HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 15, 2004 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MINUTES OF APRIL 15, 2004 -5:30 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Gay, Tragish, Blockley, Ellison, Spencer Absent: Commissioners Lomas, Tkac Advisory Members: Robert Sherfy, Stanley Grady, Marian Shaw, Phil Burns Staff: Jim Movius, Pam Townsend 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items - None 4.2 Public Hearing Items 4.2a Approval of Revised Comprehensive Sign Plan (File No. 03-1464) (Panama Lane, LLC) (Ward 7) 4.2b Approval of Development Plan Review 04-0233 (Jim Ward) (Ward 4) 4.2c Approval of Zone Change 03-1514 (Marino and Associates) The applicant has requested a continuance to the May 20, 2004 meeting. (Agenda Item 6.1) Public portion of the hearing opened. No one spoke either for or against the projects. Public portion of the hearing closed. Commissioner Blockley requested removal of Item 4.2b from the Consent Agenda. There were no other Commission comments. Motion made by Commissioner Blockley, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to approve items 4.2a & 4.2c of the public hearing portion of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried by group vote. Minutes, PC, April 15, 2004 Page 2 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS —Tentative Tract Maps 5.1 Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6209 (McIntosh &Assoc.) (Ward 1) Public portion of the hearing opened. Staff report given recommending approval including a memo from Ms. Shaw which modifies Condition 3.1.1 No one spoke in opposition to staff's recommendation. Roger McIntosh, representing the Kern County Housing Authority, and KSA Group Architects, stated that this is an in-fill project and is an extension of a prior subdivision. They are in agreement with the staff report and Ms. Shaw's memo dated April 12th Public hearing closed. Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Spencer to approve and adopt the negative declaration and to approve Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6209 with findings and conditions set forth in the attached resolution Exhibit A, including the incorporation of Ms. Shaw's April 12, 2004 memoranda. AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Spencer, Tragish, Gay NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lomas, Tkac 5.2 Vesting Tentative Tract No. 5516 (Porter-Robertson Eng.) (Ward 3) 5.3 Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5517 (Porter-Robertson Eng.) (Ward 3) 5.4 Vesting Tentative Tract 6243 (Porter-Robertson Eng.) (Ward 3) Public hearing opened previously on January 15, 2004 and on November 6, 2003. The above three items will be heard at once. Staff advised that on all three items there will be an ad hoc committee report presented by Commissioner Ellison. With regard to item 5.3 there is a memo that provides a geological hazards investigation which concluded that the fault trace does not exist on the proposed project site, and the site is suitable for development. Staff stated that there will be a full report that goes with the letter. Staff recommends including the letter/memo in the motion for item 5.3. Staff advised that with regard to 5.4 staff is adding condition number 3 requiring the Opticom Control System for all unmanned access points. Staff further advised that there is a memo from Ms. Shaw revising Conditions 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 which would need to be included in the motion for Agenda Item 5.4. Commissioner Ellison gave his ad hoc subcommittee report covering the Rio Bravo Country Club Circulation Element for Tract Maps 5516, 5517 and 6243. The first issue is that Vista Grande Drive accessing Tract 5516 is not legally permissible. A crash gate at De La Guerra Terrace would be placed and a secondary emergency access would be provided. The emergency access gate will be in one of the conditions, and will be equipped with an automatic Opticom gate opener. The second issue addressed was the access to Tract 5516 through Vista Montagna which is Tract Map 5515. It was determined that the applicant is within its right to use Minutes, PC, April 15, 2004 Page 3 this segment of Casa Club Drive to gain access. The third issue was road capacity, and he referred to Mr. Walker and Ms. Shaw's March 3, 2004 memo in the ad hoc subcommittee report, which determined the roads are sufficient for capacity. The fourth issue was with regard to strategies that would reduce trips on individual road segments to increase the quality of life for the residents. Traffic reduction was discussed and it was determined that if the southern roadway was more attractive for exiting it would reduce the number of trips on Casa Club Drive. It was suggested that there be a connection from Miramonte Drive to Comanche Road, and there was a condition added requiring the applicant to pay a proportionate share of the cost to the extension of Miramonte to Comanche on Tracts 5516 and 5517. There is a memo in the ad hoc subcommittee report describing the possible costs of the roadway. The section of roadway from Miramonte to Comanche will require a general plan amendment, and will come to the Commission in the future. Commissioner Ellison further advised that the next issue looked at was Highway 178 improvements, and the