HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK 1997! ,~3~;ERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT '' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITY, 7./3<. d3z,~ ~ ..~ ADDRESS / ~CkD OWNER {<~ ~W PERMIT TO OPERATE# CONTRACTOR ~ ~-~ ~JoC~ CONTACT.~ PERSON,~-cc-v~ TEST METHODOLOGY ~( ~-~ PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. ~6~ CONTACT PERSON RECIEPT ~ LEL% --O-- O~% CO~ PLOT PLAN .... .... CONDITION OF TA~S ~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~r~ o,c ~., CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL-~ DATE INSPECTORS NAME SIGNATURE S. C. ~/"~/D~/:::~SO/~ IP4~. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,,~,~,~ Steven S. Anderson ~ Project Manager ~¢~-- P O. BOX 81747 Bakersf eld-,-C;~ 93380-1747 (805) 392-7000 FAX (805) 391-9999 JJ ~ --JT -- -- --JT- -- ~ P..K~- _~ T ,o-~-~ ? ',TREET T ~- PAC~ ' WA~ ~ ~ ~G~ ~ v~T W V~T ~~ W '~ ' ~ ~~T ~ ' ~~ ~-T,~ a' -BOX ' '4- ' '  (6) WA~ "~ PARKING' Sl~ "~ PARKING" ~ WA~ ~ V~ ~ NO PARKING' SIGN M~ / __ g~. "NO ,,,~G- s~. : ~ ~ LOT 5 LOT 6 .... OT 7 I LOT 8 4. One Thousand Gallons 5. One Thousand Gallons BRICK IUI~ING [,J ' ~J' 8. Gallons ( S~E WAS .~ NOT [ -- ) -~: ~ ~ :7. One Thousand Gallons I I~ ~ 8. Two Thousand Gallons ~j~ ~ 9. One Thousand Gallons ~ ~ J -0.48' ~/ 10. One Thousand Gallons ' :11. One Thousand Gallons ~ " , . I~,- .. . . ~ . . . - ~ . .. 12. 250 Gallons (5 - 50 Gallon Sections) · " . ~ ~ . · · ~ ' 13. 250 Gallons (5 - 50 Gallon Sections) .~ -~ ~4. 500 Gallons BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Deparunent MEMORANDUM March 18, 1997 TO: Stan Grady, Planning Jack LaRochelle, Public Works Marian Shaw, Public Works Steve Walker, Traffic Mike Quon, Building Jim Shapazian, Fire Safety Greg Yates, Fire Safety Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials FROM: Donna Barnes, Economic and Community Development~ SUBJECT: Teo_m Bakersfield Meeting Re: Kern County District Attorney Crime Lab & Fnmily Support Please plan to attend a Team Bakersfield meeting on Thursday, Mareh,l'~, 1997 at 8:30 a.m. in the first floor Planning Conference Room, Development Service Building. The project is the Kern County District Attorney's Crime Lab and Family Support Division. The project is located on the downtown block bounded by 19th, 18th, K, and L streets. The firm of Mila?:~o and Associates has been awarded the project and have asked to meet with staff to discuss a variety of issues including exterior fire rating requirements and exits, and clearance between south wall of parking structure and north wall of building and abandoning the alley. I have attached some preliminary plans and information for your review. Please call me if you have any questions, ext. 3765. Ali ILAZZO & A SSOCIA TES architecture urban planning 3300' Truxtun Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301-3137 PROIECT KERN COUNTY DITRICT ATTORNEY CRIME LAB & FAMILY SUPPORT 1300 18th Street, Bakersfield, California BUILIDIN ANALY I_G OFFICE BUILDING PARKIN6 STRUu"ruRE OC, CUPANOF B, H OC, G U PAJ%'Y 5-4 CONSTRUGTION TYPE III-1HR C.,ONST!~GTION TYPE. II-lHR S~JNKLER..~ YES SPRINKLE~ YES AREA INCREASES $1~INKLERED ~EPARATION 3-51DF.5, 40.00' MIN. 50~ 9,000 ~.£ TOTAL ALLOWABLE 108,000 1ST FLOOR SUBTOTAL 2g,0OO s.{. A6-TUAL J~LI~. AREA 10~,~)7 MULTIPLE FLOOR 100~ 27,000 s.f. FIRST FLOOR 30,358 SUB TOTAL 54,000 ~.f. SECOND FLOOR 30,358 51~INKLERED 1OO~ 54,000 ~.£. THIRg FLOOR 30,282 s.~. TOTAL ALLOWABLE 108,000 s.£ FOURTH FLOOR 17,~3~ s.{. FII~T FLOOR 26331 ~.~. 5ECZ)ND FLOOR 26,?45 ~.~. THIRD FLOOR 26,?45 s.£ FOURTH FLOOR 25,493 ANALY.G I.G DITE ZONIN6 C.B. OVERALL 5rTE ACREA6E 69,696 .~.FJ 1.6 AC. PARKIN(~ STALL5 REO'D @ 1/450 5F 235 PARKIN~ PROVIDED RE5 HC: TOTAL ON f:,ITE 366 8 .3'74 .... , ................... , .~.~,,:~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FAMILY SUPPORT ~::;~;~:~;:~;~;~ ~:' ~ ~.. , OFFICES . .:.. r': ~. %.? .:''~'~:';: ,~ :,,~-,;?~: ~.~' ~?~ ::~ '" " ~ II ' ~,, ~-.....,, .. 'i,* · ' i '~ ~ ~' '"~-=' ~ 10 I '~9~' s'r.~'r I ,~,u~zo & ASSOC,,~TES -- architecture urban planning I : ~ 3300 T~n Avenue, Suize 3~ Bakersfield, CMi~rnia 93301-3137 ... ~ , ~ :.[ phone 8051323-38~ f~ 80SI323-33~ ~ I David Y. Mil~ ~A, Inc. A Pmf~sion~ C~r~on ~ ~ California Uc~ C-9S79 m m ~l~ m ~ m CRIME ~B & F~ILY SUP~RT ~ D~OPM~T GROUP ~ ................ ~ ......q ~ ...... ~300 Tmon Avenue, Suite 300 B~e~field, California 93301-3137 CRIME ~B & F~ILY SUP~RT ? archi~l~e urban planning ~1 '19~' STREET I 3300 Tru~un Avenue, Suite ~00 ...... phone 8051323-3800 ~-- ,, ,-- ,~- i~-i f~ 8051323-3304 ..... David V. Mil~o ~A, Inc. cali~mi~ Uc~ C-9579 ~ I ~ : ~ ~~'~' I ~ : ~ KERN COUN~ DISTRI~ A~ORNEY ~o~D.~&~,~ ! ~ ' ~ "~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ' li~ I ~i , ~,, , ,,, , , ~,.~ I '18~' STREET MILAZZO & ASSOCIATES architecture urban planning -- I .... ?~'~ ~ 3300 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 300 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ti r'-]' I _111 I ........... II ri _~ ~'~--,I .... phonefax 8051323'380008051323-3304 David ¥. Milazzo AIA, Inc. , - ~-~ .................. C~liforni~ 12cerise C-~$79 i I i i i i i i i i i i.I i i i i] i i i i i,i ,,,,~. o [] [] 0 [] 0[_~ ~OU?H ELlVA~ION [] [] [] [] Ii I I I J-- I CRIME LAB & FAMILY SUPPORT _ j!l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1]~ KERN ¢OUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1300 18~ S~-t, B,~.kessfield, CJlifomia [] [] [] ...-. i lllll FTTT1 [! IIII EA~? ELEVA?ION WE~? ELEVATION · LEE DEVELOPMENT GROUP. i 5601 TnnmJn Ave.[ Baxe~ela, ~.a., v.~-~ Illlll "1 i i i i I i iii ['~ I I Ill I I [-'] I| I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I ! ..... / I I II I I II ~ ''-' [ ~ I ~ ~I I C.] ~, . ' ' '  Il I--I [] II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 11 I III ~] 0 [-I [II ~ ~ E] ~'] FI [T-[-l'~'l I I I I I I f'l I I NORTH ELEVATION ~ I.. ~. V,a,~T I 0 N · ' -- -- ------'--'--' SENDER: · I alS~lJli~ish to receive the Complete items 1 a~2 for additional services. : Complete items 3, ~ & b. followi~rvices (for an extra Print your name and ~rress on the reverse of this form so that we can fee): ~ return this card to you. * Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1. [] Addressee's Address does not permit. . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number. 2. [] Restricted Delivery · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered, Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a, Article Number SHERMAN LEE P-390-214-456 BILL LEE'S BAMBOO CHOPSTICKS ~ ~T-~ 1203 18TH STREET [] Registered [] ~nsured ~] Certified [] COD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 [] Express Mail [] Return Receipt for Merchandise 7. Date of De.livery/ 5. Signature (Addressee) 8. Addresse~'s A~ldress (Only if requested and fee is paid) ture PS Form 381 1, December 1991 ~u.s. GPO:~ee~-~s~-?~4 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Official Business PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here ·CItY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. OFFICE OF ENVIROI~[ENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT ADDRESS CHANQE[ CLOSE ACCT j 'FINANCE CHARGE I OTHER ADJ MAILING ADDRESS I '-~(~ / ~~ ~ " CITY ~..c<..~<~ ~-% ~iC~ C~ STATE ~)~[- ..... ZIP CODE~/-¥-~ SITE ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER ADJUSTMENT I CHG DATE CHARGE CODE I ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT ! . " I REMARKS: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT October 17, 1997 Mr. Steven S. Anderson FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R, KELLY S.C. Anderson P.O. Box 81747 ~M~.~Sr~nVESE~V~CES Bakersfield, CA 93380-1747 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX(805)395,-1349 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 1300 18TM STREET. PERMIT #BR-0190. SUPPRESSION SEI/VICF.$ 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93,301 Dear Mr. Anderson: (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the PREVENTION SERVICES preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank located at the above 171$ChostorAvo. stated address. This tank was discovered and removed subsequent to the other Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805) 326-3951 tanks closed under permit BR-0187. FAX (805) 326-0576 ENViRONMENIrALSEi[,ViCES Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the 1715 Cl~esterAve. assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. Accordingly, no Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805) 326-3979 unauthorized release reporting is necessary for this closure. FAX (805) 326.-0576 ~UUNING DIVISION If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 5642 Victor Street 326-3979. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Y.Pan, RWQCB P.O. Box 81747 Bakersfield, CA 93380-1747 (805) 392-7000 Fax (805) 391-9999 I WE ARE SENDING YOU ~[~Attached [] Under separate cover via .the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans ~ Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order I-I. THESE ARE TRANSMI'I-rED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit copies for approval ~'For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit , copies for distribution [] As requested [] Returned for corrections [] Return~corrected prints [] For review and comment [] [] FOR BIDS DUE 19__ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 10.07. I~10:~! NO. LA, BORA I U IF' , IN [-i,. FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET DATE OF TRANSMISSION: iL.':' - i -97 FAX NUMBER: COMPANY: .~ ~./- l~ "...~ .~( ~ ..~ i ~ROM: ~u^ GREEN FAX NUMBER (805)327-191'8 i POOR ORIGinaL COMMENTS: ~ ANY PROBLEMS WITH TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL: ':(805) 327-4911:i~: EXT. 2,.~ ----: -.:: !: ' :.:7':':~'~:: .... '. TransmiMed by: ..................... All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alterations, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. NUMBER OF PAGES (including cover sheet): . ~. ! C9C_) ,<'.t ~?. CX.. · ~:~,: ..... :',-~f ~::d (.'.'./'~ ~fil:?,C3f3 · 'LE..C....~]-~ "',"' i~7--'~¢.:)".- 'I · F:,'~ X [EtC'tf:~) .... '~':~"....~.. 7- *': ~-: 'I o F~O~' 10.07.19 18:22 NO. 2 P. 2 A t(n: M s. '[m:l G teen (.;l~enf"~ Projerl: 10486 Da te Ret'tired: ! O/01/97 La b N o: 'Dale Sampled: (~9/30/97 Sample ID: 10.07. 19<- 18:23 NO. 2 P. 3 ~, F~ 0 I'l Clicm: BC L. abm'ator~e~ Att.: ~ls. Tina (':lien t';, F','o,i ti'!: ! Date ltecei~'ed: 1.0/01 !97 Lab No: 10695.-002 Date Sample(i: 09/30/9", ,Sample ID: 11}486-Z '10-07-1997 11: 13AM FROM BC LABORATOR I ES, I NC. . TO J22L~34 P. 03 Purge~le Aromatics Total Petrole~ Hydrocarbons ~ E~RO~~ SERVICES Date RepoSed: Z0/0'7/97. P 0 BOX 5337 ' ~ ; Date Received: ~~IE~, ~; 93~88. ~orato~ No.: 97-1~486-2,. S~ple :Descript~gn:; 18~ & K ST.: S~-14B T~ 14 6FT ~ER T~ ~!.~ BY P.C..PAYNE S~ple ~trix: ~ ~ Soil Date Collected: 09/3:~0/97 ~: , Date Extracted- 8020: i0/~4/97 ~ Da=e ~lyzed- 8020: !0/0~/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g): ~0/0;4/97 : Date ~alyzed- 8015M (g): ~10/0~/97 ' ; Da=e Ex=raoted-8015~(d): ~0/~1/97 · ~ Da=e ~lyzed- 8015M (d}: 10/~2/97 : ~alys i s ReDorting ~i tat~ion Constituents Results Unita Benzene None Detec=ed mg/kg 0.005 ', Toluene NOne Detected mg/kg 0. 005, Ethyl Benzene ' None Detected mG/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes :' None Detected mg/kg 0.01 To~al Petrole~'. H~ocarbons (~s)~ None Pe~ecced mg/k9 Surr~a~e .% 'Rec6Ve~ ~9. % ?0- ~30 Total Petrole~ - : '~[~;~;~ Hydrocarbons (SieS~l) None Detected mg/k~ 'q~.~} ' TEST ~OD: T~H b~ D.O.H.S. / :L.U.F.T. ~ual Method - Modified mB~ 80~5 I~d~vldual constxtuents by EPA Method 5030/8020. : 10-07-1997 11: 12AM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO ~ 3222034 P.02 b~SORATbRI~S P~rgeable. ~omacics : ~ ~ Total· Petrole~ Hydrocarb~s . ~. E~IRO~~ ~R~CES Date ~rced: P O B°X 5337- ~ Da~e Recei~d: 09/3p/97 B~RS~IE~, ~9]~88 ~rato~ No.: 97-~0486-1 Att:~: ~CMRIS D~ 589-522O' : S~ple :~crix: ~; ~ S0il Date Collected: 09/3~/97 ej 09:5S~ ~' Date Extracted-8020: 10/0&/97 : Date ~lyzed- 8020: i0/0~/97 ~. Da~e Extracted-801~M(g): 10/0~/9~ Date ~alyzed- 8015M (g): 10/0~/97 Date Extracted-8015M(d): 10/0~/97 Date ~alyzed-S01SM(d): 10/0~/97. ' ~alys i s Report in~ ~=i Benzene N~e Detected 'mg/kg 0. Ethyl ~enzene N~e Detected rog/kg 0. 005 Total Xylenes ~ . N~e Detected m~/k~ , 0.01 Mydrocar~ns (~as)i NOne Detec=ed mg/kg '} 1. ~ ':~ Surr~te % P, ec%~ve~ 82. % 70/130 Total Pet~ole~ ': ' Surrogate % Rec~ve~ 83. % 6 i~: TEST ~OD: T~ bY D.O.H.S. / .L.U.F.T. M~ual ~=hod - ~dified EPA 80~5 ~'% ;. I~iv~dual constituents ~ ~9A Method 50]0/8020. '; .qtuart' G. Buttr~ ~ '~0-07-1997 11: llAMFROM BC LABORATORIES. INC.. TO 3222034 P.O1 --lES, I NO:. · ; I' FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET' " DATE O1:: TRANS~M[.$$1ON: ' - -97 FAX NUMBER: ' :; : . COMPANY:' Ji. !. ~ "lq ' ' FROM:" '11~ ~,RI~ BC b [BO~,TORIES,.INC. FAX [.UM, BER (805) 327-1918 PI:{.~J]VJ]~A.~¥ .. Pending Supen4s0m signature COMMENI$: : I.' ! :i. : " .' .... e>rx) ~ !I ~ O i, -- ' ·-/::';?:~-.,. ~ ii,, 'i ~:'~: '' '::'"' .__ . i ,~ . ': . · I i : ~ : i ' ~Y P~BLEMs ~ ~ ~SMi~ION, P~E C 327 . , . .._ .