HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-3/10/89PROVIDE DRAWING OF PHYSICAL L; 'iT OF FACILITY USING SPACE __ LED BELOW. ALL'~F:TRE FOLLOWING INFoRMA MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FO PLICATION TO BE PROCESSED: O 'TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S). INCLUDING LENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS O PROPOSED SA~fPLING'LOCATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL O NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION ~ ANY WATER WELLS OR SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY O' NORTH ARROW FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY Activity Date # Of Tanks Oomments D KERN COUNTYe~ 2700 'M' Street. Ste. 300 8akersfietd, CA 93301 Envirotmental He~th Services Depar~ent (805) 861-3636 ' March 10, 1989 Eugene D. Smith ........ 2543 S. Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93:30? RE: Gasoline Tank at Smith Auction Co. Dear Mr. Smith: This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the subsurface investigation conducted at Smith Auction ¢o., 205 E. 18th St., Bakersfield, California, closure permit #A858-15. Based'upon the findings, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no soil contamination resulted from the gasoline tank at the site. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Dan Star~¥, R~HS / Environmental Health Specialist I Hazardous Materials Management Program DS:dr dan\auction. Itt '" SMC ,Lal '°ratory Analytical Chemistry Client Name: George Sweet Address : P.O. Box 80963 " Bakersfield, CA 93380-0963 ~ ~ - -:~: :, . _ · ':.~ .... Date samples received ': 2'21-89 - -"- ':~ .... - Date analysis completed: 2-27-89 Date of report : 2-28-89 LaboratoryNo. 501 and 502 Project: Smith Auction Co. Project No. A858-15 -. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #§01 ID: lA ugm/gm MRL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.1 Toluene ND 0.1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.1 p-Xylene ND 0.1 m-Xylene ND 0.1 o-Xylene ND 0.1 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.1 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1.0 #502 ID: lB. ugm/gm MRL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.! Toluene ND 0.1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.1 p-Xylene ND 0.1 m-Xylene ND 0.1 o,Xylene ND 0.! Isopropylbenzene ND 0.1 TPH (Gasoline) ND i.0 Method of Analysis: California DOHS LUFT manual ~. .... .. MRL = Minimum Reporting Level · .:'- TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~.?;~. ugm/gm =.micrograms per gram ., ..~:, ND = Not detected 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · ' Bakersfield, CA 93380 , FAX (805) 393-3623 Form Approved OMB No. ~ (Expire-, 9-30-88) Toxic Substances Control Divisior. ~e,~.e ~m or type, {ron~ aes~ne~ for use on ~ L ~ r2-p~tcn type~ter]. ~ ~ sa~amento, Califomi~  'enerator's US EPA ID No. Man, '- ~ 2. Page 1,. j ..Info.etlon in the ~aded areas UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~ .~ ~m~ - of .... iS not r~uired by F~eral law. ~.: . GENE~T~'S ~R~FICATION= I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are ~N and accurateN describ~ above by ~g~ shipping :.': [ '.:::.:'~'~me and are classifi~; packed,, ma~ed, and labeled,, and are in all respects.in prop~ ~nd~ion for trans~ by highway a~mding to applicable ~'~ ~?:::': ~.l'am ~ I~e ~ua~i~. generator; ~ ce~i~ that I have ~ ~rogr~ in' place to reduce the volume a~ toxic~ of waste, gen~t~ to the ~r~ I have' ". .' dete~in~ to be ~onomical~ predicable and that I have selected t~e practicable method of treatment, stooge, or disposal ~ent~ available to. me wh~ minimizes t~ present and f~ure threat to human health and the enviro~ent~ OR, if I am a small quanti~ generator. I ~ve made a good , .~... f~ith eflo~ to minimize my waste ~neratio~ ~nd 3e=ec~ the b~s~ .~'a3~e m~n~ent,me~hod t~t is available to me and that I ~AaT~ YELLOW: GENERATOR RETAINS ."