issues discussed ranged from timing of improvements, safety issues and stop light funding and timing at 178 to Miramonte. The applicant on all three Tract maps will be required to pay a traffic impact fee that will go to pay for road improvements The next issue discussed was reducing the construction and heavy equipment traffic on Casa Club Drive. A condition of approval would be added to require an all-weather access road to be constructed along Via Napoli/Menaggio Lane. Further discussed was a southern boundary roadway referred to as the "Lucas Plan", which is in the ad hoc subcommittee report, which proposed to put an exterior roadway with points of entry. This plan was considered by the commission and by staff and was determined that the roadway would be redundant. One of the ideas that was liked was extending to full width to the south property line, Vernazza Court, to allow for a future street connection, and this was therefore added as a condition. Commissioner Ellison stated that the next issue discussed was earlier timing of paving on Via Napoli/Menaggio Lane, which is the all-weather access roadway, for the southern access road to 5516, 5516 and 6243, and the committee determined that the secondary access would be required earlier during the construction phase, rather than later, and a condition was added. The common conditions for Tract 5516 and 5517 are that all access points that are protected by an unmanned gate, including emergency access points shall have an automatic gate opening device, power assisted that is activated by the Opticom Mobile Priority Control System, which is condition number 2, 5516. Condition number 3 requires that prior to recordation of the third phase of development, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City of Bakersfield for contribution of their proportional share to the cost of providing a road connection to Comanche Road from or via Miramonte Drive. (This will require a GPA.) Lastly, prior to all ground disturbance an all-weather road shall be constructed from Miramonte Drive along Via Napoli and Menaggio Lane alignment to an area of proposed disturbance, as well as a condition for signs to direct construction traffic, Conditions that are unique to 5516 are that there shall be no connection to De La Guerra and the applicant shall provide emergency vehicular access from De La Guerra into the subdivision by a design approved by the fire department; Opticom crash gate. In addition, prior to the issuance of the 56th building permit, the Via Napoli and Menaggio road alignment shall be paved from Miramonte Drive to provide access to the phases being developed. Conditions that are unique to 5517 are the Vernaza Court stub-out, and prior to notice of completion of the first phase, or issuance of the first building permit, including model homes, the Via Napoli and Menaggio road alignment shall be paved from Miramonte to provide access to the phases. Minutes, PC, April 15, 2004 Page 4 Added conditions to 6243 include the same condition about paving Via Napoli and Menaggio Lane. Prior to notice of completion of the first phase or issuance of the road of the first building permit, including model homes for Tract 6243 the Via Napoli and Menaggio road alignment shall be paved from Miramonte to provide access. The ad hoc subcommittee is recommending that the Planning Commission approve Tentative Tracts 5516, 5517 and 6243 with the additional conditions referenced in the ad hoc subcommittee report. Mr. Ellison concluded his presentation. John A. Smith, a property owner on Vista Montagna, thanked Mr. Ellison, Mr. Spencer and Mr. Gay. Mr. Smith clarified that the Vista Montagna owner's association never demanded that the proposed development to the east be prevented from accessing their property through Casa Club Drive. He stated that the original plan called for three routes to that proposed development, but somehow without the knowledge of Vista Montagna owner's association, access was reduced to only Casa Club Drive. The Vista Montagna owner's association's position is that this places an unreasonable burden on the small golf course road and to the community of Vista Montagna. Kathy Walker, who lives at 15601 Casa Club Drive, thanked everyone for their efforts into this project. She stated that a fully-developed circular route needs to be addressed to accomplish what the homeowners would feel comfortable with. The route proposed, while it does circulate around the sides, still meanders through a community and has a large volume of traffic running through. The issue on Casa Club is that the road is 28' wide, and if there are two cars parked on either side, only one vehicle can get through. There are also pedestrians, golf carts and crossings and makes it difficult to get up and down the street. She stated that they do need some time to continue discussions and resolve concerns, and would like a continuance. Nancy Thomas, a resident, presented pictures of Casa Club Drive depicting the congestion the homeowners have concerns with, and which they feel affects the safety of the residents, golfers and guests. Would like the Commission to consider using the alternative rather than using Casa Club Drive as a main thoroughfare and take a stand on creating a safe and sensible environment for their community. Mr. Michael Sullivan, a