HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST · 1715 Chester Ave., 3r'~ Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME .ffa~,~ ~-~o' ~,~,,~,~,,-V INSPECTION DATE /,~..-~6 ADDRESS -/o O ~ / q ~ .5'/.' '~ PHONE NO. >~ff.-.7 -- /6/~ FACILITY CONTACT ~5"',o,,~ ~;'~.~ BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME .9,0 ,,,.,, b.,, ~ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES f Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ; ' ,~ Routine [~ Combined [~ Joint Agency [~ Multi-Agency ~ Complaint ~ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand · Correct occupancyViSible Busmess plan contact information accurateaddress"~/' ~'/~ - :"~'[ i ' ( ~'~ Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities ~ Verification of location a ~ ~ ~ ~ Proper segregation of material 6/ Verification of MSDS availability ' J,~[dA~I~[~'/~j~ Verification of Haz Mat training fT/' ~ Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers Properly labeled Housekeeping· Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: [~ Yes /J~No Explain: Questions regarding this inspection'?. Please call us at (661) 326-3979. BuSiness Site Responsi. b~9 Party S_~Jv~ ~00 ~A~'NDR¥ AND CLEANERS ~Si~e~D: 015-021-0006~2 Manager : BusPhone: (805) 327-1616 Location: 1002 19TH ST Map : 103 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 30C FacUnits: 1' AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD sTATION 01 SIC Code: EPA Numb: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title JAMES GEE / OWNER JERRY GEE / BUS COORDINATOR BUsiness Phone: (805) 327-1616x Business Phone: (805) 327-1616x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 831-1585x 24-Hour Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x HazmatHazards:. Fire React DelHlth Contact :. Phone: ( ) - x MaiiAddr: 1002 19TH ST State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93301 owner JAMES GEE Phone: (805) 327-1616x Address : 2200 MING AVE State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93304 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ,Emergency Directives: ---- Hazmat Inventory One Unified List --Alphabetical Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm' DailyMax lUnitlMCP PERCHLORETHYLENE F R DH L 150.00 GAL Low I,_ Do hereby certify that I have (Type or print name) reviewed the attached hm:ardous materials manage- ment plan for ~,~**o Bu~) .and that it along with any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. sienamr. _ 1 - -- Dam 04 / 04 / 2001 SAM WOO LAITNDRY AND CLEANERS SiteID: 015-021-000642 ~ InventOry Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed' Containers on Site ~U~V~Vl~ ~vl~ / ~±~A_L,' ~Vl~ PERCHLORETHYLENE DayS On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: BASE, OF ,DRY CLNG MACHINE CAS# 000127-18-4 Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient IN MACHINE/EQUIP , AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION -- Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average GAL 150.00 GAL 150.00 GAL HAZARDOUS.COMPONENTS %Wt. RINoRSI CAS# 100.00 'Perchloroethylene 127184 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret ~S I BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies F R DH / / /. Low -2- 04/04/2001. SAM WOO LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS SiteID: 015-0212000642 Fast Format = Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site -- ~gency Notification 02/27/1990 CALL 911 -- Empioyee Notif./Evacuation 02/27/1990 EMPLOYEES WOULD BE VERBALLY TOLD TO EVACUATE. SPILL OR RELEASE WOULD BE CONTAINED BY MANAGEMENT AND IMMEDIATE NOTIFICATION OF FIRE DEPT WOULD TAKE PLACE. -- Public Notif./Evacuation 02/27/1990 NONE LISTED --.Emergency MedicaI Plan 02/27/1990 FIRST AID KIT AND EMERGENCY HELP AVAILABLE OF PREMISIS. MANAGEMENT TEAM TO TRANSPORT ANY INJURED PERSONS TO MERCY OR SAN JOAQUIN HOSPITAL -3- 04'/04/2001 SAM WOO LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS SiteID: 015-021-O00642 Fast Format ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site -- Release Prevention 07/30/1991 MATERIAL CONTAINED IN STEEL STORAGE TANK ON BASE OF DRYCLEANING MACHINE AND IN APPROPRIATE CONTAINERS IN OTHER AREAS. RAGS AND WATER IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE TO CLEAN UP ANY SPILL. EMPLOYEES TO EVACUATE VIA EMERGENCY PLAN. --Release Containment 07/30/1991 TURN OFF OR CLOSE LEAKING VALVE BY EXPERIENCED MANAGER TEAM. -- Clean Up 07/30/1991 ABSORBENT RAGS AND COLLECTED IN HAZARDOUS DRUMS Other Resource Activation ~ -4- 04/04/2001 F SAM WOO LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS SiteID: 015-021-000642 Fast Format F Site Emergency Factors Overall Site lSpecial Hazards --Utility Shut-Offs 02/27/1990 A) GAS - NORTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING IN ALLEY .B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH END OF BUILDING NEAR MIDDLE REAR DOOR C) WATER - NORTHWEST END OF BUILDING IN ALLEY D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO -- Fire Protec./Avail, Water 02/27/1990 'PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE ENTINGUISHERS ON HAND FIRE HYDRANT - ACROSS ALLEY AT NORTHEAST CORNER. OF BUILDING AT O ST, Building Occupancy Level -5- 04/04/2001 SAM WOO LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS -i~ Training ~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~/~ Employee Training ~~/~/~/~6/~/~/~/~¢~6~66/~ 07/30/1991 o WE HAVE 12 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY o o WE'HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE ° o BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: FIRST MORNING OF EACH MONTH A BRIEF REVIEW OF o HAZARDOUS WASTE PROCEDURES. ° O O O i~/~/~ Held for Future Use o o i~¢~ Held for Fumre Use o o -6- 04/04/2001 MR430107 ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD.~ ~y 4/06/01 Mi~llaneous Receivables Inq 09:06:55 Customer~ ID . . . : 3032 Name: SAM WOO LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS Last statement : 4/01/01 Addr: JAMES W GEE Last invoice : 0/00/00 1002 19TH ST Current balance : 669.00 BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330~ Pending ..... :. .00 A ACTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES .Type optiOns, press Enter. Combined Detail 5=Display ~Chg Bnk G Opt Trans Date Code Description Amount Balance Typ Cd L 4/01/01 stmrn Statements Processed 00 669 00 3/01/01 stmrn Statements Processed 00 669 00 2/02/01 stmrn Statements Processed 00 669 00 1/01/01 stmrn Statements Processed 00 669 00 1/01/01 SS001 CA STATE SURCHARGE 10 00 669 00 A 1/01/01 HM017 HAZ MAT ANNUAL INSPE 53 00 659 00 A 1/01/01' HM009 HAZ MAT HANDLING FEE 166 00 606 00 A 12/01/00 stmrn Statements Processed 00 440 00 1!/01/00 stmrn Statements Processed 00 440 00 + F3=Exit F12=Cancel * = Pending MISCELLANEOUS. RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT DATE' ~"/~-~ NEWACCOUNT ; ADDRESS CHANGE CLOSE ACCT j FINANCE CHARGE I. / · OTHER ADJ I '~ /- CUSTOMER NAME _~¢~ ~© ~ ~¢~. O.J~C~ ~_~ ~0--'~~'~' MAILING ADDRESS )~~ ~ ~- ~' C'~ ~~(~['~-~J STATE ~ ZIP CODE~ ~~ SITE ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER ~F APPUCABLE) ' -- ADJUSTMENT I CHG DATE CHARGE CODE ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT I APPROVED BY ~.4/~_~/91 S~AM W LAUNDRY AND _CLEANERS 21', ~]verall Site with 1' Fac.· U - t · ~ -=c ,, ~' ,- 'JU'[ I .~ 1991 _ £~_~;1 Ger,'erai Ir, formatior, . - '. ' Location: 100~ Z9TH ST Map: 103 Hazard: 'Moderate Ident Nurnber: 215-OO0-OO0642 , Grid: 3OC. Area Of .Vu;1.: .'O. 0'}" i Contact Name ~ Title ~ Busir~ess 'Phor~'e = T 24 Hour Phone] (8.~) 8~1-1 JAMES GEE ' ~ '~ ~~' 1.(805) 327-1616 x (')~ ~ JERRY GE~'-/ ' ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~-:. ,~"(8(')5> 327.-1616 'x ~/~ ~ I ~>~ ~ ~' ~~~', · , ( )- ' - · i-, Mai ~s: ~ 100~ 19TH ST ' D&B 'Ni.~mber: City:' BAKERSFIELD, State: CA Zip: 93301- Cornm Code: 215-001 BAKERSFI'ELD STATI~ON O1 sic Code: Owner: JAMES GEE Phor~e: (805). 32'7-!616 Address: 2200_MING AV State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93304- S~Jmrflary 04/23/~1 ~ ~. SAM WO° LAUNDRY ' AND CLEANERS 2i5-(')(~)(')-(')(')(')~2 Page · ~ Hazr~at ~Ir~verstory List ir~ 'MCP Order 02 - Fixed Contair~ers.. .. or~ Site · ~~ P'ln=Ref Na~e/Hazards ~ For~ Q ua'~t i MCP 02,-001 PE~CHLORETHYLENE Liquid 30(]~ ~- Low 'Fire, Delay Hlth ~ GAL 04/23/91· SAM W LAuNDRY.AND CL. EANERS 21.~ 00-000642 Page 00 - Overall Site <D> Not if. /Evacuat ion/Medical <1> Agency N°tification~ ' , ~' CALL 911 <2> 'Employee Notif.'/Evacuation ' EMPLOYEES WOULD BE .VERBALLY 'FOLD TO EVACUATE. SPILL OR RELEASE WOULD BE CONTAINED BY ·MANAGEMENT AND IMMEDIATE NOTIFICATION OF FIRE DEPT WOULD TAKE PLACE. <S> Public Noti~=. /Evacuatior, NONE EISTED <,4> Er~erge,ncy Medical Plan FIRST AID KIT AND EMERGENCY HELP' AVAILABLE OF PREMISI. S. MANAGEMENT TEAM TO ]'RANSPORT ANY INJURED PERSONS ]'0 MERCY OR SAN JOAQUIN HOSPITAL 04/23~/91 'SAM WOO LAUNDR~ AND CLEANERS 215c000-000642 Page 4 0o'- Overall Site ~ (E) ffi i t' i ~at i or~/Prever~t/~bat er,~t >. 'Re 1 ease Pre~er, t i~,:,n . ~ATERIAL CONTAINED IN S~EEL STORAGE TANK ON BASE ~OF DRYCLEANING MACHINE AND IN APPROPRIATE .CONTAINERS IN OTHER AREAS~ RAGS AND WATER IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE TO CLEAN UP ANY SPILL. EMPLOYEES TO EVACUATE VIA EMERGENCY. PLAN. <~> Release Cc, r~ta~n~er~t - . (B> 'Clear~ Up .' <4> Other' Resource Activatior~ .. 04/23/91 ~ SAM Wi ·LAUNDRY AND, C,LEANERS ~1 00-.000642 Page 5 · 00 - .Overal'l .Site . -. .<F) Site.,E~e~ger~cy .Ea'ctor. s - -- , .:. 4 . :., <i> Special H~zards' '~ , · "-" -. j,. ,;.?:. '-' ., . .. :~, . .. ., .,'., -. >.~,)., ?. ~ ,.... ~ '; :'.:,;:' t. "~.' '. "': <2>. Utility Shut-Offs '~ , A) GAS - NO:RTHEAST~ CORNER-OF BUILDING IN ALLEY B) ELECTRICAL - NORTH END OF BUILDING NEAR MIDDLE REAR DOOR C) WATER - NORTHWEST END OF BUILDING IN ALLEY D) SPECIHI_ -"'NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO, <3> Fire Protec. /Avail'. Water E'RIVATE F'IRE'PROTECTION - FIRE ENTINGUISHERS ON'HAND FIRE HYDRANT - ACROSS ALLEy` AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING AT 0 ST. <4> BUildir, g Occupar, cy Level o4/23/91 SAM WOO LAUNDRY~ AND CLEANERS 2i5-000-000642 . ~ page- .6 y' 00 - Overall Site ~ '~ <G> Trair~ir~g <1> Page 1 '' WE.HAVE 12 EMPLOYEES AT..THIS FACILITY DO YOUx HAVE MATERIAL SAFE]'Y DATA SHEETS ON FILE? ~ ~ BRIEF SUMMARY OF~TRAINING:~ <2> Page'2 as r, eede~ Held for Future Use ~ <4> Held for' Future, Use ~ .~ * :'*': '" -* 2 l'5'"'Ot)O;-.--OL)0642 F:'~ ge "' . Clver-a ]. ]. ,~.3~.te w~.th 1 F~c. Ur, it " I._.,::,~,~..F, j, ,,,..- ! O(" F:' ! 9"'H S'I' ' ................ : .................. -- ............ ~ Moderate7 ........ : ......... ~ r, lap: 103 Hazard: / .................' :t' '-(i';'::'1"~!; a(.";t::~., , ..... I',l~h~e. ............... Il ....................... : ....... '1'~. t.!.e ................................. ~ .......... Bu..m_.~ ~s~ I='llr",n~._ - ...... ~-;~.4 Ho~.~Ir' Pholqe-] 831-1585! 11::: R ~' '~ ........ ' ~ t' 1'1' I -,=- -.-,- - - / ................................................................................................................................................... Ar:Ir, :i. n :i. ~s [; r'a t j. ,,/~.. l)~t a I'lo.j. ].. ¢l(::ldr'~s: J.(")O;::' J.'.=F'I'I'I S"I" I)&D Number: ;" ' (.~'.~.'t,y: [=A,E: ~,.:d..I. EI....D State: CA Zips 93301- Corr,',l I'_'b:::,(:l e: ,=: 1 '.%-....(~ 0 J. E~.11.':,liiil I:~::;1:= I I:;;]... l) '..':'~'rAT I (..!l',l C) J. !i.~ .l C C,-,d e: []~.,..~¥',er' .- J f:Ir',lE;.~S [.~IiCIEE l:'h,'*',r,~: ( 80',5 ) ~'~27- i 616 I:-':l(::lr:J'r",~.~.. 2;i!'.C)O IsliNG FIV State:" CA Ci'ty: OA'<E RS:r;IiEL_I) Zip: 93'304- .......... '7 ................................................................................................................................. : ................................................................................................... i ................................................... i .... _~_.. [' ~:-,. ,;'..oy cOd!fy tidal I have - ' '" ';' "L'. :.',' ': ;:~ .' .LT"?.'