HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE · ~,,~? ~,#? ?'?!i?;~ ?!i?ii?? ~?, ,,~ This permit is issued for the following; ' ,~i~'~i?i':'I=~.~!:~,!: ?::::;iiiiiiiiiiii,,, ~, i ii!ii?::iiiiiiii~U~e[ground Storage of Hazardous Materials PERMIT ID# 015-021001856 ,~ ?'i'~!i:'~[ '~,i;~! iiiiiiiiiii:i!ii!iiiiiii:=,' .=,!!!!!!!~!!iiiii!!!ii!iii !!! ~i!!!!!:::!iiiiiiiii~!i~kli~anagement Program Waste H~RDOUS SUBSTANCE CAPA~iT:~ ~.EA~ PIPING PIPING '~ ~ ~,: .,,,~"~, METHOD ~ONITOR GASOLINE 6000 5 S LCP A~G ::'"'~'~ :~'~ P~SSURE ~D GASOLINE S LCP ..~.? , GASOLINE ~000 ,:,.. . ...... "ATG ?. '",:? PRESSURE ~D . ~ Baker~.eld Fire Depa~ment Approv~ by: OFFICE OF EN~R O~AL 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor B~emfiel~ CA 93301 Voice (805) 32~3979 F~ (s0S)326~sz6 Exp~ationDate: ~un~ ~0. ~000 City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 An upgrade compliance certificate has been issued in connection with the operating permit for the facility indicated below. The certificate number on this facsimile matches the number on the certificate displayed at the facility. Instructions to the issuing agency: Use the space below to enter the following information in the format of your choice: name of owner; name of operator; name of facility; street address, city, and zip code of facility; facility identification number (from Form A); name of issuing agency; and date of issue. Other identifying information may be added as deemed necessary by the local agency. This permit is issued on this 2nd day of November, 1998 to: STUARTS UNION AVE MOBIL Permit #015-021-001856 10! 19th St Bakersfield, California 93301 Hazardous MaterialS/Hazardous waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OFPERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This ~ermit is issued for the followin_~: [] Hazardous Materials Plan [] Unde~round Storage of H~.~rdous Mat®rials Permit ID #:: 015-000-001856 [] Risk Management Program STUARTS UNION AVE [] LOCATION: 101 19TH ST TANK HAZARDOU~':SU~BS?.~r~(E ~',~, C ~.~ DISPEN§'~A~S~ONITORING 015-000-001856-0001 GASOLINE ~"' 015-000-001856-0002 GASOLINE ~' OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES' Approved by: ~' ~' 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor . . issue Date Bakersfield, CA 93301 omceof£v~o,~a~axs~i¢~s ~ Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: 'June 30, 2003 ITE DIAGRAM I----~--! gAC~LrrY D~(;RAM ! 1 Business Address: /,~ /q 7-~ ~z~-,-- 19TH STREET PLANT ER DISPENSER ISLAND ~ I i CANOPY DISPENSER IS~NDS PnOPER~ LINE COMERCIAL PROPER~ SC~E IN 0 15 BUSINESS/DEAPRTMRNTNAME:..,~o~,,v ll~-~r ~? ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT NUMBER: Z%~L' TIME DATE: NAME: .CHGD: COMMENTS: h,, 7/% ~ /~ ~.~ <~ PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 25,50 Ec~sfman Ave., Unif 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-?750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: VB-6-10 Date Analyzed: 19-Feb-96 Lab No: 960488 Matrix: Soil Instrument ID: HP 5890 GC-1 Dilution Factor: 1 Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 .... Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sot. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 96 100 96 45-158 Benzene 0.00 94 100 94 59-138 Toluene 0.00 95 100 95 59-133 Ethyibenzene 0.00 92 100 92 55-123 m,p-Xylenes 0.00 95 100 95 53-135 o-Xylene 0.00 93 100 93 59-130 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE. ~ : . 0.00 94 100 94 45-158 :'- Benzene ..'.. ~::.,~,...:-:- 0.00. 89 100 89 59-138 .': .. ~:~ .., fq!.,ue..p,e.':.?'~?:.,::r:~:;!?~::¢ '.:-~:,::' 0.00 ,,.,,.:-. 88 100 88 59-133 Ethylbenzene~[~ ~:~ ~,~,' 0.00: -' ,:'~.. 86 100 86 : 55-123 m p-Xy enes.~'~ ~,~:~,%:,..'~,.? 0.00:',~.::~- 87 100:~.':, :-. :: · 87 53-135 0~TXY..!-,e.P,.,e~.~,~. ~:~?i~ 0.00,::.,~:??:: '-.:..'~?.~,.,. 8Z .x...: .,~ ,. 100,'~.:~?~ .,?-~: .,, 87...:,...:.:: ,.-,: .~',. 59-130 :: ;.~.'.:i'-¢ '.' .Tt ,:.,. .. ~r~.':;- :~:':":",.' '6. ' .'.. '% Compound:~ ,~? Spike~::~-;:~,?: Matrix Spk. Dup -.? Averoge::. ~: %RPD Confrol :;~.~t.q~,~'.:.~x,~:f*,,,:~,~,~,:,~ J~'~'j:'f':~?~:;-~':::'~:?:¢x;F?fi''2''' '~ .......................... '" ~ '" .... - . :.,.,-~-:~, :-:~,:,~<4~;~,~:..:. ;~:::~ Recovew::~. ?'-Re~'bVe~ ' R'e~g~:~~' .. . " ' flmit~'? MTBE~'~.'~::,'~":,'~=:'-'¥~,, ,,S~?:~:.~¥,~- 96 .-'=~ ~.::--. ..-... 94 .. 2.0 · <22 : ~'~:. ....... .,. ....... ~,...~ .,....,~ .......... : 95?¥: .:~ :,:~... '"" Benzene,.,. ~.::~:,.:.:,.:~?( .... . 94 89 91 .' 5.0 <14 [o. luene~::.:". '" .~..:.~ ': .... 95 88 92 7.8 < 14 Eihylbenzene,.",. .~ 92 86 89 7.6 <16 m,p-Xylenes ....}:~: - .. 95 -~. .... 87 91 8.1 <16 ' . o-Xylene .. .... 93 87 90 7.3 <15 HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. .~J~l~l.~, ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 550-7750¥FAX (805) 550-5510 Sample ID: V-EXC-N-1 Date Analyzed: 20-Feb-96 Lab No: 950538 Matrix: Soil Instrument ID: HP 5890 CC-1 Dilution Foctor: Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 104 100 104 45-158 Benzene 0.00 102 100 102 59-138 Toluene 0.00 99 100 99 59-133 Ethylbenzene 0.00 98 1 O0 98 55-123 m,p-Xylenes 0.00 98 100 98 53-135 o-Xylene 0.00 98 1 O0 98 59-130 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results .:., Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol. Recovery Control ..... . Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits )~ .... :. MTBE 0.00 107 100 107 45-158 Be.r)zgne., · ':.,: .0.00 103 100 103 59-138 Benzene ... 102 103 103 0.6 .. <14 -. Toluene 99 102 101 3.5 <14 Ethylbenzene,., 98 96 97 1.4 < 16 . m,p-Xylenes -- 98 .-~ 99 98 0.5 <16 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 EastmQn Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: B-5-10 Date Extracted: 2/20/96 Lab No: 960,524 Date Analyzed: 2/20/96 Instrument ID: Foxboro IR Matrix: Soil Matrix Spike Worksheet TRPH by 418.1 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Spike Sol. Recovew Control Conc.(mg/Kg) Conc.(mg/Kg) Conc.(mg/Kg) (%) Limiis TRPH 34.00 60 40 65 44-150 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results " Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup. Spike Sol. Recovery Control ::. !: .,,...:. Conc.(mg/Kg) Conc.{mg/Kg) Conc.(mg/Kg) (%) Limits TRPH 34.00' 63 40 73 44-1'50 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Page of Client Name :~"(~ /L~)<'Jr- Pmje~ Name. Client Contact/Phone No. Send report to: CONTRACT CODE ~C.~c] O '~P~,:~.~{ ~ ~o~ ~ Holguin, Fahan & ~s~ates, Inc. . ~-~- ~ ~ ~853 W. 17th St., ~a Me~, CA 92627 , , .~ TURNAROUND~ME "' SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS .... ,:. :., ;,: see ~eve~e for r~b~ ~t~n . PRESERVATIVE ADDED? "' ~ Deliver~ to HFA's reMgerator for te~ra~ , , ~orage on Z' Return sample(s)/~ler to: Holguin, I~. · 2550 Easlman, Unit ~1, Ventura, CA g3003 · (805) 650-~50 · F~ ~ (805} 650-6810 BAKERSFIELD FIRE BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION APPLICATION In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, application is made i y: Z~obtl 0~1 COrpOrat:~c~' 10i 19tb St. Name of Company Address to display, store, ir~tall, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involving or creating con- ditlons deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: ~[nstallattoa 0£ Phase ! and C~ntractor; 1;. E. Curtis Cxmst. Co., Inc. Permit ~/~./~~..~.~./F~.~---~ ......... By ............. :..~......~ ............................. CONTINUED (See 2aa File) · Pete Wilson Cal/EPA JohnAxt ,.~-~: ..... :~~._~,,., overnor State Water Axt's BP Service Station Resources 101 19th Street Control Board Bakersfield, CA 93301 Division of Re: Claim 11591 pre-approval of corrective action costs Clean Water Programs Dear Mr. Axt: Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944212 I received your pre-approval on October 15, 1996, and reviewed the bids and Sacramento, CA 94244-2120 documentation for the corrective action costs at 101 19th Street in Bakersfield. I will 2014 T Street, _ place- these_documents -in_your file_for future referenc_e Suite 130 Sacramento, CA The pre-approval has been denied for the following reasons: 95814 (916) 227-0746 FAX (916) 2274530 · The Fund's three bid requirement per Fund regulation {}2812.1 has not been met. World Wide Web: Two bids were submitted for review, and no explanation was submitted for not http://www.swrcb.ca. gov/-cwphome/ obtaining the third bid. Two requests for proposal were sent to Smith, Gutcher fundhome.htm and Associates and Wilson and Associates; however, no explanations were submitted if the consultants were contacted to determine if they were going to bid on the project. · Lutrel Trucking and Environmental Services, Inc. (Lutrel) and Holguin, Fahan and Associates, Inc. (HFA) bids are over seven and six months old, respectively, and should be revised. In addition, Lutrel's bid was for five soil borings and should be revised to reflect the approved scope of work (4 soil borings to 50'). After obtaining the third and revised bids, please submit the documentation to me for bid review and pre-approval. Sincerely, Steve Marquez Water Resources Control Engineer cc: Howard Wines, Ill, City of Bakersfield Fire Department, 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 Recycled Our mission is and enhance the quality of California's water resources, and Paper to preserve ensure their proper allocation and efficient use for the benefit of present and future generations. RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: / Business Name: Conta~ Name: Business Phone: ~ ~% - ~$~ F~: Insp~or's N~e: Time of C~I: Date: ~t~'~b Time: Type of C~I: Incoming [ ] Outgoing Content of C~I: Actions Required: Time Required to Complete Activity Cf Min: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT November 13, 1996 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R, KELLY Mr. John Axt l~d's BP Service Station ADMINISl'RATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street 101 19th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield,CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 RE: Site Characterization Required at 101 19th Street'~ SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Axt: (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for PREVENTION SERVi~:ES wor~ required at the property described above. As a responsible party for 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 a leaking underground tank, you were previously sent a letter from this office (805) 326-3951 FAX(805)326.0576 onApril 15, 1996 approving the required work necessary to identify the extent of the contamination. We are now requesting that this work, as ENVlRONMENTALSI:RVICES previously approved, be done in a timely manner. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805)326-3979 In accordance with California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.7, FAX (805) 326-0576 this office requires a determination of the threat to the environment. ~.~.~.oo,ws,0. Accordingly, you must initiate site characterization work no later than 5542 Victor Street December 13, 19~. The contractor must notify this office before any work Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 JS started. FAX (805) 399-5763 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me immediately at 805-326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: M. Magargee, HFA RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: I© I / fl ~ ID# Business Name: ~--~'- Contact Name: Business Phone: FAX: InspeCtor's Name: Time of Call: Date: !(/? (/~'~ Time: # Min: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing Content of Call: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: Mr. John Axt Axt's BP Service Station 101 19th Street Bakersfield,(805) California 322-2850 93307 April 25, 1996 FtAT._. M,A 7' DIV. Mr. Thomas R. Gutcher Smith, Gutcher and Associates, Inc. Post Office Box 60706 Bakersfield, California 93386-0706 Subject: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT AT AXT"S BP SERVICE STATION, 101 19TH STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Gutcher: Attached, please find a bid specification worksheet to complete the next phase of work being required by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division (BFDHMD). We are currently applying for reimbursement under Class B through the California Underground Storage Tank Clean-up Fund. A preliminary site assessment work plan, dated April 10, 1996 was prepared by Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc., (HFA) and has been approved for implementation by the BFDHMD. We are requesting your proposal to implement the approved work plan no later than May 15, 1996. Located at the site are three gasoline USTs and three dispenser islands. A leaking line had been repaired under permit with the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCDEHS) during the mid 1980s. Soil samples collected from beneath the product piping run had indicated concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons. However, no additional assessment or mitigation activities were required by the KCDEHS at that time. On February 7 and 8, 1996, HFA conducted soil sampling in 11 locations during a leak detection investigation performed in association with proposed upgrades to the fueling facilities at the site. Significant concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons were detected in the soil samples collected from beneath the product pipelines connecting the gasoline UST cluster and the northern dispenser island. Only ti'ace concentrations of hydrocarbons were detected in the soils around the gasoline UST cluster, dispensers, and waste oil UST. We are requesting proposals from qualified consultants to perform the next phase of site - investigation to include a minimum of four soil borings advanced to a depth of 50 fbg to further assess the vertical and lateral limits of hydrocarbon-containing soils, and whether the release presents a risk of groundwater contamination. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call Mr. Howard H0 Wines, III with the BFDHMD. Sincerely, Mr. John Axt ~ ~ Enclosure: Bidding Workshe Mr. John Axt Axt's BP Service Station 101 19th Street Bakersfield, California 93307 (805) 322-2850 April 25, 1996 Mr. Mark Magargee Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. 3157 Pegasus Drive Bakersfield, California 93308 Subject: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT AT AXT°S BP SERVICE STATION, 101 19TH STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Magargee: Attached, please find a bid specification worksheet to complete the next phase of work being required by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division (BFDHMD). We are currently applying for reimbursement under Class B through the California Underground Storage Tank Clean-up Fund. A preliminary site assessment work plan, dated April 10, 1996 was prepared by Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc., (HFA) and has been approved for implementation by the BFDHMD. We are requesting your proposal to implement the approved work plan no later than May 15, 1996. Located at the site are three gasoline USTs and three dispenser islands. A leaking line had been repaired under permit with the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCDEHS) during the mid 1980s. Soil samples collected from beneath the product piping run had indicated concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons. However, no additional assessment or mitigation activities were required by the KCDEHS at that time. On February 7 and 8, 1996, HFA conducted soil sampling in 11 locations during a leak detection investigation performed in association with proposed upgrades to the fueling facilities at the site. Significant concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons were detected in the soil samples collected from beneath the product pipelines connecting the gasoline UST cluster and the northern dispenser island. Only trace concentrations of hydrocarbons were detected in the soils around the gasoline UST cluster, dispensers, and waste oil UST. We are requesting proposals from qualified consultants to perform the next phase of site investigation to include a minimum of four soil borings advanced to a depth of 50 fbg to furthe, r assess the vertical and lateral limits of hydrocarbon-containing soils, and whether the release presents a risk of groundwater contamination. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call Mr. Howard H. Wines, III with the BFDHMD. Sincerely, Mr. John Axt Enclosure: Bidding Worksheet Mr. John Axt Axt's BP Service Station 101 19th Street Bakersfield, California 93307 (805) 322-2850 April 25, 1996 Mr. John Wilson Wilson and Associates, Inc. 2217 "E" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT AT AXT"S BP SERVICE STATION, 101 19TH STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Wilson: Attached, please find a bid specification worksheet to complete the next phase of work being required by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division (BFDHMD). We are currently applying for reimbursement under Class B through the California Underground Storage Tank Clean-up Fund. A preliminary site assessment work plan, dated April 10, 1996 was prepared by Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc., (HFA) and has been approved for implementation by the BFDHMD. We are requesting your proposal to implement the approved work plan no later than May 15, 1996. Located at the site are three gasoline USTs and three dispenser islands. A leaking line had been repaired under permit with the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCDEHS) during the mid 1980s. Soil samples collected from beneath the product piping run had indicated concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons. However, no additional assessment or mitigation activities were required by the KCDEHS at that time. On February 7 and 8, 1996, HFA conducted soil sampling in 11 locations during a leak detection investigation performed in association with proposed upgrades to the fueling facilities at the site. Significant concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons were detected in the soil samples collected from beneath the product pipelines connecting the gasoline UST cluster and the northern dispenser island. Only trace concentrations of hydrocarbons were detected in the soils around the gasoline UST cluster, dispensers, and waste oil UST. We are requesting proposals from qualified consultants to perform the next phase of site investigation to include a minimum of four soil borings advanced to a depth of 50 fbg to further assess the vertical and lateral limits of hydrocarbon-containing soils, and whether the release presents a risk of groundwater contamination. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call Mr. Howard H. Wines, III with the BFDHMD. Sincerely, Mr. John Axt Enclosure: Bidding Worksheet PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT AXT"S BP SERVICE STATION 101 19TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Scope of Work Summary Pre-Field Project Coordination (Lump Sum): $ Drilling (200 feet @ $ /foot): (Assume 5-foot sampling interval and 4 borings to 50 fbg) (Include storage of drill cuffings and sample spoils within covered stockpile) (Depending on laboratory results, client will contract separately for possible on-site treatment or off-site disposal) Soil Sample Laboratory Analysis (20 samples @ $ /sample): (Assume 5 soil samples from each boring for TPH as gasoline and BTEX) Preliminary Site Assessment Report: + TOTAL PROJECT COST: . $ Consultant Name: Address: Telephone No.: Licensee (RG/RCE): BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT April 15, 1996 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Mr. Kenneth Mitchell 2101 'H' Street ~-r~. CA 93301 Holguin, Fahan & Associates (80,5) 326-3941 FAX(805) 395-1349 3157 Pegasus Drive Bakersfield, CA 93308 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA93301 RE: John Axl:'s BP Station, ~~$~eet (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Mitchell: PREVENTION SERVICES ~ 715 Chester Ave. This is to notif~ you that the workplan for the above stated address Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the FAX (805) 3260576 commencement of work. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805)326"3979 direct oversight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously FAX (805) 326-0576 approved. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-57~ Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: John Axt ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 143 South Figueroa Street · Ventura, California 9300i (805) 652-0219 · FAX (805) 652-0793 853 West 17th Street · Costa Mesa, California 92627 (714) 642-2660 · FAX (714) 642-2544 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, California 93308 (805) 391-0517 · FAX (805) 391-0826 April 10, 1996 RECEIVED Mr. Howard H. Wines, III City of Bakersfield Fire Department HAZ. MAT. DIV. Hazardous Materials Division 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: WORK PLAN FOR PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT OF AXT"S BP SERVICE STATION, 101 19TH STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Wines: The following work plan outlines Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc.'s (HFA's) proposed methodology for conducting a preliminary site assessment (PSA) at the above referenced site. HFA proposes to advance 4 soil borings to an approximate maximum depth of 50 fbg and analyze 20 soil samples for TPH as gasoline and BTEX during this phase of site assessment. This work is being required by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division (BFDHMD) in its letter dated March 8, 1996, as a result of the discovery of petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil beneath the former product piping leak at the subject site. 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE: The purpose of this work plan is to outline the methodology to be followed for the PSA in the vicinity of the former gasoline product piping leak at the subject site. The proposed scope of work for this project includes the following major tasks: · develop a work plan and health and safety plan for the PSA at the Axt's BP Service Station; · advance four soil borings to an approximate maximum depth of 50 fbg; · analyze approximately 20 soil samples for TPH as gasoline and BTEX; and · prepare a PSA report documenting the drilling activities, sample results, data analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for any further action that may be necessary. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNERS · SCIENTISTS · GEOLOGISTS AND ENGINEERS Contaminated Site Assessments * Real Estate Audits * Site Remediation * Hazardous Waste Management ~1~ HOLGUIN Mr. Howard H. Wines, III FAHAN BFDHMD ~ & ASSOCIATES, INC. April 10, 1996- Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 2. SITE INFORMATION: Site Description The site is located at 101 19th Street in the city of Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The topography of the site is relatively flat, with a slight fall to the southwest (see Figure 1 - Site Location Map). The subject site is located on the southwestern corner of the intersection of Union Avenue and 19th Street. The subject site is bound on the south and west by commercial properties. The subject property is currently an operating BP brand gasoline service station (see Figure 2 - Plot Plan). Site History On February 7 and 8, 1996, HFA conducted direct-push soil sampling in six locations and hand-augered soil borings in five locations during a leak detection investigation performed in association with proposed upgrades to the fueling facilities at the site. Direct-push sampling location P-1 was advanced to a depth of 20 fbg adjacent to the product piping where a leaking line had been repaired under permit with the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCDEHS) during the mid 1980s. Soil samples collected from beneath the product piping run (S-1-2 and S-1-6) indicated concentrations of TPH as gasoline and BTEX (see Attachment 1 for a summary of previous work). Reconciliation records indicated that several hundred gallons of unleaded gasoline may have been released. No additional assessment or mitigation activities were required by the KCDEHS at that time. Four direct-push sampling locations (B-1 through B-4) were advanced to a maximum depth of 25 fbg adjacent to the periphery of the gasoline UST cluster; direct-push sampling location B-5 was advanced adjacent to the waste oil UST to a depth of 10 fbg; hand-augered soil borings D-l, D-2, and D-3 were drilled to a depth of 5 fbg adjacent to the dispensers; and hand-augured soil borings P-2 and P-3 were drilled to a depth of 5 fbg adjacent to the product piping (see Figure 2 for soil boring and direct-push sampling locations). Soils encountered during drilling Included silty sands to well-graded sands. Significant concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons were detected in the soil samples collected from beneath the product pipelines connecting the gasoline UST cluster and the northern dispenser island. A leak had occurred in the product piping in the area of these detections during the mid 1980s and was subsequently repaired. Only trace concentrations of hydrocarbons were detected in the soils around the gasoline UST cluster, dispensers, and waste oil UST (see Table 1 - Summaw of Soil Sample Analytical Results). Based on the findings of this leak detection investigation, the BFDHMD is requiring additional soil borings to ~ HOL©UIN, Mr. Howard H. Wines, III FAHAN BFDHMD ~ & IATES, INC. Apdl 10, 1996 - Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS delineate the vertical and lateral limits of hydrocarbon-containing soils associated with the former product piping leak and the potential risk to groundwater resources. Site Topography, Geology, and Hydrogeology The site is located at an elevation of approximately 405 feet above MSL, and the topography slopes slightly to the southwest (see Figure 1). The site is located in the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a north-south trending valley approximately 400 miles long by 50 miles wide, the southern portion of which is referred to as the San Joaquin Valley. The surface of the San Joaquin Valley is underlain by unconsolidated, Quaternary alluvial sediments. The alluvial sediments are underlain by older, predominantly lake bed deposits. These deposits lie unconformably on Miocene-Pliocene marine sediments, which extend to a crystalline basement at a depth of approximately 50,000 fbg (California Division of Mines and Geology. 1964. Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet). The Quaternary deposits form a homocline dipping gently to the south. The alluvium consists of silty sands and fine-grained to coarse-grained sands, with intervals of finer-grained sandy silts and minor clay. Surface water and groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley are derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevada to the east and are transported by five major rivers, the southernmost being the Kern River. The depth to the regional unconfined aquifer is approximately 150 fbg, and the groundwater gradient is to the south. 3. HEALTH AND SAFETY: A health and safety plan has been developed by HFA's industrial hygienist for City of Bakersfield UST site assessments and outlines the procedures for conducting all work at the site. Site-specific Information is included on the cover page of the health and safety plan (see Attachment 2 for the health and safety plan). 4. STRATEGY AND PROCEDURES FOR ASSESSING THE POTENTIAL FOR SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION: The intent of this work plan is to describe the methodologies utilized to assess the vertical and lateral limits of hydrocarbon-containing soils and the potential groundwater contamination resulting from the release of hydrocarbons from the former product piping leak at the site. HFA proposes to accomplish this through the drilling of four soil borings (B-6 through B-9) (see Figure 2 for soil boring locations). 5. DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED: Prior to any intrusive methods being conducted at the site, Underground Service Alert of Northern California will be utilized to map out the underground structures. Based on the clearances obtained, HFA will site the soil borings in safe locations,  HOLGUIN Mr. Howard H. Wines, III FAHAN BFDHMD ~ &.ASSOCIATES, ING. April 10, 1996- Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Soil Investigation Drilling A total of four soil borings will be advanced during this preliminary site assessment. The soil borings will be drilled to an approximate maximum depth of 50 fbg in and around the former product piping leak at the subject site (see Figure 2). Soil boring B-6 will be advanced through the center of the former product piping leak to assess the vertical limits of hydrocarbon-containing soils. Soil borings B-7 through B-9 will be advanced at locations to assess the lateral distribution of hydrocarbons (see Figure 2). Flexibility will be maintained in the location and depth of the soil borings based on field observations. The lateral assessing soil borings will be advanced to the depth at which hydrocarbon concentrations are encountered in the vertical assessing soil boring. Soil sampling will be performed at 5-foot intervals in each of the soil borings. Based on field screening, the soil borings will be advanced to the depth of 10 consecutive feet of unimpacted soil, impenetrable soil or bedrock, or the capillary fringe of groundwater, where a soil sample will be collected (see Attachment 3 for the soil boring and sampling procedures). Laboratory analysis will be conducted on soil samples collected at 5-foot intervals in the vertical assessing soil borings (excluding the near-surface samples collected to a depth of 20 fbg during the piping repair and leak detection investigation activities), and no more than 15-foot intervals in the lateral assessing soil borings, with two consecutive soil samples collected from any lateral assessing soil boring that penetrates hydrocarbon-containing soils. During the drilling process, soil cuttings, as well as each soil sample, will be field-screened for VOCs using a PID calibrated to 100 ppmv isobutylene, and observations will be made for the visual identification of any soil staining or discoloration. Soils will be classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System by an experienced environmental geologist under the direct supervision of a state of California registered geologist, and all data will be recorded on a log of exploratory boring. Soil samples will be wrapped in TeflonTM, followed by close-fitting plastic caps, and held at a temperature of 4°C while in the field and in transit to the laboratory. Soil sampling equipment will be decontaminated between sampling attempts using a non-phosphate soap and water wash; a tap-water rinse; and two distilled, deionized water rinses. Chemical Analysis of Soil Samples Soil samples will be sent to HFA Environmental Laboratories, Inc., a California state-certified laboratory, for analysis. Based on field observations, approximately 20 soil samples will be selected for laboratory analysis. Soil samples will be analyzed for TPH as gasoline using & I TE.S, INC. Apri~ 10, 1996-Page 5 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS EPA Method 8015 (M) with an MRL of 1 mg/kg and BTEX using EPA Method 8020 with an MRL of 0.005 mg/kg. Re_~ort PreDaratiQrl Upon completion of the drilling activities and receipt of the laboratory reports, HFA will provide a PSA report that details the field activities, sample collection, analytical results, data analysis, conclusions, and HFA"s recommendation for further assessment or remedial activities, if required. Certified laboratory reports and chain-of-custody documents will be included. 6. EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES: Sampling equipment will be decontaminated using a non-phosphate soap and water wash; a tap water rinse; and two distilled, deionized water rinses. The hand augur will be decontaminated in a similar manner between soil borings. 7. WASTE DISPOSAL PROCEDURES: All drill cuttings and sample spoils that exhibit discoloration, odors, or elevated field-screening readings will be segregated and containerized in 55-gallon, Department of Transportation-approved drums pending laboratory analytical results. Uncontaminated soil cuttings will be spread on site, Rinsate will be disposed as sewage with the permission of the appropriate agency. 8. EMERGENCY OR INTERIM CLEANUP: Not applicable. 9. WORK SCHEDULE: The BFDHMD should be aware that Axt's BP Service Station is seeking reimbursement for the site assessment and potential remediation costs from the California UST Clean-up Fund (USTC;F) and will be seeking proposals from qualified consultants to implement the scope of services in the approved work plan. Work will begin within 2 weeks subsequent to the acceptance of this work plan by the BFDHMD, issuance of a contract by Axt's BP Service Station to implement the approved work plan, and attainment of pre-approval of costs from the USTCF fund for the selected consultant proposal. The BFDHMD will be notified at least 48 hours before any on-site work commences. A PSA report will be submitted to the BFDHMD approximately 6 weeks after the commencement of work. All work will be accomplished in accordance with the regulatory requirements defined by the State Water Resources Control Board's LUFT manual and the BFDHMD's UST guidance documents. HOLGUIN, Mr. Howard H. Wines, III FAHAN BFDHMD ~: & ASSCK2LATES, lINC. April 10, 1996-Page 6 ENVII~ONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc., trusts that you will find this work plan to your satisfaction. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Mark Magargee at (805) 391-0517 or at e-mall address Mark_Magargee@hfa.com. Respectfully submitted, Kenneth J. Mitchell, REA ,~',~z Mark R. Magargee, CHG, RG¢' //. Assistant Geologist Senior Hydrogeologist Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. MRM:rri Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Plot Plan Table 1 - Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Attachment 1 - Summary of Previous Work Attachment 2 - Health and Safety Plan Attachment 3 - Soil Boring and Sampling Procedures cc: Mr. John Axt, Axt's BP Service Station ~ HOLGUIN Mr. Howard H. Wines, III ~ FAHAN BFDHMD ~, & ~~TE~, INC. April 10, 1996 - Page 7 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ~~ '. z ':. ---. ....... ~ ',. :"~-~/ '~-:%~" ..... ~'-' ~ ---P; s' ~ :-~'~ -- -~,~- - ,:: .... . ~ .... ~-- .... s~ h --/; , .~::, ~ ' /,,~],, "~ ' ':4~' .... ~,t~ ,.- ' ..~a ~,.. · 29,' ,~ SITE LOCATIOu ~ .... ,:-~., ... - -~ .... , ~ ,/-. ~t~~~~[.;,~!]~~' '~ ~:JL.. ~~uu~u~ ¢,5: J - IL N , ' · ~.. '. ] '¥= ~ .'~ _]~ _ L...J/_ J~ ~ i~~ .... ,~ ~ , - , ~ ,I / . . · . ~ - -.,~ ~ ~J~ ~. J'_u ..... ,~-~:--,~ I,:,,. .' ...... >,.. , . ..- . . .-.[= , ~ ". ~ ...:... ...... LEGEND M~. AXT'S SERVICE STATION -~ -- I-' J ' ~ ~/ 101 19THSTREET ~.ooo 4.~x~ ~.~ El~' ~; J BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I . i ~ X,.OMI U..~ / FIGURE I - SITE LOCAl ION MAP I~ _ MINIIIt' [;tTl]ll-}i OlJAI}IIANC;I.I: ltOLGIIJN, FAIIAN & ASSOI:IATES, lng. 1 HOLGUIN,' Mr. Howard H. Wines, III FAI-IAN BFDHMD & ASSCX2LATES, INC. April 10, 1996 - Page 8 ENVIIqONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS , 19TH STREET " ~.~w~.~ ~o~,ww~ ~,~w^~ ~.,ww~ -~ ~, SlGNO J ~ P~NTER ~ DISPENSER ~ D-3 IS~ND ~ I PAVEMENT I ~ B-~ ~ i '~ ~' B-7~ ~: ~GASOLINE ~ , ~ ~ USTs ~ X UST ~ N N B'9~ I I ~ ~ j I I ' ~ B~5 ~ . D-1 D-2 j ~. CANOPY ~ ~ Z DISPENSER > -- ISLANDS ~ z J PROPER~ LINE ~ SCALE IN FE~ 0 15 30 LEGEND MR. JOHN A~  AXT'S BP SERVICE STATION DIRECT-PUSH SAMPLING LOCATION 101 19TH STREET ~ SOIL BORING BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~ PROPOSED SOIL BORING FIGURE 2 - PLOT P~N - - - PRODUCT PIPING ~O~, ~ · ~OC~, ~C, REVISION DATE: APRIL 5, 1996: RRI  HOLGUIN Mr, Howard H, Wines, III FAHAN BFDHMD ~ & IATF_ , INC. April 10, 1996 - Page 9 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS TABLE I. SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS AXT"S BP SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA TRPH AS SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE OIL & TPH AS ETHYL- TOTAL SOURCE SAMPLED DEPTH I.D. GREASE GASOLINE BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES REF (fbg) / (mg/kg) (rog/kg) (mg/kg) t (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) EPA ANALYTICAL METHODt 418.1 8015 (M) 8020 N/A METHOD REPORTING LIMIT 10 10 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 N/A B-1 ' 2-7-96 15 B-1-15 -- ND ND 0.006 ND ND A 2-7-96 25 B-1-25 -- ND ND 0.0096 ND 0.015 A B-2 2-7-96 10 B-2- I0 -- 7.3 0.025 0.193 0.068 0.525 A 2-7-96 20 B-2-20 -- ND ND 0.19 ND 0.038 A -B-3 2-7-96 20 B-3-20 -- ND 0.007 0.029 ND 0.046 A B-5 2-8-96 10 B-5-10 34 .......... A D-1 2-7-96 5 D-1-5 -- ND ND 0.031 0.029 0.535 A D-2 2-7-96 5 D-2-5 -- ND ND ND ND ND A D-3 2-7-96 5 D-3-5 -- ND ND ND ND ND A P-1 2-8-96 10 P-1-10 -- 15,280 35.6 947.6 378.2 2,270 A 2-8-96 20 P-1-20 -- 30,420 186.1 2,351.7 718.5 4,114.4 A P-2 2-7-96 5 P-2-5 -- ND ND 0.006 ND ND A P-3 2-7-96 5 P-3-5 -- 5.1 0.12 0.266 0.028 0.283 A REF = Report reference. N/A = Not applicable. -~ = Not analyzed. ND = Not detected. A = Holguin, Fahan and Associates, Inc.'s, current report. ~ HOLGUIN ~ FAHAN ~ & ~IATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 1. SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORK 19TH STREET ~,o~w^.~ ~ o.,ww^~ ~ s.~^.~ -~ ~.,w~^~ ~ DISPENSER IS~ND ~ i PAVEMENT~. ~ ~ ~ -- --' = ~ ~GASOLINE I ~ USTs I I S-l-6 I I I I  CANOPY DISPENSER ~ IS~NDS ~ I PROPERW LINE COMERClAL PROPER~ SCALE IN 0 15 30 LEGEND MR. JOHN AXT · SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION ~T'S BP SERVICE STATION 101 19TH STREET - - - PRODUCT PIPING BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 1 - PLOT P~N ~O~, ~ ~ ~SOC~, REVISION DATE: APRIL 10, ~996: RRI TABLE !. SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS AXT"S BP SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE TPH AS ETHYL- TOTAL ISOPROPYL SOURCE SAMPLED DEPTH I.D. GASOLINE BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES BENZENE REF (fbg) (~g/g) (pg/g) (~g/g) (l~g/g) (~g/g) (l~g/g) ANALYTICAL METHOD DHS-TPH 8020 N/A MINIMUM REPORTING LEVEL 5 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 N/A~ Product Piping 7-2-87 2 S-1-2 2,066 56.52 741.65 233.64 2,406.81 75.67 A Product piping 7-2-87 6 S-1-6 653.59 1.48 17.96 22.421 245.77 16.71 A REF = Report reference. N/A -- Not applicable. A = McNabb Construction's soil sampling event dated July 2, 1987. [HOLGUIN FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 2. HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN HEALTH AND ,SAFETY PLAN FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INVESTIGATIONS SITE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION Site Address: 101 19th Street, Bakersfield, California Name of Business Occupying Site: Axt's BP Service Station Owner Name: Mr. John Axt Tel. #: (805) 322-2850 BFDHMD Project Manager: Mr. Howard H. Wines, III Tel. #: (805)326-3979 FIELD ACTIVITIES AND GOALS OF THIS INVESTIGATION: Soil investigation of gasoline-containing soils KNOWN HAZARDS AT THE SITE INCLUDE: Gasoline hydrocarbons KEY PERSONNEL AND RESPONSIBILITIES: NAME RESPONSIBILITIES Kenneth J. Mitchell, REA SITE SAFETY OFFICER - Primarily responsible for site safety, response operations, and 'protection of the public. Responsible for work site inspections to identify particular (805) 391-0517 hazards and define site security. MarkR. Magargee, CHG, RG PROJECT MANAGER - Primarily responsible for site characterization. The project manager delineates authority, coordinates activities and functions, and directs activities (805) 391-0517 related to mitigative efforts of clean-up contractors. Kenneth J. Mitchell, REA SITE INVESTIGATIVE PERSONNEL - Responsible for actual field work including sampling, monitoring, equipment use, and other (805) 391-0517 related tasks as defined by the project manager. ANTICIPATED WEATHER CONDITIONS FOR THIS AREA DURING THE PROJECT"S DURATION WILL BE: Temp. range: 70-90°F Humidity: 20°40% Ambient temp.: 80°F Potential for heat stress: High: Medium: X Low: ANTICIPATED PROTECTION LEVEL DURING THIS PROJECT* "D" *Will be upgraded or downgraded to fit situations as they arise. EMERGENCY INFORMATION: All emergency calls: 911 Closest hospital with emergency room: Memorial Hospital 420 34th Street, Bakersfield, (805) 327-1792 Map Showing Route from Site to Hospital Attached? Yes: X No: HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INVESTIGATIONS This document outlines Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc.'s (HFA's) health and safety plan for City of Bakersfield UST site investigations. Site-specific information is provided on the cover page of this document. This health and safety plan was developed by HFA's Industrial hygienist through consultation of the following documents: OSHA 29 CFR 1910 - "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, Final Ruling," March 1989; · NIOSH/OSHA/USCG/EPA "Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities,'" October 1985; and · HFA's Corporate Standard Safety Program. This health and safety plan is divided into the following categories: 1. Job Hazard Assessment 2. Exposure Monitoring Plan 3. Personal Protective Equipment 4. Work Zones and Security Measures 5, Decontamination and Disposal 6. Worker Training 7. Emergency Procedures 1. JOB HAZARD ASSESSMENT Immediate tasks at any leaking UST site include an evaluation of any present or potential threat to public safety. Questions need to be answered regarding the dangers of significant vapor exposures and potential explosion hazards. POTENTIAL CHEMICAL HAZARDS The chemical components of gasoline that are the most dangerous to site workers are the volatile aromatics benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and potentially, organic lead. Additionally, solvents such as 1,2-dichlorobenzene and 1,2-dichloroethane may be used as cleaning solutions at service stations. The primary health risks associated with each of these chemicals are described below. Gasoline - Suspected human carcinogen. A TLV of 300 ppm or 900 mg/m3 has been assigned to gasoline. This value of 300 ppm was assigned based on an average of 3 percent benzene (10 ppm TLV) in gasoline. Low-level Inhalation exposure to gasoline can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and respiratory system; headache; and nausea. Health and Safety Plan Page 2 Benzene - Suspected human carcinogen. A TLV of 10 ppm or 30 mg/m3 has been assigned to benzene. Benzene has a Iow odor threshold limit of 1.4 ppm. Low-level inhalation exposure to benzene can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and respiratory system; headache; and nausea. Toluene - A TLV OF 100 ppm or 375 mg/m3 has been assigned to toluene. Toluene has a Iow odor threshold limit of 2.1 ppm. Low-level inhalation exposure to toluene can cause fatigue, weakness, confusion, and euphoria. ~ - A TLV of 100 ppm or 435 mg/m3 has been assigned to ethylbenzene. Ethylbenzene has a Iow odor threshold limit of 2 ppm. Low-level inhalation exposure to ethylbenzene can cause irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes. Xvlene - A TLV of 100 ppm or 435 mg/m3 has been assigned to xylene. No Iow odor threshold limit has been established for xylene. Low-level inhalation exposure to xylene can cause dizziness, excitement, and drowsiness, 1,2-Dichlorobenzene - A TLV of 50 ppm or 306 mg/m3 has been assigned to 1,2-dichlorobenzene. 1,2-dichlorobenzene has a Iow odor threshold limit of 4 ppm. Acute vapor exposure can cause coughing, dizziness, drowsiness, and skin Irritation. 1,2-Dichloroethane - A TLV of 200 ppm has been assigned to 1,2-dichloroethane. No data is available concerning odor threshold. Acute vapor exposure can cause coughing, dizziness, drowsiness, and skin irritation. tr.~Lg~tJ:~LLL~ - A TLV of 0.1 mg/m3 has been assigned to tetraethyl lead. Tetraethyl lead is a colorless or red-dyed liquid at atmospheric conditions. No data is available concerning odor threshold. Acute vapor exposure can cause insomnia, delirium, coma, and skin Irritation. POTENTIAL PHYSICAL HAZARDS Trenching - Dangerously high fuel vapor levels will be monitored using an LEL meter. The presence of underground utilities is also of concern, and Underground Service Alert will be notified In advance of any trenching work for Identification of all underground utilities In the immediate area. Health and Safety Plan Page 3 Drilling - Dangerously high fuel vapor levels will be monitored using an LEL meter. The presence of underground utilities is also of concern, and Underground Service Alert will be notified In advance of any drilling work for identification of all underground utilities In the immediate area. Sampling - Use of personal protective equipment will minimize the potential for exposure of personnel conducting site investigation activities. Heat stress will be monitored by each individual and controlled through regular work breaks as outlined in the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists' TLVs for heat stress conditions. 2. EXPOSURE MONITORING PLAN Potential exposure hazards found at UST sites primarily include toxic airborne vapors from leaking UST's. The most dangerous airborne vapor likely to be encountered during a UST Investigation is benzene. Gasoline vapor concentration levels will be monitored in the breathing zone with a PID calibrated to benzene. When the action level of 150 ppm (one-half the TLV of gasoline) Is detected in the breathing zone, respiratow protection will be required utilizing full-face or half- face respirators with organic vapor cartridges. Monitoring for combustible gases will also be performed using an LEL meter when vapor concentrations above 2,000 ppm are detected with the PID. The action level Is 35 percent of the LEL for gasoline vapors or 4,500 ppm. If this level is attained or exceeded, the work party will be IMMEDIATELY withdrawn.. 3. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The level of protection during the site investigation will usually be level "D." Level "D" protective equipment includes coveralls, safety boots, safety glasses, gloves, and hard hats if drilling or trenching operations are in progress. Upgrading the protection level would be based on airborne benzene concentration levels equal to or exceeding the action level. An upgrade to level "C" protection would be required If the action level is equaled or exceeded. Additional equipment required for level "C" would be full-face or half-face air purifying canister-equipped respirators and TyvekTM suits with taped arm and leg seals. If the action level is met or exceeded (35 percent) for the LEL, work would cease until the vapor level is measured to be below 20 percent of the LEL. A fire extinguisher will be maintained on site. Decisions for workers' safety are based on a continual evaluation of existing or changing conditions. Health and Safety Plan Page 4 4. WORK ZONES AND SECURITY MEASURES To facilitate a minimum exposure to dangerous toxic vapors and/or physical hazards, only authorized persons will be allowed on the job site. Work zones will be defined by HFA staff who will also be responsible for maintaining security within these zones. Only the minimum number of personnel necessary for the UST Investigation will be present in the work zone. 5. DECONTAMINATION AND DISPOSAL HFA's standard operating procedures establish practices that minimize contact with potentially contaminated materials. Decontamination procedures are utilized if there is suspected or known contamination of equipment, supplies, instruments, or any personnel surfaces. Soap and water will be utilized in removing contaminants from personnel surfaces as well as equipment and instruments. Contaminated wash water will be disposed of in accordance with procedures outlined in the City of Bakersfield UST guidance documents. 6. WORKER TRAINING All HFA employees.working on the site will have had, at a minimum, the required 40-hour OSHA Training for Hazardous Waste Site Activities (29 CFR 1910, 120), which includes training in the use of personal protective equipment. Individualized respirator fit testing is 'required of all HFA employees working at the site. 7. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES HFA employees are trained in emergency first aid, and emergency first aid provisions will be brought to the site. In the event of overt personnel exposure (i.e., skin contact, Inhalation, or ingestion), the victim will be transported to and treated at the closest hospital (see Hospital Map). SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SAN DIEGO 420 34TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA J (805) 327-1792 34TH STREET ~J UJ Z -~ UJ z BAKERSFIELD - ,,' MR. JOHN AXT z AXT'S BP SERVICE STATION :> '~ AXT'S BP SERVICE STATION 101 19TH STREET 19TH STREET · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA HOSPITAL MAP HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. NO. ^TE I^L $^FETY D^T^ SHEET AUTO.TIVE GE NIUM PUBLISHING CORPORA ~ION ~SOL[~[, L~-FREE 1145 CA~ALYN SCHENECTADY. NY ~2~3-~e~ U~ ~ce Oc~obe~ ~981 SECT]OH {,'~TER[AL {DENTIFICAT]ON ,, D~CRI~ION: A vo~tlle ble~ of hydrocarbons for aut~otive fuel O~ER DESI~TIONS: Pa{roi, ~ ~0~ ~6 619, ~ ~39 ~FA~: Avai~ble ft~ s~ernl ~pliets. s ~ECTION Il, INGREDIENTS AND ~ZARDS z ltiZA~O Gaaol~e i~ 8-hi ~A 3~0 p~ or A hydrocarb~ bland t~t ~ iucl~e noel and b~ch~ 9~ ~[m~* cMin al~es, cycloll~es, al~es, armtics ~d other additives.** (~ad m 0.013 ~/L, phoapho~ m 0.0013 8~, sulfur ~ 0.10 viZ. ~y contain Eyi: 500 helena, <52; see ~ D3606). ~e~ate i~itation aACGIH 1981 ~V (Intended ~es List). See also ~. Ind. Nyg. ~ 3~ 11~117 (1978) - I~alatl~: ~a~e c~positiou of fuel is varied ~th altitude and T~o 900 seasonal requlr~ls for a l~lity. ~e blend ~st T~:~S ~d poin~ ~ <2~0 Evaporation rate ~1~ Vapor d~st~y (Alr-l) 3..~.0 Solubili~y in racer Insoluble ,Appearance ~d Odor: A clear~ ~bile liquid with a characteristic ~or ~t~h recognized at abou~ 10 p~ in air. (Gasoline ~y be colored vith dye,) sEcTION IV. FIRE AND EXPLOSIO~ D~A' LO,ER uP~E~ 'r~ash }GiSt and ~eth~. ] Autoi~ition Temp. [ Fla~bt~ity Limits In ~r' ~tinlutshinl Nedta: O~ choice/, catb~ at~tde, alcohol.f . Uae GE ~ter ~y be tne~[ectLve to ext~tsh ft~e~ but use rater spray ~ot c~linl first,Geed ~d tanks to prevent pressure ~pture. It ts · dan~er~ lire a~ e~lolt~ ~en exposes to heat a~ tlms. 9spots can {~ elon8 ~tfeces, reach dJet~t ti~ s~rces ~d flash beck. ~ react violently ~th oxtdittn[ slants. ~itefiBhcezs s~ld ~er self~tained breathtai apparatus sad full protective clothin8 SECTION V. REACTIVI~DATA . . This is a stable ~terial in closed c~tainets at r~ t~perature u~et no~l stora&e and handling c~ditton,. It does not ~derRo'hazardous pol~ritatt~- ~ls tn an OSHA Class ~ flmble liquid, i elxturn of [nsoltne vs~rs and att can be explosive. It is inc~atible uith o~idizinl aRents. Theml-oxldative degradation can yield carb~ ,~oxtde ~t partially ~i~tt~ hydrocarbons. ~ ~' ,~ ~ ~ _ ~ c~ GENIUM PUBLISHING No. z, 67 S[CTION VI. 'HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION ! TLr 3OO ppm (See Sect. 1I) Inhalation causes intense burning of the mucous membranes, throat and reeotrato~ tract; fatal pul~nary eden. Repeated or prolonged skin exp sure cause . ~ cause blistering of skin due to its defattinE properties. K~osure to eyes c~ cause hypemmia of the conjunctive. Ingestion or excessive vapors can cause inebriation, dr~tness blurred v~ion, vertig~ confusion, v~iting and cy~osis (2000 ppm produces ~ld anastasia in 30 ~n, higher cont. are ~toxicating-in less t~.) ~plration after ~esti~ ca,es brochure, pne~ni~ or ed~ ~tch can be fatal. FIRST AID: Exe Contact: ~ush ~horoughly utah ~tng uata~ for ~ ~n. lncl~ing ~der cycles. Skin Contact: ~ve cont~ted clothing. M~h affected area ~th ~ap ~d ~a[er. Inhalati~: ~e to fresh air. ~score breathing ~ ~~r o~8en if needed. InRestion: ~ not i~uce ~i~. ~pir~tion ~rd. ~c[ physiC. Seek pro~ ~di~l ~sts~ce for further trea~nt, obse~ion ~d s~r~. SECTION VII. SPILL~ LEAK~ AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Notify safety personal of leaks or spills. Re,ye sources oI 'heat or ~8ni[ion. Pro- vide adequate ven[~lacion. Clean-up personal require protection agni~t l~quid ~n- tact and vapor ~h~a~ion. If a leak or spill has not i~i[ed, ~e rater spray ~o disperse vapors and to pro~ec~ ~n atte~tin8 to stop the leak~e. ~n~n spill. ~ hoc allow ~o enter sewer or surface va[er. Add absorbent solid ~o s~ll spills or residues and pick ~ [or disposal. DISPOSAL: ~u~ scrap ~erial in an appr~ed incinerator. ~um c~t~na~ed ~quid by spraying into ~ incinerator. Full--al, S[a~e, ~d ~cal regula[i~. SECTION Vlll, SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORttATION Use general and local exhaust'ventilation (=explosi0n-proof) to kee~' vapors belov the TLV requirements in the ~orkplace. Respirators should be available for nonroutine Or emergency use above the TLV. Avoid eye contact by use of chemical safety $osgles and/or full faceshield where splah- ing is possible, t~ear protective clothing appropriate for the ~ork situation to minimize skin contact such as rubber gloves and boots, Clothini to be changed daily and laundered. Eyevash fountains, showers and rushing facilities should be readily accessible Provide suitable tratnint to those handllnt and uorklns vith this uterial. SECTION iX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AND CUrrENTS Store In closed containers in a cool, dry, well-ventilated ares avay from sources of' heat, ignition and strong oxidizing a~ents.- Protect containers from physical damage. Avoid direct sunlight. Storage must neet requirements of OSltA Claes lA liquid. Outdoor or detached storage preferred. No smoking in area of use. Prevent static electric sparks and use exl~loelon-proof electrical services. (Nsec ~eet code.) Avoid skin and eye contact, Avoid inhalation of vapors, t~ear clean ~ork clothing dell) Indoor use of this material requires exhaust ventilation to remove vapors. I£C Fla~ble Liquid. Red Label. IAI~EI.: Flammable Lloutd DOT I.D. No. tiN 1203. DOT Classification: FLAMMABLE LIOUID ' M~DIF. AL R[VI[~: ~ Hoveaber 1981 GENIUM PUBLISHING i GASOLINE . ,~. r~,(eworlh¥ ~at the cor~e~tral,c~ of ar~af,c~ in the Va~r wa~ m~h I~ ~n ~ ~e I~qu~d. ~ch. on f~ average, co-tams ~: 8~ 1-9 14% a~ h~a~. Rum~, ~. ~ 24% to 27% Bulk Ha~hng I~l a~f~ in varies gr~ of ~ bra~ of ~hne.' The ~,n ~ d ~ va~, ~ ~ ~ ~. was a~u~ ~he ~V-~ ~ ~ (= ~ ~m~ as ~f ~ a ~l ~ine,'" or ~ dighlly hig~.':' ~V'~L ~ ~ (= 15~ ~m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s~y,'~ a TLV ~ ~ was ~o~ ~li~ is a clea~, ~m~le, ~la~ I~ ~h a ~~ e~. f~ ~ o~i~s inv~. ~ ~ ~ling of ~line. In ~. fl is a c~p~ mi~u~ ~ ~n~, ~n~ ~d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ills ~to a no~ ~, ~ ~ u~ oi ~line ~~s ~anging ~ C~ m C,, ~. ~ ~m~ ~ ~ a ~t o~ ~in~ t~ ~~, ~ ~ ~ ~e liquid is v~nz~, a ~1 I~ limit mi~ ~ in ~er. ~ ~ 250 ~e ~~s in va~ ~al ~ I~.'" ~~1 ~ ~1~: ~ ~ ~~ d ~e ~ ~n ~i~ is 1 ~ ~s ~ 2~ K ~ ~.'" O~ la~ ~fine~ has a S~if~ ~avi~ 0.72 ~o 0.76 at ~iling ~inL-~' 39°C; ~oC (10~ di~l~; ~OeC (50~); im~lim~4~'Eu~~i~~ly~Yc~inup FI~ ~n~: -50°F (~0~ ~n ~lling ~ti~ ~al~ ~at 5~ ~i~ ~ ~an 2.5% ~ lim~: 1.3~ ~ 6.0~ by ~ in air z~, wi~ ~e high~ ~z~ ~t~t ~ing 4.8~.'" ~ ~ t~ ~diti~ to ~ ~li~, ~ch as ~yl~ ~u~e in w~, ~ is ~y ~ in ~, ~, ~z~, di~l~ and ~ily ~ di~, a~ quite Ioxic, ~t a~ a~e alc~. am ~t in ~ ~11 a~ ~l ~ make a n~ligible ~li~ is a ~ ~ ~i~, ~n~ i~l ~ ~ Io ~ Ioxici~ u~ ~ ~i~,~ T~r~yl ~i~ ~gi~. ~1 ~ a~ ~ I~ in ~atili~ ~ ~ al~ o~ina~ly .A ~ical m~m ~line ~ifion ~ld ~ 80~ ~ns, ~ li~e ~al~ ~a~ in ~ ~ling ~ ~ ~ine. 14~ a~ati~, a~ 6~ ol~ns. ~ mean ~ ~t w~ in ~~ ~ ~nic ~, ~li~ ~ a ~ ~e f~ lo ~ a~xima~ly I~. ~u~ it is ~ ~ si~i~m in8 ~. ~ ~ ~ ~V is limi~ lo ~lk ~lin8'p~ ~I ~1~ ~ f~ in ~i~, ~ ~ ~ i~i~ filling ~ti~ ~fi~, ~ it d~ ~ ~t .~i~in8 in ~bli~ing a ~V? ~ ~~ ~ ~ 8~ ~xic~i~ ~ t~ hi~ ~ilin8 ing~i~ts ~i~ might ~ · ~nicular a~enti~, i~ ~L am ~. ~, ~ a~ in ~ ~a~s in~ving ~li~. .- ~i~. ~ c~in ~ns.'~.a A ~t~ v~ ~tif~ ~ of ~ w~ va~a~i~ in ~l~lar ~gh~ ~ i~s ~ ~ ~ has ~ ~1~ f~ 142 i~ ~~ ~ ~, ~ c~ d ~ ~ ~m' is ~imam. ~ i~ ~li~ in ~ air ~e ~ v~.'" ~f~ ~~ d ~mli~ v~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~e toxici~ is similar~-~-~ f~ all ~mli~. ~ ~ ~lly ~11~ ~ a ~n mol~r ~t ~ ~. As~min8 ~ ~ a~tic ~ am m~s ~ i~ ~ ~ is uni~tifl~ 8% m ~si~ of ~ hydr~a~s, lhe average hi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in ~ ~1 ~i~ ~ ~ ~1~ ~i~ ~ ~ 72.S. ~fom, at 2SeC a~ 76 Ion, ~. In~la/i~ is ~ ~ i~m ~ ~~ ~. 3~ ~ ~ld ~ m ~ ~ m~m'. ~ ~f~ d intoxic~, ~, ~u~ ~, di~F A ti~/~ a~ TLV ~ 3~ ppm is ~d~, for ~,~aam~c~s~~~~. ~lk ~lin8 ~ ~mli~ ~ ~ Runi~'s'~ ~l~lafions ~ ~ m~i~~ I~270~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~i~ va~. A STEL of ~ ~ is al~ ~ng in ~10 mi~*~ ~ ~d ~ i~i~ mi~ ~ ~m am ~ ~ ~ ~s ~ e~ m ~i~.~- Z ~ ~ I~ I~ ~. p~ ~4. ~ & ~.. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~o~ a~ Killi~ ~ I~! ~ v~ ~ ~i~ ~e. ~ x~ ~hng~~i~~~%~,~a~~ ~ ~~~:N~.R~ ~ R~n~Pubh~hmg ~S, ~ 30% ~. ~ ~~ ~, ~ ~ ~. 11943}. ~ly !.5%. ~ile i~ of ~ and ~ ~ Io ~S 7. ~ H_~ I~,d J6 }~8 ~2%.