HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/12/2000 AGENDA PACKETPRE-MEETiNG 1. ROLL CALL BAKER, SF~ELD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEETING OF APPJL 12, 2000 Counci~ Chsmbers, Ci~ Hsll, ~5~1 Tru~un Avenue Pre-Meeting - 5:45 p.m. Re~uiar Meeting'- 7:00 p.m. (15 min) ('~5 rain) WORKSHOP Presentation by Economic and Community Development Department regarding Project Area Committees Role and Responsibilities. (Economic Development Director, Jake Wager) Urban Forest Maintenance (Director of Recreation and Perk~ Start Ford) CLOSED SESSION a. Public Employee Performance Eva~uation - City Manager Closed Session pursuant to Subdivision (ai of Government Code Section 54957 REGULAR, MEETING 1. INVOCAT~©N by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. CLOSED SESSION ACTION 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Presentation by Mayor Price of Proclamation to a representative from The Bakersfield Association of Realtors, proclaiming April, 2000 es "Fair Housing Month in Bakersfield." 6. PUBLIC STATEMENTS APPOINTMENTS a. One appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission. Staff recommends Counc# determination. (Ward 4) (Ward 2) (Ward 4) (Ward4) (Ward4) CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes: a. March 29, 2000 Council Meeting. Payments: Payments from March 18, to March 31, 2000 in the amount of $4,670,635.06; and Seif Insurance payments from March 18, to March 31, 2000 in the amount of $169,114.87. Resolutions: Resolution preliminarily approving Engineer's Report setting date for public hearing of protests for Assessment District No. 99-2 (Seven Oaks West). Resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Kern Council of Governments for allocation of Tra nsportation Development Act funds for Fiscal Year 2000-01 to be utilized for the maintenance of the new Bakersfield AMTRAK Station during said Fiscal Year. Resolution approving the submission of an application for a loan to the California Housing Finance Agency. Resolution declaring the results of the Primary Municipal Election for the election of Mayor, held in the Cityof Bakersfield on March 7, 2000 and the Special Municipal Election for the Palm & Olive Measures & Charter Amendment. Agreements: g. Tract Maps/Improvement Agreements: Final Map and Imprevement Agreement with Castle & Cooke California, tnc. for Tract 5928, Phase D, located west of Buena Vista Road, north of White Lane. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5928, Phase F, located west of Buena Vista Road, north of White Lane. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, inc. for Tract 5928, Phase H, located west of Buena Vista Road, north of White Lane. -2- (Ward 4) (Ward 4) (Ward 6) (Ward 2) (Wards 1,2) (Ward 2) (Ward 2) CONSENT CALENDAR continued Final Map and improvement Agreement with Castle & Cooke California, inc. for Tract 5955, Phase A, located west of Buena Vista Road, south of Ming Avenue, Final Map and ~mprovement Agreement with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5955, Phase B, located west of Buena Vista Road, south of Ming Avenue. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Ennis Homes for Tract 5958, Phase t, located east of Stine Road, south of Hosking Avenue. Agreement with Living Connections, Inc, $25,000 to rehabilitate the Cedar House facility ~ocated at 2429 19th Street. Agreement with Affordable Homes, inc. for $195,000 of HOME investment Partnership Program Funds to purchase existing single-family homes for rehabilitation and resale to qualified home buyers. Agreement with County of Kern and Kern Economic Development Corporation to share the responsibilities and/or costs (City's share $12,750) of the Job Training/Marketing/Management efforts in the Southeast Metropolitan Bakersfield Enterprise Zone. Contract Change Order No. t to Agreement No. 99-204, $21,739.80 with Colombo Construction Company for the Bakersfield Amtrak Station Project. Bids: Miscellaneous: Independent Auditors' Report on Compliance with contractual requirements relative to the Bakersfield Subregional Wastewater Management Plan. {' Staff recommends receive and refer to Budget and Finance Committee) Appropriate $9,400 from the Offstreet Parking Fund Balance into the Economic Development Operating Budget in order to pay for required elevator repairs at the 18t~ and Eye Parking Garage. Rockin' by the River Concert Series. (S'taffrecommend$ referra! to Community Services Committee) Staff recommends adoption of Consent Calendar ttems a. throug,h n. 9. HEARINGS 10, REPORTS -3- 11. DEFERRED BUS~NESS 12. (Ward 1) (Wards 2,5 (Ward 4) NEW BUSINESS Ordinance amending Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 1.12.010 by adding Annexation Nos. 406 and 408 to Ward 1, located at the northeast corner of Pacheco Road and Eve Street and at the southwest corner of Feliz Drive and Washington Street. Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance. Ordinance amending Bakersfield Municipal Code Sections 1.12.020 and 1.12.050 by modifying the boundaries for Wards 2 and 5, located west of Valhalla Drive between Ming Avenue and Belie Terrace. Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance. Ordinance amending Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 1.12.040 by removing the Palm Olive Annexation area from Ward 4. The three areas to be removed are located as follows: 1) South of Olive Drive between Coffee Road and Fruitvale Avenue; 2) south of Rosedale Highway between Allen Road and Jewetta Avenue; and 3) the northwest corner of Brimhall Road and Jewetta Avenue. Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance. 13. COUNCIL STATEMENTS 14, ADJOURNI~IENT Respectfully submitted, Alan Tandy City Manager S:\Council~AGEN DA~APR1200.wpd April 6, 2000 (2:10pm) -4- BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: THROUGH: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL JOHN W. STINSON~, ALOS'-~SlSTANT CiTY MANAGER ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 12, 2000, COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 7. 