HomeMy WebLinkAboutABOVEGROUND TANKSKARPHOL ASSOCIATES r^u~s~,,o~. ^Rc.~o TRANSMITTAL PRO~ECT: ~:~-~ ~'/~-/~-- PRO~ECT ~: ( ) f~s~e () m~ (~ messier ( ) sped~ deUve~ ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND THE, FOLLOWING: (~ DRAWINGS ~' copies ( ) ADDENDUM copies (~0 SPECIFICATIONS ~ copies ( ) CHANGE ORDER copies ( ) SAMPLES copies ( ) CLARIFICATION copies ( ) SHOP DRAWINGS copies ( ) , copies TRANSMITTED FOR: ( ) YOUR APPROVAL ( ) YOUR RECORD '" ( ) YOUR REVIEW & COMMENT ( ) YOUR USE ( ) YOUR SIGNATURE ..~ ( } YOUR INFORMATION ( ) YOUR DISTRIBUTION ~ ( COPIES TO: BY: f~{" ft/~'/~-~' (a) ATTACHMENTS OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 805-334~Z741 18TH STREET A ~(E) PARKING STALL  STR,PING $ I(A RP H O L '" ~ ' ASSOCIATES ~ ~ ~ ~, ~A~ S~HO~ m I~1 0~~ I!1 ~ ~ m EXISTING VELL~ ~~' ~ PROJECT -- ~ I ~) ,,~4, , LOCATION - (E) CHAIN LINK GATE ~ ~ M TO BE REMOVED· TO BE "' N WHEEL STOPS ~CONCRETE / , ~ / ~ STRIPING TO BE REMOVED , / '1 ~/I /LINE OF PARKING ~ ~~ -- /LEVEL ~SOVE GENERAL NOTES PAD IL I II ~ 'HE CONTRACTOR SHALL INVESTIGATE EXISTINO II I CONDITIONS TO ASCERTAIN VORK REQUIRED AND INCLUDE ALL NECESSARY PATCHING AND REFINISHING, ,,~ , / / THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CAREFULLY EXAMINE THE O //j AS TO THE EXISTING CONDITt~S AND THE / ~ BROOKS FIBER OPERATE, OR WILL mN ANY MANNER EFFECT THE ~ BACK-UP WORK U~ER THE CONTRACT, j ~ ~ ~~ ~l~[g g[~' - - -, ~ > GENERATOR ~RITTEN DNENSIONS SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE '~ " I / (E) CURB ~ SIDEWALK OV[R SCALED O.ENS,ONS. -.. -- .i...~~ ~1. / ' / 1415 18'" STREET IN THE EVENT OF CONFLICTION STATEMENTS OR Nu[E:A~ ~--.=~E~ / BAKERSFIELD, CA THE ARCHITECT IN SUFFICIENT TIME TO PERMIT THE ISSUANCE OF WRITTEN CLARIFICATION. SU~ ~ final Insp~on ~u ~ WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES. FiRE UARSHALL SHALL DETERMINE NU~ER AND ~~~~ ALLEY OF ALL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. ~~ LocATION (E) PARKING TO REMAIN ~  -----~-- $ KA RP H 0 L ASSOCIATES PAUl. SKAI~'HOt.. A~,CHIT[Cr. IMI OAJI 5'{I~..LrT 51Jl{~ I{{ ~AKF. J~I'IF..U~, C~ ~0l (E) CONC. STEM '~ALL (~o~! 3~-~41 (N) 48" ~/IDE X 32" HIGH METAL LOUVERED VENT (N) PAINTED METAL GATE W/ LOUVERS AT (E) OPENING (N) 8X8XI6 CONC, BLOCK- STALL ON (E) STEM WALL VHERE OCCURS - SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS OF PARKING LEVEL ABOVE (E) CONCRETE PAD GENERATOR - CONECT TO (E) CIRCUIT & CONTROLS PER TENANT LOUVERED VENT- EDGE OF (N) CENTER TYP. 3 CONCRETE PAD SEE STRUCTURAL DWOS I000 OAL DEISEL STORAGE TANK IN PRE-FAB CONC, VAULT- INSTALL ~ CONNECT PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. BLOCK W/ BROOKS FIBER ~m (E) COLUMN'TYP RA~K-HP GENERATOR PAIR OF 4'-0" VIDE PAINTED METAL GATES k// LOUVERS (E) CURB a SIDEWALK 1415 18TH STREET .~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 8-16-98 ALLEY N FLOOR PLAN 1/8" ^-2 LINE OF~ BUILDING BEYOND ~ -- OPEN BEYD.D ~ ~ ~-_..~ ~~ · $ KA'RP H 0 L PAIR OF 4'-0' WIDE--.~ OPEN BEYOND AS S O C IATES PAINTED METAL OATES ~ ,~/__ ~ S~HOL. AR~ /(E) STRUCTURE I~10~[~ II! ~ OxSxlO SPLIT- FACE CONC ~LOCK- ..,, -,,,,,, . I I I I I [I I I I I I I I I I I /I t I I I I I / VENT - PAINT I I I I II II I I I I I I I~1 I I I I I I I ~ 8x8xt6 SMOOTH I I I I~ I ~4" CONC BLOCK- I I I I II II I I I I I I I~~ I I I IltllI I I I II II I I I I I I I~1 II I II11 III ~ II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F.F ~ i~i~~~ --(N) CON(:. PAD 80UTH EAST I (E) PARKING GARAGE ~ STRUCTURE , ,.,. ~ LINE OF /- BUILDINO I III III Itl IIIIIIIII ~ ~ ~-~- ~ ~ ~(N) PAINTED METAL /~ATE ~/ LOUVERS I I I I I I I~11 I I I I I ,,,,,, ,~1 III III BROOKS FIBER I I I I I I i~11 I f I I I ~ ~(E) CONC. STEM WALL BACK-UP ~~.; _: GENERATOR / (E) VELL 1415 18TH STREET NORTH BAKERSFIELD, CA 8-16-96 548 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1/8"' A-3 GENERAL ! _- CONCRETE · TYPICAL OETAILS AND GENERAL NOTES $1qALL APPLY IN ALL CASE8 UNLESS SPECIPICALLY MA~RIALS SHALL CONPORM TO THE ~OLLOWZN~ 8WQWN QTWERWIOE ON THE DRAWINg8. W~ERE NO DETAIL Z8 SHOWN, OONOTRUOTZON 8HALL PORTLAND QEMENT (ONE BRAND, DOMEBTZQ) ......... AOTM BE A8 SHOWN POR QTHER SIMILAR WORK. NO DEVIATION8 PROM TRE DRAWIN88 SHALL BE WATER ....................... QOMEOTZC '. PERMITTED WITHOUT BERMI88ION OF ~E ~N~INEER. -. A~RE~AT~B (PINE & COARSe) .............. ABTM (A~RE~ATES SHALL ~ONTAIN NOT MORE THAN 2~ 8~ NON-BTRUOTURAL DRAWINg8 AND 8PEQIFI~ATION8 FOR I~M8 NOT SHOWN ON TH~ 8HAL~ OR OTHER DEL~RIOU8 PARTIES.) . 8TRUQTURAL DRAWINg8 AND 8PEOI~IOATIQNO. ALL E~UIPMENT 8HALL BE BRAOED AND ADMIXTURE (TYPE A, WATER R~QUOIN~) ' ANQHORED ADE~UATLY FOR 8EIOMIQ LOADS. ' "" CURIN~ QQMPQUND .................... AOTM ..... (SHALL NOT IMPAIR IN ANY WAY THE APPLIOATION ~ .... AS S OC~T~S 1. VERIFY ALL (~) ~XIOTIN~ CONDITION8 ~D DIMEN~ON8 ~D R~PORT ANY EPOXY ........... RAMOET "EPCON" CERAMIC 6 IICBO ~428~) DIFFERENOE8 IN ASSUMED ~NDITZ~ TO THE EN~I~R PRIOR TO .... RROCEEDIN~.' ~~~~~?~~t~~~..'.~.-.~L.'L~_ -':~ ........... = -CQNCR~E MIX ~D CO~TRUOTION 8~LL BE TYPE"I~, REGULAR WEIGHT " .. . .'~:. ":.CQNFORM TO THE FOLLOWINg: "' '" .MINIMNM ULTIMATE CQMPRE~IVE STRENGTH ~ 28 DAYS . 2500 PSt 2. PROVIDE AND BE SOLELY R~B~ONOIBLE FOR ALL ~MPORARY SHORINg,. ~UY8 AND MAXI~M 8LUMP (PER AOTM Q-14~) .......... 4 BRACING NEOE88ARY FOR 8TRUQTURAL ~RK SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINg8. MAXIMUM A~RE~ATE SIZE .............. 1 INQH ~. PERFORM ALL WO~ AND REOEIVE ALL TESTS AND INOPEQTIONB IN AOOQRDANQE MINIMUM QEMENT QONTENT ............. S.S WITH THE PROJEQT DRAWINGS, 8PEDIFI~ATIONB AND THE 199~U.'B.O.. MAXIM~ WATER QQNTENT ............... 4I ~ONTRACTOR ~HALL BUBMI~ A ~N~R~T~ D~I~N mIX,...~~~~~~ OF ~LL P~R~ON~ AND ~RO~RTY. ' ......... ~. ~RFORM ALL D~M~LITIDN, R~MOV~L ~ND DI~O~L IN CONFDRM~NC~ ~ITH ~LL 6. ~BE'-SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR_ 8OMeLIANOE WITH ALL .ENVIRONMENTAL . RELATED. LAWS, ORDINANCE8,- ~RU~ AND REaUL-~'~ION8 ~ '~NCRE?