~r~l~(i~~i~~)~ & ~V:~al~m~l~P~d 6,d ~ I 1216 Iri~f~ ~ 5% a~ 6% d ~ I~al, while ~z~ (0.7%), ~ HOLGUIN, '~ FAHAN ~ &/M&SOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 3. SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES SITING Soil borings were positioned as noted in the report, TRUCK-MOUNTED DRILLING AND SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES Each soil boring is manually drilled for the first 4 feet in order to establish that the area is clear of subsurface structures. The wells are completed with 10-inch or 6-inch-OD hollow-stem flight augers to the depths noted in the report. During the drilling process, soil cuttings are continuously monitored in conformance with the monitoring procedures, and data is recorded on logs of exploratory borings by a State of California registered geologist. Soil samples are collected with a California split-spoon sampler at intervals consistent with the work plan, unless a change in lithology is noted, in which case an additional sample is collected. The sampler Is outfitted with 2.5-inch by 3-inch stainless steel or brass sleeves. When the sample Is withdrawn, the ends of the sleeve are covered with aluminium foil or TeflonTM tape followed by plastic caps. Sample preservation, handling, and transportation procedures are consistent with HFA'$ QA/QC procedures. SOIL BORING MONITORING PROCEDURES Cu,ttings from soil borings are continuously classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and logged by a State of California registered geologist. Specific geologic and hydrologic information that is collected included stratigraphy (i.e., layer thickness, unit correlation, aquifer thickness, depth to groundwater, and confining units, if any), relative permeability, observed porosity, plasticity, moisture content, soil type, structure, size, and other features that could affect contaminant transport. Specific geologic and hydrologic information that is obtained during soil boring construction includes the following: · Stratigraphic characteristics: thickness, correlation of units, extent (horizontal and vertical) of aquifers and confining units, if any; · Observed porosity; · Volatile organic content; · Particle-size distribution; · Moisture content; · Plasticity; · Strength; · Mineral composition; · Depth to groundwater; · Soil type, structure, size; and · Distribution of soil type. Soil ,g and Sampling Procedures Page 2 The data is recorded on Individual logs of exploratory boring, Including observations regarding the types and quantities of waste materials encountered and any PID readings. This data is recorded on a standardized log sheet in the Field Log Book. Specific Information that Is recorded is listed in Table 1, below. TABLE 1. SOIL BORING LOG INFORMATION GENERAL · Project name · Soil boring location; map and · Soil boring name/number elevation · Date started and finished * Rig type (bit size/auger size) · Geologist"s name · Petrologic lithologlc classification · Driller's name scheme used (Wentworth, USCS) · Sheet number INFORMATION COLUMNS · Depth · Gradation · Sample location/number · Narrative description · PID or FID Reading · Soil Classification NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION · Geologic Observations - Soil/rock type - Particle Size - Organic content - Color and stain - Depositional strUctures - Odor - Gross petrology - Bedding - Suspected contaminant - Friability - Fossils - Discontinuities - Degree of weathering - Moisture content - Water-bearing zones - Particle shape - Formational strike and dip · Drilling Observations - Changes in drilling method - Advance rates or equipment rig - Amounts and types of - Readings from detection chatter any liquids used equipment (if any) - Caving/hole stability - Water levels - Drilling difficulties , · Other Remarks - Equipment failures - Deviations from drilling plan - Possible contamination - Weather All field logs are typed and presented verbatim in an appendix of the report. The typed soil boring logs are on a form identical to that used in the field log book. Each log of exploratory boring includes a graphic log in which a symbol for each USCS soil group is included for each soil interval. Soil and Sampling Procedures Page 3 DATA REDUCTION The data compiled from the soil borings is summarized and analyzed. A narrative summary of the soil characteristics is also presented. The logs of exploratory I~oring are checked for the following information: · Correlation of stratigraphic units among soil borings; Identification of zones of potentially high hydraulic conductivity; · Identification of the confining formation/layer; · Indication of unusual/unpredicted geologic features (fault zones, fracture traces, facies changes, solution channels, buried stream deposits, cross-cutting structures, pinchout zones, etc.); and · Continuity of petrographic features such as sorting, grain-size distribution, cementation, etc. Soil boring locations are plotted on a properly scaled map. The purpose of each soil boring/soil sample is indicated on the map. Depending on the results of this analysis, the soil stratigraphy of the site is presented in a scaled stratigraphic column (if soil stratigraphy is laterally homogeneous) or, more likely, in a scaled cross section or a fence diagram (if soil is laterally heterogeneous). Specific features that may impact contaminant migration, e.g., fault zones or impermeable layers, are discussed in narrative form and supplemented with graphical presentations as deemed appropriate. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Prior to each sampling episode, the sampling equipment is decontaminated using a non-phosphate soap wash, a tap water rinse; and two distilled, deionized water rinses. The drill string is decontaminated with a steam cleaner between each soil boring. WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL The cuttings from the soil borings are stored In 55-gallon, Department of Transportation-approved'drums. Each drum is labeled with the date on which the waste is generated and the numbers of the soil borings from which the waste is withdrawn. The drums are stored at the site of generation until sample analyses are obtained.  FAX ~ransmittal ~ R $ F I E L D Cover Sheet CALIFORNIA Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 FAX No. (805) 326-0576 · Bus No. (805) 326-3979 Today's Date ~'/~ / ~ Time No. of Pages I1 HOLGUIN Mr. John Axt FAHAN Axt's BP Service Station &ASSOCIATES, INC. March 4, 1996- Page 6 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 19TH STREET DISPENSER__~ '~ D-3 ISLAND - '," -- ,-~B_3 PAVEMENT - ~_ --. - ~ ~ I ~ -, , ~GASOLINE ~ / ~P'3 ~' ,'~ USTs _ ~IL ~ ~ B-2  ~ STATION X WASTEOIL ~ BUILDING . ~ ~ ~-2 , ~ ~ ,,,, DISPENSER ~ -- IS~NDS ~ z I PROPERW LINE COMERCIAL PROPER~ SCALE IN 0 15 30 LEGEND MR. JOHN  AXT'S BP SERVICE STATION DIRECT-PUSH SAMPLING LOCATION 101 19TH STREET ~ SOIL BORING BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 - PLOT P~N .... PRODUCT PIPING ~O~, F~ ~ ~SOC~TES, ~C. REVISION DATE: MARCH 4, 1996: HOLGUIN Mr. John Axt ~ F/M-t N Axt's BP Service Station ~ & LATE , INC. March 4, 1996- Page 7 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS AXT'S BP SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA i i ! TRPH AS ' ' ~ ~ I ' ETHYL- j TOTAL SAMPLE i DATE i SAMPLE: OIL& TPH AS SOURCE iSAMPLED'DEPTHI I.D. I GREASE 'GASOLINE BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES REF ~ (fbg)i i (mg/kg) (mg/kg) t (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD i (M) I 418.1 !8015 8020 N/A METHOD REPORTING LIMIT i 10i 10 0.005 0.005 0.015i 0.015 N/A B-1 i 2-7-96 15 i B-1-15 ] -- ND ND 0.006 NDI ND A i 2-7-96 25 ! B-1-25 -- ' NDI ND 0.0096 NO! 0.015 A B-2 I 2-7-96 10 i B-2-10I -- 7.3 0.025 0.193 0.0681 0,525 A ! 2-7-96 20 i B-2-20 j -- ND[ ND 0.19 NDi 0.038 A B-3 ! 2-7-96 20 i B-3-20 ! -- ND] 0.007 0.029 ND] 0.046 A B-5 i 2-8-96 10 I B-5-10 i 34i ...... ' 0.031 D-1 i 2-7-96 5 i D-1-5 i= -- ND ND 0.029 0.535 A D-2 I 2-7-96 5 i D-2-5 ! -- ND ND ND NDI ND A 9-3 ! 2-7-96 5 i D-3-5 ! - ND ND ND1 ND! ND A P-1 I 2-8-96 10 i P-1-10I -- 15,280 35.6 947.6 378.2t 2,270 A i 2-8-96 20 i P-1-20 i -- 30,420 186.1 2,351.7 718.5 4,114.4 A P-3 ! 2-7-96 5 i P-3-5i -- 0.12 0.266 0.0281 0.283 A REF = Report reference. N/A = Not applicable. -- = Not analyzed. ND = Not detected. A = Holguin, Fahan and Associates, Inc.'s, current report. 04/08/96 15:05 8805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *** ACTIVITY REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 7986 CONNECTION TEL 3990311 CONNECTION ID START TIME 04/08 15:03 USAGE TIME 02'53 PAGES 3 RESULT OK STUART PETROLEUM, hereafter called Seller, having its office stol]. E. ~tl~ Street, Bakersfield, California 93307 and jointly and severally if more than one, her~.oft~r c~lle~B~yer~ , having a place of business at /~/ /~ ~-~ ~~¢.. hereafter called the marketing premises. 1. PRODUCTS: QUANTITIES. Seller shall sell and Buyer shall buy during each contract year not leSs than the minimum and not more than the maximum quantities of the products set forth be]ow, the amounts so sold and purchased within such .limits to be those ordered by Buyer, provided that Buyer shall purchase not less than 5% of the annual minimum quantity in any one calendar month of the effective term hereof. Seller shall not be obligated to (but may at its option) make single deliveries of gaso].ine or diesel fuel of less than the standard delivery as defined by Seller, to the premises as specified herein, nor to deliver more than 15% of the annual maximum quantity of any product listed below in any one calendar month.s For this contract, 8 pounds of grease equals 1 gallon of oil. PRODUCTS MINIMUM PER CONTRACT YEAR MAXIMUM MOBIL GASOLINES PREMIUM SUPER UNLEADED UNLEADED REGULAR MOBIL FUEL DIESEL OILS AND GREASES Any product purchased by Buyer from Seller, (except pro~lucts specifically covered by another contract between ].%uy~.~- ..~,,~] '~ol]~,r-) incl. udinq [~roducts not ].i~;tod above, shall. be covered by the terms and conditions of this contract. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a waiver of any law, ordinance, lease and/or contract prohibiting the use of Mobil owned and/or Mobil branded dispensing facilities for the storage and sale of other than Mobil branded products. Products, grades, trademarks and packaging shall be those marketed and used by Seller at times of deliveries for similar ~]ealers in Buyer'sarea, all as determined by Seller. --1-- 2. TERM. The term of this contract shall be for an period of~ years beginning ~. // ~'~.~u~ original and ending /~'~ adn for successive similar renewal periods thereafter, provided that it shall terminate at the end of any current period (original or renewal) by notice from either party to the other, given not less than 90 days prior to such termination. 3. PRICES; TERMS; DELIVERIES. Prices shall be those posted or listed by Seller at time and for place of delivery for that class of customer in which Buyer shall then fall as determined by Seller. All prices are subject to change by Seller. Unless otherwise poecified, prices are prior to taxes, if any. All prices are payable in cash in U.S. dollars at time of delivery except to the extent credit is extended. Cash discounts, if any, are not applicable to taxes, freight or container charges. Deliveries shall be made at the premises and shall be promptly received by Buyer. In the event Buyer defaults in the payment of any indebtedness to Seller, in addition to any other rights it may have, Seller shall have the right immediately to suspend deliveries of all products and to apply any funds which Buyer may have on deposit in Seller's cus~:od¥ to the payment of such i_nctebtedness. 4. TAXES. The amount of any present or future governmental tax, fee, duty or other imposition (not included in the price or otherwise paid by Buyer) on or measured by (a) this contract, (b) the products or constituent materials covered hereby or (c) the manufacture, sale, use, transportation or handling of said products or materials, shall be paid by Buyer to Seller unless Buyer is required by law to pay the same directly to the governmental taxing unit. 5. CONTAINERS. Ail containers on which Seller charges a deposit shall remain Seller's property, shall be used only for the origi_nal' contents and shall be returned when empty to Seller's shipping point, freight collect, unless Seller maintains in Buyer's area a regular pick-up service, in which event Seller shall collect containers on notice from Buyer. Deposit charges are payable without discount when payments for the contents are due and shall be refunded provided the containers are returned in their delivered condition, less ordinary wear, within 90 days after delivery. If ot so returned, Seller may retain the charges in settlement for the containers and expenses. 6. PRODUCT QUALITY CONTROL. Buyer shall protect the quality of products delivered to it by Seller. Buyer shall ~.nspect tanks daily for water accumulation and shall notify Seller immediately if water exceeds the acceptable tolerance for each respective tank. If the tank or tanks are the property of Buyer, Buyer shall take immediate action to correct the situation. Seller may refuse to make motor fuel deliveries --2-- into the affected tank or tanks until the fault is corrected. Seller certifies that product delivered by it as unleaded gasoline will, at the time of delivery, meet or exceed the specifications under applicable governmental regulations. Buyer hereby covenants and agrees that it will~?excercise the highestdegree of care and diligence in the handling, storing and sale of unleaded gasoline. Buyer's failure to prevent the contamination of the unleaded gasoline subsequent to delivery shall constitute a default hereunder. Buyer may request Seller to provide samples of unleaded product delivered to Buyer by Seller, and Buyer and Seller shall cooperate with each other in the defense of any claim made against either of them because of the alleged contamination of the unleaded gasoline. Seller shall not be responsible for any damages, unless it is shown that Seller's unleaded product delivered to Buyer was contaminated prior to delivery. Buyer agrees to provide Seller, at Seller's request, results of any tests of the product conducted by or for Buyer, and further agrees to permit Seller to conduct such additional tests as Seller may require. 7. CLAIMS; RELEASE. Any claim by Buyer for deficiency in quality or quantity shall be waived unless Seller is promptly given notice and a reasonable opportunity to inspect. Any claims by Buyer of any other kind, based on or arising out of this contract or otherwise, shall be waived and barred unless Seller is given notice within 90 days after the event, action or inaction to which such claim relates, and the claim is asserted by the commencement of an action within 12 months after the event, action or inaction to which such claim relates. In no event shall Seller be liable for prospective profits or special, indirect or consequential damages. The provisions of this section shall survive in any termination of this contract,. however arising. In consideration of Seller's execution of this contract and the mutual covenants herein, Buyer expressly releases Seller from any 'and all claims which Buyer may have against Seller on the date of this contract except only those claims, if any, expressly reserved by Buyer in a schedule attached hereto. 8. CONTINGINCIES. Seller shall not be liable for loss, damage or demurrage due to any delay or failure in performance (a) because of compliance with any action, order, request or control of any governmental authority or person purporting to act therefore; or (b) when the supply of products or any facility of production, manufacture, storage, trans- portation, distribution or delivery contemplated by Seller is inturrupted, unavailable or inadequate because of wars, hostilities, public disorders, acts of enemies, sabotage, strikes, lockouts, labor or employment difficulties, fires, floods, acts of God, accidents or breaksowns, plant shutdowns for repairs, maintenance or inspection, weather conditions or for any other cause which Seller determines is beyond its reasonable control when acting in good faith and in the ordinary course of business, whether or not similar to any of the foregoing. Seller shall not be required to remove any such cause or replace the affected source of supply or facility if it shall involve additional expense or a departure from it normal practices. If for any cause there is, or Seller believes in its reasonable opinion there may be, a shortage of supplies, for whatever reason, so that Seller is or may be unable to meet the demands of all of its customers of all kinds, Seller may allocate to and among its Retail Dealers such quantities of product as Seller determines in the exercise of its ordinary business judgment it has available for distribution to that class of trade, provided that Seller's plan of allocation shall not unreasonably discriminate between Buyer and other Retail Dealers. Seller shall not be required to make up any deliveries or quantities omitted pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph including but not limited to deliveries or quantities omitted pursuant to Seller's right to allocate product among its retail dealers, nor shall Seller be liable for any damages or loss in commection with such omitted deliveries or quantities. In all instances in this paragraph wherein a decision or determination of Seller is referred to, such decision or determination shall be made in Seller's sole and absolute discretion when actin in the ordinary course of business. Buyer shall not be liable for failure to receive products if Buyer is prevented from receiving and using them in its customary manner by any cause beyond its reasonable controls. 9. INDEMNITY. Buyer shall defend, indemnify and hold Seller, its successors and assigns, harmless from and against any fines, penalties, charges or expenses, imposed on or incurred by'Seller, for violations of any law, ordinance or regulation, caused by any act or omission, whether neglignet or otherwise, of Buyer or its agents, servants, employees or otherwise under it. Buyer shall .defend, indemnify and hold Seller, its successors and assigns, harmless from and against any claims, losses, liability, suits, liens and expense (including those of the parties, their agents and employees) for death, personal injury, property damage or any other injury or claim arising out of Buyer's business or businesses and/or the use, occupancy, operation and maintenance of the marketing premises (including adjacent sidewalks, drives and curbs) by Buyer or any o[' its agents, contractors, imployees or others under it. [0. EXPENSES; PERMITS. Except as otherwise provided in this contract, or in any lease between the parties covering the premises, Buyer shall pay all expenses, taxes and fees in connection with the maintenance and operation of the premises and the business conducted thereon, shall obtain all required permits and licenses and shall comply with all applicable governmental laws and regulations. --4-- 11. DEFAULT= TERMINATION~ NON-RENEWAL OF RELATIONSHIP. (A) DEFAULT. If Buyer' Js in default hereunder, Seller may suspend deliveries during such default and may terminate or non-renew as provided below. (B) TERMINATION; NON-RENEWAL OF RELATIONSHIP. Seller may terminate this contract and (may non-renew) the relationship between the parties, upon notice as provided herein, in any of the following events: (a) failure of Buyer to make prompt payment of any sums due to Seller; (b) the termination of any Service Station lease between the parties hereto; (c) if Buyer had amde any false or'misleading staements in its application for this contract; (d) Buyer commits any fraud or criminal misconduct, relevant to the operation of the marketing premises; (e) Buyer takes advantage of any law for the benefit of debtors, or is an execution or levy shall issue against Buyer or Buyer's effects, or insolvency, bankruptcy or receivership proceedings are instituted by or against Buyer which are not contested by Buyer and dismissed, or which result in a declaration of bankruptcy or judicial determination of insolvency of Buyer; (f) expiration of any underlying lease of Seller so that Seller loses the right to grant Bueyr possession of the marketing premises, where Buyer is Seller's lessee; (g) death of Buyer; (h) severe mental or physical disability of Buyer which continues for 3 months or more and which prevents the personal supervision of the operation of the marketing premises by Buyer; (i) a total or partial condemnation or other taking in whole or part, of the marketing premises pursuant to the power of eminent domain; (j) destruction of all or a substantial part of the marketing premises; (k) failure of the Buyer to operate the m~rketing premises for 7 consecutive days or such lesser time as may be unreasonable; (1) willful adulteration, mislabeling or misbranding of motor fuels; (m) Buyer's misuse of Seller's trademarks; (n) knowing failure of Buyer to comply with federal, state or local laws, rules, regulations or ordinances relevant to the operation of the marketing premises; (o) conviction of Buyer of any felony involving moral turpitude; (p) failure of Buyer to exert good faith efforts to carry out the provisions of its agreements with Seller and particularly those obligating Buyer to promote the slae of Seller's products and to conduct its business so as to meet or exceed Seller's high standards; (q) £ailure o{' Buyer to comply with any provision of this con~'ract which is reasonab].e and of mater~a] significance to the re]ationshi{_, between Buyer and Seller; (r) Seller's good faith decision to withdraw from the marketing of motor fuel i{~ Buyer's marketing area; (s) the occurrence of any other event relevant to the relationship between the parties which makes termination reasonable, including those set forth in (C) below. (C) NON-RENEWAL OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARTIES. Seller may non-renew the relationship between the parties, upon notice as l:~ovi(led herein, J.n any of the roi]owing events: (a) .failure of Buyer and Seller to agree to changes or additions to their agreements which Seller has, in good faith, determined are required; (b) receipt of numerour bo,la fide customer complaints by Seller concerning the Buyer's operation of its marketing premises; (c) repeated failure of Buyer to operate its premises in a clean, safe and healthful lmanner; (d) a good faith determination by Seller that renewal of the relationship is likely to be uneconomical despite any reasonable changes or additions to the agreements between the parties which may be acceptable to Buyer. (D) NOTICE. Should any circumstance occur constitution grounds for termination or non-renewal of this contract and/or the relationship between the parties, Seller shall give Buyer notice thereof stating the reasons therefor and the date on which termination or non-renewal shall take effect. (E) If any federal or state governmental action results in the adoptio~ of orders, rulings, regulations, or .laws that modify i.n any way the present relationship of Mobil Oil Corpor- ation's exploration, production, refining, transporting or marketing functions to the structure of Mobil Oil Corporation, either aprty to this contract may terminate this contract upon 180 days notice to the other party. (F) Any termination shall be without prefudice to Seller's accrued rights. If Buyer in indebted to Seller at time of termination, title to Buyer's unsold products, in good condition, bought from Seller shall, on notice to Buyer, revest in Seller who shall apply the amount charged therefor against such indebtedness. 12. REPRESENTATIONS AND ASSUANCES. Seller has entered into this contract in reliance on Buyer's representation that it will conduct ints business so as to maintain or enhance the public acceptance of Seller's trademarks, products andother dealers. Buyer acknowledges that its conduct will impact these areas so long a Buyer holds itself out to the public as a branded dealer. While nothing herein shall obligate Buyer to make any purchases from Seller beyond those required by this contract, Buyer agrees to use its best efforts to promot~ the sale of Seller's !.~roducts so [~urchased, to conduct ~.ts business ~o as to meet or exceed Seller's high standards of ~Tetail£ng, appearance, customer service and product wuality, and to refrain from conduct which will detract form the value of Seller's trademarks or which would tend to lower the public acceptance of Seller's branded dealers. The obligations assumed by Buyer herei, n are the very essence of this contract, and Buyer's failure or refusal to comply therewith shall be 9rounds for termination of this contract and the relationship between the parties. --6-- 13. NOTICES. Ail notices hereunder, except those under Section 5, shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally (to an officer or manager in case of Seller) or sent by registered or certified mail.to the address specified above unless changed by notice. Notice by mail shall be deemed given on the date such notice is deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed. 14. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this agreement, or any portion thereof, or the application thereof to any person or circunstance is finally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforcability shall not affect the other provisions of this agreement. 15. MISCELLANEOUS. Any assignment of this contract by Buyer without Seller's written consent shall be void. This instrument, including any documents incorporated herein and any lease of the premises form Seller to Buyer, contain the entire agreement covering the subject matter, and supersedes any prior supply contract between the parties relating to the premises. Seller's right to require strict performance shall not be affected by any previous waiver or course of dealing. No modification of this contract shall be binding on Seller unless in writing and signed by its authorized agent. WITNESSES: STUART PETROLEUM --7" Stuart's Petroleum Mobil ,~ East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 (805) 325-6320 John Axt BP 101 19th St. Bakersfield, Cal. 93301 Dear John; As you know John, We are in the process of purchasing your location. .,,. part of our requirements is that we pay for the testing of the site and if we find any contamination we would look to the state fund for payment. Since the application must come from you, we would request that you would agree to sign all forms to the state necessary for reimbursement. Growth engineering or Smiths environmental will be responsible for all the paper work, the only requirement of you would be to review the forms and sign them. Sin_cerel. y, Don Dozah Stuarts Petroleum BILL OF SALE-OF EQUIPMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That _P~, a ~ e~, having an (hereinafter called "Seller"), and ~e~_ .... -~+ - Rak~l~-e~~. ~z~a~~jvv (hereinafter called !'Buy, er"), agree as follows: Seller hereby sells and assigns to Buyer, his/its heirs, successors and assigns, all of the right, title and interest of Seller of, in and to the following described property AS IS and without any warranty of any kind: 1- two bay, steel service station building 1 - steel canopy 2 - hydraulic hoists 1 - 3 HP air compressor 3- oil display cabinets ~Tf~___~.~ / 6 - duo dispensers (gasoline) Together with all electrical and gas plumbing - including piping, conduit, wiring. Also including all other personal property belonging to the undersigned and in place on the premises as of December 31, 198~ without limitation by the foregoing enumeration. (With the exception of Mobil I.D. signs and building letering and discs. ) Said property is located on the premises at 101.- 19th Street at..Uni~ Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 ..... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said property unto Buyer, his/its heirs, successors and assigns forever. In consideration of said sale, Buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Seller harmless against all claims, losses, and liability of every kind arising after the date hereof arising from the existence, removal, location, use or condition of said property. Buyer, acknowledges the receipt of said property and recognizes that it may now contain petroleum products. This instrument contains the entire agreement between the parties covering the subject matter. Executed and delivered this i ~-7~~- day of '~~-"~ ,l~-?t~ Witness: Stuart Petroleum _ By (Seller) BILL OF SALE FOR USED PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That S~ P~, a~ g~, having an ~ --,~_==_~.T--~.~.., £trc~, ~, C~ (Hereinafter called Seller)' and -R~ Dhi:u~and Ir~- n~ ..... (~ereinafter called Buyer) agree as follows: Seller hereby sells ~d assigns to Buyer, ~s/its heirs, successors and assigns, all of the right, title and interest of Seller, in and to the following described property AS IS and ~thout a~ w~ranty of any ~nd. 1 - 280 gallon underground ta~~ .... , 1 - 4000 gallon underground ta~ ~- 6000 gallon underground ta~ To have and to hold said property unto Buyer, his/its heirs, successors and assigns forever. The property conveyed hereunder is presently located on the premises at 101 - 19th Street at Union, Bakersfield, C~ 93301 In consideration of said sale, Buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Seller, and Seller's subsidiaries and affiliates, harmless against all claims, losses and liability of every kind arising after the date hereof and arising from or related to the existence, removal, location, use or condition of said property. Buyer acknowledges the receipt of said property and recognizes that it has and may now contain petroleum products. Buyer further re- cognizes that said property may have contained leaded gasoline and is therefore not suitable for the storage of food or drinking water. Buyer further recognizes that said equipment may not be gas free and that extreme caution should be used when disposing of said equipment. This instrument contains the entire agreement between the parties covering the subject matter. Executed and delivered this '~-~ day of · / /~ - (Seller) ' ' u ver) B~ ........... Note to Buyer: Prior to further disposal of gasoline tanks, the latest applicable disposal regulations should be checked to determine if special attention or preparation is required. BILL OF SALE OF EQUIPMENT KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That John Axt and Dianne Axt, having an address at ~45 Rexland Drive, Bakersfield, Ca. 93307 (hereinafter called "Seller"), and (hereinafter called "Buyer"), agrees as follows: Seller hereby sells and assigns to Buyer, his/its heirs, successors and assigns, all of the right, title and interest of Seller of, in and to the following described property AS IS and without any warranty of any kind: 1- two bay, steel service station building 1- steel canopy 2- hydraulic hoists 1- 3 horse power air compressor 3- oil display cabinets 6- duo dispensers (gasoline) Together with all electrical and gas plumbing - including piping, conduit, wiring. Also including all other personal property belonging to the undersigned and in place on the premises as of without limitation by the foregoing enumer3tion.