for construction of irrigation, landscaping improvements and water features for Bakersfield Amtrak Station and irrigation and landscaping improvements for Q Street Underpass. Appropriate $500,000 Transportation Enhancement Act (TEA) funds to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Amtrak Fund. Appropriate $600,000 Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) project share for the Q Street Grade Separation project to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Gas Tax Fund. -3- (Ward 4) (Ward 4) 10. CONSENT CALENDAR continued Miscellaneous: r. Revised Job Specification: Assistant Finance Director. Staff recommends adoption of Consent Calendar Items a. through r. HEARINGS General Plan Amendment and Zone Change No, P99-0701: Clarence Kastner for Caltree, Inc. has applied to amend the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan consisting of a change from Resources-Intensive Agriculture to Low Density Residential on 56.73 acres on properly located at the northwest corner of Noriega Road and Jewetta Avenue. Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map by changing the zoning [rom Agriculture, 20 acre minimum, to One Family Dwelling on 56.73 acres for property located at the northwest corner of Noriega Road and Jewetta Avenue. Staff recommends adoption of resolution and first reading of ordinance, General Plan Amendment and Zone Change No. P99-0867: Porter Robertson Engineering & Surveying, Inc. has requested to amend the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan consisting of a change from Agriculture to Low Density Residential on 5 acres on the west side of Renfro Road, south of Johnson Road, and on the north side of the future Kern River Freeway alignment. Resolution approving the Zone Change requesting a change from Agriculture to One Family Dwelling on the subject site. Staff recommends adoption of resolution and first reading of ordinance. REPORTS a. Legislative and Litigation Committee Report No. 1-00 relating to Use of Electric Bikes on the Bike Path. Legislative and Litigation Committee recommends acceptance of report. b. Legislative and Litigation Committee Report No. 2-00 relating to Procedures for placing an item on the Council Agenda. Legislative and Litigation Committee recommends receive and place on file. -4- 10. REPORTS continued c. Urban Development Committee Report No. 1-00 regarding Borba Dairy Development. Urban Development Committee recommends acceptance of report. 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS Discussion and policy direction regarding council member attendance at committee meetings when not a member of the committee, and associated Brown Act noticing requirements. Staff recommends discussion and direction by Council. 12. NEW BUSINESS a. Ordinance adding Section 12.56.055 to the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Expulsion from Recreational Facilities, Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance. b. Ordinance amendir~g Section 2.28.090 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. Legislative and Litigation Committee recommends first reading of ordinance. c. 2000 Legislative Platform. Legislative and Litigation Committee recommends approval. 13. COUNCIL STATEMENTS 14, ADJOURNMENT S :\Council',AGEN DA\F EB900.wpd February 3, 2000 (11:02am) Respectfully submitted, -5- BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: THROUGH: SUBJECT: FEBRUARY 4, 2000 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ALAN CHRISTENSEN, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ~/'~ ~ ~___/ ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS - FEBRUARY 9, 2000, COUNCIL MEETING PRE-MEETING There are three workshops scheduled: 1) An update of the ¼ cent sales tax by Public Works Director Raul Rojas; 2) A status report of the Bakersfield Amtrak Station and Q Street Underpass by Arnold Ramming, Project Manager; and 3) A water report by Water Resource Manager, Gene Bogart. There are three closed session items: 1) conference with Legal Counsel regarding Potential Litigation; 2) conference with Legal Counsel regarding Existing Litigation on City of Bakersfield vs. U.S. Fire Insurance Company; and 3) conference with Legal Counsel regarding Existing Litigation on City of Bakersfield vs. Valley Communities. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are explained by Administrative Reports. Those that should be highlighted include: Resolutions: Item 8c. Resolution establishing ambulance service charges. On Jan. 26, 2000, the City Council conducted a public headng regarding a proposed increase in ambulance rates. The new rates are scheduled to take effect on Apdl 9, 2000, upon adoption by the City Council of a resolution setting rates. The following proposed rates are recommended to change: basic life support $357, an increase of $15; mileage $16, an increase of one dollar; night charge $70, an increase of three dollars; and emergency response $52, an increase of two dollars. Item 8d. Resolution of Application proposing proceedings for annexation of property located alonq the north side of Rosedale Hiqhway, west of Freeway 99. The proposed annexation consists of approximately 20 acres of land located along the north of Rosedale Highway west of Freeway 99. The property owner has consented to annexation and wishes to receive City services. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL February 4, 2000 Page -2- Agreements: Item 8f. Multi-Aqency Aedal Imaqerv Co-Operative Agreement with Kern COG. appropriations and transfer of funds related thereto. The City relies upon up-to-date aerial photography to perform their day to day work activities. With the City growing as quickly as it has, Bakersfield must have its aerial photographs updated on a regular basis. Approximately 18 agencies in Kern County are collaborating to share the cost of digital aerial imagery of the Kern County area. Collaborating produces a reduced price for each agency. The City's share is estimated at $67,200, and Kern County is contributing the equivalent of $72,000. If the City were to obtain the imagery for the metropolitan area by itself, the cost would exceed $200,000. Staff made efforts to work with private firms who were interested in joining our effort; however, those efforts did not produce cost-effective results. This item also appropriates funds from the Transportation Development Fund (37,200), Sewer Enterprise Fund ($20,000), and the Agricultural Water Fund ($10,000) to pay for the aerial photographs. Item 8q. Aqreement with Fruitvale Properties LLC to purchase real property at the southwest corner of Coffee and Norris Roads for $73,000 for a domestic water storage tank site. The domestic water storage tank and booster pump facility is necessary in the northern portion of the Rivedakes area to provide adequate storage and water supply due to the growth in the Northwest. The facility comprises 3.06 gross acres. The purchase price of $73,000 is based on an MAI appraisal and is consistent with sales of comparable properties in the area. On December 2, 1999, the Planning Commission found the acquisition of this property consistent with the 2010 General Plan. Item 8h. Kern River Parkway Property Acquisition Purchase Agreement for $118,000 with Delvin Dwight McDonald and Betty L. McDonald and to acquire real property located west of Coffee Road between the Cross Valley Canal and the Kern River Channel. The property consists of six acres and provides another link to the equestrian trail running along the north side of Kern River. The purchase is being funded with proposition 204 funds obtained through the efforts of the City, Kern River Parkway Committee, and others. The State Department of Fish and Game is responsible for administering the funds. The purchase price of $118,000 was established by an independent appraisal. On February 3, 2000, the Planning Commission found this acquisition consistent with the 2010 General Plan. Item 8i. ARreement with BHA Properties LLC to purchase real property located at 10418 Crandon Park Drive for $25,000 to expand an existinq water well site. In November 1997, the City purchased a single-family lot at the southeast corner of Verdugo and Brimhall to construct a domestic water well. After the water well was completed, Water Resources determined it would be necessary to install a water quality treatment facility, which would not fit on the existing property. Consequently, the Cit¢ is purchasing the adjacent lot which contains approximately 7500 square feet for this purpose. The owner, B.HA. Properties, LLC, will be responsible for all off-site improvements as set forth in the purchase agreement. The purchase price of $25,000 is based on a certified appraisal and is consistent with sales of comparable properties in the area. On January 20, 2000, the Planning Commission found the acquisition of this property consistent with the 2010 General Plan. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL February 4, 2000 Page -3- !tem 8i. Contract with Select Temporary Services for temporary employees. On October 20, 1999, the City Council approved an RFP for the provision of all temporary City employees through a professional temporary employee agency. This action followed a three-month pilot program using a professional temporary agency to supply employees to three divisions of Public Works. There are some significant problems associated with our current practice of hiring temporary employees. First, the City Charter limits temporary employees hired through the City to 960 hours per year, after which we are required to terminate the employee. This continued recruitment cycle means increased medical examination costs, constant orientation and training, and significant disruption for departments that employ these workers. Second, there are significant insurance expenditures associated with temporary employees hired by the City. Workers' compensation costs for temporary employees are rising; in fact, our largest workers' compensation claims involve City-hired temporary employees. We also find that City-hired temporary employees neadng the end of their 960-hour limit are more likely to file claims against the City. Staff developed an RFP and sent it to 20 agencies in Kern County who appeared qualified to supply our job classifications. The top three agencies, Select Personnel Service, Manpower, and Adecco were interviewed. Staff unanimously recommends Select Personnel Services to provide all temporary employee needs. Select Personnel Services has the flexibility to modify pay rates to meet any of our hard to fill positions. The City will receive a discount on the markup for employees the City refers to them who are subsequently hired. S.E.I.U. has been informed throughout this process and pilot program, and does not object to the use of a temporary agency for temporary hires. Item 8k. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 98-300 - City Attorney's Contract. This contract amendment implements changes to the City Attorney's contract in accordance with the annual evaluation of Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney, on January 26, 2000. This amendment includes a salary increase to $10,000 per month retroactive to January 18, 2000. Item 81. Amendment No. 1 to Aqreement No. 99-325 for preparation of an Environmental Impact .R. eport for concurrent General Plan Amendment/Zone Change P99-0647. On December 15 1999, the City entered into agreement with Porter-Robinson Engineering and Surveying, Inc., for the preparation of an environmental impact report for a project located between Paladino Drive, Highway 178, and Morning Drive. The property owners have requested that Porter*Robinson be replaced with Mountain View Bravo LLC. The amendment to the agreement also clarifies that the cost of services may be made in three installments. Bids: Item 8m. Bid Award to Jim Alfter, Cement Contractor for canal liner repair, not to exceed $52,400. Staff receive one acceptable bid, and recommends award to Jim Alfter, Cement Contractor. This annual contract is for one year with an additional year renewal at the option of the City. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL February 4, 2000 Page -4- Item 8n. Bid Award to Space Leasing Compare/to provide and install a mobile office trailer at the Police Pistol Range in the amount of $16,485. Staff received three acceptable bids, and recommends award to Space Leasing Company. Item 8o. Bid Award to Halopoff and Sons for installation of Domestic Water Line to Interconnect A~he and Fairhaven Water Systems in the amount of $341,169.60. Staff received nine acceptable bids, and recommends award to Halopoff and Sons. Item 8p. Award Annual Contract to Bakersfield Laundry for laundry service for the Fire D~partment, notto exceed $19,392 per year. Staff received one acceptable bid, and recommends award to Bakersfield Laundry. This contract is for one year, with two one-year extensions at the City's option. Item 8q. Bid award to Elite I_andscapinq, Inc. for construction of irrigation, landscaping improvements and water features for Bakersfield Amtrak Station, and irrigation and landscaping improvements for Q Street Underpass in the amount of $809,688, and appropriations related thereto. Staff received two acceptable bids, and is recommending the award to Elite Landscaping, Inc. In addition to awarding bid, staff is appropriating $500,000 of TEA funds to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Amtrak Fund, and $600,000 for the Q Street Grade Separation project in the Capital Improvernent Budget within the Gas Tax Fund to pay for irrigation, landscaping, and water features. The appropriation amount in excess of the bid award is to pay for reimbursable expenses for the project paid by Burlington Nor[hem Santa Fe Railroad. This is the last major construction contract for these two projects. Miscellaneous: Item 8r. Revised Job Specification: Assistant Finance Director. The resignation of the Assistant Finance Director has prompted the need to recruit a replacement. Because the job specification has not been updated since 1984, the Finance Director has recommended changes prior to announcing a recruitment. The major change in the job description adds a master's degree in business or public administration experience. The job specification will be presented before the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board at their regular meeting on February 15, 2000 There is no budgetary impact because the salary will remain the same. HEARINGS Item 9a. General Plan Amendment and Zone Chanae for property located at the northwest corner of Nodega Road and Jewetta Avenue. The 56-acre site located northwest of Jewetta Avenue and Noriega Road is in agricultural use, consisting of an almond orchard, and a farm dwelling and related structures at the southeast corner. The recently developed Polo Grounds residential community borders the site on the east and south sides. An elementary school site is being developed by the Rosedale Union School District south of the site, at the southwest corner of Jewetta Avenue and Noriega Road. The North Bakersfield Recreation and Parks District is planning the development of a 40-acre community park and recreation facility. All public services and facilities impacted by the project can be mitigated in accordance with the requirements of HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL February 4, 2000 Page -5- affected governmental agencies. There was no public testimony regarding this proposal during the Planning Commission hearings. The Planning Commission recommended approval of General Plan Amendment and Zone Change on December 16, 1999. Item 9b. General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for property located on the west side of Renfro Road, south of Johnson Road, on the north side of the future Kern River Freeway aliqnment. The site consists of an undeveloped remnant area on the west side of Renfro Road south of Johnson Road alongside the boundary of the future Kern River Freeway right-of-way. This remnant was thought to be needed for an interchange. The property was part of an annexation completed in 1991, which included a Genera~ Plan Amendment and Zone Change. Since that time, the interchange at Renfro Road has been dropped, and the applicant wishes to extend the existing zoning and utilize this five acres in an adjacent residential subdivision. No opposition or public controversy related to the request was expressed during the public hearings. Staff has determined the project to be exempt from the provisions of CEQA because the proposed land-use amendment and zone change constitutes a minor extension of existing designations. No other environmental concerns were raised during the hearing process, and the applicant is in agreement with the conditions of approval. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the General Plan Amendment and planned commercial development on December 16, 1999. REPORTS !~em 10a. Legislative and Litigation Committee Report No. 1-2000 relating to Use of Electric Bikes on the Bike Path. At the Legislative and Litigation Committee meetings on January 20 and January 31, 2000, the committee discussed the use of electrical bikes on the bike path. They reviewed information provided by residents who encourage electric bike use on the bike path as well as those who were opposed. The committee recommended making no changes in the City's ordinance at this time. Staff was directed to explore the possibilities for using electric bikes on City streets, and to contact Kern COG to determine if having motorized vehicles on the bike path would jeopardize future funding. Item 10b. Legislative and Litigatio_n Committee Report No. 2-00 relating to Procedures for Placinq an Item on the Council Aqenda This item was reviewed by the committee on January 20th and January 31st. The procedures currently in place include the following; 1) any Council member can place an item on the agenda by notifying the City Manager's Office prior to the deadline for agenda reports, 2) information should be submitted eight working days prior to a scheduled Council meeting, 3) the City Cle~.'s Office prepares a draft agenda, which is then reviewed by the City Manager and Department Heads on the Tuesday after the Friday deadline, and 4) the packet is sent to the pdnter on Thursday for distribution to Council on Fdday. The current schedule allows staff adequate time for preparation and flexibility to add late items while still meeting the requirements of the Brown Act. The committee recommends the report be received and filed. Item 10c. Urban Development Committee Report No. 1-00 regarding Borba Dairy Development. At the Urban Development Committee meeting of January 31, 2000, numerous comments were received from speakers, both in favor and opposed to the proposed dairy project. Committee members expressed concerns that there were a number of unanswered questions that needed HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL February 4, 2000 Page -6- to be addressed before a