2000 PRE-MEETING There are two workshop items: 1) a presentation regarding the Project Area Committees' role and responsibilities by Economic Development Director Jake Wager; and 2) a brief report on Urban Forest Maintenance by Reoreation and Parks Director Stan Ford. There is one closed session item, which is the City Manager Performance Evaluation. APPOINTMENTS One application to the Histodc Preservation Commission. An application has been received from Nella Warren to fill the current vacancy. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are explained by Administrative Reports. Those that should be highlighted include: Resolutions: Item 8c, Resolution preliminarily approving the EnqineeCs Report setting date for public hearinq of protests for Assessment District No. 99-2. This resolution sets the date for the protest hearing for June 14, 2000. Once the resolution is adopted, the next step is to mail notices and have the assessment engineer prepare and file with the City Clerk a Final Engineer's Report. This report will be ready for Council's adoption at the June 14*'* meeting. Item 8d. Resol,ution authorizinq the filinq of an application with the Kern Council of Governments for allocation of Transportation Development Act funds for FY 2000-01 to be utilized for 'the maintenance of the Bakersfield Amtrak Station. The Kern Council of Governments administers TDA Article 4 Public Transportation Funds. These funds are typically used to address transit problems and can be used to pay for maintenance of the Amtrak Station. This resolution authorities staff to submit an application for those funds. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CiTY COUNCIL April 7, 2000 Page -2~ Item 8e. Resolution approving the submission of an application for a loan to the Bakersfield Housing Finance Agency. Staff has become aware of a program that was developed by the California Housing Finance Authority!s (CHFA) Housing Enabled by Local Partnership (HELP) to provide local governmental entities with financial assistance to create housing for unmet affordable housing needs of the jurisdiction. This loan would allow the City to leverage scarce housing funds. The resolution will grant authority to a particular signatory to submit an application to CHFA for the HELP program, to incur an indebtedness and execute loan agreements, and take other actions necessary to facilitate the proposed program. Item 8f. Resolution decfadnq the results of the Pdmary Municipal Election for the election of Mayor and the Special Municipal Election for the Palm & Olive Measures & Charter Amendment. This resolution is required to accept the results of the Primary Municipal Election of March 7, 2000 as certified by the Kern County Clerk, declaring Harvey L. Hall elected to the Office of Mayor for a full four-year term, commencing January 2, 2001 and expiring January 2, 2005. The results of the Special Municipal Election for the Palm & Olive Measures and Charter Amendment, also certified by the Kern County Clerk, are as follows: Measure A - No; Measure B - No; and Measure C - Yes. Agreements: Item 8h. Aqreement with Living Connections to rehabilitate the Cedar House facility located at 2429 19th Street. The City Counci~ approved an amendment on July 21, 1999 appropriating $28,000 of CDBG funds to rehabilitate Living Connection Inc.'s (LCI) Cedar House facility, located at 2429 19th Street. Cedar House is a State-licensed 9-bed adult residential care facility serving mentally disabled single women and offers an enhanced program of supportive services designed to help residents attain a full and satisfying lifestyle. LCI will use $25,000 of CDBG funds to rehabilitate the facility, which will include: installing new HVAC systems, weathedzing the facility, reconfiguring the existing ramp to make it more functional for residents, and any rehabilitation work that must be done as a result of the scheduled work. Christmas in Apdl, a non-profit organization that organizes volunteers and donations in the area of home rehabilitation has committed to provide labor to replace the windows at no cost to LCI. Item 8i. Aqreement with Affordable Homes, Inc. for HOME Investment Partnership Program Funds to purchase existinq sinqle-family homes for ,-ehabilitation and resale to qualified homebuyers. Affordable Homes, Inc. (AHI) a non-profit public benefit corporation, has requested HOME Investment Partnership Program funds to purchase existing single-family homes for rehabilitation and resale to qualified buyers. AHI has been certified as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) by the State of California who then allows AHI to access CHDO funds throughout the State. AHI has requested $195,000, which is 15% of the City's HOME allocation for FY 1999-00. No more than $15,000 will be spent per property. The net proceeds from the sales will be pooled for further home purchases, which will then be rehabilitated and sold. AHI plans to target its efforts Citywide. Item 8j. Agreement with Kern County and Kern Economic Development Corporation for $12,750 to share the responsibilities and/or costs of the Job Traininq/Marketinq/Manaqement efforts in the Southeast Metropolitan Bakersfield Enterprise Zone. This proposed agreement is a continuation of the 1998-99 agreement with Kern County, Kern Economic Development Corporation and Employers' Training Resource. The basic terms of the agreement remain unchanged. Responsibilities have been outlined in this agreement, reducing duplicative efforts and minimizing expenses. Since 1986, the City and County have shared the costs of operating tl~e Enterprise Zone and assumed the responsibility for HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL April 7, 2000 Page -3- operating the program in 1990. Under this proposed