~...:~:w:.,. :1 , ",~-'..' ,. ' All resdlts listed i~ ` I th~ r~d are for lhe use oi'~he subm~'g linc. a~umes' n~ re~ponslbili~ for re~fl a,er~ns, ~r~on, detachment 'or ~i~d inte~rOlation" NUMBER OF PA~ES-Onoluding Cover sheet): ~tKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTME~ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (sos) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITY ~0~ ~J~/~C- 2__~g ~,.~%-C- ADDRESS [200 t~ OWNER LC-~ DC~c-~o~e~T- PERMIT TO OPERATE#. CONTRACTOR ~C~3 ~,/~o~0~c~= CONTACT PERSON LABORATORY ~ ~I # OF SAMPLES TEST METHODOLOGY -~P~ 6~s/D~e~e= /~7~/~ PRELI~ARY ASSESSMENT CO. ~5 CO,ACT PERSON PLOT P~ CONDITION OF TANKS Ck~e-Ro~,~4 ~o~.6a o~J ~o'r-co,~ o~ ~c CONDITION OF PIPING ~o CONDITION OF SOIL COMMENTS DATE ZN,SPECTOR8 NAME SIGNATURE ,, CITY OF BAKER IELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION sITE'; .... - .... ~'=:'=" ADDRESS I~c> 1~5'rjr- .~-F'. Z~IP CODE ~,~,,~o ( APN FACII~I1T'~;-N-~I~-~.r,J' C~. 0.P~. C~ t~}4g CROSS STREET t~'rt~-- ~ ~ TANK O~VNER/OPERATOR ~ ~~P~~ PHONE NO. ~ MAILING ADDRESS ~f . ~~&/ ~ CITY ~~ - ZIP CONI'R~('TOR COMPANY ~M ~~~~6- PHONENO. ~' ~Z~ LICENSE NO. ADDRESS ~ ~ ~ CITY ~~D · ZIP INSURANCE CARRIER ~~ ~ ~x~ff~ WO~ENS COMP NO, ~1 II1~¢~ ~ELIMINA~Y ~SSESSM[NT INFORMATION COMPANY~ ~ ~ PHO~ NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS CITY ZIP INSURANCE CARRIER WO~NS COMP NO. TANK (:LEaNInG COMPANY ~~ ~ ~~~~ PHO~NO. ADDRESS CI~ ZIP WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NU~ER ~ ~ ~ ~~ NAME OF RINSA~ DISPOSAL FACILI~ ~~ ADDRESS ~ ~' ~~~ CI~ ~~ ZIP. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~~~~ TAN~ TRANSPORTER l~fO~lTIO~ COM PA N Y ~ PHONE NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS ~ Cl~ ZIP TANK DESTINATION ~~tff ~~ ~ vouJm , s,ol For Olli¢ial TI I1! AI'I'I,ICANT I IA,q RI.',CI,:IVI.:I). I INI)I,:RSTANI)S, AND WILl, COMPI,Y WITll Till'; A'I'TACI II,:l) C()NI)I'I'I( iNS ()1.' Tills I'I{RMIT ANI ) ANY { )TI II.:R STA'I'I,:, I,( )CAI, AND I.'I.:I)I.:R^L I(EGIJI,^'I'ION8. '1'1 IlS I.'~ )RM I lAS I It.:I.:N C( )MIq,l.:'l'l,:l ) I INI)I.:R PI.:N^I,TY O1.' P[,:R.II/RY, AND TO TI I1:! IIES'l' ~~~"~--'-'- X]', ^VV~.~C^N'r N^~': THIS APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED CITY OF BAIKERI~JELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK ..... S.I%EA NF-'O RMATION ..... - SITE ADDRESS I~c:, 1~5-r-~ .6'W. 2;IPCODE O~o~ APN FACILITYNAMEiLff~ ~. ~.&.~ ~ CROSS STREET ~ ~ ~ 'rANK OWNER/OPERATOR ~W ~~~~ PHONE NO. ~' o MAILING ADDRESS ~of ~~ ~ CITY ~~ - ZIP CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION COMPANY ~ ~~g~~C. PHONENO. ~9. ~ LICENSE NO. ~ ADDRESS Po ~o~ ~~ CITY ~~ · ZIP INSUaANCECAaR~Ea ~~ q ~t~ff~ WO~ENS COMP NO. ~%7 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COMPANY~ ~ ~ ~ PHO~ NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS CITY ZIP INSURANCE CAaa~ea wo~aNS COMP NO. 'rANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY ~:~-¢xA~ ~ ~tTTZ~r~-/-t-c~--. PHONE NO. ADDRESS CITY ZIP WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~ e)~:~ ~.,.~. eDS"(_ad~r~ NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILITY [~-.~j~ ADDRESS ~ooo t,..(, f~'-t..,.4k ¢qk'w'F"~ CITY ~.,,-~~ ZIP FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~--,bqT-t:~:n~a:> I ~ ~ ~"~' TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS t CITY ZIP TANK DESTINATION q,l~L..t..~t: "]q'~ ~ ~.~O~-"T~'~ .................. TANK IN FORMATION C.EMICAL OATES CHEMICAL TANK NO. AGE VOLUME STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED For { ~lticial t ;se (hdv APPLICATION DATE · FACILITY NO:::.' ':!NO: OF TANKS: '1'111(/\I'I'I,ICANI' I IAS RI.:CEIVH). IINI)I.:RSI'ANDS. AND WILl, COMPI,Y WFHI TIIE A'I"I'AC[[I.]) C()NI)H'If)NS (')1: Tills I't.ZMIT ANI) ANY ()TI IER fiT/\l I(. I.()CAI, AND I:I,])I.iRAL REGUI,AllONS. TI IlS I:( )RM I lAS I iI.T'N C()MI"I.I:IT'.I) {INI)I.',R PI:.NAI,TY OF PERJURY, AND 'FO TI I1::, BI'~ST O1: MY KN()WI.I.',I)GI',' IS 'I'RtlE AI'I'I.ICANI' NAMI:. (I:RINT'~ Al Pl .ICANI' SI(;NAT! IRE THIS APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED · PERMIT I~P, KING SIGN l'-/ A.C. PARKING LOT I -- JT WA PAC-B~II ~,~' ~:~ ~ (8) WA~ -~.:-~SA.~ "NO PARKING" SIGN WA~ NO PARKING' SIGN SIGN OLD E~C ME~R PAC~ I } } BLOCK LOT 5 I LOT 6 ~1~ ~ ~ ,.o'~ ~i~ ~q ,.O. ~'j BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT September 16, 1997 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINIS~.AIIVESERVICE$ Mr. Steven S. Anderson 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 S.C. Anderson (805)326-3941 P.O. Box 81747 FAX (805) 395-1349 Bakersfield, CA 93380-1747 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street BakersflelcI, CA93301 CLOSURE OF 11 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE (805) 326-3941 TANKS LOCATED AT 1300 18th STREET. PERMIT #BR-0187. FAX (80,5) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES Dear Mr. Anderson: 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the FAX (805) 326-0576 preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the eleven tanks located at ENVlKN~NMENTALSERVICES the above stated address. Seven additional items were also removed as 1715 Chostor ^¥o. "decommissioned" tanks. Bakersfield, CA 93301 [805] 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the T~INING DIVISION assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 3994697 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) FAX (805> 399-5763 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dm attachment cc: Y Pan, RWQCB ~'%. 'I:JNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT EblE RGENCY ~ STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES FOR/OCAL:'AGENC~ USE ONLy. :.:~i::::.:~:'~ :/7: :i '~:':~: :' :' *:":: ,'. ::'"*: 5' " [] YES [~ NO flEPOflTBEENFILED? [] YES ~] NO iHEREBY'CERTFYTHAT:}:HAV~DISTRIBUTEDTHI$'INFOflUATK~ACCORDINGTOTHE '":::!iii?i:;}:' : DISTRISU;r, II~N'SHOWN ~iTHE INS'~UCTION mEET ON THE 8ACK PAGE OF THIS FroM:: NAME ~TDIVIOUAL FILl' "F. PORT I-' ~ REPRESENTINO [] OWNERK)PERATOfl [] REOIONAL BOARD I COMPANY OR AQENCY NAME ~ AOORESS ~TREET CITY ~TATE ZIP ,. NAME I CONTACT PERSON I PHONE AOORE$S FA¢~rI'Y NAME (IF APl~.l~Ll~ OPERATOR I PHONE  ADORESS /goo / sT- so 93.3o/ LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAME CONTACT PERSON PHONE ~ ~ REGIONAL BOARD PHONE m (1) NAME QUANTITY LOST (GALJ. ONS) L/~ C-~ O t ~ ~//--40 [] UNKNO~ ~. DAmO;~-~-VERED I HOWD~COVE~ [] i~oRyco~. [] SU~SU~ACEM~n'ORI~ [] NU~ANDECONOmONS DATE OISCHAROE BEGAN METHOD USED TO STOP DI~3HARG~ {O~ECK AIL THAT APPLY} ~ ~) ~ '~.l t I~ t OI ¢~ 'fl 7 YI [] UNKNOWN ,~REMOVE CONTENTS ~I~'CtOSE TANK & REMOVE [] REPAIR PIPING >~ HA~ DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED ? [] REPAIR TANK [] CLOSE TANK & FlU. IN PLACE [] CHANGE PRO~RE SOURCE OF DISCHARGE CAUS6($) cu cu CHEC~ ONE ONLY ~ CHECK ONE ONLY ~ ~ [] NO ACTION TAKEN [] PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPt. AN SUBMITTED I----] POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION i ~ [] LEAXBEIRGCONFIRMED F'--I PRELIMINARYSlTEAS~ESSMENTUNDERWAY ~, POSTCLEANUPMONITORINOtNPROGRESS ['-"1 REMEOIATION PLAN I-~ CASE CLO~ED (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) [] CLEANUP UNDERWAY ~ CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(~) 4~ EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) i REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) [] ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (n~ ~ [] CAPSrTEm [] EXCAVATE&TREAT(ET) [] PUMP&TREATGROUNDWATER(GT)I--'] REP~ACE SUPPLY (RS) '~ o ~ CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) c..~ NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) [] TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) [] VENT SOIL I1 vACuUM ~r~ou:rOt~ II OmER{On , /[, \P.O. Box 81747 Bakersfield, CA 93380-1747 ~)~1 (8os) ~ Fax(__? 391-9999 '~-o.o~-~ ~ ~a::: ~'" ~/~A~ q ~°'"°'~W~ WE ARE SENDING YOU ~~~~rate cover via the following items: ~ Shop drawings ~ Prints ~ Plans ~ Samples ~ Specifications ~ Copy of le~er ~ Change order ~. COPIES DATE NO, DESCRI~ION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit copies for approval A~' For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit copies for distribution > [] As requested [] Returned for corrections [] Return.~.corrected prints [] For review and comment [] [] FOR BIDS DUE 19__ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US //' coPY TO. --~ SIGNED: If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us st once. CHAJN OF ~\~'  ~: ::~..~. $ :~, ..;:.:..:+>:~ ...>.. ................... 6( IldimluLqh~ By Rdi~u~ l}y Bill Tcz ~N E~RONME~ SE~CE ~ P~ ~ce ~x ~7 ~ke~eld, ~lEomia ~ ,, ' ' SHIPPING SPECIFICATIONS .~ SH(IP~ (~NTAINER Federal Express ~ UPS C Hand Delivew ~ I Ice Chest ~ Box D · ~ SAMPLE CONDITION :l I empernlure__.°c Temperalure. Temper~ure n Con~ainer Ice ~ Blue Ice ~ Non~ Comments: Custodv.Seals: Ice Chest ~ Containers ~ NoneS. All samples received? Yes No ~ All samples intact7 Yes -No ~ Description match CCC? SAMPLE CONTAINERS "':~- i QT GENERAL MINERAU GENERAL PHYSICAL ~PT PE UN~ES~VED ~QT INORGANIC CHEMICAL M~ALS ~PT INORGANIC CHEMICAL M~ALS ~PT CYANIDE '.... ~ PT NITROGEN FORMS .... ;:~' TOTAL SULFIDE ~ 2ez. NITRATE ~ NITRITE ~ ~ 00mi TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ~QT TOX ~ PT CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND ~ ~ 00mi PHENOLICS -,-- ~ ~0ml VOA VIAL T~AVEL B~NK ~0ml VOA VIAL ~VOA SET {3 VIALS, 1TBI ... ; PT ODOR ~ RADIOLOGICAL :PT EPA 504 ::1 . QT EPA 508i608/8080 C3T EPA 515.1/8150 :QT EPA 525 .--. · , QT EPA 525 TRAVEL B~NK ' :" ' ~ 0Omi EPA 547 :~00mlEPA531.1 , QT EPA 548 .QT EPA 549 · 'QT EpA 632 .-::. :QT EPA ~015M .... ;': .... QT QA/QC QT AMBER 32 OZ. JAR SOIL SLE~E .. PCB VIAL PLASTIC BAG Page 1 LABORATORIES Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 09/03/97 P O BOX 5337 Date Received: 08/29/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 97-09298-1 Attn: CHRIS DEARMON 589-5220 Sample Description: 97-4994B SCA UST REMOVAL SCA-100 13' BSG, 24' FROM S. CURB, SAMPLED BY C. DEARMON. sampling Date/Time: 08/29/97 ~ 02:00PM Method Constituents SamDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method -Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 33. mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor II ;esults listed in this report ars for the exclusive use ot the submitling party. BC Laboratories, Inc. essumes no responsibility for t'eport elteration, seperation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (805) 327-4911 . FAX (805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 09/03/97 P 0 BOX 5337 Date Received: 08/29/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 97-09298-2 Attn: CHRIS DEARMON 589-5220 Sample Description: 97-4994B SCA UST REMOVAL SCA-101 13' BSG, 32' FROM S. CURB, SAMPLED BY C. DEARMON. Sampling Date/Time: 08/29/97 ® 02:00PM Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EP~-418.1 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, seperation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Ct. o Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-4911 . FAX (805) 327-1918 FAiCS!MiLE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET ATTENTION' _ COMPANY: FROM: Christy J. Ariey .... '": :' BC LABORATORIES, INC FAX NUMBER (805) 327-1918 COMMEiNTS: Ail result ..... ~=~u~, r re o~:~alteraaons,,,separatmn,%de~chment or.¢~rd pa~ C a um · .-,.: .. '~b';,,~. :~.~ ', interpretation. · ~ '.~ NUMbeR OF PAGES (including cover s~eetl: ~ ~ROH 05.22.1997 ~, '9 NO. I P. 2 ~age 1 LASO~ATOR '5 'TOTAL CONCW. NTRA~IONS (California Code of Regulations, ~tle 22, Section 66261) KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES' Date Reported: 08/21/97 P O BO~ 5337 Date Received: 08/18/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 97-08844-1 Attn: .C. DEARMON 589:52h0 SampleiDescrlptlon: JOB ~9~-4994B S.C. ANDERSON i18TH AIqD L. ST,, SCA-13 MAD & SOIL MIX ~ FROM UNDERGRO[]ND T&uNKS, SA~,'LED BY P.C. PAYNE. Sampling Date/Time: 08/i8/97 ~ 01:54PM Title 22 Waste Type: Type iii: Non-filterable, nlon-millable sludge. Regulatory .~ Criteria u Me thod STLC TLC Constituents ~am~. le Results units P.O,L. Method m~/L mq/kq Antimony None D~tected mg/kg §. 0 SW- 6010 15. 500. Arseni~ 4.7 m~/kg 0 .'5 SW- 6010 5.0 500. Barium '. 275. mg/kg 0.5 SW- 6010 100. 10000. Beryllium .qon, Detected mg/kg 0 5 SW-6010 0.75 7S. Cadmiu~ 0.62 mg/k~ 0 5 SW-6010 1.0 100. ChromiUm 12. mg/kg 0 5 SW- 6010 560. 2500. Cobalt'~ 6.2 mg/kg 2 5 SW-6010 80. 8000. Copper 9.0 mg/kg 0 5 SW- 6010 25. 2500. Lead ~ 12. mg/kg 2 5 SW- 6010 5-.0 1000. Mercury .qone Detected mg/kg 0 2 SW-7471 0.2 20. Molybdenum .~one Detected mg/kg 2 5 SW-6010 350. 3500. Nickel.:. 7.2 mg/kg 2 § SW.- 6010 20. 2000. Selenium .qone Detected mg/k~ 0.5 SW- 6010 1.0 100. Silver ~one Detected mg/kg ~. 0 SW-6010 5.0 500. Thal 1 idm .~one Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW- 6010 7.0 700. Vanadium : 31. mg/kg 0.5 SW?.60~0 24. 2400. zinc ? 86. mg/kg 2.5 SW- 6010 250. 5000. Organic Lead .~one Detected mg/kg 1.0 ~i~i?j.~i~~6626~ None 13. Co~men~: All above conszttuents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results report=d represent totals (TTL~l..as...~ample S~bje.cted ~o appropriate P.Q.L. = Quan~itatlon Limit (refers tw t~*~east amd~ of analyte quantifiable b~sed on sample size used and ~alytical t6~hnique employed}. STLC - Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total ~nreshol Limit Concentration CCR = "State of Callf mia, Callfo~ia Code SW , "Test Methods f~r Evaluating Solid wastes ~s~cal/Chen%ical Methods" EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. [ {'. *...' '' lAC. assumes no r~pon$1blllt¥ for multi Illll)d In this (~pMI IW® for Ihe exciurdve uso ot th4 illUbm;ltlng pef2y. IBC I~llborllMlel, report alterMIon, leperllkm, deta(:hmenl m' third pa~y inl. erpretaUon. 