.'..' .... "' " .; f~,'., ~ty. '"'; ~ -r I"lazmat 1 r, ver, t c,r.y I.'...i st i r'~ blCP Or'der, OE: .... I::'ix~ Ccr, I,;air~eps c,r, Si~e [:' 1-r [..... f~ e P' ~',lame/' Ha z ar.d s F'c, pm Quar~t ity MCI,r '~ Oi~?-O01 I.. :: I~(..,I iLO [~IE'I' I't'v'LIENE k i q u i d 30C Low Fife, DeJ. ay li].l;h . ~ GAL 00 ..... Over'aL .I. Site - <D> Nc, t i f. /E~;acuat ion/Medical CALL 911 <2) Employee Nc, tiE. /Evacuatior, ENI:'LOYEES WC)UI...L) BE VERBALLY 'lC)ED '1'O EVAC~UA"I'E. SPILL OR RELEASE WOULD BE [][]I'.I'I"A l NED BY I~IANA[~EMEIq 1" ANI) I1,11',11[{ !) I A I'E' NOT IF ICAT' ION O1= F I RE I)EP'I' WOULD TAKE (3> Public Nc, tiE. /Evacuatior~ : - : , ~, ": <4> Emerger, cy Nedical Pl. ar~ :~ ... F'IRST AID KIT AND EMERGENCY HELP AVAIL, ABE[ Of:' PREMISIS. MANABEMENT TEnM TO "I'RAI'~SI::'[JI-]" ANY IIqJUI:]EI) I-:'EI]SOIqS I'CJ MEI:~CY OI] SAN JOAQUIN HOSPI'TAL ) ltelease Pr'ever,~ NATERIf.~L. E:I]NTAINE]) IN S"IEEL S"fORAGE ]'ANK ON BASE OF I}RYCLEANING MACHINE AND IN AI='PF~Ofz'I:~If¥1"E CON'f'AINEf.~S IN O'fl..IER AREAS. RAGS AND WATER IMMEDIATELY AVAIL. ABLE ) Clear', Up .. (4) Uther, Res,z, ut-c::e Ac't:ivatic, r~ ~.: Fife Proc, tee:)· /¢:~vai].. Watet~ .... I'](_),:~o ALLEY AT IqORI"I"~:ASI' C[]I:]NER 01:: BUILDING I',I,qT'EI~I~:~I ....Sf:%F:ETY DATA SI-.fEETS ON FXLJ:C?" YOU ~..) ~ATER I'AL SAFETY DATA SHEET' Dow Chemical U.S.A.* Midland, MI 48674 Emergency Phone: 517-636-4400 · . ProdUct Code: · 25202 Page.: ) PRODUCT NAI4E: ~OWPER {R) SOLYENT~_~__ Effective Date: 07/28/89. Date Printed: 09/20/89 MSDS:O00190 1. INGREDIENTS: (% w/w, unless otherwise noted) Tetrachloroethylene CAS# 000127-18-4 99.9~ This document is prepared pursuant to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard {29 CFR 1910.1200). In addition, other substances not 'Hazardous' per this OSHA Standard may be listed..Where proprietary ingredient shows, the identity " may be made available as provided in this standard. 2. PHYSICAL DATA: BOLLING POINT:. 250F (!21.1C) VAP PRESS: 13. mmHg ~ 20C VAP DENSITY: 5.76 SOL, IN WATER: 0.015 g/lOOg 25C 'SP..GRAVITY: 1.619 @ 25/25C APPEARANCE: Colorless liquid. ODOR: Ether-like 3.' FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA: FLASH POINT: None METHOD USED: TCC, TOC, COC FL'AMMABLE LiMiTS LFL: None UFL: None EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Non-flammable material. FlEE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: No autoignition temperature. FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT:, Wear positive pressure self,-contained respiratory equipment. - (ContinUed on page 2) (R) Indicates a Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company * An OPeraKing Unit of The Dow Chemical Company :-NATER 1AL SAFETY DA'TA SHEET Dow Chemical U.S.A,* · Midland. MI 48674. Emergency Phone: 517'636-4400 .... Product C'ode: 25202 Page: 2 PRODUCT NAME: DOWPER (Ri SOLVENT Effective Date: 07/28/8~' Date Printed: 09/20/89 MSDS:O00)90' 4. REACTIVITYDATA: -STABILITY: (CONDITIONS TO AVOID) Avoid open fl'ames, welding a'rcs, or other high temperature sources which induce thermal decomposition. INCOMPATIBILITY:' (SPECIFIC MATERIALS TO AVOID) Strong acids and oxidizing materials. .r HAZARDOUS.DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Involvement in fire forms hydrogen chloride and small amounts of phosgene and chlorine. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION:. Will not occur. 5¥ ENVIRONMENTAL AND DisPOSAL INFORI4ATION: ACTION TO TAKE FOR SPILLS/LEAKS: Small leaks - mop up, wipe up, or soak up immediate)y. Remove to out of doors. Large spills - evacuate area. Contain liquid; transfer to. closed metal containers. Keep out of water supply. DISPOSAL. METHOD: When disposing of unused contents, the preferred options are to send to licensed reclaimers or'to permitted incinerators. Any disposal practice must be in compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Do not dump'into sewers, on the ground, or into'any body of water. 6. HEALTH HAZARD DATA: EYE: May cause pain, and slight transient (temporary) irritation. Vapors may irritate the eyes at about 100 ppm. SKIN CONTACT: Short single exposure not likely to cause significant skin irritation. Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause skin irritation, even a burn. Repeated contact may cause drying or flaking of skin. (Continued on Page 3) (R) Indicates a Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ~ An Operating Unit of The Dow Chemical Company MATER I AL, sar ETY' DA*T.A SHEET Dow Chemical.U.S.A,* . Midland. MI 48674 EmergencY Phone:' 517-636-4400 Product Code: 25202 page: 3 PRODUCT NME: DOWPER (RI SOLVENT Effective Date: 07/28/89 Date Printed: 09/20/89 ~SDS:O00190 6. HEALTH HAZARD DATA:'(CONTINUED) SKIN ABSORPTION: A single Prolonged exposure is not ).ikel¥ to result in the material being absorbed through skin in harmfu.l amounts. The LD~O for skin absorption in rabbits is >!0,'000 mg/kg. ... INGESTION: Single dose oral toxicity is iow. The LD$O for rats is >$000 mg/kg. If aspirated (liquid enters the lung}, may be rapidly absorbed through the lungs and result in injury to other body systems. INHALATION: In confined or poorly ven.tilated areas vapors can readily accumulate and can cause unconsciousness and death. Dizziness may occur at 200 ppm; progressively higher levels may also cause nasal irritation, nausea, incoordination, drunkeness; and over 1000 ppm,.unconsciousness and death. A single brief · (minutes) inhalation exposure to levels above 6000 ppm may be immediately dangerous to life. Based on structural analogy and/or equivocal data in animals, excessive exposure may potentially increase sensitivity to epinephrine and increase myocardial irritability (irregular heartbeats). Alcohol consumed before or.after exposure may increase adverse effects. SYSTEMI'C & OTHER EFFECTS: Signs and symptoms