HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 57-92RESOLUTION NO. 57-92 A RESOLUTION APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE BLUE AND WHITE COLLAR UNITS AND ADOPTING SALARY SCHEDULE AND RELATED BENEFITS. WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, Section 12, authorizes the City Council to provide for salaries and related benefits for officers and employees of the City; and WHEREAS, in compliance with the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act of the State of California, the City has met and conferred in good faith with the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.), which represents employees of the City's Blue and White Collar Units; and WHEREAS, the City's negotiator and the S.E.I.U. have agreed upon salaries and benefits for said Units; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the salaries and related benefits as agreed upon by the City's negotiator and the S.E.I.U. are acceptable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. That Resolution No. 22-91, together with amendatory resolutions, to the extent the same applies to employees in the Blue and White Collar Units, is superseded by this Resolution. 2. That the attached Memorandum of Understanding for the Blue and White Collar Units is hereby approved, setting salaries and benefits for employees in said Units. 3. That, effective December 30, 1991, except as otherwise provided in the Resolution, the attached salary schedule covering Blue and White Collar Units shall constitute the salaries for employees in the categories and positions specified therein and that the whole of said attachment is hereby incorporated and approved as a part of the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Bakersfield and the S.E.I.U. for Blue and White Collar Units. 4. That the schedule of paid holidays set forth in the attached Memorandum of Understanding is hereby adopted and approved for employees in the Blue and White Collar Units. .......... o0o .......... ORIGinAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that adopted by the Council meeting thereof held on the foregoing Resolution was passed and of the City of Bakersfield at a regular APR -8 Ig~ , by the following vote: ASSISTANT CITY CLERK and EX OFFICIO CLERK of the Council of the Cit!~of Bakersfield APPROVED APR - 8 1992 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield MC/kef RES\B&W.SAL.BEN 4-2-92 ORIOWAL FINAL MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND THE KERN COUNTY PUBLIC EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC., LOCAL 700 SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL-CIO The duly authorized representatives of the City of Bakersfield, herein after referred to as "The City" and the Kern County Public Employees Association, Inc., Local 700, Service Employees' International Union, AFL/CIO, hereinafter referred to as "The Union", having met and conferred in good faith concerning the issues of wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment, as herein set forth, declare their agreement to the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding. ARTICLE I - PURPOSE It is the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding to promote and provide the harmonious relations, cooperation and understanding between Management and the employees covered by this Memorandum; to provide an orderly and equitable means of resolving any misunderstanding; and to set forth the full and entire understanding of the parties reached as a result of good faith meeting and conferring regarding the wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment covered by this Memorandum. ARTICLE II - RECOGNITION Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the City Employer- Employee Relations Ordinance Supplemental Rules and Regulations and applicable State law, the Kern County Public Employees Association, Inc., Local 700, S.E.I.U., AFL/CIO is recognized as the majority representative of the City employees.in the Blue Collar Unit and White Collar Unit and as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employees in said Units. Section 2. The term 'employee" or "employees" as used herein shall refer only to regular and probationary employees employed by the City in said Unit in the employees classifications comprising said Units as well as such classes as may be added hereafter by mutual agreement between the City and the Union according to the provisions of the City Employer-Employee Relations Ordinance. Section 3. Nothing contained in this Memorandum shall prohibit any employee of the Blue Collar Unit or White Collar Unit of the City of Bakersfield, who is not a member of S.E.I.U., Local 700 from appearing in his/her own behalf in his/her employment relations with the City. FINAL ARTICLE iII TERM OF AGREEMENT The City and the Union agree that the term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 1992 and expire at 12:00 midnight on January !, 1994. ARTICLE IV - RENEWAL Except as provide~ herein, the City and the Union agree that, for the term of this Agreement, each par~y waives the right and each agrees that the other party shall not be obligated to meet and confer with respect to any subject or matter pertaining to or covered by this Agreement, except as to meeting and conferring over the renewal, or continuation of this Agreement. The City and the Union further agree that meeting and conferring over the renewal or continuation of this Agreement shall be initiated and conducted in accordance with 5he applicable sections of the City of Bakersfield Employer-Employee Relations Ordinance, Supplemental Rules and Regulations and that every effort will be made to reach an agreemenu prior to the expiration of this Agreement on January 1, 1994. It is further agreed that nothing in this Agreement shall in any way diminish the rights of the employees, the City or the Union as established by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act of the State of California and all amendments thereto, except as herein provide~. ARTICLE V MAINTENANCE OF BENEFITS Section !. The City and the Union agree than the following benefits shall remain in full force and effect for the durazion of this Agreement: Hours of Work, Call-Back, Overtime, Jury DuBy, Sick Leave, and Vacation, except as modifie~ herein. Section 2. It is understood that existing ordinances, resolutions and policies of the City cover matters pertaining to employer- employee relations including, but not limited to, salaries, wages, benefits, hours and other terms and conditions of employment. Therefore, it is agreed that all such ordinances, resolutions and ~olicies including the City of Bakersfield Employer-Employee Re!a~ions Ordinance and Supplemental Rules and Regulations are hereby incorporated herein as though set foruh in full. ARTICLE VI REPRESENTATION - UNION OFFICERS Section !. The City and the Union agree that Union Officers and Representatives will be allowed to meet witk City Management on City time for the purpose of meeting and conferring in good faith without loss of pay or any benefits. Section 2. The Union agrees to provide the City Personnel Officer with a list of the Union Officers and Representatives, with their -2- ORIGINAL FINAL job classification, who are authorized to meet and confer in good faith. Section 3. The City agrees that authorized Union staff members shall be given access to work locations during working hours to conduct Union grievance investigations and/or observe working conditions. Such visits are to be made in accordance with the procedures outlined in the applicable sections of the City of Bakersfield Employer-Employee Relasions Ordinance, Supplemental Rules and Regulations. Section 4. The City agrees to allow authorized Union representatives access in City facilities before and after working hours in order to present facts regarding benefit programs. ARTICLE VII - UNION STEWARDS Section !. The City agrees that the Union may designate up to ten (10) Stewards per bargaining unit to represent employees in the processing of grievances. It is further agreed the Union may designate alternate Stewards for use when a Steward is on an approved leave of absence or vacation. Section 2. The Union shall furnish Management Representatives with a written list identifying by name and work location all regular and alternate Stewards and the list shall be kept current by the Union at all times. Section 3. The Steward is to begin investigating a grievance only after the employee has tried to resolve the problem witk his/her immediate supervisor and the two parties failed to reach a resolution of the problem. ARTICLE VIII NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT The City and the Union agree that