(With the exception of B.P. I.D. Signs and building lettering and discs.) Said property is located on the premises at 101 - 19th Street at Union Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said property unto Buyer, his/its heirs, successors and assigns forever. In consideration of said sale, Buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Seller harmless against all claims, losses, and liability of every kind arising after the date hereof arising from the existence, removal, location, use or condition of said property. BILL OF SALE OF EQUIPMENT Buyer, acknowledges the receipt of said property and recognizes that it may now contain petroleum products. This instrument contains the entire agreement between the parties covering the subject matter. Executed and delivered this day of ~]Q Witness: John Axt and Dianne Axt By (Seller) (Buyer) By BILL OF SALE FOR USED PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That John Axt and Dianne Axt, having an address at 245 Rexland Drive, Bakersfield, Ca. 93307 (hereinafter called Seller) and (hereinafter called Buyer) agrees as follows: Seller hereby sells and assigns to Buyer, his/its heirs, successors and assigns, all of the right, title and interest of Seller, in and to the following described property AS IS and without any warranty of any kind. 1- 280 gallon underground waste oil tank 1- 4000 gallon underground gasoline tank 2- 6000 gallon underground gasoline tank TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said property unto Buyer, his/its heirs, successors and assigns forever. The property conveyed hereunder is presently located on the premises at 101 !9th Street at Union Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. In consideration of said sale, Buyer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Seller, and Seller's subsidiaries and affiliates, harmless against all claims, losses and liability of every kind arising after the date hereof and arising from or related to the existence, removal, location, use or condition of said property. BILL OF SALE FOR USED PETROLEUM STORAGE TANKS Buyer acknowledges the receipt of said property and recognizes that it has and may now contain petroleum products. Buyer further recognizes that said property may have contained leaded gaSoline and is therefore not suitable for the stQrage of food or drinking water. Buyer further recognizes that said equipment may not be gas free and that extreme caution should be used when disposing of said equipment. This instrument contains the entire agreement between the parties covering the subject matter. Executed and delivered this day of ,19__ Witness: John Axt and Dianne Axt By. (Seller) By. (Buyer) By. Note to Buyer: Prior to further disposal of gasoline tanks, the latest applicable disposal regulations should be checked to determine if special attention or preparation is required. COMMERCIAL LE~E YOLANDA ANSOLABEHERE and JOHN ANSOLABEHERE and EDITH PASQUINI and ANTHONY PASQUINI, herein called "Lessors", hereby lease to JOHN AXT and DIANNE AXT, husband and wife, herein called "lessees", that certain premises ("hereinafter the "premises") commonly referred to and located at 101 19th Street, Bakersfield California, 93301, on the following terms and conditions: 1. ORIGINAL TERM This lease shall be for the term of two (2) years, commencing at 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 1994, and ending at 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 1996, unless sooner terminated as herein provided. 2. EXTENDED TERM Should lessees fully perform all the terms and conditions of this lease for the full term specified in paragraph 1 of this lease, Lessees may extend this lease for a further term of two (2) years, commencing on the expiration of the first term specified in paragraph 1 of this lease by giving lessors written notice to lessors on or before December 1, 1995. Lessees agree to pay to lessors the sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars ($1600) per month payable on the first day of each and every month commencing January 1, 1994. One half of said rent shall be payable to "Edith Pasquini and Anthony Pasquini" at 330 18th Street, Bakersfield, California 93301, and one half of said rent shall be payable to "John or Yolanda Ansolabehere" at 202 Oakbank Road, Bakersfield, California 93304. Should lessees exercise their option to extend this lease for a further term of two (2) years, as provided in paragraph 2 of this lease, the monthly rent commencing January 1, 1996 shall increase in an amount to be set by the lessors in their sole discretion. 4. USE OF THE PREMISES Lessees shall use the premises during the term of this lease and any extension of this lease only for the purpose of operating and conducting the business of a retail gasoline station and/or automotive repair shop, including uses normally incident to such purpose, and lessees shall be entitled to sell such merchandise and render such services as are customarily sold and rendered by operators of businesses of the same type in Kern County, California. However, lessees shall have no right to modify the premises, or any improvements on the premises, without the prior express written consent of Lessors. 5. INSURANCE HAZARDS Lessees shall not conit or permit the commission of any acts on the premises, nor use or permit the use of the premises, in any manner that will increase the existing rates for or cause any cancellation of any fire, liability or other insurance policy insuring the premises or any of the improvements on the premises. Lessees shall, at their own cost and expense, comply with any and all requirements of lessors' insurance carriers as are reasonably necessary for the continued maintenance at reasonable rates of fire and liability insurance policies on said premises and the improvements on said premises. 6. WASTE OR NUISANCE Lessees shall not commit nor permit the commission by others of any waste on the premises and lessees shall not maintain, commit nor permit the maintenance or commission of any nuisance as defined by Section 3479 of the California Civil Code, and/or any other applicable statute, ordinance or regulation, on the premises, and lessees shall not use or permit the use of the premises for any unlawful purpose. 7. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW Lessees shall, at lessees' own cost and expense, comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations and ordinances, including but not limited to Federal, state, local and those issued by any special district or agency, affecting lessees' use or occupancy of the premises, whether such statutes, ordinances, regulations and orders are now in force or are hereafter enacted. 8. PAYMENT OF UTILITY CHARGES Lessees shall pay, and hold lessors and the property of lessors free and clear and harmless from any and all charges for the furnishing to the premises of gas, water, electricity, telephone service, garbage, refuse and rubbish disposal and other public utilities to the premises during the term of this lease or any extension of this lease. 9. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES Lessees shall pay, before they become delinquent, all taxes assessments, or other charges levied or imposed by nay governmental entity on the furniture, fixtures, equipment and other personal property placed on the premises by lessees. 10. REAL PROPERTY TAXES Ail real property taxes and assessments levied or assessed against the premises by any governmental entity, including any special assessments imposed on or against the premises for the construction or improvement of public improvements on the premises shall be paid by lessors before they become delinquent; however, and with the exception, that any and all increase of real property taxes over and above the amount of Nine Hundred Forty-Five Dollars ($945.00) shall be paid by Lessees. 11. HOLD HARMLESS Lessees agree to indemnify and hold lessors and the premises harmless from any and all orders, claims, demands, liability, loss, damage or expense, including but not limited to any and all fees or expenses levied for administrative response costs and any and all attorney's fees and costs incurred by lessors in responding to any and all such orders, claims or demands, arising or resulting from lessees' use and/or occupation of the premises. Lessees shall, at their own cost and expense, secure and maintain during the entire term of this lease, and any extension of this lease, a broad form comprehensive general liability policy of public liability insurance, insuring lessors and lessees against loss or liability caused or connected with lessees' occupation and use of the premises under this lease in amounts not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) for injury to or death of one person and subject to such limitation for the injury or death of one person not less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) for the injury to or death of two or more persons as a result of any one accident or incident. Lessees shall also maintain during the term of this lease and any renewals or extensions hereof, at lessees sole cost and expense, an insurance policy or policies, insuring for their full value, all buildings, fixtures and equipment against damage or destruction by fire. 12. REMOVAL OF BUILDINGS At the termination of this lease, including any renewal or extension hereof, Lessees shall have the option to either: a. Deliver all buildings, storage tanks, gasoline pumps, signs and other fixtures attached to the premises to Lessors in good condition and repair. All such buildings, storage tanks, gasoline pumps, signs and other fixtures shall thereupon become the property of Lessors; or, b. Lessees shall, at lessees' sole cost and expense, immediately remove from the premises all buildings, aboveground and undergound tanks, and any and all fixtures or other improvements, and such removal shall be performed in compliance with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations, and further lessees shall, after such removal is complete, level and pave the premises with asphalt paving and hold lessors harmless from any and all cost or liability arising from such removal, levelling and paving. Should the completion date for such removal levelling or paving extend beyond the termination date of this lease, including any renewal or extension hereof, then Lessess shall pay Lessors for the rental value of the premises until such completion is accomplished. 13, RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL Should lessors during the term of this lease, or any extension hereof, elect to sell all ~r any portion of the leased premises, lessees shall havethe right of first refusal to meet any bona fide offer to purchase made by any third party on the same terms and conditions of such offer and on failure to meet such bona fide offer within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from lessors, lessors shall be free to sell the premises or portion thereof to such third party in accordance with the terms and conditions of the offer. Should the premises be sold to a third party, this lease shall terminate, at the option of the purchaser of the premises, upon thirty (30) days written notice to lessees. 14 ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASING This lease may not be assigned, nor may the premises be subleased, by lessees without the express written consent of lessors, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 15. BINDING ON HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS This lease shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of the parties hereto, but nothing in this section shall be construed as a consent by lessors to any assignment of this lease or any interest hereunder except as provided in the paragraph immediately above. 16. MISCELLANEOUS Should any provision of this lease be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this lease shall remain in full force and effect and unimpaired by such holding. This lease shall be interpreted under the laws of the state of California and the proper venue for any action brought under this lease shall be, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. Should any litigation be commenced between the parties to this lease concerning the premises or this lease or the rights and duties of the parties hereto, the prevailing party in any such litigation shall be entitled, in addition to such other relief as may be granted, to their III .111 III III III III reasonable attorney's fees as may be determined by the court. Executed at Bakersfield, California: Lessors: ...... . EDITH PASQUINI date: / ANTHONY date: ~ Y~DA date: date: Lessees: ___~-. __ DIANNE date: CAMPBELL &' STEELE Attorneys at Law November 14, 1995 Mr. and Mrs. John and Diane Axt c/o 101 19th Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Offer to Purchase 101 19th Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. and Mrs. Axt: The lessors of the premises located at 101 19th Street, Bakersfield, California, have received an offer to purchase the property. The offer is for a puchase price of $180,000: a $20,000 down payment, and a note to be given to the lessors in the amount of $160,000, payable over ten {10) years, with an interest rate of 10% per annum on the unpaid balance. The note is to be made by Stuart Petroleum and personally guaranteed by the principals of Stuart Petroleum. Under Paragraph 13 of your lease, if the lessors elect to sell the property, you have the right to meet the offer by making one of your own on the same terms and ACCORDINGLY, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the lessors have elected to sell the property on the terms described in this letter. Therefore, you have thirty (30) days from today's date, to and including December 14, 1995, to make a written offer to lessors for the purchase of the property on these same terms and conditions. Please send your written response to this notice to the undersigned, care of CAMPBELL & STEELE, 1401 19th Street, Suite 200, Bakersfield, California, 93301. Should 1401 19TH STREET, SUITE 200 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 334-1145 · FAX 334-1152 Mr. and Mrs. John and Diane Axt November 14, 1995 Page 2 you decide before December 14, 1995, that you will not make an offer to purchase the property, we would appreciate your written notice of such decision before December 14, 1995. Very truly yours, CAI~PB~ELL & STEELE ~'PATRI~CK J. S~EELE cc: Mrs. Edith Pasquini Mr. Anthony Pasquini Ms. Toni Bealessio Mrs. John Ansolabehere RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: /0'7 (/~ -r7¥ ~ f'-- ID# Business Name: ~{ o~.., ./~ + Contact Name: /r~,~..,. ///t ~ AJ, ~ Business Phone: ~'-c / - 5"4 5--3 ~z_ FAX: InspeCtor's Name: Time of Call: Date: g//'//~/~ Time: Type of Call: Incoming ~ Outgoing [ ] Returned_.~ Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: _~(~) '~,~-I FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 93301 R,E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 March 8, 1996 (805) 326-3951 Mr. John Axt Axt's BP Service Station 101 19th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the Axt's BP Service Station, 101 19th Street, in Bakersfield. Dear Mr. Axt: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with the product piping leak previously located on your property, has not been adequately defined. This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertic~ and horizontal extent of the contarnineRion plume. Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 days from receipt of this letter. The workplan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A - Reports, Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; July 6, 1990. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $62.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician cc: M. Magargee, HFA HHW/dlm ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 143 South Figueroa Street · Ventura, California 93001 (805) 652-0219 · FAX (805) 652-0793 853 West 17th Street · Costa Mesa, California 92627 (714) 642-2660 · FAX (714) 642-2544 3157 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, California 93308 (805) 391-0517 · FAX (805) 391-0826 March 4, 1996 RECEIVED Mr. John Axt Axt's BP Service Station DII4. 101 19th Street Bakersfield, California 93307 Subject: PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF AXT'S BP SERVICE STATION 101 19TH STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Axt: Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc., (HFA) is pleased to present the following preliminary site assessment report for Axt's BP Service Station located at 101 19th Street In the city of Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The drilling and soil sampling activities were conducted as the preliminary phase of site investigation for the potential for hydrocarbon-containing soils associated with the USTs, dispensers, and product piping at the above referenced site. BACKGROUND SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located at 101 19th Street in the city of Bakersfield, Kerr~ County, California. The topography of the site is relatively flat, with a slight fall to the southwest (see Figure 1 - Site Location Map). The subject site is located on the southwestern corner of the intersection of Union Avenue and 19th Street. The subject site is bound on the south and west by commercial properties. The subject property is currently an operating BP brand gasoline service station (see Figure 2 - Plot Plan). SITE GEOLOGY The site is located at an elevation of approximately 405 feet above MSL, and the topography slopes slightly to the southwest (see Figure 1). The site is located in the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a north-south trending valley approximately 400 miles long by 50 miles wide, the southern portion of which is referred to as the San Joaquin Valley. The surface of the San Joaquin Valley is underlain by unconsolidated, Quaternary alluvial sediments. The alluvial sediments are underlain by older, predominantly lake bed deposits. These deposits lie unconformably on Miocene-Pliocene marine sediments, which extend to a crystalline basement at a depth of approximately 50,000 fbg ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNERS * SCIENTISTS * GEOLOGISTS AND ENGINEERS Contaminated Site Assessments * Real Estate Audits * Site Remediation * Hazardous Waste Managemenl Fz I-I N Axt's BP Service Station INC. March 4, 1996- Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS (California Division of Mines and Geology, 1964, Geologic map of California, Bakersfield sheet). The Quaternary deposits form a homocline dipping gently to the south. The alluvium consists of silty sands and fine-grained to coarse-grained sands, with intervals of finer-grained sandy silts and minor clay. SITE HYDROGEOLOGY Surface water and groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley are derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevada to the east and are transported by five major rivers, the southernmost being the Kern River. The depth to the regional unconfined aquifer is approximately 150 fbg, and the groundwater gradient is to the south. SITE EVALUATION METHODS The intent of this report is to present the methodologies used to assess the potential for hydrocarbon-containing soils at Axt's BP Service Station. HFA conducted direct-push soil sampling in six locations and hand-augered soil borings in five locations during this phase of soils investigation. Direct-push sampling location P-1 was advanced to a depth of 20 fbg adjacent to the product piping where a leaking line had been repaired under permit with the Kern County Department of Environmental Health Services (KCDEHS) during the mid 1980s. Reconciliation records indicated that several hundred gallons of unleaded fuel may have been released. No additional assessment or mitigation activities were required by the KCDEHS at that time. Direct-push sampling location B-1 was advanced to a depth of 25 fbg adjacent to the eastern end of the gasoline UST cluster, direct-push sampling location B-2 was advanced to a depth of 20 fbg adjacent to the southern end of the gasoline UST cluster, and direct-push sampling location B-3 was advanced to a depth of 25 fbg adjacent to the northern end of the gasoline UST cluster. Direct-push sampling location B-4 was attempted in several locations to the west of the gasoline UST cluster; however, drilling refusal occurred at each location at a depth of approximately 3 fbg, due to probable rubble within the surface fill material, and each attempted sampling location was abandoned. Direct-push sampling location B-5 was advanced adjacent to the waste oil UST to a depth of 10 fbg. Hand-augered soil borings D-l, D-2, and D-3 were drilled to a depth of 5 fbg adjacent to the dispensers, and hand-augured soil borings P-2 and P-3 were drilled to a depth of 5 fbg adjacent to the product piping (see Figure 2 for soil boring and direct-push sampling locations and Attachment 1 for the logs of soi~ sample descriptions). HOL©UIN Mr. John Axf ~ FAHAN Axt's BP Service Station & A.SSCXZIATES, INC. March 4, 1996 - Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS SOIL INVESTIGATION AND SAMPLING RESULTS Prior to conducting the current assessment, underground utilities such as water, electricity, and sewer were mapped by Underground Service Alert of Northern California. HFA performed the drilling and sampling on February 7 and 8, 1996, using a hand auger and HFA's 10-ton direct-push rig. Soils encountered during drilling included silty sands to well-graded sands (see Attachment 2 for the soil boring and sampling procedures and Attachment 3 for the direct-push sampling procedures), Soil samples were sent to HFA Environmental Laboratories, Inc., a California state-certified laboratory, for analysis. Soil samples collected adjacent to the gasoline USTs, dispensers, and product lines were analyzed for TPH as gasoline and BTEX using EPA Methods 8015 (M) and 8020, respectively. The soil sample collected adjacent to the waste oil UST was analyzed for TRPH as oil and grease using EPA Method 418.1. TPH as gasoline was detected at concentrations of 15,280 mg/kg and 30,420 mg/kg in the soil samples collected from direct-push sampling location P-l, adjacent to the location of the product pipeline leak, at depths of 10 fbg and 20 fbg, respectively. In addition, benzene was detected at concentrations of 35.6 mg/kg and 186.1 mg/kg in the soil samples collected from direct-push sampling location P-1 nt depths of 10 fbg and 20 fbg, respectively. Trace concentrations of TPH as gasoline and BTEX were detected in the soil samples collected from the direct-push sampling locations around the gasoline UST cluster and the two soil borings (P-2 and P-3) adjacent to the product pipelines. TPH as gasoline and BTEX concentrations were not detected in the soil samples collected from the soil borings adjacent to the dispensers, with the exception of trace concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes detected in the soil sample collected from soil boring D-1. TRPH as oil and grease was detected at a concentration of 34 mg/kg in the soil sample collected from direct-push sampling location B-5, adjacent to the waste oil UST (see Table 1 - Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results and Attachment 4 for the laboratory report). CONCLUSIONS Significant concentrations of gasoline hydrocarbons were detected in the soil samples collected from beneath the product pipelines connecting the gasoline UST cluster and the northern dispenser island. A leak had occurred in the product piping in the area of these detections during the mid 1980s and was subsequently repaired. Only trace concentrations .~~~] HOL©UIN Mr. John Axt FAH~N Axt's BP Service Station ~ & INC. March 4, 1996 - Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS of hydrocarbons were detected in the soils around the gasoline UST cluster, dispensers, and waste oil UST. · The vertical and lateral limits of hydrocarbon-containing soils have not been delineated in the area of the former product pipeline leak. Based on the findings of this preliminary site assessment, the City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division (BFDHMD) will likely require additional soil borings to delineate the vertical and lateral limits of hydrocarbon-containing soils and the potential risk to groundwater resources. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. John Axt as it pertains to the referenced property located in Bakersfield, California. The services performed by Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc., were conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of its profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the state of California. No other warranty is expressed or implied. Thank you for this opportunity to have been of service, if you have any questions regarding this report or the information contained herein, please contact Mr. Mark Magargee at (805) 391-0517 or at e-mail address Mark_Magargee@hfa.com. Respectfully submitted, Eric R. Casterline ~E~ ~:~L_ Mark R. Maga ge , C G,~ ~' -- Environmental Technician Senior Hydrogeologist Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. Hoiguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. MRM:rri:jac Enclosures: Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Plot Plan Table 1 Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Attachment 1 - Logs of Soil Sample Descriptions Attachment 2 - Soil Boring and Sampling Procedures Attachment 3 - Direct-Push Sampling Procedures Attachment4 - Laboratory Report ~ cc: Mr. Ralph E. Huey, BFDHMD ~ HOLGUIN, Mr, John Axf ~~'~'-- FAHAN Axrs BP Service Station ~ & ~L~TE~, INC.March 4, 1996 - Page 5 ENVIF:tONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ", - .'""T'i ' ':.,- ~- ' ! ~ ~ -/t :/~ t/: ~, ~--~F "Ii .... 'll;l~ ~u ~ '~' '_ x: '%7--'~--: .o~ ~ ':: o :'. : ~ ~ -.. .... l:: ., .l. _, ~ ~ l.., ,.l. ~,,~ ,,, . ,-~ ~ .... ~r;~ 0%: .. E .-.-., ~:~.~,~..: ~, ~ ~ ~ .~,,:~:,~. ~ - ~ ~,, 1~ .,, , ~ . ! 1'--3~m~'-:~t~r-~'r:,=--~=- ' ' I~ I- 4 ,'~ '.' )t..~D~Dm -' ~ ':' /" ;" ' ~"'~ ~ h '~'~ ~-,I 'i ' ~ h I , · ~ eOa~ r~ '~--. "~ -O,;~.. .: ' . -'. '"' ~ .... L~~~~[=' ,- -- ~=:=~ .~: --"- .... -~,.~..;-;:.'.'. --.~ ,~.:..~7.77' ..~,~m ; ~ :.? ..,-.-'- ,' :-.. ..... ,, ~ ~. :e-~-.q~ ..~ ., 29? ~ ......... "-'--'~c ~.~' ~ i~.~R'~' ~' .... ..... . ...... ~' --~z~_ ,,/' .-.__ ~ . ., ...: -.~. ... -- .~ · .... ,.~.~:~ ,, ~ .... ~. -: ...... :.,, ,., -:-.~ ..... ...~', ~, ,: _ - =~SITELOCATION~ .._ :,,-~ . I . - · ~ .... ', z ,?-- i L__ " ---' r-.. ~?"nr · '~ --~ .... i~- ,~)~ ,{~'- .~ ,~. j ~ 11~ ~ ' - ~ ~=:=. - ' . ~ :.' iL =~_-~ ' ,,; ...... J .:'~j ~ ~ ,,: ' ~t ~ i '" ] ~:' :~- '5'"~=~' /11~~ ~, , ¥, , ~, , , , ~ [ ,t , ~1, .,'x,- ..... LEGEND ~R. JOHN AXT 0 0 5 I MII.E AXT'S BP SERVICE o L~,o ;',uou a.oou ~.~o 5X~OVEET "~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFONNIA o o:., ~ ~.,~x~ ... / FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP l--1C~--J ' I- I !' 4 ~ .!' .l-: I F,~H/~N Axt's BP Service Station & ASSOCIATES, INC. March 4, 1996 - Page 6 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 19TH STREET s,~^.~ ~ ~.,w~^~ ~ s,~^~ '1 ~.,v~^~ ~ ~ SIGN O ~ PLANTER DISPENSER ~ ~ D-3 ISLAND ~ ) ' ~ PAVEMENT I B-3 ~ -. ~GASOUNE > ~ I ~ ~ USTs t L~ ._~ % P-1 B-2 [ ?2 WASTE OI ST¢V , ,,-. ~ D-1 D-2 ~ B-5 I ~ CANOPY ,. ~ Z m DISPENSER ~ IS~NDS ~ I PROPERW LINE ~ COMERClAL PROPER~ SCAEE IN FE~ 0 15 30 LEGEND MR. JOHN AXT  AXT'S BP SERVICE STATIO~ DIRECT-PUSH SAMPLING LOCATION 101 19TH SIREEI ~ SO~L BORON6 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 - PLOT P~N - -- PRODUCT PIPING ~O~, ~ & ~80~T~8, REVISION DATE: MARCH 4, 1996: RRI ~1~ HOLGUIN, ~ Mr. John Axf FAHAN Axrs BP Service Station & ASS( IATES, INC. March 4, 1996 - Page 7 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS AXT'S BP SERVICE STATION, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ! TRPH AS ETHYL- SAMPLE DATE i SAMPLE OIL & TPH AS TOTAL SOURCE SAMPLEDiDEPTH I.D. GREASE GASOLINE BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES REF I (fbg)I (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 418.1 I 8015 (M) 8020 N/A METHOD REPORTING LIMIT 10i 10 0.005 0.005 0.015! 