HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION R~ll~h-"B~shop_.~ General Manager lelephone: i714) 4:3~-06t 2 . Fax: (?1414:35-1879 :3400 ^venue of the ^ds, #F:309 · Costa Mesa, C^ 92626 ~O' ..~w~ HOMELESS HEALTH. · o ~ ~. CARE SERVICES ' ~ Mobile Health Services Marie Aylward-Wali, MSN, RN ....... Program Director 234 Baker Street, Suite I · Bakersfield, CA 93305 Business: 805.322.7580 · ~ 805.634.6260 · FAX 805.322.7712 HOMEI.ESS HEAl,TH CARE SERVICES MEDICAL. RELEASE FORM PATIENT'S NAME DATE OF BIRTH 5"--cD (o- ~ cc) HOSPITAL I.D. # CHART # Homeless Health Db~t-fbFOr :Hb~pit ',d Care Services 234 Baker Street, Suite 1 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Address City State Zip Code I hereby authorize and request you to release any and all records to: Doctor or Hospital Address City State Zip Code All medical records requested by: ~E C/O~ ~//r) d ~ {.~JdO ..... Title ............ . .............. / Clinica Sierra Vista Frazler Mountain Community . Kern River East Bakersfield Community McFarland Community 8787 Hall Road Health Center Health Center Health Center Health Center P.O. Box 457 P.O. Box 207 P.O. Box 1062 P.O. Box 3189 306 Lockwood Ave. Lamont, CA 93241 FrazJer Park, CA 93225 Wofford Heights, CA .93285 Bakersfield, CA 93385 McFarland, CA 93250 (805) 845-3731 (805) 245-3773 (619) 376-2276 '(805) 322-3905 (805) 792-3038 Death Valley California Avenue Delano Community 34th Street Community Homeless Health Health Center Community Health Center Health Center Health Center Care Services P.O. Box 158 601 California Avenue 617 Ellington 820 - 34th Street 234 Baker Street Shoshone, CA 92384 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (619) 852-4383 (805) 323-6086 (805) 725-4780 (805) 324-1455 (805) 322-7580 14-5014 (0/95) SENDING " HOMELESS HEALTH CARE SERVICES 14-5009 (3/95) CSV INC HOMELESS HEALTH CARE SERv{~ES MEDICAL RELEASE FORM PATIENT'S NAME DATE OF BIRTH. · -. HOSPITAL I.D. # · CHART ~ ~Homul~-H~u.l[{ ~. Ca~ e 8elviCeS ..... · .. 234 Baker' Street, Sui~ 1 ... Dodtb~Res~itaL ~ .... ' ..... .: . Bake~field, CA 9~05 Address ~" '"- - City State Zip Code ! hereby 'authoriZe and request you to release any and all records to: .... . · ~_ Vocto~ or Ho~i~al . .- . .. Address · ~ ~t~ . ~ State. ~' ~ ZipCode All medical records requested by: · · · ~ Signed:. a. ' ..Wit~ss'. . ~ · ~li~ica Sierra Vista [r~zier Mountain Community Kern River 8~87 Hall ~o~d ' ~ Health Center. Health Center Health Cent0r Health Center P.O. 8ox 457 . . · P.O. 8ox 207 ' · P.O. 8ox 1062 ~.O. 8ox3189 $06 lockwood ~ve. Lamont, CA 93241 ' Frazier Park, CA 93225 Wofford Heights, CA 93285 Bakersfield, CA 93385 McFarland~ CA 93250 (805) 845-3731. (805) 245-3773 (619) 376-2276 (805) 322-3905 (805) 792-3038 Valley:' ' '~ 'Deat~ California Avenue Delano Community 34th Street'Community Homeless Health Health Center Community Health Center Health Center Health Center-' Care Se~ices p.O. Box 158 601 California Avenue 617 Ellington 820 - 34th Street . 234 Baker Street S~oshonei CA 92384 - Bake~field, CA'93304 Delano; CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93305 .(619) 852,4383 -' · (805) 323-6086 (805) 725-4780 (805) 324-1455 (805) 322-7580 14-5014-(9/95) SENDING ' , . . HOMELESS HEALTH 0 ~ CARE SERVICES ~95 q"') w~: ~T..5'~". ~i?~ ~:c~ ~:~ ..... ..~.~., T: :~' ~ .~ ' , ~ '" x · . ..... ....: ..,,,~,<~i'5} ' /./-, /,~', - ,. . ,, .. ~ > . ~~~, '~ ,/ . ' 'V: ' . " ~ ~ ~ / "' -..-~ -7 ....... '~,. .: . STATE 'OF CALIFORNIA ",i,¢, " ' left Baker t Sai:ety Engineer .... Department of h~dustrial Relations : :. Division of Occupational Safety and ~ealth' i -- 6150 Van Nuys Boulevard, Room 405 ' ' . . .. .. Van Nuys, CA 91401-3379 - (gig) 901-54Q3 . 733-5403 CAk~[/ " ' ·(818/ 901-55~8 FAX - - ~ · '."',' ' ( PM~NE,..:.' CALL [. ~. I ..... AREA. GODE~NUMBER~ ~EXTENSION .... -'~', a- -WI~L- GAkL~~E'~AL~' ' t FAX .................. ~ ' - ~, _',.---~-~t' ' -, :.. . .: .~ I , ' .,' ,' ' ' ' -' ' "' " "' ' '-~ :' "':- '4 "~: ' "" ' .: , ~' , .. LD NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND RETURN TO COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE8 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 Mr. Ralph Bishop, General Manager VOICE (805) 326-3941 Western Lime Inc. FAX (805) 395--1349 3400 Avenue of the Arts #F309 SUPPRESSION SERVICES Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 Dear Mr. Bishop: FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES In the inspection of your facility in Bakersfield, on October 28, 1715 Chester Av6. Bakersfield, CA 93301 1998, the following violations were observed. VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 1. You have large quantities of lime on hand at the site you ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES are using as a warehouse. You als° have reportable 1715 Chester Ave. quantities of Propane on site, however, you have not filed a Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 business plan and inventory for this facility. FAX (805) 326-0576 X~UN~nG DnnS,ON This is in violation of Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and 5642 Victor Ave.' Bakersfield. CA 93308 Safety Code §25503 and §25504. I have included the business plan and VOICE (805) 399-4697 inventory forms. Please complete and return to this office by November FAX (8O5) 399-5763 ,' 13, 1998. 