of excessive exposure may be central nervous system effects and anesthetic or narcotic effects. Observations in animals include liver and kidney effects. For hazard communication purposes under OSHA Standard 29 CFR Part )910.1200, this chemical is listed as a potential carcinogen by IARC. Perchloroethylene has been shown to increase the rate of spontaneously occurring malignant tumors in certain laboratory rats and mice. Other long-term inhalation studies in rats failed to show tumorigenic response. Epidemiology studies are limited and have not established an association between perchloroethylene exposure and cancer. Per- chloroethylene is not believed to pose a measurable carcinogenic risk to man when handled as recommended. Birth defects are unlikely. Exposures having no effect on the mother should have no effect on the fetus. Did not cause birth defects in animals; other effects were seen in the fetus only at doses which caused (Continued on.Page 4) '(RI Indicates a Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ~ An Operating Unit of The Dow Chemical Company I~ATE R I.A L SA T Y DATA SHEET' Dow Chemical U.S.A.*' Nidland, l~I 48674 Emergency Phone: 517-636-4400 -' Product Code: 25202 Page: ~, PRODUCT NAME: DOWPER (Ri SOLVENT' Effective Date: 07/28/89 Date Printed: 09/20/89- /~SDS:O00190 6. 'HEALTH HAZARD DATA: (CONTINUED) toxic effects to the mother. Results of in vitro {'test tube') mutagenicity tests have been negative. 7. FIRST AID: EYES: Irrigate immediately with water for at least 5 minutes: SKIN: Wash off in flowing water or shower. ..INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Call a physician and/or transport to emergency facility immediately. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air If not breathing, give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen, Call a physician. NOTE TO PHYSIC'lAN: Because rapid absorption may occur through lungs if aspirated and cause systemic effects, the decision of whether to induce vomiting or not should be made by a physician. If lavage is performed, suggest endotracheai and/or esophageal control. Da'nger from lung aspiration must be weighed against toxicity when-considering emptying the stomach, If burn .is present, treat as any thermal burn, after decontamination· Exposure, may increase "myocardial irritab.ility". Do not administer sympathomimetic drugs unless absolutely necessary. No specific antidote. Supportive care. ~ Treatment based on judgment of the physician in response to reactions of the patient. 8. HANDLING pRECAUTIONS: EXPOSURE GUIDELINE(S): Perchloroeth¥1ene: oSHA PEL is 25 ppm TWA. ACGIN TLV is 50 ppm TWA; STEL is 200 ppm, VENTILATION: Control airborne concentrations below the exposure guideline· Use only with adequate ventilation. Local exhaust (Continued on Page 5) (Ri' Indicates a Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company * An Operating Unit of The Dow Chemical Company ,;I~ATE RIAL S ETY DATA .SHE E T** Dow Chemical u.S.A.* )4idland,.l~! 48674 Emergency Phone: 517-636-4400 · ~ Product code: 25202 ~ Page: 5 PRODUCT NAME: DOWPER (R) SOLVENT Effective Date: 07/28/89 Date Printed: 09/20/89' /~SDS:O00190 8. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS: (CONTINUED) ventilation may be necessary for some operations. Lethal .. concentrations may exist in areas with poor'ventilation. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Atmospheric levels should be maintained below the exposure guideline. When respiratory protection is required for certain operations, use an approved air-purifying respirator. For emergency and other conditions where the exposure guideline may. be greatly exceeded, use an approved positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus or posi. tive pressure airline with auxilliary self-contained air supply. In .confined or poorly ventilated areas, use an apProved positive pressure self-contained air breathing apparatus. SKIN PROTECTION: For brief contact, no precautions other than clean body-covering clothing should be needed. When prolonged or frequently repeated contact could occur, use protective clothing impervious to this material. Selection of specific items such as gloves,' boots, apron, or full body suit will depend on operation. EYE PROTECTION: Use safety glasses. Where contact with liquid is likely, chemical goggles are recommended because eye Contact with this material may cause discomfort, even though it 'is unlikely, to cause injury. 9. ADDITIONAL INFORI4ATION: REGULATORY REQUIRERENTS: SARA HAZARD cATEGORY: This product has been reviewed according to the EPA 'Hazard Categories' promulgated under Sections 311 and 312 of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 198G {SARA Title III) and is considered, under applicable definitions, to meet the following categories: An immediate health hazard (Continued on Page 6)' . (Ri Indicates a Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company * An Operating Unit of The Dow Chemical COmpany MATERIAL SA~m~Ty D'A'TA SHEET DoM Chemical U.S.A.* Midland' MI 48674 Emergency Phone: 517-636-4400 - Product Code: 25202 Page: 6 PRODUCT NAME: DOWPER (Ri SOLVENT Effective Date: '07/28/89, Date Printed: 09/20/89 MSDS:O00190 g. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (CONTINUED) A delayed health hazard CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: The following statement is made in order to comply with the.California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (see Section G above for more details): This product-contains a chemical(s).known'-to the State of California to cause cancer. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: .Handle with reasonablecare and caution. Avoid breathing vapors. Vapors of this product are heavier than air and will collect in low areas such as pits, degreasers, storage tanks, and other confined areas.' Do not enter these areas where vapors of this product are suspected unless special breathing apparatus is used and an observer is present' for assistance. MSDS STATUS: Revised Section 8. ' SARA 313 INFORMATION: This product contains the followingsubstances subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title '~111 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorlzation Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372: ' CHEMICAL NAME CAS NUMBER CONCENTRATION PERCHLOROETHYLENE OOO127-18-4 99.9 (RI Indicates a Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company The Information Herein Is Given In Good Faith, But No Warranty, Express Or Implied, Is Made. Consult The Dow Chemical Company For Further Information. * An Operating Unit of The Dow Chemical Company .BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT · 2130 "G" STREET .BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY -.- 1D~ -- -- --, !i ' BuSINESS-.NAME: ' , " · :., .' - .SINGLE FACILITY UNIT INSTRUCTIONS 1. To'avoid further action, this form must be'returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT .YOUR ANSWERS tN. ENGLISH. '3. Answer ~he questions below for THE FACIi, I~Y UNIT LISTED BELOW 4.. Be as 'BRIEF a'nd ~CONCISE as possible ~ ....... . ....... FACILITY UNIT#, ~ FACILITY b~IT NAME:' Sam Woo LaUndry & Cleaners SECTION, 1: MITIGATION,. PRElrENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES Mater'iai. contained in-steel storage tank on base of drycleaning machinb and in appropriate containers in o'.ther areas., Rag's. and water immed'iatel~ available to'~ clean'U~ any spill, Employees to ' evacuate ~vig' ~mer~genCY~ plan.. ,'" '". ' ,~.' ~" ' ' -~ ' SECTION 2:' NOTIFICATION.AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES 'AT THIS' b,'~.'IT ONLY Employees w(~ul~!1 be.~.verbal~y~ 'toTd t~. evacua:te. SpitI. er' release wonl-cI be, 'cO~t~ine~ bY ~n~'.g'ement and imedia~.ge no,tification of fire department wo:~Sd take place. ....... ,, .... SECTION 3 ::HAZARDOUS .MATERIALS FOR THIS :b,~."IT. ONLY .A. Does this Facil'+1~7 Unit ',+ ' .......... co~,.aln Hazardous Materials° NO If YES., "see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. any of'the hazardous materials a bona fide Tgade Secret YES~ B. Are If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory · fonm. marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form ~4A-1) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE S,CRzTS ONLY (yellow form '~4A-2) ~n addition to the non-tr~de secret fo~m. Li..st only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE .:FIRE PROTECTION ":'~; Ffre extinguishers ~n han~ SECTION 5 :~LOCATION OF.WATER 'SUPPL'Y 'FOR SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A. NAT. GAS/PROPANe] ee. B. ELECTRICAL: C WATER: / D SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES /~ iF YES, LOCATION: ? iF YES, SiTE PLANS? VES- / ~b MSDSs? YES /' NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 3B - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE JERRY GEE... MANAGER ~ SOL~ CO.rAI.E~ ,. ~.E ~S£ o~ ~.CL~.,.~ ~,.~ ~ ~s~ STO~ E~LO~E E~C~ OR O~ER TWO AVAIL~LE EXITS .~l~ ~E CL~LY ~D ~ ACCO~ING TO ~E S~E~ EVACUATION PL~. T~ ~LE~E OR S~ILL WILL B~ OUS2'~TERI~S DIVISION IF ~ED B~. SECT¥0N 5: LOCAL E~RGENCY ~EDICAL ASSIST~CE FOR Y0~ BUSINESS AS A WHOLE FIRST AID KIT AND ElVlERGENCY HELP AVAILABLE ON PREMISE. AND MANAGEMENT TEAM TO TRANSPORT ANY' INJURED PERSONS TO MERCY OR SAN JOAQUiN HOSPITAL. SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS.- CIRCLE~YES-OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... 'Y~ ~_ NO ~ NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT:..· ................ NO NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. (~ NO NO E DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... "NO NO SECTION ?: HAZARDOUS MATERI~J, CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS-MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF~ SQLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS:..' .... . YES N(~ I, JERRY GEE , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information.will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIG~ TITLE 933ol JUL 17 i987 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~USINESS N~E .... . HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS B~USINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM Ma INS~UCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this f.orm by ~. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH.. 8. Answer the questions below for the business as 8 whole. 4 Be as brief and concise 8s possible. SECTION'I: BUSINESS IDE~IFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: ~ ~ ~U~A~ B. LOCATION /'STREET ADDRESS: ~ooz 19~ ST~T CITY: ~F~LD ZIP: 9~oi BUS~PHONE: (sos) SECTION 2: E~RGENC~ NOTIFICATIONS In case of 'an emergency involving the ~elease o~ threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify · your local fire department and the State. Office of Emergenc~ Services as requi~ed EMPLOYEES T0 NOTIFY IN CASE 0F EMERGENCY: N~E AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRSi B. JE~Y ~E~ ::'4 ~R Ph~ 327 16~6 Ph~ - 327 I616 SECTION 3: LOCATION 0F~ILI~ S~-0FFS FOR BUSI~SS AS A ~0LE 'A.~ NAT. GAS/pROPANE: NO~-~ST CO~;R OF ~ILDING,;N ALLEY · B. ELECTRICAL: ~ END OF BUILDING N~ MIDDL~ ~ C.'WATER: NO~-~ST ~ OF BUILDING E. 'LOCK~BOX: YES / N0 IF YES, LOCAT[0N': '~ · IF YES, DOES IT cONTAIN SITE PLANS? 'YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO' FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS9 YES / NO CoN-tAnNER.coDES TYPE CODES :. ~: ...... ~'' P = Pure O~ ~[Un~ergEound Tank M Mixtures of. pure 02.,Ab0veground Tank ~< /~ , O'~..~Eix~d Pressurized T~nk !