landowner at Lot#2 on Vista Montagna, expressed concern over the lack of access in the event of fire. He requested that the Commission do what is right and not just the minimum required. Kelly Lucas stated that he had a letter to submit with a slide presentation. He requested continuance of an approval based on safety issues and the perimeter plan which he feels is redundant. Commissioner Gay asked for clarification of 5516 having access to Casa Club, so traffic would be sent down to 5517, across the 5597 and then back up to Anacapa, to which Mr. Lucas basically responded by indicating it would go out and around. Commissioner Gay further inquired about the golf course crossing and stated that it was his understanding that the land has been sold to the developers and is surprised that there has not been an expressed concern about golf course safety. He further inquired if Mr. Yee agreed or Minutes, PC, April 15, 2004 Page 5 expressed interest in selling the land for the southerly road for Mr. Lucas' southerly alignment? Mr. Lucas responded that he and Mr. Yee have had no direct conversations on this other than at the public meetings. Sheryl Curtis, a homeowner on Vista Montagna, thanked the Commission. She stated they still want to make the Commission aware that they are not against the development, but against it as it is. She stated that above Tract 6243 there is a tract that is zoned R-2 which has a possible potential of 300 residents, and possibly 600 more vehicles coming out to Casa Club which must be taken into consideration. Kathy Poochigian, in the Casa Club Homeowner's Association, thanked Mr. Lucas for his presentation. They would support Mr. Lucas' recommendations and particularly the cul-de- sacing of Casa Club. She stated she would like to continue this matter. Gene Lundquist, a resident, stated that there has been great progress. He stated he likes the Comanche connection and would like to see it adopted. He stated that the Lucas plan is reasonable, thoughtful and is workable. He said he would oppose the recommended plan, but support the Lucas plan. Fletch Wagoner, the president of the Casa Club Homeowner's Association. stated he is in support of Mr. Lucas' proposals. Marian Lockard, President of the Fairway Homeowner's Association, complimented the Commission. She asked that they consider Mr. Lucas' plan because the people in the community are in agreement with it. Bernie Jamison, who lives in the Casa Club Fairways, stated his house backs up to Casa Club, and said the speed of the vehicles on Casa Club is a safety issue, especially if there will be added traffic. Kim Belmont, a resident in Vista Montagna, stated that the fire issues are real to her due to a personal experience. She further stated that some children in a golf cart crossed in front of her while she was descending Casa Club and sees where the safety factor is going to be greatly challenged. Bob Bush, who lives on Casa Club Drive, thanked Mr. Lucas and then stated that he supports Mr. Lucas' plan. Tracy Grimes, lives on Vista Grande Drive, and thanked the Commission. She stated that although the associates have rules people are human and break those rules, and thinks that anything the Commission can do to alleviate the safety issues would be in the best interest of the whole community. Tom Fallgatter, representative for the applicant on 5516 and 5517 thanked the subcommittee, commissioners and staff. Mr. Fallgatter stated that they are in agreement with the subcommittee's recommendation, and staff's recommendation and accept all of the conditions that have been requested. Harold Robertson, with Porter Robertson Engineering and Surveying, thanked the ad hoc committee and staff. Mr. Robertson stated that after reviewing all of the documents, they are in Minutes, PC, April 15, 2004 Page 6 agreement with the conditions.. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Tragish stated the buildout of the roads sounds logical to him, and that the Opticom fire gate is reasonable. He stated that the southern route for construction is reasonable and the Comanche connection shows a vision. He stated that he found Mr. Lucas' comments interesting, and the homeowners' comments to be logical for their particular community. Commissioner Tragish stated his concern that Mr. Lucas has spent a lot of time on his proposed plan but has not taken the added step of talking with Mr. Yee to see if he would be interested in selling the property. Mr. Lucas stated a number of individuals were to approach Mr. Yee, and he felt that members of the golf course have a better position to go to Mr. Yee with the safety concerns. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Fallgatter if Mr. Yee is agreeable to selling the subject property? Mr. Fallgatter responded that it is his understanding the Mr. Yee was approached today, with regard to the Lucas plan and Mr. Yee was adamant that he would not agree to the Lucas plan because he viewed that road as being dangerous, as it goes along the fairways of the golf course, and there is not sufficient room for the road. Mr. Yee further felt that it would degrade the golf course. Mr. Fallgatter said he feels that to try to come up with a different plan at this point is counter productive. Commissioner Tragish reiterated that he would really like to see the Lucas plan work, but he doesn't know how it can work. He stated that the road proposed by Mr. Lucas seems to border on somebody else's property, and is not convinced that any research has been done to persuade the Commission that this plan is something that can work. He also stated that he doesn't know who is suppose to buy the southern route. He commented that the homeowners may want to widen Casa Club to have more passage. Commissioner Tragish stated that he would agree to a 30 day continuance if there is some way there could be an assurance made that they would be back in 30 days with some meaningful presentation regarding how that road will go through as proposed by Mr. Lucas. Commissioner Ellison clarified that when he stated that the southern road would be redundant he did not mean to imply that it wouldn't be a desirable road, but rather that he thinks it is a good plan and improves the livability of Tract map 6243. Commissioner Ellison inquired of Mr. Weirather, Fire Department, about cul-de-sacing the two as proposed in the Lucas plan, and secondary emergency access, and if the cul-de-sacs are put in place if that would violate any secondary access requirements? Mr. Weirather stated that the cul-de-sacs would violate secondary access as it would restrict access, and creates congestion for emergency traffic, as well as evacuation. Commissioner Ellison stated that this is a big stumbling block for the Lucas plan. Commissioner Ellison stated that he was going to support the ad hoc committee's recommendation. Commissioner Blockley stated that he does not see where the other Rio Bravo residents have the right to lead and require the developers to do things in an insufficient manner by constructing a street that basically duplicates streets that the developer is already constructing (the streets that connect 6243 to 5517). Mr. Blockley said that the Lucas plan would require this to the Minutes, PC, April 15, 2004 Page 7 benefit of Tract 6243, but would be at considerable expense. Mr. Blockley stated that if there is a GPA and collector arterial south of Rio Bravo then the cul-de-sac which extends to the south boundary would make sense. Mr. Blockley stated that he would support the ad hoc committee's recommendation. Commissioner Gay stated that he hoped the associations will put in sidewalks for safety reasons. He stated that the narrow streets concern him, as well as the multiple homeowner's associations. Commissioner Gay stated that he would support the developer's plan. Commissioner Tragish inquired what the condition was under which the light at 178 and Miramonte would be installed, to which staff responded that they were allowed 100 building permits, and then the light had to be installed. Who would pay for the signal could not be recalled. Staff did not believe that those conditions could be imposed on the current subject tracts. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Weirather about the cul-de-sac and the safety issues. Mr. Weirather stated that a cul-de-sac reduces access. Commissioner Spencer stated he would support the ad hoc committee's recommendation. Motion made by Commissioner Tragish, seconded by Commissioner Blockley, with reference to Agenda Item 5.2 vesting Tentative Tract map 5516, to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration and to approve vesting Tentative Tract map 5516 with findings and conditions set forth in Resolution Exhibit A attached to the committee report dated April 15, 2004 and recommend the same to City Council. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Spencer, Tragish, Gay NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lomas, Tkac Motion made by Commissioner Tragish, seconded by Commissioner Blockley, with reference to Agenda Item 5.3 vesting Tentative Tract map 5517, to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration and to approve vesting Tentative Tract map 5517 with findings and conditions set forth in Resolution Exhibit A attached to the committee report dated April 15, 2004, incorporating the Memorandum dated April 13, 2004 from Stanley Grady in which he had submitted the geological hazard report from Smith Gucher and recommend the same to City Council. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Spencer, Tragish, Gay NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lomas, Tkac Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, with reference to Agenda Item 5.4 vesting Tentative Tract map 6243, to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration and to approve vesting Tentative Tract map 6243 with findings and conditions set forth in Resolution Exhibit A attached to the committee report dated April 15, 2004, incorporating the Memorandum dated April 12, 2004 from Marian Shaw concerning revisions to conditions on Tract 6243, incorporating the memorandum from Stanley Grady, dated April 14, 2004, regarding the additional condition for the fire department and recommend the same to City Council. Motion Minutes, PC, April 15, 2004 Page 8 carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Spencer, Tragish, Gay NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lomas, Tkac Break Taken 5.5 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6281 (McIntosh &Associates) (Ward 4) Public hearing was opened on February 5, 2004. Staff report given. No comments were made in