?'"INS~UCTIO~ ON ~E BACK 1700 Flower Street r~cRN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN, HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, Calllornla 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. · ' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION . Telephone (805) 861-3636 DIRECTOR OF EN~qRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relchard Facility Name Kern County Permit # -Address 205 'E .t,~ ~ · * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION T~CKING RECORD * * This form Is to be returned ~o the Kern County Health Department ~Jthin 14 days of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or reCycling facility. The holder of-the 'peratt'-~tth number noted above Is.'respons~bie ~or .insuring that this form is completed and returned. Section 1 - To be ~tiled out ~ tank removal contractor: . ' :'- '~"Tank Reeoval Contractor: George S~ee~ Env~ro~en~a[ Contractor Address P.O. Box 80~63 Phone ~ (805)3~3-6370 :' 5akersf~e[d~ CA 93306 Zip Date Tanks Removed February ~ 1~89 No. of Tanks Section 2 - To be filled ou~ ~ contrac:or "decon~am[nat[n~ tank(s): Tank "Uecontaeinatton" Contractor ~ ~ ~C~ ~~ Address ~0 ~n.O~ Phone * Signature Title Secttoa a -To be gilled out and signed ~ an au:hotlzed representative of the t~eatment, sto~age, or disposal :aclltty accepting tank(s): Facility Naae VALLEY T~EE & CONSTSUCTION D~SPOSRL S~TE Address ~233 ~u~nn ~oad Phone ~ 805 / 399-~783 BakersfieLd, California Zip 93308 Signature / ~ Title Ogg~ce ~anase~ (Authoriz~ Rep~sentative) · * * ~ILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold In half and staple. Postage and eailing label have already been affixed to outside for your convenience. (Form DISTRICT OFFICES Oela~m . _~mon[ . I.nke c~h3!fn Mojave flid~ecr~st Shafter . Taft ' R E C E I P T PAGE 1 - ~'2/29/88 ......... '?' ............................................. ~'~/~'T~.-I~ ~ ~' -- ~' .... ~ ~' ~ ~,..~ - $:42 pr,', KERN COUNTY PLANN]'NG & DEVELOPMENT _2700 'M' Street , 8akersffi'e]d,' CA 93301 0t~ Order- N (805) 861-2615 CASH REGISTER GEORGE SWEET ENVIRONMENT 8G;~S,,.%,- pTo.=-T-~,~ ~ iaFa;g-Sg~& Ship DateVia I Terms H122988-I ! LJD I 12/29/88 12/29/88 I NT Line Desci-'ip~'ion .... ~~-' Pc-ice UniE Disc I TANK PLAN CHECK I 100.00 E 100.0'0 170A Ol-de~~ Total 100.00 Ar,',oun~ Due 100.00 Payment Made By Chec.k 100.00 MERRY CHRI ..... ~,~ ' o,~,~o '"D HAPPY NEW 'fEAR: THANK YOU~ 1700 FLOWER STREET. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93305 ~ OF TANKS T0 BI~ ABANDONED (005) 861-3030 LENOTll OF PIPING TO ADANDON °. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY TNI$ APPLICATION 13 FOR ~-'~Re.qovAL, OR ~ ABANDONMENT IN P~CE (FIL~ O~ ON~ APPLICATION PER FACILI~) Gene S~th ] nAYS- -~--~------- ; ,m~s- (805)832-6262 ~ o ~..~-~ ~- ~-- 205 E. 18th Street Sonora Street DWNER ~DDRESS ~HONE Eugene D. Smith 2543 S. Union Ave., Bakersfield (805 )832 -6262 Goorge Sweer IP. O. Box 80963, BakersfSeld CA r805 :}393 -6370 ~ROPOSEU PR~E~ STARTINO DAT~ [CALIFORNIA LICENSE * ~WORKER'S COMPENSATION * II~SU~e~ 1/03/89 I521243 '1 1011703-87 State Fund ~n~LXMXNA~V SZT~ ASSeSSmeNt CO~T~CTO~ AOD~ESS George Sweet P~0'. Box 80963, Bakersfield, CA (805 )393 -6370 1011703-87 ~ State Fund (805 )834 ~300 SMC Laboratory 3155 pegasus Rd., Bakersfield .. (805 ~393 ~597 ~HF~4ICAL COMPOSITION 0P MATERIALS STORED _ 1 <1000 qal Gasoline Unk. ,o Present None known TO WAT£R TO FACILITY Psovzn£o ~v IoiPrx TO GROUNDWATER i California Water Service Co., city main NEAR£ST WATES WeLL - OIVe OISTANCE ANo OeSCRIBE TYPe IF .ITHIN 600 PeeT' IsoIL TYPe AT FACILITY ! Approx 1,400 feet East Southeasterly I Slow B BASIS FOR SOIL TYPE AND GROUNDWATER DEPTH DETERMINATION Kern CoUnty Isohyetal Map/ Water Agency 1987 Water Supply Report. ~w~ {~ ' '! BTX & TPH p~r Kern 'County Doctrine. ~SSCRI~E IIOW RESIOOE IN TANS{S} ANO PIPING IS TO S~ RF.~OVED ANO DISPOSEO OF (INCLDDE TRANSPORTATION ANO DISPOSAL i Residue and rinseatein tanks to be shipped to recycling at State Permitted facility. ~ESCRIBE BOTH Tile DISPOSAL .E~lOO AND DISPOSAL LOCATION FOR: TAN~(S} Tanks to be cleaned to <5% L.E.L. and purged to <12% oxygen, then shipped to Valley Tree ~ cn,~r,,~timn imf dmmo]i~ion. Certificate of demolition will be provided. PIPINO Same as for the tank. { ~ / / SIGNATURE. ~ ~ W" '~/ ~/ TITLE Contractor DATe December 28,1988, (Form.~ll~P-140) ','Ve~l DrHHr, c~ i~'anr~c:r:or Registered Environmenlal Assessor Environmental Contractor 4233 Qulnn Road 2, O. ~ox 809~3 ~akersfieid, CA 93380- 0963  ~ lele~hono,. 