HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 133-91A Rb;8Ol,t.'l ION OF rlHb~ ::;¢)UNC]I, OF 'l'tli; CITY OF BAKb:F~SI,'II-:I,D PR()VIDING i.(11~. Tllt,] COI,I,E'LFi'H)N OF [41*]~E|,. CI-,IARGF;K P,] 'IHE COUNTY TAX COI,LkCIOR. on .Jdl y 2, 198tri, Lhe Ci 1.3 Coun(-i t of t.h~? duly p:~ssed and adopLf~d Oralinane( No. 3062 WHER. t,]AS, on May ]1, i989 t.h~. tJil.~ Cuun(:~l oF Lhe of I~kersf:ield duly passed and ;~dopl, r,d Ordinance No. 3228 C~iy Bak(.rsField and S~cLion Sl,~1o 01' (Ja] J fo~'ni:~ c*ollo~Lion ~[' such WtIEI{t,:A.%. :',ect,~on 14. ~2,390 *~1' the Baker~*l'tt, td l.he Kepn CourlLy Auditor Conl;r'ol It~r ~nd 'lax (Jr)! loci,or For NOW, TIIF. IiEF()RI,:, BE I [ I~I~]S()t,VI,:D, :~y ~ h,~ Cotin, i I ot' I h~ I'h,' Coul,t:il o1' I.h~! Cil). ,~.lf Bakpl'sfi*'td l.r,m,~fer~ ] tti,;RI<BY ,r'ERq IF¥ Ihat Lhe fo~'egoin< Resolut. ion pass~,d and adopted by l.he Council of Lhe CiLy of Bakcrsl ield a regular meeLing Lher~,of held or~ dUL 1 7 1991 , by the t',)l lowing vole: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: EDWARDS, DeMOND, ~. BRUNNI, pETERSON, McDERMOIT, 8ALVAGGIO NOES; COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS CITY (;I,ERK and Ex Officio Clerk of Lhe Council of t. he Ciky of Bakersfield JUl 1 ? 1991 Vice-HAYOli of t. ht. CiLy of Bakor'sl'ield API'ItOV!,:I) as I.o ATTORNEY of Lhe CiLy of 13ake?sfield ALta( hmenL ( i,:xhi bit. "A" ) .......... o0o ........... / CI~"f OF BAKERSFIELD EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 91-O4 Oe undersigned, representing the WASTEWATER Division of the Department, hereby certifies that the 1991-92 Public Work~. ~ -~ the costs reasonably borne incurred in pro~iding .... the regula~lon, prouuu , .... '~al improvements of the wastewater oa~n maintenance, replacement, anu u=~xu · rems ursuant to Section 3.70.040 of the Bakersfield sewers, and drainaae svs P ruc re herein below enumerated. Municipal Code will be recovered by the rate st___tu Said rate structure has been developed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.70 of the Bakersfield Municipal code and is hereby reconunended for adoption by the City Manager by Executive Order as fulfillment of the provisions of said Chapter 3.70. The following rate structure for provision of the regulation, product or service above enumerated is hereby established: Wastewater user fees and charges for FY 1991-92 are in part as follows. The remaining 14% costs are primarily fixed asset replacement costs, which are being phased in over a period of year: User Single Family residence Multiple dwelling Commercial users combination store/offices institutions and Hotels Schools Mobile home park Church Outside City users in unincorporated area Annual Fee $102.00 $ 81.60/unit $142.80 plus surcharge for above average users $244.80 $ 30.60/bed or room $316.20/100 students $ 81.60/space $112.20 Annual Fee/plus $52.00 outside surcharge per Exhibit "A" The remaining specific user fees and surcharges areas specified on the attached Exhibit "A" · METHOD OF COLLECTION: Kern County Tax Collector (by Resolution}, except outside users. Outside users are billed bimonthly by City Finance Department. ~tmen~ ~ 5 ~--~' Division Head The above rate structure has been reviewed and is hereby certified to recover the abo~~~centage of costs reasonably borne.g,..//..// Date / ~/ce Director The above rate structure is hereby adopted by this Executive order. Date r ~is Executive Order shall go into effect in ten (10) days, which shall be July 1, 1991. Copy to: Department City Clerk City Manager