4100 ^tlas Ct. ~ Bakersf'mld, CA 9~308 (805} :~27-4911 FAX (805) $27-1918 / ~ROM 08.22.1997 '9 NO. 1 P. LADGF{ATOe!~S i Purgeable Aromaticls ! and .. Total Petroleum Hydrodarbons KERN ENVIRONI~ENTAL SERVICES[ Date Reported: 08/21/97 P O BO~ 5337 I Date Received: 08/18/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 i Laboratory No.: 97-08844-1 Attn: iS. DEA~ON S89~52~0 i Sample. Description: JOBi#9;-4994B S.C. ANDERSON !leTH AND L. ST., SCA-13 MAD & SOIL MIX FROM ~DERGROUND TANKS, SAMPLED BY P.C. PAYNE. Sample Matrix: Soii i Date C611ected: 08/18/97 @ 01:54PM Da%e ExtraCted-8020: 08/20/97 D~te Analyzed-8020: 08/20/97 Date E~tracted-8015M(~): 08/20/97 Date ~nalyzed-8015M(g): 08/20/97 :~ Date E~tracted-8015M{d): 08/19/97 i1 Date 9u~alyzed-~01SM(d): 08/21/97 !t ~ Practical ~! Analysis Reporting Quantitation Consti~%ents Results Units , L~mit Benzen9 None Detected mg/kg- O.OO5 Toluen~i None Detected mg/kg] 0.005 Ethyl ~nzene 0.005 mg/kgl 0.005 Total ~lenes None Detected m~/kgi 0.01 Total ~troletu~ HydroCarbons (gas) 21. mg/kg~ 5. Surrogate % Recovery 104. % 70-130 Total Petroleum Hydro%~rbons (diesel) 21. mg/kg 10. 93 64-128 Surrogg~e:. % Recovery . % TEST ~.~HOD:-- TPH by D.O.H.$. / L.U.F.T. Manual M~thod - MQdlfled EPA 8015 ·i Individualconstituents by EPA Method 5030/80~Q;~{~?!~- Note: i~UL's were raised due to high concentration of ~arg~t analy~es requiring '~ ~ampl e dilution. i~ample chromatogram not typical of ~asoline/die~el !'~ 4100A~s Ct . B~ersf~ld, CAe~08. (~5) 327-4911 . F~ {805) 527-1918 FRON 08.22.1997 12:18 NO. 6 P. 2 Page LASORATORI ~S TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) KERN E.NVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 08/22/97 P O BOX 5337 Date Received: 08/19/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 97-08888-1 Attn: iCHRIS DEARMON 589-5220 Sampl~ Description: JOB #97.4994B S.C. ANDERSON J.S.T. REMOLEAZ: SCA-14 2' ® S.E. TANK, .. SILMPLED CHRIS DEARMON. "~ 08/19/97 · 03:05PM Sampling Date/Time: Title ig2 Waste Type: ~/pe i: Millable Solid - NO Free Liquid I' I~ Regulatory :! Criteria ~ Method STLC TTLC ~onst] tuent~ Sample Results Unit~ P.O.L. MethQd mq/L mq/kq Lead ~ None Detected mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. TOX I~ * None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-9020 Comment: Ail above constituents are reported on an as received ~(wet) sample basis. I Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate i techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.Li = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers t~ th~ least amount of analyse I quantifiable based on sample size used ahd~.a~alytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SM = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", i EPA-SW-846, September, 1986: Flag Explanations: * ~ Sample analyzed by Advanced Technology Laboratories. Dan SChul~"~ Laboratory Director All results listed In this report are for the exclusive use of th~ subndltlng party. BC Laboratories. Inc. assumes no responsibility for report oltaration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 4100 Atlas Ct... Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-4911 · FAX (805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES : . Page TOTA3~ CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 08/22/97 P 0 BOX 5337 Date Received: 08/19/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 97-08888-3 Attn: CHRIS DEi~ug-MON 589-5220 Sample Description: JOB #97.4994B S.C. ANDERSON J.S.T. REMOLEAZ: SCA-16 2' ® N.E. TANK, SAMPLED CHRIS DEARMON. Sampling Date/Time: 08/19/97 % 03:05PM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents iSample ResultS Units P.O.LL Method mq/L m~/kq Lead 2.9 mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. TOX * None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-9020 Comment: Ail above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to t.~]e..least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and..a, nalytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration '~. TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: Evaluatihg¥ Solid Wast'es SW = "Test Methods for PhYsical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986.' Flag Explanations: * = Sample analyzed by Advanced Technology Laboratories. Dan Schultz~' ~, .~. Laboratory Director All results listed In this repod ara for the exclusive usa of the submitting patty. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes nO responsibility for report alteration, t, eperation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4t ¢t~ AfI~ C~f . ~k'~r~fiAId ~,A ,~.'~.'~R . (R~fi~ ,cl~7-d.ql I . FAX (805~ 327-1918 ~ F~O~ 08.22. 1~! ~2:20 NO. 6 P. 4 LABORATORIES Page TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 08/22/97 P O BOX 5337 Date Received: 08/19/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 97-08888-4 Attn: CHRIS DEARMON 589-5220 Sample Description: JOB #97.4994B S.C. ANDERSON J.S.T. REMOLEAZ: SCA-17 6' ~ N.E. TAI~K, SAMPLED CHRIS DEARMON. SamplinG Date/Time: 08/19/97 ~ 03:05PM Title 22 Waste Type: TyPe i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Regulatory Criteria Method' STLC TTLC Constituentg Sample. Results Unit~ ~.O.L. Method mg/L mq/kq Lead None Detected mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. TOX * None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-9020 Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers tO th~..least amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used andl.analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluati~g. Solid Wast'es .PhYsical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SWo846, September, 1986.' Flag Explanations: ',~ * = Sample analyzed by Advanced Technology Laboratories. Dan SChult z Laboratory Director All reaulls II.led in thle ~epOrt ere for the exclusive use O! the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report elteratlon, eeperetlon, cletachm~nt or third party interpretation. FROM 88.22.1 ~.' 17 NO. G P. 1 ! ABQRATIDRIES, F~CSIMILE TRANSMISSION;COVER SHEET DATE OFiTRANSMISSION:. ~ -D~9'97 FAX NUMBER: Ag-i'ENTION: ~v/h ~"~ FROM: Christy J. Ariey ..... . BC LABORATORIES, INC. ~-' F.tLX NUMBER (805) 327-1918 . ¢' ,:... :;L':.,. ~.~.,?~.,.:. . ,. ' '::., t, , ~ ?b'.'.:..:' .'! I. 't"" "::; .:i "-. ~ ., ANY PI~OBLEMS WITH T 'RANsMISSION, PLEASE CALL: (805l 327-49i'1 EXT. 201 I All results listed in this re orr are for tne:Excms,ve use~'ot.;,tli~e submJttmg, party.',:~;. Laboratories, Inc. a~sumes no responblb~ity for repo~l..t, eratJons;~separatlon,.,,,~letachment:,or:::third party interprbtation, j "?:'; ~ ~ "-:~ Transr~' ' ~ ~::;:"¢~!~Ji '="~'~'~"~': '-?::"': "": ': .. - - '~.y','-;.-~-:'.-[ : '"- :..".i:; , , ."-'~-,': ..... .'.-,,*~ ~.:'~;'-::~;] '.~, ~....'~.~.~ "'~-. ::~.' i ' '-'" I ~.' .'~ -~ ~' '~..~,:~ ~: ;;:~ ':' ..:..,,: '... NUMB R OF PAGES (inclluding cover sheet}: v._~ .-.~ .~ Page 1 LABO~A~O~I~i TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) KERN EN~IRObTM_ENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 08/22/97 ' p O BOX, S337 Date Received: 08/19/97 BAKERSfiELD, CA 93388 i Laboratory No.: 97-08888-2 Attn: :CHRIS DEAP, MON 589-5220 Sample ipesc 'pt'o : JOB #97.4994B S.C. ANDERSON J.S.T. R]~MOLEAZ: SCAo15 6' ~ S E TANK, !} SAt4PLED CHRIS DEARMON. Sampll~ Date/Time: 08/~9/97 ~ 03:05PM Title ~ Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid I' i Regulatory i Criteria ii Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.O.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead " None Detected mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. TOX * None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-9020 Comment~: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reportpd represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to~,'the 71east amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used ~d.a,nalytic~l technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration ~'. REFERENCES: SW !~ "Test Methods f6r Evaluating..Solid Wastes P. hysical~/Chemical Methods", ,~ EPA-SW-846, September, 1986.,~ Flag Explanations: * = .Sample analyzed by,. Advanced Technology Laboratories. Laboratory Director ?~ 3? '~ .~. results listed In tht~ report are for the exclusive use of the aubm ttng party. BC Laboratories Inc, assumes no respons b ]lty for report a teretlon seperst on db~achment o~ third party interpretation. 4100Atlas Ct.. iBakersfield, CA 93308 e (805) 327-4911 . FAX (805) 327.1918 L./i QRATORI '-' I.l"q ( ' F~ CS'iMILE TRANSMISSION ~OVER SHEET DATE OF TRANSMISSION: i - - FAX NUMBER: ATTENTION: FROM: Christy J. A,tiey ".'-.i:.'.'.! ..-.'"' BC LABORATORIES. INC. '.:' .! FAX NUMBER !(805) 327-1918 ~'.;. COMMENTS: .... '?"' :.i" ' !' ;' ,-: .i' .' .'ti. ~ .!,. ' ...: ANY PROBLEMS WITH TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CA, LL: (805) 327-4911 EXT. 201 ; the::excluswe us,e, of;tti~e submitt.m..gparty..,~BC.. Laborat Ail results listed in this report' are for "~? .... ~"' -k-.~;-..-.~- · ~:~,.~.~ .~.~ .~. ~ -~:~;~_~.~(~ . "¢~<:.~':=-.~-',. · ,,, ~, . . Inc. assumes no responS, ib~itY for report:~alteral~ons;~[..s..eparatJon;~d.e, tachment:-or.=:'third party. interpretation, i ',,:.: . ! ., -I : ' , ~: ', ! '~.-:-'_'~';i~ "%~.7.1 ~ '"~;.~i~ '"'"~"'::" '"""' !' .,~..~: . .,..¥.~ -..!. NUMB R OF PAGES (incl' ding c~ver sheet): t.j.~. / 4100 Atlas Ct[ · Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (805 327-4911 . FAX (805) 327-1918 , ~ ~8-2~-1997 04:48PM F~OI '.ABORATORIES, INC.. TO ~222104 P.02 , i'~ ~ i ...... - . ! ,: I LAi~RATORIE~ "ii : - : : Pag'~ 1 ToTal Pe~.roletun :ityd~:ocai'b~ns KEI~ ENV'ZRO~I~.' '~EEVICES DaCe P'O ~ 5~37 ]' , Da~e ~iVed: :08/15/97 " ~FIE~, ~~g88 : L~orato~ No.: 97-b880~-Z' 589~S220 ' ~ * : ~ ' {: i .. " .". · .! , ~ ~ ' f . . S~le' ~scrlptI~:~ ~OB ~97-~994B S.C. ~RR~, 18~ ~ :L. ST, a-[ ~0t~ P~ ~ C~I Ticle 22 Wa~e '  ;: ~ i: Mill~le Solid - No F~e Li~id : % - ,. ~ Co titue~tB i [ S~le ~lts. Units P.~.L.'~ = H~C~s: [ ~ 16000. ~9 ~000. : ? :. .: . ~ , ;. ':. " ~[ ~ ; :'~ "2' ;. -I:. ,.. :. .: .~ ~ '~1~ ~: :-~ '~: -'- ~ ~ ~ .., ..... ~ ,. : :' ~... ~ ' : %, . ~. : ~ . · -. "~'' ' - : ~ t~': ~ ' ,':' ,, '" :: ~ . . . ..~ .... · .".~'. : il"'~ ~"' :" ,- i i': 'I .. i: · : . . · ' .{ .i · '.~Ji~i~ll:-i ' '= ' '=~" · · .1~'. , :~ . i,: -.;:-,. · i "~"~'~1I.% ' ~ '=;. ",. ' "' ~"" " .... · {. ~ : ., ' , .. ,~ .~' i '. : ''.~:=ta~l' '.'-!::.d. !~ 'l ::;~i' ;~ "' · ~I'e dxl~-. ...... ', ,.-~<,~::~ . :" -'~.~': : ~* :.: '..-:' : ' J : ',~l,;.. ' ~..:N~;- '~'~;'~' ~. 4 '~ ~. ~ ~ ~-'e ,'~, ~"' :' ' } · ' " :' · ~ ' "' ' : .... · ~ ~ · "~ ..... ~ ~ -d',~ :- ~: ~a~x..- q~.., d 'q.-.~21" De~ar~nt S~er ~$er .... i~ · : ' 4.% ; '~ ' I ' .' ' "' 88-28--1999 04:49PM F~/ 'qBORATORIES, INC.. TO ~2104 P.03 KEEN .E]~ZI:~DeB~I~J%T~ .S~Z]:CBS ~al:e ae]{;~orr, ed: 08/Z0/97 P 0 BOR 5337 ;. Date ~celv~d: 08/~/97 Title . ; : :..: : '.. .- : : . : : . ..' i · · . :t' :.~ ii-'::; ;. : [ :... = . ; . iI .-.. ~. ~'~ !. ; : { :':' ...: . . .. : .! · . .~. i ' I =. ~..., ~ , ~ ': : ":'""""-' ........ ',:::-:.'.:' ii i: [ i ' :'" ~':'' ~"' " ' 'h]: ..'.:' - ~ . '}.'i · ] .=:= : ].; '.,:. .:: .: ~ ' " ; I : '%~'~ ] - :.' ~- ':..: , i i 'iI : ~& : ".'l :! { '. '"i' " ; I ;' .. , , , ....,.,..:...,..,.,. _. .... :..T,,... . ..,~... ..... . i[i i.... :: .,:......., .....;..,,.~=.:-,~,: ,~"?, ~: :~:~ ~.. , =.. . · ~'. ~,:. --.~ =":' .... ::;0 ~' ;".' : "'~" '"'." ':. !. ' ~: ' ":"'" ';.. ,- : ':~:.:-:.~.~:,'., ',? ~ :=.;, ....;.. .... .. . . ! Ca.l±foroia: $ '.~;~ - :. .. .;. ~' .. ,-:: ; ", ~ ' ' "' ' ~: i' F-..f ,~..'..li:~' ".-~.~..t ~'- ' :' · · ~:.: ¢,~:~ .,.,~. .~ .... ..::.- .~ .~.....~ · .-i -.; '.-' :' .: - .. : 4100 . Ct.. Bal(emfield, CA 93308. (805) 327-4911 . FAX (805) 327-4918; : __, .~ 1~8-21~--199'7 04:49PH FRO/C I_RBCIRRTORIES, INC.. TO 3222i04 P.04 .. LABORATORIES ;'. [ ~ ~ag~' ]<]~EN ~,4-~zA~mm~J~zg,.~i ~v~c,z$ Date Re[x:~cce~.: 08/20/9'; P O S0X s3~.'7 ~ .' Date Reoef~,~cl-- 08/~'5/97 . 589-52~0 = I' - - : . ~j ~ : Total Re~we~lA ~t~le~ - . ~ : : ~ ~ 3.". ..~:... .~ .. ;... ~ . : · ; .~ .. ... ...... -. ~ : .. -f: : iI ""'"' '~' · ':~ I '"~ ~-::~ ~'"~'"" ' ''::' ..... " .;:,~ · . ~ ':.' :.. ..:.... '; ! ~ :.. /~. _'~' ~ - . , ,~ - . · .' . : · ~- .: . ' %.::. ~. : ; ~ :. ~' ':.~ ..,: : : ; . ~_ ~ ~-2E~-I~D? 04:49PM FROI ~GL~OR~TORIES, INC.. TO ~222t04 P.05 ~ ~ ~8-2~-1997 04:50PM Fm/ ' ABORATORIES~ INC.. TO ~222104 P.06 i , ,. :F. " ..... ' "'-' ..... ,, **" **i ~:* i '' " i CASI]I~ATORI~S' '*' :. ' -, Page 1 ~ · ; · ~ t~EllOX~ ~IE~S Dal:. Reported: - ' , ~I .- Total ~oeove~l~ ~car~s ' N~O Detecte~ ~/kg 20. ~ : i ~ : . .~ ' ' '~- '? m!.~" ~-' : : ! ~ ~ "' .... - .. ':(. ~-'. :~': :I' : ': ' · . : .~. '~' .... · ; ~ . · · 'iT' '. ."' :' '.' ~ 'I " ~ : : :; ; , ' ~ '~ :~ ~.~[~:~ ,., ;. ·; .... ~- .' ' ..,, ,,, ,....:. ',.'~n*S~..'. ~:'t1 i .~.¢~ ~i; ;.,',": :;~? ~ . q~.~, ~:.~ ~- . · . :i · ~ ' li'.~;~: ??:.'i "~'. ~ ~' , '"~) (' " ' ' "?-" ' -I. -." ~ s D8-2~-1997 04:50PM FROKI~C ~ABORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222104 P.O? i~. I / . ~ ,. ~ ~ . .