HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK TIME CHARGED..-... - BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ~/'c.,',~,-~,.~ ~ /.J~'~ v ADDRESS: ~ZO ~ ~ . ~ ~ q~ v PROJECT NUMBER: [ ~-"'~(3 fi~ f~ ~'~'~' DATE: NAME: CHGD: COMMENTS: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: / P, E C E I P T PAGE 04/26/94 Involce Nbr. I 119585 I 1:32 am KERN CO RE$OURC,~ MANAGEMENT AGENCY 4tO0 M' Str, eet Bakers'fieqd, CA 93301 Type of Order CASH REG~'S'~ ER - ...... ¥.._..__ CUMMINS NEST INC ~tomer' P.O.g ~ hrn By Ordar Oa~ Sh~p Dare I Vta I Terms 7~IN ] C~A i }A~¢~4 I 04/26/94 I20-CU~NiN2 I' NT L~ne Descrip~io¢~ Ouan~y Pr-~ce Un1~ Offsc To~a~ ;,~¢=~-~.~NO_~R~¢UND,ANK~ ANNUA~ FEE EH 5 150 00 E 750.00 '~' ............ ..... UST001 .... "'""' 2 3550 NiSC - pENALTIES i 375.00 E ,- .,-: , ,,. :,. ~,,- .. ..... / ZZZ005 '"'" ~ O~-der Total 1125 00 Amount Due 1125.00 Payment Made 8y Check 1125.00 THANK YOU! ~-~ · . . .. ...~:~- :: ._ _ . . ~.~X .....· ,.~ :--.~ ......,. ... .... h ~ ' ' I ~ " "'"~""'~'~" ':' ""': ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ , I ' '. ,- "~'~ I I ~-- . '"~ ~ ' ..':" . .... ':'~ '. ,. .., - ~ - . . ~ ~ _ ~ ~ .."-- . ...: .- ...,... -........... ~...~ CIT BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPA ~ FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~..~ .~_,, 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 93301 ,%.~,..,~, R.E. HUEY February 1, 1996 R.B, TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 Mr. Ted Roberts Cummins Engine Company Inc. 500 Jackson, Mail Code 60405 Columbus, Indiana 47202-3005 RE: Underground Tank Closure at 301 East 4th Street, in Bakersfield, Ca. Dear Mr. Roberts: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the result of the Draft Closure Report dated January 5, 1996 associated with the remedial activities at the above referenced site. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: R. Huey, Haz-Mat Coordinator J. Castillo, RWQCB P. D"Arcy, Cummins Cai-Pacific J. Hunt, SECOR 'COR International Incorporal Portland Office 7730 Southwest Mohawk Street Post Office Box 1508 Tualatin, OR 97062-1508 Phone: ($03) 691-2030 FAX: (503) 692-7074 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: January 5, 1996 Attn: Mr. Howard Wines, III Company: Bakersfield Fire Department Address: 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Project: Cummins West, Inc. Bakersfield Facility Job No: F0131-006-04 RE: Draft Closure Report ENCLOSED: FOR: ( ) Proposal ( ) As Requested ( ) Contract (X) Review (X) Report (Draft) ( ) Your Information ( ) Letter (X) Approval ( ) Other: ( ) Signature ( ) Return ( ) Other: Comments: Enclosed please find a draft copy of the above-memioned report for your review. Please call if you have any questions. Signature: Joseph B. Hunt, R.G. ~-~/'~r ~ Title: Senior Scientist JBH:kld Enclosure DRAFT CLOSURE REPORT CUMMINS WEST BAKERSFIELD FACILITY 301 East 4th Street Bakersfield, California SECOR PN: F0131-006-04 Submitted by SECOR for Mr. Tedd Roberts Cmnmins Engine Company, Inc. 500 Jackson Mail Code 60405 Columbus, Indiana 47202 ~ ECOR International Incorporated 7730 Southwest Mohawk Street · Post Office Box 1508 Tualatin, Oregon 97062-1508 (503) 691-2030 ~-~repared by:-- Jon Cooper Project Geologist Reviewed by: Joseph B. Hunt, R.G. Senior Scientist TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............. ~ .......................... 1 2.0 BACKGROUND ....................................... 2 2.1 Site Location and Description ............................. 2 2.2 Regional Physiographic Conditions ....................... · . . .2 2.3 Regional Geology .................................... 2 2.4 Site Geology ....................................... 2 2.5 Regional Hydrogeology ........ - ......................... 3 3.0 PREVIOUS INWESTIGATIONS ............................. 3 3.1 CONDITIONS ASSESSMENT ............................ 3 3.1.1 Sampling Locations ............................... 3 3.1.2 Analytical Methods ............................... 4 3.1.3 CAP Results ................................... 5 3.1.3. ! Subsurface Soil Conditions .................... 5 Soil Sample Analytical Results ................. 5 3.1.4 Oil/Water Separator Area ........................... 7 4.0 REMEDIAL CLOSURE ACTIVITIES ......................... 7 4.1 UST Basin ........................................ 7 4.1.1 Excavation and UST Decommissioning ................... 7 4.1.2 Confirmation Soil Sampling/Analysis .................... 8 4.1.3 Confirmation Sample Analytical Results .................. 9 4.2 Oil/Water Separators ......................... ' ......... 9 4.2.1 Removal and Disposal ............................. 9 4.2.2 Confirmation Soil Sampling/Analysis .................... 10 4.2.3 Confirmation Soil Sample Analytical Results ............... 10 5.0 SITE RESTORATION .................................... 10 6.0 CONTAMINANT FATE AND TRANSPORT ..................... 11 6.1 Potential Contaminant Sources ............................ 11 6.2 Model Results and Conclusions ............................ 11 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................... 12 8.0 REFERENCES ........................................ 13 CUMBAK.SRP (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated January 5, 1996 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Map .......................................... 1 Figure 2 Soil Sample Location Map ............................... 1 Figure 3 CAP Soil Sample Analytical Results ............. ..'~:~' .......... 5 Figure 4 Generalized Geologic Cross Section A -A' . .................... 3 Figure 5 Generalized Geologic Cross Section B - B' . .................... 3 Note: Figures appear following the page numbers noted. LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Table 2 SESOIL Model Scenario Results Table AC-1 Input Parameters for SESOIL Model Scenarios LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Soil Borehole Logs Appendix B Laboratory Data Reports Appendix C SESOIL Model Description CUMBAK.SRP (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated January 5, 1996 1.0 INTRODUCTION SECOR International Incorporated (SECOR) was retained by Cummins Engine Company, Incorporated (CECo) and Cummins West, Incorporated (CWI) to implement remedial closure activities at the Cummins West Bakersfield facility, located at 301 East 4th Street in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). These activities included the removal of five underground storage tanks (USTs) and two oil/water separators (OWSs); evaluation, sampling, and removal of impacted subsurface soil within the respective excavations; characterization, removal, and off-site disposal of residual fluids from the USTs and OWSs, and water; and backfilling excavations to grade and restoring the site surface. The UST and OWS systems which were removed were located in the area between the main shop/office building and the chassis dynamometer building (Figure 2). The systems consisted of the following components.' UST Basin · A 1,000-gallon steel lube oil UST (UST 1) located at the southwest corner of the main building. · A 1,000-gallon steel diesel UST (UST 2) located approximately 1 foot east of the lube oil UST. · A 1,000-gallon steel gasoline UST (UST 3) located approximately 1 foot east of the diesel UST. · A 550-gallon steel mineral spirit UST (UST 4) located approximately 1 foot east of the gasoline UST. · Two dispensers and underground piping associated with the lube oil, diesel, gasoline and mineral spirit USTs, located adjacent the outer south wall of the main building. · A 660-gallon steel used-oil UST (UST 5) located approximately 15 feet south of the used-oil filter drain. OWS System · A westward concrete 2,500-gallon OWS, located underground between the main building and the chassis dynamometer building. · An eastward concrete 2,000-gallon OWS located underground approximately 1 foot west of the used-oil UST. SECOR subcontracted the UST/OWS activities with Kern Environmental Service (KES) of Bakersfield, California. Clogure activities were conducted in accordance with guidelines established by the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD), the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB, 1990), and the Conditions Assessment Plan (CAP) dated May 24, 1995 (SECOR, 1995). The CAP was approved by Mr. Howard Wines of the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) on June 30, 1995. January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 1 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Site Location and Description The site is located in an industrial/residential area east of Union Avenue, at 301 East 4th Street, in the city of Bakersfield. The subject property is bordered by East 4th Street to the north, Wood Street to the west, and unimproved vacant lots to the south and east. During active operations, the site functioned as an engine repair and maintenance facility since at least 1958. Storage and wastewater treatment systems consisted of an underground storage tank (UST) basin, and an oil/water separator (OWS) system. The UST basin, consisting of the five USTs, was present on the subject property and located adjacent to the sotithwest building corner. The five USTs included a 550-gallon mineral spirits UST installed in 1984, a pre-1984 1,000-gallon diesel fuel UST (connected to the engine dynamometer), a pre-1984 1,000-gallon lubricating oil UST, a 1,000-gallon gasoline UST installed in 1985, and a 660-gallon used oil UST of unknown date. No reports or other evidence which would indicate the presence of additional USTs were discovered during SECOR's September 21, 1994 inspection and associated PSA. The OWS system, located on the western side of the main building, consisted of an eastward and westward separator. Initially, the eastward OWS served to clarify water discharged on site. At a later undetermined date, the westward OWS was constructed and connected to the eastward OWS to increase OWS capacity. 2.2 Regional Physiographic Conditions The subject property is situated at an elevation of approximately 405 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The topography in the vicinity of the subject site is generally flat, while the regional topography slopes to the south. The nearest surface water body to the site is the East Side Canal, located approximately 0.75 miles to the north (USGS, 1975). The average annual precipitation for the Bakersfield area, as measured at Meadows Field, is 5.74 inches (KCWA, 1995). 2.3 Regional Geology The site is located within the San Joaquin Valley, which constitutes the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a topographic and structural basin bounded on the east by the Sierra Nevada, a fault block dipping gently southwestward, and on the west by the Coast Range. The Sierra Nevada is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks of pre-Tertiary age, which comprise the basement complex beneath the Valley. The Coast Range contains folded and faulted sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic and Cenozoic age, which are similar to the rocks that immediately underlie the Valley and noncomformably overlie the basement complex. In the Bakersfield area, the basement rocks are overlain by early to middle Tertiary age marine sedimentary rocks. The marine sediments are subsequently overlain by poorly consolidated, continental sediments that typically contain the regional groundwater reservoir. The continental sediments consist of alluvial fan and lacustrine deposits and reach an average depth of 2,000 feet below ground surface (bgs) in the study area. 2.4 Site Geology Based on stratigraphic conditions observed during CAP fieldwork, the site is underlain by silt, fine- grained sand, and silt-sand-clay mixtures With occasional clay lenses from the surface to approximately January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 2 45 feet bgs. A deposit of clay and clayey silt/clayey sand mixtures, ranging from 5 to 10 feet in thickness, was encountered beneath the surficial alluvial deposits from approximately 45 to 55 feet bgs. Fine-grained to very fine-grained sand was encountered from approximately 55 to 75 feet bgs, the deepest borehole completion depth on site. No groundwater was detected in the soil borings. A summary of the site geology is illustrated as generalized geologic cross-sections in Figures 4 and 5. 2.5 Regional Hydrogeology The property is located in the San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area, which includes roughly two- thirds of the Great Valley. Within that area, a total of 39 groundwater basins and areas of potential storage have been identified. The inventory covers thirteen groundwater basins which have been identified as significant groundwater sources. The subject property is located within the Kern County groundwater basin. The Kern River flows in a southwesterly direction through Bakersfield and provides significant recharge to the area groundwater system. Water-bearing sediments beneath the site consist of late Tertiary and Quaternary age sand and gravel deposits derived from the Sierra Nevada Range. Regionally, these sediments are divided into upper and lower water bearing zones by an aquitard contemporaneous with the Corcoran Clay Formation. Water well data in the area suggests that a Corcoran Clay equivalent aquitard does not underlie the site (Dale, 1966) and the depth to regional unconfined groundwater beneath the site is estimated at 230 feet bgs. Data also suggests that the site is situated within a regional groundwater depression. As a result, regional groundwater flow direction is interpreted as being towards Bakersfield, and hence the subject property, from all directions (KCWA, 1994). 3.0 PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS Previous investigations at the site have included a 1994 Preliminary Site Assessment (PSA), a February 1995 Corrective Action Plan (CAP) investigation, and an additional soil boring investigation conducted in July 1995. The CAP field investigation was performed in February 1995 to evaluate potential petroleum-related sources adjacent to the UST basin and the OWSs. Based on data collected during the February 1995 CAP investigation, additional soil borings were drilled to further evaluate the lateral and vertical extent of soil impacted by petroleum-related sources adjacent to the UST basin and to provide data to facilitate the removal of the USTs and the OWSs and remediation of impacted soil. The additional assessment activity, as proposed in the amended CAP, was approved by the BFD on June 30, 1995, and was completed during July 1995. The results of February and July 1995 investigations in the UST and OWS areas are discussed below. 3.1 CONDITIONS ASSESSMENT CAP fieldwork was conducted on site in February and July 1995 to determine the potential vertical and lateral extent of impacted soil. The July 1995 fieldwork was implemented to delineate the lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil identified in the UST and OWS areas during performance of the February CAP. 3.1.1 Sampling Locations A total of nine soil borings were drilled and sampled during the February and July 1995 subsurface activities. S0il boring locations are illustrated in Figure 2. Six of the borings were drilled around the UST basin while the remaining three borings were drilled in the OWS areas. Following is a description of the soil boring locations: January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 3 · Soil boring A-1 was completed at a 25 degree angle, west of the UST basin, to a depth of 40 feet below ground surface (bgs). This boring was completed during the CAP fieldwork in February 1995. · Soil boring A-2 was completed at a 25 degree angle, south of the UST basin, to a depth of 75 feet bgs. This boring was completed during the CAP fieldwork in February 1995. · Soil boring A-3 was completed vertically, east of the UST basin, to a depth of 30 feet bgs. This boring was completed during the CAP fieldwork in February 1995. · Soil boring A-4 was completed vertically, south of the UST basin, to a depth of 70 feet bgs. This boring was completed during the additional CAP fieldwork in July 1995. · Soil boring A-5 was completed vertically, northwest of the UST basin, to a depth of 60 feet bgs. This boring was completed during the additional CAP fieldwork in July 1995. · Soil boring A-6 was completed vertically, southwest of the UST basin, to a depth of 60 feet bgs. This boring was completed during the additional CAP fieldwork in July 1995. · Soil boring B-1 was completed vertically, north of the Oil/Water Separator (OWS) Area, to a depth of 20 feet bgs. This boring was completed during the CAP fieldwork in February 1995. · Soil boring B-2 was completed vertically, south of the OWS Area, to a depth of 20 feet bgs. This boring was completed during the CAP fieldwork in February 1995. · Soil boring C-1 was completed vertically, adjacent to used-oil UST Area, to a depth of 20 feet bgs. This boring was completed during the CAP fieldwork in February 1995. Groundwater was not encountered at the deepest boring completion depth. 3.1.2 Analytical Methods During the initial (February 1995) and additional (July 1995) CAP activities, soil samples were submitted for analysis to Zymax Envirotechnology of San Luis Obispo, California. Zymax is a California state-certified laboratory. Selected soil samples collected during the initial CAP fieldwork were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA Method 8015 modified, total pe[roleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-D) by EPA Method 8015 modified, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260, total lead by EPA Method 7420, and cadmium and chromium by EPA Method 6010/7000. Soil samples collected during the additional CAP activities were analyzed for TPH-G, TPH-D, and/or BTEX by EPA Method 8260, and for the leaking underground fuel tank (LUFT) 5 heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, lead, nickel and zinc) by EPA Method 6010. January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 4 3.1.3 CAP Results Subsurface Soil Conditions A fine-grained unit, ranging from a clay to a clayey and sandy silt was encountered in the borings from grade to 15 feet bgs. A fine-to medium-grained sand was encountered from 15 feet bgs to the total depth of all the 20-foot borings and the 40-foot boring. A silty clay was encountered in boring A-2 from 55 to 60 feet bgs. At 60 feet bgs, a fine-grained sand interbedded with sandy clay was encountered to the total depth of boring A2, 75 feet bgs. Groundwater was not encountered and is reportedly greater than 200 feet bgs. Soil Sample Analytical Results Following is a summary of the subsurface soil sampling and analytical results for each of the investigated areas. Analytical results of the soil samples collected from each area are summarized in Table 1 and illustrated in Figure 3. The laboratory data reports are included in Appendix B. UST Basin Seven soil borings, A-1 through A-6 and C-1 were drilled around the former UST basin. The results of these borings are presented below. Boring A-1 Boring A-1 was located west of the UST basin. The boring was drilled at an angle of approximately 25 degrees off center, toward the east and beneath the UST basin. Organic vapors were detected in angle boring A-1 at 20 feet bgs and the boring was extended to 40 feet bgs. The boring was terminated at 40 feet bgs, since the angled boring was crossing into the area that was previously sampled by boring A-2. Soil samples collected at 20 and 40 feet bgs were analyzed for TPH-D and did not exhibit concentrations at or above the MRL. The soil collected from 40 feet bgs was also analyzed for TPH-G, which was detected at a concentration of 5,200 mg/Kg. · The soil samples collected at 20 and 40 feet bgs were analyzed for VOCs. Toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes were detected in both soil samples at levels ranging from 3.27 mg/Kg (A-1 20) to 24.17 mg/Kg (A-1 40). Total chromium was detected at a concentration of 3.6 mg/Kg, and total lead and total cadmium were not detected at or above the MRL in samples collected from boring A-1 at 20 feet bgs. Boring A-2 Boring A-2 was located south of the UST basin. Boring A-2 was drilled at an angle of approximately 25 degrees off center, toward the north, under the UST basin. Organic vapors were detected in boring A-2 at 25 feet bgs. Because the OVM readings were elevated, the boring was extended. Elevated OVM readings were recorded from 25 to 55 feet bgs. At 55 feet bgs, a silty clay was encountered and organic vapors declined. From 70 to 75 feet bgs, two consecutive soil samples had OVM readings of below 10 parts per million (ppm) and the boring was terminated. January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 5 concentration of 6,600 mg/Kg. Soil samples collected at 30 and 45 feet bgs were analyzed for VOCs. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes were detected in both samples. Soil samples collected at 60 feet bgs were analyzed for TPH-G, TPH-D, and VOCs; of the analytes, none were detected above the MRL. Soil samples collected at 75 feet bgs were analyzed for TPH-D and VOCs. None of the analytes were detected above the MRL. Total lead, chromium, and cadmium were analyzed in the 30 and 75 foot samples. Total lead was detected at a concentration of 29 mg/Kg in the soil sample collected at 30 feet bgs and none were detected above the MRL in the 75-foot sample. Total chromium concentrations ranged from 1.9 mg/Kg at 75 feet bgs to 3.9 mg/Kg at 30 feet bgs. Total cadmium concentrations were not detected at or above the MRL at 30 and 75 feet bgs. Boring A-3 Boring A-3 was drilled vertically, east of the UST basin. Organic vapors were detected in boring A-3 at 20 feet bgs. Because OVM readings were encountered at the base of the boring and at the request of CECo, this boring was extended to 30 feet bgs. Soil samples collected at 20 and 30 feet bgs in boring A-3 were analyzed for TPH-G, TPH-D, and VOCs; none were detected above the EPA method reporting limit (MRL). The soil sample collected at 20 feet bgs was analyzed for total lead and total cadmium and the results did not indicate any analyte concentrations above the MRL. Total chromium was detected at a concentration of 2.8 milligrams per kilogram (mg/Kg) in the soil sample collected at 20 feet bgs. Borin~ A-4 Boring A-4 was located south of the UST basin, and was extended to a depth of 70 feet bgs. Field screening measurements of organic vapors using a PID were observed in a range of 2.8 ppm at 5 feet bgs, to 26 ppm at 35 feet bgs. Soil samples collected at 35, 50, 60, and 70 feet bgs were analyzed for TPH-G and BTEX. The soil sample collected from 70 feet bgs was also analyzed for TPH-D. The results did not indicate analyte concentrations at or above the MRL. Soil sample A-4 35 was analyzed for LUFT heavy metals. Chromium, nickel and zinc were detected in concentrations of 4.4 mg/Kg, 1.7 mg/Kg and 18 rog/Kg, respectively. Cadmium and lead were not detected in sample A-4 35. Borin~ A-5 Boring A-5 was located northwest of the UST basin, and was extended to a depth of 60 feet bgs. Field screening measurements of organic vapors using a PID were observed in a range of 0 ppm at 60 feet bgs to 2.4 ppm at 20 feet bgs. The 40, 50 and 60-foot soil samples were analyzed for TPH-G and BTEX. The results did not indicate analyte concentrations at or above the MRL. Soil sample A-5 30, collected at 30 feet bgs, was analyzed for LUFT heavy metals. Chromium, nickel, and zinc were detected in concentrations of 3.7 mg/Kg, 1.8 mg/Kg, and 18 mg/Kg, respectively. Cadmium and lead were not detected in sample A-5 30. Boring A-6 Boring A-6 was located southwest of the UST basin. Field screening measurements of organic vapors using a PID were observed in a range of 0.5 ppm at 20 feet bgs to 7.2 ppm at 55 feet bgs. January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 6 Soil samples collected at 25, 40, 50 and 60-feet bgs in boring A-6 were analyzed for TPH-G and BTEX. The soil sample collected from 60 feet bgs was also analyzed for TPH-D. The results did not indicate analyte concentrations at or above the MRL. Soil sample A-6 25, collected at 25 feet bgs, was analyzed for LUFT heavy metals] Chromium, nickel, and zinc were detected in concentrations of 6.2 mg/Kg, 3.3 mg/Kg and 41 mg/Kg, respectively. Cadmium and lead were not detected in sample A-6 25. Boring C-1 Boring, C-I, was drilled adjacent to the used oil UST to a depth of 20 feet bgs. OVM readings were not detected in the soil boring. The soil samples from boring C-1 were analyzed for TPH-D at 10 feet bgs and for TPH-D, VOCs, total lead, and total cadmium at 20 feet bgs. The results did not indicate analyte concentrations at or above the MRL. A total chromium concentration of 2.9 mg/Kg was detected in the 20-foot soil sample. 3.1.4 Oil/Water Separator Area Two borings, B-1 and B-2, were drilled north and south, respectively, of the OWS. Boring B-1 Boring B-I, was drilled adjacent to and north of the OWS to a depth of 20 feet bgs. OVM readings were not detected in the soil boring. Soil samples from boring B-1 were analyzed for TPH-D at 10 feet bgs and for TPH-D and VOCs at 20 feet bgs. The analytical results did not indicate the presence of either TPH-D or VOCs at or above the laboratory MRL. Boring B-2 Boring B-2, was drilled adjacent to and south of the OWS to a depth of 20 feet bgs. OVM readings were not detected in the soil boring. Organic vapors were encountered during drilling in boring B-2 at 10 feet bgs. The vapors were not observed at 15 and 20 feet bgs and boring B-2 was terminated. Soil samples from boring B-2 were analyzed for TPH-D at 10 feet bgs and for TPH-D and VOCs at 20 feet bgs. The soil sample collected at 10 feet bgs exhibited TPH-D at a concentration of 380 mg/Kg. VOC's were not detected at or above the laboratory MRL in either sample. 4.0 REMEDIAL CLOSURE ACTIVITIES Remedial closure activities were conducted at the site during September 1995. These activities are described below. 4.1 UST Basin 4.1.1 Excavation and UST Decommissioning On September 13, 1995, groundbreaking activities commenced within the UST basin. These activities included disconnection of the dispensers from the product distribution lines and removal of the concrete and/or asphalt pavement and surface soil overlying the USTs using a backhoe- operated impact hammer and bucket. Removal of the overlying material to a depth of 4 feet below ground surface (bgs) revealed that the orientation of UST Nos. 1 through 4 extended beneath the south wall of the building, as shown on Figure 2. In addition, approximately January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International b~corporated 7 10 square feet of visibly impacted soil was observed adjacent to the mineral spirits UST No. 4, at an inaccessible location beneath the building. The used oil UST No. 5 was observed to be positioned within the basin but beyond the building foundation. Visually used-oil impacted soil was removed to a depth of 11 feet bgs in the area between the UST No. 5 and the adjacent steam-cleaning area and stockpiled on site for later disposal. An estimated 2 cubic yards of visually used-oil impacted soil was left in place beneath the steam-cleaning area pad to minimize the risk of compromising the structural integrity of the building foundation. The vertical limit of the used-oil impacted soil left in place was approximately 4 feet bgs based on visual observations conducted subsequent to excavation of the accessible impacted soil. Subsequent to exposing the USTs, residual product from each UST was sampled, characterized, and removed using a vacuum truck and each UST was inerted using a circulation-washing process which facilitated removal of all interior product and hydrocarbon vapors to concentrations below the lower explosive limits (LEL). Product volumes removed from the USTs included approximately 20 gallons of lube oil from UST No. 1, 152 gallons of diesel fuel from UST No. 2, 2 gallons of unidentified liquid from UST No. 4, and 288 gallons of used oil from UST No. 5. Impacted and non-impacted soil, concrete, and asphalt derived from the basin were temporarily stockpiled on site. Impacted soil was separately stockpiled on site for later disposal at Liquid Waste Management (LWM) in McKittrick, California. Unimpacted soil was stockpiled adjacent to the western boundary of the UST basin excavation and used as backfill material. Separation of impacted and non-impacted soil was conducted using visual and photoionization detector (PID) field screening techniques. On September 14, 1995, Mr. Ralph Huey of the BFD, conducted an inspection of the site. Based on the risk of potential building foundation damage that would result from removal of UST Nos. 1 through 4, Mr. Huey verbally approved the in-place decommissioning of the four USTs by backfilling with a cement-sand slurry and off-site decommissioning and disposal of the used-oil tank. As a result, a cement-sand slurry, mixed in a ratio of 2 sacks of Portland cement per cubic yard of sand, was pumped through a tremie pipe until slurry was displaced through the uppermost opening of USTs 1 through 4. Slurry was then manually placed into piping connected to floor access ports inside the building. The used-oil UST No. 5 was removed and transported off site for disposal at Gibson Oil Company in Bakersfield, California (Gibson). Prior to backfilling the excavation, Mr. Huey of the BFD also requested that confirmation soil sampling be performed beyond the position of the used-oil UST to determine the potential extent of impacted soil and within the areas of used-oil impacted soil removal to facilitate BFD consideration of final site closure. Used-oil impacted soil was removed based on visual observations as approved by the BFD. Subsequent to the confirmation soil sampling, the UST excavation was backfilled with approximately 10 cubic yards of unimpacted excavated soil. Confirmation soil sampling and characterization is discussed below. 4.1.2 Confirmation Soil Sampling/Analysis Confirmation soil sampling was performed prior to and subsequent to removal of the used-oil UST. The sample locations are illustrated in Figure 2. Soil samples were coll.ected using a truck-mounted hollow-stem auger drilling rig and split-spoon sampling techniques from depths of 10 and 20 feet bgs, respectively. Samples C1-10 and C1-20 were collected from approximately one foot from the southeastern edge of the waste-oil UST and samples DI-10 and D1-20 were collected from approximately 12 feet northeast of the UST (oil filter drain area). Soil borehole logs are included as Appendix A. January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 8 Following removal of the waste-oil UST, soil samples WO1 and WO2 were collected from within the confines of the UST footprint at depths of 8.5 and 14.5 feet bgs, respectively. Samples WO3 and WO4 were respectively collected from the center of the used-oil impacted soil remaining in place at a depth of 3 feet bgs and from 2 feet south of WO3 at a depth of 6 feet bgs. In addition, to assess the depth of visually used-oil impacted soil left in place, sample WO5 was collected from a small area approximately 2 feet south of sample WO3 at a depth of approximately 13 feet bgs, where no further soil discoloration was observed. These samples were collected by inserting brass sleeves into excavated soil contained within the backhoe bucket. The brass sleeves were sealed with Teflon sheets, polyethylene end caps, and sealed with electrical tape. Each tube was subsequently labelled, stored on ice in an insulated cooler, and transported under chain-of-custody procedures to B.C. Labs in Bakersfield, California (B.C. Labs) for analysis. Used-oil UST removal and soil sampling activities were witnessed and approved by the BFD. Soil samples Ci-10, C1-20, DI-10, and D1-20 were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-D) by EPA Method 8015 Modified. Samples WO1, WO2, and WO5 were analyzed for TPH by EPA Method 418.1. In addition, samples C1-20 and D1-20 were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260. Samples C1-20, D1-20, WO1, WO2, and WO5 were also analyzed for cadmium, chromium, and lead by EPA Methods 6000/7000. Samples WO3 and WO4 were archived for possible analysis. 