2. The isle way clearance within the lime storage area is inadequate. These isle ways must conform with the Uniform Fire Code. Correct isle way widths, by November 13, 1998, and maintain adequate isle ways. 3. Employee hazardous materials training is inadequate. Employees need to know what a "Materials Safety Data Sheet" is, and where to find it at your facility. This is a violation of CCR Title 8, Section 5194. Correct immediately. '~ '" ~ 4. Propane cylinders stored within ten (10) feet of combustible materials. This is a violation of the Uniform Fire Code. Correct immediately.. '.' 5. Extension cord leading to the camper shell had a frayed plug end and an extension cord was used to power a washing machine in the bathroom. Extension cords shall not be used in place of permanent wiring or when damaged. This is in violation of the Uniform Fire Code. Correct immediately. Items 3, 4 and 5 must be corrected immediately. Items 1 and 2 must be corrected by November 13t~', 1998. Failure to correct these violations will result in further enforcement action. This department will conduct a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions, please feel fee to call me at 805-326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business .Phone (805) 326-3979 · FAX (805) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal COMPANY: FROM: I COMMENTS: RRECTIONelIIOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N° ~'' 0 1'1 1 Sub Div. . Blk. . Lot. You are' hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location' Cot. 1~o ~/Zdrvl oF ~oous ~J ComPletion Date for Corrections l//~O/q ............. ~8.~ 10/29/98 15:01 '/~805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 [ *** ACTIVITY REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 9085 CONNECTION TEL 3214683 CONNECTION ID START TIME 10/29 14:59 USAGE TIME 01'10 PAGES 2 RESULT OK KBF-7171 CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N° ,'~ ' 0 1 1.1 Location e~. I '~ 7- 4 Sub Div. . Blk. . Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: ~/20,""1 oF' ~cz,'Aeooos ,.,,J~<-c'~ Completion Dale for Corrections Date I~Z~ ~ Inspector 326-3979 NEXT-FUNC: ~EY: gIPS #flOLLINQ SECURED ROLL iNQUIRY ~TN 605 030 10 80 3 ~CTIVE Roll5 Use Code 6106 File No Lgnd .... fiG ~resv NO · ~N 00'5 030 101 L§IC B~KFLD B P L ~TN ~eres CPest SXTE BPS SD 5 UF Y NT Ouner SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO Doc Bill P 0 BOX ~500 BROOHFIELD CO 86038-~500 · R,B,P, 99 98 97 Tfl~-Ho 001 001 001 001 001 001 CH6 BT ChgType Hineral Land/P] Olher pers Prop ' Net Value 0 I~FI:HELP ~=HENU 3:RTRN ~t=TO6 5:FUTfl 9=BILL I O:UFL II=BUS I~:EVTSEL ~ PFi3--NEfl 14=APN HiST I~--OliNERS 16:EXE~IPT 17:SUPPL 18:ItDDR 19:ROLL CORR PF;~O--PREV YR ~I:NEXT YEltR ~:PRT ~3:NEXT ~4:PlEV 89/30/98 II :06 - '1 ..;FD191B(Revis'd8-15-8~') ' :...' "' ' - -"' ' "'-" '" ' ' ' ' ' "' ' ' '49933 - .. FIRE DEPARTMENT .-'. _ -. -. (' .... ' - · ..... ,FIRE ORDINANCE vIO~TION '.. ' -  ' " FIRM TO: T,T~E' . . OR D.B.~ ;.' ... ' , ' - :7. ~ Xz~ ~ .... ! ' CORRE~vIO~TIoNsALL LOCATION OF VIO~TION. '~ . CHECKED BELOW - ~i~lation ~o. - REQUIREMENTS '. ~n~$n~tihl~ ~t~ / ~ ~emo~e and sa[~ly dis¢ose of all. ha,a~o~s mfu~e and dr~ ~e~etation on tho above premise~ {~.[.C.} .... dr~ ~*~*t~tio~ · ~ · . ~ .":- 2 Pmvid~ noncombu~tibb containers ~ith ti~-fi~in~ lids fm the storage o[ combustible ~aste'and .rubbish poadin~ it, ~a~e disposal. {H.[.C.} '- Co~fi~l~ 8t~, ~ Rdo~ate e0mbusfihle, stora~* to provide at least 3.[~*t .el~arane~ around moro} lus~ bonfire door ~ ' {~.EC. fi~tin~i,h,r, 4 ~elocate fire extin~uish~ s} so that'the~ ~ill heJia a conspicious ~ocatioa~. han~in~ on brackets ~iih the top to th~ exfinfluisher not mom than 5 [eet abo~e the floor. ~ ~. F P. ~ .~ ~ Pm~ide and~instafl apFo~ed ' {~p~ ~ sizs~ po~abl~ fire ~tin~uishm ' to he immediatel~ accessible for use in ~area}. :. '. '-. ~ ~sehar~ all fim.extin~ui~h~rs. Rm emia~uisher~ shall be se~iced at lease'one~ ~a~h ~ear, and/or a~m each use. b~ a ~srson ha~ia~ a ~alid~lie,a~ ore,driest*. · 8i$n~ - .. : 7 Provide aad maintain '[XI~' si~} ~ith le~em 5 .or more ineh~s in height o~er ~aeh mq~i~ed.e3it {dooff~ind~} .to tim escape. {H.[.C.} - . .. .. 8 Pmvid* and maiata~n -appropriate ~Bmhers on a contrastin~ 'baek~mu~d and yi~ihle'[mm tho ~tm~t to indicate the eormet addms~ nf the'bui'ldinfl. {.B.M.C:} -..:-fir*doo~/fimS~mtio~ ~ ~ep~r all {emek~holeffo~enia~s} ia plaster in ... ~ ·" -- ~ · . {location}. Pla~e~n~ ~hall r~ ~e su~m to ~ od~inal tim ~is~, . 10 ~emo~pair} · .{item 8 location}.. 8e~-~lo~in~ doo~ ~hall b* d~ifln~ '~ do~e 'b~ ~m~, m' ~ ~ ~t~ '~ · .- 1 1 Bemo~ all oberon ~m halyard.. Mai~ain ali mean~ o~ ~s ~ee o[ a~ ~tom~e. {~.[.C.~. ~- , ': ' ~ · 1 2 Pm~ifle a eo~a~i~ colo'md and p~afi~~ imtalled ~e light o~m or ~ar mq6i~ 'ex~.{loc~on} ...... ~tom~, ~: ~ ,. · ~ 3 ~mo~, all ~ora~e ancot o~r obs~etiom horn {tim ~eap~ landings and ~i~a~s ~air gha~. {~m ~seap~stair ~ha~'am ~ be m~intain~d ~ ~m obs~efioas ~t all ~m~.} ~ " flip,tribal ~li~, asion co~s shaft.not ~ us~ in Ii,u ~[ ~anent'apFo~ ~dn~. Imtall add~oaal ap~mvd-ee~ca o~ts ~hem n~de~ {NEC} ~H[CJ} ' . '~ · ~er ' 1 6 REQUIREMENT / ~. ~ ' ,croon receivi~,ic, of violation: -. . - ~ . Signature - BY ORDE~OF THE FIRE CHIEF . Date Completed: A~ER VIO~TIONS ARE CORRECTED, RETURN ' .- ~r~ S~fe~ ~t~ ' . · ' LEGEND: U.F.C. _ : Uniform Fire Code _'. ' ~0~ "~" ~ ~ . . U.B.C. Unifo~ Building Code. .' · " '' - ~ - B.M.C. Bakersfield'' ' ' 'Mumc~pal Code . . _ .... ~{~'~ --~-~ ~O1 N.F.P.