~' ~'~ONRy ,' DO~R~TE 8LOOM ~HALL ~ ~RADE N-I, MEDIUM OR LIGHT ~EIGHT (WITH A DRY N~T ~ ~UPPORT ~RVI~ P~RFORM~D ~Y ~ ~N~IN~R DURIN~ ~ON~TRU~TION ~H~LL ~ ~I~HT OF NOT MOR~ THAN 115 L~. P~R ~U~I~ FOOT)~ O~N-END UNIT~ AND ~ONFORM DISTINgUISHeD FROM ~ONTINUOU~ AND D~TAIL~O IN~PEOTION ~RVI~E~ ~HI~H ~R~ TO A~TM ~-~0 MINIMUN OOMPR~IV~ ~REN~TH~. FURNISHED OY OTHER~. THE ~UPP~RT ~RVI~ P~RFORM~D ~Y THE ~N~IN~R, AR~. P~RFOR~D ~OL~LY 'FOR TH~ PURPO~ OF A~I~TIN~ IN ~U~LITY ~ONTROL ~ND IN FILL ~LL ~ELL~ ~ITH ~ROUT. NO ~LI~ ~HALL ~ ~RMITT~D IN V~RTI~L ~HI~IN~ ~ONFORMAN~ ~ZTH TH~ ~ONTRA~T DRA~ING~ ANO ~E~IFI~TION~. TH~ R~INFOR~IN~ EX~T WH~R~ D~TAIL~D ON TH~ DRA~ING~. ALL I~OLATED ~OLT~ ~U~RT ~ERVI~ ~0 NOT ~U~R~NT~ TH~ ~ONTR~TOR'~ P~RFORMAN~ AND ~HALL NOT EMbeDDeD IN MASONRY ~HALL ~E ~ROUT~D ~OLIDLY IN PLA~E WITH NOT LE~S THAN 1" OF : ~ ~N~TRU~D ~ ~U~RVI~ION OF ~ON~TRU~TION. ~ROUT ~URROUNDING THE ~OLT. IF ~OR~ I~ ~TO~D FOR ONE HOUR OR LON~R, eeov~o~ ~O~ZO~r~L CO~STeUCT~O~ ~O~r mY STO~e~a r~ a~our ~-~/2" m~LOW THS ..... ~ mE fllMENS~ON~ ARE 4PPROXIEA~ 4Nfl ARE alFEN FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S TOP OF T~E 8LOCK. ' CONVENIENCE ONLY. ALL DIMENSION8 & EXIOTIN8 CONDITION8 SHALL BE VERIFIED AT -. THE SITE BY THE OONTRA~TOR PRIOR TO Q~NOTR~TION. MINIMUM M~RTAR STRENGTH ~ 28 DAYS (TYPE B) ...... I800 · : [SHALL ~ONTAIN NO ADMIXTURES) B~O~S F~BE~ :~ A~ IT~B BHOWN ON THEBE DRAWINGS"ARE NEW CONSTRUCTION U~E~B 'IDENTIFIED A8 MINIMUM GROUT STRENGTH ~ 28 DAy8 ........... 2000 PSI .~.~. (E) ~XIBTIN~. "-- (~HALL CONTAIN 'BIKA ~ROUT AID, TYPE II", A~ PER MANUFACTURERS .' ~CK~P . .... REC~MENflATIDN~.' NO OTHER ADMIXTURE BH~L B~ ADDED. ) ~' . · L- . ~TRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY TH~ BTR~TURAL ~N~I~R TWO (2) WORKIN~ DAYS PRIOR TO: ~":.~' ~'~'. ~ ~' ' " '-- X S~ ~ ~~~~ ................................ T..?~.~/'."- ~.' ~ :~-'-'. .~,.. po~~ ~~,. ~. '~'~' . . '" · - ~._ . ~RI~L~ ~HALL ~ ~R~D~ 40, ~ONTINUOU~ fl~FORM~D ~AR~ ~ONFORMIN~ TO 4~TM A61~. SPLICE CONTINUOUS BAR8 WITH A MINIMUM LAP OF. ~0 BAR flIAMETER~ (2'-0" '-'~ :'::':"~.:"-'"- ~ ' ~ .~.~ ~ ' :~ :.'::~ ~: - . "' ' :'"""? "~"~ :" I . _ ;'...~,~' ~' . . . .{-d~.~' .... ~ - ' ' -~-- ? :-~:~ ..... ~ ............................. ~ . ~XPANBIDN ANCHORS ' ANCHOR ~NCHOR TYPE SIZE WEDSE SLEEVE ~HELL '~KWIK BOL T-II" "DYNABOL T:' 'HDI " .. HIL TI INC. RAM~E'I'/R~D HEAD NIL TI INC. ' ' ICBO NO. 4~27 ICBO NO. 1572 ICBO ~. 28~ 1/4 800 I0 1-i/8 400 4 l-l/B S/8 2~00 80 2-~/4 I I00 4S 2 ~700 - 2-9/16 1.' ~ ANCHOR DIAMETER REFERS TO ~E ~READ SIZE FOR ~E WEDGE ~O SHELL CATAOQRIEB AND TO ~E ANCHOR OUTSIDE DIAM~R FOR THE 2. ~0% DF ALL ANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED TO THE' VAL~B SHOWN ABOVE ~(EXCEPTIDN: I0~ OF SILL PLATE ANCHOR8 SHALL BE TEB~D) .S. ~8TI~ SHOED ~T OCCUR UNTIL AT LEAST 24 HOURS A~R ~CHOR THE 'IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT AN~O~ 8HALL BE TESTED. ~AOHINg BOLTB & ANCHOR BOLTB .... ASS OCI~T~S ~~ ~ .- .. : _ ._ · "~ } " ~ .. ~...~~ BROOKS FIBER - ' - -':~ ~'~ ~~ .................. ..: 2~~,~~ ~ _. . . .......... r~,.~ ~~_...._ BACK-UP :..~ -. ..... .-- _.. .~ 18TH STREET S KA RP H O L '" ASS 0 C l AT E,$ ,,, rr IMI O~ S'TIt~.ETStlFI~ III ' I- I- LOCATION · CONC. STEM t/ALL .' - (E) CHAIN LINK GATE ... ~ ,~ TO BE ALLEY TO BE N ~..--~CONCRETE t/HEEL STOPS / . ~ / & STRIPING TO BE REMOVED SITE DIAGRAM NS / ~ ,~/I /LINE OF' PARKING /,~ j.,/ s ~LEVEL ABOVE CE~ CONCRETE /~' .L- / GENERAL NOTES PAD THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INVESTIGATE EXISTING II CONDITIONS TO ASCERTAIN ~/ORK REQUIRED AND u INCLUDE ALL NECESS~,RY P~,TCHING AND REFINISHING. , THE CONTRACTOR SHALL C~REFULLY EXAMINE THE PROJECT AREA AND SHALL HAVE SATISFIED HIMSELF ^s TO T~ EX,ST..e CO.DmO.S *~ T.~ ~ ~ BROOKS FIBER CONDITIONS UNDER ~CH ~ ~ILL BE OBLIGED T0 APPROV~ o.~.*~, o. ~ ,. *.~ ~*..~ ~EC~ T.~ ~ BACK-UP WORK UNDER THE CONTRACT. __ _ . BAKERSFIELD R~ DEPARTME~ ~ ~ ~ GENE~ATO~ ~RITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE / CURB ~ S~E~ALK ovER SCALEO D~MENSIONS. . {A~RDOUS MATERIALS DIV. ~ ~ 1415 18TH STREET IN THE EVENT OF CONFLICTION STATEMENT8 OR ~ BAKERSFIELD, CA REQUIREMENTS THE CONTRACT~ SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IN SUFFICIENT TNE TO PERMIT THE NUTE: Acceptance appli~ to plans as subm~ ISSUANCE OF VRITTEN CLARIFICATION. and ~r con~ction and/~ inst~lati~ ther~ ALL VORK PERFORMED SHALL ~ IN COMPLIANCE su~e~ to final insp~ion and acce~an~ 8-16-96 ~ITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES. ~ ~. ~ FIRE MARSHALL SHALL DETERMINE NUMBER AND Date~ ALLEY LOCATION OF ALL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. H~ ~~~ 548 DEMOLITION PLAN 1/8" PARKING TO REMAIN S I(A RP H O L ASSOCIATES PAUL SI~RPHOL. ARCH~..~ I~1 o/~ ~ ~ I!1 ~, EXISTING WELL ~ (E) CONC. STEM WALL (N) 48" WIDE X 32" HIGH METAL LOUVERED VENT (N) PAINTED METAL GATE: W,' LOUVERS AT (E) OPENING (N) 8XSXI6 CONC. BLOCK- INSTALL ON (E) STEM WALL WHERE OCCURS - SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS OF PARKING LEVEL ABOVE (E) CONCRETE MECH PAD GENERATOR - CONECT TO (E) CIRCUIT & CONTROLS PER TENANT LOUVERED VENT- EDGE OF (N) CENTER TYP. ;~ CONCRETE PAD SEE STRUCTURAL DWOS 1000 GAL DEtSEL STORAGE TANK IN , PRE-FAB CONC VAULT- INSTALL & CONNECT PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. BLOCK W/ BROOKS FIBER 4"-I-YP. STRUCTURAL (E) COLUUN-T'~P RACK-UP GENERATOR PAIR OF 4'-0" WIDE ~ PAINTED METAL 1415 18TH STREET GATES W/ ~ (E) CURB ~ SIDEWALK BAKERSFIELD, CA 8-16-g6 ALLEY 548 N FLOOR PLAN 1/8" ^-2 LINE OF~ BUILDING ~ BEYOND OPEN BEYOND ~ ~~ ~ ~-~ BE'~OND $ KA'R? H O L PAINTEDPAIR OF 4METAL'-0' WIDE ~" ~OPEN A S S O C I AT F., GATES H PAUl. $1rJ~RPHOL, ^RcHIT[cr STRUCTURE 1801 OAJ[ S3'RF. Lrl' surl'~ III 8x8xt6 SPLIT- FACE CONC BLOCK- - LOUVERED PAINT VENT - PAINT 8x8x16 SMOOTH EXPANSION FACE HALF-SCORED CONC BLOCK- PAINT { JOINT TYP -.-------(E) CONC. STEM WALL I) CONC. PAD SOUTH EAST I ------(E) PARKING GARAGE ~ STRUCTURE ..,,* ~ LINE OF ~ BUILDING ~,~-~l~m~as~a~~s~,~ ~.--(N) PAINTED METAL I I I I I I I 1~---~-tl I I I I I I I1~111 I~---, ~ ~ I I I I BROOKS FIBER I I I I I I ~ II.~----il f I I I I ~ I I I I I I I Ir'~-"-~q I I I I I I ~-.-.--(E) CONC. STEM WALL r~,~,~.~.~m~,~.,~ G E N E R A T O R ~ (E) WELL ~ 1415 18TH STREET NORTH BAKERSFIELD, CA 8-16-96 548 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1/8" A-3 GENERAL ~,. .:.. -------------- CONCRETE, .. TYPICAL DETAIL8 AND GENERAL NOTE8 8HALL APPLY IN ALL CAGES UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE I=OLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: SHOWN OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS. WHERE NO DETAIL I$ SHOWN, CONSTRUCTION SHALL PQI~TLAND CEMENT (ONE BRAND, DOMESTIC) ........... AOTM C150 BE A8 SHOWN FOR OTHER SIMILAR WORK. NO DEVIATIONS FRCM THE DRAWING8 8HALL BE WATER ....................... DOMESTIC SUPPLY PERMITTED WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE ENGINEER. -. AGGREGATES (FINE & COARSE) .............. ASTM C~' (AGGREGATES SHALL CONTAIN NOT MORE THAN 2X GEE NON-STRUCTURAL DRAWING8 AND SPEC£FICATIDN8 FOR ITEM8 NOT 8HEWN ON THE SHALE OR OTHER DELETERIOUS PARTICLES.) · GTRUCTURAL DRAWING8 AND SPECIFICATIONS. ALL E~UIPMENT 8HALL BE BRACED AND ADMIXTURE (TYPE A, WATER REDUCINg) ' ' AG~ C4.