HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-12/21/98Official Business PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 . A°replete terns 1 and/~- ~ - ' ' ~;Omplete items 3 ~v~,.z_ror add tional * ~' ' Print "ou- , o-u '~a & b. ~.er~mes. . ; · name and ad J also wish to recei. return this Card to vo, dress on .the reve . ' Attach this ,- ---' rse of th~s form s~ -~ following Services (for does not -~ .,ur~ to the front ~ L~ ~ u~at we Can ,~rm~t. ~. ~ne mai ~;~- * fee): : .. -*. I~, ~u or on the back if Space he mai/piece below the 1. ~ Addressee's Address show to Whom the a~/c/e Was delivered and th 2. ~ Restricted Delivery ~ G~O~ S~ fee. P 0 aO~ 9324 14-489 B~RSFIE~ CA 93389 - ~ Insured Ce~ified "~ COD ~ Express Mail ~ Retufor and fee d~ ~u.s. GPO: D December 21, 1998 Ms. Gloria Stewart P.O. Box 9324 nRE CHIEF Bakersfield, CA 93389 RON ~SINIST~WESERVI¢£S CLOSURE OF 2 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS_SUBSTANCE 2101 'H' Street ...... Bakers~e,d. CA93301 STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT ri~20 ..... 19t-~-STREET IN vOiCE (805) 326-3~41 · FAX (805) 395-1349 BAKERSFIELD. PERMIT #BR-0232. SUPPRESSION SERVICES Dear Mr. Stewart: 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805)395-1349 This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. located at the above stated address. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805)326-0576 Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. EHVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715Chester Ave. Accordingly, no unauthorized release reporting is necessary for this Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 closure. · FAX (805) 3260576 TRAINING OMSION If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me 5642 Victor Ave. at (805) 326-3979. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dlm cc: Y.Pan, RWQCB sfield CA93301 .... .. . ~- - _ . . Advanced Environmental:Concepts, Inc, (AEC) has prepaCed the Tank Closure Repo~ for the 'above referenced proJec~locat~on.' '" -' ~nclosod ploaso find that ropO~; ;:' ShouldyoU. hav~-anV ~ues~ohS oimquim ~larification on any aspects Of. the enclosed, please do not hesitate d~Envi m~ ta-icon-c ~t~, AdVance ron n e Inc. -- - ;Project Coordinator/.0~ceAdministrator -' - . · :- - · . :~_ :; ~}7:::~ :_-.._- _ :-_.~ .... ..'::- ~,(~-~.}.'.~:T :c6unty of-Kern: ~}B~k~r~field, caiifqrnia - :'. ~.~_- - :- .... ~:_¢:}:- .... ~ -,~,:- -. . '_ _~' :~ ~ ~-: . .: '_ _. Tank Closure Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Table of Contents Page' 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 :2.0 BACKGROUND 1 3.0 PHYSICAL cHARACTERISTICS 2 3.1 Site Description 2 3.2 Site Hydrogeology 2 3.3 Soil Profile 3 · 4.0 TANK REMOVAL PROCEDURES 3 4.1 Soil Sample Locations and 3 Collection Procedures · 5.0 LABORATORY ANALYSES and RESULTS 4 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 5 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 5 8.0 LIMITATIONS 5 9.0 CLOSING 6 Appendices: Project Maps/Figures (A) Tank Removal Permits (B) Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest (C) - Tank. Disposal Documentation .(D) Compaction Certification (E) Laboratory Results/Chain-of-Custody Documents -Project: AEC 98C-1912 . : · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · -- 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 · BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805'/831-1648 ; FAX 805/831-1771 Tank Closure Report -~ Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. T. his report presents the results of a preliminary soil investigation performed by Advanced £nvironmental Concepts, Inc. (AEC) beneath under§round storage tanks located at 1020 19th Street on October 13, 1998. The purpose of this project is to evaluate whether petroleum hydrocarbons have leaked from either one 2,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank (us'r) or one 500 gallon waste oil UST at the East 19th Street facility. The objective was to assess the soil beneath the storage tanks for hydrocarbons and' volatile organic compounds following the excavalJon and removal of each tank. No dispensers or product piping existed at the time of the UST removal procedures. The tanks were located at 1020 East 19th Street in the City of Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). Tank removal procedures were performed under the supervision of the .City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services (BFD). Mr. Steve Underwood, Bakersfield Fire Department, witnessed the tank removal and soil sampling procedures. This report includes background information regarding exisl~ng site characteristics, local geology and hydrology, tank removal procedures, sample collection Procedures, analytical results, and related conclusions and recommendations. Report appendices contain Tank Removal Permit(s)' (Appendix A), Hazardous Waste Manifest (Appendix B), Tank Disposal Documentation (Appendix C), Soil Compaction Certificates (Appendix D) and Laboratory Reports/Chain-of-Custody Documents(Appendix E). 2.0 BACKGROUND Ms. Gloria Stewart contracted Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. of Bakersfield, California, to provide the following tank removal services; 1) Excavate the backfill surrounding the UST's; 2) Collect, transport, and dispose of fluid remaining inside the UST's using a vacuUm truck; 3) Monitor the Lower. Explosive Limit (LEL); 4) Decontaminate tanks and piping interiors with high-pressure washer;. ~ . 5) Inert the tanks prior to removal using solid Carbon Dioxide (dry ice); 6) Provide qUalified personnel to collect representative, soil samples in accordance with Bakersfield Fire Department regulations; 7) Perform required analytical testing of soil samples by a State of California certified analytical laboratory; 8) Backfill and compact the excavations and provide Certificate of Compaction; Summarize the above described services in the form ora "Tank Closure Report". Project: AEC 98C~1912 1 . : · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · . 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 · BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1646 · FAX 8051831-1771 · Tank-ClosUre Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 3.0 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 Site Description The property is located at 1020 East 19th Street in Bakersfield, California. TWo separate UST emplacements were located at the site. The southern tank emplacement was located adjacent to the municipal sidewalk along the northern edge of East 19th Street approximately 100 feet east of the intersection of East 19th and ';N" Streets. The northern tank emplacement was located in a vacant lot along the northern edge of an alley north of East 19th Street. This tank was located approximately 100 feet east of the intersection of the alley and "N" Street. 3.2 Site Hydrogeology The subject property is located in the southeastern end of the san Joaquin Valley where the Sierra Nevada, Great Valley, and Coastal Range physiographic provinces meet. The southern end of the Sierra Nevada province is composed of a massive block of igneous and metamorphic rock of Mesozoic age and older. This Sierran block, 40 to 100 miles wide and 400 miles long,· slopes five to seven degrees beneath the San Joaquin Valley. The Coastal Range province on the west consists of tectonically deformed and fractured marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks of Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary age which dip eastward beneath the San Joaquin Valley. The Great Valley province is a broad asymmetrical synclinal trough, which is known as the Sacramento Valley in the north and the San Joaquin Valley in the south. Beneath the 'southern San Joaquin Valley floor, the Sierran plutonic and metamorphic rock is overlain by consolidated marine rocks of Jurassic and Cretaceous age. These rocks are overlain by continental marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age. These continental.deposits are consolidated to semi-consolidated, fossilferous sandstone, siltstone, and shale which thicken.tOward the south and west. The Tertiary rocks are overlain by unconsolidated continental deposits consisting of Pliocene to Holocene river and lake sediments of gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Surface features of the floor of the San Joaquin Valley consist of dissected uplands, alluvial fans, overflow areas, and lake bottoms. DisSected uplands lie between the mountains and the nearly flat Valley floor and are manifest in Iow lying hills through which perennial and intermittent streams flow. These features consist of reworked older alluvium. The alluvial fans are the sites of active stream deposition of sand and silts derived from the Sierra Nevada and the dissected uplands. The overflow lands and lake bottoms lie in the central part of the Valley where silt and clay accumulate in quiet lake and marsh environments. The Central Valley of California is underlain by a broad and deep hydrogeologic unit consisting of soil and rock of varying porosity and permeability. Physical dimensions are approximately' 50 miles wide at the widest point in the Valley, 400 miles long, and as much as 2,000 feet deep. Recharge to regional aquifers consists of infiltration of seasonal precipitation and percolation of surface waters. The Valley aquifer of greatest storage, highest quality, and greatest accessibility for domestic .and agricultural use consists of the alluvial and lacustrine continental deposits extending to depths of 1,500 to 2,000 feet beneath the San Joaquin Valley floor. Lithology and hydraulic properties of these sediments are largely the product of the sediment source and the depositional environment. These sediments range in size from clays to boulders and include all mixtures between the extremes. Those of the west side of the Valley are derived largely from the "Coastal Ranges, which tend to consist of shales and fine sandstones with limited permeability. The east side sediments are derived mainly from granitic materials of the Sierra Nevada which are generally coarser and much more permeable. Project: AEC 98C-1912 2 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · ~ '4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 · BA~<_ERSFIELD. CA93313 '- ~05/831-1646~ · FAX8051831-1771 ~ -- Tank Closure RePort . . * Adv.anced.Environmental concepts, Inc. I : ' - The maj0~ity of groundwater pumped from beneath 'the Valley floor occurs within relatively unconsolidated continental deposits. 'The groundwater flow direction (gradient) beneath the site is estimated to be toward the northwest. Depth to first unconfined groundwater ranges between 200 and I ' 250-feet below grade level (BGL) beneath the site area~ The SteWart:Pr0Perty is located on'fiat terrain with an average Surf-ace elevations Of'aPproximately I 405-feet above mean sea level (MSL).. The property is Situated on. alluvial fan deposits created from sediments transported and deposited by tributaries of the Kern 'River prior to drainage control and · irrigation water distribution measures consisting of networks of man-made ditches, sloughs, and canals. These sediments consist of gravels, sands, silts, and clays. ! 3.3 Soil Profile Soil within the excavations consisted of poorly graded, moist, fine grained sand (SP) with traces of silt and visible micas. No lithology changes were observed within the excavations to atotal depth of II thirteen feet. 4.0 TANK REMOVAL PROCEDURES Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. performed the excavation of the two UST's located at the site'on .October 13, 1998. Both UST'S were odented in a north-south direction. The gasoline tank Was reported to be I of 500-gallon capacity prior to the excavation procedUres. During the excavation of this tank, it was discovered to be 2,000 gallons in capacity. The top and sides of the UST's were uncovered and the fluid remaining within each tank was removed using a truck-mounted vacuum pumping Unit. Each tank was then t~iple rinsed and the dnseate generated during the cleaning was vacuumed into the vacuum truck for offsite removal. No visually I stained soil Was observed adjacent to the top, sides', and bottom of of the tanks. any storage The tanks were ~ _. then inerted with 22~pounds of dry ice per 1000-gallons of capacity. _ _g On October 13, 1998,, ~KCEHSD approved 'the removal of the underground storage tanks. The tanks were removed