0.015 N/A B-1 2-7-96 I 15 B-1-15 -- ND ND 0.006 ND; ND A ~-7-96 25 1 B-1-2--~- -- ND' ND 0.0096 ND' 0.015 A B-2 2-7-96 I 10 ~ B-2-10 -- 7.3 0.025 0.193 0.068; 0,525 A 2-7-96 ~-~2-0-~- B-2-20 -- ND ND 0.19 ND' 0.038 A B-3 2-7-96 !20 B-3-20 -- ND 0.007 0.029 ND 0.046 A B-5 2-8-96 { 10 B-5-10 34 .......... A D-1 2-7-96I 5 D-1-5 -- ND ND 0.031 0.029 0.535 A D-2 2-7-96 t 5 D-2-5 -- ND ND ND ND ND A D-3 2-7-96I 5 D-3-5 -- ND ND ND ND ND A P- 1 _ 2'8-96 10 P- 1 - 10 - 15,280 35.6 947.6 378.2 2,270 2-8-96 20 P-1-20 -- 30',420 186.1 2,351.7 718.5 4,114.4 A P-2 2-7-96 I 5 P-2-5 -- ND ND 0.006 ND ND A P-3 2-7-96 i 5 P-3-5 -- 5.1 0.12 0.266 0.028 0.283 A REF = Report reference. N/A = Not applicable. -- = Not analyzed. ND = Not detected. A = Holguin, Fahan and Associates, Inc.'s, current report. ~ HOLGUIN, ~ FAHAN ~ &ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS A'I'I'ACH MENT 1. LOGS OF SOIL SAMPLE DESCRIPTIONS LOG OF SOIL SAMPLE DESCRIPTIONS CHECKED BY: M. egargee~G CLIENT: Mr. John Axt SAMPLE/SAMPLER TYPE: Undisturbed/push sampler PROJECT: BP Service Station DATE: February 7, 1996 DRILLING METHOD: 10-ton direct-push rig BORING NUMBER: B-1 and B-2 PREPARED BY: Eric Casterline DRILLED BY: Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. BORING LOCATION: See plot plan for sample location WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny and warm .... IDENTIFICATION GRADATION DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION Z 1. Descriptive Classification Name: Gradation, Angularity, Structure, Plasticity, Moisture, O_ A ~, 2. Particle Size, Shape, and Gradation Consistency, Odor, Stain ~.n~ uJ ~">'3: '~--,TO _~' ~: --'~ ~ O, ~ 4. Reaction to Shaking, Dry Strength, Etc. B-1-7 7 SW 0 -- 0 100 0 Light tan Sand; well graded, medium dense, slightly moist, no odor, no stain B-1-10 10 SW 0 -- 0 100 0 Light tan Sand; well graded, medium dense, slightly moist, no odor, no stain B-1-15 15 SW 100 -- 0 100 0 Light gray Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, slight hydrocarbon odor, gray stain B-1-20 20 SW 30 -- 0 100 0 Light gray i Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, slight hydrocarbon odor, gray stain B-1-25 25 SW 80 -- 0 100 0 Light gray ! Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, slight hyd~'ocarbon odor, gray stain Total depth = 25'; groundwater not encountered B-2-10 10 SW 230 -- 0 100 0 Light gray Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, slight hydrocarbon odor, gray stain B-2-15 15 SW 820 -- 0 100 0 Light gray Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, hydrocarbon odor, gray stain B-2-20 20 SW 937 -- 0 100 0 Light gray Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, hydrocarbon odor, gray stain Total depth = 20'; groundwater not encountered *Type of PIg utilized: OVM Serial No.: 580B-31208-240 Calibrated to: Isobutylene 100 ppmv Number of background samples taken: 3 Results of background samples: 0 SEE PLATE A-1 FOR LEGEND TO LOGS HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. · 3157 Pegasus Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 391-0517 LOG OF SOIL SAMPLE DESCRIPTIONS ~~? CHECKED BY: U. Uagargee, ¢~ ~// CLIENT: Mr. John Axt SAMPLE/SAMPLER TYPE: Undisturbed/push sampler PROJECT: BP Service Station DATE: February 7, 1996 DRILLING METHOD: Hand auger BORING NUMBERS: D-l, D-2, D-3, P-l, and P-2 PREPARED BY: Edc Casterline DRILLED BY: Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. SOUNDING LOCATION: See plot plan for sample locations WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny and warm IDENTIFICATION GRADATION DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION z 1. Descriptive Classification Name: Gradation, Angularity, Structure, Plasticity, Moisture, ~_ ~. Particle Size, Shape, and Gradation Consistency, Odor, Stain - LU ~ .~. -~ O ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ LU O, ~ I 4. Reaction to Shaking, Dry Strength, Etc. 0 D-1-5 5 SM 210 -- 0 75 25 Brown Silty sand; well graded, medium loose, moist, slight hydrocarbon odor, no stain Total depth = 5'; groundwater not encountered D-2-5 5 SM 69 -- 0 75 25 Brown Silty sand; well graded, medium loose, moist, slight hydrocarbon odor, no stain Total depth = 5'; groundwater not encountered D-3-5 5 SM 7 -- 0 75 25 Brown Silty sand; well graded, medium loose, moist, no odor, no stain Total depth = 5'; groundwater not encountered P-1-5 5 SM 1,400 -- 0 75 25 Gray Silty sand; well graded, medium loose, moist, strong hydrocarbon odor, gray stain Total depth = 5'; groundwater not encountered P-2-5 5 SM 60 -- 0 75 25 Brown Silty sand; well graded, medium loose, moist, slight hydrocarbon odor, no stain Total depth = 5'; groundwater not encountered - 'Type el PID utilized: OVM Serial NO.: 580B-31208-240 Calibrated to: Isobutylene 100 ppmv Number of background samples taken: 3 Results of background samples: 0 SEE PLATE A-1 FOR LEGEND TO LOGS HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, iNC. · 3157 Pegasus Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 391-0517 LO G O FSOILSA M PLE DESCRIPTIONS CHECKED BY: U. Magargee, RG~4892~ CLIENT: Mr. John Axt SAMPLE/SAMPLER TYPE: Undisturbed/push sampler PROJECT: BP Sewice Station DATE: February 7 and 8, 1996 DRILLING METHOD: 10-ton direct-push rig BORING NUMBER: B-3, P-l, and B-5 PREPARED BY: Edc Casterline DRILLED BY: Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. BORING LOCATION: See plot plan for sample location WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny and warm IDENTIFICATION GRADATION DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION >' 1. Descriptive Classification Name: Gradation, Angularity, Structure, Plasticity, Moisture, O ~ ~ . ~ ~. ~. 2. Particle Size, Shape, and Gradation Consistency, Odor, Stain LUa:: ~: ~ ,~A ~=~~' a::~ !3. Consistency, Elasticity ~-m'~ ~u ~ ~. _-~ O ~3 ~= ~ ~°~-~°~ ~ O~o© ~ 4. Reaction to Shaking, Dry Strength, Etc. B-3-10 10 SW 30 -- 0 100 0 Light tan Sand; well graded, medium dense, slightly moist, slight hydrocarbon odor, no stain B-3-15 15 SW 30 -- 0 100 0 Light gray Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, slight hydrocarbon odor, gray stain B-3-20 20 SW 10 -- 0 100 0 Light gray Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, slight hydrocarbon odor, gray stain Total depth = 25'; groundwater not encountered P-1-10 10 SW 2,000+ -- 0 100 0 Light gray Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, strong hydrocarbon odor, gray stain P-1-15 15 SW 1,400 -- 0 100 0 Light gray Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, strong hydrocarbon odor, gray stain P-1-20 20 SW 2,000+ -- 0 100 0 Light gray Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, strong hydrocarbon odor, gray stain Total ~dwater not encountered B-5-10 10 SW 0 -- 0 100 0 Light tan Sand; well graded, dense, slightly moist, no odor, gray stain Total depth = 10'; groundwater not encountered *Type of PID utilized: OVM Serial No.: 580B-31208-240 Calibrated to: Isobutylene 100 ppmv Number of background samples taken: 3 Results of background samples: SEE PLATE A-1 aR LEGEND TO LOGS HOLGUIN, FAuAI~' LOG OF SOIL SAMPLE DESCRIPTIONS CHECKED BY: M. Magargee, RG~4892~.,/ CLIENT: Mr. John Axt SAMPLE/SAMPLER'TYPE: Undisturbed/push sampler PROJECT: BP Service Station DATE: February 7, 1996 DRILLING METHOD: Hand auger BORING NUMBER: P-3 PREPARED BY: Eric Casteriine DRILLED BY: Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. SOUNDING LOCATION: See plot plan for sample location WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny and warm IDENTIFICATION GRADATION DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION z 1. Descriptive Classification Name: Gradation, Angularity, Structure, Plasticity, Moisture, O ~ ~. 2. Particle Size, Shape, and Gradation Consistency, Odor, Stain ~ 3: ~<~ ~ ~ ~ ~' n-~ 3. Consistency, Elasticity ~. rn ~ ~ OLT.O ~3 [ _~ I~ .~ ~ ~ O, ~ 4. Reaction to Shaking, Dry Strength, Etc. (.3 P-3-5 5 SM 70 -- 0 75 25 Brown Silty sand; well graded, medium loose, moist, slight hydrocarbon odor, no stain Total depth = 5'; groundwater not encountered *Type of PID utilized: OVM Serial No.: 580B-31208-240 Calibrated to: Isobutylene 100 ppmv Number of background samples taken: 3 Results of background samples: . .0 SEE PLATE A-i ~OR LEGEND TO LOGS HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. · 3157 Pegasus Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 391-0517 ~ HOL©UIN, ~ FAHAN ~: & ASSOCIATF_.S, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 2. SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES SITING Soil borings were positioned as noted in the report. HAND-AUGER BORING AND SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES The soil borings were drilled with a 1-inch OD hand auger to the depths noted in the report. During the drilling process, soil cuffings were continuously monitored in conformance with the monitoring procedures, and data was recorded on logs of exploratory borings by an experienced environmental geologist under the direct supervision of a state of California registered geologist. Soil samples were collected with a modified Shelby Tube sampler fitted at the end of the hand-auger pipe with a weighted slide hammer at intervals consistent with the report, unless a change in lithology was noted, in which case an additional sample was collected. The sampler was outfitted with 1-inch by 3-inch stainless-steel Shelby sleeves. When the soil sample was withdrawn, the ends of the sleeve were covered with aluminum foil or TeflonTM tape followed by plastic caps. Sample preservation, handling, and transportation procedures were consistent with Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc.'s, QA/QC procedures, SOIL BORING MONITORING PROCEDURES Cuttings from soil borings were continuously classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and logged by an experienced environmental geologist under the direct supervision of a state of California registered geologist. Specific geologic and hydrologic information that was collected include stratigraphy (i.e., layer thickness, unit correlation, aquifer thickness, depth to groundwater, and confining units, if any), relative permeability, observed porosity, plast, icity, moisture content, soil type, structure, size, and other features that could affect contaminant transport. Specific geologic and hydrologic information that was obtained during soil boring construction include the following: · stratigraphic characteristics: thickness, correlation of units, extent (horizontal and vertical) of aquifers and confining units, if any; · observed porosity; · volatile organic content; · particle-size distribution; · moisture content; · plasticity; · strength; · mineral composition; · depth to groundwater; Soil and Sampling Procedures Page 2 · soil type, structure, and size; and · distribution of soil type. The data was recorded on individual logs of soil sample descriptions, including observations regarding the types and quantities of waste materials encountered and any PID readings. This data was recorded on a standardized log sheet in the field log book. Specific information that was recorded is listed in the table below. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING INFORMATION GENERAL · Project name · Soil .boring location; map and · Soil boring name/number elevation · Date started and finished · Rig type (bit size/auger size) · Geologist's name · Petrologic lithologic classification · Driller's name scheme used (Wentworth, USCS) · Sheet number INFORMATION COLUMNS · Depth · Gradation · Sample location/number · Narrative description · PID or FID Reading · Soil Classification NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION · Geologic Observations - Soil/rock type - Particle Size - Organic content - Color and stain - Depositional structures - Odor - Gross petrology - Bedding - Suspected contaminant - Friability - Fossils - Discontinuities - Degree of weathering - Moisture content - Water-bearing zones - Particle shape - Formational strike and dip · Drilling Observations - Changes in drilling method - Advance rates or equipment rig - Amounts and types of - Readings from detection chatter any liquids used equipment (if any) - Caving/hole stability - Water levels - Drilling difficulties · Other Remarks - Equipment failures - Deviations from drilling plan - Possible contamination - Weather Soil and Sampling Procedures Page 3 All field logs were typed and are presented verbatim in an appendix of the preliminary soils assessment report. The typed logs of exploratory borings are on a form identical to that used in the field log book. Each log of soil sample descriptions includes a symbol for the USCS soil group represented by each soil interval. DATA REDUCTION The data compiled from the soil borings have been summarized and analyzed. A narrative summary of the soil characteristics has been presented. The logs of soil sample descriptions have been checked for the following information: · correlation of stratigraphic units among soil borings; · identification of zones of potentially high hydraulic conductivity; · identification of the confining formation/layer; · indication of unusual/unpredicted geologic features (fault zones, fracture traces, facies changes, solution channels, buried stream deposits, cross-cutting structures, pinchout zones, etc.); and · continuity of petrographic features such as sorting, grain-size distribution, cementation, etc. Soil boring locations have been plotted on a properly scaled map. The purpose of each soil boring/soil sample is indicated on the map. Depending on the results of this analysis, the soil stratigraphy of the site has been presented in a scaled stratigraphic column (if soil stratigraphy is laterally homogeneous) or, more likely, in a scaled cross section or a fence diagram (if soil is laterally heterogeneous). Specific features that may impact contaminant migration (e.g., fault zones or impermeable layers) are discussed in narrative form and supplemented with graphic presentations as deemed appropriate. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Prior to each sampling episode, the sampling equipment was decontaminated using a non-phosphate, soap and water wash; a tap water rinse; and two deionized water rinses. The hand-augur was decontaminated in a similar manner between each soil boring. HOLGUIN, ~ ~ FAHAN ~ & ~IATF~, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 3. DIRECT-PUSH SAMPLING PROCEDURES DIRECT-PUSH SAMPLING PROCEDURES Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc.'s, direct-push sampling services include soil vapor monitoring, soil sampling, and groundwater sampling. The operations that will be utilized during the verification sampling site investigation include soil sampling with HFA's 10-ton direct-push sampling rig and gr. oundwater sampling using a Hydropunch® sampling technique (see Hydropunch® groundwater sampling procedures). Soil samples are retrieved using a 1.33-inch OD soil sampling probe with a retractable tip equipped with 1-inch by 6-inch brass sampling sleeves. The sampling probe is pushed to the desired sampling depth by the rig. When at the desired sampling depth, the rig pulls back on the sampling probe, which retracts the tip and opens the cavity of the sampling probe. When the retractable tip is locked into place, the rig pushes the sampling probe approximately 1 foot into undisturbed soil and collects the soil sample. The soil sample is then brought to the surface where the ends of the brass sampling sleeve are fitted with TeflonTM tape and capped with plastic caps. The soil sample is then wrapped in aluminum foil, labeled according to the borehole number and sampling depth, recorded on a chain-of-custody record, placed in a cooler filled with Blue IceTM, and maintained at 4° C until deposited at the laboratory. The soil sampling equipment is cleaned by hand utilizing the triple-bucket method (soapy water, deionized water, delonized water rinse) before and after every sampling event. The sample hole is backfilled with a bentonite cement grout from the total depth of the sampling location to ground level. HOLGUIN, ~ ~ FAHAN ~ &ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 4. LABORATORY REPORT HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 143 South Rgueroa Street Ventura, Callfornld 9300] · (805) 652-0219 · , FAX: (805) 652-0793- February 21, 1996 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS ::..' Pa~e 1 CONCENT~T~ON OF TOT~ PETROLE~ HYDROC~ONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION CONSTIT~NT ' TP~- TPB- ,, ~t~yl Total Percen~ Lab Sample Dates Sampled, Sampled Analyzed Gasoline Diesel Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes TRP~ Surrogate No. No. Matrix Received and Tested B~ BZ Units MRL MRL MRL MRL ~L MRL ~L Recovery 960512 B-I-15 Soil 2/7/96 2/9/96 2/14/96 E. V. de mg/kg ND <~L ND .006 . ND ND 91% Casterline Vera 960513 B-1-25 Soil 2/7/96 2/9/96 2/14/96 E. V. de mg/kg ND <~ ND .0096 ' . ND 015 95% Casterline Vera 960514 B-2-10 Soil 2/7/96 2/9/96 2/14/96 E. V. de mg/kg 7.3 .025 .193~. .068 525 96% Casterline Were 5 .005 .00~: ~. 015 0~5 960515 B-2-20 Soil 2/7/96 2/9/96 2/~4/96 E. V. de mg/kg ND <~ ND .19 -ND 038 96% Casterline Vera 5 .005 .005 ~; 0~5 015 960516 B-3-20 Soil 2/7/96 2/9/96 2/14/96 E. V. de mg/kg ND <~ .007 .029 ND 046 97% Casterline Vera 5 .00~ .005 .025 015 960517 D-1-5 Soil 2/7/96 2/9/96 2/14/96 E. V. de mg/kg ND <M~' ND 031 .029 535 87% Casterline Vera 5 .005 .005 . .015 015 960518 D-2-5 Soil 2/7/96 2/9/96 2/14/96 E. V. de mg/kg ND <M~ ND ND _, ND ND 68% Casterline Vera 960519 D-3-5 Soil 2/7/96 2/9/96 2/14/96 E. V. de mg/kg ND ND ND ND ND 87% Casterline Vera 5 .005 .005 '/. .015 .015 960520 P-2-5 Soil 2/7/96 2/9/96 2/14/96 E. V. de mg/kg - ND <M~ ND .006.,....,: .k ND ND 92% Casterline Vera 5 .005 .005' .-f ~,~'~/~'015 · 015 960521 P-3-5 Soil 2/7/96 2/9/96 2/14/96 E. V. de mg/kg 5.1 .12 .266- .028 .283 91% Casterline Vera 5 .00~ ~00~ ~/....~015 .01~ 960522 P-l-10 Soil 2/8/96 2/9/96 2/19/96 E. V. de mg/kg 15280 35.6 947.6 ,378.2 2270 97% Casterline Vera 960523 p-l-20 Soil 2/8/96 ~ 2/9/96 2/20/96 E. V. de mg/kg 30420 186.1 2351.7 718.5 4114.4 . 103% Casterline Vera ' 5 ,00~ .005 ' ;0~5 ,015 ~L = Method Re~rting Limit 8015-M 8015-M EPA~8020 , EPA ND - Not Detected at or above ~L ,:-'-~ ,,' .~ ~ 418.1 TRPH ' Total RecoverableTpH DraftPetr°leum Hydrocar~ns Lab Certification: CAE~ ¢1878; 1/31/96 HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES .' 143 South Figueroa Street · Ventura, California 93001 * (805) 652-0219 · FAX: (805) 652-0793 J REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS February 22, 1996 '..: Pa~s 2 CLIENT: PROJECT~ BP Service Station John Axt Contract No. CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION ! . CONSTITUENT/~?- , TP~- TP~- - .:' -,;,, ,.': '/u Ethyl Total Perce Lab Sample Dates Sampled, Sampled Analyzed Gasoline Diesel Benzene ('Toluene · Benzene Xylenes TRPH Surrog NO. No, Matrix Receiwed and Teeted B~ B~ Units MRL MRL MRL ,'; ","MRL"~,,:~ 'MILL MRL MRL Recovery 960524 B-5-10 Soil 2/8/96 2/9/96 2/20/96 E. V. de mg/k~ .. ,-'<' ,. :i ./>i~c',,?~;;~..':.;;~.;~ ,.' , 34 ~:7~ ?... .:..,;.- .;%: }~!.?,'. : .., .' .. . i :~::~ :~ ~· MRL - Method Reporting Limit 8015-M §015-M EPA TRPH - Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocar~ns ?... .;, . ?)~,??. ..... .: . Lab Certification: CAE~ ~1878; 1/31/96 L~ a I HOLGUIN, FAHAN/ ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES I 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Report Date · _ 16-Jan-96 Date Analyzed : 14-Feb-96 QC Balch ID ' MBS2/14/96 Analyzed By : V,-de Vera Instrument ID: HP 5890 GC-1 Analysis Method: 8015/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (tph) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in rog/Kg (s0il), mg/I Jwater), ppm v/v (air) TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No. Sample No. Matrix /vIRL MRL .A4£L /vlRL MRL MBS2/14/96 Method Blank Soil ND ND ND ND ND I0 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 Volatile [uel hydrocarbons o~e quonIiIoted against o gasoline s~ondo~d. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from'C5 ~':~1~:''~x~alyIes repo~ed as N'D~ere not present above Ihe stated limil of detection. MRL = Method Repo~ing Li~]I ND = Not Defected at or above MRL LAB CERTIFICATI~: CAELAP ¢1878; 1/31/96 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Repot! Date · 16-Jan-96 Dale Analyzed · 14-Feb-96 QC Batch ID · MBS2/14/96 #2 Analyzed By : V~de Vera Instrument ID: HP 5890 GC-1 , Analysis Method: 8015/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (tph) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in rog/Kg (soil), mg/I (water), ppm v/v (air) TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No. Sample No. Matrix MR'/. MR/ ,44/?/, MR/, MR/. MB52/14/96 #2 Method Blank Soil ND ND ND ND ND I0 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 .:-.: ' :.4...~::~!,?;...:.. :~.~ .,. ::".... Volatile fuel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method '!i!!:'!i?'?;i:.;'~:)~'~'~ ~r6Fn ~' i0 ~i 5.. knalytes [~ported as ND we,e nol present above the sta~ed limit of de~ecfion. ~.." ~'. "'"~.~:~'~?.:,~ :~r ~ "'- ' '.;';~;.~;' ' ~ MRL: Method Repofling .;; :?~ ~ '., ND ~ Not Delected al or above MRL ''-: ..... : LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP ~1878; 1/31/96 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650o7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Report Dale ' _ 20-Feb-96 Date Analyzed · 16-Feb-96 QC BaJch ID · MBS2/16/96 Analyzed By · V,-de Vera instrument ID: HP 5890 GC-1 Analysis Melhod: 8015/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (tph) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in rog/Kg Jsoil), mg/I (water), ppm v/v (air) TPH- Ethyl Total Clien! Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No. Sample No. Matrix M/~/ M,~'L /V/R/ MR/. MR/. MBS2/16/96 Method Blank Soil ND ND ND ND ND I0 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 · ' .:, ':~' ' .'T~'",~-" ...:,%:z,'..f.~:..z.... · · :.:f.::~: ..,;~' Volatile fuel hydrocorbons oro quon~ila~ed agoinsl a ~osoline stondard. Hydrocarbons delec~ed by ~his molhod range from C6 to C15. Analytes reported as ND were not present above the slated limit of detection. MRL = Method RepoSing Li~it ND = Noi Delecled al or above MRL LAB CERTiFiCATiON: CAELAP ~1878~ 1/31/96 I HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ,,~j,,~j.~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eas~mQn Ave., Unil 1, Venlura, CA 93003¥(805) 550-7750¥FAX (805) 550-5810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Report Dale: _ 21-Feb-96 Date Analyzed : 19-Feb-96 QC Batch ID · MB$2/1'9/96 Analyzed By : V-de Vera Instrument ID: HP 5890 GC-1 Analysis Method: 8015/8020. CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (tphl WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in rog/Kg (soil), mg/I (water), ppm v/v (air) TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No. Sample No. Matrix /VlRL MRL /vlRL .MRL ,MRL MBS2/19/96 Method Blank Soil ND ND ND ND ND 10 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 ,,.~,~,...: . ~,' ~. ::. ... ,.:~:. !... ~:: . .":.:.?,. . . .. :. ... ~ ..... .!~'~?'. ':. : .. . . . :-,.' ~:,:~,',., . i"~. _..(-'.,". '.:. ,..- ,:.' ~ ..".:, . . ·" .,,--..,.!, ." .~ '.. ':; ?::.,: '. :~..~- ...~, .,,. · :' ~... ...,. ::,.,.. .( :: ..~ . [~- :"~..'.'.',??:: ? .. - .... .. ' ' "'": ..... -' "~':~"..~ ~:'t" .... ' ~ ..... :"":' "~ " ":"~'" "':...' ' L ' ''~: ' ' '~ ' : '" ' ' ' .... " t. ',~ · .. ~ : ' . . ..'_ ... . '~... ~ .- 't:'-.?..'.7~.- '-~ Volatile luel hydrocarbons a~e quantilaled againsl a gasoline siandard, Hydrocarbons detecied by this melhod range from C6 to C15. Analytes [eporled as ND were not preseni above the sialed limil of detection. MRL = Method RepoSing Li~l ND = Nol Detected at or above I~L LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP ~1878:1/31/96 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Report Date: - 21-Feb-96 Date Analyzed ' 19-Feb-96 QC Batch ID · MB52/19/96 #2 Analyzed By · V;de Vera Instrument ID: HP 5890 GC-1 Analysis Method: 8015/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (tph) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in rog/Kg (soil), mg/I (water), ppm v/v (air) TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No. Sample No. Matrix A,'IRL /vlRL MRL /vI£L /vIRL MBS2/19/96 #2 Method Blank Soil ND ND ND ND ND I0 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 "]~"~" i: .i-i Volatile fuel hydrooarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method -.-.~. ·. '~' range from C6 to C15. Analytes reported as ND were not present above the stated limit of detection. ¢~,f, ND = Not Detected at or above MRL ,~ ...... . ~ .. . · .~.. .... LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP ~ 1878; 1/31/96 :[~' HOLGUIN FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eas'lman Ave., Unit ], Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 550-7750¥FAX (805) 550-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Report Date · _ 22~Feb-96 Date Analyzed - 20-Feb-96 QC Batch ID · MBS2/20/96 Analyzed By · V_.~gl_e_ Vera Instrument ID: HP 5890 GC- 1 Analysis Method: 8015/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (~'ph) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in mg/Kg (soil), mg/I (water), ppm v/v (air) TPH- Elhyl Tolal Clieni Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No. Sample No. Matrix A4/~/ A4£Z ,44/~/ A4/P/ A4,~/ MBS2/20/96 Melhod Blank Soil ND ND ND ND ND 10 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 ~ .~ . · -,..':' 4' .." Volatile fuel hydrocarbons are quanfiia~ed against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from c6 Jo'C'1'5. Analy~es ~eported as ND were not present above ihe sJated limit of de~ecfi0n. MRL = Method Repoding Limil ND = Not Delecled at or above MRL LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP ~ 1878; 1/31/96 FAHAN ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit ], Ventura, CA 93003¥($05) 550-7750¥FAX (805) 550-58]0 Sample ID: VB-3-20 Date Analyzed: 14-Feb-96 Lab No: 960466 Matrix: Soil Instrument ID: HP 5890 GC-1 Dilution Factor: 1 Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits ~'TBE 0.00 99 100 99 45-158 Benzene 0.00 93 100 93 i,, 5%138 toluene 0.00 96 ' 100 96 ' ' ' 59-1'33 Ethylbenzene 0.00 96 100 96 55-123 m,p-Xylenes 0.00 96 1 O0 96 53-135 o-Xylene 0.00 96 100 96 59-130 I I Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 104 100 104 45-158 Benzene 0.00 97 100 97 59-138 ~ ' TOluene ' 0.00 99 1001.: 99 59-133 Toluene 96 99 '91 --. :.-.. Ethylbenzene ' 96 .. 99 97 2.8 <16 ". m,p-Xylen~s. ~ 96 .~ ._99 97 2.9 <16 -' o-Xylene 96 99 98 3.2' <~ 5 [HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: VB-5-20 Dale Analyzed: 14-Feb-96 Lab No: 960482 Matrix: Soil instrument ID: HP 5890 GC-1 Dilution Factor: ] Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE ' 0.00 ' '98 100 ' 98 45-158 Benzene 0.00' 94 100 94 "' 59-138 Toluene 0.00 100 100 100 59-133 Ethylbenzen'e 0.00 99 100 99 55-123 mlp'Xylenes 0.00 98 100 98 53-135 o-Xylene 0.00 99 100 99 59-130 Matdx Spike Duplicate Results Compound ' Samplle ' Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE' 0.00 ' 100 100 100 '4,~-158 Benzene%. ,~. ?.:. ,V;., 0.00 108 100 108 59-138 .... :' ' Toluene::,:'~".'~.~?:~?.:~.,' :;,~. 0.00 105 100 105' 59-133 Ethy~b~n,.z.,e,,D..9;'~f!.f¢~;-; ??.,~:- 0.00..'. :. :. 105 .,., . 100 , . - ..: 105 55-123 ,m,p-Xy enes~¢!~;¢;:;¢~c.,~t:,?- 0.00.,:~: . 105 100 ' 105 53-135 ~f~t! ,.,-~' ..... 5%130 .. ~:XY!.e,,n,. ,~,::,,.:??,...,.0.00:?.'. ::.. :::.:: .... .. 105,:,,.,::;:.-,,~ ..-:.:. 100.: .: ?.., ,.,;.:: 105 : ., t K ",." ,* .*: ":~''' .,~:'; ~(,, ' 'E-L :;'~ ",'.L,'''''4 ~L' ':.t ' ,~,:-¢' ',' " L'' ' '"" :.:,~:, ~ompou~dEE'. ',~:~,:?.,~ Spike.7. -.' Matrix Spk. Dup - Average *: : · , %RPD Control ~TB~,:::.??j;~;~,4~z:F,4:. ~;?~(~',.:.¢.:'7 98'~,, ;,,:100 - 99 .....--: -. 1.9 <22 . BenzeneE?.;~fi.;,./'t;::.:.'-t 94 .' 108 101 13.6 < 14 "*" ;.:f.. -' :. foluenez:;~;~..f.;;::,?..?,;, .~:.~:., 100 ,:, 105 103 4.7 <14 ..:: ---. Ethylbenzene..~,,;...,::?.. ' 99 105 102 5.8 " ' <16 :',;,, m,p-Xylenes'--:..' ;~ · - " 98 .:: 105 ' 102 6.1 <16 .'-. : .r-. O-xylene ", · : 99 105 102 5.3 <15 : :. ?.,~ · IHOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC ~ ENVIRONMENTAL 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: VB-5-30 Date Analyzed: 16-Feb-96 Lab No: 960484 Matrix: Soil Instrument ID: HP 5890 GC-1. Dilution Factor: 1 Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.{ppb) (%) Limits MTI~E 0.00 74 ' 100 74 45-158 Benzene 0.00 84 100 84 59-138 Toluene 0.00 89 100 89 59-133 Ethylbenzene 0.00 88 100 88 55-123 m,p-Xylenes 0.00 86 100 86 53-135 o-Xylene 0.00 94 100 94 59-130 Matdx Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTB'E 0.00 ' 75 100 75 45-158' Benzene.,...-,,~ -, ,;. 0.00 85 100 85 59-138 Toluene: .... '~?:,.. 0.00 90 100 90 59-133. -"thy..I.b.-en~P e:~!~ r. ,~. 0.00 , 90 100 90 55-123 ,. - m'P.-~(Y].e.,nes:?i~? :.::.., 0.00 ..... .. 89 100 .. 89 : 53-135.::??~ .. !c~,-Xyle~f~;:i;~¢-:..f~;!~i~: ,.:,.:,:?--. o.00r,...::~,,,. ~,:-:.,,, 94 100 , 94 , 59-130;~,~,:,. ~,'~'~Z; ~: ~ :~:~:~'.:;'..":' ": :: :,'~ ~ '"": ~.: :': :~ Average Rec0ve~ & RPD Data .