~4'' ANCHORED ADE~UATLY FOR SEISMIC LOADS. '" CURIN~ COMPOUND .................... AOTM C~ .... .. (SHALL NOT IMPAIR IN ANY WAY THE APPLICATION TH~ CONTRACTOR 8HALL: .._ ..~ -..-. ;. , DIFFERENt8 ZN ASSUMED CONDITI~ TO THE EN~I~R PRIOR TO ': __PROCEEDINg.' .~~~~~~~.~~~ ............................... = CONCR~E MIX ~D CO~TRUCTZON 8~LL BE TYPE"II, R~ULAR WEIGHT (14S · '." -.. , '~. ":.CO~ORM TO THE FOLLOWINg: " '" .MZNIMNM ULTIMATE CQMPRE8OZV~ 8TREN~TH ~ 28 DAY8 . . 2. PROV~DE ANQ B~ 80LELY R~PONOIBLE ~OR ALL ~MPORARY 8HORZNO,. 8UY8 AND MAXI~M 8LUMP (PER AOTM ~-14~) .......... 4 ZNCH~B BRACIN~ NECEBOARY FOR 8TRUCTURAL ~RK SHOWN ON THE8E DRAWINg8. MAXIMUM A~EREEATE 8ZZE I INCH MINIMUM CEMENT CONTENT ............. ~.~ BACKB/CY' ~. PERFORM ALL WOrK AND RECEIVE ALL TEBTB AND INSPECTION8 ZN ACCORDANCE MAXIM~ ~TER CONTENT ............... 41 ~L/QY WITH THE PRO~ECT DRAWINGS, 8PECIFICATION8 AND THE i~U.'B.C.. .. 4.. BE 80LELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDITION8 AT THE ~B 8ITE,'INCLUDIN8 SAFETY ~~~~ .... ..?_.' OF ALL PERSON8 AND PROPERTY. . '.' '.~.. ~7 ...... ...~ -'-.. ..... ..-c _.. S. PERFORM ALL DEMOLITION, REMOVAL ~D DISPOSAL IN DONFQRMANC~ WITH ALL ~ -- APPLICABLE L~8, ORDINATES, RULE8 ~D REGULATIONS. EXCEB8 ~TERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM T~ CITE AND DISPOSED OF OFF BITE UNLE88 OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ARQHI~DT OR OWNER. 6. -BE 8OLAY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIAN~ WITH ALL .ENVIRONMENTAL RELATED LAWS, ORDINANCES, RULE8 AND REGULATIONS. ' .......... :.' . CONCRETE MASONRY CO'CRETE BLOCK SHALL BE GRADE N-l, MEDIUM OR LIGHT WEIGHT (WITH A DRY NET A~ SUPPORT BERVICEB PERFORMED BY ~ ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL B~ WEIGHT OF NOT MORE THAN 115 LBS. PER CUBIC FOOT), OPEN-END UNIT8 AND CONFORM DISTINGUISHED FROM CONTI~OU8 AND DETAILED INSPECTION 8ERVIOEB WHICH ARE TO ABTM C-~O MINIMUN COMPRESSIVE B?REN~THO. ... FURNISHED BY OTHERS. THE SUPPORT SERVICE8 PERFORMED BY THE ENGINEER, ARE. ' PERFOR~D 80LELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF A88IOTIN8 IN gUALITY CONTROL AND IN FILL ALL C~L8 WITH ~ROUT. NO SPLICES 8HALL BE PERMITTED IN VERTICAL ACHI~IN~ CONFORMANCE WI. TH THE CONTRACT DRAWING8 AND SPECIFICATIONS. THEB~ REINFORCING EXCEPT WHERE DETAILED ON THE DRAWINGS. ALL ISOLATED BOLTS 8UP~RT SERVICES DO NOT 8UAR~NT~ THE QONTRAOTOR'8 PERFORMANCE AND .SHALL NOT EMBEDDED IN MASONRY BH~LL BE GROUTED SOLIDLY IN PLACE WITH NOT LEOS THAN 1" OF ~ ' BE ~NOTRUED A8 SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION. ~ROUT SURROUNDING THE BOLT. IF WORK IB STOPPED FOR ONE HOUR OR LONGER, PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONSTRUCTION ~OINT BY BTOPPIN~ THE ~ROUT 1-1/2~ BELOW THE ALL ~E DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMA~ AND ARE ~IVEN FOR T~ CONTRACTOR'S TOP OF T~ ~OCK.' CONVENIENCE ONLY. ALL DIMENSION8 & EXIOTIN~ CONDITION8 8HALL BE VERIFIED AT -.. THE CITE BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. MINIMUM M~RTAR STRENGTH ~ 28 DAYS (TYPE B) ...... iOO0 ' · (SHALL CONTAIN NO ADMIXTURES) . - BROOKS ? A~ ITEMS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINg8 'ARE N~W CONSTRUCTION UNLE88 IDENTIFIED A8 MINIMUM ~ROUY STRENGTH ~ 28 DAy8 ........... 2000 PSI ~.~ <~) ~XIBTIN~. "-- (SHALL CONTAIN "OIKA ~ROUT AID, TYPE II", A8 PER MANUFACTURERS .. · RECOMmeNDATIONS.' NO OTHER ADMIXTURE BH~L BE ADDED.) · NOTIFICATION -. ~N~AC~R BHA~ NOTIFY THE 8TR~TURAL ENOI~ER TWO (2) WORKIN~ DAYB PRIOR ~: .?._ ~ "~~~_~_. ~~~ ................. MAT~RIAL~ SHALL BE ~RADE 40, CONTINUOUS, DEFORMED BARS, D~FORMIN~ TO AOTM A6I~. 8PLI~ CONTINUOUS BARB WITH A MINIMUM LAP OF ~0 BAR DIAMETERS (2'-0~ '~5. : ' '~ £XPANSZDN ANCHORS " ANCHOR ANCHOR TYPE SIZE WEDBE SLEEVE ~HELL '~KWIK BDL T-II" "DYNABOL T~' "ROI" .. HIL TI INC. RAM~/R~D ~AD HIL TI INC. · · , ICBO ~O. ~27 :CBO NO. I~72 ICBO ~. 28~ DIA. LOAD TQR~ EMBED ,~DITOR~ EMrO LOAD TOR~ EMBED ~ /2 2000 50 2-~ /4 ~00 20 E/8 2300 80 = 2-~/4 ~00 45 2 ~00 - 2-~/j& 1.' {~ ANCHOR DIAMETER REFER~ TO THE ~READ ~IZE AND SHELL CATA~DRIEB AND TO ~E ANCHOR OUTBIDS DIAM~R FOR THE · 2. ~0% DF ALL ANCHORS SHALL BE TESTED TO THE' VALUES SHOWN ABOVE YEXCEPTIDN: 10~ DF 8ILL PLA~ ANCHOR8 8WALL BE ~ S. ~BTIN~ SHOULD ~T OCCUR UNTIL ~T LEAST 24 HOURS AFaR ~cHoR INBTA~ TIDN. - .... THE ':MmEDfATELY ADJACENT AN~O~S 8HALL BE TE~TED. .. '.. .' .... MA~RIAL$ 8HALL CONFORM TD THE FQ~OWIN~ SPECIFICATIONS: ... .BHAPE~, PLATE~, BARS, ROD8 .......... MACHINE BOLT~ & ANCHOR BOLTS ABTM A~6 ~ S~HOL ASSOCIATES [ January 31, 2003 Mr. Eric Aharonian Supreme Real Estate Company 1661 Ventura Bird, Suite 600 Encino, CA 91436 CERTIFIED MAIL NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE FiRE CHIEF RON FRAZE Re: Failure to Submit Business Plan & Chemical Inventory ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H' Street Dear Mr. Aharonian: Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 396,1349 Our records indicate that Supreme Real Estate Company owns property at 1415 18th Street in Bakersfield California which has a 1,000 gallon above SUPPRESSION SERVICES ground diesel tank. 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326,3941 Your company is in violation of Section 25503.5, 25509 & 255 lO of the FAX (661) 395-1349 California Health and Safety Code, failure to submit a business plain showing PREVENTION SERVICES chemical inventory, emergency response plan, procedures fo.r mitigation, s,~m s~,~.