~ .:~ ... : ? · .~. · "[.- :~.~ - '"::'~; t[.:., . ,. . ' ~.,~ :**~ .. ~ r ~ ~[' ~ ~.:.-::- ;.-:. ' ;.d~L. : " . . - '~4; "~':' ' '. ~ ~ : i '"' ' . · ~ · . ~ . . . ~' ~' 1~8-2~-1~97 04:51PM ~.ABORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222104 P.08 I ' :~ % l' '~ i : i ~ ' · : i :. .I . Total ! i~ . " I . .; ~ ~ .. ~ I ' ~L '. .i ' ~. '" I ., " · - L I~. ' ' ' I ~.~ i ~8-2~-1997 04:51PM FmI ~ABORATORIES~ INC.. TO ~2~2104 P.09 . , .i ~ ' ' Title Z2 Waste ~ i ~ i: ~l~le Solid - No Free ~ : I. . Con.giVings., . :~ . ~ .. _ ..... . ..'~ . : '~ - 1: : - ,~. .* . -II ,' '. " :.. , '"~ :- , . ~--. ~ .~. I "; ':{ ~ ~;" ~' : ~ ~ ~; :J -': . :. : . '.;.'--.~. : '1 : :,.~e, . .,~':,: .: .f..:**.:~ . , j;: '~' - , .~ ' · - -~ '~t~.~' ~,'~ ' "~"~ .[ '[":i'"~: "~;"~ ' · .~ :~ :.:.~ ,f · :'~'7.;:~ u-~... ':~..~'~ ~:~[ ' "'. ~ .~. ~~ ; '~.. ;, :~) '~ . . .: , ~ , . · ~8-2~-1997 04:52PM ~.ABORATORIES, INC.. TO ~22~104 P. 11 ; I ' I : : [~t~o~ C~ of ~l~Ci~s, Title 22, Secci~ ~6261)" : I* P 0 ~ 5337 ' I' ~te ~e~i~d: B~FIE~, ~ ' 9~J88 L~ra~o~ No.: 91-0~803-1~' S89-5220 ~: *~. ; -; '~ :. ~ ~ Ee~iaco~ ~tim~ ; None ~tected ag/kg 5- 0 S.-60IO .;. 15.: SOO. ~-s~ni~ 6.6 ~/k9 0.5 SW- 60~0 ? 5. ~ 500. Batik: .': , . ~5. ~/kg 0.5 SW-601p .~ 100.', 10000. ' :' ' :' 0.~5 ~: ~5~_ Be~ll~' :~= . N~e ~tec=ed ~/~ 0.5 . C~lt :~ '7.2 ~/kg 2.5 SW-60:~ .~ ' a0.~' 8000': ~r~ o.5[ ~/k9 0.2 ~w-747~ ' [ 0.~ 20. Seleni~ ;~ ; .... ~iii~ .~ .f ' No~e ~c6eced. ~/kg $.o: swUgoio S~ soo::; V~i~ :j 3~. m~/kg 0.5 ' ~W-6010 :~ 24 .;' 24'00.. SW- 601D 350 .I '500~ . zinc ':: , ~3e. rog/kg 2.5 , ~; :.. :.- ,' : .ii.:. :. :. ' :f ~1'. : ~: ; . . : , j.,: ~. · , : .:. . : :., ; · .-. : i " ; -i. : ': I · ': ' ' C~:: ~1 ~'C~StltU~ a~ re~ed ~,.~,9~ rece.%~., (wet) ~ ~i~. ' te~i~ to ~te~e tot~ levels. ~:~::.~ :~[;:: ' .J .... ~ [":' '. ::.~ . - : ~ : "t. 1>~- "':~ :.i' :. ::';: ~_Q:L_ := " ' ' ' ': ' .... ~' ' ' :'" ' · d-. , · ~ --' ::.: · ~ ':U~<fi?- ~ '~::-%~:9~:i, "'];' " , . · / .:~.-~ '~... ~*Tj..-= .... · ,~-,. ,* 1~.~ ' ":4'; "· %~ ' ~ ......... ~c~s: ~.~. ,~'. / ,. ~..,.~:.. . -~.,,:.~ ~::.. ,>.~-.: . .:, :s ~:, 2: ...} ~ ~ .>....: ?- ._ _. '[ :' : - ::' ' ~aDora~o~ uxre~o~'. ;~? .:", <',- :~'~: "7: : .' ..... 1 ~ ' : "; "; '*;': '~': : ..~; ~. .- : - . . .~ 7 '* * ' 41~A~.. ~~, ~8. (~ ~7~911 - F~(~7-1918f "' ~' ~8-2~-1997 04:52PM ' ABORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222104 P. 12 :. I ' ~ i ' " ' [ I , .. l, . :' ; . ~ '.' '.. 'i { *l . , . [ * , **{{ u. l,:t ,-: l* : *[ ' ': ~ *" I 2 ' "~:~ ' qF:.' *. · · '~ ': , ' . . ' t~Dire~:" Il ~ i.~?:?i '-' ..... ~ ..... ~'"* '" ' ...... '" :la{ .~* :~-' :. : ~Bora~o~ ~ i ~ ',: ..?:' -. : '.."l · ~ ~' ~8-2~-1999 04: 5~PM LABORATOR ! ES. I NC.. TO ~222104 P. . P 0 ~OX 5337' : : C~eria '. ~.. ,.. ':~ =.~... : I . . : : ' ..-~ ".: ':.' : ' . .. 1~8-2~-1997 04:5~PM ' Pd~ORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222104 P. 14 ~ -: ~ . ~: · ., ~ ~ ~ i ' [ ... ., .... il ~ :, .. (C~i~fo~i~ Co~e ~ ~lati~, T~tle 22, S~c~ 662~1; i .. · $~liH~ DaCe/T~ 08/2/97 ii 02:4~ .~ : Ti=le ~2 Waste ~ : : C~iteria c~stiduents ' Lead ' 8.6 ~/k~ 2. S $W- 60~0 5 .~ 1000 .' ; i ; '. ] ;~ .%:. ; ' .I '.. 2 ~ . .: ': : .~' : : : ~..:-~:. .,. - ':= · "' !' ~ .... ' R':j: .:" :. ~: · .. .. ...... .~ . ... ;! : '" · i . 'i · 'i~ · i ~ ' ,. . ~';..*_.~... ' :..-'./ I ,...-""'..,.{.,~.- '-"-q "-'.- "· '-' · ' ,:i.: i i "-:"'{ .' ..~ec.b_~.~.,k:/u~ t.o,deherm.].ne got, al levels. ':0~. ' .::',: : : ' -" I! '' .... "! :.; "'::' ""i p.Q.n. :.:= ~facti~a!~Quantitanim L{m~t {refers to the least amount of ~= Solublis .~reshold Li~dt "-----~--~.,~..~=~3f~t:io~,.m.,..,:.:.[: ':' Ii- ' '. ~'J:i' .: .i .. .,.,:.-.~e ::..'. i ' :: ' : ,..-i" TTLC '= Total Threshold t.~it COnd ion .' ;' i . .':.: ,. ':','.:..'..::. , .... . . m~a~.c~s.: .~ i. "':'~' .~ .. . . '-q.~' ; '..'.'.~. ~..;.: ..~2~~, .~ .: ~.?.:=:~,.~) '.~..~z'~.:.~., .....,.,:::.' .:,".;- '= .,'~,..-~. '-', ;...,~ :,: 1{ ..~ i'-.i?-.': ...... , ::= ":" - , .... . ............ -., ..... ~,~: '-~,~;~i.-~,.!· ,,':'.- %: Dan .g~ltz , ~ . ~b~'.-'.% -.?/'fA'. · . . .: · · ~- -:,~-~,~. ..-,...:- ... Laboratory Dsrectot' -; ,:, ,'~ r-:: '" · ; ' ; "i~ ': "..' 3" :' -" :'. ". 4100{A .".~, Ct . Ba~d. ~A~08 . (805)827-4911 . FAX (80.5) 327-1918~ ~ '~ ~8-2~-1997 04:54PM F~OI LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222104 P.15 ~ ~. I~ ~ .... . : .- I: : 'I' ~RA~R~, ::'.]~i : ': 9T-QS803-5 ' '. I~ ~-., ~ - . , . · : · . ~. . ~ . . . ,,.,: '.,;': :. . .~. ~ .~~. .. ~8-29-1997 04: 54PM I .ABORATOR I ES, ! NC.. TO 3222104 P. 16 :' LA~3RA]URI~ " ~a~e i TOTAL CONCI~'I~T[ONS ('Cal. i. fo~nia C~ of ~lati~=, Title 22, Sectio~ ~IR~, ~' 93388 ~rat~ 58~-52ZO ] ~ - Title ~2 waste ~e i: '~ll~le Solid - No Frae g~id :. . , .i. ': I' - ~s ~orted r~re~t totals (~C[{'~v~le ~.~.L_ = Pra~iCa~i-~_m-~:ati~ Li~t (re,ers ~o the least ~t:of ana~e i. . . · . . , ~=. -. ~ ·..-, -.f %, · . .~ ; .' .~: : :' -~ ' ~8-2B-1997 04:55PM LABORATORIES~ INC. . TO ~222104 P. 17 P 0 BOX 53~7 .~ . Date ~i~d: '08/tS/97 S~le' De~zipti JOB ~97-094B S.C. ~E~, 18~ ~ ~. ST, $~-7 ~ B,~ ~ ~R, S~pling ~te/T~e[' 0fi/15/97 , · ; " I: ' ' Ii . ~ i · i~ ~e~" ::: Lead I { . · i { / : f . .., ~; .. I i :' ....{ .~ . . '".'~' " ' ~ : ,~ -.~1..:~ .~ : ' · I " . '. ~ ' . . ' .,. ' :2 · - ': ' · · ~1.55~' ,'~.~ . · ~.,,' 'I,..[~ - ~,:. ~j . · ~ . ' ' .. ~. -''. t¢-t~Ge tO ~teaine total le~ls. "~:-2][~2[ ; "~"::{ ,'. ". J" i' (. · ~:... · . . ' · .. ' ' ; " ' I ' ' . ., I~ .... , . · .. r ~ · ~.O.L. = ~=tz-¢a~.._. ~t=tat:~ ~t (~f~ to ~ least ~ of ~e~__ ~ · D~D~ ~ J ' ~ ' ' ~;' ~:'~ '~ "" ; ·: ' ": ' ' ' ", ..........~S: ~ ~ 'i :d--~ ' ' ...... ~'''' , - · .] r. - L ,, I . ~ · : }:'? ~h~. · V.." ;~ '1 =. '=': ~ ~ . -' : · · . , :' '!~ "':': ~L. i . · i " ; ;' · i 88-28-1999 04:55PM LI:IBOR9TORIES~ INC.. TO 3222104 P. 18 ~R~ ~VIRO~ .~R~IC~S Date 0 ~ 5337 .= i: Da~e ~ei~d: ~pIELD, ~i: ~88 ~rat6~ 5B~ -5220 ;: S~li~g mate/T~:; 08/15/97 ~ 03:05Pa " : ~: ~&d i. !: 3~. ~/kg 2,5 3W-G010 ' 5jO lOgO ;: . :~ . :. "%i ~ ,~ '~:~ ' ~. :: ..: ..: .: I' '': ' ' i; : ... .. ~ {i : .. ..:. ,.. - ~ · : . ~ ' :"~'::.:: ' -:":':::.. ' ' ,.. ". ' :l -- ," · : ' · '' · . i. , . : ~ S~z · ': //'-'-' .... "' ,~' "; ' '~ ' ......... ! '" · ~o~ to~ D~ecC~. '.~ j. ' %. ~. - ,.-. · ... . : . ~: ',~: 4~ ~:-~ : ':'. , .. - . . ;' ~ , . . : ~ i ~ ' ~8-2~-1997 84:51PM LABORATORIES, INC.. TO I ~222104 P. 10 ~ To~&I Det:-roleum H~rO~&rbo~ ~89-522i0 : [ ~ocafb~ .~Il{ ~ 2100. mg/kg S00'. { . EPA,418.i ' " . .I.~ .: · -'i. ".: , -''. ..¢ .. j ' · -~ ~ · .: · : I 08-20-1997 04: 56PM LABORATOR I ES. I NC.. TO ~222104 P. 19 ; ;: Pa!I'-~ ~~s · (Ca%ifo~a, . ~ of ~latlons, 'Title 22, ~ion 66261). ~ ~pn~~ ~CZS Dare ~pomed: .08/20/~7 0 ~X ~337 ~, 'DaCe ~ceived: 08/i5/97 : 589-52~0 : ~ 3 ~~. -. . , i~ . Ti~le , :: . ; ~ ~ : ' ~th~ . S~C ~ad , ~ 346. ~/~ 2.5 SW- 60l-O '; ~ : . :. 5 -;0 1000. :" .. : 'i . . : :i j : . '.' .. : ..... ' : i't ' ': i .. I .:' . :~;?. , , ;...~ ,'.,. · ~ ' .[ ' .~' .a' ~ ~ ~ -'.<: . · ' ~ . :; . . . ,. ~ - . ' . . - :, · : ~ ,, · . . ~, :.. -- ; 'I.' ....... '. .'. ].. : I . '.t,". .. · .- " , ,: :.:.,..,;,: .... ,,.,...., ......., .... : .. . ~-as,~.~,,., ¥-,,~.' ~... · ... - ~ . . . ., I '. 'i, ~"::~'~ "~-'t'a" '{"'> -' ' ~ s~' r ;: ,'~,~::s~q .i,!~-.'.~:~ ":~,;'.'~:~ ':."::~, ..."' ;~ ' ", .' ..~-. . _ ; ; . '(:~?:!~ '"'~.f-~':?< -,: . ;,':' .:- ~.' -: ... ~::~ ,..] · , ; . ~ora~ :Direc~ ~ ;?'~ ;gj'~ '~ -,~G-..e,, ',~,.. ,:-,. '~.:'" ' -: :2 '.~i: ' i ..... ':~ , ' : ' " ' ' 3 ' · .. ~. "3. ~ : .41~'~. B~~,CA~. (~}~11 . FA-X (~) ~-1918~ ' : ~' . · . : ~8-2B-1997 04:56PM FRO~ LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222104 P.2~ ~ I. .: . , : ~ :.~ .. . .. .~ : ·, ~ 1 ~~ ~e ~o~ed: G~/20/~? . ' 5337 -: :~ ~e Recei~: 08715/97'- · ; i i - ,~ · I · '.' :; · .. : : · " I' .. . . .'. : ~'.' ,; '. .. . ~i · I'~ · .: ' " ' ~ ii~ -' ,. ",., - ' :: ': i '~.: '. ~ ~ :: ~. : i · :. i ~' ' .... ~ 's . . s: .. . ~.,i ~ . :.,.i.. ~' s: ';:~ ~'" '"i : "· ' i : ' ' ~8-2~B-lgg? 04: 58PM FRO0 LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222184 P. 22 88-2(~-1997 04: 58PM LGIBORGITOR I ES, I NC.. TO ~221~4 P. 2~ ~ i:; ~... ~ ....... - _ · ~ ~ .. ~ -' ~ : ~ : 1~8-21~-1999 04: 58PM FRO LABORATOR I ES, I NC.. TO ~22104 P. 24 I · I : I I J , ' -~'~t ~~~ " -, ? ~ 08-20-1997 04:59PM FRO LABORATORIES, INC.. TO Z~222104 P.26 ; ..... ~ J, ... . ~: .' I FRON 08,21, Ic. n9:08 NO, 4 p, .3 Client: BC Laborat,ocles, Inc. A/tn: Ms. Cheryl Fcrgusoa Client's Pr0jec~: 97~8803 Date Recelv~: 08120197 ~ ~ab ~o: ~ 972~-009 Da~ S~pled: 08/1~97 8amp~ ID: 07~8802-9 , Matrix: Soil Revicwc~l/Approvcd By: ~ ,~ D,te:. Cheil de los Reyes ~ Depa~t $upervisor · ~ · .....!~Oratodei 1f10 E. 33rd $tr¢~l Signal Hit4 CA 90807 Tel: 562 989-4~$ Fax: 562 989-4~0 FRO~I 88.21.19 09:07 NO. 4 P. 2 Clleul:~ J BC ~aborat6rie,, Inc. Attn: ~ Ms. Che~ Fer~on Cli~t's Pr~j~t: 97-08803 Datc Rcc~ed: 08~0/97 Lab No: ~ 9~21-008 Date 8~led:. ~11~7 $~pleM~tdx:lD: 97~8~03~Soil ~ [ . ~ .. A 902 TOX) , 08120197 .... ND m~kg 5,0 ~,,[ IG _ ~DL ~ M~'~od Dutec~tm ND - N~t ~tect~ (~dow D~) DF ~ ~q~a Factor (DLI~DL) Reviewed/Approved By: , Date: o0~''2-° ~/~. '. Cheryl de los Reycs I ~pa~ment Supe~isor ~- - ~gr~tode~ ] 1510 ~. 33rd Street ~ignat Hill CA ~807 Tel: 562 989.4045 F~: 562 ~89-4040 -~, .. 08-28-1997 08: 19AM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC, . TO 589714:3 P.02 ~ E~RO~~ S RVICES' Date Re~orted: 08/g~/97 P 0 BOX ~337 ." ~:, . Date Received: 08/22:/97 Atgn: ~RI$ D~ON 589-~220 · ' . s~le D~scripti~: JOB ~97-4994B S.C. ~Z~ON CRI~ ~/UST ~ :~ ~T T~,. S~D BY C~IS D~N. S~pllng~ Da~e~Ti~e: ~08/22/97 ~ 06:16PM : '.~ ~ ~gh~ Constituent~ ,~ ~le Results ~ ~ 'Meth~' TOX ~, * None Detected mg/kg S 0 :EPA-9~20 .. '. :~,, '~ ~ ~; : . ;; .i' : ~ - . . ,.-' .I ..;: ' , "'; ':~ ~ "~:'~" . .~ · . ~: '~"i. ' ','.~. ' : ::: ~:i. }~ ..... , : . :...: :~:....'. .., I'.Q.L. = Practic~ $~titation Limit (refers to the Ieast moat"Of ~ai~e"..: ~antif~bl~ based on s~le s~ze used ~d analytical .tec~i~e e~loy~t) · ~PA = ~ "Me:ehods ~o~ Chemical ~alysiS: ~6~.'"Water '~d '~W~es,, Flag E~lan~tions ~: i~ ' i~ ,, ': ' D~ scnultz .~[~.~?~.t~.I' '~'. -~'.~,~':'~'.,~,...i:c-:::": 7. ~ ...... ', ., , .. .; ' .. ' . .. ; : ; ~1 ~ ~ ~ Ih~ ~ ~ f~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ sub~ p~. BC ~ffi~l, n*, ~ ~ r~f~ for ~p~ ~ g~. ~ ~ ~ ~ i~. 41~A~ ~.. Bak~mfield, CA 9~08 . (805) 327-4911 . F~ (805) 327-1910 . 08-28-1997 08: 19AM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 5897143 P.03 ~ E~I~g~ S ZVICES Date Reported: 08/27/97 P 0 BOX 53]~ Date Received: 08/22/97 B~RSFIR~, ~ ~]] L~orato~ ~o.: 97-09059-2 . S~ple Description: ,JoB $97-4994B S.C. ~E~ON C~I~ ~/UST ~V~: S~-B 6'-~W Sampling?D~te/Tim~: .~08/2~/97 ~' 06:19PM TOX ~ * None Detected mg/kg 5.. 0 , ': ~ .' .i' P.Q.L. = Pra~ticai ~antitation Limit (refers to the l~ast ~oun~ ~f ~al~e '~' . ~iZiab~~ ~sed on s~le size used and ~al~ical t~c~i~e e~loyea) . : · ~ S~e ~al[ze~ by Adv~ced Tec~olo~ L~oratorie~. ' : 4,~tla~ ~.. Bakemfield, CA 9~08. (805) 027-011'. FAX (805) 027.1918. 08-28-1999 08: 20AM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 5899143 P. 04 LAI~ORATORII~$ ~ '. it'age ii i: C~EMICAL ANALYSIS - !. KERN ENViRONMENTAl.'.' SERVICES Date Reported: 08/27/97 P O BOX $337 ['. Da~e Received: 08/22/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA 9:338:8 Laboratory No.: 97-09059-3 Attn: CHRIS DEAR~ON ' 589-5220 Sample Description: .~O~ ~97-4994B S.C. AND~REON CRIM~ LAB/UST R~AL: ~CA-C 2' :B~LOW : ' ;~ ~E~ER TA~K., SAM~LED ~Y CHRIS DEARMON. i · Sampling Date/Tim~: .~8/22/97 ~ 06:llPM Method :! : Sample Results Units ~ "~! Constituents , :'i :. :~! * None Detected mg/kg 5.0 EPA-96.20 TOX i, · : -: ' i:{. ' '"" ~ '" . ',~ '. · i : .1 ': ' . ~! . .: .; . .. ~:'! ':' ' ~',:.'!".i,. · .it.i:~: ..:..~ ," '~'. 1>.9..I.,. -- 1>ractto~l {~aant:[t~tion ~.£~t.e refer~ to the loa~t mount Of ~m~l.~t:e .' · quantifliabl.~ based on sample size used and analytical technique' employ~id) REF~I:',~N¢£$: ! '. ! '.....:,,.:'.'.',.'-. ~ ,:'-..'./~ .! '..':,~i,.'.: ". '. . . .f:}/..:;:. ;: .. Plag Expl&nations i: ' " ; ' · -- Sample an&~l~zoU by adv.~ced Technology Laboratories. .;,.. '.' i~):!)>:.~:.;.:.~ .r'h,: ':.: ;:? . ~"':"";:"::':: :,..r,.,' ~.'.. ..... ..: ~'.:~I.:" !:':' .... .::'. '.~," ~.' Laboratory DirectOr ':' ': I ..... 4100[Atla~ Ct.. Bakersfield, CA 93300 . (805) 327-a,911 . FAX (805) 327-t gl 8.' 08-28-1997 08: 20AM FRO~ BC LABORATORIES, I~C.. TO 589~14J P. KE~ ~!RO~~ SI ~VIC~S Date Reported: P 0 BOX 53373:~. ~ Date Received: 08/22/97 ~. ~rato~ No.: 97-09~59-4 Attn: ~RIS D~N ; 589-5220 Sampl'e S.C. Descr~ptio=: i~OB ~97-4994B CRI~ RRHO~: S~-D :~ '[~E~R T~K, S~LED BY ~I~. DR~N. ; ~ampl in~ Date/Tim,~: ~/22/97 ~ethod: ' Constituent6 S~le Results UnSts .~.~0_~:.: ~thod. TOX * None Detected mu/kg ~. 0 ': t '.: . ~ ~ ' : . .,..: i".'~ .:: · '~i .~ :;i .. ' i ' ~","~ '~i , ' !i i! ~' ""~ · : ". "..'. P.Q.L.' = Praotic~ .~Q~antitation Limit (refers to the least ~o~ of ~tifi~l'e ~sed on s~le size used ~d ~a~yti~l tec~i~e. ~l~ed) . ..,' , , . ,. ""~- - .. :. .:.,. zPA = "~e~hod~~°~;.i! ~,mi=ai. ~alysiS. '~'...... ~: :.~:,Water ~d:. :;~ ,":;:~aStes", ~'~ 6:00 ,.,.r;..;;: : / ~ ":~..: :'[~ ' j'~'.;~' · = S~le analyze~ ~ Advaneed Technolo~ L~oratorimm. [ " :': '" Dan gchult~ ': ' '.- '" .... ' :. Laborazory Directoe' " ': "~ "' ' : :'~;[ '%;.. .. ,.',. · ~. : .. . ; · . . · 41~t1~ Ct . 