recommendation could be made to the full Council. It was requested that staff provide additional background information on the impacts on air quality, water quality, and odor control; possible relocation to another site; the approval process; the implications to the 2010 General Plan; and the maximum number of cows allowed at the site. It was suggested a workshop format before the entire Council would be the best way to present the information to the Committee as well as the entire Council in order to promote a well informed decision. The Committee recommends a Council workshop be scheduled for February 23, 2000, on the Borba Dairy development with 20 minutes each for the proponents and opponents to make presentations regarding the project. The Urban Development Committee will meet on February 28, 2000, to further discuss the project and bring back a recommendation to the Council on the issue at the March 15, 2000 Council meeting. The Committee recommends acceptance of the report. DEFERRED BUSINESS Item 11a. Discussion and policy direction reqardinq Councilmember attendance at committee meetings when not a member of the committee and associated Brown Act noticinq requirements. Dudng the Council meeting of December 12 1999, the question was posed as to whether a City Council member who was not an appointed member of a standing committee could legally attend a meeting of that committee. A response was provided that a Council member could legally attend, but only as an observer and could not participate in meeting. Subsequently, at the Council meeting of January 12, 2000, Council member Maggard requested this issue come before the Council for full discussion. Due to potential confusion that could exist, a revised City Attorney opinion on the subject has been prepared reflecting the 1997 change to the Brown Act. This matter was deferred from the January 26th City Council meeting. NEW BUSINESS Item 12a. Ordinance adding Section 12.56.055 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relatinq to Expulsion. Recently there have been several incidents at City recreation facilities where incidents of verbal abuse, and inebriated individuals have caused problems. Also, incidents such as fighting or throwing objects required the police to be called to remedy the situation. However, there is nothing to prevent these individuals from returning immediately thereafter. Therefore staff proposes the attached ordinance which permits the expulsion of individuals who were being disruptive or jeopardizing safety systems in City own recreational facilities. The ordinance authorizes the Director, Assistant Director, Pool Managers, and head lifeguards to expel individuals that disrupt the reasonable peace and enjoyment of others. There is no limit on the number of times an individual may be expelled on the ordinance, but the expulsion is limited to 24 hours after the incident. Item 12b. Ordinance amending Section 2.28.090 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. The proposed amendment to the Municipal Code eliminates the City Attorney's Office from membership, whether as a member or as an alternate, on the Board of Zoning Adjustment. Since the City Attomey is required to provide legal advice to the City Council in the event of an appeal from a decision of the Board of Zoning Adjustment, it would create an apparent conflict of interest (even if no actual conflict exists) if a member of the Board of Zoning Adjustment, or an alternate member, were to be from the City Attorney's office. Staff is recommending the appointment of a member and an alternate from the Economic and Community Development Department as a replacement for the City Attorney's Office member and alternate. The Legislative and Litigation Committee recommends first reading of the ordinance. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL February 4,2000 Page-7- Item 12c. 2000 Legislative Platform. The Legislative and Litigation Committee met on January 31, 2000 to review the t999 platform and suggest changes for the year. The changes include adding urban development as an item under support for legislation which promotes safe, efficient, cost-effective, and responsible management of various environmental components; supporting legislation which provides increased funding of cultural, recreation, and open space programs; supporting legislation or a constitutional amendment which provides permanent fiscal relief for cities in light of the state budget surplus; and opposing legislation which intrudes into the City's collective bargaining and rights. AT.AC:al cc: Department Heads City Cterk's Office News Media File ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Workshop ITEM: 2 .a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul Rojas, Public Works Director January 28, 2000 SCA 3 - % cent sales tax Update. DEPARTMENT HEADA ~PP ~ED CITY ATTORNE~/~ CITY MANAGER iJ~. RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: Public Works staff will give a bdef update on the development of an expenditure plan in accordance with the provisions of Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (SCA). SCA 3 is a proposed measure to create a local trai~sportation r~v¢nue source by increasing the retail transactions and use tax by % cent. The expenditure plan is required to be approved and adopted no later than June 1, 2000. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Workshop ITEM: 2. b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul Rojas, Public Works Director January 28, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNL~ - CITY MANAGER .~.,~ Status Report on construction of the Bakersfield Amtrak Station and Q Street Underpass RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: Amold Ramming, Project Manager, willpresentareportonthecurrentconstructionstatus ofthesetwo premierp~ects. ADR Jan 28, 2000 Public Works, Engineering Design S:\PROJECTS~ARNOLD~AMTRAK.STA~ADMIN REPORT 01 28 00.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Workshop ITEM: 2 .c. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gene Bogart, Water Resources Manager February 2, 2000 Bakersfield Water Supply Outlook for 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD~-~-~ ClTY ATFORNEY ~ ClTY MANAGER~-"~~ RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: Presentation by Water Resources department staff on the Bakersfield and Kern River water supply outlook for 2000. Included in the report will be a brief discussion on methods used in predicting and forecasting Kern River runoff, an update on California State Water Project deliveries to the Bakersfield area and highlights of future water projects in the City. FC: S:~000ADMRPTS~FEOgWT1WS February 2, 2000, 1:54pM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 3. a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney January 28, 2000 APPROVED DE.ARTME.T.EAD CITY MANAGER Conference with Legal Counsel -- Potential Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b)(3)(C) of Government Code section 54956.9 One (1) potential case. RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: BJT:laa FE09CA1.CS January 28, 2000, 9:02am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 3. b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney January 28,2000 DEPARTMENT HEAD ,,~"~' C, YATTOR.E¥ Conference with Legal Counsel -- Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9. City of Bakersfield v. U.S. Fire Insurance Company, et al.; Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BC171941 RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: BJT:ADD:Iaa FE09CA2.CS January 28, 2000, 9:04am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 3 .c. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney February 3, 2000 Conference with Legal Counsel -- Existing Litigation DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER APPROVED Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9. City of Bakersfield, etc. v. Valley Communities, Inc., etc., et al.; Kern County Superior Court Case No. 238380-RA RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: BJT:laa FE09CA3.CS February 3, 2000, 9:07am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Presentations ITEM: 5 · a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Mayor Bob Price January 28, 2000 AI~ROVED DEPARTMENT H EA~///~ CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAG ER ~/f/(.~ Presentation by Mayor Price of Proclamation to Conchita Nieto-Moreno, American Society of Civil Engineers Southern San Joaquin Branch Past President, proclaiming February 20-26, 2000, as "National Engineers Week". RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: January 28, 2000, 10:43am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8.a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk January 14, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY N/A Minutes of the regular Council meeting of January 26, 2000. RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: bz S:\Council\admins~ADMINS\FEB900.wpd January 28, 2000, 2:59pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director APPROVED January 28, 2000 DEPARTMENT HEAD ,~/',/~ CITY ATTORNE~Y ~':~")' CITY MANAGER ~/~' Approval of department payments from January 15, 2000 to January 28, 2000 in the amount of $4,166,260.06 and self insurance payments from January 15, 2000 to January 28, 2000 in the amount of $46,427.09. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of payments totaling $4,212,687.15. BACKGROUND: s:~acctpay~adminf~l .wpd nks ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 IAGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8.c. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ DATE: January 27, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY ~ CITY MANAGER ,~__/'~/~ SUBJECT: Resolution Establishing Ambulance Service Charges. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption. BACKGROUND: On January 26, 2000, the City Council conducted a public hearing regarding the proposed increase in ambulance rates. There were comments made by one individual regarding the proposed rate schedule. Staff has prepared the resolution to implement the rates proposed by Hall Ambulance. Pursuant to the Ambulance Ordinance, the new rates are to take effect on April 1, 2000 upon adoption by the City Council of a resolution setting the rates. The Council may increase, decrease, accept or alter the charges proposed in the resolution. The following is the proposed rate schedule: Current Proposed Increase Basic Life Support ("BLS") (Includes prescheduled non-emergency responses when ALS procedures are not requested or provided) $ 342.00 $ 357.00 +$15.00 Advanced Life Support ("ALS") (Includes all 911 responses, responses not pre-arranged within two hours of ambulance dispatch time and non-emergency responses when ALS services are specifically requested or provided) $ 575.00 $ 575.00 No change January 27, 2000, 12:31 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 Current Prooosed Increase Miteage (Per mile from pick-up point to delivery point) $15.00 $16.00 +$1.00 Night Charge (7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) $ 67.00 $ 70.00 +$ 3.00 Emergency Response (911 responses and code 3 use during response or transport for private emergency calls) $ 50.00 $ 52.00 +$ 2.00 Oxygen (Per cylinder or portion thereof used) $ 57.00 $ 57.00 No change Disposable Supplies (No change requested) (Disposable supplies include any, and all advanced life support ("ALS") or basic life support ("BLS") supplies utilized during patient treatment, and any drugs and medications included within the Kern County EMS scope of practice and within the Medicare reimbursement list. This excludes item(s) restocked by hospitals or provided by certified first responders, unless the item(s) used by certified first responders are replenished by ambulance providers. Charges shall be itemized and the maximum charge for ALS or BLS medical supplies shall be $t00.00 and the maximum charge for those drugs and medications included within the Kern County EMS scope of practice and within the Medicare reimbursement list shall not exceed $275.00. The total amount charged under this category shall not exceed $375.00 ) Staff recommends adoption of the resolution. JWS:jp S:\JOHN~AMB~Ambulance Rate Admin report and Resolution 2000.wpd January 27, 2000, 12:31 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent tl TEM: 8 d TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Development Services - Planning January 7, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~~. CITY ATTORNEY ~'~ CITY MANAGER A Resolution of Application proposing proceedings for annexation of territory by annexing to the City of Bakersfield property identified as Annexation No. 412 located along the north side of Rosedale Highway, west of Freeway 99. (Ward 5) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of resolution. BACKGROUND: This resolution of application proposes proceedings for annexation of territory identified as Annexation No. 412 to the City of Bakersfield. The proposed annexation consists of approximately 20 acres of uninhabited land located along the north side of Rosedale Highway, west of Freeway 99. The property owner has consented to annexation and wishes to receive city services. MO:pjt (admin\2-9-413) January 18, 2000, 2:38PM DMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8.e. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director January 21, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Improvement Agreement with B & C Associates for Parcel Map 9630 located west of Coffee Road and south of Brimhall Road. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the agreement. BACKGROUND: This Agreement is entered into to secure the improvements required for Subdivision Maps. Such improvements include, but are not limited to, streets, sewer, storm drain, and landscaping on or adjacent to the property being subdivided. NOTE: THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT IS FILED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FOR REVIEW. G:\GROUPDAT~ADMINRPT~2000\February 9\lmprov Agreement PM 9630.wpd January 24, 2000 (1:37pm) TD/mm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT rMEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. ~:. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul Rojas, Public Works Director January 30, 2000 Multi-Agency Aerial Imagery Co-Operative Agreement: DEPARTMENT HEAD ,/~ CITY ATTORNEY I~-~'~-------~ CITY MANAGE~~ 1. Memorandum of Understanding with Kern COG as Lead Agency for Multi-Agency Aerial Imagery Co-Operative Agreement - (City's portion not to exceed $67,200). 2. Appropriate $37,200 fund balance to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Transportation Development Fund. 3. Appropriate $20,000 fund balance in the Sewer Enterprise Fund to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Transportation Development Fund. 4. Transfer $10,000 from the operating budget in the Agricultural Water Fund to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Transportation Development Fund. (All Wards) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Agreement (Memorandum of Understandin g-MOU) and appropriations. BACKGROUND: This administrative report provides for a multi-agency agreement, with the Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG) asthe lead agency, to purchase aerial imaging ofthe Kern County area. The City of Bakersfield relies upon up-to-date aerial photography to perform their day to day work activities. The last set of aerial photographs taken of the city are nearly five years old. With the City growing as quickly as it has, Bakersfield must have its aerial photographs updated on a regular basis. Aerial imagery affords much better resolutions that the aerial photography used in the past, but is more costly. Approximately 18 agencies (see attached) in Kern County are collaborating to share in the cost of digital aerial imagery of the Kern County area. This would yield a reduced price for each agency by eliminating overlapping purchases by local governments. The City of Bakersfleld's share is estimated at $67,200.00. The County of Kern is contributing the equivalent of $72,000. All the agencies contributing to the cost ofthe high resolution imagery will have access to all of the imagery. If the City were to obtain the imagery for the Metropolitan area by itself, the cost would exceed $200,000. The resulting aerial images will be able to be incorporated into the City's GIS database and will provide useful planning information. January 31, 2000, 10:15AM G:\GROUPDA'ISADMINRP'r\2000~February 9~Aerial Imagery MOU.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT .age This MOU designates Kem COG as the lead agency for this project. Kern COG will prepare and disseminate the Requests for Proposals for aedal imagery of the Kern County Area. A consultant selection committee will review the responses and make a recommendation to the Kern COG Board. The Kern COG Board will make the final selection. Staff recommends funding $10,000 of the aedal imagery cost with Water Department funds and $20,000 of Sewer Enterprise Funds. The Water Department's share of the project cost is currently included in their operating budget, This administrative report transfers the appropriation to the Transportation Development Fund. The remainder is an eligible Transportation Development Fund expense. January 31, 2000, IO:20AM G:\GROUPDAT\ADMiNRP'r~2.000\February 9~Aerial Imagery MOU.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8 .g. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director January 21, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT H EAD~",~ CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Agreement with Fruitvale Properties LLC to purchase real property at the southwest corner of Coffee and Nords Roads for $73,000 for a domestic water storage tank site. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of agreement. BACKGROUND: A domestic water storage tank and booster pump facility is necessary in the northern portion of the Riverlakes area to provide adequate storage and water supply due to the growth in the northwest. The domestic water storage tank and booster pump facility will allow necessary domestic water flow for fire and customer demand. The domestic water storage tank and booster pump facility site comprises 3.06 gross acres. Currently, the property is planted in strawberries under a short term lease. The purchase price of $73,000 is based on an appraisal by Bruce A. Beaudoin, MAI an independent fee appraiser and is consistent with sales of comparable properties in the area. On December 2, 1999, the Planning Commission found the acquisition of this property consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. DMA/s January 21, 2000, 4:11pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. h. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED Grego~ J. Klimko, Finance Director January 19,2000 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY A'I'I'ORN EY ~'~ CITY MANAGER/'~ Kem River Parkway Property Acquisition Purchase Agreement for $118,000 with Delvin Dwight McDonald and Betty L. McDonald and to acquire real property located west of Coffee Road between the Cross Valley Canal and the Kern River Channel. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of agreement. BACKGROUND: The property comprises approximately 6.01 acres and will provide another link in the equestrian trail running along the north side of the Kern River, (map attached). The purchase is being funded using Proposition 204 funds obtained through the efforts of the City, Kern River Parkway Committee, and others. The State Department of Fish and Game is responsible for administering the Proposition 204 funds. The City does not receive the funds directly, rather they are deposited into escrow by the State. The purchase price of $118,000 was established by an independent appraisal prepared by Bruce A. Beaudoin, MAI, an independent fee appraiser. On February 3, 2000, the Planning Commission is being asked to find this acquisition consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. DMAJs January 19, 2000, 2:44pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: $. i. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director January 19, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER ,~f.~/~:~Y~,~ Agreement with BHA Properties LLC to purchase real property located 10418 Crandon Park Drive for $25,000 to expand an existing water well site. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of agreement. BACKGROUND: In November of 1997, the City purchased a single family lot at the southeast corner of Verdugo Lane and Brimhall Road to construct a domestic water well. After the water well was completed Water Resources determined it would be necessary to install a water quality treatment facility which would not fit on the existing property. Consequently, the City is purchasing the adjacent lot which contains approximately 7,500 square feet for this purpose. The owner, BHA Properties LLC will be responsible for all off-site improvements as set out in the purchase agreement. The purchase price of $25,000 is based on an appraisal by Kathy L. Orren, a certified staff appraiser and is consistent with sales of comparable properties in the area. On January 20, 2000, the Planning Commission found the acquisition of this property consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. DMAJs January 19, 2000, 4:46pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Carroll Hayden, Human Resources Manager January 14, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Contract with Select Temporary Service for Temporary Employees ~ r~=COMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the contract. BACKGROUND: At the October 20, 1999 Council meeting, Council approved issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to contract for the provision of all temporary employees the City has need of through one or more professional temporary employee agencies. This followed a 3-month pilot program using a professional temporary agency to supply temporary employees to three divisions of Public Works and the review of the results of this pilot program by the Budget and Finance committee. There are some significant problems associated with our current practice of hiring temporary employees. The Human Resources division recruits and hires temporary employees on behalf of City departments, but the City charter limits temporary employees hired through the City to 960 hours per year. After a temporary employee has worked 960 hours within one year, the charter requires that we terminate their employment. Typically, another temporary employee is recruited to replace them. This continuous recruitment cycle means increased medical examination costs, constant orientation and training for departments, and significant disruption for the departments that employ these workers. There are significant insurance expenditures associated with temporary employees hired by the City. Our analysis shows that workers' compensation costs for temporary employees are rising. Overall, some our largest workers' compensation claims involve City-hired temporary employees. We also find that City-hired temporary employees nearing the end of their 960 hour limit are more likely to file workers' compensation claims against the City. In addition, the majority of our unemployment insurance costs come from City-hired temporary employees. If a temporary services agency supplies our temporary employment needs, the agency would be responsible for pre-placement medical exams, workers' compensation costs, unemployment insurance costs and any Page 2 other costs associated with being an employer. Staff developed a comprehensive RFP and sent it to twenty-one agencies in Kern County, who appeared able to supply temporary employees in the requisite job classifications. Fourteen proposals were received and reviewed by a multi-disciplinary committee for meeting the criteda of the RFP, price considerations and overall best fit with the City needs. The top three agencies, Select Personnel Services, Manpower and · ^decco were interviewed by the committee and the unanimous decision was made to recommend contracting with Select Personnel Services for the provision of all of the City's temporary employee needs. Select Personnel Services has the ability to provide qualified temporary employees, has the ability to provide employees in all of the areas the City needs, has their own Department of Transportation random drug testing program and understands the many diverse legal requirements of being an employer providing temporary employees to organizations. Select Personnel Services has the flexibility to modify pay rates to meet any of our hard to fill positions. The rates paid employees are purely market driven. The City will receive a discount on the markup from Select Personnel Services for employees we refer to them who are subsequently hired by them. S.E.I.U. has been informed throughout this process of RFPs and the pilot program and does not object. Additionally, they are being furnished with reports of employees hired through a temporary services agency. Therefore, based upon the professional qualifications, experience and cost considerations, staff recommends that this contract with Select Personnel Services for a term of three years be approved. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. k. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney January 27, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD //c~/~ CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 98-300 -- City Attorney's Contract RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of agreement. BACKGROUND: This contract amendment implements changes to the City Attorney's Contract in accordance with the annual evaluation of Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney, on January 26, 2000. This amendment includes a salary increase to $10,000 per month retroactive to January 18, 2000. S:~COUNCIL~Admins~Atty-Ag~Amd I .wpd RMS:Iaa FE09CA1.CC January 27; 2000, 4:34pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT I MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 I AGENDA SECTION: Consent I TEIfl: 8. 1 . I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED Development Services- Planning January 19,2000 DEPARTMENT HEAD A rOR.E¥ CITY MANAGER Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 99-325 for preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for concurrent General Plan Amendment/Zone Change P99-0647. (Ward 3) RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 99-325. BACKGROUND: This amendment would change the name of the applicant from "Porter-Robinson Engineering and Surveying, Inc." to "Mountain View Bravo, LLC." Although Porter-Robertson represented Mountain View Bravo in making applications to the City, it has been agreed that Mountain View Bravo, as the property owner should be identified as the applicant and party responsible for funding the EIR. The second amendment would include in the contract an agreement with staff on the timing of payments to coincide with milestones of work accomplished. The total estimated amount ($104,065) is not changed by this amendment. February 2, 2000, 9:29AM P:~admin\Feb~-9-0325.wpd~mjm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8 .m. TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director January 25, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT C, A o " EY C,.MANAGER'-~'~/~/~ SUBJECT: Accept bid to award annual contract to Jim Alfter, Cement Contractor, not to exceed $52,400.00 for canal liner repair. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of bid and award of contract. BACKGROUND: This type of contract has been used by the Water Department to repair concrete portions of the City's carrier and river canals for over ten years. This annual contract is for one year with an additional year renewal at the option of the City. Invitations to bid were sent to seven (7) vendors. One (1) bid was received, from the current contract holder, without any increase in unit prices. Jim Alfter, Cement Contractor 2000 Dracena Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 (City) in the amount of $52,400.00 P:~ADMIN\C000209B.wpd GJK:Ijm January 25, 2000, 2:08pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8 .n. TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director January 25, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD/'~ CITY ATTORI~EY ~ CITY MANAGER~~ SUBJECT: Accept bid to award contract to Space Leasing Company, $16,485.00, to provide and install a mobile office trailer at the Police Pistol Range. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of bids. BACKGROUND: Invitations to bid were sent to seven (7) vendors. Three (3) bids were received December 8, 1999, as follows: Space Leasing Company 810 North Pleasant Avenue Fresno, CA 93728 in the amount of $16,485.00 Pacific Mobile Structures, Incorporated 1136 North 9th Street Modesto, CA 95350 in the amount of $16,677.84 Williams Scotsman 14500 Las Palmas Drive #55 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (City) in the amount of with 1% Sales Tax consideration $16,925.57 $16,672.75 P:~ADMIN\C000209A.wpd GJK:~m January 25, 2000, 3:23pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: $. o. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gene Bogart, Water Resources Manager January 19, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD{~ CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER--~, Accept bid of $341,169.60 and award contract to Halopoff and Sons for "Installation of Domestic Water Line to Interconnect Ashe and Fairhaven Water Systems" for the Water Resources Department. (Ward Number 5) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance. BACKGROUND: This domestic water mainline will interconnect two City-owned domestic water systems (Ashe System and Fairhaven System). The water main will be located along the bike path at Truxtun Ave. and Mohawk St. then northeasterly across the Kern River to interconnect to Fairhaven pump station F102 located behind the Doubletree Motel. This connection will insure critical looping of domestic water and fire protection service during pump failures, power interruptions and emergencies. When completed this interconnection of water systems will enable water from the City's 2800 Acre water bank to be used to supply the Fairhaven service area. The engineers estimate was $465,000. Funds are available in the current Water Resoumes Department budget. Nine bids were received on January 19, 2000 for this project. The results are as follows: Halopoff and Sons 140 East Morton Avenue Porterville, CA 93257 (Out of County) ..................... in the amount of $341,169.60 Nicholas Construction 16824 Johnson Road Bakersfield, CA 93312 (County) ......................... in the amount of $381,857.93 January 25, 2000, 1:25pm S:~000 ADM RPTS\FB9WT1CC ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 DDH Apple Valley Construction 9312 Deep Creek Road Apple Valley, CA 92308 (Out of County) ................... in the amount of $384,471.90 HPS Plumbing Services, Inc. 401 34th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (County) ......................... in the amount of $447,380.00 Griffith Company 1898 South Union Bakersfield, CA 93306 (County) ......................... in the amount of $451,000.00 Utah Pacific Construction 40940 Eleanora Way Murrieta, CA 92562 (Out of County) ...................... in the amount of $496,776.00 Sierra Cascade 1043 West Ave M-4 Suite E Palmdale, CA 93551 (Out of County) ..................... in the amount of $510,439.00 Zondiros Corporation 250 28th Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (Out of County) ................ in the amount of $625,475.00 West Valley 755 Santiago Avenue El Granada, CA (Out of County) ......................... in the amount of $667,460.00 January 25, 2000, 1:25prn S:~000 ADM RPTS\FB9WT1CC ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar TEM: 8. p. TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director January 28, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD C, A,,OR CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Accept bid to award contract to Bakersfield Laundry, not to exceed $19,392.00 per year, for laundry service for the Fire Department. This contract is for one year, with two one year extensions at the City's option. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of bid and award of contract. BACKGROUND: This type of contract has been used by the Fire Department to provide laundry service for sheets, blankets, etc. for the various fire stations. Invitations to bid were sent to nine (9) vendors. One (1) bid was received, from the current provider, without any increase in unit prices. Bakersfield Laundry 720 Oak Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 (City) in the amount of $19,392.00 P:~,DMIN\C000209C.wpd GJK:Ijm February 2, 2000, 9:36am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar TEM: 8 .q. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council A~f~ROVED Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY January 28, 2000 CITY MANAGER'~ Bakersfield AMTRAK Station and Q Street Underpass: 1. Accept bid and award contract to Elite Landscaping, Inc. ($809,688.00) for Construction of Irrigation, Landscaping Improvements and Water Features for Bakersfield Amtrak Station and Irrigation and Landscaping Improvements for Q Street Underpass; 2. Appropriate $500,000 Transportation Enhancement Act (TEA) funds to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Amtrak Fund. 3. Appropriate $600,000 Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) project share for the Q Street Grade Separation project to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Gas Tax Fund. (Ward 2) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of Iow bid, award of contract and approval of appropriations. BACKGROUND: This contractwillconstructtheirrigation, landscapingandwaterfeaturesforboththenew Bakersfield Amtrak Station and the Q Street Underpass. This is the last major construction contract for these two projects. The TEA funds were approved by the California Transportation Commission at its November, 1999 meeting. These funds will be used for installing the irrigation, landscaping and water features on the Amtrak Station site. Per the City's agreement with BNSF (Agreement 99-155), BNSF is to contribute funds in the amount of 10% of the Q Street Grade Separation project costs. These funds will be applied to the construction of that project. The contract amount of $809,688 is split between the Amtrak Station Project ($656,826) and the Q Street Underpass Project ($152,862). The TEA appropriation, combined with existing budget funds, will be used to pay for the Amtrak Station portion of this contract. The BNSF appropriation of $600,000 will be used to fund the Q Street Underpass portion of this contract in addition to funding both prior and current expenses incurred on this project. With these additional appropriations, funds are available within the accounts of both projects for the construction of these improvements. Two bids were received on January 21, 2000 as follows: Elite Landscaping, Inc. 2914 Phillip Ave. Clovis, CA 93612 (out of town) in the amount of $809,688.00 Kern Sprinkler Landscaping, Inc. 5001 Woodmere Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93313 (city) in the amount of $1,237,815.00 ADR Feb 3, 2000 Public Works, Engineering Design G:~eng\SHARED\PROJECTS~ARNOLD~AMTRAK.STA\Bid irrigation Landscape~Admin Report 01_27_00.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. r. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council ~\/ APPROVED FROM: Carroll Hayden, Human Resources Manage DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: January 25, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Assistant Finance Director SUBJECT: Revised Job Specification: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the revised job specification. BACKGROUND: The resignation of the Assistant Finance Director has prompted the need to recruit a replacement. Because the job specification has not been updated since 1984, the Finance Director has recommended changes prior to announcing a recruitment. Specific changes reflect current assignments and qualifications. The job specification will be presented to the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board at their regular meeting on February 15, 2000. There is no budgetary impact because the salary will remain the same. Staff recommends approval of the revised job specification. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing ITEM: 9. a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Development Services - Planning January 5, 2000 CITY MANAGER ~,PBROVED / General Plan Amendment and Zone Chanoe No. P99-0701 (VVard 4) Clarence Kastner for Caltree, Inc. has applied to amend the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan consisting of a change from Resources~ Intensive Agriculture to Low Density Residential on 56.73 acres on property generally located at the northwest corner of Noriega Road and Jewetta Avenue. An ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map by changing the zoning from A - 20A (Agriculture - 20 acre minimum) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) on 56.73 acres for property generally located at the northwest corner of Noriega Road and Jewetta Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of Resolution and first reading of Ordinance. BACKGROUND: Since 1990, two similar Land Use Element amendments and concurrent zone changes have been approved on a total of 171 acres to the north and west of the subject site, effecting a change from Resource-intensive Agriculture to the Low Density Residential designation. The applicant proposes a residential density that is compatible with the existing developed portions of the Polo Grounds to the east and south. Urban level services are available that can be extended into this area, and circulation improvements will be required pursuant to the mitigation measures recommended in the traffic study. Upon completion of proposed public projects to the south, educational facilities and recreational amenities will exist in the vicinity. Several large scale urban level development projects have recently been approved by the County of Kern in the unincorporated agricultural area generally located to the north and northwest of the project site. These approvals include the Rosedale Ranch Specific Plan amendment and the Coberly-Etcheverry Ranch. No development has yet been initiated within any of the County project boundaries. January 10, 2000, 1:26PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 The 56-acre site located northwest of Jewetta Avenue and Noriega Road is in agricultural use, consisting of an almond orchard and a farm dwelling and related structures at the southeast corner. The recently developed Polo Grounds residential community borders the site on the east and south sides. An elementary school site is being developed by the Rosedale Union School District south of the site, at the southwest comer of Jewetta Avenue and Noriega Road. West of the school site, the North Bakersfield Recreation & Park Distdct is planning the development of a 40 acre community park and recreational facility. All public services and facilities impacts of the project can be mitigated in accordance with the requirements of affected governmental agencies. There was no public testimony regarding this proposal during the Planning Commission hearings. The Planning Commission recommends approval of General Plan Amendment and concurrent Zone Change P99-0701. (MJM) (admin\feb~2-9-0701) Januar~ 10, 2000, 1:26PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing ITEM: 9 · b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Development Services - Planning January 6, 2000 ~A-RPROVED DEPARTMENT I~DAD CITY ATTORNE~'~_/~' cl'r~ General Plan Amendment and Zone Change No. P99-0867 (Ward 4) Porter Robertson Engineering & Surveying, Inc. has requested to amend the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan consisting of a change from Agriculture to Low Density Residential on 5 +/- acres on the west side of Renfro Road south of Johnson Road, on the north side of the future Kern River Freeway alignment. Resolution approving the Zone Change requesting a change from Agriculture (A) to One Family Dwelling (R-1-12,000, R-1-10,000 and R-1-8,500) on the subject site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of resolution and first reading of Ordinance. BACKGROUND: The site consists of an undeveloped "remnant" area on the west side of Renfro Road south of Johnson Road along side the boundary of the future Kern River Freeway right-of-way. This "remnant" was thought to be needed for an interchange. The property was part of an annexation completed in 1991 that included a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. Subsequently, the intemhange at Renfro Road was "dropped" and the applicant wishes to extend the existing zoning and utilize this five acres in the adjacent residential subdivision. At the time, the request did not include the property within the freeway right of way plan, and it also excluded the adjoining land along Renfro Road that could be used for an on ramp. The applicant retained ownership of the property, but it was left in an Agriculture designation and zoning in cooperation with the City. A tentative tract map has subsequently been prepared for the property including the off ramp area. Since it was determined that no land would be required for access to the proposed freeway at this location, the proposed General Plan Land Use Amendment and consistent zone change is not contrary to the future objectives of the City or the General Plan Circulation Element. January 10, 2000, 2:34PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT .aoo 2 The present General Plan amendment requests a change from the existing Resources - Intensive Agriculture to a Low Density Residential land use map designation. The proposed Low Density designation is consistent with the residential density of the adjoining property owned by the applicant. The proposed zoning is an extension of the tiered density concept approved for the previous case in 1991. This zoning pattern consists of an R-1 zone with lots of 12,000, 10,000 and 8,500 square foot minimum lot sizes extending southerly from Johnson Road. A consistent tiered zoning concept for the entire contiguous tract map site would result from approval of this case. No opposition or public controversy related to the request was expressed during the public hearings. Staff has determined the project to be exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the General Rule, as the proposed land use amendment and zone change constitutes a minor extension of existing designations. No other environmental concerns were raised during the hearing process, and the applicant is in agreement with the conditions of approval. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the General Plan Amendment and the concurrent Planned Commercial Development.. (MJM) (adrnin\feb~2-9-0867) January 10, 2000, 2:34PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 10.a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager January 31, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY C I TY MANAGER Legislative and Litigation Committee Report No. 1-00 relating to Use of Electric Bikes on the Bike Path RECOMMENDATION: Legislative and Litigation Committee recommends acceptance of report. BACKGROUND: At the Legislative and Litigation Committee meetings of January 20 and January 31,2000, the Committee discussed the use of electric bikes on the bike path. The Committee reviewed information provided by residents who encouraged electric bike use on the bike path as well as those who were opposed; an ordinance used by another city, staff memoranda, funding concerns, and other information. After reviewing the pros and cons, the Committee approved making no changes in the City's ordinance to allow electric bikes on the bike path at this time. Staffwas directed to explore the possibilities for use of electric bikes on city streets and will contact KernCOG regarding funding-related issues. (P:\L& LV~,DM00-02-09-2) February 2, 2000, 8:47AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: ].0.b. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD /~ DATE: February 1, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY ./X..~/ CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Legislative and Litigation Committee Report 2-00 relating to Procedures for Placing an Item on the Council Agenda RECOMMENDATION: Legislative and Litigation Committee recommends receive and file. BACKGROUND: The item of reviewing and recommending a procedure or policy for Councitmembers to place an item on the Council's agenda was placed on the Legislative and Litigation Committee's agenda on January 20 and subsequently deferred to its January 31 meeting. City Manager Alan Tandy illustrated the procedures currently in place for submitting agenda items, indicating that generally an agenda item report and background information is requested eight working days prior to a scheduled Council meeting date (normally a Friday). Any Councilmember can place an item on the agenda by notifying the City Manager's Office prior to that deadline. The Clerk's Office prepares a draft agenda based on that information which is reviewed at an agenda conference of the city manager and department heads the Tuesday after the Friday deadline. Some items may be added at that session but it is preferred, unless they are very routine, that the original Friday cut off be adhered to whenever possible. After that Tuesday meeting, the Clerk prepares the final agenda packet to be sent to the printer's on Thursday. The Council receives the full packet the next day (on Friday). Thursday the packet is sent no later than 4:00 p.m. to the printer's for distribution to the Council on Friday. After this time, statutory requirements must be met in order to add an item to the agenda. In certain instances during reduced work weeks (i.e., holidays), time schedules are "backed up" to accommodate shortened time frames and legal noticing requirements. The current schedule allows for adequate staff preparation and a limited amount of flexibility relative to adding items late in the process while still meeting the Brown Act noticing requirements of State law. In rare instances where policy questions come into play on late item additions, the City Manager may consult with the Vice Mayor for guidance. In special and infrequent instances, items can be placed on the agenda after it is noticed but only when the Council as a whole (requiring five votes) declares it to be an emergency and when action must be taken prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. State law also regulates what can be considered an emergency. (P:~L&L~ADM00-02-09-3) February 2, 2000, 8:45AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Attached is a calendar reflecting Council meeting dates, agenda preparation deadlines, and agenda conference dates. Please note that November reflects a shortened work week schedule and early packet delivery due to holidays. The Legislative and Litigation Committee feels the procedures in place attempt to accommodate as nearly as possible the scheduling flexibility needed by staff and Council while following Brown Act requirements. Therefore, the Committee respectfully requests the Council receive this report for filing. (P:\L&L~ADM00-02-09-3) February 2, 2000, 8:45AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 10.c. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager February 1, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER ,~,~/ Urban Development Committee Report No. 1-2000 regarding Borba Dairy Development. RECOMMENDATION: The Committee recommends acceptance of the report. BACKGROUND: At the request of Councilmember Salvaggio, the City Council referred the issue of resident concerns regarding the Borba Dairy development and drafting of a resolution in opposition to the Dairy development to the Urban Development Committee. Staff provided the Council with the executive summary from the Environmental Impact Report and a chronology of actions related to the project. The Urban Development Committee met on Monday January 31, 2000 to review the issue. At the meeting numerous comments were received from speakers, both in favor and opposed to the proposed dairy project. Committee members expressed concerns that there were a number of unanswered questions that needed to be addressed before a recommendation could be made to the full Council. Committee members, therefore, requested that staff provide additional background information on the impacts on air quality, water quality, and odor control; possible relocation to another site; the approval process; the implications to the 2010 General Plan; and the maximum number of cows allowed at the site. The Committee desired additional information from both the proponents and opponents of the project. It was suggested that a workshop format before the entire Council would be the best way to present the information to the Committee as well as the entire Council in order to promote a well informed decision. Therefore, the Committee recommends that a Council workshop be scheduled for February 23, 2000, on the Borba Dairy development with 20 minutes each for the proponents and opponents to make presentations regarding the project. Subsequent to the workshop, the Urban Development Committee will meet on February 28, 2000, to further discuss the project and bdng back a recommendation to the Council on the issue at the March 15th City Council meeting. The Committee recommends acceptance of the report. S:~JOHN\UrbanDev\Borba Admin Report wpd Februa~ 1,2000, 10:27AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Deferred Business ITEM: l!.a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney January27,2000 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Discussion and policy direction regarding council member attendance at committee meetings when not a member of the committee, and associated Brown Act noticing requirements RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends discussion and direction by Council. BACKGROUND: During the City Council Meeting of December 12, 1999, a question was posed whether a City Council member who was not an appointed member of a standing committee could legally attend a meeting of that standing committee. A response was provided that such a Council member could legally attend but only as an observer and could not participate in the meeting. Subsequently, at the Council Meeting of January 12, 2000, Council member Maggard requested this issue be placed on the Council's agenda for full Council discussion. Due to potential confusion that could exist, a revised City Attorney Opinion on this subject has been prepared reflecting the 1997 change in the Brown Act. A copy of this revised opinion is attached as background for the Council's discussion. At the January 26, 2000 City Council Meeting, this matter was deferred to February 9, 2000. S:lCOUNCIL~Adrnins\CommMtgAttend.wpd BJT:laa FE09CA1 .DB January 27, 2000, 9:42am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: !2.a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Stan Ford, Recreation and Parks Director APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD January 18, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER . An Ordinance Adding Section 12.56.055 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code Relating to Expulsion from Recreational Facilities RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance. BACKGROUND: City recreation and park facilities are for the enjoyment of all City residents. In the past, there have been several incidents where the fun and safe environment for both the public and staff at City pools and recreation facilities have been compromised by verbally abusive or inebriated individuals and incidents such as fighting or throwing objects. When these have occurred, the police have been called to remedy the situation, however, there is nothing to prevent said individuals from returning to the facilities immediately thereafter. As such, staff proposes the attached Ordinance which permits the expulsion of individuals who are being disruptive or jeopardizing the safety of citizens and staff using City recreational facilities. The Ordinance only authorizes the Director, Assistant Director of Recreation and Parks, and City employed Pool Managers, Assistant Pool Managers and head Lifeguards to expel individuals that disrupt the reasonable peace and enjoyment or safety of others using a City recreational facility. Although there is no limit on the number of times an individual may be expelled under the Ordinance, an expulsion issued under the Ordinance shall not exceed twenty-four (24) hours. S:\COU NCl L~Ad rnins\Expulsion.wpd VG:alj February 1, 2000, 4:15pm FE09CA.NB ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: New Bus [ness ITEM: !2.b. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney November 24, 1999 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER An Ordinance Amending Section 2.28.090 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code Relating to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. RECOMMENDATION: Legislative and Litigation Committee recommends first reading of ordinance. BACKGROUND: Staff is proposing an amendment to Section 2.28.090 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code concerning the appointment of members to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. The proposed amendment eliminates the City Attorney's Office from membership, whether as a member or as an alternate, on the Board of Zoning Adjustment. Since the City Attorney is required to provide legal advice to the City Council in the event of an appeal from a decision of the Board of Zoning Adjustment, it would create an apparent conflict of interest (even if no actual conflict exists) if a member of the Board of Zoning Adjustment, or an alternate member, were to be from the City Attorney's Office. Staff is recommending the appointment of a member and an alternate from the Economic and Community Development Department as a replacement for the City Attorney's Office member and alternate. Because the Board of Zoning Adjustment considers conditional use permits and modifications, staff believes that a representative from the Economic and Community Development Department would have pertinent input into these decisions, along with the current Building Department and Public Works members. The only other amendments to Section 2.28.090 are technical changes reflecting the currently existing staggered terms for each of the members and the terms of the alternates. The Legislative and Litigation Committee met on January 31,2000 and, after discussion of this issue, made the above recommendation. S:~COU NCIL~Admins\BZAAm nd.wpd RMS:Iaa January 31, 2000, 3:54pm FE09CA1.CC ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 9, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: j_2.c. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager January 31, 2000 2000 Legislative Platform APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD /~ CITY ATTORNEY~ ClTY MANAGER ~ RECOMMENDATION: Legislative and Litigation Committee recommends approval. BACKGROUND: Current legislative concerns are captured in the City's Legislative Platform which identifies the City's legislative priorities for the year. This allows the City to focus its limited resources on areas of greatest concern. It also provides a basis for quick response by City legislative advocates and departments to legislative issues that arise. Each year the Legislative Platform is reviewed to see if it reflects current needs. The Legislative and Litigation Committee met on January 31, 2000 to review the 1999 Platform and suggestions for change. Changes to the Platform included adding urban development as an item under support for legislation which promotes safe, efficient, cost effective and responsible management of various environmental components; supporting legislation which provides increased funding of cultural, recreation and open space programs; supporting legislation or a constitutional amendment which provides permanent fiscal relief for cities in light of the State budget surplus; and opposing legislation which intrudes into the City's collective bargaining and rights. VV~th the proposed changes, the Committee feels the Platform adequately reflects the City's current legislative concerns. Therefore, the Legislative and Litigation Committee respectfully requests that Council accept the proposed 2000 Legislative Platform. (p:~L&LV~DM00-02-0g- 1 ) January 31, 2000, 2:51PM