~-': -' National Fire ~rotection Associatio~ · ~ ~'~ " -~ ~.fi.C. ~ational filoctric Code M/ ERIAL SAFETY DATA S ET SECTION 1-NAME AND'PRODUCT ~ ~ ~)p ~-~-( ' Manufacturer: ~:.. , WESTERN LIME, ,Nc. Eme~ency Telephone: ' (602) 421-2822 Ad.ss: ' P.O. Box 12098- 'Casa Grande, AZ 85230 T~de Nme, Common Nme: CALC~M HYDROX~E ~ I~O~ CALCIUM HYDRO,DE, Ca(O~2, Hy~ L~e, S~ Lime, CAS gl-305-62-0 ~gh ~cim Hy~xide, T~ N L~e S~ffic~on: AS~ C51, C~, ~07, C911, C977 Chemic~ Fmily: ~e ~ Hy~oxide SE~ION H- COMPOSITION "~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~'~ Chemical Name % Common Nme REG* CAS OSHA Pem~lve ACG~ Carcln~en? (Y~) No. Exposure L~lt TLV~WA ~) C~cim Hy~o~ >95 Hy~amd L~e N 1305-62-0 -- 5 m~cu.m. N C~cim C~nam · < 5 L~esmne N 1317-65-3 -- 10 m~cu.m. N M~im HY~O~ < 5 Bmcim N 13~-42-8 .... N Si~n Dio~ < 3 ' ~ Y 14808-60-7 0.1 m~cu.m. 0.I m~cu.m. N ~er (Fe203, A1203) < 3 -- N ...... N Pufi~ depends on the limestone starting material and the manufacturing, handling and storage techniques. WESTERN LIME, ,~c. strives to maintain high.pudW and production quali~ standards. SE~ION HI - PHYSIC~ AND CHEMICAL DATA Appearance and Odor: Soft, white crystalline powder; Odorless. WESTERN LIME, ,~c. High Calcium Hydrated Lime or WESTERN LIME, i~c. Type N Hydrated Lime is available in bags or bulk as a fine powder, generally 95% passing 200 mesh.. Mel~g Point dehy~tes ~ 580 C P~cle Sp~c Gm~ty: 2.3-2.4 ~cc B~ Bo~g Point 5162 F~850 C. Va~r ~nsi~: N/A Ev~on ~e: N/A % Vo~e by Vol: N/A Solub~ty ~ ~cohol: N~* Solub~W ~ o~er solvenu: C~cium hy&o~de re~m wi~ ~i~, fom~g ~cim ~ which may.~ mluble. WATER SOLUBILITY: SLIGHT AQuEous SOLUTION BE~OR: ~ TE~. SOLUBI~TY pH (~t'd sol'n) 0 C 1.85 g Ca(O~2/1 13.42 25 C 1.59 12.~ 50 C 1.28 11.71 1~ C 0.71 -- SE~ION ~ - ~ ~D EXPLOSION ~Z~D DATA S~i~ Fke Fi~g ~es: Hy~ ~e d~om~s to ~cium oxide (quic~me) ~d s~ m 580 C (1079 ~. g ~e ~m~rm~es prev~l., we~ ~lf-con~ brea~ng appmtus a~rov~ by ~OSH. ~o~t eyes ~om dus[ ~e pr~ence of hy~ l~e in a [ge d~s not h~der ~e u~ of ~y sm~d ex,gushing m~m. ~h~inc Not ~le ~mmable Limim: N/A Ex~g~hing M~: Not ~mmable Explosion PolariS: None * Regulated on fists: OSHA 29CFR 1910, subpart Z; ACGIH, HHS/NTP & IARC. **NAIF - No Applicable Information Found . SECTION V - HEALTH, FIRST AID AND MEDICAL DATA Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 5 mg/cu.m. Calcium hydroxides, is, .an alka.!in.e'm,3terial. In presence of.moisture, contact with skin and. eyes will cause irritation and. possible severe corrosion damage. Inhalation of dust may cause coughing, sneezing or inflammation of the respiratory passages:. While short-term exposure and irritation are generally without permanent effects, untreated contact and .irritation can cause dermatitis and chemical bums. Prevention of contact and exposure under good working conditions is much -preferred to first aid after injury. 'See Section VIII below. FIRST iadD: Inhala6on: Remove. from exposure to dust and get prompt medical help. · .Eye Contact: Wash eyes immediately with running water for 15 minutes, including under eyelids. Get prompt medical attention! 'Skin Contact: Wash exposure area with large mounts of water. Remove and wash contaminated clothing. Ingestion: Immediately dilute the chemical by drinking large amounts of water or milk. Then neutralize by drinking dilute vinegar or fruit juice. SECTION VI - CORROSIVITY AND REACTIVITY DATA Stability: STABLE. Iqa?-qrdous polymerization will NOT occur. Incompatibilities: Calcium .hydroxide is incompatible with acids, ammo. Mum salts, phosphorous and some organic compounds. Hydrated lime is stable in sealed containers at normal temperatures. Decomposition Products: When exposed to ak, this strongly alkaline compound will absorb and react with carbon dioxide, producing calcium carbonate. This forms lumps, reduces the chemical activity and results in a limited shelf life. Calcium salts are normal reaction products with other materials. Conditions to be Avoided: Handling procedures which may generate dust. Contact with nitroparaff'ms, maleic anhydride or phosphorus. SECTION' VII'- STORAGE, HANDLING AND USE PROCEDURES Normal Storage and Handling: Dry area, out of weather and flood danger. Avoid dusting in handling. Normal Use: Standard equipment for hydrated lime use. Make adequate provision for dust-free operations. Steps to be Taken in Case of Leaks or Spills: Those involved in clean up must protect against skin contact and inhalation of dust or mist. See Section VIII.' Carefully pick up the powder with a minimum of dusting and collect in metal containers with covers for disposal. The small amounts of residue after shoveling and sweeping can be flushed to the drain using plenty of water. Waste Disposal Method: Several methods may be suitable: a) Spread in a protected area to permit reaction with carbon dioxide in ak. (Prevent air current dusting.) b) Neutralize with acid or waste acid. c) Use as a soil amendment. d) Use to stabilize clay soils. Follow Federal, State and local regulations. SECTION VIII - PERSONAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection: NIOSH approved dust filter respirator in dusty' conditions. In absence of dust, mechanical exhaust is adequate. 'i~e Protection: Approved fight-fitting safety goggles. Protective Gloves:' Clean, dry rubber gloves. Clothing: Clean, body-covering protective clothing such as long-sleeve shirt with buttoned collar; long pants extending over tops of work shoes. Ventilation:. Provide general ventilation and local exhaust ventilation with appropriate dust collection to meet TLV requirements for lime dust. 