HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN SUMMARY OF UNIFIED PERMIT CO,NDITIONS ~ENERAL CONDmONs .. 1. This permit must be posted or maintained on site at all times· 2. Any quesuons regarding this permit shall be directed.to: PREVENTION SERVICES Bakersfield Fire Department, 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (661) 326- 3979 3. You must notify Prevention Services within 30 days of any change in ownership. 4. You must comply with the requirements'of the California,Health and Safety Code (HscI, Calilbrnia Code of Regulations (CCR), and California Fire C6de {CFC) hs applicable: · Ch.6,5 HSC and (T22CCR) for generators or treaters of hazardods wastes. · Ch.6.67 HSC and (40 CFR 112)* for aboveground storage of petroleum. *Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 112 · Ch.6.7 HSC and (T23CCR, Ch.16) for'hhderground storage of hazardous substances. · Ch.6.75 HSC and tT23CCR. Ch.18) for petroleum undergrouad storage tank cleanup. · Ch.6.95 HSC and (TIgCCR) for hazardous materials response and inventories. · . Ch.6.95 HSC and (TIgCCR) for accidental release prevention of acutely hazardous materials and risk management plans. · Chapter'l 5.64 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code for local fire code amendments. 5. You must pay you r consolidated annual permit fee and any state service fees. as applicable, for this permit to continue to remain in effect. 'SPECIFIC CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: l. Immediately report any release or threated/ed release 'of a hazardous material if there is a reasonable belief that life. health, safety,, or the enwronmem are at risk by calling: · 9-I-1 (for emergencies only), or : · (661)326-3979 for Office.of Environmental Services, and · (800) 852-7550 State Warning Center .~2: Report any changes or additions to your I~azardous materials inventory within 30 days of the change to the Offi~:e of Environmental Services. 3. Any amount of explosives must be reported to the Office of Environmental Services on the chemical description, page of the Unified Program Consolidated Forms. UNDERGROUND STORAGE T~Ni~S: ' '" :i .i .: I. You must ensure that both the owner and operator of the tank are provided with a copy of this permit. If you 9p6rate but dc~ hot own the tank(s), there.shall be a v~ritten operating agreemefit with the. owner to monitor the tanks.. ' · .~,·" 2. You mu'st maintain a monitoring program which includes a site map an~l a monitoring'and response program appropriate for the design of the tank(s). ;3~'The monitoring program shall be maintained on site as an attachment to this permit in compliance with state regulations and will be subject to annual revi6W byt the Office of Environmental Services· CALIFORNIA ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PROGRAM (CalARP): 1. Any facility requirdd t~ submit a Risk Management Plan shall implement the prevention program listed in the plan for the covered processes on site. 2. The prevention program shall be sell-audited by the facility ai least once during the term of this permit. The results of the self-audit shall be available, to the Office of Environmental Services for evaluation. 3. Accidental releases, of federally regulated or extremely hazardous substances in reportable quantities shall, in addition to the immediate reporting requirements, also be reported to the EPA a~ (800) 424-8802 HAZARDOUS WASTE: . "~ · I. Any amount of a hazardous waste ~usi be reported to the' Office of' Environmental· Services o~ the chemical description page of the Unified Program Consolidated Forms. "2. Haza~'d(~us..,~aste~,.Shall. be properly labeled at all times and properly dispose Of in a timely manner, no later than 180 days from accumulating 27 gallons (100 kg) at any time, or within 90 days if you accumulate more than 27 gallons (I00 kg) per month. 3. Keep all waste disposal receipts or manifests for 'three years. ABOVEGROUND STORAGE OF PETROLEUM: 1. All new or modified aboveg'round stofag~ tanks shall be installed under a valid installation permit issued by the Office of Environmental Services. 2. Any aboveground petroleum storage tank over ,1320 gallons in aggregate storage shall fil~ a storage statement with the State Water' Resources Control Board and prepare a Spill.Prevention · Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan. Call (916) 227-~4364 for more information. 3·. A copy of the SPCC shall be maintained:on site and a copy also forwarded to the Off]ce of Environmental Services. 4. Operation of aboveground storage tank shall be,in accordance with all applicable sections of the California Fire Code and California Health, and Safety Code. PAINT SPRAY BOOTHS: I. System must meet the requirements of Section 4502 of the California Fire Code. 2. Spray areas shall be kept free from accumulation of combustible deposits and residue properly disposed of. 3. Ventilation system must be' in operation during the spraying or cleaning equipment with Class l liquids. 4. Approved metal waste receptacles must be used for rags or waste impregnated with i'inishing materials. 5. Spraying areas shall be kept free of a~cumulated'deposits of combustible materials. cOMMERCIAL HOOD SUPPRESSIO~~, ~YSTEM: .. 1. System must 'meet the requiremen( of Se'ction 1005 of the California Fire Code. · 2. System must be serviced every six rnontl~s. 3. Fusible links and automatic sprinkler~heads shaJl be replaced annually. 4. Hoods, gregse-removal devices, fans. ducts and ogher appurtenance shall be cleaned as necessary and recorded. " ' ·" [] ~nder~gro,und Storage of HaZa~ddu~.Materials 'i' i*"Y"i';~ ~:.~'~ [] ~[aliforniaAccidental Release?~rogram ';:~',;' [] H'a'z~rd(~Us'waste Oenerat°r,analor, Tr~atmen{ ~, ~.,~ ~ Above ~round Storage Storage of Petr~leu ~' D PaintSpray Booth :,': ~":/" . '::;:,' :', ~,- ~ Industrial Hood SupPression System ,':~"" 'i : ",''' " ~'' ' :":"'.' ~'''''' ,,,~,.,,.:, : .,'-' :. :-.:,: ,' ~ ,. -~ ,, . ,,),;,:, ~.$ ~' , . d . . ' . -.~.'&; .:.'. · ;. '"'L:;.~. L'-;;~ .... : -~.4,. ' ..... ','. 7..A. ' Bakersfield F~re Department, 1715 C~ester ~ve.', '3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA'93301 ': .... "'~ :, ~: ' · 'i, ~- ' · ..,, ~" :,~,, . .:'. . .Prevention Services ,,.~ . ..... ~,, Votce'"(661) 326-3979 ,: ' -' : ..... ', : .'" ' /.=i~' '~" ~1 ...... continued from page California Accidental Release Program (CalARP) I. Any lb,,qili(¥ required to submit a Risk Management Plan shall implcmenl thc prevention program listed in thc plan for thc covered processes on site. 2. The prevention program shall be self-audited by thc facility at least once during thc term of this permit. The results of the self-audit shall be available to the Office of Environmental Services for evaluation. 3. Accidental releases of federally regulated or extremely hazardous substances in reportable quantities shall, in addition to the immediate reporting requirements, also be reported to the EPA at 1800) 424-8802 Aboveground Storage of Petroleum 1. All new or modified aboveground storage tanks shall be installed under a valid installation permit issued by the Office of Environmental Services. 2. Any aboveground petroleum storage tank over 1320 gallons in aggregate storage shall file a storage statement with the State Water Resources Control Board and prepare a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan. Call (916) 341-5671 for more information. 3. A copy of the SPCC shall be maintained on site and a copy also forwarded to the Office of Environmental Services. 4. Operation of aboveground storage tank shall be in accordance with all applicable sections of the California Fire Code and California Health and Safety Code. Underground Storage Tanks I. You must ensure that both the owner and operator of the tank are provided ~vith a copy of the permit. If you operate but do not own the tank(s), there shall be a written operating agreement with the owner to monitor the tanks. 2. You must maintain a monitoring program which includes a site map and a monitoring and response program appropriate for the design of the tank(s). 3. The monitoring program shall be maintained on site as an attachment to this permit in compliance with state regulations and will be subject to annual review by the Office of Environmental Services. Paint Spray Booths I. System must meet the requirements of Section 4502 of the California Fire Code. 2. Spray areas shall be kept free from accumulation of combustible deposits and residue properly disposed of. 3. Ventilation system must be in operation during the spraying or cleaning equipment with Class I liquids. 