opposition to staff's recommendation. Steve DeBranch with Castle & Cooke gave a presentation on the progress of discussions. Roger McIntosh with McIntosh and Associates, representing Castle & Cooke, stated that the Commission has no jurisdiction over the traffic calming devices and cannot deviate and/or approve a deviation from the City standard. The applicant agrees with the conditions along with the memoranda. The public hearing is closed. Commissioner Blockley stated that he me with Mr. DeBranch, and likes the concept, and further stated he is glad to see an agreement because it is a positive trend for he City. Commissioner Tragish stated he met with Mr. DeBranch and Mr. Friedman, as well as Mr. McIntosh. Motion made by Commissioner Tragish, seconded by Commissioner Blockley, to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration and to approve vesting Tentative Tract map 6281 with findings and conditions set forth in the attached resolution and incorporating the Planning Director's memorandum dated February 23, 2004, incorporating the memorandum dated April 15, 2004 from Marian Shaw concerning changing conditions and recommend the same to City Council. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Spencer, Tragish, Gay NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lomas, Tkac 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS —Zone Changes 6.1 Zone Change 03-1514 (Marino and Associates) (Ward 6) See Consent Agenda 6.2 Zone Change 04-0220 (KSA Architects) (Ward 7) Staff report given recommending approval with conditions. No comments were made in opposition to staff's recommendation. Derrick Hollsworth, representing the applicant, said they have reviewed staff's recommendation and requested clarification on condition 21.2, which Minutes, PC, April 15, 2004 Page 9 restricts the restaurant and lounge to the guests of the park only. Mr. Hollsworth said the applicant would like to make absolutely sure that the word "public" does not include "guests" of the guests. Staff stated that this clarification would be acceptable. Condition 21.2 is modified so that the restaurant/lounge shall be for the R.V. park customers and their guests and not open to the general public. Applicant would consent to the modifications of conditions. The public hearing is closed. Commissioner Tragish had a concern that the type of ground laid down in the R.V. park does not end up in the street creating a cleaning problem for the city. Mr. Hollsworth indicated that the majority of the streets and the areas that are not landscaped will be paved. The rock will only pertain to where the vehicles will sit. Mr. Hollsworth indicated that rock dust is crushed rock that is packed down and put in place because it is an absorbent material. Staff indicated they do not have concerns with rock dust. Motion was made by Commissioner Blockley, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to approve zone change 04-0220 with findings and conditions set forth in the attached resolution Exhibit A and recommend the same to City Council with the clarification of condition number 21.2 to allow guests of R.V. park guests to dine at the restaurant. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Spencer, Tragish, Gay NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Lomas, Tkac. 7. PUBLIC HEARING — Development Plan Review 04-0233 (Jim Ward) Public portion of the hearing opened. Staff report was not given at this time as it was pulled from the consent agenda. Richard Morales, a resident within 300 feet of the proposed project, presented and read a letter on behalf of Michael Page. Mr. Page's letter requested the project be postponed until a later date as he was not notified of the hearing until a few days ago and he was unable to attend tonight's hearing. His letter stated also that his overriding concern in this matter is that the property owner be required to abide by the conditions of approval as specified in the staff report dated April 15, 2004, Exhibit 1 and all of the recommendations of that report. Mr. Morales requested that he meet with staff after the meeting to discuss the notification process. He and four of his neighbors did not receive the notice of public hearing. Commissioner Gay said that assessor's maps that staff relies on for noticing are very inconsistent and not always up-to-date and with that and the post office the notices may have not been received by the residents. Charles James a resident just north of the proposed site and within 300 feet of the proposed project, expressed his concern about the landscaping on the north wall of the property. He thinks the project will be a plus for the area as long as the developer follows the guidelines. He also expressed a concern for the wildlife in the area. He said there will be a lot of a people in that Minutes, PC, April 15, 2004 Page 10 small area and thinks a traffic signal at Meany and Fruitvale might be warranted. Ron Reimers, a resident of the area, had a meeting the with the architects recently and then went door-to-door to discuss the landscape buffer zone with his neighbors. He stated that his neighbors, without exception, wanted an evergreen tree that was a maximum of 30 feet high so that in winter months there would not be undue shade cast in the backyards. He further gave a presentation on his suggested