during the term of this Agreement the City will not lockout employees and the Union will not engage in labor practices detrimental to providing services to the citizens of Bakersfield; or detrimental to the interests of the City, nor will the Union sanction, support, condone, approve, or engage in any strike, sick-in,: slow down, work stoppage or speed ups. The City and the Union further agree that all masters of controversy coming within the scope of this Agreement will be settled by established grievance procedures. A~TICLE iX - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS The parties hereto recognize the City has and will retain the exclusive right to manage and direct the performance of City services and the work forces performing such services. The City and Union agree tha~ nothing in this Memorandum of Understanding shall in any way abridge, restrict or modify the rights and prerogatives of the City anO its employees as set forth in -3- ~ ~ FINAL Sections 3.16.040, 3.16.050 and 3.16.060(c) of Ordinance No. 2154 and said Sections are hereby incorporated by this reference and made a part hereof as though set forth in full. The City shall, however, give the Union reasonable notice of any plan to contract work currently performed by Union Members. Upon request, the City will meet with the Union to explain the reason for the decision to contract out and to solicit Union views on the Proposal. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the right of the City Council to contgact out work in its sole discretion. ARTICLE X WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION T~e City and the Union agree that it is the intent of Departmental Management, whenever possible, to avoid working an employee out- of-classification for a prolonged period of time. It is further agreed that working an employee out-of- classification will occur only to meet work requirements within the City and that such out-of-classification work will terminate after one (1) calendar day, or if extended beyond one day, the employee shall be compensated at ~he rate of the higher classification while the out-of-classification work continues. For the purpose of this article, an out-of-class assignment is the full-time performance of all the duties of an authorized, funded, permanent, full-time position in one class by an employee in a position in another class. A minimum of five percent (5%) premium pay shall be provided for the period of out-of-class work and a minimum of ten percen= (10%) premium pay whenever the cut-of-class work: 1) involves work in a classification whose compensation is twenty percent (20%) higher than the position held by the employee, or 2) involves grade skipping within normal promotional sequences. (Example of grade skipping is an Equipment Operator i being assigned the job duties of Equipment Operator III.) In no case, shall the out-of-classification pay be less than Step "1" nor shall the pay exceed Step "5" of the higher classification. A/~TICLE XI - PROCESSING OF FORMAL GRIEVANCES Section !. The Union agrees that whenever investigations or processing of a grievance is to be transacted during working hours, only the amount of time necessary to bring about a prompt disposition of the matter will be utilized. Section 2. Stewards will be permitted reasonable time off w~h pay for the investigation and processing of grievances. Stewards, when leaving their work locations to transact such investigations or processing, shall first obtain permission from the Department O~IC~iNAL FINAL Head or his/her designees anu inform him/her of the nature of the business. Permission to leave will be granted promptly unless such absence would cause an undue interruption of work. SecTion 3. Upon entering a work location, the Steward shall inform the cognizant Department Head and Supervisor of the nature of his/her business. Permission to leave the job, but not the location, will be granted promp~!y to the employee un!~ss such absence would cause undue interruption of work. If tke employee canno~ be made available the Steward will be immediately informed when the employee will be made available. Section 4. The parties agree that all formal grievances will be processed in accordance with the City's grievance procedure. The parties also agree that any grievance over the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement may be submitted through the grievance procedure for resolution. Section 5. The City agrees to alter its formal grievance procedure as follows: Grievances which are not settled pursuant to the grievance procedure at the City Manager's level shall be further considered in the following manner: Upon written response from the City Manager, the affected employee shall have the option of a third party advisory review. Such advisory review shall be conducted as follows: 1) The City and Union shall select one representative for the purpose of selecting a third party who shall hold a hearing for the PurPose of reviewinc the City Manager's · ~ ~ 2) The agreed to third parsy, shall, as soon as practical, bu% not later than thirty (30) days, hold closed hearings on the grievance which shall be held in conformity to normal hearing procedures. 3) Either the City or the Union may call any emDtovee as a witness, and the City agrees to release ~aid-wi~ness from work if he/she is on duty. Any employee called as a witness by the City shall be debited for any hours not worked while on such call. Employees called by the Union may be reimbursed by the Union for any loss of pay for time off. 4) The third party shall have no power to alter, amend, change, add to or suD5ract from any of the terms of this Memorandum. The opinion of the third party shall be based solely upon the evidence and arguments given by the respective parties in the presence of each other. 5) Either party may be represented by legal counsel. 6) Parties shall pay their own expenses, except party whose expenses shall be shared equally. -5- for the third ORIGINAL FINAL 7) The opinion of the third party shall be strictly advisory and shall be submitted to the employee or his/her designated representative and to the City Manager for his/her further consideration. 8) NO opinion of the third party shall require the exercise of the legislative authority of the City Council nor shall it contravene any existing City Ordinance, City Charter, or State law. The opinion of the third party shall be in writing within twenty (20) days from the close of the hearing. ARTICLE XII - EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Ei~PLOYMENT The City and the Union agree that the provisions of this Agreement shall be applied equally to all employees covered herein without favor or discrimination because of race, creed, color, sex, age, handicap, marital status, national origin, political or religious affiliations or Union membership. ARTICLE XIII - PERS PICK-UP The City will pay the full portion of the normal contributions required to be paid by employees in the unit hired prior to July 1, 1983, to the Public Employees' Retirement System. Employees hired on or after July 1, 1983, will be required to pay the employee contribution until the beginning of their seventh (7th) uninterrupted year of service, at which time the City will assume responsibility for payment. Such payments by the City shall be reported as normal contributions and shall be credited to said employees' accounts pursuant ~o Government Code Secticn 20615. This PERS pick-up is dcne in accordance with Section 414H (2) of the Internal Revenue Code. ARTICLE XIV COMPENSATION Effective December 30, 1991, salary ranges shall be increased by one (1%) percent for all classifications covered under the terms of this Agreement and employed at the time of its execution. Effective Dece.