4. Approved metal waste receptacles must be used for rags or waste impregnated with finishing materials. 5. Spraying areas shall be kept free of accumulated deposits of combustible materials. Commercial Hood Suppression System I. System must meet the'requirements of Section 1005 of the California Fire Code. 2. System must be serviced every six months. 3. Fusible links and automatic sprinkler heads shall be replaced annually. 4. Hoods, grease-removal devices, fans, ducts and other appurtenance shall be cleaned as necessary and recorded. Enviro-minutes 2 Enviro-minu-tes General Permit Conditions Specific Permit Conditions: Your permit must be posted or maintained on site. (As applicable to your business) Any questions regarding the Permit to Operate Hazardous Materials shall be directed to: ~. Immediately report any release or threatened release ora hazardous PREVENTION SERVICES material if there is a reasonable belief that life, health, safety, or thc Bakersfield Fire Department environment are at risk by calling: 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 · 9-1 - 1 (for emergencies only), or Bakersfield, CA 93301 · (661) 326-3979 for Office of Environmental Services. (661) 326 - 3979 and m · (800) 852-7550 State Warning Center Minimum Compliance Require ents: 2. Report any changes or additions to your hazardous materials inventeD' I. You must notify Prevention Services within 30 days of any change in within 30 days of the change to the Office of Environmental Services. ownership. 3. Any amount of explosives must be reported to the Office of 2.. You must comply with the requirements of the California Health and Environmental Services on the chemical description page of the Safety Code (HSC), California Code of Regulations (CCR), and Unified Program Consolidated Forms. California Fire Code (CFC) as applicable: · Ch.6.5 HSC and (T22CCR) for generators or treaters of hazardous wastes. ~ . ~ . · Ch.6.67 HSC and (40 CFR 112) * for aboveground storage of petroleum. * Title 4.0 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 112 · Ch.6.7 HSC and (T23CCR, Ch. 16) for underground storage of hazardous substances. · Ch.6.75 HSC and (T23CCR, Ch. 18) for petroleum underground storage tank cleanup. · Ch.6.95 HSC and (TI9CCR) for hazardous materials response and inventories. · Ch.6.95 HSC and (TI 9CCR) for accidental release prevention of acutely hazardous materials and risk management plans. · Chapter 15.64 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code for local fire code amendments. 3. You must pay your consolidated annual permit fee and any state service fees, as applicable, for this permit to continue to remain in effect. Hazardous Waste continued on page 2 1. Any amount of a hazardous waste must be reported to the O£fice of Universal Wastes Environmental Services on the chemical description page of the Unified Program Consolidated Forms. New hazardous waste ~.pes known as "Universal Wastes" 2. Hazardous wastes shall be properly labeled at all times and properly - dispose of in a timely manner, no later than 180 days from The following types of hazardous wastes are now regulated accumulating 27 gallons ( 100 kg) at any time, or within 90 days if you as Universal Wastes due to their widespread occurances: accumulate more than 27 gallons (I00 kg) per mrnth. 3. Keep all waste disposal receipts or manifests for three years. Please do not throw the~e items out in the trash anymore: · Fluorescent light tubes & high intensity vapor lights ! N S I D E T H I S I S S U E · Batteries (both r~chargeable & alkaline types) · Aerosol spray cans · Computer monitors and televisions 'l 'General Permit Conditions · Mercury containing devices: switches & novelties I Specific Permit Conditions · Electronic devices (both battery & electrical power) 2 Specific Permit Conditions (continued) Please call the Special Waste Facility at (661) 862-8900 for more intbrmation on Univi:rsal Waste recycling or disposal. Enviro-minutes t mE THIS DOCU~' IN ~rHE SECTION HAZARDOUS MATER{ALS PLANS PERMITS BINDER 1 PROGRAMS Hazardous Materials Business Plan YEAR 2003 SBC Messaging - PBIS4 (Facility Name and ID) 1401 19th Street, Basement (Facility Address) · · Bakersfield (Facility City) KERN (Facility County) Maintain this Hazardous Materials Business Plan and Emergency Response Plan On Site, Until Updated, a minimum of every three years. POST THIS DOCUMENT ON SITE SO IT WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE EVENT OF A GOVERNMENT AGENCY INSPECTION, SITE ASSESSMENT OR AUDIT. Revised by Stan Brodecki 12/02/2002 - lED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FOR FACILITY INFORMATION · BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Page I of !x~... ~AciLi~.~i~:~i:/~F6~!ON .":':;i?i,.~iii??.i,ii.?..~!iiiii:;ii:.i;~iiii?~i:.~:~?:ii:,i ~:iiL:F '?:': :'.:'~:;, :":~.';~:~ ::.!.ilg!iiii.':.' ..:::!!!i"~i~. ..,..i12" ":.:';~.:i~:.,~-i:':.'!:.'?:I':/ ............. FACiI:ITY ID# ,':'~'?' ?:' EPA ID8 (Ha~rdous Waste Only) 2 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA-Doing Business AS) 3 SBC Messaging PBIS4 1401 19th Street, Basement Bakersfield .... · ~.:~. ~:... ..... .::~,... · .....~...:~.... · ...,~,>, '. '".':~ ...."'::~ ~.' .. .~:~ ......~[..."i:.:~::. '~:'.:. '.'::~'~:~:~: ':'.'~'.:' ..' . :i:.:::...,~:':i<: :":':' :':: :i!!!'ii!!i:i:i:/;'~:::" .':~"?i!iiil;!i:':'~::,;':i.'<:': :' ,...::'..':::. ' :' :;:iii!!i:!::~.;:i~C'~i:~i~!ES DECLA~J~'N '.":":.':~':~:i:'.' "::'.'<....::,: :;,:~.!~.:'::::.:.:~.i'.:'.':::".:':.~?'::" ?.";:i~i~:~"~':" .'::? i:.~i!~;:,'.'.: :..'':. "':":~:':':' .' .'. :."::"~:; ~ 'N ~T~E~!~:.~::~f~y6~!:~;~h:~c~k;~E:s::t6::~y~:~::!!~:~th:isJ~!st~· :..~. :,..:...: ::::::.i!i~i:':i:' ...,i)i!!ii!:':. .~i:i!!iiii?:''.~..~'".. ..... '....'.. ~ :. .:'Please submit .the;i~?~!;?eS~"Own erio~gAt:~i!'Jae~tif'i:~tion?~ag'~!'(.oE~i~Fbrm:''2~3'0)':''::~ ?:':::" ::. :~:~:~`~::~:!:~:~;~:~:;:.::~?:~:i~;~;;~;:~/:~i~ib/~:i~¥:~::!~.~:!!~!}~)i~ii!ii~:;~?:~!i!!!;~?.:'': :='.'.:':. ~i:,.'..'.. - .. :!f Yes,. p!eas~!~b, mpi~~ ,t.)~§~'.'pages of the::oPCF...' :': .::.:~::. A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the ['~---"]YES [~ NO 4 ~- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- applicable Federal threshold quantity for an extremely hazardous CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION(oES 2731) substance specified in 40 CFR Part 355, Aappendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emergency plan is required pursuant to 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) ~ YES ~/~O 5 ~_ UST FACILITY (Formerly SWRCB Form A) 1. Own or operate underground storage tanks? ~_ UST TANK (One page per tank) (Formerly Form B 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? [~ YES ['~NO 6 ~' UST FACILITY  UST TANK (One per tank UST INSTALLATION - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE(one page per tank)(Formerly Form C 3. Need to report closing a UST? [~YESE~----"]NO 7 ~- USTTANK (closure portion-one page per tank C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: ~ YES ---any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or ~ L~"O 8 IV' NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAS ---the total capacity for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? D. HAZARDOUS WASTE ~[ YES~"NO 9 ~- EPA ID NUMBER-provide at the top of this page 1. Generate hazardous waste? 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted ~] YES ~ NO 10 [~ RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT recyclable materials (per HSC ~ 25143.2)? (one per recycler) ~ YES ~ NO 11 .~ ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE 3. Treat hazardous waste on site? TREATMENT - FACILITY (Formerly DTSC Form 1772) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT-UNIT(one page per unit) (Formerly DTSC Form 1772A,B,C,D, and L) 4. Treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for Permit [~ YES F~NO12 ~- CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL by Rule and Conditional authorizaton)? ASSURANCE (Formerly DTSC Form 1232) 5. Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? ~ YES Iv/INO13 REMOTE WASTE/CONSOLIDATION SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Form 1232) 6. Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that was classified as ~ YES ~ NO14 ~- HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? CERTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Form 1249) E. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS 15 (You may also be required to provide additional information by yourCUPA or local agency.) UPCF (1/99) 2 UNI1 i PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FOR FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION Page ,~. of '~ I. IDENTIFICATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA- Doing Business As) 3 BUSINESS PHONE 102 SBC Messaging PBIS4 877-662-7674 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 103 1401 19th Street, Basement · CITY Bakersfield lO4 CA ZIPCODE93301-4453 lO5 DUN BI:LM~STREET 106 SIC CODE (4 digit if) 107 4811 COUNTY lO8 KERN BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE 110 Charles Johnston 818-349-6145 II. BUSINESS OWNER 111 OWNER PHONE 112 OWNER NAME SBC Messaging 877-823-9833 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 113 P.O. Box 5095, Room 3E000 114 STATE 115 ZIP CODE 116 CiTY SAN RAMON CA 94583-0995 IlL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME 117 CONTACT PHONE 118 Environmental Management, attn: Matthew Hopwood 925-824-5784 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 119 2600 CAMINO RAMON, RM 3E000 CITY 120 STATE 121 ZIP CODE 122 SAN RAMON CA 94583-0995 PRIMARY IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS SECONDARY NAME 123 NAME 128 Charles Johnston EMERGENCY CONTROL CENTER TITLE 124 TITLE 129 Site Manager 24 HR EMERGENCY SERVICE BUSINESS PHONE 125 BUSINESS PHONE 130 818-349-6145 877-322-4722 24-HOUR PHONE 126 24-HOURPHONE 131 877-823-9833 877-823-9833 127 PAGER# 132 PAGER# ~l ~:~ t./"/.5-.~_ {.6. :~ ~- ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATURE OF OWNER/OPER, aO'OR ~ DATE 134 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 ~~ ~'..~/~~ 4,4/2oo3 RHL DESIGN GROUP. INC.-AGENT FOR PACIFIC BELL NAME OF SIGNER (p~Fnt) -- 136 TITLE OF SIGNER 137 Steve Skanderson Project Manager UPCF (1/00 revised) 167 OES FORM 2730 (1/99) PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FI HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION One page per material per building or area) I lADD II DELETE I I REVISE 200 I Page ~ of~ I. FACILITY INFORMATION 3 BUS NESSNAME SBC Messaging PBIS4 CHEMICAL LOCATION CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 902 Basement Battery Area EPCRA [~ YES [~ NO ~'. .... ~ . 1 MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 204 FACILITY ID# ~ ~ 2 K7 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECRET ] ] Yes X[~ No 206 SEALED GEL CEL BATTERY W/SULFU RIC [fsubi~t to EPCRA~ refer to instructions COMMON NAME 207 EHS 208 GEL CELL BATTERY [~ Yes [] No 2O9 CAS# 7664-93-9 IfEHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 CORROSIVE HAZARD MATERiAL 211 212 213 TYPE (Check one item [~a. PURE [~b. MIXTURE [~c. WASTE RADIOACTIVE [~Yes []No CURIES 215 PHYSICAL STATE ~-~ a. SOLID [~ b. LIQUID [~ c. GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 3 (Check one item only) 216 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES [~ a. FIRE [~ b. REACTIVE [~ c. PRESSURE RELEASE [~ d. ACUTE HEALTH [~ e. CHRONIC HEALTH (Check all that apply) AVERAGE DAiLY AMOUNT72 217 MAXIMUM DAiLY 72 AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 'UNITS* [~] a. GALLONS ~-b. CUBIC FEET [~] c. POUNDS [~ d. TONS 221 DA YSONSITE:365 222 (Check one item only) if EHS. amount must be in pounds. STORAGE a. ABOVE GROUND TANK e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM i. FIBER DRUM __ m. GLASS BOTTLE RAIL CAR CONTAINER --b. UNDERGROUND TANK --f. CAN j. BAG n. PLASTIC BOTTLE OTHER c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING g. CARBOY k. BOX __o. TOTE BIN d. STEEL DRUM h. SILO I. CYLINDER p. TANK WAGON -- -- -- -- 223 STORAGE PRESSURE [~ a. AMBIENT [~b. ABOVE AMBIENT [~c. BELOW AMBIENT 224 'STORAGE TEMPERATURE [~ a. AMBIENT [-~b. ABOVE AMBIENT F~c. BELOW AMBIENT ~]d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS# I 22 226 SULFURIC ACID 227 [~Yes [~No 228 7664-93-9 229 2 50 230 LEAD 231 [~Yes [~No 232 7439-93-9 233 3 21 234 LEAD DIOXIDE 235 [~'/es [~No 236 1309-60-0 237 4 238 239 [~Yes [~No 240 241 5 242 243 [~Yes [~No 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than [% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or 0.1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 If EPCRA, Please Sign Here UPCF (1/99) 169 OES Form 2731 co.so., , o ~'"~"...i".,.:.' "' .'"."~:.~::~'~'=~'=:;'~'==""=" .... "":":'!'~:?!!~!~i~i!~!'~?:='=' ::''''.~ FACIrI~:.IDEN~IFICA~ION '=' ............ ~'~ ...... ~'~'=~' .... '=~=:~'~:':=~:~"~'"~"'~::='" ~'"='~'::'~.' :' ............................... ,.=.. ........... , ........... · ................. = ......................... "=="? ' .' ~".'i'. ...... .'i':..' ...... 7~7~i=?.:==:i;i::;:::5;"~5~i; BUSINESS NAME 'FACILITY ID # SBC Messaging 'PBIS4 SITE ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE 1401 19th Street, Basement Bakersfield 93301-4453 EPA ID NUMBER NONE ....... ..................... . ....... PRIMARY SECONDARY NAME NAME Charles Johnston Emergency Control Center TITLE TITLE Site Manager 24 hour Dispatch BUSINESS PHONE BUSINESS PHONE 818-349-6145 877-322-4722 24-HOUR PHONE 24-HOUR PHONE 877-322-4722 877-322-4722 PAGER # PAGER # ,' ..'"":.. ~' .': :', .'., ..::':.' ~".. EMERGENCY:.RESPONSE':iP.~ANS::'AND:!PROCEDURES "'..';' '~'''''' ........... ':"~'~: ......... '"'":: · Notifications * Your business is required by State Law to provide an immediate verbal report of any release or threatened release of a hazardous material to local fire emergency response personnel, and the Office of Emergency Services. IF YOU HAVE A RELEASE OR THREATENED RELEASE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, IMMEDIATELY CALL: FIRE/PARAMEDICS/POLICE PHONE: 911 AFTER the local emergency response personnel are notified, you shall then notify this Unified Program Agency and the Office of Emergency Services. Local Program Agency: 661-326-3979 State Office of Emergency Service: (800) 852-7550 or (916) 84'5-8911 National Response Center: (800) 424-8802 INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED DURING NOTIFICATION: · :o Your Name and the Telephone Number from where you are calling. · :. Exact address of the release or threatened release. · :. Date, time, cause, and type of incident (e.g. fire, air release, spill etc.) · :- Material and quantity of the release, to the extent known. o:o Current condition of the facility. · :- Extent of injuries, if any. o:o Possible hazards to public health and/or the environment outside of the facility. i~:i::::.:.,i~iiii~.i'!~.'ii:::?.'::i,:~:.iiii:'.i'.'ii.:::~:.:'.'.i,i"i'.'., ("::'..." .':(..' :.'ii'.ii:51111'fi~i~.~.,"'.:.i'. ' E.ME~G~ENCY MED].iCAE::FACI'E!~Y ":':":.'::!::7.. · :'""?'.'~i!7: ............... · List the local emergency medical facility that will be used by your business in the event of'an accident or injury caused by a release or threatened release of hazardous material HOSPITAL/CLINIC: I PHONE NO: KERN MEDICAL CENTER I 66~-326-2000 ADDRESS: ~830 FLOWER ST CITY: I ZIP CODE: BAKERSFIELD BUSINESS PLAN (01/2000 Version) 1 l. The following alarm signal(s) will be used to begin evacuation of the facility (check all which apply): [] Verbal [] Telephone (including cellular) [] Alarm System [] Public Address System [] Intercom [] Pagers [] Portable Radio [] Other (specify): 2. [] Evacuation map is prominently displayed throughout the facility. 3. [] Individual(s) responsible for coordinating evacuation including .spreading the alarm and confn'ming the business has been evacuated: Building Warden or Charles Johnston ~ii'i!~':'""~'.!(.~x~.?~.%i!~i~!~:.,.:..;:,'~"~: '...,:i:.~. i!!i!!!Sg,.~,E~RTHQU"AKE.VULNERABIEITY'..':?~L..'.?!!~' '.~:.,;,'Q?:"' ':'"'"::'"" .............. Identify areas of the facility where releases could occur or would require .immediate inspection or isolation because of the vulnerability to earthquake related ground motion. [] Hazardous Waste/Hazardous Materials Storage Areas [] Production Floor [] Process Lines [] Bench/Lab [] Waste Treatment [] Other: Identify mechanical systems where releases could occur or would require immediate inspection or isolation because of the vulnerability to earthquake related ground motion. [] Utilities [] Sprinkler Systems [] Cabinets [] Shelves [] Racks [] Pressure Vessels [] Gas Cylinders [] Tanks [] Process Piping [] Shutoff Valves [] Other: Tank Monitor Alarm Panel ,'.. '. ii,":...'