-. i',~, Compound;?~ ',.', ..... Spike':.-' Malfix Spk. Dup Average ~RPD Control~.?.:. '" -'::'?;:': ~'"':~':' ?~-::::':';:¢~:':': :" Reco~'e~' -' Recove~ Recove~ Benzene.::. 84 ' "85 84 1.7 Toluene . ,. 89 90 " 89 ~.7 <14 EthyibenzeAe 88 " 90 ' 89 3.1 ' <16' . m,p-Xylenes -- 86 :: 89 87 3.1 <16 o-Xylene 94 94 94 0.1 <15 [HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 EaslmQn Ave., Unit 1, Venfura, CA 93003¥(805) 550-7750¥FAX (805) 550-5810 Sample ID: V-EXC-E-6A Date Analyzed: 19-Feb-96 Lab No: 960534 Matrix: Soil Instrument ID: HP 5890 GC-1 Dilution Factor: 1 Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 ..... Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 102 100 102 45~158 Benzene 0.00 100 1 O0 1 O0 59-138 Toluene 0.00 93 100 93 59o133 Ethyl~enzene 0.00 91 100 91 ' 551123 m,p-Xylenes 0.00 84 100 84 53-135 o-Xylene 0.00 92 100 92 59-130 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MT'BE 0.00 101 100 101 45-158 Benzene 0.00 103 100 103 59-138 Toluene . 0.00 101 1 O0 101 59-133 · ':' Ethyl,benzene.:.~.:.~ ..... 0.00.., . 104 ' : -'., 100..-:.. ..~- ... 104 .... 55-123 m,p-.Xylenes~:!i~.¥'-.,.:~!f; ,. '.;.-. 0.00 · .,.,. 96... %:?:: ],00~:'.,,-~:: ':.:..:.:,.,-,.. 96]::: ,-:~. 53-135:'.. _ ~ .: .'~.'.~,;:'.::'::~bE~-~;E:~'¥..~T. '::~ .. ,. ' .'.:'~- ~ · '" : ~. "..::.'7:/' '.- ;: .:'.~: - '.. ¢' :~: '.:~,-?~Z,~.~:~';?~Z~. ~, ..:z~:t':~:.~'::. %;';c-.'~t::.';~ zz::kc?~?C~]Z:-'-:'~...~:. ,".:f..~"~:: ?"' :,. '~, ';~:'..".:..'. · .. . ..' .-,~.:~':t;,,,'~".,:.,,,~;,~,'"- "x:,"~,:.:.~¢,~ .~,:%~'~:'t.:;'~... ~' '~'-t..:~:-~,.,~;~'c~z"~,~t~:;~:~:~,-r~:~.~--~::.~,~?,~'' '~:M:~;-',.,-~' ~-, ' . ~.~;.~: t~., - Compound~:: ' Spike ~.~',~,: :: MatrixSpk. Dup -' Average~:: ',.:".x?. %RPD .~:::: : ',.', Control-.' , ,,. :.': ReC0~'r, ] : ReCover.., . Recove~ .,: .: ... :. ,..? : ::,:,' Limits',,.?) ~? ' MT~E : ,: 102- - ... 101 . .. ;.'..] 101.,<.: ~ .:,7 :-~:~? 1.4.::',.:.: .... .. <22 ..:.,:: ':' '" Benzene 100 103 ' "101 '. 2.9 <14 · Toluene 93 101 97 :: - 8.7 ~ <14 Ethylbenzene 91 ' 104 98 13 <16 m,p-Xylenes 84 :: 96 90 12 <16 o-Xylene 92 104 98 13 <15 SERVICE REP(~, AND NVOICE CUST ADDR P.O. No. S*~T~O" "0. r~ WORK PERFORh ED AT AUTHORIZED .DATE DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED ~ HOU.S ~ .OU. IV TOTAL PM PM MILEAGE ~ ~ TOTAL LABOR INGLUD~S~ERYIgE CALL ~ MILEA6E PRICE QTY MATERIALS AMOUNT ,.., Glens Station Maintenance (~) 3816 Shenandoah Drive Bakersfield, CA 93304 (3) - .~ , .~h~ne 398-0117 'F'~ W. & M. ~ 2089 (~) T*x + UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM This mortaring program must be kept at th~ UST loeation al MI timm. TI~ information on Ibis ~ lm~nm a ~ of t~ ol~'ati~g ~ The ~ hoid~' must notify (the local anenev~ ~ ~0 .~. any ehang~ to tl~ monitoring pmoedut~, unless t~quiml to obtain approval be. for~ making tho ~dmng~ Requin~d by ~ 2A32(d) and ~l(h) CCR. 1. If an unauthorized release occurs, how will the hazardous ; substance be cleaned up? Note: If. released hasardous substances reach tho snviro,ment, increase tho fire or explosion hazard, are no~ cleaned up from ~he se=onda~ =ontai~en~ within 8 hours, or de,er!orate the se=onda~ contai~en~, then (the local aqency} mus~ be notified within 24 hours. ~/2 .~.~ ~[ ~ '~-. ,. ' , / '. 2. Describe the proposed methods and equipment to be used for removing and properly disposing of any hazardous substances. 3. Describe the location and availability of the required cleanup equipment in item 2 above. 4. Describe the maintenance schedule for the cleanup equipment. 5. List the name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) responsible for authorizing any work necessary under~po~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM , eondidom of the ope~ins Ixmnit. The la,nit hokl~ must nodfy Cthe loe~ asea,W) widdn 30 da~s of Requ~d by Se~ons 2632(d) and 2641~) CCR. Facility Address /~ / / A. Describe the frequency of performing the monitoring: Piping / ,/ B. ~hat methods and equipment, identified by name and model, will be used for performing the monitoring: .... Tank Piping C. Describe the location(s) where the monitoring will be performed (facility plot plan should be attached): D. List the name(s) and title(s) of the people responsible for performing the monitoring and/or maintaining the equipment E. Reporting Format for monitoring: Tank *'?'~*' Piping , F. Describe the preventive maintenance schedule for the monitoring equipment. Note: Maintenance must be in accordance with the manufacturers' maintenance schedule but not less than every 12 months. G. Describe the training necessary for the operation of UST system, including piping, and the monitoring equipment: , *- CO!~ECTION N OTI C~ ':~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT .~= 0544 SubDiv. Pr tg~S:J- .Ulk. , .~ot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above l~ation: ~ Cot; ~o ! ~ ~ ~,, ~ ~, ~ / ~,.~~" ., ~ ~ '~' Completion Date for Corrections ~./A//r/~ ~ '~: Inspector ',~ 326-3979 "~ UNDERGROUND STOEAGEffAN~'~PECTION - !ii~'~!: Bakei'rsfield Fire De "' ii Bakers~eld, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~-T'~ J~ ~:~W ~ .~. ~ BUSINESS I.D. NO. 21S-000 FACILI~ ADDRESS /~ / /~ ~ _~ Cl~ ~,~~(~ ZIP CODE FACILIW PHONE No. ~' ~~ ~. INSPECTION DATE }~ .'' ~' ~ ~' ~ ~/~ ~O ~ TIBE IN TIME OUT /,9 [ ' ',' ' .~ ..... - " i.- A~" i.. INSPECTION~PE: ~-/~ ~e I?~ ~e - ~e ROUTINE ~ FOLLOW-UP ~ ~ ~,~ ~EQUIREMENTS ~ ~ ~a y~ ~ ~a yes no ~a ld. Sate Surc~rge Paid ~ ' ~ ~ '~ lf. W~en C~t~ E~sts ~n ~er & O~mt~ to O~mte UST '~' ~ K ~. AP~ov~ Wr~en Ro~ine MonEoHng Pr~ure ~. ~~ / ~ 2c. Una~ Relea~ R~n~ Plan ~ ~ 3b. Piping Int t est :in 12 MohthsL ~ O ~. Suction Piping ~ghtn~ Test ~in Last 3 Y~fs ~ +~ ' '~I:? ~. Gmv~ FI~ Piping T~ht~ ~ im~2 Y~m ''~ , I ~ ~ ~ ! ~. T~ R~uEs Subm~ Within ~ Da~ [~ / ~( ~, ~.~ 3f. Dal~ ~sual Mon~oflng of S~t~r~u~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % ~. Manual Invento~ R~cil~tion Each M~h -- ~ ~ ~. Annual Invento~ R~nciliati~ Statem~t Su~ ~ ) ~' ~ 5. w.~y M.nua~ T..k Gauging d~rds ~or Sm~f(~'~' '~' L ~ ' ~ 6. Month~ Statisti~l Invento~ R~nc ation R~u~s 7. M~th~ A~tic Tank ~'~i~ R~u~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ '' ~'~ '~ / / 8. Gr~nd Water ~E~ing ~ ~ 9. ~ Mon~oHng /' ~ 10, Continuous IntemtitJal Mon~oHng f~ Doubl~Wal~ Tan~ ~ ~ 11. M~hani~l Line Leak Det~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 12. El~tronic Line Leak Det~tom '., ~ ~ 15. Annual Maintenan~Calibration of L~ak/~t~/~i~t /"/Z/, ~.,~. x ., ~ """~, .~./~: ~ ~ ~ _. ~ ' 16. Leak Det~tion Equipment and T~t ~t~s L~t~ in L~113 Se~ ~' ' ~ ~ / 17. Wr~en R~rds Maintain~ on S~e ?., ~ ~ ~ ~' 18. Re~ Changes in U~g~Cond~ions ~o, O~ti~R~ng ~ Pr~ur~ of UST S~tem W~hi~,~.Da~ ~,, ~ ~ / 19. Re~A~ Una~ho~ Relea~ W~hin 2~m ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. Ap~ov~ UST S~tem Re,irs a~ U~m~ ~ / ~ 21. R~rds Sh~ng C~th~ Prot~i~ Inp~i~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ur~ M~od~ Wells ~., ~ ~ ~ RE-I~S~ECTION DATE ~ RECEIVED BY: Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility CONDITIONi$ ~i P~!~i~iiiiii~!REVERSE SIDE Tank Hazardous G~ii:~?iii?:!??::?i; ..... Ye:.~i!~iiiii?:.:~::.. :iii i~'.:~Yrank "~:i;:'i::~i~ :~.ii:~ili'::i!ii!i!!~!i~. Piping Piping Piping Number Substance c~iP'a~!~:~%-:i;?::: In"st~ll~;~;?:i....:. ~.~ ~?Type Mo'h~if~i~::?:?~::. TypeMethod Monitoring 01 UNLEADED PLUS .~;;'6;O~?:?~~: ;'::; ~R:E~3::~ ~;~; ~ 8W~ ..... MIR/~;~::~:~ ~:::.::'.:?~SWS PRESSURE ALD 02 SUPER ;~?.:::4~:D0~' ;~}-~' :::::-:,:~:~;'~;~ .?:;;:;~?'S~ :~":~(:~('~%~::MIR/T~:?~ ~;':::::~:~SWS PRESSURE ALD 03 UNLEADED ~:::,6:;~00 [":[ .?:,:PR~;~]~'~];?~?S~S::~:;]]:s~;;~::.~::~;:.~?:~IR/T~T ?:::~SWS PRESSURE ALD 04 WASTE OIL ~::::]~'~' :~:;:~P~E~:~;;;;;;~:'?:::::~;;::~:?:~?:~?~M~R~. ?:';;?~SWS GRAVIW LTT HAZAaOOUS MA;EalALS DIVISION dOHN ~T 1715 Chester ave., 3rd Floor dOHN ~T'S BP SERVICE Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 101 laTH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Approved by: ~ ~ H~ Hazardo~ Ma~e 12-22-93 12-22-98 Ralph E. ~ey, rials Coordinator Valid from: to: -' CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPC FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM ~. I am required to demoas~ ~'maa¢~l Respoa~ibt~jt7 ia ~te required amouut~ as sl~c~ed ia ~e~ioa 2~07, Clmpter 18,'Div. 3, Tide Z3, CC~- ~=~ ~00,000 dollars per oeeur~nc~ ~--~ 1 miltion dolhts annual z&~re~ate or A~D or ~'~ l mi';on dollars per occ~trrence r=~ 2 million dollars annual a~re~ate B. JOHN H. A×T hereby cert/fies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Section 2807, Article 3, Chapter 18. Div/sion 3, 7-/tie 23. California Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial responsibility as required by Section 2807ale as follows: self-insured JOHN AXT 1 0,000.00 renew YES'~ l! YES 101 1 9th ST. annually 'BAKERSFI~T.D, CA 93301 STATE CLEAN STATE WATER BOARD UP TO PERIOD YES YES UP FUND P 0 BOX 944212 990,000.00 CONTINUES SACRAMENTO, CA 94244 Nora: I! you are using t,~e ~tate Fund as any F~'t ef ~our de,,monstmti~n ef fi~.~! re~ ~ibi!~, ~c[, ~n a~ subm~n of th~ ce~cation also ce~es t~t you are in compl~e ~ all co~ ~r ~i~t~n in ~ Fu~. JO~ ~ BP S~ 101 19~ S~ ~SFI~.D~ ~ 93301 Fa,:~Namo Fua~ig AMrem F~,~ Fy Name Faf:~ A6drem INSTRUCTIONS .- .CERTIFICATION OF FINAN2IAL RESPONSIBILITY FORM PLease type or print cLearLy aLL information on Certification of Financial ResponsibiLity form. ALL LIST facilities and/or sites o~r~d or operated may be listed on one form; therefore a separate certificate is not required for each site. DOCUMENT iNFORMATiON A. Amot~t Required - Check the appropriate boxes.. g. #ese of Tard( O~ner - FuLL name of either the tank o~ner or the operator. or Operator C. Nechanism Type - indicate ~hich State approved mechanism(s) are being used to sho~ financial responsibility either as contained in the federal regulations, &O CFR, Part 280, Sub~rt H, Sections 280.90 through 280.1015 (See Financial Rpensibility Guide, for more information), or Section 2802.1, Chapter 18, Divtsion. 15,_~. Title Z~, CCR. #a~e of issuer - List aLL names and addresses of companies and/or individuals issuing coverage. Nechanism #tmber - List identi~n~ nunber for each mechanism used. ExampLe: insurance policy nunber or file r~r as indicated on bond or docta~ent. (if using State CLeanup Fund (State Fund) Leave blank.) Coverage imot~t - indicate amount of coverage for each type of mechanism(s), if more than one mechanism is indicated, total must equal 1001i of financial responsibility for each faci L i ry. Coverage Period - indicate the effective date(s) of aLL financial mechanism(s). (State Fund coverage ~ouLd be continuous as Long as you maintain compliance and remain eligible to continue participation in the Fund.) Corrective Action - indicate yes or no. Ooes the specified financial mechanism provide coverage for corrective action7 (if using State Fund, indicate "yes".) Third Party - indicate yes or no. Does the specified financial mechanism provide coverage for Cosq3ensation third party co~ponsation? (if using State Fund, indicate "yes".) D. Facility - Provide aLL facility and/or site names and addresses. Infotv~tion E. Signature Iilock - Provide signature and date signed by tank o~ner or operator; printed or typed name and title of tank o~nar or operator; signature of witness or notary and date signed; and printed or typed name of ,itness or notary (if notary signs as ~itness, please place notary seal next to notary's signature). - tlh. e~e-t o_Nsi.[ _£er. ti fi cat i on: __ · Please send originaL.to your Local agency (agency who issues your UST certification at each facility or site Listed on the form. ~JeSt ions: If you have questions on financial respensJbi[ity requirements or on the Certification of Financial ResponsibiLity Form, please contact the State UST CLeanup Fund at (916) T59-2475. _Note: PenaLties for Failure to Ce~pty uith Fino~cia[ ResponsibiLity eequireaents: FaiLure to comply may result in: (1) jeopardizing claimant eLigibiLity for the State UST CLeanup Fund, and (2) LiabiLity for civil penalties of up to $10,000 doLLars per day, per underground storage tank, for each day of violation as stated in ArticLe ?, Section 25299.76(a) of the CaLifornia #earth and Safety Code. i. 01l 1.9th S'TREEET ',::::.i"..: .... ,~ ~ ': 'r '~'i " .o ~..;I ...... t,,..~I .~ :::~.~ t.) C A 9 3 3 01 D ........i ......31., :i. 994 CASH ON HAND '7,529 ACCC)LiNTS RECE I VABLE 3,279 ' i i',i V E N'T' 0 R Y 6,063 s"r'EF.:~:L. SERV ]: CE STAT :i: ON BL.D. 20,000 (::~ ,aF.,ciL..L .[ t,,~- F::'UHI::'S ~ ,: ~ ,. ,: .',* ~ * T 'T'r'?-t ~',r'~,'",t ....... .'", ~-: ,:'. r'~'-, ,~ L...,. hi.. Il ..... I' .ES T A X F:'A Y A lB L E 2,089 L. OAN F::'AYABL. E 27 ,, 90'7 'T' t-'t '1"/~ t '" f".. ¥:) · ,-.,, ,-.~, .... L .l. ,..-, .,.., i L,. I T I E S 2 ? , 9 q;'. 6. NET WORTH I. 6,8'75 "WE CARE" January 30, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY 1715 CHESTER AVENUE F,.E C.,EF WA R N I N G ! 'A,ERSF,EU .32,,.391193301 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED 215-000-000282 JOHN AXT'S BP SERVICE 101 19TH ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 JOHN AXT D~r underground Storage Tank Owner: Our r~ords indimt~ that ~our busin~ do~s not haw a ~o~ifi~tion of Financial ~pon~lbi~ on fil~ ~h thi~ office. Pl~ fox, rd ~ith~r a cop~ of your ~xi~ing S~t~ approv~ m~hani~m to ~ho~ fin~noi~l r~pon~ibil~ or ~1~ oompl~t~ th~ aRach~d Co~ifimtion of Finanoml R~ponsibi~i~ form. An a~ach~d I~r from th~ S~t~ ~at~r ~soum~s Control Bmrd Ii~s th~ approv~ financial mspon~ibil~ m~h~ni~m~ mqu~r~d to pa~ for cormctiw actions resulting from I~king underground fuol 8~m~mb~r, mo~ tank own~ only hav~ to show financial msponsibili~ for at I~ $~0,0~ ~ cl~n up li~bil~. Th~ Underground Stomg~ Tank Cl~n Up Fund {USTCB ma~ b~ used as th~ m~hanism to cowr the m~ining Tho to~l amounts of financial responsibfli~ required (chock boxes from s~on ~ of fo~) ~m ~ follo~: If you don't s~ll product from you tanks, and you pump I~ than ~ 0,000 g~llons p~r month, ch~k "~00,000 per occurrence". EIs~, or if ~ou am in th~ busin~ of s~lling from ~our tanks, ch~ck "~ million dollam p~r occupancy". For owno~ of ~ Ol or mom p~trol~um underground ~omge tank~, ch~k th, '2 mfl~ion dollar annual aggmgato" box. ~ll oth~m n~d only oh~ok tho "~ million dollam annual aggr~t~ bom Pl~as~ bo aware that failure to provide tho financial msponsibili~ document to this offic~ w~hin 80 d~ will result in your P~rmit to Opomt~ being mvok~d. (252~5. ~ (b) California Hmlth & 8af~ If you haw an~ qu~ions, or would lik~ help in completing tho Oo~ifimtion of Financial ~spon~ibil~, pl~ conta~ Howard ~nes, Ha~rdous Materials Toohnicmn, at Sincerely, Ha~rdous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm INVOICE #BC000007 TEST DATE: 10/09/94 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15870 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** JOHN AXT B P JOHN AXT B P CONTACT: AXT,JOHN CONTACT: AXT,JOHN PHONE #: PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. THIS TEST IS PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL. TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .02597 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .024779 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .029960 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. ******* T A N K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 95 95 75 LENGTH (FT) 16.29 16.29 17.43 VOLUME (GAL) 6000 6000 4000 TYPE ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 71 80 58 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD PAS UNLD SUP UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 69.88 58.64 56.86 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000007 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT B P CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): AXT,JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 101 19TH ST. ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT B P SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) : AXT,JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 101 19TH ST. ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) : 0 NUMBER OF TANKS : 3 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) : 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) : 240 -TflHK I START TIME:21:16:30:00 CURREI4T TIME:22:16:30:00 - _ Z ~ i ~ - C1: ,~ - ~ -10 l,g~ R~E: .fl2957 GPH - P~, UERSION 1.2fl - 0 15 30 ~5 60 BC008087. TST, 1 TI M E (M IN UTES} 10109194 -TfiNK 2 STfiRT TINE:20:56:30:80 CURRENT TIME:21:56:30:00 - _ z - C1: - .000~Z - ~ _~ ~ I,EA~ R~TE: .02478 GPH LOSS - PT~, VERSIO~ 1.20 - BC888887. TS T, 1 TI M E (M IN UTES ~ 18/09/94 -TANK 3 START TINE:20:56:30:00 CURRENT TIME:21:56:30:00, - - _ m -5 _--C0: .88011 ~ - z - C1: -.00053 - c~ -10 -LEAK RATE: .82996 GPH LOSS - - PTA, UERSION 1.20 - 0 15 30 4.5 60 BC888087, YSY, 1 TI M E (~ IN UTES') 10/89/94 INVOICE #BCO00007 TEST DATE: 10/10/94 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15870 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** JOHN AXT B P JOHN AXT B P 101 19TH ST. 101 19TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA. BAKERSFIELD, CA. CONTACT: AXT,JOHN CONTACT: AXT,JOHN PHONE #: PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. THIS TEST IS PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL. TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .17 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .27 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .23 TANK IS TIGHT. ******* T A N K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 95 95 75 LENGTH (FT) 16.29 16.29 17,.43 VOLUME (GAL) 6000 6000 4000 TYPE ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 71 80 58 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 69.88 58.64 56.86 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A **~***** JOB NUMBER : 000007 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT B P CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): AXT,JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 101 19TH ST. ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT B P SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) : AXT,JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 101 19TH ST. ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSPIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) : 0 NUMBER OF TANKS : 3 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) : 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) : 240 - - 2,0 , _ - - - 1,0 - .o.. , ~ ~ ~ ~ ¢~ ,, I ,, ..... 50 500 500O 0 BCB88887 .gOH FREBUENCY f HZ~ ie/18194 3,0 ~ ~ - T~MK 2 TIME -- 00:27:16 '" 2,0" -- --J _ Z ~.~ -- -- ~ - 8~: .~7 50 ~00 5000 50000 BC~88887, SON FRE*~UENOY (HZ5 ~/ , ~ ~,o .0 ~ 50 500 5000 50000 B06~7. ~OM FREQUENCY' ~ HZ'~ 1~tt!f94 BILEING ORDER Invoice Number- INVOICE ADDRESS: TANK LOCATION: Taken by: U~ ~/~- ~p Date taken: Salesman: ] err: /~/ /~ ~ ~'~ ~~~ ~ T echnician:~~ ~--- P.O. Contact: Contact: Test D~te: Phone: Phone: Test Time: / EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: HYDROSTATIC PRODUCT LINE TEST RESULT SHEET AES PLT-100R I . START END TEST · VOLUME I PRODUCT VOLUME VOLUME PRESSURE DIFF. (GPH) PASSZFAIL CONFIRMATION TEST IF FIRST FAILED TEST PRESSURE IS 50 PSI WIfH LEAK DETECTOR REMOVED & IMPACT CLOSED. PLOT PLAN JOBSITE LOCATION I~! le~ ~r~ ,,, TANK SIZE PRODUCT LEGEND #1 ~'~ ~ F FILL ;TI TURBINE ~ 6~e' pls ~ TURBINm WITH LEAK DETECTOR #3 ~ -~U~ ~j OVERSPILL CONTAINER ON FILL ~R_~ REMOTE FILL #4 ~E~ EXTRACTOR VALVE #5 ~ MONITOR SYSTEM #6 l~_ MANIFOLD SYSTEM ~? BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 1715 CHESTER AVE.,-BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST TANK~ VOLUME CONTENTS FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. D. JOHNSON August 24, 1993 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 JOHN AXT!S BP SERVICE JOHN H. AXT 101 19TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 .RE: MOnitoring requirements for underground storage tanks. Dear Mr. Axt: Our records reveal that no precision tank testing has been performed on the fuel and waste oil underground storage tanks located at 101 19Th Street. Section 2643 2(A) of Article 4;'Title 23, Div. 3,~ Chapter 16, CCR., requires that all underground tanks that do not utilize automated leak detection shall have a precision tank test annually. Additionally, pressurized piping shall be tested annually and non- pressurized piping shall be tested every three years. Pipeline leak detectors and automated leak detection systems also have to be certified to be in working order on an annual basis. Please make arrangements to bring the tanks into compliance with state law. If you have any questions~ please call me' at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Mark A. Turk "~ ~'"' Inspector - Haz Mat ~7/~/ Underground Tank Program BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION .. Date ComPleted ~-~/~-~ BusineSs Identification No. 215-000 ~ ~op of Business Plan) 'Number of Tanks: ~ Type: ~,~(~ ~ COntainment: '~ Lines: ~ ~ ~-~,~. ~ Contact Information Owner: ~ ~ Emergency Contacts:' Monitoring Program ~' Records Maintenance [] [~ Testing 1-:-] [~ Inventory Reconciliation ~'~ [-'] Response Plan Emergency Plan [~. ~ [] ~~.neSs.~oWn~~ All ltemsOK ~. · Correction Needed INVOICE #TL000089 TEST DATE: 09/07/93 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. __ ~ __ ~ PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 /~~E~~~~~~~ (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ..... ~ JOHN AXT'S B.P. JOHN AXT'S B.P. 101 19TH STREET 101 19TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 93301 CONTACT: AXT, JOHN CONTACT: AXT, JOHN PHONE #: 805-322-2850 PHONE #: 805-322-2850 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. * THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL * TANK #1: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .042049 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT./~ TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL ~ RATE: .027756 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT.'/' TANK #3: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .036974 G.P.N. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT./ OPERATOR: DE (NIS G00OAN SISNATURE: ATE: ******* T A N K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 74 96 96 LENGTH (FT) 17.90 15.96 15.96 VOLUME (GAL) 4000 6000 6000 TYPE ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 55 65 64 FUEL TYPE SUP UNLD PLS'UNLD REG UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 60.13 74.41 75.02 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** 30B NI~BER : 000089 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT'S B.P. CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): AXT, JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : ADDRESS - LINE 2 : 101 19TH STREET CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93301 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-322-2850 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT'S B.P. SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) : AXT, JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : ADDRESS - LINE 2 : 101 19TH STREET CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93301 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-322-2850 GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) : 0 NUMBER OF TANKS : 3 LENGTH'OF PRE-TEST (MIN) : 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) : 180 INVOICE #TL000089 TEST DATE: 09/07/93 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE'TEST ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** JOHN AXT'S B.P. JOHN AXT'S B.P. 101'19TH STREET 101 19TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 93301 CONTACT: AXT, JOHN CONTACT: AXT, JOHN PHONE #: 805-322-2850 PHONE #: 805-322-2850 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. * THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL * TANK #1: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .46 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .15 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .25 TANK IS TIGHT. OPERATOR: D£NNIS E. G00PA~_,_ SIGNA?U~E: __ DATE: UTTL #92-1000 ******* T A N K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 74 96 96 LENGTH (FT) 17.90 15.96 15.96 VOLUME (GAL) 4000 6000 6000 TYPE ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 55 65 64 .FUEL~TYPE - - SUP~UNLD- PLS- ~LD REG ~UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 60.13 74.41 75.02 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000089 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT'S B.P. CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): AXT, JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : ADDRESS - LINE 2 : 101 19TH STREET CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93301 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-322-2850 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* $ I T E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT'S 'B.P. SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) : AXT, JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : ADDRESS - LINE 2 : 101 19TH STREET CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93301 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-322-2850 GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) : 0 NUMBER OF TANKS : 3 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) : 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) : 180 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST OPE~TORS N~E '~O ~ ~ ~ ~' OWNERS N~E ,~=A ~ ~ ~z~ o~ TAN~S ~o ~z ~S~ZD 3 ZS ~Z~Z~G GOZ~ TO'~E TZST~D T~ VOL~E CONTENTS ~ ~oo~ TANK TESTING COMPANY e~H06/u~,,~,,~ ~ ~DDREss c~l 7 TEST METHOD ~ '.~. N~E OF TESTER O~ o~t~ ~- ~ooo~ CERTIFICATION ~ ~ l-lO ~ ~'' DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED . .. ~-" DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLIC~T INVOICE #TL000089 TEST DATE: 09/07/93 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** JOHN AXT'S B.P. JOHN AXT'S B.P. 101 19TH STREET 101 19TH STREET BAKERSFIELD,93301 CA. BAKERSFIELD, 93301 CA. CONTACT: AXT, JOHN CONTACT: AXT, JOHN PHONE #: 805-322-2850 PHONE #: 805-322-2850 · ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. * THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL * TANK #1: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .46 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .15 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .25 TANK IS TIGHT. UTTL#92-1000 ******* T A N K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 74 96 96 LENGTH (FT) 17.90 15.96 15.96 VOLUME (GAL) 4000 6000 6000 TYPE ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 55 65 64 FUEL TYPE SUP UNLD PLS UNLD REG UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 60.13 74.41 75.02 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000089 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT'S B.P. CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): AXT, JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : ADDRESS - LINE 2 : 101 19TH STREET CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93301 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-322-2850 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT'S B.P. SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) : AXT, JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : ADDRESS - LINE 2 : 101 19TH STREET CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93301 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-322-2850 GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) : 0 NUMBER OF TANKS : 3 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) : 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) : 180 Ct, 3,0 ~ i - ~1~ 9 ! I~, -- ?.9:18: 8~ - L,J 2,0 -- 7 50 500 5000 50000 ~L888889. SOH FREQUENCY (HZ~ 89/87/93 C1,~ ,~,0 I t , - TAll]( I TIHE -- 23:18:81 - L,J 2,0 -- Z Z ~-~.