~Der 28, 1992, salary ranges shall be increased by two (2%) percent for all classifications. ARTICLE XV - STAND-BY PAY The City and the Union agree that when an employee is officially designated by management to remain available to return to work at any time during specific hours outside of normal working hours the employee shall receive twenty-five ($25) dollars per each eight (8) hours on stand-by or fraction thereof. Such pay shall be in addition to any call-back compensation. To the extent feasible, the parties agree that stand-by shall be assigned on an equitable basis to all eligible employees. -6- ORIGINAL FINAL ARTICLE XVI - 2% @ 55 NO later than July 1, 1992, the City shall amend its retirement program to provide the 2% @ 55 retirement formula. The cost of the 2% @ 55 program shall be considered in all future compensation comparisons for Unit classifications. ARTICLE XVII PROMOTIONS The City agrees that whenever there are, in the employ of the City, a sufficient number of employees who meet the minimum qualifications for an open position and have performed at the standard level or above, the job examination for that position shall be given on a promotional basis. ARTICLE XVIII CITY INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION The City and Union have agreed that all future meeting and conferring and decisions regarding the structure of medical/dental insurance coverages shall take place through the Joint City/Employee Medical Insurance Committee. The Committee shall consist of representatives from each Unit and the City. There shall be a good faith effor5 to make all decisions by October 31 of each year. Discussions as to the City's contribution toward medical/dental insurance shall continue to be determined through the formal meet and confer process between the City and the individual Units. Medical. V~sicn. and Dental Ben=~'s. Effective March 23, 1992, the City and employees shall share bi-weekiy consributions towards medical, vision, and densai plans for all employees of these Units as follows: Fee Dental Fen qea!th HMO Dental ?LMO Hoa!~h Fee Dental HMO Dental Employee Employee 85% 85% 85% 85% 15% only Employee 85% 85% 85% 85% 15% Fam/ly 85% 85% 85% 85% 15% Effecuive the first payroll period in January, 1993, the City and employees shall share bi-weekly contributions towards medical, vision, and dental plans for all employees of these Units as follows: -7- FINAL Life Insurance. For the term of this Agreement, the City shall maintain in effect the existing life insurance coverage of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000). ARTICLE XIX - HEALTH AND SAFETY Section 1. The City and the Union agree to abide by all provisions of the California Plan approved in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, and any legislation as may be passed by the State of California to implement that plan. Section 2. The City agrees that any safety courses the employees are required to take will be provided on City time with pay. Section 3. The City agrees to maintain a Safety Program in accordance with, and where required by law. Section 4. The Union agrees to support without qualification, the City's Safety Program and will encourage its members to attend safety courses and to obtain First Aid Certificates if required by the City and made available on City time. Section 5. Both the City and the Union recognize the need an will strive to reduce the number of industrial injuries among the employees. Employees are expected to report for work in suitable clothing including appropriate footwear, for the type of work to be performed. Section 6. It is the duty of Management to make every reasonable effort to provide and maintain a safe place of employment. Local 700 will cooperate by encouraging all employees to perform their work in a safe manner. It is the duty of all employees in the course of performing their regularly assigned duties to be alert to unsafe practices, equipment and conditions and to report any such unsafe practices or conditions to their immediate supervisors. If such condition cannot be satisfactorily remedied by his/her immediate supervisor, any employee has the right to submit the matter either personally or through the steward to his/her Department Head or his/her designated representative. -8- FINAL ARTICLE XX - SAFETY EQUIPMENT The City and the Union agree that the City will either provide all safety equipment required by the City or will reimburse the employee for purchasing the equipment whenever such equipment has been required by the City as necessary on the job. Such equipment shall include, but not be limited to, safety shoes, safety glasses, helmets, gloves, boots, life jackets and all related safety items. Both parties agree that the City shall retain the right to determine the minimum specifications of the safety equipment, procurement procedures and limitations and exclusions. ARTICLE XXI - T~AINING The City and Union recognize that the training programs and the advancement of employees to positions of higher skills are matters of great importance and interest to the City, the Union and the employees covered by this Agreement. The City and Union agree that all costs and time for training or instructions required by the City shall be paid by the City; however, the City shall retain the right to determine what training is required for the employee to improve his/her performance on the job and to make such training a condition of employment. Whenever possible and practical, the City will rotate the scheduling of employees into training programs in order to assure employees an equal opportunity in advancing to higher classifications. ARTICLE XXII - LEAD ASSIGNMENT The City and the Union agree that when an employee is assigned as follows, they shall receive a five percent (5%) increase during the period of such lead assignment: a) When any Blue Collar or White Collar employee is assigned to lead a crew of three or more members who are assigned to the same salary grade as the leader. b) When an employee in the classification of Light Equipment Operator, Heavy Equipment Operator, Tree Maintainer II, Spray Rig Operator, Maintenance Craftworker I and II or Sewer Maintainer is assigned to lead worker responsibilities for the majority of the shift to a project, truck or job. ARTICLE XXIII - HOLIDAYS (A) All eligible employees in the Blue and White Collar Units shall observe the following eight-hour holidays with pay: -1992- Wednesday January 1 One Floating Holiday Credited (to be used by 12/31/92)* Monday January 20 - Martin Luther King's Birthday -9- FINAL Monday Monday Friday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Thursday Friday Thursday Friday Friday Monday Monday Monday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Friday * Note: February 17 May 25 July 3 September 7 November i1 November 26 November 27 December 24 December 25 December 31 January 1 January 1 January 18 February 15 May 31 July 1 July 5 - September 6 November 11 - November 25 - November 26 - December 24 - December 31 - Floating holidays must holiday's credit date, - Presidents' Birthday - Memorial Day - Independence Day Observed - Labor Day - Veterans Day - Thanksgiving Day - Day after Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve (8 hour holiday) Christmas Day New Year's Eve (8 hour holiday) -1993- New Year's Day One Floating Holiday Credited (to be used by 12/31/93)* Martin Luther King's Birthday Presidents' Birthday - Memorial Day - Two Floating Holidays Credited (to be used by 6/30/94)* Independence Day Observed Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Observed New Year's Day Observed be used one (1) year from the or will be forfeited. -10- FINAL Employees shall also receive every day designated by the President, Governor or City council as special holidays in commemoration or in memorial of an extraordinary occurrence as paid holidays. B) Whenever a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed. Whenever a holiday falls on a Saturday, none of the above shall be observed as a holiday. Employees assigned to seven day per week shift schedules shall observe the actual, not the observed holiday. c) FloatinQ Holidays. Each employee in the Blue and White Collar Unit, who is employed by the City when floating holidays are credited shall be eligible for those floating holidays(s). Floating holidays(s) must have prior departmental approval and shall be consistent with the efficient operation of the affected department and its activities. D) Sanitation Holidays. The Sanitation Division will work all designated holidays, excluding New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Employees working on the next scheduled route day following a holiday off shall be paid an additional four hours of straight time for that day. Overtime compensation on those days (next scheduled route day) shall commence with the ninth hour of actual work. ARTICLE XXIV SHIFT ASSIGNMENTS The City agrees to continue its present practice at the Public Works Department in scheduling shift assignments. If changes are made, the City will meet and consult with the Union prior to making said changes. ARTICLE XXV - SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL A) A shift differential of $.65 per hour shall be paid any employee when the majority of their shift falls between the hours of 3 p.m. and 12 midnight. A shift differential of $1.00 per hour shall be paid any employee when the majority of their shift falls between 12 midnight and 7 a.m. ARTICLE XXVI UNIFORM ALLOWANCE All employees in the Blue Collar Unit required to wear uniforms will be furnished such uniforms at no cost to the employees. The City shall provide employees with eleven (11) uniforms