from the excavation using a backhoe, and transported to Golden State Metal Recycling Inc., located in Bakersfield, California, for recycling as scrap metal. The. liquid waste and rinseate removed from the UST's was transported for disposal to USA Waste, located in McKittrick, California, under Uniform Hazardous Waste I Manifest #13215. ' 4.1 Soil Sample Location and Collection Procedures I Upon completion of the tank removal procedures, a total of 5 soil samples were collected at the subject site. These samples include 2 samples from beneath each former tank location and 1 sample i collected from the stockpiled soil removed during the excavation of the waste oil tank. All sample collection locations and procedures were conducted in accordance with permit requirements of 'KCEHSD. Samples identified as C-WO~8' and C-WO-12' were collected from beneath the center of the former 500-gallon waste oil storage tank at depths of 8 and 1-2 feet, respectively. Samples ! · identified as C-GAS-8' and C-GAS-12' were collected from beneath the center of the former 2,000 gallon gasoline storage tank at depths of 8 and 12 feet, respectively. One additional sample identified as SP-WO was collected from the stockpiled soil removed during the excavation of the former waste i oil storage tank: 'l Proje~;t: AEC 98C-1912 3 .. .: · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND -e' : _ * * ' 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 · BAKERSFIELD. CA93313 805/831-1646: ·- FAXS05/831-1771 ' - '* I Tank Closure RePort · Advanced Environmental ConCePts, }nc. The following protocOl was observed during sampling procedures: 1) A backhoe was used to excavate a representative sample of native soil from beneath each of I . the two UST's, and bring the samples to surface grade for collection; 2) Weadng clean sampling gloves, a qualified AEC representative pushed a clean brass sleeve I into an undisturbed portion of the soil within thebackhoe bucket, leaving no head space within ~. the sleeve; 3) Each end of the sample sleeve was then capped with a Teflon' sheet and protective plastic end '1 cap, sealed with tape, labeled, placed in a sealable plastic bag, and stored in a cooler chilled to approximately 4-degrees Centigrade; I 4) The soil samples were recorded on a Chain~of-Custody document to ensure sample integrity and traceability; 5) Analytical tests were performed by Baseline On-Site Analysis, a California Certified Laboratory I located in Huntington Beach, California. I 510 LABORATORY ANALYSIS and RESULTS The analyses specified and performed on the soil samples were in accordance with accepted State of I California Department of Health Services (DHS) laboratory procedures for total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel and gasoline (TPH-d and TPH-g) and EPA Method 8020 for volatile aromatic compounds, including MTBE. Results of the laboratory analyses are summarized in Table 1. The laboratory reportsand chain of i custody documents are Presented in Appendix E. of this report: Units of measurement are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), equivalent to parts per million (pprn). TABLE 1 · I S0il Samples -Tank Removals. ' 10113/98 (ppm) Xylenes · I C-WO-8' ND N/A ND ND. ND ' : ND ND I C-GAS-8' .N/A ND ND ND ND ND · ND ND ND SP-WO ND N/A ND ND ND ' ND ND ' D;t;~i,on '-1'0!~ ..:.:' 1:O :' 0.005 : 0:005 .0'.005 0.005 0.005 ' ' . . · Project: AEC 98C-1912 4 .. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND ,, 4400 ASHE ROAD. #208 · BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/83!-.1646_. · - FAX 805/831-1771 -' Tank Closure· Report ' ' Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. ND: Non-detected at indicated level of detection N/A: Not Analyzed. Figures 2 & 3 for identification of sampling locations. Samples were identified in accordance with Note: See KCEHSD guidelines. .. .. - No detectable levels gasoline or diesel-range petroleUm Iiydrocarbons 0~ volatile aromatic cOmpounds were indicated from laboratory analyses performed on any sample's collected at this Site. . Based on visual observations made in the field during the tank removal oPerations and the results of laboratory analyses of samples collected from beneath the former UST locations, AEC concludes that no petroleum · hydrocarbon impacted soil remains at this facility. ' ' ~ ' :, 6.0 CONCLUSIONS · No detectable concentrations, of. Petroleum hYdrocarbons or volatile organic were compounds indicated within analytical laboratory results of samples collected from beneath the 2 former underground storage tanks on October 13, 1998 ~ " · Based on visual evidence observed during the UST removal operations; soil type, and the reSults of laboratory analyses of soil samples collected from the former underground storage tank locations, AEC concludes that no petroleum hydrocarbon 'impacted soil remains at this facility. . 7.0 . RECOMMENDATIONS Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. (AEC) recommends that no additional investigations are warranted at the Gloria Stewart property located at 1020 19th Street in BakerSfield, California and respectfully requests final closure be granted for this facility. - 8.0 LIMITATIONS : ' This work has been performed in accordance with generally accePted:tank removal and environmental science and engineering practices. Conclusions and recommendations are based upon 'information collected and compiled during the tank removal and data supplied by the Client. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is given. The soil samples for this project Were obtained on a finite grid; hence, the laboratory results are indicative of discrete samples and are not meantto be misconstrued as representative.of unsampled areas. Project: AEC 98C-1912 _ - · ENVIRONMENTAL cONCEPTS WITH DESIGN'IN MIND · 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 · BAKERSFIELD~ CA 93313 805/831-1646 '· · FAX 805/83~-1771. I' . Tank Closure Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to be of service to Ms. Gloria Stewart I on this project. If there are any questions or f additional informatiOn should be required regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (805) 831-1646. · ' I Sincerelyl - . --. . - ~ . i Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. _,~. _?