8akemfleld, CA 93308 . (805) 32.74911 . FAX (805) 327-1918~ ' : ' · 08-28-1997 08:21AM FROM LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 5897143 P. LABORATORIBS ~ ' :~age. ·: C-~C~ ANALYSIS KERN ENVlROXTMENTAI] ~VICRS Date Reported: 08/27/97 I, Q BOX 5S37 ~ i Date Received: 08/22/,97 BAKERSFIELD, CA 9i338~ Laboratory No.: 97-09d59-5 Attn: CHRIS DE_~N ~ i 589-5220. ! WEST TA~K~ SAMPLED BY CHRIS Sam~ling!Date/Tim~i: .b8/22/97 ~ 06:04PM Constitu~nts sample Results Unit.____s P.O.L. : Method TOX * None Detected mg/kg 5_0 EPA- 9( 20 P.Q.'L.-- Practtc~ Q~antttati0n, Limit (refers to the l~ast amount ~f anal!~Cel ' :' quantif!~bi~ based ot~ sample Size used and analytical ~echnique ~mploy~d) . · = Sample 'anal~ze~ by Advanced Technolo9%r Laboratories. l I · 41 O0 ~tla~ ct; . Bakemfleld, CA 9~ . (805) ~7-4911'. FAX (805) 327-191 08-28-1997 08:22AM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 5897143 P.07 · ' ! :; ~ ~ i ' .~. LABORATORIES ~age '] ' CIqEMI~ ~YSIS KSRN SNViRO~NTAL' S~gVlC~S Date Reported: 08/27fi9'7 P 0 BOX 5337 .': ~ Da~e Received: 08/22~97 ~KERSFI~, ~ 93388 Laborato~ No.: 97-09~$9-6 Attn: CHRIS D~N ~ 589-~2Z0 g~ple Descriptton~: ~OB "~97~4B S.C. ~RRSO~ CR%~ ~/UST. ~O~: S~-F.~' ~W S~lin~ Pate/~im~i: ~8/22/97 ~' 06:08P~ Constituents ; $~le Resu%ts . U~t~. ~ ~thOO TOX * N~e Detected rog/kg 5.0 :EPA-90[20 ~:,.. t; ' .': ..~ i'. i i ;:;..! . ' .~:....: ~!. : :.. ..... j '! ~!'.": :'~ "l . .' :,:: ' . .! ' . i : .~: :~,. .. ~.~ · P.Q.L. = Practical. :~anuitati6n Limit (refers to the least ~o~t of ~al~te ' ~antifi~l'e based ~. s~le size used ~d ~al~ical texize ~l~d) .: REFE~NCES: ...... ., EPA ~ "Methods~0r~Chemlcal:~alysis'.:~. Water ~:d'.~&S~es", ~&00, . . Flag E~l~a~ionG:: : " ' ' .... ' * = s~le ~al~ze~ ~ .Advanced Technolo'~ ~oratories. ~ ": ' "i '" . . . : ' . ~ Laboratory Directo~ ':. ~.~ ~. .. :' '~'. 41~tla~ Ct · Bak~m~eld, CA 9~ · (805) 327-4911 . FAX (805) 327-~918: ' " 88-28-1997 88:22AM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 5897143 P.88 LABORATORIES :!. i ~age. ; i C~MICAL ANALYSIS KERN ENWRO~T~i SR~VZC~.S Date Reporte4: 08/2T/~7 ~ 0 BOX 5337 {i Date Received: 08/22/~7 BAKERSFI'LD, CA ~38~ LaboratOry NO.: 97-090~9-7 ArCh: CHRIS D~ARMON i' 589-529-0 Sample Descriptioni: ~OB .#97-&99%B S.C. ANDERSON CRI~ LAB/UST R~MOVAL: SC~-G 2' BELOW  T VERTiCLE TANK, SAMPLED BY CHRIS DEARMON. · i : ' ' ' Sampling 'Date/Time ~8/22/97 ~ 05:40PM' : ' Method Constitu~ .~Dle ._~esul:s units P~Q.L. TOX * ' None Detected mg/kg 5.0 }~PA- 9020 , , ~'~ ~'~ .~.':, .~:" · i' .~. ~. . , ..:t:': ~ ~ · ~ ." ': -'..~' i' .~. ,. P.Q.L. =' P~actlc~l QCantit/tlon Limit (refers to the least ~ount Of ~al~te ' ~tif~ based on' s~le 9ize used ~d ~aly~ical tec~i~e e~l~ed) . · ; ~: ..... Flag E~laations':~.- ' .: ~ · = 'S~le ~a~yz~~ by Advan~d TeC~O10~ L~oratories. : . . Dan 8chult, { :"'"~: ~ ~ ';:..' ' ~i :~.i'~ ~:' ' Laboratoz7 DirectOr '~ ;~ ': ' ' :3' " :" ~ ~. 3.. ; : 41~Atl~ Ct, · -8akemfield, CA 93308 . (805) 327-4911 · FAX (805) 327-1918. 08-28-1997 88:23AM FR%BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 5897143 P.09 LABORATORIE~ " KE~ E~IRO~~~ S~ ,~CES Date Reported: 08/27~97 P 0 BOX 5337 Date' Received: 08/22~97 B~ERS. FIELD, CA 9~38 ~ Laborato~ No.: 97:-09,~59.-8 :' Attn: C~RIS D~ON' S89-5220' S~le Description~: 'OB '~97-499{B 8.C. ~ERSON CRI~ ~/UST ~:~ S~-~ 6' 8E~W Sampling Date/Time.: 68/22/9~ ~ 0~:~P~ Method { ~ $~le Results Units P.Q.L. Hetho~ TOX * None Detected mg/kg 5.0 'EPA- 90~ p.Q.L, = *tactical ~.antitation Limit refers to the least amount of analy.,t'e quantifiabl~ based on'sample size used and analytical technique ~' = Sample analyze ~ by Advanc6d Technology Laboratories. gchul~ Laboratory Director i ,All ~e~lt~ ~ in thi~ ;~o~t are for the ~x,;'tu ~iYe ~ e o! the submJtt~ll 4100 Atlas Ct.., BakerSfield, CA 93308, (805) 327-4911 , FAX (805) 327-19181 88-28-1997 08:2JAM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO - S89714J P.10 : LABORATORIES P, age' C~CAL .AI',T~,L¥S I S KE~ E~RO~~' S~ .~C~S Da~e Reported: 08/27~97 P 0 BOX 5337 - Date Received: 08/22/97 ' ~RSFIE~, ~ 9~38 .La~rato~ No.: 97-09~5929 Attn:. ~IS DE~~ '~89-~220 : S~le Descrlptlon~: JOB .~gT-4994B S.C. ~ERSON CRI~ ~/UST ~OV~: S~-I 2' $~pling Date/Tim~.: ;08/22/97 ~ 0~:50P~ : ' ~ethod consti~ ,. S~Dle Re~ul~_ Units P.Q.L. TOX * None Detected m~/k~ 5.0 ;~PA- 90~20 I · ~ S~le anal~ze~,, by Advanced Tec~olo~ Laboratories. ~ : :. ' 08-28-1997 08:24AM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC,, TO 589~14J P, 11 ~BOhA~RIES , ~ ':.Page '. ~ ~IRO~~ SI [VICES Date Reported: 08/27/9? : P 0 BOX 5337 -' Date ~eceived: 08/22/97 B~RSFIE~, ~ 933~ ~rato~ No.: 97-09059-~0 . Attn: ~RIS D~N~ ~8.9 -5220 . S~ple Description:. igOB.$97-4994B S.C. ~ERSON CRI~ ~/UST ~V~: S~-J 6' .BE~W :" ' Sanlpling Date/Time~ 08/22/97 ~ 05:5~PM . * Method Constituents : 'S~pl~ Results Units ~, Q.L= .Method TOX' * None Detected mg/kg 5.0 ~EPA- 9020 .: ':'~i ' .: '!.:.!' i:': : P.Q.L. = Practical Q~antitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte' quantif.~abl~ based om .sample size used and analytical technique ". i . ::':~...,.:?:'., ~... ',.~..'>'"~i'. :.c' ::'::., :: ",{, P~ FEP~NCES: ~PA ~ "~ethods 'fo~ Chemical ~alysi~'O~...Watex ~}~Stes", E~'? 0, /4-~0~ Flag E~lanatlons::. . '. .: ::: ...~, :::' ~,~ ~' ~ S~le ana~y~e'd by Adv~d Tec~olo~ Laboratories. : Laboratory D~rect0r 41~Atl~s Ct, · Bake~field, CA 93308 . (~5) 327~4911 . FAX (805) 327-1918 ~8-28-1997 ~8: 21AM1 LABORATORIES, INC.. TO ~89714S P. 12 LABO~ATORIE~ ;. :Page CHEMICAL ~=NltLYS I S KgRN ENVIRO~ITrAL': S RVICRS 'Date Reported: 08/27/97 P.O BOX 5337 ' Date Recelv~d: 08/22/...'97 B~RSFI~, ~ 93~8 Labora~o~ No.: 97-09059~11 Attn: CHRIS D~N 589-5220 ~ s~le Descriptiou~:: 'OB ~97-4994B S.C. ~RSON CRI~ ~/UST ~~: S~-K 7' ~ST OF W. ~RTICL~, S~LKD BY ~IS D~N. S~lin9 Date/Time,: 08/22/97 ~ 06:24PM Meghod COnSt { tttent8 S~le Results Units ~ ~thod TOX ~ * Nono Degected m~/k~ 5.0 .. : : . P.Q.L. = ~ractic~l Q~titation. Limit (refers to the least ~o~t of anal~te . ~ti~i~bl~ based on S~Io ~ize used ~d analytical techni~e ~l~d) . EPA = "Methods ~or Ch-mical ~alysi'S:~°f~ Water and W~stes", E~A;600, · ~ S~le malyzed ~ Advanced Technolo~ Laboratories. ~ ,, ~: :~, ' ':... ... Laborato~ Director . : · 4100~tla~ ct.. Bakemfield, CA 93~8 . (805) 327-4911 . FAX (8~) 327-1918~ 08-28-19~? 08:Z:~AM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO $897143 P. 13 .Page KERN ~TViJ~O~NTAL! sERVICI~S Date Reported: 08'/27'/97 I, 0 BOX 53~7 .i ' Date Received: 08/22/:9? BAKERsFIeLD, CA 9~388 Laboratory No.: 97-0~059-12 At,n: CLARIS DEAR~N = 589-5220 S~pl~ De~c~ip~ion': 'JOB ~97-499~B S.C..~RSON CRI~ ~/UST ~: S~-L 7~ BS~ 19' S~pling Date/Time~: 08/22/9T ~ 06:~2PM TOX * None Detected mg/kg 5.0 ~EPA-'9U20 . · ' = Sable analyzed ~ Adv~ced Tec~ol~ Laboratories. : :' 41~A~ ~.. ~;k;r~field. CA 93308 . (~ST 327-4911 . FAX (805~ TOT~ P. 13 08-2~-199V ~8:18AM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 589714J P.O1 RATORIES, IN . FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET COMPANY FROM: 1]NA EN ,: ': ~C I.~I~qP~?ORIES INC. COMMENTS: ANY PROBLEMS Wire mNSMmlON, P~E CALE m~) 327-a91'1;~. 2~ All results listed 1~ ~ re~ ate~for the exclusNe use ofthe subm~ng ~.~ BC L~ones, Inc. ~umeS no='re~ponsibili~' for re~d 08-2B-1997 ll:OBRM FROM BC LRBORRTORIES, IHC.. TO 3222034 P.02 LABORATORI;:S i TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS i (Californ£a Code of Regulations, Title 22, SectiO~ 66261) KF. RN ENVIRONMENTAL ~ERVICES Date Reported: 08/2.8/97 P O BOX~ 53~7 Date Rec~iv~d~. 09/2'~/97 BAKERSFIELD,i CA 93]88 Laboratory NO.: 97-09059-1' Attn: CHRISi DEAR~N 589-5220 Sample DesCr~Dtior~: JOB #97-4994B S.C. A1TDEP~gON CRIME LA~/UST REMOVAL: S~CA-A 2 BELOW' i EAST TANK, SAMPLED BY C~RIS .DED/~/4ON. Samplir~g DatO/T~me: 08/22/97 ~ 06:16PM Title 2.2 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid ~e~ fulatory Cz £~eria' Method STLCi : TTLC Consti~uent~ " .S ~mpl~ Results Unics. P,Q.L'. M,e ~hod' mq/Li . mq/. _kq Lead , 3.2 mE/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 i000 Commen~: . ~A~i above. 'cons=ituents are reported on.. an as rece':ived (wet)' s~ple ba~i~. :R~sul~ reported represent ~o~als (TT~)/~)as'.:'sampl~::. ~je~ted't~::a~,'o~ria~e " :~echn~que~ uo dete~ine total levels, · :" ' ~ · ' ~' ~ P.Q,L. ~= Practical ~Quant~tat~on Limit (refers to the'..~:'leas~ ~ount of ~!y~e ',~:'~ .' ~ ~ant,,-x~le .based' on s~le size used. and .~alyt~cal teC~[l~ .e~l~ed) . STLC ,= Solubl':e ~reShold Limit Concentration ' ' , : ',~ ': · TTLC ~ ~ T0tal}~hres~ld Limit Concentration .~ ....... ~ ~ . REFERENCES: SW = ,':Tes~ Me~hods for Evaluatin~ Sol~d Was~es 'physlcal/Che~cal Methods" EPA-SW-8~6', Sep~e~er, 1986. . · ~..~:.;~j.;~ "~ :~...,. ~bO~¢o'~' ~i~%0~~.' ~ ' ?':~'~ J ' '~"~"~"'~" '~'~" ": A~I rosul~$ Ii,tod in this ~port mm for th~ ox~!u$ive ~e of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report sfteretion, sepergdon, detachment or third pmt¥ interpretation. 08-28-1997 11:09RM FRO~ BC LRBORRTORIES~ ~NC.. TO 3222034 P 0~ LABORATORIEs 'i TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of l~gula~ions, Title 22, Section 65261) KERN ENVIRONMIENTD-L'SERVICES Date Reported: 08/28/97 P 0 BOX 52371 Dage. RoceiVed:' 08'/22/97 BAKERSFIELD,' CA 93388 Laboratory'No.: Attn: CERISi DEARMO~ 589 - 5220 Sample Description:. JOB ~97~499%B S.C. A/~DERSON'CRIME LA~/UST ~FA~OVA/~: SCA-B 6 B~LOW~ " 'i : EAST TAi~K, SD/~PLED BY C~RIS'DEARMON. · Sampling Da~e/T~me:'.. 08/22/97 Titio 22 Wa~e TlrpeI Type i: Millabl~ Solid - No Free Liquid . : RegUlatory: C~teria ': Method : STLC3 TTL Constituent~ ~__.a~le Results units P.Q.L. Method' m~/Li m~/kq Lead None Detected mg/kg 2.5 . · SW-60~0 5.0' 1000. Comment: AL1 abovelcons=ituents are reported on anas' received. (wet) sample R~sul~ r~por~edrepresent to~als (TTLC)!~'as 'sample t~chniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = P~ac=ical~Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of ana!yte qu"antifiable based-on sample size used:and analytical itechnique employed). STLC = $01ub!e T~reshold Limit Concentration , TTLC = Total iTh~ shold Limit Conden~aEion ,~]'. ..... REFERENCES: SW = "Test Meth6ds for Evalua¢ing $oli~d Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods",. EPA-SW~846~ September, 1986. Laboratc~:- Director' li~tgd in this re.art .re for the ex¢lu~ve Gee ~ the &ubmiltlng parl¥. BC Laborato¢ies. In=. aS,;uma$ no mspensl~ility for report e(t~tton, eeperatlon, Cetachment or thlr<l ~rty inteq~ti~n. 08-'28-1997 11: 09AM FROM~ LABORATOR I ES, I NC., TO 5222034 P. 04 LABORATORIES Page i TOTAL CONCENTPJ~.T IONS ('California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) ~E~N E~IROi~~ SERVICES Da~e Reported: 08/28/97 p O BOX 53~7 Date Roceived: 08/22/97 B~ERSF~ELD,'~ · 93.388 Laborato~ No.: 9~-09059-~ Attn: C~RIS' DE~ON ~89 - 5220 SmpleDescriptiOn:. JOB. ~97-.499~ S.C. ~ERSON CRI~ ~/UST REMOVe: $~A-C 2' B~LOW ~ : , ~ CE~ER T~K, S~PLED BY CHRIS DE~ON. ' Sc~plin~ Dat~/Time: 08/22/97 ,~ 06:llPM Title 22 Waste ~e:: ~e i: Millable So~id No Free Liquid ~ ~tt~od STLC '. ~C C. Qnstituents [ : ~ple, Results Units P- O, L2 Method mq/~ mq/k~ Lead : 7.7 ms/kg 2.5 SW- 6010 5.0 1000. reported on..~:ad:'aS received:. {wet) s~. b:as~8..' : . : ': ~eSult~': reported represent totals (~LC~ .'~a'S'.;s~ple' Sub~ected t0~P~priate' reCOil0~tO'de~mine total levels. P.Q.L. ~ P~actidal,Quantitation Limit (refers go the !eas~ ~ount of ~tifiable based on s~ple size used and analytical techni~e employed). STLC = Sol;uble: Thi'eshold Limit Collcentration ~', TTLC = To,al ThreShold Limit Concentration .? ~. ..; xE~ERENuE_: .: . . SW = "Test Methoas for Evaluating Soi~id Wastes Physical/ChemiSe'al Methods" Laboi'ae,5~- Direceor ~. 08-28-1997 11: 10AM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222034 P.05 LABORATORIEs · Page TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) KERN ENVIRON!4ENTAL'SERVICES Date Reported: 08/28/97 P O BOX 5337 ., Date Received: 08/22/97 BL~KERSFIELD, CA . 93~88 Laboratory No.: 97-09059-4 ' -n-t. En: iCHRIS DEAP~o~ 589-5220 : '. S~auple iDescripti~,On: jOB' $97-4994B S.C. A/TDERSON'CRIX~ LA~/UST REMOVAl.: SCA-D 6{' EELOW. · : ~: CENTER TANK, SAle. PLED BY CI{RI$. DEA/%MON. ' $.ampii~9 Date/T{~me :' 05/"22,/97 ~ 06: 13PM Title 2~2 Waste Type:. Type i: Millable Solid No Free Liquid ::," !i Reg¢l:atory ~ Criteria '.~: Method STL.~ TTLC C0nstituent. s !; ' ~ Samole ReSUlts Units Lead None Detected mg/k9 2.5 SW-601o 8.0. 1000. Connnent. All above ,COr~Stituenrs .are reported Result~ re~o~ted :rep~esen~ totals tec~i~es~ to.de~e~ne to~al levels. '~ . ~ '}: , '~ '~: ~' ~ "' P.Q.L. - Prac~i~al. Quantitation ·Limit (refers Eo the 'least ~oun~ 'of ~naI~te' ~antik'~iab~e based on s~ple siz, used and analytical techni,~e ~employed) . STLC = Soluble~ Threshold Limit Conc.ongration TTLC F Total ThreShold Limit Concent~a.tion kEFgRENCES: ~ SW ~ "Test M~tlOa~ for Evaluating So/id Wastes PhySical/ChemiCal ~th~s"' '' EPA-SW-~6, :Sepue~er, 19S6. .: ~ ,. , .. ? :. Laborat0zy Director Al~ ~$ults ;lated I. thl~ r~p~ are for the excld~i~ ~ ' 08-28-1997 11:11RM FROM BC LRBOR~TORXES, INC.. TO 32220E4 P.06 :LABORATORI~S Page TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS ~California Code of Regula[ions, Title 22, Section 66261 KERN ENVIROi41~EN~AL S~RVICB$ Date Reported: 08/28/97 P 0 BoX 5337 ;! . Date Received: 08/212/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA !193~88 Laboratory No.: 97-09059-5 Attn': .CMRIS DE~/~O~ 589-5220 Sample :Descrip[~0n: JOB $97~%99~ S.C. i%NDERSON CRIME LAB/UST P~V~: s~C3~-E 2 B~LOW , ;! i WEST T~LNK, S/LMPLED BY CMRIS DEAR/HON. : Sampling Date/T~me: · 0@/22~97 ~ 06:04P~ ,: Title 2'2 Waste .