during each bi-weekly uniform cleaning cycle. Except for Community Service Technicians, non-safety personnel employed in the Police Department who are required by the Chief of -11- FINAL Police to wear a uniform, shall be provided with a Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) per year uniform allowance. Community Service Technicians and Fire Prevention Personnel required to wear a uniform shall receive a Four Hundred Fifty Dollar ($450) per year uniform allowance. This allowance is to be paid in advance every six months on a pro rata basis. The City shall provide at no cost to the employee all required patches and chevrons. ARTICLE XXVII - TOOL ALLOWANCE The following classifications who are employed as of January 1, and are required to provide a complement of hand tools as approved by the Public Works Director shall be reimbursed by the City for approved tool purchases: Equipment Mechanics Trades Assistants Service Workers Up to $325.00 Up to $225.00 Up to $125.00 Trades Assistants shall provide two-thirds of the full tool set as per the established tool list. Auto Service Workers shall provide one-third of the full tool set to be determined by management. Tools purchased pursuant to this section remain the property of the employee. ARTICLE XXVIII - COMPENSATORY TIi~E The accumulation of compensatory time shall not exceed eighty (80) hours. Any compensatory time in excess of eighty (80) hours shall be automatically paid, if management is unable to schedule the time off. The use of comp time shall be schedu!ec through mutual agreement between the employee and management. Management may establish the time off for comp time in excess of forty (40) hours where mutual agreement cannot be reached. Employees retain the right to cash payment for any comp time on the books, subject to budgetary restraints. The deferred compensation program allows employees to convert compensatory time, under existing.rules, to deferred compensation once annually not to exceed IRS regulations. ARTICLE XXIX - SICK LEAVE All unused sick leave earned during the calendar year, which would otherwise cause an employee's accumulated balance to exceed one hundred and twenty (120) days, will be converted into additional vacation time at seventy-five percent (75%) of the unused current year accumulation. The City will provide, at the employee's option, cash payment for all or a portion of annual sick leave which is converted to vacation time. Effective immediately, the non-converted portion of sick leave, pursuant to paragraph 1 above, shall be maintained in a separate -12- FINAL bank. This bank may only be used by employees to provide sick leave pay in the event that all other accrued sick leave has been exhausted. The bank shall have no conversion nor any other value. ARTICLE XXX PERSONAL NECESSITY LEAVE The City agrees to allow each employee covered by this Agreement to utilize eight (8) hours per year as personal necessity leave, chargeable to sick leave. Such leave is designed to permit employee time off during normal working time to conduct personal business. Personal leave shall require prior approval and shall be taken in minimum two (2) hour increments. ARTICLE XXXI - DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN All probationary and rm~ular employees in the Blue and White Collar Units of the City shall be eligible to participate in the City's Deferred Compensation Plan. ARTICLE XXXII PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS The City agrees to provide payroll deductions for Union dues and benefit programs at no cost to the employees or union. ARTICLE XXXIII CLASSIFICATION REQUESTS Requests for classification consideration will be processed once a year on February 1, except those requests of an emergency nature (as determined by the Personnel Office) may be acted upon regardless of the submission date and presented for review outside the routine schedule. The effective date of any proposed upward classification will be implemented with the budge5 in 5he year that it is approved. Normally, position reviews will be generated in one of two ways: 1) by request of the employee and/or 2) by request of the Deparsment Head Prior %o reaching any final decision, the Personnel Office shall forwaru its draft findings ~o the employee and shall consider any comments the employee may have on the draft report. If the recommendation of the Personnel Office is negative, no further action shall be taken on the reguest. If the recommendation is positive, it shall be subject to the approval of the Commission and City Council. ARTICLE XXXIV COMMITTEE No later than April 1, 1992, the City and Union committee on safety shoes shall complete its recommendations on a voluntary -13- FINAL safety shoe allowance program. Should the work not be completed by April 1, the Union reserves the right to reopen negotiations on the safety shoe issue only. ARTICLE XXXV - LONGEVITY PROGRAM Unit members shall be eligible for a Longevity Pay Program as follows: 10 or more uninterrupted years of City service 2% of Base Pay. 15 or more uninterrupted years of City service 4% of Base Pay. 20 or more uninterrupted years of City service 6% of Base Pay. The amounts above are not cumulative. Employees hired after January 1, 1985, shall not be eligible for Longevity Pay. ARTICLE XXXVI RETIREE MEDICAL Eligibility for and contributions toward retiree medical insurance shall be as set forth in the Supplemental Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Blue and White Collar Units regarding health benefits date November 23, 1988. Any employee eligible to receive retiree medical insurance coverage who is eligible for Medicare coverage whether through the City of Bakersfield, other employers, spouse coverage, or for any other reason, shall be required to obtain and utilize such coverage as a condition for receiving coverage under the City's plan. ARTICLE XXXVII - TRAINING STEP A Training ("T") Step exists for the following classifications: Building Maintainer I Street Maintainer I Canal Tender I Sewer Maintainer I Auto Service Worker Trades Assistant Auditorium Maintainer I Park Maintainer Sanitation Worker I Tree Maintainer I Traffic Painter I Clerk Typist I This step shall be ten percent (10%) below Step "1". Newly hired employees shall be hired at the "T" Step whenever, in the opinion of the City, the hiree is not fully prepared to function in their classification until a training period has been completed. Employees shall be advanced to Step "1" by the end months of continuous service. Time spent in the"T" count towards satisfying the probationary period. of six (6) Step shall -14- FINAL ARTICLE XXXVIII - DRUG TESTING Introduction. The goal and intent of this program is the rehabilitation and assisting of first-time offenders with drug problems. However, action taken against an employee shall be determined by individual circumstances of each case, and disciplinary action up to and including termination is possible. Authority For Testing. Only an employee's his/her designee, acting in the absence of may order a drug test. Department Head or the Department Head, Conditions Allowing For Testing. Employees may be subjected to drug testing if the City has a reasonable suspicion that the employee is using: 1) illegal drugs, 2) prescription drugs without or contrary to a prescription or 3) being under the influence of alcohol during working hours. Reasonable suspicion shall mean one or more of the following exists as determined by the Department Head or his/her designee: 1) Having more evidence for than against. 2) An apparent state of facts and/or circumstances which would lead a reasonable person to believe an individual was using drugs/narcotics. 3) A reasonable grouncs for belief in the existence of facts or circumstances warranuing an order to submit 5o a drug test. Testinc Procedure. Detailed zesning procedures shall be developed by the City to: 1) Positively identify employees prior to testing. 2) Provide for employee privacy and security of samples. 3) Establish if an employee is taking any drugs legitimately under medical supervision. 