4.1.3 Confirmation Sample Analytical Results The organic analytical results did not indicate the presence of TPH-D or VOCs at or above the laboratory method reporting limits in the analyzed samples. TPH was detected at concentrations of 41 milligrams per kilogram (mg/Kg) and 50 mg/Kg in samples WO1 and WO2, respectively. The inorganic results indicated only the presence of chromium in each of the analyzed samples ranging from 2.9 mg/Kg (CI-20) to 18 mg/Kg (WO2). Sample analytical results are summarized in Table 1. The laboratory data reports are included in Appendix B. 4.2 Oil/Water Separators 4.2.1 Removal and Disposal Prior to OWS removal, liquid/sludge samples were collected from the western OWS chambers on September 6, 1995, for hazardous waste characterization and selection of disposal options. On September 20, 1995, the eastern and western OWSs were emptied and cleaned using a vacuum truck and a circulation washing process, as described in Section 3.1. Recovered product volumes included approximately 675 gallons (eastern OWS) and !,500 gallons (western OWS). Approximately 4,500 gallons of product and rinsate were removed and transported to Gibson for disposal. During OWS demolition and removal, the piping system configuration was documented and is illustrated on Figure 2. Observations indicated the western OWS was connected to the eastern OWS by a 4-inch cast iron pipe. In addition, a 4-inch cast iron pipe was connected to the southernmost end of the eastern OWS and apparently served as the OWS system discharge conduit to the city sewer system through a 4-inch cast iron pipe extending north beneath the steam-cleaning area. No additional OWS piping was observed which suggested the presence of an alternate discharge. Subsequent to liquid removal and concrete washing, the OWS's were demolished with a backhoe- mounted impact hammer and bucket. Concrete rubble and visually impacted soil were removed January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International b~corporated 9 and separately stockpiled on site for later disposal at LWM. The maximum depths of excavation in the eastern and western OWS cavities were approximately 12 and 10.5 feet bgs, respectively. The limits of excavation within each cavity were based on a lack of visibly impacted soil at depth, as determined by the on-site SECOR field geologist and approved by the BFD. After collection of soil confirmation samples from the areas excavated beyond the impacted soil, each cavity was backfilled with clean imported soil, using a backhoe and compactor. 4.2.2 Confirmation Soil Sampling/Analysis Subsequent to removal of the western OWS concrete rubble from the excavation, confirmation soil samples OWSA and OWSB were collected from the excavation bottom at a depth of 10 feet bgs to verify the reliability of visual cleanup depths, as approved by the BFD. The sample locations are illustrated in Figure 2. Confirmation samples were not collected from the eastern OWS excavation as western OWS samples were considered representative. These samples were collected by inserting brass sleeves into excavated soil from the confirmation sample depth contained within the backhoe bucket. The brass sleeves were sealed with Teflon sheets, polyethylene end caps, and sealed with electrical tape. Each tube was subsequently labelled, stored on ice in an insulated cooler, and transported under chain-of-custody procedures to B.C. Labs for analysis. The confirmation samples were composited into one sample, OWSA/OWSB at the project laboratory. Confirmation soil sample OWSA/OWSB was analyzed for TPH by EPA Method 418.1 and for cadmium, chromium, and lead by EPA Methods 6000/7000. 4.2.3 Confirmation Soil Sample Analytical Results Analytical results for the OWSA/OWSB composite soil sample did not exhibit TPH and total cadmium at or above the laboratory MRL. Total lead and chromium were detected at concentrations of 4.1 mg/Kg and 22 mg/Kg. Based on a 10-fold dilution (the dilution of the STLC method) of the detected total metal values, the respective theoretical STLC extract concentrations were below the respective lead and chromium regulatory levels of 5 mg/L and 560 mg/L. Sample analytical results are summarized in Table 1. The laboratory data reports are included in Appendix B. 5.0 SITE RESTORATION On September 22 and 25, 1995, the site surface in the remediated areas were restored to grade with approximately 160 cubic yards of clean, imported soil, using a front-end loader and a vibrating compactor. From October 16-19, the backfilled areas of the site were resurfaced with a concrete layer approximately 6 inches thick. January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 10 6.0 CONTAMINANT FATE AND TRANSPORT 6.1 Potential Contaminant Sources Based on visual observations and confirmation soil sample data collected during remedial activities at the site, native soil beneath the former used-oil UST does not contain TPH or benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) concentrations exceeding LUFT manual guidelines. Based on the February 1995 CAP fieldwork and July 1995 additional investigation, an estimated volume of 190 cubic yards of impacted soil containing TPH-G at concentrations exceeding 1,000 mg/Kg remains in place at a maximum estimated depth of 55 feet bgs beneath decommissioned UST No. 3. The approximate configuration of the impacted soil volume is conical, with a base diameter of 22 feet and height of approximately 40 feet, and is illustrated in Figures 4 and 5. The impacted soil appears to be separated from groundwater by an estimated 175 feet of unimpacted soil. The non-impacted soil contains a low-permeability clayey deposit as shown on Figure 5, at approximately 52 to 57 feet bgs, which underlines and may extend laterally beyond the impacted soil. Approximately 10 percent (19 cubic yards) of the soil remaining in place and containing TPH-G in concentrations greater than 1,000 mg/Kg is estimated to contain BTEX in excess of LUFT manual guidelines of l, 50, 50, and 50 mg/Kg, respectively. This estimate is based on the following comparison between TPH-G and BTEX concentrations detected in the two soil samples with the greatest concentrations of TPH-G: · Soil sample A2-40, collected at 40 feet bgs in Boring A2, contained TPH-G at a concentration of 5,200 mg/Kg, and BTEX at concentrations of < 1.0, 54, 24, and 170 mg/Kg, respectively. The concentrations exceed LUFT manual guidelines for toluene and xylenes, and are below LUFT guidelines for benzene and ethylbenzene, · Soil sample A2-45, collected at 45 feet bgs in Boring A2, contained TPHg at a concentration of 6,600 rog/Kg, and BTEX at concentrations of 1.2, 100, 30, and 280 rog/Kg, respectively. The concentrations exceed LUFT manual guidelines for benzene, toluene and xylenes, and are below LUFT manual guidelines for ethylbenzene. Based on these data, SECOR performed a fate and transport analysis on TPH-G and BTEX utilizing the U.S. EPA Seasonal Soil Compartment Model (SESOIL). The model was selected to evaluate the likelihood of residual TPH-G and BTEX in on-site soil impacting groundwater in the vicinity of the site as a result of natural precipitation and infiltration processes. The potential for groundwater impact was assessed through consideration of three model pathways including a) simulation of the movement of chemicals within the unsaturated zone; b) determination of the impact of surface or subsurface contamination of soil, in terms of mass or concentration, to groundwater; and c) estimation of the time required by the contaminants to travel within the unsaturated zone to groundwater. The model results are discussed below. Model selection and description, development, methodologies, and assumptions are presented in Appendix C. The model results and conclusions are presented below. 6.2 Model Results and Conclusions The results of the SESOIL model scenarios are summarized in Table 2. The results from each scenario predict no future impact to groundwater for a period of 100 years from residual benzene concentrations present in the soil. The worst-case scenario 4, where the entire soil compartment was assumed to consist of sand layer intrinsic permeabilities, exhibited a maximum vertical migration depth for benzene of January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR laternational b~corporated 11 approximately 167 feet (5106 cm) bgs at a predicted maximum concentration of 0.307 ppm. Based on the input parameters, the results from scenarios 2 and 5 are likely the most representative of actual fate and transport. In scenarios 3 and 6, higher benzene concentrations, including 0.751 ppm and 1.7 ppm, exist at maximum depths of 97 feet bgs. The magnitude of these values may be artificially elevated based on the fact that the SESOIL model is extremely sensitive to large changes in permeability values between adjoining layers and the effects of interpermeability variations may not be accounted for by the model while estimating the chemical concentrations. As an example, scenarios 3 and 6 exhibit intrinsic permeabilities for Layer 3 at two orders of magnitude less than the permeabilities for Layers 2 and 4. This most likely accounts for the high benzene concentrations at depth. In addition, based on the fact that the site surface is sealed with a concrete and asphalt surface, recharge due to infiltration of rainfall would be considerably less than the values currently assumed. As such, benzene concentrations predicted by the model at its maximum vertical depth and time period are overly conservative. The concrete surface layer and underlying sandy silt were not included in the soil compartment due to the effects of its negligible permeability and resulting inaccurate model output. Instead, the model scenarios assume the initial 20 feet of unsaturated zone at the site consists of a sandy soil layer for purposes of conservative estimation and evaluation. Incorporating the obvious effect of a concrete surface seal at the site, benzene migration would be significantly reduced for the 99-year period. This phenomenon was noticeable when the permeability of the silty clay layer (Layer 3) was decreased to the existing literature values as shown in scenarios 2 and 6. Furthermore, no solute degradation was assumed for any of the model scenarios based on the randomness of the process. Nonetheless, residual benzene remaining in the soil would naturally degrade and attenuate with time, further limiting its migration and reducing its concentration. In conclusion, the SESOIL model conservatively predicts no future impact to groundwater from the residual benzene present in the soil for a period of 99 years. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of previous site assessment activities, the findings presented in this report, and the State Water Resources Control Board LUFT Field Manual (1989), SECOR recommends that no further remedial action be required for TPH-G-impacted soil at the site. This recommendation is based on the limited depth (less than 45 feet bgs) of concentrations exceeding action levels for TPH-G-impacted soil remaining in place, the SESOIL model results, the depth to underlying groundwater (approximately 230 feet), and the presence 6f a concrete/asphalt surface seal which would significantly limit potential vertical migration of identified petroleum constituents in soil. January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 12 8.0 REFERENCES California Division of Mines and Geology, 1975, Geologic Map Of California, Bakersfield sheet. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, 1990, Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations For Preliminary Evaluation And Investigation of Underground Tank Sites. Dale, 1996, Groundwater Geology and Hydrogeology of the Kern River Alluvial Fan Area, California. Kern County Water Agency, 1994, Improvement District No. 4 1993 Report on Water Conditions. Kern County Water Agency, 1995, Water Supply Report, 1993. SECOR International Incorporated, 1995a, First Interim Report. SECOR International Incorporated, 1995b, Conditions Assessment Workplan. State Water Resources Control Board, 1989, Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Field Manual: Guidelines for Site Assessment, Cleanup, and Underground Storage Tank Closure. U.S. Geological Survey, 1975, Lamont 7 1/2 minute quadrangle map. January 5, 1996 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 13 FIGURES <10] ~ ,~ ~TPH-G <lO · BTEX <O.O05J ~ TPH-D <10 A2 O 65' 8TEX <0.005 HAZDO 75' TPH-G <10 N  TP <10 TPH-D <10 BTEX <0.005 BTEX <0.005 TP TP TPH-G G,6~ BTEX <O.O05J JBTEX <O.O05J ~ TPH-D <10 B 1.2 T 100 E 30 El ..~ .-'. 2 ~ ~ * 30' ' TP~]DO lO<ioJ ''"?; ~ // TPH-D <10 iBTEX <O.O05J · .,~.. A~ ~ 20' // B ~.~ TPH-G 5.200 TPH-D < 10 TPH-D < 10 . ~X <0.005 · '~:'' (BTEX <0.005~ J~X <0.OOSJ' ': A4 ¢ 70' ] A4 ~ ~0' I '' TPH-O <10 {TPH-O <101 ,. '~'- ~~__~J~Tp:~o~ ~o<10 TPH-O <10 <0.0051 .... D~ 20<10[  18rix <0.0051 81IX <0.005 <o.oo51 LEGEND %~Tp~oO 50< lO ' SOIL BORINO L~A~ON.' ~ A6 ~ 80' .' TPH-G <10 ~:-~ UST TPH-D <10 BTEX <0.005 ~ DISPENSER IS~O .... :. --~;~.~ 8 0 8 12 ~ ~NT LINES Scole in Feet ~ ~ ~OLE BORING SHO~NO S~PLE LOCATION POINTS' SOIL SAMPLE ' QUADRANGLE LOCATION 1000 0 1000 2000 SCALE IN FEEl' SECOR c~,~ ~,,,,~_ w~.,- ~- ~ ~- "~ ~-~ VICINITY MAP INTERNATIONAL ~e~sF~g~, c~m=m~ . _ t I~¢ORPORATEB N SEWER MANHOLE E. 4TH STREET (MH) OVERHEAD POWER LINES X LEGEND: I . CONCRETE X 1, 1000 GALLON LUBE OIL UST ASPHALT X 2. 1000 GALLON DIESEL UST I X 3. 1000 GAllON GASOLINE UST I X 4, 550 GALLON MINERAL SPIRIT UST 15 5. WESTWARD OIL/WATER SEPARATOR I ASPHALT X 6. EASTWARD OIL/WATER SEPARATOR I 7. ENGINE DYNAMOMETER / I I~ i---4 ~ I---I II x 8. HOT TANK (CAUSTIC) AND DRAINS 9. USED-OIL UST J 1 10. OIL FILTER PRESS J x 11. STEAM CLEANER TANKS 16 12. USED OIL FILTER DRAIN J _ x 1`3. SERVICE BAY AREA I 14. BOILER AREA (MEZZANINE) x 15. OFFICES I l' 16. PARTS 17. ENGINE REBUILD I 1.3 SUMP COOLER x 18. FUEL PUMP CALIBRATION AREA 19. CHASSIS DYNAMOMETER TRENCH DRAIN J I - x I , CARBURETOR ~- 17 PARTS WASH SINK o SPRINKLER SYSTEM SUPPLY UNE o 1 o ~ I I I I I t I : : I x J TRAILER X SYMBOL LEGEND: X x × × x= x ~u~[,]rl ~ JJ 12~1-'~-']~ (;RAVEL [] SURFACE DRAIN X .'~1 '" Jl;~j~ I WOSZ~, X ~-~,,J~.. t.'~ / t,~.3--3 .... -t~J],--r~"l ~ /WO1 W02 x ~ GRATE DRAIN x ', - , , r ' i B2~ i 6 ~j_ (~) VAULT COVER xWESTWARD UST'~ '-.. 'A2 ~,. '~ ~ J _~' J;~-~S C1 x OVERHEAD LINE- OW~z~J ~ 0 0 /X ~"~-'-~%..4 Sewer ' Pipe ~ MANHOLE COVER '<~ %~ J 5 ,ow~.~ x 1I 19 x ~A6 O TRANSFORMER · x x SOIL BORING LOCATION ~ CHASSIS-DYNO WATER COMPANY VAULT x ~-~ ANGLE SOIL BORING LOCATION x --] x [] FUEL DISPENSER /XTM, SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION X % x i ~ CROSS SECTION LOCATION x x DYNO WATER UNDERGROUND x STORAGE VAULTS x ESTIMATED 1,000 MG/KG x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X OVERHEAD POWER LINES ,301 E. 4TH STREET SOIL SAMPLE ENVIRONMENTAL BAKERSFIELD. CAUFORN~ LOCATION MAP ENGINEERING 46--F01.31SSM DRAWING NOT TO SCALE TUALAllN, OREGON ]JOB: F01.31-006-04 DRAWN: TL D~TE: 10/18/95 APPROVED: DATE: A Building Wall' A1 (PROJECTED) ~/~i(PROJECTED) _ 1..__3 )._2~ -- 3.___4 UST i -- 6..__6 ,,,,,'"' \ -- \ LEGEND: ~--~ - ~.s__o SW/S~ _ -- TPHg and benzene (mg/kg) / \ / 26 V.O.C. by PID (ppm) // A4 SOIL BORING / -- ! / \ CONTACT (Dashed where inferred) ! \ / ~ 472 ~ -- ? UNKNOWN L~T~ RAL EXTENT / __ J '~,',~ J ~ -- 4.0 I ML SILT / SW/SM SAND, SILTY SAND WITH / CLAYEY SAND LENSES iI --573 >331 \ -- 26.__.0 ko.oo,~ ! -- __ \ CL SILTY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS / / \ ......... ESIIIdAI["D 1,000 m§/k~ t 7117 >310 HORIZON (TPHg) // --__ __ \ ~ 16___,9 / \ / ~ t _ 2o.1 / I l.Z I 260 t -- / -- / / 351 5.3 / / _.__--- 0 I "'--- ----- '--"'- 1_.8 SW _ 4.__9 10- APPROXIMATE SCALE: IN F'EE'r SECOI 3o~ E. 4TH SmElT GENERALIZED GEOLOGIO ENVIRONMENTAL BAKERSfiELD. c~usoRNa CROSS SECTION A - A' 4 ENGINEERING 46-F0131CSA TUkL~T~N, O~CON J doe: F0131-006-04 DRAWN: TL DATE: 10/18/95 APPROVED: DATE: J I/ ~ Bo B Building Wall WEST EAST A1 A2(PROJECTED) A3 usl 1.3 _ o.1 ~,~,~ CE ~ 0...3 0.0 17.__.0 I LEGEND: \ O.9 450 -- [~0.005] -- TPHg end benzene (mg/kg) / \ / \ 26 V.O.C. by PIe (ppm) / ¢33 _~23~ 9.5 A~- SOIL BORING / \ CONTACT (Doshed where inferred) / 472 \ ' -- ~-->250 \ SW/SM ~--20.0 ? UNKNOWN LATERAL EXTENT ! __ -- ML SILT / / 573 >331 ~ , SW/SM SAND, SILTY SAND WITH CLAYEY SAND LENSES / CL SiLlY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS / SW SAND, VERY FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED / __ ......... ESTIMATED 1,000 rog/kg // HORIZON (TPHg) / ~ 26__0 / o 5 CL ? ...... ? SW 10-- 1._~8 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET _ 7.3 SECOR 3o~ E. ~m STREET ' GENERALIZED GEOLOGIC ENVIRONMENTAL BAKERSFIELD. C*L, FORNa CROSS SECTION B .- B' ENGINEER~G 46-F0151CSB ~N, OREGON I JOB: F0131-006-04 D~WN: TL DA~: 10/18/95 ~PRO~: DA~ TABLES Table 1 Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Cummins West 301 East 4th Street, Bakersfield, California A1 20 02/15/95. NA~ < 1C~/NA < 10 3.6 <0.4 ND~ <0.2 4.4 3.0 27 Al 40 02/15/95 5,200 < 10INA NA NA NA NA~ < 1.0 54 24 170 A2 30 02/15/95 NA < 10/NA 29 3.9 <0.4 ND~ 1.3 63 37 410 A2 45 02/15/95 6,600 < 10/NA NA NA NA NA~ 1.2 100 30 280 ' :.' A2 60 02/15/95 < 10 < 10/NA NA NA NA NA~ <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 A2 75 02/15/95 NA < 10/NA < 10 1.9 <0.4 ND~ <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 A3 20 02/13/95 < 10 < 10/NA < 10 2.8 <0.4 NDk <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 UST A3 30 02/13/95 < 10 < 10/NA ~IA NA NA NA~ <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ' ' Basin A4 35 07/21/95 < 10 NA < 10 4.4 < 1.0 NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 A4 50 07/21/95 < 10 NA NA NA NA NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 A4 ' 60 07/21/95 < 10 NA NA NA NA NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 A4 70 07/21/95 < 10 < 10/NA NA NA NA NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ~ A5 30 07/21/95 < 10 NA < 10 3.7 < 1.0 NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 A5 40 07/21/95 < 10 NA NA. NA NA NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 A5 50 07/21/95 < i0 NA NA NA NA NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 A5 60 07/21/95 < 10 < 10/NA NA NA NA NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 CUMBAK.SRP SECOR International Incorporated · January 5, 1996 Table 1 Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results (Continued) Cummins West 301 East 4th Street, Bakersfield, California "::':':'" .' Li~e~li~L.........DePth· Ciiii'~lii::::ili:: ::::::::?.:.::i.". "~'::i:::::.~" :'?:::iiii?:?:iLead~:::::i~ii ::i::i::i::i::~miu~f:::.::.i..... ~dmi~'::? ::::i:?.::.::ii:.:orga~i~:..~::..; ' "'::::':':::':':'. A6 25 07/21/95 < 10 NA < 10 6.2 < 1.0 NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 UST A6 40 07/21/95 < 10 NA NA NA NA NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Basin A6 50 07/21/95 < I0 NA NA NA NA NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ~. ~::.. A6 60 07/21/95 < 10 < 10/NA NA NA NA NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 B1 10 02/13/95 NA < 10/NA < 10 12 <0.4 NA NA NA NA NA B1 20 02/13/95 NA < 10/NA NA NA NA NDk <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 B2 10 02/13/95 NA 380/NA NA NA NA NDk < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 OWS Area B2 20 02/13/95 NA < 10/NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA OWSA/ 10.0 09/25/95 NA NA/ 4.1 22 < 0.5 NA NA NA NA NA · , OWSB <20 · C1 10 02/13/95 NA < 10/NA NA ~ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Used Oil C1 20 02/13/95 NA < 10/NA < 10 2.9 <0.4 NDm <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ~":" Tank ~.~ Used WO1 8.5 09/15/95 NA NA/41 <2.5 15 <0.5 NA NA NA NA NA Oil Tank WO2 14.5 09/15/95 NA NA/50 <2.5 18 <0.5 NA NA NA NA NA WO5 13 09/15/95 NA NA/<20 <2.5 16 <0.5 NA NA NA NA NA CUMBAK.SRP SECOR International Incorporated January 5, 1996 }~. ~.. Table 1 Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results (Continued) Cummins West 301 East 4th Street, Bakersfield, California Oil D1 10 02/13/95- NA < 10/NA NA NA · NA NA NA NA NA NA Filter Dra~n D1 20 02/13/95 NA < 10/NA < 10 5.6 <0.4 NDm <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 a Depths are in feet below ground surface. b Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015. Results are presented in milligrams per kilogram (mg/Kg). . . c TPIt as Diesel (TPHd) by EPA Method 8015 or EPA Method 8260 GC/MS. Results are presented in mg/Kg. '. d Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by EPA Method 418.1 results are presented in ingle. e Total lead by EPA Method 7420. Result~ presented in rog/Kg. : ... f Total chromium by EPA Method 6010. Results presented in mg/Kg. ,' g Total cadmium by EPA Method 6010. Results presented in mg/Kg, ' ~ . h Volati/e Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260. Analytes presented were detected above the laboratory PQLs. The remaining analytes were not detected above the PQLs. Remits are presented in mg/Kg. i NA denotes sample not analyzed or not applicable. j < 10 denotes analyte not detected above the laboratory PQLs. k Aromatic hydrocarbons by EPA Method 6420. None of the analytes were detected above the laboratory Practical Quantitative Limits (PQLs). " constituents only were analyzed at AI-40, A245, A2-60, and A3-30. :"~.i-:' I BTEX m Priority pollutants VOCs by EPA Method 8260. None of the analytes were detected above the laboratory Practical Quantitative Limits (PQLs). n Purgeable halocarbons by EPA Method 8260. None of the analytes were detected above the laboratory Practical Quantitative Limits (PQLs). CUMBAK.SRP SECOR International Incorporated January 5, 1996 Table 2 SESOIL Model Scenario Results Cummins West 301 East 4th Street, Bakersfield, California Scenario Intrinsic Permeability (square centimeters) Chemical Transport Period - 99 years Comments ~ Layer I Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Concentration Distance (ppm) (feet bgs) .~. 1 I x 10.8 1 x 10.8 1 x 10.8 1 x 10.8 0.09 166.5 Chemical loading of 275 micrograms/square :"' ' centimeters 0tg/sqcm) is applied to the top sublayer of Layer 2. 2 I x 10.8 I x 10.8 1 x 10'0 1 x 10.8 0.094 130.2 Intrinsic permeability for Layer 3 (silty clay) is one order magnitude less than the values .>.:. for Layers 1, 2, and 4. Chemical loading is similar to Case 1. 3 1 x 10.8 1 x 10.8 5 x 10'n 1 x 10.8 0.751 97 Intrinsic permeability for Layer 3 (silty clay) represents literature values (SESOIL .,~ manual). Chemical loading is similar to .. Case 1. 4 I x 10.8 1 x 10.8 1 x 10-8 1 x 10'8 0.307 167 Chemical loading of 660 ttg/sqcm is applied . "worst case" for the total thickness of LaYer 2 (12 feet). 5 I x 10.8 1 x 10'8 1 x 10.9 1 x 10.8 0.338 130.6 Intrinsic permeability for Layer 3 (silty clay) is one order magnitude less than the values -' for Layers 1, 2, and 4. Chemical loading is similar to Case 4. 6 1 x 10.8 1 x 10.8 5 x 10'n 1 x 10'8 1.7 97 Intrinsic permeability for Layer 3 (silty clay) . represents literature values (SESOIL : manual). Chemical loading is similar to .' Case 4. Notes: 1. The concentration is the sum of the concentrations in all the three phases. 2. ppm = parts per million 3. Case 3 and Case 5 have susceptible values of concentrations because of limitations of the SESOIL model. CUMBAK.SRP SECOR International Incorporated January 5, 1996 TABLE AC-1 INPUT PARAMETERS FOR SESOIL MODEL SCENARIOS Cummins West 301 East 4th Street, Bakersfield, California Molecular weight (g/mole)a - 78,11 Solubility (mg/1)b - 1790 Diffusion coefficient in air (cm2/sec)c - 0.077 Henry's constant (m3-atm/mole)d - 0.00555 Adsorption coefficient of organic carbon [(ttg/g-OC)/ttg/ml)]e - 31 :.::i:.?:. ":' ":'"' ".".".'~:iii(i:~i:::::i:~i;i~:ii.i.'' '":"::':"il;:i:..i~:.~::i::ii!i:~i::i:i:: SoiI:ii~at~:::for"S~d .i.~.:~::ii:' '.. ': :':ii:i:?::~:. :i ii 'i.iii.'.. '~' .... ";.;ii..:?:.:.:::::: ." Bulk density (g/ml)r - 1.5 Effective porosity - 0.25 Disconnectedness Index - 6 Organic carbon content (%) - 0.3 Notes: a grams per mole b milligrams per liter c centimeters squared per second d meters cubed - atmosphere/mole e micrograms per gram of organic carbon/micrograms per milliliter f grams per milliliter g square centimeters CUMBAK.SRP SECOR Inter~ational Incorporated January 5, 1996 APPENDIX A SOIL BOREHOLE LOGS Closure Report Cummins West Bakersfield Facility Bakersfield, California SECOR PN: F0131-00(i-04 January 5, 1996 Logged ~ ,Ion Cooaer Started: 2/15/95 1455. Surface Elevat~a: N/A Sample Method: 2' Split Spoon Rnlsh~ 2/15/95 1500' Top of Casing £1ev~don: N/A Subcontmc{or: S B & S Drilllnq Equipment: _ H.S. Auger Monltodng Device: Mini Poke PID Commen~  ~ St0ndo~ *~ ~ ~ ~ (140 lb. Weight. 50 Drop) e '-= Penetration Res'.qt~ance 0 25 5 5 · · 0 _____. 0 ....................................... ................... SILT; moderate yellowish brown; Iow plostlclty; -----' ................... _-._-_- --molst: no odor _-_-_. ................... _.-_-_' .... \ .............. -- _-_-_' ................... ~<_.- ..... \ ............. - >_=_--__. . ..... \ ............. -----' 0.4 lO Sandy CLAY; moderate yellowish brown; moderate --plasticib/; moist; no odor --eL-- Silty SAND; moderate yellowish brown w/ icon ~-_'.- · ........... \ ----' ...... -- staining; 40~ Silt; very fine grained; moist __.?~. - ¢~2. . ....... \ .......... 0.2 20 SAND; well graded; moist ,~ · 20 · ]- ]-]- ]. ]. ]- ].].].]-] ..... _ Boring terminated at 20.0' below ground surface. 25 -- 25 ....................................... .~0-- ~ ....................................... 55 55 .................. Groundwater Lin,el at ~ · · Reid Screen / Utholog}c ~7 ~me of Drilling {)escrlptbn Sample ~ MS Moderate Shee~l~ Oo~col~ta [] L~b Sample ~- Stol. k; C<oundwoter Level RS He~ She. scout [] NO Recove~ NS No Sheen ND None Detected &N N-Value ~n BIo~s/Foot SS $1k~ht Sheen ppm Por~9 Per M~ll~on ~ 10/20 Colorado S~lica Sand SECOR ~o,~,~ BORING LOG C-I INTERNATIONAL ~l~ c~u~o~ INCORPORATED TUriN. O~GON J j~: Fo~51~ ~ ~ ~T~ 1~5 ~: ~ C-I.~G J L~jod ~ Jan Coooer ~.~rt~d: 2/15/95 1530 Surface ~ N/A S~mple Method: 2" Split Spoon R~ 2/13/95 1600 Top of ~sln9 ~: N/A Subm~ S B ~ S Drflllnq Equlp~: H.S. ~ger ao~ng ~v~: Mini ~E PID ~mmen~ ~ = ~ ~ Stonda~ 5 5 --~endy C~Y; fight olive grey; 10~ fine greened s~nd;:CL: ................... 0.7 5~ modero[e plos[;~i~; mo;st; no odor ~ 5 -~-~-~-.-~-;-~'~'~ : ......... _ SILT; moderate yellowish brown; Iow plost~ci~; ~. 0.6 15-- ...~ :.. ~D; moderate yellowish brown; ~ne groined; ;'.;.;;~ .......... -- well graded; slightly moist; no odor ;~, .............. [ ....... ..SW~ o.5 2o ....... ' ~ 2o.;.;.;.;.;-;.;.;.;.~.;~~ · _ Boring termlnoted 25 ~ 25 ....................................... ~0 ~ 30 ....................................... 55 ~5 .................. ~pt~ Sa~e ~ MS Mode~te She~ Conc~e ~ ~b Som~e ~ StOic O?oundw~e? Level - ~ ~ R~o~ N~ No ~n ND ~e ~cted ~N N-VoI~ ;n ~o~/F~ SS Sr~ht ~n ~m Po~ Per ~ll~n INCORP ORATE D TU N, OREGON' I ~ B~. Jan Cooper · St~ffed: 2/13/95 1610 S~rface Ele~iom N~/A Sample M~: Hand Auger R~ 2/15/95 1650 Top of ~ng B~n: N/A ~b~n~on Equi~e~ H.S. ~ger Moni~ng ~vlm: ~men~: 2' Nominal Olam~er ~ .~ ~01~ic D~cHpfion ~ '- (.H0 lb. WelghC ~ Drop) , . 0 ;.; ..'~.., 0 .......................................  ,.::?..: ................... } -o ~%% ~ ..~,.... ...................... . .o o e ~ND: light gray; well graded; no odor ~'.~', ..................... .~ o ~ :,"-:~:~ ~,o~ ~ .................... .... .,.,.~ ,~._. 5 ~ ¥ ~..~. 5 ....................................... · .................. ~ o~ ~ ~.?':.?.~ ................... .~,~sagoo _ }..~.~:.~ ................... 10 10 ....................................... BoHn~ terminated at 10.0' below Ground su~ece. · .................. 15 ~ 15 ....................................... 20 ~ 20 ....................................... 25 ~ 25 ....................................... 30 ~ 30 ....................................... 35 35 ................. Reid Screen / Uth~ic ~ ~ of ~i[li~ MS M~emte She~ ~ Conc~e ~ ~pt~ ~m~e g~u~w~r L~el ~ ~ ~b Somple ~ St~;c ~undw~ ~el ~ ~a~ Sheen ~ No R~ NS No Sh~n ND N~e ~tsd ~N N-VoI~ in BIo~/Foo[ ~S SF~ht ~n ppm Pa~ Per Mlil~n SECO I~ERNATION~ a~'~ INCORPORATED APPENDIX B LABORATORY DATA REPORTS Closure Report Cummins West Bakersfield Facility Bakersfield, California SECOR PN: F0131-006-04 January 5, 1996 Zyma echnolog¥ REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: See Below Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: See Below Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/17/95 - 02/18/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS - DIESEL FUEL LAB SAMPLE PQL* RESULT* * SURROGATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION mg/kg mg/kg RECOVERY 5488-4 A3-20 10. ND 92 5488-6 A3-30 10. ND 70 5488-8 B1-10 10. ND 69 5488-10 B1-20 10. ND 62 5488-12 B2-10 10. 380. 71 5488-14 B2-20 10. ND 95 5488-16 C1-10 10. ND 61 5488-18 C1-20 10. ND 66 5488-20 D1-10 10. ND 68 5488-22 D1-20 10. ND 83 5488-24 E1-10 10. ND 78 5488-26 G1-10 10. ND 68 5488-27 J 1-5 10. ND 65 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by GC/MS Combination. Note: Extracted by EPA 3550 on 02/17/95. Note: Analytical range is C8-C40. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488t.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jam/dz/tw/jk Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 I tel 714.660.9129 faxS05.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 ZYm l R~)RT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: See below Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR g7062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: See below Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/17/95 Collected by: don Cooper Method: EPA 6010 TOTAL CHROMIUM Lab Number Sample Description PQL* RESULT* mg/kg mg/kg 5488-4 A3-20 0.4 2.8 5488-8 B1-10 0.4 12. 5488-18 C1-20 0.4 2.9 5488-22 D1-20 0.4 5.6 5488-24 E1-10 0.4 16. 5488-26 G1-10 0.4 14. ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PaL. Note: Analysis performed by CA Department of Health Services certified laboratory #1544 Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488c.xls Jo~n MacM/~urph~ JMM/jam/mn Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo. California 9340 I tel 714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: See below Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02114/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: See below Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/17/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 6010 TOTAL CADMIUM Lab Number Sample Description PQL* RESULT* mg/kg rog/kg 5488-4 A3-20 0.4 ND 5488-8 B1-10 0,4 ND 5488-18 Cl-20 0.4 ND 5488-22 D1-20 0.4 ND 5488-24 E1-10 0.4 ND 5488-26 G1-10 0.4 ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analysis performed by CA Department of Health Services certified laboratory #1544 Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. JMM/jam/mn Laboratory Director LA Ol~ice: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane. Suite 110 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: See below Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: See below Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/17/95 Collected by: Jori Cooper Method: EPA 7420 TOTAL LEAD Lab Number .Sample Description PQL* RESULT* rog/kg mg/kg 5488-4 A3-20 10. ND 5488-8 B1-10 10. ND 5488-18 C1-20 10. ND 5488-22 D1-20 10. ND 5488-24 E1-10 10.. ND 5488-26 G1-10 10. ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analysis performed by CA Department of Health Services certified laboratory #1544 Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 54881.