(i "i " - ~!,, ~!: ti:.' "'./ ? substances O~.,~p.o~table Pressurized' Cyi~inders /. ~ -~ W = Wastes (Also add 05 Insulated Tank (includes C~yogenics~ ~' :i~' :' appropriate waste 06. Drums or Barrels - Metallic code) 07. Drums or Barrels - Non~Metallic ~'-~ ~' ~ -08. Carboy(s) -' 09. Glass Container(s) ~ · ,' 10. Plastic Container(s) ....... ~ ~' '~ ' . ' ' UNIT CODES 11. Box(es) '; 12. Bag(s) ~: ~ ..etal, Containers (Not 5rum i) LBS - Pounds; 14 In Machinery o~ pr6cesslng equipment TON = Tons (~,0~01:Jbs) · - _ ~ '-' - :, ' ' GAL = Gallons 15. Bin(s) ./~ 99 OTHER:- Specify on'seParate sheet , ,, ~ BBL = Barrels "(~'2 gals) ' , ',, F~ = Cubic Fe~.~. · .' ~ '~ CUR's'Curies ., USE CODES / . 01. Additive : 23; Herbic}~e' / ,~ /~ ,, '. , 02. Adhesive. ~, 24. Insecticide .i 03. Aerosol '25. Instructional 045 Anesthetic 26. Lubricant 05~ Bactericide 27. Medical Aid or Process '., ' 06,~ Blasting ' 28. Neutralizer '07-, Catalyst 29. Painting · '08.,.C'leaning "' :30..Pesticide 09.!COolant. 31. Plating :, ,10.-~Cboltng 32. Preservative i '? " ~,,. 33 Refining .... . ',,,' ll.,.Drllltng, ,. ( ' , ., ! i,'< · ,~ .'~:13 ~Emuisif, ierZDemulstfier~ !$5'iSpraylng . ~ ~' " : '"'~"'e'"'i'~(i'""i~' " 14'. ~Etching ! '~i~,[::':~ '.:,..36 iStertll~er,~ ,.~ , . ,,. ' : ' ..... ~' ' '~' "~' ! ~'137'. iStorage~ ., , ' ' ', -: "-i~ .... ,f ,. 15,.-,.'Experimental ' , } -' } ' ' - . ' . : ' ' .:/'~, . -' ....~" ....."' b.;,',; , · L .' ~ 16{~Fabrt, catlon .:; .... : .... ;38.: Stripper 17".Fertilizer : :39 .Washing' -"~i : , .~ 18.~Formulation' ' '' ,40.~Waste ~ ~ : 1.9.,Fuel ~ . : '41. Water Treatment: '; , :. 20. Fungicide 42 'Welding Soldering ,. ~ :,'~ .... d 21~ :'~rinding ; 7,;, ~ : 43.,We'll Y~jecilon ' ' ,~ .. ;. 22.'Heating~ : :44'.~Oi.1 Treatment'.'' .... · ',:' : : , 99. OTHER-Specify on '":" '3: '..,i ..; ' ' ' ~ ' HAZARD CODES" "> ': EXPL - Explosive ORMA - Anesthetic, Irritant ' CRLQ - Combustible Liquid ORME - Bazardous Waste ~ C~SL ,;[C°mbustible Solid .,,, ORMS - Other regulated ~. Nateri'al B.,C,and D CR~T -' Corrosive Material PSNA - Poison A.(Gas) FI,aS -.Flammable'Gas PSNB - Poison B (Liquid or Solid) FLLQ - Flammable Liqu!d RADI - Radioactive · : FLSL - Flammable Solid WATR,- Water Reactiv% NFI,G - Non-Flammable Gas ETI~ Etiological Agent' OOFX - Organic Peroxide PYRO - Pyrophoric, Hypergoltc or ., .,- spontaneously combustible ' OXID - Oxidizer ,~ , , ,< ,.' ~., , ., ~ CRYO~- Cryogenics :" ';~ '~' ~ ~bNTAINER CODES ~[PE CODES. ~: . Ii 01. Underground Tank . " 02 Abo~eg.~'bund Tank M = Mixtures of pure · " substances 03'. F.~ed Pressurized Tank , · 0~. -Portable Pressurized Cylinders ,. , +-W = Wastes (Also add !i 05. Insulated Tank (Includes Cryogenics) , appropriate waste '06. Drums or Barrels - Metallic --, code) 07, Drums or Barrels - Non-Metallic 08. Carboy(s) fi . . .. 09. Glass Conta£ner(s) ,- lo. Plastic Container(s) ' . UNI~ CODES ' · 11. Box(e'~) 12 Bag(s)' "" ' ' ' ' '": ~!"' 13. Metal Contalner~ (Not Drums) LBS = Pounds' '~ 14 In Machinery or processing equipment / TON Z Tons (2,000~~'lbs GAL Gallons 15, Bin(s),-, 99. OTHER - Specify onseparate sheet . ~{- BBL = Barrels-'(42.'gals) .: CUR = Curies "USE~CODES, ~ ,. ,. , . --, · 01 AdditiVe. 23. Her cide >' < 02. Adhesive. " 24. Insecticide', ', :'--'., 03. Aerosol 25.'Instructional <. 04. 'Anesthetic 26. Lubricant ' < .-~ 05~ Bactericide 27. Medical Aid or Process 06~,.Blasting ' 28. Neutralizer <, .07..Catalyst '29. Painting ' ,08· Cleaning'"' !30. Pesticide /bg.~C%lant 31. Plating 10. Cool, lng ,$2. Preservative ~ h,.. 33. ,Refining " .~ii..Dfllling,~"~ .{- . ..... i!'" 12. Drying i' ; :'>' ~34'isealer ':' ': ~ '~ : Smu'ls]ifierZDemulsi ier 35[ !Spraying .~ .-- <' 16~':Fabricatton ~-' ~'-' .-':' ,': 17.'Fertilizer , ~ 139. Washing' '~ < 18.'Formulation ' ' 40. Waste , · i~ '19 Fuel' : ' 41 Water Treatment ;' 2.0 Fungicide ,, 42..Welding Soldering d. :-! · . . , . ~-.,~ f~;~ '- .! . · 2~ ~Heating, i 44.1011 Treatment .? ,-- -. 99,.:OThER-Specify on · ; : HAZARD CODES ~' . EXPL -.,,Explosive' ORMA - Anesthetic, Irritant CMLQ - Combustible Liquid< ORME - Hazardous Waste '.. CMSL -iCombus-tible Solid ORMS - Other regulated ~' Material B.C.and D, , CRMT -'~orrosive Material ,PSNA - Poison A (Gas) q FI,GS - Flammable'Gas .'PSNB.- Poison B (Liquid or solid) FLLQ - Flammable Liquid RADI - Radioactive FLSL - Flammable Solid WATR - Water Reactive. . NFi,G - Non-Flammable Gas ETIO - Etiological Agent !i OGPX -~Organ~c Peroxide PYRO - Pyrophoric, Hypergollc or ,, spontaneously combustible '~OXID - Oxidizer ~'CR~O~- Cryogenics 0 ,. ·, < ~ TYPE CODES CONTA~NER,C~ODES . i .. 0'~..-Under~'0und Tank P = Pure M '= Mixtures of pure 02.-'Ab6yeground Tank , O3..Fixed Pressurized Tank ,L '... '' substances - - W = Wastes (Also add O~.:,Por(able Pressurized Cylinders appropriate waste 05.,'Insulated Tank (Includes Cryogenics) 06. Drums or Barrels - Metallic code) O? Drums or Barrels - Non-Metallic,- 08. Carboy(s) 09; Glass Container(s) 10. Plastic Container(s) ' .~ !'" UNIT CODES' 13. Metal. Containers (Not Drums) L' : LBS = Pounds 0 14. In Machinery or processing:equi!pment ~ TON ~ Tons (2,00 ~:lbs) 15. Bin(~) BBL = Barrels '(42 gals) 99. OTHER'- Specify on separate sheet ~ ~, F~$ ' .'USE CODES ' .. L 02 Adhesive 24 '~'Insecticide('' i.. ~ ~: .03. Aerosol 25. Instructional · Od. Anesthetic' 26. Lubricant 05. Bacterici'.~e 27. Medical Aid or Process ~06' Blasting" 28. Neutralizer 07. Catalyst : 29. Painting , :08 Cleaning "' : !30,.'Pesticide -' 17 Fertilizer 39 :~ashin~ ? ' : ,18. Formulation: ' [40. ~aste'- .... : 22'.~H~ating, , 44''011 Treatment' ' ; : 99,. OTHER-Specify on : ~ . :, ~... t HAZARD CODES ..~. ., ~ EXPL-:Explosive ORMA Anesthetic irritant .. CMLQ - Combustible Liquid ORME - Bazardous Waste " CMSL :"COmbustible Solid ORMS - Other regulated~ CRMT ' Corrosive Ma~ertal PSNA - Poison A (Gas) : , :. FI,aS ~ Flammable Gas PSNB - Poison B (Liquid or Solid) FLLQ ~."Flammable Liquid RADI - Radioactive FL£L Flammable Solid W~TR - Wa~'er Reactive / , NFI,G - Non-Flammable Gas .ETIO - Et~oldgical Agent OOFX -,Organic Peroxide PYRO - Pyrophoric, Hypergolic or spontaneously combustible OXID Oxidizer , " " '. '~ CR~O~- Cryogenics ' %~- Sam Woo' Laundry & ~Cleaners · B~akersfield~ CA 93301 samt~I Woe~' has.'devetop~e~ a Hazard CommuniCation Program -to[' en .our-' employees,' · hea~th and safety. As"a business ~e intend to prO-vide info~ati6n abOU't chemical , hazards an~ e~ther haZardens subStances~ and the .cqntroT o~f h~zard~' via our ,~ve Hazard Comm~icatiom program. .. · which incTudes-container labeIing~ 'M~teriat S~fety Data Sheets :~ .: THE FOLLOWING ~AO'GR~~ 0UTLI~S'..HOW-WE'~LL AccoMpL~SH THIS . .OBJEOTIVEr .:. I ' ' "CON NG .