4) Develop a two-step test. Both urine and blood samples shall be drawn, unless the employee waives his/her right to the blood sample. Any specimen testing positive in the urinalysis, shall be subject to confirmation by blood test unless waived. No notification shall be given of initial positive tests until the confirmation blood tes~ has been completed and is positive. At the time the samples are drawn, a second set of samples shall be taken and sealed. Should the original blood test show positive, the second sealed se5 of samples shall be retained for -15- FINAL six (6) months to allow for further testing in the event of a dispute. Testing Aqent. The laboratory selected to conduct the analysis must be experienced and capable of quality control, documentation, chain of custody, technical expertise and demonstrated proficiency. ARTICLE XXXIX - COURT CALL BACK Unit employees in the Police Department shall receive a minimum of three (3) hours compensation at the appropriate rate of pay when called back for court appearances. ARTICLE XL - VACATION Vacation accrual shall be as follows: Years Days 0-4 10 5-13 15 14+ 20 ARTICLE XLI - STATE CERTIFICATIONS The City shall pay for obtaining and maintaining required certifications as follows: Waste Water - Grades 1-3 Parks Pesticides Certificates Sewer Maintenance Sewer Certificates Payments shall be made only for those certificates required by the City. Payment shall be made after an employee successfully obtains the required certificate. The City shall reimburse employees for any cost of obtaining and/or renewing a City required driver's license, above the cost of a Class "C" License. ARTICLE XLII - JURY DUTY The City will provide for paid leave when an employee is subpoenaed to jury duty and/or to appear as a witness in court in Kern County on matters of civic concern. Examples of matters of civic concern would include criminal matters, accidents, etc. -16- FINAL ARTICLE XLIII - IRS 125 PROGRAM The City has implemented the IRS 125 Program for payment of medical insurance premiums, childcare and unreimbursed expense. Employees may voluntarily participate in the childcare and unreimbursed medical portions of the program. ARTICLE XLIV RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT The residency requirement for unit employees shall be amended to require that employees maintain residency within forty-five (45) minutes normal driving time from City Hall. Normal driving time shall be defined as driving the most direct route at the posted speed limit. ARTICLE XLV - DIRECT DEPOSIT The City and Union have discussed possible implementation of a direc~ deposit system. No later than December, 1992, the City shall implement a direct deposit system which will: Require all newly hired regular employees to participate in direct deposit. Participation shall be voluntary for current employees. 2. Eliminate payoff checks for sick leave converted to vacation with all such payoffs being added to the regular paycheck. 3. Limit employees to changing financial institutions once annually when participating in direct deposit. Allow early release checks for approved vacation up to two (2) pay periods in advance of the scheduled vacation. All other elements of the vacation pre-release system will remain unchanged. Early release vacation checks are available only for employees who are not on direct deposit. 5. Employees are responsible for investigating errors in direct deposit with their bank. 6. City will give notice to t~e Union should it wish to change any of the paycheck release times currently in effect. 7. The City will give reasonable advance notice if it will be unable to provide direct deposit for a given pay period. ARTICLE XLVI AGENCY SHOP/BLUE COLLAR UNIT Each employee in the Blue Collar Bargaining Unit shall, either (1) become a member of the Union to the extent of tendering the periodic dues uniformly required for membership, or (2) pay to the Union a periodic representationai fee. Such representational fee shall be in an amount uniformly established by the Union's Board -17- FINAL of Directors, but in no event shall such representational fee exceed 95% of the amount that a Union member would pay in dues for the same period. The Union shall indemnify the employer and hold it harmless against any and all suits, claims, demands or other liabilities, including the employer's reasonable attorney fees, that may arise out of or by reason of any action taken by the employer for purposes of complying with this Article. This Article was implemented in accordance with Government Code Section 3502.5 and following a secret ballot election of the bargaining unit employees which was held on February 28, 1989. The Union agrees to adhere to all statutory and judicial requirements relating to Agency Shop. Specifically: Service Fee Union agrees to keep an adequate itemized record of its financial transactions and shall make available annually to the City within sixty (60) days after the end of its fiscal year, a written financial statement in the form of a balance sheet and an operating statement certified as to accuracy the KCPEA's Board and a Certified Public Accountant. Union further agrees to hold such disputed fees in their entirety in an Escrow account to be maintained at the Kern Federal Credit Union, 1717 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, pending resolution of the dispute pursuant to the Service Fee Complaint procedure. Service Fee Complaint Procedure This Complaint Procedure shall be utilized solely to resolve disputes arising out of the deduction of a Service Fee by the City pursuant to a negotiated agreement. Issues subject to this Complaint Procedure shall be limited to the following: That a portion of the Service Fee deduction is being utilized for non-representational activities. That the non-member is a member of a bona fide religion, body or sect which has historically held conscientious objections to joining or financially supporting public employee organizations. -18- FINAL Bo In the event that it is determined pursuant to this procedure that such non-member is a member of a religion or body pursuant to this Section, he/she may designate a charitable fund exempt from taxation under Section 501, Paragraph C, Subsection 3 of the Internal Revenue Code chosen from the following: Any Unite~ Way Charity City agrees to deduct and to remit fees so designated in behalf of one of the above charitable organizations to said organization. Any non-member who objects to the deduction of the Service Fee by the Union shall file a complaint with the Kern County Public Employees Association. The complaint shall be in writing and shall specify the reason(s) for the objection to the deduction. The complaint need not be formal but shall clearly state the basis for the objection. An employee who objects to the deduction of the Service Fee shall forward his/her written complaint to the Union within forty-five (45) calendar days after the fee is initially deducted. 2 o Upon receipt of the written complaint, the Union shall place the entire Service Fee deduction into Escrow pending resolution of the dispute and shall request a list of arbitrators from the State Conciliation Service or the A~,erican Arbitration Service. Informal Mediation. Notwithstanding Step B, Subsection 2, above; either the Union or the complainant may request the services of a State Conciliation Service Mediator in a preliminary effort to resolve the dispute prior to arbitration. The Mediator shall be utilized in an advisory capacity only. Following such non-binding informal advisory mediation, if either complainant or Union is dissatisfied either party may request arbitration. Selection ef Arbitrausr. The Arbitrator shall be selected by mutual aqreement between the Union and the complainant. Date for Complaint Hearing. The Union shall contact the selected Arbitrator within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the completion of the Mediation Process, or in the even~ that Mediation is not utilized, within ten (t0) working days of receipt of the complaint. Upon confirmation by the Arbitrator, -19- FINAL the Union will forthwith contact the complainant by Certified Mail indicating the date, time and place of the Complaint Hearing. Payment of Costs. In the event that the Union prevails in said Arbitration, the cost of arbitration shall be shared equally between the Union and complainant. Should complainant prevail, the Union shall pay the entire cost of the Arbitration. Effect of Arbitrator's Decision. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding. Upon receipt of the Arbitrator's decision, fees being held in Escrow shall be disbursed by the Union in accordance with said decision. In the event that the Union prevails, the City shall continue to deduct the Service Fees and remit them to the Union as determined by the Arbitrator. ARTICLE XLVII - SEVERABILITY It is understood and agreed that this Memorandum of Understanding is subject to all present and future applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, and the provisions hereof shall be effective and implemented only to the extent permitted by such laws or regulations. -If any part of this Memorandum of Understanding is in conflict or inconsistent with such applicable provisions of Federal and State laws or regulations, or otherwise held to be invalid or unenforceable by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction, such part or provisions shall be suspended and superseded by such applicable laws and regulation and the remainder of this Memorandum of Understanding shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect. The City and Union agree to meet an confer in an attempt to replace and/or adjust for any suspended or superseded provisions. -20- FINAL THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING entered into and signed this day of Agril, 1992. KCPEA, S, EIU LOCAL 700, ,AFL-CIO Chie, f Negotiator / CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Mayo r Chief Negot i~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ci~ttorney ~i~. -21- 13 NAR 1992 0 CLS T CLASSIFICATION TIILE J06 A BUILDING HAINTAINER I 306 A EUILCING HAIHTAINER 1 1RAINING .