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jam/mn Laboratory Director LA Of'rice: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340~ tel 714.660.9129 faxS05.544.8226 tel805.544.4696 'ZYma envi :echnolog¥ ~ORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 1 ot 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-4 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received:· 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A3-20 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/19/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg I PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS/AROMATICS Benzene 0.005 ND Bromobenzene 0.005 N D Bromodichloromethane 0.005 ND Bromoform 0.005 ND Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 0.005 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.005 ND Chlorobenzene 0.005 ND Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 0.005 ND 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether 0.010 ND Chloroform 0.005 ND Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 0.005 ND Dibromochloromethane 0.005 N D Dibromomethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.005 ND 1, l-Dichloroethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.005 ND 1, l-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND cis-l,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.005 ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Methylene Chloride 0.005 ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory-#1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. MSD #2 5488-4p.xls JMM/jam/bpl/ns LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 t tel 714.660.9129 fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma ' iPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 2 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-4 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A3-20 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/19/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg I PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS/AROMATICS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane (TCA) 0.005 ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.005 ND Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.005 ND Trichlorofluoromethane (freon 11) 0.005 ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.005 ND Vinyl Chloride 0.005 ND Xylenes (total) 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 99 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488-4p.xls acMurphey JMM/jam/bpl/ns Laboratory Director LA Or, ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane. Suite 110 Irvine. California 92714 San Luis Obispo. California 9340 I tel 714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 ~ORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-4 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A3-20 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/19/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 99 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PaL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Note: Analytical range is C4-C12. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488-4b.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jam/bpl/ns Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel805.544.4696 Zyma ' ~EPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULT Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-G Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/19/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A3-30 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/19/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 100 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Note: Analytical range is C4-C12. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488-6b.xls John MacMurphey JMMIjamlbpllns Laboratory Director LA Office: 1682 Langley Avenue Lob Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I [0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma - e°RT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 'i e o h n o I o g ¥ Page 1 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-10 Secor Environmental Engineering · Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: B1-20 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/18/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg I PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS/AROMATICS Benzene 0.005 ND Bromobenzene 0.005 ND Bromodichloromethane 0,005 ND Bromoform 0.005 ND Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 0.005 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.005 ND Chlorobenzene 0.005 ND Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 0.005 ND 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether 0.010 ND Chloroform 0.005 ND Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 0.005 ND Dibromochloromethane 0.005 ND Dibromomethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Oichtorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.005 ND 1,1 -Dichloroetha ne 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.005 ND 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.005 N D cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Methylene Chloride 0.005 ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 · PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit · *Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. MSD #2 5488-10p.xls JMM/jam/bpl/rh LA Office: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel805.544.4696 ZymG ' echno,ogy iPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page :2 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-10 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/9§ Tualatin, OR 9?062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: B1-20 Project Number: FO 131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/18/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 CONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** I I mg/kg mg/kg PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS/AROMATICS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane (TCA) 0.005 ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.005 ND Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.005 ND Trichlorofluoromethane (freon 11) 0.005 ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.005 ND Vinyl Chloride 0.005 ND Xylenes (total) 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 93 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488-10p.xls Jol~n MacMurphey JMM/jam/bpl/rh Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714,660.9129 faxS05.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma ~ .....~... e C I1 n o I o g ¥ ~.,. PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page I of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-12 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: B2-10 Project Number: FO131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/19/95 Collected by: Jori Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS/AROMATICS Benzene 0.005 ND Bromobenzene 0.005 ND Bromodichloromethane 0.005 ND Bromoform 0.005 ND Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 0.005 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.005 ND Chlorobenzene 0.005 ND Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 0.005 ND 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether 0.010 ND Chloroform 0.005 ND Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 0.005 ND Dibromochloromethane 0.005 ND Dibromomethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 N D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.005 ND 1, l-Dichloroethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.005 ND 1,1 -Dichloroethene 0.005 ND cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 N D trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.005 ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 N D Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Methylene Chloride 0.005 . ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. MSD #2 5488-12p.xls JMM/jam/bpl/ns LA Office: 168~- Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane. Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma enviitechnology eeO.T OF'ANALYTICAL RI:$ULTS Page 2 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-12 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: B2-10 Project Number: FO131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/19/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg I PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS/AROMATICS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA) 0.005 ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.005 ND Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.005 ND Trichlorofluoromethane (freon 11) 0.005 ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.005 ND Vinyl Chloride 0.005 ND Xylenes (total) 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 99 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would 'have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488-12p.xls acMurphey JMM/jam/bpl/ns Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9 129 f~x805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma ' .. . _ .....,,,.. e c h n o I o g y ~E.,,~ PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS ~'age I of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-18 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02113195 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: C1-20 Project Number: F0131'-006-01 Analyzed: 02/18/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg PRIORITY POLLUTANT VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzene 0.005 ND Bromodichloromethane 0.005 ND Bromoform 0.005 ND Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 0.005 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.005 ND Chlorobenzene 0.005 ND Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 0.005 ND 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether 0.010 ND Chloroform 0.005 ND Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 0.005 ND Dibromochloromethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 .. ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.005 ' ND 1, l-Dichloroethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.005 ND 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 N D 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.005 ND ciso 1,3- Dichloropropene 0.005 N D trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 N D Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Methylene Chloride 0.005 ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical auantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. MSD #2 5488-18.xls JMMIjamlbpllrh LA O/~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 cet 714.660.9 129 f~.x805.544.8226 tel 805,544.4696 Zyma/ env chnol0g¥ OPORT OF ANALYTICAL R'SULTS rage 2 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-18 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR. 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: C1-20 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/18/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT. mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg PRIORITY POLLUTANT VOLATILE ORGANICS 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA) O.O05 ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.005 ND Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.005 ND Trichlorofluoromethane (freon I 1) 0.005 ND Vinyl Chloride O.OO5 ND Xylenes (total) 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 95 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services:'Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit '**Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above.the listed PQL. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488-18.xls ~ JMM/jam/bpl/rh acMurphey Laboratory Director LA Office: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma .O.TOF ANALYTICAL RESULTS ge I of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-22 Seco~' Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: D1-20 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/21/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 CONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** rog/kg mg/kg PRIORITY POLLUTANT VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzene 0.005 ND Bromodichloromethane 0.005 ND Bromoform 0.005 ND Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 0.005 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.005 ND Chlorobenzene 0.005 ND Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 0.005 ND 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether 0.010 ND Chloroform 0.005 ND Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 0.005 ND Dibromochloromethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene O. 005 N D Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.005 ND 1, l-Dichloroethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.005 ND 1,1 -Dichloroethene 0.005 ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.005 ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 N D Eth¥1benzene 0.005 ND Methylene Chloride 0.00§ ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL MSD #2 5488-22.xls JMM/jam/bpl/bf LA O~ce: 168?- Langley Avenue Lob Services: 71 Zaca Lane. Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax 805.S 44.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Page 2 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-22 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/S5 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/S5 . Tualatin, OR S7062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: D1-20 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/21/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 CONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg PRIORITY POLLUTANT VOLATILE ORGANICS 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND 1,1, l-Trichloroethane (TCA) 0.005 ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.005 ND Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.005 ND Trichlorofluoromethane (freon 11) 0.005 ND Vinyl Chloride 0.005 ND Xylenes (total) 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 94 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL -Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND woold have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488-22.xls ~' JMM/jam/bpl/bf John MacMurphey Laboratory Director LAO~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I l0 I rvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma/ env' echnology ~PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS ~'age 1 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-24 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: E1-10 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/21/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT* * rog/kg mg/kg PRIORITY POLLUTANT VOLATILE ORGANICS Benzene 0.005 ND Bromodichloromethane 0.005 ND Bromoform 0.005 ND Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 0.005 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.005 ND Chlorobenzene 0.005 ND Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 0.005 ND 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether 0.010 ND Chloroform 0.005 ND Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride} 0.005 ND Dibromochloromethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.005 ND 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) O.005 ND 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.005 ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND EthyIbenzene 0.005 ND Methylene Chloride 0.005 ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 · PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit e'Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. MSD #2 5488-24.xls JMMIjamlbpllbf LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel '/14,660,9129 faxS05.544.8226 tel805.544,4696 Z) ma envi~technol'O'gy- ;PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS ge 2 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-24 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O, Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: E1-10 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/21/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 CONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg [ PRIORITY POLLUTANT VOLATILE ORGANICS 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.005 ND Toluene 0.O05 ND 1,1, l-Trichloroethane (TCA) 0.005 ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.005 ND Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.005 ND Trichlorofluoromethane (freon 11) 0.005 ND Vinyl Chloride 0.005 ND Xylenes (total) 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 98 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488-24.xls JMM/jam/bpl/bf John MacMurphey Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma~~'e g ¥ ' t e c h n o I o ~PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-26 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: G1-10 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/21/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg I PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS Bromobenzene 0.005 ND Bromodichloromethane 0.005 ND Bromoform 0.005 ND Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 0.005 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.005 ND Chlorobenzene 0.005 ND Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 0.005 ND 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether 0.010 ND Chloroform 0.005 ND Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 0.005 ND Dibromochloromethane 0.005 ND Dibromomethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.005 ND 1 ,l-Dichloroethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.005 ND 1, loDichloroethene 0.005 ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.005 ND cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND · Methylene Chloride 0.005 ND 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND 1,1,2,2-Tetr achloroeth ane 0.005 N D Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.005 ND 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA) 0.005 ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.005 ND Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.005 ND Trichlorofluoromethane (freon 11) 0.005 ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.005 N D Vinyl Chloride 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 100 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488-26.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jam/bpl/bf Laboratory Director LA Office: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I 0 ~rvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 I tel 714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel80S.544.4696 'ZyBal e ch'nolog¥ ~)RT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-27 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/13/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: J1-5 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/21/95 Collected by: Jori Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS Bromobenzene 0.005 ND Bromodichloromethane 0.005 ND Bromoform 0.005 ND Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 0.005 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.005 ND Chlorobenzene 0.005 ND Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 0.005 ND 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether 0.010 ND Chloroform 0.005 ND Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 0.005 ND Dibromochloromethane 0.005 ND Dibromomethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 N D Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.005 N D 1,1 -Dichloroethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.005 ND 1, l-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 N D 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.005 ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND Methylene Chloride 0.005 ND 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.005 ND 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane (TCA) 0.005 ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.005 ND Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.005 ND Trichlorofluoromethane (freon 11 ) 0.005 ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.005 N D Vinyl Chloride 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 95 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488-27.xls John MacMurphey JIVIM/jam/bpl/bf Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 tel 714.660.9129 fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma en itechnolog¥ ~EPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-29 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/14/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: H1-5 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/20/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8080 ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg CHLORINATED PESTICIDES Aldrin 0.003 ND Alpha-BHC 0.003 ND Beta-BHC 0.003 ND Delta-BHC 0.003 ND Gamma-BHC (Lindane) 0.003 ND Chlordane 0.04 ND 4,4'-DDD 0.003 ND 4,4'-DDE 0.003 ND 4,4'-DDT 0.003 ND Dieldrin 0.003 ND Endosulfan I 0.003 ND Endosulfan II 0.003 ND Endosuffan suffate 0.003 ND Endrin 0.003 ND Endrin aldehyde 0.003 ND Endrin ketone 0.003 ND Heptachlor 0.003 ND Heptachlor epoxide 0.003 ND Methoxychlor 0.01 ND Toxaphene O. 1 ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analysis performed by CA Department of Health Services certified laboratory #1544 Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5488-29.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jam/mn Laboratory Director LA Office: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 I te~ 714.660.9129 faxS0 S .544.8226 tel 80 S .~;44.4696 Z'Yma e n°,°gy ~PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5488-29 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/14/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/14/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: H1-5 Project Number: F0131-005-01 Analyzed: 02/20/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8080 CONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT* mg/kg mg/kg POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) PCB 1016 0.03 ND PCB 1221 0.03 ND PCB 1232 0.05 ND PCB 1242 0.05 ND PCB 1248 0.03 ND PCB 1254 0.05 ND PCB 1260 0.03 ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analysis performed by CA Department of Health Services certified laboratory #1544 Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5~,88-29p.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jam/mn Laboratory Director LA Office: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel80S.S44.4696 ZYma ( ~PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: -: ..... · See Below Secor Environmental'Engineering" --- Collected: 07/15/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/15/95 Tualafin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: See Below Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/21/95 - 02/22/95 Collected by: Jori Cooper Method: See Below TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS LAB SAMPLE PQL+ RESULT~ ~ SURROGATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION rog/kg mg/kg RECOVERY 5497-6 A2-30 10. ND 70 5497-9 A2-45 10. ND 70 5497-12 A2-60 10. ND 64 5497-15 A2-75 10. ND 68 5497-19 A1-20 10. ND 66 5497~23 A1-40 10. ND 68 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 ~PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit ~Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by GC/MS Combination. Note: Extracted by EPA 3550 on 02/21/95. Note: Analytical range is C8-C40. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5497t.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jam/dz/tw/sp Laboratory Director LA Office: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 b n o I o g ¥ RT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: See below Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/15/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/15/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: See below Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/17/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: ' EPA 7420 TOTAL LEAD Lab Number Sample Description PQL* RESULT* mg/kg mg/kg 5497-6 A2-30 10. 29. 5497-15 A2-75 10. ND 5497-19 A1-20 10. ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analysis performed by CA Department of Health Services certified laboratory #1544 Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 54971.xts John MacMurphey JMM/jgt/mn Laboratory Director LA Office: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Sen, ices: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 10 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 I tel 714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 ZYma ~EPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: See below Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/15/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/15/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: See below Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/17/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 6010 TOTAL CHROMIUM Lab Number Sample Description PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg 5497-6 A2-30 0.4 3.9 5497-15 A2-75 0.4 1.9 5497-19 A1-20 0.4 3.6 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analysis performed by CA Department of Health Services certified laboratory #1544 Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5497mcr.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jgt/mn Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 ZYma envi Lechnolog¥ 4q~PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: See below Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/15/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/1§195 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: See below Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/17/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 6010 TOTAL CADMIUM Lab Number Sample Description PQL* RESULT* mg/kg mg/kg 5497-6 A2-30 0.4 ND 5497-15 A2-75 0.4 ND 5497-19 A1-20 0.4 ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analysis performed by CA Department of Health Services certified laboratory #1544 Submitted by, · ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5497mc.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jgt/mn Laboratory Director LA Office: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel '/14.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel805.S44.4696 Zyrna envi~echnology PORT OF ANALY'I'ICAL RESULTS Page 1 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5497-6 P.O. Box 1508 Collected: 02/15/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Received: 02/15/95 Bakersfield, CA 93309-0702 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A2-30 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/22/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 CONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS/AROMATICS Benzene 1.0 1.3 Bromobenzene 1.0 ND Bromodichloromethane 1.0 ND Bromoform 1.0 ND Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 1.0 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 1.0 ND Chlorobenzene 1.0 ND Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 1.0 ND 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether 1.0 ND Chloroform 1.0 ND Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 1.0 ND Dibromochloromethane 1.0 ND Dibromomethane 1.0 N D 1,2-Dichiorobenzene 1.0 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.0 ND Dichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 ND 1,1-Dichloroethane 1.0 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 1.0 ND 1,1 -Dichloroethene 1.0 ND cis-l,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 ND trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 1.0 ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 1.0 ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.0 ND trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 1.0 ND Ethylbenzene 1.0 37. Methylene Chloride 1.0 ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have b~en reported if present at or above the listed PQL. MSD #2 5497-6.xls JMM/jgt/bpl/bf LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 I tel 714.660.9129 fax805.5448226 tel80S.544.4696 Zyma envi~echnology PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 2 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5497-6 P.O. Box 1508 Collected: 02/15/9§ Tualatin, OR 97062 Received: 02/15/g5 Bakersfield, CA 93309-0702 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A2-30 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02122/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS/AROMATICS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 N D 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 1.0 ND Toluene 1.0 63. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA) 1.0 ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.0 N D Trichloroethene (TCE) 1.0 ND Trichlorofluoromethane (freon 11 ) 1.0 ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1.0 ND Vinyl Chloride 1.0 ND Xylenes (total) 1.0 410. Percent Surrogate Recovery 94 Zyma.X envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5497-6.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jgt/bpl/bf Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane. Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 I tel 714.660.9129 fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma envi~eChn°l°gY' !PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5497-9 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/15/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/15/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample DescriptiOn: A2-45 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/22/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg Benzene 1.0 1.2 Toluene 1.0 100. Ethylbenzene 1.0 30. Xylenes 1.0 280. Percent Surrogate Recovery 96 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 100. 6600. BTX as a Percent of Fuel 6 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5497-9.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jgt/bpl/rh Laboratory Director LA Office: I 682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 7I Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 I tel 714.660.9129 fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma/ en¥~echnolog¥ ~EPORT OF A.ALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5497-12 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/15/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 02/15/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A2-60 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/19/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below rCONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0,005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 99 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5497-12.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jgtlbpllns Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma C envi4~teoh'nolOgy PORT OF ANALYTICAL FIESULi'S Page 1 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: §497-1 ?5 P.O. Box 1508 Collected: 02/15/95 Tualatin, OFI 970G2 Received: 02/15/95 Bakersfield, CA 93309-0?02 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A2-75 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/19/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT* * mg/kg mg/kg PURGEABLE HALOCARBO NS/AROMATICS Benzene 0.005 ND Bromobenzene 0.005 ND Bromodichloromethane 0.005 ND Bromoform 0.005 ND Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 0.005 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.005 ND Chlorobenzene 0.005 ND Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 0.005 ND 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether 0.005 ND Chloroform 0.005 ND Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 0.005 ND Dibromochloromethane 0.005 N D Dibromomethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 N D Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.005 ND 1, l~Dichloroethane 0.005 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.005 ND 1, l-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND cis- 1,2- Dichloroethene 0.005 N D trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.005 ND 1,2-Dich~oropropane 0.005 ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.005 ND trans-1,3~Dichloropropene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Methylene Chloride 0.005 ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 · PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit · *Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. MSD #2 5497-15.xls JMM/jgt/bpl/ns LA or, ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lob Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 10 irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 I tel 714.660.9129 fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma envJ' e©hnolog¥ ePORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 2 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5497-15 P.O. Box 1508 Collected: 02/15/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Received: 02/15/95 Bakersfield, CA 93309-0702 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A2-75 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/19/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS/AROMATICS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.005 ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane (TCA) 0.005 ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.005 ND Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.005 ND Trichlorofluoromethane (freon 11 ) 0.005 ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.005 ND Vinyl Chloride 0.005 ND Xy~enes (total) 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 100 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory//1717 *PQL '- Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5497-15.