..'..::'..'"'.'i2LO.CATIO. NS. OF UTILITY SHUT~OE,.E.$.:AND.:.:.EMERGEN.CY~ EQUIP..MENT....?.:~'i'.i"".:::::.'... "' :.:.:':;i':::''''':~.' · '' Natural Gas/propane: NONE Electrical: Basement electrical room Water: NONE Tank Monitor Alarm: N/A Environmental Documents: NEXT TO DOOR Spill kit / Absorbent: BATTERY AREA First Aid Kit: NEXT TO DOOR BUSINESS PLAN (01/2000 Version) 2 CONSOL CONTINGENCY PLAN & BU~c..SS PLAN EMERGENCY PHONE. NUMBERS Emergency Name of medical facility/nearest hospital (enter): " response KERN MEDICAL CENTER Phone *' Phone number of medical facility/hospital (enter): number 661-326-2000 Fire ............................................... i ........................ : ......................................... 911 Police/Sheriff ..................................................................................................... 911 California Highway PatroI ............ .' ....................................... '. ............................ 911 Bakersfield Fire Department ............................................................. 661-326-3979 Ambulance Service .......................................................................................... 911 Poison Control Center ........................................... i .......................... 800-342-9293 AgenCY California Office of Emergency notification Services ........................................................................................... 800-852-7550 numbers State Department of Toxic Substances Control .......................................................... i ............................... ~..916-324-1826 State Water Quality Control Board Regional Offices North Coast Region .................... '. ...... ' ..... ; ............... .' ......................... 707-576-2220 San Francisco Bay Region ............................................................... 510-622-2300 Central Coast Region ....................................................................... 805-549-3147 Los Angeles Region ......................................................................... 213-576-6600 Central Valley.Region: Sacramento Office .................................... 916-255-3000 Fresno Office ............................................ 559-445-5116 Redding Office ......................................... 530-224-4845 Lahontan Region: Victorville Office ........................................ 760-241-6583 Lake Tahoe Office .................................... 530-542-5400 Colorado River BaSin Region ........................................................... 760-346-7491 Santa Ana Region ............................................................................ 909-782-4130 San Diego Region ............................................................................ 619-467-2952 US Environmental Protection Agency (Region 9) ............................. 415-744-1702 National Response Center ...... . ....................... : ................................. 800-424-8802 Other Other Important Numbers SBC Emergency Control Center 877-322-4722 Shaw Environmental 800-537-9540 SBC Corporate Environmental Management 877-823-9833 ' .'BUSINESS PLAN (01/2000 Version) ' 3 · ACIFICI~ BELL IMAP# 1 BUSINESS NAME PACIFIC BELL INFORMATION SITE [AP SERVICES PBIS4 BUSINESS ADDRESS 1401 19TH STREET, BASEMENT BAKERSFIELD NORTH DATE 4/1.5/2002 ZIP CODE 93301 2 3 4 5 6 19TH STREET ALLEY 18TH STREET 9 A C D E F { G I H Ij. I L PREPARED BY: ~ DRAWING SCALE NOT TO SCALE SYMBOL LEGEND M © 0 @ ELECTRICAL PANEL SHUT-OFF .NATURAL GAS SHUT-OFF WATER SHUT-OFF EMERGENCY PUMP SHUT-OFF TANK MONITORING ALARM TELEPHONE FIRST AID KIT FIRE EXTINGUISHER STORM DRAIN SANITARY SEWER STAGING AREA EVACUATION/ HMMP. AND MSOS LOCATION FIRE HYDRANT, FENCE EMERGENCY RESPONSE EOUIPMENT/ABSORBENTS ABOVEGROUND', STORAGE TANK ~--~! UNDERGROUND ~--~ STORAGE TANK (~ MOTOR OILS & LUBRICANTS (COMBUSTIBLE LIOUIDS) (CORROSI~ L,O/ GASOLINE ~ (FLAMMABLE LIOUID'~ DIESEL FUEL (COMBUSTIBLE LIOUIDS) NITROGEN (COMPRESSED GAS) PROPANE (FLAMMABLE LIQUID) {~ ACETYLENE (COMPRESSED GAS) ANTIFREEZE/COOLANTS QWASTE OIL (FLAMMABLE LIQUID) ] FIRE PULL BOX ] HALON FIRE SYSTEM ACIFIC I~ BELL [MAP# BUSINESS NAME PACIFIC BELL INFORMATION SERVICES SITE MAP PBIS4-2 BAKERSFIELD BUSINESS ADDRESS 1401 19TH STREET, BASEMENT NORTH 6 STAIRS TO BASEMENT LOBBY ELEVA~ RESTROOMS I FIRST FLOOR pLAN 9 B IC I D E I F G DATE 4/15/2002 ZIP CODE 95301 TELCO EQ, ROOM ELEVATOR ELEVATOR PBIS ~AREA BASEMENT PLAN H I [ J K L M PREPARED BY: ~ DRAWING SCALE . NOT TO SCALE SYMBOL LEGEND ELECTRICAL PANEL SHUT-OFF NATURAL GAS SHUT-OFF WATER SHUT-OFF EMERGENCY PUMP SHUT-OFF TANK MONITORING ALARM TELEPHONE FIRST AID KIT FIRE EXTINGUISHER STORM DRAIN SANITARY SEWER STAGING AREA EVACUATION/ HMMP. AND MSDS LOCATION FIRE HYDRANT FENCE ("~"~)i: EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT/ABSORBENTS ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK ir--~! UNDERGROUND ~-~ STORAGE TANK QMOTOR OILS & LUBRICANTS (COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS) QBATTERY ELECTROL (CORROSIVE QGASOLINE (FLAMMABLE LlOI QDIESEL FUEL (COMBUSTIBLE LIOUIDS) QNITROGEN (COMPRESSED GAS) PROPANE (FLAMMABLE LIQUID) ACETYLENE (COMPRESSED GAS) ANTIFREEZE/COOLANTS WASTE OIL (FLAMMABLE LIQUID) ] FIRE PULL BOX ] HALON FIRE SYSTEM Emergency Response New B.doc SEC EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN · ii:i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii i:' :',", ', ,"':"..~.~i!:ii~iiiiiiiii:,ii::!iiiii':~,~il: i'''~':''!'{'''~'. N'0~i'~'i~AT'iON PROcEDUREs:'": · . .... :.:.¥::~x~.~]:~ii~;~pi~q~; : '.. ....~ .~ .... · .. ...... '...~ .......... '~': .' ..' ~ .; ::~,:. · '. ., The Emergency Site CoordinatoflBuilding Warden for the facili~ is responsible for noticing the occupants of the building and advising them on how to respond in the event of a hazardous materials incident as required in the SBC's Operating Practice 130 (The Fire Safe~ Program and Emergency Plan) and described in the SBC Emergency Plan Binder. Additionally, the Emergency Site CoordinatoflBuilding Warden will contact the California Office of Emergency Se~ices, Local Administering Agency, and SBC's internal contacts as appropriate; the Operations Information (OICC) Control Centeg local Securi~ O~ce, Environmental Management, Safety Depa~ment. .......... · . ". ........ ':.: ... '"' .':'-~':~.~?~REVENTION~..:...~...... '.." '~. '~i~'.' .'~.~,'.', ,~'.'~.]:.]~'."..:~::~:~:~.' · ...~' . .: . ' :?' '". ::~" ~:'~:~ ~:'":L .~ .... ~ ~. · .?~¥.:. · .. . ~..~... . .. ~:.~..,~.. The following describes what action our business will take to prevent a hazardous materials or waste release from occurring: 1. T~NING: Employees are provided training annually through the Training and Development Center to handle hazardous materials and how to read an MSDS as required by the Hazard Communication Standard; they are also trained on the SBC Operating Practice 130. 2. MATERI~S: Hazardous materials are utilized and stored following manufacturer's recommendations, as we are a consumer of products and not a manufacturer of hazardous materials. . :.:.~:~::.:: · ..:.~::~.,;~:. :'?~.:.~;~;;.'MiTiGATi~REDUCE~H~RD)..:::'.'~..~'~:.:: ...... ' ::'~?:::;~::~ .'~:?..~.~' .:.:, ...... ' .... ?. . . ,~ ~:::;~;~:.. · . ..' ..'.~:, ... .. ..:~...:~.: .. · ~::~...,. ~...~....., .... . ....... '~.~ ~:~:~.~ ...... The following describes what procedures will be followed to reduce any harm or damage to persons, propeAy or the environment: 1. Batte~ Electrol~e: Electrol~e is contained in batteries with explosion proof cases and batteries are secured in specially designed reinforced batte~ racks which work in conjunction with ea~hquake bracing. .... ~:' ::.' .':'?~:~::"/'.'.'¥"~:~:~':~:":'?:;~:?.."'~':.?~? ~:~:,?~'A~MENT:.(~PTHE H~'b)'?::: ". ....":'~:";::': "'..':'~'~?:~:::~;~;:~:.:~::~;..;...~.. ":":.~:..'.~'.:.~.~':.~:..~:.:~. ........ ~ ........... · ..... · . · .......... : ...... · ............. .......................... · ~...;:;;.;:'.~ ..... The following describes what actions our business will take to stop any hazard caused by the release of a hazardous material or waste: The Emergency Site CoordinatoflBuilding Warden is responsible for following these steps as outlined in the Hazard Communication Program, the Hazardous Materials~aste Management Handbook and the SBC Operating Practice 130. 