HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/15/2000 AGENDA PACKETBAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEETING OF MARCH 15, 2000 Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Pre-Meeting - 5:15 p.m. Regular Meeting - 7:00 p.m PRE-MEETING 1. ROLL CALL (60 min) WORKSHOP a. Borba Dairy Development Presentations. (Assistant City Manager John Stinson) CLOSED SESSION Conference with Real Property Negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 regarding 1401 Calloway Drive, Bakersfield, California, 93312; Negotiating Parties: Finance Director Gregory Klimko, Senior Real Property Agent Don Anderson, Howard Smith and Deborah Smith and their counsel, Michael T. Whittington; Under Negotiation: Price and terms of payment for purchase. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Closed Session pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9; City of Bakersfield, etc. vs. Valley Communities, Inc., etc., et aL; Kern County Superior Coud Case No. 238380-RA. REGULAR 1. 2. 4. 5. MEETING INVOCATION by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION ACTION PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC STATEMENTS 7. APPOINTMENTS a. One appointment to the Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee. Staff recommends Council determination. b. One appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission. Staff recommends Council determination. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes: a. February 23, 2000 Council Meeting. Payments: Payments from February 12, to March 3, 2000 in the amount of $9,506,126.26; and Self Insurance payments from February 12, to March 3, 2000 in the amount of $284,463.47. Resolutions: c. Grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety: Resolution authorizing an agreement with the California Office of Traffic Safety to accept a grant to promote traffic safety. Agreement to accept $61,940 from the California Office of Traffic Safety for the purchase of three sets of extrication equipment, public education materials, and personnel training. Appropriate $61,940 OTS grant to the Fire Department operating budget in the General Fund. Resolution approving an application for grant funds, $9,850 for Alliance Against Family Violence (AAFV) Shelter Playground Project. Agreement with Alliance Against Family Violence to accept required state obligation associated with State Park grant. Appropriate $9,850 State Park Grant to the Economic and Community Development Department Operating Budget within the Community Development Block Grant fund. -2- (Ward 4) (Ward 4) (Ward 6) (Ward 4) (Ward 1) (Ward4) (Ward4) (Ward 4) (Ward4) (Ward 2) CONSENT CALENDAR continued Resolution approving City Annexation No. 405, Proceeding No. 1275, uninhabited territory located south of Olive Drive, west of State Route 99, east of Fruitvale Avenue. Agreement to indemnify LAFCO for City Annexation No. 405, Proceeding 1275. f. Assessment District No. 99-2, (Seven Oaks West): 1. Resolution approving boundary map. 2. Resolution of Intention No. 1211. 3. Resolution approving acquisition and disclosure agreement. Resolution seeking a fair share of Kern County Tobacco Settlement Revenue for all Kern County Taxpayers. Agreements: h. Tract Maps/Improvement Agreements: 2. 3. 4. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Dandy and Associates for Tract 5950, Unit B, located south of Hosking Avenue, east of Akers Road. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with B and K One, Inc. for Tract 5669, Phase B, located north of Hageman Road, west of Old Farm Road. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with ADH Corporation for Tract 5948, Phase A, located east of Oswell Street, north of Oswell Park Drive. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5928, Phase A, located west of Buena Vista Road, north of White Lane. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5928, Phase B, located west of Buena Vista Road, north of White Lane. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5928, Phase C, located west of Buena Vista Road, north of White Lane. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5928, Phase E, located west of Buena Vista Road, north of White Lane. Agreement with Police Activities League, $114,000 to acquire property located adjacent to 301 East 4th Street. -3- (Ward 4) (Ward 4) (Ward 1 ) (Ward 4) (Ward 4) CONSENT CALENDAR continued Agreement with County of Kern Mental Health Department for up to $22,332 in Emergency Shelter Grant funds for operational activities, essential services and homeless prevention activities to benefit homeless persons with mental disabilities. Agreement with Castle & Cooke California, Inc., $36,000 to purchase real property on the west side of Jewetta Avenue, south of Brimhall Road for a domestic water well site. Agreement with Bakersfield Senior Center (a 501(c)(3) tax exempt corporation) to purchase six surplus computers, monitors and keyboards from the City for $6.00. Agreement with Howard Dwayne Smith and Deborah Louise Smith to purchase real property at 1401 Calloway Drive for $23,650 to widen Calloway Drive. n. Property Acquisition: Purchase Agreement with the McClanahan Survivors Trust, $13,000 to acquire real property located at the northwest corner of Planz Road and Anderson Avenue for use as a drainage basin, and adjacent land for additional street right-of-way. Appropriate $13,000 fund balance to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Sewer Enterprise Fund. Contract Change Order No. 1, to Agreement No. 98-191, with Utah-Pacific Construction, reducing the compensation amount by $1,003,097 for various items of work for the Allen Road Trunk Sewer project. Bids: Award Contract to HPS Plumbing Services, Inc., $229,653.20 to adjust manholes, clean-outs and monuments on various local streets - 1999-2000 projects. Appropriate $138,000 and $100,000 fund balance to the Capital Improvement Program Budget within the Sewer Enterprise Fund and the Gas Tax Fund. Award Contract to Kern County Construction Inc., $250,000 for construction of one concrete block pump house, installation of one deepwell turbine pump and motor, electrical panel board, generator and miscellaneous piping and appurtenant facilities for Ashe Water Well Number L-207, for the Water Resources Department. Miscellaneous: Approval of assignment of easements from ARCO Pipe Line Company to Pacific Pipeline System, Inc. Staff recommends adoption of Consent Calendar Items a. through r. -4- 9, HEARINGS (Ward 4) (Ward 3) Resolution in support of amendment to the Kern Countywide Siting Element of the Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan. Staff recommends adoption of the resolution. Approval of the mitigated Negative Declaration and application for grant funding for the southwest extension of the Kern River Bike Path. Staff recommends approval of the mitigated Negative Declaration and grant application, Appeal by Harold Robertson representing Panorama Heights Development of the Board of Zoning Adjustment's decision to deny a modification to allow a reduction of the front yard setback from 25 feet to 20 feet in a One-Family Dwelling zone on a total of 20 lots located on the west side of Thorner Street and Steelhead Drive in Tentative Tract No. 5929. (P99-0823) Staff recommends adoption of the resolution denying the appeal. (Ward 2) 10. REPORTS Report by Ray Bishop, Director of Airports for Kern County, regarding Design of Proposed Airport Terminal. Staff recommends acceptance of report. City Manager Oral Report No. 2-00 regarding Automated Red Light Traffic Enforcement. Staff recommends acceptance of the report. c. Urban Development Committee Report No. 2-00 regarding Shellabarger Road. Urban Development Committee recommends acceptance of the report and approval of the recommendations. Urban Development Committee Report No. 3-00 regarding the transfer of $20,000 Council Contingency to the Development Services Operating Budget within the General Fund for the charrette process. Urban Development Committee recommends approval of transfer appropriation and directs staff to proceed with charrette process. 11. DEFERRED BUSINESS -5- 12. (Ward 4) NEW BUSINESS Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map Nos. 122-01 and 123-06 by changing the zoning from One Family Dwelling zone to Planned Commercial Development zone on 13.65 acres located south of Stockdale Highway, west of Buena Vista Road, to allow a 102,222 sq. ft. neighborhood shopping center. (ZC P99-0919) Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance. Ordinance amending Sections 5.06.010, 5.06.060 and Chapter 9.12 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and adding Sections 5.06.062, 6.06.064, 5.06.066, 5.06.068 and 5.06.069 to the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Adult Entertainment Businesses. Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance. 13. COUNCIL STATEMENTS 14. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Alan Tandy City Manager S:\CounciI~AGENDA\MAR 1500.wpd March 9, 2000 (12:08pm) -6- B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: THROUGH: SUBJECT: MARCH 10, 2000 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ALAN CHRISTENSEN, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/'~/ ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS - MARCH 15, 2000, COUNCIL MEETING PRE-MEETING There is one workshop scheduled regarding the proposed Borba Dairy development. Presentations will be made by supporters from both sides of the issue. Included along with the administrative report is a memo from City staff responding to questions posed by Council members Couch and Maggard at the January 31, 2000 Urban Development Committee meeting. There are two closed session items: 1) Conference with Real Property Negotiator regarding 1401 Calloway Drive; and 2) Conference with Legal counsel regarding existing litigation on the matter of City of Bakersfield vs Valley Communities. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are explained by Administrative Reports. Those that should be highlighted include: Resolutions: Item 8c. Resolution and agreement with the California Office of Traffic Safety. and appropriate $61.940 grant funds to the Fire Deoartment operating budoet in the General Fund. This item includes three sub items: 1) resolution authorizing an agreement with the Office of Traffic Safety to accept a grant; 2) an agreement with the Office of Traffic Safety to accept $61,940 of grant funds to purchase extrication equipment, public education materials, and personnel training; and 3) appropriate $61,940 of OTS grant funds to the Fire Department Operating Budget in General Fund. Specifically, the grant funds will be used for emergency medical services, such as equipment rescue vehicle equipment and medical aid supplies; occupant protection, including public education programs, training, education material, and child restraint devices; and pedestrian and bicycle safety, including public education, bicycle rodeos, bicycle helmet distribution, and educational materials. Item 8d. Resolution approving an application for $9.850 arant funds for Alliance Aqainst Family Violence {AAFV~ Shelter Plav(3round Project; and Aoreement with Alliance Aqainst Family Violence to acceot reouired state obligation associated with State Park orant. The State of California Department of Parks and Recreation administers grant programs which provide local government with funds to acquire, construct, and purchase equipment for park facilities. Due to a special appropriation from the State, the Alliance Against Family Violence has been granted $9,850 to purchase playground equipment for their battered women and children shelter. AAFV will make the improvements on their HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL March 10, 2000 Page -2- property and accept responsibility of future maintenance on improvements, and will also be responsible for any additional cost above the grant amounts. The State requires that the grant funds be awarded to AAFV through the City of Bakersfield. Item 8e. Resolution approving City Annexation No. 405. and Aareement to indemnify LAFCO for this annexation located south of Olive Drive. west of State Route 99, east of Fruitvale Avenue. LAFCO approved the annexation on February 22, 2000. There were no protests at the LAFCO hearing, and LAFCO has determined that the annexation does not require a public hearing because the applicant, Kyle Carter, has requested the annexation and waved the right to a public hearing. The annexation area consists of 504 acres of uninhabited land, which is located generally south of Olive Drive, west of State Route 99 and east of Fruitvale Avenue. The project site was purchased by Mr. Carter from the North of the River Sanitation District, which used the property as their treatment facility and spreading grounds. Item 8f. Resolution aDprovina boundary maD. and acquisition and disclosure agreement for Assessment District No. 99-2. (Seven Oaks West~. On January 12, 2000, the City Council approved a resolution accepting a petition in determining to undertake special assessment proceedings. Castle and Cook California, Inc., has petitioned the City to provide special assessment financing for the eligible public improvements in an area of their development program known as Seven Oaks West. Item 8g. Resolution seeking a fair share of Kern County Tobacco Settlement Revenue for all Kern County Taxpayers. As a result of the settlement involving the tobacco companies, $206 billion will be divided by the State of California, counties and four large cities (Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and San Jose) who participated in the litigation. It is estimated that Kern County will receive approximately $9.5 million in Tobacco Settlement Revenue in Fiscal Year 2000-200, and $160,000,000 over the next 20 years. These revenues are currently unrestricted in their use. The Kern County Association of Cities recently met and discussed the issue, and a majority of the cities supported residents of cities receiving a "fair share" of these revenues. It was suggested that each city adopt a resolution to seek a fair share of Kern County Tobacco Settlement Funds for all County taxpayers, including those who reside in cities. Agreements: Item 8i. Aoreement with Police Activities League to acouire property located adiacent to 301 East 4th Street. The City Council approved $114,000 for PAL to acquire and improve their property for a youth center at 301 East 4th Street as part of the 1999/2000 budget. Funding for the project comes from CDBG funds. It will be a phased project that includes: 1) acquiring the six-acre parcel and installing play fields and playground; 2) renovating the existing building, forming office spaces, building a boxing gym, computer learning center, a new kitchen facility, and installing exterior or lighting fencing and security system; and 3) rehabilitating the existing parking lot. Item 8i. Agreement with County of Kern Mental Health Department for up to $22.332 in Emer(~encv Shelter Grant funds for operational activities, essential services and homeless prevention activities to benefit homeless persons with mental disabilities. This is the fourth year the City shall receive ESG funds. It has been the Council's practice not to approve operating funds to non-profit agencies requesting systems. However, with respect to ESG funds, the Council has made an exception to allow the use of these funds for operational purposes. The Council approved funding, in principal, of up $22,332 of ESG funds to Kern Mental Health Department as part of the FY 1999/00 budget. All HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL March 10, 2000 Page -3- activities funded with the ESG grant will be completed within one calendar year of execution of the agreement. Item 8k. Aareement with Castle & Cooke California. Inc. to purchase real property on the west side of Jewetta Avenue. south of Brimhall Road for a domestic water we~l site. The Water Resources Department is acquiring a water well site to provide domestic drinking water for homes currently being constructed in the area. The water well site contains approximately 11,430 square feet. The owner, Castle and Coke California, Inc., will be responsible for all off-site improvements as set out in the purchase agreement. The purchase price of $36,000 is based on an independent appraisal of the property. On October 7, 1999, the Planning Commission found the acquisition of his property consistent with the General Plan. Item 81. Aareement with Bakersfield Senior Center to purchase six surplus computers, monitors and keyboards from the City for $6.00. The Finance Director has received a request from the Bakersfield Senior Center to buy six used, surplus computers. The Municipal Code provides for this action and states any sale to a government and/or non-profit organization shall be subject to confirmation and approval by the City Council. The items are being sold "as is and with faults" to remove the City from any potential liability claims. Item 8m. Aareement with Howard Dwayne Smith and Deborah Louise Smith to purchase real property at 1401 Callowa¥ Drive for $23,650 to widen Callowav Drive. The City is acquiring a strip of land in front of the home of Howard and Deborah Smith to allow for the widening of Calloway drive. In addition to the purchase price, the City will be responsible for various improvements set out in the agreement. On March 16, 2000, the Planning Commission will be asked to find the acquisition of the property is consistent with the General Plan. Item 8n. Purchase Aareement with the McClanahan Survivors Trust to acauire real property located at the northwest corner of Planz Road and Anderson Avenue for use as a drainaae basin, and adiacent land for additional street riaht-of-wav in the amount of $13.000: and appropriate $13.000 fund balance to the Capital Improvement Budaet within the Sewer Enterprise Fund. This area was part of the Casa Loma No. 6 annexation on July 10, 1997. Prior to annexation, the area did not have curbs, gutters, and sufficient storm drain facilities. In order to reduce localized flooding of streets and improve storm runoff, City engineers determined that additional drainage system were required. It was also determined that the right-of-way for Planz Road between Anderson Avenue and Lotus Lane needed to be widened. The proposed purchase agreement and appropriation of funds will provide for the street widening. On February 17, 2000, the Planning Commission found the acquisition of property to be consistent with the General Plan. Item 8o. Contract Chanae Order No. 1. to Aareement No. 98-191. with Utah-Pacific Construction. reducing the amount by $1,003,097 for Allen Road Trunk Sewer Droiect. Staff originally designed the Allen Road trunk sewer and the Buena Vista Phase 2 sewer (ine projects to be constructed simultaneously because of their interconnection. Subsequently, the decision was made to postpone the construction of the Buena vista project for two years due to a funding shortage. This decision necessitated a revision to the Allen Road construction contract to relocate the connection point. The result of the redesign of the connection point was that the amount of pipeline was reduced by approximately one mile. Therefore, a change order which resulted in a reduced contract amount is now recommended. The savings from this change order could be applied to the Buena Vista Phase 2 project, which should be constructed within the next two years. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL March 10, 2000 Page -4- Bids: Item 8D. Bid Award to HPS Plumbing Services, Inc. to adjust manholes, clean-outs and monuments on various local streets in the amount of $229.653.20: and appropriate $138.000 and $100,000 fund balance to the Capital Improvement Program Bud(~et within the Sewer Enterprise Fund and the Gas Tax Fund. Staff received four acceptable bids, and recommends award to HPS Plumbing. This project is a follow up to the local streets resurfacing projects awarded last year and currently under construction. This project will raise monuments, manholes and clean-outs to final street grade after resurfacing. The Sewer Enterprise Fund will pay for the manholes and clean-outs, and the Gas Tax Fund will pay for the monuments. Item 8a. Bid Award to Kern County Construction Inc. for construction of water facilities associated with the Ashe Water Well Number L-207 in the amount of $250.000. Staff received five acceptable bids, and recommends award to Kern County Construction. Miscellaneous: Item 8r. Aooroval of assignment of easements from ARCO Pipe Line Company to Pacific Pioeline System. Inc. ARCO Pipe Line Company has joined with Pacific Pipeline Systems, Inc. for the operation of certain pipelines which cross City-owned land. The City of Bakersfield is bound by the terms of a certain agreement entered into on December 23, 1964, which allows the assignment of easements which exist over the property now owned by the City. Pacific Pipeline Systems, Inc. has adequate general liability insurance, automobile liability