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jgt/bpl/ns Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Page 1 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5497-19 P.O. Box 1508 Collected: 02/15/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Received: 02/15/95 Bakersfield, CA 93309-0702 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A1-20 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/23/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 CONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**Img/kg PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS/AROMATICS Benzene 0.2 ND Bromobenzene 0.2 ND Bromodichloromethane 0.2 ND Bromoform 0.2 ND Bromomethane (Methyl Bromide) 0.2 ND Carbon Tetrachloride 0.2 ND Chlorobenzene 0.2 ND Chloroethane (Ethyl Chloride) 0.2 ND 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether 0.2 ND Chloroform 0.2 ND Chloromethane (Methyl Chloride) 0.2 ND Dibromochloromethane 0.2 ND Dibromomethane 0.2 ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.2 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.2 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.2 ND Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.2 ND 1,1 -Dichloroethane 0.2 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC) 0.2 ND 1, l-Dichloroethene 0.2 ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.2 ND trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.2 ND ~ ,2-Dich)oropropane 0.2 ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.2 ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.2 ND Ethylbenzene 0.2 3.0 Methylene Chloride 0.2 ND ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. MSD #2 5497-19.xls JMM/jgt/bpl/bf LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab .~erv~ces: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.660.9 129 fax805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Page 2 of 2 Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: 5497-19 P,O, Box 1508 Collected: 02/15/g5 Tualatin, OR 97062 Received: 02/15/95 Bakersfield, CA 93309-0702 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A1-20 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/23/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 8260 ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** ·I mg/kg mg/kg PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS/AROMATICS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.2 ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane O. 2 N D Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.2 ND Toluene 0.2 4.4 1,1, l-Trichl0roethane (TCA) 0.2 ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.2 ND Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.2 ND Trichlorofluoromethane (freon 11) 0.2 ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.2 ND Vinyl Chloride 0.2 ND Xylenes (total) 0.2 27. Percent Surrogate Recovery 98 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 · PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit · *Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnol0gy, inc. 5497-19.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jgt/bpl/bf Laboratory Director LA Oi~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane. Suite 10 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 I tel 714.660.9129 faxS05.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zymaj ' ec"n°'°gY ...... EPOR* Or ANA, ,CA, RESU,TS Client: Steve Clark Lab Number: ?5497-23 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 02/1 ?5/96 P.O. Box 1 ?508 Received: 02/1 ?5/9?5 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A1-40 Project Number: F0131-006-01 Analyzed: 02/22/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg Benzene 1.0 ND Toluene 1.0 54. Ethylbenzene 1.0 24. Xylenes 1.0 170. Percent Surrogate Recovery 99 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 100. 5200, BTX as a Percent of Fuel 4 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 5497-23.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jgt/bpl/bf Laboratory Director LA O~ce: 1682 Langley Avenue Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Irvine, California 92714 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714,660.9129 fax805.544.8226 tel80S.544,4696 Chain-of Custody Number: · SECOR Chain-of Custody Record.':' [~Additional document~ are attached, and are a part of this Record. Field Office: , ' '.,.':'.?~ Address: %~'//0/ ~-~ /"~ ~c ~ V~. / ~c'l'~ ~ 0 ~ Job Name: 0 {~ ~ I~.~ .:..::. ¢~t~ '/I~'/¢/ ¢~ ~3' ~¢~ Location: ~Ack-~ ¢~l~ /~ ";?~:': ~- .. ~ · - · Analysis Request '-' " Project~ -~D/~OO&-~) TasB~ ...... Project Manager ~V'~ ¢ '~ : ""'>'~ ' Laboratory TM >~c, X ~ _~ '~ ~ · Turnaround Time > ~-~' * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sampler's Name ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - .. o .. mE ~ Sampler'sSignat~~ ~~ ~ ~m ~ g ~m ~o >m .~o 3 ~ ' : z~ ~ ~ o~ ~ =~ Em ~ ~ m~o~ Instructions z. SamplelD ..... " Date Time Matrix ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~m~m m~ ~ ~.., .. ! ;:% Special Instroctions/Comi'hents: ~h~ ~ etin q ,)¢ ,,Cd b.~. // ' Sign /~~ ~,¢.~_(~_~ ~ ~. C~¢~ ~ ~;~'"'_V ' ~0~ ~0~ ~ Print /~~ ., Company ~ C..¢~. Company ~ ~ ~'% __ Rec'd. in good condition/cold: '~ ~'.[::' ~ ~.-~-~- ~ Time/~¢~ Dat~~ Time /%~ ~ Date~~ Conforms to record: '~;~' Relinquished by: Relinquished by: ' Sign Client:L Sign Print Print Client Contact: ' . "':?"~:~ Company Company ..' '_ · Time Date Time Date Client Phone: ' '::" ::- ~::;~' . s,co. CUST,,C ,~. ~/,. . . .- Date: 2. / /~ /~ Page ~ of~:: Chain-of Custody Number: : "'-. ~EC, OR Chain-of Custody Record Additional documents are attached, and are a part of this Record.· Project ff~C~'S/-- (~ 0 ~ - L~ t Task ff Analysis Request .' .' Laboratory ~ ~.~. 0. ~ ~ o ~ ~ Turnaround Tim~ '~.~ E¢) h.¢¢ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ '~ c Sampler's Name ~¢ O~ ~.o o~ ~=o ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ 8o~ =~o ~ ~ ~5 ~¢ SamplelD ~ Date Time Matrix ~ ~ ~ ~ >~ %~ ~~ ~= ~ ~ Instructions ': '. Special Instructions/Comments: Relinquis~e~: ~,olinqui~y:z // / , Sample Receipt '.e:: :;'?.?/(' ~rint ~o,~ O;~ Pnnt'~~~ ~/~ Cha,n of custody seals: :% .:~.:.f.'.::~;:~ "/ ' T,me /%¢¢ f Date~/~T,me /~ Date ~/~> Conforms to record:. . :.. " Company Company SECOR CUSTREC Rev. 9~94 ~ SECOR Chain-of Custody Record .'.::!i' Field Office: [~Additional documents are attached, and are a part.of this Record. ~?" ";'~¢?~'.;:.:..? Address: ~iff'(~;'] ~.(y[;~t~ ¢ ~ V*~ ¢~ "~ ~OO JobName: L~,~/*r Project fl ~O/~/*OO ~- O/ Task fl Analysis Request Laboratory ~1'~ o ~. ' ~o ~ "c ...... Turnaround Ti~e , Sampler's Signatur~-;~'~~ ~ ~ =~ '- ~ ':~ ~ Comments/ Sample ID Date Time Matrix ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~= ~ ~ Instructions ':'~',:.'. ~."~ - F ~) I/co ~ ~ ~ ~ % -/~ "1.' ':-:.'~]~.~.; /~ / 1, 3 - / % /32'o - 19 I~. Special~ructions/comments: Relin~ish~ ~i, ,q~d~ ~/ ' Sample Receipt . ,~"O ~,gn~. "7~ '" Sign/~~/~ / Totalno. of containers: PdnF 3 o~ ~ o~, PrinF/g ~ ~/~¢~ Ch~ of custody seals: .... ~ ¢- t~-~ . ~ Time/¢¢~ Date Z~¢¢ ~Time /~ ¢ )- Date~~.¢ Conforms to record: Relinquished by: Relinquished by: Client:~'~ ~, Sign Sign ' ': Print Print Client Contact: :; .:~.:~ Company Company ..,.. Time Date Time Date Client Phone: · ... ::'.-:2:. . SECOR CUSTREC Rev. 9/94 :~. Date: ~' //~/ ~ Page ~ o'f .. :~ Chain-of Custody Number: Ghain.,,-of Gustody Record '.~:. : Additional documents are attached, and are a part'of this Record. ~.. '.::. L. :.' Field Office: : , .... -.~ Prgject ff ~;'~/~/'-c5'0~- 0 / Task ff~, [ C Analysis Request . Project Manager .Jc. ~r,~ /~.~/~v~ C/o~ ~ 0 Laboratory ~ 'yJ', a g. / / ¢ o 'm ~ Turnaround Ti~e %'P~¢. r/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ '-~ ~ ~ . Sampler's Signature ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >m :s~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E~ ~ ~ '=~ ~ ~ - Comments/ ~ >~ %~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~) Instructions .,': SampletD Date Time Matrix % P~ o~ ,-o ~ ~o ¢~ '~ ~ ~'? /~' .... ~ ~ -¢ ' t.' ~-~-2o ~o~ x ~ X / X ~ -d ..... .- x x - Special Instructions/Comments: . Relinq¢~shed ~yq _~ x ~li~uj~¢ by: / // / Sample Receipt · '~qU¢¢~ %'44,-d¢9~ ' ~ Pri"¢~o. 0_~¢~-. 'Print ~'~~/~ Chain of custody seals: .-.;.:. ~ C~pany ~ ~ ¢ 0/~ . ~C°mpany/~¢ ~ J J Rec'd. in good condition/cold: '-' // . T,me/~, ' Date~ ~, Conforms to record: Relinquished by: Relinquished by: ~ " ~~' ~4..~, r ~ r~4 o ~, h o S~gn Sign C,,~t: U~'"J ~ ~ ',: 'i;" ';~)~[ Print Print Client Contact: · ' ~?" I<X~'5:':X'...~'~&% ~:,.'~' 3. (202~ F~ Company Company -.' ~- ~.~.:~ :~0 ;~.. ~ x~t~. C(~ Time Date Time Date Client Phone: ."; SECOR CUSTREC Rev. 9/94 - Date: X ,/ ~ ,~ Page / of' " Chain-of Custody Number:. ' SECOR Chain-of Custody Record :: .... '~ · k~cJ Additional documents are attached, and are a part of this Record. Field Office: -' Project~Ot~t-d~- 0 t T~sk~ ~'/ C-' "" - Analysis Request ..,:.:. /~. --. Project M~nager ¢~ f/vt) ~ P~F' '" Laboratory ~- y t~ o. ~ . Y 0 _ · . ~ ~ ~ · ~. -~-.... -- ~ ~ d ' ~ Commems/ = ':, ?' Sampler's Signature ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ 2~ .~D .~ ~ .~ Sample ID Date Time Matrix ~ ~ ~ p <~"~ %~ ~ ~ ~, Instructions ,. '[ i eipt' "'-'~'~ SPecial Instruc(i0ns/~mments:.. Relinquis~O ~y:o ~ . ~/~" / ~ ~ C~,~any ~ ~ CO~'~' ~ . , Company.. ~~~ / / ~ecd. ingoodcondition/c01d~. ~'~?.'. ¢~(;{¢' '-/:~o. /~ .... ~- ~ Time /~ Date~¢~¢ Time/~ Date~/¢~ Conforms ~o record: "q," ....'¢ .," Relinguished by: Relinquished by: ." - ~.:~ ;~" ~ "*" ....., si,. S,,n. ,.. Client Contact: .-., t ' '~ ~ Time Date Time Date Client Phone: :"'.:.- · : · . . .. :.z.. . .,,:, ate:,, ' Chain-of Custody Number: ? . ?;~':. SE~_,OR Chain:of Custody Record :: '"[?~:!' .. l~Additional documents, are attached, and are a part of this Rec0rd..? ."--,.!iii!! Field Office: .."!" Address: ~'~ / *~*'~ ~V~ ~,~"~6"~ ~' JobName: CC~ ,~1~. r Project ff'~O/~/-- ~' 0 ,): T~ ff ~,/~ _. Analysis Request ;..'".- ..:,t-:."~';:" Laboratory ~¢~.~ ~ ~o ~ ~ = ._ . Turnaround Tim~ % ~, ~ t' ~ ~ ~ '~ 8 8 . . ~ ~ ~ .~ ~~ ', .~...:.:::~. ~ ~ ~ · Sampler's Signature ~ ~ ~ ~ o-~ ~ ~ ~ = TM 5' ''~ ' '~ - .~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ Comments/ ~'?'~.": Sample ID Date Time Matrix ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ >.~ %~ ~ ~ ~~ Instructions '"' ...... ~,. ~ / - / ~. ~ ~/¢90 ........... ~'~ '.~:" Speoial Instruo~ons/O~mments: ' Relinq¢~bedhy: · ' ~" ' ,,gn ~ ~~ Sign /~~~~ / ,talno. ofoontainers: A ~ ,4 , '(( :¢~,-¢' +- ~ ~¢~nt~o ¢ CO(~ k Print //~~ ~'~ Chain of custody seals: . '..:. ' ~ ........... ~ ~ 9¢pany % E 0¢)~ % . Company ~~ ~ / iec'd, in good condition/cold: ~::' . T~me/ ~ Date ~¢ % Conformsto record ' - ' ' / . %":' :~:,~:~- ' Relinquished bY: ' Relinquished by: ¢ ~ '~ -. ~. (~q ~. ~ Print ~rint Client Contact: ' '.2.~ Company uompany .' . :~.::'~ Time - - Date Time Date Client Phone: . · ' · SECOR CUSTREC Rev. 9/94 · .. ' Date: Z- / t~ /~J Page .~ of"-~: Chain-of Custody Number: .: .-.' ~-~.~-..=. SECOR Chain-of Custody Record ' Additional documents are attached, and are a part of this Record..." Project g ~c)]~/- OD~ :~'/ Tgsk ~ 2, ] C .,-. Analysis Request ?." ?f~':~:..,~:.? ,, ~ o ~ t ~Project Manager o Sampler's Name 5'We ~~ & ~ m~._ ~ ~ · s Sampler's Signature = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '= ~ ~ Comments/ Sample ID Date Time Matrix : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Instructions Special Instructions/Comments: Relinq¢¢e~: h~lii~uu~ by~ // / Sample Receipt , : [ P~int~o ~ C~~ Print//~~ ~/~4 ,. Chain ofcustodyseals:' ......... ~ ~ G6~pany ~¢ ~'[~ ' ' Go~pang, ~~/ / ~,ocd. in~oodoonditiOn/cOId:. ~olinquishod by: BelinquishoO by: .... · ~riht ~rint Gliont Contact. '- .~ Time Date Time Date Client Phone: SECOR CUSTREC Rev. 9/94 : · . Date: ~ ¢ /9 age Of ~~¢. ~t (5 C h I1 o I o g y REPORT OF ANAL~i~TICAL RESULTS Client: Stove Clarke Lab Number: 6677-7 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A4 35 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/26/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 96 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6677-7.xls Jlahn MacMurphey JMM/jgt/wr/jk Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lob Services: 71 Zaca Lane. Suite Il0 Aliso Viejo. California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714,362.9964 e-mail: zymax@callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-7 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A4 35 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/27/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 6010 LUFT 5 HEAVY METALS METAL PQL* RESULT* rog/Kg mg/Kg Cadmium 1.0 ND Chromium 1.0 4.4 Lead 10. N D Nickel 1.0 1.7 Zinc 1.0 18. ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analysis performed by CA Department of Health Services certified laboratory #1544 Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6677-7m.xls Jbl~n MacMurphey JMM/jgt/mn Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax(~callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.$44.4696 ~technology REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-10 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A450 Project Number: FO 131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/26/95 Collected by: Jori Cooper Method: See Below CONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg r Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 104 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX. envirotechnology, inc. 61M6S7[~ -~ 10. x, s Jo~MacMurphey JMM/jgt/wr/jk Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite II0 . Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax~callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 80 5.544.4696 Zyma e ¢ h n 010 g 1I REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-12 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A4 60 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/26/95 Collected by: Jori Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** ms/kg mg/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 105 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. MSD #1 J~nM~ ~ 6677-12.xls acMurph JMM/jgt/wr/rh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane. Suite 10 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax~callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 e n e ¢ b n o I o g ¥ PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-14 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07121195 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A4 70 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/21/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg rog/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 99 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6677-14.xls JMN1/jgt/rwj/rh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 10 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax~callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 80 S .544.4696 Zyma/ ~echnolog¥ ~EPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-14 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A4 70 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/22/95 Collected by: Jori Cooper Method: See Below rco NSTITU ENT PQL * RES ULT* * mg/kg mg/kg TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Diesel 10. ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 71 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 · PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit · *Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by GC/MS Combination. Note: Extracted by EPA 3550 on 07/22/95. Note: Analytical range is C8-C40. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. MSD #4 Jo~n Mac/~Murp~ 6677-14t.xls JMMIjgtldz/jd Laboratory Director Field Rep'. 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite II0 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax@callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 en echnology REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-19 · Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A5 30 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/26/95 Collected by: Jori Cooper Method: See Below JCONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 105 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6677-19.xls Jo n MacMurphey JMM/jgt/wr/rh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 0 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax@callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma " oo no,og , ~I~EPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-19 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A5 30 Project Number: FO 131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/27/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 6010 LUFT 5 HEAVY METALS METAL PQL* RESULT** mg/Kg mg/Kg Cadmium 1.0 ND Chromium 1.0 3.7 Lead 10. ND Nickel 1.0 1.8 Zinc 1.0 18. ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analysis performed by CA Department of Health Services certified laboratory #1544 Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, ipc. 6677-19m.xls cMurph JMM/jgt/mn Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Sen, ices: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Aliso Viejo. California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax@callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma ~t e ¢ h n o I o g y EPORT OF 'ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-23 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 · Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A5 50 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/26/95 Collected by: Jori Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 105 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6677-23.xls John MacMurphey JMM/jgt/wr/rh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax@callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 80 S.544.4696 Zym'a ~te©hllolog¥ i~EPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULT Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-21 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A5 40 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/26/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT* mg/kg mg/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 93 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PaL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6677-21 .xls acMur JMM/jgt/wr/rh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax~callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 m e 0 h n o I o g ¥ PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-26 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: O7/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A5 60 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/21/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** I mg/kg mg/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 97 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6677-25.xls cMurphey JMM/jgt/rwj/rh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax~callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zyma ' .... ~e ¢ h n o I o g y PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-25 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A5 60 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/28/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** rog/kg mg/kg TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Diesel 10. ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 90 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by GC/MS Combination. Note: Extracted by EPA 3550 on 07/27/95. Note: Analytical range is C8-C40. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6677-25t.xls acMurp · JMM/jgt/dz/mh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Sen, ices: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 10 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax@callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 7V a~Ir~11~1~ m-~l~- env echnology REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-30 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A6 25 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/26/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 94 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6M657[~ -;~10. x I s J(~n MacMurphey JMM/jgt/wr/rh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite II0 Aliso Vieio, California 92656 San Luis Obispo. California 93401 tel 714,362.21 '~2 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax@callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805,544.4696 e echnolog¥ REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-30 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A6 25 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/27/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: EPA 6010 LUFT 5 HEAVY METALS METAL PQL* RESULT* mg/Kg mg/Kg Cadmium 1.0 ND Chromium 1.0 6.2 Lead 10. ND Nickel 1.0 3.3 Zinc 1.0 41, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analysis performed by CA Department of Health Services certified laboratory #1544 Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6677-30m.xls Jo~n MacMurph~ JMM/jgt/mn Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite II0 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714,362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax~callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805,544.4696 e ¢ h n o I o g y -'PORT OF ANALyTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-33 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O.. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A6 40 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/26/95 Collected by: Jori Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 94 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL- Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6677-33.xls cMurphe JMM/jgt/wr/rh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite II0 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo. California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax~callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 e n e c h n o J o g y PORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-35 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: -07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A6 50 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/26/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg Benzene 0.OO5 ND Toluene O.OO5 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 · ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 108 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory//1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. MSD #1 j~n MacMu/~rphey~ 6677-35.xls JMM/jgt/wr/rh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite I I 0 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 9340 I tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax~callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Zymal echnology REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-37 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21/95 P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A6 60 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/21/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT PQL* RESULT** mg/kg mg/kg Benzene 0.005 ND Toluene 0.005 ND Ethylbenzene 0.005 ND Xylenes 0.005 ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 99 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Gasoline 10. ND BTX as a Percent of Fuel N/A ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory #1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by EPA 8260 and GC/MS Combination. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6M6S7~ _~67. xls Jo(~n M acMurphey JMM/jgt/rwj/rh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite 110 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714,362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax~callamer.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 ZYmal '- ~EPoRT' e c h n 010 g y OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Client: Steve Clarke Lab Number: 6677-37 Secor Environmental Engineering Collected: 07/21195 .P.O. Box 1508 Received: 07/21/95 Tualatin, OR 97062 Matrix: Soil Project: Cummins - Bakersfield Sample Description: A6 60 Project Number: F0131-006-03 Analyzed: 07/28/95 Collected by: Jon Cooper Method: See Below ICONSTITUENT mg/kgPQL* RESULT**mg/kg I TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Diesel 10. ND Percent Surrogate Recovery 76 ZymaX envirotechnology, inc, is certified by CA Department of Health Services: Laboratory//1717 *PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit **Results listed as ND would have been reported if present at or above the listed PQL. Note: Analyzed by GC/MS Combination, Note: Extracted by EPA 3550 on 07127195. Note: Analytical range is 08-040. Submitted by, ZymaX envirotechnology, inc. 6677-37t.xls acMurph JMM/jgt/dz/mh Laboratory Director Field Rep: 69 Montara Drive Lab Services: 71 Zaca Lane, Suite II0 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 San Luis Obispo, California 93401 tel 714.362.2122 fax 714.362.9964 e-mail: zymax@callarner.com fax 805.544.8226 tel 805.544.4696 Chain-of Custody Number: ":" .... SECOR Chain-of Custody Record ":'... ..,- ~:;;:,... Field Office: ./E)~.:.,]_~/~ ,v ,.,~//J [~Additional documents are attached, and are a part of this Record. .'-" Project ¢ ~-O1~t- :)t) ('-(:~ Task ff Analysis Request ..-.'. Laboratory ~ ¢'~" X ~o ~ Sample ID '~' Date Time Matrix ~~ o ~ o <~ ~ ~ D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ CommentS/instructions z--.'" :. Special Instructions/Comments: . '/' "'( Relinqui~ed by: ~ellr~qul~by: . ~ / Sample Receipt Conforms to record: ' time 7 ~ ~O Date~P~S Time ~Z/ ¢%Date ]6~o Relinquished by: . Relinquished by: Sign Sign Client: Print Print Client Contact: Company Company · ' ' Time Date Time Date Client Phone: ..~.:... SECOR CUSTREC Rev. 9/94 Chain-of Custody Number: : ,~]:?.(~0]:~. Chain-of Custody Record Field Office: ~> c.;- :- ¢./ ~. ~ / ' Additional documents are attached, and are a part of this Record, -:' ' ' ' f" S /< .. -.-:'v~:.-' Address: ¢-; ~ ~'/ (" ¢* /'' ~ ' ":";' - o ~ ~ ¢ Job Name: t , ,~/.~ /.~ ~- . c, · f:~ ¢ ./~¢', c ,/ ,~ '/' Location: ~ ~t ~' ": .... · -. '= :,: '.q. F~ " "~'''~'' Project ¢ / ~/' 6~¢ ~ ~ .~ Tcsk ff Analysis Request ,. . :.. Project Manager ~ ~V ('/~ //~'~ , .... Laboratory ~ ,//~ ~ X Turnaround Time ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ Sampler's Name ~' '* ~? o~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ' =-- - Sampler's Signat~r6- ~ E E ~ E~o° ~ ~ .~ ._ ~ ~ . E~ t:~":" ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ E~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ Comments/ z / ~ mo o~ ~o ~ ~o ~ ... Sample ID" '/ ~ ~ m~ ~ ~ Instructions ,,/ Date Time Matrix ~ ~ <~ >~ ~ ~ ~ J~ ~ ~ ~¢s' $~,TM ~ U~qq-~O f'. ' "~"~ :' ~ ~¢' /~. 5-' / ~ t 2 C-o 't.' - I q ' /' Special Instructions/Comments: ,~ '~ Relinquished by: ~linq¢~by~/ j ) / Sample Receipt ~-~ ~':' ~ F ~/ / ,'.' ; "' P~,n, ~0 . ~ Print [~'~T~/~ S4 Chain of custody seals: ~', /~ ¢6¢~¢~S'~ 'mCr )~' Company ~[~ ¢~ I Rec'd. in good condition/cold: "".";,--.-~ ~' Conforms to record: - Relinquished by: Relinquished by: '".; Sign Sign Client: ~.'- ~rint ~rint Client Contact:' · Gompany Gompany Time ~ate Time Date Client Phone: ':. - .~? Chain-of Custody Number: " Chain-of Custody Record '.'. ";? /~-'" 'ff'¢ -~ . ~ Additional documents are attached, 8nd are ~ part of this Record.. Project ¢ ~/~/' ~0~- ~ ~ ~ask ¢ Analysis Request Turnaround Time / ~¢' ~O '~ ~ · '- Sampler's Signature ~ E ~ =~ ~ c~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ¢ E '~ ~ Comments/ =. Special Instructions/Comments: ( Relinq¢~hed by; ~llnq~d ~y: ~ ~ % Sample Receipt '1'~ Co~any ~.~ d' ~;~ Chain of custody seals: Company ~ ~ ~ ~ Rec'd. in good condition/cold: Relinquished by: · Relinquished by: .... :: Company ~ Company Client Contact: ;: Time Cate Time Date Client Phone: SECOR CUSTREC Rev. 9/94 .. : . .~, ..~ ... . :- Zyma~enviroteohnology chai~ of' custod~y.' ~ .......... 71 zaca*lane, suite 110- san luis obispo, ca 93401-fax 805/544 8226- tel 805~544 4696 .'"' Company :: C :: /~ P~ojec' Number i~ ~ -- : /, , ~ ~ .: ..::...: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '.: '":: :Sample. DesCHptiOn'::::::;:::'::~....:.; ..':: :' :Date.;. :: .' :~ ........ .Time:.:~ :: ::. Matrix.':: :'P~e~e~e ~ ~ ......:: .:. ::~?~::::~;::~.~i~?~?~ :::::.;:'::':.::: ":::. ~:'::.': ::' ::: ':::... :'::.;' ::;. :.".?;;.:..":;:~:' ::::::.:::::: ';::;: .::.~' :.:;::~::: ';:s~::~:~[~d:: ::,: :; :'.::s'~:~l~.~:~" . ::~ .~ ::.::. :::::~.~: '::~.:::::;::-':; :: ~_ ~ ~ Remarks:' ............................................. ~:., , ~ ~ 77_ ====================================================================================================_ · ~:~:¥:~:~:~:7:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:M" :~:~::'::~:~:. . . ::::.::>:;??.?;:?;:~:;~;.~;~?.:.??;?.>>::?>'.:'.: ..,~,....%:.: . ' .: .. ';:.-:L' Special Billing/Comment,:~ ¢': .~ ¢C~ ,, ~ p-r' Signature~ /7~-~ _~~ Signature Company ~ ~ ~0 Company :.::. :..:? :;~'- Relinquished b~: ,,. Received Sor . .'".:~.. Sample Integrity upon receipt:.~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~,~:::::::~:::~::~:~:~ ...................................... ~ Signature Signature ~_~ [~'/.": '. :: :":::~;:;~ '~.: Samples received cold ============================================================================ ...................... ~ Compan~ Compang ~ ~ ~ ~ .. . :., h}~:.:: .';'~ Correct container types -__ · ~::.. -- . . . ........................................ ..... - Page" LABORATORII~S Tut&l Petroleum Hydrocarbons SEC0R Da=e Reported: 09/19/95 S401 C/~LIFORNIA A~FE., SUI~q~ 300 Da=e Received= 09/15/95 BJ~K~RSFIELD, CA 93209-0702 L~Ora=O~ NO.: 9~-11266-1 Attn: JO~ ~ 805-63~-9541 S~le Descrip=ion: F0131-006-04 ~02 ~NGS- ~RSFIE~: W01 S~D BY JON COOPER S~mling Da=e/Time: 09/15/95 ~ ~thod Constituents S~le Result~ units P.O.L. Method Total Petrole~ Hydrocarbons ~1. m~/k~ 20. California D.O.H.S. Cer=. 41186 '" ' Stuart O. Buttram Dep~r~ment Supervisor All rerun~ aired Jn thi. repmt .re fo~' ~e e~-cJustvi u~e o! ttt4 su13mltllng I~. I~ Lab~xa~ie~, Inc. a.sum., no mspen~Mllly f(x mpe~ a~mU~, separition, d~,*chimmt m thiTd perly tn(efl~on. Page TOTAL C0NCE~fRATiONS (CalifOrnia Code of Regulations, Title ~2, Section 66261) SECOR Date ReDorted: 09/19/95 5401 C3~SIF0~/~IAAV~., SUITE 300 Date Recei~ed: 09/15/95 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309-0702 Laboratory No.: 95-11266-1 At=n: JOE HUNT 805-634-9~41 Sample Description: F0131-006-04 %02 CUMMINGS- BAKERSFIELD: W01 SAM~LlZD BY JON COOPER Sampling Date/Tame: 09/15/95 @ 09:10AM ~egulatory C~itaria Method STLC TTLC E0nscituents S~le Results Units P.0.L. Me~pd m~/L _mq/kq Cadmium None Detected mt/kg 0.5 Mw-6010 1.0 100. Chromium 15. mg/k~ 0.5 SW-6010 ~60. 2500. comment: All abowe constituents are reported on an as received (wet) san~ple basis. Reoult~ r~po~=ec% ~epro~nt ~o~ale (~C) ~ s~le s~Jec~ed tO..appr~riate .:. P.Q.L. = Practical Qu~titation Limit (refers to the least ~o~t. of ~al~e ~ti~i~le based on s~le sims u~ed ~ ~alytical te~e e~l~e~) . STLC = Soluble ~reshold Li~t Concentration ~LC = Total ~reshold Limi~ Concentration ~FE~NCES: SW ~ "Test MeUhods for ~valuating Solid wastes Physical/~e~cal Methods"., EPA-SW-846, Septe~er, 1986. D~ Sc~ultz ~ L~orato~ Director ~1| rl~sultl listed tn this r~po~ itl for Ihe excltll:l¥,l u~ ~ the ~ubmlfllng p~. 