1. Determining the nature, location, magnitude and severity of the incident. 2. Move people away from the area as appropriate. 3. Avoid inhalation of all gasses, fumes or smoke. 4. Contain materials as appropriate by arranging physical barriers, use of absorbents (i.e., di~, oil baking soda or other absorbent material). 5. Noti~appropriate eme[gency personnel. I:'JLAZMA'F',PACBELLWORMS~Emergency Response New B.doc Last Updated: 11/07/2001 1 Emergency Response New B.doc !?!i!!i!~::'~'./":'"":' .' :i':i:;'i:i:?iiiiiiiili!iii!i:iii!:~?EMpLoyEE TRAIN'i"N~'i~:':::~ ::':i:. :' "'"?":' .... '~!i?,:.". :':,~!~:..':',..,~:. · : , ~.. .~'~i=:.~ ... ~'~;~.::: ' , · i.. :..:.~! ~?:.!¥=;';;.:.=.:~=;,:~'...==.~. ;. . . , .: ....... : ....... .~,.,:, =,;~,..~..~:.~ .......... ~...~,.=.: ,, . ..... .... ~, ......= ......... Employees are provided INITI~ .Safe~ Plan training omthe Hazard Communication Ce~ification, as well as function specific before they begin their work operations. This also includes training on the Emergency Operating procedures. Additionally, the SBC Emergency Plan requires that employees receive ~NU~ REFRESHER training on the Hazard Communication Ce~ification, function specifics and the Emergency Operating Instructions. Specific employees are selected to be Building or Floor Wardens; for which they receive additional training and attend the following interdepa~mental courses. Course ~1000039 (Ne~ork Se~ices First Aid/CPR); Course ~1000728 (Emergency Methods of Procedures); Course ~1000824 (Hazardous Communication Ce~ification); Coume ~1000825 (Ha~rdous Materials~aste Management) The SBC Emergency Plan Binder se~es as a reference guide for the Emergency Site CoordinatoflBuilding Warden. ~.~: ~:.`.=..:.:~.:..L`~;~.~.~%~;~:~??;:/~:.~=...:....:..S~i~NDL~A~s OFH~RDOUSMATERiA~?' .':~;~;.: .~.=~=~::.~=':='::.'~." .... ..... ...... . ~' .... =..~.=:~=~=~..~,.= ..... . ................ · ............. · ?~;~.~.. . '......= =. .. '. The SBC Hazardous Materials~aste Management Handbook requires that environmental management in the event.of a spill or release of a hazardous material at SBC facilities complete a Hazardous Material Incident Repo~. Batte~ Electrol~e is used in maintaining storage batteries that are used for standby power in our Central/Switching facilities. This standby power is primarily to provide communication se~ices during emergency conditions. Batteries have explosion proof cases and are mounted in reinfomed racks to enable them to withstand the shocks of eaKhquakes. In the event of a spill or leak Baking Soda and Soda Ash and/or an acid spill kit with neutralizing acid absorber (e.g. Ramsey Kit) stored in containers in the baEe~ power moms is used to contain and clean up batte~ electrol~e. Contractors' utilized to clean up spills and releases for our facilities include: 1. ShaTM Environmental As outlined in the SBC Hazardous Materials Management Plan Item G (Contingency Plan): Incidents involving spills, the operator will noti~: 1. Local Fire Depa~ment 2. Depa~ment of public health 3. SBC Operations Information Control Center 4. SBC Environmental Management 5. SBC Real Estate Client Se~ice Center 6. SBC respective manager an':"~ :~;~:'' ~?? " , ..... ...... . ................. ~..,. ....:. ~.:.~ ~:~ ti~;~PI ~;?,':~ '.' .~ :..%?~:. · ........... '.'.:-~:.~.':.:. ".:"::'. :' ...... ' .. :'. · acua ............... ... ..~?~,~:~;~...~ .... This varies with each building and should be verified with the Emergency Site Coordinator of each facilit$ A standard statement would be: METHOD OF A~M TO EMPLOYEES: Vocal, intercom and fire alarms are used to noti~ our employees to evacuate. (For unmanned o~ces, we need only state "This is an unmanned o~ce and evacuation map is ~osed at ent~ of buildinq. '~ I:~,AZMAT~PACBELLLFORMS~Emergency Response New B.doc Last UPdated: 11/07/2001 2 Emergency Response New B.doc ROUTES OF EGRESS: This also varies with each building and should be verified with the Emergency Site Coordinator of each facility. A standard statement would be: "Employees exit through front, rear and side doors. Alternate routes include...." The instructions for emergency exists and alternate routes to be used for evacuation are posted on each floor METHOD TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL PERSONS: The SBC Operating Practice 130 identifies the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden as the responsible employee to the Supervisors in the building to ensure that all employees are accounted for. Employees for this facility are instructed to meet ..... (obtain this information from the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden). ALERTING NEIGHBORS: The SBC Operating Practice 130 identifies the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden as the responsible contact to work with all agency emergency/rescue personnel to notify building neighbors. 'i./.': ..... . :..".'. ....... '"'"'~"'"':"~"'='"':"'"*"'"= '::~'"'~"'""=E~'~cy ResP~PY~e ·Plan" · '" 7 ":~ ::~::,'.':.',::.~'~:.::.. '.... ' ........ SBC has emergency'resPonse Plans and procedures in place for all facilities. The following is a description of the programs and ProCedures in place: 1. The Operations Information CONTROL CENTER (OICC) is a 24-hour communications center established through which emergency condition informatiOn flows from and within SBC. In the event of a major emergency the center also provides coordination, communications and is the established liaison with' federal, state, local and military agencies. 2. EMERGENCY PLAN BINDER, The SBC Operating Practice 130 provides fire, safety and emergency guidance, checklist, forms, and company contacts for emergency situations, interruptions of company services, and other threats to our operations, facilities, personnel or property. Outlined in the SBC Operating Practice 130 is the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden program. The Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden is involved in directing and coordinating the fol·10wir~g activities with the occupants of the facility. · Establishing and training the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden organization. · Implementing the Emergency Procedure Plan. · Occupant emergency preparedness. · Reviewing the Planning Engineering sketch. · Establishing and maintaining the Emergency Procedures Board. · Developing and maintaining the Emergency Methods and Procedures (EMOP) binder. · Scheduling and conduct semi-annual fire and take cover drills and record drill results on the Fire/Evacuation Drill Report. · Conducting fire safety surveys using form SBC3077 · · Daily administration of fire prevention practices. · Reporting all bomb threats to appropriate security office and the ECC. · Advising security of all emergencies. · Accompanying external or internal personnel agencies on building inspections. · Arranging for selection of Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden successor (transfer of responsibilities). · Communicating to occupants via emergency communications systems (if applicable). · Contact the Departmental Safety Coordinator in the event of an OSHA visit. I:~IAZMAT~PACBELL~FORMS~Emergency Response New B.doc Last Updated: 11/07/2001 3 Emergency Response New B.doc The SBC Operating Practice 130 also requires that each facility have an Emergency Plan binder. The binder is a guide providing for personal protection and emergency procedures for company locations during emergencies. The binder is developed and held by the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden at each facility location .... ..:., .~- ...' Additionally, the SBC Operating Practice 1~0 provides the following procedures for the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden and Site Managers in the event of a hazardous materials incident at the facility. 1. Identify and locate the problem. 2. Isolate, relocate or evacuate employees as required. 3. Notify emergency rescue personnel if needed. 4. Investigate the problem. 5. Avoid inhalation of all gasses, fumes or smoke. 