agreement, the City will assume payment responsibilities and bill the County for their 50% share. The total budget is $25,500, with the City's 50% share being $12,750 Funds have been budgeted within the Economic and Community Development FY 1999-00 budget for this purpose. This agreement was approved by the Kern County Board of Supervisors on March 28, 2000. ltem 8k. Contract Chande Order No. I to Aqreement No. 99-204 with Colombo Construction Company for the Bakersfield Amtrak Station Project. This Contract Change Order provides for changing the type of power supply from primary to secondary power to the Amtrak station site at a cost of $21,739. Initially, the site was to be supplied with primary power from PG&E at an estimated cost of $100,000. By having the contractor provide and install the equipment necessary for a secondary power configuration, the City will realize a net savings of $78,260.20. Miscellaneous: Item 81. independent Auditors' Report on Compliance with contractual requirements relative to tlhe Bakersfield Subregional Wastewater Management Plan. The City's compliance with contractual requirements is audited on an annual basis. The current Compliance Report related to the Bakersfield Subregional Wastewater Management Plan, issued by outside auditors, indicates that tlbe City complied in all material respects with the program's guidelines. Staff recommends the report be received and referred to the Budget and Finance Committee. item 8m. Appropriate from the Offstreet Parkinq Fund Balance into the Economic Development Operatinq Budget in order to pay for required elevator repairs at the 18th and Eye Streets Parking Garage. While undergoing a stress test by authorized service personnel pursuant to State requirements, the elevator at the parking garage broke. Repairs were mandated and amounted to approximately $9,400. Funds need to be appropriated into the Economic Development Operating budget in order to pay the repair charge. Item 8n. Rockin' by the River Concert Series. The Recreation and Parks Department is reviewing a possible expansion of the "Rockin' by the River" concert sedes at Yokuts Park. They are proposing that the City enter into an agreement with a promoter to secure nationally known classic rock bands to perform at this year's series. If approved, it will be necessary to use savings from other programs to coveFthe increased cost of hiring this level of performer. Staff is recommending this issue be referred to the Community Services Committee for review and recommendation back to the Council. NEW BUSINESS Item 12a. Ordinance amendinq the Bakersfield Municipal Code by addincl two annexation areas to Ward 1, located at the northeast corner of Pacheco Road and Eve Street, and at the southwest corner of Feliz Drive and Washington Street. This ordinance amends the ward boundaries to include Annexation Nos. 406 and 408 into the corresponding council ward. Annexation 406 consists of 12.5 acres of uninhabited land at the northeast corner of the Pacheco Road and Eve Street and the southwest corner of Felix Drive and Washington Street. Annexation 408 encompasses 42.6 acres of uninhabited land, which contains the Claude Richardson Child Development Center and Bakersfield City Schools Maintenance Facility. Both annexation areas will be placed in Ward 1. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY CO, UNCIL April 7, 2000 Page -4- Item 12b. Ordinance amendinq the Bakersfield Municipal Code by modifying the boundaries for Wards 2 and 5, located west of Valhalla Ddve between Minq Avenue and Belle Terrace. This ordinance is in response to a concern raised by Councilwoman DeMond about a ward boundary line which cut through a condominium complex. It amends the ward boundaries for Wards 2 and 5 as follows: The area between Belle Terrace and Ming Avenue along the west side of Valhalla Drive will be removed from Ward 5 and put into Ward 2. This modification of ward boundaries is to allow an entire parcel(s) to be put into a single ward. Currently the parcels are in both wards. By this shift the ward boundaries will be along the street right-of-ways of Belle Terrace, Valhalla Drive and Ming Avenue. Item 12c. Ordinance amendinq the Bakersfield Municipal Code by removing the Palm ()live Annexation area from Ward 4. This ordinance amends ward boundaries and removes the Palm-Olive annexation area from Ward 4 and the City. The recent election approved the removal of the area from the City on March 7, 2000. The three areas subject to this actio,q cover 747 acres and an estimated population of 3,526 residents. AT.JWS:al cc: Department Heads City Clerk's Office News Media File ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Workshop ITEM: 2. a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jake Wager, Economic Development Director March 31, 2000 '~OVED DEPARTMENT HEA~ CITY ATTORNEY~.~.z~-~"--~' CITY MANAGER ('~/~ Presentation by Economic and Community Development Department Regarding Project Area Committees Role and Responsibilities RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: At the March 15 City Council meeting, Vice Mayor Carson requested a workshop to discuss the rote and responsibilities of the Redevelopment Project Area Committees. Pursuant to state redevelopment law, Project Area Committees are required when in the formation of redevelopment project areas it is anticipated there may be the potential of residents being displaced by Redevelopment Agency assisted projects. As outlined in Section 33386 of the Health & Safety Code, the role of a Project Area Committee is: "The redevelopment agency through its staff.., shall.., consult with, obtain the advice of the project area committee concerning those policy matters which deal with the planning and provision of residential facilities or replacement housing for those to be displaced by project activities. The agency shall also consult with the committee on other policy matters