~,~,o.,,~,.s~,,.,c~ evacuation plans and material safety data sheets. ~ 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 YOU where sent a Notice of Violation on July 18, 2000 (copy enclosed). You FAX (661) 326-0576 have failed to comply. PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 ChesterAv~. You are advised that prior to March 1, 2003, you must submit the above Bakersfield, CA 9,3.301 vOiCE (6~1)326,369~ mentioned business plan (packed enclosed). Failure to comply will result in FAX (r~l) 326,057o a misdemeanor citation and injuctive relief. FIRE INVESTIGATION Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326- 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 3190. VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 Sincerely, TRAINING DIVISION 5642 V]ctorAvo. Ralph E. Huey Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 Director of Prevention Services FAX (661) 399-5763 Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/dc enclosure ,y .Iuly 18, 2000 Supreme Real Estate Co. 16661 Ventura Blvd, Suite 600 Eneino, Ca 91436 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE Attn: Mr. Eric Aharonian ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE8 2101 'H' Street Bakers,old, CA 933m NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE VOICE (661) 326-3941 ~Ax (~) 3e5-.m4e Dear Mr. Aharonian: SUPPRESSION SERVICE8 2101 'H' Street Our records indicate that Supreme Real Estate Co. owas property at ! 4 ! $ ! 8 Bakersfield, CA 93301 VO;CE (Set) 325-394~ Street, Bakersfield, California which has a 1000 gallon above gl'ound diesel tank. FAX (661) 395-1349 p;;v£~no, sr~wcr=s 'Your company is in violation of sections 25503.5, 25509 & 255 !0 of ~e Health ~71s Chester Ave. & Safety Code, Failure to ~ubmit a Business Plan showing chemical inventory, Bakersfield, CA g3301 VOICE (6m) 326-3eSt emergency response plan, procedures for mitigation, evacuation plans and FAX (s~) ~.s-osTe material safety data sheets. No MSDS sheets found on site. aWmONUEm',U. ~7~5 Chester ave. It was also noted that on the second floor, approximately 60 gallons of paint were Bakersfield. ca ozom stored in empty offices, which need to be shown on chemical inventory. For vo,c£ (a~l) FAX (001) a~o57e your convenience, I am enclosing a Business Plan Packet, which must be completed and returned within thirty {30) days (August 17, 2000). Failure to · r~Nmo ~nmON comply will result in further enforcement action. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (est) 3~9-4m? Should you ~ve any questions, please tee] ~ee to call mc at 60 !-326-3 ! FAX (66~) 3gg.sT&3 Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey: Director Office of Environmental Services by: Office of Environmental Services enclosure AFFORDABLE ABOVEGROUND ~,RAGE SYS,!r~s VA U~.T TAI~K ~°~ ~'~ °'~' NOTE: Aec~pte~c~ ~t;~ tO =lln~ for co~ruot,~;n. ~nd/~ in~toll~l~ ns~lon and F#J;ERVAU~.T Discover the A vantages of HooVer Vault Tanks: · Two-hour fire rating reduces distance requirements ' Fiberglass clad exterior - 20 year maintenance free under all national fire codes warranty · Lightweight tank design minimizes freight charges and - Meets requirements of ali National Fire Codes foundation construction UFC Articles 52 and 79, Appendix II F and · Tank Mounted Dispensing Units permitted Standard A-II-F- 1 · UL 2085 Protected Secondary Containment Listed NFPA Standards 30 and 30A 2 hour fire rating using lig.htweight concrtet BOCA True 360~' "pressure testable" secondary containment SBCCI Ballistic protection Built-in leak detection tube · CARB Certified for Stage I and II Vapor Recorvery · Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC) Listed - 'Mounted on 2" supports for complete visual - 20 or 30 year warranty options inspection - Tank capacities from 250 to 12,000 gallons, larger · Factory Installed Equipment Packages Motor fuel pumping, Standby fuel / Fuel oil, capacities available upon request Used oil collection, others available upon request · $22 Million Product Liability Insurance VAULT TANK CI OSS SECTION Pitched Roof ' Light Weight Epoxy Exterior Coating \ ! Insulating Concrete CIadding)(OPTIONAL: Fiberglass ~ ~!1 /-. Second Steel Tank (Pressure Testable) f Supports with Anchoring Holes / ',, PROTECTED SECONDARY CONTAINMENT U.L. standard 2085-INSULATED SECONDARY cONTAINMENT ABOVEGROUND TANKS FOR FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS S NDARD PORT ARRANG ENT Normal Vent Emergency Vent Normal Vent Secondary Tank - 2" Primary Tank Primary Tank - 2" 4", 6" or 8" Phase I Vapor Recovery or Monitoring - 2" Electronic Level Gauge or ~ . Vent Secondary Tank Auxiliary b 4'i,/ Emergency 13 Gallon Fill 4". 6" or 8" Containment !/2" Drain Product Fill Product Pump or - 4" or 6" Supply - 2" Product Return ADDITIONAL FITTINGS Liquid Level Manway - 18" or Auxilia,'y - 2" AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Gauoino - 9- (Tanks creater than 5000 ~allons) STANDARD DIMENSIONS Secondary Containment Tank Triple Containment Tank Capacity Length Width Height Standard Optional Capacity Length Width Height Standard Optional Lightweight 3000 PSI Lightweight 3000 PSI Gallons Concrete Concrete Gallons Concrete Concrete 250 7'8" 3'6" 3'3" 5,300 lb. 8,000 lb. 250 8'8" 3'6" 3'3" 6,200 lb. 9,300 lb. . 500 I i'0'~' 4' !" 3'4" 7,600 lb. 12,000 lb. 500 12'4" 4' 1" 3'4" 9,000 lb. 13,900 lb. 1~ i I'0" 4'i0" 4'8" 11,100 lb. 17,200 lb. 1000 12'4" 4'i0" 4'8" 12,600 lb. 19,400 lb. : 1'~ 1-~ 5'8" 4'11" 13,800 lb. 21,600 lb. 1500 14'0" 5'8" 4'11" 16,000 lb. 24.700 lb. 2000 12'0" 7'3" 5' 1" 16,400 lb. 25,600 lb. 2000 13'6" 7'3" 5' 1" 19,300 lb. 29,600 lb. 3000 13'0" 7'8" 6'4" 20,800 lb. 32,500 lb. 3000 14'6" 7'8" 6'4" 25, I O0 lb. 38,1 O0 lb. 4000 15'0" 7'8" 7'0" 25,800 lb. 39,700 lb. 4000 16' ! 0" 7'8" 7'0" 31,1 O0 lb. 46.700 lb. 5000 16'4" 7'8" 7' 1 O" 30,600 lb. 46,600 lb. 5000 18'4" 7'8" 7' I O" 38,700 lb. 55,700 lb. 6000 19'4" 7'8" 7'10" 35,700 lb. 55,600 lb. 6000 21'8" 7'8" 7'10" 41,400 lb. 62,300 lb. 8000 24'0", 8'0" 7' 10" 43,600 lb. 66,600 lb. 8000 26' 10" 8'0" 7' 10" 52,500 lb. 78,500 lb. 10000 29'8" 8'0" 7'10" 52,500 lb. 80,400 lb. 10000 33'4" 8'0" 7'10" 63,500 lb. 94,800 lb. 12000 35'5" 8'0" 7'10" 62,400 lb. 95,100 lb.~ 12000 40'0" ~'0" 7'10" 76,000 lb. 113,400 lb. 8258'Veterans Highway, Millersville, Maryland 21108 800-77722823 :FAX 410'-98723890 HO )VE Containment Systems. Inc. P.O. BOX 396 SEVERNA PARK, MARYLAND 21146 410-987-3800 800-777-2823 FAX 410-987-3890 SPECIFICATIONS HOOVER VAULT TANK UL LfSTED 2085 "PROTECTED SECONDARY CONTAINMENT" TANK 1.0 GENERAL TANK DESCRIFFION: I. 1 Hoover Vault Tanks are constructed and listed in accordance with Underwriters Laboratories. Inc. Standard 2085 for Insulated Secondary. Containment Aboveground Tanks containing Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Protected Type. This 2 hour fire rating shall exceed all requirements of The National Ftre Protection Association Sections 30 and 30A for "fire resistant" tanks and meet the requirements of The Uniform Fire Code-Articles' 52 and 79, Appendix II F and Appendix Standard A-1T-F-1 for "protected" aboveground tanks. 