and employer's workers' compensation liability, and appears to be financially sound. HEARINGS Item 9a. Resolution in suoDort of amendment to the Kern Countywide Siting Element of the Countywide Integrated Waste Manaoement Plan. Kern County is preparing to amend the Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan to include additional acreage for the Bena Landfill and to make other minor changes in the text. Although the landfill is located outside the City, the City has the opportunity to participate in the amendment process as outlined by law. Because these proposed changes present no adverse impact on the area within the City's jurisdiction, staff is recommending that the Council pass the resolution in support of the amendment. Item 9b. ADoroval of the mitiaated Neaative Declaration and application for grant funding for the southwest extension of the Kern River Bike Path. The City of Bakersfield is applying for funding from the Department of Parks and Recreation for a Recreational Trails Program grant under the Federal Transportation Equity Act of the 21~t Century legislation. The proposal is to construct about 10 miles of bike path between State Route 43 (Enos Lane) and the end of the current bike path at Stockdale Highway Bridge. An Initial Study determined that project implementation could impact biological habitat and cultural/historic resources along the affected portion of the Kern River corridor. Site specific biological and archaeological surveys were completed, and appropriate mitigation measures were incorporated. The Initial Study and proposed mitigated Negative Declaration were circulated to responsible and interested parties. No adverse comments were received from reviewing State or local agencies, and no significant issues were raised by the public. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL March 10, 2000 Page -5- Item 9c. Aooeal bv Harold Robertson representino Panorama HeiGhts Development of the Board of Zoning Adiustment's decision to deny a modification to allow a reduction of the front yard setback in a One-Family Dwelling zone on a total of 20 lots located on the west side of Thorner Street and Steelhead Ddve. The applicant states the lesser setback will provide an increase in the usable lot area of these rear yards. During the hearing, the Board of Zoning Adjustment noted that without the setbacks, all lots in the tract will have about the same amount of usable rear yard area. The developer is already reducing the street width to 56 feet, which will lessen the open space between the homes and the street. In analyzing the applicant's proposal, the Board was made aware of adjacent tract developments in the area that had similar topographies. In comparison to those tracts, the subject tract has similar lot sizes and in most cases, greater lot depths. No setback modifications have been approved in those other tracts. The Board's conclusion was that they could not permit the modifications for the proposed improvements since the applicant could clearly place their proposed homes on the lots meeting all required development standards. REPORTS Item 10a. Report bv Ray Bishop. Director of Airports for Kern County. regarding the Proposed Airport Terminal. Mr. Bishop will present a 10 - 15 minute report on the status of the terminal design. Item 10b. Reoort bv City Manager regardin(] Automated Red Lic~ht Traffic Enforcement. As a result of Council concerns regarding safety hazards caused by motorists running red lights, the Police Department has increased enforcement efforts. In addition, the department is evaluating the feasibility of using cameras as an enforcement tool. The Police Department will provide a brief overview of how this technology and program works. Item 10c. Report by Urban Development Committee regarding Shellabaroer Road. Shellabarger Road is a 3/4 mile long cul-de-sac in an unincorporated area adjacent to the City, which has given both jurisdictions cause for concern with respect to the safety under emergency situations. A petition from 89 residents of Shellabarger Road was received by the City that also requested the opening of the road. A survey of residents on Shellabarger Road voted 30 to 15 to open the road, while a survey of City residents in the area voted 18 to 1 to not support the opening of the road due to concerns about increased traffic. Opening the road will require the purchase of additional right-of-way to finish the construction at the end of Pepita Way. While the completion of Pepita Way will help the residents of Shellabarger Road, another road connecting Shellabarger Road to either Palm Avenue or Brimhall Road would improve public safety response and address the traffic circulation concerns of both County and City residents. The Committee is recommending: 1) opening Shellabarger Road at Pepita Way; 2) staff proceed with any environmental reviews required; 3) consideration of the opening of Shellabarger Road be referred to the Planning Commission for determination of consistency with the 2010 General Plan, including a public hearing; 4) direct staff to obtain an appraisal of the property required to complete the opening of the road and initiate informal negotiations for the purposes of voluntary acquisition of the property with the property owner; and 5) a letter be conveyed by the Mayor to the Kern County Board of Supervisors requesting that the County pursue roadway construction connecting Shellabarger Road to either Palm Avenue or Brimhall Road, or both. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL March 10, 2000 Page -6- Item 10d. Report of the Urban Development Committee regardina the transfer of $20.000 Council Continaencv to the Development Services Operating Budget within the General Fund for the Charrette Process. Council member Randy Rowles attended a presentation on community involvement which featured the charrette process. It appeared to be very effective in its focused approach to solving community design problems, and was referred to the Urban Development Committee for consideration. Staff was directed to contact community groups to gauge interest. Positive responses were received from local planners, architects, Downtown Business and Property Owners Association, and 2020 Vision coordinator. The cost for this process is estimated at $60,000, with $20,000 from private contributions, $20,000 from grants and the balance from Council contingencies. The Committee recommends appropriation of $20,000 to begin the program. NEW BUSINESS Item 12a. Ordinance amendina Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zonina Map bv chanaina the zoning from One Family Dwellina to Planned Commercial Development zone on 13.65 acres located south of Stockdale Hiahwav. west of Buena Vista Road. to allow a 102.222 sa. ft. neiahborhood shoDDina center. The request is to change the zoning on 13.65 acres from Single-Family Dwelling to Planned Commercial Development to allow development of a 102,222 square foot shopping center. The City Council approved a commercial general plan amendment in November 1999 for the project area. On February 17, 2000, the Planning Commission adopted a resolution recommending approval of the zone change requested by Coleman Homes, Inc. No one spoke in opposition to the zone change at the Planning Commission hearing. Based upon an initial environmental assessment, staff has determined the proposed project will not significantly affect the physical environment or existing residential development in the area. Item 12b. Ordinance amendina the Bakersfield Municipal Code relatino to adult entertainment businesses. This ordinance will eliminate inconsistencies in the code. Several provisions will also be added which apply to prospective adult arcades (booths), mini-motion picture theaters, and live entertainment theaters. These provisions include sections on access, separation of patrons and performers, and the configurations of future arcades. There is also a section which will restrict doors on such prospective structures. Finally, the chapter of the code which regulates nude entertainment has been modified in light of state law which preempts many of the current sections. As such, the proposed ordinance would repeal these sections and re-name the chapter to "Public Decency." AT.AC:al cc: Department Heads City Clerk's Office News Media File REPORT IMEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 IAGENDA SECTION: Workshops ITEM: 2. a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED Stinson, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD FROM: John W. DATE: March 3, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY .... CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Borba Dairy Development Presentations. RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: The Urban Development Committee met on Monday, January 31, 2000 to review the issue of the proposed Borba Dairy. At the meeting numerous comments were received from speakers, both in favo~ and opposed to the proposed dairy project. Committee members expressed concerns that there were a number of unanswered questions that needed to be addressed before a recommendation could be made to the full Council. Committee members, therefore, requested that staff provide additional background information on the impacts on air quality, water quality, and odor control; possible relocation to another site; the approval process; the implications to the 2010 General Plan; and the maximum number of cows allowed at the site. The Committee desired additional information from both the proponents and opponents of the project. It was suggested that a workshop format before the entire Council would be the best way to present the information to the Committee as well as the entire Council in order to promote a well informed decision. Therefore, the Committee recommended that a Council workshop be scheduled on the Borba Dairy development with 20 minutes each for the proponents and opponents to make presentations regarding the project. Subsequent to the workshop, the Urban Development Committee will meet at 4:00 on March 22, 2000, in the City Council Chambers to further discuss the project and with the intent to bring back a recommendation to the Council on the issue at the March 29~h City Council meeting. s:~JOHN\UrbanDev\Borba Workshop Admin Report.wpd March 3, 2000, 10:35AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 3. a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney February 22, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ CITY ATTORNEY ~ CITY MANAGER ~ Conference with Real Property Negotiator pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8 regarding 1401 Calloway Drive, Bakersfield, California, 93312; Negotiating Parties: Finance Director Gregory Klimko, Senior Real Property Agent Don Anderson, Mr. Howard Smith and Deborah Smith and their counsel, Michael T. Whittington; Under Negotiation: Price and terms of payment for purchase. RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: BJT:laa MA15CA1.CS February 25, 2000. 