which affect the residents of the project area. The provision of this section shall apply throughout the period of preparation of the redevelopment plan and for a three year period after the adoption of the redevelopment plan and for a three year period after the adoption of the redevelopment pain, subject to one-year extensions by the legislative body." DIk:S:~Admins\PAC role workshop.wpd March 31,2000, 10:14AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Council Workshop ITEM:' 2. b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks April 5, 2000 Workshop - Urban Forest Maintenance APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY J//~' CITYMANAGER RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: Benefits of Urban Forestry programs include aesthetic, improved and quality, reduced urban temperatures, erosion control and safety. Staff will present information pertaining to proposed urban forest maintenance project. pah Apdl 5, 2000, 10:44AM S:\Forms\urbanforestmaint.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 3 · a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Councit Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney March 30, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~Y~ CITY ATTORNEY . .~'~'~- CITY MANAGER ~ Public Employee Performance Evaluation -- City Manager Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54957 RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: BJT:laa AP12CAl.CS March 30, 2000, 10:01am ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: Apri 1 12. 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Presentations ~TEM: 5 · a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Mayor Bob Price March 27, 2000 A?~-pROVED DEPARTMENT H EAD~? CITY ATTORNEY CITYMANAGER Presentation by Mayor Price of Proclamation to a representative from The Bakersfield Association of Realtors, proclaiming April, 2000, as "Fair Housing Month in Bakersfield" RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: March 27, 2000, 3:29pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Appointments ITEM: 7.~. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ DATE: April 5, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: One appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council determination. BACKGROUND: One appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission due to the resignation of Shirlyn Davenport, Mayor appointment. An application to fill the vacancy has been received from the following individual: · Nella Warren The Historic Preservation Commission ils an advisory body to the City Council. It is composed of nine (9) members, nominated by Mayor/Councilmembers and confirmed by the Full Council. Members must be residents of the City of Bakersfield, but not of a specific Ward throughout their term. The Commission reviews applications for Cultural Resource designations and applications for Historic Districts in addition to applications which may be referred by the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Adjustment or the City Council. The Commission presides and conducts public hearings on designation applications and makes recommendations to the City Council. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m., in the Kress Building Third Floor Conference Room, 19th & K Streets, Bakersfield California. April 5, 2000, 1:21PM S:\Bds&Comm\HPC~ADMIN~p8.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IMEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8.a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk~_~ March 31, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ CITY ATTORNEY N/A CITY MANAGER ~ Minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 29, 2000. RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: bz S:\Council\admins~ADMINS~APR1200,wpd March 31,2000, 1:14pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director March 31, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT .EAD CITY ATTO CITY MANAGER _~z'~ Approval of department payments from March 18, 2000 to March 31, 2000 in the amount of $4,670,635.06 and setf insurance payments from March 18, 2000 to March 31, 2000 in the amount of $169,114.87. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of payments totaling $4,639,749.93. BACKGROUND: s:~acctpay~adminf~l .wpd nks ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent TEM: 8 .c. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director March 20, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~.~ CITY ATTORNEY /~,,~/~ CITY MANAGER ~ Assessment District No. 99-2, (Seven Oaks West). Resolution Preliminarily Approving Engineer's Report, setting date for public hearing of protests. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution. BACKGROUND: On March 'i5, 2000, Council adopted the Resolution Approving the Boundary Map and the Resolution of Intention. The Resolution preliminarily approving the Engineer's Report also sets the date for the public hearing to hear protests on June 14, 2000. Once the Resolution is adopted, the next step is to mail notices and have the assessment engineer prepare and file with the City Clerk a Final Engineer's Report. The Final Engineer's Report will be ready for Council's adoption on the June 14, 2000 meeting just after the close of the protest hearing. The Preliminary IEngineer's Report is on file at the City Clerk's Office. G:\GROUPDA~ADMINRP'T~2000~Apri[ 12~,AD 99-2prelrpt.wpd March 20, 2000, 2:'11pm ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: ^pri112, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar iTEM: 8 .d. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council ~OVED FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: March 31, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER ~ SUBJECT: Bakersfield Amtrak Station: Resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Kern Council of Governments for allocation of Transportation Development Act funds for Fiscal Year 2000-01 to be utilized for the maintenance of the new Bakersfield AMTRAK Station during said fiscal year. (Ward 2) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution. BACKGROUND: Transportation Development Act (TDA) Funds are administered by the Kern Council of Government (Kern COG). The City currently receives TDA Article 3 Pedestrian Bikeway Funds. However, the City typically does not receive any TDA Article 4 Public Transportation funds. These funds have been used by Kern COG to address transit problems. Golden Empire Transit and other transit service-oriented organizations have been receiving these local transit funds to provide for the transportation needs within the City of Bakersfield. As the owner of the new Amtrak Station, the City is responsible for certain maintenance activities of the site. These Article 4 Transportation Development Act funds can be used to pay for those maintenance activities. This resolution authorizes staff to submit an application for those funds. ADR Mar 31, 2000 Public Works. Engine~gring Design S:\PROJECTS~ARNOLD\TDA Application for FY 2000_01~Admin Report 03_30_00.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM NO: 8.e. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jake Wager, Economic Development Director March 31, 2000 DEPARTMENT HEA~ c,Ty ATTORN __ CITY MANAGER A Resolution approving the submission of an application for a loan to the California Housing Finance Agency. (City-Wide) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the resolution and authorize the City Manger to execute all necessary documents. BACKGROUND: Staff has become aware of a program that was developed by the California Housing Finance Authority's (CHFA) Housing Enabled by Local Partnership (HELP) to provide local governmental entities with financial assistance to create housing for unmet affordable housing needs of the jurisdiction. Loans up to $2 million are available to jurisdictions for up to 10 years at 3% simple interest as an unsecured loan from CHFA with minimal restrictions and conditions. Once the HELP loan has been approved, the City will have up to 3 years to make the first draw from the loan. In addition, the City will only need to debt service the loan drawn down at that time. Activities that are eligible under the HELP program to facilitate affordable single family, multi-family, ownership, and rental housing programs administered by local governmental entities include acquisition, rehabilitation, in-fill, predevelopment, development, construction, code enforcement and other housing related development and revitalization efforts. In light of the several affordable housing projects proposed, staff would recommend submission of an application for the CHFA HELP loan program. This loan would allow the City to leverage scarce housing funds. Debt service for any HELP loan received would come from the tax increment housing set-aside fund. In order for the City to apply for the CHFA HELP funds the City Council will need to approve a resolution which grants the authority to a particular signatory to make an application to CHFA for the HELP program, to incur an indebtedness and execute loan agreements and take other actions necessary to facilitate the proposed program. DIk:S:'C, dmins\chfa help application.wpd March 31, 2000, 2:43PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 The City will have up to three years after the execution of the agreement to encumber the funds. The submission of a HELP application does not bind the City to accept the loan funds until the loan agreements and other loan instruments are finaled. The deadline for the HELP loan is April 14, 2000. The announcement of the award of the HELP program funds is expected by May 29, 2000. CHFA will have another round of funds in September 2000 if the City is not successful in the April round. Dik:S:~,dmins\ch fa help app ica ion.wpd March 31, 2000, 2:43PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk April 4, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~..~× CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER (~ Resolution declaring the results of the Primary Municipal Election for the election of Mayor, held in the City of Bakersfield on March 7, 2000 and the Special Municipal Election for the Palm & Olive Measures & Charter Amendment. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of Resolution. BACKGROUND: This resolution is required to accept the results of the Primary Municipal Election and the Special Municipal Election of March 7, 2000 as certified by the Kern County Clerk, declaring the following person elected to the Office of Mayor for a full four-year term, commencin§ January 2, 2001 and expiring January 2, 2005. · Ha~ey L. Hall In addition, the following results from the Palm & Olive ballot measures and Measure C Charter Amendment: · Measure A- No - Measure B - No · Measure C - Yes (Typist's Initials lower case) April 4, 2000, 10:28am S:\ELECTION~Admins\3700electadmin.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: A. pri112, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. g. TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: March 23, 2000 SUBJECT: Tract Maps/Improvement Agreements: APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY(~--~ CITY MANAGER (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5928 Phase D located west of Buena Vista Road and no~th of White Lane. (Ward 4) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5928 Phase F located west of Buena Vista Road and no~'th of White Lane. (Ward 4) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5928 Phase H located west of Buena Vista Road and north of White Lane. (Ward 4) Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5955 Phase A located west of Buena Vista Road and south of Ming Avenue. (Ward 4) Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Castle& Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 