6. If the release or threatened release has the potential to harm the population and environment contact: · Operations Information Control Center 877-322-4722 · SBC Environmental Management Hotline 877-823-9833 · Environmental Control Center for Fuel Storage Tanks 800-757-6575 · SecudtY Office (SBC) 800-421-2568 · Local Hazardous Emergency Response Agency 911 · Office of Emergency Services (OES) (800) 852-7550 3. The "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/WASTES MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK" (HM/WM) is provided to comply with environmental laws and regulations and to assist managers, in the protection of employee's health and protection of the public welfare. This handbook gives our personnel a basic understanding of the 'regulations and other legal requirements pertaining to the management of hazardous materials and wastes. It identifies and provides procedures for the handling, transportation, storage and disposal of hazardous materials/wastes found at SBC facilities. In the event of a spill or release, the Hazardous Materials Incident Report is to be completed by SBC's Environmental Management group. The HMWH Section 8 outlines the procedures for completion of this report and immediate actions to be taken to 'protect health and environment. I:XHAZMATWACBELLWORMSXEmergency Response New B.doc Last Updated: 11/07/2001 4 ARCHITECTURE · ENGINEERING " ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GROUP INC. 1137 North McDowell Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954-1110 Telephone: (707) 765-1660 Facsimile: (707) 765-9908 John W. Johnson Co-President April l 0, 2003 Architect Brian E Zita Bakersfield Fire Department Co-President Ralph Huey Architect 1715 Chester Avenue, 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 ' John B. Hicks RE: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL BUSINESS PLANS FOR SBC Vice President Dear Ralph Huey: Cecil R. Spencer Enclosed are the Hazardous Material Business Plan(s) and related documents for the Vice President SBC Services facilities as listed on the attached sheet. If there are any further correspondences related to these submissions, please direct them to: Regional Managers Jesse E. Macias SBC Services, Inc. Roy W. Pedro Environmental Management Alan K. Shimabukuro 2600 Camino Ramon, Room 3E000 John W. Strobel San Ramon, CA 94583 Blythe R. Wilson Sincerely, RHL DESIGN GROUP, INC.  P roject Manager Enclosure cc: SBC File Offices BELLEVUE, WA LA HA.P.~, CA MARTINEZ, CA PETALUMA, CA ROSEVILLE, CA SCOTTSDALE, AZ VANCOUVER, WA www. rhldesign.com PBIS4 SBC Messaging 1401 19th Street, Basement Bakersfield, CA 93301-4453 GROUP INC. ARCHITECTURE · ENGINEERING · ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1137 North McDowell Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954-1110 Telephone: (707) 765-1660 Facsimile: (707) 765-9908 John W. Johnson~ Architect E s t a b I i s h e d I 9 6 6 JOHN W. JOHNSON April 17, 2002 Co-President Principal Bakersfield Fire Department Ralph Huey 1715 Chester Avenue, 3rd Floor B R ~ ^ N F. Z ~ T^ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Co- President Principal RE: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL BUSINESS PLANS FOR SBC/PACIFIC B Dear Ralph Huey: j o H N B. H ~ ¢ K S Enclosed are the Hazardous Material Business Plan(s) and related documents for the Vi c e P r e s i d e n t SBC/Pacific Bell facilities as listed on the attached sheet. Principal If there are any further correspondences related to these submissions, please direct them to: SBC C E C I L 1~. S P E N C E R. Environmental Management Vi c e V r e s i d e n t 2600 Camino Ramon, Room 3E000 Pr i n c i p a I San Ramon, CA 94583 Sincerely, RHL DESIGN GROUP, INC. IkOV W. PEOg. O Regional Manager Steven A. Skanderson Prqject Manager JOHN W. STROBEL ~ Regional Manager Enclosure Associate cc: SBC JESSE E M^c~^s File Regional Manager Associate ALAN K. SHI*MABUKUP~O Regional Manager Associate BLYTHE l~. X~ILSON Regional .,¥lanager BELLEVUE, WA LA HABRA, CA MAKTINEZ, CA PETALUMA, CA Associate SACRAMENTO, CA SCOTTSDALE, AZ VANCOUVER, WA PBIS4 Pacific Bell Information Services / 1401 19th Street, Basement Bakersfield, CA 93301-4453 .... SECTION HAZARDOUS.-MATERIALS PLANS PROGRAMS PERMITS BINDER I Pacific Bell Hazardous Materials Business Plan YEAR 2002 Pacific Bell Information Services - PBIS4 (Facility Name and ID) 1401 19th Street, Basement (Facility Address) Bakersfield (Facility City) KERN (Facility County) POST THIS DOCUMENT ON SITE SO IT WILL BE AVAILABLE IN ' THE EVENT OF A GOVERNMENT AGENCY INSPECTION, SITE ASSESSMENT OR AUDIT. Rev. 11/09/2001 (jsb) ~FIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Page I of 5 I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID# I I EPA ID# (Hazardous Waste Only) 2 I NONE BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA-Doing Business AS) 3 Pacific Bell Information Services PBIS4 1401 19th Street, Basement Bakersfield I. ACTIVITIES DECLARATION NOTE: If you check YES to any part of thiS list, please submit the Business Owner/Operator Identification page (OES Form 2730). Does your facility... If Yes, please complete these pages of the UPCF... A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Have on site (for any purpose) hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the D~-----']YES [] NO 4 ,,,/' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY - applicable Federal threshold quantity for an extremely hazardous CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION(oES 2731) substance specified in 40 CFR Part 355, Aappendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emergency plan is required pursuant to 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 or 70? B. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) [] YES [] NO 5 ~,/ UST FACILITY (Formerly SWRCB Form A) 1. Own or operate underground storage tanks? ,,,/' UST TANK (One page per tank) (Formerly Form B) 2. Intend to upgrade existing or install new USTs? [] YES ~NO 6 ~ UST FACILITY ,~ UST TANK (One per tank ~ UST INSTALLATION - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE(one page pe~ tank)(Formedy Form C) 3. Need to report closing a UST? [] YES r~INo 7 ~/' UST TANK (closure portion-one page per tank) C. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS (ASTs) Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: ---any tank capacity is greater than 660 gallons, or [~YES[~NO 8 ~ NO FORM REQUIRED TO CUPAS ---the total capacity for the facility is greater than 1,320 gallons? D. HAZARDOUS WASTE 1. Generate hazardous waste? [~YES[~'NO 9 ~ EPAIDNUMBER--provideatthetopofthispege 2. Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted ~r~ YES,¥,F~'INo lO v/ RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT (one per recycler) recyclable materials (per HSC ~ 25143.2)? 3. Treat hazardous waste on site? ~ ,,-,~YES[~NO11 v/ ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT- FACILITY (Formerly DTSC Form 1772) ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT-UNIT(one page per unit) (Formerly DTSC Form 1772A,B,C,D, and L) 4. Treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for Permit [~ YES r'~--'~UO12 'v~ CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL by Rule and Conditional authorizaton)? ASSURANCE (Formerly DTSC Form 1232) 5. Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? ~-~ YES~.r~[~']NO13 V/ REMOTE WASTE/CONSOLIDATION SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Form 1232) 6. Need to report the closure/removal of a tank that was classified as ~ YES,¥,[~NO14 ~/ HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE hazardous waste and cleaned onsite? CERTIFICATION (Formerly DTSC Form 1249) E. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS 15 (You may also be required to provide additional information by yourCUPA or local agency.) UPCF (1/99)' 2 FIEDPROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FO] FACILITY INFORMATION' BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION Page'"~ of~_ I. IDENTIFICATION FACILITYID#I'I[ '[BEG INODATE03/01,2002 BUSINEss NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA- Doing Business As) 3 BUSINESS PHONE 102 Pacific Bell Information Services (PBIS4) 877-662-7674 BUSINESS SITE ADDRESS 1o3 1401 19th Street, Basement CITY 1o4 I ZIP CODE lO5 I CA Bakersfield 93301-4453 DUN & BRADSTREET 106 SIC CODE (4 digit #) 107 4811 COUNTY ~0s KERN BUSINESS OPERATOR NAME 109 BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE n0 Charles Johnston 818-349-6145 II. BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME i 11 OWNER PHONE 112 Pacific Bell Information Services (877) 823-9833 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS I 2600 Camino Ramon, Room 3E000 CITY 114 I STATE 115 [ ZIP CODE 116 San Ramon CA 94583-0995 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME 117 CONTACT PHONE 1 IS Environmental Management - Mathew Hopwood (925) 824-5784 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 119 2600 Camino Ramon, Room 3E000 CITY 12o I STATE 121 ZIP CODE 122 San Ramon I CA 94583-0995 -PRIMARY- IV. EMERGENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY- NAME 123 NAME 128 Charles Johnston Network Operations Center TITLE 124 TITLE 129 Site Manager 24 Hr Contact BUSINESS PHONE 125 BUSINESS PHONE 13o 818-349-6145 (voice mail) 877-662-7674 24-HOUR PHONE 126 24-HOUR PHONE 877-662-7674 877-662-7674 PAGER # 127 PAGER # 132 888-857-1618 ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: PBIS Facilities Manager: Ken Seibel - 925-988-6032 (voice mail); 888-857-2009 (pager) Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATURE OF OWNE~DESIGN~~TIVE DATE 134 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135 ~~~' 04/15/2002 RHL Design Group, Inc. NAME OF SIGNER (print) 136 TITLE OF SIGNER 137 Steve Skanderson Project Manager - RHL UPCF (1/99 revised) 167 OES FORM 2730 (1/99) PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED F~l~I HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY- CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION One page per material per building or area) I XlADD I [DELETE I IREVISE 200 I Page ~ of> 1. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME 3 Pacific Bell Information Services PBIS4 CHEMICAL LOCATION CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL 202 Basement Battery Area E?CRA ~] YES [] NO I" ,. -i:::'::.i:?~:' 1 MAP# (optional) 203 GRID# (optional) 204 FACILITY ID# 2 K7 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME SEALED GEL eEL BATTERY W/SULFURIC ACID 205 TRADE SECRET [~ Yes [~ No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions COMMON NAME 207 GEL CELL BATTERY EHS [~.Yes [-~ No 208 CAS# 209 7664-93-9 If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if required by CUPA) 210 CORROSIVE HAZARD MATERIAL 211 212 213 TYPE (Chcck one item [~a. PURE [-~-]b. MIXTURE [~c. WASTE RADIOACTIVE [~Yes [-~No CURIES PHYSICAL STATE ~ ~ 214 215 I I a. SOLID ~ b. LIQUID [~ C. GAS LARGEST CONTAINER 3 (Check one item only) FED HAZARD CATEGORIES 216 (Checkal, thatapply) [~ a. FIRE [-~ b. REACTIVE [~ c.PRESSURE RELEASE [] d. ACUTE HEALTH [~ e. CHRONIC HEALTH AVERAGE DAILY AMOUNT72 217 MAXIMUM DAILY 72 AMOUNT 218 ANNUAL WASTE AMOUNT 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 UNITS* ['-~a. GALLONS []b. CUBICFEET f~c. POUNDS [--~d. TONS 22, DAYS ON SITE: 222 (Check one item only) if EHS. amount must be in pounds. 365 STORAGE a. ABOVE GROUND TANK e. PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM__i' FIBER DRUM __re'GLASS BOTTLE~P[~°I RAIL CAR CONTAINER --b. UNDERGROUND TANK --f. CAN j. BAG n. PLASTIC BOTTLE OTHER c. TANK INSIDE BUILDING g. CARBOY k. BOX o. TOTE BIN d. STEEL DRUM h. SILO 1. CYLINDER p. TANK WAGON .... 223 STORAGE PRESSURE []a. AMBIENT [~b. ABOVE AMBIENT [~e. BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE F-~a. AMBIENT [~b. ABOVE AMBIENT I---lc. BELOW AMBIENT [~d. CRYOGENIC 225 %WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (For mixture or waste only) EHS CAS# 1 22 226 SULFURIC ACID 227 Ii,Yes [~No 228 7664-93-9 229 2 50 23O LEAD 231 [~Yes E~o 232 7439-93-9 233 _t 21 234 LEAD DIOXIDE 235 [~Yes [~qo 236 1309-60-0 237 4 238 239 [~Yes [~o 240 241 5 242 243 ~]Yes [~qo 244 245 If more hazardous components are present at greater than 1% by weight if non-carcinogenic, or O. 1% by weight if carcinogenic, attach additional sheets of paper capturing the required information. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION 246 If EPCRA, Please Sign Here UPCF (1/99) 169 DES Form 2731 2 4 6 7 .8 PACIFIC ~ BELL MAP// 1 BUSINESS NAME PACIFIC BELL INFORMATION SERVICES SITE MAP PBIS4 BAKERSFIELD BUSINESS ADDRESS 1401 19TH STREET, BASEMENT NORTH DATE 4/15/2002 zi~ CODE 93304 19TH STREET ALLEY g 18TH STREET PREPARED BY: ~ DRAWING SCALE NOT TO SCALE SYMBOL LEGEND ELECTRICAL PANEL SHUT-OFF NATURAL GAS SHUT-OFF WAT[R SHUT-OFF EMERGENCY PUMP SHUT-OFF TANK MONITORING ALARM TELEPHONE FIRST AID KIT FIRE EXTINGUISHER STORM DRAIN SANITARY SEWER STAGING AREA EVACUATION/ HMMP, AND MSDS LOCATION FIRE HYDRANT FENCE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ~ EQUIPMENT/ABSORBENTS (~) ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK I~--~) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MOTOR OILS &: LUBRICANTS (COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS) BATTERY ELECTROLYTE (CORROSIVE LIQUID) GASOLINE (FLAMMABLE LIQUID.~ DIESEL FUEL (COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS) NITROGEN (COMPRESSED GAS) PROPANE (FLAMMABLE LIQUID) ACETYLENE (COMPRESSED GAS) ANTIFREEZE/COOLANTS WASTE OIL (FLAMMABLE LIQUID) FIRE PULL BOX HALON FiRE SYSTEM A B C D E F G H I d K L M PREPARED BY: ~ DRA~ING SCALE NOT TO SCALE SYMBOL LEGEND PACIFIC ~ 'BELL 1MAP# 2 BUSINESS NAME PACIFIC BELL INFORMATION SITE MAP SERVICES PBIS4-2 BAKERSFIELD DATE 4/15/2002 ZiP CODE 93301 7 8 9 BUSINESS ADDRESS 1401 19TH STREET, BASEMENT NORTH BASEMENT ELEVATOR[~ LOBBY ELEVATOR RESTROOMS FIRST FLOOR PLAN TELCO LQ. ROOM ELEVATOR ELECTRICAL LQ. ELEVATOR PBIS AREA BASEMENT PLAN · G ELECTRICAL PANEL SHUT-OFF NATURAL GAS SHUT-OFF WATER SHUT-OFF EMERGENCY PUMP SHUT-OFF TL~A TANK MONITORING ALARM O TELEPHONE · ~ FIRST AID KIT Z~ FIRE EXTINGUISHER ~ STORM DRAIN /'~ SANITARY SEWER STAGING AREA EVACUATION/ r~ HMMP, AND MSDS LOCATION ~ FIRE HYDRANT )( )( FENCE EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT/ABSORBENTS ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MOTOR OILS & LUBRICANTS (COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS) BATTERY ELECTROLYTE (CORROSIVE LIQUID) GASOLINE (FLAMMABLE LIQUID... DIESEL FUEL (COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS) NITROGEN (COMPRESSED GAS) PROPANE (FLAMMABLE LIQUID) ACETYLENE (COMPRESSED GAS) ANTIFREEZE/COOLANTS WASTE OIL (FLAMMABLE LIQUID) FIRE PULL BOX HALON FIRE SYSTEM A B C D E F G H I d K r L M ,' Emergency Response New B.doc SBC EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES The Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden for the facility is responsible for notifying the occupants of the building and advising them on how to respond in the event of a hazardous materials incident as required in the SBC's Operating Practice 130 (The Fire Safety Program and Emergency Plan) and described in the SBC Emergency Plan Binder. Additionally, the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden will contact the California Office of Emergency Services, Local Administering Agency, and SBC's internal contacts as appropriate; the Operations Information (OICC) Control Center, local Security Office, Environmental Management, Safety Department. PREVENTION;' The following describes what action our business will take to prevent a hazardous materials or waste release from occurring: 1. TRAINING: Employees are provided training annually through the Training and Development Center to handle hazardous materials and how to read an MSDS as required by the Hazard Communication Standard; they are also trained on the SBC Operating Practice 130. 2. MATERIALS: Hazardous materials are utilized and stored following manufacturer's recommendations, as we are a consumer of products and not a manufacturer of hazardous materials. MITIGATION (REDUCE THE HAZARD) -' The following describes what procedures will be followed to reduce any harm or damage to persons, property or the environment: 1. Battery Electrolyte: Electrolyte is contained in batteries with explosion proof cases and batteries are secured in specially designed reinforced battery racks which work in conjunction with earthquake bracing. ABATEMENT (sToP THE HAzARD)- The following describes what actions our business will take to stop any hazard caused by the release of a hazardous material or waste: The Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden is responsible for following these steps as outlined in the Hazard Communication Program, the Hazardous Materials/Waste Management Handbook and the SBC Operating Practice 130. 1. Determining the nature, location, magnitude and severity of the incident. 2. Move people away from the area as appropriate. 3. Avoid inhalation of all gasses, fumes or smoke. 