'Other Equipment: An eyewash station and safety shower should be readily available near the work area. SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Store materials in sealed containers in a dry place. Avoid contact with acids and other incompatible materials. Exposure to air lowers the available calcium hydroxide reactivity over time. SPECIAL REFERENCE: LIME HANDLING, APPLICATION AND STORAGE, Na[ Lime Assoc. Bull. 213, 4th ed., 1982. Rev. 03/04/86 HSC - I November 16, 1998 Mr. Ralph Huey · Director~ · Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Mr. Huey, I wanted to let you know that we have corrected the violations that were assessed against ~ us on october 28; 19'98 :at the fa6ility that ~ve 'are Using'at 21'st and R Streets-in ' Bakersfield. Specifically, we have done the following: 1. We have reduced the number of propane cylinders that we keep for our forklifts to two. In addition, we store these cylinders now outside the facility away from any cardboard or other inflammable materials. The propane cylinders are used only for our forklifts, and we do not resell any propane. In addition, we only use the extra cylinders for propane storage during the months of September through the middle of November. This is our so-called "busy season" when we go through about 1- 2 , cylinders of propane per day while operating our forklifts. . ~5.~'' ~'W~ .fi~c/e :~'l~ared the aisle way inside the warehouse. We were temporarily using '" · .'this spac.e while our inventory was high. Our inventory of hydrated lime reached its peak about a week ago. The inventory is now getting smaller. '3. The frayed extension cord leading to the camper has been removed. In addition, the extension cord to the washing machine in the bathroom has been removed. 4. I have instructed my employees again on the information contained in the Material Safety Data Sheet for hydrated lime. In addition, we now post a Material Safety Data Sheet on the camper-trailer that is next to the warehouse. _ _I belie_v_ethat we have made the necess_ary corrections you cited i_n your letter of November 3, 1998'. If you have any questions or additional information for me, please call me at (714) 435-0612. Sincerely, Ralph Bishop ... General Manager/" "':" ~ '"' Presid&~t" '" "' "' :'.. · ' '," : ¢..":,.~., '.'.~ Western Lime, Inc._ "'..'-';'J':~':¥::'?" .'.i'~';" ' ' .::,.,-'-' ;.:' .,". :"' '" .: ..' '~ '.' :'. "~i :' ~:.:" .~.'.: '~' "i ' ' · ~'~.',.",~',:~ ~ ;.'~. ' :. i.~ d:' :'.,-,.~'.,.' '. -;".." ~ . i' ', ,. -. · ".' ' ' ' ' 3400 Avenue of the Arts, Suite F309 · Costa Mesa, California 92626 °' (714) 435-0612 · Fax: (714) 435-1879 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form-within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. '" Answer the questions below for the business as a Whole. .4. Be as brief and concise as possible. ' ' '. SECTION 1' BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA WESTERN LIME, INC. BUSINESS NAME: 21st & R STREETS (THE OLD SP FREIGHT HOUSE) LOCATION: ~Ai<E.P, SFT~.n, CA q~n] MAH.ING ADDRESS: 3400 AVENUE OF THE ARTS #F309 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 CITY: STATE: __ ZIP: __ PHONE: (714) 435-0612 DLrN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: 82-7_02-9935 ..... SIC CODE: ~2~? (assigned by Worker's PR/MARY ACTFVITY: We distribute hydrated lime in 50 lb bags Comp Insurance Co.) OVER: Incorporated (CalifOrnia) ~ILING ~DDRESS:' p.0. BOX 27238 SANTA ANA, CA 92799-7238 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE Ralph Bishop Presid~nt-~ (714) 435-0612 (same) Francis Babcock Employee (714) 435'0612. (same] '(on site) l. (805) 637-7666 (~eepor) HAZARDOUS MATERIALs MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING NLVMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 2-5 ·depending on the time of year. Mostly part-time employees. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: 'We have them. I believe you have a coPY.· BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINTNG PROGRAM: We have an IIPP plan that is required by Cal ·OSHA. In this plan, we·'train our employees first with· our "Code of Safe· Practices". We have:the new employees sign a document stating that have reviewed thi~ Code. In addition, we go over the code with them. Next, we give each employee a Material Safety Data Sheet along with a 'sheet that I put together entitled "Safety Instructions (Train- ing) for Handling Hydrated Lime". The second sheet is signed by the ·employee, and we own safety instructions. We ~also maintain an "Emergency Action .and Fire Pregention Plan" This is also handed out. We also hand out an "Emergency Medical Plan". We also,· ·have instruction on .the. use of dust masks. We maintain an ."Employee Respiratorz' Use Record". This is a standard OSHA document that records the training date, the t_vpe 'of dust ma'sk, etc. The employee also signs~.this document. We also keep an "Employee Safety Training Record". SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REOUEST I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR TH]E FOLLOWING REASONS: x WEDO NOT HANDLE HAzARDous MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS'MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT- NO TIME EXCEED THE MINIMUM REPOP. TINO QUANTITIES. OTHER (spEcIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION I, Ra~h B±sho~ CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATER/ALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. '~~~ ~.,_ ,~/.~. ~.V/-.~' ' "2 President 11 / 16 / 9 8 .. SIGNATURE .. TITLE DATE Mi ERIAL SAFETY DATA SECTION I - NAME AND PRODUCT Manufacturer: WESTERN LIME, inc. Emergency Telephone: (714) 435-0612 Address: P.O. Box 27238, Santa Ann, CA 92799-7238 Trade Namel Common Name: CALCIUM HYDROXIDE CALCIUM HYDROXIDE, Ca(OH)2, Hydrated Lime, Slaked Lime, CAS #1305-62-0 High Calcium Hydroxide, Type N Lime .." "' ~. "' · Specification: ASTM C51, C206, C207, C911, C977 Chemical Family: Alkaline Earth Hydroxide SECTION II - COMPOSITION I I REG* CAS I OSHA Permissive . · ACGIH I Carcinogen?I Chemical Name % Common Name (Y/N) No. Exposure Limit TLV]TWA (Y/N) Calcium Hydroxide >95 Hydrated.Lime N L .. 