- .: a, It i.s 2he..policy of this'.business that ne material. · . ~: ~ilI"be~use~..in. the process, ef ~mr business ~[es.s: · .'. ~'. : ) :centainers are cIearly aS'.'.to: the::'.eonte~2~, -" (2) approprtate~,h~zard ~arnings are-ne~ed '/" ...... · (3) employees ar'e aware, of steps, t0--,tzke in case. of -~ . , -, aCCiden exposure :' b.- ~s res: ibllity, been ass~ed'by~ Gee. ' ' To-, further :ensure', tha't employees ~re aware' of' the hazards .. : of ma~eriaIs"-.used in. their work a~ea~ It is our policy that all second~a~- containers Shall be .Iabeled. as ~o' their 2, '~T~iAL' SAFETY, DATA 'SHEETS .(MSDS) a. '/'Co' of MSDS' fo,r '-alt ha'zar~ons smbstances te which -. emPIeyees of this'business may be'.~e~e~Sed are. kept'in the ,.~ i~,ediate ioca.tion-'"of ea'ch hazardmO~'S substance, Jerry Gee ~. .~lI be'ves~ensib~'e" fox'obtaining and maintaining the data sheet System. for this .business. ..... . :~: b. jerry Gee ~lI review inco,minmg~ data sheets 'for new and s~gnificant' health/Safety .infestation. He will see that any :new infestation i.s' pas~ed , to the emPIoyees. c.~ MSDS wilI be reviewed: for com' ss.bM Jerry Gee ..... (manager)...,If. an MSDS is missing 'or obvio~Iy'incompletg~ a new MS,DS ~lI be. reqUested from, the-manuf,~cturer. Cal/OS~ wily be Lfied' if a [ete MSDS'.is'nO',t received.~ ~pleyees are warned no,t to, use~any substance for w~.ich no~ .MSDS ~s posted. ' '"' a.. ~'EmP.loyees.'a~re to-' att.'-ehd a health and-Safety orientation · -. --: . set UP' byi"J.erry Gee (,manager.)~' prior tel starting work ... ~ ." ~,. :for~'info"~na-_tiOn' and. training :on.'the.. f. ollowing ~.. ,.. An ~vervi,ew of "bhe' requirem.ents' contained in the Hazard .... .... : -'.Communi'ca-tion~Regulation~..including their, rights· Under · ' ":. -'-.s' ' .the',reg~Iati6n, ~ · . -' - ~ , "' "":" ':-?:" ::' Proper a~d- safe~ methods' for 'o,p'eratien of' an~ machinery "' .'~- . to'~ which they may be. 'expenSed., ~'i ' "" inform employees e'.:f any °-Pera~ti6ns in, their'.WOrk area. :'.' '" . ~ wher,e~tha,zardeus substances are PreSent, ...... Lo~ation a~d~ 'avai-labiIity o'~ the: written ha.za, rdo~s" · ' .. cemmunica,ti on pro,gram. ' . ~ '-"-PhysicaT and health, effects' of' the hazardous subs'tances.' :' Methods, and observation t'echniqUes used. to 'determine, the: presence o'r reTease ef.-ha'zar~0us substances in 'the Work · ~''- area. · : ..... . ~' "~ ...... .. · - --..... ,. H-~,W to" lessen or :".Prevent exposure to~ these/hazardous. sub nc:es through work Practices'. . Steps 'the business ha, s. taken to. lessen. or prevent exposu.re 'to these ' substa, uees.. ' Emergency a~d '£irst-l. aid' procedure's to follow if employ.ecs' are expe~,sed to these'SUbstances; How to., read labels and review MSDS to obtain: appro'~riabe hazard information. Wh-en new hazardous 'substances are .in-treduced, Jerry Gee wilI review the aboVe items as they are related to the n.ew materiaI' in your safety meeting, ".. . . :'- --. Neats: klthgugh ha'zardoU~"'subS~ances a~e',Prese~t and'used' in'the process of. this.business, employees ar.e to be' informed that no", employee related: ~ebs require expgsure . .- ~r use o'f these substances by emp!,oyee,s'~i ' -. '$.. LIST" OF ' SUBSTANcEs ' : The fe.~lIowi'ng is a list- 6f ali kne%Ch hazardous subs'tances . present in~ t~e. plant, SPecific ,infe~rmatien on each ne',ted SuBs'tance(s') cab- b~ ~'bta, i'ned! by reviewing the' MSDS:- ~ . · , . ~.~. · ' 2. ' "'~'- ' "~ '~ · .' ' ' ........ "-' ' ,H~ZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LIST H~ZARDOUS~ SUBSTANCE ~R~ USED MSDS~ Per ohio re:ethyo'l en e Dryc.I eanin g ye s ' No~te :~ ~i s i s' und er current evaTua.tien a~s a ~carc.i'n~,ge~ Statico~I ~yCteaning Yes~ Picrin~ ~'Drye~ eaning/ Yes~ ~ spe~tti~g Pyratex (brand name)~-' p~int ~.~l '~" gr.ease ~emeve~ Drycleaning/ ., spo g .Statico~. test s'o~:IUtions Dryc~eaning Yes (clorinated methan, es'). 'Hyd~o~fIuoric Acid '- Splitting Yes- ..(rust reme~er)" Stree-pro~ (~meni~ selutien) ~' Spe.t~ing ~ Yes Stree-'tan (acetic-acid soTutieu) Spotting: Yes Skaso~l (brand name) boi~ar room Yes boiler treatment compe~d Cai ~ite-~:'CaI CIor - -Wash area Yes (bIeabhes~):' Factor ~ T~fiso~t ~ ~ash :~area ~es Ce~ic X Sour ~ ~ WaSh area Yes (~d~iIut:ed' g~a6iaT-acetic m~xture): Hydraulic eiT ~ompress$r room 'Y~s Me:~t~ oiI ~' '' ~ Garage 'area ':Yes, Spent g~ W~s t e Hazardous ~wa s t e Ye s (~-215) ~, .~. barrels in garage . .. , 'N'~: '..requi-red :,to~,' per£o~ ..~n.~ , . ~ . .... ' en.s~e':, ha~t' . ..... S: wp'~-, s~fely in '~-r . : .~ ang ~g' ~s-.ghe ~es :of."~erry' Gee' (manager) .... to'.pro~i:&e c'on-tr~Cto~rs"the ' fo:.l~o~ing. ;~ati0n:'- '..';""- '...- a'. ._Haza~d~ous subSganees..~o--whic~; ghoy..may be exposed . .. while on th'e ,j_~bsi'g'e, If anyone :questS~ons about this. plan contact .Jerry Gee . .., ;....- ,- _.. ........ : .... . . . :.:' James-'Gee;0~ O~er:' · . ' .- -". . - ---I ~ee~ m~nag.~r "~' "~ ~" sam" W -~.,Eaundry .'&~: cie ·.-, . 1'o02 'l'~)~h st .' -'~ .... : ...... "- - Bakersfield~ CA ' . 9-330~".' --: : ' ' '~'")' "'"".,~'" ..... """ _ .¢ . -. . .. : '[',~ - . -. :. ..'... 0~emple~ee, 2razn~g: program has Been develep~ed eh,. 2he basi:s ..g~eups: (t~'~'e.s). ef ha~&rd, ous.;su~tane.e(S')-n'Sed and:: 2he ce~en'.b.'' ' ha-zards:.ass0:cia%'ed ~2h them., ).' '"' ' ',.- . ',. .f: .:' :' ),.. ..... For sRecific hazard inf0,r~tion on each brand:.:e,f'ma-teriat:the~ " ~TERIAE. ~ S~FETY'. DAT~ .S~ETS (MSDS):_ -must. be reviewed'. : ~I TTEN HAZARD:. CO~I'CATI ON 'PRo'G~M - -. : .... . .. ...... 