5955 Phase B located west of Buena Vista Road and south of Ming Avenue. (Ward 4) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Ennis Homes for Tract 5958 Phase 1 located east of Stine Road and south of Hosking Avenue. (Ward 6) RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: Staff recommends approval of the agreements. These Agreements are entered into to secure the improvements required for Subdivision Maps. Such improvements include, but are not limited to, streets, sewer, storm drain, and landscaping on or adjacent to the property being subdivided. NOTE: THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS ARE FILED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FOR REVIEW. March 23, 2000, 1:33pm G:\GROUPDAT~,DMINRPT\2000~Apri112\TR 5928 D,F,H TR 5955 A,B TR 5958 1.wpd TD ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. h. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council /A1~R, ,..~O~VED FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: March 28, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY ~ MAN^GER SUBJECT: Agreement with Living Connections, Inc. for $25,000 to rehabilitate the Cedar House facility located at 2429 19th Street. WARD 2 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of agreement pursuant to HUD notification of environme~ntal clearance and release of funds. BACKGROUND: City Counci~ approved an amendment on July 21, 1999, appropriating $28,000 of CDBG funds to rehabilitate Living Connection Inc.'s Cedar House facility, located at 2429 19~h Street. Living Connections, Inc. (LCI), is a private non-profit organization providing and maintaining a continuum of quality living arrangements in Kern County for mentally ill persons. LCI's major goals are to develop safe, affordable, and appropriate housing opportunities for mentally ill persons, and to help mentally ill persons achieve and maintain residentia~ stability in the community et the highest possible level of independence. LCI operates Cedar House, which is a State licensed 9~bed adult residential care facility serving mentally disabled single women. Cedar House is a quality board and care home, offering an enhanced program of supportive services designed to help residents attain a full and satisfying lifestyle. Twenty-four hour supervision and care are provided to the residents in a home- like environment and in a safe residentiel neighborhood. Basic services are provided, such as: room and board, transportation to appointments, and assistance in storing and taking medications. I--_nhanced services such as: service planning, social and recreational activities, life skills training (cooking, household maintenance, shopping, using public transportation, and accessing community resources) are also provided to the residents. LCI will use $25,000 of CDBG funds to rehabilitate its Cedar House facility, located at 2429 19~h Street. The rehabilitation activity consists of: installing new HVAC systems, weatherizing the facility (insulation, weather- stripping, replacing existing windows with energy efficient windows, etc.), reconfiguring the existing ramp to make it more func[ional for the residents, and any rehabilitation work that must be done as a result of the scheduled work. DIk:S:~Adrnins\cedar house lci.wpd March 28, 2000, 11:31AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 Project Cost Estimate The total amount of City Grant funds payable to LCI under the terms of this Agreement shall not exceed $25,000. ACTIVITY ESTIMATED SOURCE AMOUNT HVAC Replacement $9,500 CDBG Funds Windows Replacement (materials only) $3,500 CDBG Funds RAMP Replacement $3,500 Special Grant Funds Miscellaneous Rehabilitation $5,000 CDBG Funds Total $30,000 Christmas In April, a non-profit organization that organizes volunteers and donations in the area of home rehabilitation has committed to provide labor to replace the windows at no cost to LCI, DIk:S:~Admins\cedar house Ici.wpd March 28, 2000, 11:31AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM NO: 8. i. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jake Wager, Economic Development Director March 31, 2000 DEPARTMENT HEA~) Agreement with Affordable Homes, Inc. for $195,000.00 of HOME Investment Partnership Program Funds to purchase existing single-family homes for rehabilitation and resale to qualified homebuyers. (City-Wide) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: Affordable Homes, Inc. (AHI) a non-profit public benefit corporation has requested HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds to purchase existing single-family homes, for rehabilitation and resale to qualified homebuyers. Incorporated in 1994, AHI was organized to expand the opportunities to residents and groups to obtain adequate Iow-cost housing accommodations by constructing, rehabilitating, and providing decent, safe and sanitary housing. Since its inception, AHI has developed both single-family and multi-family rehabilitation projects in Los Angles, Fresno, Lemoore, San Luis Obispo County, Phoenix, and Bakersfield. In the last three years, AHI has acquired and rehabilitated a total of 85 single-family units and 154 multi-family units, seven of which are located in the City of Bakersfield. AHI has been certified as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) by the State of California which then allows AHI to access CHDO funds throughout the State. The HOME Program statutes and regulations offer very specific guidance to assure that CHDO's are: Legally recognized not-for-profit corporations. Organizations controlled by, and in service to, Iow-income communities, and Organizations committed to, and capable of engaging in the development of affordable housing. DIk:A:'C, HI Agreement.wpd March 31, 2000, 9:28AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 The CHDO allocation for the City (15%) of the HOME Allocation) for FY 1999/2000 is $195,000. AHI has requested $195,000 of HOME CHDO funds be allocated to assist them to purchase properties and rehabilitate single-family homes that would be sold to qualified HOME eligible families. No more than $15,000 would be spent per property. The net proceeds of the sale of a home to an eligible homebuyer will be pooled byAHI to purchase other eligible HOME properties rehabilitated and sold. An annual report will be submitted by AHI identifying properties bought and sold to eligible homebuyers. AHI will maintain a HOME eligible revolving pool of funds to continue with their efforts to expand the availability of affordable housing in Bakersfield. The availability of HUD homes in the City of Bakersfield will determine where AHI will purchase homes for this program, AHI will target its efforts city-wide. DIk:A:~AHI Agreernent. wpd March 31, 2000, 9:28AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. j. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jake Wager, Economic Development Director March 28, 2000 AP~PROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD~ CITY ATTORNEY,~(>(~ CITY MANAGER~/~ Agreement with County of Kern and Kern Economic Development Corporation to share the responsibilities and/or costs (City share $12,750) of the Job Training/Marketing/Management efforts in the Southeast Metropolitan Bakersfield Enterprise Zone. (Ward 1 & 2) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: This proposed agreement is a continuation of the I998-99 agreement with the County of Kern, Kern Economic Development Corporation (KEDC) and the County's Employers' Training Resource (ETR). This year was the County's responsibility to coordinate the signing of the agreement with all parties, and due to delays by County staff the agreement will be retroactive to July 1, 1999. Basic terms of the agreement remain unchanged. Since 1986 the County and City have shared the costs of operating the Enterprise Zone, formerly known as the Incentive Area. Beginning in 1990, County and City assumed responsibility for operating the program. In brief, parties agree that: County and City will continue to provide day-to-day operation, management, and funding of the program. ETR will provide vouchering and job development services to assist Enterprise Zone businesses in understanding the qualifications to receive state tax credits, job training assistance, and employee referral services. 3. KEDC will promote the Enterprise Zone to potential businesses considering Kern County. By outlining such responsibilities of the program, duplicative efforts have been reduced and expenses minimized. Services to be provided by each organization are detailed in Schedule "A" of the attached agreement. Dlk: April 4, 2000, 2:48PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 Each year, Cour~ty and City alternate responsibility for payment of all bills associated with the Enterprise Zone. During FY 1998-99, the County incurred all costs and billed the City for 50% of the costs. Under this proposed agreement, the City will assume payment responsibilities and bill the County for their 50% share. Total budget for this agreement is $25,500 (City's 50% share is $12,750). City has budgeted funds for Enterprise Zone operations through June 30, 2000 within the Economic and Community Development Department FY 1999-.2000 budget. This agreement's budget is slightly less than the previous agreement. County and City will be using Community Development Block Grant funds. Each department will be responsible for determining compliance with all federal responsibilities, including reporting requirements. This agreement was approved by the Kern County Board of Supervisors on March 28th. Dik: April 4, 2000, 2:48PM ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 REPORT I ITEM: 8.k. AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED Raul Rojas, Public Works Director March 21,2000 DEPARTMENT HEAD C I'l'~ ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER Contract Change Order No. 1, $21,739.80, to Agreement No, 99-204 with Colombo Construction Company for the Bakersfield Amtrak Station project. (Ward 2) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Contract Change Order. BACKGROUND: This Contract Change Order provides for changing the type of power supply to the Amtrak station site from primary power to secondary power at a cost of $21,739.80. Initially, the Amtrak Station site was to be supplied with primary power from PG & E at an estimated cost of $100,000.00. By having the contractor provide and install the equipment necessary for a secondary power configuration, the City will realize a net savings of $78,260.20. This Contract Change Order can be financed through Amtrak funds. RickM:VS March 21, 2000, 11:40am G:\G R OU PDAT~DMIN RPT',2000~Ap d112\CCO #I .wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ~ITEM: 8.1 . TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul Rojas, Public Works Director March 21, 2000 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD /t~- · CITY MANAGER ~ Independent Auditors' Report on Compliance with Contractual Requirements relative to the Bakersfield Subregional Wastewater Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the report be received and referred to the Budget & Finance Committee. BACKGROUND: Contract requirements contained in City of Bakersfield Agreement 76-153 as amended by Agreements 76-153(4), 77-44, 85-197 and 92-106 apply to operation of the Bakersfield Subregional Wastewater Management Plan. The City's compliance with contract requirements is audited on an annual basis. The current Compliance Report, issued by the outside auditors, indicates that the City complied, in all material respects, with the program's guidelines. No other reports were issued by the accounting firm in regards to this Compliance Report. PW-GL:rnrp Me,ch 23, 2000. 