1305-62-0 ....... -- . ....... 5 mg/.cu.m... N Calcium Carbonate .< 5 ' Limestone N 1317-65-3 -- 10 mg/cu.m. N Magnesium Hydroxide < 5 Brucite N 1309-42-8 ..... N Silicon Dioxide < 3 Quartz Y 14808-60-7 0.1 mg/cu.m. 0.1 mg/cu.m. N Other (Fe203, A1203) < 3 -- N ...... N Purity depends on the limestone starting material and the manufacturing, handling and storage techniques. WESTERN LIME, INC. strives to maintain' high purity and prodm:tion quality'standards~' - · . SECTION III - PHYSICAL AND' CHEMICAL DATA " '- '/": '"': ' '" .... ' ........ Appearance and Odor: Soft, white crystalline powder; Odo;ie~s.'WEsTER.i~I'.'I~IME: INC; i~igh-Calcium 'Hyd~at6d'Lime or WESTERN LIME, mc. Type N Hydrated Lime is available in bags or bulk as a fine powder, generally 95% passing 200 mesh. Melting Point: dehydrates at 580°C Particle Specific Gravity: 2.3 - 2.4 g/cc "Bulk Density: 25-35 lbs/cu.ft. Boiling Point: 5162°F/2850°C Vapor Pressure: N/A. Vapor Density: N/A Evaporation Rate: N/A % Volatile by Vol: N/A Solubility in Alcohol: NAIF** Solubility in other solvents: Calcium hydroxide reacts with acids, forming calcium salts which may be soluble. WATER SOLUBILITY: SLIGHT [ AQUEOUS- SOLuTION'BEHAVIoR: TEMP. SOLUBILITY plt (sat'd sol'n) 0°C 1.85 g Ca(OH)2/I 13.42 25°C 1.59 12.44 50°C 1.28 11.71 100°C 0.71 -- SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Special Fl~e'..'~ighfihg 'P~odedt/i-es: Hydrated'lime'dec0mP0ges to calcium oxide' (quicklime) and'steam at .5.80°c:..(1079°F).' If-these temperatui'es prevail, wear self-contained breathing apparatus approved by NIOSH. Protect eyes fromduSt. The presence of hydrated lime in a fire does not hinder the use of any standard extinguishing medium. Flashpoint: Not Flammable Flammable Limits: N/A Extinguishing Media: Not Flammable Explosion Potential: None *Regulated on lists: OSHA 29CFR 1910, subpart Z; ACGIH, HHS/NTP & IARC. **NAIF - No Applicable Information Found SECTION V - HEALTH, FIRST AID AND MEDICAL DATA Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 5 mg/cu.m. Calcium hydroxide is an alkaline material. In presence of moisture, contact with skin and eyes .will cause irritation and possible severe corrosion damage. Inhalation of dust may cause coughing, sneezing or inflammation of the respiratory passages. While short-term exposure and irritation are generally without permanent effects, untreated contact and irritation can cause dermatitis and chemical burns. Prevention of contact and exposure under good working conditions is much.prefexTed to first aid after injury. See Section VIII below. FIRST AID: Inhalation: Remove from exposure to dust and get prompt medical help. Eye Contact: Wash eyes Immediately with running water for 15 minutes, including under eyelids. Get prompt medical attention! Skin Contact: Wash exposure area with large amounts of water. Remove and wash contaminated clothing. Ingestion: Immediately dilute the chemical by drinking large amounts of water or milk. Then neutralize by drinking dilute vinegar or fruit juice. SECTION VI - CORROSIVITY AND REACTIVITY DATA Stability: STABLE. Hazardous polymerization will NOT occur. Incompatibilities: Calcium hydroxide is incompatible with acids, ammonium salts, phosphorous 'and some .... -~ ..... ~ .... : ......... '-6r~tni~ C6miSbt~ds?Hyd~at~-d-liiffe is~stabl~ in g~al4d Confiii~g"a~-h-or~il terh154r~i;~s? .......... Decomposition Products: When exposed to air, this strongly alkaline compound will absorb and react with carbon dioxide, producing calcium carbonate. This forms lumps, reduces the chemical activity and results in a limited shelf life. Calcium salts are normal reaction products with other materials. Conditions to be Avoided: Handling procedures which may generate dust. Contact with nitroparaffins, maleic anhydride or phosphorus. · SECTION VII - STORAGE, HANDLING AND USE PROCEDURES Normal Storage and Handling: Dry area, out of weather and flood danger. Avoid dusting in handling. Normal'Use: Standard equipment for hydrated lime use. Make adequate provision for dust free operations. Steps to be Tak~en in Case of Leaks or Spills: Those involved in clean up must protect against skin contact and inhalation of dust or mist. See Section VIII. carefully pick up the powder with a minimum of dusting and collect in'metal containers with covers for disposal. The small amounts of residue after shoveling andsweeping can be flushed to the drain using plenty of water. Waste Disposal Method: Several methods may be suitable: a) Spread in a protected area to permit reaction with carbon dioxide 'in air. (Prevent air current dusting.) b) Neutralize with acid or waste acid. c) Use as a soil amendment. d) Use to stabilize clay soils. Follow Federal, State and Local regulations. ! .... SECTION--V-II-[ --PERSONA.L~PRO~ECTIONINF-ORMAT-ION- ...... -~ .......... ----.. .................... ' ~. - ...... Respiratory Protection: · NIOSH approved dust filter respirator in dusty conditions. In absence of dust,'mechanical exhaust is adequate. Eye Protection: Approved tight-fitting safety goggles. Protective Gloves: Clean dry rubber gloves. Clothing: Clean, body-covering protective clothing such as long-sleeve shirt with buttoned collar; long pants extending over tops of work shoes, Ventilation: Provide general ventilation and local exhaust ventilation with appropriate dust collection to meet TLV requirements for lime dust. Other Equipment: An eyewash station and safety shower should be readily avail.a.ble near the work area. SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS . · ..~ .. Store materials in sealed containers in a dry place. Avoid contact with acids and other incompatible materials. Eko~6Sm:~!b'air lowers the available calcium hydroxide reactivity over time. .". '- :~ -... . . ~ .. SPECIAL REFERENCE: LIME HANDLING, APPLICATION AND STORAGE, Nat. Lime' Assoc'. Bull. 213, 6th ed., 1994. Rev. 06/15/98 HSC 08/19/I)8. I~ED 10:11; FAX 805 862 $701 K C ENVIRON}I£NTAL HLTH" ~00~ E~IRpNMENTAL HEALTH S~ICES DEPARTMENT R~URCE MAN~GEME~T ~GENCY. STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S., Director ~~ DAVID PRICEIII, RMA DIRECTOR 27~ 'M' S~EET, SUI~ 300 ~ Community ~e~lopment Program Depa~ent B~RS~ELD, CA S~01-2370 Engineering & ~uwey Se~c~ Depe~ment Voice: (805) 682-87~ En~ronmental H~kh Se~c~ Depa~nz F~ (8~) 862.8701 Pia~lng O~a~ment ~ R~a~ (a~) 7~-2~9 Roads Depa~nt AGENCY REFERRAL FORM Referral No.: 8-19-98{1) Referral Dater. 8-19-98 Referred by: Brian Pitts Phone No,: 805-862'-8758 Referre4 to: Bakersfield City Fire Department Environmental Services Section Reason for Referral: Pacility is within the City limits of Bakersfield. R.eDortino Party: 1. Peggy Holsonbake 817 Beardsley Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 805-391-$913 ,L~ation/Direc~ion: A yard titled "Pacific Union Freight Station" on or near the intersection of 21== and R Streets (probably the NE cnr). Page. 1 of 3 0~/19/9_____~8. WED 10:15 FAX 805 862 8701 K C ENVIRON~/ENTAL HLTH ~0o3 Comolaimt r~ceived: HOLSONBAXE reported that her son, Chase (age 15) was chem£cally'burned Dy an exposure to lime while workin9 at the-given location. She reported that the facility stores boxcars of lime and that they have spilled chemicals onto the ~round. Details~ HOLSO~BAXE azrived at the Eern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) at approximately 1~50 on August i8, 1998. She was visibly upset and said that ~she "needed help" and wanted to report that chemicals had burned her son. She said that RAL~K BISHOP was the owner or operator of a facility located on or near the intersection of 21~ and R streets, Bakersfield. She thought that it was called "Western ~ime" and claims that BISHOP stores cement and- lime. ' She additionally claimed that they .spilled lime around .the site~ Sunday evenin~ her friend, "Sandy" (387-054~), was workin~ at Zin~o's and overheard a customer named "Francis" say'that he was lookin9 for workers to LlIlload boxcars of cement. Francis said that the job was in Bakersfield. Sandy told Francis'that her son might be interested in the job and told her son, DARYL DOZIER (a~e ~5) about the 'job. Sandy calle~ ~OLSONBAKE a~d advised her that her son, Chase (age 15, DOB 9-7-S2) might be interested in the job. DARYL DOZIER and CHASE HOLSONBAKE. arrived at the site at approximately 1900. They were ~iven "dust masks" and told to u~load ba~s of cement from a boxcar that was at the site. The boys discovered that ~he ba~s were actually "~ime" and not cement. PEGGY HOLSOIqBA~E said that they did not ~ive the ~oys any other PPE or advice about the hazards of t~e chemicals a~ the sit~. The boys worked for about an hour and were paid "$9,00" each for the job. PEGGY HOLSONBAKE said that her son came home "covered" in white 'powder and his skin was turnin~ red, especially, around his neck and other areas where he sweated. She said that her son had to "peal his underwear" off because it "was ~lued" to his skin. PEGGY ~OLSONBAKZ took her son to "Good Samaritan ~ospital" for treatment. PEGGY HOLSONBAKE said that she drove to the yard where her son had worked and saw ."boxcars" and "white powder" stored at the site. She said that they spilled the "powder" onto the ground, She then drove to KCEHSD for help. Pa~e gaf 3 05/lg/95 I~ED 10:16 FAX 8O5 862 8701 Iq C ENVIRONMENTAL HLTH ~004 I asked about the status o~ DARYL DOZIER and she said that he had not seen a doctor because tbs."family cannot af£ord to take him." She said that her son was sharing his ointment with DARYL DOZIER. I advised HOLSONBAKE that worker safety issues were the responsibility of OSHA. She'said that she would contact them later. I also advised her that the site she described is within Bakersf{eld city limits and therefore within the purview of the Bakersfield City Fire Department. I told her that Bakersfield City Fire Department may or may not have the described facility "on file" and that I would refer her complaint of improper chemical handling and storage to them for follow up. I gave her the phone number of the Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazmat program. HOLSONBAKE left the KCEHSD office at 1730. NFIINFA Observations during insDectlon: NA Additional Comments: No further action by KCEHSD. Complaint and complainant referred to City of Bakersfield. -Pag~ 3 of 3 B A K E R S F I' E L D FIRE DEPARTMENT M E M ORA N D U.M DATE: September 4, 1997 TO: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator FROM: Steve Under~vood, Inspector d~ SUB,JECT~'~rn Lime~'~ _ On Wednesday, September 3, 1997, at 7:05 p.m., I observed two men unloading a box cab loaded with 50 lb. bags oflime. A third person Was_driving a forklift. ! did not make my presence known when I first arrived. After .observing the operation for approximately 10 minutes, I drove up to them and identified myself. The foreman, who identified himself as Frances Babcock, was driving 'the forklift. I asked him for a MSDS sheet, which he provided immediately. He