~08 ]O8 CIIY OF 8AKERSFIi=LU AL A R Y S CII E DULE I - OLUE COLLAR UNIT H SALARY BAS15 STEP HOURLY 8.225 81-gKLY 658.00 HONTHLY 1,431.15 OI-WKLY 592.16 MONTHLY J,281og5 A AUDIIORIUH HAINTAINER I H HOURLY 9.019 BI-~KLY 121.52 HONTHLY 1,569o31 A kUDIIORibH HAiNTAINER-~ - T HOURLY 8.1i7 IRAINIRG 510 A BUILCING HAINTAIH£R 112 A AUDITORIUM MAIHTAINER 11 314 A 5TREET MAINTAINER 114 A STREET RAIMTAIHER TRAINING A LIGHT EeUIP OPER-STREETS ]11 518 A LIGHT E~UIP OPER-PARKS 320 A HEAVY EgUIP OPER-STR£ETS EFFECIiVE DALE: 50 DEC 1991 EDU STEP 2 S1EP 3 STEP 4 STEP $ PCT 8,656 9.069 9.522 10.001 690.88 125o52 ~61.16 800.08 1,502.66 1-578o01 1,656.83 1,140.11 9.&69 9°945 10.443 10.963 751..52 795.60 835.44 1,641.61 1,730.45 1.811.08 1,907.56 8I-gKLY 649.56 HONTHLY 1,412.]6 H HOURLY 9.019 MONTHLY 1,569.31 H ROURLY Vo899 §I-gKLY ~91.9Z HONTIILY 1,122.43 H HOURLY 9.899 MI-gKLY 791.92 HONTtlLY 1,722o43 HOURLY 8.909 R O 81-~KLY 712.71 MONTHLY 1,550.17 HOURLY 11.133 OI-~KLY 890.64 RONTHLY 1.931.14 HOURLY 11.155 81-gKLY 890.64 MONTHLY 1,937.14 HOURLY 12.828 OI-~KL¥ 1,026.24 HONTHLY 2,232.07 9.469 9.945 10.443 10.96~ 151.52 795.60 835.44 817.0& 1,641.61 1.130.43 1~811.08 1,907.56 10.191 10.910 11.~52 12.027 831.28 812.~0 916.16 962.16 1,80~.0] ~898.]~ 1,992.65 2,092.70 10.591 10.910 11.452 12.021 831.28 .8?Z.BO 916.16 962.16 1,808.0] ],898.]4 1,99~.65 2.092.10 11.~89 12.272 12.892 13.532 955.12 981.16 1,0~1.56__1~082.56 2,033.89 2,135.33 2-243.11 11.689 12.212 IZ.892 13.551 935.12 981.16 1,031o56 1,082.56 2,033.89 2,135.!3 2,245.21 2,354.5? 1~.466 14.140 14.850 15.588 1,U71.28 1,131.20 1-188.00 2,365.08 2,460.36 2,583.90 2,712.31 0 CLS T CLASSIFICATION lilLE ]Z! A HEAVY EQUIP OPER-PANKS ]22 A CllY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE L - OLUE COLLAR UNIT C SALARY O BASIS SlIP i HOURLY 12.828 UI-UKLV 1,026.24 MONTHLY 2,232.B? HEAVY EQUIP OPER-gATER H HOURLY . NONThLY HEAVY EQUIP OPER-SARITATION fl HOTOE SWEEPER OPLRATOR PARK HAINTAI NER PARK MAINTAINER 1RAINING PARK MAINTAINER 33L A 332 A .~$]4_ A PARK MAINTAINER II CANAL lENDER i ]34 A CANAL TENDER 1RAINING R U EFFECTIVE R H N OAIE: 30 DEC 199] CANAL TENDER II i HOURLY 8.909 T HOURLY ~.909 HOURLY 9.899 UI-RKLY 191.92 MONTHLY L. lZ2.43 UI°WKLY MONTHLY 1.550.17 HOURLY 12.253 BI-WKLY 978.64 HONTHLY 2,128.54 HOURLY 11.13J 81-WKLY 890.64 RONTRLY 1,937.14 HOURLY 9.899 BI-WKLY 791.92 MONTHLY 1,,722.43 BI't~KLY Ill. 72 MONTHLY HOURLY UI-UKLY 090.64 MONTHLY 1,917.14 HOURLY 12.836 BI-WKLY 1.026.88 MONTHLY 2.233.46 HOURLY ]2.828 8[-WKLY ],026.24 NORTHLY 2,232.07 12.828 1].466 14.140 14.850 15.588 1,026.24 1,077.28 1,L~1.20 1,188o00 1,24?.04 2,Z3Z.Q? 2,]4].08 2,460.36 2,585.90 2,712.31 15.466 14.140 14.850 15.588 1,011.28 1,131.20 1,188.00 1,247.04 2,345.08 2,460.~6 2,583.90 2,712.31 L~oA?? 14.152 14.MSS 15.601 i,O?8.16 1~132.16 1,188.40 1,248.08 2,345.00 2,462.45 2.58A.77 2.714.57 10.391 10.910 11.452 12.027 831.28 812.EO 916.16 962.16 1,808.03 2,898.]4 1,992.65 2.092.?0 12.840 1].482 14.L58 14o864 1,027.20 1,078.56 1,132.64 1,189.12 2,234.16 2,345.87 2,463.49 2,586.34 11.689 12.272 12.892 13.532 935.12 981.76 1,031.36 1,082.56 2,033.89 2,135.]3 2,243.21 2,354.57 LO.]9L 10.910 ]1.452 12.027 ~31.28 872.80 916.16 962.16 1,808.03 1,898.34 1,992.65 2,092.?0 11.689 12.272 12.892 1].532 935.12 981.76 1,031.36 1,082.56 2,03~.89 2,135.3] 2,245.21 2,354.57 1~.466 16.140 14.d50 15.588 1,017.28 1,131o20 1,188.00 1,247.04 2,343.08 2,460.36 2,583.90 2,712.31 EOU STEP 2 STEP J STEP 4 SIEP 5 PCT 13 NAR 199Z 0 LS T CLASSIFICAII ON lilLE i39 A SANIIAIIOR UORKER I SANITATION UORKER 1RAINING CITY OF ~AKERSFILLO SALARY SCHEDULE ! - BLUE COLLAR UNIT SALARY 8ASI5 STEP ! HOURLY 9.899 BI-UKLY 791o92 HONTHLY 1,722o43 HOURLY 8.909 HONTHLY EFFECTIVE DAle: 30 DEC 199l EOU STEP 2 S1EP 3 SIEP 4 SIEP 5 PCT 10.391 lO.~lO 11o452 12.o21 831.28 872.80 916o16 962.16 ~,808003 1,898o]& ~,992o65 Z;g92.~O ;42 A SANIIATION UDR£ER II ;43 A SANITAIIOR NeRKER III SEWER HAINTAANEA I SEWER HAINTAINER ! IRAIHING H HOURLY IL.133 UI-N&LY 890.6& NONTtlLY 1.967.T4 H HOURLY 1Z.233 BI-WKLY 978.66 HONTHLY 2,128.56 HOURLY 9.899 UI-WKLY 191.92 HONTHLY 1,722.43 T HOURLY 8.909 8[-WKLY 712.72 HONTHLY 1.550.1Z 11.689 12.27Z 12.892 13.532 955o12 981.76 1;031.36 1.082o56 2,033.89 2,135.!3 2,Z4~.21 2,356.57 1~027.20 1~078.56 ~132.66 1~189.12 i0.391 10.910 11.452 12.027 a31.28 872.E0 916.16 _ 962.16 1.8o8.03 1,898.3~ 1,992.65 2,09Z=70 ~46 A S48 A SEWER MAINTAINER Il SEWER HAINTAINER ill UTILITY WORKER ~51 A WELDER I $52 A WELDER il U HOURLY IL.138 UI-RKLY fl90.64 MONTHLY 1.9~?.16 R HOURLY 12.233 BI-WKLY 978.6~ HONTRLY 2,128.56 H HOURLY 9.019 BI-WKLY ~21.52 MONTHLY 1.569.31 U HOURLY 13.655 MONTHLY 2;3~1.17 H HOURLY 14o789 UI-WKLY 1.185.12 RONTHLY 2;571.29 11.689 12.272 1Z.892 13.532 935.12 981.~6 1~031.36 1~082.56 2,033.89 2,135.)3 2,243.Z1 1,027o20 1,078.56 1,132.66 1,189.12 2,Z36.16 2,365.87 2,663.69 9.669 9.945 lO.66S 10.963 757.52 795.60 835.4~ 877.06 1;64Z.61 1,730.&3 1,817.08 1.901.56 16.133 16.839 15.581 16.366 1,L30.66 1,18T.IZ 1,266.~8 1,309.28 2,459.14 2,581.99 2,711.09 2,847.68 15.525 1~.305 11.116 1~262.00 1,I06.I0 1,169.12 1,137.86 2,?01.35 2,837.07 2,~??.84 3,1Z?o30 0 LS I CLASSIFICAIIUN TITLE 58 A HACHINISI 61 A TREE HAINTAIRFR i 61 A IREE RAINTAINER IRAIRIHG 32 A IREE HAINTAIHER 11 ~3 A IREE HAIHTAIHER III SPRAT Al6 OPERATOR )6 A AUIO SERVICE ~ORKER AUIO SER¥ICE WORKER TRAINING ~8 A IRAFFIC PAINTER a8 A IRAFFIC PAINIER 1RAINING 0 A ELECIRICAL TECH II CilY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE X - BLUE COLLAH UNIT C SALARY O OASIS STEP I STEP H HOURLY 14.789 15o225 UI-UKLY 1,183.12 1,242.00 NONTHLT 2,573.29 HOURLY 9oU99 10.191 ~I-UKL¥ 791.92 831.28 XOHTHLY 1,?22.~5 HOURLY 8°909 HI-WKLY 712.72 HONTliLY 1,550.17 HOURLY 11.135 BI-UKLY 890°64 955o12 MONINLY 1,9~?.14 2,033°89 HOURLY 12.233 lg.840 HI-RKLY 9?8°64 HONTRLY 2,128.5~ 2,234o~6 HOURLY 11.13~ 11.689 81-UKLY 890.6~ 935.12 MONIHLY 1,91~.]4 2,033.89 HOURLY 9.899 10o~91 BI-XKLY 791.92 831o28 HORTHLY 1,722.13 1,B08.03 HOURLY ~.909 BI-WKLY 712.72 RONTHLY 1,550.17 HOURLY 9=899 UI-WKLY 791.92 031o28 MONTHLY 1,122.&3 1,808.03 HOURLY ~o909 HI-~KLY MONTHLY HOURLY 15.416 16.202 BI-UKLY 1,Z~4o88 1,296.16 NOHTHLY 2,685.86 2,819.15 £FFECIIVE DALE: 30 DEC 1991 EDU SIEP $ SEEP 4 S1EP 5 PCI 1e.$05 17.114 1,304.40 1,$69.12 2,831.07 2,977.~4 10.910 11.452 8?Z.EO V16.16 962.16 1,898.34 1,992.65 12.272 12o892 15.532 981o76 1-031.16 1,082.56 2,135o13 2,245.21 2,156.57 1,0~.56 1,132.64 1,189.12 12.272 12.892 13.532 981.16 1,031.36 1,082.56 2,135.33 2,2~3o21 10.910 11o452 1~.027 872.80 916.16 962.16 1,898o34 1,992°65 10o910 11.452 12°027 872.~0 916.16 962.16 1,898.14 1-99~.65 2,092°?0 17.014 17.B64 18.?56 1-161.12 1,429o12 2,960.~ 3,108.14 1,263.54' 13 HAR 1992 CLS T CLASSIFICATI UR TITLE 413 A [LECIRICAL TFCH I 414 A AIR CORD TEEHNICAN i 419 A 1RAFFIC PAINIER ii CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE ! - BLUE CULLAR· UNIT C SALARY D BASIS STEP I SIEP ~ Sl£F 3 EFFECIi¥E CATE:*30 DEC 1991 £DU , S{EP 4 STEP 5 PC{ H HOURLY 13.105 14.195 15.111 15.863 16.661 Mi-UKLY 1,096.40 1,151.60 1,208.88 1,269o04 1,332.88 MONTHLY 2,384.67 2,504.73 2,629031 2,?60016 2,899o01 HOURLY 15.455 Bi-~KLY 1,076.40 MONTHLY 2,341.17 H HOURLY 11.133 BI-gKLY ~90.64 MONTHLY 1,937.14 620 A MAINI CRAFT gORKER I H 14.133 140839 15.581 160366 1,130.64 1,187.12 1,246.48 1,309o28 2,459.14 2fS81*gg--2.rlloRg__2,8&lo68 ......... 422 A MAIN{ CRAFT t{ORKER I i H 110689 12.272 120892 13.5~2 935012 --981016--1,031o36__1d082.36 2,033.89 2,135.33 2,243.21 428 A EeUIPHENT MECHANIC HOURLY 11.131 15.791_ 14.472__ I5o~O& ..... 150961 BI-RKLY 1,050.48 1,101.28 1;158.16 1;216.32 1,276.88 MONTHLY 2,284.79 2,399.63 2,519.00 2,64S.S0 2,??7.21 633 A HOURLY 14o067 14.778 15.522 16.310 81-RKLY 1,125.36 1,182.24 1,241o76 1,304.80 1,371.12 HONTHLY 2,441.66 2,571037 2,700.83 HOURLY 14.189 15.525 16.305 OI-gKLY 1,185.12 1,262.00 1,304.40 MONTHLY 2~573.29 2,?01.]$ 2,83?