-.1,~ -- -- 50 500 5000 50000 TL888889,80~ FREOUENCY (HZ ~ 89/87/93 3,0 I t ~ - TAHK 2 TIHE -- 23:1S:48 - u~ 2,0 " Z Z '--" '1,0 ~- - ~: .1§ - PEA~ S~: 7.16 ,0 ~ 50 5~ 5000 50000 ~ {LBSB889. SOH FREQUENCY (HZ$ 89187193 INVOICE #TL000089 TEST DATE: 09/07/93 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** JOHN AXT'S B.P. JOHN AXT'S B.P. 101 19TH STREET 101 19TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 93301 CONTACT: AXT, JOHN CONTACT: AXT, JOHN PHONE #: 805-322-2850 PHONE #: 805-322-2850 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. * THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL * TANK #1: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .042049 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .027756 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .036974 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. OPERATOR: DENNIS E. G00DAN SIGNATURE: ~,/~_ DATE: __-_~-2-~___ UTT[ #92-1000 ******* T A N K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 74 96 96 LENGTH (FT) 17.90 15.96 15.96 VOLUME (GAL) 4000 6000 6000 TYPE ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 55 65 64 FUEL TYPE SUP UNLD PLS UNLD REG UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 60.13 74.41 75.02 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000089 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT'S B.P. CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): AXT, JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : ADDRESS - LINE 2 : 101 19TH STREET CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93301 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-322-2850 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) : JOHN AXT'S B.P. SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) : AXT,~JOHN ADDRESS - LINE 1 : ADDRESS - LINE 2 : 101 19TH STREET CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93301 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-322-2850 GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) : 0 NUMBER OF TANKS : 3 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) : 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) : 180 ~5 TAM]( 1 START TIHE:lg:89:38:flO CURREH! TIHE:20:89:38:08 - -5 ~0: -.88822 - C1: .88878 - -10 -L~ RAT~: .84285 GPH CA]H - 0 15 30 ~5 60 TL88888~. TST, 1 TIME (MINUTES~ 89/87/93 - TAH]( 2 81ART TIHE:lg:lO:38:80 CURREH? ?IHE:20:10:30:08 ~ - C1: .66637 0 15 30 ~5 ~L88888~, ISI, 1 TIME (MINUTES} 89/87/93 -Tt~N]( 3 SI'ART TINE:ZJ.:59:88:88 CURREN! ~lHE:ZZ:59:88:~ - ~ - ~ -b ~8: .88838 ~ - - C1: .8~45 - ~-~0 I,E~R~TE: .8369? GPH G~18 . ~ - PT~, YEAS IOX ~.28 - _~ s , ~ , t~ ,~ ..... I ~ ., ~ , I .... 0 15 30 ~5 80 TC888889. TST,3 TIME ( MINUTES~ 89/87~3 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917_West Belleview, Porterville, CA 93257 " 1-800-244-1921 ..~' ":- : -..- TESTER LOG PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMANATION PL400 FORMAT TEST LOCATION: T~ST OP~TOR: Unld. Plus Super Unld' Diesel User Instructions 17A lSD O~ION O~ION O~ION or 18B 18D 0R 17 18F 18F 18F ** ** ** (rev. D) Step ~ 1SA 18E For plus change,use - Comments: m~nus chang~use + 18~ 60 188 18F 60 T~t (~de) Test (~ffde) ~ak Detector ~nc~oning properly PLOT. PLAN JOBSITE LOCATION ~'~ ~' o,~ ~,'~ c~ iAN PRODUCT LEGEND F FILL TI TURBINE ~ TURBINE WITH LEAK DETECTOR ~ OVERSPILL COSTAIS~R ON FILn #5 ~ EXTRACTOR VALVE ~6 ~ ~ONITOR $¥STE~ #7 ~-'] KANIFOLD S¥$TE~ ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept~ ~~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 RECEIVE (805) 326-3970 · --~ ~ JUL 1 5 1991 ~......--~' U N D ERG ROU N D'~-~'QK QU E,,STIO~NNAI~E~' MA* DBA OR FACILI~ NAME / NAME ~ OPERATOR . Cl~ NAME [ STATE ~IPCODE ~ BOX TO INDICATE ~ CORPO~TIO ERSHIP ~ L~AL AGENCY DISTRIC~ ~ COUN~ AGENCY ~ STATE AGENCY ~ FEDE~L AGENCY ~PE OF BUSlNE~ ~1 GAS STATION ~ 2 DISTEIBUTO~ EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PEIMAE~ EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDA~ optionol DAYS: NAME (~ST. FIRS~ PHONE ~, WITH AR~ CODE OATS: NAME (~ST. FI~ PHONE No. WITH AE~ CODE NIGHTS: NAME (~ST. FIRS~ PHONE'S. WI~ AR~ CODE NIGHTS: NAMerS[ FI~ PHONE No. WITH AR~ CODE / J~R~PER~ OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) MAILING OR S~E~ ADDRESS 1 BOX ~ INDIVIDUAL ~ L~AL AGENCY ~ STATE AGENCY Ill. TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CA~E OF ADD~E~ INFORMATION MAltING O~ STREET ADDRESS ~ BOX ~ INDIVIDUAL ~ LOCAL AGENCY ~ STATE AGENCY ~O / / ~ ~ ~ TO INDICATE ~ARTNERSHIP Q COUN~ AGENCY Q FEDERAL AGENCY CI~ NAME ~TE J~IP CODE PHONE NO. WITH AREA CODE OWNER'S DATE VOLUME PRODUCT IN TANK No. iNSTALLED STORED, SERVICE N YIN Y/N ~ Fill one segment~?~t for each tank, unless all.~tanks and piping are. · ~.~"constructed of~lsame materials, style an~pe, then only fill ~ ~ one segment out. please identify tanks by owner ID #. I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN ~Z.~..~~ ; 'i /' . l Ill. TANK CONSTRUCTION .ARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES k B, ANDC.~DALLTHATAPPLIESlN8OXD A1 ~E OF ~ : DOU[LE WAIL ~ 3 S:NGLE WA[ W:~ E]ER:OR lINER ~ 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 S:Na~ W~LL ~ ~ S~CO~OARY ~N*~:~* (WUU~*~N~ ~ a~ O~ B. TANK ~ 1 ~RE STEEL ~ 2 STAINLESS S~EL ~ 3 FI~ERG~SS ~ 4 STEEL C~D W/FIBERG~ RE:NFORCED P~STIC MATERI~ ~ 5 CONCRE~ ~ S POLWlNYL CHLORIDE ~ 7 ~UMINUM ~ 8 I~ ME~ANOL ~MPATlaLEW~RP (Pr)maryTank) ~ 9 aRON~ ~ 10 ~LVANI~D S~EL ~ UNKNOWN ~ 1 RU~ER UNED ~ 2 ~D L~N~NG ~3 EPO~ L~NtNG ~ 4 PH~NOL~ LINING C, INTERIOR ~ 5 G~ LINING ~ S UNLINED ~ ~ UN~OWN ~ ~ O~ER IS LINING MATERIAL ~MPATIBLE WITH 1~ ME~ANOL ? YES~ ~ · D. CORROSION ~ 1 ~LYE~YLENE WRAP ~ 2 ~ATI~ '' ~ 3 VI~L WR~ ~ 4 F~aERG~S REINFORCED ~STIC PROTECTION ~ 5 CATHODIC PROTECtiON ~ 9~ NONE .~ UN~OWN IV. PIPING INFORMATION c~,cm · ~OV~ROUNOO. U A. SYSTEM~PE A u 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVI~ A U ~ O~ER B. CONSTRUCTION A..U I SINGLE WALL A U 2 ~UBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TR~CH ~N~OWN A U ~ O~ER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 ~RESTEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 ~LWINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A ~ 4 FiBERG~S PiPE CORROSION A'U 5 ~UMINUM A U 6 CONCRE~ A U 7 STEELWlCOA~NG A U 8 1~ ME~ANOL ~MPATIBLEW~RP PROTECTION A U 9 ~LVANIZED S~EL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A ~g5 UN~OWN A U ~ O~ER D. LEAK DETECTION ~1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR ~ 2 LINE TGH~ESS TESTING V, TANK LEAK DETECTION ~ 6 TANK TESTING ~ 7 IN~RSTITIAL~ONITORING ~ 91 NONE Q 95 UNKNOWN ~ ~ O~ER I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLE.'~ ALL ITEMS,~ -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. ~PE OF ~ DOUBLE WALL ~ 3 SINGLE WALL Wl~ E~ERIOR LINER ~ 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~SINGLE WALL ~ 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAUL~DTAN~ 9g B, TANK ~ 1 BARE STEEL ~ 2 STAINLESS STEEL ~ 3 FIBERG~SS ~ 4 STEEL C~D W/FIBERG~SS RE[NFORCED PLAST[C MATERIAL ~ 5 CCNCRETE ~ 6 POLWINYL CHLORIDE ~ 7 ~UMINU~ ~ ~ ,~ UE~ANOL ~PATISLEW~RP [.6maryTank) ~ 9 ~RON~ ~ 10 ~LVAN:~O STEEL ~5 UNKNOWN ~ ~ O~ER ~ , ,U88ER LINED ~ 2 ~O LINING ~ 3 EPO~ LINING ~ 4 PHENOL~ L,NING C. INTERIOR LINING ~ 5 GLASS LINING ~ 6 UNLINED 9S UNKNOWN ~ ~ OmER IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 1~ ME~ANOL ? ES~ NO~ D. CORROSION ~ 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP ~ 2 COATING ~ 3 Vt~L WR~ PROTECTION ~ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~ 91 NONE ,~95_ _ UNKNOWN ~ ~ O~ER IV. PIPING INFORMATION. Cl.CLS A 1FABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND. aO~ IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEMTYPE A U 1 SUCTION A~ PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVI~ A U 99 O~ER B. CONSTRUCTION A U I SINGLE WALL A ~ 2 ~UBLE WALL A ~ 3 LINED TRENCH A ~ UNKNOWN A ~ 99 O~ER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARESTEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 ~L~INYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A U 4 FIBERG~S PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRE~ A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 10~ ME~ANOL COMPAT~BLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A ~NKNOWN A ~ ~ OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION ~NEORING ~ 99 O~E V. TANK LEAK DETECTION~ ~/~ ~~ I ' )~ TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLEm ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN t~l. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ~TEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, AND C. AND ALL THAT APPLIES ~N BOX O A, TYPE OF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [~ 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL [] 4. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANIO '["~ 99 OTHER ,B. TANK [] ] BARESTEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 4 STEELCLAD W/ FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLAST": MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] $ POLYVlNYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL ~_~B5 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER [] . RUBBER LINED [] `2 AL~D LI.I.G [] 3 EPOX~ LI.I.~ [] 4 PHENOL": Li.,NG C. INTERIOR UNING [~]' 5 GLASS LINING [] 8 UNLINED "~95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES__ NO__ D, CORROSION [] I POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING , [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REIN~FORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE :~ .. ~.~95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION cIRcLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION ~RESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B, CONSTRUCTION A U I SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A IJ 3 LINED TRENCH ,~,~NKNOWN A U 99 OTHER ' C. MATERIAL AND A'~ ~ B^RESTEEL ., ~ [J 2 STNNLESS S'ii[EL A {J 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A tJ 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM ,~ U 6 CONCRETE. · ' 'A' U 7 STEEL Wl coATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZEDSTEEL ~A Ii, 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~NKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 ~NTERSTITIAL 'V. TANK LEAK DETECTION [] `5 TAN~ TEST,"G ~ 'N~RST,T'ALMD.,TORI"~ [] ~' NO"E [] ~ ~N~W. [] ~ OTHER I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B. ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPE OF [~ 1 DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANIO [] 99 OTHER B. TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL [] '2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 4 STEELCLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC MATERIAL [~ 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [~ 8 10(~ METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP (~i~,'r~.~) [] ~ BRONZE [] ,0 GALVANiZED STEEL [~ ~ UNKNOWN[] ~B O~ER ---[] ~ RUBBER L,NED [] ~ ALKYD L,N,NG [] ~ EPOX~ L'.,NG [] ~ PNENOL,C ',N,NO c. INTERIOR ~ LINING [] 5 GLASS L1NING [] 6 UNLINED 9,5 UN'KNOWN [] 99 OTHER IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL? YES__ NO__ D, CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE ~BS UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV, PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GRO~NDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE , A. SYSTEMTYPE , SUCT,ON 3 GRAV, AU OTHER o; / B. CONSTRUCTION A IJ 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A [J 3 LINED TRENCH A IJ 95 UNKNOWN A IJ 99 OTHER C, MATERIAL AND A U ~ BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A IJ 3 POLYVINYL. CHLORID, E (PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLASS PiPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 ST~COATING A IJ 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A U 9 .GALVANIZED STEEL A ti 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U~ 9_,..9~UNKNOWN A I~ 99 OTHER · D. LEAK DETECTION [~] I AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 3 INTERSTITIAL 9 OTHER %,~ V. TANK LEAK DETECTION I [] 1 VISUAL CHECK ~I*~ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAOGING [~]5 GROUND WATER MONITORING [] `5 TAN~ TEST,NG ~ INTERST,TIALMON,TORING [] ,~ NONE [] B~ UNKNOWN [] .~, OTHER $ FILE CONTENTS. SUHMARY ~ . Activity Date · Of Tanks Comments ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH . \RTMEN-T/ ""~" Pnrmit No. . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~{ ~New ~actllty ~odifteatton Of' Fa,tltty ~Extsttn~ Factltty~Transfer Ownership Of Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days -.'Ohn~ ~0~ Type Of Business (check): ~asolln. Station ~Othe~ Is Tank(s) Located 'On An Affr~ultural ~arm7 ~Yes '~No Is Tank(s) Used Pri~artll For Atrtcultural Purposes7 ~Yes ~o T R SEC {Rural Locations Only) Tank Owner '~ ~ ~oata~t Person ~ Operator Contact Person I Address Zip Telephone B. Water To Facility Provided B~ Depth to Groundwater Soil Characteristics At Faetltt~ Basis For Soil Type and Oroundwa~er Depth Deternlnatlons ~. Contractor ,CA Contractor's License No. Address Zip Telephone Proposed Starting Date Proposed Completion Date Worker's Compensation Certification No. In~urer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, :Briefly ~odlfteatlons Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (~heck all that appl~): Tank ~ Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Fuel O1~ F. Chemical Composition Of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank t Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS ~ (If known} Chemical Previously Stored {if different) Transfer Of Ownership - , .. Previous Facility Name ~ ~'~'~-,~.,~,,:,, .~.~::::) ~o~._4 I, ~%~ ~ ' ' a~cep~ fully ~11 obligations of Permit No. issued ~o~~ ~' ~ I understand that the Permitting Authority may review modify or ,terminate the transfer~ of the Permit to Operate this underground facility upon receiving, this complc'ted form. This' form has been completed Under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge ts tru and eorroc ~ ~ ~'~ 1 ~C'--~L'-~xC' ~, ....... EN~tRO~.~NTAL" ~EX PHINNEY'S MOBIL SERVICE '01-19m STREET--322-2850 Permlt # ~r~3CMonth/Yr 1. I have not done any major' modifications to this f~li~/~ during the ............. Note:. Ail. major modifications ..:re0utrd _.a P~rmit.to Constr~ f~0m .... _ the Permittin~ Authority. 2. I have done major modifications for which I obtaine~ Permit(s) to Construct from Permittin~ Authority Signature Permit to Construct ~ Date 3. Repair and Maintenance Summary Attach a summary of a1,1: -- Routine and required maintenance done to this facility's tank, piping, and monitoring equipment. -- Repair of submerged pumps or suction pumps. -- Replacement o~ flow-restricting leak de~ectors with same. -- Repair/replacement of dispensers, meters, or nozzles. -- Repair of electronic leak detection components, or replacemen~ with same. -- Installation of ball float valves. -- Installation or repair of vapor recovery/vent lines. Include the date of each repair or ~aintenance activity " . NOTE: All repairs or replacements In response to a leak require a Pdrmit to Construct from the Permi~ting Authority as do all other modifications to tanks, piping or monitoring equipment nok listed here. 4. Fuel Changes - Allowed for Motor Vehicle Fuel tanks Only.' List all fuel storage changes in tanks, noting: Date(s), tank number(s), ne~ fuel(s) stored. , 5. Inventory control monitoring is required for this facility on the Permit to Operate, and I have not exceeded any reportable limits as .listed in the appropriate inventory control monitoring handbook during the ]asr twelve months (if no~ applicable, disregard). ' Signature 6, Trend Analysis Summary ............ Please attach Annual Trend Analysis Summary-for~the last 12 periods ?, Meter Calibration Check Form Please attach current, completed Meter Calibration Check Form BAKERSFIELD SERV, I~F STATION REPAIR , ~ ,230so. u,~,O~joN!~ .... .jtD. c^,,o, ~ Record Of Computer (~0~,.~.~ Or Meter Change ~ Computer Change ~ak. and ~odel ~eri~l Number Tag~ ; Finish (money) Finish (gallons) Slow ~librltion: Re.dings Start (mone~) ~ ~ Start (gallons) -- ~djusted I Fast ~ Slow Produc~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~r~ to Storage. ~*~(gall°'~}. To~alizer~y~Seale~ ~No {} ~er Seaie~y~ ~No ~-and ~odel , Serial Number Tagged Fi~i.h (monev) Finish Igallons) ~libr~tion~ I Fast [ SI . Re~i~s Start (so.ay) Start (gallons) Adjusted I Fast [ SIo~ . _ "~'""" :~~'Y ~ .... ": .:J"9~r~.~:'Z .... -'-- ]~ake and Mo e Serial Number Tagged · ~u.. ! ~ I~ - ~u~ I ~ ~ 9 o.., o~,... O.,u.I Make and Model ~erial Numbe~ ' Tagge~ Pump 1 9E19. o-- o~,... Finish (money) Finish (gallons) ~libration: Fast Slow Readies Start (money) Start (gallons) ' Adjusted Fait Slow Make s.d Model Seriat Number TaggeO I Teg ~i~i~h Imo~ey) ~ F i~i~h <gaHo~l Calib~.tion= l ~a~ 5~ow Readings Start (money) I Start (gallons)' Adjusted I Produc~ Return to Storage (gallo~ ~ Totalizer Sealed "' '~ake and Model Serial Number Tagge~ Tag Finish (money) Finish (gallons) Calibration: [ Fast I Slow Re~i~s Start (money) - Start (gallons) Adjusted Produ~ t ' Return tdStorage (gallons) _/ I o a d ~Meter .. 1.., .c..,...,.,. ~ BAKERSFIELD SER~' STATION REPAIR · . I230SO. UNIONAVE~ :,ELO. C^,,07 Record Of Computer 2¢ HOUR SERVICE .~, 327.¢6,, ~' Or Meter' Change Make and Model Serial Number Tagge~ I Tag ~ . . Reedin~ Start (money) - _ ...... Start (gallons) - -.. -~ ........ Adjusted ~ Fas~ -., - ~ Slow Produc~ ~elurn to ~torag~ (gallons) To~81izer ~e~to~ ~ ~ler i ~ke and Model Serial Number Tagged Tag ~ '~ ~i~ieh (monev) Finish (gallons) ~. Refill Start (moneyl ~ I Start (gallons) Adjusted Fast Slow Return to Storage (gallons) Product To:alizer Seale~ I ~.r u~l~Z r,.~ ~... ~.o ., ~.o Make and Model Serial Number Tag~d T~ ~ Finish {gellonsl ~librlfion: Re~iflgs Start (money) Start (gallons) Adjul{ed Flit Slow Product ~~[ ~ ~ Return to Storage~l~(gallons) Totalizer~yesSeale~ ~No ~ Meter Sealed~es ~No I Mak~and Model Serial Number Tagged ~ Tag ~ I Finish ~monev) Finish (g.llons) C~libration:JFsst ~ Re~i~s [ Start (money) · Start-(galtons} Adjusted~ Product ~[-~~ Re,urn to Storage ~~(gall°n~ Totalizer~yesSealed ~No Meter Sealed~yel DEe ak~nd Model Sar)at Number Tagged Tag ~ Finish (money) Finish (gallons} Calibration: J Fast J Slow Product -- ~ Return to Storage (gallons) I Totalizer Sealed , Meter Sealed ~ake and Model Serial Number I Tagged ~ Tag ~ Pump le~Z7 I~Red ~GTeen ~BlueI · ~ Finish (monevl Finish (gallons) I Calibration: I Fast ' ' I Slow Rl~iql Star,money) - I StaFt (gallons) J ~al +ed I Fait I Slow Product ~ ~ ~ Return to Storage (gallOnl) ./ I Totalizlr Sllled I Meter Sealed [ r.. ~..,..,~,p~__r.'F /~ I ,,~c ~ . . DEPARTMENT OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ii COUNTY OF KERN '~ sTATE OF CALIFORNIA 1116 East California Avenue Bakersfleld-93307 Telephone (805) 861-2418 Certificate of Inspection K 0 0335 This is to certify that, in accordance with the law, I ~ tested the scales, ~Nghts, and measures said to be the property of or used by: DATE ~'- ,?...Z. 19~_ 8' NAME. J,"~'J..~&/...' ~..-~,. ADDRESS / O / / c,! T/_I ~ .'~", OWNER FORMER ..... ~-' .......... NAME · NO.~.D~ESCRIPTIOH AND REMARKS /- ,.% ,o~p~,-~_ ~ 7~.... .I (~L~ L~ -(9 2- .~E ~ow~m o~ ^~£uror-~w~ or P~O~rv ,~$~c*m~. out ' Mont¥ H.H~opp~r,'Director · PROMINENT PLACE BAKERSFIELD SERVICE STATION REPAIR . ,.o.c^,.0, ill Record Of Computer 24 Or Meter Change . { . ' ~ ~ t-'.~ ~ Meter Chan~ Make and Mod~ Serial Number Tagged ~ T~ ~ Finish (~) ~- Finish (gallons) ~libration: Fast ~ w~ Readi~ Start (money) Start (gallons) Adiusted - M~ke and Model Serial Number Tagged ~ Tag ~ Pump ~Red ~Green ~Blue .' Re~i~s ~rt(money) Start (galibn$} Adjusted Fast Slow Product ~ Re~urn to Storage (gallons) Totalizer Sealed J Meter Se.led -' ~Yes ONo I ~Yes ONo Make a~d Model ~ Serial Numar Teg~d T~grM Pump ORed OGreefl OBlue " Finish (money) ~ Finish (gallonsl ~libration: I Fast ,/,. I Slow Checked I " "~ Start (gallOns) Adjusted ~ F~t Slow Totalizer Re~ings Start (money) ~.~ To Product Ret~ to Storage (gallons) Totelizer Sealed ~ Meter Sealed 0 Yes 0 No I OYes 0 No Make a~d Model Serial Number Tagged ' I Tag ~ OBlue] Finish( ....... y) Finish (gallons) ~ Ca,b.at,on: I Fas, To, ~Slow Tot alizer Checked Adjusted I Fast Slow Reading~ Start {too.ay) Start (gallons) '~. Product Re.urn to ~torage (gallons) ".~ Totalizer Sealed Meter Sealed x"x. ~Yes ~No I ~Yes ~No Make ~nd Model Serial Number ~a~ged J Tag ~ . Pump ~d ~Green ~Blue Tot~lizer Checked~.. Product Return to Storage (gallons) TOtalizer Sealed ".. ~ Meter Sealed ~ Yet ~ No ""- ~ Yes ~ No Make a.d Model Serial Number Ta~ed "..( Tag · Pump ~Red ~G~een ~Blue [ Fi,lab (money) Finish (gallonsl Calibration: Fast [ Slow Totaliz~r Check~ Rl~i~s St,~t (money)/. Start (gallons) Adjusted Fast I Slow '/ To Produc~ Re~urn ~o Storage (gallons) To~alizer Sealed ~ Me,er Sealed OAKERSFIELD SERV~E STATION REPAIR ~ '230 $O. UNION AVIan/ ~LD. ~, 9J]07 Record Of Computer 24 HO~ Or Meter Change ~Red ~Green ~Biue "in~sh (mo,,eV) ~libration: IFast I flSI°w Totalizer Checked Product ~eturn to. Storage (gallons) Totalizer Seale~ 0 Y- 0 ~o O Y- 0 No ~ake and ~odel Serial Numbez Tagged T~ Pump ORed OGr~n Finis~ (money) ~inish (geHon~) ~libr.tio~: 5low , Totalizer Checked Readings Start (money) Start (gallons) Fa.t Slow Product to Storage (gallons) :alizer Sealed 1 Meter Seale~ O Y- O No I 0 Y., 0 No Make and Model Serial Tag~d Pump ORed OGreen OBlue ~ Finish (money) Finish (gallonsJ ./ ~lib~ation: Fast . Slow Totalizer Checked Readings Start (money) Start (gallons)///.' AdjustedTo Fast Slow Product Re.urn to Storage [gallons} Totalizer Sealed Mete~ Seated // O Y- O No O V-- ~ No Make and Model Serial Number Tag Pump ~Green ~Blue Fast ~ Slow. Totalizer Checked Readies Start (money) Start (gallons) Adjusted lSIow '.' To I Product / Return to Storage (gallons) Totalizer Sealed Meter Sealed / O~., ONo O~., ONo Make and Model Serial Number Tagged Fag Finish ) Finish (gallons) Calibration:I Fast ;Iow I Totalizer /~ Checked Re~i~s ~rt (money) Start (gallons) Adjusted Fast P~oducX . . Return to Storage (,,llon,) I To,alizer S,,led [ Meter Sealed I BAKERSFIELD SERVI~iE -TATION REPAIR *'~JO$O"UNIO?4^J~E'I~I~/'L-E'LD'(::'~]30? e Record Of Computer Or Meter Change Location ~ ~ (~0~1 ~ .' Station~umber IOate 0 MeterChen~ Contractor Make and Model Serial Number Tagged ~ Tag I 0 Red OGr~n Finish (money) Finish (gallons) ~libration: ~ Fast Readings Start (money) ,' Start (gallons) Adjusted I F"t~ Product Return to Storage~llons) Tot~l~ ~ter Sealed Make a~d Model Serial Number z Tagged Tag ~ Pump ORed ~Gr~n Oalue Product . ' .... Return toStorage (gallons) .TotalizerSealed ~M~Sealed '~' ' OYes ' ONo /~__ DYes ONo ~iqi~h (money) '~. Finish (gallons) ~lib~t~Fast Slow Readings Start (money) ~ Start (gallon~) Fait Slow Product eturn to Storage (gallons) ~ Totalizer Seale~ I Meter Sealed Make and M~del tuber Tagged Tag ~ Pump ~Red ~Green ~81ue Totalizer . . Checked Readings Start (~onev) ~tet~ (gallons) Adjusted Fast Slow To Product :' Re,urn to Storage (gallons), Totalizer Sealed Meter Sealed Make and Model ~ Serial Number Tagged ~ Tag ~ Pump ~/ ]Red OGreen OBlue Finish (money)/~'~ I I Slow Totalizer Re~i~s St~t(m~y) Start (galldns) Fast ~ Slow To Produc,t ' Return to Storage {gallons) Totalizer Meter Sealed ~ Yes ~ Yes ~ No  Make and Model Serial Number Tagged Tag ~- Pu " ~Red OG}een a Finish (money) Finish (gallons) Calibration: Fast Slow lizer . Checked ~i~! St~t (monev) Start [gallons) Adjusted Fast To Product Return to Storage (gallons) Totalizer Sealed ed ~Y- ~N0 Dealer's Sig~ature QUARTERLY SUlVllVI~Y FILL: OUT THE FOLLOWING REPORTINO SUMMARY APPLICABLE TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE (CHECK ON.__~.E O~ ,i TANK MONITORED IS ~'~STE-O~OR NON-MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK TANK MONITORED IS A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAN~ REPORT 'TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS IF: REPORT T__~O THE PERMITTINO AUTHORITY WITHIN i A. VOLU74E CHANGE (COL. 9) IS +/- 10 GALLONS OR MORE A. TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR LESS CAPACIT3 OF +/- 25 GALLONS OR MORE B. CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11) IS +2- 100 GALLONSOR MORE B. TANK OF 1001 TO 5000 GALLONS' CAPACIT5 OF +/- $5 GALLONS OR MORE C. TANK OF OVER 5000 GALLONS CAPACITY Hi +/- 50 GALLONS OR MORE D. AI~ TANK'HAS A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHAr OR MORE OVER THE QUARTER TIME FRAME t s~v {~ SUMMARY MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF /~.2-2 ~' AND ._~.ZF- ~' MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVER~E RESULTED IN: (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RESUi '1. A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) OF GALS. 1. A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (~ 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11, BOTTOH LINE) O~ 2. A CLU4ULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. ~ GALLONS GALLONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND I HEREBY 'CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESUi ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEEi DESCRIBED IN "A" AND "B" ABOVE. DESCRIBED IN "A" THROUGH "D" ABOVE'. i . . SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT ; RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS : QUARTERLY.SUI~IMARY FILLOUT THE FOLLOWING REPORTING SUI~MARY APPLICABLE TO THE TANK-NOTED ON R'EVERSE'(CHECK ON___~E TANK MONITORED IS A O NON-MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL.TANK TANK MONITORED IS A MOTOR vEHICLE FUEL TAr REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY~ITHI~ ~4 HouRs IF: REPORT TO THE PERNITTING AUTHORII"I WITHIN A. VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) IS +/- 10 GALLONS OR.MORE A. TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR LESS CAPACI3 OF +/- 25 GALLONS OR.MORE B. CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11) IS +/- 100 GALLONs OR MORE B. TANK OF 1001 TO 5000'GALLONS CAPACI3 i. OF +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE ~ C. TANK OF OVER 5000 GALLONS CAPACITY ! , +/- 50 GALLONS OR MORE D. ANY TANK ~S A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CH/ OR MORE OVER THE QUARTER TIME FRAME . SUMMARY SUGARY TANK # PERMIT # MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF ~_~L f-~ AND , ~-~7-~' MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RESULTED IN: (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RESt 1. A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) OF ~ GALS. 1. A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 11, BOTTOM LINE) OF 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLUME cHANGE (COL i ~ GALLONS GALLONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND 1' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RES1 ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY OO NOT EXCEl DESCRIBED IN' "A" AND "'B" ABOVE. DESCRIBED IN ."A" THROUGH "D" ABOVE. SIGNED ~ , ' TITLE l~) SIGNED TIT f' DATE SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT! RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS QUARTERLY SUlVllVI3%RY FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING REPORTING SUMMARY APPLICABLE TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE (CHECK ON__.~.E TANK MONITORED IS R NON-MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK TANK MONITORED IS A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TA~ REPORT TO THE PERMIT'I~AUTHORITY WITHIN 24 HOURS IF: REPORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN A. VOLUME CP~NGE {COL. 9) IS +/- 10 GALLONS OR MORE A. TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR LESS CAPACI3 OF +/- 2§ GALLONS OR MORE B. CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL.'Il) IS +/- 100 GALLONS OR .MORE B. TANK OF lO01 TO 5000 GALLONS CAPACI3 OF +/- $5 GALLONS OR MORE C. TANK OF OVER 5000 GALLONS CAPACITY +/- 50 GALLONS OR MORE D. ANY TANK HAS A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CH~ ~' OR MORE OVER THE QUARTERTIME FRAME SUMMARY i SUI~ARY TANK'# ~ PERMIT #' /.~'~3 C TANK # PERMIT # .ONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF ~-ff~-F,F AND /,-/--~ MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF {INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RESULTED IN: (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED!ON REVERSE RESt 1. A I~.XIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) OF ~ GALS. 1. A M~XIMUM WEEKLY:VOLUME CHANGE 2. A CUMU~TIVE VOLUMEGALLoNsCHANGE (COL. 11, BOTTOM ·LINE) OF 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLUMEGALLoNsCHANGE (COL I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RES! A~CURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCE! DESCRIBED IN "A" AND "B" ABOVE. DESCRIBED IN "A" THROUGH "D" ABOVE. DATE ./S--/~ ~ DAT 'SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT RETAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS QUARTERLY SUIVlRRY FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING REPORTING SUMMARY APPLICABLE TO THE TANK NOTED ON REVERSE (CHECK ON_._~.E ( TANK MONITORED iS OR NON-MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TANK { TANK MONITORED IS A MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TA! REPORT T_.90 THE PERMITTING AUTHORI~ WITHIN 24 HOURS IF: [ ~PORT TO THE PERMITTING AUTIIORI'I%' WITHIN A. VOLUME C~NGE (COL. 9) IS +/- 10 GALLONS OR MORE A. TANK OF 1000 GALLONS OR LESS· CAPACI~ OF +/- 25 GALLONS OR MORE B. CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANOE (COL. Il) IS +/- 100 GALLONS OR MORE B. TANK OF 1001 TO 5000 GALLONS CAPACI% ! OF +/- 35 GALLONS OR MORE C. TANK OF OVER 5000 OALLONS CAPACITY }! ~ J .{ +/- 50 GALLONS OR MORE ' D. ANY TANK HAS A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CH~ OR MORE OVER THE QUARTER TIME FR~E i · SUM~RY = SUGARY MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF /~-~__~_ AND ./--~--~ MONITORING BETWEEN DATES OF (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RESULTED'IN: (INCLUDE YEAR) NOTED ON REVERSE RES,! 1. A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE (COL. 9) OF ~' GALS. l. A MAXIMUM WEEKLY VOLUME CHANGE 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLUME CHANGE (COL. il, BOTTOM LINE) OF 2. A CUMULATIVE VOLU~ C~NGE (COL O~ GALLONS' GALLONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RESULTS REPRESENT A TRUE AND ! HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-NOTED RES ACCURATE REPORT AND .THAT THEY DO NOT EXCEED THE REPORTABLE LIMITS ACCURATE REPORT AND THAT THEY DO NOT EXCE DESCRIBED IN "A" AND "B" ABOVE. DESCRIBED IN "A" THROUGH "D" ABOVE. SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SUMMARY WITH FACILITY ANNUAL REPORT RETAIN THESE REUORDS AT THE PERMITTED FACILITY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE YEARS ~' / ANNUAL q'REND ANALYSIS SUIVIlVh%RY DARTERTiME PERIOD: to PERIOD 1: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) .... . .... :::.: -.