1.2 The standard model Hoover Vault Tank is constructed as a UL listed secondary containment tank, utilizing steel inner and outer tanks. 1.3 All Vault Tank designs are resistant to bullet penetration according to Appendix II F of the Uniform Fire Code. 1.4 Lightweight concrete surrounds the primary storage tank and shall be listed to allow the detection of leaks from the primary tank. 1.5 Thc tanks shall have Certification from CARB for Phase I and II Vapor Recovery. 1.6 The Anchoring tie downs shall be'welded to the bottom ofthg secondary tank and meet Zone 4 Seismic requirements 1.7 The tanks must be off-loaded on site with a crane. I.$ Ail openings shall be from the top, with threaded NPT risers. 1.9 The tank Manufacturer shall provide certificate of insurance that provides a minimum of twenty - two. million dollars ($22.000.000) of Product Liability Coverage per occurrence. 1.10 The Vault Tank to include a Warranty for 20 or 30 years, depending upon model purchased. 1. I 1 The tank Manufacturer shall provide proof of a minimum 5 years of manufacturing vault tanks. VSLWR. BT I Revised 5/95 2.0 P~RY STORAGE TAN'KS: 2.1 The standard primary storage tank shall be Rectangular in design. It shall be constructed of UL specified steel thickness with continuous welds, inside and out. 2.2 The primary storage tank shall be constructed in accordance with UL 142 Standards, and carry the appropriate UL 2085 label. 2.3 The primary tank shall be fitted with: a 4" or 6" F'l Port; either a 4", 6" or 8" Emergency Vent Port; a 2" Normal Vent Port; a 2" Liquid Gauging Port; a 2" Port for Dispensing Pump; a 4" Phase I Vapor Recovery Port and a minimum 18" Manway for tanks with capacities greater than 5,000 gallons. An optional 13 gallon Spill Containment with Lockable Lid and 3/4" drainback port to the primary tank is available. 2.4 The primary tank shall be pressure tested to UL 142 Standard (minimum 3 to 5 psi) at the factory and shall be field tested by the contractor. 2.5 The primary steel tank shall be designed to store M85 (methanol), alcohol petroleum blends. 3.0 FIRE PROTECTION: 3.1 The standard fire protection material shall be lightweight concrete and surround the primary tank. The tank design shall provide a minimum two (2) hour fire rating per UFC Appendix Standard A-H-F (formerly UFC 79-7') and UL 2085 Protected Secondary Containment Tanks. 3.2 The fire protective material shall allow liquid leaking from the primary tank to penetrate the material and communicate with the leak detection robe according to UL 2085 Protected Secondary Containment Tanks 3.3 The fire protective material shall be of a monolithic pour, performed at the factory. 3.4 The fire protective material shall provide a minimum of a R 10 insulating factor. 4.0 BULI J~.T RESISTANCE: 4.1 The fire protected primary tank shall be tested by a qualified engineering firm to be resistant to penetration of the primary tank by a 150 grain, M 2 Ball bullet, traveling at a veloci~ of at least 2700 feet per second, when fired fi.om a .30 caliber rifle, located a maximum of 100 feet fi.om the target. 4.2 The fire protected tank must be able to be repaired in the field by a factory representative, when impacted by a bullet. 4.3 The factory representative must be able to certify that the primary and secondary containment do not leak, and that the fire protective material regains its minimum two (2) hour protection. VSLWR. BT 2 Revised 5/95 5.0 SECONDARY LEAK CONTAINMENT TANK: 5.1 The standard secondary teak containment tank shall be rectangular in design and listed according to UL 2085 Protected.Secondary Containment. 5.2 The secondary tank shall be tested liquid tight at the factory and may be. field tested (minimum 3 psi) by the contractor. 5.3 The secondary tank shall provide reinforc~mem for the lightweight concrete. 5.5 The secondary, tank shall provide tree 360° Radius "pressure testable" containment for the primary, tank. 5.6 The secondary, tank shall be fitted with: a 2" Annular Space Monitoring tube, a 2" Normal Vent port and either a 4", 6", or 8" Emergency Vent port; in addition to openings for all ports in the primary tank. 5.7 The port openings in the top of the secondary tank shall be constructed with full welds to prevent moisture fi.om seeping between the fire proofing material and secondary and primary tanks. 5.8 The top of the secondary.tank shall be sloped so that water will not accumulate on top of the tank. 5.9 The secondary tank shall have a two (2) inch monitoring port including a tube which provides a means to detect product leakage from the primary tank into the fire protection material that directly surroundsthe primary tank This design shall be listed under UL 2085 Protected Secondary Containment. 6,0 COATINGS: 6.1 The interior and exterior surfaces of the primary tank shall be cleansed of foreign material and coated with a corrosion resistant industrial epoxy paint. - 6.2 The exterior surface of the secondary tank shall be cleansed of foreign material and coated v~th a corrosion resistant industrial epoxy paint (3 to 5 mils dry thickness). The standard color shall be desert sand. 6.3 An optional fiberglass cladding can be applied to the exterior surface of the secondary, tank to provide resistance to corrosive environments such as salt water spray. 6.3.1 The entire exterior surface of the secondary tank shall have a commercial sandblast in accordance with SSPC-SP-6. The fiberglass laminating operation shall begin within 12 hours of completion oft. he sandblasting. VSLWI~BT 3 Revised 5/95 6.3.2 All threaded openings and flanges shall be protected during the blasting and laminating process. 6.3.3 Laminate shall be applied only when the work area and the secondary steel tank are between the temperatures of 32 and 103 degrees F. 6.3.4 A base coat of resin and catalyst shall be applied to a dry thickness of 5-8 mils. 6.3.5 An intermediate layer of resin, mixed with glass fibers, shall'be applied to a dry thickness of 25-37 mils a~er the base coat has gelled, but prior to curing. The glass fibers shall weigh 1.03 to 1.45 ounces per square foot of laminate. As an option, pigment may be added. 