landscaping/trees. Wiley Roland, a resident, stated that it was his understanding that the developer was trying to renege on the size of trees that would be put in on the back of the wall. Commissioner Gay responded that it was his understanding that the developer may have inquired about changing the size of the trees to be put in, but eventually concurred with the original plan. Commissioner Gay said they would check this out. Jim Ward, representing Meany Partners, LLC, stated that in the staff report there are five traffic intersections which the applicant is going to pay a pro-rata share, which includes Meany and Fruitvale, Meany and Coffee, Coffee and Rosedale, as well as Calloway and Rosedale. Mr. Ward stated that the staff report states the applicant will pay a $1,240 per acre Habitat Conservation Fee for the relocation of kit foxes. Mr. Ward stated that concerning the landscape size of the plant material between the applicant and the neighbors, he did approach Mr. Gay about changing it to the landscape recommendation of 30' spacing and 15 gallon trees, which is permitted on a street right-of-way, but the applicant has agreed to follow the original condition in the report that requires 20' on center, with 24" box trees. He concluded by stating that the applicant feels that they've been a good neighbor, and have done everything they can to protect the neighbors. Jeff Gutierrez, with Steve Walt Corporation, stated that the specific plan does not designate a specific type of tree for placement within a multi-family development. There were some specific plants identified for underneath the parkway up and down Coffee Road, and were chosen so as to not get into the power lines. The specific plan also references plants with respect to adjoining parkways to specific roads to keep consistency. Public hearing is closed. Commissioner Blockley stated the fax he received from staff did not include a landscape plan, but did have provisions for the Planning Department to review the landscape plan as part of the conditions of approval. That condition included satisfying the conditions of approval placed on it when the Planning Commission initially approved the PCD. Commissioner Gay stated staff will be reviewing the landscape plan. Commissioner Gay asked for confirmation that the street and landscaping will be put in with phase 1, and if there will be a screen buffer. Staff responded that the landscaping condition is condition number 1 which requires that the trees create a buffer along the north edge of the project (24" box tree, Exhibit 1 of the PUD Plan). Commissioner Gay asked if the language included would require the landscaping and the complete street put in from Point A to Point B in phase 1, to which staff responded that the language could be added. Commissioner Gay stated with the extra landscaping and the traffic calming areas to slow traffic down, he would like to see the project go forward with the addition that the landscaping buffer Minutes, PC, April 15, 2004 Page 11 against the neighbors and the entire street be put in at phase 1. Commissioner Spencer asked if staff could include Mr. Rimmer's suggestion that a Willow tree instead of a Crepe Myrtle be planted, to which staff responded that the reference to plants has only been size and height for the purpose of screening. The Planning Commission could recommend the type of tree, but staff does not recommend this. Commissioner Spencer suggested that if Mr. Rimmer's suggestion is not on the City's recommended list, then perhaps the Planning Commission could look at including Mr. Rimmer's suggested plants in the Planning Commissions further recommendations. Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to adopt a resolution making findings approving the development plan for 4185 Patton Way and 7800 Meany Avenue with findings set forth in the attached resolution and recommend the same to City Council with the additional condition that the landscape be planted and a completion of the insulation of the circulation of the streets be installed upon completion of the first phase of the project. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Spencer, Tragish, Gay NOES: None ABSENT: Lomas, Tkac. 8. PUBLIC HEARING - REVISED COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN (FILE No. 03-1464) (Panama Lane, LLC)Ward 7) See Consent Calendar 9. COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Grady told the Commission that they had received a memo dated April 5 which provides background information on pesticide restrictions. 10. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Tragish thanked the individuals involved with the ad hoc committee. Commissioner Gay asked if the Commissioner packet could mention the number of public notices sent out. Commissioner Gay stated that with regard to the mini-storage on Wible that the conditions on mini-storages should be seriously considered with regard to neighbors and whether there should be 40' security towers and lights. Commissioner Gay further thanked Commissioner Tkac for another tenure on the Planning Commission. Commissioner Tragish added that he agrees with Commissioner Gay and the mini-storage issues. 11. ADJOURNMEMT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary Minutes, PC, April 15, 2004 Page 12 STANLEY GRADY, Secretary Planning Director May 11, 2004