~: Type i:. Millablo Solid - N~ Free Liquid ' :~ : Regulatory i[ Method .i: STLC TTLC Con~i~i~ents ii Sample Results Uni=s P.Q.L. Method ': m~/L m___q~ L~ad !, None~Detected mt/kg 2.S 8W-6010 · 5'.0 1000_ Conm~ont.: AI~ above .constituents are reported o~':~an ~s received i(.weu) sample 'bas,s. Resultis r~ported represen~ to~als (TTLC).as/sample subBeC~ed eo!,appropr~ate ' P.Q.L. = practigal iQuantita~ion Limit (refers to [he least araount of :ana}¥te quantifiable based ion sample size used .and analytical techniqUe.} employed} . STLC = $olubl~ Threshold ~imit Concentration TTLC = Total hr~shold Limit Concentration .i : ~tE FE RENCE $: ; ' SW ~ "Test M~thOds for E~aluating Sellid Wastes PhYsical/Chemical Methods", " EPA-SW-~46,i September, 1986. Laboratory Director Ali revuE; ~ In this repo. a~ fo; the exc!~si~ u~e ~ the su~mlalng ps.~ ~C ~l~ratorie$, Inc. assum~ no res~nslb;lity for ~p~ $ br~ Qn, se~ on. aeta~hrt~nt or thl~ ~ nte~[et; on. LABORATORIES ~ · Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) E~vIRO~XEIFI:~ Date Reported: 08/28/97 KER~; P O BOX 5337 ~ Date Received: 08/22/97 " BAF~RSFIELD, ~%~ 93~88 Laborato~ No.: 97-09059-6 Att. n: CHRIS DE~O~ 589-5220 ~ S~ple Descript~n:.~ JOB ~97~99~ S.C. ~ON CR%~ ~/UST ~OV~: SCA-F 6'~' B~LOW ~:. ~ WEST T~K,. S~L~D BY CMRIS DE~ON Samplin~ Date/Ti~e: ~ 08/22/9~ ~ 06:08PM : Title 2~ Waste ~e.:~ ~e i: Millab%e Solid - No Free Li~id Regulato~ . Criteria ~ethod STLC~ TTLC Conssi'~en~ $~ple Rg~.ults Units P.Q.L; ~ethod' ...mq/5. ~ L~ad None Detected mt/kg 2.~ SW-60!0 5.° 1000:. Con~ent:: All ab~ve :onstituemts are reported on"~n.. aS: recei.~d.. (Wet) ResultS:: re ~orted r~present totals (TTLC~.: a's .:s~plo:. subj~eCted. ~o":;~p~iate' '~" . techni~es~to de~e~ine total levels. '~'."..:.':'~ ' :..'~'~ .' .~: ~ ~:' · .... ~':~ P.Q.L. = Practical.~antitation Limit (refers to the least ~ount of anal.~te quantifiable ~sed o~ s~ple size used and analytical techni~e ~mploy~d)~. STLC = Soluble~Th~eshold L~mi~ Concentration., ~' " .'...~ .~ .....~, ::. · ,,~:~ ~ ~ ~" TTLC = Total Thre~ho!d~ Limit Concentration , .: '~." ;~ ~ : .'.' " . REFERENCES: ~: . ? ..:. · . · . SW ==~ o,,~"Test Methods.~ _ for ~valuatin~ Solid watte~ physical/Chemi~cal M~thods,',, ~: :September, 1986. Dan Schu . :; . ";: · ~ , LaboranoZ~ Directbr ] ~ .' · are for the exclusive us~ Of th~ ;ut;mitt]fig ~fly. BC Laboratories, Inc. essumam no responsibility Tot report =lter~i0n. ~ep~'et~on, ~etschment or th;r~ pel~ lnte~pr.~flon. 4100 A, ilas Ct. o BakersfieJd, CA 93308 . (805) 327-4911 . FAX (805~ 327.1~18 0B-28-1997 11: 12RM LRBORRTOR ! ES, ! HC. . TO 3222034 P. 12ABORATORIE~ ~ ; TOTAL CONCE~TIONS (Cali~fo~nia Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) KERN E~IRO~NT~L S~RVIC~S Date Reported: 08/28/97 P O BOX~ 5337 ~' Date Received: 08/2~/97 B~ERSFIE~, ~ ~,~933~88. Labo~a~o~ No. A~Ln: CHRIS D~O~ 589-5220 S~ple Descrip:i~n: JO~ ~97-~9~4B S.C. ~ERSON C~ ~/UST .~V~: SCA-G 2' ~BELOW , ~ · ~ ~: E~T ~RTICL~ T~K, S~LED BY C~RXS D~ON Sampling Date/Ti~e: 08/22/97 ~ 05:40PM Title 22 Waste ~e: ~e i: Millable Solid - No Free Li~id ae~ulato~ ; c~terla . . ~ ~hod .' STLC ConstitUents : ': 'S~ie Resulg9 Units P.O,~. Method ~ mq/kq Lead :. 25. mg/kg 2.5 SW- 6010; :' . 5'.0' 1000% ~ '' '. .':..[ Commentr A1! abQ,.ve ~onst=tuents are reported on;an'aS recez~e~d::(wet) ~sultSl reported represent tO~als '{TTLC).~;'a'S ~.;s~ple':.~s'MSJ]ectedl ; technic/es ~ to' .dete~ine total levels "::':(. ". '::~ {' :. '~' · ~: ~' : ~,. ~'.Q.L. = Practical Quantltation Limit (refers ~o ~he "least ~oun~ of analyte ' : qu~i~ab~e based on s~le size used and analytical teehni~e .e~loyed) . STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = To[al ~hreshol'd Limi~ 'ConCentration ':,,.~' ,,: .... .' ";'" RE~E~RCEs: ': ' ' " ' SW = "Tesg Me~ho ~ ~or Evaluaein9 Sol:id Wastes Ph ical/Che i EPA-SW-8~6, 'Septe~er, 19~6. Dan Scl~uttz~- *.~.' " " :: , :':: .... Labora~ox'y Director ' .' ~ : ~ :. ;. li~ in this repe~ em for t~ excluti~e u~ ~ the ~ubm~ng ~,.~C ~rat~i~. Iht, e8sume8 ~o resD~si~[l~ for ~ ' 'Page 1 TOTgi~ CONCERTRATIONS (Cal'~fornia Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) KERN EN~;IRON~Aj~ SERVIcEs Date Reported: 08/28/97 P 0 BOXi 5337 ' Date Received: 08/2~/97 ~L~K~RSF'~ELD, CA i793~88 Laboratory No.: 97~09059-8 A~n: C~RiS DEAR.~ON 589~52~0 i' Sample Descripti?n: JOB ~97-4'~94B S.C.. ANDERSON CRIME LAB/UST REMO~: s~A-~ 6 B~LOW :' EAST VERTICL~ TANK, SAMPLED BY CHRIS DED~MON ~an~ling Date/Ti~e: 08/22/9T ~ 05:45PM Title 22 Waste Typ~:! TYl~e i: Millabl~ Solid - No Free Liquid i Regulatory ,, Cri~eri& Method : STLC TTLC C~tituents SamDle ReSul~ Units ~ Method: i' mq/L mq~q Lead 8..1 m~/k~ 2.$ SW-6010 : 5.0 1000. C~omment: Ail' ab+~e ~constituents are reported on.'~ :~a~ recei~ed,:::iwet) Results' reported represent totals (TTLC.~ ':!~'} sampl~ '~e:cted. P.Q.L. = Practical ~uantitati0n Limit (refers to the'least ~ount of anal~e ~cif~ab~e based on' s~ple size used and analytical ~echni~e ~empl0yed) . STLC = Soluble ThreshOld Limit Concentration SW ' "Tes[ M~noas ~or Evaluatin~ So~id Was~es Physical/ChemiCal Metho~S,~; ' ~PA-SW-846~ ~Septe~er, 1986. Laboratoz~ Director ~l; r~u~ lts~ in thi, r~On ere for the expunge use ~ the aubmlWng ~y.' 8G ~orle8, ~. ~*ume$ ~ ~sponelbllJty f~ ~p.d al~lon, ~ra~on, ~t~h~nt ~ ~lrd ~a~y in~l~ 08-28-1997 iI:i3AM FROM BC LABORATORiES~ INC.. TO LABORATORIES ,~ ': '~age ' TOTAL C0~C~TRATI ONS (~ali!fornia Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) :' KERN ENVIRONlV/~NT~L S~RVIC~-S Date Reported: 08/28/97 P} 0 BOX 5337 Date Received: 08/22,/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA .i933188 Laboratory No.: 97 -09059-9 A~[n: C/qR!S D~-JkilMO~ 589 - 5122'0 Sample Descr!p~Qn: JOB'~97-~9.94B S.C. ~/XTDERSON iCRIME LAB/UST REMOV/~T~: sCArI 2,?.BU. LOW i: WEST VE~TICLE TA/XrK, SAi~PLED .BY CHRIS DEA~LMON. · Sampling Date/Tih4e: 08/22/97' ~ 05:50~M Title 22 Waste Type:! Type i: Millabl. e Solid - No Free Liquid Regulagory . C~iteria Method STLC TTLC: Consti~ ' e~ San~ol~ Results unit~ P.O-_L. Load 5.8 ms/kg 215 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: All abdve Pon.stituents are reported on:~n:.as rece~Wea["(~et) g'~e.::ba~is'~.': ;!.'i..' i)' Results reported r~presen~ ~o~als (~LC~)-:..as.:.s~ple s~acted to'~[appro~r~ate ". ~echn~es: to determine total levels. ':" P.Q.L. = Practi0al. Quantitation Limit:(refers to the'least ~oun~ off .~afyte'~: ~ . ' ~anti~iab~e based on s~le size used ~d analytical tec~i~m ie~i°~ed) .' .. STLC = SOluble ~oshold Lim~ Concen~ragion ........ TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Conceht~alfion ~:.i::f':..:: .: .'~:: :: '.(:' . ~.,, : :~ .: .. SW = "T~st Methods for Evaluatin~ Sol:~d Wastes ~hy'sical/Chemi2al M, th°ds ~PA-SW-~':46, September, 1986, ' '' '; r}~h 3ChUltz ..:~ ~ :, '~:" :' Lab:3rato~ Director ~ , _ fl~ In this m~ am ~r t~ ex~u~ uee:~ I~ submi~ng ~. 8C ~t~uHes. Inc. ~sum~ no re~bility for m9~ a~fatlon, se~l~, ~Ch~nt 'Ct ~i~ ~ Inte~io,. Page 't TOT_~J~ CO~CENTR3%TIO~S {California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) KEP_N ENVIRON~NT~ SiERVlCES Da~e Reported: 08/28/97 P O BOX 53]7 : Date Received: 08/22/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA 9.33!88 Laboratory No.: 97-09059-10 A~n: CHRIS D~O~ 589-5:2:20 I . / : Se~nple DescriPtion: i JOB #97-i4994B S.C. AATDERSON .CRI~X~ I~z~B/UST RElvZOVAI3: SCA-J 6 BELOW !W~ST V~TICL~ TA~K, SA/4PLED BY CHRI'S DEARMON. Samplin~ DaEe/Time: : 08/22/97 © 05:54PM Title 22 Waste~ Type':i Ty~e i: ~illable Solid - NO Free 'Liquid Regulatory ' · .C~iteria Method STLC TTLC' Constituents $_%!"~l.el Results Units P.:Q:.~ ~ mq/B. mq/k~ Lead ~.6 m~/k~ 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 ~000'. :i, Re~ul~s~ repot:ed represen~ totals (~C)'~S' s~ple P:Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the"least ~oUnt' of ana~yte ~antifiab~e base~ on: sable size used and analytical tec~i~e STLC = Soluble~ Threshold Limit Concentration SW~ = "Test Methods for Evaluating So~id Wastes ~sical/chem~c:al ~th~ds", ~PA-SW-846;: Septe~er, 198~. Laboratoz~ Directoz~ '" [ :. ill results li;tKI n thle ~'eport 6r~ for the ex;lu~l~'~ uae e! lite submitting parly:. ;IC Lebe~'atorle$. Inc. assumes no r~laOnalbility fo~ report a terat off, ael~eratleh detachment or thltcl i~atly i~',terpretatloi 08-28-1997 11: 14AM FROM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222034 P. 12 ~. TOT~ CONCE~TIONS ',(~C~!~i~ornia Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 662.61) KEP/~ E~IRO~~ SERVICES D~te Reported: 08/2g/9~ P 0 BOX ~337 Date Received: 0g/~2/97 BAKERSFIELD, ~: 93388 Labora~o~ No.: 97-0'.9059-!~1 Attn: CHRIS DE~ ~89-5220 : S~ple Descri~ti0n:' JOB ~97r4~9~S S.C. ~ERSON CRI~ ~/UST R~O~: S~-K 7 " WEST OF.W~ ~RTICLE, ~LED BY C~IS DE~ON. San'tpling Date/Time: 08/22/97 ~ 06:24PM Titt~ 22 Waste ~pe: ~e i: Mill~le Solid - No Free Li~%id Rogulato~ ,.~ Me thod STLC Const itu~.~t s S~pi9 Resul~ Uni~ P.Q,L. Method Lead { None Detected mg/kg 2.5 .SW-6010 ~.~ 1000. Results repor=e~ represen~ ~ozals (~LC.) .as/s~ple .s~bjected technl~ps.to dete~ne total levels. ~ ~.~: P.Q.L. = Practical "Quantitation Limit (refers ~o'the ·least ~o~t of ~alyte . ~anti~iab~e based on ~le size used .and analytical tecnni~e e~10yed) . '.: REFERENCES: SW := "T~St Meghods for EvalUatin~ Sol~d Wastes P~.sical/Ch~m~al Methods% ' LABORATORIES · TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS Cali!fornia Code of Regulations, Tit~e 22, Section 66:261) KERN ENVIRONNiiNT~ '~ERVICES Date Reported: 08/28/97 R 0 BOX 5337 ~. Date Received: 08/2~/97 B~.KERSFIW-LD, 'CA ~}933~88~: Laborato~ No.: 97-09059-12 Attn: CMRIS DE~ON 589 - ~220 S~ple Description:'. JO~ g99-4~B S.C. ~gRSON CRZ~ ~/UST' R~OV~: S~-L 7 BS~ ~9'. :: ~ST OF E. ~RTICLE, S~L~D BY CHRIS DEAN. Samptin~ Date/'Tim~:. 08/22/97 ~9~ituents ~Di.o. Ro~.~.iDs Units ~ ' ~ mq/L ms/kg Lead None De:tected mg/~g 2.5 SW- 6010 $. 0 i000~' tO ',a~.rour~ate P.Q.L.' = · Practieal'.~titation Limit (refers tO ~he'least ~Ount of analyte' , ~ntifi~e based on~ s~le size used ~d analytical techni~e e~loYed.) . :.. STLC = Soluble ~eshold Limi~ Cgncentration .. , ,. , ~:' SW. = "Te:se ~.~h6ds for Evaluauing Soii':d Wastes ~hTsical/Chemi'~al MethOds"', :F;. EPA- SW- 846 ~ ' SePtember, 1986. : Laborauory pi rector IByRECEIVED ! 08-28-1997 01:09P~! LRBQRRTOR~ES, [NC.. TO 3222034 P.02 ! Page 1 LABORATORIES Total Pecroleu~ Hydrocarbons K~R~ EbTVIROITMENTiALSEgVICES Date Reported: '08/2.6/97' P O BOX 5337 Date Received: 08/22/97 BAKERSFIELD,! CA ' 93388 Laboratory'No.: 97-09059-1~ kttn: .CHRI~ DE~AqMON ~89-5220 Sample .Description: JOB ~9~-~99tB S.C. ANDERSO~ CRIME LAB/UsT RE~OUA/~: SCA-A 2' BELOW. i EAST TA/~K, SAMPLED BY CMRIS D~ON. gamp!in.g'Da~e/Time 0S/22/97 ~ 06:16PM , Method Constituent~ : s.a~_~e ReS..ults Unit~ .~..Q..L. Method Total Recov~able Petroleum ~yd~ocarbons. 38. m~/~ 20. ~-~z8.I LABORATORIES ~ : :. : Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons KERN ENvIRON~4ENTJIL, SERVICES Date Reported: 08/~6/97 P 0 BOX 5~3~ ~ Date ReceiVed: .08./~2/97 B,~ERSFIELD,~ ~}. 93388 Labora~o~.No.: .97-09059-2~ kt~l: ':CHRI~ DE~ON 589-5220 · S~ple :Des:c~ip~on:' JOB ~97-499~B S.C. ~RSON CRI~ ~/UST ~OV~: S~-B 6'." BE~W : i ~: E~T T~K~ S~LED BY CMRIS DEAN. Da~e/T~me: 028/22/97 ~ 06:19PM ' : : ~ : ': ~ethod ~. ~ Cons~i_~u~n~ ~ S~ R~suits Units ~D!, L. ~e~h°d To~al Recoverable Petro!e~ : .: . Hydrocarbons : ~ None Detected m~/~ 20.' E'PA~418 ! DeparE~nt 4iodhtlag ct , Bakersfield, CA93308 . (805)327~4911 . FAX (805~ 327-1~18' 08--28-1997 OI:IOPM FROI~C LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 5222034 P.04 LABORATORieS ! ~ Page 1 ! ? Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons KEP~ ENVIRO~N~NT~IL SRRVICES Date Reported.: 08/26/97 P 0 BOX 53'37 , Date ReceiVed.: 08/f2/97 BAI~ERS~I~LD,i CA': 93~@@ Laboratory'No.: 97-69059-3; ~tn: 'CHRIS DE~ON 589-5220 Sa~nple ~Des'c~ipt~bn: JOB ~97-&99~B S.C. ANDERSON. CRII~ %~%B/~ST REMOVAl: SCA-C 2., BBLOW .. · ~ ! CENTER TANK, SAM~LZD BY CHRIS D~ARMON. Samplih~ Da~e/T~me: 08/22/97 @ 06:llPM !: Method Con~tuent~ : Sample Results . Q~.its Total Recoverabi~ ~etroleum Hydrocarbons!i None Detected ms/kg 20]. E~Ar418.1 . : ' California D O.~S. Stuart '~. Buktr pa ~ Sup ~'i ' ' ' ' De rrm nt e sot I; . ~ , :.. LABORATORIES ' ' Page '! Total Petroleum Hydrocarbo~is KERN glff'd'TRO1 lv~EIN-~2)J_, SERVICES Date Reporeed: 08/26/97 P 0 BO~ 533~ ~ Date Received: ~08/22/9~ k~KSRS~IELD,. ~' 93B88 Laborato~ NO.: '97-09059-~ Attn: ~CHRIS D~ON 589-5220 S~pie~Descript{:on:, JOB ~9~t4994B S.C, ~ERSON CRt~ ~/UST R~MO~: ~-D ~' B~LOW ~ : CE~ER T~K, S~PLED BY ~R!S D~ON. S~pli~ Date/~¢me: 08/2~/9~ ~ 06:i3PM , ~e thod ~ns~i~uent ~ ~ s~¢~_e ~esults Unins P .Q~r L, ~e':thod ~ , ; Total Recoverabi~' Porrole~ HydrocarSons ' : . , None Detected m~/k~ 20. E:~A-418. [~ :. I' D~partmcnt Superyisor , ~ , ~ ., : 4 i O0.~Ua~ Ct.. Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (805) 327-4911 . FAX (805) 327-1918 ~, 08F28-1997 01:11PH FROI LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222034 P.06 Dage 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons KERN EN'v'IROb-~EtFFAL' ~ERVICES Date Reported: ~08/26/97 P O'BOX 5337 BAKERSFIELD,; ~ ~ 93~88 Date ReceiVed: ,08/22/~7 Laborato~.No.: '97-09059-5: AeOn: :CHRIS D~0~ 58~-5220 "' S~le Oe~c~ipeibn: JOB ~7~t$9t~ S.C. ~E~SON CR~ m/UST RE~V~: S~-~ 2?; BE~W . ~ST T~K,. S~LED BY CMRIS DE~ON. :' Samplin9 Da~e/Tii~: 08/22/97 ~ 06:0~PM ' Moghod Consti~¢~n~.