6.3.6 A final coat containing resin, catalyst, UV inhibitor, wax, and pigment shall be applied ag~er the intermediate layer of resin has gelled (but not cured) to a dry thickness of 10- 15 mils. 6.3.7 The total dry thickness of all layers shall be 40-60 mil. The standard color shall be desert sand. 6.3.8 A Barcol h~dness test may be performed to verify hardness VSLWR. BT 4 Revised 5/95 ~9 ~/4" D~A. l~. MUSHROOM VENT ~4' 13 GALLON ~ : IN TOP ~ ' 6'' ' ' / I ' J 2" STD. PIPE FOR 6" EME (] lC--J r:,, ESERG, VENT ~' ~ ~ 2~ ~ACCESS(pc_ OPENINGS (AS REQUIRED) '~I . , PLUGGED) TOP PLAN 6" SPACE ALL AROUND BETWEEN INNER AND OUTER SPILLBOX TANKS, (TOP BOTTOM & 2" STD. PIPE FOR -~ SIDES), ~ILLCD WITH MONITOR ACCESS. / SEAL WELD ~ CONCRETE. THREADED ALL OPENING~ ~ ENT SEAL  WELD ' ' ' I I ' II TANK ENCASED W/ ~ ~ ~ I ~ /~ rt~ ~ ~1 ~ ' ' ~k'J-~--L-~H~ 1/4" POLYS~RENE~ ,.rLJ , , i- ~ I I I ~ ~, ~,, ,' ,' ~, 5/16" TANKINNE~~I ~ I ~ I ~ I I I I ~ , ~ TANK ~ ' , ' ' ;~ L' ' F ~ I NT)I ] t ~ ~ ~ CONTAINME I ~ L ~' J 3'-9' 3'-9' 5'-3" 21' 21' ~ '~ .... 5'-6" SUPPORTS WITH 7/8"~ HOL HOLE EACH END FOR ANCHORING. EACH END ~CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS INC. ,SINOL~ CO~P~[~[N~ ABO~OROUND OR FIBERGLASS ,,~.,,. ,, ,,. ,..c,,, .~vc. ~ I o 136 ~/~ (JACKEI) IO ~ F~.ATE 20 C6 x 8.2 10 GA PLAIE ~>AC:I~ - ~ ~,O 30 3,0 30 (TYP) CI~ j~J /... TOP PLAN UL L~eEL,,'~'~ ~ o~rrm ~ ~c~ss 7I-I~E.AC~D CC~INS - TOP C~: ~ETE ~ ~--~. Il ~ j C6 x 8.2 SPACER~ Il . ~ II ~ NOTES: W/ANCFtC~ HOLES ELEVATION ~ ~ SECTION B- B 2 ~r-c~ oou,~ W,~LL No, 2W-1C~XD FRANK S. CHAO j MADE BY {~_____. I D^TE ~:/,?//~4 TASK NO. C)~,~¢ O~. iO STRUCTURAL ENGINEER CIIECKED BY DATE SCALE ' STRUCTURAL ENGINEER CHECKED BY DATE SHEET NO. FOR: II I, ooo G,,.(. 'T% ,-,J<.. NOTE : Z~ BE SET TRUE AND LEVE~. I VAULT TANK ... x I~ POSTS (TYPICAL)~/~ ~ gUARD r-i ~T~, EQ. SP. = 4'-~ MAX. FOUNDATION P L.,~. N NOTE: CONCRETE SHALl HAVE A MINIMUM 4" STD. PIPE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI CONC, FIL~ED ~ ~ 6" PAINTED YELLOW ~ DRAIN VALVE · , , ~EEPEN ~DGE~ '~__ ~ 20E~PEN EDGE5 ---- I EBA~ ---- / TO F~OST ~INE [ ~] ,, ~ [TO F~O~T ~INE ~ REQUIRED '2" AS REOU'~ED I~" FOOTING i TYPICAL CURR TYPICAL __ ~ (Whon GUARD PO~T Normal Vent Emergency_ Vent Normal Vent Tank - 2" Primary Tank Primary Tank-- 2" Secondary ................. ,, , , . . .-Xuxiti~tr,, -4" ~ ~ ~ Scomdary T:mk Productl3Gall°nFillFill ~ ~ ~ ~~ 4.6 org Containmen~ 1/2' Drain b ~l,~_ ~ ~ ~.X . ~~ Product Pump o; ~ ~ ~ Product Return ~ ~ , or Auxiliary - 2" ADDITIONAL FITTINGS ~~ -Liquid Le~l,~, x Manwav -IS" ' AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Gau~in~ - 2' (Tanks ~reater than 5000 ~allons} Secondary Containment Tank Triple Containment Tank Capacity Length Width Height Standard Optional Capacity Length Width Height Standard Optional Lightweight 3000 PSI Lightweight 3000 PSI Gallons Concrete Concrete Gallons Concrete Concrete 250 7'8" 3'6" 3'3" 5,300 lb:' 8.000 lb. 250 8'8" 3'6" YY' 6.200 lb. 9.300 lb. 500 11'0" 4'1" 3'4" 7,600 lb. 12,000 lb. 500 12'4" 4'1" 3'4" 9,000 lb. 13.900 lb. 1000 ! 1'0" 4'10" 4'8" I 1,100 lb. 17,200 lb. ~ 1000 12'4" 4'10" 4'8" 12,600 lb. 19.400 lb. 1500 12'6" 5'8" 4'11" 13.800 15. 21,600 lb. 1500 14'0" 5'8" 4'I 1" 16.000 lb. 24,700 lb. 2000 12'0" 7'3" 5'1" 16,400 lb. 25,6~ lb. 2000 13'6" 7'3" 5'1" 19.300 lb. 29.600 lb. 3~ 13'0" 7'8" 6'4" 20,800 lb. 32,5~ lb. 3~0 14'6" 7'8" 6'4" 25.100 lb. 38.100 lb. 4000 15'0" 7'8" 7'0" 25,800 lb. 39,700 lb. 4000 16'10" 7'8" 7'0" 31,100 lb. 46,700 lb. 5000 16'4" 7'8" 7'10" 30,6~ lb. 46,600 lb. 50~ 18'4" 7'8" 7'10" 38.700 lb. 55,7~ lb. ~00 19'4" 7'8" 7'10" 35,700 lb. 55,600 lb. 6000 21'8" 7'8" 7'10" 41.400 lb. 62.3~ lb. 8000 24'0" 8'0" 7' I 0" 43.600 lb. 66.6~ lb. 8000 26' 10" 8'0" 7' 10" 52.500 lb. 78.500 lb. 10~0 ' 29'8" 8'0" 7'10" 5'2,500 lb. 80,400 lb. 10~0 33'4" 8'0" 7'10" 63.500 lb. 94,8~ lb. 120~ 35'5" 8'0" 7'10" 62,400 lb. 95,100 lb. ~ 12~0 40'0" 8~0'' 7'10" 76,000 lb. 113.~ lb. Corporate Office AFFORDABLE ABOVEGROUND STORAGE SYSTEMS F#J;ERVAUJ. T Discover the antages of Hoover Vault Tanks: · Two-hour fire rating reduces distance requirements - Fiberglass clad exterior - 20 year maintenance free under all national fire codes warranty · Lightweight tank design minimizes freight charges and · Meets requirements of all National Fire Codes foundation construction UFC Articles 52 and 79, Appendix II F and · Tank Mounted Dispensing Units permitted Standard A-II-F- 1 · UL 2085 Protected Secondary Containment Listed NFPA Standards 30 and 30A 2 hour fire rating using lig.htweight concrtet BOCA Tree 360° "pressure testable" secondary containment SBCCI Ballistic protection Built-in leak detection tube · CARB Certified for Stage I and II Vapor Recorvery · Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC) Listed - 'Mounted on 2" supports for complete visual ' 20 or 30 year warranty options inspection - Tank capacities from 250 to 12,000 gallons, larger . Factory Installed Equipment Packages Motor fuel pumping, Standby fuel / Fuel oil, capacities available upon request Used oil collection, others available upon request - $22 Million Product Liability Insurance VAULT TANK CROSS SECTION Pitched Roof, . / ....Inner Steel Tank Epoxy Exterior Coating \ / ' Light Weight Insulating Concrete (OPTIONAL: Fiberglass ~ Cladding) f Second Steel Tank (Pressure Testable) ~-' Supports with / ~ Anchoring Holes PROTECTED SECONDARY CONTAINMENT U.L. standard 2085-INSULATED SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ABOVEGROUND TANKS FOR FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS S~NDARD PORT ARRANG~ENT Normal Vent Emergency Vent Normal Vent Secondary Tank - 2" Primary Tank Primary Tank - 2" ~ 4", 6" or 8" \ I Monitorin,.e - 2" Phase 1 Vapor Recovery or ~ \ I / ~ Electronic Level Gauge or ..... ~~~~~~ - · Auxilia~ 4" ~ .... ~~~ . ~mereencv vent ' - '" ~ ~~ / Seco~dari,Tank I~- N I I~/ 4" 6"or8' X3 Gallon Fill, ~ ~ ~ ~ N. X ' Containment ~: ~ ~ ~{ 1/2" Drain bac ~ ~ ~ Product Fill - { , .