HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/1991 MINUTES CCBakersfield, California, June 19, 1991 - Page 31 Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, the issue of meeting with the Planning Commission regarding the City standards for streetscape and median landscaping to come up with something more cost effective than what the City has been installing to date, was referred to the Urban Development Committee. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, the issue of having citizens advisory committees for all maintenance districts within the City so that people who are paying can have input into where the money is going was referred to the Convention Center and Community Services Committee. Councilmember Edwards expressed his concern regarding the citizens who call in and inquire about the cost and fees related to annexations, and whether they are getting their questions answered. Councilmember Edwards stated that the majority of the Council took some actions tonight that may make it difficult to appeal to the people who live in the County to come into the City because of the increase in some assessments and fees that seem to increase each budget year and which might jeopardize some annexations. Councilmember DeMond spoke regarding the Hughes Lane transfer site and suggested having a temporary shuttle on the east or west side of Wible for a 6-month trial period, so that nobody would ever wait more than 7 or 8 minutes. At the end of 6 months, the situation could be evaluated to determine if the shuttle should continue. Councilmember McDermott stated that he could not support, even for 6 months, having a shuttle on the west side of Wible because it is extremely dangerous for the people driving the street, as well as those getting on and off the bus. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilmember Peterson, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. MAYOR of the City of field, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, CA ndw Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 Minutes of the Workshop of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 5:15 p.m., July 17, 1991. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Medders. Present: Absent: Councilmembers DeMond, Brunni, Peterson (seated at 5:20), McDermott, Salvaggio Councilmembers Edwards, Smith WORKSHOP Progressive Discipline System within the City of Bakersfield. Personnel Manager Cotner and Assistant City Attorney Closs made a presentation regarding the Progressive Disciplinary System for City employees. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilmember DeMond, the meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 5:30 p.m. MAYOR of the City o akersfield, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, CA ndw 99 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 Minutes of the Closed Session of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 5:30 p.m., July 17, 1991. Present: Absent: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Medders. Councilmembers Edwards Brunni, Councilmember Smith (seated at 5:40), DeMond, Peterson, McDermott, Salvaggio CLOSED SESSION Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 regarding a personnel matter. Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) regarding potential litigation. Upon a motion by Councilmember DeMond, Council recessed to the City Manager's Conference Room for Closed Session at 5:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilmember Peterson, the meeting Closed Session was adjourned at 6:17 p.m. for MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, CA ndw IO0 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of city Hall at 7:00 p.m., July 17, 1991. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Medders, followed by the Invocation by Randy Rankin, Member of the Board of Deacons, First Assembly of God Church, and the Pledge of Allegiance. City Clerk Williams called the roll as follows: Present: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio Councilmember Smith Peterson, PRESENTATION Mayor Medders presented the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the City of Bakersfield to Mr. John W. Stinson, Assistant to the City Manager, and Ms. Melanie Dunwoody, Budget Analyst. He advised that each year the Government Finance officers Association of the United States and Canada judge cities who have submitted their budget for review. Based on extensive criteria, the budget is evaluated on its effectiveness as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide and a communication device. This year, the City of Bakersfield submitted its budget for review and received the Award. City Manager Hawley introduced the new Fire Chief, Stephen Johnson. He advised that Chief Johnson has been with the City for 14 years. He started out as a Fire Fighter with the Department in June of 1977, became an engineer in 1981, a Captain in 1983, and a Battalion Chief in 1986. Chief Johnson stated'he is honored and ready to accept the challenge of being the Fire Chief for the City of Bakersfield. CONSENT CALENDAR City Clerk Williams announced there has been a request to delete Items e.l., e.2. and e.4., and to correct the wording of Item t. of the Consent Calendar. The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: Approval of Voucher Nos. 10685 to 11628 inclusive, in the amount of $5,203,258.94 and Voucher Nos. 01 to 19, inclusive, in the amount of $895,925.49 and Self Insurance Voucher Nos. 2331 and 2612, inclusive, in the amount of $197,988.43. Minutes of the Budget Hearings of June 4 and 5, 1991, Regular Meeting of June 5, 1991, and Workshop, Closed Session and Regular Meeting of June 19, 1991, for approval. Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 2 Communications: Communication from Gregory G. Owens, DeWalt Corporation, 2340 Niles Street, dated June 18, 1991, requesting establishment of a maintenance district for Tract 5389. (RECEIVE AND REFER TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT) Communication from Bob J. Jackson, Bojak Development, Inc., P.O. Box 9355, dated June 19, 1991, requesting funding of approximately $100,000 in fees to facilitate the proposed HoBking Road Sewer Assessment District. (RECEIVE AND REFER TO BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE) Communication from Marilyn A. Boyette, City of Huntington Park, 6550 Miles Avenue, Huntington Park, dated July 3, 1991, regarding resolution opposing water company surcharges for reduced water consumption. (RECEIVE AND REFER TO WATER BOARD) Communication from Joseph L. Izenstark, Radiology Nuclear Medical Group, 1703 27th Street, dated July 3, 1991, requesting stop signs on "H" Street intersecting 27th Street. (RECEIVE AND REFER TO TRAFFIC AUTHORITY) Dedication of Properties: 1. Street Right-of-Way Deed No. 3352 from Centercal-Hinesley, for additional right-of-way for Hageman Road between Jewetta Avenue and Verdugo Lane. 2. Grant Deed No. 3353 from DeWalt Corporation for a drainage basin. Street Right-of-way Deed No. 3354 from DeWalt Corporation for a portion of Noriega Road west of Jewetta Avenue. Street Right-of-Way Deed No. 3355 from DeWalt Corporation for a temporary turnaround. 