1 ~:06AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jake Wager, Economic Development Director March 31, 2000 VED DEPARTMENT HEAI~ ? CITY MANA(~ER ~ Appropriate $9,400 from the Offstreet Parking Fund Balance into the Economic Development Operating Budget in order to pay for required elevator repairs at the 18~h and Eye Parking Garage. (Ward 2) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriation of $9,400 from the Offstreet Parking Fund Balance into the Economic Development Operating Budget. BACKGROUND: While undergoing a stress test by authorized service personnel pursuant to state requirements, the elevator at the parking garage broke. Repairs were mandated and amounted to approximately $9,400. The elevator has now been repaired and is again operational, but funds need to be appropriated in order to pay the repair charge. DIk:S:~Admins\council admin boiler.wpd March 31, 2000, 10:13AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. n. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks April 6, 2000 Rockin' by the River Concert Series APPROVED DEPARTME.T.EAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER ~ RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends referral to Community Services Committee BACKGROUND: In 1999, the department initiated a classic rock concert sedes known as Rockin' by the River. The series of three concerts was held at Yokuts Park. The proposal was to use local talent the first year and ultimately have "known" classic rock bands from the 1960's and 1970's. Partly because of the success of this and other concerts, the council directed staff to offer concerts in each council ward throughout the city. As originally intended, the department is now proposing to enter into an agreement with a promoter to secure nationally-known classic rock bands to perform at this year's series. If approved, it will be necessary to use savings from other programs to cover the increased cost of hiring this level of performer. Because of the visibility the performers will bring to the department and the increased cost of the program, the department needs council direction prior to executing a contract with a promoter. April 6, 2000, 1:10PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT tMEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: 12.a. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Development Services - Planning March 27, 2000 APPf~OV, ED DE PARTM ENTH EA~//-"~~ CITY ATTORNEY/~'~'-~~ C~TY MANAGER ~ An ordinance amending Bakersfield Municipal Code Section § 1.12.010 by adding Annexation No. 406 and No. 408 to Ward 1, located at the northeast corner of Pacheco Roadl and Eve Street and at the southwest corr~er of Feliz Drive and Washington Street, respectively. (Ward 1 ) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends first reading of Ordinance. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance Amends the ward boundaries to include Annexation No. 406 and No. 408 areas into the corresponding Council ward. The annexations were approved by Council on February 23, 2000. Annexation Ward No. Population Annexation No. 406 1 0 Annexation No. 408 1 0 The annexation areas are located at the northeast corner of Pacheco Road And Eve Street and southwest of Feliz Drive and Washington Street. Annexation No. 406 consists of 12.55 acres of uninhabited land, which is being developed as an apartment complex. Annexation No. 408 encompasses 42.62 acres of uninhabited land. This site is partially developed with the Claude Richardson Child Development Center and the Bakersfield City Schools Maintenance Facility. (MO:pjt) (admin\april\4-12-a408) March 27, 2000, 1:30PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: 12.b. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Development Services - Planning March 27, 2000 / )VED DEPARTMENTHE(~D ~ MANAGER An ordinance amending Bakersfield Municipal Code Sections § 1.12.020 and § 1.12.050 by modifying the boundaries for Ward 2 and 5, located generally west of Valhalla Drive between Ming Avenue and Belle Terrace. (Wards 2 and 5) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends first reading of Ordinance. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance is in response to a concern raised by Councilwoman DeMond about a ward boundary line which cut through a condominium complex. It amends the ward boundaries for Wards 2 and 5 as follows: The area between Belle Terrace and Ming Avenue along the west side of Valhalla Drive will be removed from Ward 5 and put into Ward 2. This modification of ward boundaries is to allow an entire parcel(s) to be put into a single ward. Currently the parcels are in both wards. By this shift the ward boundaries will be along the street right-of-ways of Belle Terrace, Valhalla Drive and Ming Avenue. (MO:pjt) (admin\apri]\4-12-a405) April 5, 2000, 1:29PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: April 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ~TEM: I2.c. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Development Services - Planning March 27, 2000 APPROV~ED DEPARTMENT HEAD///~"~ CITY ATTORN E ~"'/,/ c,TY MA.AGE. An ordinance amending Bakersfield Municipal Code Section § 1.12.040 by removing the Palm Olive annexation area from Ward 4. The three areas to be removed are located as follows: 1) South of Olive Drive between Coffee Road and Fruitvale Avenue; 2) south of Rosedale Highway between Allen Road and Jewetta Avenue; and 3) at the northwest corner of Brimhall Road and Jewetta Avenue. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends first reading of Ordinance. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance amends the ward boundaries to remove the Palm-Olive Annexation area from \Nard 4. An election issue was approved to remove the area from the city on March 7, 2000. Annexation Ward No. Est. Population Palm-Olive Annexation 4 3,526 The three areas subject to this action covers 747 acres. (MO:pjt) (admin\april\4-12-palm) March 28, 2000, 11:37AM