8051 393-6370 E~ironmental He~th Div. February 28, 1989 K~n C~n~ H~lth Dept Kern County Division of Environmental Health 220'0 'M' Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Attn: Ms. Janis Lehman Refer: Underground tank removal permit No. A858-15; Smith Auction Co., 205 East 18th Street, Bakersfield, CA. Dear Ms Lehman: Work has been completed on this permit and the following items are forwarded for your files: 1. RePort of Sample .Analysis, Test #501 (sample #IA) and test #502 (Sample lB). As you can see the results of Sample iA (2' below the tank) and Sample lB (6' below the bottom of the tank) were negative. 2. Hazardous Waste Manifest #87152815, for "Waste Gasoline Tank Rinse Water'; for recycling only. The 'Kern County Tracking Record' was completed by myself and by MP ~acuum Truck Company, then forwarded to Valley Tree & Construction. Very truly yours, Attach Permi ~ ~ues ~i onn~i re ~ Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern' County, they. may choose to-have the-. permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit · and check one of the fo lowing before returning this form with payment: For PERMIT # 1~0045 C 1. Send all information to Owner at the address ........... listed on invoice (if Owner is different ~han Operator. it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent information) . - ~{ 2. Send all information to Owner at the following corrected address: 294q So. Un ion Avenue Bakersfield, ca 93307 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner). Kern County Health [~q~rtment Division o[ Environmental ~? , Appiicati e 1700 Flower Street, Bake~sfT'ei.., CA 93305 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY T_~ of Appl ication (check): ~-]Ne--~ Facility ~]Modification of Facility [-]Existing Facility [-]Transfer of Ownershi ~ergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days ~05/323-2478 Nights.. Same Facility Name Eugene D. Smith . No. of Tanks / Type of Business (Checki": ~]Gas0I~ine St]ation ..~Other (describe) Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? [[]Yes ~]No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? [[].Yes [[]No Facility Address 205 E. 18th Nearest Cross St. Union Ave. T R SEC (Rural' Locat'ions Cnly) Owner Eugene D. Smith Contact Perso~ Same Address~ 205 E. 18th St Zip 93305 Telephone Operator Same Contact Person Same Addr ess Zip Telephone ~. Water to Facility Provided by Calif Water Serv. Depth to' Groundwater Unknown Soil Characteristics at Facility Unknown Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations Unknown '. Contractor N/A CA Contractor's License No. · Address Zip Telephon~ Proposed ~tartin~3 Date Proposed' Ccmpl~tion Dste Worker's C~mpensation Certification ! Insure~ ). If This Permit Is. For Modif. ication Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modificatioru Proposed N/ A .. .~. T~nk(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ! .Waste Product Motor Vehicle unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste ~uel -~ O [] [] [] .', Ch~nical Composition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ] Chemical Stored (non-co~m%ercial name) CAS ~ (if kno~a%) Chemical Previously'Stored (if differ"n{)- -~ EMPTY Not Known Transfer of, Ownership Date o---~-Transfer N/A . Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept f~liY all ot{1-ig'ations of Permit No. issued tc · I understand that the Permitting Authority may review modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this ~dergro~d storage facil.i, ty upon receiving this c~mpleted form., This form has been completed.under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and cor~ Signature /,/~,~,_? ~ Title ~ Date :ci±~tlf N~mu ~ug~ne s. sm±[[~ permit No. 150045C (FILL OUT SEPA~TE ~CH T~K) FOR EACH SE~ION, CHECK ~ ~PROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is: ~ Vaui'ted ~n-Vaul t~ ~uble-Wal 1 ~Si~le~all 2. ~'~terial ~C~ ~eel ~ Stainless Steel ~ ~l~inyl C~oride ~ Fiberglass~l~ Steel ~Fi~rglass-Reinforcc~ Plastic ~Concrete ~in~ ~Bronze ~Unk~ ~Other (de~ri~) 3. Pr i~ Conta [~nt ~te Installed ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (Gallons) ~nufacturer "Unkno~ 4. Tank Se'c°'ndarY Co6tai~ent ~le-Wall ~thetic Liner ~nin~ Vault ~ne ~~o~ ~Other (descri~): M~ufacturer: ~terial ThiC~ejs (Inches) Ca.city (Gals.). 