5o Deed No. 3356, Grant of Easement from DeWalt Corporation for access to a drainage basin. Grant Deed No. 3357 from Riverlakes Ranch Limited Partnership for a drainage basin. 102 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 3 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Deed No. 3358, Drainage Easement from Riverlakes Ranch Limited Partnership. Deed No. 3359, Flowage Easement from Riverlakes Ranch Limited Partnership. Street Right-of-Way Deed No. 3360 from Riverlakes Ranch Limited Partnership for a portion of Olive Drive between Coffee Road and Riverlakes Drive. Street Right-of-Way Deed No. 3361 from Riverlakes Ranch Limited Partnership for a portion of Coffee Road between Hageman Road and Olive Drive. Street Right-of-Way Deed No. 3362 from Riverlakes Ranch Limited Partnership for Riverlakes Drive between Hageman Road and Olive Drive. Street Right-of-Way Deed No. 3363 from Riverlakes Ranch Limited Partnership for Riverlakes Drive between Coffee Road and Hageman Road. Deed No. 3364, Sewer Line Easement from Riverlakes Ranch Limited Partnership. Deed No. 3365, Grant Deed of Easement from Cleo Brannon for sewer purposes. Street Right-of-Way Deed No. 3366 from Sunland refining Corporation for additional right-of-way along Brimhall and Coffee Road at the northwest corner of the road intersection. Street Right-of-Way Deed No. 3367 from Patrick Bell, et al., for additional right-of-way along Panama Lane and Wible Road at the southwest corner of the road intersection. REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. Deed No. 3368 and Agreement No. 91-141, Grant of Easement from Southern Pacific Transportation Company for property located north of the Homeless Facility (Northeast Truxtun Avenue). 103 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 4 Map and Improvement Agreements: 1. DELETED. 2. DELETED. Final Map and Improvement Agreement Nos. 91-142 and 91-143 with DeWalt Corporation for Tract 5416 consisting of 75 lots on 23.17 acres located at the northeast corner of Jewetta Avenue and Noriega Road. 4. DELETED. Notice of Completion and acceptance of work for Contract No. 90-120 with Pacific Summit Development for Parcel Map No. 9301 located on the northeast corner of White Lane and Gosford Road, completed July 2, 1991. Agreement Nos. 91-144, 91-145, 91-146, and 91-147 with the following individuals to provide instruction for: Tennis - Marc Thurston, Cindy Burr, Kris Smetzer; Hypnosis - Beverly Nelson. Agreement No. 91-148 with Bakersfield Officials' Association for softball officiating. Agreement No. 91-149 with City of McFarland for Assignment of Combined Road Program (FAU) Funds. Agreement No. 91-150 with the Greater Bakersfield Convention and Visitors Bureau. Lease Agreement No. 91-151 with the Bakersfield Art Foundation, Inc., for the operation of the Bakersfield Museum of Art. Agreement No. 91-152 with the Greenfield School District to provide the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Program to five schools from August 1991 through January 1992. Agreement No. 91-153 with the Bakersfield City School District to provide the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Program to twenty-seven schools from August 1991 through June 1992. Agreement No. 91-154 with the Panama/Buena Vista School District to provide the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Program to twelve schools from August 1991 through June 1992. Agreement No. 91-155 Annual Contract for title reports for Community Development from Century Title & Guaranty Co. in the amount of $9,375.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the Contract. 104 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 5 Resolution No. 133-91 providing for the collection of sewer user charges by the County Tax Collector. Resolution No. 134-91 providing for the collection of refuse charges by the County Tax Collector. Reclassification of job specification for Building Director. 1990 Affirmative Action Plan of the City of Bakersfield. REMOVED FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION TO IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING PUBLIC STATEMENTS. Upon a motion by Councilmember Edwards, Item t., Approve proposal, transfer of funds from Council Contingency and appropriate $7,500 to the Public Works Operating Budget in the Airport fund for Airport Site Assessment, was removed from the Consent Calendar and acted on immediately following Public Statements. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, the following items were removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration immediately following the Consent Calendar: Item d.17., Quitclaim Deed to Centercal Properties to release an access easement located northwesterly of Empire Drive and Truxtun Avenue; Item d.18., Public Access Easement from Centercal Properties to release an access easement located northwesterly of Empire Drive and Truxtun Avenue; and Item d.19., Corporation Grant Deed from Centercal Properties, Inc., granting property for a public parking lot at the Kern River parkway picnic area northwesterly of Empire Drive and Truxtun Avenue. Upon a motion by Councilmember DeMond, Items a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, 1, m, n, o, p, q, r and s, with the removal of Items d.17, d.18 and d.19, the deletion of Items e.1, e.2 and e.4, and the correction to and removal of Item t., of the Consent Calendar were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, d. Dedication of Properties: 17. Approval of Quitclaim Deed No. 3369 to Centercal Properties to release an access easement located northwesterly of Empire Drive and Truxtun Avenue. 105 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 6 18. Approval of Deed No. 3370, Public Access Easement from Centercal Properties to release an access easement located northwesterly of Empire Drive and Truxtun Avenue. 19. Approval of Corporation Grant Deed No. 3371 from Centercal Properties, Inc., granting property for a public parking lot at the Kern River parkway picnic area northwesterly of Empire Drive and Truxtun Avenue. At the request of Councilmember Brunni, Mr. Bill Cooper of the Kern River Foundation was recognized and stated there had been a meeting some time ago with the developer and City staff on this issue, and that, unless the map has been changed, the Foundation has no problem with it. However, if there has been any change in the access across and into the north side, he would like to have it deferred to a later date so the Foundation can look at it. Councilmember Brunni made a motion to defer this matter until the next Council meeting until the issue can be resolved. Mr. Cooper stated that it appears pretty much the same, and he does not think the Foundation has any problem with it. Councilmember Brunni amended her motion to approve Items d.17, d.18 and d.19. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, Quitclaim Deed No. 3369, Deed No. 3370 and Corporation Grant Deed No. 3371 were approved by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. Gene Lyon, Contract Compliance Representative for the International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 12, 120 Bernard Street, advised he is here tonight to protest an Action on Bid item, Construction of Jewetta Trunk Sewer, and the award of the contract to Kenko, Inc. Mr. Mark Griffith, 2716 Lynwood Street, spoke regarding Agenda Item 9.e., Action on Bid, and advised he would like the bid submitted by Kenko, Inc., rejected due to shoddy workmanship. He provided to City Clerk Williams a copy of a letter he sent to the Council on April 25th regarding this matter. Mr. David Steiber, 279 Garden Drive, spoke regarding the new runway constructed at the Bakersfield Airpark and became operable on November 15th. He expressed his displeasure with the manner in which it was handled without notification to the property owners in the community affected by the runway. Mr. Steiber also expressed his displeasure with the rezoning of farm fields on the north side of the neighborhood which were rezoned as heavy industrial. He stated this had also been done without notifying the property owners within 300 feet of those fields. Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 7 Ms. Nancy Blanton, 5500 Ming Avenue, #225, representing Bethany Services, spoke regarding Bakersfield Homeless Center and advised that every night the Center is filled to capacity, with people even sleeping in the yard around it. She further advised that they are feeding over 300 people per meal and stated it could not have been done without the City's support. Mr. Gary O'Neil, 5401 California Avenue, #300, representing the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce, spoke regarding the Habitat Conservation Plan and stated that the Chamber applauds the City's efforts for developing a plan that allows for continued growth in the City while, at the same time, ensuring protection of endangered and threatened species, both plant and animal. Additionally, he stated the Chamber proposes that the City's plan be evaluated on an annual basis and that the Chamber be allowed to provide input on future re-evaluation of the plan. Mr. Dennis Fox, 915 Blossom, spoke regarding the Habitat Conservation Plan and stated he hopes it does not become a "habitat redevelopment agency". Mr. Don Slack, representing Texaco's refinery, 6451 Rosedale Highway, spoke regarding the Kern River Parkway Alignment. He stated that Texaco supports the Kern River Parkway Foundation and feels that the proposed freeway alignment offers the best alternative in terms of public safety protection. Councilmember Edwards acknowledged the efforts of the individuals who participated in the cleanup of Gorrill Street in Ward One last weekend. He recognized Economic Development Director Wager and Community Development Coordinator Gonzales for their efforts in coordinating the project. T-shirts were then presented to the Councilmembers and to Catherine Palmer, Manager of Round Table Pizza, who provided pizza to the 74 volunteers at the end of the work period. The following item was Item t. of the Consent Calendar which was removed from the Consent Calendar to be acted upon immediately following the Public Statements: Approve proposal, transfer of funds from Council Contingency and appropriate $7,500 to the Public Works Operating Budget in the Airport fund for Airport Site Assessment. Councilmember Edwards stated, for the benefit of a gentleman in the audience, that he spoke with the Public Works Director and was advised that the work project would proceed and the cleanup would occur after the assessment. Upon a motion by Councilmember Edwards, the proposal was approved, funds were transferred from Council Contingency, and $7,500 was appropriated to the Public Works operating budget in the Airport fund by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, !07 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 8 HE~RIN~S Hearing for the purpose of receiving public comments on an application for Encroachment Permit by the Golden Empire Transit District (G.E.T.) for a transfer site location on the west side of Hughes Lane between Ming Avenue and Valley Plaza Service Road. This hearing has been duly advertised, posted and property owners notified as required by law. Communications have been received from Supervisor Mary K. Shell, 1415 Truxtun Avenue, Room 602, dated July 8, 1991, and July 17, 1991, regarding the proposed and revised plan for the G.E.T. transfer site. Communication has been received from David W. Steiber, 279 Garden Drive, dated July 15, 1991, in opposition to the proposed relocation site. In addition, the City Clerk's Office received 80 phone calls today in opposition to the proposed site and 3 phone calls in support. Mayor Medders declared the hearing open for public participation. The following persons spoke in opposition to the proposed G.E.T. transfer site: Ms. Candace Grogan, 1700 Hughes Lane; Mr. Ted Olson, 2000 Benton Street, and publicly thanked Councilmember Salvaggio for his efforts in this matter; Ms. Artie Dunham, 1800 Hughes Lane; Ms. Madeline Greynolds, 1617A Ming Avenue; Ms. Shirley Gil, 1916 Benton Street; Mr. Lee Colvin, 2301 Hughes Lane; and Ms. Odet Whitlach, 1712 Hughes Lane. The following persons spoke in support of issuing the Encroachment Permit: Mr. Chester Moland, Operations Manager of Golden Empire Transit, 1830 Golden State Highway; Mr. Graham Kaye-Eddie, representing the Citizens Transportation Action Committee, submitted petitions with 1600 signatures. and Ms. Cynthia Curry spoke in support of public transportation in the community. A five-minute videotape was shown in rebuttal in opposition to issuing the Encroachment Permit. 