~ ~. ~~ Supply- 2" ~~ ~ X ' ~ Product Return ~ or Auxiliary- 2" ADDITIONAL FI~INGS Liquid Level Manwav - 18" ' AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Gauging - 2" (Tanks greater than 5000 gallons) STANDARD DIMENSIONS Secondary Containment Tank Triple Containment Tank Capacity Length Width Height Standard Optional Capacity Length Width Height Standard Optional Lightweight 3000 PSI Lightweight 3000 PSI Gallons Concrete Concrete Gallons Concrete Concrete 250 7'8" 3'6" 3'3" 5,300 lb. 8,000 lb. 250 8'8" 3'6" 3'3" 6,200 lb. 9,300 lb. 500 11'0" 4' 1" 3'4" 7,600 lb. 12,000 lb. 500 12'4" 4' 1" 3'4" 9,000 lb. 13,900 lb. 2000 12'0" 7'3" 5'1" 16,400 lb. 25,600 lb. 2000 13'6" 7'3" 5'1" 19,300 lb. 29,600 lb. 3000 13'0" 7'8" 6'4" 20,800 lb. 32,500 lb. 3000 14'6" 7'8" 6'4" 25,100 lb. 38,100 lb. 4000 15'0'~ 7'8" 7'0" 25,800 lb. 39,700 lb. 4000 16'10" 7'8" 7'0' 31,100 lb. 46,700 lb. 5000 16'4" 7'8" 7' I 0" 30,600 lb. 46,600 lb. 5000 18'4" 7'8" 7' 10" 38,700 lb. 55,700 lb. 6000 19'4" 7'8" 7'10" 35,700 lb. 55,600 lb. 6000 21'8" 7'8" 7'10" 41,400 lb. 62300 lb. 8000 24'0", 8'0" 7'10" 43,600 lb. 66,600 lb. 8000 26' 10" 8'0" 7'10" 52,500 lb. 78,500 lb. 10000 29'8" 8'0" 7'10" 52,500 lb. 80,400 lb. 10000 33'4" 8'0" 7'10" 63,500 lb. 94,800 lb. 12000 35'5" 8'0" 7'10" 62,400 lb. 95,100 lb.~ 12000 40'0" !3'0' 7'10" 76,000 lb. 113,400 lb. 8258·VeteransHighway, Millersville, Maryland 21108800_777,2823 .:FAX 4i0'987'3890 Containment ~¥stems. Inc. A $ U B S I 0 I A R Y O F H O O V E R G R O U P. I N C. P.O. BOX 396 SEVERNA PARK, MARYLAND 21146 410-987-3800 800-777-2823 FAX 410-987-3890 SPECIFICATIONS HOOFER VAULT TANK UL LISTED 2085 "PROTECTED SECONDARY CONTAINMENT" TANK 1.0 GENERAL TANK DESCRIFFION: 1.1 Hoover Vault Tanks are constructed and listed in accordance with Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Standard 2085 for Insulated Secondary. Containment Aboveground Tanks containing Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Protected Type. This 2 hour fire rating shall exceed all requirements of The National Fke Protection Association Sections 30 and 30A for "fire resistant" tanks and meet the requirements of The Uniform Fire Code-Articles 52 and 79, Appendix II F and Appendix Standard A-II-F-1 for"protected" aboveground tanks. 1.2 The standard model Hoover Vault Tank is constructed as a UL listed secondary containment tank, utilizing steel inner and outer tanks. 1.3 All Vault Tank designs are resistant to bullet penetration according to Appendix II F of the Uniform Fire Code. 1.4 Li~htweieht concrete surrounds the primary storage tank and shall be listed to allow the detection of leaks fi.om the primary tank. 1.5 The tanks shall have Certification from CARl5 for Phase I and II Vapor Recovery. 1.6 The Anchoring tie downs shall be wetded to the bottom of the secondary tank and meet Zone 4 Seismic requirements 1.7 The tanks must be off-loaded on site with a crane. 1.8 All openings shall be fi.om the top, with threaded N-PT risers. 1.9 The tank Manufacturer shall provide certificate of insurance that provides a minimum of twenty- two. million dollars ($22.000.000} of Product Liability Coverage per occurrence. 1.10 The Vault Tank to include a Warran~ for 20 or 30 years, depending upon model purchased. 1.11 The tank Manufacturer shall provide proof ora minimum 5 years of manufacturing vault tanks. VSLWR. BT I Revised 5/95 2.0 PREMARY STORAGE TANKS: 2.1 The standard primary storage tank shall be Rectangular in design. It shall be constructed of UL specified steel thickness with continuous welds, inside and out. 2.2 The prima~ storage tank shall be constructed in accordance with UL 142 Standards, and carry the appropriate UL 2085 label. 2.3 The pr/mary tank shall be fitted with: a 4" or 6" F'fll Port; either a 4", 6" or 8" Emergency Vent Port; a 2" Normal Vent Port; a 2" Liquid Gauging Port; a 2" Port for Dispensing Pump; a 4" Phase I Vapor Recovery Port and a minimum 18" Manway for tanks with capacities greater than 5,000 gallons. An optional 13 gallon Spill Containment with Lockable Lid and 3/4" drainback port to the primary tank is available. 2.4 The primary tank shall be pressure tested to UL 142 Standard (minimum 3 to 5 psi) at the factory and shall be field tested by the contractor. 2.5 The primary steel tank shall be designed to store M85 (mahanol), alcohol petroleum blends. 3.0 FIRE PROTECTION: 3.1 The standard fire protection material shall be lightweight concrete and surround the primary tank. The tank design shall provide a minimum two (2) hour fire raring per UFC Appendix Standard A-H-F (formerly UFC 79-7) and UL 2085 Protected Secondary Containment Tanks. 3.2 The fire protective material shall allow liquid leaking fi.om the primary tank to penetrate the material and communicate with the leak detection robe according to UL 2085 Protected Secondary Containment Tanks 3.3 The fire protective material shall be of a monolithic pour, performed at the factory. 3.4 The fire protective material shall provide a minimum ora R 10 insulating factor. 4.0 BULI.ET RESISTANCE,: 4.1 The fire protected primary tank shall be tested by a qualified engineering firm to be resistant to penetration of the primary tank by a 150 grain, M 2 Ball bullet, traveling at a velocity, of at least 2700 feet per second, when fired fi.om a .30 caliber rifle, located a maximum of I00 feet fi.om the target. 4.2 The fire protected tank must be able to be repaired in the field by a factory representative, when impacted by a bullet. 4.3 The factory representative must be able to certify that the primary and secondary containment do not leak, and that the fire protective material regains its minimum two (2) hour protection. VSLWR. BT 2 Revised 5/95 ~.0 SECONDARY LEAK CONTAINMENT TANK: 5.1 The standard secondary leak containment tank shall be rectangular in design and listed according to UL 2085 Protected.Secondary Comainment. 5.2 The secondary tank shall be tested liquid tight at the factory and may be. field tested (minimum 3 psi) by the contractor. 5.3 The secondary tank shall provide re~forc6ment for the lightweight concrete. 5.5 The secondary, tank shall provide tree 360° Radius "pressure testable" containment for the primary tank. 5.6 The secondary, tank shall be fitted with: a 2" Annular Space Monitoring tube, a 2" Normal Vent port and either a 4", 6", or 8" Emergency Vent port; in addition to openings for all ports in the primary tank. 5.7 The port openings in the top of the secondary tank shall be constructed with full welds to prevent moisture fi.om seeping between the fire proofing material and secondary and primary tanks. 