~¢~., ' ' I ...°.oioo; ~ . ~ .. I ~11 en~ronmental s~e work ~h which ~dvanced Environmental ~oncepts, Inc. was involved, was performed under my supe~sion to ensure proper sampling protocol and environmental assessment. This repo~ has been technically reviewed bythe undersigned. ' ' I Fgistered Ge°l°gist ¢5504 ' I DOC281T Project: AEC 98C-1912 . 6 - · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WIT~ DESIGN IN MINI3 * '1 · · 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206. ¢ · -BAKERSFIELD,. . .. CA 93313 805/831-1'646~ '_-- · FAX 805/831-1771 · ~ §~'~ .~ ~_---""r'--~ ~ ^~ o~ '~ '." ~ -= . ~ ' ~ ,' I ' ~ ~1~ ~ cE..[ROBERTSu~ ~~~ ~~~~ COLL. ~ '~ .....: . . BETHEL ' ~ ~' " ~ "~' Pa~ ACADEMY ~' ~ - ~ ~ -' : ~- ,~ ~ Mt~ro~c~ATiON ~[ '~n. ~ ~, . ~1~ ~~ ~ o~. ~ - I " ~'~ ....... ~ ~ "r~I ~'~ nte~ ~U~ ~ ~ ~ Y PENNI bt. ~ I I ~--~ , 1 ~ c= ~ l!~ ~ Buena ~: I-' V*sta St. ~1 , ~.es,.r -" I I~~~/ / Gloria 8towa~ I .~ ~.~.~ oo~s,.c. 1020 19th Street 1. . ADVANOED ENVlRO~MENTA&~N~EPT~ ~.o. ~x ~z2 ~RS¢¢¢~. CA ~ ' Coun~ of Kern · Bakersfield, California Open Lot ~2,5~Open Lot ~-~UST 0 WO @ 8' 0 WO @ 12' ALLEY ·!C GAS @8' ~ · Acme F- Pools o G^s,8, //UST Z ii~ SIDEWALK C GAS @ 8' C GAS @ 12' 10th STREET LEGEND 1 inch - 40 feet · Sample Location - Site Plan - FIGURE - Darren Powers Property ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS p.O. 80X40672 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93384 County of Kern · Bakersfield, California :~?`:`~ ~.:~`~..: !~`~..~: :~:~` :~:. ~ ::~. ~.~ :`..~` :~:..~. :~.~.` .~ '..`. ...`. , C`::`. ~.-~ .,, ~ -., '_-~ .. ~ > : _.:.... : ......... ~ ...... .. . .... : .... .... ,.. -_..,. . · .... ...,..~. :: ..-.? - ~.~. >-.,.,-van,~_--nvlronmen,a,,.,once,~,s,,.,nc..._::.: ~, · ;.. _ .'?'.~.'"~=:. ','~".,>:'-."~...~:'-; '".'::' .-':'-": ':~-.-?'-' :'~ * :'>~-:.",'-:'-.::'." 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CITY OF BA~RSFIELD OFFICE OF ENviRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 : PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STOOGE TANK SITE IN ~ORMATION FACILITY N~ME '- - C~OS5 5T~ MAlt. LNG ADDRESS ~, [~a~ 0~ · CI~ ~ag~(~ ' ZiP CONTRACTOR INFO~TION , f -~.~_ .. ' ] INSURANCE CAR~ER ~. ~~ ~ WO~NS ~OMP NO. ~ P ~ [LI ~ I~l ~ Y A~SSM~ ~T I~ FO~ATIO~ ADDRESS ~ ~ ~V ~,~ ~Y ~l~J~ ~IP ~l~ ADDRESS ~ ~,~~ ~ Cl~ ~~ ' '- ' ZIP WASTE TRANS~RTER IDENTIFICATIO~ ~ER ~.~ ~ ~'- ~ ~- ~ ' ' ??~ss~ ~ ~r~> /~ ~.. c~E ,~iSZg~- - IN FORMATION COMPANY ~ ' , PHONE NO '/~?6 bIceNse NO.~: ~K NO.~ AGE~O ~ME ~' STORED,,, ( ~STORED PREVIOUSLY STOOD TI ll'] API'I.ICANI' I IAS RECeiVED. UNDE~STAMDS, ~D W~L COMPI,Y ~TH THE A'ITACltED UONI)I'HONS OF '1 Ills '1'1 IlS I"~ }RM I IAS IIEEN COMPLETI(I) [INDE~ PEnaLTY O[ ~ER~, A~B TO 'HIE ItEST O1" MY KNOWI.I']>t3~ IS TRUE Al~ltt~l(l} IIY~ APPI.ICANT NAME (PRAT) APPI.ICANT SI()NATIJR[! 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To be used for NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES onlyl Mailing Address' ~ ~'~ ¢'?::~ ~ Phone No · A~(~, ~ - //~ ~ Contact' ~'/ X Signature:' THE ·GENERATOR CERTIFIES THAT THE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100% NON-HAZARDOUS Waste Description · ~'/~ Generating Location · /0~0 I~ 5T ~~'~/~ ~ Handling Instructions' ~¢~ ~J~ ~R~Z~ Quantity' . ,~ ~BBL ~ ~GLS E ~YDS E ~TONS CONTAINER TYPE: E ~TANKTRUCK E ~DUMPTRUCK E ~DRUMS ~ ~BINS E 3OTHER DESIGNATED FACILITY: NAME' ~~~ ~ ADDRESS' ~5.~ CITY/STATE/ZIP: ~¢~/~1~ ~¢ PHONE ~ ' MP VACUU~ TRUCK SERVICE TICKET¢ ~') ~/~~ TRACT/TRLR¢ NWRON [NT*L SERWC S, NC. , nNo's 3400 Manor Street Signature: ~,~ Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date /~ ~ /~ ' z D ~ 805 / 393-1151~ P/U DATE: /~ - ¢.2 - / ~ Name ' Disposal Method: Address: ' [] Landfill Other City/State/Zip ' am Phone No ' Time' pm Discrepancy · Signature · Date '~-'.:- ....- ..'..' - .-':.-.;.-, ~:. · '. : : -. .. 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':;" ¢ "::' '& '. ~,.. ,-~:~_~.?-¢~; 2.~ ._, ~.,-r. ¢,, .: '. ,: .~;.'~ ~ L" ;.~' '-,::~;.' · -~,:~ '.~ .. ?'-''-'.;.': -'-.";"¢ ';.-' ;~ ,,7~'<:.?'-'~';:¢ "~Z. ~&'- :'~-~-.' '.":.,:' ,-',-? '.. "-'~...',¢ · -:.-C..~:.:~?'..~--':~.',%:~'. ..~.~:. ..'~,~ '~,,..~", :. '~' ,~,: '-,',:.'.~.'~'~,"':-..:,.~,?~. -.':.: ~'~.~ :--~.~-: :.:.;-.'.'~' '.._.-_- . ,:,: ,' .- , ~ ..,_. ~-.~-'.~:. -~..'.¢..:': ,.',:~: ~...,~. :,~:~.. ~ ,, .~..- ~.~,- . ~., -- . ,...,%._- .-:-,..- ~ ?.' , .~. .~:../.~-,. .,- :.. .... ~- .-:. . :- ,.;,_~....,-,; ...,.-:...: .-~ -...~- . . ,. ,. ,~ ,. ~.. DISPOSAL FORM GOLDEN E METALS, INC. p. O. Box 70158 · 2000 E. Brundage Lane Date Bakersfield, Calif6rnia 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559 · Fax (805) 327-5749 Contractor's Scrap Metals, Processing &' Recyctir~g License No. Contractor's _ Phone No. JOB SITE: WEIGHT CERT. NO: ' ' TOTAL QT¥ GALLONS SERIAL NO. NET TONS EHSD PERMIT NO: 250 550 .24 1000 - 6 ff .61 ;PECTION ................................................. .... [ ............... ................................... ............. 1.32 [] RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) 3000 LEk READING 5000 2.42 ~ OXYGEN CONTENT 7500 3.28 DISPOSAL FEE 9000 3.82 SCRAP VALUE -12000 4.93 · OTHER ..... · .................. : .................................................................................................... TOTAL net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance ofterms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. ' .....~ CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED V~ILL BE COMPLETELY' WHITE-- Contractor Copy · YELLOW-- File Copy · PINK-- Permanent CopG · BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONmeNTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805). 326-3979 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMINATION I, ~ U~/ an authorized ~gent of ~ Name Contracting Co. Addr e s s being removed under pea-mit# ~ ~- 0~-~ ~ has been cleaned/decontaminated properlT and a LET. (lower explosive limit) reading of no greater than §% was measured immediately following the cleaning/decontamination Rrocess. ,Date Name ~print) (~ Signature City of Bakersfield ~1 Advan ed i'ro ment epics,~ i.. -.- - ,' ........ c Env n aIConc Inc. ..-... ? ~' . ~-' ' 4~0ASHEROAD.