°07 630 A EgUIPMENT HECHANIC 11 M HOURLY 15.346 16.118 BI-MKLY 1,227.68 1,289.44 MONTHLY 2,670.20 2;804.53 432 A MAINIENANCE MECHANIC H HOURLY - 12.80i RI-RKLY 1,024.08 HONTHLY _ 2~27.17 2;339.63 AUTOMOTIVE HECHANIC H HOURLY 12.217 1~o828 ..... BI~KLY _ 977.3~. 1,026.24 MONTHLY 2,125.76 INDUSTRIAL gAS1£ INSPEC[CR H HOURLY 1~o110 flI-UKLY 1,068.80 MONTHLY 2,281016 17o11~ 11.973 1,369.12 2,S77.84 3,127.30 16.931 17.~90 1,354.~6 L,423020 2,967006 3,095046 14.112 1,128.96 1B.69i 1,~95.52 14.819 15.561 1,185.52 1,244.88 2,578.51 2,~0~.61 110661 lb.iii 14.849 1,077.36 1,131o28 1,187.9Z 2,343.26 2,460.53 2,583.73 1~.164 14.452 IS.171 15.9~4 1,101.12 1,156.16 1,213.84 1,274.12 2,394.94 2,514.65 2,640.10 2,~72.52 436 A g g TREAT PL LAB TECH OP H HOURLY 13.110 15.764 14.452 15.175 15.934 Bi-gKLY 1,048.80 1,101.12 1,156.16 1,213.84 · NONTHLY 2,281.14 2,394.94 2,514.65 2,640.10 639 A ~ g TREAT PLANT OPR I H HOURLY 10.863 11.404 ll.9?l 12.573 11=202 81-YKLY 869.04 912o32 957.68 ~,005.84 1,056.16 RONTliLY 1,890.16 1,984.30 ~,082.95 2,187.?0 2,297o15 13 HAH ~99Z CITY OF BAKERSFIELU SALARY SCHEDULE I - BLUE COLLAR UNIT CLS 0 T CLASSIFICATION TITLE A g ~ IREAT PLANT OPH Il N 443 A STAGE 1ECRNICIAN R C SALARY O BASIS HOURLY BI-gKLY MONTHLY HOURLY BI-UKLY MONTHLY IRADES ASSI'SIANT - E6UIPHENT N HOURLY .... BI~UKLY MONTHLY 442 k iRADES ASSISTANT_ . H HOURLY BI-UKLY MONTHLY 441 A IRADES ASSISTANT T HOURLY IRAINING UI-RKLY MONTHLY EFFECIIVE DALE: 30 DEC 1991 EDU STEP I STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 SIEP 5 PCT 12.231 12.840 13.482 14.158 14.864 978.64 1,027.20 1,078.56 1,132.64 1,189o12 12.801 11.445 14.112 14.019 15.561 1,024.08 1,07~.60 1,128.96 1,185.52 1,244.88 2,227.37 2~339o43 2,455°49 2,578.51 2,707.61 11.133 11.689 12.272 12o892 13.532 890.64 --g35.12 981.76 1,031.36 1,082.56 ....... 1.957.14 2.033.89 2.135.]3 2.243.21 2.354.57 11.133 11.689 12.272 12.892 13.532 890.64 935.12 981o76 1,031o36 1;082o56 1,937.1~ 2,033.09 ~,135o33 2,243o21 2,354o$? 448 A TRADES ASSASIANT - FIRE HYDR N HOURLY OI-~KLY MONTHLY 531 A TRAFFIC SIGNAL TECHNICIAN H HOURLY BI-gKLY ......... MONTHLY 719 A TRAFFIC PAiNIER Ill N HOURLY .................... BI-WKLY RONTHLY ?5? A AIR COND ?CCH Il ........ N HOURLY BI-gKLY MONTHLY 9.7?8 782o24 1,701o37 11.133 11.689 12.272 12.892 13.532 890.64 935.12 981.76 1,031o36 1,082.56 1,931.14 2,033.89 2,135.33 2,243.21 15.436 16.202 17.014 17.86& 18o756 1,234.88 1,296.16 1,361.12 1,429.12 1,500.48 2.685.86 2,819.15 2,960.4~ 3,108.34 3,263.54 . 12.233 12.840 ]3.482 978°64 1,027o20 1,0Z8.56 2,128.54 2,234o16 2,345*87 14.158 ]4.864 1,132o64 ],18Y.]2 ..... 2,465.49 2,586.34 14.428 15.149 15.908 16.698 17.535 1,154.24 1,211.92 1,Z72.~4 1,335.84 1,402.80 2,510.47 2,635.93 2,767.99 2,905.65 3,051.09 1~ HAR 1992 0 CLS T CLASSIF1CAIlON TITLE 120 A POLICE LAB TECHNICIAN LGS A POLICE SERVICE 1ECN FIRE INSPECTOR $ A CIIY OF BAKEHSEIELO L A RY SCN E UUL E WHITE COLLAR UNIT C SALARY D BASIS STEP 1 H HOURLY Bi-MKLY 1,183.12 MONTHLY 2,573.29 N HOURLY BI-UKLY 850.56 HONIRLY L,8§3.02 HOURLY 12.066 BI~KLY 963.68 MONTHLY 2,096.00 %~8 A FZRE PREVENTION INSPZEETBOL~ X EFFECTIVE DALE: 30 DEC 1991 EDU STEP 2 S1EP 3 SIEP 6 STEP 5 PC% 1~.525 16.]05 l?.114 17.973 1;262.00 1;306.60 1,369.12 1;637.86 2;?01.]5 2,831.07 2;977.86 3,127.30 1L.266 11.809 12.~00 13.019 899.52 966.12 991.00 1,061.52 1,956.66 2,056.17 2,157.60 2,265.31 12.649 13.285 13.969 16.667 1;011.92_ 1,062.80 1,115.92 1,171.76 2,200.93 2,311.59 2,627.13 2,568.58 HOURLY lg.066 12o868. . 13.285 13o969 16.667 BI-gKLY 963.68 1,02?.86 1;.062o80 1,115.92 MONTHLY 2,096.00 2,235.55 2,311o59 2,627o13 2,568.58 10.107 856.56 1,fl63.02 150 A COHHUNIIY SERVICE SPEcIALIsT N HOURLY BI-XKLY HONTHLY 63~ A AUIOMOTIYE PARTS SPCLIST I fl HOURLY ......... BI-~KLY HONTHLY IL.266 1~.809 12.400 13.019 899.52 966.72 992.00 1,061.52 1,956.66 2,056011._Z;157.60 2,265.~1 9.899 10.391 10.910 11o452 12.027 191.92 831.28 872.80 916.16_. 962.16 1,Z22.63 1,808.03 1,898.36 1,992.65 2,092.?0 502 A PLANfllNG~TECHNICIAN - HAZ HA H HOURLY BI-UKLY _ HONTHLY 503 A PLANNING TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 15.676 16ogG~. 11.060 BI-UKLY 1,237.92 1,199o92 1,366.80 1,633.20 1,504.56 MONTHLY 2,692.68 2;82?°]3 2,968.44 3,117°21 13.626 14.092 16.798 1,073.92 1,127.36 1,183.86 2~*78 2,652.01 Z,576.85 1,262.80 1-305.12 HOURLY 13.~26 14.092 16.798 15.535 16.314 BI-NKLY 1,073o92 1,127.36 1,183.86 MONTHLY 2,335.78 2,652001 2,576°85 2;?03.09 506 A ASSISTANI PLANNER N HOURLY BI-VKLY MONTHLY 505 A ks$iSTAN1 PLANNER ]1 H HOURLY BI-~KLY NONTHLY 506 A DEVELOPNENT ASSOCIATE II HOURI. Y ~I-YKIY 15.166 16.107 16.912 1,169.12 1,227.68 1,288.56 1,351.96 2,562°86 2,670=20 2,802.62 2,962069 1,620.80 3,090.26 IB.]65 19*283 20.267 21.262 ~Z.326 1,469.20 1,5~2.6~ 1,619.16 1,100.96 1,~86.08 16.621 17.651 18.326 19.23B 20.199 ...... 1,529.68 1,396.08 1,665.92 1,539.06 1,615.92 2,892.05 3,036.47 3,188038 1,367.61 3,$14.63 1) HAR 1992 0 Cl5 T CLASS'IFICATIGN TITLE 507 A OEVELOPMEflT ASSISTANT 500 509 A £ATA PROCESSING OPR A PROGRAMMER/ANALYST - SLO A - OEFICE_SYS{EHS ANALYST. - ~11 A CF~IC£ SYSIEMS TECNNICi~H 512 A ENGINEER I 515 A ENGINEER 516 A IRANSPORIATION PLANNER 518 A ENGINEERING AIDE I 520 A COHPUT£R DRAFTING {ECH i CIIY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 2 - WHITE COLLAR UNil N H H C SALARY O BASIS STEP STEP 2 SIEP 3 H HOURLY 16.621 BI-WKLY 1,329.68 1,396o08 1,465.92 HONTNLY 2,892.05 3,036.47 H HOURLY 11.115 11.673 12.258 UI-WKLY 889.20 933.84 980.64 MONTHLY _ 1,914.01 2,01L.10 .2,132.89 HOURLY 14.184 14.892 15.637 BI,UKLY .1,134.72 1,191.36 1,250.96 MONTHLY 2,468.02 2,59L.21 2,720.84 EFFECTIVE DATE: 30 DEC 1991 EDU 19.258 20~199 1,$$9o04 1.615.92 3.347.41 3.514.63 12.872 11.514 1,029.76 1,081.12 2,239.73 16.415 17.241 1,313.20 1,379.28 ......... 2'856.21 2,999.93 521 A ENGINEERING AIDE II H HOURLY 11.133 1i.689 12.272 12.892 13.532 UI-~KLY 890.64 935.12 981.76 1,031.36 1,082.56 ..... HONTHLY 1,937.14 2,033.89 2,135.~3 2,243.21 522 A ENGIM£ERING AIDE Ill H HOURLY 12.231 12.840 13.482 14.i58 14.864 RI-UKLY 978.6~ i,021.20 1,078.56 1,112.64 1,iB9.12 MONTHLY HOURLY 9.899 10.39! 10.910 11.452 12.027 BI-gKLY 791.92 831.~8 872.80 916.16 962.16 MONTHLY 1,72~.43 1,808.03 1,898.34 1,992.65 2,092.10 HOURLY 12.235 12.840 11.482 14.158 14.864 BI-WKLY 978.64 1,02~.20 1,018.56 1,132.64 1,189.12 HONTHLY 2,128.54 2,234.16 2,345.8? 2,465.49 2,586.14 HOURLY 19.590 20.569 21.598 22.680 21.812 BI-HKLY /,561.20 1,645.52 1,727.84 1,814.40 1,904.96 HONTHLY 3,408.66 3,579.01 3,158.05 3,946.32 4,143029 HOURLY 19.590 20.569 21.598 22.680 23.812 BI-RKLY 1,567.20 1,645.52 1,721.84 1,814.40 1,904.96 HOURLY 17.034 11.886 18.782 19.122 20.?07 RI-RKLY 1,362.12 1,430.88 1,502.56 1,577.76 1,656.56 MONTHLY 2,96{.92 3,112.16 3,268.07 3,431.63 ],603.02 HOURLY 12.565 15.195 13.858 14.548 15.278 - ~- BI-RKLY 1,005.20 1,055.44 1,108.64 1,165.84 1,222.24 MONTHLy 2,186.11 2,295.58 2,411.29 2,531.15 2,658.51 HOURLY _ _ L4.18~ -14.892 BI-RKLY 1,134.12 1,191.36 1,250.96 1,313.20 MONTHLY 2,~68.02 2,591.21 2,720.$~ 2,856.21 2,999.9~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 2 - ~RIIE COLLAR UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE: 30 0 C SALARY CLS T CLASSIFICATICN TITLE D BASIS STEP I STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP S BI-NKLY 1,024.08 1,0T5.60 L,128.96 1,JBS.S~ 1,144.8B RONTHLY ~,227.$? 2,319o4] Z.455o49 2,578o51 524 A COMPUTER DRAFTING TECM Il H HOURLY 14.536 15.053 15.805 16o$95 BI-gKLY 1,146.88 1,20~.14 1;264.40 1,327.60 1,354.08 525 A CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I R HOURLY 14.067 14.778 15.522 1b.310 17.139 MONTHLY 2,447.66 2,571.]7 2,700.83 2,837.9A 2,982.19 .526_. & CONSIRUClION INSPECTOR 11 -- _H_HOURLY ____ .15.474_ __10o24~__ I~.Q6Q .... 1~o~15- ~_18.80r _ 527 A BI-NKLY ROHTRLY ~NGI,EERING TECH i fi-hOURLY 529 A TRAFFIC OP TECHNICIAN 600 A REAL PROPERTY AGENT 603 A ACCOUNTANT I 604 A kDRINISTRATIVE ANALYST I OI-HKLY MONTHLY H HOURLY BI-HKLY MONTHLY H HOURLY RI-HKLY RONTNLY R HOURLY DI-gKLY HONTNLY H HOURLY ~Io~KLY MONTHLY H HOURLY BI-UKLY MONTHLY H HOURLY BI-~KLY MONTHLY H HOURLY HI-~KLY MONTttLY 605 A ACCOUNTING CLERK i 606 ~ ACCOUNTING CLERK 608 A FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR 1.237.92 1~299.92 1,364o80 1.43S.20 1.504.56 2,692.4~ 2,827.]3 2,968°44 3,11~.21 3,2?2°42 15.~4 16.249 17.060 1~.915 18.807 1,23~.92 1,~99.92 1,364.E0 1,~35.20 1,504.56 15.456 16.202 110014 17.864 1,234.88 1,296.16 1,361.12 1,429.12 2,685.86 2,819.15 2,960.44 3,108.34 17.977 10.875 19.818 20.810 1,438.16 1~510.00 1,585.44 1,664.80 3,128.00 3,284°25 5,44B.33 3,620°94 1~.195 13.854 1~.550 15.~76 1,055.60 1,108.32 1,164.00 1,222.08 2,295°93 2,41Q.60 2.531.70 2.658.02 14.614 15.346 16.lO? 16.912 1,169.12 1;227o68 1,288.56 1,152.96 2,542.84 2,670.20 2,802.62 2,942.69 9.019 9.469 9.945 10.445 1.569.31 1.647.61 1.730.43 1.817.08 9.967 10.465 10o991 11.537 797.]6 83?