5.8 The top of the secondary.tank shall be sloped so that water will not accumulate on top of the tank. 5.9 The secondary tank shall have a two (2) inch monitoring port including a robe which provides a means to detect product leakage from the primary tank into the fire protection material that directly surroundsthe primary tank This design shall be listed under UL 2085 Protected Secondary Containment. 6.0 COATINGS: 6.1 The interior and exterior surfaces of the primary tank shall be cleansed of foreign material and coated with a corrosion resistant industrial epoxy paint. - 6.2 The exterior surface of the secondary tank shall be cleansed of foreign material and coated with a corrosion resistant industrial epoxy paint (3 to 5 mils dry thickness). The standard color shall be desert sand. 6.3 An optional fiberglass cladding can be applied to the exterior surface of the secondary, tank to provide resistance to corrosive environments such as salt water spray. 6.3. I The entire exterior surface of the secondary tank shall have a commercial sandblast in accordance with SSPC-SP-6. The fiberglass laminating operation shall begin within 12 hours of completion of the sandblasting. VSLWR. BT 3 Revised 5195 6.3.2 All threaded openings and flanges shall be protected during the blasting and laminating process. 6.3.3 Laminate shall be applied only when the work area and the secondary steel tank are between the temperatures of 32 and 103 degrees F. 6.3.4 A base coat of resin and catalyst shall be applied to a dry thickness of 5-8 mils. 6.3.5 An intermediate layer of resin, mixed with glass fibers, shall'be applied to a dry thickness of 25-37 mils ~er the base coat has gelled, but prior to curing. The glass fibers shall weigh 1.03 to 1.45 ounces per square foot of'laminate. As an option, pigment may be added. 6.3.6 A final coat containing resin, catalyst, UV inhibitor, wax, and pigment shall be applied after the intermediate layer of resin has gelled (but not cured) to a dry thickness of 10- 15 mils. 6.3.7 The total dry thickness of all layers shall be 4040 mil. The standard color shall be desert sand. 6.3.8 A Barcol h.ms. dness test may be performed to verify hardness VSLWILBT 4 Revised 5/95 11'-0' 10'-0" 1/4" DIA. IP' IvtUSHROOM VENT ,::>4' GALLON ~ IN TOP - 6~' S ,/ .; __ _]__ ___L _ _g ~ / MONITOR ACCESS. / 6" EMIR./T ~ {~~W - l~~ 6' EHERG. VENT * m~ ~ ~ ~ACCESS OPENINGS (AS REQUIRED) ~t ~_ PLUGGED) TOP PLAN 6" SPACE ALL AROUND BETWEEN INNER AND OUTER TANKS, (TOP BO]rOM & 2" STD. PIPE FOR SPILLBOX -~ SIDES), ¥1LLI~D WITH ~/ CONNECTION THREADED ALL OPENING . WELD~ ~ TANK ENCASED ~/ ' ' ~ ~ ' ~ I ~ ' ~ ~ I ~ 1/4" POLYS~RENE~ ; ] ' ' -~pu-~-I-L-~H~ ~ I I I I I ~'~, I' ', 3/16" INNER ] [ , I [ TANK ~ ~ ~ [~ ][ 10 GA. OUTER ~ i ~ I TANK~ [ I I (FOR 360' r H I L--~ ...... ~-J I I I CONTAINMENT) I ~, ~ 3,_9, el- 3'-9' el' ' I ' I .... ~' -- 6" su~po~s w~m 7/s"~ .oc HOOVER HOLE EACH END FOR ANCHORING. EACH END ~CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS INC. E X T E R I O R DESCRIPTION: I~0 ~LON ,SINGLE COMP~TMENT AB~GROUN ~P~XY P~NT 1His DRA~I~ AND TI( D(SIGN SI~ 2 ~RD ] U/C 2085 I ,,~c ~ ~t~ [,~,~,,r c.~,, ~ ~: JRD 5-29-931SW1MVl~ CQATE l~ ........ I ........ ,,~c.~,,,,~_~,,,',.~m~ ............. ~ ..' ............. ~: ............... 148 ~/e (CXJTEn ~uu') .b. 1.,t6 ~/a (JACKET)  136 I/I ~ T,A/',I.() .~.~ ~ I 120 (l::¥~qlvLa,['~ T~,I~. ) IO ~A. ME o' . ' .~O 1''~,~ 8 J 'J C6sPAcl~X 8.2_ v[IU) ! 80 ~. 30 ~. 30 . ..10 ...[ J lg GA MI[ r r-ti Rill ~ o~'l'J' I T il~ll I i..;- ~1 I~l~J ~ I-:.i'[..-TF--7'Z~T..gpF-- r~ ~l -.,. i ~1 ~1 / - r =; :~'.~ 'r · ' "~ i':(' I q~' :..'.. :r I i / ~ ~9~, , , . , , : ~....,."~ . __ r:-i'~..'V:::':':'.. ' ' /~ .':.~:'.'.,:'-.?1-.: ~ . .~'pk:::..~:.~.:'~.~[~.,;_~.:'%:..:':.::.~LV:::.~:~,:::/."...~,,,::,~,J.'.'-.< --- ~ -- ~FFE~ ' '~ Jl il ' I~X l~x~E ,l~ IV Il I ~ j x 8.2 S~ER¢ S~L~ ~l~ II I II I ~ I ..... - ...... 'J "~l' I ' ' j' ' j' , ~J J [ : NOTES: J 21'/* ] 58 J ~3 21 C6 x 8.2 ~ W/~F~ ~ ELEVATION ~ ~ SECTION B- B 2 ~ 2w-~ llooo GallonI F~K S. CHAD MADEBY ~L DATE ~/17/?4 TASKNO. ~qg¢~-lO 811EETNO. STRUCq IRAL ENGINEER __ CIIECKEO nY DATE SCALE ~ ~ -- j FRANK S. CHA'0 ,~ADE ~ STRUCTU~L ENGINEER CHECKED BY DATE SHEET NO. FOR: NOTE :  BE SET T~UE ~ND LEVEL. '- ~' ~ ~ ~ LQN~ITUDINAL  TRANSVERSE VAULT TANK ~,~,,~ ,, 't-' .., × 12 POSTS ( ALL AROUND ) EQ. ~P. · 4'-6 MAX. (TYPICAL)~/. GUARD POSTS ,,, ~z~. ~. s~. a ~'-e MAX. FOUNDATION PLAN NOTE: CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 4"' STD. PIPE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OP' 3000 PSI GUARD POSTS AT 28 DAYS. (D~IGNI STF, F.N~TH---~'o~'~i~$i ) CONC. FILLED ~ . ~" PAINTED YELLOW ~ DRAIN VALVE LO~ATED TO SUIT SEE PLAN FOR REINFORCING I CONCRETE FOOTIN~ I TYPICALCURB TYPlC)~l: _ ~ (When Required)' GUARD POST STANDARD PORT ARRAHGEMENT Normal Vent Emergency Vent Normal Vent Secondary Tank - 2" Primary Tank Primary Tank- 2" 13 Gallon Fill Containment ~ 1/2" Drain bac Product Return ADDITIONAL FI~INGS _ or Auxiliary - 2" AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Gauging - 2" (Tanks greater than 5000 gallons~ Se¢on~r¥ Gont~inment T~nk Triple Containment Capacity Length Width Height Standard Optional Capacity Length Width Height Standard Optional Lightweight 3000 PSI Lightweight 3000 PSI Gallons Concrete Concrete Gallons Concrete Concrete 250 7'8" 3'6" 3'3" 5,300 lb: 8.000 lb. 250 8'8" 3'6" 3'3" 6.200 lb. 9,300 lb. 500 11'0" 4' 1" 3'4" 7,600 lb. 12.000 lb. 500 12'4" 4' 1" 3'4" 9,000 lb. 13,900 lb. 1000 11'0" 4'10" 4'8" 11,100 lb. 17,200 lb. ~ 1000 12'4" 4'10" 4'8" 12.600 lb. 19,400 lb. 1500 12'6" 5'8" 4'11" 13,800 I15. 21.600 lb. 1500 14'0" 5'8" 4'11" 16.000 lb. 24,700 lb. 2000 12'0" 7'3" ST' 16,400 lb. 25,600 lb. 2000 13'6" 7'3" 5T' 19.300 lb. 29.600 lb. 3000 13'0" 7'8" 6'4" 20,800 lb. 32,500 lb. 3000 14'6" 7'8" 6'4" 25.100 lb. 38.100 lb. 4000 15'0" 7'8" 7'0" 25,800 lb. 39,700 lb. 4000 16'10" 7'8" 7'0" 31.100 lb. 46,700 lb. 5000 16'4" 7'8" 7'10" 30,600 lb. 46,600 lb. 5000 18'4" 7'8" 7'10" 38.700 lb. 55,700 lb. 6000 19'4" 7'8" 7'10" 35,700 lb. 55,600 lb. 6000 21'8" 7'8" 7'10" 41,400 lb. 62.300 lb. 8000 24'0" 8'0" 7' l 0" 43.600 lb. 66.600 lb. 8000 26' 10" 8'0" 7' 10" 52.500 lb. 78.500 lb. 10000 ' 29'8" 8'0" 7'10" 5'2,500 lb. 80,400 lb. 10000 33'4" 8'0" 7'10" 63.500 lb. 94.,800 lb. 12000 35'5" 8'0" 7'10" 62,400 lb. 95,100 lb. * 12000 40'0" 8¢0" 7'10" 76.000 lb. 113,400 lb. PEI, Corporate Office