5.' Tank Interior Lini~ .... ~R~r ~kyd ~xy ~enolic ~Glass ~C!ay ~lin~ ~~o~ ~Other (descri~): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ... ~Galvaniz~ ~ss-Cl~ ~l~ylene Wrap ~Vinyl Wra~i~ ~Tar or ~p~lt ~kno~ ~No~ ~Other (de~ri~): ' Cath~ic Protection: ~None ~press~ ~rrent Syst~ ~cr{~tblal ~e ~t~ ~ri~ System & Equi~ent: 7. Leak Detection, ~nitori~, and Interception a. Tank: ~.Vis~l (vault~ tanks only) ~Gro~ter ~nitori~' ~Vadose Zone ~nitort~ ~!l(s) ~U-T~ Wi~out ~ner ~U-~ wi~ C~tible Liner Dir~ti~ Flow ~ Monitort~ ~ll(s)* ~ Va~r ~t~tor* ~ Liquid ~vel ~n~r* ~ Cond~tivit~ ~ Pressure Sen~r in ~ular S~ce of '~uble Wall Tank ~ Liquid ~tri~aL & Ins~ction Fr~ U-T~e, Monitori~ ~11 or ~ar ~ily Ga~i~ & I~entory Reconciliation ~Peri~ic Tigh~e~ Testi~ ~None ~ ~o~ ~ ~her b. Pipit: Fl~-Restricti~ ~ak ~tector(s) for Pressuriz~ ~nitori~ S~p with ~ce~y ~al~ Concrete ~ce~y ~lf~t C~tible Pi~ ~ceway ~S~thetic Liner ~y~Non. ~Unkno~ ~her *~ri~ ~ke & M~el: 8. Tank Tightness ~is Ta~ ~en Tigh~ess ~st~? ~Yes ~ ~kno~ ~te of ~st Tightness Test ' Results of Test Test ~e ~sti~ C~ny 9. Tank Re. ir Ta~ Re~lr~? ~Yes ~ ~nkno~ ~te(s) of ~ir(s) ~ri~ Re. irs 10. ~erfill Protection ~O~rator 7ills, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~vel ~Ta~ Fl~t Ga~e '~F!~t Vent Valves ~ Auto Shu~~ Off Controls ~citance ~r ~al~ Fill ~x '~ne ~~o~ ~Other: List ~ & ~el For ~ve ~ices a. ~dergro~d Pipi~: ~ ~ ~Un~o~ ~terial ~ Thickne~ (inches) Di~eter, Manufacturer ~Pressure ~S~tion "'~Gravity ~proxi~te ~ 0'f Pi~ b. Undergro~d Pipi~ Corrosion Proration : ....... ~lvanized ~Fi.~rglass-Cl~ ~Impress~ ~rrent ~criftcial ~Polye~yle~ Wrap ~Electrical 'Isolation ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or As~lt ~Unkno~ ~None ~her (de,crib): c. Undergro~ Pipit, ~eco~ary Contai~ent: ~l~Wall ~S~etic Liner ~stem ~ne ,~kno~ ~Other (descri~): ; --~KERN COU 2700 'M' Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 ~- Environmental Health Department (805) 86.1-3636j ", U~ERGROU~ ~~OUS ~/ ..... SUBST~CES STOOGE FACILITY FACILITY:NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Smith Auction Co. Eugene D. Smith' George Sweet 205 E. 18th St. 2543 S. Union Ave. P.O. Box 80963 -' Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield, CA License #521243 Phone: (805)-832-6262 Phone: (805)-393-63?0 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES April 23, 1989 A TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE January 23, 1989 ' ' - Janis Lehman ................................ POST ON PREMISES ........................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may bt required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiatin~ closure action. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Health and Fire Departmen- approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. Soil Sampling Any deviation from sample locations and numbers or constituents to be sampled for which are described below and in Handbook UT-30 must receiv~ prior approval by the Health Department. a. (Tank size 1,000 gallons or less) - a minimum of two samples must' b~ retrieved beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximatell two feet and six feet. 5. If any contractors or disposal facilities other than those listed on permi~ and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be grantee by the specialist listed on the permit. DISTRICT OFFICES Oelano · Lamont · LakelsaDetla · Mojave · Ridgecrest · Shatter · Taft PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A858-15 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY -- .._ 6. Soil Sampling (piping area) a minimum of two Samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately feet and six feet for every 1§ linear feet of pipe run and also near the dispenser area(s).- 7. Sample analysis a. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 8. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Healtt Department within five days of waste disposal. 9. All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Health Department mus~ be notified before,moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. 10. Permittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition trackin% record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned withi~ 14 days of tank removal. 11. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with hours advance notice. 12. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of anaiysi~ completion. ACCEPTED BY: DATE JL:cd (janis\858-15.pta)