°20 879.28 ¥22°96 1,?]4.26 1,820.91 1,912.43 2,007.44 10.951 11.~00 120076 12.678 876.08 920000 966.08 1,014o24 1,90S.~? 2,001.00 2,101.22 2,205.97 18.756 1.$00.48 21.849 3,801.73 16.041 1.28].28 17.760 ~,090.24 10.963 1.907.56 1~.116 969.28 2,108.18 13.310 1,064.80 2.315.94 DEC 1991 EDU _ PCT NAR 1992 S CIIY OF I~AKERSFIELO AL A RY SCH E DUL E Willie .COLLAR UNIT CLS 609 0 T CLASSIFICATION TITLE A BUDGET ANALYST C SALARY O OASIS H HOURLY BIoWKLY MONTHLY 6tO A BUYER-TRAINEE H 611 A ADHINISTRATIVE ANALYST 11 H 612 A CASHiER-RECEPTIONIST 614 A HICROGRAPHIC TECHNICIAN 617 A DATA ENTRY CLERK H 618 A CLERK STENOGfiAP~ER i 62! A CLERK STENOGRAPHER CLERK 1YPIST ! CLERK IYPIST I 1RAINING 623 A CLERK TYPIST Ii 625 a TRANSCRIOING TYPIST HOURLY Hi-WKLY MONTHLY HOURLY BI-HKLY HONTHLY HOURLY Ri-RKLY HONTHLY HOURLY Oi-gKLY RONTHLY HOURLY BI-gKLY HONTHLY N HOURLY OI-gKLY MONTHLY H HOURLY BI-NKLY HONTHLY H HOURLY __BI-RKLY MONTHLY I HOURLY OI-NKLY MONTHLY H HOURLY O~-NKLY MONTHLY H MOURLY EFFECTIVE OAIE: ]0 DEC 1991 EOU SIEP I STEP 2 SIEP $ STEP 4 SIEP S PC? 14.614 15.~46 16.107 16.912 17.760 1,169.12 1,227.68 1,288.56 1,$52.96 1,420o80 2,542.84 2,670.20 2,802°62 2,942.69 3,090°24 11.651 12.238 12.845 15o487 14.165 932.08 979.04 1.027.60 1.0T8.96 1.133.20 2.027oZ? 2,1~9.41 2,235°03 2.346.74 2.&64.71 15.633 16.425 17o257 1&.133 19o048 1,25Q.64 1,314.00 1,380.56 1,450.64 1,523.84 2,~20.14 2,85?°95 3,002.72 3,155.14 3,314.35 8.611 9.042 9°494 9°969 10o470 688.88 723.36 759.52 797.52 837.60 1;498.31 1,573.31 1;651o96 1,734.61 1,e21.78 8.896 9°344 9.815 30.502 10.811 711.68 747.52 785.20 ~24.16 865.36 1,541.90 1,625.06 1,707.81 1,792.55 1;882.16 9.019 9.469 90945 10.443 10.963 721.52 757.52 195.60 835.44 8??°04 1.569.3! 1.647o6! 1.730.43 1.81~.08 1.901.56 8.611 9.042 9°494 9.969 lO.47Q §R8.88 723.36 759052 ~97.52 837.60 1,498.31 1,575o31 1~651o96 L.r34.6! J.821.78 9.316 9.~79 10.270 10.789 11o323 -- 145.28 782.32 821.~0 d63.12 NOS.B4 1,620.90 1,T01,55 1~786=98 1.877.29 l~9?O.~O 7.855 8.25! 8°660 9°096 9.550 628.&0 660.08 692.B0 727.68 . 764.00 1.366o77 1,435.67 1.506.84 1,582.70 1,661.?0 565.60 1.230.18 8.896 9. 34/* 711.68 741.52 1,5~?.90 1.625.,86 9./,84 9.956 x.?o,., x.7,., { .U.it 1] NAR 199~ CLS T CLASSIFICATION T il'LE 626__A FIRE DISPATCHER I 629 A FIRE DISPATCHER Ii S A CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD L ARY SCHEDULE 2 - NHITE COLLAR UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE: 30 DEC 1991 SALARY BASIS STEP I STEP 2 SIEP J STEP 4 STEP $ PCI HOURLY 9.87S 10.]69 10.888 11.43] - 12.005 BI-NKLY ?90°00 829052 821o04 914.6& 960.40 MONTHLY 1,718.25 1.804.21 1,894.51 1,989.34 Z,OOO.87 HOURLY 10.964 1L0515 120090 ]2.696 13.329 fll-gkLY 877.12 921.20 967.20 1,015.68 1,066.32 MONTHLY L,901.74 2,003.6! _2,[03.66 2,209.10 2,]19.25 630 A LEGAL SECRETARY - RUNICIPAL H HOURLY 11.499 12.075 12.680 1J.312 13.974 HI-WKLY 919.92 966.00 _l;Ol&.40 1,064.96 1~11~.92 RONTHLY 2,000.83 2,101.05 2,206.32 2,316.29 2,431.48 LEGAL SecretARY - LITIGATION HOURLY 1L.499 12.075 12.680 fll-gKLY 919.92 966.00 1,014.40 1,064.96 1,117.92 MONTHLY 2,000.83 2,10L.03 ~,206.32 2,316.29 2.431.48 HOURLY .... i .gsX .... 1 .6z8 BI-gKLY 816.Ofl 9~0.00 966.08 1,014.24 1.064.80 __HONTHLY____I;905.~Z 2.OOl. OO 2~101.22 _2;205.91 2,315094 637 A TELECDNHUNICATOR i HOURLY 10.964 11.315 12.090 12.696 13.329 BI~UKLY .... 871.12 _921.Z0__ _961.20 _1~013.68__1,066.]2 MONTHLY 1,907.74 2,003.61 2;103.66 2,209.10 2,319.25 638 A 639 A IELECOflRUNICATOR~II _ N_HOURLY L1.66) __ BI-~KLY 933.0~ 9?9°92 1;020.5& 1,080.40 1,114o32 MONTHLY 2,029.36 2,131.33 2,237.29 2,349.8~ ~67.15 HI-~KLY ~69.04 912.32 951.68 1,001.84 1,056.16 .................... HONTHLY 1;890.16 _1~984.30 640 A PERSONNEL TECHNICIAN H HOURLY .............. BI-WKLY HONIHLY 14.141 14.849 15.$90 16.311 11.187 1,131.28 _1,187.92 .1;24T.20 1,309.68__1f314.96 2,460.53 2,583.13 2,712.66 2,848.55 2,990.54 --66X_ A__PAflL&_LANDSCAEEOF-SIGNER-- _fl_HOURLY . 16.621___ 1[.451._ 18.324 81-NKLY 1,329.68 1;$96.08 1,465.92 RONTHLY 2;892005 3,036.&1 3,188.38 --~2 ' A ~E~TiONJ~ ....... H HOURLY 8.611-- 9.042 9.494 BI-UKLY 688.88 ?23.36 ?59.52 .... HONTHLY. . 1,498o]1 1~573.31 1,651.96 19.238___ 20.1~9 1,539o04 1,615.92 3o347.41 3.$14.63 9.969 - 10~70-- 797.52 837.60 1,734.6! 1,121.~8 _. 643 A ADHINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 14.141 14.849 15.590 16.371 17.18T 8I-UKLY 1,131.28 1,187.92 1,247.20 1,309.68 1,374.96 I3 RAR 3992 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 2 - YltllE COLLAR UMI! CLS 644 645 A 6&6 A 6~1 A 649 A 103 A ?04 A A ?06 A ?07 A 108 A 710 A CLASSIFICAllGH TITLE PERSONNEL CLERK-HECRUIINENT SECRETARY C SALARY H HOURLY 8I-gKLY HONTHLY H HOURLY HI-UKLY .......... MONTHLY ._ SENIOR POLICE RECORDS CLERK R HOURLY .......... 8I.WKLY MONTHLY BEHEFII$ TECHNICIAN H HOURLY BI-HKLY HONTHLY SECRETARY l[ ~ , H HOURLY 81-gKLY HONTHLY PARK PLANNER H HOURLY BI-NKLY HONTHLY PERSONNEL ANALYST H HOURLY MONTHLY PLAN CHECKER (RESIDENIIALI H HOURLY ASSOCIATE PLANNER A$SOC PLANNER COH DEV BUILDIHG INSFECTOR Il REHABILITATION SPCLiST BI-HKLY MONTHLY H HOURLY HI-gKLY HONTHLY H HOURLY 8I-HKLY MONTHLY H HOURLY BI-~KLY HONTHLY H HOURLY BI-RKLY HONTIII Y STFP I STEP 2 SIEP 3 10.951 1L.SOO 12.076 876.08 920.00 966.08 1.905.47 2,001.00 2,101.22 9.967 10.465 10.99I 797.]6 837.20 879.28 1,134.26 .1,820.91 1,912.43 EFFECIIVE DAIE: 30 DEC 199i EDU-~ 5lIP 4 SIEP 5 PCT 12.670 l~o31Q __ 1.014.24 1,064.80 2.205.97 2,315.94 11.537 12.116 922.96 969.28 2.001.44 2.108.18 17.977 18.875_ 19.818 20.810 21.849 1,438.16 X,SIO.O0 1,585.44 1,664.80 1;747.92 3,128.00 3,284.25 3,448.33 3.620.94 3,801.73 11.616 18.509 --'1~.446 20.432 21.465 1,409.28 1,480.72 1,555.68 1,614.56 1,711.20 3,065.18 3.220.57 ],383.60 3;555.17 3,754.91 18.365 19.283 20.241 21.262 22.326 1.469.20 1,542.64 1,619.76 1,700.96 1,786.08 3,195.51 3,555.24 $,522.$8 3,e99.59 3,884.72 18.365 19.283 20.247 21.262 22.326 1.469.20 1,542.64 1,619.76 1,700.96 1,786.08 3,195.51 3,355.24 3,522°98 3,699.59 15.474 16.249 17.060 17.91S 18.807 1,237.92 1,299.92 1,~64.80 1,433.20 1,504.56 2,692.48 2.827.33 2,968.44 3-117.21 3~272.42 15.474 16.249 11.060 17.915 18.801 1,237.92 1,299.92 1,J64.80 1,43~.20 1,504.56 18.365 19.283 20.247 21.262 22.326 1;469.20 1,542.64 1.619.76 1.700.96 1,796.08 3,195.51 3,355.24 ~,522.98 3,699.59 3,884.72 10.951 11.500 12.076 12.678 1~.110 876.08 920.00 966.08 1,014.24 1,064.80 1,905.47 2,OOL.O0 2,101.22 2,20So97 2,315.94 15.631 _ 16.425 11.251 18.133 19.048 1,250.64 1,314.00 1,580o56 1.450.64 1,523.84 2,720.14 2.857.95, 3,002.72 3,155.14 3.314.35 10.951 11.500 12.076 120678 13.310 - 876.08___ 920.00 966.08 1,014.24 1,064.80 1,905.47 2,001.00 2,101.22 2,205.91 2,315.94 NAR 1~9~ 0 cL5 T CLASSIFICATION TITLE 1%3 A_ SENIOR PROGRAHHER/ARALYS! CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE ........ Z ~- gHITE COLLAR_UNiT... £ SALARY D BASIS STEP I STEP 2, STEP 3 EFFECTIVE liATEI 30J DEC,%993~i 6I'#KLY 1.409.28 1,480.7Z 1,555.68 1.634.56 HONTHLY 3,065o18 3,220.57 3,383.60 Zl4 A BUILDING INSPECTOR i R HOURLY 14.067 16.?76 15o522, 16=310 1T.139 BI-gKLY X,125.36 I,X82,.24 1,2,41.76 1,304.80 1,3~1.12 116 A BUILDING PERMIT TECHNICIAN H HOURLY 14.067 14.778 15.52Z 16o310 17.139 ..................... BI~UKLY ...... 1.125.36_ X.LBZ.Z4 IfZ41.H6--Lt304.80_. 1,371.12 MONTHLY 2.447.66 2t571.37 2,700°83 2,837.94 2,982o19 ZZ~ A HAZARDOUS HAIERIALS..SEECIALI__H HOURLY . ~ _ L?.O]4 .... L?.886 ..... 18.78Z_ Z9.TZZ 6I-gKLY 1~362.72 1t430.88 1,502.56 1,577o76 NORTHLY 2',965o92 ],112o16 ~268.07 754 A SENIOR PHOPERTY TE£UNi£IAN H HOURLY 1Z=801 15.645 1~o112 14o819 15.56~ HI-~KLY 1,024.08 1,075o60 1~12'8o96 1,185o52 1,244o88 · MONTHLY 2,~27.37 2,339°43 2,455.49 2,576o5! STEP 4 STEP S PCT 'J' 1.717o20 ZO.rO; 1,656.56 3,603.02 ?3? A COHHUNICATIONS TECHNICiAR I H HOURLY .... BI?gKLY HONTHLY ~]~ A ~NHUNIC~TiOH$ TECHNICIAN ii 751 A FIRE/SAFETY EDUCATION SPECIA BUYER i ?54 A BUYER 14.067 14.778 15.52'Z 16.310 17.Z39 L,IZSo]6..I,IBZ. 24 1,241°76 1,304.80 1,3?I.IZ 2,447.66 2;571.]7 2,700.83 2,837.94 2,982.19 801 A ADMINISTRATIVE AlOE fl HOURLY 13=195 15.854 14.550 15°276 16.041 BI-UKLY 1,055.60 1,/08.12 1,164.00 1,222.08 1,283.28 - HONTHLY 2,295.93 2,410.60 2,531o70 2,058.02 ~791.15 H HOURLY 10.?07 11.2,44 11o809 12.400 13.019 BI-gKLY 856.56 899.51 964°72 992.00 1~041.52 NONTHLY 1,863.02 1,956.A6 2,054.77 Z,IS?.60 2;265.31 H HOURLY 12'.565 13o193 13.85B 14.548 15.278 BI-NKLY l,O05.ZO 1,055.44 1t108.~4 1,163o84 1,122'.2'6 HONTHLY 2,,186.31 2,,2,95.58 2,411.29 2,,531o35 2,,658.37 N HOURLY 15.474 16o2,49 11.060 17.915 I8.BOZ BI-RKLY 1,237.92 1,299.92 1,364.80 1,433.20 1,504.56 MONTHLY 2.692.48 2,827.33 2.968.44 3,117.21 3.Z72.42 HOURLY 16.621 17.45i lO.]Z4 19.23B ~e.199 BI-gKLY 1,329.68 1,396°08 1,465o92 1,539.04 1,615.92 MONTHLY 2.892.05 3~036.4T 3,188o38 3t347.41 3.514.63