~ ',~ S~ple Results,. units Total Recouerab~ P&trole~ Hydrocarbons ~ ~one Deteo~ed m~/k~ 20. E~A-410 08-28-1~97 Oi:12PM L~BOR~TORIES, IMC. TO ~2220~4 P.O? LABORATORI~S : : I Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons KERN EbIVIRON1M~IF]7~kL sERVIcES Date ReporTed: 08/24/97 P O'BOX 5337 i. ] Date ReceiVed: 08/~2/97 BAKt~RSFIELD, C.,A,': 93388 Labora~ory'No.: 97-~9059-6 Attn: :CHRIS DEA~LMON $89-5220 : Sample iDescript~pn: JOB #97-4994B $.C. J%NDERSON CRIME LAB/UBT REMOVAL: 8CA-F 6i, BE.~OW WEST T~K, SAMPLED BY CHRIS DEARMON. .. $~mp%i~ Da~e/Time~ 08/22/97 ~ 06:08P~ i Method~ ConstiEue~_~A i. .Sample Results Unita p..O'.~..; . Total Recove'rabi~ P&tr61eum ' i Hyd~ocarbonsi' None Detected mg/kg 20!. :' 08-28-1997 Oi:12PM FROI BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222034 P.08 LA~ORATORt~S Total Petrole%um Hydrocarbons KERN EST~'~RONMENTD~ SERVICES Date Reported: 08/26/97 ' P 0 BOX 5337 ! , I Date Received: .08/22/97 :r ECJ<ERSFIELD,;~ CAi 9338@. Laboratory No.: ;97-09059-7: ~ttn: iCMRiS DE~P~ON S89-5220 ' ~ S~ple ~DescriptiDn: JOB ~97-4994B S.C. ~ZRSON CRI~ ~/UST ~OV~: S~-G 2~,'; BELOW ~ EAST ~RT~C~ T~K, S~LED BY CHRIS D~N, SampliQ~ Date/Time: 08/22/97 ~ 05:40PM ~' Method Consti~uen~ ;. : S~ple ReSUl~ Units D.Q~.L, ~hod , ToSal ~ecoverabl~ Pegr~ie~ Hydrocarbons ;~ ~Z. m~/kg 20, Califorhia ~.H~.S. ;Cert. " ! 08-28-1997 01:1~PI~ FRO~ BC L~BOR~TOR~ES, ~NC.. TO 3222034 P.09 LAI~)I~ATI~RI~$ : Page : Total Petro!etun Hydrocarbons KE~ E~iRO~~ ~ERVICES Date Reported: 0S/2~/97 P O BOX 53~7..~' ~ Date Received: :08/22/97 B~ERSFIELD, ~ 9B~SS Labora:o~ NO.: ~97-09059-8. Attn: C~RIS D~O~ 589-~220 S~ple :Descript$On~ JO~ ~97-4994B S.C. ~DERSON CRI~ ~/UST ~V~: S~-H 6.~'" BELOW · /' ~T ~RTIcL~ T~K, S~PL~D ~Y CHRIS D~ON. :. Sampling ~ate/T~me:: 08/22/97 ~ 05:4~PM : Method Constituents ~ :: S~plm Rg.sul~s Units P.Q... L. Total Recoverabi~ Petrole~ . Hydrocarbons ~one Detected mg/k9 California S. !Cert. DeOartmen[~ . Supo~ sot ' ~1~ in th~ repo~ e f~ the e~lU;ve u;9 ~ ~ s~ml~ng ~. 9C ~bo~ories, Inc. ass~ D~ ~$pun~]lty for Mpofl ~[~r~tion, ;eperati~, ~tach~t ~ thi~ pa~y ImerpmtMl~, I]8-28-1997 01: 13PM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO :3222034 P. 10 LABORATORIES i Page Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons KERN ~[VIRONMENT, J~L' ~ERVICES Date Reported: 08/26/97 P O BOX 5337 i Date Received: os/~2/97 BA/~ERSFIELD, C_.~%=i 93388 Laboratory No.: 97-09059-9 Attn: CHRIS DEJ~MO~ 589 - 5220 ' Sample. escrlpt~ion JOB ~97-4994B S.C. A19DERSON CRIngE I~AB/UST REMOIrAL: SCAoI. 2, BELOW I WEST vERTICL~. TANK, S/LMPLED BY CHRIS D~;U%MON. I ', Sampling Date/Time: 08/22/97 ~ 05:50P~ Constituents Samp!~..~.esul ts Unig. s. P -Q..L. Total Recoverabl~ pgtroleum Hydrocarbons · 32. mg/k9 20. E~A-~18.1 08-28-1997 01:14PM FROf BC LRBORRTORIES, INC.. TO J222034 P.&I LABORATORIES .. Pa_~e ! Total Pet;roleulll Hydrocarboll$ KERN Ei~VIRONUIEIq~D, jkL SERVICES Date Reported: 08/26/97 P 0 BOX 5337 ' Date Received: 08/22/97 BAKERSFIELD, C~' 92388 Laboratory No.: 97-09059-~0 A~tn: CHRIS DEA~O~ 589-5220 : Sampl~ Descriptilon: JOB $97-499&B S.C. ¢uNDERSON CRIIw_~ ~/UST REMOVe: ~-J 6' BELOW :. ~ET ~RT!CLE T~K, S~DLED BY CHRIS DE~ON. S~piin9 Date/Time: 08/22/97 ~ 05:54P~ Me~hod ~o~_~rittlents ~ S~!~ Results Units ~.Q.L_. ~e~thod Total Recoverabl~ P~2role~ Hydrocarbons. ~ 320. mg/k~ 40. E~k-~lS.1 Note: PQL s were .razsed due to hi~h,~,.o~_,~ntra.t,.,ipn' of Department Super'vi sdr ~ 08-28-1997 Oi:ISPM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO ~2220~4 P.12 i. , Page . i Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons KEP~N ENVIRONSI~h~.DJ~ SERVICES Da~e Reported: 08/26/97 P O BOX 5337 i' Date Rmceived: 08/~2/97 ~aKERSFiELD, C~il 93388 Labora:ory No.: 97-a9059-11 Ascn: C~IS DEARLY. O~ 589-5220 ! Sample DeScriptiQn!i JOB ~97;{99~ S,C. ANDER~ON CRI~ LAB/US.T RF~OVAL: 8CA-K i' , WEST OF~W. VERTICL~, SAMPLED BY C~RIS D~AR~ON. Sampiin~ Date/Tiine:' 09/22/97 ~ 06:2~P~ ; Method Constituents SamDle Results ~n.it.s P.O-L.' Method Total RecoverabI~ P~rroleum Hydrocarbonsi' None Derec~ed m~/k~ 20. 08-2~-1997 01:15P~ ~C L~GO~RTO~ES, ~NC.. TO ~2220~4 P.~3 Aeoi ATom s Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons fLERN ENVIRON14~N?~AL SERVICES Date Reported: 08/26/97 P O BOX 5337 ,,~ Date Received: 08/22/97 BAKERSFIE~, CA~ 93B88 Laborato~ No.: Attn: CHRZS DS~ON 589-5220 S~ple Desc~ipt!bn:~ JOB ~97-4994~ S,C. ~ERSON CRI~ ~/usT REMOVe: S~.~ 7~' BSG ~ST OF E% ~RTICLE, $~PLED BY CHRIS DEAN. Samplin9 Date/Time: 08/22/97 $ 06:32~M ~ ~ethod , Consui.zuentS, ~ ~ S~ple Resul~g Units ~ ~ Method Toual Rec0verab!~ = p~role~ Hydrocarbons ~ ~ ~ None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418. California D. :Cert. 186 ".' .. i' Oeparzm~..nt Supe~--~ lsor Jist~ in ~ repo~ are toe ~ exc~ urea ~ the aubmi~ng ~. BC ~mtorle~, ~nc. CITY OF BAKEI~,,IELD FICE OF ENVIRONMEN"|~AL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE ADDRESS ZIP CODE APN FACILITY NAME CROSS STREET TANK OWNER/OPERATOR PHONE NO. MAILING ADDRESS CITY ZIP CONI'RA('TOR INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS CITY ZIP INSURANCE CARRIER WORKMENS COMP NO. PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS CITY ZIP INSURANCE CARRIER WORKMENS COMP NO. TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE NO. ADDRESS CITY ZIP WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILITY ADDRESS CITY ZIP FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS CITY ZIP TANK DESTINATION TAN K INFORMATION CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL TANK NO. AGE VOLUME STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED For Ollicial l :se ()nlv I APPLICATION DATE ~- ~:~~ :i'.:" F,AciLITY NO:i::.." ": :'::':": :' ':' TI I1'; AI'I'I,ICANT IIAS RI!CEIVI'.iI). ItNI)I';RSTANI)S, AND WILl, COMPI,Y WFI'II ]'I IF, ATTACIII';I.) C()NI)ITI()NS OF Tills 1'I'3{MIT/\NI) ANY ()'I'I IliR S'I'A'I I.i. IA)CAI, AND I.T;I)I'iRA/, REGUI,ATIONS. '1'I IlS I"( )RM l las III.iI.;N C()MI'I,I,?ITiI) IINI)I!R I'I',;NAI,'FY OF PEI;LII,rRy, AND TO TIlE BI!ST (')1,' MY KN()WI,I!I)(,;I! IS TRill! :\l"'l~:t~;.~ ^I'I'I,ICANT NAME (i'RiNT) XiTPI,[CANT THIS APPLiCATiON BECOME A PERMIT WitEN APPROVED ..~.,i~ No. E~ e.. -01~o CiTY OF BAKEi~IELD OF FICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE ADDRESS ZIP CODE APN FACILITY NAME CROSS STREET TANK OWNER/OPERATOR PHONE NO. MAILING ADDRESS CITY ZIP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS CITY ZIP INSLIRANCE CARRIER WORKMENS COMP NO. PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS CITY ZIP INSURANCE CARRIER WORKMENS COMP NO. 'rANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE NO. ADDRESS CITY ZIP WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILITY ADDRESS CITY ZIP FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS C1TY ZIP TANK DESTINATION TANK INFORMATION CHEMICAL DATES CHEM1CAL TANK NO. AGE VOLIJME STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED For Official l :sc (hdv ] APPLICATION DATE ~'-~:~~"' 'FACiLITYNO::i;:.' ::' ': 'l~Of OFTAN~:: TI IE AI>I'I ,IC. ANI' I IAS RI!CI!IV[:I). I INI)I!RSTANI)S. AND WILl, COMPI,Y WE[II TI IF. A'FI'ACI tED CONDITIONS ( )F TI lis I'I':RMIT ANI ) ANY ()'I'I II.~R STA'[ I,:. I,OCAL AND FI",I)I':RA[, REGULATIONS. TI IlS I"{ )RM I I,'\S I II.:I!N C()MI'I.I'?I'[':I) IINI)I!R PENAI/FY OF PERJI/RY, AND TO '[I [E llliS'[' ()F MY KN()WI.I'.'I)Gi! IS TRill:, AI'I'I~ APPI,ICANT NAME (PRINT) ~TPI.'~AN'I' Tills APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED RECORD OF ~ CONVERSATION Location: I ~'~o~ ( g:~.~ ID# .. Business Name: ~ ~ C_~,,,,~ ~ Contact Name: c~-r_._,~ ~--r~s~,j ~ Business Phone:. FAX: Inspector's Name: Time of Call: Date: e~'/"ct/~7 Time: t.4- Type'of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ] Actions Required: Time Requir~ to Compile A~ ¢ Min: .:-:.:..:.:.:.~ .~.:.. -x~.~...:::..,:.~..~:.:~.'8.:'~.,,':~ v.:..-.:.~.×.:.:.:.....:.. .... - .... ,"/.'..: .... ~"-'Z...';,]: .................. ~....: .~ ..... .*. -v.,.:.. 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'.. -, . tec~i~ to ~te~ total Zeals, * ' i ~ ' * ".~t' '; :: ::~' '' '- ' ~ ~_~.~.*-.~ - ~ . .. : .. . - ~&cCt~[~clcaci~ Limit (~fer~ Co the le~C, ~c'of ~lFe :~1~1~ ~hOld L~C C~~C~..t- · ., , ,* ....... . ,~. · . : ' I t , , ' · ~F~N~':. ' ' ' ..%;~;.I,, '.~ : . ..'. .' : ...:,. ..... ~ora~o--~ ~ ~ Dire~: ::i ');I %:: .... . :: ' *.. 'i "' · ., , ~ 'Il, .'f :~" '2. ; v' i . :. , . ~. ~. : · 4~ ~'. 8~~, CA , ~8-28-1997 04:49PM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO ~ ~22104 P.84 .'. a :, .' I~ : ~O~TO~$ ' : " P 0 BOX 53t7 ~' D~e Ra~i~: 08/~5/97 ' r~o~ No.: 97-G8803-~ · - ~ ~ ', : ~thod '~ ~ Total Re~~I~ ~t~l~ .. : : . ~ ' = ', : ~: '~ ~. . ~.. .: . ~ : :. ~ ... .-~... ~ ~-2~1~? 04:53PM F~. ~ L~RAT~IES, [~.. TO I · ~ .: :l: .. ; ? , , · , ,, ... .. :., (CaJ~fo~ia Code of ~la~i~, Title 2~, ~ec~i~ 6626~) P o ~X 5~37' ' ~=e Recei~: 589-S22'0 ~ ' · S~l/n9 Date/~ 08/15/9~ 0 02:34~ Title 12 WasCe ~ i: ~11~1e Solid - NO F~e ~ '~ ·: ' I : ; ~latO~ : C~eria. : ~ · : : · . ', ~.' :'.. : ~ . : - ~' :: ' . :.. :-. ':~:.~].. ~ '.: ~ ':']?:. :' ,., ., . { ~l .~ · '~ ~ ' %- ,~-..--..'.. --t.~. %. 'i ' .~.q' .. .. '~} ..~· . ~ ~;:..~, : , ~. ~. : ~; .:,: .. ~ ~ 'T :::~ . : . · . . . ..: . .. . P.Q..L. := ~aCtA~'i Q~t~a~l~ Ltmt~ (~fers tp ~he ~ea~. ~C .. ' ~t~i~le:.~sep ~ a~le sise used; ~ ~l~c%l . ' I I ' . , ;-~4,~.._,, .a'~-- :1~.:'- '.ii= ' [ - · -.~i'~., .,.;'.i · .'.' · · · ' · · .'" ~~: i ~: ..,..~.,. ', ?i -: . .~.. ....... ~"": ....I ' ' .... xK '~ '¢~I .: :'~::.:~.~ ~;'I,i ~?: · , , ~ ~[.:~ '~ .:~'. ' "':":?' '. ~ra~ D~reu~ ;~: ..... :...: : : .: . ~ ,.: . .. ' ,. ~ ~ .~ ' 4~A~ ~, 8~~, ~ ~ · (~} ~7~1~ · FAX {~) 1~8-21~}-1997 04:58PM BC LABORATORIES, INC.. TO 3222104 P.23 I ~-L::~lCJ~'? 04:49PM FRJ~,, BC LI::~ATOR[ES, [NC.. TO :32221(34 P.05 ~sm~ s~,z~aa~U. !~sw~zcss z~:e rte~ort:ea: - S~li~ Da~/T~e{ 08/15/97 m 02:4t~' ' .:' : 'i l: ~t~d ; : : · ~ ..- :: : · : ,~ ,j. ; ~ :~. ~ : ~..~.... .-~ ~ : ~.- :- . . .; I~ ' :~' " ~ ..... *;. :'.: ~..' ~ : : 1~-~]-lgS:J? 04:53PM BC LABORATORIES. [NC.. TO 3~:::):~104 P. 14 .i .. i' ' = ~ i · i! ~ : ' I..: :~' ~' i : · ,~ : i ,' · :. :. LABORATOR~S '.' I**' ; · . . ; ~ - , . TOa'AZ, : (Ca.~fo:m. ia. Code o~ Regu]-aCi,"-',,,, Xicle 22, Section 66261~ ;. Sll~lr~c~s I~at-e l~epo~ced: o8/2b/97 . KRR.~ · ': D~te liteceiv~cl: bs/z)/s/s,"t ' P 0 BO~ 533~ i~%l[llJ~qXlSl~, (~:i 9~138o Ia _t3OratO:~y. No,: 97-01~803-~: :., ,. 5;89 - 52::ti0 , ,.; : i : ': i ' s~le ; · ' i '.. ' .:.: I .~ .'. Ti,lc !2 Waste Type i: ~/11a~le Solid - t~o F~ee ~[d : ,: Criteria I : '" ~ T~nC -- - Lead .- !'. 8.6 ~/'k~i 2.5 SW-6OlO ..!' S.~. lO00 I :, .'. I' :: .' I ] .; : I ' .: ..: i' .'. I I i -i. · · ; I -.~',; .. :* , ..... :'... ; i ~' .' i- · i:~ :' ' ,. 1 '.' ~ ; ..' 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".I.~ ".'..r...': i,:.,. .:', :~ ~,. .~. -....::...] ~ , :- : ~8-2~-1997 04:58PM FR~BC LABORATORIES, [NC.. TO ~221~4 P.24 j~ : : j i : J :! , ~ ; i 'Ii : ':: Iii :: ' :' _ · ...... , Iii ' ~'~l : 'J I ' ':: " '*" Iii ...... " - i ' .] ;' ~ " ' iii · · ._i J-LI .... · ....... .' ~i! ' ~ · i !II ..... ~ ,. .... ! l~l ......... I iii . ~ · · ' · -'- ,! .. ~ I -. I, ' :~ !i ' i : i · , i. ' , II _ ~ : .r. I I~ ~ ;. , ii. i : i: 08-L::~199'? 04:5~PM FIF~, BC L~A~[~, [~.. TO ~221~4 P.~ i ; ; * ' ' ' '~t - -. tI . ' . ~ · . ;, '. .. . ~ 589 -5220 ~ ~ .: .I ~ =~, ~ ez s. =~ ~ ~. ~-' · ' ~:' · · Title 22 Waste ~ i: Hill~e Solid - No ~~s ' : ~e Detected ~ : i ' ~. :' ,..~. : ~ :' : .: I ~'..~'~ ,:"i' : .'~. ~ · '¢ "'1- "~ : : .. : 'i. . : I . ., .;. ~.;;'.. j~. ~. : . : . .. ' ::?.' ' 'I ~ '=~' .... ; ;~ :' '- ; '' · - .: .: ~: -: · . '..-[ i. : : - :[ 'I · ~. .. ~ : :, · , · .. - : ~I : ~ ' '~ ": : ' ' . · ~ '~:~=: ..'. '.Jt t .{. f' .1: .,, ':?: .' ~ :. 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'! ~ . . . .> , i ~EI~, ~ 9:]88 ~ra~o~ ~.: 97-0~803-8~: 58~-52~ 'i : .. · .I ~ ' S~lt~g Date/~e 08/15/97 ~ 03:05~M . .~*r ~*'' Title ~2 Waste ~, ; ~ i: ~1~1e Solid - No Free ~d " : ~' ~od ConstiC~p~s. ,. ~le R~ulc~ ~ ~ ~ . ; ~ .. .: · ocal ~ec~er~lp ~6crol~ ': . ~~0 : i 320. ~ zoo.. :. : : .: 1 : · :~: i. 2 · ' ' : 41,' '. ~ : . ; .. -: . ..., :, .. ':;.; .:.~ ",... I. : ' i , ;: :~ , '] ~.f'i-:':'~U: .*.I ~;.' ... ~' ' < '* ' , ~ ~ '~:., ~ . ~ ~, . , ,. ...: ; · : : '.~;. '~ ,. ~: : ; , -. -, . I: . ] ~ 'i . ' . . ~ · : · · ',~;g~ ~t~ .~ l. :: h' )., .... '( : · ~ ~ t~.. ~,~I~ . '%.~,.~lt, . ... ~...~ ?,~. ~ ~, . .. / ,~.~, c~,% - -.;~,,~ r ,,-:'....fl. .' ~;,-~ i ~ '1 · ~ ' . , I , ' · .~e. ~.~-. ,;- ~--- ~ ~ ~~,,' '.:*'.. ~p:~.., -:~t;.;¢? * -:.:, ;; ..;.: . .. ~tua~'...~ ""~-"= -u~=~ ~, - ,i ....... :.- ·-.*:-;' '. · ~epa~nC Su~:~br q 1 ~ '".~ , ~'~:, ' ': : - .' '~ · ' -:~L! -4 - ~: '. ', : ~ ~ .' · : ', 4~ ~. 8~~ CA~. (~) ~1 . FAX (~) ~Tqgta: I. : ~8-~-1997 04:55PM BC LABORATORIES. [NC.. TO Z~222104 P. 5337 .' . - *' I' ' : . ~)~nC~i~le ~ed on ~le szze ~ed ~d aal~ical Ce~i~} ~l~d] . . . FROM 88.21. 89:87 NO. 4 P. 2 Oiefll: BC L41bora¢~ries, Inc. Attn: ~s. Che~ Fer~on CIi~t's Pr~J~t: 97-08803 ~ Datc Rcc~ed: 08/20/97 Lab No: 1972!