~200 · BAKERSFIELD C~ 03313 -'805/831-1640 · F~ B051831'1771 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. October 16, 1998 File No. 98-8770 Advanced Environmental Concepts 4400 Ashe Road Bakersfield, Calitbrnia 93313 Attention: Mr. John Buck testing for tank backf'fll located at 1020 19m Street in Subject: Compaction Bakersfield, Calitbrnia Gentlemen: Submitted herewith are the results of 2 relative compaction tests taken at the subject site on September 15, 1998 Density tests were taken in accordance with ASTM Test Method D2922 (Nuclear Gauge Method). Maximum Density- Optimum Moisture determinations were made in accordance with ASTM D 1556- 78 Method A.. In-Place Density - Relative Compaction Tests and Maximum Density - Optimum Moisture test results are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The test results reported herein are applicable only for the specilled sites investigated. No warranties, either express or implied are made for other areas not Specifically tested. No recommendations or conclusions have been made pertaining to subsurface conditions below the reported test depths or adequacy of the site to receive structures or pavements. We hope this provides the information you require. If you should have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, SOILS ENGINEERING, INC .... Attachment (2) 4700 DISTFtlGT BLVD. ° BAKEFtSFIELD, GALIFOFINIA SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Advanced Environmental Concepts File No. 98-8770 Acure Pool Supply, 1020 19'n Street October 16, 1998 Bakersfield, California Page No. 1 TABLE 1 IN-PLACE DENSITY - RELATIVE COMPACTION -- ASTM TEST METHOD D2922 Moisture In-Place Maximum Test Date Depth Below Content Density Density Relative Specified Retested No. 1998 Location Fin. Pad Grade % of or¥ wt. lbs/cu.ft, ibs/cu.ft. Compaction Compaction By Test Excavation 1 10/15 East of center 1.5'-2.5' 13.4% 106.8 118.8 90% 90% 2 10/15 Center 0.5'-1.5' 3.9% 111.8 118.8 94% 90% , SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Advanced Environmental Concepts File No. 98-8770 Acure Pool Supply, 1020 19'h Street October 16, 1998 Bakersfield, California Page No. 2 TABLE 2 MAXIMUM DENSITY - RELATIVE COMPACTION ASTM D1556.75(Method A) Stockpile 2.0'-3.0' SILTY SAND: Light olive brown; well 11.0% 118.8 graded; coarse; non-plastic. i '* -- - -Advar~ce n if nmen aI,Concepts,~lnc~'' · '. . dE~o' t -. '. . ,,; .. :. -. · ~ ~ ..;*~ .:, :.., ,,... . LABORATORY RESULTS/ ':- '".' CHAIN;OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTS.": "':' :'~.'- ':'~'':' '~ ' - · ! .-.~, ;- .. .~ ,. . . - ~. .-'. .:. ~ . . ,~.~ _*._ ~ - : . . _ -..:. *, *. .: 'e ENv!RONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH.DESIGN IN I~IIND · ' '_ ' .* - '" 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 * BAKERSFIELD;CA03313 '805/831-1646 '. FAX'8051831-1771 ;~'"~ . '1 I ~~'~' · ~" ~"· · W~" P.O. Box 2243 Toll Free: (888) 753-7553 z~ ] ~'--~'~=~' ~ ~- '~-"~'-~ Huntington Beach, CA 92647 FAX: (714) 842-2947 I Laboratory Report I Client: AEC, Inc Report Date: 11/4/98 Client Address: 4400 Ashe Road ~r206 Lab Project Number. 98221 I California Client Number. N/A Bakersfield, Project Project Name: Gloda Stewart Date Sampled: 10/13/98 I Project Address: 1020 E. 19 ~ Street Date Received: 10/15/98 Bakersfield, California Date Analyzed: 10/20-24/98 Contact: John Buck Sample Matrix: Soil I I Analyses Requested: I 1. M8015-TPH as Diesel , 2. MS015-TPH as Gasoline I 3. EPA 8020A - Volatile Aromatics with MTBE i 4. EPA 8010 - Volatile Halogenated Hydrocarbons I On October 15, 1998, Baseline received five soil samples collected from the project shown above. A Chain-of- Custody Record is attached. Baseline analyzed all of the samples for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as specified for gasoline or diesel I (M8015/LUFT) and Volatile Aromatics (EPA 8020A) including MTBE. In addition, three of the samples were also analyzed for Volatile Halogenated Hydrocarbons (EPA 8010). In this report, Baseline presents the results and QA/QC summary for all of the above mentioned analyses. I I I Approved Brian K. Kato, Laboratory Manager I I Page 1 Mil MI! · · · Mil P.O. Box 2243 Toll Free: (888) 753-7553 ~ F ~M~'"~--~ Huntington Beach, CA 92647 FAX: (714) 842-2947 ',. Laboratory Report I Client: AEC, Inc Report Date: 11/4/98 Client Address: 4400 Ashe Road ~r206 Lab Project Number:. 98221 Bakersfield, California Client Project Number:. N/A I ' Project Name: Gloria Stewart Date Sampled: 10/13/98 Project Address: 1020 E. 19 ~ Street Date Received: 10/15/98 i Bakersfield, Califom~a Date Analyzed: 10/20-24/98 Contact: John Buck Sample Matrix: Soil I TPH-Diesel TPH-Gasoline MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes I Sample ID (ma/kq~ (m(~/kcl) (ma/k(~) (m(~/k(~) (m(3/k(3) (mq/k,q) (m(~/k(~) C-WO-8 ND<10 -- ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 C-WO-12 ND<10 -- ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 I C-GAS-8' -- ND<I.0 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 C-GAS-12' -- ND<I.0 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 I SP-WO ND<10 -- ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 I Method Blank ND<10 ND<I.0 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 ND<0.005 I ND: Not Detected at the indicated Practical Quantification Limit (Reporting Limit) · I Page 2 ~"m~m ~,~'A' · ~"~- ~=,B' · I~=- P.O. Box 2243 Toll Free: (888) 753-7553 [~.]~: ~..-11,1...-~ ~ /,- 1 ~&,~--.~ B.-f T~ Huntington Beach, CA 92647 FAX: (714) 842-2947 Laboratory Report Client: AEC, Inc Report Date: 11/4/98 Client Address: 4400 Ashe Road ~r206 Lab Project Number:. 