80 ~bo~atorlaa, Inc. a~l ho res~lblll~ for mpod 41~Atlae C~, · ~r~fi~t~, C~3~0~ · (~0~)327-4911 , ~AX LASORATO RIE$ Total SECOR Date Reported: 09/19/95 5401 CALIFORNIA AV~., SUITE 300 Date Received: 09/15/95 RAKERSFIELD, CJ~ 93309-0702 L~orato~ NO.: 9~-~1266-2 Attn: JOE ~ 805-634-9541 S~ple Description: F0131-006-04 ~02 ~NGS- ~RSFIE~: W02 R~D BY JON COOPER S~ling Da~e/Time: 09/15/95 ~ 09:20~ Me thod Total Petrole~ cali~orni~ D.O.H.S. Ce~t. $1186 St:uart G. But:tram ..... . D~artment SuCeL~vl aor All renulto Ileted Jl~ I~l~ r~po~ nra for 1he exolullvt tl,l of tie nuhmlttlng paw. i~O Lllxx'~ta'le% Inc. amoumoe Ilo ~poltldb/ltty few repod eJ~erntlo~t, ~eplrtlJofl. dolacr~me~l ~- 1bin1 party I~ttrpre ration, L.6, ROR.~,TO RIE S Page 1 ~TAL CONC E~ T~u~T IO~S (California Code of Regulations, T£tle 22, Section 66261) S~COR Date Reported: 09/19/95 5401 CALIFO~/~IAAV~., SUIT~ 300 Date Received: 09/15/9~ BAKERSFIELD, C3~ 93309-0702 ~orato~ No.: 95-11266-2 Attn: JOE ~ 805-634~95%1 S~le Descrip~ion: F0131-006-04 %02 ~NGS- ~RSFIE~: W02 ~LED BY J0N COOPER S~ling Da=e/Time: 09/lS/gS ~ 09:20~ Re~laco~ Criteria Method STLC ~LC Comstitu~.~ S~le Results ~ P.O.~._.. ~.=hod mg/L._ m~/kq Ca~i~ None DetecUe~ ms/kg 0.5 SW-6010 1.0 100. Lead None Dececned mS/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: A~I above constituents are reported on an a~ received (wet) sample Results reported represent totals (~-rLC) as sample ~ubjeo~ed ~o appropriate.. '.'ii...: techniques to determine total levels, P.Q.L. = Practical Qu~i=acion Limit (refers =o =He least amount of quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limi~ Concentration ,TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: " SW = "Test Methods for Evaluati~ Solid Wastes Phy~ical/Chemlcal Me.hods,,,~ E~A-SW-846, September, 1986. Dan Schultz Laboratory Director A~I result, flsted In thie re~o~ ere for lhe exclusive uae of the lu~fllng pa~ aC ~ra~rlea, fno. lessee no ~es~ml~ll~ for mp~ allemtiofl, secretion, d~ment or ~1~ pa~ Inlerp~flon. 4~ O0 ACI.~8 ~b. - ~ak~r~ficld, CA 9330~ · (BO5) 3R7~811 , FAX [8O~J ~27-191 8 TOtal Petroleu~ H~rocarbon~ SECOR Date Reported: 09/19/95 5401 CALIFORNIA AVE., SUITE 300 Date Received= 09/15/~5 ~%K~RSFIELD,' CA ~309-0702 Laboratory No.: 95-11266-3 Attn: JOE HUNT 805-6~4-95%1 Sample Deecrip~ion: F01~1-006-04 #02 CT3~N~S- BAKERSFIELD: W05 SAMPLED BY J0N COOPER Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/95 ~ 10:10AM Method Consti~9.ents samo_le Result~ ~nits P.O.L. Method Total Petroleum ~ydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 Stuart Departmen~ Supervisor .. ~1 r~mutta IJ~t~:f In thle ~*ol~'t ar~ far 1f19 gxcluqtve ua~ ~f the eubmlttMg LABORATORIES TOTAL CONC~NT]~ATI ONS (California Code of Regl/la=ions, Title 22, Section 66261) SECOR Date Reported: 09/19/95 5401 CALIFORNIAAV~., SUITE 300 Date Received: 09/15/95 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309-070~ Laborato~ No.: 95-11266-5 AU=n: JOE HI]NT 805-634-9541 SamDle DescriDtlo~: F0131-006-04 ~02 CUMMINGS- ~JGf~RSFIELD: W05 SAMPLED BY JO~ COOPER Sampling Da=e/Time: 09/15/95 ~ 10:10AM Regulatory Criteria Method STLC ~'rLC Constituents S~. Resulns Units P.O.L.. Method mO/L mo/k~ CaclmiLu~ Nons Detected mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 1.0 100. Chrcmlu~ 16. mg,'k~ 0.5 2U-6310 5~O. 2500. Lead None Detected mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Co~lment: ]%11 above constituents are reDor/ed on an as received (wet) sample.basis.- R~$ul~ reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected Co-appropriate.: =echniques ~o determine total levels. ..- P.Q.L. ~ Practical Q,,enci=a~ion Lim/t (refers =o =he least a~ou~= Of analyteI''!. quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed).. STLC = Soluble ThreShold Limit Concentration ~rLC = Total Threshold Limit Concen~fatio~ .. R~FER~NCES: Sw , "Te~t M~thods for ~v=luating Solid wastes Physical/Chemical EPA-SW-846, September, 1986, Da~ Schultz Laboratory Director 4100Atlms ~t. , Bakac~field. CA~0~ · (B0~)~-4~11 · ~AX(~0~)327-1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~CO~ D~t~ R~ported: O9/27/9~ 5401CALIFOP, NIA AVE., SUITE 300 Date Received: 09/25/95 BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330~-0702 Laboratory No.: 95-11589-1 Attn: JON COOPER 805-634-9541 Sample Description: CT/MMIN$ - BAKERSFIELD: COMPOSITE OF OWSA & OWSB SD24PLED BY JON COOPER S~pllng Da=e/Time: 09/2S/95 ~ 08:40~ Title ~2 Wa~e ~e: ~ i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Method Constituents S~Dle Result~ ~ P.~.L. Methq~ Total Hydrocarbon~ None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-~18.1 California D.O.H.S. Cer~. ~1186 /~..:' . Stuart G- Buttram Dep&~tment Supervisor ' - (Califoroia Code of Re~ula~0ns, Title 22, Section 66261) SECOR Date Rel~or t ed: 09/27,/95 5401 CkLIFORNIA AVE., SUITE 300 Date Received= 09/25/95 ~KERSFIELD, CA 93309-0701 ~oratory No.: 95-1[589-1 Attn: JON COOPER S~Dle Description: C~INS S~pling Date/Time: 09/2~/95 ~ 08:~0~ Title 22 Waste ~e: ~e i: Millable Solid - No Free Li~/d Regulato~:y Crit,ria Metho~ STSC ~LC Ca~i~ None Detected mg/k~ 0,5 $W-6010 1.0 100. Chromi~ 22. mE/kg 0.5 sw- 6010 560. 2500, Lead 4.1 m~/k9 2.5 SW- 6010 S, 0 1000. Co~enc: All above constituents are x'eported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate ~echaiciues to idetermine total levels, P.Q.L. = Practical Qua~ticacion Limit (refers to ~he least amo%lnt of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentra=ion 'fTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, Sep~e~%ber, 1986. · '~ii.'..= ?....iii .... ~"'~" Labora~O%~ Directo¥ Chain-of Custody Number: SF_,COR Chain-o! Custody Record ,. Field Office: [~ O' 4::~. 1: ' [~]^ddJtional docun ,ents am a~ched, and are a ~rCf Proj~ ~ 0 t ~/~6~Z- ()~ Task ~ D ~ , Analysis RequEst . ., %, _ ..,, Project Manaaer ~ O~ . t t ~ ~, ~ ...... ~ ~ , ~ ' SampleCs_, Name ~om~ ~ ~ ~ ~=~ ~... ~ B - . Samp'ersSignatx~ ' , a %~ ~[=~ ~o ~ z · Sample tD ', // Date ," Time Ua~dx ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ E ~ ~¢ ~ ~ ~ [" ~0 % I.stfu~ionsC°mments/ ~. ~ s- o~)s~ ( i 3 ' i , ~ ~ ~ ,, ~ . " aelind~isbe~z: ~ --. SignRelinqu~h~' .,,,h':(] I~t f ~'~ q.t" -[~' 1, Ii "..:" ) ~4J ~"~ I.( (. ~:~ ~mCe Receipt "~:.: "( [((1'..',. , -- ~, q~mpa~y 5 ~ CO ~ Compan~ { ~ Chat, ~ cus,~y ~ro ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t Print Client C~tact: ':' ]p~ - P~m~ e Date Time __ Date Client Phone: '- l ~v ~ ~ Chain-of Cuslody Number: ~',: ~F_.,~OR Chain-of Custody Record Proje~ ~ ~O1.~ / -OO~- O~Task ~ O ~ An.l~is Reques~ Q ~ Samplers Name m 0 ~ ~ ~ :> ~ ~ o 2~ ~ ~ Special Instruction~Commems: F elinq¢~ed bY; ~oB~.;~l,.d by:,~%(~ t~6~' S.mple Receipt .;',: .... F elinquished ~: ' ~ Relinquished by: ; - [ rint Print Client Co n~ct ( ompany Company ~ ime Date ~me Date Client Phone: -'.:; ~': APPENDIX C SESOIL MODEL DESCRIPTION Closure Report Cummins West Bakersfield Facility Bakersfield, California SECOR PN: F0131-006-04 January 5, 1996 APPENDIX C ' SESOIL MODEL DESCRIPTION Model Selection and Description The SESOIL model was selected for the fate and transport evaluation as it incorporates several important criteria not found in other models. These criteria include the following: · Accounts for the partitioning of chemical load between three media-soil pore space (air), liquid (water), and solids (soil). · Simulates and evaluates the relationship between different physical and chemical processes occurring within the system that determine the movement of the chemicals within the vadose zone to groundwater. These processes typically include volatilization, evapotranspiration, infiltration, exfiltration, diffusion, leaching, absorption, desorption, recharge, and capillarity. · Exhibits the ability to simulate the on-site conditions and long-term chemical fate in the vadose zone. · Determines the vertical distance traveled by a chemical within the vadose zone at any given time. · Predicts the potential for impact of contaminants to groundwater. · Proven through extensive validation studies and readily acceptable by federal and state regulatory agencies. SESOIL is a one-dimensional seasonal compartmental model that simulates chemical transport for a period of 99 years within the vadose zone and is used to evaluate and assess the possible migration and magnitude of future impact of petroleum hydrocarbon constituents to groundwater. The SESOIL model estimates the rate of vertical chemical transport and transformation in a soil compartment in terms of mass and concentration distribution among the different phases (dissolved, adsorbed, vapor, and pure). The soil compartment is defined as a cell extending from ground surface through the unsaturated zone to the groundwater table. The major input components for the model include climactic data for the site area; soil compartment geometry in terms of layer thicknesses and area; physical soil data including porosity, intrinsic permeability, and organic carbon content; and the source chemical properties. Model output includes the mass and concentrations of the source chemical in the unsaturated zone and the mass contribution to groundwater. Model Development The model was developed based on site-specific criteria. These criteria included selection of the chemical of concern, development of a site stratigraphy model, selection of chemical load distribution for the soil compartment, and development of various fate and transport scenarios. These criteria are discussed below. Selection of the chemicals of concern is based on risk assessment, sample analytical results, and the physical properties of the chemicals detected at the site. This selection process includes an evaluation of physical properties such as Henry's Law Constant, water solubility, solubility in organic solvents, specific density, vapor density, maximum chemical concentrations, and the potential health impact based on the maximum contaminant levels for the underlying aquifer. Based on these factors, benzene was selected as the compound of concern for the worst-case fate and transport scenario. CUMBAK.SRP (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated C-I January 5, 1996 The site stratigraphy model was developed by utilizing soil borehole log data and sample analytical results from boreholes A1 and A2 to represent the physical characteristics and depths of the specific subsurface 'formations encountered. Based on the site stratigraphy, similarities in soil characteristics, and the distribution of benzene, the former tank pit area and underlying unsaturated zone was modeled as a conceptual soil compartment consisting of four layers having a total thickness of 230 feet. Layer 1, which consists of predominantly sandy silt with a silty sand layer, extended from ground surface to 42 feet bgs; Layer 2, a primarily sandy layer, extended from 42 feet bgs to the top of the silty clay layer at 52 feet bgs; Layer 3, a primarily silty clay layer, extended from 52 feet bgs to 62 feet bgs; and, Layer 4, a primarily fine sand layer, extended from 62 feet bgs to the top of the groundwater table at 230 feet bgs. Each of the four layers were further divided into sublayers to facilitate accurate resolution of the model. Layers 1 and 4 were divided into ten equal sublayers, while Layers 2 and 3 were respectively divided into two and five sublayers. Subsequent to selection of the chemical of concern and development of the site stratigraphic model, the chemical load distribution, in units of micrograms per square centimeter (/xg/cm2) was estimated for the soil compartment. Chemical load is calculated by multiplying the concentration of the contaminant of concern (benzene), in rog/Kg, the thickness of the layer in centimeters (cm), and the bulk density of the soil in gram per cubic centimeter (gm/cm3). Based on the sample analytical results from Borings A1 and A2, the maximum benzene concentration was determined to be 1.2 mg/Kg from A2-45 and the chemical load was assumed to be applied in the top sublayer of Layer 2 (from 42 feet bgs to 47 feet bgs). In addition, the chemical load was also applied for the entire area of the soil compartment. The thickness of the sublayer was 5 feet (152.4 cm) and the bulk density of the soil was assumed to be 1.5 gm/cm3, which lies within the range of values that are specified for sandy soils. Based on these values, a chemical load of 275 ttg/cm2 was applied in the top sublayer of Layer 2. Three scenarios were initially modeled for the site. In scenario 1, Layers 1 through 4 were given an intrinsic permeability value of 1 x 10.8 cm2. This value is was selected based on the recommendation in the SESOIL manual for sand layers. Other soil properties used for scenario 1 are summarized in Table 2. For scenario 2, Layers 1, 2, and 4 were assigned an intrinsic permeability of 1 x 10.8 cm2, while Layer 3 was assigned a conservative intrinsic permeability of 1 x 10-9 cm:. This value was higher than the value suggested in the SESOIL manual for silty clay soils (5 x 10-n cm2). The area of application was 100,000 cm2, which approximately represents the impacted southwestern area of the tank pit. Climatic data was based on the average seasonal climate data for the Bakersfield area. Detailed printouts of the model input parameters are included in Table AC-1. Sensitivity analysis was performed on the site model using different chemical load distributions. While the chemical load was still applied in Layer 2, the load was increased to account for a residual benzene concentration of 1.2 mg/Kg to be uniformly distributed over the entire 10-foot thickness of the layer. Hence, a chemical load of 660/xg/cm2 was applied in Layer 2. The additional parameters remained the same in the previous three scenarios. The "worst-case" scenario was best represented by Scenario 4, where the intrinsic permeabilities for the four layers were assumed to be equivalent to 1 x 10-8 cm:. As a result, this scenario was represented by a soil compartment entirely composed of a sandy soil colunm, with no silty clay layer occurring between 52 feet bgs to 62 feet bgs. CUMBAK.SRP (DRAFT) SECOR International btcorporated C-2 January 5. 1996 ~cicnce 6 Engineering A,a!l~is Cortgo~z~tio~! E;lt,ironmeJttal Enghteeri~tg September 29, 1995 Mr. Howard Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician City of Bakersfield Fire Department Fire Safety Control & Hazardous Materials Divisions 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 99301 SUBJECT: UST REMOVAL ACTIVITIES CUMMINS ENGINE COMPANY 301 EAST FOURTH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SECOR JOB NO: F0131-006-04 Dear Mr. Wines: This letter confirms the following, as discussed by Mr. Ralph Huey of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD), and Mr. Mark Pishinsky of SECOR International, Inc. (SECOR), consultant for the Cummins Engine Company (CECO) and Cummins West, Inc. (CWI), on September 14, 1995: · Preliminary drilling activities conducted at the subject property prior to initiation of underground storage tank (UST) activities identified the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline in soils in the UST basin area. · Excavation conducted at UST locations indicated in our Conditions Assessment Workplan dated May 24, 1995 (Workplan) revealed that the four USTs in the UST basin area, identified as a lube oil tank, a diesel fuel tank, a gasoline tank, and a mineral spirits tank; were located partially beneath a building. Due to the risk of structural damage to the building which would be created by UST removal, Mr. Huey approved the in-place decommissioning of the four USTs by removal of tank contents, internal pressure-washing of the USTs, removal of rinseate, and filling of the empty USTs with a 2-sack cement/sand slurry. · The waste oil UST identified in our Workplan was removed and disposed by Kern Environmental Service in accordance with regulatory requirements. Aassociated impacted soil which was accessible without risking structural damage to the building was also 5401 CaliJbrnia Avetlue, Suite 300, Bakersfield. C4 93309-0702 (805) 634-9541 (805) 634-9604 E-LY removed. Confirmation samples collected from in-place soil beneath the waste oil UST, and from the excavated soil stockpiled on site are being analyzed for the presence of petroleum hydrocarbon constituents. · Prior to approving closure of the USTs, it is our understanding that BFD will require a report documenting the UST decommissioning and removal activities and characterization of the gasoline impacted soil remaining in place. Additionally, the report should recommend site closure, remediation, or additional characterization, as appropriate. · SECOR will submit the report to BFD under separate cover, after completion of the UST decommissioning and removal activities and review and approval by CECO and CWI. We appreciate BFD's cooperation in expediting the investigation by providing timely field review and verbal approval of Workplan changes. If you have questions, or would like to discuss this letter in further detail, please call me or Mr. Mark Pishinsky at (805) 634-9541. Sincerely, SE¢OR International Incorporated JonW Cooper, RG,REA Project Hydrogeolog~st ~RSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM CONTRACTOR CONTACT PERSON LABORATORY #OFSAMPLES TEST .ET.ODOLOGY PRELI~NARY ASSE~3~ENT' CO:~~_ CONTACT PERSON CO2 RECIEPT LEL% ~7 PLOT PLAN CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL DATE INSPECTORS NAME SIGNATURE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF 'AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANI SITE INFORMATION . 13 ? -2~o -2 / SITE C u ~ ~ I ~ ~ ADDRESS-~9/ ~=' ~ ~ ~- ZIP CODE APN ~ FACILITY NAME 0 k~ ~ ~,i ,~ ~ CROSS STREET (J J//~ N /~V~ · TANK OWNER/OPERATOR ~ '/~ ~ e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~us~ PHONE No. ~/~ 3 ~ 3 " MAlUNGADDEESS ~/ ~%h~ ~~CI~Z~ ~/~s ZIPCODE CON~A~OR INFORMA~ON COMPANY ~~. ~E~IC& PHONE No. E~-~-~zZ~ LICENSE No. INSURANCE CARRIER ~o~m~ ~ ~/~ WORKMENS COMP No. ~/11~ COMPANY ,~ ~. C 0 ~ PHONE No. INSURANC~ CARRIER ~ WORKMENS COMP NO. TANK CLEANING INFORMATION WASTE~ANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~ - ~D ~gZ ~ NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FAC[LI~ ~5~ FACILI~INDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~ E~D ~ / 77 TANK ~ANSPORTER INFORMATION ADDRESS F~ ~ ~7 Ci~ ~~ ZiP CODE TANKDES~NATION ~O4D~ ~ ~E~D TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUM[ CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL [y~ 4~//o,~) STOREp STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED ~ II + / oD o P're~e / ~`~'..-~....~....~.~...~`........~v~v.vv......~.~-...-`~v..~`.''.~`~.'~....~..~......~:~:...~.~.~.:.:~.>>:~:~:.>:~>;:.:+:.:~>:~:~:~:.:~:.>:~:.:.:c~:.:~:+:.~.~: ~[U$~ON[~ +~..+:~:~:.:~:+:~:~:~:~:.:.;:.;;:~:.:+:-;:.:.:~:.~:~:~:~:.:.:.;:-:.:.:~:.:+:~:~:k~:~::~:~:::.~::~:'k:~:~:~::k:~:~:~:~ ............. THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATi'ACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY. AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRE~..T.,-~ ~-'~' ,'/~.J~~: APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APP~'.ICANT'SlG'N~TURE :.~: ;7 Poet-it' Fax Note 7671 om, · I ] ~s ~ - ~ PROPOS~ 'SOIL BORING/ i "' ~ ~ ~ ~ MONffORING W~ 2 RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: .~3/ ~, 4 ~ ID# Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: ~o ~ ~ 5 / - ~ ~ F~: Inspe~or's N~e: Time of C~I: Date: Type of C~I: Incoming ~ Outgoing [ ] Returned ~]- Content of C~I: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: FAX COVER SHEET S2UCOR 5401 Cal%fornia Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (805)634-9541 ~AX(805) 634-9604 Number of pages including cover sheet: / MESSAGE: ~ ~'~6~/~ ~~- h~ternational h~co~l)orated June 20, 1995 ~l ,JUN ~ ,J 1995 Howard H. Wines, III City of Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 99301 RE: Schedule for Compliance For the former Cummins West facility 301 East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA SECOR PN: F0131-006-03 Dear Mr. Wines: In response to your letter dated June 12, 1995, SECOR International Incorporated (SECOR) is notifying the City of Bakersfield Fire Department that we are proceeding with the actions described below at the former Cummins West facility, located at 301 East 4th Street, in Bakersfield, California. As discussed in our phone conversation, on June 13, 1995, we understand that this letter will meet your request for a response within 14 days. The following work has or is being performed by SECOR for Cummins Engine Company at the subject site. On March 3, 1995, SECOR notified the Kern County Department of Environmental Health of a release at the subject site. On June 12, SECOR submitted a work plan, dated May 24, 1995, to the Fire Department for approval. SECOR proposes to perform the work outlined in the plan to further assess the subject site prior to removal of the underground storage tanks (USTs). The subsurface characterization will enable SECOR and Cummins Engine Company to evaluate whether over-excavation of impacted soil is warranted prior to removing the USTs. SECOR is currently evaluating subcontractors and obtaining estimates to abandon and remove the USTs. We anticipate submitting the permit application for removal of the USTs to the Department after completion of the activities outlined in the work plan. 7730 &lie 3lobawk St., PO. Box 1508, Tualatin, OR 97062-1508 (50~) 691-2030 (503) 692-7074 FAX :~.. . .117.41 Mr. Howard H. Wines, III June 20, 1995 Page 2 Please feel free to call if you have any questions regarding the work plan or need additional information. Sincerely, SECOR International Incorporated H. Steve Clarke, R.G. Associate Geologist cc: Mr. Tedd Roberts, Cummins Engine Company Mr. Paul D'Arcy, D'Arcy Community Property Trust Mr. Steven E. Locke, SECOR International Incorporated BKFDFIRE.LTR SECOR International Incorporated June 20, 1995 :.'~5 CI BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ ~- FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA ° 93301 · XO>~'~4~;,-,,.,~ 1t R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS. HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 July 5, 1995 H. Steve Clark SECOR International Inc. P.O. Box 1508 Tualatin, OR 97062-1508 RE: Cummins West at 301 East 4th Street in Bakersfield, CA. Dear Mr. Clark, This is to notify you that the workplan as ammended for the above stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct oversight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm DRAFT CONDITIONS ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DISTRIBUTOR TRANSFER Cummins West Bakersfield 301 East 4th Street Bakersfield, California SECOR PN: F0131-006-02 Submitted by SECOR for Cummins Engine Company 500 Jackson Street Columbus, Indiana May 24, 1995 SECOR International Incorporated 7730 Southwest Mohawk Street Post Office Box 1508 Tualatin, Oregon 97062-1508 (503) 691-2030 Prepared by: Jon W. Cooper, R.G. Project Hydrogeologist Reviewed by: H. Steve Clarke, R.G. Associate Geologist TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................... 1-1 1.1 Background ........................................ 1-1 1.2 Regional Physiographic Conditions .......................... 1-1 1.3 Regional Geology .................................... 1-1 1.4 Regional Hydrogeology ............. ~ ................... 1-2 1.5 Historical Underground Storage Tank (UST) Usage ............... 1-2 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF PREVIOUS FIELD INVESTIGATION ............ 2-1 2.1 Health and Safety Plan ................................. 2-1 2.2 Underground Utility Locations ............................ 2-1 2.3 Soil Boring Locations .................................. 2-1 2.4 Installation of Soil Borings ............................... 2-1 2.$ Soil Sampling ....................................... 2-1 2.6 Analytical Methods ................................... 2-2 3.0 RESULTS OF PREVIOUS FIELD INVESTIGATION ............... 3-1 3.1 Subsurface Soils Encountered ............................. 3-1 3.2 Field and Analytical Results .............................. 3-1 3.2.1 UST Basin .................................... 3-1 3.2.2 Oil/Water Separator Area ........................... 3-3 4.0 PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK ............................. 4-1 4.1 Soil Borings ........................................ 4-1 4.2 Groundwater Monitoring Wells ............................ 4.2.1 Casing Type, Diameter, Screened Interval, Filter Pack, and Slot Size Selection ..................................... 4-2 4.2.2 Depth and Type of Seal ............................ 4.2.3 Monitoring Well Development ........................ 4.2.4 Monitoring Well Sampling .......................... 4.2.5 Well Survey ................................... 4.3 Additional Investigation ................................. 4-4 4.4 Analytical Program ................................... 4.5 Reporting ......................................... 4-4 CUM-BKFD.CAW (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated May 24,1995 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Proposed Soil Boring/Monitoring Well Location Map Figure 3 Schematic Diagram of Proposed Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction Design LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Note: Figures and tables appear at end of report. CUM-BKFD.CAW (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated May 24,1995 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background SECOR International Incorporated (SECOR) has prepared this Conditions Assessment Workrplan (CAW) for Cummins Engine Company (CECO) and Cummins West Inc. (CWI) as part of the continued environmental assessment for the Bakersfield distributorship. The Bakersfield distributorship is located at 301 East 4th Street in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). The Conditions Assessment (CA) field work, conducted on February 13 through 15, 1995, identified impacted soil in the area of the underground storage tank (UST) basin and the oil/water separator (OWS). The initial Conditions Assessment Plan (CAP) for the Bakersfield facility, dated January 26, 1995, allowed for the extension of three soil borings to evaluate the impacted soil. Although three borings were extended to 30, 40, and 75 feet below ground surface (bgs), the lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil was not delineated at that time. Based on the initial site assessment results, a CAW is required by the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) to delineate the lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil. The objective of this CAW is to evaluate the lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil, and evaluate the potential to impact groundwater conditions at the facility. The CAW has been prepared from information compiled as part of the initial CA phase of an environmental assessment for distributor transfer (EADT) at the Cummins West facility. This CAW has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines presented in KCEHSD's Handbook UT-35, Site Characterization and Remediation. 1.2 Regional Physiographic Conditions The subject property is at an elevation of approximately 405 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The topography in the vicinity of the subject site is generally flat, while the regional topography slopes to the south. The nearest surface water body is the East Side Canal, located approximately 0.75 mile north of the subject property. The average annual precipitation for the Bakersfield area, as measured at Meadows Field, is 5.74 inches. 1.3 Regional Geology The project site is located within the San Joaquin Valley, which constitutes the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a topographic and structural basin bounded on the east by the Sierra Nevada, a fault block dipping gently southwestward, and on the west by the Coast Range. The Sierra Nevada is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks of pre-Tertiary age, which comprise the basement complex beneath the Valley. The Coast Range contains folded and faulted sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic and Cenozoic age, which are similar to the rocks that immediately underlie the Valley and noncomformably overlie the basement complex. In the Bakersfield area, the basement rocks are overlain by early to middle Tertiary age marine sedimentary rocks. The marine sediments are overlain by poorly consolidated, continental sediments that typically contain the regional groundwater reservoir. The continental sediments consist of alluvial fan and lacustrine deposits and reach an average depth of 2,000 feet bgs in the study area. May 24, 1995 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 1-1 1.4 Regional Hydrogeology The property is located in the San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area, which includes roughly two- thirds of the Great Valley. Within that area, a total of 39 groundwater basins and areas of potential storage have been identified. The inventory covers thirteen groundwater basins which have been identified as significant groundwater sources. The subject property is located within the Kern County groundwater basin. The Kern River flows in a southwesterly direction through Bakersfield and provides significant recharge to the area groundwater system. Water-bearing sediments beneath the site consist of late Tertiary and Quaternary age sand and gravel deposits of Sierran origin. Lacustrine deposits contemporaneous with the Corcoran Clay Formation are known to separate the upper and lower confined aquifers. Well data, as interpreted by Dale in the publication entitled "Ground Water Geology and Hydrology of the Kern River Alluvial Fan Area, California, 1966," suggests that a Corcoran Clay equivalent aquitard does not underlie the site. Data contained within the report entitled "1987 Report on Water Conditions," published by the Kern County Water Agency in February 1988, suggests the depth to water is approximately 200 feet bgs. The Kern County publication also suggests that the site is situated east of a regional groundwater depression. As a result, regional groundwater flow is interpreted as being towards the west in the vicinity of the subject property. 1.5 Historical Underground Storage Tank (UST) Usage Five USTs are located on the subject property and adjacent to the southwest building corner. The five USTs include a 1984 1,000-gallon mineral spirits UST, a pre-1984 1,000-gallon diesel fuel UST (connected to the dynamometer), a pre-1984 1,000-gallon lubricatingoil UST, a 1985 550-gallon gasoline UST, and a waste oil UST of unknown date and volume. No reports or other evidence which would indicate the presence of additional USTs were discovered during SECOR's September 21, 1994 inspection and associated Preliminary Site Assessment. The usage patterns and integrity status of the USTs were not determined. May 24, 1995 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 1-2 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF PREVIOUS FIELD INVESTIGATION 2.1 Health and Safety Plan A site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) was generated for the facility site as part of the project. The HASP established personnel protection standards and mandatory safety practices and procedures for use during the field investigation. The HASP also included: · Information on suspected chemical compounds to be encountered. · List of monitoring equipment. · Required protective clothing and equipment. · . Map and directions to nearest hospital. · List of emergency telephone numbers. A copy of the site-specific HASP was presented to all SECOR field personnel and their subcontractors for review and signature. 2.2 Underground Utility Locations Prior to initiating the field investigation, a request was placed with Underground Service Alert notification center to conduct an underground utility survey in the vicinity of the site. In addition, SECOR subcontracted with Strata Geophysical, Inc. of Bakersfield, California (Strata) to perform a line location survey. Prior to the survey, SECOR marked the proposed locations of the soil borings. Strata then verified that the locations were clear of metal lines or piping. Prior to initiating field work, SECOR personnel verified the marking of nearby underground utilities and marked the final boring locations, based on the utility and line location survey. 2.3 Soil Boring Locations A total of five soil borings were drilled and sampled to evaluate potential petroleum-related sources adjacent to the UST basin and the OWS. Boring locations were selected based on data collected during the Preliminary Site Assessment (PSA) and are illustrated in Figure 2. 