108 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 9 The following persons spoke in rebuttal in support of issuing the Encroachment Permit: Mr. Steve Ruggenberg, General Manager of the Golden Empire Transit District; Ms. Sherry Lynn Mantooth, 1031 "Q', Street; and Mr. Frank Gornick, Dean of Students at Bakersfield College, representing approximately 400 students who ride the bus to the College. Mayor Medders closed the public portion of the hearing for Council deliberation and action. Mayor Medders introduced City Manager Hawley who read a prepared statement by Councilmember Smith regarding her position on the proposed G.E.T. transfer site. Councilmember McDermott made a motion to deny the Encroachment Permit on Hughes Lane; to extend the permit for the operation of the G.E.T. transfer facility for a one-year period on Ming Avenue with staff monitoring the situation during the critical time period, which is the Christmas season; and to refer this item to the Urban Development Committee to continue the negotiations between G.E.T. and Valley Plaza. Councilmember Salvaggio suggested the motion be amended to include that the request by G.E.T. for an Encroachment Permit be denied "because the Hughes Lane site is not appropriate". At the request of Councilmember Edwards, City Clerk Williams read Councilmember McDermott's motion as follows: Mr. McDermott made a motion, the first part to deny the Encroachment Permit on Hughes Lane; the second part, extend the permit for one-year on Ming Avenue with staff monitoring the heavy Christmas traffic season; and number three was to refer the issue to Urban Development Committee to continue negotiations. on record future. Councilmember Salvaggio requested that this Council go as not supporting the Hughes Lane site, now and in the Councilmember McDermott accepted Councilmember Salvaggio's language as a friendly amendment to his motion to include that the request by G.E.T. for an Encroachment Permit be denied "because the Hughes Lane site is not appropriate". After much discussion, upon a motion by Councilmember McDermott, the Encroachment Permit was denied because the Hughes Lane site is not appropriate; the permit for the operation of the G.E.T. transfer facility was extended for a one-year period on Ming Avenue with staff monitoring the situation during the critical time period, which is the Christmas season; and this item was referred to the Urban Development Committee to continue the negotiations between G.E.T. and Valley Plaza by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, Demond, Brunni, Peterson, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 10 Upon a motion by Councilmember Peterson, the meeting recessed at 9:10 p.m. and reconvened at 9:20 p.m. Protest Hearing for the Oakhaven No. 1 Annexation to the city of Bakersfield and inclusion of all portions of the proposed Oakhaven No. 1 Annexation into the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District. (Ward 4) This hearing has been duly advertised, posted and property owners notified as required by law. Mayor Medders declared the hearing open for public participation. Ms. Martha Walters, 3301 Dwight Street and not a resident in the Oakhaven No. i Annexation area, spoke in opposition to the annexation of large unincorporated areas that want to have City services provided to them at other taxpayers' expense when they are undeveloped areas. NO further protest or objections being received, Mayor Medders closed the public portion of the hearing for Council deliberation and action. Adoption of Resolution No. 135-91 making findings that no written protest has been filed and ordering the territory designated as Proceeding No. 1062, Annexation No. 342, Oakhaven No. I annexed to the City of Bakersfield and included in the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District (Ward 4). Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, Resolution No. 135-91 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, Protest Hearing for the Stine No. 7 Annexation to the city of Bakersfield and inclusion of all portions of the proposed Stine No. 7 Annexation into the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District. (Ward 6) This hearing has been duly advertised, posted and property owners notified as required by law. Communication has been received from William and Geraldine Skaggs, 7246 Stine Road, dated July 17, 1991, in opposition to the annexation. Mayor Medders declared the hearing open for public participation. Mr. William Skaggs, 7246 Stine Road, spoke in opposition to the zoning being changed due to the fact that he lives on a 5-acre residential estate and has animals, which they would have to get rid of in 10 years due to the zone change. Ms. Martha Walters, 3301 Dwight Street and not a resident in the Stine No. 7 Annexation area, stated that there should be some provision to protect people who already own land. 110 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 11 No further protest or objections being received, Mayor Medders closed the public portion of the hearing for Council deliberation and action. Councilmember McDermott made a motion to adopt the Resolution and refer the zoning issue back to staff to work with Mr. Skaggs and bring back a recommendation to the Council. Planning Director Hardisty advised that the appropriate motion would be to refer the zoning on Mr. Skaggs' property to residential estate to the Planning Commission for hearing and recommendation. Planning Director Hardisty requested that the matter be referred back to staff for determination of adequacy. City Clerk Williams requested clarification of the motion. Upon a motion by Councilmember McDermott, the matter was referred back to staff to determine the adequacy of the written protest and bring it back to the Council by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, Peterson, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Hearing for consideration of the report by the Fire chief specifying work to be done, and description of the property upon which hazardous weeds and debris are located (1208 Pacheco). This hearing has been posted and property owners notified as required by law. City Clerk Williams advised she received some photographs submitted by Mr. Jim Miller, an adjacent property owner. Mayor Medders declared the hearing open for public participation. Mr. Jim Miller, 4812 Oman Court, spoke in support of the staff recommendation. Mr. Jim Edwards, 4805 Oman Court, spoke in support of the staff recommendation. No protest or objections being received and no one else wishing to speak in favor, Mayor Medders closed the public portion of the hearing for Council deliberation and action. Adoption of Resolution No. 136-91 of the Council of the city of Bakersfield finding that certain weeds growing on properties in the City of Bakersfield constitute a public nuisance and directing the Chief of the Fire Department to abate such nuisance. Councilmember Salvaggio instructed staff to put out to bid the removal of the live illegal Ailanthus trees that are currently on the property. Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 12 Upon a motion by Councilmember Salvaggio, Resolution No. 136-91 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield finding that certain weeds, grasses, dead shrubs, dead trees and live illegal trees upon property on the abutting half of the street, sidewalk, space and or alley in the City of Bakersfield are a public nuisance in that they are a fire hazard and any rubble, discarded asphalt and concrete and other waste material thereon that might interfere with abatement of the aforementioned public nuisance, are also a public nuisance, and directing the Chief of the Fire Department to abate such nuisance was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, Peterson, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Hearing of an appeal of the decision of the Board of Zoning Adjustment denying the request by Arnold Johansen for modification to permit the reduction of the side yard setback from 5 feet to 3 feet for a garage addition in an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) Zone. This hearing has been duly advertised, posted and property owners notified as required by law. Mayor Medders declared the hearing open for public participation. Mr. Arnold Johansen, the Appellant, 1901 Glendon Court, submitted a package of material explaining the situation and requested Council's support in reversing the denial. No protest or objections being received and no one else wishing to speak in favor, Mayor Medders closed the public portion of the hearing for Council deliberation and action. Councilmember Peterson made a motion to support the original staff recommendation and grant the appeal of Arnold Johansen for modification to permit the reduction of the side yard setback from 5 feet to 3 feet for a garage addition in an R- 1 (One Family Dwelling) Zone. The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, REPORTS Councilmember Brunni, Chairperson of the Convention Center and Community Services Committee, read Report No. 5-91 regarding Skateparks in Bakersfield, as follows: At the June 5, 1991 City Council meeting, a letter from Mr. Mike Lambrix regarding skateboard parks in Bakersfield was referred to the Convention Center and Community Services Committee. The Committee met July 1, 1991, with Mr. Lambrix, his mother (Mrs. Win Lambrix) and staff to discuss this matter. 112 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 13 Since 1986, the issue of skateboarding facilities in Bakersfield has received considerable attention. Over 30 city and private organizations have been contacted to find out how other areas are dealing with this matter. While several cities do have skateparks, the majority do not. Liability is the prime concern. Insurance is not available through the City's insurance pool. After further review, the Committee agreed with the need for skateparks in Bakersfield. They also felt these parks could best be provided by private organizations and that, if necessary, the City could assist these groups in an advisory capacity. With this in mind, this Committee recommends Mr. Lambrix be provided with a list of references.to assist him in his future efforts. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, Convention Center and Community Services Committee Report No. 5-91 was accepted. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, the recommendations of Convention Center and Community Services Committee Report No. 5-91 were implemented. Councilmember Brunni, Chairperson of the Convention Center and Community Services Committee, read Report No. 6-91 regarding Citizen Advisory Committees for Maintenance Districts, as follows: At the June 19, 1991 City Council meeting, the issue of establishing citizen's advisory committees for maintenance districts was referred to the Convention Center and Community Services Committee. The Committee met with staff on July 1, 1991, to discuss this issue. Prior to 1978, parks and landscaping services were provided with revenues generated through the general fund. With the passage of Proposition 13, the availability of these funds became limited. To offset this deficit, the City Council established a policy which required new park maintenance and street landscaping to be funded through maintenance districts. While districts appeared to be the best funding alternative, a new set of problems began to surface. Homeowners in these new maintenance districts were being assessed for their neighborhood parks, as well as property taxes for existing park maintenance. In addition, the method of accounting for these funds has become complex, which further confused and angered residents. 113 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 14 In an effort to educate the public, meetings have been held in selected districts throughout the City. Councilmembers and City staff were present to answer questions. Although attendance varied, a great deal of information was obtained. During the course of discussion, it was suggested that each district form an informal advisory committee that would meet with staff on a regular basis. The suggestion was well-received, and a list of interested individuals has been provided. Because of the nature of maintenance districts, this Committee supports the formation of informal advisory committees. Staff and Councilmembers have spent numerous hours explaining to concerned citizens the need for maintenance districts. With the aid of these committees, along with established methods, homeowners will now have an opportunity for input as to how their tax dollars are being spent. Based on the above, this Committee supports the formation of citizen advisory committees for maintenance districts and authorizes the Community Services Manager to implement. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, Convention Center and Community Services Committee Report No. 6-91 was accepted. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, the recommendations of Convention Center and Community Services Committee Report No. 6-91 were implemented. ACTION ON BIDS Bakersfield Senior Center - 5th Street Addition. Upon a motion by Councilmember DeMond, the bid from Bussard Construction in the amount of $139,750.00 was rejected, and authorization was given for the project to be re-advertised. Note: Councilmember Edwards was absent during Council action on this item. Miscellaneous Turf Equipment for Parks Department (replacement). Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, the low bids from Kern Turf Supply (18 items, $6,870.92), Kern River Saw (6 items, $4,502.88), Bakersfield Sandstone (11 items, $2,766.73) and S & J Outdoor Power Equipment (1 item $560.42) were accepted. Approval of Contract No. 91-156 with Griffith Company for curb and gutter on Verde, Kern, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Eye Streets end Holtby Road. Upon a motion by Councilmember Edwards, the low base bid from Griffith Company in the amount of $120,929.75 was accepted, and the Mayor was authorized to execute the Contract. 