98221 Bakersfield, California Client Project Number:. N/A Name: Gloda Stewart Date 10/13/98 Project Sampled: Project Address: 1020 E. 19 "~ Skeet Date Received: 10/15/98 Bakersfield, California Date Analyzed: 10/20-24/98 Contact: John Buck Sample Matrix: Soil I EPA 8010- Results (p.g/kg) I Sample ID C-WO-8' C-WO-12' SP-WO Compound Name I · Dichlorodifluoromethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Chloromethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Vinyl Chloride ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 I Bromomethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Chloroethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Tdchlorofluoromethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 1,1 - Dichloroethene ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 I Methylene Chiodde ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 trans- 1,2 - Dichloroethene ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 1,1 - Dichloroethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 i 2 - Chloroethylvinyl ether ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Choloroform ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 1,1,1 - Tdchloroethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Carbon Tetrachlodde ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 I 1,2 - Dichloroethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Tdchloroethene ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 1,2 - Dichloropropane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Bromodichloromethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 I cis- 1,3 - Dichloropropene ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 trans- 1,3- Dichloropropene ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 1,1,2 - Tdchloroethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 i Tetrachloroethene ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Dibromochloromethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Chlorobenzene ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Bromoform ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 I 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 1,3 - Dichlorobenzene ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 1,4 - Dichlorobenzene ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 i 1,2 - Dichlorobenzene ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 i ND: Not Detected at the indicated Practical Quantification Limit (Reporting Limit) i Page 3 P. O. Box 2243 Toll Free: (888) 753-7553 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 F~: (714) 842-2947 Laboratory Report Client: AEC, I nc Report Date: 11/4/98 Client Address: 4400 Ashe Road #~206 Lab Project Number:. 98221 Bakersfield, California Client Project Number:. N/A Name: Gloda Stewart Date 0/1 Project Sampled: 1 3/98 Project Address: 1020 E. 19~ Street Date Received: 10/15/98 Bakersfield, Califomia Date Analyzed: 10/20-24/98 Contact: John Buck Sample Matrix: Soil I Quality Control Summary I MS MSD Recovery Recovery RPD QC I Analytes (%) (%) (%) Sample I TPH as Diesel (LUFT) 94 96 2 C-WO-12' TPH as Gasoline (LUFT) 101 106 5 C-GAS-12; I Volatile Aromatics (EPA 8020A) I Toluene 93 97 4 C-GAS-12' Total Xylenes 95 97 2 C-GAS-12' I Halogenated Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPA 8010) I Trichloroethene 96 98 2 C-WO-12' Bromodichloromethane 95 97 2 C-WO-12' I Tetrachloroethene 95 96 1 C-WO-12' Chlorobenzene 94 95 1 C-WO-12' I Acceptable QC Limits: (65-130) (65-130) (0-30) I MS: Matrix Spike; MSD: Matrix Spike Duplicate; RPD: Relative Percent Difference I I Page 4 '.D FIRE DEPARTMENTI ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITY ~f~n~ .54C~,~ r~' ~DRESS /0~0 /q~/,, OWNER ~lov,k .%~,,~ PERMIT TO OPERATE# CONTRACTOR ~£Z_ CONTACT PERSON LABORATORY ~.~c [t~ ~l~ ~j # OF SAMPLES ~ TEST METHODOLOGY PRELIMANARY ASS$SSMENT CO. /%6L CONTACT PERSON CO~ RECIEPT ~ ~3~ ~fm~O LEL% ~ O~% PLOT PLAN ~-.~ ~; CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL ~, COMMENTS DATE INSPECTORS NAME SIGNATURE it No. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF A'N UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION FACILITY NAME · - ~ CROSS STREET TANK OWNER/OPERaTOR .~o~t~ ~ r~ PHON~NO. CONI'RACTOR INFO~ATION . PRELIMINARY A~ESSMENT INFO~ATION TANK CLEANING INFORMATION. WASTE TRANS~RTER IDENTIFICATION NAME OF RINSA~ DISPOSAL F&C[LI~ Tank TrANseORTER m,ormaTlOn TANK INFORMATION C~MIC~ DATES CHEMICAL For Official Line Only TI 1E AI'I'I.ICANT fJAS RECEIVI~D. UNI)ERSTANDS, ~D W~I, COMPI.Y ~Tll THE A'I-I'ACIU':D CONI)ITIONS OF I']':RMH' ANI ) ANY OTflER STAll:., l,(~AI, AND I"E])l{R~, ~GU~'I'IONS, I'i Ils I:{ )NM I IAS IjEEN COMPLIH'ED UNI)I~R I~ENALTY OF PER.H~Y. AND TO HiE BEST OF MY KNOWI,13X}E AI~Rt~EI) IIY~ APPI,ICANT NAME [PRAT) APPI.ICANT SIGNATIIRE THIS APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVEB AUG 26 '98 ~9:24 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT July 28, 1998 FIRE CHIEF M~CHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTEAINE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street 8ake~fletcl, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 Ms. Gloria Stewart FAX (806) ~ 1349 P.O. Box 9324 SUP~USON uencr~ Bakersfield, CA 93389 2101 'H" Street Bokersflek:l, CA 93301 (805)326-3941 RE: Illegally Abandoned Tanks FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Ms. Stewart: · ' Pl~VEN110N SERVICES 1715 Cheste~ Ave. ~e~aeu. cag~l During our meeting in May, you gave our office a commitment to remove (805) 326-3951 FAX (806)326-0576 the tank in the rear of your property. We agreed to hold off enforcement on the tank in the front. ENVIRONMENTAL SEIWICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bokerst*~d. CA93,301 We are concemed. As of this writing, you have taken no action with (805) 326-3979 FAX (80~)326-0~76 regard to the exposed tank at the rear of your property. We would request an update on your plans for the removal of the above mentioned tank within 10 days. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Vlcto~ Street Bokersfleld, CA 93308 Sincerely, (805) 399-4697 ~ ~ FAX (805) 399-5763 - Steve Underwood Underground Storage Inspector SBU/dm cc: Ralph Huey, Director, O.E.S. Walt Pon', City Attorney The purpose of this letter is to impress upon you the need to take immediate action. With that goal in mind, I urge you to return the property to compliance. I must inform you that failure to correct these violations before June 8, 1998, may necessitate legal action, including, but not limited to misdemeanor citations and/or injunctive relief. I thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation and, should you have any questions concerning the necessary action, please call our office at 326- 3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector SBU/dm cc: Walt Porr, Assistant City Attorney ( RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location:~ ID# . Contact Name: ~I~ {:>~,~( &/~/, Business Phone: .