4. Contain materials as appropriate by arranging physical barriers, use of absorbents (i.e., dirt, oil baking soda or other absorbent material). 5. Notify appropriate emergency personnel. I:XHAZMATXPACBELL~ORMS~Emergency Response New B.doc Last Updated: 11/07/2001 1 Emergency Response New B.doc EMPLOYEE TRAINING: ' Employees are provided INITIAL Safety Plan training on the Hazard Communication Certification, as well as function specific before they begin their work operations. This also includes training on the Emergency Operating procedures. Additionally, the SBC Emergency Plan requires that employees receive ANNUAL REFRESHER training on the Hazard Communication Certification, function specifics and the Emergency Operating Instructions. Specific employees are selected to be Building or Floor Wardens; for which they receive additional training and attend the following interdepartmental courses. Course #1000039 (Network Services First Aid/CPR); Course #1000728 (Emergency Methods of Procedures); Course #1000824 (Hazardous Communication Certification); Course #1000825 (Hazardous Materials/Waste Management) The SBC Emergency Plan Binder serves as a reference guide for the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden. SPILLS'AND LEAKS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: The SBC Hazardous Materials/Waste Management Handbook requires that environmental management in the event of a spill or release of a hazardous material at SBC facilities complete a Hazardous Material Incident Report. Battery Electrolyte is used in maintaining storage batteries that are used for standby power in our Central/Switching facilities. This standby power is primarily to provide communication services during emergency conditions. Batteries have explosion proof cases and are mounted in reinforced racks to enable them to withstand the shocks of earthquakes. In the event of a spill or leak Baking Soda and Soda Ash and/or an acid spill kit with neutralizing acid absorber (e.g. Ramsey Kit) stored in containers in the battery power rooms is used to contain and clean up battery electrolyte. Contractors utilized to clean up spills and releases for our facilities include: 1. IT Group As outlined in the SBC Hazardous Materials Management Plan Item G (Contingency Plan): Incidents involving spills, the operator will notify: 1. Local Fire Department 2. Department of public health 3. SBC Operations Information Control Center 4. SBC Environmental Management 5. SBC Real Estate Client Service Center 6. SBC respective manager Evacuation Plan: This varies with each building and should be verified with the Emergency Site Coordinator of each facility. A standard statement would be: - METHOD OF ALARM TO EMPLOYEES; Vocal, intercom and fire alarms are used to notify our employees to evacuate. (For unmanned offices, we need only state "This is an unmanned office and evacuation map is posed at entry of building. '~ I:',HAZMATXPACBELLWORMS~Emergency Response New B.doc Last Updated: 11/07/2001 2 Emergency Response New B.doc ROUTES OF EGRESS: This also varies with each building and should be verified with the Emergency Site Coordinator of each facility. A standard statement would be: "Employees exit through front, rear and side doors. Alternate routes include...." The instructions for emergency exists and alternate routes to be used for evacuation are posted on each floor METHOD TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL PERSONS: The SBC Operating Practice 130 identifies the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden as the responsible employee to the Supervisors in the building to ensure that all employees are accounted for. Employees for this facility are instructed to meet ..... (obtain this information from the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden). ALERTING NEIGHBORS: The SBC Operating Practice 130 identifies the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden as the responsible contact to work with all agency emergency/rescue personnel to notify building neighbors. Emergency Response Plan SBC has emergency response plans and procedures in place for all facilities. The following is a description of the programs and procedures in place: 1. The Operations.Information CONTROL CENTER (OlCC) is a 24-hour communications center established through which emergency condition information flows from and within SBC. In the event of a major emergency the center also provides coordination, communications and is the established liaison with federal, state, local and military agencies. 2. EMERGENCY PLAN BINDER, The SBC Operating Practice 130 provides fire, safety and emergency guidance, checklist, forms, and company contacts for emergency situations, interruptions of company services, and other threats to our operations, facilities, personnel or property. Outlined in the SBC Operating Practice 130 is the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden program. The Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden is involved in directing and coordinating the following activities with the occupants of the facility. · Establishing and training the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden organization. · Implementing the Emergency Procedure Plan. · Occupant emergency preparedness. · Reviewing the Planning Engineering sketch. · Establishing and maintaining the Emergency Procedures Board.' · Developing and maintaining the Emergency Methods and Procedures (EMOP) binder. · Scheduling and conduct semi-annual fire and take cover drills and record drill results on the Fire/Evacuation Drill Report. · Conducting fire safety surveys using form SBC3077 · Daily administration of fire prevention practices. · Reporting all bomb threats to appropriate security office and the ECC. · Advising security of all emergencies. · Accompanying external or internal personnel agencies on building inspections. · Arranging for selection of Emergency Site CoordinatodBuilding Warden successor (transfer of responsibilities). · Communicating to occupants via emergency communications systems (if applicable). · Contact the Departmental Safety Coordinator in the event of an OSHA visit. I:~dAZMA'I~PACBELL~ORMS~Emergency Response New B.doc Last Updated: 11/07/2001 3 Emergency Response New B.doc The SBC Operating Practice 130 also requires that each facility have an Emergency Plan binder. The binder is a guide providing for personal protection and emergency procedures for company locations during emergencies. The binder is developed and held by the Emergency Site CoordinatodBuilding Warden at each facility location. Additionally, the SBC Operating Practice 130 provides the following procedures for the Emergency Site Coordinator/Building Warden and Site Managers in the event of a hazardous materials incident at the facility. 1. Identify and locate the problem. 2. Isolate, relocate or evacuate employees as required. 3. Notify emergency rescue personnel if needed. 4. Investigate the problem. 5. Avoid inhalation of all gasses, fumes or smoke. 6.' If the release or threatened release has the potential to harm the population and environment contact: · Operations Information Control Center 877-322-4722 · SBC Environmental Management Hotline 877-823-9833 · Environmental Control Center for Fuel Storage Tanks 800-757-6575 · Security Office (SBC) 800-421-2568 · Local Hazardous Emergency Response Agency 911 · Office of Emergency Services (OES) (800) 852-7550 3. The "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/VVASTES MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK" (HM/WM) is provided to comply with environmental laws and regulations and to assist managers in the protection of employee's health and protection of the public welfare. This handbook gives our personnel a basic understanding of the regulations and other legal requirements pertaining to the management of hazardous materials and wastes. It identifies and provides procedures for the handling, transportation, storage and disposal of hazardous materials/wastes found at SBC facilities. In the event of a spill or release, the Hazardous Materials Incident Report is to be completed by SBC's Environmental Management group. The HMWH Section 8 outlines the procedures for completion of this report and immediate actions to be taken to protect health and environment. I:'Y~AZMATWACBELLWORMS~Emergency Response New B.doc Last Updated: 11/07/2001 4