also indicated that he had another copy at his trailer. I asked him to obtain it. While he was away, I asked each of the individuals, who identified themselves as James Wood and Michael Dean, if they knew what a " MSDS sheet was and what information would be contained in one? Both men gave me satisfactory answers to convince me that they indeed had training. Both men were wearing protective clothing, eye protection and had respiratory protection. I asked Frances Babcock where their Hazard Communication records were, and he.indicated that their employer had them. I asked him to convey to his employer that he'heeds to bring them to the hearing, scheduled for Friday, September 5, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. Mr. Babcock assured me he would convey the message. No further action taken. I then left the facility. SBU/dm CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ()FFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL.SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, (:A (805) 326-3979 Fire Salt:Ix Code Entbt'ccmcnt K.C. Fire KCEH AP('D Cai OSHA AGENCY .REFERRAL THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES IN A RECENT INSPECTION OR COMPLAINT O[: Western Lime, Inc. ,.\[)DR[:-S~. Working at the Southern Pacific Terminal located mt ?].n~ 'mhd R Street. FOL;ND TI-IE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS WHICH WE BELIEVE ARE REGULATED BY YOUR AGENCY: We received information from the Homeless Health Care Services that h~mele~ had been recruited to unload material from a boxcar located at 21st and R Streets, and that these people had been chemically burned. We d~d m ~mllow-up and found that the material was lime and that the people unloading the car we~ not wearing adequate protective clothing. We notified the company, held an mf~ce hearing and issued a Notice of Violation which I hnve ~tt~h~d. Th~ con~a¢~ at "Homeless Healthcare Services", Ms. Maria Wall (805) 322-7580, has nmm~m mmd photog~*gha of .......... ' Date conditions continued several chemically burned men. A follow-up of the unloading process (After our tele- phone contact, but before the office hearing) showed the men were now wearing protective ~clothin$. I believe your office'may have additional concerns. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT September 8, 1997 FIRE CHIEF MICHAELR. KELLY Mr. Ralph Bishop, General Manager Western Lime Inc. ADMINISTRATIVE 2~0~ ',' s,~t 3400 Avenue of the Arts # F309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 a,s. ma~.~cu NOTICE OF VIOLATION· ~o~ '.' s~,,t AND Bakersfield, CA 9,..~01 (805) 32~39~1 RETURN TO COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS FAX (805) 395-1349 ~'vmnon suv~cu Dear Mr. Bishop: 1715 Cheste~ Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93,.'.~ I (805) 326-3951 This notice is intended to clarify the issues of hazardous materials FAX (805) 326-0576 handling discussed in an office heating on September 5, 1997. This office ENVIRONMENTALSSJ~qCES 'hearing was in relationship to unloading of lime from rail cars at the Southern 171fiChost~Avo. Pacific siding in Bakersfield. First, let me clarify that lime is considered a Bakersfield, CA 93301 C~15) 326-3979 hazardous material in California. The California Health and Safety Code, in FAX (805) 326-C~76 Chapter 6.95 Article 1, Section 25501 defines a hazardous material as: TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street "Hazardous material" means any material that, (805) 399-4697 because of its quantity, concentration, or physical or FAX C805) 399-5763 chemical characteristics, poses a significant present or potential hazard to human health and safety or to the environment if released into the workplace or the environment. "Hazardous materials" include, but are not limited to, hazardous substances, hazardous waste, and any material which a handler or the administering agency has a reasonable basis · for believing that it would be injurious to the health and safety of persons or harmthl to the environment if released into the workplace or the environment. "Hazardous substance" means any substance or chemical product for which one of the tbllowing applies: ( 1 ) The manuthcturer or producer is required to prepare a MSDS tbr the substance or product pursuant to the Hazardous Substances Information and Training Act (Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 6360) of Part I of Division 5 of the Labor Code) or pursuant to any applicable federal law or regulation. (2) The substance is listed as a radioactive material in Appendix B of Chapter l of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, maintained and updated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (3)The substances listed pursuant to Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (4) The materials listed in subdivision (b) of Section 6382 of the Labor Code. As you can see, this definition includes the requirement for a MSDS pursuant to the Hazardous Substance Information and Training Act. This material, lime, is a hazardous material! Based on that fact, during the manual unloading of a rail car during the week of August 25, 1997, several hazardous materials regulation violations were identified: (1) Employees were not wearing personal protective clothing, specifically skin covering, respirators and goggles. This is in violation of: CCR Title 8, Section 5144 (f) and (c) Uniform Fire Code, Section 8001.9. I. 1. (2) Training for these employees appears to be inadequate. This is in violation of: CCR Title 8, Section 5194 (h). These violations must 'be