~,~')- 0 ¢0c~ FAX: InspeCtor's Name: .~'J'~'Ug {l~/~:t" Time: Time of Call: Date: t/-te' ~{ - Type of Call: Incoming [ ]. Outgoing ~] Returned [ ] Actions Required: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: PROPERTY INFORMATION 13) Property: , CA APN: 005-282-02-00 Use: COMMERCIAL LOT County: KERN, CA Tax Rate Area: 000-1039 Total Value: $6,733 Census: 28.04 Prop Tax: $79.55 Land Value: $6,733 Map Pc: 227-A2 Delinq Tax Yr: Imprv Value: New Pc: Exemptions: Assd Yr: 1997 Phone: % Improved: Owner: STEWART GLORIA LORENA REV LIV/TR Mail: PO BOX 9324; BAKERSFIELD CA 93389-9324 SALES INFORMATION IMPROVEMENTS LAST SALE: PRIOR SALE: Bldg/Liv Area: Transfer Date: 08/31174 # Units: Sale Price/Type: # Bldgs: Document #: 48532359 # Stories: Document Type: $/SF: 1st TD/Type: Yrblt/Eff: Finance: Total Rms: Junior TD's: Bedrms: Lender: Baths(F/H): Seller: Fireplace: Title Company: Pool: Bsmt Area: Transfer Info: Construct: SITE INFORMATION Flooring: Air Cond: Improve Type: Lot Size: Heat Type: Zoning: C-2 Lot Area: Quality: County Use: 1020 Parking: Condition: Bldg Class: Park Spaces: Style: Flood Panel: Site Influence: Other Rooms: Flood Zone: Ground Lease: Phys Chars: Legal: B229/CITY ABBR BAKER LOT PTN Comments: Copyright © 1996 TRW REDI Property Data Page: 1 of 1 B A K E R. S F I'E L D FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: January 22, 1998 TO: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator · FROM: Steve Underwood, Inspector SUBJECT: UST Located at 1020 19th Street in Bakersfield, Owned by Gloria Stewart I was able to remove the fill cap on the UST lOcated at 1020 19~ Street..The tank has not been:' properly closed, and has approximately 3" of fr6e product which appears to be old gasoline.' The tank, which is approximately 3' x 5', is ~ithin 1' of the curb. I checked with Mr. Ron Young in the Public Works Department who informs me that the City of Bakersfield easement is from the curb, and in 12'. The property owner is Gloria Stewart. Her mother and father originally bought the property on January 23, 1951. Please advise as to our next course of action. SBU/dm Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Panafax Distribution We have ~-~ page(s) to sehd, plus cover page. If you need a re-send on any of the pages please call the number listed below within 15 minutes. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that all pages were received. Office Telephone #: Facsimile from: NAME: Debbie Irwin COMPANY: ........ .~dvanced Environmental Conce]3~lnc. 4,400 Ashe Road, Suite 206 ...... Bake. mile. Id ~ California93313 FAX Telephone #: . 80.5/.8.31-1771 Office Telephone #: 805/831;.16~6 [ ] For your comments .,, [ ] As you requested [ ] Please call me about this [ ] As we discussed [ ].. Approve,.sign, and fax back [ ] No response required The hard copy of this transmittal is [ ] is not [ ] being sent by mail. 4400AsheRoad~206 · Bakem~ld, CaJifomia93313 · (805')831-164~ · FAX: 80~f1~31-1771 JUL Z1 '98 08:43 PE REC 805 831 1771 ¥0 3260576 P.02 CLIEN'['S ,~ADVANCED ENVIRONMEN~'AL CONCFPTS INC.,~ June lb, 1998 Mr. Darren Power5 ATCO Property Management 701 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Re: PROPOSAL #1725 Removal of Two USTs 19th Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Powers: AdvancXed Environmental Concepts, Inc. (AEC) is pleased to present our proposal for the removal of two ' steel gasoline and oil underground storage tanks at the above referenced site. AEC will perform the following services; 1) Obtain ali necessary Bakersfield City regiilato~ permits. 2) Obtain Building Department permit for replacement of sidewalk. 2) Excavate tanks and associated piping. 3) Dispose of up to 2" of any residual product remaining in tanks. 4) Monitor LEE 5) Decontaminate tanks and piping interior with high pressure washer, insert dry ice. 6) Transport and dispose of rinsate and product at permitted recycling facility. 7) Remove and transport tank to a permitted facility for scrapping. A certificate of tank destruction will be generated. 8) Obtain soil samples for analyses. Analyses will be performed by a California state certified laboratory. · '9) "Soil ~hich is not ~sibiy contaminated will be placed back into the excavation. Due to [he void created by removing the tank, clean backfill material will be trucked in. The site will be backfilled and brought to grade upon completion of sampling activities. 10) Compact to 90 percent. Repave sidewalk UST.. 1 · E~NTAL CCI',~;F..~T$ W1T~ ~ES~bl IN I, AII~ · PROPOSAL ~1725 Advanced Environmental Concepts, inc, ATCO Property Management 11) Submittal of tank closure report (3 copies) with all documentation will be presented to you upon completion of this project. There are not provisions in the Scope of work described above for any of the following items: *')C AEC not responsible for curb replacement, utility replacement or repair, or additional permits. · Cave-ins, over-excavation due to unstable soil or site cor~ifions. · X Trucking in clean backfill material, in the event of contamination. · Excess groundwater, dewatering, pumping or drainage. · Know, unknown er unreported subsurface conditions including but not limited to electrical, pumping, piping, utilities, communications, sewers, septic systems, anchor configurations. · Structural conditions for adjacent buildings, structures and equipment. · State and federal taxes expressly associated with disposal of hazardous waste. Shoring, sheeting, piling. · Security of excavation in the event contamination precludes timely backfill. · Delays or stoppages by owner, buyer or regulatory agencies. Labor strikes, acts of God, adverse weather conditions. · Removal and disposal of contaminated soil. Removal and disposal of contaminated ground water. · Disposal of materials other than described in above Scope of Work. · On-site treatment of contaminated soil and/or groundwater. · Responsibility of waste material(s) upon receipt of same at client approved receiving facitity. AEC will perform the removal of the two gasoline underground storage tanks for a not to exceed total of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Dollars and 001100 ($7,57g.00). .