-:: ........ Action Number for .this .Period (Line 4-) PERIOD 2: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) //~ Action Number, for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 3: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /~ < Action Number rot this Period (Line 4) /~ PERIOD 4: Total Minuses. This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 5: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) /~ PERIOD 6: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) OU^R'rER a 'riME PERIOD: to " PERIOD ?: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Actlon Number rot this Period (Line 4) /~ PERIOD 8: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) !~' Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 9: Total Minuses Tills Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) .~ Action Number for this Period-(Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) 7~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) ...... I hereby certify this Is a true and accurate report ....... ANNUAL TREND ANALYSIS S.U~RY QUARTER 1 TIME PERIOD: ,,, //~'Y--~7 to PERIOD 1: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /0~ ............. ~ ............. Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 2: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) //~' PERIOD ~: Total Minuses This Period (Line ~) ~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 4: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /~ ' Action Sumber for this ~eriod (Line PERIOD 5: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /~ · Action Number for this Period (Line 4) /~ ' PERIOD ~: Total Minuses This Period (Line ~) ~/ ' Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD ?: Total Mtnusss This Period (Line 3) /~' : Action Number for this Period (Line 4) _ PERIOD 8: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) ~ ' PERIOD 9: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) ~7 Actlon Number for this Period (Line 4) ~7. QUARTER ~ TIME PERIOD: ~--a~-~ tO /--~"~ PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) ~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) ~ PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) ~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) ~ PERIOD 12: ~otal Mlnuses This Period (Line 3) 7~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) ~' I hereby certify this is a true and accurate report. I ANNUAL TREND ANALYSIS SUlVIlVIARY TANK # -~'~ TIME PERIOD: /C' '-.~,3 -,~7 to A2 --~/-- ~ ~ PERIOD 1: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) ,~' PERIOD 2: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 3: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) /~ PERIOD 4: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /~/ Action Number for this Period (Line 4), /F~ PERIOD 5: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /5~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) /~,~ PERIOD 6: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) ./~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) /~ PERIOD ?: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 8: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) // Action Number 'for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 9: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number f~r this Perlo~.(Llne 4) PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (L~ne 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIpD 12: Total Minuses This Period-(Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) ' I hereby certify this is a true and accurate report. ' ' 170OFIowerStreet KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Heberts0n, M,D, Telephone {805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OIVISION "' ' ~ DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH f~ Vernon S. Reichard TO OPERAT ISSUED UNDERGROUND AZARDOUS SUBSTANCES · FACILITY: I OWNER: REX..PHINNEY' S MOBIL SERVICE ~ .. PHINNEY, REX 19TH STREET 101 19TH STREET NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABLE * * * POST ON PREMISES ' ' .'. '" .'i '. "'[ '":'. '. :: DATE PER~IT MAILED i"[:(."'i!'.::-!?f!;;i' ii.:;[! ['i!!:i:; [" ::" [' ;:. '.'" "': '"' i'-i-"'"'.. - 'DATE PEt~.fTT CHECK LIST RETUKNED: · ~ " · · " ."': ..''.i..:.' .'i: '.' " ... · ' '. · .~.;. i. .: · .-: ' : TANK ~ ...... ~ (FILL OUT ~EPARATE FORM _.CH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES " H. 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted J~n-Vaulted EqDouble-Wall [']Single~Wall 2. ~ Material .r~ Carbon Steel [] stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel ~ Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [-] Al~ninum~ [] Bronze [] Other (describe) 3. Pr ima r~; Containment Date Installed Thickness (IDches) Ca~y_(~a~lons) Manufacturer 4. 7~nk ~ Containment []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault []None ~3nknown [] Other (describe): Manufacturer: F1Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5' Tank Interior "Li~{in~ ----~R6bber FTAlkyd []EpOxy []Phenolic []Glass []Clay []t~lined ~.~kno~ [']Other (describe): .... 6. Tank Corrosion Protection .................... - .... ~- ~ ............ ' .......... --~Ga~--~3-ft~-~ass-Clad []Pol~thylene Wrap [2]Vinyl Wrappin~ ' []Tar or p .½t []Other {de rihe): Cathodic Protection: []None []Impressed Current System ~lSa'crificial Anode System Describe System & Equi~ent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitor'in~, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) []Groundwater Manitorirg Well(s) [-]Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner ~[]U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitorirg Well(s)* Vapor Detector* []Liquid Level Sensora []Conductivit~ Sensor* ~ Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ~Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing [] None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring Somp with Raceway []Sealed Concrete Raceway []Half-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway []None ' ~nknow~ r]Other · Describe Make & Model: ' 8. ~en Tightness Tested? [']Yes []NO ~3nknow~ Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? []Yes []No ~Unknowr, Da te (s) of Repa ir (s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection J~-perator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors [~vel []Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls []Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Bow r]None []Other: £ol?--~t Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ~Yes ENo ['~.Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter ~anufacturer []Pressure ~uct~'on []Gravity Approximate l~ngth of 'Pipe ........ b Underground Pi~ing Corrosion Protection--: []Galvanized l-]Fiberglass-Clad [[]Impressed Current r]Sacrificial' Anode · ~?olyethylene Wrap r]Electrical isolation []Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt j~nknown []None []Other (describe): ' c. Underground Piping, Secondary Conta~' 'ment: []Double-Wall []Synthetic Line~ '3fstem [~None ~3nknown ~Other (describe): TANK ~_ _~_ ...... (FILL OUT .~;EPARATE FORM _.JH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 2. Ta-~' Material [[]Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [-]Polyvinyl Chloride Ii]Fiberglass-Clad Steel ~ Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Al~inum [] Bronze ]~Unknown F'] Other (describe) 3. ~r imary Containment Date Instal.led;, Thickness (Inches) Capaci~ _(Cg_ll~ons) Manufacturer -..... -- ...... [~Double-Wall ~Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault r']None ~Jnknown [] Other (describe): Manufacturer: []Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining ---~-Rubb~r Fl~lkyd []Ef~xy [~Phenolic []Glass []Clay []Lt~lined ~nkno~ []Other (describe): ·. ..... 6. :Tank'Corrosion .Protection ----~--- .......... - ...... ~ ....... ~ ..... -: ..... ~ ........ - ......... .,~.. ................... ---]~Ga_~--~-~'-f~e-~-~fass,Clad []Polyethylene Wrap [~¥inyl Wrapping r']Tar or Asphalt ~t~n_known []None ClOther (describe): . Cathodic Protection: F~None r'llmpfessed Current System FlSacrtftctal ~h0de System Descrit~e System & Equi[maent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Intercep..tion ' a. Tank: CIVisual (vaulted tanks only) [~]Groundwater Monitorlr~' Well(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) [~]U-Tube Without Liner F~U-TUbe with Ccmpatible Liner Directin~ Flow ~o Monitor[n~ Well(s)* Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor~ ~ Conductivit~ Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fr~m U-Tube, Monitorirx] Well or AnnUlar Space Daily Gau~ir~ & Inventory Reconciliation l~Periodic Tightness Testing None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' [~Monttorln~ S~p with Raceway ~sealed Concrete Raceway l~flalf-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race~y C1None' ~Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model: 8. ~en Tightness Tested? ~]Yes []No ~jnknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing C~npany 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? r']Yes [']No ~Onknow.~ Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ~rator ~iiis, Controls, & Visually Monitors revel [']Tape Float Garde [~Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls r']capacitance sensor r']sealed Fill Box C]None ~']Unknown ~Other: List Make & Model ~or Above Devices 11. Piping- &. Underground Piping: ~fes []No ~Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure [~Suction ~Gravity ~pproximate Length df Pipe b. Undergro~.un~.Pipir~ Corrosion~ Protection : ................. ~ r~Galvanized [']Fiberglass-Clad C]ImpreSse~' Curr~nt~'- ~sac~'if'~clal ~r~xte C1Polyethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolation [~Vinyl Wrap [~]Tar or Asphalt ~nknown ['~None [']Other (describe): c. Under, round Piping, Secondary Contair~ent: [~Double-Wall [~Synthetic Liner System []None ~Jn. known [~Othe~ (describe): Facility Name Remit No. TANK ~ (FILL OUT ,~EPARA'FE FORM _.~%1 TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted [-]Non-Vaulted I-]Double-Wall [~Single-Wal 1 2. Tan--~ Material []Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride ['] Fiberglass-Clad Steel [] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Alt~nin~ [] Bronze ~3nknown [] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4~ ~ank ~econt~ary Containment. [~]Double-Wall .[]Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault []None ~3nknow~ [] Other (describe): Manufacturer: []Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lin~g ---~Rubber []Alkyd []E~xy []Phenolic []Glass []-]Clay [~Unlined ~(~kno~ []Other (describe): " · --~Ga!'vanized "~f~--~ass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrappir~3 []Tar or Asphalt ~3nknown []None []Other (describe): ~ Cathodic Protection:4 '[~None []Impressed Current System ['lSacrf'ficial A~xle System Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: []-]Visual (vaulted tanks only) []Groundwater Monitorillg' Well(s) [~Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ~U-Tube Without Liner ~[~U-Tube with C~mpat,ible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring ~mll(s)* Vapor Datector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivit~ Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank. [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fr~m U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space Daily Gau~irg & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping~ []Monitoring S~p with Raceway []Sealed Concrete Race~y []Half-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway []None ~Unknom [] Other · D'escribe Make & Model: 8. ~en Tightness Tested?' F]¥es []No ~fJnknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results' of Test Test Name Testing C~mpany 9. Tank Re~air Tank Repaired? []Yes []No ~[Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection Tape rator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors L~vel Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls [~Capacitance Sensor [']Sealed Fill Box [-]None [2]Unknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices a. Underground Piping: ]~Yes ~No []Unknown Material , Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure ~Suction []Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe ~ b. ~ Underground Piping Corrosion Prgtection : [-]Galvanized I-]Fiberglass-Clad -[]Impressed Current []Sacrificial Anode'. []Polyethylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt ~[Unknown []None []Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: [']Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner .qySte~ ~]None ~Unknown · [-]Other (describe): __ ~. ~n~ is: Owu~'~d ~-wu~c~ ~b~-W,~ ~. ~ ~ce~i'al ~Ca~n St~'l ~Stainless Ste=l ~l~inyl C~oride ~Fi~rglass~l~'S~l ~Fi~[glass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~Concrete ~in~ ~ronze 3.Priory Contai~nt" ~ ...... .~/ . ~te Ins~ll~ /.~ic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (~11o~) ~ufacturer 4. '~ank ~cond~ry Contal~nt "'-' ' .. ~1~11 ~thetic Liner ~Lin~'Vaul~. ~ne -~Othef (de~ri~): ~ ~u[acturer: ~terial. " Thic~ess (Inc~s) Ca.city (~ls.).:. 5. Tank InteriO'r Lini~ ~~r ~~ ~xy ~menolic ~Glass ~Clay ~li~ ~~ . ~Othe~ (de~ri~): .6. Ta~ Corrosion Protection ~. .................. - ................. ~ ...... - .................... ~ ......... '~_~ ...... ........... .... ~r[~ Syst~ ~ ~ui~ent: 7. Leak ~t~tion, ~nitori~, and Interception a. Ta~: OVi~f'"(vault~' t~ks only) O~[ou~ter ~nitori~' ~ll(s) OV~ose ~one ~nitori~ ~l!(s) OO~ Wi~out ~ner ~U-~ wi~ C~tible Liner Dir~ti~ Flow ~ ~nitori~ ~ Va~r ~t~tor* ~ Liquid ~vel ~n~r OCond~tivity ~ P~e~u~e ~n~[ in ~ular S~ce of ~ub~e Wall ~ Liquid ~tri~al & Ins~ction Fr~ O-T~, ~nitori~ ~11 D ~ily ~i~ & I~en/ory. Reconciliation ~ri~ic Tigh~m~ ~esti~ D. Pipit; Fl~-Restricti~ ~ ~tecto~(s) for P~e~uriz~ ~nltort~ ~p with ~ce~y ~al~ C~rete ~ce~y ~lf~t C~tible Pi~ ~ce~y ~S~t~tic Liar ~ U~no~ ~ *~ri~ ~ & ~el: ~te of ~st Tightne~ TeSt Resul~ of Test ~e ~s[i~ C~ny 9. T~k ~ '. ~te (s) of ~ri~ Re. irs 10. ~erfill Protection ~rator 'Fills, C~tr01s, & Vis~lly ~nitors ~vel ~Ta~ Fl~t ~e ~Fl~t Vent Valves ~ Auto Shut-' Off Controls  ci~e ~r ~al~ Fill ~ ~ ~o~ ~Other:.- List ~ & ~el 11. Pipz~ a. ~ergro~d Pipi~: ~Yes ~ ~o~ ~terial Thickne~ (i~hes) Di~eter ~nufacturer ~Pressu~e ~~Gravity ~p~o~i~ ~ of b. U~ergro~ Pipi~ Corrosion Proration : .................. ~lvani'z~. -~Fi.~[glass~l~ ~ess~ ~rrent ~Polye~yle~ W~ap' ~Electrical [~lati~ ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or ~.lt ~U~o~ ~None ~he~ (de~x~): ' ' c. Unde[gro~ Pipit, Seco[~ary Cqntai~nt: ~l~Wall ~b~[hetic Liner Syst~ ~ne ~Other (de~ri~): ............... ~ 1700 Flo~r Street, Bakers~! ~ 93305 ~PLI~TION FOR PE~IT ~ OPE~TE ~E~R~ " ~~S SUBST~CES S~E FACILI~ T~ of Applicati~n.{ch~k): ~Ne~ Faci'~ity '"~ification of Facility ~isti~ Facility ~ansfer of ~ershi~ '' Is Tank(s) ~cat~' on ~ ~rtcUltural Faro? ~Y~ D ~ Is Tank(s) Us~ ~i~rily f~r.~r~Gultur~,~r~ses? ~Yes ~ T ~ ~ SEC (R=al ~atlo~ ~ly) ~sis for Soil ~ ~ Gro~ter ~p , E. Tank(s) Store (~eck all ~t a~ly): Ta~ $ ~s~ ~r~uct ~tor Vehicle ~nlead~ R~ular Pr~i~ Die~l . ~ste F. ~i~l ~sitt~ of ~terials Stor~ (mt ~ces~ry for ~tor v~icle f~ls) Tank % C~I Stor~ (no~c~rcial ~e) ~ % (if kn~) ~lcal Pr~i~sly S~r~ ..... (if "dffferent) G. ~ran~fer of I, accept fully all obligatio~ of ~mi[ ~. __ iss~ . I ~ersta~ that ~e ~mitti~ ~ority may r~i~ ~ffy or te~i~te ~e tra~fer of ~e ~lt ~ ~rate ~is ~dergr°~d ~is foemen c~plet~ ~der ~lty of ~r)~y a~ ~ ~e ~st Of my ~owl~e Sig~ture Title _ ~ '~te 17~ Flower Street ~)KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM~{~ HEAL. OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebe~son, M.D. ~lephone (~5) 861-3636 ,. ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL~ DIVISION , DIRECTOR OF EN~RONMEN~L HEAL~ ~rnon S. Relchard PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND PERMIT NU)iBER ~150043M STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: O~ER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Rex Phlnney's Mobil Service Rex Phtnney McNabb Construction Co. lOl 19th Street 101 19th Street 2616 Stark Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93305 "' ...................... License #474331-,-- {. { NEW BUSINESS { PERMIT EXPIRES September 26, 198.7 {__{ CHANOE OW3VERSHIP {~{ RENEWAL { APPROVAL DATE June 26, 1987 ,XX, MODIFICATION ' ~.O !~ I I I APPROVED BY {r-~ - ~~ · Mark ~ yishinsky / POST ON PREMISES ................. J. , CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This permit applies only to the modification of an existing facility. Involving location of leak and repair of product piping. 2. All Construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and.verified by Inspection by Permitting Authority. 3. All equipment and materials In this construction must be installed in accordance.with all manufacturers' specifications. 4. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with. 48 hour advance notice. 5. Backfill material for piping a~d tanks to be as per manufacturers' specifications. 6. All underground metal connections (e.g. piping, fittings, fill pipes) to tank(s) must be electrically Isolated, and ~rapped to a minimum 20 mil thlckness.~lth corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protected from Corrosion. DISTRICT OFFICES rt~l~n~ I amont t. ake Isabella . Moiave . Ridgecrest Shafter Taft , -~ $4 ,~ ] · . ,, . , , , . ~ ~ -~ . :~ %. : · .... _.:..., . ,;, .,. ] __ . ~ .... ':~ ~. :,~.0 ::~,"~ . -70, 454 ( 1/14 Zt4~ ~tSZ :4156 ~090 "5ff?O 0 ": '- ~."~i4~'.~". · L ...,448.~ 1Z32' 2-168 S173 4~.76. 5108 '5884 ~:'~, 1'/:{ ..- ., ,.: 2~ i..' . ,~- ,ii -- ,'~ . ~ ~'~2'37 " ..... :~Z~30 'az~ 5~6z 59z4 ~ .. .~_~;, .,,..,....L*Z~'":.,,.,, ' 6" so~ ~o~ ',~s'l',:' ~.Ss '}~s,x ":siso 's~x 2~7Z 5198 '.~l'*. .~6 - s33 , ~s~a' ;iZ~~ ~3~- :~,~.. .sZ~6.$~63i 114 :~!~t'.4... ,.~ :?' ?:27563 lYSI '.ZSj4 p.'.3~a."' ,~i~. .sas}- sg,~ -.,:qS:.c -:~.. ~ ;~, ~ ~%=.' ,,. , ..... 'J'. ~,, ',,-:, ......... . ~/ ....:~ 19s93 .'i4~s z~vs ~'ff~'.t .4~zs. ~z86 60'i~ · ";'" ~ .... 6 . --' '"' ,~:~:..,..~ . 4 608 ~4~v zsgs s40s~4~.s~, s~o~ 60'zs ~' .~ '~... 63} 1475 Z~37 . ~447 4438 5338 6049 ~ ~:~ ~t.'?...q. 67' 654 1494 t~ '3469' 4.4~8 5356 6061 ~'i~[~- ...~ "" .... ~=, 7~'. 669 1~ lJ ' 2,479 ~'~ 4~j~.8.{ 5373 6073 ,'~,~4:'-"?g ~'{ ~';:~ ' ~83 685 15~g ~00 35til 4~98 5390 6084 r;~,~ ~:~ .~-~ ~'~,, :'~, ' . -*r~- ' .... ',,eT, 701 1552 , 25gl 3~,3Z 4g18 5407 6095 )~/4~¥'~ ".1'00~,, 717. 1571 2542 ~553 4538 5424 61.06 3}'.4 .,'?:7, .~.,.~'~0~*'..,~.. ~.: ;~ '109 . .733 54~1 6LJ, L,~ ~.~.' ' ~..~ 5-. ~-~ ,.-:~"'-'~'~:"~5"- ,,. ~, :187 :.. ~-j1~74~' · }730 ..l'(41 4¢14 ' 5571 ~95 -'~)~' .::...~.'~".:tT.,l": ~:~-~ ¥'-.~. r~" ~5:-,~:~:;.~.~ ! . ~s~,..:ss6f :4~:'.:.,:.~.-'~,~ .'., 6-~ :' ~: '5 '2  ~i~.i'".~ }: !Ol:g~',:t~Z6[' :-~ggO. ~- 3'~i9 ' .4886 ~.7.11 .,.6Z65'..' ._ ~.~ ~=~..~ ............ , ,-. . ~:~ ~,r,:'t. ...: .~, ~:,., - .=.~' . .... ~: .' ,..-~ , ~.'~ ~-- ,..~ ,,~.,,,/ ~ , , .. , .; .. ~ ' ....-.... ...~ .-...., . .. ~ . .~ . ~ ".~ . ..'" .~'~ ,. ' ll5h 19k5 39~9 '~ ; , . ' 53' .563. "!2Sl '~0.79 2868 3558 398T  . .. . lO5 .659- 1395 219T 2978 t-/O fl /z oN TA I_ TAN~' ' (RND) ..... D/.4. X e'o..z:,,,.x :' · 5 H ELk '.' ~E~,~ ~EP'T~ . S .12 z~.OFt. :[~. zFr. ~FT. 4FT. 5'FE bFT7~ F-r. q~.6, ~o,z~'~.¢5 ~ les Oil Company (- ~ · ',- :' ~ P.O. Box 8(~)67 - Record of Computer t /~,-..-' Bakersfield CA 93380 or Meter Change ,~ r ~ ....... . .u-~ ':.." ... ~ "· .'. "- "' Ia"' ~ ..... : .. -....i.,~,,~,.o~., . . . .~ : ,~,,~,,~,,o~., ' ' . I ~'""'"~ I'''' ' ProOuct" ' . ~ - ' · ' ' Return to Stora~ (gallons) '. ~'Totalizer Se~ I Me~r ~al~ . . (.Make and Model Sar,al Number v I Tdgge~ Pum~ '.':'?' *. /. -/ " ,,,- .... ' · . ['~Red ~Gr~n ~81ue} ' . P~o4uc~ Return to Stor~e tgallons) I T~ehzer ~ea}e~- ' · ' !a"' ~""~ ~'"'1 -:. ' . - , Finish (money) · . .} Finish (~llons) · ~ ~libr . ' ,R~i~ Start.. ' St~t (gallons) ~ -- ' ' - ' ~Ptoducl , - : · - :.:~ Return lo Storage Igallonll . Tolahzer ~aled ...... ~1i :~ ' ' " '" ' ' Make an~ Modal Serial Numar i · / ' Ta~d - I Tag j .. ;r,.:..~mp : ' ' .' ':'~. .'" .-' ' ' ' . '-. ~Red ~raen" -.. Finish (money) .L }j Finish (gallons)· ' ~lib*at~: Fast SIo~.- . - . . . R~ ~ Start (gallonsi ~ ~ Fast '-. "' ~ '~ " ~a ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~o .. t : "" ' ' 0 ~/~. "'" ~'~""" " Return tO Stor~e (gallons) Total,zer SealeO I Meter Sealed . . ~ ~, .. ~ ~.. ' ' '..- ~,~ '. ~G,,,Z .' ~,~ I" "'" '" .'- P,-~ . ;...'...: .. ::' .' ,~;...}. :.: ,--'.,:: ?.:: .. ...... · . :. . · . :: Finish (gallons) _ - * ~hb*ation: Fast , Finish (money) ... .'. .' . - ' ;'R~i~s-'.." '. 'Start "'(m°neY)/~ ~, ~' . .. ~.. . , . :Start~(gall°n(~- -~,' - ~.. AdlustedTo ~Fast ~ " ~ ' .) . ' ~" . 7:' Product ~ .... .... . Totalize~ Seaie~ ' ' I Mete[ ~aied " Pum~ Make and Mo~el ~' . , . Ser~dl NumOer Tagged · { Tag M . . _' . ... ~ ~ .: ' .... . '. .. :: .' ~Red ~Gree, ~BlueI ' ". - .: ' . . ,,_(.0_,... :.. ... ,._..,,o. . R~i~s Start ~on~v)-..'.. ~ .~ .. ' Star~gal~ - ( ' ' 'v ' -' 'Fast . ~.. Adiusted [, ' . S~ PrO~JuCl . ~. ,. '. ~' -., . Return t~ Silage (gallons)- . To~alizg( Sealed ' ' I ~eter Sealed ......, ~ ~. . ~ ~ ' .. ' ~~ , .~,.-,,.. ... .~~ . : ~ _~. ~ ~~ . /~~~, . ~. . .. . .. ....: :.' -~.., ~ ~' · ~ ~'~ ' ~- Distribution: Original (w~te) Invoice Copy '., ' · - ' ...",: ' , ~ .; ' ' · .. ?,.~.... ~ ' ' Dupl~ate (~n le Copy ..~: ~. .... . ... . .... , ~. ..- . .'~' .-" '.: .. :.:.- _..:... . ~D~- les Oil Company " Record of Computer P. O. Box 80067 ': Bakersfield CA 93380 or Meter Change . . ~ Fin,sh (money) Finish (gallons) { ~lmb~atmn: J Fast ~ . ~ Slow .~e~l~ Start I~onev) ( ~ ' Start~gall~ns)' - ~ ~ r Product -- -- - " -- -- Re,~n ,o ~(ora~ Cgallons) J Total,z~'Seal~ I Me,er Sealed . Pu~p Make and MOd / ' Serial Number F'~ish (money) Finish (gallons) Re~i~s ~tart (~ne~l ~ ' -.' Start.~loq~ ~ . AOl~ted [Fasl. - r f Slow -  f 0~- O.o O~- ONe Serial Numar Ta~d - ~m~/ Make and Mode, ~R~ ~Gr.n' :'~R~i~ Start (mondy)-- ~ ' -- - Start igallon~ · A~j'usted Fast . SlOW Prod~t ~ ' / ' ~ ~ Ret~ (o ~r~ge (~allbn~) [ Totahzer Seale~ [ Meter Sealed : Make and Mod~l ~ Serial Numar ( Tagged T~ Pump. " r~% ~Red .~Oreen ~Blue ' Flash (money) Finish (gallons) ~hb~a[ion: Fast l Slow R~i~l Start Ig~lodS) ' Adlusted F~t I Product .... Return tO S(or~ (~ll~s; Meter Sealed  / TotaJizer Sealed ..- Make an~ Model / Serial NumOer --- Ta~ed Pump ~ Red ~ Green ~81ue F,n,sh (money) F~n,sh (gallons) Calibration: ~ Fast . ~ Sto ~h/er Sealed · I Meter Sealed Distribution: ~Yi~al (wh~te) Invoice Copy / '- . ~lic~te (canary) File Copy Permit Questionnaire Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted. "-- Please fill in Permit · and check one of the following before returning this form with payment: 1. Send all information to Ovmer at the address .......... .. listed on invoice (if O~ner is different than Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent informat ion ). 2. Send all information to Owner at the following corrected address: 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner). ~O[EUM J' J' ~LIN, RM. CHH. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ! McNABB CONSTRUCTION ............................. Date-of ........ 2616 STARK STREET Report: 13-Jul-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention: BRIAN McNABB Lab No.: 12879 Sample Desc: MOBIL STATION CORNER OF 19TH AND UNION 2' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 02-Jul-87 02-Jul-87 10-Jul-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 56.52 0.10 Toluene ug/g 741.65 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 233.64 0.~10 p-Xylene ug/g 497.02 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 1092.79 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 817.00' 0.10 Isoprop¥1 Benzene ug/g 75.67 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 2066.00 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 5580.29 0.10 Test Method: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. ~.~)'. ~i~ Analyst ,,,,,,,, LABORATORIES. Ir-Il-:. ~. ~. EGLIN, ItE~. CHEM. EI~IGit. PETROLEUM 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) :-"McNABB c6NSTRucTION '' 'Date's:of ~'~'~--:'::~:-~'~:': ....... 2616 STARK STREET Report: 13-Jul-87 , BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention: BRIAN McNABB Lab NO.: 12880 Sample. Desc: MOBIL STATION CORNER OF 19TH AND UNION DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 02-Jul-87 02-Jul-87 10-Jul-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 1.48 0 10 Toluene ug/g 17.96 0 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 22.42 0 10 p-Xylene ug/g 45.97 0 10 m-Xylene ug/g 99.57 0 10 o-Xylene ug/g 100.23 0 10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 16.71 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 653.59 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 957.93 0.10 Test Method: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. 17~ Flower Street "'KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEII~ .E^Lm OFF,CE. Bakersfield, California 93305 L~n M Hebe~son, M.D. ~lephone (~5)861-3636 .- EN~RONMEN~L HEAL~ DIVISION OIREC~R OF EN~RONMEN~L HEAL~ ~rnon S. Reichard PERNIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND PERMIT NUMBER #150043M STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NA~E/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Rex Phinney's Mobil Service Rex Phinney McNabb Construction Co. 10! 19th Street 10! 19th Street 2616 Stark Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 'Bakersfield, CA 93305 - '- -License-#474331 {,{ NEW BUSINESS ] PERMIT EXPIRES September 26, 1987 {__{. CHANGE OWNERSHIP I [__[ RENEWAL { APPROVAL DATE ,,, Jun~, 26, 1987 - I I J APPROVED BY . J~. Mark'~ZYishinsky / POST ON PREMISES ................. Y. CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1 This permit applies only to the modification of an existing facility Involving location of leak and repair of product piping. 2 All Construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and verified by Inspection by Permttttag Authority. 3 All equipment and materials tn this construction must be installed in accordance with all manufacturers' specifications. 4 Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site Inspection(s) with 48 hour advance notice. § Backfill material for piping and tanks to be as per manufacturers' specifications. All underground metal connections (e.g. piping, fittings, fill plpes) to tank(s) mus~ be electrically Isolated, and wrapped to a minimum 20 mil thickness with corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. DISTRICT OFFICES · __~/ PERMIT CHECKLIST ~ This checklist is.provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to KCHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within $0 days of receipt. Check: Yes No A. The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I. Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and · ' '~ Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes, .'i .... Equipment Lists and Ret.urm...Bnvelope ..~.,:.....:.' ~ ..... _ .... .. 2) Standard InventoryControl.Monitor!ng Handbook ~UT-IOJ with the following forms: a) "Inventory Recording Sheet" b) "Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary on reverse" c) "Trend Analysis Worksheet" 3) Modified Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook ~UT-15 with form: "quarterly Modified Inventory Control Sheet" with "quarterly Summary on reverse" .~ 4)-An Action Chart for each Inventory method (to post at facility) .X .... B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" .is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following required equipment (as described in Handbooks under "Before Starting") 1) Acceptable gauging Instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" In tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste .~f D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Informatlor Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state t~at the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). '/ E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks'are Identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding . tank numbers listed on permit). .i F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-lO, all meters at thls facility have. had ' calibration ·checks within the last 30 days ~Pd were calibrated by a registered device repairman l_~f out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on ~eter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). , G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring (Handbook #UT-10) and Modified Inventory Control Monitoring (Handbook #UT-15) were started at'this facility in accordance with requirements described on Interim permit conditions. Signature of Person CompletinKCheckltst: ; ,,