corrected before any further unloading of lime from railcars is accomplished. It is noted, that in the office hearing held on September 5, 1997, that you have stated that employees have now been properly trained and will be using the proper safety clothing. With the use of temporary employees tbr this/'unction, it is important to maintain a vigilant standard to assure this practice is l'bllowed. If you have any questions regarding this notice. please contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, azar ous aerials Coordinator Office Of Environmental Services B A K'E R S F I E L' D FIRE DEPARTMENT M E'M'O RAN D U.M DATE: September 4, 1997 ' TO: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator FROM: Steve Underwood, Inspector SUBJECT:- OSHA Regulations Oh August 30, 1997', I spoke with Jim Lopes, a consultant for OSHA, regarding the work practices.at Western Lime. After thoroughly briefing him on the activities in question, I asked him what regulations apply. The list is as follows: " 1 i', Requirements for personal protective equipment. Eyes, Skin and Inhalation. 2. Hazard Communication Standard. 3. Respiratory Fit Testing. Proper training in how to use them, and documentation. 4. Record keeping CAL-OSHA Log 2000. 5. Injury Illness Prevention Program. 6. First Aid stations. Emergency Action Plan. 7. Workers compensation laws.' Mr. Lopes also gave me a list of enforcement numbers. These numbers are: OSHA Enforcement Contact: Larry Bocca (209) 445-5302 r Department of Toxics (209) 297-3901 Workers C(~mpensation Enforcement '1d800-736-7401 or 395-2514 SBU/dm ... B A K. E=.R.$ F ! E L FIRE DEPARTMENT FAX Transmittal TO: A~r y. ~c~.~ '. COMPANY: ~5~ (~h-~r~_~,~,+ FAXNo: FROM: -~t'rUL I}~r~m~/~ Office of I~nv~ronmental FAX No. (805) 326-0576 · Bus No. (805) 320-3979 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 .. .... ~.,_'L.:.._~.~c._~_~ ....... r .?.~.~..e...*...I ....... ~,.~......~.,~/......~.~......~.~..._.E~.~.t~.~. ......... ~..~.~.~.& ........ ~+ ....... .~..:..~..:.~.Z .... ' ....~+....l~..~ ....... b.~.~.~ ........ ~s~..~.h~.~d.......~.~.~.......~.~.k......~.r~.~J~i.~.......~.....~!~ ....... ~d~,~.~.a ...... ~.~.L ...................... ..... ~.~.{.~ ....... ~.m_.~ktL_.~.~L.....oa&~.......~.r~.5rd~&.......~.l~.~b.e~..~.......~.~.~ ....... ~.Lk~k......m. dL..~.t ............ ................... :.... ~.......,.o a~d.....~.d.[ ....... ~ a.d....~..~ ....c .~.~ ~ .6..... ~..~ ........ ~.~.~ ......... ~.~ ....... ~., .~.~.~.~ .................... ....................... ~.~...~ ....... ~.~0 ........ ~.~d..._g~.~...m~t&....m.rr ....... ~r~ ......................................................................................... ........... g~.~. ........ ~.g.....~. ....... ~......~.~g~t~ ........ ~.~ ........... ~rr.g.....t~r.g~ ........ ~tL...~t(~.:~.....m~ .... 10/10/97 07:30 e~805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** **************************** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 3628 CONNECTION TEL 12094455786 CONNECTION ID START TIME 10/10 07:25 USAGE TIME 04'39 P~GES 6 RESULT OK FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: September 4, 1997 TO: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator FROM: Steve Underwood, InSpector ~ · SUBJECT: OSHA Regulations On August 30, 1997, I spoke with Jim Lopes, a consultant for OSHA, regarding the work practices at Western Lime. After thoroughly briefing him on the activities in question, I asked him what regulations apply. The list is as follows: I. Requirements for personal protective equipment. Eyes, Skin and Inhalation. 2. Hazard Communication Standard. 3. Respiratory Fit Testing. Proper training in how to use them, and documentation. 4. Record keeping CAL-OSHA Log 2000. 5. Injury Illness Prevention Program. 6. First Aid stations. Emergency Action Plan. 7. Workers compensation laws. Mr. Lopes also gave me a list of enforcement numbers. These numbers are: OSHA Enforcement Contact: Larry Bocca (209) 445-5302 Department of Toxics (209) 297-390 l Workers Compensation Enforcement 1-800-736-7401 or 395-2514 SBU/dm BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: September 4, 1997 TO: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator FROM: Steve Underwood, Inspector ffd~ SUBJECT: Western Lime On Wednesday, September'3, 1997, at 7:05 p.m., I observed two.men unloading a box car loaded with 50 lb. bags of lime. A third person was driving a forklift. I did not make my presence known when I first arrived. After observing the operation for approximately 10 minutes, I drove up to them and identified myself. The foreman, who identified himself as Frances Babcock, was driving the forklift. I asked him for a MSDS sheet, which he provided immediately. He also indicated that he had another copy at his trailer. I asked him to obtain it. While he was away, I asked each of the individuals, who identified themselves as James Wood and Michael Dean, if they kneW what a MSDS sheet was and what information would be contained in one? Both men gave me satisfactory answers to convince me that they indeed had training. Both men were wearing protective clothing, eye protection and had respiratory protection. I asked Frances Babcock where their Hazard Communication records were, and he indicated that their employer had them. I asked him to convey to his employer that he'needs to bring them to the heating, scheduled for Friday, September 5, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. Mr.' Babcock assured me he would convey the message. No further action taken. I then left the facility. SBU/dm