9:29am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: ~. b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney March 2, 2000 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Conference with Legal Counsel -- Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9. City of Bakersfield, etc. v. Valley Communities, Inc., etc., et al.; Kern County Superior Court Case No. 238380-RA RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: BJT:laa MA15CA2.CS March 2, 2000, 11:23am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 JITEM:AGENDA7. SECTION:a. Appointments TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ DATE: March 3, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY .... CITY MANAGER t~ SUBJECT: One appointment to the Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council determination. BACKGROUND: One appointment to the Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee due to the resignation of Jack Goldsmith, (Ward 4). An application to fill the vacancy has been received from the following individual: · James Fitch The Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee represents various community groups and interests for the purpose of advising the City Council as to policies for the convention center, city parks and city recreation services, it is composed of seven (7) members, nominated by a Councilmember of each ward. However, it is not necessaryforcouncilmembers tonominatearesidentfromhis/herward. Committee members must be residents of the City throughout their term. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon, in the Recreation and Parks Department Conference Room, 4101 Truxtun Ave. S:\Bds&Com m\CCSAC~A DMIN00.wpd March 3, 2000, 12:49pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 I ITEM: ?.b. AGENDA SECTION: Appointments TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk March 3, 2000 One appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission. APPROVED DEPARTMENTHEAD CITY A'I-FORNEY ..... CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council determination. BACKGROUND: One appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission due to the resignation of Shirlyn Davenport, (Mayor appointment). Applications to fill the vacancy have been received from the following individuals: · Jeffrey Nickell Jerry Randall The Historic Preservation Commission is an advisory body to the City Council. It is composed of nine (9) members, nominated by Mayor/Councilmembers and confirmed by the Full Council. Members must be residents of the City of Bakersfield, but not a specific Ward, throughout their four-year term. The Commission reviews applications for Cultural Resource designations and applications for Historic Districts in addition to applications which may be referred by the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Adjustment or the City Council. The Commission presides and conducts public hearings on designation applications and makes recommendations to the City Council. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the Kress Building Third Floor Conference Room, 19~h & K Streets, Bakersfield California. S:\Bds&Cornm\H PC'~,DMIN.W PD March 3, 2000, 12:26pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8.a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk DEPARTMENT HEAD~VED February 29, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY N/A CITY MANAGER ~ Minutes of the regular Council meeting of February 23, 2000. RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: bz S:\Council\admins~ADMINS\MAR1500.wpd February 29, 2000, 8:23am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: $. b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director March 3, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD A rOR Approval of department payments from February 12, 2000 to March 3, 2000 in the amount of $9,506,126.26 and self insurance payments from February 12, 2000 to March 3, 2000 in the amount of $284,463.47. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of payments totaling $9,790,589.73. BACKGROUND: s:~acctpay~adrninf~ 1 .wpd nks ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. c. TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council Ron Fraze, Fire Chief March 2, 2000 A rOR.E CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Grant from the Califomia Office of Traffic Safety 1. Resolution authorizing an agreement with the California Office of Traffic Safety to accept a grant to promote traffic safety 2. Agreement to accept $61,940 from the California Office of Traffic Safety for the purchase of three sets of extrication equipment, public education materials, and personnel training 3. Appropriate $61,940 OTS grant to the Fire Department operating budget in the General Fund RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of Resolution, approval of Agreement, and appropriation of OTS grant. BACKGROUND: The California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) offers grants to government agencies and net-for-profit organizations to implement programs to reduce traffic fatalities, injuries, and economic losses from motor vehicle collisions. The OTS awards funding to agencies focusing on the following activities: Emergency Medical Services: Equipment purchases, rescue vehicle equipment, and medical aid supplies; Occupant Protection: Public education programs, training, educational material, and child restraint devices; Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety: Public education programs, bicycle rodeos, bicycle helmet distribution, and educational materials To accomplish the foregoing, the Bakersfield Fire Department will enter into Project Agreement Number EM0005 with the California Office of Traffic Safety with funds for $61,940. This agreement provides the local agency with funds to purchase three sets of extrication equipment, public education materials, and personnel training. March 1, 2000, 4:50PM p:~admin repo~California Office of Traffic Safety ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 IAGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8 .d. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jake Wager, Economic Development Director February 29, 2000 ,&PPR~ED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ ClTY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER 1) Resolution of the City of Bakersfield approving an application for grant funds in the amount of $9850.00 for Alliance Against Family Violence (AAFV) Shelter Playground Project. 2) Agreement with AAFV to accept required state obligation associated with State Park grant. 3) Appropriate $9,850.00 State Park Grant to the Economic and Community Development Department Operating Budget within the Community Development Block Grant fund. RECOMMENDATION: 1) Staff recommends adoption of Resolution. ~' 2) Staff recommends approval of Agreement. 3) Staff recommends appropriation of $9,850.00 State Park Grant. BACKGROUND: The State of California Department of Parks and Recreation (State Parks) administers grant programs which provide local government with funds to acquire, construct, and purchase equipment of park facilities. Due to a special appropriation, the AAFV has been granted $9,850 to purchase playground equipment for their battered women and children shelter. The State Park funds must pass through the City to the impartation of the park funds which include the negotiation, execution, and submission of all the necessary documentation. AAFV will make the improvements on their properly and accept responsibility of future maintenance on the improvements. AAFV will also be responsible for any additional cost above the grant amounts. DIk:S:~Admins~aafv park grant.wpd March 8, 2000, 9:43AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 IAGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. e. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Development Services - Planning February 25, 2000 DEPARTMENT H E.~..ED CITY ATTO RN E/Y///~ CITY MANAGER ~ Resolution approving City Annexation No. 405, Proceeding No. 1275, uninhabited territory located generally south of Olive Drive, west of State Route 99 and east of Fruitvale Avenue. (Ward 4) 1. Agreement to Indemnify LAFCO for City Annexation No. 405, Proceeding 1275. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of resolution ordering the territory annexed to the City of Bakersfield. BACKGROUND: The Local Agency Formation Commission approved the annexation by adopting Resolution No. 00- 04, on February 22, 2000, with a condition the city indemnify LAFCO. The commission designated the City Council the conducting authority. LAFCO has determined that the annexation does not require a noticed public hearing for this item. There were no protests at the LAFCO hearing. This resolution makes findings that no written protests has been filed and ordering the territory designated as Annexation No. 405, annexed to the City of Bakersfield. LAFCO adopted Resolution No. 00-04 on February 22, 2000, with a condition that the city sign an agreement to indemnify LAFCO prior to the issuance of Certificate of Completion for the annexation. It provides that if LAFCO is sued for approving the City's application for annexation the city will bear the burden of defense. The annexation area consists of 504.33 acres of uninhabited land, which is located generally south of Olive Drive, west of State Route 99 and east of Fruitvale Avenue. The project site was purchased from the North of the River Sanitation District, which was used as their treatment facility and spreading grounds. The new owner wishes to annex the site to the city and wishes to improve the overall circulation system through the property. MO:pit adrnin~mart3-153-a405 March 7, 2000, 8:32AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 IAGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. ¢. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 1. 2. 3. Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director February 14, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ,~ CITY ATTORNEY ~'/~ CITY MANAGER /~ Assessment District No. 99-2, (Seven Oaks West): Resolution Approving Boundary Map, Resolution of Intention. Resolution Approving Acquisition and Disclosure Agreement. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the Resolutions. BACKGROUND: On January 12, 2000 Council approved the resolution accepting petition and determining to undertake special assessment proceedings. By its application dated November 11, 1999, Castle & Cooke California, Inc., has petitioned the City to provide special assessment financing for the eligible public improvements in an area of their development program known as (Seven Oaks West). This area is located North of White Lane, East of South Allen Road, South of the Kern River Canal and West of Buena Vista Road. Once the Resolutions are adopted, the next step is for the Assessment Engineer to prepare a Preliminary Engineer's Report. The Boundary Map is on file in the City Clerk's Office. February 14, 2000, 9:37am G:\GROUPDA'r~ADMINRP'r~2000\March 15~AD99-2roi.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. g. I TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: March 7, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY /"~ SUBJECT: Resolution seeking a fair share of Kern County Tobacco Settlement Revenue for all Kern County Taxpayers. RECO M MEN DATION: Staff recommends adoption of the resolution. BACKGROUND: The Kern County Association of Cities recently met and discussed the issue of the recent settlement of litigation between the State of California and tobacco manufacturers. The settlement resulted in a windfall of $206 billion to the State of California, counties and four large cities (Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and San Jose) who participated in the litigation. As part of the settlement the State will receive 50% of the revenues. The remaining 50% is to be distributed to local government with 10% of that amount distributed equally among the four cities, and the remaining 90% of that amount going to the 58 counties to be distributed on a per capita basis. It is estimated that Kern County will receive approximately $9.5 million in Tobacco Settlement Revenue in Fiscal Year 2000-2001. These revenues are currently unrestricted in their use. At the Kern County Association of Cities meeting a majority of the cities supported residents of cities receiving a "fair share" of these revenues. It was suggested that each city adopt a resolution to seek a fair share of Kern County Tobacco Settlement Funds for all County taxpayers including those who reside in cities. The proposed resolution recommends that the City of Bakersfield join the incorporated cities of Kern County in encouraging the Kern County Board of Supervisors to subvent Tobacco Tax Settlement dollars annually received by the County to each incorporated city in Kern County on a per capita basis to provide a fair and equitable share of Tobacco Settlement Revenue to municipal residents. Staff recommends the adoption of the resolution. S:~JOHN~AdminResoTobacco.wpd March 7, 2000, 12:03PM REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. h. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul M Rojas, Public Works Director March 1, 2000 Tract Maps/Improvement Agreements: APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD./';~"~ CITYATTORNEY~-'~ CITY MANAGER /,X~,~ Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Dandy And Associates for Tract 5950 Unit B located south of Hosking Avenue and East of Akers Road. (Ward 6) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with B AND K One, Inc. For Tract 5669 Phase B located North of Hageman Road and west of a Old Farm Road. (Ward 4) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with ADH Corporation for Tract 5948 Phase A located east of Oswell Street and north of Oswell Park Drive. (Ward 1) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke Califor@ia, Inc. for Tract 5928 Phase A located west of Buena Vista Road and North of White Lane. (Ward 4) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5926 Phase B located west of Buena Vista Road and north of White Lane. (Ward 4) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5928 Phase C located west of Buena Vista Road and north of White Lane. (Ward 4) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5926 Phase E located west of Buena Vista road and north of White Lane. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the agreement. BACKGROUND: These Agreements are entered into to secure the improvements required for Subdivision Maps. Such improvements include, but are not limited to, streets, sewer, storm drain, and landscaping on or adjacent to the property being subdivided. NOTE: THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS ARE FILED IN I THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE FOR REVIEW March 1, 2000, 9:47am G:\GROUPDA'r~DMINRPT~000\March 15~Tr 5950B, Tr 5948A, Tr 5669B, Tr 5928A,B.C,E.wpd TD ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. i. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jake Wager, Economic Development Director February 15, 2000 ~/~VED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ CITY ATTORNEY~-2~ ClTY MANAGER Agreement with Police Activities League for $114,000 to acquire property located adjacent to 301 East 4th Street. (Ward #2) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: As part of the CDBG 1999/2000 Action Plan, the City Council approved $114,000 for the PAL acquisition/improvement project. The project provided for the acquisition and rehabilitation of a 17,865 square foot building that PAL would use as a youth center at 301 East 4~h Street. Shortly, after the budget was approved by the City Council, PAL secured private financing to acquire the 301 East 4th Street property. PAL expanded their application to purchase a six acre parcel adjacent to their 301 East 4~ Street youth center. The parcel will be used to construct athletic playing fields and a playground for the PAL center. During the same period, PAL requested funding from the County of Kern Community Development Program Department to rehabilitate portions of the center. PAL has planned multi-phased project in which they propose to: Acquire the six acre parcel and install the playing fields and playground. Renovate the 17,000 square foot building; forming office spaces, rest rooms, a boxing gym, a computer learning center, new kitchen facilities, exterior lighting, fencing, security system and a storage building. (Some of the work is already underway) Rehabilitate the existing parking lot. The City Council allocated $114,000 of CDBG funds for the acquisition project in the 1999-2000 budget; the County allocated $116,500 from their CDBG entitlement for rehabilitation of the existing building. HUD granted a release of the project funds effective January 15, 2000, clearing the way for City Council action. hc:S:'~A d rain s~co u n cil admin boiher.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. j. TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jake Wager, Economic Development Director February 15, 2000 [~ ,VED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Agreement with County of Kern Mental Health Department (County) for up to $22,332 in Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) funds for operational activities, essential services, and homeless prevention activities to benefit homeless persons with mental disabilities. (ALL WARDS) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: This is the fourth year the City of Bakersfield has received ESG entitlement funds. The purpose of the ESG program is to improve the quality of existing emergency shelters for the homeless, help meet the costs of operating the shelters, and provide essential social services, as well as, funding preventive programs and activities. There are three eligible activities: 1) provision of essential services; 2) payment of maintenance, operation, insurance, utilities, and furnishings; and 3) the development and implementation of homeless prevention activities. It has been the Council's practice not to approve operating funds to non-profit agencies requesting assistance. However, with respect to ESG funds the council has made an exception and allowed the use of these funds for operational purposes. Thus this agreement does include operational funds to provide essential services for homeless prevention activities. With respect to all other federal entitlements staff will continue to implement Council policy of precluding the use of such funds for operations. As a part of the Fiscal Year 1999-00 budget process, the Council approved, in principle, the funding for County of up to $22,332 for eligible ESG activities in May 1999. The agreement now before Council outlines the requirements and responsibilities of the grant. Activities funded by the grant are outlined as follows: DIk:S:~,dminsYnhsc esg adm 9900.wpd February 15, 2000, 10:47AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 OperationalActivities: The regulation at 24 CFR 576.21 (a)(3) allows the use of ESG funds to pay for shelter maintenance, operation, rent, repairs, security, fuel, equipment, insurance, utilities, food, and furnishings. County will provide shelter voucher services for mentally disabled homeless persons. The total amount of ESG funds expended to meet costs of this activity shall not exceed $22,332. All activities funded with the ESG grant will be completed within one calendar year of execution of the agreement. DIk:S:~Admins~mhsc esg adm 9900.wpd February 15, 2000, 10:47AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 IAGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. k. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director February 22, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD.,.~ CITY MANAGER Agreement with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. to purchase real property on the west side of Jewetta Avenue south of Brimhall Road for $36,000 for a domestic water well site. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of agreement. BACKGROUND: The Water Resources Division is acquiring a water well site to provide domestic drinking water for homes currently being constructed in the area. The water well site contains epproximately 11,430 square feet. The owner, Castle & Cooke California Inc. will be responsible for all off-site improvements as set out in the purchase agreement. The purchase price of $36,000 is based on an appraisal by Michael Launer, MAI, an independent fee appraiser and is consistent with sales of comparable properties in the area. On October 7, 1999, the Planning Commission found the acquisition of this property consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. Also, this acquisition is categorically exempt pursuant to General Rule, Section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA guidelines. DMA/s February 22, 2000, 2:06pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8.1. TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director February 28, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD/4~' CITY ATTOR E~Y~' ~ CITY MANAGER ~'/~-/~ SUBJECT: Agreement with Bakersfield Senior Center (a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt corporation) to purchase six (6) surplus computers, monitors and keyboards from the City for $6.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends sale of surplus computers. BACKGROUND: The Finance Director has received a request from the Bakersfield Senior Center to buy six (6) surplus, used computers. Bakersfield Municipal Code section 3.20.120F provides for this action and states that any sale to a government entity or nonprofit organization shall be subject to confirmation and approval by the City Council. The items are being sold "as is and with all faults" to remove the City from any potential liability claims. P:~.DMIN~2000ADMIN~C0000315A.wpd GJK:Ijm February 28, 2000, 1:57pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: $ .m. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director March 2, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY MANAGER Agreement with Howard Dwayne Smith and Deborah Louise Smith to purchase real property at 1401 Calloway Drive for $23,650 to widen Calloway Drive. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of agreement. BACKGROUND: The City is acquiring a strip of land in front of the home of Howard & Deborah Smith to allow for the widening of Calloway Drive. In addition to the purchase price the City will be responsible for various improvements set out in the purchase agreement. The purchase price of $23,650 is a p~oduct of negotiations based on two appraisals by Michael Burger & Associates and Karpe, Fisher, Merriman. On March 16, 2000, the Planning Commission will be asked to find the acquisition of this property consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. DMNs March 2, 2000, 2:55pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calender TEM: $. n. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director February 22, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD JJ,,~, CITY ATTOR~ CITY MANAGER ~ Property Acquisition: 1. Approve Purchase Agreement, $13,000, with the McClanahan Survivors Trust to acquire real property located at the Northwest corner of Planz Road and Anderson Avenue for use as a drainage basin, and adjacent land for additional street right-of-way. 2. Appropriate $13,000 fund balance to the Capital Improvement Budget within the Sewer Enterprise Fund. ( Ward 1 ) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of agreement and appropriation. BACKGROUND: This area was part of the Casa Loma 6 annexation on July 10, 1997. Prior to annexation the area did not have curbs, gutters and very few storm drain facilities. In order to reduce localized flooding of the streets and improve storm runoff, City Engineers determined that additional drainage systems were required. It was also determined that the right of way for Planz Road between Anderson Avenue and Lotus Lane on the North side of the road was not at its ultimate width. The additional right of way is intended to provide adequate cross section widths consistent with collector and local street standards. At its February 17~h, 2000 meeting the City of Bakersfield Planning Commission found the acquisition of the properties consistent with the General Plan pursuant to Government Code Section 65402. It also found the project to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 65301 (b) (c) of CEQA Guidelines. jws February 22, 2000, 8:48am P:\CASA LOMA SUMP PROJECT~ADMINFORMfor sump wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 IAGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8 .o. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul Rojas, Public Works Director March 1, 2000 ). OVED DEPARTMENT HEAD . CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Contract Change Order No. I to Contract No. 98-191 with Utah-Pacific Construction, reducing the compensation amount by $1,003,097, for various items of work for the Allen Road Trunk Sewer project in the City of Bakersfield. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of contract change order. BACKGROUND: In May, 1996, Staff was directed to pursue a plan to expand Waste Water Treatment Plant No.3 instead of constructing a single new municipal treatment plant. At that time, Staff was directed to design and construct the Allen Road Trunk Sewer Line and the Buena Vista, Phase 2 Sewer Line simultaneously because of their interconnection. Staff proceeded with that plan. ~ Subsequent to the Allen Road Trunk Sewer Project being awarded for construction, a decision was made to postpone the construction of the Buena Vista, Phase 2 project for two years due to a funding shortage. This decision necessitated a revision to the Allen Road Trunk Sewer construction contract to relocate the connection point. The result of the redesign of the connection point was that approximately one mile of pipeline was able to be eliminated from the project. This Change Order reflects that reduction. The savings from this Change Order could be applied to the Buena Vista, Phase 2 project which should be constructed within the next two years. March 7, 2000, 9:53AM G:~GROUPDAT~ADMiNRPT~Vvlarch 15~Allen Rd CO Admin2.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. p. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD March 3, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Accept bid to award contract to HPS, Plumbing Services, Inc., $229,653.20, to adjust manholes, clean-outs and monuments on various local streets - 1999-2000 projects: (All Wards) Appropriate $138,000 and $100,000 fund balance to the Capital Improvement Program Budget within the Sewer Enterprise Fund, and the Gas Tax Fund, respectively. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of Iow bid, award of contract and approval of appropriations. BACKGROUND: This project is a follow up to the local streets resurfacing projects awarded last year and currently under construction. This project will raise the monuments, manholes and clean-outs to final street grade after the streets have been resurfaced. The Sewer Enterprise Fund will pay for the manholes and clean-outs, and the Gas Tax Fund will pay for the monuments. HPS Plumbing Services, Inc. P.O. Box 6386 Bakersfield, CA 93301 City In the amount of $229,653.20 Manhole Adjusting Inc. 2300 Greenwood Ave. Monterey Park, CA 91755 Out of town in the amount of $292,750.00 Griffith Company P.O. Box 70157 Bakersfield, CA 93387 City In the amount of $450,000.00 Granite Construction Co. 585 West Beach St. Watsonville, CA 95077 Out of town In the amount of $459,684.00 The funds requested to be appropriated, $238,000, exceed the bid amount by $8,346.80; this difference will cover staff engineering and inspection services for the design and construction and to cover possible change orders. March 3, 2000, 11:14am REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 I ITEM: 8. q. AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gene Bogart, Water Resources Manager March 1, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENTHEAD(~,~, CITY ATTORNEY ~)~ CiTY MANAGER'"~'~_.. Accept bid of $250,000.00 and award contract to Kern County Construction Inc. for "Construction of one (1) concrete block pumphouse, installation of one deepwell turbine pump and motor, one electrical panel board, one generator and miscellaneous piping and appurtenant facilities for Ashe Water well number L-207" for the Water Resources Department. (Ward Number 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance. BACKGROUND: An additional water well is required to maintain production capacity due~o growth throughout the domestic water system. This increased capacity is required in order to meet customer demand increases. The well is located in the northwest near the intersection of Hageman Road and Calloway Drive. This is the second and final phase of the water well construction process at this location. We are equipping the well, which is already drilled with the pump, motor, blockhouse, auxiliary electric generator and other appurtenant facilities to allow us to begin using this well. The engineers estimate was $230,000. Funds are available in the current Domestic Water Resources Department budget. Five bids were received on March 1, 2000 for this project. The results are as follows: Kern County Construction Inc. 6208 Juanito Court Bakersfield, CA 93306 (County) .......................... in the amount of $250,000.00 Brown and Fowler Construction 4211 Atlas Court Bakersfield, CA 93308 (County) ........................... in the amount of $254,173.00 March 1, 2000, 1:19pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 Bakersfield Well and Pump Company 7212 Fruitvale Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 (County) .......................... in the amount of $274,638.00 HPS Plumbing Services, Inc. 401 34th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (County) ........................... in the amount of $302,652.00 Scales Construction, Inc. 3215 Fruitvale Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 (County) ........................... in the amount of $374,000.00 TDE MC15wt lcc.wpd March 1, 2000, 1:19pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 r ITEM: 8.r. AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney February 29, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Approval of assignment from ARCO Pipe Line Company to Pacific Pipeline System, inc. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends granting assignment. BACKGROUND: ARCO Pipe Line Company has joined with Pacific Pipeline System, Inc., for the o.