~4~m,e nt Terms: · a~O' Du~ with signed contract Five Monthly payments of $q7.6-1-~ and (~' One Monthly Payment of ~ '2 · ENV~ONka~NTAL. CONC~PT~, W~rH CI~.$1GN IN MIND JUL 31 '98 08~44 FR REC 885 8~1 1771 TO ~260576 P.04 PROPOSAL ~1725 Advanced Environmental 'Concepts, Inc, ATCO Property Management We have enclosed two copies of our proposal. Upon ac~:~ptance, please sign odginal proposal and mail back to o~Jr office, the "Client Copy" is for your files. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. (AEC) will exercise professional diligence in avoiding sub-surface utilities, piping, facilities, and obstruction during excavation, However, it is the e~press responsibility of others/and or client to locate any underground obstructions. I~ the advent that during excavation damage to buildings, underground ualifies, piping, facilities, and obstructions are experienced all liability I'or direct, sudden consequential and non-sudden damage associated with clean-up, repairs, and on-going consequential liability, will be born by others. Thank you [or giving AEC this opportunity to present our proposal to your company. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (805) 831-1646. $inc. emly, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. re$id~nt Accepter:ice of Prooosa/ The above prices and specifications are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment in tull will be made upon submission of environmental report by AEC to client. Date of Acceptance .. Signature; mADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INCm April 15, 1998 /~P~ f 7 1998 Mr. Ralph Huey CiN Bakemfield Fire Depa~ment 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: 1020 East 19th Street Bakersfield, California Dear Ralph, As requested by your department, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. (AEC) collected a sample of the viscous fluid present in the 500 gallon UST located at the above stated address and submitted it to Zalco Laboratories, Inc. of Bakersfield, California for analysis of flash point, APl gravity, chlorinated solvents, and substance determination via "Ultra-Violet Observation". The analytical results indicate that the liquid has a flash point above 200° F, an APl gravity of 12.8°, contains no Chlorinated solvents, and was identified as crude oil. Given the above stated information and the estimated vintage of USTs "riveted together", it would be my guess that this tank is quite old and held some type of"bunker fuel", and was used as a heating oil tank. It is ATCO Property Management's intention to remove this tank under Permit and in accordance with all applicable regulations. The UST removal has been tentatively scheduled for the middle of May, 1998. The laboratory data sheet and chain-of-custody document are attached. If you should require any additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (805) 831-1646. Sincerely, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. //~-os~pl~ A.~)~nwoody, III Qegistered Geologist #5r~O4 c: Mr. Darren Powers · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WiTH DESIGN IN MIND" 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 ' BAKERSFIELD. CA93313 805/831-1646 ' FAXS05/831-1771 I~PI~--14--~$ 11:0~ gM ~FtLCO LA~$ INC ~05 ~5 ~06~ P~lXO1 ZALC;I I-A, BORATORI F:S, IN Amalyt;ical & C:;onsulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (805) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 9~3013 I=AX (805) 395-3069 Lawton Powers £nc. c/o ATCO Property Mgmt. Laboratory No: 9804155-1 701 H St:reel. Date Received: 0,t/13/98 Bakernf'[eld, CA 93304 [)ate Reported: 04/1,1/'98 Contract No. : Attention: Darren Powers Date Sampled : 04/13/98 Time Sampled ; 11:15 Sample Type: Oil/?etro]eum Description: 500 Gallon Tank (waste Oil) Sampled by Jan Bu-;k REPORT OF ANAbYTICA£. RESULTS Const itue'nts '~' Resul{'s Units Method/Ref Flash Point, PMCC > 2~1I) F D-93/3 AP1 Gravity by Densitometer 12.8 DEGREES D-4052/3 Chlorinated Solvents Screenin!'} Absent PA ZALCO/18 UV Observation: C£ude or Refin Crude 0il NO ZALCO/I~ Operations Manager cc: Jan Buck,Advanced ~nvi£o~:m.~nLal Concepts ~400 A:;he Road Suite 206, Bakersfield, CA 1. ~A OW 0~6, 199'~ 3r,J Editio,~ SUS : Saybolr. UniverSal Seconds ~;s repo,l ;~ [urnished for the exdus;ve use of our Customer and applies only ~o the samples tesled. Zako is no~ responsible for re~d alteration or detachment. APR 14 '98 12:85 ', 885;395 3869 PAGE.01 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT May 8, 1998 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISIibMlVE SrllVlCE$ Ms. Gloria Stewart 2101 'H" Street Bake~flelcl, CA 93301 P.O. Box 9324 (805) 326-3941 Bakersfield, CA 933 89 FAX (805) 395-1349 sum~m,:>N s~mcra CERTIFIED MAIL 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93,301 C805) 326-3941 RE: Two (2) Illegally Abandoned Tanks FAX (805) 395-1349 .~.no.s~r~cu NOTICE OF VIOLATION 1715 Chester Avo. AND Bakersfield, CA 93,301 · (805) 326-3951 FAXc~32~76 SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE ENVIIt'ONMENtAL SERVICES Dear Ms. Stewart: 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93,301 (805] 326-3979 FAX (805)3264)576 It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at 1020 19th Street, in Bakersfield, which contains two (2) underground storage TRAINING DIVISION tanks (one in the alley, and one in the front). The tanks have not been properly 5642. Victor Street Bakersfield, CA93308 permitted, and have been out of service, therefore, you are in violation of the (805) 399-4697 following sections of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield FAX (805) 399-5763 Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64. Section 7902. Uniform Fire Code (1994 Edition) "Underground tanks which have been out of service for a period of one (1) year, shall be removed from the ground in accordance with Section 7902.1.7.4 and site shall be restored in an approved manner". This office acknowledges, that samples have been taken from the recent discovery of a tank at the rear of your property, however, arrangements have not been made for the proper closure (removal), or of the tank at the froni of your property.