HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 18-00RESOLUTION NO. 1 8" 0 0 A RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS THAT NO WRITTEN PROTEST HAS BEEN FILED AND ORDERING THE TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS PROCEEDING NO. 1271, ANNEXATION NO. 406, ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (WARD 1). WHEREAS, Resolution of Application No. 107-99, dated July 21, 1999, was submitted to the Local Agency Formation Commission of Kern County ("Commission") for the annexation of territory to the City of Bakersfield designated as Proceeding No. 1271, Annexation No. 406, the exterior boundaries of which are described in Exhibit "A", and shown on the map marked Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing upon said proposal was held before the Commission on January 25, 2000; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing the Commission, on January 25, 2000, adopted its Resolution Making Determination, being Resolution No. 00-01, recorded in Minute Book 47 of said Commission said Resolution; and WHEREAS, after duly mailed and published notice, the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield set WEDNESDAY, February 23, 2000, at the hour of 7:00 P.M. (or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard) in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time, date and place that the City Council shall consider adoption of this Resolution ordering the annexation of terdtory designated as Annexation No. 406; and WHEREAS, said territory Pies within the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of Negative Declaration as set forth in accordance with CEQA has been duly followed; and WHEREAS, the resson for the annexation is that the property owners desire to receive City services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. In accordance with Sections 57075 and 57078 of the Government Code, it is hereby found that written protests, if any, filed and not withdrawn to the conclusion of the hearing represent less th~,n 25 percent of the number of owners of land owning less than 25 percent of the assesses 'value of the land within the territory to be annexed. 2. That the said territory designated as Proceeding No. 1271, Annexation No. 406, as described herein, and every part thereof, is hereby ordered annexed to the City of Bakersfield. 3. That the Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified copy of this resolution ordering a change of organization, along with any required remittance to cover the fees required by Section 54902.5 of the Government Code, to the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Kern County. 4. That the Executive Officer of the Commission is hereby requested to prepare and execute a certificate of completion and make the filings required by Part 4, Chapter 8 of the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985 and record a certified copy of the certification of completion with the recorder of Kern County, with the surveyor of Kern County and with the Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. 5. In accordance with Section 8296 of the Streets and Highways Code, the Clerk shall notify the Secretary of the District and shall furnish such Secretary with a certified copy of this resolution. ......... 000 ........ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on FEB 2 3 Z000 , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, DEMOND, MAGGARD, COUCH, ROWLES, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO COUNCILMEMBER ~ O I~) ~_ COUNCILMEMBER ~J O ~'~ C COUNCILMEMBER ~O~q£ CITY CLERK and Ex Off~io Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED FEB g3 Z000 BOB'PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: BART J. THILTGEN City Attorney CARL HERNANDEZ III Assistant City Attorney MO:ps S:\annex-406,fres.wpd KERN COUrtS__suRVEYORS O,, .... EXHIBIT "A" O~'te c~ '/----~"~--'Z'Z------'-- , PACHECO NO. t 1 -~ ~m~f ~ ~*in~ po~ion~ of th~ Southeast ~/4 S~on ~8 and ~odhoa~t ~/4 of S~ion a ~, 1.~0 S., R. 28 E, M.D.S., Gounty of ~orn, 8tmo of California, mora p~iculady do~ib~d ~ follow~: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Section 18, said corner being monumented and designated by calculated conversion to be 2,300,784.8971 feet North and 6,262,405.5741 feet East per Califomia Coordinate System (N.A.D. 83) Zone 5; Thence N 89° 30' 54" W, along the South line of said Section 18, a distance of 1320.52 feet to intersect the center line of Eve Street as shown on Parcel Map No. 4992 filed for record in Book 22 of Parcel Maps, page 58 in the Office of the kern County Recorder, said point also being on the existing corporate boundary line of the City of Bakersfield. Thence N 00° 37' 31"E, along said center line (and corporate boundary line) 660.77 feet to intersect the North line of the 150 foot wide Pacific Gas and Electric Company tower line right of way strip; Thence S 89° 30' 44" E, along said North line (and corporate boundary line) 40.00 feet to a point on the East right of way line of Eve Street, also being the "TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING"; Thence (1) continuing S 89° 30' 44" E, along said tower line right of way line, 1222.65 feet to intersect the West right of way line South of Union Avenue; Thence (2) S 00° 36' 56" W, along said West right of away line, 150.00 feet to the South line of said P.G.&E. tower line right of way; Thence (3) N 89° 30' 44" W, along said South dght of way line, 602.25 feet to intersect the Northeast corner of Parcel 1 of said Parcel Map No. 4992; Thence (4) S 00° 36' 56" W, along the East line of said parcel 1 (and Southerly prolongation thereof), 540.73 feet to intersect the South line of the North 30 feet of said Section 19, also being a point on the existing corporate boundary line of the City of Bakersfield; Thence (5) N 89° 30' 54" W long said corporate boundary line 660.52 feet to intersect the Southerly prolongation of the center line of Eve Street; Thence (6) N 00° 37' 31" E, along said prolongation line and center line (and corporate boundary line), 690.77 feet to the North line of said P.G.&E. tower line right of way; Thence (7) S 89° 30' 44" E, along said North line, 40.00 feet to the "TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING." Containing 12.55 Acres (more or less) UNI 40.00' ANNEXATION NO, 40~ RESOLUTION NO, __ ANNEXATION OF PACHI:'CO NO. I I TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 12.5_ ~) -+ ACRES SCALE: ( FEINT I I O0 0 I O0 200 ........ EXISTING CORPORATE BOUNOARY EXHIBIT "B" 44' W (I) P. M. NO. 4992 lXl OT LOIS LANE R-I Roi CH MH MH R-3 ; MH PROPOSED ANNEXATION NO. 406 VICINITY MAP Not for Laser Fiche For Council's Information Only I ?3 -7 " ?3 C-2 R-4 M-I