2.4 Installation of Soil Borings The soil borings were drilled from February 13 through 15, 1995. The borings were drilled by SBS Drilling, of Fresno, California (SBS), using a truck-mounted drill rig equipped with hollow-stem augers. SBS used 6-inch diameter augers that were decontaminated before and after drilling, and between each drilling location, with a hot water pressure wash. Wash water was captured and transferred into 55- gallon Department of Transportation (DOT) drums for later disposal by CWI. 2.5 Soil Sampling Soil samples in each boring were collected at 5-foot intervals using a California modified, split-spoon sampler fitted with 2-inch inside-diameter by 6-inch-long brass sampling tubes. The top sample was used for field screening and to characterize soil lithology. Field screening methods included visual observation of soil color changes and measurement of headspace vapor concentrations using a portable photo- ionization detector (PID). A RAE Systems, Inc. model PGM-35 PID was used for headspace vapor testing. Prior to use, this instrument was calibrated to a known isobutylene calibrant. May 24, 1995 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 2-1 Soil lithology was classified based on the Unified Soil Classification System and logged along with descriptions on a boring log. The bottom sample from each interval was retained for possible laboratory analysis. The soil sample with the highest PID reading or one from the base of each boring was submitted for analysis. In addition, based on field screening results, a second sample from each 20-foot boring and additional samples from the 30-, 40-, and 75-foot borings were also submitted for analyses. The borings were backfilled with an Enviroplug grout to grade. The top of the borings were capped with a concrete patch. 2.6 Analytical Methods Soil samples were collected in the field and were preserved as necessary. Based on soil boring location, sample depth, PID concentrations, and the CAP, soil samples were submitted for analysis to Zymax Envirotechnology (Zymax) of San Luis Obispo, California, a California state-certified laboratory. Selected soil sample analyses were chosen based on the material contents that may have been released from the point source(s) as outlined in the CAP. Selected soil samples collected from the borings were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA Method 8015 modified, total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-D) by EPA Method 8015 modified, aromatic volatile organic (AVO) and halogenated volatile organic (HVO) compounds by EPA Method 8260, total lead by EPA Method 7420, and cadmium and chromium (Cd/Cr) by EPA Method 6010/7000. May 24, 1995 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 2-2 3.0 RESULTS OF PREVIOUS FIELD INVESTIGATION 3.1 Subsurface Soils Encountered A fine-grained unit, ranging from a clay to a clayey silt to a sandy silt, was encountered in the borings from grade to 15 feet. A fine- to medium-grained sand was encountered from 15 feet to the total depth of all the 20-foot borings and the 40-foot boring. The sand was underlain by silty clay encountered in boring A2 from 55 to 60 feet. At 60 feet, a fine-grained sand was encountered to the total depth of boring A2 (75 feet). Groundwater was not encountered, but the soil at the base of boring A2 was very moist. Depth to groundwater is estimated at approximately 80 to 100 feet bgs. 3.2 Field and Analytical Results Following is a summary of the subsurface soil sampling and analytical results for each of the investigated areas. Analytical results of the soil samples collected from each area are summarized in Table 1. 3.2.1 UST Basin Three soil borings, Al, A2, and A3, were drilled around the UST basin. Boring A1 Boring A1 was located west of the UST basin. The boring was drilled at an angle of approximately 25 degrees off center, toward the east and beneath the UST basin. Organic vapors were detected in angle boring A1 at 20 feet, and the boring was extended to 40 feet. The boring was terminated at 40 feet, since the angled boring was crossing into the area that was sampled by boring A2. Soil samples collected at 20 and 40 feet were analyzed for TPH-D and were nondetect. The soil collected from 40 feet was also analyzed for TPH-G, which was detected at a concentration of 5,200 milligrams per kilogram (mg/Kg). The soil samples collected at 20 and 40 feet were analyzed for HVOs. Toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes were detected in both soil samples. Total chromium was detected at a concentration of 3.6 mg/Kg. Total lead and total cadmium were not detected in samples collected from boring A1 at 20 feet. Boring A2 Boring A2 was located south of the UST basin. Boring A2 was drilled at an angle of approximately 25 degrees off center, toward the north, under the UST basin. Organic vapors were detected in boring A2 at 25 feet. Because the OVM readings were elevated, the boring was extended. Elevated OVM readings were recorded from 25 to 55 feet. At 55 feet, a silty clay was encountered and organic vapors declined. From 70 to 75 feet, two consecutive soil samples had OVM readings of below 10 parts per million (ppm), and the boring was terminated. The 30-foot soil sample was analyzed for TPH-D and was nondetect. The 45-foot soil sample was analyzed for TPH-G, which was detected at a concentration of 6,600 mg/Kg. Soil samples collected at 30 and 45 feet were analyzed for HVOs, and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) were detected in both samples. Soil samples collected at 60 feet were analyzed for TPH-G, TPH-D, HVOs May 24, 1995 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 3-1 (including BTEX), and AVOs, and were nondetect. Soil samples collected at 75 feet were analyzed for TPH-D, HVOs (including BTEX), and AVOs, and were nondetect. Total lead, total chromium, and total cadmium were analyzed in the 30- and 75-foot samples. Total lead was detected at a concentration of 29 mg/Kg in the soil sample collected at 30 feet and was not detected in the 75-foot sample. Total chromium concentrations ranged from 1.9 mg/Kg at 75 feet to 3.9 mg/Kg at 30 feet. Cadmium was not detected at 30 and 75 feet. Boring A3 Boring A3'was drilled vertically, east of the UST basin. Organic vapors were detected in boring A3 at 20 feet. Based on organic vapor readings at the base of the boring, and on the request of CECO and CWI, this boring was extended to 30 feet. Soil samples collected at 20 and 30 feet in boring A3 were analyzed for TPH-G, TPH-D, AVOs, and HVOs, and were nondetect. The soil sample collected at 20 feet was analyzed for total lead and total cadmium. No lead or cadmium was detected. Total chromium was detected at a concentration of 2.8 mg/Kg in the soil sample collected at 20 feet. Based on the field observations and analytical results, there appears to have been a gasoline release to the subsurface, beneath the UST basin. At the request of CECO and CWI, the KCEHSD was notified of the release on March 6, 1995. The California Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) maximum allowable levels for gasoline in soil range from 10 ppm to 1,000 ppm, depending on site features. The TPH-G concentrations of 5,200 mg/Kg at 40 feet in boring A1 and 6,400 rog/Kg at 45 feet in boring A2 exceed the LUFT maximum allowable levels. In addition, total xylene and toluene concentrations in the soil samples collected at 40 feet in boring Al, and at 30 and 45 feet in boring A2, also exceed the LUFT maximum levels for those constituents. Total lead was detected at a concentration of 29 mg/Kg, from the soil sample collected at 30 feet in boring A2. No total lead was reported in any other sample. This concentration appeared to be above a background concentration of less than 10 mg/Kg. However, all detected lead concentrations were below the federal Total Threshold Level Concentration (TTLC) for lead in soil of 1,000 ppm. All other metal concentrations detected appear to be background concentrations. The lateral and vertical extent of impact to soil beneath the USTs has not been assessed. Organic vapors were detected in boring A2 from 25 to 55 feet. At 55 to 60 feet, a silty clay was encountered in boring A2. Beneath the silty clay, OVM readings declined significantly but were still present. Soil samples collected from beneath the clay at 60 and 75 feet contained no detectable TPH-G. Because boring A2 was drilled at an angle, these soil samples were collected approximately 10 to 20 feet north, laterally, relative to the 40-foot soil sample and the center of the UST basin. Based on the field observations and analytical results from soil samples collected from borings Al, A2, and A3, the lateral extent toward the south and west and the vertical extent of the hydrocarbon plume beneath the UST basin in soil have not been evaluated. SECOR recommends further evaluating the extent of impact to soil and groundwater from around the UST basin at the site. May 24, 1995 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 3-2 3.2.2 Oil/Water Separator Area Two borings, B1 and B2, were drilled north and south, respectively, of the OWS. Organic vapors were encountered during drilling in boring B2, located adjacent to the OWS, at 10 feet bgs. The organic vapors were not observed at 15 and 20 feet bgs, and boring B2 was terminated. Soil samples from boring BI were analyzed for TPH-D at 10 feet bgs and for TPH-G, HVOs, and AVOs at 20 feet bgs, and were nondetect in both samples. Soil samples collected at 10 feet bgs were analyzed for TPH-D, which was detected at a concentration of 380 mg/Kg. No TPH-D concentrations were detected in the sample at 20 feet bgs in boring B2. Based on the field observations and analytical results, there appears to have been a heavy-end hydrocarbon release to the subsurface, beneath the OWS. The TPH-D analytical result was nondetect at the base of boring B2. In addition, the TPH-D results were nondetect in borings A3, BI, C1, El, and Gl. As a result, the lateral and vertical extent of the impact to soil appears to be limited to the immediate vicinity of boring B2. Based on these results, SECOR does not recommend further evaluating the extent of impacted soil beneath the OWS until the time of OWS decommissioning. May 24, 1995 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 3-3 4.0 PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK 4.1 Soil Borings SECOR proposes that three soil borings (A4, A5 and A6) be installed to further evaluate both the vertical and lateral extent of impact to the subsurface in the UST area, and the lateral extent of a low-permeability deposit encountered in boring A2. The three borings would be located northwest, southwest, and near the center of the UST basin, as shown on Figure 2. Prior to drilling at the site, the following tasks, notifications, and arrangements will be completed: · KCEHS will be notified of proposed field activities at least 72 hours prior to initiating any field work. · Drilling locations will be pre-marked, and underground Service Alert (USA) will be notified at least 48 hours prior to drilling to mark underground utilities near each drilling location. · The uppermost 5 feet of each boring will be excavated using a hand auger to check for buried utilities. The proposed borings would be drilled to a depth of 50 to 100 feet bgs. The soil borings will be sampled at 5-foot intervals using the split-spoon sampling procedure with a truck-mounted drill rig. Ali sampling equipment will be cleaned in an aqueous solution of trisodium phosphate or equivalent, rinsed with tap water, and rinsed a second time with deionized water to prevent cross-contamination between borings and sample intervals. Soil cuttings generated during drilling activities will be placed in DOT-approved 55- gallon steel drums and stored on site pending receipt of the analytical results. Soil cuttings will be properly disposed of by' CWI after receipt of analytical results. Soil samples will be evaluated using hydrocarbon vapors and appearance as criteria, and a headspace analysis will be quantitatively measured using a PID. Soil samples for potential chemical an. alysis will be immediately sealed with Teflon film and capped to avoid possible loss of volatile hydrocarbons. The sample sleeves will be labeled denoting the sample identification, date, and job description, and placed in a chilled cooler for delivery to a California state- certified analytical laboratory under chain-of-custody protocol. Remaining soil samples will be visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. All drilling will be completed by an experienced geologist working under the direct supervision of a California Registered Geologist. Boring A4 will be advanced to the low-permeability silty clay deposit, or to the depth of groundwater, whichever is encountered first. The lower extent of impacted soil will be tentatively identified when PID measurements indicate that two consecutive soil samples collected at 5-foot intervals have no detectable organic vapor concentrations. Selected soil samples may be analyzed on a rush turnaround basis to further evaluate the lower extent of impacted soil. If impacted soil is observed to persist beneath low- permeability deposits, or if no Iow permeability deposit is encountered, groundwater monitoring wells are proposed for installation in the borings in order to evaluate groundwater conditions. Completed soil borings not developed as wells will be abandoned in accordance with local regulatory guidance. Auger' flights will be progressively removed, and bentonite chips will be tremied through the augers and hydrated with potable water. Each boring will be sealed from total depth to finished surface grade. May 24, 1995 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 4-1 4.2 Groundwater Monitoring Wells Groundwater is estimated to be between 80 and 100 feet bgs at the subject site. Because the vertical extent of impact has been observed to be limited t6 soil overlying a silty clay encountered at 55 to 60 feet bgs in boring A2, no groundwater wells are proposed for installation at the site if chemical analytical and lithologic results for borings A4, A5, and A6 confirm that the low-permeability deposit is extensive and underlying impacted soil. If a groundwater investigation is required, the installation of up to five groundwater monitoring wells in two phases is proposed as discussed below. Prior to the installation of monitoring wells, permits for monitoring well installation will be obtained from KCEHSD. Groundwater is estimated to flow toward the west, based on topography and regional groundwater reports. At least three groundwater monitoring wells are required to evaluate the on-site groundwater gradient and flow direction. Monitoring wells will be installed in borings A4, A5 (cross-gradient to upgradient), and A6 (downgradient), as shown on Figure 2. If appropriate, based on data obtained from the three initial wells, two additional wells will be installed (see Section 4.3). Prior to installation, a soil boring will be drilled and sampled using procedures discussed in Section 4.1. 4.2.1 Casing Type, Diameter, Screened Interval, Filter Pack, and Slot Size Selection Twenty-foot sections of schedule 40 PVC 2-inch-diameter factory-slotted screen (0.020-inch slot size) will be capped by a PVC threaded bottom cap and placed at the base of each boring. Blank 2-inch diameter PVC casing will extend from the top of the screened interval to the ground surface. The top of the well casing will be covered with a locking, vented cap. The wells will screen the uppermost zone of saturation. The top of the well screens will be located at 10 feet above the estimated static water level. Lithologies encountered during drilling of previous borings indicate that a slot size of 0.020 inch will be appropriate for the construction of wells that yield samples with low levels of turbidity. Independent references indicate that a 0.020-inch slot size is recommended in formation material consisting predominantly of silts and sands (ASTM, 1988, and Gass, date unknown). A clean, standard graded (Monterey No. 3 or equivalent) sand filter pack will be placed in the annular space between the boring wall and the slotted screen section. The sand pack will extend from the base of the well screen to a height of approximately 1 to 2 feet above the top of the well screen, to allow proper sealing from the surface and adequate screen above the water table. 4.2.2 Depth and Type of Seal Approximately 1 foot of bentonite pellets will be placed above the filter pack, and hydrated with potable water. Cement grout containing three to five percent bentonite powder by weight will be placed above the bentonite pellet seal in each well. The wells will be constructed to allow placement of a minimum of 2.5 to 3 feet of surface seal, to allow for variation in well construction as described above. The wells will be completed at grade with locking steel covers and flush-mounted well housing enclosures. A schematic diagram of the proposed groundwater monitoring well construction design is presented on ~:~?~. 4.2.3 Monitoring Well Development Upon completion of monitoring well construction and after adequate time (a minimum of 24 hours) has been allowed for the cement well seals to set, the wells will be developed. Well May 24, 1995 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 4-2 development will involve pumping and mechanical surging (with a vented surge block) until groundwater is observed to be generally free of suspended sediments. A minimum of 5 wetted well casing volumes will be removed from each monitoring well during the development process. 4,2.4 Monitoring Well Sampling A minimum of 24 hours following well development, all of the wells will be checked for the presence of free, floating hydrocarbon product. If present, the thickness of the floating product will be measured to the nearest 0.0! foot. All water removed from the well will be inspected in the field for signs of sheen and/or odor. If floating product is present, the groundwater will not be sampled. However, any product will be bailed from the monitoring well. Initial measurements of depth to static water level and total casing depth will be made prior to groundwater sampling. The total well volume of water will be calculated for purge volumes. At the beginning of purging, and periodically thereafter, samples of purged groundwater will be collected in a clean container and the following field parameters/observations will be recorded: · Purge volume and time · Temperature · pH · Specific conductance · Depth to water · Turbidity · Color · Other observations as appropriate (drawdown in well during purge, presence of oil, odors, etc.) For wells providing sufficient yield, purging will be continued until field parameters stabilize and at least three casing volumes are removed. Wells providing insufficient yield will be purged dry once, allowed to recover to near original water levels, and purged dry again and then sampled when the water level has recovered. Wells with extremely low yields will be purged dry only once prior to sampling. Following purging, wells will be allowed to recover to near original water levels and will then be sampled. Samples will be collected using precleaned disposable bailers. During sampling, field parameters/observations will be recorded as previously described. Labels will be affixed to sample containers documenting the sample identification, date and time of collection, and collector(s). Chain-of-custody records will be completed and included with the samples, which will be transported at 4°C in insulated containers to the laboratory. Travel blanks prepared in the laboratory will be transported to the field and returned to the laboratory unopened. Specific conductance and pH meters will be calibrated daily. 4.2.5 Well Survey Following well construction, the ground surface elevation,, elevation of the well housing enclosure, and the elevation of the well casing (north side) will be surveyed to the nearest 0.01 foot. Well elevations will also be tied to a benchmark, which will be established for the site. Horizontal locations of the three new monitoring wells and the site benchmark will be surveyed to a local coordinate system established by the surveyor. May 24, 1995 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 4-3 4.3 Additional Investigation Two additional soil borings/monitoring wells are proposed as a contingency to further evaluate the lateral and/or vertical extent of impact to soil and/or groundwater, based on the results obtained from the first three soil borings and monitoring wells. The locations of the two additional borings/wells will be selected, based on soil and groundwater analytical results and the groundwater flow direction and gradient. Installation details would be in accordance with those described in Section 4.2. CECO, CWI, and KCEHSD will be contacted for approval prior to drilling the additional two soil borings/wells. 4.4 Analytical Program Selected soil samples will be collected in the field, preserved as necessary, and shipped to a California state-certified laboratory for analysis. A minimum of three soil samples from each boring will be submitted for analysis. The soil sample with the highest PID reading, or one from the base of each boring, will be submitted for analysis. In addition, two soil samples from between 30 and 60 feet bgs will also be submitted for analyses, based on field observations. Selected soil samples collected from the borings will be analyzed for BTEX by EPA Method 8020 and TPH-G by EPA Method 8015 modified. The soil sample with the highest TPH-G concentration, or one based on field observations, will also be analyzed for total lead, cadmium, and chromium (Pb/Cd/Cr) by EPA Method 6010/7000. The results of these tests will be used to characterize soil conditions and will assist in assessing the need and cost for remedial action. One groundwater sample from each monitoring well, if installed, will be analyzed for TPH-G by EPA Method 8015 modified, VOCs by EPA Method 8240, and Pb, Cd, and Cr by EPA Method 6010/7000. 4.5 Reporting Upon completion of field activities, a report will be prepared by SECOR that presents the results of the subsurface investigation outlined in this workplan. The report will be submitted to CECO and CWI for review and approval. The subsurface investigation report will be submitted to the KCEHSD within 60 days of completion of field activities. May 24, 1995 (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated 4-4 FIGURES H m~ _/ mm '1 ~ ~Oisposa~ RE~RENCE: U.S. GEOL~I~ SU~, 7.5 MIN. ~ONT QU~GLE, 1973. QUADRANGLE LOCATION 1000 0 1000 2000 SCALE IN FEET ~'~"~ VICINITY MAP INTERNATIONAL s~a~sr,SLO, cAu~r,~a II INCORPORATED SECOR INTERNATIONAL, INC. 5401 California Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93309-0702 Phone: (805) 634-9541 FAX: (805) 634-9604 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Send Via: C o t,, rr[~? ,~ FOR: As Requested At-tn: t~r.tt-~.~tro/ 6t.],,~ ~ r_'-/~ /~' Review Company: C5t~ ? ~/4e, r :~ /o/!% )-e ~)*~.' YO~ApprovalInformation Signa~e Address: / ~/~ C~ ~ ~r ~ v ~ Remm O~er Project Name:0~-m,,,;,~ r-~a/~,r~e ,/a/ Project No.: ]'~O/3 /-OCli'- 02--- Items Enclosed: Quantity Comments: International t co. ora+e Portland Office 7730 Southwest Mohawk Street Post Office Box 1508 laan, 7o62- sos LET~R OF T~SMITT~ Date: May 30, 1995 Attn: Mr. M, ichael Driggs Company: Kern County Environmental Health Services Department Address: 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Project: Cummins West Bakersfield Job No: F0131-006-02 RE: Conditions Assessment Workplan, Environmental Assessment for Distributor Transfer ( ) Proposal ( ) As Requested ( ) Contract (X) Review (X) Report (Draft) ( ) Your Information ( ) Letter ( ) Approval ( ) Other: ( ) Signature ( ) Return ( ) Other: Comments: Enclosed for your review is a workplan describing a proposed subsurface investigation to further characterize the extent of impacted soil at the referenced facility. If you have any questions concerning this report, feel free to call me at the above number or John Cooper in our Bakersfield office at .(:805)~63&-954~1. Signature: H. Steve Clarke, R.G. ~_612Z~~~-_~ ~ ~,e,:/,.~< Title: Associate Geologist HSC:kh Enclosure cc: Mr. Paul D'Arcy, Cummins Mr. Tedd Roberts, Cummins Mr. John Cooper, SECOR Bakersfield N SEWER MANHOLE: E. CTH STREET I X X X X X X X X OVERHEAD POWER LINES X LEGEND: I CONCRETE I 1. 1000 GALLON LUBE 0IL UST 2. 1000 GALLON DIESEL UST I ASPHALT x .3. 550 GALLON GASOUNE UST J 4-. 1OO0 GALLON MINERAL SPIRIT UST m 14. X 5. OIL/WA'I'[R SEPARATOR i ASPH~T ~. ENGINE 7. HOT TANK (CAUSTIC) AND DRAINS I i I---I I--4 i~1 I~1 I 8. USED-OIL UST 9. OIL FILTER PRESS ~ 13 I 10. STEAM CLEANER TANKS ) 11. USED OIL FILTER DRNN 15 12. SERVICE BAY AREA I _ 15. BOILER AREA (MEZZANINE) I 14. OFFICES 15. PARTS 16. ENGINE REBUILD I i 17. FUEL PUMP CAUBRAllON AREA J - SUMP COOLER 18. FORMER INCINERATOR . 12 19. POWER TRANSFORMERS I J - 20. DRAINAGE LOW I ,I[ CLEANERCARBURETORTuB 14I 21. UST PUMP DISPENSERS F 22. CHASSIS DYNAMOMETER TRENCH DRAIN ~ I 23. DRAIN VAULTS ,., ~' I 16 PARTS WASH SINK o I ~ SPRINKLER SYSTEM SUPPLY o 1 o ~: ~ I II I I I I I I I I I · ? SYMBOL LEGEND: x x x × x x '-t_T_J cRATED GRAVEL ~ -- llT 9~j,~ D1 [] SURFACE DRAIN x A1 r~ r' .rs-~n..' i ll~l , ENGII~ ES t ..J:-:~111o ','l'q *~. 23r~ .,. ~ GRATE DRAIN X 21~'~ LJL~. LJ A,3 , 8~o~ B2e ~'-/I C1 (~(~ VAULT~.o,~CO'~RcovER x ~ ' ¢ '4'1 ~ o o I ® TRANSFORMER ¢ ^6 X G1 · SOIL BORING LOCATION · - ~ ANGLE SOIL BORING LOCA'DON X CHASSIS-DYNO -(~ PROPOSED SOIL BORING / x '-],= WATER AST MONITORING WELL LOCAllON XX J1 ~TRANSFER PUMP I CONCRETE I · ~'- DYNO WATER UNDERGROUND X ' STORAGE VAULTS H1 · 20 ' X X X X X )( X )( X X X X X X )( X X X X X X X X X X )( X X X X X OVERHEAD POWER UNES S E C O R CUMMINS,,.o, r_.EN(;INE,..m s'r~--cr- WE~ PROPOSED SOIL BORING/ ~.m'mONUZNT~ ~ERsn~. c~urOR.~ MONITORING WELL ;. ENGINEERING LOCATION MAP DRAWIN¢ NOT TO SCALE T'dAI.,ATTR. OIUi:(]ON I JOB: F0131-006-01 UP, AWN: KPW 0/~_~' 3/23/95 APPROX. '--f//d DATE: TABLE Table 1. Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Cummins West Bakersfield 401 East 4th Street, Bakersfield, California A1 20 02/15/95 NAh < 10~ < 10 3.6 <0.4 NIY <0.2 4.4 3.0 27 A1 40 02/15/95 ' 5;200 ii::i:. < 10 NA NA NA NAt < 1.0 54 24 170 A2 30 02/15/95 NA < 10 : :i:.i~:~ .i':' 3.9 <0.4 NIY 1.3 63 37 410 UST A2 45 02/15/95 :' ~. '6i600 ..' < 10 NA NA NA NAk 1.2 I00 30 280 Basin A2 60 02/15/95 < 10 < 10 NA NA NA NA~ <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 A2 75 02/15/95 NA < I0 < 10 1.9 <0.4 NIY <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 A3 20 02/13/95 < 10 < I0 < 10 2.8 <0.4 NIY <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 A3 30 02/13/95 < 10 < 10 NA NA NA NAk <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 B1 10 02/13/95 NA < 10 < 10 12 <0.4 NA NA NA NA NA OWS B1 20 02/13/95 NA < 10 NA NA NA NIY <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 B2 10 02/13/95 NA Z~. i: !? ?:~380::::i::...~i NA NA NA NIY <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 B2 20 02/13/95 NA < 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Used CI 10 02/13/95 NA < 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Oil Tank C1 20 02/13/95 NA < 10 < 10 2.9 <0.4 ND~ <0.005 <0.00:5 <0.005 <0.005 OiI D1 10 02/13/95 NA < 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Filter Drain D1 20 02/13/95 NA < 10 < 10 5.6 <0.4 ND~ <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0,005 Hot Tank E1 10 02/13/95 NA < 10 < 10 16 <0.4 ND~ <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Drain CUM-BKFD.CAW (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated May 24, 1995 Table 1. Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results (Continued) Cummins West Bakersfield 401 East 4th Street, Bakersfield, California · '." ::'i':.: :.:::i:' 'i(' 'i::.ii. ; :; .i!ii? :. _~.'' ~;i ~.!:.~:i::::i. i:: 'i:.: :i ::ii ~: ':::(i.i.;: :' . :::. :. !::::.'! i.: ::i" '::: :..~:' ~:.. · ".i.: ": ":. ""ii ' VOlatile: '::: i." ." !::::." '. · Arb~atiC::'Hydr6cai~bon~' ?~"i:?~::ii?: '5. ::":'.. ·. · :::: i.:: sa'mple:::.::::::: :ii' Sam'pl~:::... 'i::. · Date ... :::" '...::...... i.i~ ?:. · .' ~ii:::::::::.::ii.. ':c '::III:' Total :i' :?:::: :::?::::::::::::::::: .i. i?:'. Total i:...:',,' ....... i .. "."::: ':. · '." ':':i:..i" :.;..' ;..' ......... ' .... : ....... ' ...... :. area..:. .... ': '::::'::'" ............ "':~': .......... ' ......... TPH-G : · TPI-t4D ......... a ............ '. :':.~ .............. f .': :organic :i:i ...... i: .:' .... · ........... :...'ii::i'.i:.. : '" .' :::::::::::::::::::::::: :i:::.:i.:::Depth.. :....::~ ~:?:: ~91!~{~d i.. ' .... /~ .:i~'.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .Ed : ChromiUm.. ".: cadmium ' ~:. ......... , o:~: ~'~.~'~&i~A . ~::' ~}.5_~ "~ :~.~ .:'Ethyl¢ :' · :::~Total · ..:~ ' · · '. "":: '::'"' :':.::: ::.."..:': .. :: '::' :: .:::::" ::::. · ... · · ':: .:.' · · ':" ' · ' '" :: : · :: ::':'i '.: · · · : · t~ompounoso .:.: .l~llt~t~llg'' il'Ollllgilg :'.: "::::: .':}:.ii:I .:.. · · .5 :: :::' .' · · : Dyno G1 10 02/13/95 NA < 10 < 10 14 <0.4 NDm NA NA NA NA Drain Drain -age J 1 5 02/13/95 NA < 10 NA NA NA NDm NA NA NA NA Low Frmr H1 5 02/14/95 ND for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by EPA Method 8080. All other constituents not analyzed Inc. a Depths are in feet below ground surface, with the exception of Al, and A2, where depths are in auger feet. b Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA Method 8015. Results are presented in milligrams per kilogram (rog/Kg). c TPH as diesel (TPH-D) by EPA Method 8015. Results are presented in mg/Kg. d Total lead by EPA Method 7420. Results presented in mg/Kg. e Total chromium by EPA Method 6010. Results presented in mg/Kg. f Total cadmium by EPA Method 6010. Results presented in mg/Kg. g Volatile organic compounds by EPA Method 8260. Analytes presented were detected above the laboratory PQLs. The remaining analytes were not detected above the PQLs. Results are presented in mg/Kg. h NA denotes sample not analyzed. i < 10 denotes analyte not detected above the laboratory PQLs. j Aromatic hydrocarbons by EPA Method 6420. None of the analytes were detected above the laboratory Practical Quantitative Limits (PQLs). k BTEX constituents only were analyzed at Al-40, A245, A2-60, and A3-30. ~ I Priority pollutants VOCs by EPA Method 8260. None of the analytes were detected above the laboratory Practical Quantitative Limits (PQLs). m Purgeable halocarbons by EPA Method 8260. None of the analytes were detected above the laboratory Practical Quantitative Limits (PQLs). CUM-BKFD.CAW (DRAFT) SECOR International Incorporated May 24, 1995 SENDER: '-. Complete items 1 ~!~2 for additional services. · Complete items 3, ~b & b. follow ~rvices (for an extra · Print'your name and~ress on the reverse of this form so that we can fee): retur.n this. card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1. [] Addressee's Address does not permit. · Write "R~turn Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number. 2. [] Restricted Delivery · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number O'dR~ COlqlvlUlqI'l'Y PROPERTY 1'RUST t'-390-214-516 C/O PAI~ M. & RIJ-~B E. D'ARC~ 4b. Service Type 68]- MANR]~SA LANF~ [] Registered [] Insured LOS _~TOS, CA 94022-4645 ~[Certified [] COD [] Express Mail [] Return Receipt for ~ ~//~"~ ~ //~~j / Merchandise 7. Date oTDelivery 5/./"l~~r s;ee) ) ~ 8. Addressee's Address (~)nly if requested d.~/./_~.~,L .. :~_. J~.'~ and fee is paid) IE~I Signature~ '~ .,.t-: ".-'-: PS Form 381 1, Dec~ 1991 ,u.s.(~PO: 1993~352-714 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES SERVIC~ / Official Business PENALTY FOR~ PRIVATE _- USE TO-AVOID.PAYMENT O_E_P_QSTA~E; $300 . _. Print your name, address and ZIP Code here · CI~ OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. OFFICE OF ENVIROI~ENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTEEAVENUE, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 .j RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Business Name: Contact Name: ~ ~-,,-~ -Co~,..c--.~ ~'c¢~-- Business Phone: Insp~or's N~e: Time of C~I~ D~e: Type of Call: Incoming ~ Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ] Time Required to Complete Activity · Min: RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ID# Business Name: ~.~, ~ s /-~C-~ Busin~ Phone: :o ~/ ~n/ - 2~o F~: Ins~or's N~e: Time of C~I~ D~e: ~/~.~ Time: T~e of C~I: In~ming~ Omgoing [ ] R~urned ~u,~,.3 :,Z~ c.