HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-3/14/85 F~)rensic Pathologist - Director· LABORATORY SERVICES 1012 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 395-0365 ~ Volatiles Type of Sample: Date Reported: Toxicologist: Tom Sneath , ,, Constituen~ Analysis Results Detection Limits Benzene' ~ Br omod ic__hl_oroi_ne_t hane ....................... Z~____'~. ' B~omoform _~_...h ChXoroform .......................... _,Y_l)_ / __ Dibromochlo rometha'ne /~/_~ 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane /%/j.b. tr ann- 1,2-Dichlorqethyl ene 1,2-Dichl o ~o propane " ' Methylene chloride · ' 1' 1,2,2-Tetrachlo~oethane ..... FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY PERMIT ~: /~DD &O ENV. SENSITIVITY: ~:3 Activity Date ~ Of Tanks Comments '"~'f?:::-'.~" Th~s [s"~o .ack.o.ledge' receipt ~ yOu~ notification' 0'~ [Jn[ent ~o .re'ye .one. undergr~'' :' Ca~k located at 9~ - ~Pth Street,' Bakersfield, 'cai"Lt'ornia~.'~::~wned by..SCanda'rd Bra~l ,~=pany.'.~'-'Re~val can be initiated as soon as a permit ~Ls acqutzed -....'~.~tua& removal of the tank mu~c be in accordance ~ich all Fire Department ~e'Prelt~nary asaea~t to dete~lue if there has bee~ c0~c~tnaC~on.as ~..1~ that .~u describe, in your proposal .Is accepcab!e ~o .th~ department.. ~': .... ..,:,"':'If: YPU have,a~ further quesci°ns: on :our requt~rements ,. please do ~C. h=~1tat~.,. .. to ,.,.cal'~"'?..., ~.~.: . D,.3 1 &,(.. I Llrnon! Llkl II,lb~lle MOjMvE HkJge..... ,,-. :. Constituent Analysis Results Detection Limits Units ~(/;~ Units Tetrachloroethylene ./~/,~ 1 ' l'!-Tr ichl°r°ethane '' /5/-~ 1,1,2-Tr ichloroethsne '/lf/_~ Tr ichloro~thyl ene ,~ . ' 1700Flower Street COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM! .EAL~.OFFICE. ~Bakersfi~ld, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson M.D. Telel~hone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ~- DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Hatch 14,. 1985 Vincent T. Basulto W. Los Angeles, CA 90025 Dear Mr. Basulto: · This is to advise you that this department has reviewed the project results for the subsurface contamination investigation conducted 'at Standard Brands Paint Company, 900-~9th Street, Bakersfield, .California. Based upon the findings described in 'the report, this -department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination resulting from fuel tank leakage exists at the site. An invoice for our tank removal and assessment review activities is enclosed. Please remit payment within 30 days to avoid penalty. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. S 'ncer el y, Ann Boyce, . . Environmental Health Specialist II AB: aa Enclosure - DISTRICT OFFICES Delano Lamont Lake Isabelt~ Moiave . Ridgecrest . Shafter Taft