'We have a written, pre, gr~ 'that ~tlines hew we',~tI provide infermation an~ control yenr expe. sure to hazar, deus substances. ..~is-plan i's_ avsita:ble for'..yeu? review during-our training sessiens ~d at the/e-ffic~ .fer yo~ur review, during your worksh'if~. ~Z~DOUS 'S~STA~CE~ USED ~N O~"WORKPEACE'. In e:~r"plamt we, use a var~e6y .eT products"'~ 'Mest e'.¢ these may -- centain one e-r-more hazardous' Substances., %et's review the _ ~RDOUS S~STA~CE IN~[TORY* ~IST. - .:' .'- -. ~., 1~ R.~DIN G -- . AND' MSDg- " " LAB:~S':- A ~preduct label on the "o~riginaI-con't~iner Shoul~ be ' ,. reviewed prior ~o: WOrking with the material. .Each l~bel ~ll have two: _fmpe?rtant pieces cT info~a.tion yqu sheu~ld-be fami:tiar t~ .... : .. . .. 1'. ~e .identity of' the H~zardous Substance 2'.. Hazard Wa.~nings ~e Iabel ~11 ~Iso:: stat~ ,the name and-address o~ the manufacturs~. ~e label should act as'a visual reminder o-~ the info--at, on "we in this..training session and .o:f %he .information in-me,re 'detail on the MSDS. - .... I'~ is: essential fer' your safety', tha2 :you re~d' the HaZard Warning . and~ onI~ use the Hazardous Substance(s) within "the guidelines prescribed on the l~b'e~., Questions concerning.-the label sheatd. be directed to Jerry Gee. ..[[ : .~TER'I~ SAFETY .D~T~ 'SHE~S "(M~DS1): ~e:-MSDS' is, ~he TM primary'" means we "~ ll:Use 'to'~ .cbnvey. the-~ necessary info~rma:tien' about the h~zards' eT the substances we use.. The' manufactures' and:. impO:rmters are: respensible fo,r' providing-us ~th the MSDS.,. - ~e: manufa:c~rer_ must'.pr0vide us'with adequate infermztion to~ us:e the substance "saf. Sly~,' ('~e Speci'fic items' are reviewed in the -~.RY ' 0F'. CAEI'FORNIA_,S HAZARD C0~ICATION RmEGULATI ON ., ~" ' ''v-. ' ' -..~.'~"' : ~ . . .~ ~[. : ' : ' --'~'"' ' ~ '' "/"' ' ~' ' ': .... '"" - : '.' [2'.' ' :' "' ":"~: ' " "' .'-.'-;-'-- ~. %.. - . ,-' .. " - ..~ ... ~"~ ~' P;HYS-IC~L -AN'D ..HEALTH H~ZARDS:'0F: THE'HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE(S)' USED .- HE~LTH!.EFFECTS':' "Eff~ts o~,f :~v~rexpo~sure' to~: Clori~ated 'Hydrocarbon So-~lven-ts~, spo~tting fI~uidsWhich may contain thcs.~ and organic H!'gh~ concentrations· o.f .solven~t Vapor,rs are irritating -to the · ~ eye's,, nose,' thro-at and 'lUngs, 'may. cause headaches and dizziness .... and:. sleepiness'. Even~higher levels' ma~ cause unconsciousness and _. -' may halve brain and central nervous' system effects, ' '" ' · ~ Prolonged or rePeated ~quid contact with..:tha. Skin may cause'- _defatting e'f' ~t~e ski~-~ lea~in~ to~ dryness, irrita'tien an~ dermatitis' (reddening- and':in.fl~mm~d skin)., Some" solvents "are absorbed.':right. through 'the. ..skin and the:heal:th effects are just as if the .solvent -va was inha~.led, - ' ' · . Each 'synthetic a~.org, ani,c solvent' s-long .t~erm' possible health effect~ will v~ry; ho~ever, pre, longed se'lvent expe,sure's are-. :related to-' po~ssi:ble- liver ,. kidney and e'entrat nervous System. and brain damage. .... pHYsICAL",NA..-ZARDS':'. Organic solventS,, such 2s thos'e:.contained in ,some spe_:t,t'ing:, fluid's -an~ :-.m6,tor' o:ils-' are g.ene..ral-Iy/-:glammable -and · .-- . .... 'and represent fire hazards. -~o.rinated-Hydrocarbon S'elvents 'such. as PerchIo-re~,ethyeTen'e are generally stable-and non- .... ... flammabI'e' and will' .nO~,t react With 'water,, R'eview the MSDS sections on fire and ex.~.lo, sion,.hazard info.rmatien.. :Mo:st se~lvents..wilI- ' "-'vapo~rize.rapidly and become, airborne.~ "-['. .... DETECTIDN.-OF REEEASE::_. Odor:may' be, mildly sweet 'and cause your '' no:se or.. eyes to:'be...irritat.ed,~, bdt' do-n,t ~ePend'on o'dor to. :wa.rn. -- ,~eu.., odor threshelds'.'(IOw~s~' l~vel that can.. be'deteCted) for · .." .mo-st. 'Solvents-vary widely from p'ersen to~ perso'~. Also,'some ,.~: solvents. pre:duc~ "factem, ry' fati,gue" and the' less o'.f abili.tY~'..te:.. - -- sme,II the' ed6r. However,. odor can warn.'.yo~ of' exposur, e to: some . . ..solvents. .~. .- .... .~ APPEA~R~NCE: 'most' solvent vapors are .i~visible so don't-.~ely ~en- appear~ance 'to :warn .you .for exposure. EMERGENCY'~ R~,SPONSE: if a hazardous substance:, 'iS 'reieased~ ' conta, in the spilI bY us~" of rags.: 'Do. no,t' attempt to run in a s ~ as mo~2 solvents are very slippery On concrete.. The first thing' te:f~de, is...te~, shut o'ff the releaSe'a-.t.the so;urce, - -nO:tifi.~ation. Vent'ilate the area by op.ening . · doors ~nd. ng.-:on fails. FoIlow the haZardous'Waste disposal p?o'cedures we,.have. :establ~.sh. ed.,.' When Working in e:r-aro';und a, spi. lI, a protectiv, e' ~rea~hing device-and gloves sho~uld be worn. ".'?.~j%,.,- :,i:['-.'_. ':/~ppRop.'RI/~TE:~ EMERGEN, CY~' AND'~FI-RST_-AID "PROCEDURES: -. : .... ' :": :~ ~:.-._/,-,:.~e~ontac.~: '(!'f.s'p.iashed~ ~nt0-~.~he eyes, s0v,¢re .irrit~-tie '~." /..b' ' ~'It o:~-'en~. ? FluSh` width.' Water immediately' a'n~d"~ continue ':fo ' .:': .- ~ ~~aminat.ed-and:'-.~,~sh .skin 2horough%y~ wi}h- soap ..gnd'· - "'inha~'a:tion::-- ~ercom~e ' ~pors.~ .ge'~ tel.:the-- ontsTde bf"the' ...~,~-'-'"~.building ~tiI,J'dizZiness- ,~g'0ne;. ,.'~If:.Br{ ... is .i~regular ~ ~.. or'.,:has' s'to'pped :_."st~r~,~'~e~su~'citation~ .... . ..-:. ..... '.~ng'es~tion:'...,.~if in .e.sted,.:.do(~:no~t:.indu~.~ tin'g. ' 'Con.ta~t "":' , No~e.-, . g~. 9'tours ivent~'. - -~ '.. ~... -'~ · '."' 'as' i ~n'.;in~v the'~.l~gs cab' e:cdur'~~. wh$'Oh in':turn- .... '~.. ~:,[:... :.i.'. '. -~:' '(can ;-caUse.~ ehemi:ca'i"..Pn-e~0n!,'a.- and:. syst'emie::"e~fect's... ... ' f" ,-'.:: 1'.:".: "_" .:-': E~'o's-E5 ~0-':' Pm~EOROET~OL~E'''~' :.'-? ::' ..'.:- / :'.'[ '.'.? '.:.."., ." ~PLOYEE "' ' . .- ' ........... " : . CONC~ f-"" ' ' '" ' " · Ig, is'" the'.'Pe'l ey' of this"busi~ess'.~'that'ne employee "shai~ " .'~'ntentionally- ger' themselves'by expo~sur:e to.~ny- ~rdous. " subgtanc.e;: :Under ~7 ci~c~Stance when eme~ ...... -gake car'~ o:f '~ emergency,:~n~..~ ...... y the area When .no:ti'fi ed slame~.' .:?' R_'" ~ -- ' ' ' - ~ '":: '~ · ' ' 't "-' :.',