~ ~. Time Required to Complete Activity · Min:  FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS AL4TERIALS DIVISIONS  1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 99301 June 12, 1995 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL _, (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 D'Arcy Community Property Trust CERTIFIED MAIL c/o Paul M. & Ruth E. D'Arcy 681 Manresa Lane Los Altos, Ca 94022-4645 ;' NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Sirs: It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at 301 East 4th Street (APN # 139-280-21-00-4), in Bakersfield which contains at least 5 underground storage tank(s). The tank(s) have not been properly permitted and have been out of service, therefore you are in violation of the following sections of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64, Ordinance No. 3502: Section 79.115 (a,b,& f) Uniform Fire Code, (1992 edition) (a) Failure to remove or safeguard an out of service tank(s). (b) Failure to obtain a permit to remove or temporarily close an underground storage tank. (f) Failure to remove an underground tank out of service for one (1) year. In order to avoid regulatory action, you must either properly permit and bring the tank(s) up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tank(s) within 14 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Carl Hernandez, III, Deputy City Attorney i P 390 214 516 --J Rece~ipt for Cert~ied ~il No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) Seq~ to D'AEC~ COMI~ITY TE1JST Street and NO. 681 I~LZflqRESA LANE P,O,, State and ZiP Code LOS ALTOS, CA 94022-4645 Postage $ .3 2 Certified Fee l.lO Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee  Return Receipt Showing . to Whom & Date Delivered 1[ o 110 Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address '-~ TOTAL Postage ~ &Fees ~ 2.52 Postmark or Date 0 t~ SPECTIC UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANI )N e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Bakersfield, CA 93301 FAClLITYNAME ~.~l~,:f~5 ~z.~lL ~'v~C.- BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 FACILI~ ADDRESS ~0 [ F ~ ~ 5% CI~ ZIP CODE FACILI~ PHONE No. ~ INSPECTION DATE ~ ~,, I TIME IN TIME OUT ~ I~ ~te ina ~ .FOLLOW-UP s=e s~ ROUTINE REQUIREMENTS ~ no ~a ~ 1c, O~mting F~ Pa~ ~ ld. S~te Surcharge Paid -~ lf, W~en Contm~ E~sts ~n ~er & O~mt~ to O~mte UST 2b. Ap~ov~ W~en Ro~ine Mon~oHng Pr~ure ~ ~ ~/C 2c.. Una~ Relea~ Res~ P~n ~. Tank Int~ Test in Last 12 Months ,, 3b. Pr~ur~ Piping Int~ri~ Test in Last 12 Months / ~. Suction Piping ~ghtn~s Test in Last 3 Yearn ~, Gmv~ F~ Piping ~ght~ T~t in Last 2 Y~m ~. T~t R~u~s Subm~ Within ~ Da~ 5. W~k~ Manual Tank Gauging R~rds f~ Small Ta~ ~ / I 6. Month~ Statisti~l Invento~ R~nciliation R~uEs ~ 7. Month~ A~atic Tank Gauging R~uEs ~ 8. Ground Water ~nE~ng ~ 10. Continuous Intemtitial Mon~oring f~ D~bl~Wall~ Tan~ ~ 11. M~hani~l Line Leak Det~tom 12. El~tronic Li~ Leak Det~om 13. Contin~us Piping MonEoHng In Sum~ 14. A~omat~ Pump Shrift Ca~bil~ ~ 15. Annual Maintenan~Calibmtion of Leak Det~t~ Equi~nt 16. Leak Det~tion Equipment and T~t Metes L~t~ in L~113 Se~ 17. W~en R~rds Maintain~ on S~e 18. Re~ Changes in U~g~CondEions to O~ratin~~ Pr~ur~ of UST S~tem W~hin ~ Da~ ~ 19. Re~ Una~ho~ Relea~ W~hin 24 Houm ~ ~. Ap~ov~ UST S~tem Re.irs a~ U~rad~ ~. S~ur~ MonE~ng Wells ~ RE-INSPECTION DATE RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR: OFFICE TELEPHONE No.  CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 99301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 April 10, 1995 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Enclosed is your updated Permit to Operate for the underground storage tank(s) located at the referenced place of business. Please take a moment to review the information printed on the permit to make sure everything is correct. If any corrections need to be made, please call the discrepancies to our attention immediately. Your Permit to Operate is a legal document and its accuracy determines whether you are in compliance with the law, If you are the tank owner and not necessarily the tank operator at the site, please make a copy of this permit for your own files. Forward the original permit to the tank location so that it may be conspicuously posted on site. If you have any questions regarding the Permit to Operate or your responsibilities as an underground storage tank owner, please call the Hazardous Materials Division at (805) 326-3979, or write to us at the letterhead address. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Enclosure rate Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility 1530 CONDITIONS~::?:OF :'?PERM. I~ii!?:~N ~ ~EVERSE SIDE Tank Hazardous G~i?~.i?;ii~%:.:-?'i;:'i:..... ..... ~..~;~;i!~iiiii?~i::~:?~.. :ii:: ii~.:~T ank "~::':-:'i~ii!:.~!i!i::]~i~!:-.-:::::'!:.!!::i~:. Piping Piping Piping Number Substance c.~pa;~!~i~%-?-' I n"s t alt~;a'!i::--..:.., i ~i]:?T y p e M o h !~:~:i O]g~i::;]..?::::':.~:~!~. Type Method Monitoring :?!~.ii::.:i?.i:?~iii('"::::.:iil;i'i~!ii::?:' .... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~::::::.....';:~;~; ~::~::~;~:~:~ ........ 01 GASOLINE ~}.;':..:::':::250 ;~..? ;:];;:;];;];;]i.~?;~;~:: ~;?:]~?:;:'~: ~'":~:"~??:~ ...... a~;:: ];~?~?~:.: ~ SWS SUCTION N/A 02 DIESEL ~:::.':.::::~200 ~['~ .?~'~9~"]:":~:]'".:'":']?]?]?:;:~:~;;~;;::~:::;:~:::.:~,~..:.?~::~.. M~G .~?:??~ SWS SUCTION N/A 03 SOLVENT ~?-:.::'~ ~.':'~: .~;~;~;~;~9s~.::~:~::~:??~:~;~:~?~;~;:~;;;;;;?~;;~?;~?~?~.~.~??:.~:~;~ M~G-:~.. ??;?~:' SWS SUCTION N/A 04 LUBE OIL '~:~;:.::;::;:~:.~50 '~::;;~:.~::: l.:~a~:~::~;':"::; ........................ SWS~;:;~;;;~:~;;;;;?,:?:': M:~:'::'~' .::?.,:':::;"?~::: sws SUCTION N/A 05 WASTE OIL ':::~?:500 ':::?.:::. :~::~:~?~:;?~;.:;:;:.. SWS .... ~TG .?.:-;~..:;;??: SWS G~VI~ N/A ~ssued By: .... :~;:~;;:~??~::;:~?'..? ":~:,:'""::~. ~:;~.:?.% .?.?:"~ .?issued To HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION ............... ::':'::';'::~:;:'::;;:;':~:;~::;;:::~;::.:~;:¥:":~;'?:;:"::~ ................ K~IN SHANAHAN 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor CUMMINS WEST INC, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805} 326-3979 301 EAST 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA .93307 Approved by: __ Ralph Huey, Coordinator Valid from: to: 12-22-98 1 1 -1 0-94 FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY PERMIT #: C~/O60~ ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments ENVIRONML .",'AL HEALTH SERVlC- DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY,DiRECTOR R.E.H.S. :,i~i~"' ~ 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 ~~~1~, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ' s~j~r'-~~,~; (805) 861-3636 Fcbmar~ 24, 1994 CUMMINS WEST, INC. 1515 AURORA DRIVE SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 SUBJECT: 301 E. 4TH STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA PERMIT #: 210008C Dear Sir/Madam: The permit issued to the facility cited above provided one page of conditions/prohibitions for operation of the underground storage tank system. One of the conditions provided on that page specified that "the owner and operator ensure that the facility have adequate financial responsibility coverage, as mandated for all underground storage tanks containing petroleum, and supply proof of such coverage when requested by the permitting agency." Federal regulations which went into effect in December 1988 required that all underground storage tank facilities obtain financial responsibility coverage, using an approved mechanism to pay for the costs of cleanup and any third party liability, in case of a leak from the tank system, and provide evidence of that coverage to the local imple- menting agency by deadlines established in law. The amount of coverage required and the mecha- nisms which could be utilized were also specified in law. In an attempt to assist underground storage tank facilities comply with thc financial responsibility requirements, the state developed a clean up fund, which was approved by the Federal EPA as a mechanism for meeting a portion of the Federal financial responsibility requirements. The state has prepared a summary of the clean up fund, how you pay into the fund, and the financial responsibility requirements. That summary has been enclosed with this letter. The Certificate of Financial Responsibility enclosed is the proof that this Department needs for the underground storage facility cited above. As shown by the example provided, you can utilize one statement for all underground storage tanks that you own or operate. Please review all information provided, complete the Certificate of Financial Responsibility enclosed, and return it by March 31, 1994. If you have any questions, feel free to call the 'Underground Storage Tank Program at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Stev~cCalley, Direpm~; ~ Ha~dous Mate~alist IV AEG:jrw Hazardous Materials Management Program Enclosures ENVIRONE ', ,'AL HEALTH SERVI ' , DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. '"" 2700 "M" Street. Suite 300 DIRECTOR ~!~~.,,,~ ~ . (805) (805) Baker. field, CA 93301861-3636861-3429 FAX January 31, 1994 CUMMINS WEST, INC. 1515 AURORA DRIVE SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 SUBJECT: 301 E. 4TH STREET, BAKERSFIF~I.D, CA Permit #210008C Dear Sir/Madam: The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department has completed a file review and was not able to find an application for a permit to complete an integrity test, or the results of an integrity test, for the underground storage tank(s) located at the facility cited above since last permit issuance. The monitoring requirements developed for the facility tank(s) require that integrity tests be completed within the calendar year of the permit issuance, and in some eases every calendar year thereafter. Please review your records to determine whether a tank integrity test was performed at your facility within the years specified on your permit. Please copy any test results and submit the copy to this Department within fourteen (14) days of this letter. The results will be reviewed and placed within your permit file. All integrity tests completed after September 16, 1991, were required to be completed under permit. All tests submitted, utilizing a testing company, that were completed without a valid testing permit after September 16, 1991, were completed in violation of the Kern County Ordinance Code which regulates underground storage tanks. If you have installed electronic monitoring equipment that you have been utilizing to test your tanks, please copy test results as printed out, for the years that you are required to test, and submit those results with information on the type of monitor installed at your facility. If your facility has contracted with one of the Statistical Inventory Control Companies, please complete the form enclosed and return it to this Department within fourteen (14) days of this letter. If you have any questions regarding testing requirements for your site, please feel free to call any specialist within the Underground Tank Program at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Stev , alley, Director~ ~ yE. . Hazardc~s.~Iaterials Spe"eiali~ ' Hazardous Materials Management Program Enclosure (feb93-h.m69) ENVIRONMEI ,. L HEALTH SERVlC ii DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~V/~,~\i 2700 'M' Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX August 30, 1993 Kevin Shanahan 1515 Aurora Drive. San Leandro, CA 94577 SUBJECT: Permit No. : 210008 Facility Name: Cumming West, Inc. Facility Address: 301 E. 4th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Tank Owner: Kern County Environmental Health Services Department has changed its inspection frequency to once every other year for all underground storage tank facilities.. To ensure that the program has received all information required within your permit to operate, the staff has reviewed your facility file and found the following information to be missing: 1. annual Tank Integrity Test results for five (5) underground storage tanks for 1992. 2. a copy of Tank Calibration.Charts for the underground storage tanks for which manual gauging is being utilized. 3. · a Tank Facility Annual Report for 1992. Please submit the information lacking within 15 days of this letter. If the equipment has not been installed and you need information on equipment or companies certified by the state to meet your permit requirements, please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: Carrie Georgi Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program CG:cas ~georgi~10008h.m49 R £ C E I P T PAGE 1 :3:1? pm KERN CO RESOURCE MANAG[~MENT AGENCY i ..... '.~ ~'' · '.; '..-.:?'- : Bakersf~e'ld, CA 93301 Type o1: Order (805) 861-3502 (,AoH REG~,-~ER CUMN~NS NEST, ~NC. C:u~;tom(~r P.O.~ Nth B~ JOrder O~t:e Shqp [)<~te V'la 2'I0008C93 AJH I 03/30/93 03/30/93 ...................... 1 ............................................................................................................. I ............................... L..'ine i)e~c;r'fip~On Ouan~'ity Pr'Ice Unit D'[~c Tot:a'l 1 ~)398 UNI)ERGROLJND'FANKS ANNUAL. FEE EH 5 100.00 E 500.00 UST00 '1 Orden 'Fota'l 500.00 Amount Due 500.00 Payment IH~cie [Jy Check 500.00 THANK YOU ! f ( · R E C E I P T PAGE 1 '"~TT~7~E .................................................................................. '~r~¥o~E~ ....... Nb,--: ....................... 12:12 am KERN CO RESOURCE NANAGENENT AGENCY 2700 '~' Stree~ Bakersfie'ld, CA 93301 Type of Order (805) 861-3502 CASH REGISTER CU~I~INS ~ES'F, ~NC. "! 2'I0008C-92 ~ AJH ' I 08/I 3/92 I 08/I 3/92 I ' i. NT , ~ :-~*~D~OUN~ "r'A~,KS ,~,~UA~ r-'E~ ~ 250.00 ~ 250.00 UST001 2 3550 NIr3C -- PENALTIES 1' 125.00 E 125.00 ZZZ005 Orde~ To~a] 375.00 Amount Due 3"/5.00 Payment: Nade By Check 375,00 THAN K YOU !  Environmental Health Sen~ce~ Department RANDALL L. ABBOTF STEVE McC,! ! Fy, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District DAVID PRICE ili wn_UAM J. RODDY, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Planning ,q, Development Se~ices Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT J'uly 22, 1992 CUMMINS WEST, INC. 1515 AURORA DRIVE SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 Re: CUMMINS WEST, INC. Permit #: 210008C Dear Sir/Madam: The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department has completed a file review and was not able to find an application for a permit to complete an integrity test, or the results of an integrity test, for the underground storage tank(s) located at the facility sited above. The monitoring requirements developed for the facility tank(s) require that integrity tests be completed within the 1991 calendar year. Please review your records to determine whether a tank integrity test was performed at your facility between January 1, 1991, and December 31, 1991. Please copy any test results and submit the copy to this department within 14 days of this letter. The results will be reviewed and placed within your permit file. After August 10, 1992, all facilities which have not submitted proof of the integrity tests required by their permits shall receive a notice of violation for noncompliance with permit testing requirements for Calendar Year 1991. Facility owners or operators who receive a notice of violation for noncompliance with the testing requirements for the calendar years 1991 and 1992 may be cited into court for violation of permit conditions and state and local underground storage tank laws. The facility owner/operator could be liable for a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) or more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each underground storage tank for each day of violation for failure to test the tanks at frequencies specified within the permit to operate. All integrity tests completed after September 16, 1991, are required to be completed under permit. , Any test submitted which was completed without a valid testing permit after September 16, 1991, was completed in viOlation of the Kern County Ordinance Code which regulates underground storage tanks. The facility, and possibly the tester, shall be subject to fines/penalties. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636. ~-I:~:;~~~tu~terials ManagemelXnt Program AG:jrw:ch 2700 "M' STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 RESPONSE CHECKLIST Specialist reviewing the information returned: ~0~££]'C (/~.-c'~ ~ .f~ / questionnaire was returned: ~/~/¢ / Date Facility Permit Number: ~/(~(~ ~ Tanks located at the facility: Was a reply received for each substance code assigned to the facility? D<~ Yes No Does the facility need to provide additional information in order for the monitoring alternative to be acceptable? Yes C~ No Describe what information is required: , The monitoring alternative, e~picked by the facility representative is acceptable for the facility tanks. ~'\ Yes No (The monitoring alternative will be viewed as unacceptable if the alternative was not appropriate for the type of tank described on the facility profile or within the facility file. Example: The facility may wish to use the visual alternative for a tank that is not vaulted, or the tank size is not appropriate for the type of inventory monitoring chosen.) Additional Comments: Information has been reviewed and placed within the database: Date entered within the database: Entered by (name): AEG:cas kresponse.lis ENCLOSURE* CHECKLIST .......... Permit This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received. Please complete this form and return it to the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, along with the Monitoring Alternatives Questionnaire, within 30 days of receipt. CRI~CK YES NO The packet I received contained: 2( .. 1. Cover letter. ~ 2. Facility Profile Sheet (provides Facility Permit Number and information on the underground storage tanks and piping, as provided on the application). The substance code in Column #2 should be referenced when reviewine the Monitorin~ Alternatives Fact Sheets and Ouestionnaires. X 3. A Monitoring Alternatives and Upgrade Requirements Fact Sheet for each substance code referenced on the Facility Profile Sheet. ){ 4. A Monitoring Alternatives Questionnaire for each substance code referenced on the Facility Profile Fact Sheet. Signature of Person Completing the Checklist Title Date (green~chklst. 1) · .-_---':-":"--- ..... MONITORING AII ERNATIVES. ...... QUESTIONNAIRE- FOR W.O. 3 FACILITY TANKS Facility Name: ~ ~. m nn , n/.5 /,AJ 6'-~ 7" ..'-,~-'d C... Facility Address: ,30 / [. ~/¢''~ .< 7" ~BKa"RgF/&'c.D ~ ~.7.. ~o Owner's Address: /~/.~f A l~.~t) £f~ {)~. .~,OcM' ~.O,g~ C, vff ~/_~77 Operator's Name: x7~ ~ Fl ~ A~ Pe~it Number (obta~ed from the facili~ profile sheet): ,~iOOa · ~ Number of Ta~ which have been assi~ed the W.O.3 Code: ~ ~1 info~ation h~ been received and renewed and the follo~ng su~a~es the monito~g alternative w~ch I have picked for the W.O. 3 ta~ at th~ facili~. I rea~e that the mo~to~g alternative mint be approved by the local agen~ before ~plementation.(Pla~ an X ne~ to the alternative picked) 1. ~SU~ MONITO~NG ~11 be uti~ed. (I can i~pect the emefior of aH ta~, ~thout ~ing e~raord~a~ perso~el protective equipment). 2. IN-T~ L~L SENSOR ~11 be imtaHed in each tank, whch are capable of detecting a leak of 0.2 gallo~ per hour. ~e se~or ~11 be ~ed to test the ta~ monthly. ~e facfliW ~11 ~SO COMPL~ A BIE~ T~ ~G~ ~ST(testing eve~ other year), ut~izing a lice~ed tester who's method has been certified to detect a leak of 0.1 gaflo~ per hour. 3. ~-T~ L~L SENSOR has ~n i~talled in each tan~ which ~ capable of detecting a leak of 0.2 gaHo~ per hour. ~e scoot ~ll be ~ed to test the tank monthly. ~e faci~W will ~SO COMPLE~ A B~NN~ T~K ~G~ ~ST (test~g eve~ other year), ut~i~ng a licemed tester who's method has been ~ified to detect a leak of 0.1 gallo~ per hour. Pm~de the follo~ng ~fo~ation on the ~stem installS: System Manufacm~r: System Model No.: Date InstallS: -- SEE PAGE 2 FOR ADDITIONAL ALTERNATIVES -- MONITORING ALTERNATIVES QUESTIONNAIRE. ..... FOR W.O. 3 FACILITY TANKS ' Permit No.: Ny( 4. MODIFIED INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING (tank gauging 2 days per week) for underground storage tanks which have a total tank capacity of 2,000 gallons or less, that do not have metered dispensers; ALONG WITH AN ANNUAL TANK INTEGRITY TEST utilizing a licensed tester who's method has been certified to detect a leak of 0.1 gallons per hour. 5. GROUNDWATER MONITORING will be utilized ALONG WITH ANNUAL TANK INTEGRITY TESTING. This facility has groundwater less than 50 feet beneath ground surface). The facility will submit a proposal to the department for approval of the number, locations and design of monitoring wells which will be utilized to monitor the underground storage tank systems. Each monitoring well will be equipped with a continuous monitoring device. 6. GROUNDWATER MONITORING will be utilized ALONG WITH ANNUAL TANK INTEGRITY TESTING. (This facility has groundwater less than 50 feet beneath ground surface). The facility has already installed monitoring wells, and would like to utilize them. A plot plan of their locations and a drawing showing their construction are enclosed. The facility does/does not have continuous monitoring equipment installed within each well. Provide information on the monitor which has been installed within each well: System Manufacturer: System Model No.: Date Installed: Name of person completing this form: ~,..~ -,7~~d~,-~ Title: ~ 7~/~,n~ Date: AEG:ch green~uestion -:..-'--'-""- ~- · MONITORING At~_ ERNATIVES -.':';: .... QUESTIONt~a[IRE FOR NON-MVF 3 FACILITY TANKS Facility Name: ~. bm nn ~ tOg ~ a*$ 7" /~/c.. Facility Address: t~ 0 1 ~:'. ~t P_..t. Owner's Name: ](~' [/I tJ Owner's Address: l~.t.~ L~''' ]gr ~ ~ O ~ t4r' I~ .S~/ Operator's Name: ,~nx ~ d~J~t~/4t,/ Permit Number (obtained from the facility profile sheet): ,~, ! OOO Number of Tanks which have been assigned the NONMVF3 Code: All information has been received and reviewed and the following summarizes the monitoring alternative which I have picked for the NON-MVF 3 tanks at this facility. I realize that the monitoring alternative must be approved by the local agency before implementation.(Place an X next to the alternative picked) 1. VISUAL MONITORING will be utilized. (I can inspect the exterior of all tanks, without using extraordinary personnel protective equipment). 2. IN-TANK LEVEL SENSOR will be installed in each tank, which are capable of detecting a leak of 0.2 gallons per hour. The sensor will be used to test the tank monthly. The facility will ALSO COMPLETE A TANK INTEGRITY TEST EVERY TItREE YEARS, utilizing a licensed tester who's method has been certified to detect a leak of 0.1 gallons per hour. 3. IN-TANK LEVEL SENSOR has been installed in each tank, which is capable.of detecting a leak of 0.2 gallons per hour. The sensor will be used to test the tank monthly. The facility will ALSO COMPLETE A TANK INTEGRITY TEST' EVERY TllREE YEARS, utilizing a licensed tester who's method has been certified to detect a leak of 0.1 gallons per hour. Provide the following information on the system installed: System Manufacturer: System Model No.: Date Installed: -- SEE PAGE 2 FOR ADDITIONAL ALTERNATIVES -- --."--:-'"'""-'MONITORING ALTERNATIVES, QLIE ONNAIRE. '":": ..... FOR NON-MVF 3FAClLITY TANKS Permit No.: A I 0OO~ C.- 4. VADOSE ZONE MONITORING will be utilized ALONG WITI[ ANNUAL TANK INTEGRITY TESTING. The facility will submit a proposal to the department for approval of the number, locations and design of monitoring wells which will be utilized to monitor the underground storage tank systems. Each monitoring well will be equipped with a continuous monitoring device. 5. VADOSE ZONE MONITORING will be utilized ALONG ~ ANNUAL TANK INTEGRITY TESTING. The facility has already installed monitoring wells, and would like to utilize them. A plot plan of their locations and a drawing showing their construction are enclosed. The facility does/does not have continuous monitoring equipment installed within each well. Provide information on the monitor which has been installed within each well: System Manufacturer: System Model No.: Date Installed: ~.- 6. MODIFIED INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING (tank gauging 2 days per . / week) for underground storage tanks which have a total tank capacity of 2,000 gallons or less, that do not have metered dispensers; ALONG ~ AN ANNUAL TANK INTEGRITY TEST utilizing a licensed tester who's method has been certified to detect a leak of 0.1 gallons per hour. 7. STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING (tank gauging 5-7 days per week) for underground storage tanks which dispense product from metered, dispensers; ALONG WITH AN ANNUAL TANK INTEGRITY TEST utilizing a licensed tester who's method has been certified to detect a leak of 0.1 gallons per hour. Name of person completing this form: AEG:ch green~luestion ~'~:. ':."' '~- ~. ..~ MONITORING AltERNATIVES ...... ~ .... ' :":~'- · .... QUESTIONNAIRE FOR MVF 3 FACILITY TANKS ...... Facility Name: ff~,~ m./^~ ~_~ 7' 7'"/~ c_ Facility Address: ,~O/ ~'- q'~' c7' ~q~'t.-~]=~c-r.~ ~-A' 9..~3o 7 _7 ~er's Name: ~gtW O~er's Address: ~ ~0~ b~ ~M ~A~ Operator's Name: ~ ~ Per~t Number (obtained from the facili~ profile sheet): ~1~00 Number of Tan~ which have been assigned the ~ Code: ~ info~ation has been received and renewed and the follo~ng summa~es the monito~ng alternative which I have picked for the ~ 3 ta~ at this faciliw. I real~e that the mo~to~ng alternative mint be approved by the local agen~ before implementation. (Place an X ne~ to the alternative picked). 1. ~SU~ MO~TORING ~11 be util~ed. (I can impect the e~efior of all tan~, ~thout ming emraordina~ personnel protective equipment). 2. IN-T~K L~L SENSOR ~11 be imtalled in each ta~ which are capable of detecting a leak of 0.2 gallom per hour. ~e semor ~11 be ~ed to test the tank monthly. ~e facili~ ~11 ~SO COMPLE~ A T~K IN~G~ ~ST ~RY ~E ~S, util~ing a licemed tester who's method has been certified to detect a leak of 0.1 gallom per hour. 3. IN-TANK L~L SENSOR has b~n installed in each ta~, which ~ capable.of detecting a leak of 0.2 gaHom per hour. ~e sensor ~H be meal to test the ta~ monthly. ~e faciliW ~fl ~SO COMPLE~ A T~ ~G~ ~ST, ~RY ~E ~S, utilizing a licemed tester who's method h~ been certified to detect a leak of 0.1 gaHons per hour. Pro,de the follo~ng info~ation on the system installS: System Manufacturer: System Model No.: Date Installed: -- SEE PAGE 2 FOR ADDITIONAL ALTERNATIVES -- FACILITY PROFILE SHEET 210008C CUMMINS WEST, INC. 301 E. 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA PERMIT # 210008C Substance Tank Tank Year Is piping Tank # Code Contents Capacity Installed Pressurized? 1 MVF 3 REGULAR 250 1952 'UNKNOWN 2 MVF 3 DIESEL 200 1952 UNKNOWN 3 MVF 3 SOLVENT 250 1952 UNKNOWN 4 NON-MVF 3 OIL 250 1952 UNKNOWN 5 WO 3 WASTE OIL 500 1952 UNKNOWN MC..441TORING ALTERNATIVES QUESTIONNAIRE - : ..... · FOR MVF 3 FACILITY TANKS Permit No.: ,,~/O00g 4. VADOSE ZONE MONITORING will be utilized ALONG WITH ANNUAL TANK INTEGRITY TESTING. The facility will submit a proposal to the department for approval of the number, locations and design of monitoring wells which will be utilized to monitor the underground storage tank systems. Each monitoring well will be equipped with a continuous monitoring device. 5. VADOSE ZONE MONITORING will be utilized ALONG WITH ANNUAL TANK INTEGRITY TESTING. The facility has already installed monitoring wells, and would like to utilize them. A plot plan of their locations and a drawing showing their construction are enclosed. The facility does/does not have cominuous monitoring equipment installed within each well. Provide information on the monitor which has been installed within each well: System Manufacturer: System Model No.: Date Installed: 6. MODIFIED INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING (tank gauging 2 days per week) for underground storage tanks which have a total tank capacity of 2,000 gallons or less, that do not have metered dispensers; ALONG WITH AN ANNUAL TANK INTEGRITY TEST utilizing a licensed tester who's method has been certified to detect a leak of 0.1 gallons per hour. 7. STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING (tank gauging 5-7 days per week) for underground storage tanks which dispense product from metered dispensers; ALONG WITH AN ANNUAL TANK INTEGRITY TEST utilizing a licensed tester who's method has been certified to detect a leak of 0.1 gallons per hour. AEG:ch green~question . '.~,...~,~_~{~.. ., . .... . ,. .{~:,* , · , ' .'.~ ~.-,"~. '"'..~.~, ....'S'-~ . /~.[.~30;O~,'.-;.BAKERSF[ E~[ ,. 93301 . ,.:.._. ,:- . .~ ~. ~: '~ .~.'~ .,' ~- :~..~...~.~.~.. ~. ~ .~ , ~.~ ~.. · UNDER'~ROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY ,'../~~ * INSPECTION REPORT * PERMIT~ ' ]TIME IN TI~ OUT. NUMBER OF TA~: · 5 TYPE 0~ S P~ ~-~N: ROUTINE .......... ~... ........ REINSPECTION ..................... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"~"~'~'""~'x'~'~-T:~:~:EET. E~:::::~:E~:~::::...,t~_~.~ .................................................................................................................................................................... RAC~L~TY ~DDRESS:S01 E. ~TH STREET eA~ERSF~ELO, CA OWN E RS N AM E:.~.~.MM~_~.~_,~.~,~..,_...!,N~..~ ........................................................................................................................................................................ 0 P E R~ T 0 RS N AM E~ q~_~J..~.~,.,..~.~,~.,,,.....%..~.~,,: ............................................................................................................................................ OOMMENTS: ITEM ~ V [ OLAT ~ ONS/OBSERVAT IONS i. PRIMARY CONTAINMENT MONITORINS: { ~" {~  !n~ePcepting a~ directing system L,~ -~ k' ? Standard Inventor~ Contro~ d. In-t~nk Level Sensing Oevfce e.- Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: m ~ Lj ~ [~ ~ ~ a. LineP b. Ooubl~-Walled tank c. Vault 3. PIPING MONITORING: /~,:: ~ ~ ~/~  Pressurized Suction ' '" t c. Gravitv , . ... "" ,:' 5. TIGHTNESS TESTING ?,j (_, 5. NEW CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATIONS /',~2..'~ ." UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE 9. M~INTENANCEj GENERAL SAFETY, AND O~RA~ING CONDITION OF FACILITY ,"~ '-" C~EN TS/RECOMMEN OAT ~ONS .~ ,~-~ ~ . ,~, ~.:~ ,-:~'TY ............. ."~~~'~'~'~ ....... "~;~'~ ........ ~';~.,c~~'""'~-~'//~':~ ............. "':'""?,"~'~-'~ ........ P;~;~'z~'~-~ ........... ~;c~5: ............................................................... ,_ ::: .......... :....: .................. =:: ......................... : .......... : ....... :..._: ........... ~'~"i"~'5'F~'T'T'5'~'"."~'~'~'~ ¢~'~'": ....... :'";,'¢;'~ ........... ';;'g"'"~:'~'F'~'6'~'T h'~'YE'""Fk-T'~' ~'Fk-6YT6'~':f'5~'E"~ ...................... ..~SPECTOR:~."::':'~. ' "~ ' :''~?~'~':-~'"~ .~ ............ REPORT RECEIVED ~Y:- ,.~.~,.~ ' ..... ..':~'?"::_, ................. ...................................................................................................... 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 " (805) 861-3682 ~ '~ :' ~ ,~' PHASE I VAPOR RECOVERY' INSPECTION FORM StationNam~./~/v~'./,.3-~' (, ~'~"/"-~-,-CY-~ Location. '2,~ [ ~"A$"r" /-7/ 7-ff'$7-,~',~"'r'- P/O # Company Mailing Address /~;"/ ~ /Srt~,~c'~ ~,~,'~E . City. Date Phone '?' System Type: Sep. Riser/~,Coaxial .. Inspector / ~,)~//~'--7' ,/t, ,~/'~_ J,(" ~, Notice Rec'd By / TANK # 1 TANK #2 TANK #3 TANK #4 1. PRODUCT (UL, PUL, P, or R). 2. TANK LOCATION REFERENCE 3. BROKEN OR MISSING VAPOR CAP 4. BROKEN OR MISSING FILL CAP ' 5. BROKEN CAM LOCK ON VAPOR CAP 6. FILL CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED 7. VAPOR CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED 8. GASKET MISSING FROM FILL CAP ..; 9. GASKET MISSING FROM VAPOR CAP 10. FILL ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT 11. VAPOR ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT 12. GASKET BETWEEN ADAPTOR & FILL TUBE MISSING / IMPROPERLY SEATED 13. DRY BREAK GASKETS DETERIORATED 14. EXCESSIVE VERTICAL PLAY IN COAXIAL FILL TUBE · .' 15. COAXIAL FILL TUBE SPRING MECHANISM DEFECTIVE 16. TANK DEPTH MEASUREMENT ' 17. TUBE LENGTH MEASUREMENT 18. DIFFERENCE (SHOULD BE 6" OR LESS) 19. OTHER __...-, ........ . ... . . 20. COMMENTS: ! ~,.__-?L ~) ~ WARNING: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A CHECK ABOVE ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 209, 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLU- **** TION OF THE VIOLATION(S) *****************************,****,A-******,A-********* ........ APCD FILE ~,. .. ?,~'~.': "?~:' ...... "' ,' . ~.::.~:i. "?' ':".' ""i' ':'" ....... "': KE NTY AIR' POLLUTION CONTFI ;I. HIC'T - -' '" ~': ' ~'" '-. 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 ..... % '(805) 861-3682 PHASE II VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM ,. Static. Location /t .<%", P/o# Contact Phone System Type: BA RJ HI HE GH HA Inspector ~..~, ~- }1 'f' ~S Date ¢3/ ~ ~ Notice Rec'd By NOZZLE cf GAS GRADE NOZZLE TYPE 1. CERT. NOZZLE 2. CHECK VALVE O 3. FACE SEAL :,- Z Z 4. RING, RIVET L E 5. BELLOWS " .' 6. SWIVEL(S) 7. FLOW LIMITER (EW) 1. HOSE CONDITION V A 2. LENGTH P O 3. CONFIGURATION R 4. SWIVEL H O 5. OVERHEAD RETRACTOR S E 6. POWER/PILOT ON 7. SIGNS POSTED Key to system types: Key to deficiencies: NC= not certified, B= broken BA=Balance HE =Healey M= missing, TO= torn, F= flat, TN= tangled .:, RJ =Red Jacket GH=Gulf Hasselmann AD= needs adjustment, L= long, LO= loose, HI =Hirt HA =Hasstech S= short MA= misaligned, K= kinked, FR= frayed. Key to inspection results: Blank= OK, 7= Repair within seven days, T= Tagged (nozzle tagged out-of-order until repaired) ~rI= Taggable violation but left in use. OOMM N,- : VIOLATIONS: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A "T OR U" CODE IN INSPECTION RESULTS, ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE VIOLATION. NOTE: CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 41960.2, REQUIRES THAT THE ABOVE LISTED 7-DAY DEFICIENCIES BE CORRECTED WITHIN 7 DAYS. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN LEGAL ACTION 9 l,;~-~.:~ s APCD FILE I ' ,ORCE MANAGEMENT C -NCY  Envitoranental Health Semicea De~ttment RANDALL L. ABBOTT STL=~ McC.al ! ~:Y, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR ~ ~o~ c~ o~t~ DAVID PRICE [] ~ J. ~ODO¥. ~CO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR P~ & i~t ~ Deparm~m ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit No.: 210008C State ID No.: 20133 Issued to: CUMMINS WEST, INC. No. of Tanks: 5 Location: 301 E. 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD,' CA Owner: CUMMINS WEST, INC. 1515 AURORA DRIVE SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 Operator: JIM FINNEGAN 301 E. 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 FacRity Prof//e: Substance Tank Tank Year Is piping Tank No. Code Contents Capacity Installed Pressurized? 1 MVF 3 REGULAR 250 1952 UNKNOWN 2 MVF 3 DIESEL 200 1952 UNKNOWN 3 MVF 3 SOLVENT 250 1952 UNKNOWN 4 NON-MVF 3 OIL 250 1952 UNKNOWN 5 WO 3 WASTE OIL 500 1952 UNKNOWN This permit is granted subiect to the conditions and prohibitions listed on the attached summary of conditions/prohibitions Issue Date: November 4, 1991 Title: Director, Environmental Health Servic~ Department Expiration Date: November 4, 1996 -- POST ON PREMISES -- NONTRANSFERABLE 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 HAZARDOUS UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS/PROHIBITIONS CONDrTIONS/PROHI~ITIONS: 1. The facility owner and operator must be familiar with ali conditions specified within thi.q permit and must meet any additional requirements to monitor, upgrade, or close the tanks and associated piping imposed by the permitting authority. ff the operator of thc underground storage tank is not the owner, then the owner shall enter into a written contract with the operator, requiring the operator to monitor the underground storage tank; maintain appropriate records; and implement reporting procedures as required by the Department. 3. The facility owner and operator shall ensure that the facility has adequate financial responsibility insurance coverage, as mandated for ail underground storage t~nkx containing petroleum, and supply proof of such coverage when requested by the permitting authority. 4. The facility owner must ensure that the aunuai permit fee is paid w/thin 30 dayS Of the invoice date. $. The facility will be considered in violation and operating without a permit if annual permit fees are not received within 60 days of the invoice date. 6. The facility owner and/or operator shall review the leak detection requirements provided within this permit. The momtormg alternative shall be implemented within 60 days of the permit issue date. 7. The facility underground storage tanks must be monitored, utilizing the option approved by the permitting authority, until the tank is closed under a valid, unexpired permit for closure. 8. Any inactive underground storage tank which is not being monitored, as approved by the permitting authority, is considered improperly closed. Proper closure is required and must be completed under a permit issued by the permitting authority. 9. The facility owner/operator must obtain a modification permit before: a. Uncovering any underground storage tank after failure of a tank integrity test. b. Replacement of piping. c. Lining the interior of the underground storage tank. 10. The tank owner must advise the Environmental Health Services Department within 10 days of transfer of ownership. 11. Any change in state taw or tocai ordinance may necessitate a change in permit conditions. The owner/operator will be requ/red to meet new conditions within 60 days of notification. 1Z The owner and/or operator shall keep a copy of all monitoring records at the facility for a minimum of three years, or as spec/fled by the permitting authority. They may be kept off site if they can be obtained within 24 hours of a request made by the local authority. 13. The owner/operator must report any unauthorized release which escapes from the secondary containment, or from the pr/mary containment if no secondary containment exists, which increases the b~7ard of fire. or explosion or causes any deterioration of the secondary containment within 24 hours of discovery. AEG:jrw (8reenkoenmt.p2) 2 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS:(~V,,~,~oN.~/F.~,WOZM.,~) 1. All underground storage tanks designated as ~ 3, NON-MVI:: 3, AND WO 3 within Page 1 of this permit shall be monitored utilizing the following method: a. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring (Tank gauging two days per week). Kern County Environmental Health Department forms shah be utilized unless a facility form can provide the same information and has been reviewed and approved by Environmental Health Services Department. (Monitoring shah be completed in accordance with requirements summarized in Handbook UT-!5). AND b.. All tanks shall be tested annually utilizing a tank integrity test which has been certified as being capable of detecting a leak of 0.1 gallon per hour with a probability of detection of 95 percent and a probability of false alarm of $ percent. The first test shall be completed before December 31, 1991, and subsequent tests completed each calendar year thereafter. All tank integrity tests completed after September 16, 1991, shall be completed under a valid, unexpired Permit to Test 'issued by the Environmental Health Services Department. 2. If present, all pressurized piping systems shall install pressurized piping leak detection 'systems and ensure that they are capable of functioning as specified by the manufacturer. The mechanical leak detection systems must be capable of alerting the owner/operator of a leak by restricting or shutting off the flow of hazardous substances through the piping, or by triggering an audible or visual alarm, detecting three gallons or more per hour, per square inch, line pressure within one hour. 3. If present, all pressurized piping systems shall be tested annually unless the facility has installed the following: a. A continuous monitoring system within secondary containment. b. The continuous monitor is connected to an audible and visual alarm system and the pumping system. c. The continuous monitor shuts down the pump and activates the alarm system when a release is detected. d. The pumping system shuts down automatically if the continuous monitor fails or is disconnected. The first test shall be completed before December 31, 1991, and subsequent tests completed each calendar year thereafter. 4. All underground storage tanks shall be retrofitted with overspill containers which have a minimum capacity of 5 gallons; be protected from galvanic corrosion, if made of metal; and be equipped with a drain valve to allow the drainage of liquid back into the tank by December 1998, or as specified by the Environmental Health Services Department. 5. All equipment installed for leak detection shall be operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks (at least once per year) for operability or running condition. 6. An annual report shall be submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department each year after monitoring has been initiated. The owner/operator shall use the form provided within the Handbook UT-15. 7. ff present, all suction piping shall be monitored for the presence of air in the pipeline by observing the suction pumping system for the following indicators: a. The cost/quantity display wheels on the meter suction pump skip or jump during operation; b. The suction pump is operating, but no motor vehicle fuel is being pumped; c. The suction pump seems to overspeed when first turned on and then slows down as it begins to pump liquid; and d. A rattling sound in the suction pump and erratic flow, indicating an air and liquid mixture. 4 ~IEQUEST/ORDER FORMS i~h UT MONITORING MANUALS The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department will need to provide some underground storage facilities updated manuals which describe the methods which must be utilized to monitor underground storage tanks. Regrettably, we must pass on the cost of duplicating and postage of these manuals to you, the cost of which will be $5.00 per manual. We have in addition placed these manuals at Kinko's Copyhouses and Hoven and Company. You may contact them directly and arrange to have a copy of the manual made for you. Whatever method you choose, please indicate below and return the bottom portion of this form, along with your check if you select items 1 or 2. If you submit payment within 30 days the manuals will then be mailed to you along with your final permit. NOTE: DUE TO CHANGES IN STATE LAW, THE MANUALS AND SOME OF THE FORMS HAVE BEEN CHANGED. FORMS AND MANUALS DISTRIBUTED BEFORE THIS DATE MAY NOT HAVE INFORMATION WHICH WILL GUIDE YOU THROUGH A MONITORING COURSE WHICH WILL ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL AND STATE LAW. _~/./- ~, / . _ ~, . . ................................................................. I -._-rT,, ~'"~-.. ,~,;.~I~-4-~/~ have reviewed the irlformation provided on the monitoring al'ternatives which can be utilized and have chosen a monitoring alternative of standard inventory control or modified inventory control. Please send a copy of the manual and forms indicated below with the final permit to operate. I understand that I may reproduce the manuals and forms at my own expense after receiving the initial copy. PLEASE MAIL THE FOLLOWING TO THE FACILITY OWNER WITH THE FINAL PERMIT TO OPERATE: 'N' 1. ($5.00) HANDBOOK UT-#10 AND 12 RECORDING, RECONCILIATION AND TREND ANALYSIS FORMS (FOR STANDARD INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING). ?Z.. 2. ($5.00) HANDBOOK UT-#15 AND 12 RECORDING FORMS (FOR MODIFIED INVENTORY CONTROL MONITORING). 3. I WILL ARRANGE THROUGH A COPYING SERVICE TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THE MANUALS I NEED. FOR THE FOLLOWING FACILITY: CUMMINS WEST, INC. 301 ~. 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO THE KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT HM29 ~ E C E I P T PAGE 08/15/91 Invofce Nbr. 1 57351 9:39 mm KERN COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Bakersfield, CA 93301 Type of Order (805) CASH REGISTER CUMMINS WEST, ~.:~g8 I_~j~DI~RGROUND TANK~ ANNUAL FEE 5 50.00 E : 250.00 UST001 3550 MISC - PENALTIES ZZZ005 Order Tota~ 315.00 Amount Due. 37~'.00 Pmym~n~ Made By Check ~" 375.00 TH.~.NK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY! FNVsI~ONMENTAL ' ~LTII DE RTMENT ' "-~ ' : '~/""~( Perm ..... ~l/~/~/~l Type Of Application (check): -. ~ ~New ~aciliW ~odiftca~ion Of ~actlit~ ~Existln~ ~eClllt~T~sfer OA'~nershtp A, Energeoc2 ~4-11our Co~toct (name, area code, phone): Days .~.~ ~,~~~- Nights ,T,~ ~/~6~ x~,~ Facility Name d~n,~ ,n-i' ~<'~ ~c No. Of, Tanks Type Of Business (check): ~Oasollne Station ~Other Is Tank(s) Located On An Agricultural Farm? ~Yes ~No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily For Agricultural Purposes9 ~Yes ~No Facility Address ..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~3 ~ ~/~ 9'Y7~7 Nearest Cross St. T R SEC (Rural Locations Only) ~e~,~ Tank Owner c~.~,,~ ~c~- i-~(. Contact Person ..?,~ ~ Address ~ ,4 ~ 2~ ~3~ C i t y / S t a t e .... ~ ~A~'"~ r~ ~7 7 Telephone d~ - ~ Ope~ato~ c~ ~,~c ,.~,~- --...~ Contact ~:~:;~ .~,~ ~¢~;;.. Address 31:/ ~ ~' '~ .Y~- ~ c:~ Zip '5~7~ Z o o . B. Water To Facility Provided By ~}iir~fl;~ ~a~-f ~ Depth to Groundwater 'Soil Characteristics At Facility ~Basls For Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations C. Contractor CA Contractor's License ~o. Add r e s s Z I p Te I ephone Proposed Starting Date Proposed Completion ~ate ~orke~'s Compensation Certification No. Insurer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Brtefl~ Descrl[ Modifications Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank [ Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Fuel .~ o ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ :~ o ~ o o o o 0 o ~ o o o o o 0 0 o F. Che.,~ t Mate~l Stored ,- ~mpostt off Of s necessary for Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS I (If known) Chemical Previously Stored / ~,I ~c ~/,~ (If different) / 6, T~ansfe~ O~ O~nershlp Date Of T~ansfer Previous O~ne~ P~evlous Facility Name I, accept fully all obltsattoa~ of Per,it No, issued I understand that the Pe~l~tlng Autho~lt2 ~aF ~evle~ modify o~ terminate the t~ansfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storag~ [aclltty upon ~eceivtng this completed ~o~, This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct .~ ~ ~- .,.~_ 7~',~5..u ,g 2 :,.' · - ,~_ .7 =- ~ .... -' ~: ' ~ ' ~' ~' :" "~ ~-'~,, .,~,... .... ~~ ........ FOR ~ SE~ON, C~CK ~ ~PR~A~ BO~S H. 1. T~ ~: ( ) Vatted ( ) Non-Vatted ( )~ouble-W~ ( ) S~gle-W~ 2. Tank Mated~ ( ) Cabon Sted ( ) S~s Ste~ ( ) Point ~ofide ( ) Fibergl~s-~ad Steal ( ) Fiberglass-Re~oxed Plastic ~ Con~e~e ( ) ~~ ( ) Broke ( ) U~o~ ( ) O~er (d~be) 3. Pm~ Conta~ment Date Ins~ed ~ic~ess Un~es) Capaei~ (G~lons) M~ac~ 4. T~ Second~ Conta~ment ( ) Double-W~ ( ) S~efic L~er ( ) L~ed VaSt ( ) None ( ) ~ MateH~ % 7~L ~i~ess ~n~es) Capaci~ (G~o~) 5. T~k Interior L~ () Rubb~ () ~d () Epo~ () Phenolic () Gl~s C)~ay ()U~ed () 0~ (d~be): 6. T~ Co~osion Protection ( ) G~v~ed ( ) Fibe~glass-~ad ( ) Polye~yl~e Wrap ( ) V~yl Wrapp~g () T~ or ~ph~ ~ U~o~ () None () O~ (des~be): 7. Leak De~ecdon Monitom~ and Interce don~- -'~'z ~' "~.~' ~:~ ' .... · · a. T~: ( ) Wsu~ (vatted t~ o~y) ( ) Gro~dwater Mom~o~g ~ell(s) ' ( ) Vadose Zone Monito~g Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Wi~out ~ ( ) U-Tube ~ Compatible ~er Dkec~g Flow to Monkomg W~l(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector' ( ) Mquid Level S~sor* ( ) Conducfi~ Se~or' ( ) Press=e Sensor ~ ~= Space of Double W~I ( ) Mquid Re~ev~ & Inspection From U-Tube, Monito~g Well or ~= Space ( ) Daily Gau~g & Inven~o~ Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tighmess Tes~g () None ~ U~o~ () Oaer b. Piping: ( ) ~ow-Res~c~g Le~ Detector(s) for Press~zed piping-. ...... ( ~' Monko~ S~p ~ Raceway ( ) Se~ed Con,ere Raceway ( ) H~f-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) S~efic ~er Raceway ~ ) None 'D=scnbe M~e & Model: S. ~a,~ Tighmess Has ~is T~ Been Tighmess Tes[ed? ( ) Yes ( ) No ~ U~o~ · Da~= oi Last Tighmess Test Res~u of Te~t Test N~,: Tes~g Comply 9. Ta~ Repak T~ Repat?a~ f ) Yes ( ) No ~ U~o~ Date(s) of Desc~be Repa~ 10. ~e~] Protection ~.) Operator F~ls, Conwols, & V~u~ly Monkom Level ( ) Tape Floal Gauge ( ) ~oat Vent V~ves ( ) Auto Shut-Off Con=ols ( ) Capack~ce Sensor ( ) Se~ed F~ Box ( ) None ( ) ( ) 0~= ~st M~e & Model for Above De~ces 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Material Thic 'kness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction Od) Gravity Appro:dmate Length of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ,~ Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( )' Sacrificial Anode ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt ~) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None . ~c) Unknown ( ) Other (describe): Fac [ity Name Ct, ~, ~-.ua.d._~ - , G ~ 5 ~/-, ~ Permit No. d (T~'~ ~ILL O~ SEP~~ )~ ( ~H T~ FOR ~CH SEC~ON. CHECK ~ ~PROP~A~ BO~S H. 1. T~k is: ( ) Vatted ( ) Non-Vatted ( ) Double-W~l ~ S~gle-Wa~(X)~o~ 2. Tank Material ~ G~bon Steel ( ) Sta~ess Steel ( ) Pol~yl ~ofide ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( )Fiberglass. Re~orced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) ~~ ( ) Bronze ( ) U~o~ ( ) O~er (describe) 3. P~ Containment Date Inst~led Thic~ess Onches) Capaci~ (G~ons) M~ac~er 4. T~ Seconda~ Containment ( ) Double-W~l ( ) S~efic L~er ( ) L~ed VaSt ( ) None ~) U~o~ () O~er (desc~be): M~ac~ir: ( ) Matefi~ ~ic~ess Onches) Capaci~ (G~lons) 5. T~k Interior Lining () Rubber () ~d () Epo~ () Phenolic () Gl~s ()Clay () U~ed ~ U~o~ () O~er (describe): 6. Tank Co~osion Protection ( ) G~v~ized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polye~ylene Wrap ( ) V~yl Wrapp~g ( ) T~ or ~ph~t ~ U~o~ ( ) None ( ) O~er (describe): Ga~odic Protec~on: ( ) None ( ) Impressed G~ent System ( ) Sac~ci~ ~ode System Describe System ~d Equipment: 7. Leak Detec~on, Moniro~g, and Intercevtion a. T~: ( ) Visu~ (vatted t~ o~y) ( ) Gro~dwater Monitomg Well(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monito~g Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Wi~out L~er ( ) U-Tube ~ Compatible L~er Dkec~g Flow to Monito~g Well(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector* ( ) Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conduc~ Sensor* ( ) Press~e Sensor ~ ~n~ Space of Double W~I T~* ( ) Liquid Re~ev~ & Inspection From U-Tube, Monito~g Well or ~ffi~ Space ( ) Daily Gau~g & Invento~ Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tighmess Tes~g ~ None () U~o~ ~) O~er g~,c~ b. Pip.g: ( ) Flow-Res~cting Le~ Detector(s) for Press~zed Piping* ( ) Monitoring Stop wi~ Raceway ( ) Se~ed Concrete Raceway ( ) H~f-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) S~efic L~er Raceway ( ) None ~.) U~o~ () O~er *Describe Make & Model: 8. Ta~ Tighmess Has ~is T~ Been Tigh~ess Tested? ( ) Yes (~ No ( ) Da~e of Last Tighmess Test ~ ,c~ Res~ of Test Test N~e Testing Comply 9. Tank Repair T~ Repaffed? ( ) Yes (~ No ~ Un~o~ .~ ~ ~.';~ Date(s) of Repaff(s) Describe Repairs 10. ~e~l Protection ~) Operator Fills, Consols, · Visu~ly Monito~ Level ( ) Tape Floa~ Gauge ( ) Float Veat V~ves ( ) Auto Shut-Off ( ) Capacir~ce Sensor ( ) Se~ed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) ( ) O~er: Lis~ M~e · Model for Above De~ces 11. Piping · a. Underground Piping: (~) Yes () No ~)t) Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt (Z) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None &) Unknown () Other (describe): Facility Name d~ ~,,,,,, ,~ ~ ~-/' Permit No. :-, ~' (FILL OUT SEPARAT{ALL - ,}RM F_~.('- ;H_.~.~.~~ BOxEsTANK) s .CUON, c .cK H. 1. Tank is: ( ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vaulted ( ) Double-Wall [~) Single-Wall 2. Tank Material OK) Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyl Chloride ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown () Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Containment ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner ( ) Lined Vault ( ) None f~ Unknown () Other (describe): Manufacturer: ( ) Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) S. Tank Interior Lining ( ) Rubber ( ) Alkyd ( ) Epoxy ( ) Phenolic ( ) Glass ( ) Clay ( ) Unlined ~) Unknown () Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping ( ) Tar or Asphalt [:/0 Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ( ) None ( ) Impressed Current System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System Describe System and Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: ( ) Visual (vaulted tanks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Without Liner ( ) U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector* ( ) Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conductivity Sensor* ( ) Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank* ( ) Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tightness Testing (~ None ( ) Unknown 00 Other ~c ?, c ~ T4,~'( b. Piping: ( ) Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping* ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway ( ) Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway ( ) None [~) Unknown () Other *Describe Make & Model: 8. Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? ( ) Yes ( ) No (X) Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? ( ) Yes '~/~) No ( ) Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection (~) Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent Valves ( ) Auto Shut-Off Controls ( ) Capacitance Sensor ( ) Sealed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other: List Make & Model for Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ( ) Yes ( ) No fi) Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt f~') Unknown () None (') Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None (~) Unknown () Other (describe): .:. FOR EACH SECTION. CHECK ALL APPR~IIRIATI~. BOXP-s ..~?.~ IL. 1. Tank is: ( ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vaulted ( ) DoUble-Wall ( ) Single-Wall · : ':~.. 2. Tank Material ~ Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyl Chloride C ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown ... ( ) Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Containment ( ) Double-Wall ( } Syntherlc Liner ( ) Lined Vault ( ) None ~ Unknown () Other (describe): Manufact'ur~. ( ) Material Thickness Cinches) Capacity (Gallons) 5. Tank Interior Lining () Rubber () Alkyd () Epoxy () Phenolic C) Glass () Clay C) Unlined 60 Unknown () Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection " ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping ( ) Tar or Asphal~ ' ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ( ) None ( ) Impressed. Current System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System Describe System and Equipment: ....... 7. Leak Detection. Monitoring. and Interception a. Tank: ( ) Visual (vaulted tanks only) ( ) Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Without Liner ( ) U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)' ( ) Vapor Detector' ( ) Liquid Level Sensor' ( ) Conductivity Sensor' \.9 C ) Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank' "~. ( ) Liquid Reu-ieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space a ( ) Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tightness Testing ~(~) None () Unknown f~) Other '~ b. Piping: ( ) Flow-Restricting Leak DetectorCs) for Pressurized Piping' ( )' Monitoring Sump with Raceway C ) Sealed Concrete Raceway C ) Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway ( ) None ~ Unknown.() O~er~_ ~ ~Describe Make ~ Model: ,.,~ 8. Tank Tightness -.- '~ Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? ( ) Yes 60 No ( ) Unknown ~ Date of Last Tightness Te.'.t . Results of Test '-- Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? ( ) Yes ( ) i;,-- (~) Unknown 9. Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs ~ 10. Overfill Protection ( ) Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level A/~v2- /4/x'Z/c~ ~ , ~ ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent Valves ( ) Auto Shut-Off Controls ~. ( ) Capacitance Sensor ( ) Sealed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) Unknown ~>_ ( ) Other: List Make & Model for Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( ) Sacrificial Anode C ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolarlon ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( )' Tar or Asphalt ( ) Unknown ( ) None '( ) Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None ( ) Unknown () Other (describe): ~i~'. , · · ~. .~,6NK~# fl~ILL OUT SF_.PARA ~K ?,CH TRNIO -~a~::.. · EACH SECTION. CHECK ALL APPRi~.IATE BOXES ::.,~.~.. I-L 1. Tank is: ( ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vaulted ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Single-Wall .i.'~:~i" (I~ Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyl Chloride ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ':i:~;~" ( ) F~erglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown · .. ( ) Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment · Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Containment '( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner ( ) Lined Vault ( ) None ~ Unknown () Other (describe): Manufacturer. ( ) Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) 5. Tank Interior Lining ( ) Rubber ( ) Alkyd ( ) Epoxy ( ) Phenolic ( ) Glass ( ) Clay ( ) Unlined {x~ Unknown () Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection " ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fibe~glass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping () Tar or Asphalt' (~) Unknown () None () Other (describe): .L) Cathodic Protection: ( ) None ( ) Impressed Current System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System .~ Describe System and Equipment: ~ ...... 7. Leak Detection. Monitoring. and Interception a. Tank: ( ) Visual Cvauked tanks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) ~-!. ( ) Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Without Liner ~- ( ) U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector* ( ) Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conductivity Sensor* C ) Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank* r~ ( ) Liquid Rewieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tightness Testing  None () Unknown () Other '-.1 b. Piping: C ) Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping* ( )' Monitoring Sump with Raceway ( ) Seal,ri Concrete Raceway '% C ) Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic :Liner Raceway C ) None '~ ...... ~. Unkriown () Other__ · Describe Make & Model: ?. 8. Tank Tightness ~.x Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? ( ) Yes (}0 No ( ) Unknown  Date of Last Tightness Test __ Results of Test Test Name Te.~L~. Company ~lq 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? ( ) Yes (20 No ~ ) Urdmown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ( ) Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent Valves ( ) Auto Shut-Off Controls ( ) Capacitance Sensor ( ) Sealed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other: List Make & Model for Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Elecwical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other (describe): ::~..:::~: .... - - _..TAN~ # fF[LL OUT SEP/~q./ FORM~O..L ACH TAN]O. "- ' FORS,.CnON. ' · ~i H. 1. Tank is: C ) Vaulted .. ( ) Non-Vaulted ( ).Dou~ble-Wall ( ) Singe-Wall t:??:.? 2. Tank Material . '- . - :.'~i:. (~ Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyl. Chloride ( ) F~erglass-Clad Steel -"'~'~'-"' ( ) F~erglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown .:.,: () Other (describe) .... 3.' Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer . 4. T~tk Secondary/Containmen~ ~ ) Double-W~ ~ ~ Synthetic Liner ~ ~ L~ed ¥~ult ~ ~ None ~ Unknown ~ ) Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity ~G~tlons) $. T~nk Interior Linin~ ~) Other ~des~'ibe)= 6. T~ Corrosion Protection ".. '- ~ 3 G~nized ~ 3 Fibe~'glass-Clad ~ 3 Polyethylene Wrap ~ ) Vinyl Wrapping ~ 3 T~r or Asph~l~ ~ 3 Unknown ~ 3 None ~ ~ Other ~desc~be): Car. hodi¢ Protection: ( ) None ~ ) Impressed Ctm-ent System ( ) Sacri~ci~ Anode System Describe System ~nd Eqt~pment: ...... 7. Le~< Detection. ~onkorin~, and Interception ~. T~'~= ( ) ¥isu~ (vaulted t~N,s o~y) ( ) Groundwater Monito~ Well(s) ~ 3 Yadose Zone Monko6.ng Well(s) ~ ) U-T~be Withou~ Liner ( ) U-Tube wir~ Compatible Liner ~ire~ting Flow to Monkoring Well~s)~ ( ) Yapor Detector' ( ) L~quid Level Sensor' ( ) Condu¢~ivi~ Sensor' ~ ) Pressure Sensor ~ Annu]~ Space o~ Double W~II T~mk* ( ) Liquid Ret~ievni & lnspec~on From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gau~ng & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Pe~odi¢ T~ghtness Testing ~/~ None () Unlmown () O~er b. Piping: ( )Flo~-Res~rkting Leal< ~etecmr(s) ~or Press~-~zed Piping' ( ~' ~onitot~n~ Sump ~i~ Raceway ( ~ Se~ed Con~rete Raceway ( ) H~lf-Cut Compatible ?~pe Raceway ( ) S~the~¢ Mner Raceway ( ) None +D~$mbe ~e & Model: ~as This T~tk Been T~ess Tested? ~ 3 Yes ~ No ~ 3 U~o~ ~te or' L~st T~ess Tes~ Res~o~:T~ · Te~ N~.: Tes~g Comply 9. T~ Repak T~ RepaL'ed9 ~ ) Yes ~ No ( ) U~o~ Date(s) of Describe Rep~ 10. ~e~l Protection (~ Operator Fills, Consols, & Visu~ly Monitom Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent V~ves ( ) Auto Shut-Off Consols ( ) Capacit~ce Sensor { ) Se~ed Fffi Box ( ) None ( ) U~o~ ~) O~er: ~.;,~ o~,'~ [.:/~c~ ~ ~,~ ~st M~e & Model for Above De~ces 11. Piping a. Under~o~d Pip.g: ~ Yes () No ~ U~o~ Matefi~ Thic~ess Cinches) Diameter M~ac~er ( ) Press~e ( ) Suction ( ) Gra~ Appro~mate Len~ of Pipe R~ b. Under~o~d Piping Co~osion Protection: ( ) G~v~ized C ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed C~ent ( ) Sac~ci~ ~ode C ) Polye~ylene Wrap ( ) ~ec~c~ Isolation C ) V~yl Wrap ( )' T~ or ~ph~t ~ U~o~ ( ) None ( ) O~er (describe): c. Under~o~d Pip.g, Second~ Conta~ent: C ) Double-W~l ( ) S~efic ~er System ( ) None (~ U~o~ () O~er (describe): :' ~,, EACH SECTION. CHECK ALL APPROI~_.TE BOXES I-L 1. Tank is: '( ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vaulted ( ).Doub~e--Wall ( ) Single-Wall 2. Tank Material ( ) Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyi Chloride ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ~ Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) ( ) Other (describe) 3. primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Containment ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner ( ) Lined Vault ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other (describe): .liL~-~-qzz Manufacturtr:. f~ Material ~ 7-aet~k. Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) 5. Tank Interior Linin~ ( ) Rubber ( ) Alkyd ( ) Epoxy ( ) Phenolic ( ) Glass ( ) Clay ( ) Unlined 0clt Unknown () Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fibe~'glass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping ( ) Tar or Asphalt (.~ 'Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ( ) None ( ) Imore~ed C.u~?en.t S~tem__ ~zj2~S~ rgi,ciZ!,,o}n,.~.~ ,~ .~,~'~ ' / (I/', a. Tank: ( ) Visual (vaulted tanks only) ( ) ~'l;oundwater Momtormg V~ell(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Without Liner ./,/ ( ) U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)' ( ) Vapor Detector* ( ) Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conductivity Sensor* ( ) Pressure Sensor in Annular Space o~ Double Wall Tank· ( ) Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tighmess Testing () None C~ Unknown () Other b. piping: ( ) Flow-Res~cting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized piping* ( ~' Moni~orm~ Sump wir_h Raceway ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway ( ) Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway . ( ) None ( ) Unk_nowa ( ) Other +D~scnbe Make & Model: $, T__a _,'3, Tighmess Has This Tank Been Tighmess Tested? ( ) Yes ( ) No .~(J Unknown ' Da'~ of Last Tighmess Test Results of Te.-t ~ Test Nan-,: Testing Company 9. Tank Repair Tank RepaL'.-a'~ f ) Yes ( ) No ~ Unknown Date(s) of Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ~.~ Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent Valves ( ) Auto Shut-Off Controls ( ) Capacitance Sensor ( ) Sealed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Othe_n. List Make & Model for Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Material Thic 'kness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction (~ Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt ~) Unknown ( ) None · ( ) Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None fk) Unknown () Other (describe):