114 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 15 Approval of Contract No. 91-157 with RSCO, Inc., dba Rising Sun, for relocation of the Calloway Canal (Assessment District NO. 90-1). from RSCO, accepted, Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, the low bid Inc., dba Rising Sun, in the amount of $631,950.00 was and the Mayor was authorized to execute the Contract. Referral of Construction of Jewetta Trunk Sewer (Assessment District No. 90-1) to the Budget and Finance Committee. Councilmember Brunni requested that this item be deferred and referred to the Budget and Finance Committee. She stated that there have been several legitimate issues raised, and she would like each and every one of those issues to be reviewed and responded to through the committee system and then something brought back to the Council. Finance Director Klimko advised that if this is not awarded to the low bidder tonight, the item will have to be re- bid, since there was a delay in the formation of the Assessment District and the low bidder was good enough to extend their bid until tonight's Council meeting. Councilmember Brunni made a motion to reject the bids and that the project be re-bid. At the request of Councilmember Salvaggio, Mr. Gene Lyon, Contract Compliance Representative for the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 12, was recognized and spoke about this issue. Councilmember Salvaggio requested that, if the motion is approved, the Budget and Finance Committee members seek to receive personal dialogue from the parties involved. Finance Director Klimko requested that if Council refers it to committee, that the bids not be accepted or rejected at this time. Councilmember Brunni accepted Finance Director Klimko's request as an amendment to her motion. At the request of Councilmember Edwards, Mr. Gene Lyon was recognized and elaborated on his earlier comments. He submitted copies of City of Bakersfield Inspector's Logs and Certified Payroll Records regarding Kenko, Inc. City Clerk Williams requested clarification on the motion and was advised that it is to refer the bid to the Budget and Finance Committee. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, this item was referred to the Budget and Finance Committee. Approval of Annual Contract No. 91-158 with Advanced Concrete Sawing and Drilling for removal of striping and pavement marking at various locations for Public Works. Upon a motion by Councilmember DeMond, the low bid from Advanced Concrete Sawing and Drilling in the amount of $40,746.05 was accepted, and the Mayor was authorized execute the Contract. 115 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 16 Approval of Annual Contract Nos. 91-159, 91-160, and 91-161 with Photo Club, Inc., Canoga Cameras, and Imaging Products Intl., for Camera Film stock for City use. Upon a motion by Councilmember DeMond, the low bids from Photo Club, Inc. (30 commodities $50,835.76), Canoga Cameras (73 commodities $22,329.11), and Imaging Products Intl. (15 commodities $9,667.62) were accepted, and the Mayor was authorized to execute the Contracts. Approval of Annual Contract No. 91-162 with Niagara Car Wash for washing City vehicles. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, the low bid from Niagara Car Wash in the amount of $33,600.00 was accepted, and the Mayor was authorized to execute the Contract. DEFERRED BUSINESS Continuation of proceedings to determine that a litter nuisance exists at 722 Lake Street. At the request of Councilmember Demond, Planning Director Hardisty provided an update regarding the status of the premises. He advised that photographs have been submitted this evening which indicate quite of bit of progress has been made since last Monday. He suggested if the Council chooses to give the owner more time to clean up the premises, that it be only until July 31st. Adoption of Resolution No. 137-91 finding that litter on property at 722 Lake Street, Bakersfield, constitutes a nuisance and ordering the Building Director to proceed with abatement. Councilmember DeMond made a motion to delay the abatement for two weeks and advised that after the vote, she would like to discuss the issue of the demolition. Councilmember McDermott offered a friendly amendment that Council make the determination and direct staff not to put this matter out to bid until July 31st. Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 17 Councilmember DeMond accepted the amendment and made a motion to adopt the Resolution finding that litter on property at 722 Lake Street, Bakersfield, constitutes a nuisance and ordering the Building Director to proceed with abatement, holding any abatement process until July 31, 1991, and it shall be at the discretion of the Building Director to determine if the cleanup is acceptable to have abated that nuisance. The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, Councilmember DeMond requested that staff meet with Mrs. Brent and City Attorney Lunardini to discuss the possible demolition of the shed. She further advised that Mrs. Brent is put on notice and is now aware of this possible demolition, so that it hopefully will be taken care of and not have to come back to Council. 116 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 17 Adoption of Resolution No. 138-91 adopting the Kern River Freeway Specific Plan Line. Councilmember McDermott made a motion to adopt the Resolution of the Specific Plan Line of the Kern River Freeway, with the amendment by Councilmember Salvaggio. Councilmember Salvaggio added to the motion that the Planning Commission evaluate an alternative alignment for the section between Mohawk and Coffee Road which generally runs northerly of the Cross Valley Canal and considers both cost and environmental impact of each alternative. City Clerk Williams requested clarification on the amendment. Upon a motion by Councilmember McDermott, and the amendment by Councilmember Salvaggio, Resolution No. 138-91, adopting the Kern River Freeway Specific Plan Line was approved; and the Planning Commission was directed to evaluate an alternative alignment for the section between Mohawk and Coffee Road, which generally runs northerly of the Cross Valley Canal, and that they consider both cost and environmental impact of each alternative. Both the main motion and the amended portion of the motion were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, Peterson, McDermott Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Noes: Abstain: Absent: Adoption of Ordinance No. 3375 amending Chapter 17.36 of the Municipal Code relating to Church (CH) Zoning. This Ordinance was given first reading at the meeting of June 19, 1991. Upon a motion by Councilmember Edwards, Ordinance No. 3375 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, Adoption of Ordinance No. 3376 amending Chapter 17.38 of the Municipal Code relating to Hospital (HOSP) Zoning. This Ordinance was given first reading at the meeting of June 19, 1991. Upon a motion by Councilmember Edwards, Ordinance No. 3376 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, 117 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 18 Adoption of Ordinance No. 3377 adding Bection 17.04.165, 17.04.505 and 17.04.537 to the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Church (CH) Zones. This Ordinance was given first reading at the meeting of June 19, 1991. Upon a motion by Councilmember Edwards, Ordinance No. 3377 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, Peterson, McDermott Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Noes: Abstain: Absent: Adoption of Ordinance No. 3378 amending Section 17.60.210 and Section 17.60.220 of the Munlcipal Code relating to slgnage in Church (CH) and Hospital (Hosp) Zone Classifications. This Ordinance was given first reading at the meeting of June 19, 1991. Upon a motion by Councilmember DeMond, Ordinance No. 3378 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, Adoption of Ordinance No. 3379 amending Chapter 17.53 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Site Plan Review. This Ordinance was given first reading at the meeting of June 19, 1991. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, Ordinance No. 3379 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, Peterson, McDermott Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith NEW BUSINESS First Reading of an Ordinance amending Title Seventeen of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and City Zoning Map Nos. 122-01, 122-12, 122-13, 122-24, 123-16, 123-17, 123-18, 123-19, 123-20 and 123-21 by prezoning that certain property located south of Stockdale Highway to Panama Lane, generally west of Gosford Road, one mile west of Buena Vista Road known as the Buena Vista No. 5 Annexation (Ward 4). 115 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 19 This Ordinance amends Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and prezones approximately 3,561.11 +/- acres of the Buena Vista No. 5 Annexation as C-1 (Limited Commercial), A-20-A (Agricultural 20 Acre Minimum) and M-2 (General Manufacturing) Zones. First Reading of an Ordinance amending Title Seventeen of the Bakersfleld Municipal Code and City Zoning Map No. 102-30 by prezoning property located east of Jewetta Avenue, approximately 1,400 feet north of Brimhall Road known as the Brimhall No. Z Annexation (Ward 4). This Ordinance amends Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and prezones approximately 30 +/- acres of the Brimhall No. 2 Annexation as E (Estate) and R-S-2.SA (Residential Suburban 2.5 Acres minimum) Zone. First Reading of an Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Zoning Map No. 122-02 by changing the Land Use Zoning for properties located at 13001 Stockdale Highway from a P.C.D. (Planned Commercial Development) Zone to a P.C.D. (Planned Commercial Development) Zone for a neighborhood commercial shopping center consisting of a one-story, 42,086 square foot building and a 4,500 square foot building pad totaling 46,586 square feet. On June 6, 1991, the Planning Commission recommended approval of a zone change from P.C.D. to P.C.D on the southwest corner of Stockdale Highway and South Allen Road. First Reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 17.31 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relatlng to M-3 (Heavy Industrial) Zones. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on May 16, 1991, and recommended approval of the addition of Chapter 17.31 with amendments relating to setback requirements to Title 17. The M-3 Zoning District would implement the HI (Heavy Industrial) land use designation of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan Land Use Element. First Reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 15.32 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to the National Electrical Cods. Chapter 15.32 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is based on the 1987 Edition of the National Electrical Code. The 1990 Edition of the National Electrical Code has been published and adopted by the International Conference of Building Officials (IBCO). The 1990 Edition was published to update the previous 1987 Edition. An Ordinance has been prepared for adoption of the updated 1990 Edition. The Building Department staff has reviewed the provisions of this Ordinance with the Building Industry Association (BIA) of Kern County and the local Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). A public hearing has been scheduled for the Council meeting of July 31, 1991. Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 20 Adoption of Resolution No. 139-91 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield authorizing collection of assessment by the Kern County Tax Collector for demolition and/or removal of dangerous buildings and/or structures. Upon a motion by Councilmember Edwards, Resolution No. 139-91 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, Adoption of Resolutlon No. 140-91 setting the time and date for hearing a report of the Buildlng Director concerning the demolition of dangerous buildings, and hearing protests or objections thereto. This Resolution sets the public hearing for the Council meeting of August 14, 1991. Upon a motion by Councilmember Peterson, Resolution No. 140-91 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, Adoption of Resolution No. 141-91 authorizing collection of assessments for District 90-1 (Jewefta/Calloway) by the Kern County Tax Collector. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, Resolution No. 141-91 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Councilmember Smith Peterson, Adoption of Resolution No. 142-91 certifying the Williamson Act Cancellation fee for property located at the southeast corner of Panama Lane and Akers Road. Upon a motion by Councilmember McDermott, Resolution No. 142-91 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain:' Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, 120 Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 21 Adoption of Resolution No. 143-91 specifying that, unless excluded by Council, all portions of the proposed Wible No. 8 Annexation shall, upon annexation to the City of Bakersfield, be included within the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, and setting hearing for objections thereto (Wards 6 and 7). Upon a motion by Councilmember McDermott, Resolution No. 143-91 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, Peterson, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Adoption of Resolution No. 144-91 providing for the adjustment of property tax revenues upon local agency jurisdictional change resulting from Annexation NO. 352, LAFCO Proceeding No. 1075, Renfro No. 2 Annexation (Ward 4). Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, Resolution No. 144-91 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, Peterson, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Noes: Abstain: Absent: Adoption of Resolution No. 145-91 making findings and adopting the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan subject to the changes in Exhibit "B". Communication has been received from Barbara Don Carlos, Building Industry Association of Kern County, 5404 Stockdale Highway, Suite 112A, dated July 17, 1991, in support of the Habitat Conservation Plan. Councilmember Brunni made a motion to adopt the Resolution with an amendment to incorporate the comments from the Fish and Wildlife Service which Planning Director Hardisty provided in a memorandum, which comments were basically technical and editing comments which responded to issues raised at the Planning Commission level. At the request of Councilmember Salvaggio, Mr. Bill Cooper of the Kern River Parkway committee was recognized and advised the Council that the committee wants to go on record they view the Kern River Corridor as being worthy of the direction of some of the Habitat Conservation Plan funds and that some of the money ought to stay here for expanding the Kern River Corridor, the Parkway and doing what is felt the people want done with it in the first place. Councilmember Brunni advised that when the implementation trust is formed, she would like to see something come back so the Council can petition the trust for the use of moneys along the Kern River corridor for habitat. Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 22 After much discussion, upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, Resolution No. 145-91 was adopted, with the amendment to incorporate the comments from the Fish and Wildlife Service contained in Planning Director Hardisty's memorandum, by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, Upon a motion by Councilmember McDermott, a determination was made that the Agenda can be completed tonight, and the rules to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m. were suspended. Adoption of Resolution No. 146-91 making findings and certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Proposed Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. Upon a motion by Councilmember Peterson, Resolution No. 146-91 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, Peterson, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Adoption of Resolution No, 147-91 amending Resolution No, 126-91 setting salaries and related benefits for employees of the Fire Supervisory Unit of the City of Bakersfield. Upon a motion by Councilmember Peterson, Resolution No. 147-91 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, Peterson, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Noes: Abstain: Absent: Adoption of Resolution No. 148-91 authorizing Fuel Efficient Traffic Signal Management (FETSIM) Program Grant Application. Upon a motion by Councilmember DeMond, Resolution No. 148-91 was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Councilmembers Edwards, DeMond, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio None None Councilmember Smith Peterson, Approval of Agreement No. 91-163 with J.T. Decker Professional Group to provide Employee Assistance Program services. Upon a motion by Councilmember Edwards, Agreement No. 91-163 was approved, and the Mayor was authorized to execute the Agreement. Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 23 one (1) appointment to the Board of Building Appeals due to the resignation of Raymond Poore, no term specified. Upon a motion by Councilmember McDermott, Mr. Billie D. Smith was appointed to the Board of Building Appeals, no term specified. One (1) appointment to the Community Advisory Council (Southeast Metropo1itan Bakersfield Employment and Economic Incentive Area) due to the resignation of Richard Prado, term expiring December 31, 1991. This appointment was made using the ballot process. City Clerk Williams announced the person receiving the highest number of votes was Mr. Martin Castro. Upon a motion by Councilmember DeMond, the nomination of Mr. Martin Castro was confirmed, and Mr. Castro was appointed to the Community Advisory Council (Southeast Metropolitan Bakersfield Employment and Economic Incentive Area), term expiring December 31, 1991. COUNCIL STATEMENTS Upon a motion by Councilmember McDermott, the issue of the City of Bakersfield picking up any additional cost of an election inside the City limits with respect to the expenditure plan on the half cent sales tax initiative was referred to the Budget and Finance Committee for review and recommendation. Councilmember Salvaggio requested Council direct staff to review the Municipal Code with respect to having a better process for enforcement of litter, weeds, and nuisances. Additionally, he stated that one issue has been not having money budgeted to take care of the problems, and he would like that to be a part of the review. Upon a motion by Councilmember Brunni, the following three items were referred to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee meeting for discussion: A memorandum from the County Counsel to the Board of Supervisors regarding appointments to the North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District Board of Directors. The City appointment would be made by the Mayor, and Councilmember Brunni requested that Mayor Medders attend the meeting which is being hosted by the County. Councilmember Brunni stated she would like to talk to the County about a letter to Dale Mills from the City Department of Public Works regarding the Mt. Vernon PSD Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. Councilmember Brunni advised that on July 15th the Bakersfield Water Board authorized the Water Department to send a letter to the Kern County Water Agency with regard to the "Urban Bakersfield Water Delivery Financing Scheme". Bakersfield, California, July 17, 1991 - Page 24 Councilmember Edwards asked if there had been City representation at the County meeting regarding the increase in the booking fee. Assistant to the City Manager Stinson responded that he and Assistant Chief Lewis attended the meeting, and it was discussed that the 6.7 percent increase was related to the County's increases in salary cost and operational cost, more or less inflation increases. He advised that it was made clear that the City opposed the increase but felt it was fair based on the fact that the County has the authority at the present time to continue to do the booking fee. He also advised that the County Administrative officer stated they intend to do an annual contract with the City similar to the way it was done last year. Councilmember Edwards requested that staff check into the process currently required to have a "block party", and to see if it is necessary to make it so difficult, intimidating and expensive for a neighborhood community to have a "block party". Councilmember DeMond advised that she was surprised to receive a letter from the Kern Arthritis Foundation for another $90,000. She stated she would have liked to have known from staff about this whole issue prior to receiving the letter. Upon a motion by Councilmember DeMond the request from the Kern Arthritis Foundation for another $90,000 was referred to the Budget and Finance Committee at the earliest possible moment. Upon a motion by Councilmember McDermott, staff was asked to prepare a report regarding the State budget, as it affects the City, and take that to the Budget and Finance Committee to bring a report back to the Council. Councilmember Peterson recognized Councilman Edwards for his efforts in inspiring community pride and involvement in clean-up. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilmember Peterson, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, CA ndw