~eration of certain pipelines which cross City owned land. The City of Bakersfield is bound by the terms of a'certain agreement entered into on December 23, 1964, which atlows the assignment of easements which exist over the property now owned by the City. Staff has obtained a certificate of insurance from Pacific Pipeline System LLC, which shows the company has general liability insurance of Two Million Dollars, automobile liability of One Million Dollars, and employer's workers' compensation liability of One Million Dollars with the City of Bakersfield as a certificate holder. The City staff has also examined the balance sheet of Pacific Pipeline Systems LLC, and said company appears to be financially sound. Based on this investigation by staff, we recommend the City Council approve the assignment to Pacific Pipeline System LLC from ARCO Pipe Line Company. MC15CA CC ADD dlr S \COU N CIl'~Admins~ArcoPacificAssJgn wpd February 29, 2000, 9:31am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Hear ITEM: 9. a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul Rojas, Public Works Director March 3, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD i//~ ClTY ATTORNEY ~ CITY MANAGER ,,~ Resolution in support of amendment to the Kern Countywide Siting Element of the Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the resolution. BACKGROUND: Kern County is preparing to amend the Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan, to include additional acreage for the Bena Landfill and to make other minor changes in the text of the Siting Element. Although the Bena Landfill is located outside the City of Bakersfield, the City has the opportunity to participate in the amendment process as outlined in PRC Section 41721.5 (c). Because these proposed changes present no adverse impact within the City's jurisdiction, it is appropriate to pass resolution in support of the Siting Element amendment. SMP SOLID WASTE DIVISION G IGROUPOAT~SOLIDWASTE~,MENOM£NT TO KC SITING ELEMENT wpd March 3 2000. 11:27am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing ITEM: 9. b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Development Services - Planning February 15, 2000 .~.I~ROXED DEPARTMENT HEAD~...,~ CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Approval of the mitigated Negative Declaration and application for grant funding for the southwest extension of the Kern River Bike Path. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the mitigated Negative Declaration and grant application from available Federal and State sources for the proposed ten mile extension of the Kern River Bike Path as Class I bicycle facility from the Stockdale Highway bridge along the south side of the Kern River to Enos Lane (State Highway 43). BACKGROUND: The City of Bakersfield is applying for funding from the Department of Parks and Recreation for a Recreational Trails Program grant under the Federal Transportation Equity Act of the 21'~ Century legislation. The proposal is to construct about ten (10) miles of twelve (12) foot wide Class I bicycle path between State Highway 43 (Enos Lane) and the end of the current Kern River bike path at the Stockdale Highway bridge. The path will be constructed along the existing levee. The proposed facility would provide non-motorized transportation opportunities to persons wishing to visit a large open space area that is used for water banking purposes and is owned by governmental agencies. The area the bicycle path traverses is in a relatively "natural" state and is home to many animals, especially bird life. The project area is removed from urban uses and has wide-ranging views of the surrounding Sierra Nevada Mountains on the east, the Temblor Range on the west and the San Emidio Mountains to the south. Since this project wilt be an extension of the existing Kern River Bike Path, we anticipate that usage will be similar to that along the currently constructed facility. The Kern River Bike Path and the Kern River Parkway are two very popular facilities within the city and provide recreational opportunities for a large variety of non-motorized uses including bicycles, roller-blades, walkers and joggers. Total usage along the entire existing 12.25 mile Kern River Bike Path is estimated at 300,000 to 500,000 users annually and is seasonally dependent, with spring, summer and fall usage being highest. March 1, 2000, 1:31PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 An Initial Study was prepared for the project, which determined that project implementation could impact biological habitat and cultural/historic resources along the affected portion of the Kern River corridor. Site specific biological and archaeological surveys of the proposed bike path and adjoining were completed, and appropriate mitigation measures were incorporated into the project. The Initial Study and proposed mitigated Negative Declaration were circulated to responsible and interested public agencies on February 5, 2000. No adverse comments were received from reviewing State or local agencies. No significant issues were raised by the public. Staff recommends approval of the mitigated Negative Declaration and the application for grant funds allowing for completion of the bike way extension along the Kern River. This project is implementation of the Kern River Bicycle Path Extension prepared for the Kern Council of Governments (June 1989). (pit) (admin\mar\315kr) March 1, 2000, 1:31PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Hearings ITEM NO: 9.c. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Development Services - Planning DEPARTMENT HEAL~ DATE: February 28, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Appeal by Harold Robertson representing Panorama Heights Development ofthe Board of Zoning Adjustment's decision to deny a modification (File No. P99-0823) to allow a reduction of the front yard setback from 25 feet to 20 feet in an R-1 zone on a total of 20 lots located along the west side of Thorner Street and Steelhead Drive in Tentative Tract No. 5929. (Ward 3) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the resolution denying the appeal. BACKGROUND: The applicant requested a modification to reduce the front yard setback requirement from 25 feet to 20 feet on 20 lots located along the west side of Thorner Street (9 lots) and along the west side of Steelhead Drive (11 lots). The lots under consideration have slopes of approximately 11% but will be graded to have level building pads. The average sizes of these lots range between 9,000 to 11,000 square feet. The applicant stated the lesser setback will provide an increase in the useable lot area of these rear yards (an additional 5 feet). However, during the hearing, the Board noted that without the setbacks, all lots in the tract will have about the same amount of useable rear yard area. The lots with the slopes will just have considerable more open space, (though use of retaining walls could increase useable rear yard area considerably). The developer is already reducing the street width to 56 feet which will lessen the open space between homes on the street. The Board was also concerned that the applicant presented a tract before the Planning Commission without any mention that setback modifications were being requested, and presumably, the Commission approved the tract with the assumption that all city standards could be met. In analyzing the applicant's proposal, the Board was made aware of adjacent tract developments in the area that had similar topographies. In comparison to those tracts, the subject tract has similar lot sizes and in most cases, greater lot depths. No setback modifications have been approved in those other tracts. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 This tract has not yet recorded nor have any improvements been constructed. The applicant has the ability to either redesign the lots to accommodate the size houses proposed for construction or can propose other homes that provide more desired yard area. The requested modification of front yard setback requirements is inconsistent with the purpose of the zoning ordinance as other house plans can be placed on the lots that fit the lots proposed. There are no unique characteristics of these lots that distinguish them from other lots in the area that would warrant the granting of a modification of the setback requirements, especially since existing developments in this area have homes that meet all city requirements. Development in the northeast may present different challenges than the western portion of the city because of topography, but the past developments in the northeast have been able to maintain the same development standards as the rest of the city. No reason was given to the Board to show that current standards are now inappropriate. If the applicant feels that this tract offers unique amenities to the buying public and wishes to create a neighborhood with different design and site standards, developing the tract as a planned unit development (PUD) would be more appropriate. This would allow the developer to present to the Planning Commission and City Council their proposal including all planned variations from ordinance standards. The Board's conclusion was that they could not make the required findings that the modification was necessary for the proposed imposed improvements since the applicant could clearly place their proposed homes on the lots meeting all required development standards. Therefore, the modification was denied. ADMINISTRATIVE IMEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 TO: FROM: DATE: REPORT IAGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: !0.a. Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Chdstensen, Assistant City Manager March 6, 2000 SUBJECT: Report on Design of Proposed Airport Terminal RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ClTY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Ray Bishop, Director of Airports for Kem County, will be presenting a report on the design of the proposed new airport terminal. March 6, 2000, 1:42PM S:~Admin Rpts~O00\Terminal Report 030600.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: ~.0. b. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: March 3, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: City Manager's Report No. 2-00 regarding Automated Red Light Traffic Enforcement. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the report. BACKGROUND: The City Council expressed concerns regarding the safety hazards caused by motorists running red lights at vadous intersections throughout the city during its goal setting session this past year. Subsequently, the Police Department has taken steps to address the problem through increased and more focused enforcement efforts. In addition, the department has been evaluating the feasibility of implementing an automated red light traffic enforcement program using cameras which capture violators on film or digitally as an additional enforcement tool. Police Department staff will provide a brief overview of how this technology and program works in other communities and the potential benefits if used here. Staff is continuing its evaluation of the program, its technical and financial impacts and possible implementation as part of the upcoming budget process. S:~JOHN\UrbanDev~Automated Red Light Traffic Enforcement ReporLwpd March 3, 2000, 11:17AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 10.c. TO: FRO M: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager March 3, 2000 DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ CITY ATTORNEY ,~/'..,~-~ CITY MANAGER .~ Urban Development Committee Report No. 2-00 regarding Shellabarger Road. RECOMMENDATION: The Committee recommends acceptance of the report and approval of the recommendations. BACKGROUND: The Urban Development Committee met to consider opening the west end of Shellabarger Road where it intersects with Pepita Way. Shellabarger Road is essentially a 3/4 mile long cul-de-sac in an unincorporated area adjacent to the City, which has given both jurisdictions cause for concern with respect to the safety of the residents under emergency situations. A survey of City residents in the area voted 18 to 1 to not support the opening of the road, due to concerns about increased traffic within the adjacent subdivision. The City has received letters from both the City Police Chief and the County Sheriff as well as the Fire Chiefs of both jurisdictions requesting that the end of Shellabarger Road be opened to through traffic for safety reasons. A petition from 89 residents of Shellabarger Road was received by the City that also requested the opening of the road. A survey of residents on Shellabarger Road voted 30 to 15 to open the road. The simple removal of the gate at the end of Shellabarger Road will not result in a street width that will be adequate for two directions of traffic. Opening the road will require the purchase of additional right-of-way to finish the construction of the knuckle at the end of Pepita Way, in order to complete a paving tie-in with the existing roadway on Shellabarger Road. While the completion of Pepita Way will help the residents of Shellabarger Road, another road connecting Shellabarger Road to either Palm Avenue or Brimhall Road would improve public safety response and address the traffic circulation concerns of both county and city residents. The County should pursue roadway construction connecting Shellabarger Road to either Palm Avenue or Brimhall Road, or both, to address these concerns. The Committee is recommending: 1) That the City Council consider opening Shellabarger Road at Pepita Way due to public safety concerns expressed by Public Safety agencies and the majority of residents on Shellabarger Road; and March 3, 2000, 11:44AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 2) That staff proceed with any environmental reviews required by such consideration; and 3) That consideration of the opening of Shellabarger Road be referred to the Planning Commission for determination of consistency with the 2010 General Plan, including a public hearing; and 4) To direct staff to obtain an appraisal of the property required to complete the opening of the road and initiate informal negotiations for the purposes of voluntary acquisition of the property with the property owner; and s) That a letter be conveyed by the Mayor to the Kern County Board of Supervisors requesting that the County pursue roadway construction connecting Shellabarger Road to either Palm Avenue or Bdmhall Road, or both, to improve public safety response and address the traffic cimulation concerns of both county and city residents in the area. The Committee recommends acceptance of the report and approval of the recommendations. S:~JOHN\UrbanOev\Shellabarger Admin Report.wpd March 3, 2000, 11:4AAM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: !0.d. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Development Services - Planning March 3, 2000 .~VED DEPARTMENT HEA~/,...~_~ CITY ATTORN~,~ ~ CITY MANAGER Urban Development Committee Report No. 3-00 regarding the transfer of $20,000 Council contingency to the Development Services Operating Budget within the General Fund for the charrette process. (Ward 2) RECOMMENDATION: Approve the charrette process, direct staff to proceed and transfer appropriations. BACKGROUND: Last Fall Councilman Rowles attended a presentation on community involvement which featured the charrette process. A charrette is a convocation of interested people to work on solutions to design problems. It appeared to be very effective in its focused approach to solving community design problems. He referred this to the Urban Development Committee for consideration. Information about the successful use of charrettes in Florida was distributed to the committee and City Council for review. Staff was directed to contact other groups in the community to determine what interest they might have in participating in a charrette. Positive responses were received from local planners, architects, Downtown Business & Property Owners Association and 2020 Vision coordinator. The Urban Development Committee believes there is a broad based interest by the public in enhancing the downtown's character as the central focal point of the city and that the public would enthusiastically share many ideas on how to accomplish that, if given the opportunity. A charrette to work on design ideas for downtown would provide such an opportunity and the city would benefit from their work. Upon completion of the charrette, its products would be presented to the City Council for adoption or referral to appropriate reviewing agencies for review and recommendation back to the City Council. It is estimated that a reasonable budget for this endeavor would be $60,000. The City would expect $20,000 of that to come from private contributions, $20,000 to come from grants and the balance from Council contingencies. It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $20,000 to begin the program and direct staff to proceed. (pit) March 8, 2000, 11:1lAM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: 12.a, TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Development Services - Planning February 24, 2000 DEPARTMENT HFz~~~ / CITY MANAGER ~ An ordinance amending title seventeen of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map Nos. 122-01 and 123-06 by changing the zoning from an R-l(One Family Dwelling) zone to a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone on 13.65 acres generally located south of Stockdale Highway, west of Buena Vista Road to allow a 102,222 square foot neighborhood shopping center (ZC P99-0919). (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance. BACKGROUND: The request is to change the zoning on 13.65 acres from R-1 (One Family Dwelling) to PCD (Planned Commercial Development) to allow development of a 102,222 square foot shopping center. On February 17, 2000, the Planning Commission adopted a resolution recommending approval of the zone change request by Coleman Homes, Inc. The City Council approved a commercial general plan amendment in November 1999 for the project area with a requirement for the property to be developed with a PCD plan to allow Planning Commission and Council review of shopping center plans. Proposed plans provide additional landscaping, buffers from future residential areas, noise mitigation features, and circulation strategies to address compatibility with adjacent residential neighborhoods. Signage for the project would be approved through the Planning Commission's Comprehensive Sign Plan process. No one spoke in opposition to the zone change request at the Planning Commission hearing, Based upon an initial environmental assessment, staff has determined the proposed project will not significantly affect the physical environment or existing residential development in the area, therefore, a Negative Declaration was prepared and the Initial Study is attached as Exhibit "B". February 25, 2000, 10:37AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT .age The impacts of urbanization of the area have also been the subject of public hearing for the Buena Vista/Kern River Ranch EIR, General Plan Amendment P99-0203, and Tentative Tract 5951, all or a portion of which covered urban impacts on the project site. Special studies supplied with the PCD application and made part of the initial study include an updated traffic study and an acoustical analysis. Mitigation measures (listed as conditions) from previous environmental documents have been carried through and applied to this project as appropriate. All required public notices have been provided. (JM:pjt) (admin\marL3-15-0919) February 25, 2000, 10:55AM REPORT IMEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: !2.b, , TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Bart J. Thiltgen, City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAD March 6, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER An Ordinance Amending Sections 5.06.010 and 5.06.060 and Chapter 9.12 of tl~e' Baker Municipal Code and Adding Sections 5.06.062, 5.06.064, 5.06.066, 5.06.068 ehd 5.06.f the Bakersfield Municipal Code Relating to Adult Entertainment Businesses. / / APPROVED ? eld 59 to RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends first reading of ordinance. BACKGROUND: Currently, Chapter 5.06, which regulates adult entertainment businesses, ~efines certain terms differently than Chapter 17.69, which relates to the location of adult entertainment businesses. This ordinance eliminates the inconsistencies by having the definitions in Chapter 5.06 match the definitions in Chapter 17.69. In addition, this ordinance adds several provisions to Chapter 5.06 to apply to prospective adult arcades (booths), mini-motion picture theaters, and live entertainment theaters. Such provisions include a section on access, separation of patrons and performers, and the configuration of future arcades. There is also a section which makes doors on such prospective structures, strictly prohibited. A severability clause has also been included to protect the remaining portions of the ordinance if a section is found to be unenforceable. Finally, Chapter 9.12, which regulates nude entertainment, has been revamped in light of state law which preempts many of the current sections. As such, the ordinance recommends repeal of these sections and the re-naming of the Chapter to "Public Decency." BJT:GG:Iaa;alj MA15CA1.NB March 6. 2000, 1:08pm