-008 Date Smiled: ~1~7 Mat~x:$~ple ID:Soil~97~880~ r ' KPAg020 ,, ,os,/2o/9~ -_ ND m~kz S.0 S,,~ IG _ MDL ~ M~od D~te~m l~lt ND - Nqt ~t,ct~ (gelow DF m ~q~n I;'~tor (DLWMDL) Revfew~Appvov~ By:_ ~~ ~ Date: ~ Oeryl de los Reycs ~ ~pa~ment Su~lsor ' ~=todet - ~ I~10 E. 33rd Stre=t Signat Hill. CA ~807 Tel: 562 989.4~5 F~: 562 989-4040 1~8-20-199~ 04:51PM BC LABORATORIES. INC.. TO 3222104 P. 10 - ] · TOTAn CC~CBNTRRT~O~S (C~lifo .r~/a Code of P 0 ~ S337 ~, 589-S220 . ; [ ,; · · ~ : , ~ .. ~ ' ~ : :. '~ ~' . . . ~.~;:.~, ~ · ~. .~ ~ .' ...... , ; .. I - -- .. _, ~ ; ' '(:l,!'?i:~l .... ~.;'-~,.:.,'< ~,: ~.'~'.' .:- t- -:.'. .:~ :. : '. I · ... :!. , FROM ' 08.21. 09:08 NO. 4 P. 3 i . Client: BC Laboratories, Inc. Attn: Ms, Che~ F~rguson Client's Pr0j~t: 97~8803 Date Received: 08/20/97 Lab No: 19721-00g Date Samp~led: 08/15/97 Sample ID: 97-08803-9 Matrix: Soil ,. -.' .,....,.,,.. ~. . -.> . . . ¥~, EpA 90201(~X) 08120197. .......... ND InWkg 5.0 5.0 !G , DF - ~ }'~tor ~L~I,) Tuesday, the Kern C~unty Sheriff's' gun and a 9 ~mm handgun, in the 4001 '~ ':Paso: block ofD '~St~.t at 5:40 p.m. ' ":' ~;:"~ ~' D~artment reporte~ ~_, "' ~:':': :" a.m.~ .... Navarettt/was push~l into a car b~ · Rodriguez was hit at leas~ o~ice in:' ~ ber.ex-bo~riend, Ceasar Pena, 18, the stomach area/The juvenile.was ~ho sped away after shooting 22-Year- transported to Mercy HosPitaL· ' Storage.tank covew' delays crime lab work The Bakersfield Calif~gniafl ~.. ? "This, has de ayed us about a COnstruct/on at the future site week,' Anderson sakL "We'expect . of Kern County's crime lab in to be back on track by' Friday of ..... downtown Bakersfield unearthed, this week' ... 'half a dozen.storage tanks that no Soil samples' were taken:at the One knew existed, according to site and showed there was no Ralph H~ey, a hazardous materi- , contarninationfrom-toxic sub- als coordinator for BakerS'field's stanc~, according to Huey. Office of Envir0nmental ~~..'-"One tank con~ed waste off "It's not uncommon to find' and the rest either wereempty orre .-~-.~-Underground tanks that ~'t...on' had been filled-with.some sort of .-.':'. aay records, but it is 'rare to' find 'inert' material, like 'drilling mud, .- this many all at'the same site,V..he ..hesaid. ' "~ .. ~'.. ' said.. . Neither the county nor.the dty "Pri°r to 1986, 'it Was legalto has any record of underground pump out tanks that' were no storage tanks in that area. and .longer used and fill them in that Huey didn't know what business' ~er,' he said. may have operated there.that."If the tanks. were'newer 'it would have used the tanks. "would be a bigger deal,' but they. ..... The tanks were found earlylast were so old if anything had leaked Week and construction haSbeen' it has probably biodegraded halted while Kern Environmental..because our soil samples shoWed Services removes the tanks and' no conmminati'on,' digposes of the material they con- A couple of the tanks were taint, according to Steve Ander- ripped open when crews operat- son, owner of S.C. Anderson, the. ing giant earth-moving machines general contrac~r on the project., came across them unexpectedly.. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT EMERGENCY  IEPRESENTING ~ OWNE~PE~TOR ~ REGION~ BOARD ~ COMPANY OR AGENCY NAME ~ ADDRESS .NAME I ~NT~T PERSON [PHONE ,~ m ADDRESS FACILI~ N~E (IF APPL[CABL~ OPE~TOR J PHONE ADDRESS ~ CRO~ STRUT L~AL AGENCY AGENCY N~E ~NT~T PERSON PHONE ~z ~ ~ REGION~ BOARD PHONE ~ (1) NA~E QUANTI~ LOST (~LLONS) $ ~ ~ UNKNOWN m ~ UNKNOWN ~ DA~o DI~VERED~.it I J HOW DIS~VERm ~ ,NV~TORY ~NTR~ ~ OmERSU~URFACE~MONITORING~o~~~~ NUIS~CE CONDITIONS DA~ DIVERGE BE~N M~HOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ~L ~AT APPL~ ~ Od ~.1 t~ t o1~ ,I 74 ~U.K~N ~RE~OVEmN~NTS~C[OSETA.K. RE~OVE ~REPAI. PIPI.G ~ HAS DlSC~RGE BEEN STOPPED ? ~ REPAIR TANK ~ CLOSE TANK & FILL IN P~CE ~ CHANGE PR~EDURE O ~ ~ SOURCE OF DIVERGE CAUSE(S) :s ~ ~ PIPING L~K ~ OTHER ~ ~R.OSION ~ UNKNOWN ~ CHECK ONE ONLY ~ ~ UND~RMINm~ SOIL ONLY ~ GROUNDWATER ~ DRINKING WATER - (CHECK ONLY. IF WATER WELLS HA~ ACtuALLY BEEN AFFEC~D) O CHECK ONE ONLY ~ ~ ~ NO ACTION TArN ~ PR~IMINARY S~ A~E~MENT ~RKP~N SUBMI~ED ~ POLLUTION CHA~C~RI~TION ~ REMEDIATION P~N ~ CASE CLUED (CLE~UP ~MPLE~D OR UNNECE~AR~ ~ CLE~UP UNDERWAY CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) ~ EXCAVA~&DIS~SE(ED) ~ REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) ~ ENH~CEDBIODEGRADATION(I~ ~ ~ ~ CAP SI~ (CD) ~ EXCAVATE & TREAT (E~ ~ PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWA~R (G~ ~ REP~CE SUPPLY (R~ ~ ~ ~ ~NTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) ~ NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) ~ TREA~ENT AT H~P (HU) ~ VENT ~IL ~S) ~ V~UUM EXT~CT ~ ~ OTHER (O~ z iNS~UCTiGNS EMERGENCY Leak Bain8 Confirmed - Leak suspected at site, but has not been confirmed. Indicate whether emergency response person~el ~ equipment were involved Preliminary. Site Assessment Workplan Submitted - workpl~/proposal at any time. If so, a Hazardous Material Incident Report should be filed requested of/submitted by responsible party to determine whether ground with the State Office of Emergency Services ~OEt) at 2800 Meadowview Road, wa%er has been, or will be, i~Dacted as a result of the release. Sacrament~, CA 95832. Copies of the OES re~r~ f~zmmay be obtained at Preliminary. Site Assessment Underway - implementation of workplan. your local underground storage tar~ pestling a~e~cy. Indicate whether Pollution Characterization - responsible party is in the process of fully the OES report has been filed as of the ~ate ~f this meport, defining the extent of contamination in soil and ground water and assessing impacts on surface and/or ground LOCAL AGENCY ONLY Remediation Plan - remediation plan submitted evaluating long term To avoid duplicate notification pursuant to ~sal~ and Safety code Section remediation options. Proposal a~d implementation schedule for appropriate · 25180.~, a goverm~ent employee should sign ~d date the form. in this block, remediation options also suizmitted. A signature here does not mean that the 5e~i kas been determined to pose a Cleanup Underway - implementation of remediation plan. significant threat to human health or safetT~ cc~_iy that notification Post Cleanup Monitorin8 in ProMress - periodic ground water or other procedures have been followed if re~aired, monitoring at site, as necessary, to verify and/or evaluate effectiveness ~ of remedial activities. REPORTED BY Case Closed - regional board and local agency in concurrence that no Enter your n~e, telephone number, ~nd address. Indicate which party you further work is necessary at the site. ~epresent and provide company or agency na~. IMPORTANT: THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM iS INTENDED FOR ~EN~-qlAL 'RESPONSIBLE PARTY STATISTICAL PbqlPOSES ONLY kND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS REFRESEN~ING THE Enter name, telephone n~mber, contact perscm, an~ address of the party OFFICIf~L POSITION OF ANY GOVER~'TAL AGENCY responsible for the leak. The responsible ~ar%y would normally be the owner. REMEDIAL ACTION Indicate which action have been used to cleanup or remediate the leak. SITE LOCATION Descriptions of options follow: Enter information regarding the tank facility. At a minimum, you must Cap Site - install horizontal impermeable iayer to reduce rainfall provide the facility name and full address, infiltration. IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES' Containment Barrfer - install vertical dike to block horizontal movement of Enter names of the local agency and Regiona~ Wa~er Quality Control Board contaminant.. involved. Excavate and Dispos9 - remove contaminated soil and dispose in approved site. SUBSTANCES INVOLVED Excavate and Treat - re~)ve contaminated soil and, treat (includes spreading Enter the name and T~antity lostof the hazard=es substance involved. Room or land farming). is provided for information on two substances if appropriate. If more than Remove Free Product - remove floating product from water table. two substances le~ed, List the two of most ~r~¢ern for cleanup. P~unp and Treat Groundwater - generally employed to remove dissolved contaminants. DiSCOVERY/ABATV~MENT Enhanced Biodesradation - use of any available technology to promote Provide information regarding the discovery ~n~ abatement of theleak, bacterial decomposition of contaminants. Replace SuDply - provide atte-~native water supply to affected parties. SOURCE/CAUSE Treatment at Hookup - install water treatment devices at each dwelling or Indicate source(s) of leak. Check box(es)-in~iCating cause of leak. other place of use. Vacuum Extract - use F~mps or blowers to dr~w air through soil. CASE TYPE Vent Soil - bore holes in soil to allow volatilization of contaminants. Indicate the case type category for this le~. Check one box only. Case No Action Recruited - incident is minor, requiring no remedial action. type is based on the most sensitive resource affected. For example, if both soil and ground water have been affected: case type will be "Ground CObtMENTS - Use this space to elaborate on any aspects of the incident. Water". Indicate "Drinking Water" only if one or more municipal or domestic water wells have actually been affected. A "Ground Water" SIGNATURE - Sign the form in the space provided. designation does not imply that the affected water cannot be, or is not, used for drifting water, but only that water ~ells have not yet been DISTRIBUTION affected. It is understood that case ttrp~ ~my =hange upon further If the form is completed by ~he gallk o~rner or his agent, retain the last copy and forward the remaining copies intact to your local ta~k permit%lng agency investigation, for distribution. CURRENT STATUS 1. Original - Local Tank Permitting Agency Indicate the category which bes~ describes the ct%trent status of the case. 2. State Water Resources Control Moard~ Division of Clean Water Programs, Check one box only. The response should be relative to the case type. For Underground Storage Tank Program, P.O. Box 94&212, Sacramento, CA 94244- ex&mple, if case type is "Ground Water", tken "Current Status" should refer 2120 ~o the status of the ground water investigati~ or cleanup, as opposed to 3. Regional Water Quality Control Board that of soil. Descriptions of options fo!l~: 4. Local Health Officer and County Board of Supervisors or their designee to ~ ~eceive Proposition 65 notifications. No Action Taken - No action has been ~akem ~ responsible party beyond 5. O~er/responsible party. initial report of leak. .OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE ADDRESS I~o I~'C-/~- .6T". ZiP CODE e).~',~o ( APN FACILITY NAN1E~-~/~J' Co. ~.~ C~6 ~ CROSS STREET t~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ TANK OWNER/OPERATOR ~ ~~~~ PHONE NO. ~' ~ ~ MAll.lNG ADDRESS ~f ~~f ~ CITY ~~ - ZIP ~~ CONTRA('TOR ;~FORMA'rio~ COMPANY ~ ~~g~~C. PHONENO. ~'~Z~ LICENSENO. ~ ~7~ ~ ADDRESS ~ ~ ~ . CITY ~~b · ZIP ~~ INSURANCE CARRIER ~~ ~ ~x~ff~ WO~ENS COMP NO. ~ 1113~ ~~ PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COMPANY~ ~ ~ PHO~ NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS CITY ZIP ;NSURANCE CARRIER WO~NS COMP NO. TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY ~~ ~ ~~~,o~ : PHO~NO. ADDRESS CI~ ZIP WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NU~ER ~ %~ ~ ~ ~ NAME OF RINSA~ DISPOSAL FACILI~ ~~ ~~o~ ADDRESS ~oo ~, ~ ~ Cl~ ~~ ZIP ~~ FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~~o I ~ ~ ~ / TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS t CI~' ZIP TANK DESTINATION ~~t~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ TANK I~O~ATIO~ CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL TANK NO. AGE VOLUME STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED For Otlicial I :~¢ ( )nlv ^PPLICAIION DII£. FACILITY ~O; :NO. OF TANKS FEE $'~ TI II ,:/\1'1 'l .ICANT I lAS RECI.iIVI.'I ). I INI )I.iRS'I'ANDS. AND WILl. COMPI.¥ W[I'I I T! II'~ A'UI'ACI II.il) C{ }NI)ffI¢ )NS ¢ )l.' TI IlS I'lq~Ml'l' ANI ) ANY ~ ~I'III{R STAll{. I.()CAI. AND I:|,iI)I.iRAL REGUI.ATIONS. I'l IlS I,'¢ }RM ~ lAS IWI.N C¢ )MIq.I'/IT'I ) I tNI )I.iR PI,~NAI.'I'Y [ ~l.' PEILI[ IR.¥. AND '[O TI ti'! III{ST ( ~l.' MY KN¢ )WI I.il){iI! IS Till ,'\I'I'R( ~VI':I ) I~¥': Al I I.IC.\NI' NAMI'.' (PRINI"I APPI.IC.\NT SI(;NA'I'URI': Tills APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WltEN APPROVEB ,~FIAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISII~N UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE : ADDRESS t~cc t~)'~ 5~-¢e~,'J-zIP CODE ~-/5o( APN TANK OWNER/OPERATOR L.E~ ~'e--~ E ~Jc~PIIW~-~ PHONE No. -~-~(E~i:.%~ - O~SW ( PRELIMANARY ASSEI~ENT INFORMATION COMPANY C,e/,.,el, /X)C.. PHONE No. ~£F',6'/,,Y'~ LL,CENSE No. WASTE TRANSPORTER'IDENTIFICATION NUMBER . /o°'~,~, , . . . TANX T,A~S~'O,TER mrORM~,nON, COMPANY '?'¥ ~ 7-~U'~,UeP~O,NE No. ,~ F~'-OT¢..C'UC~NSE No. /~?'9"¢~ ? ?ANN INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED PREVIO,U~LY STORED :: ~0 t Ooo ~'~U- it THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE AIq'ACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND AN'/OTHER STAT~, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS SEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJU/~Y, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS T[]JJ.~ AND CDr{RE T~..C.[5..... APPLICANT NAME (PR~I~T) APPUCANT SIGN~OI~ ~' ~ THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED