HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK  ~AR~US MATERIAI S DI~ISION ~ TIME CHARGED BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT NUMBER: ! '7 ~ DATE: NAME: CHGD: COMMENTS: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: 20th STREET '..:... GATE ENTRANCE .... DISPENSER/~ C ~'--~VENT PIPE OUTLET u~ 10,000 GALLON ~ ..... '~ REGULAR GASOLINE ' ALARM ANE 0 I.----.[ ~Z [-- ~ STORAGE BUILDING WAREHOUSE BUI LDI NG Z 0 0 I~ ASPHALT PARKING LOT COCA-COLA BOTTUNG COMPANY P L A T E : Bakersfield, C411fomia GEO~'ECHNICAL & GigOUNDWATEa CONSULIANTS and PROPOSED MONITORING WELL Project Number ~ 148-! July 1 sa6 t' LOCATIONS P~DVID.E_ DRAWING OF PHY$I. CAL LAYOUT OF FACILITY ~ SPACE PROVIDED B~LCWo ALL OF T~ FOIJ_CWIN~ IN?ORMATI~N MU$~ BE: [NCLUDI~D ~N ORDER FOR APPLICATION. IO BE ~lg ~ WA~R ~ OR SU~A~ ~ WI~IN 100' ~IU5 OF ~AC[LI~ November 4, 2003 Ms. Ann Macdonald Coca-Cola Enterprises P.O. Box 4067 Oakland, CA 946144067 RE: Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility located at FIRE CHIEF ~eN ~R.~Z~ 414 I9th Street in Bakersfield, CA ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Dear Ms. Macdonald: 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the result of the FAX (661) 395-1349 UST Removal and Remedial Action Report, dated October 2003, associated with the SUPPRESSION SERVICES underground tank removal. 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3941 Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that FAX (661) 395-1349 appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial PREVENTION SERVICES saFm s~.w~s.~.~.o.~ s~nc~s or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a FAX (661) 326-0576 satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is PUBLIC EDUCATION intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances VOICE (601) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any FIRE INVESTIGATION other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated FAX (661) 326-0576 under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Wctor^vo. cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water Bakersfield, CA 93308 quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. VOICE (661) 3994697 FAX (661) 399-5763 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, · ~ Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB B. Becker, SCI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. FAX SHEET TO: Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department Fax: 326-0576 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA. 93301 FP. OM: BOB BECK]ER Soils Engineer~]g, Inc. 4400 Ycagcr Way Bakc. rsficld, CA, 93313 6~51-831-$100 661-831-2111 Fax SUBJECT: Old Coca-Cola Facility Assessment Report PAGES: (~) NOTE: Howard- Here is majority of UST Assessment P,.epon for 414 19th ST. site in Bakersfield. We are planning on pulling thc UST and over-excavating on Monday. Steve has already approved the abandonment in-place, but since some elevated Icad came up in the soil samples they wish to removed the UST and over- excavate to 10' or so. Let me know if you have any questions. I will call on Monday to update date you ou our progress. If you have any questions call me at 831-5100 or 332-5806 (cell#). Bob 4400 YEAGER WAY * BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA98313 ° PHONE (661) 831-5100 · FAX: (861) 831-2111 $EP-19-2003 10:21~ FROI/r'$OIL$ Efl~,(~ERI~G 661-831-2111 T-945 P.OO2 F-285 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. September 19, 2003 File No. 03-10406 Mr. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield Fire DeparUuent Office of Environmental Services 171 $ Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: UST Assessment Report Former Coca-Cola Facility 414 19th St. Bakcrsficld, California Mr. W~nes: Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEr) is submitting this UST Assessment Report after the completion of assessment activities of a 1,500 gallon gasoline underground storage tank (UST) at the former Coca- Cola facility located at 414 19th Street in Bakersfield, CA. (site). Sc¢ Plate 1 for Location Map. The previously unknown UST is located within the northeastern end of the Garage building as shown on thc attached Plot Plan (Plate 2) and the Sample Map (Plate 3). Background Information Thc Coca-Cola Bottling Company facility has been armmd since tile 1930's as a bottling, storag~ and distribution center for thc bcvcragc company in Bakersfield, CA.. The site is tmdergoing a potential sale and during a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment conducted by A J Environmental in July 2003 a suspected UST fill pipc w~ observed on thc northern edge of thc Garagc building in the northeastern comcr of thc site. A vent pipc a~d two (2) floor patches w~'c also observed within the garage buildingjusu sour. h of thc fill pipe. On August 1,2003 a sitc inspection was conducted by SBI in which gasoline odor and trace gasoline was observed wir.~n the fill pipe. Some pctrolcum staining was also present on the asphaltic surface north of the fill pipe. h is the desire of Coca-Cola to gain closure of rigs UST per local regulatory requir~mcnts. FIELD WORK CONDUCTED Geophysical Survey On August 5, 2003 $BI subcontracted Strata Geophysical to conduct a magnetometer survey in the suspected UST area to determine thc approximate size and location of the UST. Tho metal sheeting on the outside of thc Oarag¢ building created magnetic interference preventing an accurate location of thc UST footprint utiliziug the magnetometer. A pipeline locater was also utilized which gave a better impression of'the UST outline with less interference. Tho geophysical survey of the UST area indicates that the UST may have been 4' to $' long and 3' to 4' wide lying perpendicular to the 4400 YEAGER WAY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 * PHONE (661) 831-5100 * FAX: (661) 831-2111 $EP-19-2003 IO:21AM FRO~SOILS EflG(~ERIHG 661-831-2111 T-946 P.O03/OOO F-286 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST A.~e$$ment Report File No. 03.10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility Sel~tember 19, 2003 F~r 414 19th Street in Beke~fleld~ Ca~ifornla ~a~e No. ~ no~em ~dge of~e G~ge b~l~g. T~e geophysical $~ did idenfi~ ~o go~dbl~ lo~fi~ ora fo~er dispenser w~ch w~ ~ south~ most patch ~ ~c b~g ap~xi~tcly 15' ~mhwmt of ~e fill pipe. The o~ s~f~c p~ch wi~ the buil~ w~ -nkno~. ~e vent ~no ~so uppers w co~[ re ~e southern most floor patch. See aEa~ed g~physical s~ey field not~ for more d~l. UNCOVERING OF UST SE[ subcontracted Marcor Remediation to abandon or remove the UST at the site under a Bakersfield Fire Department permit. On August 25, 2003 the fill pipe was uncovered outside of thc Garage building and appeared to continue ~uthwesterly inside the building toward the southern floor patch. The southern floor patch turned out to be the northern end of the UST. The mi0ority of the concrete cover was removed over the suspected UST mid then uncovered with a backhoe. The UST's actual dimensions are approximately 15' long and 4° in diameter for a capacity of approximately 1,500 gallons. The lower explosion limit (I.,EL) within the UST was <1% indicating it was safe to cut an observation window in the top of the UST. The UST was observed to be approximately 2/3 full of drilling mud type fluids in a semi-solid state with no petroleum odor. This indicated that the UST had been previously abandoned utilizing the pre-1985 methods. On August 26, 2003 Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) inspector Mr. Steve Underwood approved the abandonment in- place as is, as long as an asse~ment of soil conditions beneath the UST and along the product piping was conduct~ per present BFD regulations. ASSESSMENT OF UST AREA 'initial Assessment Of Soil Conditions SE! utilized a backhoe to acquire soil samples adjacent W and beneath the existin§ UST to assess possible hydrocarbon impacted soil pr/or to f'mal abandonment in-place. Soil samples (TI-2' and TI- 6') were collected out o£th¢ backhoe bucket at depths of 2' and 6' below the bottom of the UST as directed by the BFD inspector. Brass sleeves were filled with soil, sealed with Teflon-lined pla~ic caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. Additional soil samples were colleaed at depths of 2' and 6' beneath ground surface (bgs.) at the former dispenser locatiort (D 1-2' and D I-6')just northwest of the UST and at the fill pipe location (Fl~-2' and FP-6'). A 2' b§s. soil sample (P1-2') was also collected along the p/ping nm between the fiII pipe opening and the UST. One (1) sample (T-INT) of the drilli~ mud within the UST was also collected to evaluate this material. These soil samples were collected with a hand-auger and placed into brass sleeves at each sampling interval then sealed with Tc~on-lined plastic caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. No petroleum-impacted soiI was evident in any of the soil samples collected during th/s assessment, The hand au~or borings wero back/il]ed with clean soil cut~in~s and capped with concrete if SEP-19-ZO03 10:22MA FROkI-SOILS EHG~EERING 661-831-2111 T-945 P.004/006 F-286 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Assessment Report l~le No. 05.10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility Selott~mber 19, 2003 For 414_! 9tll Street in Bak¢~fie!d. Cali£ornttt Pare No. $ appropriate. See Plate 3 for the soil sample locations. Initial Analytical Testing The UST assessment soil samples (total of 7) were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg,) by EPA Method $015m, for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and MTBI~) by EPA Method 8020b and for tol~l lead by EPA Method 6010 at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the UST interior sample (T- ECl') was analyzed for CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 6010/7471, for volatile organics by EPA Meflmd 8260, for pH and for TPHg by EPA Method 8021B. In addition soil samples T1-2', TI-6', FP-3', FP-6' w~r¢ all analyzed for Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) for lead and saraple T1-6' was also analyzed for Threshold Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCI_,P) for lead. INITIAL FINDINGS Analytical Results of Soil Samples The analytical results of the soil samples are shown in Table 1 and indicate no detection of TPH as gasoline, BTEX or MTBt~ in any of the seven (7) UST assessment soil samples collected and analyzed. Total lead concentrations were elevated in soil samples T1-2', T1-6', FP-3' and FP-6' and additional analysis indicated California hazardous levels in soil sample T 1-6' at 7.9 ppm STLC lead. The analytical results of The drilling mud sample (T-IN'r) indicate no hazardous concentrations of metals, TPH$, BTEX, pH or volatile organics. Minor BTEX concentrations were reported in this sample of no concern. Sc¢ attached analytical reports and chain of custody documents for more dcnail. ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT ACTMTIES Soil Borings Based on the California hazardous lead concentration in the T1-6' soil sample additional assessment of lead content in the soil around the UST was warranted. On September 15, 2003 SEI contracted FIP Labs to utilize a Strataprobe dg to advance four (4) soil borings (B-1 to B..4) to a depth within and adjacent to the UST excavation. Soil samples were collected at 5' intervals in borings B-1 and B-2 and at 10' intervals in borings B-3 and B-4 beginning at 10' below ground surface Cogs) at each location. A California r~gistered geologist observed the drilling process. Soil samples were evaluated in the field for pelxoleum hydrocarbons (staining and odor), soil type and photo.ionization detector (PID) readings. A soil sample from each sampling interval was scaled, labeled and placed in an iced cooler. See Plate 3 for soil boring locations and attached boring logs for more detail. The borings were bacldilled with bentonite. $EP-16-2003 10:22AM FROki-$OIL$ ENG~E£RING 661-831-2111 T-946 P.005/009 F-285 SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. UST Assessment Report Fil~ No. 05-1040~ Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 2003 For 414 19tit Street in Balter.,~eld~ Caliirornia Page No. d Analytical Testing of Additional .Soil Samples Selected soil samples (10) were analyzed for total lead by I~PA Method 6010 at a State cerdfied aaalytical laboratory. In addidon the soil sample with thc highest PID reading in each boring was analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m and for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX') and MTBI~) by EPA Method 8020b. Only soil sample B1-30' wa~ analyzed for Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) £or lead based on a slightly elevated total lead result. See Table 1 and attached analytical repons for more detail. Analytical Result~ of Additional Soil Samples The analytical results of the additional soil samples are shown in Table 1 and indicate no elevated detection of TPH as gasoline, BTEX or MTBE in any of the four (4) soil samples collected and analyzed for these constituents. Soil sample B1-30' had mlr~or gasoline constituents of 100 ppm TPHg and 360 parts per billion (.ppb) xylcnes reported. Total l~ad concentrations were only slightly elevated in soil sample B1-30' (61 ppm) and additional STLC analysis for lead indicated non- hazardous concentrations (3.8 ppm). See attached analytical reports and chain ofcustodydocuxnants for more detail. Minor gasoline odor was noticed in soil sample BI-30' with the highest PID reading recorded at 70 ppm. No other soil samples had any indication of gasoline or lead coutamination. Con~:lusions & Recommendations Based on field observations and analytical rcsult, s of soil samples SEI concludes the following: 1. The analytical results of the soil samples collected beneath and adjacent to the formerly active 1500-gallon gasoline UST were none detected (ND) for TPH§, BTEX and MTBE, indicating no significant release of gasoline fuel ha~ occurred beneath or adjacent to the UST. Total lead concentrations were elevated in some soil samples adjacent to the UST and at the fill pipe with a hazardous concentration of 7.9 ppm STLC reported in sample T1-6'. Additional soil samples indicate that thc California hazardous lead concentrations arc restricted to the top 10' adjacent to the UST. 2. The analytical results also indicate that the interior of the UST is filled with non-hazardous drilling mud-type material that can be safely let in-place. St~I recommends the £ollowin8 for this site: 1. The UST should be removed from the excavation and thc lead-impacted soil removed down to a depth of at least 10' bgs.. The removed soil should be sampled and properly disposed of at a permitted facilit~ per local, State and Federal rel~ulations, h is ~stimated that SEP-Ig-z003 10:ZZA~ FR0~$01L$ EH RIHG 881-831-2111T-g4$ P.00$/00g SOIL.S £NGIN££1~ING, INC, UST ,4ssessment Rel~ort File No. 05-10406 Fomter Coca-Cola ~acili~ Sep~m~r 19, 200~ For 414 19th ~t in Bak~eld~ California . Page ~ 5 approximately 50 cubic y~ wiE be r~oved ~m thc UST excavation ~e~ Soil s~ples · ould be eollect~ ~m ~ b~e ~d sidewalls of~e excavation to co~ ~e sueeess~ remov~ oflead-i~ted soil ~m the UST ~ea. 2. SEI r~~s ~t the UST bc rcmov~ ~om ~e site ~d ~osed of per loc~, Sm~ ~d Fede~ re~ions. 3. ~c ~cavation ~ea shoed be b~kfi~ ~d c~p~t~ to 90% relaave ~W ~o~ wi~ a ~nc~te ~v~ matcMng exi~g s~a~. L~ITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Coca-Cola l~nterprises as it relates to the property de~cribcd. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: - The soil sampling sad water sampling performed at this site. - The observations officld personnel. - The results of laboratory tests performed by Positive Lab Services of Los Angeles, California. - Our understanding of the regulations of the BFD, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the DTSC and the EPA. Possible variations in the soil or 8roundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the vahdity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into thc conclusions and recommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, re~ional water usa§c, or other factors, any of which could affect this ~ort. The services performed by SBI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. Thc absencc of contamination on or bcncath thc propcrty cannot be guarantccd by this report. SBI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No edger warranty cxpr~sed or implied is made. SEP-IO-ZO03 IO:Z3MA FROkI-SOILS ENGT~ERIIdG 661'831-2111 T-945 P.O07/OO9 F-285 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ~$T Assessment Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Fac~i~ For 414 19th ~t h: Bakersfwld~ ~allforMa Page Ple~c c~ Soils E~e~ng, ~c. at (661) 831-5100 if you R~o~. Rob~ J. B~kcr, . En~nment~ Di~ion Mmag~ Enclos~s: T~ble 1, ~ic~ R~sul~ of Soil S~~~ L~on M~, Plate 1 Plot PI~, Pl~to 2 S~plo ~p, Phte 3 App~dk A: ~c~ Repons A~ B: Bo~ng m TABLE 1 - SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS . .. Site Assessment, Former Coca-Cola Facility, Bakersfield, CA. Olher CAN Sample TPHg Volalile Organics EPA 802tB or 8260B (ppb} EPA 8260 17 M~tals Sample No. Date (ppm) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xyle~es MTBE OtherVOC's (ppb} Total I.~ad (ppm) (ppm) PH 71-2' (I. JST, i 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 61, 3.8 STLC NA NA TldS' {us'r) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 170, ?.9 $TLC, 0:/1 TCLP NA NA---.m 01-2' (Dispense.r} 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 ..... <5 NA 10 .NA NA 01-6' (Dispenser) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 31 NA NA Pt-2' (AlorLq Plprn_q) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 . I <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 1.7 NA NA ----- FP-Z I[F~II Pipe) 08/26/03 <0,5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA .. 94~ 3.1 STLC NA NA FP-6' (Fill Pipe) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 72r 3.4 STLC . ' .... NA NA 1,3,5,-Trlmelhylbenzene = 38. t.2,4-Tdmetl-~]ber~_~te =76, None T-INT (inter[o[ of UST 08/26/03 <0.5 7.4 21 18 123 <4 Naphlhafene = 5.1 7,3 Elevated 9.4 B1-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 0.89 NA NA BI-20' 09/15/03 NA NA HA ...NA NA NA NA 14 NA NA Bt-30' 09/15/03 100 <50 <50 <5.0 , ,,360 <50 NA 61,3.8 S?.LC NA B2-10' 09/15/03 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 1.2 NA NA B2-15' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA PJA 3.9 NA NA B2-20' 09/15/03 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 0.91 NA NA B2-30' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 '" NA 2.9 NA NA B3-10; 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.6 NA I~ B3-20' 09/15/'03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.4. NA NA B3-30' 09/15/'03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 HA 1.6 NA ida --- B4-10' 09/1~03 NA NA NA HA NA NA HA 1.5 NA NA -- B4-2n' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 HA 1.2 NA NA B4-30' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA N~, .... I NA NA NIo[e~;~.am-[,~,~.. per million (mg,q,,g), p~b - pairs pm' billran (ug,q'.g), TPH = T~ta] F'~:;,v;;,ahi Hycrrocmbons, TIPHg = as gasoline, IdD - None Del~cled above deter'on limits, ~ = Not Analyzed, Bold - ElevaimJ Connentmtlon, STLC = S0~uble Threshold Umil Canoen~ation. SEP-16-2003 10:23Aid F~M-S01tS ENGTI~EI~ING 661-831-2111 T-946 P.006/009 F-285 II I N 20th Streot Fffi~ipe ~-2' &-~ East Proper~ Concrete ~0 kflllon ~IOOF Gnso~e UST (Ab~doned Por~on In-Phee) Of BulldOg Garage B ldinR o Soil Sample Location ~ Soil Boring Loca~on II _lit. I I I SOILS rNGINE~HG, IHC. Coca-Cola ~arage & Truck Storage Bids PLATE ~00 Y~ger way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 933~3 Bakersfield, CA. PRO.CT: 03-10~6 BAKER3FI~ FII~ DEI~ARTI~I~iT 1715 Cheecer Ave., Bakezstleld, CA 93301 --" (805) 326-3979 CONDITION OF TANKS GATE INIIIEGTOPJ NNIE 8ZGNATUI~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN ~ J Bakersfield Fire Dept. UN' DERGROUND STORAGE TA~K- ~~~ O Environmental Services ...... ,~ 1715 Chester Ave Page I of 1 Bakersfield, CA 93301 iPermitN° ~-- O-~) ~' Tel: (661)326-3979 -. SITE INFORMATION ." SITE Former Coca-Cola FaciIit,ADDRESS 414 19th Street,Bake,rsf,:~e~ZlPcoDE93301 FAC~UTYNAME CocaCola Bottling Facility CROSS STREET V Street TANKOWNEPJOPEaATOa PH~NE~o~ 51 0-61 3-271 7 APN005-130-0; T, he Coca-Cola Bottling Co.of Bake~:s[~fl±a MA~U~eADDaESS crrY p a Raw 4067 Oakland, CA. ZIPCODE 94614-/ 067 " :.' CONTRACTOR INFORMATION - . ~ ., '~"' COMPANY · c~,.-..; I ~ ~,",,.'~'; nc,~-,.--~ nr, r Tn~'. PHONENo. LICENSENo. ADDRES~ ~ ......... ~, ..... 661 -831 -51 00 44nn v~ w~v C~TY Bakersfield, CA z~P~C°~C~331 3 INSURANCECARRIER ~ ..... ~ WORKMENS COMP No. State Compensafinn Tngur. Fund 541-6-99 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION . COMPANY ' .... ' ~ PHONE No. LICENSE No, an~ 1e l~nnl n~ri no~ Tn(l_ 661 -831 -51 00 65928 ADDR~S~ ..... ~ .... 4400 Yea~er Way c~Y Bakersfield, CA ZIPCODE 93313 INSURANCE CARRIER .q~m~ ~.q ~b~ve WORKMENS COMP No. 541-6-99 · TANK CLEANING INFORMATiON --~ :: -,: ,,, -' COMPANY Marcor Remediation PHONE"No. ( 661 ) 834'1 230 UCENSENo?36681, ADDRESS 4609 New Horizon,Suite 9 OTY Bakersfield, CA ZIPCOD~3313 INSURANCECARR~ERZuri~h-American Ins. Co. WORKMENS COMP No. WC53954672 WASTE TRANSPONi~ IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILITY CAD028277036 CAT080033681 Demeno/Kerdoon ADDRESS 2000 N. Alameda c~Y Compton, CA I Z~PCODE TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION , COMPANY Marcor Remediation PHONENo. ( 661 ) 834-1 230 LICENSENo736681 ADDRESSa S above cl~ ZIPCODE TANKDESTINATION Sierra Metals '- TANK IN FORMATION .... CH EMICAL DATES CHEMICAL TANK No. AGE VOLUME STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED I 40 + 500 Gasoline Unknown unknown For Official Use Only APPLICATOND'A~E i'.' '"?:> ..-, -'....FACLTYN°~. ; ,,; ";"~:~.~:!~.. ?.' ' . .' '.:.' . No. OF TANKS,,. .~ ~..":.:'i.,~.,.,.FEE.. ~,'~"¥'"~ :$ ~..' THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLICA_N~SIGL~A/AJp~E ~ ¢ R o b e r t B e c k e r ~//~/~ BECO~', A THIS APPLICATION WILL PERMIT WHEN APPROVED N SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Coca-Cola Garage & Truck Storage Bldg PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. · (661) 831 - 5100 ?~OJECT: 03-10406 Location & Hospital Map 20th Street Est. UST ipe East Extent'~.F'"i Property Vent~/v.. Line } ~/Fuel Line Floor~,~:~ ..... / Patch '~o~rmer Dispenser Concrete Floor Portion Of Building Garage Building 0 25' ~ I I Approx, Scale 1" = 25' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Coca-Cola Garage & Truck Storage Bldg PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield'(661) 831 CA_ 510093313 Bakersfield, CA. /~ ~^~: ~o~ Plot Plan Map PROJECT: 03-10406 License Detail Page 1 of 2 Csqifornla Homo Tuesday, February 18, 2003 License Detail CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD Contractor License # 659286 _ DISCLAIMER ~ A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license data base. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations: · CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law (B&P 7124.6). If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure, an icon will appear below. Click on the icon to obtain additional complaint information. ~ · Per B&P 7071.17, only construction related civil judgments known to the CSLB are disclosed. · Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitration. ~ · Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license data base. Extract Date: 02/1812003 * * * Business Information * * * RICKETT REAVES & WARD SOILS ENGINEERING INC 4400 YEAGER WAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Business Phone Number: (661) 831-5100 Entity: Corporation Issue Date: 11124/1992 Expire Date: 11/30/2004 * * * License Status * * * This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. * * * Classifications * * * IClassl Description A IIGENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR * * * Certifications * * * Certll Description IH ZlIHAZA DOUS SUBSTANCES EMOVAL IH=C IIHOME IMPROVEMENT CERTIFICATION http ://www2.cslb.ca.gov/CSLB_LIBRARY/License+Detail.asp 2/18/2003 License Detail Page 2 of 2 * * * Bonding Information * * * CONTRACTOR'S BOND: This license filed Contractor's Bond number 9035235 in the amount of $?,500 with the bonding company AM£RICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY. Effective Date: 11/0112001 Contractor's Bondin~l I-Iistory BOND OF QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL(I): The Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) LOUIS THOMAS BAYNE certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/equity of the corporation. A bond of qualifying individual is not required. Effective Date: 11/24/1992 * * * Workers Compensation Information * * * This license has workers compensation insurance with the STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND Policy Number: 541-0000006 Effective Date: 07/01/1994 Cancellation Date: 03111/2003 Workers Compensation History Personnel listed on this license (current or disassociated) are listed on other licenses. Personnel List Other Licenses · License Number Request Contractor Name Request Personnel Name Request Salesperson Request Salesperson Name Request © 2002 State of California. Gray Davis, Governor. Conditions of Use Priv_.a_cy_P_o_!!_c..y http://www2.cslb.ca.gov/CSLB_LIBRARY/License+Detail.asp 2/18/2003 CERTIFICAT OF LIABIINSURA, E PROOUCER (661) 327-33 R OF INFORMATION TnWest Tnsurance Servtces Faul kner/Murray-Knox Agenctes TER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POMCIE8 BELOW. 1400 Easton Dr., Ste. 137 Bakersfiel d, CA 93309 ~RERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED SOilS Eng¶neering Tnc. ~su~R~ Century Surety 4400 Yeager Way :NSURERB: Clarendon Tnsurance Company Bakersfield, CA 93313 ~NSURERC: Fireman's Fund Surplus INSURERO: State Compensation :[ns. Fund 55555 INSURER E: . · THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDIN( ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POUCY EFFECTIVE POUCY EXPIRATION DATE IMM/DO/YYI DATE IMM/OD/YYI LIMITS GENERALLIABIUTY CCP237996 06/25/2003 06/25/2004 EACH OCCURRENCE 1,000,000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY "* DAMAGE TO RENTED $ 50,000 PRFMIRFR (~:~ __ CLAIMS MADE ~-~ OCCUR ELD EXP (A~y one ;erson) $ 2,000 Professional Excl PERSONAL & ADV ~NJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGO $ Prof AUTOMOBILEUABIUTY PA10102250 06/25/2003 06/25/2004 COMBINED SINOLE LIMIT ANY AUTO (La accident) $ 1,000,000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BOOILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ -- ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGO $ EXCESSRJMBRELLALIABILITY XEK0008565292 06/25/2003 06/25/2004 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 4,000,000 __! OCCUR ~ CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ s 4,000,000 DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND 541006-03 05/01/2003 05/01/2004 Y I WCSTATU- OTH- '~ I TORY L M TS ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1 ~ 000 ~ 000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1 ~ 000 ~ 000 If yes, descdbe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1 ~ 000 ~ 000 OTHER DESCRIP. TION OF OPER.~. TIONS I LOCAT ONS I VEH CLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER~ CANCI~LLATI~)H SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAiL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAJLURE TO MAJL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Ken Vetter/SHEeIO /'~ ACORD 25 (2001108) FAX: (661)758-7239 ©*CORD CORPORATION 19aa C11®nt~:~358 SOIL~ENGI CERTIFIC IFE OF LIABILITY INS NCE I o?11slo3 m~OOUCE~ THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Dealey, Renton &Associates ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE P. O. Box 10550 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES _nFLOW. Santa Ana, CA 92711.0550 714 427-6810 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED Soils Engineering Inc INSURER A: Security Ins. Co. of Hartford 4400 Yeager Way INSURER B: Bakersfield, CA 93311 INSURER C: INSURER D: I INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POMClES. AGGREGATE UMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR i POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY E3a31RATION~ LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ' POLICY NUMBER DATE [MMIDDIYYI DATE CMMIDDIYy)I LIMITS [ i - ; FIRE DAMAGE(Anyonefire $ ! I I CLAIMS MADE'~___J OCCUR MEO EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADVINJURY $ .1~1. AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: I i PRO. i-- i I PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG ! , POLICY i : JECT ' I LOC I AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY I [ ' [ COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT : , (Ea accident) $ i I ANYAUTO i ! AL'OWNEO~UTOS : ___!.I SCHEDULED AUTOS : !I II 'BODILY (Per person)INJURY $ ' NON-OWNED AUTOS t I I(Per accident) ~ I ~ PROPERTY DAMAGE ; $ I i (Per accident) ~ GARAGE LIABILITY I I AUTO ONLY- EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO , I .... i ! OTHER THAN EAACC $ ~ I AUTO ONLY: AGG $ ?-~ EXCESS LIABILI ~T~__ It i Ii EACH OCCURRENCE $ ;~ OCCUR CLAIMS MADE I i AGGREGATE $ ~ ;RETENTION $ ' ! i [ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND i i ! WC STATU- '~OTH. ; EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY t : ; ~ ___.J_~ T~ BX_L[ ML~S ', i ER : ~_E__. _L. HA_CH ACCIDENT $ ;~ i I E.L.DISEASE-EAEMPLOYEE $ i I E.L. DISEASE-POLICY LlUlqi $ A i OTHER Professional AEE0232196 06~25~03 i 06/25/04 ~ $1,000,000 per claim iLiability I i $2,000,000 annl aggr. , . DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSIVEHICLESIEXCLUSIONS AD OED aY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER ! I ADDmONALINSURED;INSURERLt:I i~-R: CANCELLATION Ten Dav Notice for Non-Pavment of Premium SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVI~ DESC.,RJ BE D POIJCII~S BE LANCE LIE D BEFORE THE E3~:~IATION DATETHEREOF,THEISSUINGINSURERWIL~I~X]iOMAIL30 - DAYSWRII-FEN NOTICE TOTHE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN Former Coca-Cola Facility 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA. SECTION 1 FACILITY BACKGROUND 1.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield proposed to remove one (1) 500-gallon underground storage tank at 414 19th St. in Bakersfield, CA. (Location Map Plate 1). The site is currently unoccupied with three main buildings. 1.2 SITE HISTORY The Coca-Cola Bottling Company facility has been around since the 1930's as a bottling, storage and distribution center for the beverage company in Bakersfield, CA.. The site is undergoing a potential sale and during a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment conducted by A J Environmental in July 2003 a suspected UST was observed on the northern edge of the Garage building in the northeastern comer of the site. A locked fill pipe, a vent pipe and two (2) possible former dispenser locations are located in or adjacent to the suspected UST area. At a recent site inspection conducted by SEI gasoline odor and gasoline was observed within the fill pipe. Some petroleum staining is present on the asphaltic surface adjacent to the UST. A geophysical survey indicates that the UST is approximatelY 500-gallons in size. It is the desire of Coca-Cola to gain closure of this UST per local regulatory requirements. PROJECT SCHEDULE AND WORK PLAN 2.1 PROJECT SCHEDULE The UST will be removed after the removal permit is approved and after 48 hours of notification. Tentative date for removal is August 25, 2003 2.2 WORK PLAN Permitting SEI will obtain a UST removal permit from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. 4400 YEAGER WAY ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ° PHONE(661)831-5100 ° FAX:(661)831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-SpeCific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 2 Decontamination and Removal of UST One (1) small (<500 gallon) UST will be uncovered, decontaminated and inerted prior to removal. The UST will be removed with a backhoe and transported to a recycling facility. The rinsate will be manifested to a licensed disposal facility. Collection of Soil Samples Soil samples will be collected beneath the former UST location and the former dispenser location at depths of 2' and 6' beneath the UST and surface, respectively and analyzed for volatile organics (including; benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), MTBE and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) using EPA Methods 8020 and 8015m, respectively at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the soil samples will be analyzed for total lead. Additional soil samples may be required along the former fuel line to the dispensers. A hand-auger will be utilized to collect the soil samples at the former dispenser and along the fuel lines after saw-cutting the boring locations. Backfilling Excavation The excavation will be backfilled and compacted with clean imported soil to match existing grade. The core holes inside the building will be filled with soil cuttings and capped with concrete to match existing surfaces. Closure Report SEI will prepare a tank closure report detailing the removal of the UST, soil sample analytical results, waste manifests and conclusions and recommendations for the site. SECTION 3 KEY PERSONNEL AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 PERSONNEL Key personnel in charge of site activities: Project Manager Robert Becker Project Safety Officer Robert Becker Site Safety Officer Chris Carrisalez Field Personnel To Be Determined SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 3 3.2 RESPONSIBILITIES Soils Engineering, Inc. has been given the responsibility for the preparation of this Health and Safety Plan, and is to monitor compliance of its personnel and those of its subcontractors. Soils Engineering, Inc. personnel responsible for the distribution and monitoring of this site health and safety plan will be the Project Safety Officer, and the Project Manager. The Project Safety Officer is responsible for delivering the plan and any addenda to the Project Manager, and for advising the Project Manager and Site Safety Officer on health and safety issues. He has the authority to monitor compliance with the provisions of this plan, suspend work or modify work practices for safety reasons, and to dismiss individuals whose conduct on the site endangers the health and safety of others. The Project Manager is responsible for distributing the plan to Soils Engineering, Inc. field personnel, and its subcontractors and each firm with personnel working on site. The Project Manager is also responsible for review of Soils Engineering, Inc. field personnel's compliance with its medical examination requirements, providing the appropriate safety equipment for personnel protection, and verify that all required health and safety documentation is submitted to the Project Safety Officer. The authority of the Project Manager is the same as the Project Safety Officer. The Site Safety Officer is responsible for assisting the Project Manager with on-site implementation of the Site Health and Safety Plan. His responsibilities are as follows: 1) Maintain safety equipment supplies. 2) Perform air quality measurements as required or needed. 3) Direct decontamination operations and emergency response operations in accordance with the information provided in this document. 4) Establish the work zone markers and signs. 5) Report all accidents, incidents and infractions of safety rules and requirements to the Project Manager. The Site Safety Officer has the authority to suspend work anytime he determines that the provisions of the Site Health and Safety Plan are inadequate to provide a safe working environment. He is to notify the Project Manager of individuals whose on-site presence jeopardizes their health and safety, and the health and safety of others. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 4 SECTION 4 JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS 4.1 CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS The chemical hazards at this site include the possible presence of petroleum hydrocarbons (gasoline) and metals (lead) in the subsurface soil. Gasoline may still be present in the UST and will be removed prior to removal. 4.2 INHALATION HAZARD The vapor and dust concentrations that might be encountered during sampling and mitigation procedures are not likely to exceed currently recommended exposure limits, but in the event they do respiratory protection will be used in the work area. Engineering and administrative controls will be employed if required to abate windborne dust. These will include items such as water spray from a 500 gallon tank and/or administrative controls such as reducing site activities that produce windbome dust. 4.3 DERMAL EXPOSURE HAZARD Contact of sufficient duration to cause significant absorption of toxic components is highly unlikely. Repeated daily or prolonged contact over a period of time may however, lead to absorption through the skin, irritation and dermatitis. For this reason direct skin contact shall be avoided by wearing protective gloves and clothing. However, if contact does occur, the exposed areas shall be washed with soap and water and rinsed thoroughly. 4.3.1 Eye Contact If eye contact is made with any chemical materials at the site, the eye shall be flooded with water for at least 15 minutes. Medical attention shall be obtained as soon as possible. 4.3.2 Skin Contact Skin exposure shall be treated by washing with soap and water. Any contaminated clothing shall be removed and affected areas washed with soap and water. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 5 4.4 OTHER HAZARDS Attention must be paid to other possible hazards on the site including, but not limited to: - improper use of hand tools - rotating machinery such as pumps - dehydration of the personnel - tripping on objects or open ditches - falling objects from the overhead work - lack of oxygen through blockage of the mask - overhead power lines - underground utilities 4.5 HEAT STRESS PREVENTION The SSO shall monitor ambient temperature and use the following work/rest regimes as a guide. For ambient temperature below 80°F, standard rest breaks (e.g. 15 minutes every 4 hours) should be used. For temperature above 80oF, the following regime should be followed. Temperature Work Rest Comments (a) 80 to 85°F 2 hr. 5 min. Review heat stress in a safety meeting. Schedule a beverage break every 2 hrs., at a minimum. 80 to 90°F 2 hr. 15 min. Seated rest. Drink at least 8 ounces at each break. Above 90oF 1.5 hr 15 min. As stated above. Rest area to be shaded. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 6 SECTION 5 JOB HAZARD SUMMARY Exposure to chemical hazards may occur during the cleaning of the UST and if contaminated soils are present and brought to the surface during UST removal and sampling activities. As each task begins, the potential risk of exposure increases. Consequently, level C personal protective equipment shall be available at the site. If monitoring of the breathing zone establishes another action level, the personal protection level may be upgraded. Nearby residents or workers are at a sufficient distance that they shall be at no significant risk. The SSO shall determine if any further action is required. SECTION 6 EXPOSURE MONITORING PLAN 6.1 SAMPLING ACTIVITIES The exposure monitoring activities shall be conducted or directed by the SSO during those activities that require such monitoring. At a minimum, the breathing zone shall be monitored for organic vapor during sampling activities. This shall be accomplished by use of a Foxboro OVA, HNU or Eagle Trimeter portable analyzer. 6.2 ACTION LEVELS Action levels for organic vapors in the breathing zone shall be based on readings obtained by the portable equipment mentioned. The PID instrument determines the total organic vapor present in the breathing zone. Readings of 0 to 100 ppm shall be considered level D without respirators. Readings of 100 ppm or greater for 5 minutes or longer shall trigger an action level to upgrade to level C or modified level D with respirators. SECTION 7 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The respiratory and skin protection requirement shall be initially set at level "D" without respirators. This indicates that inhalable airborne substances are known, and concentrations of chemicals in the atmosphere are not expected and are well below TLV- STEL levels. The use of the following personal protection equipment is mandatory. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 7 7.1 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR FIELD PERSONNEL - Boots (with steel toes) Nitrile, or equivalent, work gloves - Eye protection 7.2 LEVEL C PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT - Half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge when necessary. - Gloves (latex and/or Nitrile) 7.3 EQUIPMENT TO BE USED OR AVAILABLE ON SITE: First-aid kit with eyewash - Fire extinguisher - Construction tape and barriers to delineate work zone - A vehicle must be kept on site when personnel are working - A cellular or public phone to be available on site for communication purposes with off site facilities. - Foxboro OVA portable analyzer or PID SECTION 8 SITE CONTROL 8.1 WORK ZONE The site area shall be controlled to reduce the possibility of exposure to chemical and/or mechanical hazards present at the site. Work areas shall be delineated to protect the general public from exposures and hazards. If level C protection becomes necessary then zones and access points shall be clearly indicated. A restricted area for contamination reduction shall be maintained at the exit to the exclusion zone. Protective clothing and equipment as required by this health and safety plan shall be worn at all times in the exclusion zone and shall only be removed in the designated decontamination corridor at the exit. The areas outside the contamination reduction area, is considered a clean area. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 8 SECTION 9 DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Decontamination of equipment shall be conducted when necessary. 9.1 DECONTAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT Insofar as possible, measures shall be taken to prevent contamination of equipment. Any delicate instrument, which cannot be decontaminated easily should be protected while it is being used. It should be bagged and the bag taped and secured around the instrument. Openings are made in the bag for sample intake. SECTION 10.0 GENERAL SAFE WORK AND STANDARD OPERATING PRACTICES Site health and safety plan implementation will be the responsibility of SEI. If Soils Engineering, Inc. health and safety personnel find that the H&S plan is not being implemented by the subcontractors, the subcontractors will be instructed to suspend further work. A meeting to evaluate the noncompliance will be scheduled with the subcontractors Project Manager. During the meeting the personnel will reach an agreement to either; * Revise the Health and Safety Plan, * Modify the Health and Safety Plan, * Request review by an Industrial Hygienist, * Leave the Plan unchanged. The subcontractor will then implement the Plan as modified. 10.1 SITE SAFETY ORIENTATION MEETING All field personnel from Soils Engineering, Inc. and the subcontractors must attend a safety orientation meeting before commencing the field work. The meeting will be scheduled and conducted by the Site Safety Officer and is to include an overview of the site history, the potentially hazardous compounds, their potential mode of ingress into the SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 9 body, protective equipment requirements, and emergency response equipment. All individuals who do not have respirators and who may be required to wear them, will not be allowed on the site until they are provided with and fit tested for respirators by their respective employers. 10.2 ACCIDENT / PERSONNEL EXPOSURE REPORTS The Site Safety Officer must be informed of all exposures to potentially hazardous material and all accidents whether or not any injury was caused. After investigation of the cause of the accident, he will take all immediate possible steps for the mitigation or the repeat of the accident and proceed with the preparation of an accident report. In the event of a serious or fatal injury resulting from accidents on the site, the relevant CAL/OSHA requirements for accident reporting must be met. The Project Manager will also be informed at the earliest possible time. 10.3 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed in the restricted zone, and only allowed off the site after personal decontamination has taken place. Removal of personal protection equipment and respirator required by articles of this plan, inside the contamination zone is prohibited. Under special circumstances, and after consultation with the Project Manager and/or the Project Safety Officer, the Site Safety Officer may lower the level of protection required and allow the disuse of specific items of personnel protection. Movements on the site singly and out of the sight of the rest of the personnel is prohibited. 10.4 TAIL GATE MEETING A Tail Gate Meeting will be held every morning before the start of work and is to be attended by all personnel on-site. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the days work, potential hazards, and specific health and safety procedures to utilized during the day. The minutes of the meeting will be prepared by the Site Safety Officer. The signature page will be signed by all field personnel. 10.5 VISITOR CLEARANCE Visitors to the site must inform the Site Safety Officer or the Project Manager upon their arrival on the site and must be informed of the contents of this report and fully equipped before entry is permitted. Visitors will be required to be escorted in the exclusion zone and must comply with escort directions at all times. Non-compliance with escort SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 10 directions will not be tolerated, and violators will be required to leave the restricted access zones immediately. SECTION 11 SANITATION Sanitation facilities for site personnel will include the following: 1. Accessible, near-by restrooms 2. Washing facilities 3. Potable water 4. Electrolyte drink (Gator Aid) SECTION 12 CONTINGENCY PLANS AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES Soils Engineering, Inc. requires the utmost care and safety for all of its employees. And therefore attempts to maintain all employees in a current status of emergency training. 12.1 PHYSICAL INJURY In the event of an accident resulting in a physical injury, apply first aid and call paramedics. Severely injured personnel are to be transported only by paramedics and/or ambulance personnel. At the hospital, a physician's attention is mandatory regardless of how serious the injury appears. The Project Safety Officer and the Project Manager are to be notified by the Site Safety Officer, as soon after the injury as practical, regarding the nature of the accident. A written report is also to be prepared and submitted by the Site Safety Officer. 12.2 FIRE, EXPLOSION, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE In the event of a fire or explosion notify the fire department immediately by dialing: 911 The Project Safety Officer and the Project Manager are to be notified by the Site Safety Officer as soon as practical and a written report prepared. ~OILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 11 12.3 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Fire Department 911 Police Department 911 Paramedics 911 SEI (661) 831- 5100 12.4 WORK SITE ADDRESS Former COca Cola Facility 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 12.5 HOSPITAL ADDRESSES AND ROUTES Plate 1 is a local map showing the route to the hospital. Hospital Address: San Joaquin Hospital 2615 Eye St. Bakersfield, CA. (661) 395-3000 Route: Go west on 19th St. to Chester Ave. turn right (north) and travel to 26th St. turn left to Eye St. and the Hospital. See Plate 1 for suggested route to hospital. SECTION 13 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Training on the hazards at the site will be conducted at the start of the project and as conditions and personnel change. This plan will be reviewed with project personnel prior to their entry onto the site. In addition, Soils Engineering, Inc. provides and encourages training opportunities such as CPR, First Aid, and 1910.120 annual refresher and supervisory training. The initial training will include the following subjects at a minimum: SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 12 1. Nature of the hazards, including the location of the site Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals at the site. 2. A description of the levels of personal protection at the site, and the condition for selection of each level. 3. Emergency procedures. 4. Demonstration of respiratory protective equipment. 5. Review of safe work practices at the site, and identification of forbidden practices. Safety Meetings will be conducted daily at the site to review work plans and safety practices associated with them. These meetings will be conducted by the SSO, attendance by all Soils Engineering, Inc. employees, subcontractors, and visitors to the site will be mandatory. SECTION 14 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM To meet with the criteria set forth in 29 CFR 1910.120 Soils Engineering, Inc. has implemented a medical surveillance program which includes all employees that work at or visit hazardous waste sites. SECTION 15 DOCUMENTATION All required records of individual employees are maintained at SEI's central location in Bakersfield, California. The records include but are not limited to: medical surveillance, training, and respiratory testing. This Site Safety Plan Is Hereby Approved and Acknowledge by SEI's Acting Health and Safety Of~cer. ~OILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 13 SIGNATURE PAGE The following signature verifies that I have read the attached Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan and that I will carry out the recommended scope of work in accordance with this Health and Safety Plan. Name D~e IN SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Coca-Cola Garage & Truck Storage Bldg PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. - (661) 831 - 5100 PROJECT: 03-10406 Location & Hospital Map Approx. UST Extent Fill Pipe Vent ~ 1 Line Floor ...... Patch Former Dispenser Garage Building ~} 715' Approx. Scale 1" = 7.5' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Coca-Cola Garage & Truck Storage Bldg PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313Bakersfield, CA. l~ (661) 831 - 5100 ~^~: ~,o~ Plot Plan PROJECT: 0:3-10406 CADIZ,CADIZ ARCHITECTS , December 6, 2002 City of Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Ave, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 9330! Attn: Ralph Huey. Director of~enti RE: ~oca-Cnla Bakersfield - 4320 Ride Stre~-~ Warehouse Draft Curtains - Plan Check #B02-06456 Per our telephone call today, you noted that draft curtains will not be required on the new Coca- Cola Warehouse building currently under construction in Bakersfield. Thank you very much for your 'assistance. Sincerely, , Carlos A. C~ ~tect Cc: David Weirather, City of Bakersfield Mike Quann, City of Bakersfield Raul Rarnirez, CCE Jack Jensen, Fortune Ratliff K:~.~i36NewBakersfiel&Do6s~ltrRalph Hia~y 120602:doc- 110 w. escalones suite no. a san clemente ca. 92672 phone: (949) 361-0437 fax: (949) 361-0696 Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON' REVERSE SIDE ........ ,,~,~¥~,~;,~,;~,,~;~;;~;,~,,,,;~,~ ...... This permit is issued for the following: ,~i?'? i~ :?;'~"~%i iiiiii!i!ii,~ ~,~i iiiii,: iiiiill iii;;':i i~ i~ Ji~e[ground Storage of Hazardous Materials ~'~"- ~ '~3'.:~ ", · ,' · .~r' ?= . '~' [~ by: O~C~ o~ ~0~~ S~ ~C~s 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor Hu~~ Office of ~mml S~i~m B~e~el~ CA 93301 Voice (805) 32~3979 F~ (S0~)326~576 ExpiratioaDate: ~un~ ~0~ ~000 r Acttv~2t¥ Date # Of Tanks Comments GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 ,.'" ;'*' ~ .... Telephone (805) 061-3636 STEVE McCALLEY ,.d~ ~,~;'.:' "~:.~-:~,~ '~<. Telecopler (805) 861-3429 D EPARTMENT:-::OF~ENVIR~NMENTAL February 22, 1990 Coca Cola Enterprises 414 19th Street Bakersfield, California CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 414 19TH STREET IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A1066-15/150055 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Changes in the present or proposed land use may require further assessment and mitigation of potential public health impacts. Thank yo~ ~r u~operation in this matter. TURONDA R. CRUMPLER, R.E.H. , HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST .cc: Crisp Construction ....... _. --pC~.~sp---~n-:_~-~t_~on-O-- B°X 1066 Visalia, CA 93279 Attn: Mr. Richard Warren .Project: Coca Cola Plant 414 19th Street Bakersfield, California Subject: Underground Storage Tank Removal of Soil Samples Dear Mr. Warren: This report presents the analytical results of soil samples retrieved following the removal of one underground storage tank at the above-referenced project location. Attached to the report are a site map and a copy of the chain-of-custody documentation. The scope of our testing was initiated per the verbal authorization of Mr. Richard Warren with Crisp Construction. SCOPE OF WORK Services performed by The Twining Laboratories, Inc., consisted of the sampling and analysis of four soil samples retrieved from under one 10,000 gallon underground storage tank. The storage tank was 8 feet in diameter by 28 feet in length. The tank was rusty and pitted, however, no holes were evident. No soil discoloration was noticed. A slight product odor emanated from the excavation. The storage tank had a product history of unleaded gasoline. The approximate location of the former tank is presented on Drawing No. 1. The project site is located at 414 19th Street, in Bakersfield, California. 2527 Fresno S~t · RO. ~x 1472 O ~01 West Goshen ~enue ~ Fresno, Califomia 93716 ° (209) 2~-7021 Vi~lia, California 93291 · (209) 651-2190 1405 Granite ~ne, Suite 1 D 3701. P~us Drive, Suite 124 Modesto, California 95351 · (209) 523~9~ Bakersfield, California 93308 · (805) 393-5088 SAMPLING PROCEDURE The soil samples were obtained by Mr. Ray Kurz with The Twining Laboratories, Inc. on November 1, 1989. Two samples were retrieved from each end of the tank; a sample at two feet and a sample at 6 feet below the bottom of the tank. The location and ~depth±was -specified 'by Ms. Turonda ~Crumpler o~_.~the K~rn .C~unty--:: ...... Environmental Health Department. The soil samp%es we~ ret~le~d using brass sleeves, then capped with aluminum ~oil, ~nen p±as~c · _~-,caps and immediately packed in ice for. shipment to our [~/laboratory. The samples were clearly identified and banded with 'shipping seals. The samples retrieved in the field were brought to our facility in Fresno, California on November 1, 1989. The results of the sample analysis is presented in the .attached If you should have any questions regarding the information contained herein, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. Matthew L. Bullis, RCE Supervisor Environmental Engineering Department MLB/rb 2c: Herewith lc: Kern County Environmental Health Department,.Attn: Ms. Turnonda Crumpler Fresno Modes~o Visalia Bakersfield Geotechnicaland Environmental Consultants · Engineering and Chemical Laboratorie~ REPORT DATE : November 22, 1989 PROJECT MGR; Matt Bullis EXAMINATION NO.: 689-5715.1-4 CLIENT : Crisp Construction P.O. Box 10866 Visalia, California PROJECT : Coca Cola Plant = __ ._~.' ........ ~ ......... - .... . ..... 414 19th Street .......... Bakersfield, California DATE SAMPLED : 11-01-89 at N/A by R. Kurz DATE RECEIVED: 11-01-89 at 1655 from R. Kurz In accordance with your instructions, the samples submitted were analyzed for the components specified. Results are enclosed on the following pages. If you have any questions concerning the analysis or results, please contact us. Thank you for letting us serve you. THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. r,'-~ Ch~istry Division LJ: mrd lc:herewith 2527 Fresno Street · P.O.,Box 1472 O 9401 West Goshen Avenue Fresno, California 93716 (209) 268-7021 Visalia, Califomia 93291 · (209)651-2190 1405 Granite Lane. Suite I l-I 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Modesto, California 95351 - (209) 523-0994 Bakersfield, California 93308 · (805)393-5088 REPORT DATE : November 22, 1989 PROJECT MGR; Matt Bullis EXAMINATION NO.: 689-5715.1 page 1 of 4 CLIENT :Crisp Construction PROJECT : Coca Cola Plant 414 19th Street ......... Bakersfield, Cali~0~ni DATE SAMPLED : 11-01-89 at N/A by R. Kurz DATE RECEIVED: 11-01-89 at 1655 from R. Kurz DATE PREPARED: 11-06-89 DATE ANALYZED: 11-07-89 ANALYZED' BY : S. Singh REVIEWED BY : J. Koelewyn SAMPLE TYPE : Soil SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: S-i, Tank 1, North End 2' CONSTITUENT RESULT METHOD MDL (m g) (mg/kg) Benzene ND 8020 0.05 Toluene ND 8020 0.05 Ethylbenzene ND 8020 0.05 Xylenes ND 8020 0.20 TPH-Gasoline GC/FID 0.5 NOTES: mg/kg: Milligram per Kilogram Preparation (BTEX & Gasoline) : 5020 TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MDL: Method Detection Limit ND : None Detected Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield REPORT DATE : November 22, 1989 PROJECT MGR; Matt Bullis EXAMINATION NO.: 689-5715.2 page 2 of 4 CLIENT : Crisp Construction PROJECT : Coca Cola Plant 414 19th Street ........ Bakersfield, '~California DATE SAMPLED : 11-01-89 at N/A by R. Kurz DATE RECEIVED: 11-01-89 at 1655 from R. Kurz DATE PREPARED: 11-06-89 ~ATE ANALYZED: 11-07-89 ANALYZED BY : S. Singh REVIEWED BY : J. Koelewyn SAMPLE TYPE : Soil SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: S-2, Tank 1, North End 6' CONSTITUENT RESULT METHOD MDL -(3~' o (mg/kg) Benzene //' ND / 8020 0.05 Toluene ~ / ' ! ND 8020 0 05 Ethylbenzene ::,, 8020 0.05 Xylenes \,, N~ 8020 0..20 TPH-Gasoline ~ GC/FID 0 '5 NOTES: mg/kg: Milligram per Kilogram Preparation (BTEX & Gasoline) : 5020 TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MDL: Method Detection Limit ND : None Detected Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield REPORT DATE : November 22, 1989 PROJECT MGR; Matt Bullis EXAMINATION NO.: 689-5715.3 page 3 of 4 CLIENT : Crisp Construction PROJECT : Coca Cola Plant 414 19th Street '- -.-- '-Bakersfield, California DATE SAMPLED : 11-01-89 at N/A by R. Kurz DATE RECEIVED: 11-01-89 at 1655 from R. Kurz DATE PREPARED: 11-06-89 ~DATE ANALYZED: 11-07-89 ANALYZED BY : S. Singh REVIEWED BY : J. Koelewyn SAMPLE TYPE : Soil SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: S-3, Tank 1, South End 2' CONSTITUENT RESULT METHOD MDL (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Benzene ,"'NDe'. 8020 0.05 Toluene : NDI 8020 0.05 Ethylbenzene ' ~/ND 8020 0.05 Xylenes i 8020 0.20 TPH-Gasoline ~ ND / GC/FID 0.5 NOTES: mg/kg: Milligram per Kilogram Preparation (BTEX & Gasoline) : 5020 TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MDL: Method Detection Limit ND : None Detected Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield REPORT DATE : November 22, 1989 PROJECT MGR; Matt Bullis EXAMINATION NO.: 689-5715.4 page 4 of 4 CLIENT : Crisp Construction PROJECT : Coca Cola Plant 414 19th Street .............. Bakersfield, California ' '- DATE SAMPLED : 11-01-89 at N/A by R. Kurz DATE RECEIVED: 11-01-89 at 1655 from R. Kurz DATE PREPARED: 11-06-89 .{DATE ANALYZED: 11-07-89 ANALYZED BY : S. Singh REVIEWED BY : J. Koelewyn . SAMPLE TYPE : Soil SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: S-4, Tank 1, South End 6' CONSTITUENT ~ RESULT METHOD MDL (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Benzene ND 8020 0.05 Toluene ND 8020 0.05 Ethylbenzene ND 8020 0.05 Xylenes ND 8020 0.20 TPH-Gasoline ~ GC/FID 0.5 TPH-Diesel~ GC/FID 10 NOTES: mg/kg: Milligram per Kilogram Preparation (BTEX & Gasoline) : 5020 Preparation (Diesel): LUFT-Shake TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MDL: Method Detection Limit ND : None Detected *: Due to matrix interference from heavier hydrocarbons, the diesel concentration is impossible to measure accurately. The estimated concentration of diesel in this sample is 50 mg/kg. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield Date: ..////--/- ~q THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. Page_,/_.~_. of 2527 Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93721 Chain-of. Custody and Analysis Request Record Project Name: '~~ (~~~ Project No.: r~ N ~ '. , Project'Manager: SEND REPORT~O:· ' SAMPLING LOCATION -OR- BILLING (Circle One): EXPECTED TURNAROUND:. Address: ~ ' ~ -- Addresm ~/~/ ~ /~ T~ ~ , ~- Routine Contact Name: ~ ~~ Contact Name: Phone: : Phone: ~ ~tS~' ~'" :' Number of Lab* ~ Client Sample .> mpl~ .... ~ Date~lme Containers ID ~ ~ ID ~ ~eSeriptlon ', '. Sampled Analysis Requested Per Sample · Lab use only. ,, ' ~ / ); ~' /' ~Redoi~e ' ' ' Date~lmo . Rocoi~d In Lab By : '. Affiliationr' Dato~lmo 2~KERN COUN~'~ALTH DE~R~ENT ·Z SERVICE AND COMP~INT FORM '" ~te ~ [ ~me= ~ ~rvlce Requ~t ~ Complaint ~ No. ~lgned to=. ::. ~t]on City - . ~ DIr~tlons - a ReDor~ ng ~rson Addr~5 Phone ~" Owne; ' ~o . - Add~e~ ~one ~.. . ~ -- .... ~'~' ~B~X"'~' :::-'~ ':: ._,[~zw :- - ~-'}~~~,,,~.x.- :. - ' - .... t~-.c~~~~, -: ~: ........ ;~-~,~:~_~:-::. .... GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 ., ,.'"'~"?: ,~--, Telephone (805) 861-3636 STEVE McCALLEY ~~. -;:c-. Telecopler (805) 861-3429 Director R E S 0 U R C E ·~~~~' NT .AGENCY PERMITF0_R p.E_RMANENT CLOSURE ~~ ........ PERMIT N~UMBER A .... ~066-~15 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAMF-/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Coca Cola Enterprises Cbca Cola Enterprises Crisp Construction 414 19th Street 414 19th Street 3850 W. Cherry Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield, CA Visalia, CA License #529691 Phone: (805) 324-6531 Phone:(209) 734-6381 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES 2anuary 25, 1990 I TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE October 25, 1989 Turonda R. Crumpler, R.E..H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist ..................................................................................... POST ON PREMISES .......................................................................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencie~ prior to beginning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments) 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT- 30. 4. It is 'the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee onsite supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size leas than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): must be retrieved at A minimum of tv~0 sa_re, pie~ .. depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every..15 linear feet of pipe run and under thc .............. di-spenser area. ' .................... ' ..................................... PERMIT FOR PERMANENT cLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 41066-15 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene,. and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and. appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. · c. -' 'All s0il samples retrieved from beneath waste oil ~anks and appurtenances must be-analyzed for total organi~ halidcs, lead, oil and' ~reuse. d.' All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been storedwithin the tank. 10. The following timetable lists pre-and post-tank removal requirements: ~,CTWITY DEADLINE Complete permit application At least two weeks prior to closure .... submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to' inspector listed on permit of date Two working days and time of closure and soil sampling  Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous No later than ~ working days for transportation and 14 working Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste days for the tracking form after tank removal manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste Sample analysLs to Hazardous Materials Management No later than 3 working days a[ter completion of analysis Pro,ram 11. Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CS~&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging a[ least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&$C 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors delectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort of repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shah remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. 12. High water table: ff water table is encountered either during the exploratory boring or during sampling water samples must be retrieved by a method approved by this department. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. RepresentalJves from this department respond to job sites during tank;removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clari[y the interests and expectations for this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are no~ permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job [oreman Ls responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result Jn a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyses documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move J[ into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. TRC:cas OWNER OR AGENT DATE \cocacola. PTC Crisp Constr~c'/:':~,!o~., com~:.,..~ny, Inc. · ~:"~ '.',...'--.. T' :'-~:j-- ........... - ..... -.~ntrac~oF~ T.ic. ~567426 .' "'~?"~ ~,0 2ox '10~G ~ Vis.ia, CA 93279 G'cner~ ~n~nee~ng ~:.~.,~?~, ' Telepl~one (209) 734-638! ............... - .... FAx CO-V;'F___JR .... S~HSET ............ (}CT 26 '89 1a:54 GRISB'-,~ 3TRUGTIOH F'. I m ! Nil #I-III1 ' ,- . ,. ~ - ----~ ~=~=, ~-~-'--'~ .......... ~ ...... i'-~ ..... l-_. 1~<_1.2~-~_~-'~= ==-~, '" ,,~.:.::,.::+~:_o~:,.:~_o_~_zm~..~l, fOv~*.~, :':'~ . . Form Approved OMB No. 2050~O039 (Expires 7 Toxic Substances Control Divism j. Sac.ramento. Californ, PleaSe pfi~ or type. (Form designed for use on eh. .2.pitch typewriter). UNIFORM HAZARDOUS t. Generator's US EPA ID No, 2. Page t Information in the shaded areas is not.required by Federal law. WASTE MANIFEST --.-., :e Manifest Document Number ene.e,or'..sm. andMa.,ngAddr'ss ' t5 884336~3 4. Generator's Phoee 5. Transporter I Company Name 6. US EPA/~D Number Tranaporter's ID 7. Transporter 2 Company Nsm. e 8. US EPA ID' Nu. mb, e~l: E. State Tranaportar's ID Traneporler'a Phone -.. Designated Facility Name and Site Address' ~. " 10. " - US EPA ID Number-~ .......... State Facility's ID '--I ,_ ' 12. Containers 13. Total L · C) 11. us D~T Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID N;',mber) Quantity Waste No. :-0' State State c. EPA/Other J. Additional Descriptions for Materials ' ~. b°ve~.~.~..~.7~'~ ) Wastes Listed 0 ~ 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Inlomalion - GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are ful~ and accurately described above by pro, er shipping name ~ an~ are classified, packed, ma~ed, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transpo~ by highway according to applicable international and ; national government regulations. If I am a large quantity generator, I ce~i~ that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have dete~ed m~nimizes the O to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treat,~ent, slorage, or disposal currently ava ab e to me which present and future t~.teat to human health and the environment; OR. i~ I sm a small quantity generator. I have made a good faith effo~ Io minimize my waste ~ generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can afford. . , ~ Month Day Year Z ~d Name Signat~ / / . Month Oay Year Z Printed/Typed Name ~ 18. Trans; ement of Receipt of Materials ~ - Month Printed/Typed Name I Signature Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space ....... ~- .... 20: Facility Own ~r~r ~perator Ce~celi~ of receipt o~ hazardous materials~vered by thi~ e~ t ~a noted in Item 19. COPY TO DCuc EPA 87~22 (Rev. 9-~) Previous editions are obsolete. Tr. P,O ~C,~ 3~00 ~'rcm ~eOS~ 801-363S L~O~ 0f ~XPINO '~ Ag~ ...... C ~OSURE/~DONMRNT . ~& DI~L ~ ~ L~TION Amount Due '100 '00 Peyment N.~de By Check 100 O0 ' 'THANK YOU! DIRE~OR OF EN~NME~ H~ ~ts ~orm ts to be ret~ned 'to the ~ern' Co~y :Health. Department '~thtn'l'4 Sectlon.~ I e__u n re~'oval o t a t r x Ta~ Removal Contractor= .-~/~'~ -. ~~'Authorlzed representative of contractor certifies b~ sl~tn~ belo~ that'[~-;~l=~:Y.~S ta~(s) _have been decont~lnated In accordance ~lth' Section 3 -To be ft'lled out and ~ ~ a~':authorized representative o~. :the · ' · * * ~ILING INSTRUCTIONS: ~old tn half and ,staple'- ' .- : (Form e~-lSO) . , Cai Tank" ",~ !k/ Test Report j~ .i~.)6.,. ~ '.; Owner: COCA COLA Enterprises Testing · ~ undergr°und st°rage Tank [~.Address: 414-19th Street 3296 S. Mooney Blvd. ~' R~r~ft~l d: ,C~lif. Visalla, CA 93277 - (209) 625-9911 ~ Phone No. 8ns-3'ga-~531 . High Test Low Test ~, Tank Codify Tank# Product Capacity Result Result 414-19th?: S t~i°n Tight #1 ~] Unleaded 10~000 -.0344 Bakersfield, Calif. Yes Remarks: See worksheets i!i ~ M~nuei Mossa by ~rlene Quinn Dat~ 11-29-88 JAN' g 4 1969 ~ ,~ ENVIRON~ENTA HEALT[' ~ ,?~, c~ ~3~ ~' '~ [lNG MgT~ c~'~o~ ~ /~ _"" .:-. .... , MEASURED GR~t/~, ~/ . CT :~ . __ APH COLO~ COEFFICIENT ' ENo CAIN + TEMP CAL~x ~3 xfA) LEVEL -- ~ RESULT TEMp. "' ~= ~.~ X .... '--'-'-- - : .... --. E~D ' - -- GAIN+ . ................ Loss_ ' ~ = ' R~ULT TIME ~t~ X = , NE STATION LOCATION ~ Z x ~ E ~''- ¢= "F ) CE~EO T~O~~I~ ~% ':~ L~ ... STORED MATER OVER FOR REMARKS ' . -,- ' -. "- ' DATA CHART FOR TANK SYSTEM TIGHTNESS TEST ~ ~ Vi~lia. ~ 93277 ' - I~URE ~I~N A IE~E~/URE COt,~EN~ION B OW~ PHONE NAM~ O~ PER~N IN C~RGE AT S~E / PHC TYPE OF SYSTEM [] SUBMERGE ¢~UCTION LENGTH OF COLOR CODE OF PRODL~ FILl. PIPE A. Tank Bot. to Grade ~' WAT~. ~V~ ,. ~ ' ".0' ~nk Top to. Grade ~' ~, Send Repo.-to:- Client ~,~ ~r~ GRAD~ ~ C. T~k Diameter ~ '* Address LII~ -- /q~ ~. DEPTHOF~ROUNDWAT[. D. Test Level ~ove ~rade ~ ' Ci~, State .~ ~/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, E. Depth of ~ter in t~k ~ ' Phone (~b~ ~t - G ~ I E Dep~ for~ing ~ample ~ ' A~n: DATE/TIMESTO.AGE~ST~FI~D G. Temp. Probe dep~ (conne~or) Y.~ ' ~ H. Test level to T~k BoL /~ , ~N ~.~~.~. DATE TIME I. Ground~terab~e'tankbottom ~ · ~N~r~%;~l~. AGEOFTAN~ / AGEOFLIN~ ~ ~ J. Produ~'Pressureperl'height~ PSI TankNo. ~-/~~o~/ WATER Test Pressure ~rmula Leakage Indicated~F~ / -~ ~ ~ / ~ DEPTH E ~X -(~x .036 )= . ' ~ ~ ~. / T~TING FLUID, IF DIFFERENT .... ~ Techmcian ~~ ~ ~ C ? ~ STORED MAT~AL " DATA CHART FOR TANK .SYSTEM TIGHTNESS TEST ..... ;-'- ~ --~ .................. ::~---': .:, (EZY CHEK) '" .... :'" ~,.. _ ' '~' ..,'' ~.,~ ~. :' '. ,'; ~. ~Efl Off C~LER .... OATE OF TE~ .............. W~ER ~~ TEMPE~RE ' '~-- ' .... "~ -' -~= ..... ' ' ~RESS ~. & ~RE~ . ~ ' ~ ..... " -- ' // ...... c =. ~ ART~ -- ~ ~r~u~m ~ . . -- [- : ., O~SION$: D~METER ~ ~ NUh~.R OF GALLONS ~DO_D O ~ PUMP ~ ~P~ '"' ' ,t ~ ~NCH~OFWATER - BEFORE TEST ~ AFTERT~$T ~ .............. TOTAL /~ _ LINES + 3 = p ( , LINES I ~----~- ~ END OF TEST ~LIBRATION UNE M~EM~NT ~ ' = ~1 SPECIFIC G~ O ~' F , ~ (FROM TABLE A) CO~FICIE~ OF ~P~SION ~ ~ ~ ~ (FROM TABLE E) PROD~ ~ ~NG. ~ I FanUC, ~r~l~ O~ ll I P~* Serial ,~ber ~ ~ ~ X~A .oo~ ~ .00~ ~ TECH[{ICIAN(S) DATF 1700 Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OF~CE. Bakersfield, Calll'ornia 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ' Telephone (805) 861-3636 ., -* ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ,- " · DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Re{chard -, . I NTERI Iv[ PERlV[I T PERMI T~I 50055C',. I S SUED : "JANUARY 1, 1987 " " EXP.T RE S : JANUARy 1,-1990 UNDERGROUND -HAZARDOUS -SUBSTANCES ~ ~-::.: =__- ...~.~_~+__.,~,.::_. STORAG~"~AcILITY ' ..... : NU1/IBER'=OF TANKS= I " FACILITY: " ' "i'-.l~ OWNER: ". " ' ' '.'~. .COCA-COLA BOTTLING' COIV[PAN'Y .:-[ COCA-COLA"BOTTL~NG..COMPANY -- 414 'i, gTH STREET "':' ' '' "' ' ' I 1334 S. CENTRAL 'AVENUE . TANK #." ':. A_tiE_(IN YRS)_'', SUBSTANCE CODE- -' pREssURIZED PIPING? .... NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREI~IENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE P~RMITTINO AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS 'PERMIT NON-- TRANS Y E R~,-k.B L E *** POST ON PRE~II. SES '- .-' '" DATE P~IT MAIT,F.D: FEB 6 1987 ?."' "' '- DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST MAIT,~c.~:. ..: . Kern County Health Caper Division o[ Environmental Hea Application 1700 Flo~r Street, Bake~sfiei~, ~ 93305 .~PLI~TION FOR PE~IT ~ OPE~TE ~E~R~D ~~US SUBST~CES S~E FACILI~ ~ o~ Applica'tion (ch~k): ~w Facility ~Nification of Facility ~isti~ Facility ~a~fer of ~ershi A. ~ergen~ 24-~ur Contact (n~e, area c~e, ~one): ~ (213) 7~6-5555 Nigh~ Facility ~ Coca-Cola Bottling Company ~. of T~ks One ~ of B~iness (check): ~line S~tion ~er (de~ri~) Fleet Vehicles ~ Tank(s) ~cat~ on ~ ~ricultural Fa~? ~Y~ Is Tank(s) Us~ ~i~rily for ~ricultural ~r~ses? ~Yes Facility ~dre~ 414 19th Street Nearest Cro~ St. "V" Street T R SEC (R~al ~atio~ ~ly) ~er Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Los ~eles ~n~ct. ~r~ Richard Saunders ~ress 1334 S. Central Ave., Los ~eles Zip 90021 ~le~one <213) 746-5555 ~rator Coca-Cola Bottlin~ Company -' Bakersfield Con,ct ~r~ Mike Ainsworth ~dress 414 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA Zip 93305 Tele~one <805) 324-6531 B. ~r ~ Facility Provid~ by Unkno~ ~p~ ~' Gro~~r 200 feet ~il ~racteristics' at ~acility Recent Alluvi~ (gravel, sand, silt, clay) ~sis for Soil ~ a~ Gro~ter ~p~ ~te~inatio~ USGS data C. Contractor J.H. Kleinfelder.& Associates ~ ~ntractor's ~ce~e ~dre~ 901 W. Victoria St., Compton, CA Zip ~ Tele~o~ Pro~s~ S~r~i~ ~te October, 1986 Pro~s~ ~rker's C~~ti~ Certification ~ 277703 I~urer Dealey Renton & Associates E. T~(s) S~re (~k all ~t a~ly): T~k ~ ~s~ Pr~u~ ~tor Vehicle Unlead~ R~ar Pr~i~ Die~l ~ste F. ~i~l ~sition of ~terials S~r~ (~t ~ces~ry for ~tor v~icle ~ls) T~ t Ch~l Stor~ (n~c~rcial ~e) ~ (if different) G. Transfer of' Ownership Date of ~--ansfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all 6bligations of Per6it No. issued · I understand that the Pem£tt~J Authority may review modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this u~dergro~d stor~a~ .facility upon receiving this c~ted fora. This form has been compietj~/~er p~alty of per jury and to the best of my knowledge T~dK ~ 1 (FILL OUT SEP~TE FO~ FOk ~CH T~K) FOR EACH SE~ION, CHECK ALL ~PROPRIATE BOXES · 1. Tank is: ~ Vaul ted ~n-Vaul t~ ~uDle-Wal 1 ~Si~le~all 2. ~ ~terial ~Car~n Steel ~ Stainless Steel ~ ~l~inyl C~oride ~ Fiberglass~lad Steel ~Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~Concrete ~in~ ~Bronze ~k~ ~Other (descri~) 3. Pr i~ry Contai~ent ~te Installed ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (Gallo~) ~nufac%urer 1971 ~nkno~ 10,000 Unkno~ 4. Tank Secondary Contal~ent ~le-Wall ~ ~etic ~ner ~Lin~ Vaul~ ~ne ~Un~o~ ~Other {descri~): ~nufacturer: ~terial Thic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lini~ ~R~r ~kyd ~xy ~enolic ~ass ~ay ~lin~ ~o~ ~Other (de~ri~): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ~Galvaniz~ ~Fi~rglass-Cl~ ~l~ylene Wrap ~Vinyl Wra~i~ ~Tar or ~p~lt ~k~ ~No~ ~O~er (de~ri~): Cath~ic Protection: ~ne ~pres~ ~rent S~t~ ~c'rificial ~e ~ri~ Syst~ & ~ui~ent: or ~kno~ 7. Leak Detection, ~nitori~, and Interception a. Tank: ~Vis~l (vault~ t~ks only) ~Gro~ter ~nitori~' ~ll(s) ~Vadose Zone ~nitori~ ~ll(s) ~T~ Wi~ut ~ner ~U-~ wi~ C~tible Liner Dir~ti~ Flow ~ Monitori~ ~l(s)* ~ Va~r ~t~tor* ~ ~id ~el ~r' ~ Cond~tivit~ ~ Pressure Sen~r in ~ular S~ce of ~le Wall Tank- ~ Liquid ~tri~al & Ins~ction Fr~ U-T~, Monitori~ ~11 or ~ar ~ ~ily Ga~i~ & I~entory Re~nciliation ~ Peri. lc T~h~e~ T~ti~ ~None ~o~ ~er b. Pipit: ~Fl~Restricti~ ~ak ~t~tor(s) for Pre~iz~ Pipit' ~nitori~ S~p ~ ~ce~y ~al~ ~cre~ ~ce~y ~lf~t C~tible Pi~ ~ce~y ~~tic Lin~ce~y ~None ~U~no~ ~er Leak Alert Model LA-02 Panel w/ LAV~ Vapor · ~ri~ ~ & ~eI: 8. Ta~ Ti~h~ess ~is ~ ~en Tigh~ess ~st~? ~Yes ~ ~o~ ~te of ~ Tigh~e~ Test 9/29/86 Res~ of Test Certified TiEht Test ~e Homer Ezy-Chek ~sti~ ~ny Cal Tank Te~tinE 9. Tank Re. ir ~ Re~ir~? ~Yes ~ ~o~ ~te(s) of ~lr(s) ~ri~ Re. irs 102 ~erfill Protection ~rator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~vel ~Ta~ Fl~t ~e ~Fl~t Vent Valves ~ Auto Shut- Off Controls ~ci~nce ~r. ~al~ Fill ~x ~ne ~o~ ~O~er: List ~ke & ~el F~ ~e ~ic~ PiPi~omeco[g_ III-VE overs~ill ,pr?tection fill box 'with drain back to tank 11~ a. ~dergro~d Pipi~: ~Yes ~ ~o~ ~terial Steel Thickne~ (inches) Unk. Di~eter Unk. Manufacturer Unk. ~essure ~S~tion ~Gravity ~proxi~te ~ 0f Pi~ ~ .... b. Undergro~ Pipi~ Corrosion Prot~tion : ~lvanized ~Fi~rglass~l~ ~press~ ~rrent ~crificial ~e ~Polye~yle~ Wrap ~Electrical I~lati~ ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar .or ~lt ~Unkno~ ~None ~her (de~zi~): c. Undergro~ Pipit, Seco.~ary Contai~nt: J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES GEO~ECHNICAL & ENVIRONMEN~L CONSULTANTS · M~ERIALS TESTING LAND & WATER RESOURCES VICTORIA CORNER BUSINESS 901 WEST VICTORIA STREE~ SUITE G COMPTON, CALIFORNIA 90220 (213) 638-9344 October 1, 1986 ~ ~ Q-1148-1 Kern County Health Department '~'~. Division of Environmental Health 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Attention: Mr. Mark Pishinsky Subject: Application for Permit to Implement an Underground Storage Tank Program for the Coca-Cola Facility in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Pishinsky: The completed application for permit to operate an underground hazardous substance storage facility is enclosed. The. results of the original tank-testing data are also attached .for your review. As shown, the one tank at the Coca-Cola facility on 414 19th Street in Bakersfield was certified tight, having a leak rate of +0.0023 gallons/hour. J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES is prepared to mobilize for field-work operations with two weeks of final approval by your office to proceed. Please contact us if you require further information or clarification. Thank you for your timely response to the approval of this leak detection and tank monitoring pro- gram. Sincerely, J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES DHK:kl Enclosure OTHER OFFICES: Walnut Creek · Cordelia ' San Ramon · Sacramento · Stockton · Fresno- Fairfield · Merced · Rohnert Park · Reno · Las Vegas · St. George, Utah Cai Tank Test Report Owner: Coca Cola Bottl~n~ Testing Underground :5'torage Tank Address: 41~ ~gth Street  ;;1~ 3296 S. Mooney Blvd. Bakersfield, CA Visalla, CA 93277 _ (209) 625-9911 = Phone No. High Test Low Test Tank Certify Product Capacity Result Result Location Tight 1. Requ[a: t0,O00 +.0023 ~[~ [~[h ~[.~ ~ake:sr~e[d~ CA Yes 3. 4. 5. 17. Line Test Results [ 4. 1. ~ 5. 2. 3. ~ 7. 18. Remarks: See back of wo:~shee[ ~o: [es~e~s :ema:ks. Cefllfied Operators Signature ~ Tim Machado by L~nda S~sk '1 '~,,~ *" / '~ OWNER OF SITE Cai Tank Testing ~ ,' " ~ ~ ~ ~~ .ORNER 'EASY TESTING METHOD ~! Visali., CA 93277WORKSHEET CITY-~ATE-ZIPCOOE - (209) 625-9911 /~b~; 'OW. ER o~ T~.~ MEASU.E.G.AV,~ 5~ P.OOU~TEMP ~ 'COEFF,C, ENT ~'~ TEMPCA. L~~-/~-~~-' NO. START END LOSS ~ 'x (A) R~ULT START END LO~ -- x (B) R~ULT R~ULT TIM ~F _ / ~ =_~ x : _ = ~/ x ~? :~oc ~o~~o...o~ FILL PIP~¢ ,~F ~REDOR~NGE ~ = = ' - " 0 B~ 'CE O RED JACKET 0 HEALE~ ,/d x . _ x . _ . · ' DEPTH OF GROUND WATER (IF KNOWN) ~' X = -- = X ' ' DATE /TIME STORAGE SYSTEM FILLED ' .. AG~OF TAN~ ADDRE~__ Z//Z! /~ ~ .~/ LEAK RATE PER HOUR ~ 00~ DATE__ 7'2 ~ -q~ SIGNATUREr Xf~ ...... /~ ~p~ ' ~ TESTING FLUID, IF DIFFERENT TH~N ~TORED M~TERI~L OVER FOR REMARKS LEAK DETECTION INVESTIGATION MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION AND ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEM FOR THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK ATCOCA-COLA ~0TTL~'"~ACILiTY 414 19th STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA October, 1987 Prepared by: KLEINFELDER 17100 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 350, Artesia, California 90701 I' October 19, 1987 File: 50-1148-01 Company '- 1334 S. Central Los Angeles, California 90021 Attention: Raul Ramirez · Subject: Leak Detection Investigation, Monitoring Well _. Construction andElectronic Monitoring System ........ ' .................. .......... - .... 'inStallation for Underground Storage Tanks Located at the Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility 414 19th Street, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Ramirez: , KLEINFELDER has completed a leak detection investigation, con- structed monitoring wells, and installed an electronic-monitoring system at the above-referenced location per the request of Coca- Cola Bottling company. The results of this work are described in the report that follows. Copies of this report have been submitted to the Kern County Health Department - Environmental Health Division. The results of this investigation indicate that the shallow sub- surface soils underlying the site are essentially free of exces- sive hydrocarbon-product concentration. Thus, the existing tank pose no apparent threat to the surrounding soils. We appreciate being of service to Coca Cola and trust that the information provided is satisfactory for your present needs. Should you have any questions or would like to discuss the. con- tents of this report in greater detail, then please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, KLEINFELDER Farideh V. Kia Brian Villalobos, R.G. 4153 Staff Hydrogeologist Senior Hydrogeologist FVK:BV:kc:lrd Enclosure KI.EINF£LDER ]7100 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 350, Artesia, CA 90701 (213) 860-5959 Chacter Paqe I INTRODUCTION ..................... 1-1 2 FIELD-INVESTIGATIONMETHODS ....... 2-1 2 1 Drilling Procedures 2 1 2'2 Soil Sample Acquisitio~ ............. - - 21 2.3 Quality Control ................. 2-2 ., 2.4 Sample Analyses ........... 2-2 2.4.2 Laboratory Analysis ...... 2-3 2.5 Monitoring Well Construction ..... 2-3 gsy ....... ..... 2.6 'Electronic MonitOrin stem s a o .... 2.7 Overspill Protection Boxes ............ 2-7 3.0 RESULTS ...................... 3-1 3.1 Geologic Conditions ............ 3-1 Hydrog ologic Conditions' ' 3.2 e ............ 3~1 3.3 Field Headspace Analysis ............ 3-2 3.4 Laboratory Analysis ............... 3-3 4.0 DISCUSSION ...................... 4-1 5.0 CONCLUSIONS ...................... 5-1 6 0' RECOMMENDATIONS 6 1 7.0 LIMITATIONS ...................... 7-1 8.0 REFERENCES ...................... 8-1 TABLES Paqe 2-1 Monitoring Well Construction Data ........ 2-5 3-1 Laboratory Analytical Results of Soil Samples . . .3-.3 50-1148-01 PLATES 1 Site Location Map 2 Plot Plan and Boring/Monitoring Well Locations 3 Typical Monitoring Well Const_zT/.ction Design 4 Typical Well-head Completion with Vapor-Sensor Probe Installed A~PENDICES A Tank Integrity Test Reports B Boring Logs C Test Boring Procedures D Chain of Custody Record E Leak Alert System - Spe6ification and Description F Overspill Protection Boxes G Laboratory Reports of Analytical Results 50-1148-01 i INTRODUCTION The leak detection investigation was conducted at the Coca Cola facility in Bakersfield to assess the adequacy of past storage and to verify the current integrity of the underground storage tank. The sole tank at this facility is used to store 10,000 gallons .of regular gasoline. The methods and procedures are .in accordance with applicable requirements approved by the' Kern County Health Department - Environmental Health Division. The site is, located at 414'19th Street in the city of Bakersfield, California. The site is shown in relation to the surrounding area on Plate 1, "Site Location Map". The current integrity of the tank has been determined by an approved precision tank-testing method. Results of the test indicate that the underground tank is currently providing suitable storage. Specific details and data for the tank precision test are furnished in Appendix A. The leak detection investigation was authorized by Coca-Cola on December 29, 1986 under P.O. Number 31023. The field work was performed on March 24, 1987. The investigation was performed in accordance with the work plan submitted to and approved by the Kern County Health Department-Environmental Health Division. 50-1148-01 1-1 Overall project management for the field-data acquisition, con- struction of monitoring wells, and installation of an electronic- monitoring system was provided by KLEINFELDER. Drilling services ..... . ...were .performed by. Datum Exploration, .of Long Beach, California Well-head construction was completed by Cal Tank Testing of .'~ Visalia, California. The electronic monitoring devices were installed, calibrated, and started up by Leak Alert Service, t Inc., of Long Beach, California. ~ ...... This report describes ~he ' fi~id '~te6hn~ques - '--:~sed ~':' ~o'~ ..... ~'~'~ drilling and soil-sample collection. The geology and subsurface conditions encountered along with results of laboratory analyses are also discussed. In addition to the soils investigation, monitoring wells with vapor-sensing probes were installed to attain compliance with the Kern County underground storage tank regulations. 50-1148-01 1-2 " ~ ~.~ KLEI~FELOER 2 FIELD-INVESTIGATION METHODS 2.1 DRILLING PROCEDURES A ~truck-mounted drill rig with 8-inch diameter, continuous~flight hollow stem auger was used to drill the borings-. Prior to the drilling of any test borehole, all drill-bits, auger flights~-and ...... ~ ......... associated down-hole equipment were steam cleaned to avoid cross contamination between borings. Drill cuttings were contained in DOT-approved drums. Each drum was labeled to identify the boring soil interval contained. 2.2 SOIL-SAMPLE ACQUISITION TWO borings were drilled to sample soils adjacent to and beneath the level of the underground storage tank. Boring locations are shown on Plate 2. Soil' samples were collected at 5-foot intervals. The samples were obtained using a 2-inch diameter, split-barrel modified Sprague and Henwood (S&H) sampler driven by a 140-pound, down-hole hammer. Ail soil samples were collected in brass sampling tubes, sealed with teflon-lined caps, labeled, and chilled in an ice chest to stabilize the chemical conditions within the samples. The soil samples were visually logged and described by the~ field geologist using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). A complete description of the type of soils encountered in each borehole is presented on the final boring logs located in Appendix B. An explanation of the U.S.C.S. is also included in Appendix B. 50-1148-01 2-1 2.3 QUALITY CONTROL Precautions were taken in the field to minimize cross-contamina- ~.._~tion~. of the samples ...... The soil sampler was ~steam-cleaned before.~.~. use and between borings and washed between successive soil samples with TSP (Trisodium Phosphate) solution, then rinsed with clean tapwater. Only clean, laboratory-washed, brass-sampling tub~s were used for sample collection. An expanded description' of the soil-sampling protocol and quality-control procedures is presented in APpendix C. 2.4 SAMPLE ANALYSES 2.4.1 FIELD ANALYSIS The soil samples'collected were monitored for potential organic vapors using a photo-ionization detector (PID). Vapor monitoring was also performed by placing a representative soil sample in a ziplock plastic bag and measuring vapor concentrations 'in the head space with the PID. This technique is useful in assessing relative chemical compound concentrations and is used for screen- ing samples for laboratory analyses. Relative headspace concentration Values in parts per million (ppm) registered by the instrument for hydrocarbon'vapors were recorded in the field and are presented on the boring logs. Soil from every sample interval was inspected by sight and smell for 'the presence of hydrocarbons. 50-1148-01 2-2 2.4.2 LABORATORY ANALYSIS A total of eight soil samples were collected from the borings. At the conclusion of the field .work_, soil samples were delivered .... for ..... Chemical analysis to Analytical TechnOlogies, Inc., iocated in' San Diego, California. The samples were accompanied by the appropriate Chain-of-Custody forms. Copies of the Chain-of- Custody forms completed for these samples are provided in 'Appendix D. Discrete and composite samples from each boring were analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons by EPA method 8015 using, gas chromatography/flame-ionization detection. .2.5 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION Following completion of drilling and sampling, the two explora- tory boreholes were completed as monitoring wells. The wells were constructed to monitor the vadose-zone. The locations of the wells are shown on the facility plan map in Plate 2. Wel~s were constructed with 2-inch diameter PVC well casing with flush-threaded joints. Well casing for the monitored interval consists of factory-perforated PVC well screen with 0.020-inch slot widths. Blank PVC casing was placed above the screened section. The ends of the well are capped by either threaded or push-on end plugs. The annulus coincident to the perforated screen interval was packed with washed sand (Monterey grade' #3) to prevent migration of native soil into the well. The filter pack extends from the bottom of the borehole to one foot above the top of the perforated zone. A one-foot thick bentonite pellet seal was placed above the filter pack. The remaining annulus was filled to the surface with volclay grout. No solvent or casing cement was used in connecting casing sections. Plate 3 50-1148-01 2-3 illust=ates a typical monitoring well installation in relation to an underground storage tank. Wells are protected at ground surface with 14-inch diameter fill rings mounted in a 3' l"'x 3' 1" foot concrete pad.. The design of the surface protection will minimize inflow of rainfall or surface runoff into the well. The construction design of the well-head completion is shown on plate 4. Construction details s~cific to each well are graphically presented on the boring logs (Appendix B). Monitoring well information, is summarized in Each well will have an identification number permanently affixed to the installation. Further identification information such as well owner, depth of well, hole and casing diameters, and depth of screened interval should be kept on file at an accessible office on site. 50-1148-01 2-4 ~' ~ kl~ KLEI~FELE) ER MONITORING WELL CONSTRucTIoN DATA Well No. Total Screened Casing Subsurface Date (type) Depth Interval Diameter Soil Drilled MW-I* 26.5' 5.5'-20.5' 2" Sand, and 3/24/87 (vadose) silt ~MW-2 21.5' 5.5'-20.5' 2" Sand and 3/24/87 (vadose) silt '*Interval fr6m 20"'to 26.5' backfiIled with cement gr0U-t'"in MW-1. 2.6 ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEM INSTALLATION The continuous monitoring of the underground storage tank is provided by the Leak Alert electronic system. The system gives both visual and audible warnings of vapors given off by leaking products. This system offers various sensor types that detect vapors produced by gasoline, diesel, and organic solvents. Par- ticular design features available for this system include the following: o Individual monitoring of each well. o Individual calibration ranging from 100 ppm to 7,000 ppm for each well. o Ease of operation and a 24-hour leak-response techni- cian available at tank-owner's option. o Ease of installation with expansion capability to meet changing needs. The vapor-sensing probe in each well is directly wired to an on- site alarm panel by low-voltage electrical cable. Design features and operation of the Leak Alert System are attached for reference in Appendix E. 50-1148-01 2-5 The ala-rm system components were installed per the manufacturer's specifications by licensed electrical/well-head completion con- tractors familiar with these specifications. Particular atten- tion was directed toward proper installation of the direct-burial ....... cable that connects vapor sensors to the alarm/control panel. The cable wa~--bur~ed i~ sawcut channels of at least 4-inch depth- and 1/4-inch. width. The channels.were backfilled with cOncrete pourstone to weather-proof and protect the underlying cable from mechanical damage. .... "'Cable entry t'o the-well sens0riS-accesS~d 'through an "el'ectricaI''~ .......... fitting in the top of the well endcap. Sensor pOsition within the well is located within the blank PVC casing just above the screened PVC casing. Extra cable was coiled inside the fill box should changes occur that would require adjustment of sensor length. Plate 4 presents a tYPical sensor configuration. The alarm control unit is hard wired to facility electrical circuits and sealed to prevent tampering by unauthorized personnel. The alarm box is located in an area where the alarms can be noticed by responsible individuals. 50-1148-01 2-6 ~ ~ ~ k~ I~LEINFELDEI~ 2.7 OVERSPILL PROTECTION BOXES The fill tube on the existing tank was retrofitted with a 5- gallon capacity spill-protection box to eliminate accidental °v~rfii1 -gpill'~--~Uring tank filling. The manhole--cover is · water tight and mounted 1-inch above grade to prevent rainwater or fluid inflow to tank. A POI~CO Model III-VE with drain valve Was installed. Special features'and design of this spill- protection model is' spocified in Appendix F. ' 50-1148-01 2-7 -' ~ ~.~ KLEINFELDER 3 RESULTS 3.1 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The Coca-Cola facility is located in the eastern part of the San Joaquin Valley on the "low alluvial plains and fans" section of _~.the ~.valley -.as defined -by Davis, ~Lofgren and .Seymour .. Mack. (U.S.G.S., Water supply paper 1618) . These plains which are generally flat- and relatively featureless occupy most of the valley floor and comprise the most intensively developed agricultural and urban areas. The deposits .immediately underlying the site are mapped as Quarternary alluvium 'with a composition ranging from gravel to sand, silt and .clay. Underlying these deposits at an unknown depth are Plio- Pleistocene sediments of similar composition. Fine to coarse grained silty sand and silt were the main constituents of the materials encountered in both exploratory borings drilled at this facility. 3.2 HYDROGEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The Coca-Cola facility is located within the Kern River storage unit of the San Joaquin Valley. Groundwater occurs under confined and unconfined conditions in the San Joaquin Valley. In the eastern part of the valley where the Coca-Cola facility is located, the Corcoran clay member of the Tulare'formation is not present and therefore the groundwater is unconfined. The groundwater body is replenished by infiltration of rainfall, infiltration from streams, underflow entering from streams and by infiltration of excess irrigation water. Based on the 50-1148-01 3-1 groundwater contour map prepared by the Kern County Water Agency, for spring 1986, Section 30 of T29S,R28E within which the Coca- Cola facility is located, lies between 150 and 200 foot groundwater level contours. Depth to the ground water may range from _2.05._to. 255 feet beneath the site since ground surface elevation at this faciikty is 405 feet above sea level. Groundwater generally flows in an East-Southeasterly direction in the area. Groundwater was not encountered in any of the exploratory borings drilled at this facility ' 3.'3 FIELD HEADSPACE ANALYSIS .......................................... - ................... Values recorded by portable HNUphoto-ionization detector (PID) on soil samples from the unsaturated (vadose) zone are recorded on the boring logs (Appendix B). These values are qualitative in that they only indicate whether organic vapors were present or not in the soils. Assessment of absolute concentration -or identification of chemical compounds is not possible using the PID. Headspace analysis of soil samples by PID indicated that the volatile components of organic compounds (i.e., hydrocarbons) were not present in quantities sufficient to register (i.e., > 1 ppm). Product odor from the soil samples or borehole cuttings was not detected. The presence of product-wetted soils or tar- like substances was not_observed in any of the soils observed during drillings. 5'0-1148-01 3-2 ' ~ ~.~ KLEINFELOER 3 · 4 LABORATORY ANALYSIS .Laboratory analysis was performed on ..composite and discrete samples fro~- each'b°rin~. The soil samples were analyzed for. concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and the BTX using EPA methods 8015 and 8020 respectively. The concentration levels of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were below the detection limit for all samples analyzed. The detection limit for .'~""""this-analysis was 5ppm. The ~Soil sampIe'de~ignations, locations .and corresponding analytical results are tabulated in Table 3-1. Copies of the laboratory reports of the analyses and the quality control, data are provided in Appendix G. TABLE 3-1 LABORATORY .ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES Sample No. Map Location TPH* (Composite I.D.) (Plate 2) (ppm) S-01-11-11.6 Comp A MW-1 ND** S-01-21-21.5 S-01-26-26.5 MW-1 ND S-02-11-11.5 Comp B MW-2 ND S-02-21-21.5 S-02-21-21.5 MW-2 ND *TPH - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons; values in mg/kg (ppm) ** Detection limit for the analysis was 5 mg/kg 50-1148-01 3-3' ~ ; k~l~ KLEI/NFELDER 4 DISCUSSION The Tank Monitoring Program was developed for facilities where soil or groundwater have not been adversely affected by the existing underground tank system. 'Under these conditions, the design of the tank-monitoring plan provides for the earliest detection.of tank-leaking materials.. -This is accomplished by the ~-.- use of electronic vapor-sensing probes placed within the upper- casing sections of near-tank monitoring wells. The probes are positioned to intercept initial vapors should they escape into soil at the mid-to-bottom tank level. Two specific options are approved by the Kern County Health Department to provide for the continuous monitoring of the underground storage tank. These options were presented in our previously submitted Work Plan dated July 25, 1986. In review, Option 1 would haveI been implemented if groundwater was anticipated to occur at depths shallower than 30 feet. If groundwater was deeper than. 30 feet, then 'criteria established under Option 2 would be implemented. Since groundwater was not encountered during field explorations within the 30 foot depth explored, the'construction standard for installation of vadose- zone monitoring wells was followed. This monitoring method is consistent with the intent of regulations adopted by the California State Water Resources Control Board'. Concentrations of hydrocarbon/motor fuel components for all soil samples analyzed were below detection limit. In addition, tank precision tests demonstrate the current integrity of 'the tank system at the facility. The monitoring wells in combination with the electronic monitoring system are designed to intercept and 50m1148-01 4-1 detect 'escaped hydrocarbon products should leakage occur in the future. The continuous monitoring of the vadose-zone soils in the vicinity of the tank will allow for a timely response in the event an unauthorized release takes place. 50-1148-01 4-2 5 CONCLUSIONS A leak detection investigation was conducted as part of a leak detection program for the underground tank used to store motor vehicle fuels at the Coca-Cola facility in Bakersfield, California. Field data and analytical results of laboratory tests .on soil samples from the facility suggest -the following conclusions: 1. The soil-sampling scheme and monitoring-well construction design followed procedures established for deep groundwater (i~e., depth to groundwater is greater than 30 feet) conditions. 2. Groundwater (i.e., saturated-soil zones) was not en- countered within the 30 foot depth explored. 3. Subsurface soils consist of sand and silt. 4. Based on laboratory analysis, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentrations in the soil samples were below detection limit. 5. Field PID analysis and observations did not indicate the presence of fuel hydrocarbons in the soils. 6. The latest tank precision tests indicate the tank and associated piping system to be free of leakage. 50-1148-01 5-1 ~ 1. The findings and results of the work as presented in this report should be reviewed by the Kern County ' ~ 'Health Department as required by regulation ..... for' com- pliance of underground storage tank programs in the Kern County. 2. Inventory reconciliation.procedures for the tank should continue as' already practiced at the facility to offer an additional safeguard in the detection of product leakage should it occur at some future time. 3. A qualified maintenance company may be contracted to maintain proper working order of the electronic-moni- toring. components and to provide 24-hour alarm re- sponse service. 4. Motor-fuel suppliers should be advised to practice caution in the filling of the tank and in the event of overfilling, to be aware of the function and operation of the overfill protection box now installed on the tank-fill tube. 50-1148-01 6-1 7 LIMITATIONS The conCluSions and recommendations in this report are based on: ~. 1. Subsurface conditions assessed from test borings at the ~ site. ........ 2. ~ The observations of ~Ur field PerS0nneI~ 3. The results of the most current tank precision test. performed on the subject tank. 4. The results of laboratory tests performed by Analytical Technologies, Inc. 5. Referenced documents and available groundwater data. It is possible that variations in the soil or groundwater condi- tions could exist beyond the points explored in this investiga- tion. Also, changes in the groundwater conditions as noted could occur at some time in the future due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors. 50-1148-01 7-1 ~2~ KLEI~FELDER Our services have been performed in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of our profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the State of California. No other warranty is expressed or implied. Sincerely, .... KLEINFELDER ~arideh V. Kia ........ ' ............ Brian ~illalo~os, R.~. 4~5~ ' ' Staff Hydrogeologist Senior Hydrogeologist FVK:BV:kc:cg 50-1148-01 7-2 8 REFERENCES t. 1. Jenning~, C.W., and Strand] R.G.'/ 19-65, Geoloqic map of California Olaf P. Jenkins edition,Bakersfield sheet: California Division Of Mines and Geology, Sacramento, . ~ California. .... 2. U.S.G.'S.,'7.5 Minute Oildale Quadrangle. 3 U.S.G.S., 1964, Use of Groundwater Reservoirs for storage of surface water in the San Joaquin Valley, California, Water Supply Paper 1618. 4. Kern County Water Agency, 198-6, Water supply report, 1985. 5. California Division of Mines and Geology, 1962, Mines and Mineral Resources of Kern County California, County Report 1. 50-1148-01 8-1 PLATES _ ............ [] Map reduced from a portion of U.S.G.S. 7.5' topographic series, Gbsford, Oildale, Lamont and Oil Center, California Quadrangles. - . ............................ ]IICOCA~'COLA-BOTTUNG COIVIPANY Project Number 50-1148-01 October 1987 II tl 20th STREET' · .- -- GATE · DISPENSER0 MW-1 ' ..... .. N_N:IM 10,000 GAt. I.O~ - .... - ........ -- Z WAREHOUSE .. BUILDING ASPHALT PARKING LOT EXPLANATION NO SCALE ~I MCNITORING WELL "' ........... [ UNDERGROUND STORAGE T.N~iK' DIRECT B. JRIAL SENSOR k~i -~-~-'-""'--~ET'~YE-. L D'-E ~ .... "llBakersfield" califomiaPLOT PLAN and II BORING/MONITORING WELL Project Number 50-1148-01 October1987ll LOCATIONS ,< ..~ r, . II MONITORING WELL 3 Num0er 50-1145-01 October ~98711 CONSTRUCTION DESIGN ' · TAPERED C~NCRETE 4SCREW-~ASTENED MANHOLE COVER SENSOR CABLE ~E~RICAL AC~ ~ 2-tNCH DIAMETER , SCHEDULE 40 BLANK PVC VARIES R~ ~ I/4-tNCH ~EN~NI~ = I VOLTAGE SE~OR CA~E / ~ 1' ~LTER PA~ FOR VAPOR-L~K O~E~ INSET SCHEDULE 40 2-INCH DIAMETER ~-1' : MACHINE SLOTTED PVC  CONCRETE .. PAD 15' :- .... ' ~ TO ALAR~CONTROL PANEL ~ NOT TO, SCALE - ~COCA-CO~ BOTTLING COMPANY '[[ P%AT I~ WELL HEAD .COMPLETION WITH"' Pmje~ Nu~r S0-~4a;0~ O~o~er ~9~7~/ VAPOR SENSOR PROBE INSTALLED]~ k~ KLEI~FELDER APPENDIX-- A Tank Integrity Test Report port CaiTank ' Owner: Coca Cola Bott. ltnq C__o. Testing Underground S~or,~g¢ Tank · . i Address: 414 19th Street ~[~~ 32965.Vi,alia, Moone¥ Blvd. CA 93277 ~; i "~. Bakersfield, CA - {209} 6~5.9911 Phona No. High Test Low Test . ~ Tank Certify Product. Capacity Result Flesult ~ Location Tight 1. Reqular tO,O00 +.0023 414 19th St.~ Bakersfield, CA Yes 2. 3. 4. 5. 17. Line Test Flesults 3. 7. 18. :lemarks: See back o~ wo;ksheeL ~o; Certified Operators Slgnalure i Tim Nlachado by tlnda Stsk .........3296 S."oo.w a,va. HORNER 'EASY TESTING METHOD AGO--. - . ~[ v,,.,,., c^,327, ~~ / ~ r ~ ~/~ / ~ - (2o~) 6~s-~. WORK SHEET TANK No. / TE~ LEVEL PROOU~ -- ~PACI~ C~RT ~L .:.:-..: , . .. ~,~ ,._~.:~,. M~UaEO GaAW~ ,~ eaOOU~ TE~P ~EFF~C~EaT ~ ~EL ~EL ~AIN + ~ (A) EVEL TEMF. TEMP. ~AIN + x (~} T~, FINAL CITY - STATE - ZI~ COOE NO. ~ART ~O LOSS- x (A) R~ULT START ENO TIME ~ ~ x (B) R~ULT ,: R~ULT ~ - / ~ ' -3~ ' .~ ~ o~o /,~c - 662 ',oo~/ '5 Y~ ;o~, ~ ~oal/~ . . ' OE~H OF QROUNQ WATER (IF ~OWN) ' ' .OATE/TIME ~ORAGE ~ ~ ... : ' ' ' ' ~ ~, ? TMTING FLUID, IF DIFFERENT TH~ ~i OVER FOR REMAR~ .~omer Cre~-t~ue Products. Inc. ~PEI~ inc. EZ'Y-CHEH' EO~Z EZY-C~ T~ , !el: vi:h complece confidence :he resu!:s vere cot:ac: and sys:e= ~as right or if a leak ~as de:ac:ed, where in :he sys:e= it ~a~ Iota:ed, and a: vha: rare i: vas leaking. In :he major!:7 'of cases ~:hou: br~a~ng . s~Iifie~ :his so eye,one can 2. ~anges in :he liquid level. LA i ' SOLUTION TO ABOVE PROBLemS 1. Tank End ~eflec:ion - Tee =auks shou!~ be filled up i::o :he fill- pipe :he night before or at leas: & ~ou'rs prior :o :he res:. This ,rill allo~ ~anks ends :o s:ablize. · Z. Liquid Level Moni:or~n~ .- ~e use an old reliable ~rocess to zone:or :he liquid level. I: c:nsis:s of an air supply :auk an~ char: recorder :%'o pens :o do V;o :auks slnui:aueous!7. This recorder is no ~ora :kan pressure recorder -~i:h full range of ap~ro~-:a!7 1 oz. o,~ ~ressure. The air supply :auk forces a s-~ai! novezen: of air in:o :he :o~ I/2" of ii~uid in :he :auk, (~us: enough :o cause a 5ubbling ac:ion) through a [/&" t~be clamped :o :he fi!ipipe. The ~en re=order measures :he pressure i: rakes :o cause :he bubbling ac:ion (approxlmata!7 [/Z" oz.). If the pen char:s a s:raigh: line :he !iqui~ level is no: changing. The recorder ~mn easily ~e:ec: a change of .005 inches in :he llquia level. Ta/s me:ho4 is no: ney. Li~ui~ level bubble sys:ems have been used in the petroleum indus,.r7 for :auk gau~es far years. ~e have s/=pl7 ~ade ~: 9er7 sens~:Ive ~ith a special be!!ows. Ho er Crea £ue Products, Inc. .EZY- CHEtt' =oil s~rl:~ design, ~:h =ore coils :~= &a:k from 2~" co lO'. a~os: any vehic!a, ar can be palate4 f:~= an~ opclona! 12 v~l: po~er pack. ~e.raadou: is capable ~o mane:or from one ~o four ~an~ sL~icaneousl7 ~:h a Salem:or s~i=ch =o read each individual :he readou: is zero :o 100 degrees fahrenhei=. · and/or vapor prassura. ~'i:hcu: any modlilca:ions oi :he fi!!pi~e, :ha ~: is. co~p!e:e for =ari~n~ '~:h 2", 3", or i" fi!!pipes. ~a. si~h: ~!ass can be raised :o :he :ece%s'a~ level :o overcome :he head prassura. ~acorder rocor is spr~:~ wo~d, no e!ec:rlci:7 requirad, 2. Ve~ 9or:aSia, ~ei~hs o~!7 15 3. Is =oc ~fec;ad bY ou=slde =am~era:ure c~n~es, as move=eh: of air. i. Is no: affac:ad by baromecr~c pressura on =he liquid is appllad on =he be!!o~s. 5. T~o pen syscom, aolor coded, on one c~r: =o do ~;o =an~ s=i=an- eousi7 -~:h a peahen= ricord of each =as=. 6. Takas oni7 10 =u=as =o se= ~7 ~round movemen= does no= affac= HOmer CreatZce Products, [nc. E Z-CHEH' sysco= c~n :es: each tank !ndlV~uai!7 ~l:houc ~:ez~=~ concrete by ~usc :he vacu~ line ac :ha sub=erged p~ 9. Tan~ c~ no'~ be casca~ as :~o sa~era:a c~ '~:houc braa~g i0. ~i:h suc:!on.p~ps and ~-wo ~anks ~anifo!ded ~ogecher ~hey ara :. =asked as one. If a leak ~s de,ac=ed Sa ~he ~ conc=e~a ~s~ ~e ~roken and ~he ~n!~old ~sco~ec~ad, as ~he=~ ts no =ay ~o =a!i ~hich cank. iea~ ~ass you can =a=ove ~he check valve pcppe= ~d Io~e= ~he produc: level TO SLi~/~_.~IZ~ Tanka~ ~e£1ec:ion. ~ecor~in~ the iiqui~ iavei Co .005 inches. Honi:orln~ eke produc:s average ~! of =bls is ~ein~ and eye.one can operate Boring Logs UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION · Group Pat- Typical Names Major Divisions Symbols tern ... Well-graded gravels and gravel-sand ~ GW mixtures, little or no fines -- - !,:~.~.! mixtures, little or no fines. ~c ' -> ,~ 8 ~ _-~ GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures. ~ ~o [~ Well-graded sands and gravelly sands, -- ~' Poorly graded sands and gravelly sands, o j; · SP or .o fines I o ,~ I · SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures. i ML Ino~janic silts, very fine sands, rock ,, ~ >; CL I plasticity, gravelly days, sandy days, _c ~o OL ~ o ~ III~ of Iow plastidty ~-~ ~ Inc~ganic days of higl~ plamidty fat clays .c~ = ~?//////~Organic, clays of medium to high ; ~ OH ~_~ plasticity Highly organic soils i PT ~:~::~ Pes~, muck and other highly organic soils SYMBOLS - 0 -~ STANDARD PENETRATION SPLIT SPOON SAMPLE '1 MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER WATER SEEPAGE L------ 5 [[ SHELBY TUBE SAMPLE WATER LEVEL _~._l PITCHER SAMPLE 'I CONTINUOUS SAMPLE - 10.-~ GRAB SAMPLE '~ UNSUCCESFUL SAMPLING ATTEMPT (no recovery) NOTE: The line= separating strata c~ the logs represent aopro~,lm~le boundarle~ The actual transitl~t may be gra(lual. No warranty ia provided as to the comlnulty of $oll ~trata t3etween 13orlng$. Logs represent the soil sactlo~ ol3served at tt~e boring location o~ the date of drilling only. COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY P L A T E Bakersfield, California EXPLANATION ~ Project Number 50-1148-01 Ocfober 1987 · ' .-'--Lack'lng ~ell 0 ..... ' ~' ."- Cover Asphalt. ? ::; PVC ,,a,, III ~, s,~. Lig, t ,,re,,,,. trsce o* silt. fine to ~.._,': On ere --I[I trace of silt clast - 1/2' to 2' in size, - ..~-~ 5h~ter ' ' III coarse. ~oderste to ,ell graded. ,icsceous. =.' ~ ~_..:" ..Olen,SC""Ulap,,c"°,ell ...... -¥~; . .~:_ ':Z .... III ....... ~e.,,. silt ol~,t - ,,,e 'g,.s;,: 'trace of c~ey. ' - - suO-angular, loose. ' ~ ~Sentonite ' ' 5 '-:.. I':-". ' ':.' j'~. #3 Send Filter' 0.0 t2 ' S-01-III S~ S4N~ Ligflt brown trace of silt fine to - Ill da.o. silt clast - pale gray. trace of clay, ..... ' ..... ..... III ,icac~us.- sand preaomnately angular'to ' ' I[I su~-angular, loose. · III .odor.,to to ~ll ~,'.de,..ic-ceoue. da,,,'. - Ill predolinately quartz, angular to "" - ""' III su=-rounded, loose. Ill '¥:~" 0.020' ~c,ine, '.'."- .:'"~ Slotted . :'","':"-:':'"' ~,,~u:, ~ ~c i.'.'.. ,ell Casing . ' ~ i I;; ' '~o II ' '.'"-.':i ...:..~: .-.'., . $~Ag£ EI.~/A?IO~ ffeet]: LO~_D BY: D. Stevarek ~PER¥ISF. D BY: B. TO?~L ~EP11~ ffeetl: 2~.§0 nI~ETE~ of 80~ING: Coca-Cola Bottling Coml=any 44! iSth Street, Bakersfield, 'CA PLATE PAGE ! of 2 PRO~E~T ~UNBER 50-~48-0! October ~987 ~'~'="..--::'~:' 0.0 4t S-01- IL ~L SILT: 6~ay wtt~ mst Pe~ statntng :: 26-2~5 [hPoug, out, [~ace of fine san~. ......~,. ~ da~. ao~ Poor ho]es, stiff. ~ ~8t red. trna to ~Otu~ poorly gnaOed, pnedom~nateZy anguZaP to goca-Cola Bottling Comoany ~t tgt~ S~Peet. Bakersfield. CA ............... ~~ K~E~N~ELOE. ....................... L 0 G .... OMW f'-' B~O R I NG B - ~ b' ' CHENICAL ANALYSES ./,./ ~,~_~ E SOIL DESCRIPTION . .. / :-:...:-'.., . . ,"..g ~- ~3 ~nd Ft2ter 0.0 7 i S-02-J I ~ ~ L/~t bro~ ~ace of st2t. fine ~o ,?-[.? . ~.': ? E -:'"i ' ' "'.":':"~ I 0.0 tE S-02'[ I ~ ~ L1ght bpo~ ftne ~o coarse, :.:.. ~ ':.". ~ . !~ ~ ,d,r,~.2y ~,d,~ 200,. ~,~. ' . ~:~0.020 ~c~ne · ;~ t '-'.":-:'- ~hedu[e ~ ~':"~.:""! s~o~.~ ~c ,"-'~.'".i ~- ~.~,~ - ,,.:~ .':..~:-'..~ 0.0 ~5 S-02-~ ~ ~ S~LT: ~t~led gpay bPo~ and pus~ Ped, '2' ~MVC Ca~ - 0.0 tg S-02' I I ~ SILT: ~ttled g~ay ~own and ~ust ~ed. ~[~[~ 21-21.5l / trace of cZay, very fine to ~atum send, to stiff, da~. ' ~RFA~ ~AT[ON (feet): LOG~ BY: O. Stavare~ ~V~ BY: B. TOTAL O~ (feet): 2~.50 DZA~ of BORON6: DATE DR~ 3-24-87 HAT~ ~COUNT~ AT (feet): ~t encountered. Coca-Co~a BottI~ng Comoany B;-2 PROdECT NU~ER 50-~48-0~ Oc~o~eP ~9B7~ APPENDIX Test Boring.Procedures J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX ~ T~ST BORING PROCIDUT<ES I. Soil Samp!ing Protocol The following procedures are followed during soil sampling -operations utilizing the hollow .stem auger drilling ~=ec.hnique. A. Hollow Stem. Auger I 1. Soil borings drilled by =he hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. I ~ 2. Augers, samplers and all downhole e.cuipment are steam cleaned prior to use and between borings minimize the 9oran=ia! for cross-contamination. 3. The Kleinfe!der geologist observes ~he work, visually, logs the soils, and collects samples at appropriate inte~za!s. ~. The ~nified Soils Clas~ifica=ion Sys%em is u=i!ized to classify soils encountered. Additional geologic observation are noted as a~propriate. A Hunse!! Soil Color Chart is used in documenting soil color. Rocks are classified by the Colorado School of Hines "Classification of Rocks" (Travis, 1955). 5. Soil samples destined for la2~orato~t analysis are collected by a modified Porter sampler. This sampler uses ~hree, six inch long, by two inch diameter (o.d.) Various t'~bes can be.utilized to accommodate the type of analysis necessa~t: Brass - all organics and general analyses (no= =o be used for copper or zLnc analyses) Stainless - all organics and metals analyses for copper and zinc (not to be used for chrome or nickel analyses.) Plas=ic - all metals analyses (not to be used for organics) J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the J.H.K. !aborato~/. Tu~es are soda, bed, inside' and outside, with a brush and TSP. They are next steam cleaned, and packed in clean buckets with '~-lids. U~Tu~es are delivered to the drilling 'site in ~hese closed buckets to preserve the state of cleanliness· 7. After the sample(s) have been removed from sampler, ~he sampler 'is completely disassembled and sc.~bed in TSP and tap water· It is then rinsed in t'~o separate tapwater bathes and .................. reassembled'with t~.ree clean tubes. - ............ - ................... 8. Dirty tubes are field washed in TSP, rinsed with water, and placed in buckets for transpor~ back to the J5_-< lab for cleaning and preparation. 9... The sampler is driven by a 140 pound ha~er wi~h a 30 inch free fall· Blow counts are recorded as n-~her of blows per 6 inches of drive. 10 The sampler is driven 18 inches at each sampling inte~za!. The first (or 1Dwest) tube is generally retained as =he sample for ana!y~is. The two tubes are retained for back-up or split samples when 'required. 1!. A sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose soils are anticipated. This will prevent the soil from falling out of ~he sampler. !2. After retrieval, ~ke sample is visually logged, and immediately sealed wiLh aluminum foil lined caps, la~e!ed, and chilled. Clean field ice chests and chemical 'ice ("blue ice") are used to keep samples cold un, i! delivered top the chemical laborato~!. 13. Samples are delivered to ~he laborato~! =he same day ~key are taken, if physically possible. If t~.e samples must be held until the next day, are keDt frozen in a secure freezer in =he facility. J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES 14. Soil samples are numberedin the following manner: S-LX-Y Where: ................... S '- designates soil sample ,- XX - boring number Y - footage depth of sample For example, S-01-!0 indicates a soil sample from boring number 1, from a depth of ten feet. . . 16. The .complete labeling of =he soil ~'samp!e tube Job nu~er (client number) with appropriate phase number included after the dash (i.e. Qll01-1) Sample number Data This information should be written: Q!!01-2 S-01-!0 3-20-85 17.An indelible non-water soluJole marking pen must be used to mark the tubes. Chain of Custody Record Leak Alert Syst'em - Specification and Description Universal Sensors and Devices Inc. 9256 Deering Avenue, ~a~orr,.tl, CA 9131 Phone (818) 998-7121 $?ECIFICATIONS LEAK DETSCTOE The alarm panel shall provide for che following: Wencher-proof ope're=ion; lead seal panel lock-up; audio and visual alarm for each individual probe; incrinsic safecy barriers for each channel; overall auxilliary alarm relay; builc-in provision for individual channel alarm relays; bul!c-~n provisions.for recorder or compucer oucpuc; cransformer lsolaced/regulaced power supply;gold co gold princed ¢Ircuic elec=rical ¢onnecclons; minimal eleccro mechanical componencs; concurrenc and/or incerchangeable use of vapor; liquid or producc line leak race dececcion and shuc-down; posicive shuc-down of :urbines. VAPOR SENSORS Vapor probes shall meeC Che following performance criceria: Small enough co fic 'inside a l" vapor monicoring well; shall indicace presence of gasoline, diesel, wesco oil and organic vapors; have a response cime of hOC greacer minuces; shall provide for an alarm range se:cing of 100 7,000. ppm in air; musc provide for operacor alerc of excessive background soil concaminacion; operace in vadose as well as sacUraced soil condiciona. LIQUID SENSORS Liquid probe shall meec Che following performance criceria: musc flc Chru .75 in cank annular space; provide for flexiable cable accachmenc chru annular :ank space co alarm panel; .25 inch minimum liquid level de:e¢=ion !imi: wi=h liquid =emp. 32 degrees F Co IZ0 degrees F. 12121~ Universal Sensors and Devices Inc." 92S6 DHring A~nue, ~au'worth, CA 9131 Phone (818} 998-712I $1TI~G ~C0~E~OATIONS FO~ USO ~O~S LIQUID P~0BES VA~O~ P~0BES C0~BO I Wells In LALS-~P LAVS-~ LACS-~P Doubl~' Containment Double Wall X (I) X (2) (3) Tanks Hydrocarbon I (I) ' I (Z) (3) · esis:ant Liner ~onl:orin~ Wells In Soil Va~ose Zone (Dry Well) ~-- Saturated Zone (~e= Well) NOTE: (1) USD iiqui~ probe will detect presense of any liquid i.e., water, gasol£=e, oil e:¢., but will no= ~lfferentlate between water and hydrocarbons (or~anic). (2)Combo probe (l sensors) will dtscrimina:e between watar and ~ydrocarbo~ (organic) based liquids. (3) Sensors [rom combo probes need no: be set ~n same monitoring location i.e., liquid sensor to double walled :ank and vapor sensor ~o vadose zone well. 1/85 Universal Sensors and Devices Inc." 9256 Deering Avenue. Chatswor~, CA 91311 Phone (818} ~8-7121 PARTIAL LIST OF D£TECTABLg GASES · Acetone £~hanol Methane · ' Acetylene g=hyl Ace=ace Me=hanol l - Ammonia Gasoline Me=hyl Acetate Benzene Hep~ane Methyl Ether Bu~adiene Hexane Methyl g~hyl Keystone Butane Hydrogen Natural Gas .. Bu=ylene Hydrogen Sulfide Octane Carbon Monoxide Iso-Butanoi Pentane Dime=hylam£ne Iso-?ropanol Propane ~-- .Ethane Lacquer Thinner. Propylene gthylene LP Gas Toluene Triclorechane 12/85 CONTRACT - ALARM RESPONSE AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE -':-:" :'.'--"-:: .......... ..... ::::-::::::::::::::::::::: ...... ::LEAK Leak Alert Service will provide a yearly maintenance and alarm response service with periodic inspection, :o assure that Universal Sensors and Devices, Inc. monitoring systems are ~ain:ained in proper working order. Many counties and local regulatory agencies are now, and will be in :he future, requiring 'minimum periodic inspection and maintenance by qualified ........ - .... .:- -,maintenance.,-organize:ion,-Insurance .compan~es.-ma-y.l~so- interested in this service. SC~PE OF WORK 1. Initial check of equipment and wiring methods to conform to manufacturing, and/or owner specifications and compliance, with local, state and county codes and repair as needed or inform owner so that he can have original installer make necessary repair's. (None I) ,? 2. Make quar:erly stops; a. Check each probe by removing and manna.1 testing. b. Check alarm panel for proper voltages & functioning. c. Repair as needed. (Note d. Tag equipment as operational. e. Fill out service card and notify owner of service visit. f. Seal alarm panel wi:h regls:ered seal. 3. Alarm response. a. On call 24 hours. (Respond by next working day.). b. Check all equipment as described above. c. Attempt to locate leak source. d. Advise customer of our findings. YEARLY LABOR CONTRACT FEE: $275.00/alarm panel (Southern California) $100.O0/probe package per site. '- .................................... Multiple sites.-.wlll~..be-quoted-on ............. , a site by site basis. NON CONT~ACT ALA~ ~ESPONSE AND ~AINTENANCE " a. If not under con~rac~, any Leak Aler: service call will be a= $a2.§0 per hour, pot=al -, 'accomplished a~ this rare per hour. c.Any parts will be quo=ed a= .manufac=urers published list prices al=er warran=ee expires (Note 2). NOTE: rates. (2) "Universal Sensors and Devices, Inc. warrants probe packages for 2 years and alarm panels for 1 year. Al=er expire=ion of warren=y, ma=erials will be char~ed a= lis= price. LAS02 12/85 The Leak Aler System · Inl:roducmg Leak Alert, a highl7 The Leak Alert Sw~tem o//ers fei/ohio, state-o[-the-an sTstem [or types oi sensing probes: (1) a thermal ! } continuous monitoring of element capaJ~[e oi detect~ug the pre- underground storage tanks. De- sence o[ at7 [/~id, and (2) a metal- ~iqnec[ a.ud developed By ~Tniversal ox~de--semiconductor"'~MOS)--sensor i.... Sensor~ & Devices, fha, ezoiting ])ut that recocy~=es the presence o~ most economical new elect~ou/c system comBust~le ~nd orgaAic gases. A ..' p=ovides Both visual and aud/h[e single alarm pa.uel wi~ work simulta- war~-gs of leaking flu/ds ~ncUor the necusl7 with Both WPes o[ sensors -- wpors o/ten generated by leaking up to !8 ch~.~els in a]/, clepen~-g flu/ds, on Leak Alert model selected. .-' _= . :. ~:..~&~fi-~:' · -~.'' '":"'-.:'f:-- R :-: t run~n =e-~: ...... ~i~:~.'-_'.~q[' :~'..- ~ : ' '" INDICATOR [~L~'~_-.,..,'~[ ~T-.~'~¥~i -~ · ~I~T.,~1 VIPMNfi : : ..:. ..oow '"''" · PROBE ~' I~;,-:-.'.:'.'~~, ;.~ -- -- . [~!$:"' . ;.'(;~ ~ '.~'~-~ ~AUDIBLE ALARM TE~T ~,~'.:.-'f~-v .'~-; ~- v . . : .; ~ ~ ~mgcnrnuur SWiTCH~' ~'"'"?'::'"" ".': -'? .... .:F- !:~ -~ ~---/'----.---.-.-.-.-.-.-.~-.~ ":~'i'~ AC ~ RELAY : '" PROBE C~8CES-- mG~U. OUTIqJTS System Features · No mov~ug p~: non-corro- · F~el~. adiu,~t,'d~le ~1,,,,,, s~t- siv~ s~n~r materials ~or point ior background v, rpor long service l~e. screening. ..: · C~mpact ~n.~ing probes · Built-in ~uclio & visual with flexible tobies: oper- ~,,~,s. ': · or FRP tanks, wet or v~e~ Aux~crf rel~' output [or zone monitoring weLLs, remote ~i,~,,,,, phon~ ~a- ':--'" ..... · Shnpie Lust,,ilation: probe ler. or pump shutdown ct~ct e,.~ily b~ r~mov~cT for lnsp~'~ion or ca. LLbra~ou. · Options! ~nalog output for · Models ,~,,.~Llable to moni- recording or coun~ ins=u- tor up to 4. 8 or 16 seo.lml per ment=tiom · The leak Alerl: SysCems have been appreved for use by =he Elec- t:,-.ical Tescinq Laboratory, Oepar~:menc of Building and Safety, City of L~s Angeles, California: Application No. 2496,49. -?:~.'...'.--...,, -' ..-,Apl~hcatmn. Examples -...-.,.~ i-'~,Specifications i"~."-..." · "d..~ -'....:.. "o .,'. ~.:: .-.:. ~ .~:.. '..? ' ..--" ~. .. /~.~!....:: ...-:... ~.:.,...-~ :-'.:,.r-:.-.'}~'=~' ':-.".:'-'."ir. :"":.~. ~'-..:'!:i '.."' '.:'- · '." '. --. "-'."..' ~'. ' '"-."..'.'.' / ' .."' .-'~.. .':"-'".' ;'- '4':!~ ..... : ' .2' .':'.'- . . . . ...,. . . . j : ,-'".:-~:,~ }~.~:.~:'.~:-'.i.2..:.-. .... ..'~-:~:: ;::~.. '..~'..-.- .... '.' '..' .-:;...." ~.:.i ~ ----, · ~..-,.,... ...-~..r-'r,~.m-~, '~ '. '.'~'"~'" ' · ' ~.:' - '.'l _.:. _,~_. · -. . .~,: ._,,.~'..., . ..~,,;.,,..,,..-...:. 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'.-..:,,.:::? .~..- ~-',,~r,.-:--- _ '"-"..'4'- ~ · · - :' '-.-":. i -'~'..~...~/ '.. . ..?2z. : flirt: 11.- ~'I.qTIN~ .'.:~:I :~?.--. ::': .~::~}' " SINGLE-WALL/ANIC';-' , .,~-...::.. . ; -.~,.~,,..~.: '...? .~ ,....,,~,--.,,,, . : .',,~:-~r..- · ~:-. ..... ., ~.,:.-.--; ,.:. ,-' ..:-. ':. :? ~ m~verdcai dri&~., :'-" ~ ,.:.' ~'~ , ,-"....?'~.~, '.-....: [ ::.-:'-~.. .... · _ .'..... ..?~.~ .;:~ ..,~. . .:-.. ..~.: ; .- .~ .: ~,_ . . ..:-..... .. , ----.~ ..... ~-'" ~- ' --- ?~:-: :~: G' catde mar I:G camter ... '.. · : ~ ; *. ~, USO BULLETIN NO. LA-c3502 Auailable Laak Alert: £quipmenc (1At'ten orc[er~nq; specL,~ ~eair~ alarm p~el, probe ~e, ~ ~e & len~ of ~ome m cable) E UQUIO SENSOR VAPOR SENSOR .... STRANDED D ~p ~ SEE NOTE ~1 R~ ~ :. [~ ~i PONIECO ~" I~I ~' C:O;PORATiON and 1 1 1 Series Manholes Pomeco Model 111 Series Spill Protection Manholes PARTIAL S~CT~ON L Spill Protection Manholes 111 Standard Spill Protection Manhole I 11:1-A Same as Model 111 except machined nipple length is adjusted for use with a vapor return value f 111-B Same as Model 111 except no drain assembiy is supplied 111-0 Spill Protection Manhole designed for use with Hytrel type material ( FEATURES Double seal arrangement with "machined nipple" to form a positive liquid seal while providing adequate flexibility between the manhole and fill riser. Buna-N seals ~e Teflon coated to reduce fdction and to provide protection against swelling due to exposure to gasoline or other toxic chemicals where the Model 111 may be required. Seals are well protected against possible damage by containment in seal rings. Re;in-rite lid and manhole dng design provides protection against floating gasoline or other toxic chemicals Whic,h may be contained in the "bucket" to ground level. A drain assembly is available for ease of draining gasoline or chemicals back to the underground tank. The flexible hose used in the drain assembly is a woven stainless · steel-teflon configuration. The exterior of Models 111, 11 l-A, and 111-1B are epoxy coated for corrosion resistance. Capacity of the Model 111 series is approximately 5 gallons. The Models 111, 111-A and 111-8 are preassembled for ease of installation. Pomeco 1 10 Series Manhole Model No. 110-12 Manhole .... '~' " A ca.st iron dng with an 11 !/2" sheet steel skirt provides ira- . . -proved fill cap protection and ease of installation. HeaVy duty ' 318' steel diamond plate lid standard with optional 3/4" fingerhole available, j ! Model No. 110-16 ~ ,.~-'~'=~"-~, Formed sheet steel skirt, depth 11 1/2", supplied with heaVy duty 3/8" diamond plate lid with 5116" slot. No. 110-W wrench' .--lid.is provided for use with-slot for ease of removing & replacinc. ~'F-'~" '1 ~,:,,.>.?~':,;}.':1 30" Round Submerg~ Pump Manhole h~ a fo~ed sheet , steel ski~, depth 11 112", supplied with 112" st~t diamond plate lid with 5/16" slo[ No. 11GW wrench is provided for user~,' with stet for e~e of removing and replacing lid. / Call or Write' for Your Nearest Distributor ~) 18237 ILLINOIS .-'VE.~IU-~ · =&= :'..4(2L'NT, C~LIFOR~41A 90722 ·;-,,~' ,-~L--.~-.,,-',.~=~. ~ . .,,,j .. \ ! I x ..... .\ I I \ x I \ \\ .I t II I / / / / / / GROOVE PA~-I'ERN IN TOP OF LID SECTION A - A ,. MODEL III-L EAIN-T1TE MANHOLE C0VEE [ ~ ~ 16Z~7 ILLINOIS AVENUE * PARAMOUNT, CALIFORNI~ ~ ~ 162=7 IL~N~iS AVEHUE · PARAM~U.NT. CA~FORNL~ POMiCO MODEL 1!! 0VE.~FILL ?RQ?Z_CTION M.~,~HOLE -~-a~s~ad' me~s ~ha= ~e ~c~ned ni~!e (se~ enc!o~e~ _. when reglacLng .~e fill adap==r. ~e ~ai~ hose is ~so ~se:~ a: a desir~!e ~si~on for ~m~ flex~i!i=y. ~.c!e is a= a heiqh= =o allow for p~er ccn~=a s!op~.for 2. I~=~! ~he No. !!I ~a~!y ~a r~ve ~he c=~ spacer Since ~e a~jus~ng nu=s (8] contain~g the seals ~e =ne ass~h!y shoed be se!f-supposing. 3. Shou!a a ~! adj~nan= he necessary' s~p!y ~ve ~e u~ or down as ~y ~e r~uired. I= should no= ~ necass~y loosen ~e adjus=~g nu=s ~o ~e ~is adjus=en=. 4. Be s~e fo!!cwinq heigh= adjus~nen= =ha= =he ~a~ hose asse~!y ia ~s=a!led :o allow for m~= riser 5. Tes= for !e~s ~y .p~ia!ly fi!~ng ~he ~s~Iy with e!i~na=a ZNST~LL~T~ON ~--- ~ZAL NOT,S: The Model No. Ill-V~ i:s:a!led will always be closed . brass strainer _scree:..., ....... . _ ~) ~si~g a MINIMUM AMOUNT of hardeci~ pi~e dope, !:stall the handle, tighten ~.c more chon half a cum ar un=i! =he cee ha=d!e is ~ara!!e% wick =he side o~ :he manhole chase :he ~/&" chrea~s ia ~he ~rai~ :cuplia~ wink a :ap ca allow I!=-~- co thread cc a pci:c'where the drain holes are even vi:h :he boo:cc cf :he !!l manhole· _ pci~: where i: is flush ~i:~ the 11! Tes= by-pu=:i=~ the !!!. lid i: place and verify!:g :ha: the valve is closed when the lid is removed. Make sure :he screw is adjus:ed so the lld is sea:ed ~ro~erly on the ~ ~ '~ ~ 7cssib!~ leakage. Following , PU H- ULL Laboratory Reports of Analytical Results ~: AnalylicalTechnologies, lnc.. . CorlDo~t. Of'fice$: ~.~C)l~or~l~ous~Or~e S(~nOiegQCA92121 (619)4,~8-9141 ATI I.D.~ 703240 J. H. Kleinfelder & Associates.. .901 W. Victoria Street, Suite-G Comp=on, CA 90220 Project: Q-1148-1 Attention: Dave Klise On March 31, 1987, Analln:ical Technologies, Inc. received eight (8) soil samples for analyses.. Four (4) of the samples were composited into two (2) samples. The composited samples and two (2) of the samples were analyzed for fuel hydrocarbons and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene~ & xylenes. The fuel hydrocarbons were analyzed using gas chromatography/flame ionization detection in accordance with EPA method 8015 (modified for fuel analysis). The benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes were analyzed using gas chroma=ography/pho=oioniza=ion detection in accordance with EPA method 8020. Sample results have been corrected for constituents found in ~he reagent blank. The results of these analyses and the quality control data are enclosed. Richard M. Amano GC Supervisor Laboratoz-t Manager PS: mag Note: The samples from this project will be disposed of thirty (30) days from the date of this report. If an ex=ended storage period is required, please con=ac= our sample control department before the scheduled disposal date. ATI I.D.~ 703240 FUEL HYDROCARBONS DATA SHEET C~: J.H. ~.~~ a ~SO. DA~ S~D: 3-24-87 PRO~: Q-1148-1 ~ ~~D: 3-31-87 S~ ~X: SOIL DA~ ~~D: 4-10-87 EPA ~OD: MODIFIZD 8015 (GC/FID) DA~ ~YZZD: 4-11-87 ~ ~TS: rog/Kg ~ ~0~ ~L ~DRO~ON ATI I . D. ~~ I . D . ~RO~ONS CO~.A S-01-11-11.6 5 U - S-01-21-21.5 03 S-01-26-26.5 5 U - CO~. B S-02-11-11.5 5 ~ - S-02-16-16.5 06 S-02-21-21~5 5 ~ - U indicates the compound was analyzed for but was not detected. ATI I.D. ~ 703240 QUALITY CONTROL DATA MATRIX SPII~/MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATES PROJECT: Q-1148-1 DATE ANALYZED: 4-11-87 SAHPLE I.D.: 70324406 UNITS: mg/Kg 1ST 1ST RESULT ' S 2ND 2ND RESULT ' S .COMPONENT ... SPIKE ADDED RESULT % RECOVERY * RESULT % RECOVERY P. PD ** DIESEL 271 267 99 271 100 1.5 * % RECOVERY - (SPIKE SAH~.w. RESULT - SAHP~.W. RESULT) x 100 SPIKE ADDED ** RPD (RELATIVE PERC~TT DIFFERENCE) ~ 1ST RESULT - 2ND RESULT ....................... x 100 AVERAGE RESULT ATI I.D.# 703240 COM~.A BENZ~NE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, & XYLENES · DATA SUMMARY (EPA METHOD 8020) CLIENT: J.H. A'r.~.INFEr.nER & ASSO. PROJECT:-' Q-1148-1 SAMPLE I.D.: S-01-11-11.6 DATE SAM~r.~.D: 3-24-87 S-01-21-21.5 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL DATE RECEIVED: 3-31-87 UNITS: rog/Kg 'DATE ANALYZED: 4-06-87 DILUTION: 1 DETECTION LIMITS SAMPLE RESULTS BENZFITE 0. 025 U TOLUENE 0. 025 U ETHYLBENZENE 0.025 U HETA XYLENE 0. 025 U ORTHO & PARA XYLEN~ 0.025 U Surrogate Percent Recovery: BROMOCHLOROMETHA/TE 80 % TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 68 % U indicates t. he compound was analyzed for but was not detected. AT~ I.D. # 7032400::3 BENZENE, TOLUEFE, ETHYLBENZENE, & XYLENES DATA S~Y (EPA HETHOD 80~-0) -' --CLIENT': -- J.H.-F~i~-INFELDER & ASSO. ' .... PROJECT: Q-1148-1 SAM~n~- I.D.: S-01-26-26.5 DATE 'SAMPLED: 3-24-87 SAM~T.W. MATRIX: SOIL DATE RECEIVED: 3.-31-87 UNITS: rog/Kg DATE ANALYZED: 4-06-87 DILUTION: 1 DETECTION LIMITS SAMPLE RESULTS BENZE~ 0.025 U TOLUENE 0.025 0.054 ETH~LBENZF/TE 0.025 U M~TA XYLENE 0.025 U ORTHO & PARA XYLENE 0.025 U Percent Recovery: BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 83 % TR!FLUOROTOLUENE 84 % U indicates the compound was analyzed for but was not detected. · ATI I.D.9 703240 COM~.B t* BENZ~TE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, & XYLENES DATA SUMMARY (EPA METHOD 8020) SAM~.w.I.D.: S-02-11-11.5 DATE SAH~LED: 3-24-87 S-02-16-16.5 SAM~~'~' MATRIX: SOIL DATE RECEIVED: 3-31-87 UNITS: mg/Kg DATE ANALYZED: 4-06-87 DILUTION: 1 DETECTION LIMITS SAMPLE RESULTS BENZENE ; 0. O25 U TOLUENE 0. O25 U ETHYLBENZENE 0. 025 U HETA ~ 0. 025 U ORTHO & PARA XYLEIFE 0 . 025 U Surroga=e Percent Recovery: BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 81 % TRIFLUOROTOLLTENE 84 % U indicates the compound was analyzed for but was not detected. " ATT I.D.,~ 70~240RB BENZENE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, & XYLENES DATA SUMMARY (EPA HETHOD 8020) SAH~ I.D.: REAG~ BLANK DATE SAMPLED: N/A SAM~- MATRIX: SOIL DATE RECEIVED.' N/A UNITS: rog/Kg DATE ANALYZED: 4-06-8? DILUTION: DETECTION LIMITS SAHPLE RESULTS BENZENE 0. 025 ~ TOLUENE 0. 025 0. 051 ETH~LBENZ~FE 0. 025 0.26 M~TA XYLENE 0 . 025 0 . 19 ORTHO a PARA XYLEN~ 0 . 025 0 . 22 SurT_oga=e Percen= Recovery: BROMO CHLOROMETHANE 80 % TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 97 % U indica=es t. he compound was analyzed for bu= was no= de=ec=ed. .. ,,,. it DATE SAMPLE I.D. TAINERS REMARKS ~.~ ~-~ I !~-I!. ~, ,. ,. '~l.zt.~ ~-om. ~-2!,~ o-~ I ' / . '- ~.g4..¢~ s. ¢ I ' zG-2~,5~ o '~ i : ~' V ? , ~i 366 w,,,,.,.~,,., ,.,., ,,,,.,,,,,. ,,.,..,co,, . g'l' J H. KLEINFELDER & A 41, VICTORIA CORNER BUSINESS co~os, (213) 638-934~ - ... ..... Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Attention: Ann Boyce/Bill Scheide i Subject: Underground Storage Tank Leak-Detection Program Coca-Cola Bottling Company.Facility " 414 19th Street, Bakersfield Dear Ms. Boyce: J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES (JHKA) has been retained to conduct an underground storage tank leak-detection program in the City of Bakersfield on behalf of Coca-Cola Bottling Company. Contained herein is the proposed Work Plan to be implemented at the above-referenced facility. JHKA is prepared t.o mobilize for field operations within two weeks after approval has been issued from your office. The monitoring option selected is based on anticipated groundwater conditions specific to the site. However, an optional monitoring approach is described if other than antici- pated conditions are encountered. All proposed monitoring options are consistent to the intent of applicable regulations for exist- ing underground storage tanks as established by the Kern County Health Department. Also, the installation and operation of a leak-detection system is proposed that will provide continuous monitoring of the vadose-zone soils about the underground tanks. The appropriate fees and applicable permits will be fo~arded to your office as necessa~ to perfo~ the tasks as entailed in the proposed Work Plan. We will re~ire receiving ~ from you the pertinent fo~s and cost rate to conduct this underground tank investigation. Your review of the proposed Work Plan for this Leak Detection Program is appreciated. Should you have any ~estions or re~ire clarification on the overall program, please do not Walnut Creek · SanRamon · Sacramento · Stockton · Fresno · Fairfield · Merced · Rohnert Park · Reno · /as Vegas · St. George. Utah · Denver b~H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES Q-1148-1 hesitate to contact us. We look forward to your approval to proceed with the investigation. Sincerely, J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES ....... David H. Klis~ Geologist .- ,,' ..... ... Randolph C. Harris, R.G. Senior Hydrogeologist DHK/RCH:gw ~ cc: Richard Saunders Coca-Cola Bottling Company PLAN FOR UNDERGROUND TANK INVESTIGATION, MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION, AND INSTALLATION OF LEAK DETECTION SYSTEM FOR · COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY - i.· BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA JULY, 1986 Prepared by: .. J. H. Kleinfelder & Associates 901 W. Victoria Street, Suite G Compton, California 90220 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES i! J:~-H. KLEINFELDER &ASSOCIATES · . Q-1148-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I . INTRODUCTION 1 1. HYDROGEOLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SITES 3 2. BORING, SAMPLING, AND ANALYTICAL METHODS 4 a. Number of Monitoring Wells 4 b. Test Boring Locations 4 c. ~Drilling of Test BOreholes ..................................... :.:~:~4.- ......... -. .... - d. Soil Sample Acquisition 5 e. Groundwater Sampling 6 f. Soil Sample Analysis 7 3. TEST BORING AND SAMPLING OPTIONS 7 a. Option I 8 b. Option II 8 4. REPORTING OF RESULTS 9 III.. TANK MONITORING PROGRAM 10 1. MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 10 2. MONITORING WELL DESIGN - OPTION SPECIFIC 12 a. Option I - Shallow Groundwater (.Dry Vapor) 12 b. Option II - Deep Groundwater (Wet Vapor) 12 3. MONITORING, OVERSPILL PROTECTION, AND REPORTING 13 a. Continuous Electronic Monitoring 13 b. Overspill Protection 14 c. Reporting Schedule 15 LIST OF PLATES PLATE 1 - Site Location Map PLATE 2 - Proposed. Well Locations PLATE 3 - Monitoring Well Construction PLATE 4 - Monitoring Well-Head Completion PLATE 5 - Representative Vadose Zone Monitoring Well and Groundwater Monitoring Well ii '~ J.:"H. KLEINFEL'DER & ASSOCIATES " Q-1148-1 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 - Tank Integrity Test Reports APPENDIX 2 - Site Specific Information APPENDIX 3 - Test Boring Procedures APPENDIX 4 - Chain-of-Custody Record APPENDIX'5 - Monitoring Well Sampling Protocol APPENDIX 6 - Leak-Alert System - Specifications and Description APPENDIX 7 - Overspill Protection Manhole Specifications iii , ~,. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES · ' Q-1148-1 I. INTRODUCTION In order to be in compliance with regulatory guidelines governing_t~e operation of underground storage facilities, .... J~.-H.---~-~-~ .... KLE'INFELDER & ASSOCIATES (JHKA) has developed the following Work Plaq for leak detection and on-qoing monitoring at the COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY facility in the City of Bakersfield. The faci- .... lity is located at 414. 19th Street (Plate 1). The plan presents - - i' the general characteristics of an investigation' of underground tanks which is then applied to site-specific conditions. The intent of the ~lan conforms with procedures necessary to protect the groundwater and public health from the effects of leaks from underground tanks storing hazardous materials. The tank monitoring plan we propose to implement is designed to provide for earliest detection of tank-leaking materials. The design employs the use of electronic vapor-sensing probes emplaced within the upper-casing sections of monitoring wells coincidental to mid-to-bottom tank levels. The probes are thus positioned to intercept initial vapors from escaped product within the soils or shallow groundwater surrounding the tank. The specific approach is to install vapor-deteCtion sensors in either wet or dry wells dependent upon whether first- encountered groundwater is found at depths shallower or deeper than .30 feet. If groundwater level is at depths less than 30 feet, then wet-vapor wells will be constructed. Where groundwater, is deeper than 30 feet, dry-vapor wells will be Jt H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES · ' Q-1148-1 constructed. This approach can be used for both Alternatives 2 and 4 of the State regulations which allows for the continuous monitoring of the vadose-zone area in which the tank is buried. This monitoring technique is considered more viable than solely the visual examination of groundwater for contamination, particularly if groundwater occurs at relatively deeper depths beneath -the 'tank facility. Product ..... vapor would proceed throughout the soils and be intercepted by the vapor sensors much sooner than product liquid, leading to quicker leak-response action. In contrast, product filtration throughout the soils and sufficient accumulation to permit visual detection within deeper groundwater wells would probably occur over a more prolonged period. Consequently,'greater amounts of product would be released to the surroundings before being noticed. The Work Plan is divided into two sections. The first section , addresses the proposed monitoring options of a Leak- Detection Investigation. The actual requirements for each monitoring option are subject to the hydrogeologic character- istics of the sites, the siting of monitoring wells, soil and groundwater sampling, and sample analyses. The second section applies to a Tank Monitoring, Program which provides the scheme for adequate detection monitoring of the underground tanks. Monitoring well construction and design are defined, as well as the. monitoring method to be employed. ~ J~ H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .. Q-'1148-1 Shallow and deep groundwater conditions are assigned as monitoring Options I and II, respectively. Option-specific cri- teria is as follows: OPTION DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER (from ground surface) I - Wet-Vapor Well Less than 30 feet (Shallow) .... II - Dry-Vapor Well .Greater than 30 feet (Deep-) ~-- .... II. LEAK DETECTION INVESTIGATION The purpose of the Leak' Detection Investigation is to determine the adequacy of present and past storage through tank integrity tests and by field or laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater samples. Tank integrity tests have already been scheduled, the results of which will soon be forwarded to your office. The tank testing method to be conducted is described in Appendix 1. 1. Hydrogeologic Characteristics of Site It will be the responsibility of a California registered geologist or certified engineering geologist t'o determine if the storage facility to be investigated is located within an area described as being applicable to Option I or. II. A pre-investigation effort will be made based from available geologic information to determine groundwater level (Appendix 2). In cases where site-related information may not be available, actual determination of the conditions at the site and J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .- Q-1148-1 resultant assignment of option designation may be dependent upon the results of on-site borings performed during the Leak Detection Investigation. 2. Borinq, Sampling', and Analytical Methodg a. Number of Monitoring Wells ~ The minimum number of monitoring wells per tank -.. will be set per State regulations. (see -Table 4,1 - Section 3A of Alternative 2) as specified for groundwater depths equal to or less than 50 feet deep. The set number of monitoring wells will apply, even if the determination is made that first groundwater is deeper than 50 feet. This will usually require that 2 wells be drilled per tank or that at least one well per tank be drilled for a cluster of two or more tanks, with one of the wells located down-gradient. b. Test Boring Locations The underground storage-tank configuration at the Coca Cola facility consists of one 10,000-gallon regular gasoline tank. The tank underlies asphalt paving. Test boring locations are shown on the plot plan in Plate 2. Boreholes will be drilled as near as possible to the tank. c. Drilling of Test Boreholes A mobile, truck-mounted dr'iil rig with 8-inch, continuous-flight, ~hollow-stem auger will be used to H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES vertically drill each test boring. Prior to drilling, all bits, auger flights, and associated down-hole equipment will be steam cleaned to avoid cross- contamination between borings. Drill cuttings will be .... placed in DOT-approved, 55-gallon drums. Any test borings not converted to a cased monitoring well will be backfilled with concrete or bentonite. Excess soil materials removed from test borings will be examined in the field for visual evidence of products stored in the subject tanks. Instrumentation to be utilized on site will include a H-NU Photoionization Detector (PID) to provide on-site determination of contaminant concentrations in the soils. Soil materials exhibiting significant evidence of product will be disposed of by an authorized.hazardous waste hauler. We have assumed that COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY will dispose of any cuttings generated. JHKA can arrange for disposal of drill cuttings, if desired, although this would entail an extra handling cost for the service. d. Soil Sample Acquisition Soil samples will be taken from every 5-foot interval below ground surface using a 2-inch diameter, modified Porter Sampler with brass-insert sampling tubes. Three tubes, each of 6-inch length, are inserted ..... within the sampler core barrel'to give up to a total of--- ~ J~ H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .' Q-1148-1 18 inches of soil recovery at the selected depth interval. One tube, usually the bottom most of the three, depending on soil recovery, will be retained for subsequent laboratory, analysis. Our standard field procedure in processing each soil sample is to seal both ends of the tube with a foil-lined plastic, cap. ~--Samples are labeled and will'be continuously refrigerated from time of collection. Details of standardized test boring procedures are given in Appendix 3. Ail samples collected will be retained for a period of two months should laboratory analysis be required. Sample control will be maintained by our standard chain-of-custody procedures in order to safe- guard sample integrity. The chain-of-custody record which will be used is provided in-Appendix 4. e. Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples will be taken from completed monitoring wells (as described under Tank Monitoring Program) using a clear (transparent) plastic ball-valve bailer. Field samples will be observed for the presence of product odor and product sheen on the water surface. Where more exacting water-quality sampling procedures may be required, we will follow the protocol outlined in Appendix 5. J~H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .- Q-1148-1 f. Soil Sample Analysis Discrete soil samples which exhibit obvious contamination will be analyzed by a state-certified ..... laboratorY'according to apPropr±ate EPA methods. '=-":~ ...... These soil samples would be subjected to analyses for total petroleum hydrocarbon by infrared spectroscopy (TPH by IR, EPA method 418.1). If' field detection methods indi- cate no apparent contamination~': 'then only samples from boring intervals coincidental to and just below tank bottom will be composited and analyzed. If this zone is found to be free of contaminants, then other borehole sample intervals- will be excluded from laboratory analysis. If laboratory results find that contamination is present in the soils near tank bottom, then succeed- ingly deeper samples may be analyzed down to the total depth of the test boring. 3. Test Boring and Sampling Options Outlined below are test boring and sampling procedures to be implemented in the Leak Detection Investigation relevant to the two delineated depth-to- # groundwater options.. In general, at least one test boring will be drilled to a depth of 30 feet at the site in order to characterize the subsurface geology and to determine the approximate depth-to-groundwater level. If groundwater has not been encountered at a depth of 30 feet, then this boring will serve as confirmation that J~ H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES Q-1148-1 the depth-to-groundwater level is greater than 30 feet. In the event that groundwater is encountered at a depth of less than 30 feet, test borings will be extended a sufficient depth (i.e., 20 feet below groundwater level) to allow for seasonal groundwater fluctuation in the screened section of the monitoring well. If an aquitard of thickness greater than 5 feet is encountered below a' saturated'aquifer, the boring Will terminate within the aquitard to prevent hydraulic connection to deeper aquifer strata. a. Option I - Shallow Groundwater Level In Option I, the depth-to-groundwater level will have been determined to be between 30 feet or less below the ground surface. Soil samples will be obtained at 5- foot intervals beginning at. the depth even with the tank bottom and extending down to the water table. If the bottom level of the tank is unknown, sampling will initiate 5 feat below ground surface. Samples taken below the water table will be used for visual logging of the soils only and will not be retained. A groundwater sample will also be obtained and field 'inspected upon completion of the monitoring well. b. Option II - Deep Groundwater Level In Option II, the depth-to-groundwater level is . greater than 30_ feet. Soils will be sampled at 5-foot J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES " Q-1148-1 intervals beginning at the bottom level of the storage tank to the total depth of 30 feet. If the depth of the bottom of the tank is unknown, sampling will initiate "- -' '5 f~et bei'ow ground surface. As the borings will not have encountered any groundwater, no water quality ¢ samples will be obtained. 4.. Repor. tinq of Results .......... . Upon completion of the Leak-Detection investigation, a report will be prepared and submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Division. The contents of the report will include geologic logs, well construction characteristics, laboratory reports of analytical results and procedures used in the data-acquisition phase of the investigation. If no leakage or contami- nation is evident, COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY can pro- ceed with implementation of the Tank Monitoring Program as approved by the Environmental Health Division. In the event that leakage has been detected, the tank owner or operator may be required to i~plement a Site Investi- gation. The purpose of a Site Investigation would be to identify the extent of the potential problemand develop measures to mitigate any adverse impacts of the leakage. J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES III. TANK MONITORING PROGRAM The Tank Monitoring Program has been developed for facilities where 'soils or groundwater have not been adversely affected-~ by the underground tank system. In these instances, the test borings drilled for the. Leak Detection Investigation will be converted to monitoring wells. The monitoring welL1 construction -----. Standards.-for~----6p~mum--~mplih~0f gr~ndwater qUality' and'-:f6r -.-~. detection of vadose-zone vapors are delineated according to the depth-to-groundwater options. 1. Monitoring Well Construction Standard~ All monitoring wells will be constructed of 2-inch diameter flush-threaded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) well casing. The bottom of the well will have a threaded PVC cap. Screened intervals will consist of' commercially- slotted (0.020-inch) PVC. Well. casing . and other associated materials will be thoroughly cleaned prior to · installation. The borehole into which casing is installed will be of great enough diameter to allow for sufficient, annular space for proper filter packing and grouting. In all cases, the filter pack, which consists of.#3 Monterey sand, will be installed to cover the full length of the screened interval and will extend to a minimum of 1 foot above the uppermost perforation. Blank casing will be installed above the screened J.'H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES · ' Q-1148-1 section. A minimum 1-foot-thick bentonite-pellet layer will be emplaced above the filter pack. The remaining annular space will be sealed to the ground surface with grout or concrete. The annular seal will extend a minimum of 5 feet below the ground surface unless the groundwater level is encountered at a depth less than 5 feet. The typical configuration of a monitoring well in relation to a cross-sectional view of the tank is shown in plate 3. Monitoring wells will be protected at ground surface with 13-inch diameter fill rings with screw- fastened lids mounted in a 3 x 3 foot concrete pad. Electrical entry to the well head will be installed beneath the pad to permit later wiring of well sensors and probes to an accessible control pane].. The design of the surface protection will prevent inflow of rain- fall or surface runoff into the well. The construction design of the well-head completion is shown in'Plate 4. Each well will have an identification number permanently affixed to the installation. FUrther .. identification information such as well o%~er, depth of well, hol.e and casing diameters, and depth of a screened interval will be kept on file at. an accessible office on the site premises. J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES -' Q-1148-1 Monitoring wells constructed for groundwater sampling may have to be'developed by pumping or bailing . to clean the well. In Iow permeability formations, clean water may be introduced to the well to aid in the removal of sand, silt, or turbidity. 2. Monitoring Well Desiqn - Option Specific ..... ~.'-' Option I--Shallow Groundwater -(Wet~Vapor'Wel'I) ..... - ...... P ' ..... Monitoring Option I will be used where depth-to- groundwater has been determined to be shallower than 30 feet below the ground surface. In this case, the wells will be constructed to intercept the upper 20 feet of saturated aquifer and the estimated zone of seasonal fluctuation in water table elevations (Plate 5). Hydro- carbon vapors emanating throughout the soils or from product floating on groundwater will be detected by sensors installed within the casing section above. Where a competent clay layer (5-feet thick or greater) is encountered less than 20 feet below the water table, the bottom of the well will be placed at the top of the clay layer. The portion of the test boring drilled into the clay layer will be backfil!ed with concrete to the top of the aquitard. b. Option II - Deep Groundwater (Dry-Vapor Well) For Option II, groundwater will have been ............... docUmented or estimated to be deeper ~han 30 feet.' ": J~ H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .. Q-1148-1 Under these conditions, vadose zone monitoring wells will be constructed. The screened interval 'of the vadose zone monitoring well will be placed from -~Ppr0kimately 5 feet above to 5 fee~ below-the bottom of the tank backfill. A vapor-sensing probe will be positioned within 'the casing to detect for volatile organic compounds penetrating from surrounding soils. Any portion of the test boring below the screened interval will be backfilled with bentonite/concrete slurry. The annular space will be sand-packed adjacent to the screened interval. A minimum 1-foot thick bento- nite-pellet seal will be placed above the sand pack. The remaining annular space will be sealed to the sur- face with grout or concrete (Plate 5). 3. Monitorin9r Overspill Protectionr and Reporting a. Continuous Electronic Monitoring The continuous monitoring of the underground storage tanks will be provided by an electronic system capable of both visual and audible warnings of vapors given off by leaking products. JHKA proposes to install the Leak Alert System for this purpose. This system offers various sensor types that detect vapors produced by gasoline, diesel, and oil. Information and specifications concerning the system are attached for your review in Appendix 6. Particular options available f~r thi~ ~ystem 'include the following: '~ J."H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES ~' Q-1148-1 o Individual monitoring of each well. o Individual calibration ranging from 100 ppm to 7,000 ppm for each well. .o Ease of operation and 24-hour leak-response technician available at tank-owner's option. o Ease of installation with expansion capability to meet changing needs. The Leak Alert SYstem is designed for monitoring .well applications and can provide adequate detection of volatile organic compounds from nearby soil or groundwater. The system basically consists of one vapor- sensing probe per well, an alarm panel, and necessary connections. b. Overspill Protection Fill tubes on all existing tanks will be retrofitted with spill protection manholes to eliminate accidental overfill spillage during time of tank filling. The manhole covers are water tight and mounted 1 inch above grade to prevent rainwater/fluid inflow to tank. A POMECO Model III-VE with drain valve (or equivalent model) will be installed. Special features and design of this spill-protection manhole are specified in Appendix 7. 14 J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES Q-1'!48-1 c. Reporting Schedul~ Ail records of monitoring will remain on file with .Coca Cola an~made available upon request of the Kern County Environmental Health Division for a period of three years. If any leakage is detected in either ~ vadose zone or groundwater monitoring wells, the Envi- ..... ronmental Health .Division will be notified and appro- priate actions implemented to mitigate potential adverse impacts of the leakage. This concludes the Work Plan for this phase of the investi- gation at COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, David H. 'KliFe "* / Randolph C. Harris, R.G. #3708 Geologist Senior Hydrogeologist DHK:RCH:kl 15 ,-,,.- , ~,. ,,.~,,~ :, .... * ' -;7 ..,:'g,,...,,'~ .~ ~ · . ..,.,-. . .. 8 ~. ..a ,, ,'.','.., " , '_-E""- ...~ , COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY P L A T E .... . .............................. ' Ba.kef.sf_ie!._d, California .... : J.H. K LEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES LJlI~ GEOTECHNICAL & GROUNDWATER CONSULTANTS.~q!~ I SIT;:: LOCATION MAP Project Number Ql148-1 July 1986 20th STREET ~ REGULAR GASOLINE ~ ALARM PANE O Q : I I..___.t I I z , STORAGE BUILDING WAREHOUSE w I O O i ASPHALT PARKING LOT -I J EXPLANATION ~ MONITORING WELL ~ ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK .......... PRODUCT LINE . ~ DIRECl' BURIAL SENSOR CABLE COCA--COLA BOTTLING COMPANY p / A T E j.H. KLEiNFi~LDER-~,~SsOCiATE~ LJI~ Bakersfield, California and PROPOSED MONITORING WELL .Project Number Q1148-1 ,July ~ ~$sLOCATIONS ul ......................................................... COCA-COLA 0OTTUN~ COMPANY ................. G,o,,c..,~. , G,,o..o.,^,,. co.,.L,^.,, MONITORING WELL '~ CONSTRUCTION Proiect Number Q-1148-1 July. 19861[ I" SEE INSET .... '',, HASP FOR PADLOCK ', R-TIGH'T SCREW FASTENED HINGED ,STEEL FILL BOX FILL BOX LID STEEL LID TAPERED CONCRETE ........ .~ % -:. . - ...... ~-: ~ ~. 'h' . . -. - -- · · 2' r' 'X6' DIAMETER BLANK PVC STEEL CASE I DEPTH ~NCRETE VARIES --BENTONITE SEAL . SAND FILTER PACK 1.020' MACHINE SLOTTED 2' DIAMETER PVC INSET 3' / x -CONCRETE SLAB cocA-co~ BO'i'I'LING COMPANY P [. AT E j.H.-KL~..iNF[i[~ER' &"A-S$oCIATES' Bakersfield, California .......................... 4 ~,o,~..,,:^, .. ~.ou.o,.^,. co.,u.,..,, MOI~NG WF; ~ -HEAD COMPtETION Project Number Q-1148-1 July 19 i :COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY P L A T E J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATFS REPRESENTATIVE VADOSE ZONE ~ Proi,ect Number Q-1148-1 ,july ? ?.~.e GROUNDWATER MOFITOF~NG WIT! ! TANK INTEGRITY TES~ REPORTS COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES Homer Creative Products, Inc. EZy-CHEH" 412 STATE PARK DRIVE · RAY GITY, MICHIGAN 48706-1338 · (517) 684-7180 Dear Fr~ends : Since 197g Homer Creative Products h~s been dedicated to only one goal, the development of ~ sensible, ace~rate~ and --- method or.device te ~est ~de~o~d s~rage t~k syst~m~ size ~ pro~t. The Ho~er EZY-CHEX Leak Detection S~st~m is the results of ~ ye~s rose,ch ~ field development. ~e EZY-GHEX provi~d you more tools to work with t~ other system more info~ation t~ ~y other devi~e ~ offers ait~tive to the old ~"ya gotta bre~ concret~") discove~j method. With t~ EzY-cHEX System you e~ test ~ove or bel~ ~, de Iineat~ pipe leaks from t~k leaks, overcome vapor pockets high water t~ies ~d you never circulate ~y pro,ct or di~ the t~k. Fo~ ye~s ago Ho~er Creative ~o~ts pioneered ¢he ts~e~e probe thereby ~chi~ving the first acc~e m~thod of proper t~er~e cc~ensation. ~nese o~;gi~l desi~ probes ~ s;i!l in use to~y ~ ~e consisted "~ ~:ce~;io~llu good e:~i~ of the f~mentais of engineering ~ ~hysi~s ~ppli~d to solve ~s~;ai problems." But Ho~er Creative Pro,ors WaSh 't content with "exae~io~!ly good". We w~;~d ~ t~er~e probe tha; was jus; as acc~t~ but eaiser to use, a probe ~ limited ~he possbiii~y for opera~or error, ~ probe w~; was faster ~d ve~fi~ie. We ~e pro~ to in~ro~e the firs~ Digital ~ectr~ia Averaging Te~er~e Probe. ~nis new t~era~e sensing ~vice is fully electronic ve~;fi~ie to the Natio~l B~e~ of St~r~. It is proven ~cx~t~ to . ~I o F of te~e~ ~ge, co, act (fits in b~efcase)'~ e~le of providing ~erage te~erat~e r~ings ' in t~ks from 24" ~o 126" in di~e~r. In ~ i~t~ t~ ~s been e~loying ~ester~ys m~ ~aling with to~s problems, Or i~t~ 't~t ~s seen no ~or tec~ologia~ ~veIopm~t~ in ~lmos~ 15 ye~s, t~ deveIopm~ of the digital ~eraging probe represents ~ bre~ough, ~ ~~ le~ fo~d. Ho~er Creative ~o~ts will eontin~ to ~vise new ~' le~ ~eetion e~sier, more ~pe~le ~ cost effective .~. For more info~a~i~ call (517) 684-7180. HoFner Creative Products, Inc. Homer - EZY- CHEK" - ~13 STATE .ARK [DRIVE · 9AY C~, MICHIGAN 48706-1338- · {51~ 604-7180 detector HO~ER EZY-C~K T~ TESTING SYSTEM " Our objective was to design and fabricate a simple, easily transported system that anyone with experience in underground tanks and piping of storage systems ...... could operate with .the knowledge-that'when a test was completed ~he operator ' left with complete confidence the results were correct and was positive the system was tight or if a leak was detected, where in the system it wa~ located, and at what rate it was leaking. In the majority of cases without breaking concrete. FACTORS ~AT MUST BE K~NOWN There are four ~hings ~ha~ must be known to complete a tank test. We have simplified this so everyone can understand it. i. Tank end deflection must be eliminated. R~f~;~I~ 2. Changes in the liquid level. APR ! 8 986 3. Temperature change, to .001 degree fahrenheit. '4. Overcoming water or vapor pressure. J~;i ~ LA SOLUTION TO ABOVE ~ROBL~-MS 1. Tank End ~eflection - The ~anks should be filled up into the fill- pipe the nigh: before or at least 4 hours prior to :he test. This will allow tanks ends to stablize. ..2. Liquid Level Monitoring .- We use an old reliable process to monitor ~he liquid level. I~ consists of an air supply tank and char: recorder with ~wo pens to do two tanks simultaneously. This recorder is no more than a pressure recorder with full range of approximately 1 oz. o,f pressure. The air supply tank forces a small movement of air into the top 1/2" of liquid in ~he tank, (just enough to cause a bubbling action) through a 1/4" t~be clamped =o the fillpipe. The pen recorder measures the pressure it takes to cause the bubbling action (approximately 1/2" oz.). If the pen charts a straight line ~he liquid level is not changing. The recorder can easily detect a change of .005 inches in :he liquid level. This method is not new. Liquid level bubble systems have been used in the petroleum indus,.fy for tank gauges for years. We have simpl7 made ~t ~ery sensitive with a special bellows. PEI, ~'~"'"'~ LD i' .\ Hamer Crea ue ?rEdacts,/nc. 413 STATE PARK DRIVE ~ BAY CITY, MICHIGAN 487C6.~338 · (51~ 684.7180 detector 3. Monitoring' Temperature Change of ~he Produc: - The ~empera~ure probe is designed ~o monitor ~he entire volume of ~he tank and ~o show any change of 9roduc: temperature Co .001 degree fahranhei~ om a dfgi~ai readou:. The ~ank probe is an averaging probe.24 foo~ lon~ incased in a nMlon ~ubing formed in a ..... coil' spring design, wi:h more coils in ~he cen=er of the top and bottom ~o conform ~o ~he configuration of the tank. I~ is inserted in ~he produc= with a weigh= at ~he. bo==om =o automatically adjus= ~o any diame- '~er t~nk from 24" ~o 20'. The digital readou~ is powered by the 12 vol= DC ¢igare~:e lighter found in almost any vehicle, or can be powered from an optional 12 volt power pack. The.readou~ is capable ~o monitor from one ~o four tanks simultaneously with a selector switch ~o read each individual tanks temperature change. Full' scale of ~he raadou~ is zero to 100 degrees fahrenheit. 4. Overcoming Wa~er or Vapor Pressure - The Homer S~andpipe K/= is designed ~o add addi~iouai head pressure ~o ~he product ~o overcome wa~er and/or vapor pressure. Wi=bout any modifications of comple=e for working wi:h 2", 3", or 4" fi!!pipes. The sigh= glass can be raised =o =he necessary level =o overcome =he head pressure. ADVANTAGES OF THE EZY-CHEKMETHOD ' 1. Recorder motor is spring wound, no elec:rici:y required, up. 2. Very pot:able, weighs only 15 lbs. 3. Is no= affacsad by outside =emperauure changes, as i= is a constant movemen= of air. 4. Is not affac:ed by barometric pressure changes, as the same pressure on =he liquid is applied on =he bellows. ' 5. Two pen system, color coded, on one charu =o do Cwo tanks simultan- eously with a permanent record of each =es=. 6. Takes only 10 m/nu=es =o se= up and is clamped ='o' =h~ fillpipe so any ground movement does no= affeCu it. Ho'mcr Creative Products, Inc. ' le~ detector 7. Liquid level can be taken a: any level in the tank or fillpipe to pinpoint at what level the leak is at, or if it is in the tank or. piping. 8. Can test manifolded tanks as one system or in a submerged pump system can test each tank individualiy without breaking concrete by just lowering the level in ~he fillpipe to below ~he manifold and disconnecting the vacuum line ac the submerged pump. 9. Tanks can now be tested as two sepera~e tanks without breaking concrete. - '-. .... 10. With suction.pumps and two tanks manifolded together they are . :. tested as one. If a leak is detected in the tanks concrece must be broken and the manifold disconnected, as there is no way to tell which tank.leaks unless you can remove the check valve poppet and lower the product level below the manifold. TO SU~W__(R!ZE Tankend deflec=ion is e!imina~ed by filling ~he tank ~he nigh~ before the test. Recording the liquid level to .005 inches. Monitoring the products average temperature change to .001 degree fahrenheit. All of this is being done with equipment That is very light, small, portable and everyone can operate and understand. SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA J... KLEINFELDFR & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES J~. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES SITE SPECIFIC DATA Site Name: Coca-Cola Bottling Company Project No: Q-1148-1 Site Address: 414 19th Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Tank Owner Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Los Angeles 1334 South Central Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90021 Tank Characteristics:. Tank Size Pump Leaks/ No. _(Gal.) Type Age Piping SC/CP/LD Contents Type Repair 1 10,000 ST +15_yrs. ST No/No/No Regular Suct. Unk. Hydroqeology: Surficial Geology: Alluvium (gravel; sand, silt, clay) Depth-to-GroUndwater (est.): >200 feet Flow Direction: east/southeast GW Quality: Good Aquifer Use: Nearest Known Well: Calif. Water Nearest Surface Water: Kern Domestic Aquifer Name: Unk. 93-1 River Leak Detection System: Monitoring Alternative: Leak-Alert System System Characteristics: Continuous Electronic Vapor Monitoring Number of BOrings/Wells: 2 Boring Depth (Est.): Monitoring Device: Vapor Sensor in Wet or Dry x well. Installation Schedule: Soil Sampling & Well Construction - 8/86 Report of Investigation - 9/86 Monitoring Implementation - 8/86 Installation Firm: J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES 901 W. Victoria Street, Suite G Compton, California 90220 (213) 638-9344 SC = Secondary Containment. CP = Cathodic Protection LD = Leak Detection FRP = Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic ST = Steel W.O. = Waste Oil C.O. = Clean Oil Disp. = Dispenser Suct. = Suctionpump ' ' Ukn. = Unknown ~ J.'H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES Project No: Q-1148-1 Proposal No: PQ86-108 UNDERGROUND TANK CHECKLIST Client Name: Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Address: 414 19th Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Contact Name: Mike Ainsworth/Don Brightwell Phone No: (805) 324-6531 County: Kern Number of Tanks: ~ 2 3 4 5 More Size(s) Tanks (Gal): 10,000 Product(s) Stored: Regular Gasoline Pavement Type: Asphalt Covered Underground Utilities: Clear Access for Rig: Clear Soils Conditions: Alluvium (gravel, sand, silt, clay) Groundwater Conditions (DTW): · 200 feet -Regulatory Agency: Kern County Health Dept.-Environmental Health Div. Site History: AGE OF TANKS: 1971 PREVIOUS DRILLING: No INVENTORY CONTROL: Yes KNOWN LEAKAGE: No ....... "AP P END~I X 3 ................... TEST BORING PROCEDURES COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA '! J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES ~. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX 3 TEST BORING PROCEDURES I. Soil Sampling Protocol '" ~' The following procedures are followed during soil sampling ~ operations utilizing the hollow stem auger drilling ~'technique. A. Hollow Stem Auger 1. Soil borings drilled by the hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. 2. Augers, samplers and all downhole equipment are steam cleaned prior to use and between borings to minimize the potential for cross-contamination. 3. The Kleinfelder geologist observes the work, visually logs the soils, and collects samples at appropriate intervals. 4. The Unified Soils Classification System is utilized to classify soils encountered. Additional geologic observation are noted as appropriate. A Munsell Soil Color Chart is used in documenting soil color. Rocks are classified by the Colorado School of Mines "Classification of Rocks" (Travis, 1955). 5. Soil samples destined for laboratory analysis are collected by a modified Porter sampler. This sampler uses three, six inch long, ~y two inch diameter (o.d.) tubes. Various tubes can be utilized to accommodate the type of analysis necessary: , Brass - all organics and general analyses (not to be used for copper or zinc analyses) Stainless'- all organics and metals analyses for copper and zinc (not to be used four chrome or nickel analyses.) 'Plastic - all metals analyses (not to be ..... used .for organics) J.:H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES 6. The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the J.H.K. laboratory. Tubes are scrubbed, inside and outside, with a brush and TSP. They are next steam cleaned, and packed in clean buckets with lids. Tubes .are delivered to the drilling site in these closed buckets to preserve the state of cleanliness. 7. After the sample(s) have been removed from the sampler, the sampler 'is completely disassembled and scrubbed in TSP and tap water. It is then rinsed in two separate tapwater bathes and reassembled with three-clean tubes. 8. Dirty tubes are field washed in TSP, rinsed with water, and placed in buckets for transport back to the JHK lab for. cleaning and preparation. 9. The sampler is driven by a 140 pound hammer with a 30 inch free fall. Blow counts are recorded as number of blows per 6 inches of drive. 10. The sampler is driven 18 inches at each sampling interval. The first (or lowest) tube is generally retained as the sample for analysis. The other two tubes are retained for back-up or split samples when required. 11. A sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose soils are anticipated. This will prevent the soil from falling out of the sampler. 12. After retrieval, the sample is visually logged and immediately sealed with aluminum foil lined caps, labeled, and chilled. Clean field ice chests and chemical ice ("blue ice") are used to keep the samples cold until delivered top the chemical laboratory. 13. Samples are delivered to the laboratory the same day t~ey are taken, if physically possible. If the samples must be held until the next day, they are kept frozen in a secure freezer in the JHK facility. J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES 14. Soil samples are numbered in the following manner: S-XX-Y Where: ~ " -S' - designates soil sample XX - boring number Y - footage depth of sample For example, S-01-10 indicates a soil sample from boring number 1, from a depth of ten feet. 16. The complete labeling of the soil sample tube .includes:' Job number (client number) with appropriate phase number included after the dash (i.e. Qll01-1) Sample number Date This information should be written: Ql101-2 s-01-10 3-20-85 17. An indelible non-water soluble marking pen must be used to mark the tubes. WELL CONSTRUCTION 7/..~;~-/ SOIL DESCRIPTION -40- SURFACE ELEVATION: LOGGED BY: TOTAL DEPT~ SUPERVISED BY: DIAMETER of BORING: DATE DRILLED: WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: PLATE C[OTECHNICA[ & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT5 ~ATERIA[5 TESTINC -- LAND AND WATER RESOURCES PROJECT NUMBER PAGE~of~ APPENDIX 4 CHAIN--OF--CUSTODY RECORD COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .. _ GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIAI~ TESTING' ................... : ...................... i.AND AND WATER RESOURCES CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~" '~ SHIPPING INFORMATION SAM PLERS: (S/gnature) Phone: SHIP TO: Shipper Address Date Shipped Shipment Service Airbill No. ATTENTION: Cooler No. Phone N~ Relinquished,by: (Signature) Received Dy: (Signature~ Date/Time Relinquished by:, (S/gnature~ . Received by;, (Signatumj .... .... .. Date/Time Relinquished by:, (Signature) Received by;, (S/gnatumj Date/Time Relinquished by:. (Signature) Receive for laboratory by': (Signature) Date/Time °~nalysis laboratory should complete, "sample condition upon receipt", .~:tion I~tow, sign and tatum or~ginai (white~ copy to J. Iq. KLEINF~LDfiI:I & A~OClATI:$, 901 W. ¥ictoda Strut, Suito Sampl~ Site Date Analysis Sampl~ Condition Number Identification Sampled Requested Upon Receipt LAB INSTRUCTIONS: Laboratory reports should reference and be billed by site ID# and contain the following: (1) summa,'y of analytical methodology and QA work (blanks, spikes, duplicates) (2) dates for (a) sampling, (b) la{) receil3t, (c) extraction, (d) injection/analysis _ _ (3) detection limits for all constituents analyzed for and reporting of ail constituents detected which were not specifically designated (4) (53' MONITOR'ING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ,1'-". KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES ~~ GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING .... . ..... LAND AND WATER RESOURCES J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX 5 MONITORING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL II. Groundwater Sampling A. Decontamination The following procedure details the routine that is employed in decontamination of groundwater sampling equipment prior to sample collection: 1. Exterior surface of sampling tubes are decontaminated by steam-cleaning during withdrawal from very well. 2. Sample pump is disassembled and the used bladder removed. 3. All pump components are then steam-cleaned and rinsed in distilled water. 4. Pump is reassembled with a new bladder installed. 5. Teflon sampler lines are pressure washed with 5 to 10 gallons of clean, hot water.through direct connection to steam-cleaner. 6. Five gallons of distilled water are then pumped through entire system. 7. Prior to sample collection, a minimum of five well volumes are Purged from the well to permit.collection of a representative groundwater sample from the aquifer penetrated. B. Purge Volume Determination The following procedure is followed to determine the appropriate purging volume prior to well sampling. 1. The depth-to-water is measured by a clean, electric water level indicator. Measurement datum is the top of fill ring or top of well protector. 2. Depth to the bottom of the well is measured by a clean tape and plump bob. If possible, this is compared to the well construction log to'determine inconsistencies, i.e. damaged casing, sediment in casing, etc. -- G J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES' 3. Water volume is calculated by multiplying total water depth by the inside diameter of the casing. This figure is one well volume. C. Well Purging and Sampling ~ . ...... 1. Prior to sampling, a minimum of three to five well volumes are purged from each well to ensure that water sampled is representative of the groundwater within the formation. 2. Measurements of pH, conductivity and temperature are taken at "frequent ~ intervals -during the ~purge. Stabilization of these values indicates that representative formation fluids are being removed from the well. 3. In the event that the well is pumped dry, an alternate procedure will be followed. Once a well is pumped dry, the water that enters the well during recovery is, by definition, representative formation water. The well will, therefore, be pumped dry and allowed to recover to 80% or more of the original water level. Purge water is pumped directly into barrels on site until the proper method of disposal is determined. 5. Samples pumped directly into sampling bottles prepared by the state certified laboratory contracted for the particular job were labeled and placed in refrigerated coolers for transport to the laboratory. 6. Samples are delivered directly to the lab on the same day of sampling by courier, whenever practical. If next day delivery is necessary, the samples are kept refrigerated at 4 degrees C overnight and delivered to the laboratory the following morning. 7. .Samples are accompanied by a Chain of Custody form which documents the time, date and responsible person during each step of the transportation process. 8. The JHK coded sample numbering system allows identification of sample and client to JHK, while not ': revealing the client to the laboratory or other interested parties. J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES -Water samples are numbered in the following manner: W-Xx-YY Where: ..... W - designates water sample .......... -- - XX - well number YY - sequential sample number For example, W-01-22 indicates a water sample from well i number 1. The sample is the.22nd water sample taken at ~ the site. 9. The complete information on the sample label includes: t Date and time I Client job number (never client name) Sample number ~ Initials of sampler Analysis desired (if known) Preservatives in sample bottle (usually noted by lab) 10. Each sample bottle is given a separate sequential number. LEAK--ALERT SYSTEM -- SPECIFICATIONS AND DESCRIPTION COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES · - GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES Universal Sensors and Devices Inc. 9256 Deering Avenue, Chatswor~h, CA 91311 PhOne (818) 998-7121 LEAK DETECTOR ALARM PANEL The alarm panel shall provide for the following: Weather-proof ope'ration; lead seal panel lock-up; audio and visual alarm for each individual probe; intrinsic safety barriers for each channel; overall auxllliary alarm relay; built-in provision for individual channel alarm relays; built-~n~provisions for recorder or computer output; transformer isolated/regulated power supply;gold to gold printed circuit electrical connections; minimal electro mechanical components; concurrent and/or interchangeable use of vapor; liquid or product line leak rate detection and shut-down; positive shut-down of turbines. VAPOR SENSORS Vapor probes shall meet the following performance criteria: Small enough to fit inside a 1" Vapor monitoring well; shall indicate presence of gasoline, diesel, waste oil and most organic vapors; have a response time of not greater than 2 minutes; shall provide for an alarm range setting of 100 to 7,000.ppm in air; must provide for operator alert of excessive' background soil contamination; operate in vadose as well as saturated soil conditions. LIQUID SENSORS Liquid probe shall meet the following performance criteria: must fit thru .75 in tank annular space; provide for flexiable cable attachment thru annular tank space to alarm panel; .25 inch minimum liquid level detection limit with liquid temp. 32 · ' degrees F to 120 degrees F. Universal Sensors and Devices Inc. 9256 Deering Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Phone (818} 998-7121 SITING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USD PROBES LIQUID PROBES VAPOR PROBES COMBO PROBES Wells In LALS-IP LAVS-iP LACS-1P Doubl~ Containment Double Wall X (.1.) X (2) (3) Tanks Hydrocarbon X (1) X (2) (3) Resistant Liner Monitoring Wells In Soil Vadose Zone X (Dry Well) SaTurated Zone X (Wec Well) NOTE: (l) USD liquid probe will detect presense of any liquid i.e., water, gasoline, oil etc., but will not differentiate between water and hydrocarbons (orga~ic). (2)Combo probe (2 sensors) will discriminate between wa=er and hydrocarbon (organic) based liquids. (3) Sensors from combo probes need no= be se= in same monitoring location l.e.~ liquid sensor to double walled tank and vapor sensor =o vadose zone well. 1/85 Universal SenSors and Devices Inc." 9256 Deering Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Phone (818) 998-7121 PARTIAL LIST OF DETECTABLE GASES Acetone Ethanol Methane [., " Acetylene Ethyl Acetate Methanol Ammonia Gasoline Methyl Acetate Benzene Heptane Methyl Ether Butadiene Hexa.ne Methyl Ethyl Keystone Butane Hydrogen Natural Gas Butylene Hydrogen Sulfide. Octane Carbon Monoxide Iso-Butanol Pent'ane Dimethylamine Iso-Propanol Propane Ethane Lacquer Thinner Propylene E:hylene LP Gas Toluene Triclorethane 12/85 LI:::AK ALl=FIT ~I::FIVIOE INO. CONTRACT - ALARM RESPONSE AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE ::_-~.:~_ ............ : ...... .--_ ....... LEAK ALERT/LEAK RAT. ER ,-~ ......................... Leak Alert Service will provide a yearly maintenance and alarm response service with periodic inspection, to assure that Universal Sensors and Devices, Inc. monitoring systems are maintained in proper working'order. Many counties and local regulatory agencies are now, and will be in the future, requiring minimum periodic inspection and maintenance by qualified maintenance-organization. Insurance companies may also be '- interested in this service. SCOPE OF WORK 1. Initial check of equipment and wiring methods to conform to manufacturing, and/or owner specifications and compliance with local, state and county codes and repair as needed or inform owner so that he can have original installer make necessary repairs. (Note 1) 2. Make quarterly stops. a. Check each probe by removing and manual testing. b. Check alarm panel for proper voltages & functioning. c. Repair as needed. (Note 2) d. Tag equipment as operational. e. Fill out service card and notify owner of service visit. f. Seal alarm panel with registered seal. 3. Alarm response. a. On call 24 hours. (Respond by nest working day.).' b. Check all equipment as described above. c. Attempt to locate leak source. d. Advise customer of our findings. YEARLY LABOR CONTRACT FEE: $2.75.00/alarm panel (Southern California) $100.00/probe package per site. Multiple sites-will be quoted on a site by site basis. NON. CONTRACT ALARM RESPONSE AND MAINTENANCE a. If not under contract, any Leak Alert service call will be at $42.50 per hour,, portal to portal. --.'.~-"---. ~' :-b,~-.~:The .s.cgpe 0f ~ork ~provided i:n::i_Cems l~.-an-d 3 would, be accomplished at this rate per hour. c. Any parts will be quoted at manufacturers published list prices after warrantee expires (Note 2). NOTE: - ~- ..... (i) Repair labor and parts will be quoted' at pu~blished rates. (2) Universal Sensors and Devices, Inc. warrants probe packages for 2 years and alarm panels for 1 year. After expiration of warranty, materials will be charged at list price. LAS02 12/85 LEAl-(. ALERT LEAK " -- ....... · ,~,, L~AK ALERT : , 1~. ~ / ~..., ~,. ~T The Leak Alert System · Introducing Leak Alert, a highly The Leak Alert System offers two reliable, state-of-the-art system for types of sensing probes: (1) a thermal continuous monitoring of element capable of detecting the pre- underground storage tanks. De- sence of any liquid, and (2) a metal- ; ............ signed and developed by Universal oxide-semiconductor (MOS) sensor'-.. Sensors & Devices, this exciting but that recognizes the presence of most : economical new electronic system combustible and organic gases. A provides both visual and audible single alarm panel will work simulta- warnings of leaking fluids and/or the neously with both types of sensors -- vapors often generated by leaking up to 16 chanrtels in ail, depen,~g fluids, on Leak Alert model selected. POWER . ~ :  VIEWING : ,.o8 c, BLEs- 1 S .ALOUTPOTS System Features · No moving parts; non-corfu- · Field adjustable alarm set- sire sensor materials for point for background vapor long service life. screening. · Compact sensing probes · Built-in audio & visual ; with flexible cables; oper- alarms. ate in double-walled steel .-' or FRP tanks, wet or vadose · Auxiliary relay output for ': zone monitoring wells, remote alarm, phone dia- ': ............ · Simple installation; probe let, or pump shutdown can easily be removed for applications. inspection or calibration. · Optional analog output for · Models available to moni- recording or control instru- tor up to 4. 8 or 16 sensors per mentation. alarm panel. The Leak Alert Systems have been approved for use by the Elec- trical Testfng Laboratory, De,p. artment of Building and Safety, City of L~s Angeles, California. Application No. 249649. ~:i~..,.j-~i~' 7?i~Applicat~on Examples '-'~?:~:?' ~. ? ~ii~!~, Specifications :q ~:'~:" "<~:~.~F~:~,~;~::~!-'~/:-??T~ ,;?: .:::~:"~ . ':~:'9:::~?~'/" ~ ~ ~ ~OX NE~ T~e 4 eh- out dom Power Requirements IlSvac± lOvac@ i 60 ttz. powersuppl¥, i Pow~ Co~pfion 2 ~i~ per ~ ~, m~. AUdible Alarm ............ : ..... ?$ctaatlOOcm: ............. Relay Contact SPDT. $ aml~. 125 vac, V'zsuaI Alarms Bright red/nd/ca-' tom for both over- afl & /nd/vidual '::r "~!':;. .:"-.;w'-':'*-'..:-. .... : helldS. /nterface between -':": ,-~ .."~.:~-: ' .......... : '.: ammd'amubr gap bet- "il sea.~or~ & elec=o- ~',/~'"~ ': ~ !;-i~-:'"..*':'''~'~':' .'':11:*: L :~'-""1 a~ccon=olpaneL .~!~.I.~F,~.~,...-.. :'::?:~-..,,;.:..~'.!;::-,:: .-. :.-. ~." ..'?':. ' ..~::..~;'.:,:~?: I /: .e .. ~Z:-~:::.::..~ ,.. ~-~-'.._ .. e,..-,., · -': .... ' · ?:' ':' '"-'"' ' .¥': .... '. ":" ." ~"'""~ ':' .::. . . '::;'~",:::{.,-::~ ':,. ~' ~T'I' -. -", ..: .j, ~....::. '.:' - . ..'J' ' - ' ,~e .... ' ',k??~:::. .:~ · . .... - . '-'..: -:.: ~ ~-.:'-.:..~- .:.. ~-;:~: ::=~ ~ H~e R~ C~Ie ~o. 18AWG, 4-con- [ :.:,-.-. '~ :..~z,:,)~.,.:~-.~.~. :- ~ ........ ~ -.~-.:"-. , :-~.'c~.~=- :.?::~.z:,,~ ::-:~ d~or, ~~- .......... ' .-.:'~' .. SING~-WA~TANK ::~:ll to meet ti=ss L '~C~ ~' ...... ;~"~:~::. '~;~:-.'":.~'2... :' : . .. ~.:~. ~., -.~- ,::7, t',~...' -' ~:: · ' ,::":: ' ~ · . ' ' :.'; -- , ,~ .~ ..:v:.:.:~F':'' :-..~,=-??':~?-:'.: "':~' .. : .... :.,F'",, :~.' ~::"?: '";":::""-':~2:~Z"~s~L I '" ":s:-" '.:~"~,~?~",/,' -C~Z~" , .'~ :: ': ..... '~' .<;~ ..',: L'~f)Z~ ' ;~: .'~;~FJ:~j U.,~'~:,"~C-?~?;~,~, ~ ' ' ..... ~*' ~ ' '" ' - c.~...~ ............ :~-~* - .'~' ~t-'~ "~"' '~.'?:'y.-'c-' .: ' ~- ' ~ :~L~ ~':.',. ":F~/'' , :,.. ~. - ~'~t I "- ' '.'-'~ ' ",~ --~ .:~"~..~. i.'.-:~ - .:.:~ .-.,.~, ~:~.~-~ .~? - "~:'-:'~='~ .... -~~'~c:-:~ ~~::~ '- '~ ": .... ~, :f" ~ · , - ' '.: '."-.¥~'.~'..?' ~; :' :52'"" '% "'.%." .::~?F"" ~ ~ .~: ~) . ~ ,,':1 '.: :. ' ~'*' ~t~ ',="...*~.'.. -/ ;.:-~'¢'?;'¢ ..~~~-'..~1 - '~ :-~'~---'-".' ~-~.N -'~.'.-C.:<. /"":"~":'~%.' ' * -- . ~'"~l ~ ~..: ~. ·, .:, .,~..,.,.::~: ...~. -:;...,.:.....:-~.... .~:~.~ ~ ~1 ~ ~,'~ I .... "~~" '"' ..... ~-. ...... - ....... ~ .... - .... .,. ........... ~ -*~ - ~ , ......... :,.· . ~ ': ,.~ .~:, ·-.,::~..:: .. :'.t. '~:, .~: t~ ?:- ':.~,~;' A~le ~ude se~o~ ,~ '-':.' ::- :..,~'*:.. '".~: ,, ..:'. *'... '~::.. ~,."C,:' ..,~', ":~' '-'*:~ met~de-se~conduc~r (I~) ~d a fi~id-se~m~ ~e~ ~ement (~g~t). USD BULLETIN NO, LA-8502 Available Leak Alert Equipment (When ordering, .specify desired alarm panel, probe type, and type & length of home run cable) ~.,M,~DEI':~CAPABILIrrY~EXTERNAEDIMENS[ONS (INCHES)~:':-.~.~MQUNTING DIMENSIONS {INCHES): ~~~s~ ~e~: ~_ ..... . ........ . ~.~. - ,~ -. . - ... · E , LIQUID SENSOR VAPOR SENSOR ~ 5/16 DI~ ~LS-1 ~VS-1 [: . For ordering or t~ohnioai information RANMAR, INC...,,,. UNIVERSAL SENSORS 8' DEVICES, INC. 20621 Reef Lane ....~~---. 9256 Deering Avenue ...... H~ Beach, CA 92646 "~---'~-~-~- ~;-,i,,-~or~ CA 91311 ...... {'/14) 962-5025 ' ' ' (818) 99&7121 ~ Colfffight 198~ Univln~ Simmers 8. OgVilam, Inc. APPENDIX 7 OVERSPILL PROTECTION MANHOLE SPECIFICATIONS COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA L H. K~iNFELDI-'R & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS . MATERIAI.~ TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES CORPORATION 1 10 and 1 1 1 Series Manholes Pomeco Model 11 1 Series Spill Protection Manholes 6237 ILLINOIS AVENUE · PARAMOUNT, CALIFORNIA 90723 TELEPHONE (213) 633-5515 WELO DRAIN TO STORAGE TANK PIP~ COUPLING , PARTIAL SECTION (PATENT PENOING) Spill Protection Manholes 11.1 Standard.Spill Protection Manhole 11'~-A' Same as Model 111 except machined nipple length is adjusted for use with a vapor return value 111-B Same as Model 111 except no d~ain assembly is supplied 111-C Spill Protection Mani'iole designed for use with Hytrel type material FEATURES Double seal arrangement with "machined nipple" to form a positive liquid seal while providing adequate flexibility between the manhole and fill riser. Buna-N seals are Teflon coated to reduce friction and to provide protection against swelling due to exposure to gasoline or other toxic chemicals where the Model 111 may be required. Seals are well protected, against possible damage by containment in seal rings. Rain-rite lid and manhole ring design provides protection against floating gasoline or other toxic chemicals which may be contained in the "bucket" to ground level. A drain assembly is available for ease of draining gasoline or chemicals back to the underground tank. The flexible hose used in the drain assembly is a woven stainless steel-teflon configuration. The exterior of Models 111,11 l-A, and 111-B are epoxy coated for corrosion resistance. Capacity of the Model 111 series is approximately 5 gallons. The Models 111, 111-A and 111-B are preassembled for ease of installation. * Pomeco 110 Series Manhole ~odel ~o. 110-12 Manhole A cast iron ring with an 11 1/2" sheet steel skirt provides im ................ proved fill cap protectior~ and-ea~se of installation. Heavy duty -' ~ t " 3~8" steel diamond plate lid standard with optional 3/4" ,'-- fingerhole available. I Model No. 110-16 ~, ~,, Formed sheet s~teel skirt, depth 11 1/2", ~supplied with heavy ,,. duty 3/8" diamond plate lid with 5/16" slot. No. 110-W wrench is provided for use with slot for ease of removing & replacin.c .,~.,~,,~ ~-~,~,, ' .~1.~ 30" Round Submerged Pump Manhole has a formed sheet steel skirt, depth 11 1/2", supplied with 1/2" steel diamond ~.~_ plate lid with 5/16" slot. No. 110-W wrench is provided for use ~,,.~_ with slot for ease of removing and replacing lid. '"'1' Call or Write' for Your Nearest Distributor o coco. o o. 16237 ILLINOIS AVENUE · PARAMOUNT, CALIFORNIA 90723 TELEPHONE (213) 633-5515 GROOVE PATTERN IN TOP OF LID 12 1/8" SECTION A- A' MODEL III-L RAIN-TITE MANHOLE COVER o, co co. o o. ~ 16237 ILLINOIS AVENUE · PARAMOUNT, CALIFORNIA 90723 ., TELEPHONE (213) 633-5515 5~86 ? p1010049.jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST REMOVAL & REMEDIAL ACTION REPORT For Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility 414 19th Street in Bakersfield, California Prepared For: Coca-Cola Enterprises P.O. Box 4067 Oakland, CA 94614-4067 Attn: Ann Macdonald I File No. 03-10406 I Prepared By: I Soils Engineering, Inc. I 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 I I I October 2003 I 4400 YEAGER WAY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ° PHONE(661)831-5100 · FAX:(661)831-2111 ! I October 21, 2003 File No. 03-10406 I Mr. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield Fire Department I Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 I Subject: UST Removal & Remedial Action Report Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility I 414 19th St. Bakersfield, California I Mr. Wines: i Soils Engineering, Inc. (SE1) is submitting this UST Removal & Remedial Action Report after the completion of remedial activities of a 1,500 gallon fuel underground storage tank (UST) at the former Coca-Cola Bottling Company (CCBC) of Bakersfield facility located at 414 19th Street in IBakersfield, CA. (site). See Plate 1 for Location Map. The UST was located within the northeastern end of the Garage building as shown on the attached Plot Plan (Plate 2) and the Sample Map (Plate 3). I BACKGROUND INFORMATION The CCBC facility has been around since the 1930's as a bottling, storage and distribution center for l- the beverage company in Bakersfield, CA. The site is undergoing a potential sale and during a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment conducted by A J Environmental in July 2003 a suspected UST fill pipe was observed outside the northern edge of the Garage building in the northeastern comer of the i site. A vent pipe and two (2) floor patches were also observed within the building just south garage of the fill pipe. On August 1, 2003 a site inspection was conducted by SEI in which gasoline odor and trace gasoline was observed within the fill pipe. Based on field observations and the analytical I assessment appears that this UST provided leaded gasoline to vehicles at results from site activities it this location. It is the desire of Coca-Cola to gain. closure of this UST per local regulatory i requirements. PREVIOUS ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES i On August 5, 2003 SEI subcontracted Strata Geophysical to conduct a magnetometer survey in the suspected UST area to determine the approximate size and location of the UST. The metal sheeting on the outside of the Garage building created magnetic interference preventing an accurate location I of the UST footprint utilizing the magnetometer. The geophysical survey did identify the possible location of a former dispenser which was the sout,hem most patch within the building approximately 15' southwest of the fill pipe. The other surface patch within the building was unknown. The vent I I 4400 YEAGER WAY ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ° PHONE(661)831-5100 ° FAX:(661)831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Removal & Remedial Action Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility October 21, 2003 414 19th Street in Bakersfield, California Page No. 2 line also to connect to the southern most floor patch. appeared SEI subcontracted Marcor Remediation to abandon or remove the UST at the site in accordance with an approved Bakersfield Fire Department UST permit. August 25, pipe removal On 2003 the fill was uncovered outside of the Garage building and appeared to continue southwesterly inside the building toward the southern floor patch. The southern floor patch turned out to be the northern end of the UST. The majority of the concrete cover was removed over the suspected UST and then uncovered with a backhoe. The steel single wall UST's actual dimensions were approximately 15' long and 4' in diameter for a capacity of approximately 1,500 gallons. The lower explosion limit (LEL) within the UST was <1% indicating it was safe to cut an observation window in the top of the UST. The UST was observed to be approximately 2/3 full of drilling mud type fluids in a semi-solid state with no petroleum odor. This indicated that the UST had been previously abandoned utilizing the pre-1985 methods. During field activities conducted on August 26, 2003, Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) inspector Mr. Steve Underwood was onsite and verbally approved the abandonment in-place as is, as long as an assessment of soil conditions beneath the UST and along the product piping was conducted per present BFD regulations. SEI utilized a backhoe to acquire soil samples adjacent to and beneath the existing UST to assess possible hydrocarbon impacted soil prior to final abandonment in-place. Soil samples (T1-2' and T1- 6') were collected out of the backhoe bucket at depths of 2' and 6' below the bottom of the UST as directed the BFD Brass sleeves were filled with soil, sealed with Teflon-lined plastic by inspector. caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. Soil samples were also collected at depths of 2' and 6' beneath ground (bgs.) at surface the former dispenser location (D 1-2' and D 1-6') just northwest of the UST and at the fill pipe location (FP-2' and FP-6'). A 2' bgs. soil sample (P1-2') was also collected along the piping run between the fill pipe opening and the UST. One (1) sample (T-INT) of the drilling mud within the UST was also collected to evaluate this material. These soil samples were collected with a hand-auger and placed into brass sleeves at each sampling interval then sealed with Teflon-lined plastic caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. No groundwater was encountered during any of these soil sampling activities. See Plate 3 for the soil sample locations. The UST assessment soil samples (total of 7) were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m, for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX)) by EPA Method 8020b and for total lead by EPA Method 6010 at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the UST interior sample (T-INT) was analyzed for CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 6010/7471, for volatile organics by EPA Method 8260, for pH and for TPHg by EPA Method 802 lB. In addition soil samples T1-2', T1-6', FP-3', FP- 6' were all analyzed for Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) for lead and sample T1-6' was also analyzed for Threshold Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for lead. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Removal & Remedial /lction Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility October 21, 2003 414 19th Street in Bakersfield~ Cali['ornia Page No. $ Analytical Results of Initial UST Area Soil Samples The analytical results of the soil samples are shown in Table 1 and indicate no detection of TPH as gasoline, BTEX or MTBE in any of the seven (7) UST assessment soil samples collected and analyzed. Total lead concentrations were elevated in soil samples T1-2', T1-6', FP-3' and FP-6' and additional analysis indicated California hazardous levels (greater than 5.0 ppm STLC lead) in soil sample T1-6' at 7.9 ppm STLC lead. The analytical results of the drilling mud sample (T-INT) indicated no hazardous concentrations of metals, TPHg, BTEX, pH or volatile organics. Minor BTEX concentrations were detected in this sample, but at concentrations below regulatory actions, which are shown on Table 1. Soil Borings Based on the California hazardous lead concentration in the T1-6' soil sample additional assessment of lead content in the soil around the UST was warranted. On September 15, 2003 SEI contracted HP Labs to utilize a Strataprobe rig to advance four (4) soil borings (B-1 to B-4) to a depth of 30' within and adjacent to the UST excavation. Soil samples were collected at 5' intervals in borings B-1 and B-2 and at 10' intervals in borings B-3 and B-4 beginning at 10' below ground surface (bgs) at each location. Soil encountered beneath the site consisted of silty sand in the top 5 feet underlain by mainly fine grained sand to a depth of at least 30' bgs.. See Plate 3 for soil boring locations. was not encountered in any of the soil borings conducted at this site to a depth of 30' Groundwater bgs.. Analytical Testing of Soil Samples From Soil Borings Selected soil samples (total of 10) from the soil borings were analyzed for total lead by EPA Method 6010 at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the soil sample with the highest PID reading in each boring was analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m and for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020b. The analytical results of these soil samples are shown in Table 1. With the exception of soil sample B 1-30', the analytical results indicate no detection of TPH as gasoline (TPHg) and BTEX in the soil samples collected and analyzed for these constituents. Only soil sample B1-30' had minor gasoline constituents of 100 ppm TPHg and 360 parts per billion (ppb) xylenes reported. Total lead concentrations were slightly elevated in soil sample B1-30' (61 ppm), and additional Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) analysis for lead indicated non- hazardous lead concentrations (3.8 ppm) of less than 5.0 ppm STLC in this soil sample. Soil boring B-1 was located approximately 7' south of the UST. In the UST Assessment Report dated September 19, 2003, which was submitted to the Bakersfield Fire Department, SEI recommended the removal of the UST and soil surrounding the UST down to a depth of approximately 10' bgs. and the disposal/recycling of the removed soil at a permitted facility. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Removal & Remedial /lction Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility October 21, 2003 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eld~ Cali[ornia Page No. 4 included all of the assessment soil analytical results This UST Assessment Report previous sample and reports from the August 26, 2003 and September 15, 2003 field activities, chain of custody documents, boring logs, a discussion of field activities, along with conclusions and recommendations for the site. A copy of this UST Assessment Report is included in Appendix F. REMEDIAL ACTION ACTIVITIES Removal of UST On September 22, 2003 the UST was emptied of its contents, cleaned and removed from the excavation by Marcor Remediation. The non-hazardous drilling mud within the UST was stockpiled with the rest of the excavated soil and profiled for disposal/recycling. The UST was taken to Sierra Iron and Metal in Bakersfield, CA. for recycling (see attached receipt in Appendix C). Removal of Lead-Impacted Soil & Confirmation Soil Sampling Soil beneath and adjacent to the former UST location was removed with a backhoe down to an average depth of approximately 10' bgs. and temporarily stockpiled within the garage building by Marcor Remediation. The excavation walls were very loose and undercut the concrete slab a few feet to the south, west and east. The final excavation dimensions were approximately 18' by 16' and averaged 10' deep. Soil samples were collected from the base (BTM-11') and four (4) sidewalls of the excavation with the backhoe bucket to evaluate the soil left in-place. A composite soil sample collected from the soil for of the soil for future (STP-l) was also stockpiles profiling disposal/recycling. The soil samples were placed in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined plastic caps, labeled and placed into coolers with blue-ice. The soil samples were over-nighted to Positive Lab Service in Los Angeles, CA. in a sealed cooler along with a chain of custody document. See Plate 4 for excavation soil sample locations. Analytical Testing of Excavation Soil Samples The bottom, sidewall and stockpile soil samples (total of 6) were analyzed for total lead by EPA Method 6010, for TPHg by EPA Method 8015m and for BTEX by EPA Method 8020b at Positive Lab Service in Los Angeles, CA.. Only soil sample SWALL-9' was analyzed for STLC for lead based on a slightly elevated total lead result of 62 ppm. The analytical results of the excavation soil samples are shown in Table 1 and indicate no elevated detection of TPH as gasoline or BTEX above regulatory standards in the six (6) soil samples collected and analyzed for these constituents. Soil sample SWALL-9' had minor gasoline constituents of 13 parts per billion (ppb) xylenes and soil sample STP-1 had 0.64 ppm TPHg, 6.8 ppb ethylbenzene and 27 ppb total xylenes reported. Total lead concentrations were only slightly elevated in soil sample SWALL-9' (62 ppm) and additional STLC analysis for lead on this sample indicated non-hazardous lead concentrations (3.9 ppm) of less than 5.0 by STLC analysis. See Table 1 and the attached analytical reports in Appendix A for ppm more detail. mI I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I UST Removal & Remedial Action Report File No. 03-10406 I Former Coca-Cola October 21, 2003 Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility 414 19th Street in Bakerst~eld, Cali[ornia Page No. 5 I & Restoration of Former UST Area Backfilling · The UST excavation was filled with pea-gravel up to 6" from the surface to ensure adequate compaction and infilling beneath the undercut areas of the concrete slab. A sieve analysis was I conducted by SEI on a sample of the backfill to material evaluate the size distribution of the backfill material. The results of this sieve analysis indicates a size range of 3/8" gravel to very coarse sand which will self-compact to at least 90% relative density (see attached in Appendix D). Rebar (#4) I was placed on approximately 18" centers and doweled into the existing concrete slab. Approximately 5.5 yards of 5-sack concrete was poured and finished to match existing concrete I surfaces (See Appendix D for concrete receipt). The interior of the Garage Building was cleaned by a street sweeper to remove any residual dust and concrete debris from the project. Disposal/Recycling of Soil The stockpiled soil was placed into eight (8) 10 to 15-yard bins supplied by MP Environmental in order to cleanup the interior of the garage building while the approval of the disposal/recycling of the waste material was pending. Based on the analytical results of the composite stockpile soil sample STP-1 the waste material was profiled as non-hazardous soil with leaded gasoline residue. On October 10, 2003 the eight (8) bins of soil were transported to Waste Management's McKittrick Waste Treatment Facility in McKittrick, CA. under six (6) non-hazardous waste manifests (included in Appendix B). According to the weigh tickets a total of 104.89 tons of soil were disposed/recycled from the site. Photographic Documentation Select photos showing the assessment and remedial activities conducted at the site are included within Appendix E. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions Based on field observations and analytical testing the following is concluded: 1. The former 1,500-gallon gasoline UST and lead-impacted soil (104.89 tons) have been successfully removed from the site and properly disposed/recycled at permitted facilities. 2. The analytical testing of the soil samples collected from bottom and sidewalls of the remedial excavation indicate the successful removal of the lead-impacted soil leaving only very minor non-hazardous concentrations of lead (<5.0 ppm STLC) in-place, well below any regulatory action levels. In addition, no TPHg or BTEX concentrations were detected above any regulatory action levels in the confirmation soil samples. 3. No groundwater was encountered in any of the excavation or soil boring activities conducted SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Removal & Remedial.4ction Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility October 21, 2003 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eld? Cali[ornia Page No. 6 at the site to 30 feet Kern Water records indicate the depths as great bgs.. as County Agency depth to groundwater in this area of Bakersfield was approximately 190' bgs. in the Fall of 2000. Based on the analytical results of soil samples collected at the site and the depth to groundwater, any residual leaded gasoline left in-place at this location would not be a threat to the groundwater table well over 100' beneath the site. 4. The excavation was backfilled with self-compacting pea-gravel and resurfaced with concrete to match existing surfaces. Recommendations The following are SEI's recommendations for the site: 1. SEI recommends that no additional assessment or remediation be conducted at this site. I 2. SEI requests that closure of the site be granted by the BFDOES. LIMITATIONS I This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Coca-Cola Enterprises as it relates to the i property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: - The soil sampling performed at this site. i - The observations of field personnel. - The results of laboratory tests performed by Positive Lab Services of Los Angeles, California. i - Our understanding of the regulations of the BFD, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the DTSC and the EPA. I Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this I report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of which could affect this report. I The services performed by SEI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this Ireport. SEI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No other warranty expressed or implied is made. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Removal & Remedial Action Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility October 21, 2003 414 19th Street in Bakersfield? Cali[ornia Page No. 7 Please call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions concerning this Report. Sincerely, ~,~v,-, - Environmental Division Manager _ ~.~o~c~0~4~ Enclosures: Table 1, Analytical Results of Soil Samp~r~'- Location Map, Plate 1 Plot Plan, Plate 2 Assessment Soil Sample Map, Plate 3 Excavation Soil Sample Map, Plate 4 Appendix A: Analytical Report (September 22, 2003 samples) Appendix B: Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests Appendix C: UST Disposal Receipt Appendix D: Grain Size Distribution Report, Concrete Receipt Appendix E: Select Photos of Site Activities Appendix F: UST Assessment Report dated September 19, 2003 cc: Ann Macdonald, Coca-Cola Enterprises TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility, Bakersfield, CA. Other CAM 17 Sample TPHg Volatile Organics EPA 8021B or 8260B (ppb) EPA 8260 Metals Sample No. Date (ppm) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes MTBE OtherVOC's (ppb) Total Lead (ppm) (ppm) pH ASSESSMENT SAMPLES T1-2' (UST) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 61, 3.8 STLC NA NA T1-6' (UST) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 170, 7.9 STLC, 0.71 TCLP NA NA D1-2' (Dispenser) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 10 NA NA D1-6' (Dispenser) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 31 NA NA P1-2' (Along Piping) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA -1.7 NA NA FP-2' (Fill Pipe) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 94, 3.1 STLC NA NA FP-6' (Fill Pipe) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 72, 3.4 STLC NA NA 1,3,5-Tdmethylbenzene = 38, 1,2,4-Tdmethylbenzene =76, ** None T-INT (Interior of UST) 08/26/03 <0.5 7.4 21 18 123 <4 Naphthalene = 5.1 7.3 Elevated 9.4 B1-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.89 NA NA B 1-20' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 NA NA B 1-30' 09/15/03 100 <50 <50 <50 360 <50 NA 61, 3.8 STLC NA NA B2-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.2 NA NA B2-15' 09/15/03 NA NA N^ NA NA NA NA 3.9 NA NA B2-20' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.91 NA NA B2-30' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 2.9 NA NA B3-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.6 NA NA B3-20' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.4 NA NA B3-30' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 1.6 NA NA B4-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.5 NA NA B4-20' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 < 10 <5 NA 1.2 NA NA B4-30' 09/15/03 NA NA N^ NA NA NA NA 1 NA NA EXCAVATION CONFIRMATION SAMPLES NWALL-10' 09/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 0.9 NA N^ EWALL-9' 09/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 0.59 NA NA BTM-11' 09/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA 01/02/00 12 NA NA WSIDE-9' 09/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 0.93 NA N^ SWALL-9' 09/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 13 NA NA 62, 3.9 STLC NA NA STP-1 (Stockpile/ 09/22/03 0.64 <5 <5 6.8 27 NA NA 19 NA NA *Regulatory Action Levels >100 100 15000 70000 175000 50 Varies 1000 Total, 5 STLC, 5 TCLP Varies <2 or >12.5 Notes:ppm=parts per million (mg/kg), ppb = parts per billion (ug/kg), TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, TPHg = as gasoline, ND = None Detected above detection limits, NA = Not Analyzed, Bold = Elevated Concantration, STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, TCLP = Threshold Characteristic Leaching Procedure. * = Regulatory Action Levels from Regional Water Quality Control Board & Confirmed By BFD, ** = No reported concentrations of metals above regulatory action levels. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313Bakersfield, CA. = (661) 831 - 5100 PROJECT: 03-10406 Location & Hospital Map N 21st Street Central PARK 20th Street UST. I Area rehluse Garage Building / FORMER --- / COCA-COLA Office / BOTTLING Warehouse / FACILITY 19th Street Not To Scale SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. ~ (661) 831 - 5100 Z PROJECT: 03-10406 Plot Plan N 20th Street Fill Pipe / FP-2' &-6~// Vent'"~'-- ~/"PL-"' East Property FormerD1-2'&-6' ~~Suel Line/~ Dispenser B-3* B-2*i i~ B-3 /'~ ...................... i ....................,~!' ............... I\T1-2' Concrete ~w~, ........... \ & ~6~ B-I*~ Former 1,500 Gallon Gasoline UST Garage Building 0 25' 0 Soil Sample Location ~ Soil Boring Location Approx, Scale SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. t~] (661) 831 - 5100.~1 DATE: 9/03 ~ PROJECT: 03-10406 Assessment Soil Sample Map 20st ~eet F~ill Pipe Former Vent -~--~ .,'~ Former NWALL-10'.." ,~ · l'l Former Dispenser · i -~u~ .." ~ · -. · ! \=: ..." I **Line "i - :'""~i.'":: I : ..... WslD.~-~ I~'""~I -: ... · ~ . '_~ i:~i ~. · . ...... ;' ~' '. i .~-~i~, i~.~-~;' ·'. bTOOKplIGCI. ~1 · '_ ~ · . /~. · ..'..~~.~..~, ~.,.-:.,.~,,' Ap roximateX,:o. r Extonl Of covc on 10 1 0' BOS. ~,s00 ~.o~ " Gasoline UST Garage Building · Soil Sample 0 Approx. S¢olo 1' = 12' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. ~ (66i) 831 - 5100 · DATE: 10/03 PROJECT: 0340406 Excavation Soil Sample Map I I I I i I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix A Analytical Report (September 22, 2003 Samples) i09/2512003 17:33 213745B372 POSITIVE LAB SERVICE PAGE 03 DOSJTJVE 78-1 East Washington Bird,, Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SE-RViCI - (243) 745-5312 FAX (213)745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 09~25~03 Soils Engineering Inc, File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Cove 10406 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becket ...,,.,.,:..:...:.:,.:.r. ................... .,.,.,. .......................................................... Method: Picked up by PLS Sample#; 20031968-001 Collector~ Client Received: 09/2M2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/22/2003 1:20:00 PM Type: Soil 1. D.: NWALL-1O' Prep Date: 09123/2003 Anal~ySis Date: 09/23/2003 Lead EPA 30508 EPA 60108 0.90 mo~<g 0.5 .P'rep Date: 09/23/2003 Awal~sis Date: l,ead, S'IU_,C WET/3010A EPA 60108 NA .mffl 0.05 Prep Date: 09/23/2003 Analysis Date: 09/23/2003 'lTH-G.,~goli~c E'I'A 50308 8021. B/§0158 ND ms/kg 0,5 :Benzene EPA 50308 8021B/~0158 ND xwg/kg 5 I:,,'PA 50308 802113/80158 1CD us/kg 5 "tokai.n) e ug/k~ 5 Etltyl ber~-m~c EPA 50308 g0218/80158 ND EPA 50308 80218/80] 58 N-D ug/~g 10 Xytcxte ('l'otal) , EPA 50308 80218/801.58 Su~:og~:tes ...... 'EPA 50~08 $O21B/$.0,.IJB .............. ~.,6. ..................................................................................... Sample#: 20031968-002 Collector: Client Method: Picked up by PLS Received: 09/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/22/2003 1:35:00 PM Type: Soil Prep Date: 0912312003 Analysis Date: 0912312003 l.~ad ' 'I{PA 30508 EPA 601.08 0.59 mg,0;g 03 Prep Date: 09/23/2003 Analysis Date: L~d, S't',LC WET/3010A EPA60]0B NA mgn 0.05 ' Prep Date: 0912312003 Analysis Date: 09~23~2003 'rPH-CmsolLac EPA 50308 80218/80158 1~) m~kg 0,5 B~mzen¢ EPA 50308 8021B/80158 ND ugjkg 5 Tolu,-'.nc EPA 50308 802 ] B/gO 158 ND ug/kg 5 EPA 5030B g02]B/g015B N'D ug/kg 5 Ethyl bea~zene ag/kg 10 EPA 5030B 80218/8015B ND Xyl=~e (Tol~fl) , Sum~gate, s EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B Perceai Trilluorotolut-m,e EPA 50308 8021B/8015B 84 Sample#: 20031968-003 Collecl:or: Client Received: 09/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/22/2003 1:55:00 PM Type: Soil BTM-lr Prep Date: 1')9/23/2003 Analysis Datc: 09/2~1g003 Lc~d ' KL>A 3050B EPA 601 OB 12 rog/kg 0.5 I 2003:1.968-003 POSITIVE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 09125103 File~ 73~3 ~00 Yeager Way ~ Cove Z0406 Bake~field~ LA 93313 A~n: Robe~ Becket Prep Date: 09/23/2003 ~aIysis Date: .I.~ad, S~I.,C WET/301~A EPA6010B NA mg~ 0.05 Prep Date: 09/23/2003 ~aly~ Date: 0P/~3/2~ '~H-(g~so'~h~e gPA 5030B g021B/gOlSB ~nu mn~x~ .,~ B~;' ' EPA 5030B 8021B/S015B 'l'oB~c EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ~ ug&~ 5 I':d~vl b~m EPA 5030B g021I~g015B ~ ug~ 5 ~} ( 'To~" I~AS030B 8021. B/S015B ~ u~g 1.0 Received; 09/23/2003 Sampling uae/lime: 09/22/2003 2;10:00 PM Soil ' Prep Date: 0~/23/200~ ~-si~ Date: ~9/~3/2003 [,~d EPA 3050B E:PA 6010B 0.93 xn~g 0.5 Prep Date: 09/23/2003 Analysis Date: Lcud, S'I'LC ~'r/3010g EPA 6010B N~ ~A 0.05 Prep Date: 09/2312003 Analysis Date: 09/2~/20(13 '~H~(~o~c EPA 5030B 8021BIS015B ~ m~ 0.5 Bc~e~e EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ~) ug~g 5 'rolum= EPA 5030B 8021B/g0'[ 5B E'thyl hc~zm~e EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B Xy~e (To~) EPA 5030B 802 lB/80'[ 5B EPA 5030B 8021B/80'l 5B * Smxagates EPA~030B 8021B/g015B 85 P~'c~xt TffilaomroBcn= ....................................................................................................... * ............................................................................... · -. - ....................................................................Calle~mr: Client Sampleg; 20031968-005 Reeeiwd: 09/23/~003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/~2/2003 3:00:a0 T~pe~ Soil I,D.: SWALL-9' Prep Date: 09123/2003 ~ysis ~ate: 09/~/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 62 mg~g 0.5 Prep Dat~: 0~123/2003 .~aly~s Date: 09/25/2003 l.,m~ S~c ~T/3910A EPA6010B 3.9 .m~l 0.05 · r~O Date: O9/2312003 Analysis Date: ~II&~so~¢ EPA 5030B S021B/g01. SB ~ mgmg 0.5 Bc~ene 'EPA 5030B 8021B/g01SB ND TOI:LLene EPAS030B g021B/g015B ND Ethylbm~me EPAS030B 8021B/g01. SB ND ug~g 5 XyI~ {To~I) EPAS030B 8021B/g015B 13 2 2003~9~00S POSITIVE , 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 i-liar LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213)745-6372 CERTI'FI'CATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. Og125~03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Cove 10406 Bakersfield, CA 933:13 Attn: Robert Becket Sm~ogu~ EPA 5030B $021B/80I ~B * EPA 5030B 8021B/~015B 90 " ........................................................................................................... CollatOr; Client Method: Pi~ed up by PLS Sample~: 20031968-006 Received: 09/23/2003 (x~ ~ Sampling Date/~me~ 09/22/2003 2:55:00 Prep Date: 0~/23/2003 A~gysis Da~e: Prep Date: 0~123/2003 Aaaiysis Oate: L~ad: STLC ~T/30'IOA EPA 6010~ NA m~ 0.05 Prep Date: 09/2512003 Analysis Da~e: 09/23/200~ ~H~o~e E['A 5030B g021B/i0],5'B 0.64 lUg~ 0,5 B~]~c EPA 5030B g021B/g015B '~ tt~g 5 Tolu~:,.e EPA 5030B ~021B/8015B ~ ug~<g 5 I~PA 5030B 8021B/80] 5B 6,8 ~:tg~cg 5 E~yl b~zene Xvl~e (TotaI) EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B 27 ~g ' EPA 5030B g021B~015B * Sun~gate~ EPA 5030B 8021B/3015B 92 Percent ~amplm~: 20031968-0fl'7 Collector; Type: Soil I.D.: Me~ofl Blank Prep Date: 09/23/2003 ~aly~i~ Date: 09/23/~003 Le~ E~A 3050B EPA~0I 0B ~) ms/kg 0.5 ~rep Date: 09/23/2003 Analysis Date: 09/2S/2003 I~t~ S~. ~T/3010A EPA6010B ND mg~ 0.05 p~p D;de: 09/23/2003 Analysis Date: 09/23/200~ "rt'H~aso~c E~A 5030B g021B/8015B ND mg~ 0.5 Benzeae EPA 5030B 802].B~01SB N1) u~g 5 Tulu~m EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ~3 ug~ 5 EflxyI boE~ EPA 5030B g021B/g0ISB ND u.~ 5 Xyl~ne(Toml) EPA5030B g021B/g015B ~ ug~g 10 Smxoga~ EPAS030B g02IB/g015B * Tt~u.or~tolu~e EPA 5030B 8021B/g015 B 87 P;~-cent I I 3 20031968-007 SITIVE I (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering [nc. 09125103 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Cave 1.0406 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn'. Robert Becket ...... c,,~ /" 2003196~007 m m m m m m m m m m mm m m m m m m c.^~. o~ custody ^.o ^.~¥s~s .~UES~ ~/~/~ ~ ! o~ / DATE:.- ~ .aD POSITIVE _ LAB ~ERVICE (2~)7.~2 F~ (213) 745-6372 CLIENT ~ME: ~ Pmje~ NameNo, ~~ P.O. NO. )LER ANALYSE~ REOU~STEO: ~DRESS: ' ~ PRESERV~O:~ REBARKS: NA~E: TAT(Anam~calTu~nA~oundTime) 0 =S~ed~y; I =24 Hou~ 2 = 4B Hour', [Etc.) 'N RMAL ~ ~ ~, CO~AiNER ~ES: B = Brass, E = Enrage G = Glass, P = Pl~t~, V= VOA Vial, 0 = O~er: ~ ~~ ~ '[ .... ~AUPLE CO~DITIO~/ USTPmjecl: Y N · Glob~llD~ ~~- '~~- MATRIX C0NTMNE~C0MMENTS: DATE -TIME SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SAMPLED SAMPLED CH t.D LO 8 - ~ 10 ar.d Pdr;~J Name) Date;. '~.e: SAMPLE DISPOSITION: I. Samples returned to client?. YES CH ~ecek, e~1~ 2. Samples witl not be stored over 30 days, unless additional storage lJme is ~equested. ~ . ~: (Signa~u,'6and f)dn[~l 1.3ame) 3- SI. ora!I-3 time reo, uesled: days ;IAL iNSTRUCTIONS: i LAB COPY I I I I I i I ~ Z i -~ I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix B Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests McKITTR~ L;K,, WA~S'I'E TREATMENT SITE. '~' Ticket: 37210 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering I Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: COCA COLA PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 10:45 DATE: 10/02/2003 PREPARED BY: CONNIE I PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. PO#: I COMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 01 IGEN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 31.94 ( 63880 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 17.32 ( 34640 ) (LBS) i T ONS/NET: 14.62 ( 29240 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 ! I I ! ! I , ~ NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. Manifest Doc. No. 2. Page 1 WASTE MANIFEST C.. ~r C O. O. ~,.~.~. ~. ~'. ~.c:/, of 3. Gene[,stoFs Name and Mailing Address 4. Generators Phone ( ~[O ) 8/6 -- ~q 7. Transpolar ~ Oomp~n~ ~m~ ~. O~ ~P~ ID Number ~. Tmnspo~s ~. Designated Facili~ ~me 8nd Site Aoo~ess 10. OS EPA ID Number O. 6~cili~'s Phono 11. Waste Shipping Name and Description 12. containers 13. Total Ooanti~ b. c. d. D. Additional Descriptions for Mate~als Listed Above ~ E. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Printed/TypedName~to~e~,,.,,,~ 'ecZe. ~-c.<.-,,~, Signature~ ~ Day Year Si Month 18. Transpolar 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printe~yped Name ~ Signature Month Day Year J 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facili~ Owner or Operator: Ce~ifi~tion of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. ~me ~ ~~ Month Day Year ORIGINAL- RETURN TO GENERATOR McKI'I'I'RICK WASTE TREATMENT I51'I'E " '" Ticket: 37209 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering I Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: COCA COLA PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 10:44 DATE: 10/02/2003 PREPARED BY: CONNIE I PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. PO#: I COMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 02 I GEN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 29.55 ( 59100 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 17.3 ( 34600 ) (LBS) TONS/NET: 12.25 ( 24500 ) (LBS) I CUBIC YARDS: 0 ,! NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. [ Manifest Doc. No. 2. Page 1 3. Generato~sNameandMailingAddress~A_~O[ ~ E"~I'~ ~ ~; ~ [ ~ /~ 5. Transpolar I Company Name 6, US EPA ID Number 7. Transpolar 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number B. Transpo~efs Phone 9. Designated Facili~ Name and S~e Address 10. US EPA ID Number C. Facili~'s Phone 11. Waste Shipping Name and Description 12. Containers 13. Total . Quanti~ a. C. d. D. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above E. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Printed/Typed Name ~ (~. ~'~, ~1~ ~. Signature .~'~ ~ ~ /~ ,~1,) . Month Day Year 17. Transporter I Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Name Signatur~ ,~ ~ /~ Month Day Year 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name I Signature ~' Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space ~ ,.~,,,,~/.,~ 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. Signature Month Day ORIGINAL - RETURN TO GENERATOR ,I McK.I'I"IRICK WA~S'I'E TREATMENT ~SI'I'E Ticket: 37237 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 your VEHICLE ID#: COCA COLA you for business. PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 15:01 DATE: 10/02/2003 PREPARED BY: CONNIE PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. pO#: COMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 03 GEN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 48.11 ( 96220 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 19.09 ( 38180 ) (LBS) TONS/NET: 29.02 ( 58040 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 ,! ! NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. TManifest Doc. N( 2. Page 1 WASTE MANIFEST )g,~.~'.C~. / '~'~/ . . . of 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Addressca~.,~_ COtq i~.,*~l"'dl";.j"~-J F~:t~: q/q 4. Generators Phone ( 5. Transpo~er I Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number A. Transpo~e~s Phone 7. Transpo~er 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number B. Tmnspo~e~s Phone 9. Designated Facili~ Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number C. Faciliys Phone 11. Waste Shipping Name and Description 12. Containem 13. Total . Quanti~ D. Additional Descriptions for Matedals~~j/~Listed Above ~ ~0~~ ~~--~ E. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Printed/Typed Name .~ ~'", ~-,,~ Signature .,~~/~ Month Day Year 17. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Signatu~e~ ~ Month ransporter 2 9merit of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19.  Month Day Year ORIGINAL- RETURN TO GENERATOR Mclq,l'l"~'ltlCl<,, WA~S'I'E TREATMENT ~;I'I'E Ticket: 37224 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering I Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: COCA COLA PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 13:51 DATE: 10/02/2003 iPREPARED BY: CONNIE I PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. PO#: ICOMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 04 I(]EN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 29.41 ( 58820 ) (LBS) TONS/rARE: 17.74 ( 35480 ) (LBS) i T ONS/NET: 11.67 ( 23340 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. l Manifest Doc. No. 2. Page 1 WASTE MANIFEST OO '~. 6.~'. 1 .'~,.c~I .O.i of 3. Generator'sNameandMailingAddress~o~,,4~_~.,~)l~,~ Generato~s~'O ,~Phone ~O~ 4. 5. Transpo~er I Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number 7. Tmnspo~er 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number B. TmnspodeFs Phone O. ~osi~nat~d Facili~ ~ame and S~o ~ddmss 10. US [~ ID ~umber G. Faciliys ~hono 1~. Wast~ 8hippin~ ~ame and Ooscfiption ~2. Gontainom Total Ouanti~ b. D. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above E. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materiats described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Name ~ ~', ~. ¢ ~', [ Signature ~ Month Day Year 17. Transpoder 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Name Signature . ~ ~ ~ Month Day 18. Transpo~er 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials ~~~ Printe~yped Name Signature ~ Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facili~ Ownor or OporaIor: Godifi~tion of rocoipt of wasto materials covorod by this manifost oxcept as noted in Itom ~ame ~ Day Yoar ORIGINAL - RETURN TO GENERATOR McKII"IRIL;K WAIfi'I'E 'I'REA'I'MENT ISI'I'E '" ' x'~ Ticket: 37225 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering I Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID/t: COCA COLA PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 13:51 DATE: 10/02/2003 i PREPARED BY: CONNIE I PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. PO#: COMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 05 I GEN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 47.01 ( 94020 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 19.28 ( 38560 ) (LBS) iTONS/NET: 27.73 ( 55460 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 NON-HAZARDOUS t. Generator's US EPA ID No. ~'-'~?1 Manifest Doc. N( 2. Page 1 WASTE MANIFEST ,A~. ~'. ~. ~). ~., ~ ?./. of 3. Generators Name and Mailing Address 5. Transpolar 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number Phone 7. Transpofler 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number B. Phone 9. Designated Facili~ Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Numbur C. Faciliys Phone ii. Waste Shipping Name and Description 12. Containers 13. Total a. No. [ Type Quanti~ ... C. d. D. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above E. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Hand~ Inst~ctions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not su~j~ect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Pdnted/Typ.ed Name -- -- ~ ~', ~', d, Signature ~/~ ___ /~ ~ ~, Month Day Year 17. Tr.~sporterl Acknowledge,~3p.~o, Receipt of Materials I' I ~ // P/'in~p/'l'yped Namex.~,'~ /__,, I Sigr'~re 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials " Printed/Typed Name I Signature Month Day Year I 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. Name'~ [Signature ~.,~~ Month Day Year ORIGINAL - RETURN TO GENERATOR McKI'I'IRIISK WASTE TREA'I'MENI' SI'I'E Ticket: 37231 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: COCA COLA PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 14:53 DATE: 10/02/2003 PREPARED BY: CONNIE I PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. PO#: I COMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 06 i GEN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 27.3 ( 54600 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 17.7 ( 35400 ) (LBS) TONS/NET: 9.6 ( 19200 ) (LBS) I CUBIC YARDS: 0 NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. Manifest Doc. No. 2. Page 1 WASTE MANIFEST of 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address 4. Generators Phone(~10) RI~-.Z~4q ~qEtq- qOd ~ 5. TranspoRer I Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number A. Transpo~efs Phone 7. Tmnspo~er 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number B. Tmnspo~efs Phone 9. Designated Facili~ Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number C. Facili~'s Phone 11. Waste Shipping Name and Description 12. Containers 13. Total No. Type Quanti~ a. b. C, d. D. Additional Descriptions for Mate~als Listed Above E. Handlino Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Printed/Ty.y.y~edName -/~ ~'o(~.~'. Signature~.~.~ ~'~.~Z_ Month Day Year bet 1'- 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials~~ inted/l'yped Name~: . . ~ Month Day Year 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name ~;~nature Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. Name ( Month Day Year ORIGINAL - RETURN TO GENERATOR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ! i Appendix C ! I UST Disposal Receipt I ! I ! ! ! ! I I ! ! ! 7--' ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ rn ~ z I - I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Appendix D Grain Size Distribution Report & Concrete Receipt 1 i Grain Size Distribution Report .~ .~ o o o I I 200 100 10 1 0.1 0,01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm % GRAVEL % SAND % FINES % + 3" CRS. FINE CRS. MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY © 0 0 31 53 10 5 2 SOIL DATA SYMBOL SOURCE SAMPLE DEPTH DESCRIPTION USCS NO. (ft.) © 1569 Random POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL GP Grain Size Distribution Report Client: COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES Project: Phase I & II Assessment ofUST @ Old Facility ~ 414 19th Street. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Project No.: 10406 Fiqure A-1 . CUSTOMER,~C,,OPY WEIGHED AT: " ': ..... . ~ ' " ' ' ~ ' "' .... CERTIFICATION OF QUAL~ ........ L' '... · 1. 216 Mt~ vernon, Bakersfield, CA (661) 325-~ ' We guarantee that THIS CONCR~E WILL EQUAL OR EXCEED THE QUALI~ ORDERED if upon arrival at 2. 1316 Wesco Ave,, Was~, CA 932~ , the jobsite, it is tested in STRICT ACCORO~CE WITH ~ERICAN SOCI~Y FOR TESTING MATERIALS 3. 8211Gosford Road, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' ' ST~DARDS." '~ ;' ' ' .... ' .... ' ' ' ' ' "' · Material was delivered from plant numar . ..~ .. r CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE '- . "' "' ' ' ' . ' . '" indicted above..- . . . - , '~-' : .~, . · :. WE CERTI~ THA~ THE ~PE II MODIFIED ~RT~D CEMENT coNTAINED IN ~ NAT ONAL / LOS ROBLES '.~ ., " THE MATERIALS DESCR~SED ON TH~S TICKET ~S OF THE SRAND STATED U c~vERAS/MONOUTH ' : .; ~; '; . ..~ ~ AND COMPLIES WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE LOCATION LISTED..', , . ,~ . ~..~ .': ~EIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE: ~is is to ~ that the:bllq~ing d~ib~ ~mmodi~ was weigh~, me~sur~., or ~unt~ by ~e~hmaster, wh0~ ~ ~ ~ ~, IO ~e ~w~s~on o~ Measuremem ~[an~ams of the Cali~n~a Oepartmbnt of. Fo~ and Agncu,[um..' {P NT I .ZONE I CUSTOMER,. I ,RE NO. '" ' ' ' ' Soi].~; Enpineer'in9 414 -- 19th street, Bakersf;'ie.[d ...... ' .'.. : .... -.'. .... ~ .: w of v at'Feet on 20th t. hen $out NOTES ,.- 2 6,.OO NPS.00 Sk ,3rD yd 6.()O sTAR~D,~?,,L C , '~.' 4 UNLOAOED ':~. }~ EXTENDED PRICE EXTENDED PRICE ' ', EXTENDED PRICE , E~ENDED PRICE EXTENDED PRICE E~ENDED PRICE E~ENDED PRICE' DEPUTY · REC'D BY ' ,'" :, '--'/ // ..... WE MAKE OELIVE~NSI~t'I~:~HE LOT AT CUSTOMEfl'~ RiSK ONLY AHD ACCEPT HO RESPOHSIBILI~ WHATSOEVER FOR DAMA~Eff~E~ULTING FROM SUCH DELIVERIES. IMPOflT~N~: YOU MUST REVERSE GIDE FOR INFORMATION REGARDING MECHANICG LIEN ~WS, CREDIT SALE INFORMATION, WARNING CONCERNING PRODUCT USE AND'I~RMS AND CONOITIO~S OF SALE. I NON-SiMULATED NUfl .BATCHES. 1 ' , '9',. '~j lb ~/C: 0.835 ~ATER/CE~ENT: O.~ST OEE, IGN ~TER: 2B2.~ ~1 ACTUAL ~I[R: 2;'2~ g[ [~.~ f~DO: l S~ uNp: A.C,O ' ~'[ER iN TRUCK.: O,O nl ADJUST ~TER: 0.0 ~! /i,.~d TRIM ~ATER: -.].0 g! zyd SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix E Select Photos of Site Activities ! I Picture 1: Fill Outside of Northern EndBuildin I I Picture 2: Interior Of Garage Building With UST Lines Marked I Picture 3: 1500-Gallon UST Within Gara Buildin ' Picture 4: Excavation/~fter UST Removed ! Picture 5: Removed UST On Surface Picture 6: Majority of Lead-Impacted Soil RemoVed FrOm Excavation Picture 7: Excavation Backfilled With Pea, raVel & Pre For Concrete I' Picture 8: Former UST Area Repaved With Concrete I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I I Appendix F I I UST Assessment Report Dated September 19, 2003 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. September 19, 2003 File No. 03-10406 Mr. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: UST Assessment Report Former Coca-Cola Facility 414 19th St. Bakersfield, California Mr. Wines: Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) is submitting this UST Assessment Report after the completion of assessment activities of a 1,500 gallon gasoline underground storage tank (UST) at the former Coca- Cola facility located at 414 19th Street in Bakersfield, CA. (site). See Plate 1 for Location Map. The previously unknown UST is located within the northeastern end of the Garage building as shown on the attached Plot Plan (Plate 2) and the Sample Map (Plate 3). Background Information The Coca-Cola Bottling Company facility has been around since the 1930's as a bottling, storage and distribution center for the beverage company in Bakersfield, CA.. The site is undergoing a potential sale and during a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment conducted by A J Environmental in July 2003 a suspected UST fill pipe was observed on the northern edge of the Garage building in the northeastern comer of the site. A vent pipe and two (2) floor patches were also observed within the garage building just south of the fill pipe. On August 1,2003 a site inspection was conducted by SEI in which gasoline odor and trace gasoline was observed within the fill pipe. Some petroleum staining was also present on the asphaltic surface north of the fill pipe. It is the desire of Coca-Cola to gain closure of this UST per local regulatory requirements. FIELD WORK CONDUCTED Geophysical Survey On August 5, 2003 SEI subcontracted Strata Geophysical to conduct a magnetometer survey in the suspected UST area to determine the approximate size and location of the UST. The metal sheeting on the outside of the Garage building created magnetic interference preventing an accurate location of the UST footprint utilizing the magnetometer. A pipeline locator was also utilized which gave a better impression of the UST outline with less interference. The geophysical survey of the UST area indicates that the UST may have been 4' to 5' long and 3' to 4' wide lying perpendicular to the I4400 YEAGER WAY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 · PHONE (661) 831-5100 ° FAX: (661) 831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST.4 ssessm ent Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 200t For 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eldt Cali[ornia Page No. 2 edge Garage building. The geophysical survey did identify the possible location of a northern of the former dispenser which was the southern most patch within the building approximately 15' southwest of the fill pipe. The other surface patch within the building was unknown. The vent line also appears to connect to the southern most floor patch. See attached geophysical survey field notes for more detail. UNCOVERING OF UST SEI subcontracted Marcor Remediation to abandon or remove the UST at the site under a Bakersfield Fire Department permit. On August 25, 2003 the fill pipe was uncovered outside of the Garage building and appeared to continue southwesterly inside the building toward the southern floor patch. The southern floor patch turned out to be the northern end of the UST. The majority of the concrete cover was removed over the suspected UST and then uncovered with a backhoe. The UST's actual dimensions are approximately 15' long and 4' in diameter for a capacity of approximately 1,500 gallons. The louver explosion limit (LEL) within the UST was <1% indicating it was safe to cut an observation window in the top of the UST. The UST was observed to be 2/3 approximately full of drilling mud type fluids in a semi-solid state with no petroleum odor. This indicated that the UST had been previously abandoned utilizing the pre-1985 methods. On August 26, 2003 Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) inspector Mr. Steve Underwood approved the abandonment in- place as is, as long as an assessment of soil conditions beneath the UST and along the product piping was conducted per present BFD regulations. ASSESSMENT OF UST AREA Initial Assessment Of Soil Conditions SEI utilized a bac 'khoe to acquire soil samples adjacent to and beneath the existing UST to assess possible hydrocarbon impacted soil prior to final abandonment in-place. Soil samples (T1-2' and T1- 6') were collected out of the backhoe bucket at depths of 2' and 6' below the bottom of the UST as directed by the BFD inspector. Brass sleeves were filled with soil, sealed with Teflon-lined plastic caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. Additional soil samples were collected at depths of 2' and 6' beneath ground surface (bgs.) at the former dispenser location (D1-2' and D1-6')just northwest of the UST and at the fill pipe location (FP-2' and FP-6'). A 2' bgs. soil sample (P 1-2') was also collected along the piping run between the fill pipe opening and the UST. One (1) sample (T-INT) of the drilling mud within the UST was also collected to evaluate this material. These soil samples were collected with a hand-auger and placed into brass sleeves at each sampling interval then sealed with Teflon-lined plastic caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. No petroleum-impacted soil was evident in any of the soil samples collected during this assessment. The hand auger borings were backfilled with clean soil cuttings and capped with concrete if SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST,4ssessment Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 2003 For 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eld~ Cali[ornia Page No. $ appropriate. See Plate 3 for the soil sample locations. Initial Analytical Testing The UST assessment soil samples (total of 7) were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m, for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE) by EPA Method 8020b and for total lead by EPA Method 6010 at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the UST interior sample (T- INT) was analyzed for CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 6010/7471, for volatile organics by EPA Method 8260, for pH and for TPHg by EPA Method 8021B. In addition soil samples T1-2', T1-6', FP-3', FP-6' were all analyzed for Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) for lead and sample T 1-6' was also analyzed for Threshold Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for lead. INITIAL FINDINGS Analytical Results of Soil Samples The analytical results of the soil samples are sho~vn in Table 1 and indicate no detection of TPH as gasoline, BTEX or MTBE in any of the seven (7) UST assessment soil samples collected and analyzed, were elevated in soil samples TI-2', T1-6', FP-3' and FP-6' and Total lead concentrations additional analysis indicated California hazardous levels in soil sample T1-6' at 7.9 ppm STLC lead. The analytical results of the drilling mud sample (T-INT) indicate no hazardous concentrations of metals, TPHg, BTEX, pH or volatile organics. Minor BTEX concentrations were reported in this sample of no concern. See attached analytical reports and chain of custody documents for more detail. ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES Soil Borings Based on the California hazardous lead concentration in the T 1-6' soil sample additional assessment of lead content in the soil around the UST was warranted. On September 15, 2003 SEI contracted HP Labs to utilize a Strataprobe rig to advance four (4) soil borings (B-1 to B~4) to a depth of 30' within and adjacent to the UST excavation. Soil samples were collected at 5' intervals in borings B-1 and B-2 and at 10' intervals in borings B-3 and B-4 beginning at 10' below ground surface (bgs) at each location. A California registered geologist observed the drilling process. Soil samples xvere hydrocarbons (staining and odor), soil type and photo-ionization evaluated in the field for petroleum detector (PID) readings. A soil sample from each sampling interval was sealed, labeled and placed in an iced cooler. See Plate 3 for soil boring locations and attached boring logs for more detail. The borings were backfilled with bentonite. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST.,lssessment Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 2003 For 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eldt Cali[ornia Page No. 4 Analytical Testing of Additional Soil Samples Selected soil samples (10) were analyzed for total lead by EPA Method 6010 at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the soil sample with the highest PID reading in each boring was analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m and for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE) by EPA Method 8020b. Only soil sample B1-30' was analyzed for Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) for lead based on a slightly elevated total lead result. See Table 1 and attached analytical reports for more detail. Analytical Results of Additional Soil Samples The analytical results of the additional soil samples are shown in Table 1 and indicate no elevated detection of TPH as gasoline, BTEX or MTBE in of the four soil any (4) samples collected and analyzed for these constituents. Soil sample B1-30' had minor gasoline constituents of 100 ppm TPHg and 360 parts per billion (ppb) xylenes reported. Total lead concentrations were only slightly (61 ppm) additional STLC analysis for lead indicated non- elevated in soil sample B1-30' and hazardous concentrations (3.8 ppm). See attached analytical reports and chain of custody documents for more detail. Minor gasoline odor was noticed in soil sample B 1-30' with the highest PID reading recorded at 70 ppm. No other soil samples had any indication of gasoline or lead contamination. Conclusions & Recommendations Based on field observations and analytical results of soil samples SEI concludes the following: 1. The analytical results of the soil samples collected beneath and adjacent to the formerly active 1500-gallon gasoline UST were none detected (ND) for TPHg, BTEX and MTBE, indicating no significant release of gasoline fuel has occurred beneath or adjacent to the UST. Total lead concentrations were elevated in some soil samples adjacent to the UST and at the fill pipe with a hazardous concentration of 7.9 ppm STLC reported in sample T1-6'. Additional soil samples indicate that the California hazardous lead concentrations are restricted to the top 10' adjacent to the UST. 2. The analytical results also indicate that the interior of the UST is filled with non-hazardous drilling nmd-type material that can be safely left in-place. SEI recommends the following for this site: 1. The UST should be removed from the excavation and the lead-impacted soil removed down to a depth of at least 10' bgs.. The removed soil should be sampled and properly disposed of at a permitted facility per local, State and Federal regulations. It is estimated that SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST ,4ssessment Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 200.t For 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eld~ Cali[ornia Page No. $ approximately 50 cubic yards will be removed from the UST excavation area. Soil samples should be collected from the base and sidewalls of the excavation to confirm the successful removal of lead-impacted soil from the UST area. 2. SEI recommends that the UST be removed from the site and disposed of per local, State and Federal regulations. 3. The excavation area should be backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density along with a concrete cover matching existing surfaces. LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Coca-Cola Enterprises as it relates to the property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: - The soil sampling and water sampling performed at this site. - The observations of field personnel. laboratory tests performed by Positive Lab Services of Los Angeles, The results of California. Our understanding of the regulations of the BFD, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the DTSC and the EPA. Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions ~vhich may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of which could affect this report. The services performed by SEI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this report. SEI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found the on property. No other warranty expressed or implied is made. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST,4ssessment Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 2003 For 414 19th Street in Bakers~eld~ California Page No. 6 Please call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions concerning this Robert J. Becker, R.G.., REA ~, CEG ~ .~£N ~/J/tO ~/~. ~ Envir°nmental Divisi0n M .anager_ Enclosures: Table 1, Analytical Results of Soil Samp Location Map, Plate 1 Plot Plan, Plate 2 Sample Map, Plate 3 Appendix A: Analytical Repons Appendix B: Boring Logs TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Site Assessment, Former Coca-Cola Facility, Bakersfield, CA. Other CAM Sample TPHg Volatile Organics EPA 8021B or 8260B (ppb) EPA 8260 17 Metals Sample No. Date (ppm) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes MTBE Other VOC's (ppb) Total Lead (ppm) (ppm) pH T1-2' (UST) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 61,3.8 STLC NA NA T1-6' (UST) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 170, 7.9 STLC, 0.71 TCLP NA NA D1-2' (Dispenser) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 10 NA NA D1-6' (Dispenser) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 31 NA NA P1-2' (Along Piping) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 1.7 NA NA FP-2' (Fill Pipe) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 94, 3.1 STLC NA NA FP-6' (Fill Pipe) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 72, 3.4 STLC NA NA 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene = 38, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene =76, None T-INT (Interior of UST 08/26/03 <0.5 7.4 21 18 123 <4 Naphthalene = 5.1 7.3 Elevated 9.4 B1-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.89 NA NA B1-20' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 NA NA B1-30' 09/15/03 100 <50 <50 <50 360 <50 NA 61,3.8 STLC NA B2-10' 09/15/03 N^ NA N^ NA NA NA NA 1.2 NA NA B2-15' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.9 NA NA B2-20' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.91 NA NA B2-30' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 N^ 2.9 NA NA B3-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.6 NA NA B3-20' 09/15/03 NA N^ NA NA NA NA NA 1.4 NA NA B3-30' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 < 10 <5 NA 1.6 NA NA B4-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.5 NA NA B4-20' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 N^ 1.2 NA NA B4-30' 09/15/03 NA N^ NA NA NA NA NA 1 NA NA Notes:ppm=parts per million (mg/kg), ppb = parts per billion (ug/kg), TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, TPHg = as gasoline, ND = None Detected above detection limits, NA = Not Analyzed, Bold = Elevated Concentration, STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE 4400 Yeager XVay 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. · (¢i~il) 831 - 5~oo ?ROJECT: 03-]0406 Location & Hospffal Map N 21st Street Central PARK 20th Street UST- , Area reh fuseGarage Building / FORMER ,~- / COCA-COLA Office / BOTTLING Warehouse / FACILITY 19th Street sot To Scale SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE, 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313Bakersfield, CA. t'% (661) 831 - 5100 ,,~o~¢~: o~_,o~o~ PIo~ Plon N 20th Street Fill ]['ipe FP-2' &-6~ East Property Vent--'~ 1 ,~o! '~' D 1_2,&~6_~:~ _~- ~ ._,-., Line Forme~,,~,.. / C ~ . _. ,Dispenser ii~.'.:iT~ !~e~l_q~.ne / B_3-ffi' B_2*i ~ _-6, B-3 Concrete 13-1~ ~ 1500 Gallon Floor Gasoline UST (Abandoned Portion In-Place) Of Building Garage Building o Soil Sample Location -q¢ Soil Boring Location 0 25' Approx, Scale 1"= 25' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Coca-Cola Garage & Truck Storage Bldg PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield,(661) 831 CA_ 510093313 Bakersfield, CA. Sample Map PROJECT: 03-10406 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix A Analytical Reports POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFTCATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering :[nc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Sample#: 20031778-00! Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:20:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: T1-2' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result Prep Date: 09/03/2003 Analysis Date: 09/03/2003 TPH-~solh~e EPA 50308 8021B/g015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Ethyl be~ene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xytene (Total) EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B ND ug/kg 10 MTI3E EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B ND u,_,/k_o 5 Sun*om~tes EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * ~ ~ Tfifluorotohtene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 98 Percent Prep Date: I)9/t12/2t)03 Analysis Date: I)9/I)2/2111)3 l.cad EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ................................................................ 61 m,_,/k~ 0 5 Sample#: 20031778-002 Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:25:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: T1-6' Para.met;er Prepl.Test;,!~!eth0d Re~u.!t Unit P..QL Prep Date: 09/02/21)05 Analysis Date: I}9/02/2003 Tl'H-Gdsoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EI'A 5030B 8021B/gO15B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 I'~thyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 15B ND ug/kg 5 Xylcne (Total) EI'A 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B ND ug/kg 5 Stu'ro~atcs EPA 5030B 8021B/g01513 * Trilluorototuene EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 104 Percent Prep Date: 1)9/02/2003 Analysis Date: 1)9/1)2/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 170 ................... !.~!.[~.g., .............. !).:~ Sample#: 20031778-003 Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:30:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: D1-2' .Po ra.m.e.. ,e.r d Result Upi.t P.o..iL Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 rl'l'l-I-C?dsoline EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 15 B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene I);PA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 20031778-003 POSITIVE ~-V 781East Washington Blvd., Los ^ngeles, C^90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSi'S Soils Engineering Znc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 933:!.3 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 1.0406-2 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: ('661) 831-S100 Fax: ('661) 831.-2111. :!:!:!:!:?:?:?:?:E:!:!:!:!:?:!:?:!:?:!:!:!:!:!:! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:!:!:?:!:!:!:! :!:!:!:?:!:?:~:~:!:! ~:!:!:! ~:!:?:?:~:?:E :!:!:!:!:!:!:!:?:~:;:!:¢!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:?:!:~:~:?:!:~:~:~:~:?:?:?:?:!:!:;:!:!:!:!:! :!:i:?:!:?:~:?:!:! ~:! ~:!:!: ~:E:!:!:! ~:~:;:~:!:!:!:!:!:!:! ~:~ :.'-:E:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:?:?:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:! ~:! ~:~:~:~:;:E:?:!:!:!:!:!:!:?:!:;:~:~:¢;:;:!:!:~::;:;:?:~:~:;:~:?:?:!:!:!:?:!:!:~:!:!:?:~:!:!: !:?:?:!:?:!:!:!:!~ Ethylbetrzene EPA 5030B 8021B/80I 5B ND us/kg 5 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND us/kg 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND us/kg 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * Trilluomtoluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 89 Percent Prep Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 Date: 09/O2/2003 l.ead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 10 m~/k,., 0 5 Sample#: 20031778-004 Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:40:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: Dl-6' ................... ................ Be~.u.!.~ .................. U0it; ............ P~L. Prep Date: 09/02/2005 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 TPll-(&~solhm EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B ND ms/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Ethytbcnzcne EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Xylene(Total) EPA 5030B g021B/g015B ND u,2/ka 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * Tritluorotoluene EPA 5030B 8(/21B/g015B 106 Percent Prell Date: 09/02/2003 Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 31 ms/k,2, 0 5 Sample-g: 20031778-005 Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/lime: 08/26/2003 1:45:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: PDT ............................... ........ ........ Unit ...... P.O..L Prepl...Ie,..t. Result Prep Date: 09/03/20113 Analysis Date: 09/03/2003 TI'Il-Gasoline EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 ND ms/kg 0.5 13cnzcnc EPA 5030B 802 IB/8015B ND us/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND us/kg 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Xylcnc (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg lO MTBE EPA 5030B 81)21 B/g015B ND us/kg 5 Sttn'ogatcs EPA 5030B 8021B/801517, * Trilluorotoluenc EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 104 Pcrccnt Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Date: Analysis O9/02/2O03 Lead EI'A 3050B EPA 6010B 1.7 rog/kg 0.5 2 20031778-005 POSITIVE ~-~ 781East Washington BIvd., Los An§eles, CAg0021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSZS Soils Engineering i'n¢. 09/03/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 ~!!!!!:*~.?~?.?3.:::.::!::!~!:~:~!?5!!:~:~:~:?/~:~!:~?~!:!:?!:.:~!:~!!!?3.!:~!:.?.!:.~::!:~!:~?~!:~?~!:~?~!:~:*.!!?~!:~!:~:**~!?~!~..:*:!!!?~!..:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;*~;~;*~;*~;~!:~!:.!~!..:.::~!!?*!:3.!:.!:~!!?}!:?/::~?~;*~;**:!:.?}?} Sample#: 20031778-006 Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/:27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/2.6/2003 1:50:00 PM Type: Soil :I.D.: FP-2' .Pa.r. am.e~er ................................... Prep/Te.s,t .He.tho.d.. .............. Rgs.u.!t .................. U!!it .............. PO..L Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 TPl-l-C?~soline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xvlene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 IVI~IT3 E EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 SmTo,-'atcs EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * 'l'rifluorotoluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 105 Percent Prep Date: (}9/02/2005 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 .!5!!~ ..................................................................................... [~!.~.?!~!!.E......[~.~.!~!.!!.E .............................. '~ .......................... !!!.~(~. .............. ~.!:.s.... Sample#: 20031778-007 Collector: Client Hethod: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Samplino Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:55:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: FP-6' ..Par. a.m~r ................................. Pr. ep/T~s.t**..H~l;h.pc! ................ Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 '1'1>I l-(.k~solinc EPA 5030B 81)21B/8015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Bcnzcnc EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 NI) ug/kg 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylcnc (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 ND ug/kg 5 Sum)gates EPA 5030B 8(/21B/8015B * Trilhtorotolucne EPA 5030B 8021 B/8¢) 1513 104 Percent Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 .!:s!!~ !}.[~...~!!~.!!.E.........E!~E ~.!~..!.!?.r~ .................................. 7~. ............................................. .~.~.~. ....................... ~.!:.~ .... Sample#: 20031778-008 Collector: Client Hethod: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:28:00 PM Type: Soil T.D.: T-[NT ..P~ r.a.m.et~r .................................. Pm.~lT. es~..Het, h.0~ ........Result U~it~ ............. P,Q.L Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 TI'I I-Gasoline EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B N'D rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 802 IB/8015B ND ug/kg 5 3 20031778-008 I POSITIVE I ~~ 781East Washington Blvd., Los An§eles, CA90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I CERTZFICATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering Znc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 9331.3 No. 03-1.0406 P.O. No. 1.0406-2 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 18 ug/kg 5 I Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 121) u,,/ko 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ue/ke,, -o 5 Stm'ogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * Tritluomtoluene EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B C)eluth~g P Percent I Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Antilnony EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog~kg 0 Arsenic EPA 3050B EPA6010B 4.2 rog/kg I Barium EPA 3050B EPA6010B 90 rog/kg 13erytlimn EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND rog/kg Cadmium EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog/kg i Chromiuxn EPA 3050B EPA6010B 9.5 rog/kg Cobalt EPA 3050B EPA6010B 2.6 rog/kg Copper EPA 3050B EPA6010B I I rog/kg Lead EPA 3050B EPA6010B 7.3 rog/kg 0.5 I Molybdenum EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog/kg 5 Nickel EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 12 rog/kg 2 Y, clcnium EPA 305013 EPA 6010B NI) rog/kg 1 i Silver EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND rog/kg 1 'lhallium liPA 3050B EPA 601 OB ND mg&g 1 Vanadium EPA 3050B EPA6010B 9.4 rog/kg 1 Zinc EI'A 3050B EPA 6010B 30 rog/kg 5 Prep Date: 119/I)2/21)1)3 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 Mcrcttrv EPA 7471A EPA 7471A ND rog/kg 0.1 Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 I pll EPA 91)45 9.4 Units ().05 Prep Date: I)8/28/21}1)3 Analysis Date: 08/28/2003 l)ichlorodilluoromethm~e EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorolnethanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I Vinyl chloride EPA 5030B EPA 826013 NI) 4 I;romoxnethane EI'A 5030B liPA 8260B NI) ug/kg 4 Chkm)ethane F, PA 5030B EPA 8260B NI) ug/kg 4 I Trichlorolluoromethane EPA 503013 EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Acetone liPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 80 Carbon disulfide EI'A 5030B liPA 8260B ND ug/kg 40 i 1,l-l)ichkm)ethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Methylene chloride I','PA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 20 lrans-l,2-dichlomethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I,l-I)ichloroethane EI'A 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I Vinylacetate EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 411 2,2-1)ichloropropttnc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 cis-1,2-1)ichk>rocthcne I','PA 5030B EPA 8261)13 ND ug/kg 4 I 2-1:httanonc (MEK) I£PA 5030B EPA826013 ND ug/kg 40 13romochlorolnethane EPA 5030B EPA826(')13 ND ug/kg 4 4 20031778-008 I I ,an POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFI'CATE OF ANALYSZS Soils Engineering Znc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 Yeager Way 4400 Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: ('661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Chloi'ofom~ EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 l.l.l-Trichlorocthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Carbon tetrachlofide EPAS030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.l-Dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Benzene EPA5030B EPA8260B 7.4 ug/kg 4 1.2-Dichlox*octhane EPA5030B EPA8260B 4 Trichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2-Dichloropmpane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Dibromomethan¢ EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Ih'omodichkmm~ethane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 2-ChlorocthyMnylether EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 40 cis-l.3-Dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 4-Methyl-2-pentanone EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg Toluene EPA 5030B EPA8260B 21 ug/kg 4 trans-l.3-dichlompropcn¢ EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I.I.2-Triclfloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Tcm~chlorocthenc EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.3-I)ichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 2-1 lcxtulOllC EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 40 l)ibromochloromcthane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2-Dibromoethane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Chlm'obenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ttg/k,g 4 I. I. 1,2.-Tctrachloroethane EPA 5(}3(}B EPA 8260B ND 4 Ethylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B 15 ug/kg 4 Para and Meta Xylenes EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 94 ug/kg 4 o-Xylcne EPA 5030B EPA8260B 29 ug/kg 4 Styrene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ti,g/kg 4 lh*omofom~ EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Isop'opylbenzene EI'A 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Ih'omobcnzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 l,l.2~2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug&g 4 1,2,3-Trichkm)propane EPA 5030B EPA 826013 ND ug/kg 4 N-l'ropylbenzcnc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B NI) ug/kg 4 2-Chlorotolucne EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 4-Chlorotoluene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1,3.5-'"methylbcnzcne EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 38 ug/kg 4 tcrt-llutylbenzcnc EI'A 5030B EPA 826013 NI) ug/kg 4 1,2,4-Trimethylbcnzenc EPA 51)30B EPA 8260B 76 ug/kg 4 scc-Butylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug&g 4 1,3-1)ichlorobenzcne EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND 4 ug/kg 4-1sopropyl toluene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1,4-Dichlorobenzcne [!PA 5030B EPA 8260B N1) ug/kg 4 1,2-1)ichlorobcnzcnc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 n-Butylbcnzcnc EI'A 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I5 20031778-008 nPOSITIVE ~_~r 78] East Washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 Yeager Way 4400 Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 At/n: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 :~:~:!:~:!:!:?:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:!:! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:~:! :~:~:!:!:! :~:~:~:~:~:?:~ :!: ~:~ :~ :!:!:~:!:~:!:!:~:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:?2~:?:?:!:!:?:~:~:!:!:?:!:?:!:~:!:~:!:!:! :.-':!:! ~:!:!:~:!:~:!:~:?:~:~:!:~:?:!:!:!:! ~ :!:!:!:!:!:! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:!:!:~:~:~:?:!:? ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !2!: !2!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:! 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Hexachlorobutadiene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 N;,phthalene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 5.1 ug/kg 4 1.2.3-Tfichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 MTBE EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ttg/kg 4 1.4-Dioxtme EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 80 StuTogates EPA 5030B EPA8260B * l)ibromoth~orometh~me EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 89 Percent Tohtene 1)-8 EPA 5030B EPA8260B 144 Percent 4-13romolluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B 99 Percent Sample#: 20031778-009 Collector: Method: Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: Type: Soil I.D.: Method Blank Para.m~/;~r .............................. Pr. epl. Te.s.t,M elLh.p.d, ........ : Result .......... U!~i~; ............. Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 'l'l'll-~tsolh~e EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND lng/kg 0.5 I lcnzcnc EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND u-/k,, 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylene(Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 MTI3E EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015 B * Tfithtorotolucnc EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 104 Percent Prel) Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 Antimony EPA 3050B EPA 6010B Nl) rog/kg 1(} Arsenic EPA 3050B EPA601013 ND rog/kg I.~afium EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND lllg/kg I~cryllium EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog/kg Cadmium liPA 3050B EPA6011)B ND mg&g Chromiuxn EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog/kg Cobalt EPA 3050B EPA 6010B Nl) rog/kg Copper EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog/kg Lcad EPA 3050B EPA6011)B ND mg&g 0.5 Molybdenum EI'A 3050B EPA6010B N1) mg&g 5 Nickel EPA 3050B EPA 6010B NI) mg&g 2 Sclenittm EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND rog/kg I Silver EI'A 3050B EPA6010B Nl) rog/kg l 'llwllium EPA 3050B EPA 60 lOB NI) rog/kg 1 Vanadium EPA 3050B EPA 601013 ND rog/kg 1 Zinc EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND rog/kg 5 6 20031778-009 POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering Znc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 AU:n: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: {661) 831-2111 Prep Date: I)9/I)2/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2005 Mercury EPA 747 lA EPA 747 IA ND rog/kg O. l Prep Date: 119/I}2/21}03 Analysis Date: 09/02/21103 pl I EPA 9045 ND 1/nits 0.05 Prep Date: 08/28/2003 Analysis Date: 08/28/2003 l)ichlorodilhtoromethane EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 Chloromethane EPA5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 Vinylchloride EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 13romomethm~e EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorocthane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Tricldorotluoromethm~e EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Acetone EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 80 Carbon disullld¢ EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 40 I. I -l)ichlomethen¢ EPA 5030B EPA 8260B N'D ug/kg 4 IVlcthylenechloride EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 20 mms-l.2-dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND 4 ].l-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Vinyl acetate EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 40 2.2-Dichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 cis-l.2-Dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 2-Butanone (MEK) EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 40 13mmochloro~nethane EPA 5030B EPAg26()B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorofimn EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I.l.l-Trictflorocthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Ctu'bolltetrachloridc EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I. I -Dichloropropcne EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Benzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1,2-1)ichlorocthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Trichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B N1) %&: 4 1.2-1)ichloropropanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I)ibromomcthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND uo/ko 4 lh'omodiclfloromcthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 2-Chloroethylvinylcther EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND 40 ttg/kg cis-l,3-l)ichloropropcne EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ttg/kg 4 4-Methyl-2-pentmmne EI'A 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 40 Toluene EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 trans-l,3-dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 I. 1.2:l'richlorocthunc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Tctrachlorocthcnc EPA 5030B EPA82601:/ ND ug/kg 4 1,3-1)ichloropropane EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND rig/kg 4 2-11cxunonc EP^ 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 40 I)ibromochloro~ncthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ttg/kg 4 1.2-1) bmmocthanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA826013 N'I) tt,,~g 4 7 20031778-009 I nPOSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 09/03/03 I File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 I Attn: Robert Becker Phone: ('661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 I.l,l.2.-Tetrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I Ethylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Para and Meta Xvlenes EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 o-Xylene EPA5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I St.wene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Bromoform EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug&g 4 lsopropylbenzene EPA5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Bromobcnzenc EPA5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I l.l.2.2-Tctrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 4 1.2.3-Trichloropropm~e EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 N-Propylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I 2oChlorotoluene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 4-Chlorotoluene EPA 5(')3()B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.3.5-Tfimethylbcnzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 i tert-Butylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2.4-Trimethylbcnzene EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 scc-Butylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.3-1)ichlorobenzcnc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I 4-1sopropyltoltxene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.4-Dichlorobcnzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2-1)ichlorobenzene EPA 5f)30B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I n-Butylbcnzenc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND u,,/kg 4 1.2-1)ibromo-3-chloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2,4-Tfichlorobenzcne EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 llexachlorobutadiene EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 I Naphthalene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND 4 1.2,3-Tdclflo,'obcnzene EPA 5()3(')B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 MTFIE EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug&g 4 I 1.4-Dioxanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 80 Sm'rogatcs EPA 5030B EPA 826013 * I)ihmmofluoromcthanc E1)A 5030B EPA 8260B 84 Percent i Tohtcnel)-8 EPA 5030B EPA8260B 93 Percent 4-11romolluorobcnzcnc EPA5030B EPA8260B 91) I'crcent NI) = Not Detected NA = Not Applicable (1~ · P()I,: Practical Quantitation Limit l';nviromncntal Laboratory Accreditation Pro,am Cc~lilicate No. 1131. LACSD No. 10138 Any remaining sample(s) f[q' testing will be disposed o1'30 days l?onl receipt date tlnlcss notilicd. g 20031778-009 POSITIVE · r 781 East Washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CA 9002 ] LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213)745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32408260-1 REPORT NO: 20031778 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/28/& 29/03 MATRIX: Soil DATE ANALYZED: 08/28 & 29/03 METHOD: EPA 8260B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD32408260 AMT AMT SPK REC SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT PARAMETER UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD 1,1 DICHLOROETHENE LCS 20 14.6 73% LCSD 20 14.9 74% 79-123 -2% BENZENE LCS 20 16.7 83% LCSD 20 17.6 88% 87-129 -5% TRICHLOROETHENE LCS 20 19.2 96% LCSD 20 21.0 105% 87-132 -9% TOLUENE LCS 20 17.9 89% LCSD 20 19.1 96% 83-130 -7% CHLOROBENZENE LCS 20 18.7 93% LCSD 20 20.2 101% 89-129 -8% MTBE LCS 20 16.5 83% LCSD 20 17.8 89% 67-114 -8% TOLUENE D-8 (SURROGATE) LCS 10 9.10 91% LCSD 10 9.18 92% 87-113 -1% S: Spike DS: Duplicate Spike LCS: Laboratory Control Sample LCSD: Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD: Relative Percent Difference ND: None Detected 9/8/03 POSITIVE ~~ 781EastWashingtonBlvd.,LosAngeles, CAg0021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32458015/8021-1 REPORT NO: 20031778 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/02-09/03/2003 MATRIX: SOIL DATE ANALYZED: 09/02-09/03/2003 METHOD: EPA 8021B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD-32458021-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT PARAMETER UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD BENZENE LCS 100 107.0 107% LCSD 100 100.1 100% 67-128 7% TOLUENE LCS 100 104.9 105% LCSD 100 98.0 98% 62-120 7% ETHYLBENZENE LCS 100 104.8 105% LCSD 100 98.0 98% 56-132 7% M+P XYLENES LCS 200 206 103% M+P XYLENES LCSD 200 189 95% 61-128 8% O-XYLENE LCS 100 106.9 107% O-XYLENE LCSD 100 101.5 102% 61-128 5% MTBE LCS 100 101.5 102% LCSD 100 106.3 106% 50-116 5% SURROGATE LCS 30 34.4 115% TRIFLUOROTOLUENE LCSD 30 32.7 109% 66-121 5% I S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike I LCS = Laboratory Control Sample LCSD = Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference I ND = None Detected I POSITIVE I ~-V 781East Washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CAg0021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I QUALITY CONTROL DATA ! CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32458015/8021-1 I REPORT NO: 20031778 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/02-09/03/2003 MATRIX: SOIL DATE ANALYZED: 09/02-09/03/2003 METHOD: EPA 8015B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD-32458015-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC, % ACCEPT % PARAMETER MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD GASOLINE LCS 0.910 0.872 96% LCSD 0.910 0.960 105% 67-143 10% I i S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike LCS =Laboratory Control Sample LCSD =Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate IRPD = Relative Percent Difference ND -- None Detected ! I I I II II I ,~ ,~1 POSITIVE AB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX(213) 745-6372 LOG BOOK NO..~ FILENO. LABNO. ' ~ ~ , - ProjectName/No. ~-~/~~ P.O. NO. /~_~ AIRBILLNO:~ CLIENT NAME: /~ ~ ~ / ~ ~/~ ~ . _ ~ ~ COOLER TEMP: .. ANALYSES REQUESTEB: ADDRESS: ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ '~/~ PRESERVED:.~ P O: PROJECT MANAGER: ~, ~ ~ ~/~/~o?X NO: ~/, ~/// ~ REMARKS: SAMPLER NAME: ~ ~ ~~ ~ (Signature~~~ .~ ~ TAT(Anal~icalTurnAroundTime) 0=Sameday; 1=24Hour; 2=48Hour;(Etc.)N=NORMA~ ~ ~ ~ ~', CONTAINER ~PES: B = Brass, E = Encore G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = VOA Vial, O = Other: ~ ~ " MATRIX CONTAINER ~ SAMPLE CONDITIO~ SAMPLE DATE TIME sAMPLE DESCRIPTION ~ ID SAMPLED SAMPLED WATER SOIL SLUDGE OTHER TAT CONTAINE~COMMENTS: ) Relinquished By: (Signature and P~~..~~ Rece~d By: (Signature and Printed Name, _~ ~ ~ .~ ~~ ~.'~' ~te:, Time: ,AMPLE. SamplesDISPOSITION:returned ,o client? YES Relinqui~: JSianature~nd~d~ed Name) ~ hecei~~me) ~~ re: { Ti~: ' ~/'~. )~'~ ~/Jl ;~ /~ ~/~~ ~ ~~'.~ 2. Sampleswillnotbestoredover30days, unlessadditional storage time is requested. ~'1~ ~ Received By~a~d Prin(ed ~ Date: Time: Relinquished By: (Signature and Printed Name) 3. Storage time requested: days SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: By Date I.AD COPY POSITIVE ~~r LAB SERVICE 781 EastWash,n§tonBlvd.,LosAn§eles, CA g0021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 Quality Control Report Post Leaching Spike Client: Soils Engineering, Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 QC Sample ID: 20031820-001 Date Analyzed: 9/5/2003 Report No.: 2003-1832 Batch: 2003246-STLC Units: mg/l Sample Spike Acceptance Element Amount Added [ Recov'd %R Range% Lead [ 0.141 [ 5 [ 4.98 I 97 [ 70-130 '1 Dup denotes duplicate %R denotes percent recovery NA denotes not applicable ,! '1 I ! ,4r POSITIVE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I ~ Quality Control Report Laboratory Check Sample I Soils Engineering, Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 ii!clhl tN; 2003246-STLC Date Analyzed: 9/5/2003 I o 2003-1832 Units: mg/l I Spike Acceptance Element Added [ Recov'd %R Range ILead [ 5 [4.42 [ 88 [ 80-120 I I I I I I ! POSITIVE I ~r ~ ~ ~,,~o~ ~,~., ~o~ ^~e,~, C^ ~00~ LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I Quality Control Report Post Leaching Spike I Client: Soils Engineering, Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 QC Sample ID: 20031820-001 Date Analyzed: 9/5/2003 I Report No.: 2003-1832 Batch: 2003246-STLC Units: m~l I Sample Spike Acceptance Element Amount Added [ Recov'd %R Range% ILead [ o.~4~ [ 5 [4.98197170-130 I Dup denotes duplicate %R denotes percent/'ecove/y NA denotes not applicable ! I i ! POSITIVE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 9002] I [~!-~ LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I Quality Control Report o La~oratory Check Sample I ' : Soils Engineering, Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 ::~ohr tN; 2003246-STLC Date Analyzed: 9/5/2003 i o 2003-1832 Units: mg/l I Spike Acceptance Element Added [ Recov'd °AR Range I Lead [ 5 [ 4.42 [ 88 [ 80-120 I I I I I I i m POSITIVE I ~[~ LAB SERVICE 781EastWashingtonBIvd.,LosAngeles, CA90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 m CERTI'FI'CATE OF ANALYSZS Soils Engineering Inc. 09/05/03 File# 73443 m 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 m Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Sample#: 20031832-001 Collector: Client Method: Fax Order 9/3/03 m Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:20:00 PM Type: Soil T.D.: T1-2' m . . Unit POL Parameter Prep/Test Method Prep Date: 09/03/2003 Analysis Date: 09/05/2003 Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B 3.8 mo./l 0.05 Sample#: 20031832-002 Collector: Client Method: Fax Order 9/3/03 Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:25:00 PM Type: Soil m I.D.: T1-6' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result Unit POL Prep Date: I19/I13/2003 Analysis Date: 09/05/2003 m l,cad, STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B 7.9 0.05 lllg/1 Pm'el} Date: 09/03/2003 Analysis Date: 09/04/2003 Lead. TCLP EPA 1311 EPA 6010B 0.71 .......... - ............................................ ~ne/l 0 005 m Sample#: 20031832-003 Collector: Client Method: Fax Order 9/3/03 Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:50:00 PM Type: Soil m I.D.: FP-3' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result Unit POL Pm'eI} Date: 119/03/2003 Analysis Date: 09/05/2003 m Lead, S'H,C WET/3010A EPA6010B 3.1 me/1 0.05 Sample#: 20031832-004 Collector: Client Method: Fax Order 9/3/03 Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:55:00 PM m Type: Soil T.D.: FP-6' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result . Unit. POL · Prep Date: I19/113/2003 Analysis Date: I19/115/211113 · Lead, STLC WEq73010A EPA6010B 3.4 rog/1 0.05 Sample#: 20031832-005 Collector: Method: m Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: Type: Soil I.D.: Method Blank h.o..d Prell Date: 09/03/2003 Analysis Date: I19/115/211113 Lead, SFJ'LC WE173010A EPA6OIOB ND mg/l 0.05 m Pm-ei} Date: 09/03/2003 Analysis Date: 09/04/21}03 Lead, TCLP EPA 1311 EPA 6010B ND ~ng/1 0.5 mI 20031832-005 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SF:R.V'ICF (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering Inc. 09105103 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 At-tn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 I = Not Detected Authorized re(s) NA = Not Applicable PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit Envirotm~ental Laboratory Accreditation Progn-am Certificate No. 1131, LACSD No. 10138 .MLv remaining sample(s) tbr testing will be disposed of 30 days t?om receipt date unless notitied. I ! 2 20031832-005 ! POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 r~ Quality Control Report i Post Leaching Spike Client: Soils Engineering Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 I QC Sample ID: 20031820-001 Date Analyzed: 9/4/2003 Report No.: 2003-1832 Batch: 2003246-TCLP Units: I Sample Spike Acceptance Element Amount Added [ Recov'd %R Range% I Lead I 0.0~ I 0.5 I 0.45 I 88 I 70-130 I I Dup denotes duplicate %R denotes percent recovery NA denotes not applicable ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I ~OPOSITIVE I ~~' t. Ag SI:=RVICF 781 East WashingtonBIvd.,LosAngeles, CA90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I Quality Control Report i Laboratory Check Sample Client: Soils Engineering Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 i Batch No.: 2003246-TCLP Date Analyzed: 9/4/2003 Report No.: 2003-1832 Units: mg/l I Spike Acceptance Element Added [ Recov'd %R Range I Lead [ 0.5 [ 0.47 I 94 I 80-120 I I I I I I I i I I I I :* ~Mir~.~.~-.,,l~l[.[~/;c...:,:,.-,.: :.: :CHAIN'OF:CUSTODY'AND ANALYSIS REQUEST -,/.; / > ' ' "?~.'?::':.'!'i'-:i~-g::~:., ~~~3'i~1~[:.,~" :':--'-~'.:~'- "' .. ','.' :~' ~~7~E~B~:;SERV i'~ E,..(~3) 745~312' .FAX (213) 745~372 ' · - LOG BOOK NO . ELK NO. . ........ . · ~,.~_ , , '. Proje~ N~o. P.O. NO. ~' ~ ' C00LER'T~P: :. ~DRE~::'.,...' :' .-; :: - ' ' ':'" . . ~--.~.- . / ..... ,-. - , ..... .pRESERVED;~ ""'ID:-''''~.S~PLED SAMP~D .. · 'SA~PLEDESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~. o~.~. TAT · ~[ " CONTAtNE~CO~S: '-'."::::. ' ", -': : t~ ~.r.. .... ~- 4~ ~ ~X xXX)/''~,~. . ':-:"~-'":: :-.'"'? '['? "/~"w ~-,z ' ~ (~~ · ":" - ii " '::-:' ?"'"' t:' ~.;~ ~ / _ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~Z-2~ .., ~ ~ ~ addillonal sto~ge ~me is ~uesl~. .... SP(C~ IN.RUmOrS: By Dale CUENT COPY SEP'O3-ZO03 09:08AM FRO~$OILSENCiINEERIN(; 681-831-~'111 T-808 P.OO1/OOe F-O03 . SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 ¥¢ager Way /~1¢~- Bakersfield, CA 93313 66 !-$31-5100 661-831-2111 Fax Transmittal Sheet BA?E: Septembor 3, 2003 TIME: 8:45 AM. 10: John $chmidt PHONE: 215-74§-§312 Positive Lab Service FAX: 213-745-6372 FROM: Bob Becker PHONE: (661) 831-5100 FAX: (661) 831-2111 RE: Additional Analysis CC: Number of pages including cover sheet: ( 2 ) Message Jolm - Here is a COC with additional sampling requests for lab# 20031778 T1-2' for STLC Lead T1-6' for STLC & TCLP Lead FP-2' for STLC Lead FP-6' for STLC Lead 2 day TAT is requested Please call me at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions. Bob I . . 4400 YEAGER WAY ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ' PHONE(861)831-5100 ' FAX:(661)831-2111 I POSITIVE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Znc. 09/Z8/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 933:!.3 PO# 10406-P CC/#10406 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 83~-5~00 Fax: ~661~ 83~-211! Sample#: 20031917-001 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 9:40:00 AM Type: Soil Z.D,: Bi-10' . . POL .. Parameter ....................... ,..........,.........: .....,...... Prep/Test . ....,..... :............. Method........ ...... ........~ ..... Result ............ ........... . Unit..... ........ .........~..... Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lez,d EPA3050B EPA6010B 0.89 rog/kg 0.5 Prep Date: I)9/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead, STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B NA m~/l ) )5 Sample#: 20031917-002 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 10:10:00 AM Type: Soil I.D.: B~-20' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result Unit POL Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 14 rog/kg 0.5 Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead, STLC WET/3010A EPA 6010B NA m~/l 0 05 Sample#: 20031917-003 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 10:40:00 AM Type: Soil I.D.: B1-30' .Par.~.m.et~r ................................ Pre. pl]~.e.s~;..H..et h..o..d .............. R~..u.!.t; ........ .~J0.it PO.,..L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 61 rog/kg 0.5 Prep Date: 09/16/201}3 Analysis Date: 09/18/2003 Lead, S'H~C WET/3010A EPA 6010B 3.8 mg/l 0.05 Prep Date: 09/17/2003 Amdysis Date: 09/17/2003 TI'H-Gasoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 100 rog/kg 5 Ilcttzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 50 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 50 I'~thyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015 B ND ug/kg 50 Xylcne ('['otal) EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 360 ug/kg 1 O0 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 50 Nttm~gatcs EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 * Trifluorotolucnc EPA 5030B 8021 B/8¢115B 97 I'crccnt I i1 20031917-003 POSITIVE ~r 781 Fast Was,in§ton BIYd., Los ^n§el~s, C^ 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFTCATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering [nc. 09/18/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 933:13 PO# 10406-P CC/#10406 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-S100 Fax: (661) 83:1-21:1:1 Sample#: 20031917-004 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 11:05:00 AH Type: Soil I.D.: B2-10' .Par. am.e~er P~eplTe~;,M..e~hqd. Re.~p!,t U~it PQ.L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 1.2 rog/kg 0.5 Prel) Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Leud. STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B NA m,_,/1 0.05 Sample#: 20031917-005 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Samplino Date]Time: 09/15/2003 11:15:00 AM Type: Soil I.D.: B2-15' .Parameter ............................... P rep/...Tes:~..Het!!o.d. ................. Re.s.p.!.t ................. Uni~ ............. P~.L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/21103 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 3.9 rog/kg 0.5 Prep Date: 09/1612003 Analysis Date: Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B NA me/1 0.05 Sample#: 20031917-006 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 11:25:00 AM Type: Soil I.D.: B2-20' .Pa. rame!;er ................................. Prepl. Te$l;..Heth.o.d. ................ Res.pit ........... !J~it ....... PO..L Prei) Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EP^ 3050B EPA6010B 0.91 rog/kg I).5 Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: .!:~.~...,S.~.?. w~.T./.~.o..!.!!5....E.P.~. ~.!!.! !!..E ~. ?.~ ......................... !!.:!).~ .... Sample#: 20031917-007 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 12:10:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: B2-30' ,Parameter ................. Pre. p/Test Method .......... Re.~..u. !.t. .................... U.n,. i~ ............. p~...L, Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 I,cad EPA 3050B EPA 60 lOB 2.9 rog/kg 0.5 PreI) Date: 09/16/2(}03 Analysis Date: l,ead, STLC WF, T/3010A EPA6010B NA mg/l 0.05 Prep Date: 09/17/2003 Analysis Date: 09/17/2003 '11'1 l-(hsoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015 B ND ~ng/kg 0.5 I~cnzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015 B ND ug/kg 5 2 20031917-007 all POSITIVE I~ ~' ' 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTI'FZCATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering Inc. 09/18/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PO# 10406-P CC1#10406 AU:n: Robert Becker Phone: ('661) 831-S100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 MTBE EPA 5030B g021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Sun'ogates EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B * Tritluorotoluene EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 15B 95 Percent Sample#: 20031917-008 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 12:30:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: B3-10' .Pi!r~.me..t;~r ................................... P ~ep./.~....M...e.U~.oc! ................ ..R.e.~..u!..t .................. Un. it; ............ P..o...L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 l. ead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 3.6 ms/kg 0.5 Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA 601 OB NA mg/l !!:!!.~ .... Sample#: 20031917-009 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 12:40:00 PM lype: Soil I.D.: B3-20' Par.am.~? ................................. P r. ep./...T,e~; .:M...~U!..o.d, ................. p~.~s...p.!.~t .................. Q~i.t., ........... p, ol, Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 1.4 ms/kg 0.5 Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B NA mg/l I).05 Prep Date: 119/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Tl'H-Oasolh~e EPA 5030B 8021B/8(}15B ND ms/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 15B ND ug/kg 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 1513 ND 5 Xylene (Total) EI'A 5030B 8021B/80151t ND ug/kg 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND ug&g 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B * Trithmrotoluene liPA 5030B 8021 B/go 151:3 87 Percent Sample#: 20031917-010 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 12:50:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: B3-30' .Pi~.rp..m...eter ................................ Prep/Test Method ..... R.e~;p!..t Up!t. ............. PQ.L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 1.6 ms/kg 0.5 Pl'ep Date: 119/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead, STLC WET/3010A EI'A6010B NA mg/l 0.05 3 20031917-010 I nPOSITIVE I J~l~~' LAB SFR~/ICF 781East Washington Blvd,, Los An§eles, CAg0021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I CERTTFTCATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Znc. 09/18/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PO# 10406-P CC/#10406 i Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-S100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Sample#: 20031917-011 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS I Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 1:20:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: B4-10' I Result Unit POL Parameter Prep/Test Method Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 1.5 ms/kg 0.5 I Pm'ep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead. STLC ' ....................... WET/3010A EPA 6010B NA nm/1 0.05 Sample#: 20031917-012 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS 'l Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 1:30:00 PM · Type: Soil I.D.: B4-20' I .Para.meter ................................ Prepl.~es,t..H~t~.0d ............. Resu!.t .................. U~it ............ P~.L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6(.)10B 1.2 ms/kg 0.5 I Pm'ep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B NA ms/1 0.05 Pm'ep Date: I}9/16/21}113 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Tlql-Chsoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND llle,/k~ 0.5 l:/enzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Ethyl be~tzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 I Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg I 0 MIT3E EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B Nil us/kg 5 Sm'rogates EPA 5030B 81)21B/8015B * Tritluorotoluene iEPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 91 Percen~ Sample#: 20031917-013 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 1:35:00 PM Type: Soil I I.D.: B4-30' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result Unit POL I Pm'ep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: I)9/16/2005 Lead EPA 3050B EPA6010B 1.0 ms/kg 0.5 Pm'eI} Date: 0911612003 Analysis Date: I Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA 6010B NA mg/l 0.05 I i4 20031917-013 I POSITIVE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSZS i Soils Engineering Znc. 09/1.8103 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PO# 10406-P i Attn: Robert Becker CC1#~0406 Phone: (661) 831.-5:[00 Fax: ('661} 831-211! Sample#: 20031917-014 Collector: t4ethod: Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: Type: $oil LD.: Method Blank I .Parameter .................. ,~rep/Tes.t .Method .... . ....... R. es.u..!t ................... U~it ............ PO..L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Anah'sis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND ma/kg 0.5 I Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/18/2003 Le~,d. SI-LC WET/3010A EPA 6010B ND mg/] 0.05 ',-,, .... Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: I)9/16/2003 ,t rt-~som~e EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND nm/ko_ 0.5 II EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND u"/kg 5 H)mene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND u~,/k- .Eft?l benzene EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B ND ua/k- II EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND i.l~/'k~ 10 ,.M FBE EPA 5030g 8021 B/S015B ND t,~/k~, S ~m'ro,2atcs EPA 5030B 8021 B/g015 B * I l Tfitluorotolucne EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 86 Percent I I N' ' / ,/~/f,~'5'?'i )~.=~'~otA licable ' ~ · . ~ , ~' : PQL = Practical Quantitation Linfit ~// / ' ' I:;nvironmental Laboratory Accreditation Prognm~ Ccrtilicate No. 1131, LACSD No. I Any remaining sample(s) lbr testing will he disposed of 30 days l?om receipt date unless notilied. I i5 20031917-014 ,4n POSITIVE 78~ East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 9002] (21 3) 745-53~ 2 FAX (213) 745-6372 Quality Control Report Post Leaching Spike Client: Soils Engineering Inc. Date Prepared: 9/16/2003 QC Sample ID: 20031903-001 Date Analyzed: 9/18/2003 Report No.: 2003-1917 Batch: 2003259-STLC Units: mg/l Sample Spike Acceptance Element Amount Added I Recov'd %R Range% Lead [ 9.155 [ 5 [ 14.00 I 97 I 70-130 Dup denotes duplicate %R denotes percent recovery NA denotes not applicable POSITIVE ~' 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 Quality Control Report o Laboratory Check Sample C Soils Engineering Inc. Date Prepared: 9/16/2003 ~ ~Cohr tN; ': 2003259-STLC Date Analyzed: 9/18/2003 o 2003-1917 Units: m~l Spike Acceptance Element Added I Recov'd %R Range Lead I 5 [ 4.52 I 90 I 80-120 I POSITIVE I /~ 781East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CAg0021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I Quality Control Report i Matrix Spike & Duplicate Spike ?lient: Soils Engineering Inc. Date Digested: 09/16/03 C Sample: 20031917-002 Date Analyzed: 09/16/03 eport No.: 2003-1917 Batch: 2003259-3050-2 Units: rog/kg [ Sample Spike Spike Dup Acceptance Element Amount Added [Recov'd Added IRecov'd %R %RD Range% %RPD lead I 14.261 SO [ 60.1 150 161.3[ 92 194 [ 70-130 [ 3 1 I Dup denotes duplicate iRdenotes percent recovery I i I I I I I 1 I I I ~n POSITIVE I ~~ 781East Washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CAg0021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I Quality Control Report Laboratory Check Sample I~lient: Soils Engineering Inc. Date Digested: 9/16/2003 Batch No.: 2003259-3050-2 Date Analyzed: 9/16/2003 Iteport No.: 2003-1917 Units:mg/kg Spike Acceptance [lement' Added ] Recov'd %R Range ~ead [ 50 [ 48.3 [ 97 I 80-120 · I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ~!5 POSITIVE ~,~,o~ I ~~' LAB SERVICE 78] East washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CAg0021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I QUALITY CONTROL DATA I CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32598015/8021-1 I REPORT NO: 20031917 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/16/03 MATRIX: SOIL DATE ANALYZED: 09/16/03 METHOD: EPA 8015B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD-32598015-1 · SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT % I PARAMETER MGIKG MGIKG MG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD GASOLINE LCS 0.910 0.876 96% ~ LCSD 0.910 0.880 97% 67-143 0% '1 I i S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike LCS =Laboratory Control Sample LCSD =Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate I = Relative Percent Difference RPD ND -- None Detected I I 9/17/O3 nPOSITIVE I 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32598015/8021-1 I REPORT NO: 20031917 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/16/03 MATRIX: SOl L DATE ANALYZED: 09/16/03 METHOD: EPA 8021B QC SAMPLE: LCS-32598021-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT PARAMETER UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD BENZENE LCS 100 84.2 84% 67-128 TOLUENE LCS 100 81.9 82% 62-120 ETHYLBENZENE LCS 100 80.8 81% 56-132 M+P XYLENES LCS 200 159 79% 61-128 M+P XYLENES O-XYLENE LCS 100 82.2 82% 61-128 O-XYLENE MTBE LCS 100 106.7 107% 50-116 SURROGATE LCS 30 27.8 93% 66-121 TRIFLUOROTOLUENE I S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike I LCS = Laboratory Control Sample LCSD = Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference I ND = None Detected I 9/19/03 POSITIVE I I~-~' LAB SI::::I~VIC~ 78~ East Washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CAg0021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I QUALITY CONTROL DATA ! CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32608015/8021-1 I REPORT NO: 20031917 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/17/03 MATRIX: SOIL DATE ANALYZED: 09/17/03 METHOD: EPA 8015B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD-32608015-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT % PARAMETER MG/KG MGIKG MG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD GASOLINE LCS 0.910 0.896 98% LCSD 0.910 0.776 85% 67-143 14% ,'1 I i S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike LCS :Laboratory Control Sample iLCSD =Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference ND = None Detected I POSITIVE LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32608015/8021-1 REPORT NO: 20031917 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/17/03 MATRIX: SOl L DATE ANALYZED: 09/17/03 METHOD: EPA 8021B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD-32608021-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD PARAMETER BENZENE LCS 100 96.0 96% LCSD 100 100.9 101% 67-128 5% TOLUENE LCS 100 89.7 90% LCSD 100 97.3 97% 62-120 8% ETHYLBENZENE LCS 100 86.3 86% LCSD 100 98.0 98% 56-132 13% M+P XYLENES LCS 200 167 84% M+P XYLENES LCSD 200 190 95% 61-128 13% O-XYLENE LCS 100 85.8 86% O-XYLENE LCSD 100 96.0 96% 61-128 11% MTBE LCS 100 95.5 96% LCSD 100 105.3 105% 50-116 10% SURROGATE LCS 30 29.5 98% TRIFLUOROTOLUENE LCSD 30 30.2 101% 66-121 2% I S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike I LCS = Laboratory Control Sample LCSD -- Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference I ND = None Detected POSITIVE o.,.. / ,, 781 East Washington Blvd.. Los Angeles, CA 90021 ~?~ LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX(213) 745-6372 LOGBOOKNO. FILENO. ~BNO. ' ~ CLIENT NAME: ~ ~ Project Name/No. ~ ~ ~/~ P.O. NO. Z~ ~- ~ AIRBILL NO:. COOLER TEMP: AD~ESS: ~ ~~ /-~ ~a~~e~ r~ ~~ ~.~L~S~S.EOUES~E~: / / / PRESERVED:~ TAT(Anal~ical Turn Around Time) 0 = Same day; 1 = 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; (Etc.) N = NO~AL ~ ~ ~ )~l ~ / ~ CONTAINER ~PES: B = Brass, E = Encore G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = VOA Vial, 0 = Other: SAMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX COUTA~UER SAMPLE CONDITIO~ ID SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ,w~, so,~ S~UD~ OmE, TAT · TYPE ' CONTAINE~COMMENTS: ' 1~ ,~Z~ / , t q>7~o~'lVZOl[Ib/~ 1. Samples retumedtoclientt YES Relinquishe~B,: (Sign~ure and Printe~a~e~ Re~ B,~ (Signature a~e~e) Da,~ /- Time: ~/~ .- ,/ /.~: .//. /.=~ ~¢ y: ~,/y ?. Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless Relinq~y: (Signatu:~~ "ReceivedB,,~and:'~t'o~Name, ..... "~'~ : ~) ''"~7 additional storage time is requested. ' ' -"-?'//'~/~'"' ~ ~ ........ " '"~(~/~. · 3. Storage time requested: days LAB COPY POSITIVE CHAIN OF CUSTODY AND ANALYSIS REQUEST ~ - 781East Washington BIvd., Los Anqeles, CA90021 DATE: ~;~/~..,t'"',/~...j~ PAGE_~ OF~ ~ LAB SERVI~E (213) 745-5312 FAX(213) 745-6~72 LOG BOOK NO.~ FILENO. _LABNO. ~ CLIENT NAME: ~ ~ Project Name/No. ~ ~ P.O. NO./~_~ AIRBILL NO: ADDRESS: ~ O ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ANALYSES REQUESTED: COOLER TEMP:~ PROJECT MANAGER: ~, ~~ PHONENO~~Zf.~/~AXNO:~/)~/.Z///~~~ PRESERVED: REMARKS: TAT(Anal~ical Turn Around Time) 0 = Same day; 1 = 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; (Etc.) N = N~MAL ~ ~ ~ ~/[~/~ ~ CONTAINER ~PES: B: Bra~s, E= Encore G= Glass, P= Plastic, V= MOA Vial, 0 Other: ~ ~ ~~~/ : ~ USTProject: Y N - GIoballD~ ....... ~ ~ ~' ~o5~/~ ID SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION TAT ~ ;AMPLE CONDITION/ ~ ~ w.~, so,~~u.~ o~.~. ~ ~"~ CONTAINE~COMMENTS: ' Received By (S,gnature ~ nd pnn ed Name) ~ ~~ Relinquished ~d~ ~~ ' : --- Relinquished B~ (~ature a~;i~ed Name)~ ~ ~~ ~ :~?~;~ ~ ~'77~ C~'/~/~0 / Date SAMPLE DiSPOSiTION: //Heceived By: (Sign~~d Name) D~e: / Time. ' Samples returned to client? YES ~ ~elinq~y:,Sig,at~re and ~~__ , Received B~ Signature a~ P,n,~e) ~/f~ ~:~q':7~ addJtJoRa, storage time JS requested. ~EClAL INSTRU~IONS: .~-" .~' ,, _3. Storage time requested: days By Date SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix B Boring Logs ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring Abandonmen! Lab Field YPH0 [J NUMBER ~ ,~ SOIL DESCRIPTION Benzene Total Lead 0 [.~ Concrete _ _ 0 '_ . _ - - - ' - SM Silty Sand - med yelsh bm, dry, v th-med gr, - - - ~ ._- med dense, no odor, no staining.. Bentonite -- _ _ · - _ NA 5 _-10-I--- BI-10' ~i~ SP Sand-ltyelshbm, dry, loose, vfntomedgr, -- NA - - ,,'::.: no staining or odor. -- 0.89 - - ,':L4.: _ 20- -15- - 1 Bl-15' -' ~- SM SiltySand-dkyelshbm, damp, vfngr, vsilty, -- _ _ -' :- med dense, no odor, no staining.. -- _ _ r~:~ :.s:.":~ NA ..".- ~. - -- - .'"'SP Sand - It yelsh bm, dry, med dense, vfn to fn gr, NA :.:::.',:': - - - :,:.~ no staining or odor. -- 14 _ _ ,,.'. __ ;~:~-'.. ~:.! _ 35----25-1- B1-25' :'~:.?.'SP Sand-ltyelshbm, dry, meddense, vfntofngr, _ _ _ .i.~:.x.' no staining or odor. ,,'.:::y? _ 100 70 ----30-l- B1-30' :$.'.".'4.. ,. SP Sand- It yelsh bm, dry, med dense, vfn to med gr, --<0.05 - - no staining, v sli odor. --[3.8 STLC -- - -35- -40- -45- -fiO~ DATE: 9/15/03 Drilling Method: Strataprobe Geologist: R. Becket PROJECT NAME: Former Coca-Coca Facility PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: 414 19th St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, California Bakersfield, CA 93313 BORING LOCATION: 7' South of UST, 31' S. Of N. Building Edge DATE:Pr°jectNumber:9/19/03 10406 B-1 BORING LOG PPi' ~ of 1 ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring Abandonmen! Lab Field ~ .g ..~ .~ ,, SOIL DESCRIPTION TPHo NUMBER Benzene Total Lead (ppm) Concrete _ _0= . _ -- - - ' -'SM Sil~ Sand -med yelsh bm, d~, v ~-med gr, -- - - ~ ~ reed dense, no odor, no staining.. Bentonite -- _ _ · - NA 30 ---10-l- B2-10' ',~'~:2 SP Sand-ltyelshbm, d.,loose, v~to~gr, -- NA - - ~:; no staining or odor. -15-_ _1 ~j:~ Sand - as above, no odor, no stabbg.. -- NA 25 i B2-15' -20- - NANA 35 _ ---1 B2-20' [~}~SP Sand -med yelsh bm, ~, med dense, ~ gr, -- - - ..~. > no stainbg or odor, _ 4o _ _ 1 B2-25' :'~:~ SP Sand -med yelsh bm, damp, med dense, fn gr, _ _ _ :.~:~ no staining or odor. :'~:~ 45 --3~I- B2-30' .:,'"'~> SP Sand - It yelsh bm, ~, med dense, ~ to med gr, -- <0.005 -- - no sta~g, no odor. -- 2.91 -- - -35- -4~ -45- DATE: 9/15/03 Drilling Method: Strataprobe Geologist: R. Beaker PRO,CT NAME: [ormer Coca-Coca Facili~ PLATE SOILS [NGINE~RBG, BC. sit~ N~E: 414 19th St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, California Bakers~eld~ CA 93313 BOBG LOCATION: W. Ed~ of UST, 14' S. O~N. Building Edge ,040 B-2 BeiNG LOG DA~: 9/19/03 ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring Abandonmenl Lab Field ~ --- ,, SOIL DESCRIPTION TPHo ~ ~" NUMBER Benzene ~ ~ Total Lead ~ ~Concrete _ _0 2 . _ .... · -SM Sil~ Sand - med yelsh bm, d~, v ~-med -- - - ~ ~ reed dense, no odor, no staining. Bentonite -- _ _ · - :.'.Z -- -- - :~%. · _ NA 50 ----10-I--- B3-10'~,:~:~ SP Sand-ltyelshbm, d~,loose, v~to~gr, -- NA _ :,.... no staining or odor. -- 3.6 -- - .:.~:~. -15- - Z : NA 50 --20- 1 -- NA -- -~ B3-20' ::'(~}~ 1.4 :,~.. no stain~g or odor. -- -- -- :,"Z __ ':'~:~' -- _ - ?~:~, - - - -- _ -- :,¥~. __ <0.~ 50----3~_ 1 B3-30' :.:':'~SX:~: SP Sand - It yelsh bm, damp, med dense, ~ to med gr, -- <0.005 - - no stabbg, no odor. -- 1.6 - - -35- -4~ -4~ -50- DATE: 9/15/03 Drilling Method: Strataprobe Geologist: R. Becker PROJECT NAMe: Former Coca-Coca Facili~ PLATE SOILS ENGINEER~G, INC. SIT~ NA~: 4~4 ruth St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, California Bakersfield, CA 93313 ~OmNG LOC~TION: ~2' W. Of~-2, 25' ~. OCW. ~iiai~g ~d~ ,0406 B-3 BO NG LOG PS' 1of 1 ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring Abandonment ~ Lab Field ~ TPHg ~ NUMBER e ., SOIL DESCRIPTION Benzene ~ ~ Total Lead ~ ~ ~ {ppm) ~ ~ ~ 0 ._ Concrete ..... _ _ _ ~ 7 SM Sil~ Sand - med yelsh bm, d~, v ~-med gr, -- - - ~ .~ med dense, no odor, no staining.. - : 52 5 ': Bentonite -- -- -- L' - - - :~'.: _ NA 50 -l°-l_ - B4-10' g;~jSP Sand-ltyelshbm, dw, loose,~gr, d~,loose, NA :,.... no staining or odor. -- 1.5 - - _ _ _ -15- -- -- _ <0.5 55 -Z l B4-20' ~:~:SP S~d-ltyelshbm,~,meddense, v~to~gr, _ <0.005 - - :,v. no staining or odor. -- 1.2 - - .;j:~: :,,.:~ -2~ :~:5:: NA 45 E3~ I B4-30' :'"'>," i I I -- NA - - gr, no sta~ing, no odor. -35- ~ ~4~ - -50- DATE: 9/15/03 Drilling Method: Strataprobe Geologist: R. Becket PROJECT NAME: Former Coca-Coca FaciliW PLATE SOILS ENGINEER~G, INC. SITE N~E: 414 19th St. Bakersfield, California 4400 Yeager Way ~0' E. Of UST Excavation, 6' W. OfE. Bldg Bakersfield, CA 93313 BeiNG LOCATION: Edge~ 12' S. Of N. Building Edge. ProjectSumber: ,o406 B-4 BeiNG LOG DATE: 9/19/03 p~. 1 of 1  ~AR~US MATERIAI S DI~ISION ~ TIME CHARGED BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT NUMBER: ! '7 ~ DATE: NAME: CHGD: COMMENTS: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: 20th STREET '..:... GATE ENTRANCE .... DISPENSER/~ C ~'--~VENT PIPE OUTLET u~ 10,000 GALLON ~ ..... '~ REGULAR GASOLINE ' ALARM ANE 0 I.----.[ ~Z [-- ~ STORAGE BUILDING WAREHOUSE BUI LDI NG Z 0 0 I~ ASPHALT PARKING LOT COCA-COLA BOTTUNG COMPANY P L A T E : Bakersfield, C411fomia GEO~'ECHNICAL & GigOUNDWATEa CONSULIANTS and PROPOSED MONITORING WELL Project Number ~ 148-! July 1 sa6 t' LOCATIONS P~DVID.E_ DRAWING OF PHY$I. CAL LAYOUT OF FACILITY ~ SPACE PROVIDED B~LCWo ALL OF T~ FOIJ_CWIN~ IN?ORMATI~N MU$~ BE: [NCLUDI~D ~N ORDER FOR APPLICATION. IO BE ~lg ~ WA~R ~ OR SU~A~ ~ WI~IN 100' ~IU5 OF ~AC[LI~ November 4, 2003 Ms. Ann Macdonald Coca-Cola Enterprises P.O. Box 4067 Oakland, CA 946144067 RE: Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility located at FIRE CHIEF ~eN ~R.~Z~ 414 I9th Street in Bakersfield, CA ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Dear Ms. Macdonald: 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the result of the FAX (661) 395-1349 UST Removal and Remedial Action Report, dated October 2003, associated with the SUPPRESSION SERVICES underground tank removal. 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3941 Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that FAX (661) 395-1349 appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial PREVENTION SERVICES saFm s~.w~s.~.~.o.~ s~nc~s or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a FAX (661) 326-0576 satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is PUBLIC EDUCATION intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances VOICE (601) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any FIRE INVESTIGATION other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated FAX (661) 326-0576 under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Wctor^vo. cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water Bakersfield, CA 93308 quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. VOICE (661) 3994697 FAX (661) 399-5763 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, · ~ Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB B. Becker, SCI SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. FAX SHEET TO: Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department Fax: 326-0576 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA. 93301 FP. OM: BOB BECK]ER Soils Engineer~]g, Inc. 4400 Ycagcr Way Bakc. rsficld, CA, 93313 6~51-831-$100 661-831-2111 Fax SUBJECT: Old Coca-Cola Facility Assessment Report PAGES: (~) NOTE: Howard- Here is majority of UST Assessment P,.epon for 414 19th ST. site in Bakersfield. We are planning on pulling thc UST and over-excavating on Monday. Steve has already approved the abandonment in-place, but since some elevated Icad came up in the soil samples they wish to removed the UST and over- excavate to 10' or so. Let me know if you have any questions. I will call on Monday to update date you ou our progress. If you have any questions call me at 831-5100 or 332-5806 (cell#). Bob 4400 YEAGER WAY * BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA98313 ° PHONE (661) 831-5100 · FAX: (861) 831-2111 $EP-19-2003 10:21~ FROI/r'$OIL$ Efl~,(~ERI~G 661-831-2111 T-945 P.OO2 F-285 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. September 19, 2003 File No. 03-10406 Mr. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield Fire DeparUuent Office of Environmental Services 171 $ Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: UST Assessment Report Former Coca-Cola Facility 414 19th St. Bakcrsficld, California Mr. W~nes: Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEr) is submitting this UST Assessment Report after the completion of assessment activities of a 1,500 gallon gasoline underground storage tank (UST) at the former Coca- Cola facility located at 414 19th Street in Bakersfield, CA. (site). Sc¢ Plate 1 for Location Map. The previously unknown UST is located within the northeastern end of the Garage building as shown on thc attached Plot Plan (Plate 2) and the Sample Map (Plate 3). Background Information Thc Coca-Cola Bottling Company facility has been armmd since tile 1930's as a bottling, storag~ and distribution center for thc bcvcragc company in Bakersfield, CA.. The site is tmdergoing a potential sale and during a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment conducted by A J Environmental in July 2003 a suspected UST fill pipc w~ observed on thc northern edge of thc Garagc building in the northeastern comcr of thc site. A vent pipc a~d two (2) floor patches w~'c also observed within the garage buildingjusu sour. h of thc fill pipe. On August 1,2003 a sitc inspection was conducted by SBI in which gasoline odor and trace gasoline was observed wir.~n the fill pipe. Some pctrolcum staining was also present on the asphaltic surface north of the fill pipe. h is the desire of Coca-Cola to gain closure of rigs UST per local regulatory requir~mcnts. FIELD WORK CONDUCTED Geophysical Survey On August 5, 2003 $BI subcontracted Strata Geophysical to conduct a magnetometer survey in the suspected UST area to determine thc approximate size and location of the UST. Tho metal sheeting on the outside of thc Oarag¢ building created magnetic interference preventing an accurate location of thc UST footprint utiliziug the magnetometer. A pipeline locater was also utilized which gave a better impression of'the UST outline with less interference. Tho geophysical survey of the UST area indicates that the UST may have been 4' to $' long and 3' to 4' wide lying perpendicular to the 4400 YEAGER WAY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 * PHONE (661) 831-5100 * FAX: (661) 831-2111 $EP-19-2003 IO:21AM FRO~SOILS EflG(~ERIHG 661-831-2111 T-946 P.O03/OOO F-286 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST A.~e$$ment Report File No. 03.10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility Sel~tember 19, 2003 F~r 414 19th Street in Beke~fleld~ Ca~ifornla ~a~e No. ~ no~em ~dge of~e G~ge b~l~g. T~e geophysical $~ did idenfi~ ~o go~dbl~ lo~fi~ ora fo~er dispenser w~ch w~ ~ south~ most patch ~ ~c b~g ap~xi~tcly 15' ~mhwmt of ~e fill pipe. The o~ s~f~c p~ch wi~ the buil~ w~ -nkno~. ~e vent ~no ~so uppers w co~[ re ~e southern most floor patch. See aEa~ed g~physical s~ey field not~ for more d~l. UNCOVERING OF UST SE[ subcontracted Marcor Remediation to abandon or remove the UST at the site under a Bakersfield Fire Department permit. On August 25, 2003 the fill pipe was uncovered outside of thc Garage building and appeared to continue ~uthwesterly inside the building toward the southern floor patch. The southern floor patch turned out to be the northern end of the UST. The mi0ority of the concrete cover was removed over the suspected UST mid then uncovered with a backhoe. The UST's actual dimensions are approximately 15' long and 4° in diameter for a capacity of approximately 1,500 gallons. The lower explosion limit (I.,EL) within the UST was <1% indicating it was safe to cut an observation window in the top of the UST. The UST was observed to be approximately 2/3 full of drilling mud type fluids in a semi-solid state with no petroleum odor. This indicated that the UST had been previously abandoned utilizing the pre-1985 methods. On August 26, 2003 Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) inspector Mr. Steve Underwood approved the abandonment in- place as is, as long as an asse~ment of soil conditions beneath the UST and along the product piping was conduct~ per present BFD regulations. ASSESSMENT OF UST AREA 'initial Assessment Of Soil Conditions SE! utilized a backhoe to acquire soil samples adjacent W and beneath the existin§ UST to assess possible hydrocarbon impacted soil pr/or to f'mal abandonment in-place. Soil samples (TI-2' and TI- 6') were collected out o£th¢ backhoe bucket at depths of 2' and 6' below the bottom of the UST as directed by the BFD inspector. Brass sleeves were filled with soil, sealed with Teflon-lined pla~ic caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. Additional soil samples were colleaed at depths of 2' and 6' beneath ground surface (bgs.) at the former dispenser locatiort (D 1-2' and D I-6')just northwest of the UST and at the fill pipe location (Fl~-2' and FP-6'). A 2' b§s. soil sample (P1-2') was also collected along the p/ping nm between the fiII pipe opening and the UST. One (1) sample (T-INT) of the drilli~ mud within the UST was also collected to evaluate this material. These soil samples were collected with a hand-auger and placed into brass sleeves at each sampling interval then sealed with Tc~on-lined plastic caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. No petroleum-impacted soiI was evident in any of the soil samples collected during th/s assessment, The hand au~or borings wero back/il]ed with clean soil cut~in~s and capped with concrete if SEP-19-ZO03 10:22MA FROkI-SOILS EHG~EERING 661-831-2111 T-945 P.004/006 F-286 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Assessment Report l~le No. 05.10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility Selott~mber 19, 2003 For 414_! 9tll Street in Bak¢~fie!d. Cali£ornttt Pare No. $ appropriate. See Plate 3 for the soil sample locations. Initial Analytical Testing The UST assessment soil samples (total of 7) were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg,) by EPA Method $015m, for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and MTBI~) by EPA Method 8020b and for tol~l lead by EPA Method 6010 at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the UST interior sample (T- ECl') was analyzed for CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 6010/7471, for volatile organics by EPA Meflmd 8260, for pH and for TPHg by EPA Method 8021B. In addition soil samples T1-2', TI-6', FP-3', FP-6' w~r¢ all analyzed for Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) for lead and saraple T1-6' was also analyzed for Threshold Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCI_,P) for lead. INITIAL FINDINGS Analytical Results of Soil Samples The analytical results of the soil samples are shown in Table 1 and indicate no detection of TPH as gasoline, BTEX or MTBt~ in any of the seven (7) UST assessment soil samples collected and analyzed. Total lead concentrations were elevated in soil samples T1-2', T1-6', FP-3' and FP-6' and additional analysis indicated California hazardous levels in soil sample T 1-6' at 7.9 ppm STLC lead. The analytical results of The drilling mud sample (T-IN'r) indicate no hazardous concentrations of metals, TPH$, BTEX, pH or volatile organics. Minor BTEX concentrations were reported in this sample of no concern. Sc¢ attached analytical reports and chain of custody documents for more dcnail. ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT ACTMTIES Soil Borings Based on the California hazardous lead concentration in the T1-6' soil sample additional assessment of lead content in the soil around the UST was warranted. On September 15, 2003 SEI contracted FIP Labs to utilize a Strataprobe dg to advance four (4) soil borings (B-1 to B..4) to a depth within and adjacent to the UST excavation. Soil samples were collected at 5' intervals in borings B-1 and B-2 and at 10' intervals in borings B-3 and B-4 beginning at 10' below ground surface Cogs) at each location. A California r~gistered geologist observed the drilling process. Soil samples were evaluated in the field for pelxoleum hydrocarbons (staining and odor), soil type and photo.ionization detector (PID) readings. A soil sample from each sampling interval was scaled, labeled and placed in an iced cooler. See Plate 3 for soil boring locations and attached boring logs for more detail. The borings were bacldilled with bentonite. $EP-16-2003 10:22AM FROki-$OIL$ ENG~E£RING 661-831-2111 T-946 P.005/009 F-285 SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. UST Assessment Report Fil~ No. 05-1040~ Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 2003 For 414 19tit Street in Balter.,~eld~ Caliirornia Page No. d Analytical Testing of Additional .Soil Samples Selected soil samples (10) were analyzed for total lead by I~PA Method 6010 at a State cerdfied aaalytical laboratory. In addidon the soil sample with thc highest PID reading in each boring was analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m and for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX') and MTBI~) by EPA Method 8020b. Only soil sample B1-30' wa~ analyzed for Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) £or lead based on a slightly elevated total lead result. See Table 1 and attached analytical repons for more detail. Analytical Result~ of Additional Soil Samples The analytical results of the additional soil samples are shown in Table 1 and indicate no elevated detection of TPH as gasoline, BTEX or MTBE in any of the four (4) soil samples collected and analyzed for these constituents. Soil sample B1-30' had mlr~or gasoline constituents of 100 ppm TPHg and 360 parts per billion (.ppb) xylcnes reported. Total l~ad concentrations were only slightly elevated in soil sample B1-30' (61 ppm) and additional STLC analysis for lead indicated non- hazardous concentrations (3.8 ppm). See attached analytical reports and chain ofcustodydocuxnants for more detail. Minor gasoline odor was noticed in soil sample BI-30' with the highest PID reading recorded at 70 ppm. No other soil samples had any indication of gasoline or lead coutamination. Con~:lusions & Recommendations Based on field observations and analytical rcsult, s of soil samples SEI concludes the following: 1. The analytical results of the soil samples collected beneath and adjacent to the formerly active 1500-gallon gasoline UST were none detected (ND) for TPH§, BTEX and MTBE, indicating no significant release of gasoline fuel ha~ occurred beneath or adjacent to the UST. Total lead concentrations were elevated in some soil samples adjacent to the UST and at the fill pipe with a hazardous concentration of 7.9 ppm STLC reported in sample T1-6'. Additional soil samples indicate that thc California hazardous lead concentrations arc restricted to the top 10' adjacent to the UST. 2. The analytical results also indicate that the interior of the UST is filled with non-hazardous drilling mud-type material that can be safely let in-place. St~I recommends the £ollowin8 for this site: 1. The UST should be removed from the excavation and thc lead-impacted soil removed down to a depth of at least 10' bgs.. The removed soil should be sampled and properly disposed of at a permitted facilit~ per local, State and Federal rel~ulations, h is ~stimated that SEP-Ig-z003 10:ZZA~ FR0~$01L$ EH RIHG 881-831-2111T-g4$ P.00$/00g SOIL.S £NGIN££1~ING, INC, UST ,4ssessment Rel~ort File No. 05-10406 Fomter Coca-Cola ~acili~ Sep~m~r 19, 200~ For 414 19th ~t in Bak~eld~ California . Page ~ 5 approximately 50 cubic y~ wiE be r~oved ~m thc UST excavation ~e~ Soil s~ples · ould be eollect~ ~m ~ b~e ~d sidewalls of~e excavation to co~ ~e sueeess~ remov~ oflead-i~ted soil ~m the UST ~ea. 2. SEI r~~s ~t the UST bc rcmov~ ~om ~e site ~d ~osed of per loc~, Sm~ ~d Fede~ re~ions. 3. ~c ~cavation ~ea shoed be b~kfi~ ~d c~p~t~ to 90% relaave ~W ~o~ wi~ a ~nc~te ~v~ matcMng exi~g s~a~. L~ITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Coca-Cola l~nterprises as it relates to the property de~cribcd. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: - The soil sampling sad water sampling performed at this site. - The observations officld personnel. - The results of laboratory tests performed by Positive Lab Services of Los Angeles, California. - Our understanding of the regulations of the BFD, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the DTSC and the EPA. Possible variations in the soil or 8roundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the vahdity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into thc conclusions and recommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, re~ional water usa§c, or other factors, any of which could affect this ~ort. The services performed by SBI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. Thc absencc of contamination on or bcncath thc propcrty cannot be guarantccd by this report. SBI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No edger warranty cxpr~sed or implied is made. SEP-IO-ZO03 IO:Z3MA FROkI-SOILS ENGT~ERIIdG 661'831-2111 T-945 P.O07/OO9 F-285 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ~$T Assessment Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Fac~i~ For 414 19th ~t h: Bakersfwld~ ~allforMa Page Ple~c c~ Soils E~e~ng, ~c. at (661) 831-5100 if you R~o~. Rob~ J. B~kcr, . En~nment~ Di~ion Mmag~ Enclos~s: T~ble 1, ~ic~ R~sul~ of Soil S~~~ L~on M~, Plate 1 Plot PI~, Pl~to 2 S~plo ~p, Phte 3 App~dk A: ~c~ Repons A~ B: Bo~ng m TABLE 1 - SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS . .. Site Assessment, Former Coca-Cola Facility, Bakersfield, CA. Olher CAN Sample TPHg Volalile Organics EPA 802tB or 8260B (ppb} EPA 8260 17 M~tals Sample No. Date (ppm) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xyle~es MTBE OtherVOC's (ppb} Total I.~ad (ppm) (ppm) PH 71-2' (I. JST, i 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 61, 3.8 STLC NA NA TldS' {us'r) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 170, ?.9 $TLC, 0:/1 TCLP NA NA---.m 01-2' (Dispense.r} 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 ..... <5 NA 10 .NA NA 01-6' (Dispenser) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 31 NA NA Pt-2' (AlorLq Plprn_q) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 . I <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 1.7 NA NA ----- FP-Z I[F~II Pipe) 08/26/03 <0,5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA .. 94~ 3.1 STLC NA NA FP-6' (Fill Pipe) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 72r 3.4 STLC . ' .... NA NA 1,3,5,-Trlmelhylbenzene = 38. t.2,4-Tdmetl-~]ber~_~te =76, None T-INT (inter[o[ of UST 08/26/03 <0.5 7.4 21 18 123 <4 Naphlhafene = 5.1 7,3 Elevated 9.4 B1-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA HA NA NA NA 0.89 NA NA BI-20' 09/15/03 NA NA HA ...NA NA NA NA 14 NA NA Bt-30' 09/15/03 100 <50 <50 <5.0 , ,,360 <50 NA 61,3.8 S?.LC NA B2-10' 09/15/03 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 1.2 NA NA B2-15' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA PJA 3.9 NA NA B2-20' 09/15/03 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA 0.91 NA NA B2-30' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 '" NA 2.9 NA NA B3-10; 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.6 NA I~ B3-20' 09/15/'03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.4. NA NA B3-30' 09/15/'03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 HA 1.6 NA ida --- B4-10' 09/1~03 NA NA NA HA NA NA HA 1.5 NA NA -- B4-2n' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 HA 1.2 NA NA B4-30' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA N~, .... I NA NA NIo[e~;~.am-[,~,~.. per million (mg,q,,g), p~b - pairs pm' billran (ug,q'.g), TPH = T~ta] F'~:;,v;;,ahi Hycrrocmbons, TIPHg = as gasoline, IdD - None Del~cled above deter'on limits, ~ = Not Analyzed, Bold - ElevaimJ Connentmtlon, STLC = S0~uble Threshold Umil Canoen~ation. SEP-16-2003 10:23Aid F~M-S01tS ENGTI~EI~ING 661-831-2111 T-946 P.006/009 F-285 II I N 20th Streot Fffi~ipe ~-2' &-~ East Proper~ Concrete ~0 kflllon ~IOOF Gnso~e UST (Ab~doned Por~on In-Phee) Of BulldOg Garage B ldinR o Soil Sample Location ~ Soil Boring Loca~on II _lit. I I I SOILS rNGINE~HG, IHC. Coca-Cola ~arage & Truck Storage Bids PLATE ~00 Y~ger way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 933~3 Bakersfield, CA. PRO.CT: 03-10~6 BAKER3FI~ FII~ DEI~ARTI~I~iT 1715 Cheecer Ave., Bakezstleld, CA 93301 --" (805) 326-3979 CONDITION OF TANKS GATE INIIIEGTOPJ NNIE 8ZGNATUI~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN ~ J Bakersfield Fire Dept. UN' DERGROUND STORAGE TA~K- ~~~ O Environmental Services ...... ,~ 1715 Chester Ave Page I of 1 Bakersfield, CA 93301 iPermitN° ~-- O-~) ~' Tel: (661)326-3979 -. SITE INFORMATION ." SITE Former Coca-Cola FaciIit,ADDRESS 414 19th Street,Bake,rsf,:~e~ZlPcoDE93301 FAC~UTYNAME CocaCola Bottling Facility CROSS STREET V Street TANKOWNEPJOPEaATOa PH~NE~o~ 51 0-61 3-271 7 APN005-130-0; T, he Coca-Cola Bottling Co.of Bake~:s[~fl±a MA~U~eADDaESS crrY p a Raw 4067 Oakland, CA. ZIPCODE 94614-/ 067 " :.' CONTRACTOR INFORMATION - . ~ ., '~"' COMPANY · c~,.-..; I ~ ~,",,.'~'; nc,~-,.--~ nr, r Tn~'. PHONENo. LICENSENo. ADDRES~ ~ ......... ~, ..... 661 -831 -51 00 44nn v~ w~v C~TY Bakersfield, CA z~P~C°~C~331 3 INSURANCECARRIER ~ ..... ~ WORKMENS COMP No. State Compensafinn Tngur. Fund 541-6-99 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION . COMPANY ' .... ' ~ PHONE No. LICENSE No, an~ 1e l~nnl n~ri no~ Tn(l_ 661 -831 -51 00 65928 ADDR~S~ ..... ~ .... 4400 Yea~er Way c~Y Bakersfield, CA ZIPCODE 93313 INSURANCE CARRIER .q~m~ ~.q ~b~ve WORKMENS COMP No. 541-6-99 · TANK CLEANING INFORMATiON --~ :: -,: ,,, -' COMPANY Marcor Remediation PHONE"No. ( 661 ) 834'1 230 UCENSENo?36681, ADDRESS 4609 New Horizon,Suite 9 OTY Bakersfield, CA ZIPCOD~3313 INSURANCECARR~ERZuri~h-American Ins. Co. WORKMENS COMP No. WC53954672 WASTE TRANSPONi~ IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILITY CAD028277036 CAT080033681 Demeno/Kerdoon ADDRESS 2000 N. Alameda c~Y Compton, CA I Z~PCODE TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION , COMPANY Marcor Remediation PHONENo. ( 661 ) 834-1 230 LICENSENo736681 ADDRESSa S above cl~ ZIPCODE TANKDESTINATION Sierra Metals '- TANK IN FORMATION .... CH EMICAL DATES CHEMICAL TANK No. AGE VOLUME STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED I 40 + 500 Gasoline Unknown unknown For Official Use Only APPLICATOND'A~E i'.' '"?:> ..-, -'....FACLTYN°~. ; ,,; ";"~:~.~:!~.. ?.' ' . .' '.:.' . No. OF TANKS,,. .~ ~..":.:'i.,~.,.,.FEE.. ~,'~"¥'"~ :$ ~..' THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLICA_N~SIGL~A/AJp~E ~ ¢ R o b e r t B e c k e r ~//~/~ BECO~', A THIS APPLICATION WILL PERMIT WHEN APPROVED N SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Coca-Cola Garage & Truck Storage Bldg PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. · (661) 831 - 5100 ?~OJECT: 03-10406 Location & Hospital Map 20th Street Est. UST ipe East Extent'~.F'"i Property Vent~/v.. Line } ~/Fuel Line Floor~,~:~ ..... / Patch '~o~rmer Dispenser Concrete Floor Portion Of Building Garage Building 0 25' ~ I I Approx, Scale 1" = 25' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Coca-Cola Garage & Truck Storage Bldg PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield'(661) 831 CA_ 510093313 Bakersfield, CA. /~ ~^~: ~o~ Plot Plan Map PROJECT: 03-10406 License Detail Page 1 of 2 Csqifornla Homo Tuesday, February 18, 2003 License Detail CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD Contractor License # 659286 _ DISCLAIMER ~ A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license data base. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations: · CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law (B&P 7124.6). If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure, an icon will appear below. Click on the icon to obtain additional complaint information. ~ · Per B&P 7071.17, only construction related civil judgments known to the CSLB are disclosed. · Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitration. ~ · Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license data base. Extract Date: 02/1812003 * * * Business Information * * * RICKETT REAVES & WARD SOILS ENGINEERING INC 4400 YEAGER WAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Business Phone Number: (661) 831-5100 Entity: Corporation Issue Date: 11124/1992 Expire Date: 11/30/2004 * * * License Status * * * This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. * * * Classifications * * * IClassl Description A IIGENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR * * * Certifications * * * Certll Description IH ZlIHAZA DOUS SUBSTANCES EMOVAL IH=C IIHOME IMPROVEMENT CERTIFICATION http ://www2.cslb.ca.gov/CSLB_LIBRARY/License+Detail.asp 2/18/2003 License Detail Page 2 of 2 * * * Bonding Information * * * CONTRACTOR'S BOND: This license filed Contractor's Bond number 9035235 in the amount of $?,500 with the bonding company AM£RICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY. Effective Date: 11/0112001 Contractor's Bondin~l I-Iistory BOND OF QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL(I): The Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) LOUIS THOMAS BAYNE certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/equity of the corporation. A bond of qualifying individual is not required. Effective Date: 11/24/1992 * * * Workers Compensation Information * * * This license has workers compensation insurance with the STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND Policy Number: 541-0000006 Effective Date: 07/01/1994 Cancellation Date: 03111/2003 Workers Compensation History Personnel listed on this license (current or disassociated) are listed on other licenses. Personnel List Other Licenses · License Number Request Contractor Name Request Personnel Name Request Salesperson Request Salesperson Name Request © 2002 State of California. Gray Davis, Governor. Conditions of Use Priv_.a_cy_P_o_!!_c..y http://www2.cslb.ca.gov/CSLB_LIBRARY/License+Detail.asp 2/18/2003 CERTIFICAT OF LIABIINSURA, E PROOUCER (661) 327-33 R OF INFORMATION TnWest Tnsurance Servtces Faul kner/Murray-Knox Agenctes TER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POMCIE8 BELOW. 1400 Easton Dr., Ste. 137 Bakersfiel d, CA 93309 ~RERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED SOilS Eng¶neering Tnc. ~su~R~ Century Surety 4400 Yeager Way :NSURERB: Clarendon Tnsurance Company Bakersfield, CA 93313 ~NSURERC: Fireman's Fund Surplus INSURERO: State Compensation :[ns. Fund 55555 INSURER E: . · THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDIN( ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POUCY EFFECTIVE POUCY EXPIRATION DATE IMM/DO/YYI DATE IMM/OD/YYI LIMITS GENERALLIABIUTY CCP237996 06/25/2003 06/25/2004 EACH OCCURRENCE 1,000,000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY "* DAMAGE TO RENTED $ 50,000 PRFMIRFR (~:~ __ CLAIMS MADE ~-~ OCCUR ELD EXP (A~y one ;erson) $ 2,000 Professional Excl PERSONAL & ADV ~NJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGO $ Prof AUTOMOBILEUABIUTY PA10102250 06/25/2003 06/25/2004 COMBINED SINOLE LIMIT ANY AUTO (La accident) $ 1,000,000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BOOILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ -- ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGO $ EXCESSRJMBRELLALIABILITY XEK0008565292 06/25/2003 06/25/2004 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 4,000,000 __! OCCUR ~ CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ s 4,000,000 DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND 541006-03 05/01/2003 05/01/2004 Y I WCSTATU- OTH- '~ I TORY L M TS ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1 ~ 000 ~ 000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1 ~ 000 ~ 000 If yes, descdbe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1 ~ 000 ~ 000 OTHER DESCRIP. TION OF OPER.~. TIONS I LOCAT ONS I VEH CLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER~ CANCI~LLATI~)H SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAiL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAJLURE TO MAJL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Ken Vetter/SHEeIO /'~ ACORD 25 (2001108) FAX: (661)758-7239 ©*CORD CORPORATION 19aa C11®nt~:~358 SOIL~ENGI CERTIFIC IFE OF LIABILITY INS NCE I o?11slo3 m~OOUCE~ THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Dealey, Renton &Associates ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE P. O. Box 10550 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES _nFLOW. Santa Ana, CA 92711.0550 714 427-6810 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED Soils Engineering Inc INSURER A: Security Ins. Co. of Hartford 4400 Yeager Way INSURER B: Bakersfield, CA 93311 INSURER C: INSURER D: I INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POMClES. AGGREGATE UMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR i POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY E3a31RATION~ LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ' POLICY NUMBER DATE [MMIDDIYYI DATE CMMIDDIYy)I LIMITS [ i - ; FIRE DAMAGE(Anyonefire $ ! I I CLAIMS MADE'~___J OCCUR MEO EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADVINJURY $ .1~1. AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: I i PRO. i-- i I PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG ! , POLICY i : JECT ' I LOC I AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY I [ ' [ COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT : , (Ea accident) $ i I ANYAUTO i ! AL'OWNEO~UTOS : ___!.I SCHEDULED AUTOS : !I II 'BODILY (Per person)INJURY $ ' NON-OWNED AUTOS t I I(Per accident) ~ I ~ PROPERTY DAMAGE ; $ I i (Per accident) ~ GARAGE LIABILITY I I AUTO ONLY- EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO , I .... i ! OTHER THAN EAACC $ ~ I AUTO ONLY: AGG $ ?-~ EXCESS LIABILI ~T~__ It i Ii EACH OCCURRENCE $ ;~ OCCUR CLAIMS MADE I i AGGREGATE $ ~ ;RETENTION $ ' ! i [ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND i i ! WC STATU- '~OTH. ; EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY t : ; ~ ___.J_~ T~ BX_L[ ML~S ', i ER : ~_E__. _L. HA_CH ACCIDENT $ ;~ i I E.L.DISEASE-EAEMPLOYEE $ i I E.L. DISEASE-POLICY LlUlqi $ A i OTHER Professional AEE0232196 06~25~03 i 06/25/04 ~ $1,000,000 per claim iLiability I i $2,000,000 annl aggr. , . DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSIVEHICLESIEXCLUSIONS AD OED aY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER ! I ADDmONALINSURED;INSURERLt:I i~-R: CANCELLATION Ten Dav Notice for Non-Pavment of Premium SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVI~ DESC.,RJ BE D POIJCII~S BE LANCE LIE D BEFORE THE E3~:~IATION DATETHEREOF,THEISSUINGINSURERWIL~I~X]iOMAIL30 - DAYSWRII-FEN NOTICE TOTHE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN Former Coca-Cola Facility 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA. SECTION 1 FACILITY BACKGROUND 1.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield proposed to remove one (1) 500-gallon underground storage tank at 414 19th St. in Bakersfield, CA. (Location Map Plate 1). The site is currently unoccupied with three main buildings. 1.2 SITE HISTORY The Coca-Cola Bottling Company facility has been around since the 1930's as a bottling, storage and distribution center for the beverage company in Bakersfield, CA.. The site is undergoing a potential sale and during a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment conducted by A J Environmental in July 2003 a suspected UST was observed on the northern edge of the Garage building in the northeastern comer of the site. A locked fill pipe, a vent pipe and two (2) possible former dispenser locations are located in or adjacent to the suspected UST area. At a recent site inspection conducted by SEI gasoline odor and gasoline was observed within the fill pipe. Some petroleum staining is present on the asphaltic surface adjacent to the UST. A geophysical survey indicates that the UST is approximatelY 500-gallons in size. It is the desire of Coca-Cola to gain closure of this UST per local regulatory requirements. PROJECT SCHEDULE AND WORK PLAN 2.1 PROJECT SCHEDULE The UST will be removed after the removal permit is approved and after 48 hours of notification. Tentative date for removal is August 25, 2003 2.2 WORK PLAN Permitting SEI will obtain a UST removal permit from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. 4400 YEAGER WAY ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ° PHONE(661)831-5100 ° FAX:(661)831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-SpeCific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 2 Decontamination and Removal of UST One (1) small (<500 gallon) UST will be uncovered, decontaminated and inerted prior to removal. The UST will be removed with a backhoe and transported to a recycling facility. The rinsate will be manifested to a licensed disposal facility. Collection of Soil Samples Soil samples will be collected beneath the former UST location and the former dispenser location at depths of 2' and 6' beneath the UST and surface, respectively and analyzed for volatile organics (including; benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), MTBE and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) using EPA Methods 8020 and 8015m, respectively at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the soil samples will be analyzed for total lead. Additional soil samples may be required along the former fuel line to the dispensers. A hand-auger will be utilized to collect the soil samples at the former dispenser and along the fuel lines after saw-cutting the boring locations. Backfilling Excavation The excavation will be backfilled and compacted with clean imported soil to match existing grade. The core holes inside the building will be filled with soil cuttings and capped with concrete to match existing surfaces. Closure Report SEI will prepare a tank closure report detailing the removal of the UST, soil sample analytical results, waste manifests and conclusions and recommendations for the site. SECTION 3 KEY PERSONNEL AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 PERSONNEL Key personnel in charge of site activities: Project Manager Robert Becker Project Safety Officer Robert Becker Site Safety Officer Chris Carrisalez Field Personnel To Be Determined SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 3 3.2 RESPONSIBILITIES Soils Engineering, Inc. has been given the responsibility for the preparation of this Health and Safety Plan, and is to monitor compliance of its personnel and those of its subcontractors. Soils Engineering, Inc. personnel responsible for the distribution and monitoring of this site health and safety plan will be the Project Safety Officer, and the Project Manager. The Project Safety Officer is responsible for delivering the plan and any addenda to the Project Manager, and for advising the Project Manager and Site Safety Officer on health and safety issues. He has the authority to monitor compliance with the provisions of this plan, suspend work or modify work practices for safety reasons, and to dismiss individuals whose conduct on the site endangers the health and safety of others. The Project Manager is responsible for distributing the plan to Soils Engineering, Inc. field personnel, and its subcontractors and each firm with personnel working on site. The Project Manager is also responsible for review of Soils Engineering, Inc. field personnel's compliance with its medical examination requirements, providing the appropriate safety equipment for personnel protection, and verify that all required health and safety documentation is submitted to the Project Safety Officer. The authority of the Project Manager is the same as the Project Safety Officer. The Site Safety Officer is responsible for assisting the Project Manager with on-site implementation of the Site Health and Safety Plan. His responsibilities are as follows: 1) Maintain safety equipment supplies. 2) Perform air quality measurements as required or needed. 3) Direct decontamination operations and emergency response operations in accordance with the information provided in this document. 4) Establish the work zone markers and signs. 5) Report all accidents, incidents and infractions of safety rules and requirements to the Project Manager. The Site Safety Officer has the authority to suspend work anytime he determines that the provisions of the Site Health and Safety Plan are inadequate to provide a safe working environment. He is to notify the Project Manager of individuals whose on-site presence jeopardizes their health and safety, and the health and safety of others. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 4 SECTION 4 JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS 4.1 CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS The chemical hazards at this site include the possible presence of petroleum hydrocarbons (gasoline) and metals (lead) in the subsurface soil. Gasoline may still be present in the UST and will be removed prior to removal. 4.2 INHALATION HAZARD The vapor and dust concentrations that might be encountered during sampling and mitigation procedures are not likely to exceed currently recommended exposure limits, but in the event they do respiratory protection will be used in the work area. Engineering and administrative controls will be employed if required to abate windborne dust. These will include items such as water spray from a 500 gallon tank and/or administrative controls such as reducing site activities that produce windbome dust. 4.3 DERMAL EXPOSURE HAZARD Contact of sufficient duration to cause significant absorption of toxic components is highly unlikely. Repeated daily or prolonged contact over a period of time may however, lead to absorption through the skin, irritation and dermatitis. For this reason direct skin contact shall be avoided by wearing protective gloves and clothing. However, if contact does occur, the exposed areas shall be washed with soap and water and rinsed thoroughly. 4.3.1 Eye Contact If eye contact is made with any chemical materials at the site, the eye shall be flooded with water for at least 15 minutes. Medical attention shall be obtained as soon as possible. 4.3.2 Skin Contact Skin exposure shall be treated by washing with soap and water. Any contaminated clothing shall be removed and affected areas washed with soap and water. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 5 4.4 OTHER HAZARDS Attention must be paid to other possible hazards on the site including, but not limited to: - improper use of hand tools - rotating machinery such as pumps - dehydration of the personnel - tripping on objects or open ditches - falling objects from the overhead work - lack of oxygen through blockage of the mask - overhead power lines - underground utilities 4.5 HEAT STRESS PREVENTION The SSO shall monitor ambient temperature and use the following work/rest regimes as a guide. For ambient temperature below 80°F, standard rest breaks (e.g. 15 minutes every 4 hours) should be used. For temperature above 80oF, the following regime should be followed. Temperature Work Rest Comments (a) 80 to 85°F 2 hr. 5 min. Review heat stress in a safety meeting. Schedule a beverage break every 2 hrs., at a minimum. 80 to 90°F 2 hr. 15 min. Seated rest. Drink at least 8 ounces at each break. Above 90oF 1.5 hr 15 min. As stated above. Rest area to be shaded. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 6 SECTION 5 JOB HAZARD SUMMARY Exposure to chemical hazards may occur during the cleaning of the UST and if contaminated soils are present and brought to the surface during UST removal and sampling activities. As each task begins, the potential risk of exposure increases. Consequently, level C personal protective equipment shall be available at the site. If monitoring of the breathing zone establishes another action level, the personal protection level may be upgraded. Nearby residents or workers are at a sufficient distance that they shall be at no significant risk. The SSO shall determine if any further action is required. SECTION 6 EXPOSURE MONITORING PLAN 6.1 SAMPLING ACTIVITIES The exposure monitoring activities shall be conducted or directed by the SSO during those activities that require such monitoring. At a minimum, the breathing zone shall be monitored for organic vapor during sampling activities. This shall be accomplished by use of a Foxboro OVA, HNU or Eagle Trimeter portable analyzer. 6.2 ACTION LEVELS Action levels for organic vapors in the breathing zone shall be based on readings obtained by the portable equipment mentioned. The PID instrument determines the total organic vapor present in the breathing zone. Readings of 0 to 100 ppm shall be considered level D without respirators. Readings of 100 ppm or greater for 5 minutes or longer shall trigger an action level to upgrade to level C or modified level D with respirators. SECTION 7 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The respiratory and skin protection requirement shall be initially set at level "D" without respirators. This indicates that inhalable airborne substances are known, and concentrations of chemicals in the atmosphere are not expected and are well below TLV- STEL levels. The use of the following personal protection equipment is mandatory. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 7 7.1 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR FIELD PERSONNEL - Boots (with steel toes) Nitrile, or equivalent, work gloves - Eye protection 7.2 LEVEL C PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT - Half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge when necessary. - Gloves (latex and/or Nitrile) 7.3 EQUIPMENT TO BE USED OR AVAILABLE ON SITE: First-aid kit with eyewash - Fire extinguisher - Construction tape and barriers to delineate work zone - A vehicle must be kept on site when personnel are working - A cellular or public phone to be available on site for communication purposes with off site facilities. - Foxboro OVA portable analyzer or PID SECTION 8 SITE CONTROL 8.1 WORK ZONE The site area shall be controlled to reduce the possibility of exposure to chemical and/or mechanical hazards present at the site. Work areas shall be delineated to protect the general public from exposures and hazards. If level C protection becomes necessary then zones and access points shall be clearly indicated. A restricted area for contamination reduction shall be maintained at the exit to the exclusion zone. Protective clothing and equipment as required by this health and safety plan shall be worn at all times in the exclusion zone and shall only be removed in the designated decontamination corridor at the exit. The areas outside the contamination reduction area, is considered a clean area. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 8 SECTION 9 DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Decontamination of equipment shall be conducted when necessary. 9.1 DECONTAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT Insofar as possible, measures shall be taken to prevent contamination of equipment. Any delicate instrument, which cannot be decontaminated easily should be protected while it is being used. It should be bagged and the bag taped and secured around the instrument. Openings are made in the bag for sample intake. SECTION 10.0 GENERAL SAFE WORK AND STANDARD OPERATING PRACTICES Site health and safety plan implementation will be the responsibility of SEI. If Soils Engineering, Inc. health and safety personnel find that the H&S plan is not being implemented by the subcontractors, the subcontractors will be instructed to suspend further work. A meeting to evaluate the noncompliance will be scheduled with the subcontractors Project Manager. During the meeting the personnel will reach an agreement to either; * Revise the Health and Safety Plan, * Modify the Health and Safety Plan, * Request review by an Industrial Hygienist, * Leave the Plan unchanged. The subcontractor will then implement the Plan as modified. 10.1 SITE SAFETY ORIENTATION MEETING All field personnel from Soils Engineering, Inc. and the subcontractors must attend a safety orientation meeting before commencing the field work. The meeting will be scheduled and conducted by the Site Safety Officer and is to include an overview of the site history, the potentially hazardous compounds, their potential mode of ingress into the SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 9 body, protective equipment requirements, and emergency response equipment. All individuals who do not have respirators and who may be required to wear them, will not be allowed on the site until they are provided with and fit tested for respirators by their respective employers. 10.2 ACCIDENT / PERSONNEL EXPOSURE REPORTS The Site Safety Officer must be informed of all exposures to potentially hazardous material and all accidents whether or not any injury was caused. After investigation of the cause of the accident, he will take all immediate possible steps for the mitigation or the repeat of the accident and proceed with the preparation of an accident report. In the event of a serious or fatal injury resulting from accidents on the site, the relevant CAL/OSHA requirements for accident reporting must be met. The Project Manager will also be informed at the earliest possible time. 10.3 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed in the restricted zone, and only allowed off the site after personal decontamination has taken place. Removal of personal protection equipment and respirator required by articles of this plan, inside the contamination zone is prohibited. Under special circumstances, and after consultation with the Project Manager and/or the Project Safety Officer, the Site Safety Officer may lower the level of protection required and allow the disuse of specific items of personnel protection. Movements on the site singly and out of the sight of the rest of the personnel is prohibited. 10.4 TAIL GATE MEETING A Tail Gate Meeting will be held every morning before the start of work and is to be attended by all personnel on-site. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the days work, potential hazards, and specific health and safety procedures to utilized during the day. The minutes of the meeting will be prepared by the Site Safety Officer. The signature page will be signed by all field personnel. 10.5 VISITOR CLEARANCE Visitors to the site must inform the Site Safety Officer or the Project Manager upon their arrival on the site and must be informed of the contents of this report and fully equipped before entry is permitted. Visitors will be required to be escorted in the exclusion zone and must comply with escort directions at all times. Non-compliance with escort SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 10 directions will not be tolerated, and violators will be required to leave the restricted access zones immediately. SECTION 11 SANITATION Sanitation facilities for site personnel will include the following: 1. Accessible, near-by restrooms 2. Washing facilities 3. Potable water 4. Electrolyte drink (Gator Aid) SECTION 12 CONTINGENCY PLANS AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES Soils Engineering, Inc. requires the utmost care and safety for all of its employees. And therefore attempts to maintain all employees in a current status of emergency training. 12.1 PHYSICAL INJURY In the event of an accident resulting in a physical injury, apply first aid and call paramedics. Severely injured personnel are to be transported only by paramedics and/or ambulance personnel. At the hospital, a physician's attention is mandatory regardless of how serious the injury appears. The Project Safety Officer and the Project Manager are to be notified by the Site Safety Officer, as soon after the injury as practical, regarding the nature of the accident. A written report is also to be prepared and submitted by the Site Safety Officer. 12.2 FIRE, EXPLOSION, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE In the event of a fire or explosion notify the fire department immediately by dialing: 911 The Project Safety Officer and the Project Manager are to be notified by the Site Safety Officer as soon as practical and a written report prepared. ~OILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 11 12.3 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Fire Department 911 Police Department 911 Paramedics 911 SEI (661) 831- 5100 12.4 WORK SITE ADDRESS Former COca Cola Facility 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 12.5 HOSPITAL ADDRESSES AND ROUTES Plate 1 is a local map showing the route to the hospital. Hospital Address: San Joaquin Hospital 2615 Eye St. Bakersfield, CA. (661) 395-3000 Route: Go west on 19th St. to Chester Ave. turn right (north) and travel to 26th St. turn left to Eye St. and the Hospital. See Plate 1 for suggested route to hospital. SECTION 13 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Training on the hazards at the site will be conducted at the start of the project and as conditions and personnel change. This plan will be reviewed with project personnel prior to their entry onto the site. In addition, Soils Engineering, Inc. provides and encourages training opportunities such as CPR, First Aid, and 1910.120 annual refresher and supervisory training. The initial training will include the following subjects at a minimum: SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 12 1. Nature of the hazards, including the location of the site Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals at the site. 2. A description of the levels of personal protection at the site, and the condition for selection of each level. 3. Emergency procedures. 4. Demonstration of respiratory protective equipment. 5. Review of safe work practices at the site, and identification of forbidden practices. Safety Meetings will be conducted daily at the site to review work plans and safety practices associated with them. These meetings will be conducted by the SSO, attendance by all Soils Engineering, Inc. employees, subcontractors, and visitors to the site will be mandatory. SECTION 14 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM To meet with the criteria set forth in 29 CFR 1910.120 Soils Engineering, Inc. has implemented a medical surveillance program which includes all employees that work at or visit hazardous waste sites. SECTION 15 DOCUMENTATION All required records of individual employees are maintained at SEI's central location in Bakersfield, California. The records include but are not limited to: medical surveillance, training, and respiratory testing. This Site Safety Plan Is Hereby Approved and Acknowledge by SEI's Acting Health and Safety Of~cer. ~OILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 03-10406 Former Coca Cola Facility August 2003 414 19th St., Bakersfield, CA. Page No. 13 SIGNATURE PAGE The following signature verifies that I have read the attached Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan and that I will carry out the recommended scope of work in accordance with this Health and Safety Plan. Name D~e IN SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Coca-Cola Garage & Truck Storage Bldg PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. - (661) 831 - 5100 PROJECT: 03-10406 Location & Hospital Map Approx. UST Extent Fill Pipe Vent ~ 1 Line Floor ...... Patch Former Dispenser Garage Building ~} 715' Approx. Scale 1" = 7.5' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Coca-Cola Garage & Truck Storage Bldg PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313Bakersfield, CA. l~ (661) 831 - 5100 ~^~: ~,o~ Plot Plan PROJECT: 0:3-10406 CADIZ,CADIZ ARCHITECTS , December 6, 2002 City of Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Ave, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 9330! Attn: Ralph Huey. Director of~enti RE: ~oca-Cnla Bakersfield - 4320 Ride Stre~-~ Warehouse Draft Curtains - Plan Check #B02-06456 Per our telephone call today, you noted that draft curtains will not be required on the new Coca- Cola Warehouse building currently under construction in Bakersfield. Thank you very much for your 'assistance. Sincerely, , Carlos A. C~ ~tect Cc: David Weirather, City of Bakersfield Mike Quann, City of Bakersfield Raul Rarnirez, CCE Jack Jensen, Fortune Ratliff K:~.~i36NewBakersfiel&Do6s~ltrRalph Hia~y 120602:doc- 110 w. escalones suite no. a san clemente ca. 92672 phone: (949) 361-0437 fax: (949) 361-0696 Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON' REVERSE SIDE ........ ,,~,~¥~,~;,~,;~,,~;~;;~;,~,,,,;~,~ ...... This permit is issued for the following: ,~i?'? i~ :?;'~"~%i iiiiii!i!ii,~ ~,~i iiiii,: iiiiill iii;;':i i~ i~ Ji~e[ground Storage of Hazardous Materials ~'~"- ~ '~3'.:~ ", · ,' · .~r' ?= . '~' [~ by: O~C~ o~ ~0~~ S~ ~C~s 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor Hu~~ Office of ~mml S~i~m B~e~el~ CA 93301 Voice (805) 32~3979 F~ (S0~)326~576 ExpiratioaDate: ~un~ ~0~ ~000 r Acttv~2t¥ Date # Of Tanks Comments GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 ,.'" ;'*' ~ .... Telephone (805) 061-3636 STEVE McCALLEY ,.d~ ~,~;'.:' "~:.~-:~,~ '~<. Telecopler (805) 861-3429 D EPARTMENT:-::OF~ENVIR~NMENTAL February 22, 1990 Coca Cola Enterprises 414 19th Street Bakersfield, California CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 414 19TH STREET IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A1066-15/150055 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Changes in the present or proposed land use may require further assessment and mitigation of potential public health impacts. Thank yo~ ~r u~operation in this matter. TURONDA R. CRUMPLER, R.E.H. , HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST .cc: Crisp Construction ....... _. --pC~.~sp---~n-:_~-~t_~on-O-- B°X 1066 Visalia, CA 93279 Attn: Mr. Richard Warren .Project: Coca Cola Plant 414 19th Street Bakersfield, California Subject: Underground Storage Tank Removal of Soil Samples Dear Mr. Warren: This report presents the analytical results of soil samples retrieved following the removal of one underground storage tank at the above-referenced project location. Attached to the report are a site map and a copy of the chain-of-custody documentation. The scope of our testing was initiated per the verbal authorization of Mr. Richard Warren with Crisp Construction. SCOPE OF WORK Services performed by The Twining Laboratories, Inc., consisted of the sampling and analysis of four soil samples retrieved from under one 10,000 gallon underground storage tank. The storage tank was 8 feet in diameter by 28 feet in length. The tank was rusty and pitted, however, no holes were evident. No soil discoloration was noticed. A slight product odor emanated from the excavation. The storage tank had a product history of unleaded gasoline. The approximate location of the former tank is presented on Drawing No. 1. The project site is located at 414 19th Street, in Bakersfield, California. 2527 Fresno S~t · RO. ~x 1472 O ~01 West Goshen ~enue ~ Fresno, Califomia 93716 ° (209) 2~-7021 Vi~lia, California 93291 · (209) 651-2190 1405 Granite ~ne, Suite 1 D 3701. P~us Drive, Suite 124 Modesto, California 95351 · (209) 523~9~ Bakersfield, California 93308 · (805) 393-5088 SAMPLING PROCEDURE The soil samples were obtained by Mr. Ray Kurz with The Twining Laboratories, Inc. on November 1, 1989. Two samples were retrieved from each end of the tank; a sample at two feet and a sample at 6 feet below the bottom of the tank. The location and ~depth±was -specified 'by Ms. Turonda ~Crumpler o~_.~the K~rn .C~unty--:: ...... Environmental Health Department. The soil samp%es we~ ret~le~d using brass sleeves, then capped with aluminum ~oil, ~nen p±as~c · _~-,caps and immediately packed in ice for. shipment to our [~/laboratory. The samples were clearly identified and banded with 'shipping seals. The samples retrieved in the field were brought to our facility in Fresno, California on November 1, 1989. The results of the sample analysis is presented in the .attached If you should have any questions regarding the information contained herein, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. Matthew L. Bullis, RCE Supervisor Environmental Engineering Department MLB/rb 2c: Herewith lc: Kern County Environmental Health Department,.Attn: Ms. Turnonda Crumpler Fresno Modes~o Visalia Bakersfield Geotechnicaland Environmental Consultants · Engineering and Chemical Laboratorie~ REPORT DATE : November 22, 1989 PROJECT MGR; Matt Bullis EXAMINATION NO.: 689-5715.1-4 CLIENT : Crisp Construction P.O. Box 10866 Visalia, California PROJECT : Coca Cola Plant = __ ._~.' ........ ~ ......... - .... . ..... 414 19th Street .......... Bakersfield, California DATE SAMPLED : 11-01-89 at N/A by R. Kurz DATE RECEIVED: 11-01-89 at 1655 from R. Kurz In accordance with your instructions, the samples submitted were analyzed for the components specified. Results are enclosed on the following pages. If you have any questions concerning the analysis or results, please contact us. Thank you for letting us serve you. THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. r,'-~ Ch~istry Division LJ: mrd lc:herewith 2527 Fresno Street · P.O.,Box 1472 O 9401 West Goshen Avenue Fresno, California 93716 (209) 268-7021 Visalia, Califomia 93291 · (209)651-2190 1405 Granite Lane. Suite I l-I 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Modesto, California 95351 - (209) 523-0994 Bakersfield, California 93308 · (805)393-5088 REPORT DATE : November 22, 1989 PROJECT MGR; Matt Bullis EXAMINATION NO.: 689-5715.1 page 1 of 4 CLIENT :Crisp Construction PROJECT : Coca Cola Plant 414 19th Street ......... Bakersfield, Cali~0~ni DATE SAMPLED : 11-01-89 at N/A by R. Kurz DATE RECEIVED: 11-01-89 at 1655 from R. Kurz DATE PREPARED: 11-06-89 DATE ANALYZED: 11-07-89 ANALYZED' BY : S. Singh REVIEWED BY : J. Koelewyn SAMPLE TYPE : Soil SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: S-i, Tank 1, North End 2' CONSTITUENT RESULT METHOD MDL (m g) (mg/kg) Benzene ND 8020 0.05 Toluene ND 8020 0.05 Ethylbenzene ND 8020 0.05 Xylenes ND 8020 0.20 TPH-Gasoline GC/FID 0.5 NOTES: mg/kg: Milligram per Kilogram Preparation (BTEX & Gasoline) : 5020 TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MDL: Method Detection Limit ND : None Detected Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield REPORT DATE : November 22, 1989 PROJECT MGR; Matt Bullis EXAMINATION NO.: 689-5715.2 page 2 of 4 CLIENT : Crisp Construction PROJECT : Coca Cola Plant 414 19th Street ........ Bakersfield, '~California DATE SAMPLED : 11-01-89 at N/A by R. Kurz DATE RECEIVED: 11-01-89 at 1655 from R. Kurz DATE PREPARED: 11-06-89 ~ATE ANALYZED: 11-07-89 ANALYZED BY : S. Singh REVIEWED BY : J. Koelewyn SAMPLE TYPE : Soil SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: S-2, Tank 1, North End 6' CONSTITUENT RESULT METHOD MDL -(3~' o (mg/kg) Benzene //' ND / 8020 0.05 Toluene ~ / ' ! ND 8020 0 05 Ethylbenzene ::,, 8020 0.05 Xylenes \,, N~ 8020 0..20 TPH-Gasoline ~ GC/FID 0 '5 NOTES: mg/kg: Milligram per Kilogram Preparation (BTEX & Gasoline) : 5020 TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MDL: Method Detection Limit ND : None Detected Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield REPORT DATE : November 22, 1989 PROJECT MGR; Matt Bullis EXAMINATION NO.: 689-5715.3 page 3 of 4 CLIENT : Crisp Construction PROJECT : Coca Cola Plant 414 19th Street '- -.-- '-Bakersfield, California DATE SAMPLED : 11-01-89 at N/A by R. Kurz DATE RECEIVED: 11-01-89 at 1655 from R. Kurz DATE PREPARED: 11-06-89 ~DATE ANALYZED: 11-07-89 ANALYZED BY : S. Singh REVIEWED BY : J. Koelewyn SAMPLE TYPE : Soil SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: S-3, Tank 1, South End 2' CONSTITUENT RESULT METHOD MDL (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Benzene ,"'NDe'. 8020 0.05 Toluene : NDI 8020 0.05 Ethylbenzene ' ~/ND 8020 0.05 Xylenes i 8020 0.20 TPH-Gasoline ~ ND / GC/FID 0.5 NOTES: mg/kg: Milligram per Kilogram Preparation (BTEX & Gasoline) : 5020 TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MDL: Method Detection Limit ND : None Detected Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield REPORT DATE : November 22, 1989 PROJECT MGR; Matt Bullis EXAMINATION NO.: 689-5715.4 page 4 of 4 CLIENT : Crisp Construction PROJECT : Coca Cola Plant 414 19th Street .............. Bakersfield, California ' '- DATE SAMPLED : 11-01-89 at N/A by R. Kurz DATE RECEIVED: 11-01-89 at 1655 from R. Kurz DATE PREPARED: 11-06-89 .{DATE ANALYZED: 11-07-89 ANALYZED BY : S. Singh REVIEWED BY : J. Koelewyn . SAMPLE TYPE : Soil SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: S-4, Tank 1, South End 6' CONSTITUENT ~ RESULT METHOD MDL (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Benzene ND 8020 0.05 Toluene ND 8020 0.05 Ethylbenzene ND 8020 0.05 Xylenes ND 8020 0.20 TPH-Gasoline ~ GC/FID 0.5 TPH-Diesel~ GC/FID 10 NOTES: mg/kg: Milligram per Kilogram Preparation (BTEX & Gasoline) : 5020 Preparation (Diesel): LUFT-Shake TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MDL: Method Detection Limit ND : None Detected *: Due to matrix interference from heavier hydrocarbons, the diesel concentration is impossible to measure accurately. The estimated concentration of diesel in this sample is 50 mg/kg. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield Date: ..////--/- ~q THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. Page_,/_.~_. of 2527 Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93721 Chain-of. Custody and Analysis Request Record Project Name: '~~ (~~~ Project No.: r~ N ~ '. , Project'Manager: SEND REPORT~O:· ' SAMPLING LOCATION -OR- BILLING (Circle One): EXPECTED TURNAROUND:. Address: ~ ' ~ -- Addresm ~/~/ ~ /~ T~ ~ , ~- Routine Contact Name: ~ ~~ Contact Name: Phone: : Phone: ~ ~tS~' ~'" :' Number of Lab* ~ Client Sample .> mpl~ .... ~ Date~lme Containers ID ~ ~ ID ~ ~eSeriptlon ', '. Sampled Analysis Requested Per Sample · Lab use only. ,, ' ~ / ); ~' /' ~Redoi~e ' ' ' Date~lmo . Rocoi~d In Lab By : '. Affiliationr' Dato~lmo 2~KERN COUN~'~ALTH DE~R~ENT ·Z SERVICE AND COMP~INT FORM '" ~te ~ [ ~me= ~ ~rvlce Requ~t ~ Complaint ~ No. ~lgned to=. ::. ~t]on City - . ~ DIr~tlons - a ReDor~ ng ~rson Addr~5 Phone ~" Owne; ' ~o . - Add~e~ ~one ~.. . ~ -- .... ~'~' ~B~X"'~' :::-'~ ':: ._,[~zw :- - ~-'}~~~,,,~.x.- :. - ' - .... t~-.c~~~~, -: ~: ........ ;~-~,~:~_~:-::. .... GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 ., ,.'"'~"?: ,~--, Telephone (805) 861-3636 STEVE McCALLEY ~~. -;:c-. Telecopler (805) 861-3429 Director R E S 0 U R C E ·~~~~' NT .AGENCY PERMITF0_R p.E_RMANENT CLOSURE ~~ ........ PERMIT N~UMBER A .... ~066-~15 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAMF-/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Coca Cola Enterprises Cbca Cola Enterprises Crisp Construction 414 19th Street 414 19th Street 3850 W. Cherry Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield, CA Visalia, CA License #529691 Phone: (805) 324-6531 Phone:(209) 734-6381 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES 2anuary 25, 1990 I TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE October 25, 1989 Turonda R. Crumpler, R.E..H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist ..................................................................................... POST ON PREMISES .......................................................................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencie~ prior to beginning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments) 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT- 30. 4. It is 'the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee onsite supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size leas than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): must be retrieved at A minimum of tv~0 sa_re, pie~ .. depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every..15 linear feet of pipe run and under thc .............. di-spenser area. ' .................... ' ..................................... PERMIT FOR PERMANENT cLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 41066-15 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene,. and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and. appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. · c. -' 'All s0il samples retrieved from beneath waste oil ~anks and appurtenances must be-analyzed for total organi~ halidcs, lead, oil and' ~reuse. d.' All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been storedwithin the tank. 10. The following timetable lists pre-and post-tank removal requirements: ~,CTWITY DEADLINE Complete permit application At least two weeks prior to closure .... submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to' inspector listed on permit of date Two working days and time of closure and soil sampling  Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous No later than ~ working days for transportation and 14 working Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste days for the tracking form after tank removal manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste Sample analysLs to Hazardous Materials Management No later than 3 working days a[ter completion of analysis Pro,ram 11. Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CS~&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging a[ least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&$C 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors delectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort of repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shah remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. 12. High water table: ff water table is encountered either during the exploratory boring or during sampling water samples must be retrieved by a method approved by this department. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. RepresentalJves from this department respond to job sites during tank;removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clari[y the interests and expectations for this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are no~ permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job [oreman Ls responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result Jn a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyses documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move J[ into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. TRC:cas OWNER OR AGENT DATE \cocacola. PTC Crisp Constr~c'/:':~,!o~., com~:.,..~ny, Inc. · ~:"~ '.',...'--.. T' :'-~:j-- ........... - ..... -.~ntrac~oF~ T.ic. ~567426 .' "'~?"~ ~,0 2ox '10~G ~ Vis.ia, CA 93279 G'cner~ ~n~nee~ng ~:.~.,~?~, ' Telepl~one (209) 734-638! ............... - .... FAx CO-V;'F___JR .... S~HSET ............ (}CT 26 '89 1a:54 GRISB'-,~ 3TRUGTIOH F'. I m ! Nil #I-III1 ' ,- . ,. ~ - ----~ ~=~=, ~-~-'--'~ .......... ~ ...... i'-~ ..... l-_. 1~<_1.2~-~_~-'~= ==-~, '" ,,~.:.::,.::+~:_o~:,.:~_o_~_zm~..~l, fOv~*.~, :':'~ . . Form Approved OMB No. 2050~O039 (Expires 7 Toxic Substances Control Divism j. Sac.ramento. Californ, PleaSe pfi~ or type. (Form designed for use on eh. .2.pitch typewriter). UNIFORM HAZARDOUS t. Generator's US EPA ID No, 2. Page t Information in the shaded areas is not.required by Federal law. WASTE MANIFEST --.-., :e Manifest Document Number ene.e,or'..sm. andMa.,ngAddr'ss ' t5 884336~3 4. Generator's Phoee 5. Transporter I Company Name 6. US EPA/~D Number Tranaporter's ID 7. Transporter 2 Company Nsm. e 8. US EPA ID' Nu. mb, e~l: E. State Tranaportar's ID Traneporler'a Phone -.. Designated Facility Name and Site Address' ~. " 10. " - US EPA ID Number-~ .......... State Facility's ID '--I ,_ ' 12. Containers 13. Total L · C) 11. us D~T Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID N;',mber) Quantity Waste No. :-0' State State c. EPA/Other J. Additional Descriptions for Materials ' ~. b°ve~.~.~..~.7~'~ ) Wastes Listed 0 ~ 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Inlomalion - GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are ful~ and accurately described above by pro, er shipping name ~ an~ are classified, packed, ma~ed, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transpo~ by highway according to applicable international and ; national government regulations. If I am a large quantity generator, I ce~i~ that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have dete~ed m~nimizes the O to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treat,~ent, slorage, or disposal currently ava ab e to me which present and future t~.teat to human health and the environment; OR. i~ I sm a small quantity generator. I have made a good faith effo~ Io minimize my waste ~ generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can afford. . , ~ Month Day Year Z ~d Name Signat~ / / . Month Oay Year Z Printed/Typed Name ~ 18. Trans; ement of Receipt of Materials ~ - Month Printed/Typed Name I Signature Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space ....... ~- .... 20: Facility Own ~r~r ~perator Ce~celi~ of receipt o~ hazardous materials~vered by thi~ e~ t ~a noted in Item 19. COPY TO DCuc EPA 87~22 (Rev. 9-~) Previous editions are obsolete. Tr. P,O ~C,~ 3~00 ~'rcm ~eOS~ 801-363S L~O~ 0f ~XPINO '~ Ag~ ...... C ~OSURE/~DONMRNT . ~& DI~L ~ ~ L~TION Amount Due '100 '00 Peyment N.~de By Check 100 O0 ' 'THANK YOU! DIRE~OR OF EN~NME~ H~ ~ts ~orm ts to be ret~ned 'to the ~ern' Co~y :Health. Department '~thtn'l'4 Sectlon.~ I e__u n re~'oval o t a t r x Ta~ Removal Contractor= .-~/~'~ -. ~~'Authorlzed representative of contractor certifies b~ sl~tn~ belo~ that'[~-;~l=~:Y.~S ta~(s) _have been decont~lnated In accordance ~lth' Section 3 -To be ft'lled out and ~ ~ a~':authorized representative o~. :the · ' · * * ~ILING INSTRUCTIONS: ~old tn half and ,staple'- ' .- : (Form e~-lSO) . , Cai Tank" ",~ !k/ Test Report j~ .i~.)6.,. ~ '.; Owner: COCA COLA Enterprises Testing · ~ undergr°und st°rage Tank [~.Address: 414-19th Street 3296 S. Mooney Blvd. ~' R~r~ft~l d: ,C~lif. Visalla, CA 93277 - (209) 625-9911 ~ Phone No. 8ns-3'ga-~531 . High Test Low Test ~, Tank Codify Tank# Product Capacity Result Result 414-19th?: S t~i°n Tight #1 ~] Unleaded 10~000 -.0344 Bakersfield, Calif. Yes Remarks: See worksheets i!i ~ M~nuei Mossa by ~rlene Quinn Dat~ 11-29-88 JAN' g 4 1969 ~ ,~ ENVIRON~ENTA HEALT[' ~ ,?~, c~ ~3~ ~' '~ [lNG MgT~ c~'~o~ ~ /~ _"" .:-. .... , MEASURED GR~t/~, ~/ . CT :~ . __ APH COLO~ COEFFICIENT ' ENo CAIN + TEMP CAL~x ~3 xfA) LEVEL -- ~ RESULT TEMp. "' ~= ~.~ X .... '--'-'-- - : .... --. E~D ' - -- GAIN+ . ................ Loss_ ' ~ = ' R~ULT TIME ~t~ X = , NE STATION LOCATION ~ Z x ~ E ~''- ¢= "F ) CE~EO T~O~~I~ ~% ':~ L~ ... STORED MATER OVER FOR REMARKS ' . -,- ' -. "- ' DATA CHART FOR TANK SYSTEM TIGHTNESS TEST ~ ~ Vi~lia. ~ 93277 ' - I~URE ~I~N A IE~E~/URE COt,~EN~ION B OW~ PHONE NAM~ O~ PER~N IN C~RGE AT S~E / PHC TYPE OF SYSTEM [] SUBMERGE ¢~UCTION LENGTH OF COLOR CODE OF PRODL~ FILl. PIPE A. Tank Bot. to Grade ~' WAT~. ~V~ ,. ~ ' ".0' ~nk Top to. Grade ~' ~, Send Repo.-to:- Client ~,~ ~r~ GRAD~ ~ C. T~k Diameter ~ '* Address LII~ -- /q~ ~. DEPTHOF~ROUNDWAT[. D. Test Level ~ove ~rade ~ ' Ci~, State .~ ~/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, E. Depth of ~ter in t~k ~ ' Phone (~b~ ~t - G ~ I E Dep~ for~ing ~ample ~ ' A~n: DATE/TIMESTO.AGE~ST~FI~D G. Temp. Probe dep~ (conne~or) Y.~ ' ~ H. Test level to T~k BoL /~ , ~N ~.~~.~. DATE TIME I. Ground~terab~e'tankbottom ~ · ~N~r~%;~l~. AGEOFTAN~ / AGEOFLIN~ ~ ~ J. Produ~'Pressureperl'height~ PSI TankNo. ~-/~~o~/ WATER Test Pressure ~rmula Leakage Indicated~F~ / -~ ~ ~ / ~ DEPTH E ~X -(~x .036 )= . ' ~ ~ ~. / T~TING FLUID, IF DIFFERENT .... ~ Techmcian ~~ ~ ~ C ? ~ STORED MAT~AL " DATA CHART FOR TANK .SYSTEM TIGHTNESS TEST ..... ;-'- ~ --~ .................. ::~---': .:, (EZY CHEK) '" .... :'" ~,.. _ ' '~' ..,'' ~.,~ ~. :' '. ,'; ~. ~Efl Off C~LER .... OATE OF TE~ .............. W~ER ~~ TEMPE~RE ' '~-- ' .... "~ -' -~= ..... ' ' ~RESS ~. & ~RE~ . ~ ' ~ ..... " -- ' // ...... c =. ~ ART~ -- ~ ~r~u~m ~ . . -- [- : ., O~SION$: D~METER ~ ~ NUh~.R OF GALLONS ~DO_D O ~ PUMP ~ ~P~ '"' ' ,t ~ ~NCH~OFWATER - BEFORE TEST ~ AFTERT~$T ~ .............. TOTAL /~ _ LINES + 3 = p ( , LINES I ~----~- ~ END OF TEST ~LIBRATION UNE M~EM~NT ~ ' = ~1 SPECIFIC G~ O ~' F , ~ (FROM TABLE A) CO~FICIE~ OF ~P~SION ~ ~ ~ ~ (FROM TABLE E) PROD~ ~ ~NG. ~ I FanUC, ~r~l~ O~ ll I P~* Serial ,~ber ~ ~ ~ X~A .oo~ ~ .00~ ~ TECH[{ICIAN(S) DATF 1700 Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OF~CE. Bakersfield, Calll'ornia 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ' Telephone (805) 861-3636 ., -* ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ,- " · DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Re{chard -, . I NTERI Iv[ PERlV[I T PERMI T~I 50055C',. I S SUED : "JANUARY 1, 1987 " " EXP.T RE S : JANUARy 1,-1990 UNDERGROUND -HAZARDOUS -SUBSTANCES ~ ~-::.: =__- ...~.~_~+__.,~,.::_. STORAG~"~AcILITY ' ..... : NU1/IBER'=OF TANKS= I " FACILITY: " ' "i'-.l~ OWNER: ". " ' ' '.'~. .COCA-COLA BOTTLING' COIV[PAN'Y .:-[ COCA-COLA"BOTTL~NG..COMPANY -- 414 'i, gTH STREET "':' ' '' "' ' ' I 1334 S. CENTRAL 'AVENUE . TANK #." ':. A_tiE_(IN YRS)_'', SUBSTANCE CODE- -' pREssURIZED PIPING? .... NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREI~IENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE P~RMITTINO AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS 'PERMIT NON-- TRANS Y E R~,-k.B L E *** POST ON PRE~II. SES '- .-' '" DATE P~IT MAIT,F.D: FEB 6 1987 ?."' "' '- DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST MAIT,~c.~:. ..: . Kern County Health Caper Division o[ Environmental Hea Application 1700 Flo~r Street, Bake~sfiei~, ~ 93305 .~PLI~TION FOR PE~IT ~ OPE~TE ~E~R~D ~~US SUBST~CES S~E FACILI~ ~ o~ Applica'tion (ch~k): ~w Facility ~Nification of Facility ~isti~ Facility ~a~fer of ~ershi A. ~ergen~ 24-~ur Contact (n~e, area c~e, ~one): ~ (213) 7~6-5555 Nigh~ Facility ~ Coca-Cola Bottling Company ~. of T~ks One ~ of B~iness (check): ~line S~tion ~er (de~ri~) Fleet Vehicles ~ Tank(s) ~cat~ on ~ ~ricultural Fa~? ~Y~ Is Tank(s) Us~ ~i~rily for ~ricultural ~r~ses? ~Yes Facility ~dre~ 414 19th Street Nearest Cro~ St. "V" Street T R SEC (R~al ~atio~ ~ly) ~er Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Los ~eles ~n~ct. ~r~ Richard Saunders ~ress 1334 S. Central Ave., Los ~eles Zip 90021 ~le~one <213) 746-5555 ~rator Coca-Cola Bottlin~ Company -' Bakersfield Con,ct ~r~ Mike Ainsworth ~dress 414 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA Zip 93305 Tele~one <805) 324-6531 B. ~r ~ Facility Provid~ by Unkno~ ~p~ ~' Gro~~r 200 feet ~il ~racteristics' at ~acility Recent Alluvi~ (gravel, sand, silt, clay) ~sis for Soil ~ a~ Gro~ter ~p~ ~te~inatio~ USGS data C. Contractor J.H. Kleinfelder.& Associates ~ ~ntractor's ~ce~e ~dre~ 901 W. Victoria St., Compton, CA Zip ~ Tele~o~ Pro~s~ S~r~i~ ~te October, 1986 Pro~s~ ~rker's C~~ti~ Certification ~ 277703 I~urer Dealey Renton & Associates E. T~(s) S~re (~k all ~t a~ly): T~k ~ ~s~ Pr~u~ ~tor Vehicle Unlead~ R~ar Pr~i~ Die~l ~ste F. ~i~l ~sition of ~terials S~r~ (~t ~ces~ry for ~tor v~icle ~ls) T~ t Ch~l Stor~ (n~c~rcial ~e) ~ (if different) G. Transfer of' Ownership Date of ~--ansfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all 6bligations of Per6it No. issued · I understand that the Pem£tt~J Authority may review modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this u~dergro~d stor~a~ .facility upon receiving this c~ted fora. This form has been compietj~/~er p~alty of per jury and to the best of my knowledge T~dK ~ 1 (FILL OUT SEP~TE FO~ FOk ~CH T~K) FOR EACH SE~ION, CHECK ALL ~PROPRIATE BOXES · 1. Tank is: ~ Vaul ted ~n-Vaul t~ ~uDle-Wal 1 ~Si~le~all 2. ~ ~terial ~Car~n Steel ~ Stainless Steel ~ ~l~inyl C~oride ~ Fiberglass~lad Steel ~Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~Concrete ~in~ ~Bronze ~k~ ~Other (descri~) 3. Pr i~ry Contai~ent ~te Installed ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (Gallo~) ~nufac%urer 1971 ~nkno~ 10,000 Unkno~ 4. Tank Secondary Contal~ent ~le-Wall ~ ~etic ~ner ~Lin~ Vaul~ ~ne ~Un~o~ ~Other {descri~): ~nufacturer: ~terial Thic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lini~ ~R~r ~kyd ~xy ~enolic ~ass ~ay ~lin~ ~o~ ~Other (de~ri~): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ~Galvaniz~ ~Fi~rglass-Cl~ ~l~ylene Wrap ~Vinyl Wra~i~ ~Tar or ~p~lt ~k~ ~No~ ~O~er (de~ri~): Cath~ic Protection: ~ne ~pres~ ~rent S~t~ ~c'rificial ~e ~ri~ Syst~ & ~ui~ent: or ~kno~ 7. Leak Detection, ~nitori~, and Interception a. Tank: ~Vis~l (vault~ t~ks only) ~Gro~ter ~nitori~' ~ll(s) ~Vadose Zone ~nitori~ ~ll(s) ~T~ Wi~ut ~ner ~U-~ wi~ C~tible Liner Dir~ti~ Flow ~ Monitori~ ~l(s)* ~ Va~r ~t~tor* ~ ~id ~el ~r' ~ Cond~tivit~ ~ Pressure Sen~r in ~ular S~ce of ~le Wall Tank- ~ Liquid ~tri~al & Ins~ction Fr~ U-T~, Monitori~ ~11 or ~ar ~ ~ily Ga~i~ & I~entory Re~nciliation ~ Peri. lc T~h~e~ T~ti~ ~None ~o~ ~er b. Pipit: ~Fl~Restricti~ ~ak ~t~tor(s) for Pre~iz~ Pipit' ~nitori~ S~p ~ ~ce~y ~al~ ~cre~ ~ce~y ~lf~t C~tible Pi~ ~ce~y ~~tic Lin~ce~y ~None ~U~no~ ~er Leak Alert Model LA-02 Panel w/ LAV~ Vapor · ~ri~ ~ & ~eI: 8. Ta~ Ti~h~ess ~is ~ ~en Tigh~ess ~st~? ~Yes ~ ~o~ ~te of ~ Tigh~e~ Test 9/29/86 Res~ of Test Certified TiEht Test ~e Homer Ezy-Chek ~sti~ ~ny Cal Tank Te~tinE 9. Tank Re. ir ~ Re~ir~? ~Yes ~ ~o~ ~te(s) of ~lr(s) ~ri~ Re. irs 102 ~erfill Protection ~rator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~vel ~Ta~ Fl~t ~e ~Fl~t Vent Valves ~ Auto Shut- Off Controls ~ci~nce ~r. ~al~ Fill ~x ~ne ~o~ ~O~er: List ~ke & ~el F~ ~e ~ic~ PiPi~omeco[g_ III-VE overs~ill ,pr?tection fill box 'with drain back to tank 11~ a. ~dergro~d Pipi~: ~Yes ~ ~o~ ~terial Steel Thickne~ (inches) Unk. Di~eter Unk. Manufacturer Unk. ~essure ~S~tion ~Gravity ~proxi~te ~ 0f Pi~ ~ .... b. Undergro~ Pipi~ Corrosion Prot~tion : ~lvanized ~Fi~rglass~l~ ~press~ ~rrent ~crificial ~e ~Polye~yle~ Wrap ~Electrical I~lati~ ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar .or ~lt ~Unkno~ ~None ~her (de~zi~): c. Undergro~ Pipit, Seco.~ary Contai~nt: J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES GEO~ECHNICAL & ENVIRONMEN~L CONSULTANTS · M~ERIALS TESTING LAND & WATER RESOURCES VICTORIA CORNER BUSINESS 901 WEST VICTORIA STREE~ SUITE G COMPTON, CALIFORNIA 90220 (213) 638-9344 October 1, 1986 ~ ~ Q-1148-1 Kern County Health Department '~'~. Division of Environmental Health 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Attention: Mr. Mark Pishinsky Subject: Application for Permit to Implement an Underground Storage Tank Program for the Coca-Cola Facility in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Pishinsky: The completed application for permit to operate an underground hazardous substance storage facility is enclosed. The. results of the original tank-testing data are also attached .for your review. As shown, the one tank at the Coca-Cola facility on 414 19th Street in Bakersfield was certified tight, having a leak rate of +0.0023 gallons/hour. J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES is prepared to mobilize for field-work operations with two weeks of final approval by your office to proceed. Please contact us if you require further information or clarification. Thank you for your timely response to the approval of this leak detection and tank monitoring pro- gram. Sincerely, J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES DHK:kl Enclosure OTHER OFFICES: Walnut Creek · Cordelia ' San Ramon · Sacramento · Stockton · Fresno- Fairfield · Merced · Rohnert Park · Reno · Las Vegas · St. George, Utah Cai Tank Test Report Owner: Coca Cola Bottl~n~ Testing Underground :5'torage Tank Address: 41~ ~gth Street  ;;1~ 3296 S. Mooney Blvd. Bakersfield, CA Visalla, CA 93277 _ (209) 625-9911 = Phone No. High Test Low Test Tank Certify Product Capacity Result Result Location Tight 1. Requ[a: t0,O00 +.0023 ~[~ [~[h ~[.~ ~ake:sr~e[d~ CA Yes 3. 4. 5. 17. Line Test Results [ 4. 1. ~ 5. 2. 3. ~ 7. 18. Remarks: See back of wo:~shee[ ~o: [es~e~s :ema:ks. Cefllfied Operators Signature ~ Tim Machado by L~nda S~sk '1 '~,,~ *" / '~ OWNER OF SITE Cai Tank Testing ~ ,' " ~ ~ ~ ~~ .ORNER 'EASY TESTING METHOD ~! Visali., CA 93277WORKSHEET CITY-~ATE-ZIPCOOE - (209) 625-9911 /~b~; 'OW. ER o~ T~.~ MEASU.E.G.AV,~ 5~ P.OOU~TEMP ~ 'COEFF,C, ENT ~'~ TEMPCA. L~~-/~-~~-' NO. START END LOSS ~ 'x (A) R~ULT START END LO~ -- x (B) R~ULT R~ULT TIM ~F _ / ~ =_~ x : _ = ~/ x ~? :~oc ~o~~o...o~ FILL PIP~¢ ,~F ~REDOR~NGE ~ = = ' - " 0 B~ 'CE O RED JACKET 0 HEALE~ ,/d x . _ x . _ . · ' DEPTH OF GROUND WATER (IF KNOWN) ~' X = -- = X ' ' DATE /TIME STORAGE SYSTEM FILLED ' .. AG~OF TAN~ ADDRE~__ Z//Z! /~ ~ .~/ LEAK RATE PER HOUR ~ 00~ DATE__ 7'2 ~ -q~ SIGNATUREr Xf~ ...... /~ ~p~ ' ~ TESTING FLUID, IF DIFFERENT TH~N ~TORED M~TERI~L OVER FOR REMARKS LEAK DETECTION INVESTIGATION MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION AND ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEM FOR THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK ATCOCA-COLA ~0TTL~'"~ACILiTY 414 19th STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA October, 1987 Prepared by: KLEINFELDER 17100 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 350, Artesia, California 90701 I' October 19, 1987 File: 50-1148-01 Company '- 1334 S. Central Los Angeles, California 90021 Attention: Raul Ramirez · Subject: Leak Detection Investigation, Monitoring Well _. Construction andElectronic Monitoring System ........ ' .................. .......... - .... 'inStallation for Underground Storage Tanks Located at the Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility 414 19th Street, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Ramirez: , KLEINFELDER has completed a leak detection investigation, con- structed monitoring wells, and installed an electronic-monitoring system at the above-referenced location per the request of Coca- Cola Bottling company. The results of this work are described in the report that follows. Copies of this report have been submitted to the Kern County Health Department - Environmental Health Division. The results of this investigation indicate that the shallow sub- surface soils underlying the site are essentially free of exces- sive hydrocarbon-product concentration. Thus, the existing tank pose no apparent threat to the surrounding soils. We appreciate being of service to Coca Cola and trust that the information provided is satisfactory for your present needs. Should you have any questions or would like to discuss the. con- tents of this report in greater detail, then please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, KLEINFELDER Farideh V. Kia Brian Villalobos, R.G. 4153 Staff Hydrogeologist Senior Hydrogeologist FVK:BV:kc:lrd Enclosure KI.EINF£LDER ]7100 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 350, Artesia, CA 90701 (213) 860-5959 Chacter Paqe I INTRODUCTION ..................... 1-1 2 FIELD-INVESTIGATIONMETHODS ....... 2-1 2 1 Drilling Procedures 2 1 2'2 Soil Sample Acquisitio~ ............. - - 21 2.3 Quality Control ................. 2-2 ., 2.4 Sample Analyses ........... 2-2 2.4.2 Laboratory Analysis ...... 2-3 2.5 Monitoring Well Construction ..... 2-3 gsy ....... ..... 2.6 'Electronic MonitOrin stem s a o .... 2.7 Overspill Protection Boxes ............ 2-7 3.0 RESULTS ...................... 3-1 3.1 Geologic Conditions ............ 3-1 Hydrog ologic Conditions' ' 3.2 e ............ 3~1 3.3 Field Headspace Analysis ............ 3-2 3.4 Laboratory Analysis ............... 3-3 4.0 DISCUSSION ...................... 4-1 5.0 CONCLUSIONS ...................... 5-1 6 0' RECOMMENDATIONS 6 1 7.0 LIMITATIONS ...................... 7-1 8.0 REFERENCES ...................... 8-1 TABLES Paqe 2-1 Monitoring Well Construction Data ........ 2-5 3-1 Laboratory Analytical Results of Soil Samples . . .3-.3 50-1148-01 PLATES 1 Site Location Map 2 Plot Plan and Boring/Monitoring Well Locations 3 Typical Monitoring Well Const_zT/.ction Design 4 Typical Well-head Completion with Vapor-Sensor Probe Installed A~PENDICES A Tank Integrity Test Reports B Boring Logs C Test Boring Procedures D Chain of Custody Record E Leak Alert System - Spe6ification and Description F Overspill Protection Boxes G Laboratory Reports of Analytical Results 50-1148-01 i INTRODUCTION The leak detection investigation was conducted at the Coca Cola facility in Bakersfield to assess the adequacy of past storage and to verify the current integrity of the underground storage tank. The sole tank at this facility is used to store 10,000 gallons .of regular gasoline. The methods and procedures are .in accordance with applicable requirements approved by the' Kern County Health Department - Environmental Health Division. The site is, located at 414'19th Street in the city of Bakersfield, California. The site is shown in relation to the surrounding area on Plate 1, "Site Location Map". The current integrity of the tank has been determined by an approved precision tank-testing method. Results of the test indicate that the underground tank is currently providing suitable storage. Specific details and data for the tank precision test are furnished in Appendix A. The leak detection investigation was authorized by Coca-Cola on December 29, 1986 under P.O. Number 31023. The field work was performed on March 24, 1987. The investigation was performed in accordance with the work plan submitted to and approved by the Kern County Health Department-Environmental Health Division. 50-1148-01 1-1 Overall project management for the field-data acquisition, con- struction of monitoring wells, and installation of an electronic- monitoring system was provided by KLEINFELDER. Drilling services ..... . ...were .performed by. Datum Exploration, .of Long Beach, California Well-head construction was completed by Cal Tank Testing of .'~ Visalia, California. The electronic monitoring devices were installed, calibrated, and started up by Leak Alert Service, t Inc., of Long Beach, California. ~ ...... This report describes ~he ' fi~id '~te6hn~ques - '--:~sed ~':' ~o'~ ..... ~'~'~ drilling and soil-sample collection. The geology and subsurface conditions encountered along with results of laboratory analyses are also discussed. In addition to the soils investigation, monitoring wells with vapor-sensing probes were installed to attain compliance with the Kern County underground storage tank regulations. 50-1148-01 1-2 " ~ ~.~ KLEI~FELOER 2 FIELD-INVESTIGATION METHODS 2.1 DRILLING PROCEDURES A ~truck-mounted drill rig with 8-inch diameter, continuous~flight hollow stem auger was used to drill the borings-. Prior to the drilling of any test borehole, all drill-bits, auger flights~-and ...... ~ ......... associated down-hole equipment were steam cleaned to avoid cross contamination between borings. Drill cuttings were contained in DOT-approved drums. Each drum was labeled to identify the boring soil interval contained. 2.2 SOIL-SAMPLE ACQUISITION TWO borings were drilled to sample soils adjacent to and beneath the level of the underground storage tank. Boring locations are shown on Plate 2. Soil' samples were collected at 5-foot intervals. The samples were obtained using a 2-inch diameter, split-barrel modified Sprague and Henwood (S&H) sampler driven by a 140-pound, down-hole hammer. Ail soil samples were collected in brass sampling tubes, sealed with teflon-lined caps, labeled, and chilled in an ice chest to stabilize the chemical conditions within the samples. The soil samples were visually logged and described by the~ field geologist using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). A complete description of the type of soils encountered in each borehole is presented on the final boring logs located in Appendix B. An explanation of the U.S.C.S. is also included in Appendix B. 50-1148-01 2-1 2.3 QUALITY CONTROL Precautions were taken in the field to minimize cross-contamina- ~.._~tion~. of the samples ...... The soil sampler was ~steam-cleaned before.~.~. use and between borings and washed between successive soil samples with TSP (Trisodium Phosphate) solution, then rinsed with clean tapwater. Only clean, laboratory-washed, brass-sampling tub~s were used for sample collection. An expanded description' of the soil-sampling protocol and quality-control procedures is presented in APpendix C. 2.4 SAMPLE ANALYSES 2.4.1 FIELD ANALYSIS The soil samples'collected were monitored for potential organic vapors using a photo-ionization detector (PID). Vapor monitoring was also performed by placing a representative soil sample in a ziplock plastic bag and measuring vapor concentrations 'in the head space with the PID. This technique is useful in assessing relative chemical compound concentrations and is used for screen- ing samples for laboratory analyses. Relative headspace concentration Values in parts per million (ppm) registered by the instrument for hydrocarbon'vapors were recorded in the field and are presented on the boring logs. Soil from every sample interval was inspected by sight and smell for 'the presence of hydrocarbons. 50-1148-01 2-2 2.4.2 LABORATORY ANALYSIS A total of eight soil samples were collected from the borings. At the conclusion of the field .work_, soil samples were delivered .... for ..... Chemical analysis to Analytical TechnOlogies, Inc., iocated in' San Diego, California. The samples were accompanied by the appropriate Chain-of-Custody forms. Copies of the Chain-of- Custody forms completed for these samples are provided in 'Appendix D. Discrete and composite samples from each boring were analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons by EPA method 8015 using, gas chromatography/flame-ionization detection. .2.5 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION Following completion of drilling and sampling, the two explora- tory boreholes were completed as monitoring wells. The wells were constructed to monitor the vadose-zone. The locations of the wells are shown on the facility plan map in Plate 2. Wel~s were constructed with 2-inch diameter PVC well casing with flush-threaded joints. Well casing for the monitored interval consists of factory-perforated PVC well screen with 0.020-inch slot widths. Blank PVC casing was placed above the screened section. The ends of the well are capped by either threaded or push-on end plugs. The annulus coincident to the perforated screen interval was packed with washed sand (Monterey grade' #3) to prevent migration of native soil into the well. The filter pack extends from the bottom of the borehole to one foot above the top of the perforated zone. A one-foot thick bentonite pellet seal was placed above the filter pack. The remaining annulus was filled to the surface with volclay grout. No solvent or casing cement was used in connecting casing sections. Plate 3 50-1148-01 2-3 illust=ates a typical monitoring well installation in relation to an underground storage tank. Wells are protected at ground surface with 14-inch diameter fill rings mounted in a 3' l"'x 3' 1" foot concrete pad.. The design of the surface protection will minimize inflow of rainfall or surface runoff into the well. The construction design of the well-head completion is shown on plate 4. Construction details s~cific to each well are graphically presented on the boring logs (Appendix B). Monitoring well information, is summarized in Each well will have an identification number permanently affixed to the installation. Further identification information such as well owner, depth of well, hole and casing diameters, and depth of screened interval should be kept on file at an accessible office on site. 50-1148-01 2-4 ~' ~ kl~ KLEI~FELE) ER MONITORING WELL CONSTRucTIoN DATA Well No. Total Screened Casing Subsurface Date (type) Depth Interval Diameter Soil Drilled MW-I* 26.5' 5.5'-20.5' 2" Sand, and 3/24/87 (vadose) silt ~MW-2 21.5' 5.5'-20.5' 2" Sand and 3/24/87 (vadose) silt '*Interval fr6m 20"'to 26.5' backfiIled with cement gr0U-t'"in MW-1. 2.6 ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEM INSTALLATION The continuous monitoring of the underground storage tank is provided by the Leak Alert electronic system. The system gives both visual and audible warnings of vapors given off by leaking products. This system offers various sensor types that detect vapors produced by gasoline, diesel, and organic solvents. Par- ticular design features available for this system include the following: o Individual monitoring of each well. o Individual calibration ranging from 100 ppm to 7,000 ppm for each well. o Ease of operation and a 24-hour leak-response techni- cian available at tank-owner's option. o Ease of installation with expansion capability to meet changing needs. The vapor-sensing probe in each well is directly wired to an on- site alarm panel by low-voltage electrical cable. Design features and operation of the Leak Alert System are attached for reference in Appendix E. 50-1148-01 2-5 The ala-rm system components were installed per the manufacturer's specifications by licensed electrical/well-head completion con- tractors familiar with these specifications. Particular atten- tion was directed toward proper installation of the direct-burial ....... cable that connects vapor sensors to the alarm/control panel. The cable wa~--bur~ed i~ sawcut channels of at least 4-inch depth- and 1/4-inch. width. The channels.were backfilled with cOncrete pourstone to weather-proof and protect the underlying cable from mechanical damage. .... "'Cable entry t'o the-well sens0riS-accesS~d 'through an "el'ectricaI''~ .......... fitting in the top of the well endcap. Sensor pOsition within the well is located within the blank PVC casing just above the screened PVC casing. Extra cable was coiled inside the fill box should changes occur that would require adjustment of sensor length. Plate 4 presents a tYPical sensor configuration. The alarm control unit is hard wired to facility electrical circuits and sealed to prevent tampering by unauthorized personnel. The alarm box is located in an area where the alarms can be noticed by responsible individuals. 50-1148-01 2-6 ~ ~ ~ k~ I~LEINFELDEI~ 2.7 OVERSPILL PROTECTION BOXES The fill tube on the existing tank was retrofitted with a 5- gallon capacity spill-protection box to eliminate accidental °v~rfii1 -gpill'~--~Uring tank filling. The manhole--cover is · water tight and mounted 1-inch above grade to prevent rainwater or fluid inflow to tank. A POI~CO Model III-VE with drain valve Was installed. Special features'and design of this spill- protection model is' spocified in Appendix F. ' 50-1148-01 2-7 -' ~ ~.~ KLEINFELDER 3 RESULTS 3.1 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The Coca-Cola facility is located in the eastern part of the San Joaquin Valley on the "low alluvial plains and fans" section of _~.the ~.valley -.as defined -by Davis, ~Lofgren and .Seymour .. Mack. (U.S.G.S., Water supply paper 1618) . These plains which are generally flat- and relatively featureless occupy most of the valley floor and comprise the most intensively developed agricultural and urban areas. The deposits .immediately underlying the site are mapped as Quarternary alluvium 'with a composition ranging from gravel to sand, silt and .clay. Underlying these deposits at an unknown depth are Plio- Pleistocene sediments of similar composition. Fine to coarse grained silty sand and silt were the main constituents of the materials encountered in both exploratory borings drilled at this facility. 3.2 HYDROGEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The Coca-Cola facility is located within the Kern River storage unit of the San Joaquin Valley. Groundwater occurs under confined and unconfined conditions in the San Joaquin Valley. In the eastern part of the valley where the Coca-Cola facility is located, the Corcoran clay member of the Tulare'formation is not present and therefore the groundwater is unconfined. The groundwater body is replenished by infiltration of rainfall, infiltration from streams, underflow entering from streams and by infiltration of excess irrigation water. Based on the 50-1148-01 3-1 groundwater contour map prepared by the Kern County Water Agency, for spring 1986, Section 30 of T29S,R28E within which the Coca- Cola facility is located, lies between 150 and 200 foot groundwater level contours. Depth to the ground water may range from _2.05._to. 255 feet beneath the site since ground surface elevation at this faciikty is 405 feet above sea level. Groundwater generally flows in an East-Southeasterly direction in the area. Groundwater was not encountered in any of the exploratory borings drilled at this facility ' 3.'3 FIELD HEADSPACE ANALYSIS .......................................... - ................... Values recorded by portable HNUphoto-ionization detector (PID) on soil samples from the unsaturated (vadose) zone are recorded on the boring logs (Appendix B). These values are qualitative in that they only indicate whether organic vapors were present or not in the soils. Assessment of absolute concentration -or identification of chemical compounds is not possible using the PID. Headspace analysis of soil samples by PID indicated that the volatile components of organic compounds (i.e., hydrocarbons) were not present in quantities sufficient to register (i.e., > 1 ppm). Product odor from the soil samples or borehole cuttings was not detected. The presence of product-wetted soils or tar- like substances was not_observed in any of the soils observed during drillings. 5'0-1148-01 3-2 ' ~ ~.~ KLEINFELOER 3 · 4 LABORATORY ANALYSIS .Laboratory analysis was performed on ..composite and discrete samples fro~- each'b°rin~. The soil samples were analyzed for. concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and the BTX using EPA methods 8015 and 8020 respectively. The concentration levels of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were below the detection limit for all samples analyzed. The detection limit for .'~""""this-analysis was 5ppm. The ~Soil sampIe'de~ignations, locations .and corresponding analytical results are tabulated in Table 3-1. Copies of the laboratory reports of the analyses and the quality control, data are provided in Appendix G. TABLE 3-1 LABORATORY .ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES Sample No. Map Location TPH* (Composite I.D.) (Plate 2) (ppm) S-01-11-11.6 Comp A MW-1 ND** S-01-21-21.5 S-01-26-26.5 MW-1 ND S-02-11-11.5 Comp B MW-2 ND S-02-21-21.5 S-02-21-21.5 MW-2 ND *TPH - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons; values in mg/kg (ppm) ** Detection limit for the analysis was 5 mg/kg 50-1148-01 3-3' ~ ; k~l~ KLEI/NFELDER 4 DISCUSSION The Tank Monitoring Program was developed for facilities where soil or groundwater have not been adversely affected by the existing underground tank system. 'Under these conditions, the design of the tank-monitoring plan provides for the earliest detection.of tank-leaking materials.. -This is accomplished by the ~-.- use of electronic vapor-sensing probes placed within the upper- casing sections of near-tank monitoring wells. The probes are positioned to intercept initial vapors should they escape into soil at the mid-to-bottom tank level. Two specific options are approved by the Kern County Health Department to provide for the continuous monitoring of the underground storage tank. These options were presented in our previously submitted Work Plan dated July 25, 1986. In review, Option 1 would haveI been implemented if groundwater was anticipated to occur at depths shallower than 30 feet. If groundwater was deeper than. 30 feet, then 'criteria established under Option 2 would be implemented. Since groundwater was not encountered during field explorations within the 30 foot depth explored, the'construction standard for installation of vadose- zone monitoring wells was followed. This monitoring method is consistent with the intent of regulations adopted by the California State Water Resources Control Board'. Concentrations of hydrocarbon/motor fuel components for all soil samples analyzed were below detection limit. In addition, tank precision tests demonstrate the current integrity of 'the tank system at the facility. The monitoring wells in combination with the electronic monitoring system are designed to intercept and 50m1148-01 4-1 detect 'escaped hydrocarbon products should leakage occur in the future. The continuous monitoring of the vadose-zone soils in the vicinity of the tank will allow for a timely response in the event an unauthorized release takes place. 50-1148-01 4-2 5 CONCLUSIONS A leak detection investigation was conducted as part of a leak detection program for the underground tank used to store motor vehicle fuels at the Coca-Cola facility in Bakersfield, California. Field data and analytical results of laboratory tests .on soil samples from the facility suggest -the following conclusions: 1. The soil-sampling scheme and monitoring-well construction design followed procedures established for deep groundwater (i~e., depth to groundwater is greater than 30 feet) conditions. 2. Groundwater (i.e., saturated-soil zones) was not en- countered within the 30 foot depth explored. 3. Subsurface soils consist of sand and silt. 4. Based on laboratory analysis, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentrations in the soil samples were below detection limit. 5. Field PID analysis and observations did not indicate the presence of fuel hydrocarbons in the soils. 6. The latest tank precision tests indicate the tank and associated piping system to be free of leakage. 50-1148-01 5-1 ~ 1. The findings and results of the work as presented in this report should be reviewed by the Kern County ' ~ 'Health Department as required by regulation ..... for' com- pliance of underground storage tank programs in the Kern County. 2. Inventory reconciliation.procedures for the tank should continue as' already practiced at the facility to offer an additional safeguard in the detection of product leakage should it occur at some future time. 3. A qualified maintenance company may be contracted to maintain proper working order of the electronic-moni- toring. components and to provide 24-hour alarm re- sponse service. 4. Motor-fuel suppliers should be advised to practice caution in the filling of the tank and in the event of overfilling, to be aware of the function and operation of the overfill protection box now installed on the tank-fill tube. 50-1148-01 6-1 7 LIMITATIONS The conCluSions and recommendations in this report are based on: ~. 1. Subsurface conditions assessed from test borings at the ~ site. ........ 2. ~ The observations of ~Ur field PerS0nneI~ 3. The results of the most current tank precision test. performed on the subject tank. 4. The results of laboratory tests performed by Analytical Technologies, Inc. 5. Referenced documents and available groundwater data. It is possible that variations in the soil or groundwater condi- tions could exist beyond the points explored in this investiga- tion. Also, changes in the groundwater conditions as noted could occur at some time in the future due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors. 50-1148-01 7-1 ~2~ KLEI~FELDER Our services have been performed in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of our profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the State of California. No other warranty is expressed or implied. Sincerely, .... KLEINFELDER ~arideh V. Kia ........ ' ............ Brian ~illalo~os, R.~. 4~5~ ' ' Staff Hydrogeologist Senior Hydrogeologist FVK:BV:kc:cg 50-1148-01 7-2 8 REFERENCES t. 1. Jenning~, C.W., and Strand] R.G.'/ 19-65, Geoloqic map of California Olaf P. Jenkins edition,Bakersfield sheet: California Division Of Mines and Geology, Sacramento, . ~ California. .... 2. U.S.G.'S.,'7.5 Minute Oildale Quadrangle. 3 U.S.G.S., 1964, Use of Groundwater Reservoirs for storage of surface water in the San Joaquin Valley, California, Water Supply Paper 1618. 4. Kern County Water Agency, 198-6, Water supply report, 1985. 5. California Division of Mines and Geology, 1962, Mines and Mineral Resources of Kern County California, County Report 1. 50-1148-01 8-1 PLATES _ ............ [] Map reduced from a portion of U.S.G.S. 7.5' topographic series, Gbsford, Oildale, Lamont and Oil Center, California Quadrangles. - . ............................ ]IICOCA~'COLA-BOTTUNG COIVIPANY Project Number 50-1148-01 October 1987 II tl 20th STREET' · .- -- GATE · DISPENSER0 MW-1 ' ..... .. N_N:IM 10,000 GAt. I.O~ - .... - ........ -- Z WAREHOUSE .. BUILDING ASPHALT PARKING LOT EXPLANATION NO SCALE ~I MCNITORING WELL "' ........... [ UNDERGROUND STORAGE T.N~iK' DIRECT B. JRIAL SENSOR k~i -~-~-'-""'--~ET'~YE-. L D'-E ~ .... "llBakersfield" califomiaPLOT PLAN and II BORING/MONITORING WELL Project Number 50-1148-01 October1987ll LOCATIONS ,< ..~ r, . II MONITORING WELL 3 Num0er 50-1145-01 October ~98711 CONSTRUCTION DESIGN ' · TAPERED C~NCRETE 4SCREW-~ASTENED MANHOLE COVER SENSOR CABLE ~E~RICAL AC~ ~ 2-tNCH DIAMETER , SCHEDULE 40 BLANK PVC VARIES R~ ~ I/4-tNCH ~EN~NI~ = I VOLTAGE SE~OR CA~E / ~ 1' ~LTER PA~ FOR VAPOR-L~K O~E~ INSET SCHEDULE 40 2-INCH DIAMETER ~-1' : MACHINE SLOTTED PVC  CONCRETE .. PAD 15' :- .... ' ~ TO ALAR~CONTROL PANEL ~ NOT TO, SCALE - ~COCA-CO~ BOTTLING COMPANY '[[ P%AT I~ WELL HEAD .COMPLETION WITH"' Pmje~ Nu~r S0-~4a;0~ O~o~er ~9~7~/ VAPOR SENSOR PROBE INSTALLED]~ k~ KLEI~FELDER APPENDIX-- A Tank Integrity Test Report port CaiTank ' Owner: Coca Cola Bott. ltnq C__o. Testing Underground S~or,~g¢ Tank · . i Address: 414 19th Street ~[~~ 32965.Vi,alia, Moone¥ Blvd. CA 93277 ~; i "~. Bakersfield, CA - {209} 6~5.9911 Phona No. High Test Low Test . ~ Tank Certify Product. Capacity Result Flesult ~ Location Tight 1. Reqular tO,O00 +.0023 414 19th St.~ Bakersfield, CA Yes 2. 3. 4. 5. 17. Line Test Flesults 3. 7. 18. :lemarks: See back o~ wo;ksheeL ~o; Certified Operators Slgnalure i Tim Nlachado by tlnda Stsk .........3296 S."oo.w a,va. HORNER 'EASY TESTING METHOD AGO--. - . ~[ v,,.,,., c^,327, ~~ / ~ r ~ ~/~ / ~ - (2o~) 6~s-~. WORK SHEET TANK No. / TE~ LEVEL PROOU~ -- ~PACI~ C~RT ~L .:.:-..: , . .. ~,~ ,._~.:~,. M~UaEO GaAW~ ,~ eaOOU~ TE~P ~EFF~C~EaT ~ ~EL ~EL ~AIN + ~ (A) EVEL TEMF. TEMP. ~AIN + x (~} T~, FINAL CITY - STATE - ZI~ COOE NO. ~ART ~O LOSS- x (A) R~ULT START ENO TIME ~ ~ x (B) R~ULT ,: R~ULT ~ - / ~ ' -3~ ' .~ ~ o~o /,~c - 662 ',oo~/ '5 Y~ ;o~, ~ ~oal/~ . . ' OE~H OF QROUNQ WATER (IF ~OWN) ' ' .OATE/TIME ~ORAGE ~ ~ ... : ' ' ' ' ~ ~, ? TMTING FLUID, IF DIFFERENT TH~ ~i OVER FOR REMAR~ .~omer Cre~-t~ue Products. Inc. ~PEI~ inc. EZ'Y-CHEH' EO~Z EZY-C~ T~ , !el: vi:h complece confidence :he resu!:s vere cot:ac: and sys:e= ~as right or if a leak ~as de:ac:ed, where in :he sys:e= it ~a~ Iota:ed, and a: vha: rare i: vas leaking. In :he major!:7 'of cases ~:hou: br~a~ng . s~Iifie~ :his so eye,one can 2. ~anges in :he liquid level. LA i ' SOLUTION TO ABOVE PROBLemS 1. Tank End ~eflec:ion - Tee =auks shou!~ be filled up i::o :he fill- pipe :he night before or at leas: & ~ou'rs prior :o :he res:. This ,rill allo~ ~anks ends :o s:ablize. · Z. Liquid Level Moni:or~n~ .- ~e use an old reliable ~rocess to zone:or :he liquid level. I: c:nsis:s of an air supply :auk an~ char: recorder :%'o pens :o do V;o :auks slnui:aueous!7. This recorder is no ~ora :kan pressure recorder -~i:h full range of ap~ro~-:a!7 1 oz. o,~ ~ressure. The air supply :auk forces a s-~ai! novezen: of air in:o :he :o~ I/2" of ii~uid in :he :auk, (~us: enough :o cause a 5ubbling ac:ion) through a [/&" t~be clamped :o :he fi!ipipe. The ~en re=order measures :he pressure i: rakes :o cause :he bubbling ac:ion (approxlmata!7 [/Z" oz.). If the pen char:s a s:raigh: line :he !iqui~ level is no: changing. The recorder ~mn easily ~e:ec: a change of .005 inches in :he llquia level. Ta/s me:ho4 is no: ney. Li~ui~ level bubble sys:ems have been used in the petroleum indus,.r7 for :auk gau~es far years. ~e have s/=pl7 ~ade ~: 9er7 sens~:Ive ~ith a special be!!ows. Ho er Crea £ue Products, Inc. .EZY- CHEtt' =oil s~rl:~ design, ~:h =ore coils :~= &a:k from 2~" co lO'. a~os: any vehic!a, ar can be palate4 f:~= an~ opclona! 12 v~l: po~er pack. ~e.raadou: is capable ~o mane:or from one ~o four ~an~ sL~icaneousl7 ~:h a Salem:or s~i=ch =o read each individual :he readou: is zero :o 100 degrees fahrenhei=. · and/or vapor prassura. ~'i:hcu: any modlilca:ions oi :he fi!!pi~e, :ha ~: is. co~p!e:e for =ari~n~ '~:h 2", 3", or i" fi!!pipes. ~a. si~h: ~!ass can be raised :o :he :ece%s'a~ level :o overcome :he head prassura. ~acorder rocor is spr~:~ wo~d, no e!ec:rlci:7 requirad, 2. Ve~ 9or:aSia, ~ei~hs o~!7 15 3. Is =oc ~fec;ad bY ou=slde =am~era:ure c~n~es, as move=eh: of air. i. Is no: affac:ad by baromecr~c pressura on =he liquid is appllad on =he be!!o~s. 5. T~o pen syscom, aolor coded, on one c~r: =o do ~;o =an~ s=i=an- eousi7 -~:h a peahen= ricord of each =as=. 6. Takas oni7 10 =u=as =o se= ~7 ~round movemen= does no= affac= HOmer CreatZce Products, [nc. E Z-CHEH' sysco= c~n :es: each tank !ndlV~uai!7 ~l:houc ~:ez~=~ concrete by ~usc :he vacu~ line ac :ha sub=erged p~ 9. Tan~ c~ no'~ be casca~ as :~o sa~era:a c~ '~:houc braa~g i0. ~i:h suc:!on.p~ps and ~-wo ~anks ~anifo!ded ~ogecher ~hey ara :. =asked as one. If a leak ~s de,ac=ed Sa ~he ~ conc=e~a ~s~ ~e ~roken and ~he ~n!~old ~sco~ec~ad, as ~he=~ ts no =ay ~o =a!i ~hich cank. iea~ ~ass you can =a=ove ~he check valve pcppe= ~d Io~e= ~he produc: level TO SLi~/~_.~IZ~ Tanka~ ~e£1ec:ion. ~ecor~in~ the iiqui~ iavei Co .005 inches. Honi:orln~ eke produc:s average ~! of =bls is ~ein~ and eye.one can operate Boring Logs UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION · Group Pat- Typical Names Major Divisions Symbols tern ... Well-graded gravels and gravel-sand ~ GW mixtures, little or no fines -- - !,:~.~.! mixtures, little or no fines. ~c ' -> ,~ 8 ~ _-~ GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures. ~ ~o [~ Well-graded sands and gravelly sands, -- ~' Poorly graded sands and gravelly sands, o j; · SP or .o fines I o ,~ I · SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures. i ML Ino~janic silts, very fine sands, rock ,, ~ >; CL I plasticity, gravelly days, sandy days, _c ~o OL ~ o ~ III~ of Iow plastidty ~-~ ~ Inc~ganic days of higl~ plamidty fat clays .c~ = ~?//////~Organic, clays of medium to high ; ~ OH ~_~ plasticity Highly organic soils i PT ~:~::~ Pes~, muck and other highly organic soils SYMBOLS - 0 -~ STANDARD PENETRATION SPLIT SPOON SAMPLE '1 MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER WATER SEEPAGE L------ 5 [[ SHELBY TUBE SAMPLE WATER LEVEL _~._l PITCHER SAMPLE 'I CONTINUOUS SAMPLE - 10.-~ GRAB SAMPLE '~ UNSUCCESFUL SAMPLING ATTEMPT (no recovery) NOTE: The line= separating strata c~ the logs represent aopro~,lm~le boundarle~ The actual transitl~t may be gra(lual. No warranty ia provided as to the comlnulty of $oll ~trata t3etween 13orlng$. Logs represent the soil sactlo~ ol3served at tt~e boring location o~ the date of drilling only. COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY P L A T E Bakersfield, California EXPLANATION ~ Project Number 50-1148-01 Ocfober 1987 · ' .-'--Lack'lng ~ell 0 ..... ' ~' ."- Cover Asphalt. ? ::; PVC ,,a,, III ~, s,~. Lig, t ,,re,,,,. trsce o* silt. fine to ~.._,': On ere --I[I trace of silt clast - 1/2' to 2' in size, - ..~-~ 5h~ter ' ' III coarse. ~oderste to ,ell graded. ,icsceous. =.' ~ ~_..:" ..Olen,SC""Ulap,,c"°,ell ...... -¥~; . .~:_ ':Z .... III ....... ~e.,,. silt ol~,t - ,,,e 'g,.s;,: 'trace of c~ey. ' - - suO-angular, loose. ' ~ ~Sentonite ' ' 5 '-:.. I':-". ' ':.' j'~. #3 Send Filter' 0.0 t2 ' S-01-III S~ S4N~ Ligflt brown trace of silt fine to - Ill da.o. silt clast - pale gray. trace of clay, ..... ' ..... ..... III ,icac~us.- sand preaomnately angular'to ' ' I[I su~-angular, loose. · III .odor.,to to ~ll ~,'.de,..ic-ceoue. da,,,'. - Ill predolinately quartz, angular to "" - ""' III su=-rounded, loose. Ill '¥:~" 0.020' ~c,ine, '.'."- .:'"~ Slotted . :'","':"-:':'"' ~,,~u:, ~ ~c i.'.'.. ,ell Casing . ' ~ i I;; ' '~o II ' '.'"-.':i ...:..~: .-.'., . $~Ag£ EI.~/A?IO~ ffeet]: LO~_D BY: D. Stevarek ~PER¥ISF. D BY: B. TO?~L ~EP11~ ffeetl: 2~.§0 nI~ETE~ of 80~ING: Coca-Cola Bottling Coml=any 44! iSth Street, Bakersfield, 'CA PLATE PAGE ! of 2 PRO~E~T ~UNBER 50-~48-0! October ~987 ~'~'="..--::'~:' 0.0 4t S-01- IL ~L SILT: 6~ay wtt~ mst Pe~ statntng :: 26-2~5 [hPoug, out, [~ace of fine san~. ......~,. ~ da~. ao~ Poor ho]es, stiff. ~ ~8t red. trna to ~Otu~ poorly gnaOed, pnedom~nateZy anguZaP to goca-Cola Bottling Comoany ~t tgt~ S~Peet. Bakersfield. CA ............... ~~ K~E~N~ELOE. ....................... L 0 G .... OMW f'-' B~O R I NG B - ~ b' ' CHENICAL ANALYSES ./,./ ~,~_~ E SOIL DESCRIPTION . .. / :-:...:-'.., . . ,"..g ~- ~3 ~nd Ft2ter 0.0 7 i S-02-J I ~ ~ L/~t bro~ ~ace of st2t. fine ~o ,?-[.? . ~.': ? E -:'"i ' ' "'.":':"~ I 0.0 tE S-02'[ I ~ ~ L1ght bpo~ ftne ~o coarse, :.:.. ~ ':.". ~ . !~ ~ ,d,r,~.2y ~,d,~ 200,. ~,~. ' . ~:~0.020 ~c~ne · ;~ t '-'.":-:'- ~hedu[e ~ ~':"~.:""! s~o~.~ ~c ,"-'~.'".i ~- ~.~,~ - ,,.:~ .':..~:-'..~ 0.0 ~5 S-02-~ ~ ~ S~LT: ~t~led gpay bPo~ and pus~ Ped, '2' ~MVC Ca~ - 0.0 tg S-02' I I ~ SILT: ~ttled g~ay ~own and ~ust ~ed. ~[~[~ 21-21.5l / trace of cZay, very fine to ~atum send, to stiff, da~. ' ~RFA~ ~AT[ON (feet): LOG~ BY: O. Stavare~ ~V~ BY: B. TOTAL O~ (feet): 2~.50 DZA~ of BORON6: DATE DR~ 3-24-87 HAT~ ~COUNT~ AT (feet): ~t encountered. Coca-Co~a BottI~ng Comoany B;-2 PROdECT NU~ER 50-~48-0~ Oc~o~eP ~9B7~ APPENDIX Test Boring.Procedures J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX ~ T~ST BORING PROCIDUT<ES I. Soil Samp!ing Protocol The following procedures are followed during soil sampling -operations utilizing the hollow .stem auger drilling ~=ec.hnique. A. Hollow Stem. Auger I 1. Soil borings drilled by =he hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. I ~ 2. Augers, samplers and all downhole e.cuipment are steam cleaned prior to use and between borings minimize the 9oran=ia! for cross-contamination. 3. The Kleinfe!der geologist observes ~he work, visually, logs the soils, and collects samples at appropriate inte~za!s. ~. The ~nified Soils Clas~ifica=ion Sys%em is u=i!ized to classify soils encountered. Additional geologic observation are noted as a~propriate. A Hunse!! Soil Color Chart is used in documenting soil color. Rocks are classified by the Colorado School of Hines "Classification of Rocks" (Travis, 1955). 5. Soil samples destined for la2~orato~t analysis are collected by a modified Porter sampler. This sampler uses ~hree, six inch long, by two inch diameter (o.d.) Various t'~bes can be.utilized to accommodate the type of analysis necessa~t: Brass - all organics and general analyses (no= =o be used for copper or zLnc analyses) Stainless - all organics and metals analyses for copper and zinc (not to be used for chrome or nickel analyses.) Plas=ic - all metals analyses (not to be used for organics) J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the J.H.K. !aborato~/. Tu~es are soda, bed, inside' and outside, with a brush and TSP. They are next steam cleaned, and packed in clean buckets with '~-lids. U~Tu~es are delivered to the drilling 'site in ~hese closed buckets to preserve the state of cleanliness· 7. After the sample(s) have been removed from sampler, ~he sampler 'is completely disassembled and sc.~bed in TSP and tap water· It is then rinsed in t'~o separate tapwater bathes and .................. reassembled'with t~.ree clean tubes. - ............ - ................... 8. Dirty tubes are field washed in TSP, rinsed with water, and placed in buckets for transpor~ back to the J5_-< lab for cleaning and preparation. 9... The sampler is driven by a 140 pound ha~er wi~h a 30 inch free fall· Blow counts are recorded as n-~her of blows per 6 inches of drive. 10 The sampler is driven 18 inches at each sampling inte~za!. The first (or 1Dwest) tube is generally retained as =he sample for ana!y~is. The two tubes are retained for back-up or split samples when 'required. 1!. A sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose soils are anticipated. This will prevent the soil from falling out of ~he sampler. !2. After retrieval, ~ke sample is visually logged, and immediately sealed wiLh aluminum foil lined caps, la~e!ed, and chilled. Clean field ice chests and chemical 'ice ("blue ice") are used to keep samples cold un, i! delivered top the chemical laborato~!. 13. Samples are delivered to ~he laborato~! =he same day ~key are taken, if physically possible. If t~.e samples must be held until the next day, are keDt frozen in a secure freezer in =he facility. J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES 14. Soil samples are numberedin the following manner: S-LX-Y Where: ................... S '- designates soil sample ,- XX - boring number Y - footage depth of sample For example, S-01-!0 indicates a soil sample from boring number 1, from a depth of ten feet. . . 16. The .complete labeling of =he soil ~'samp!e tube Job nu~er (client number) with appropriate phase number included after the dash (i.e. Qll01-1) Sample number Data This information should be written: Q!!01-2 S-01-!0 3-20-85 17.An indelible non-water soluJole marking pen must be used to mark the tubes. Chain of Custody Record Leak Alert Syst'em - Specification and Description Universal Sensors and Devices Inc. 9256 Deering Avenue, ~a~orr,.tl, CA 9131 Phone (818) 998-7121 $?ECIFICATIONS LEAK DETSCTOE The alarm panel shall provide for che following: Wencher-proof ope're=ion; lead seal panel lock-up; audio and visual alarm for each individual probe; incrinsic safecy barriers for each channel; overall auxilliary alarm relay; builc-in provision for individual channel alarm relays; bul!c-~n provisions.for recorder or compucer oucpuc; cransformer lsolaced/regulaced power supply;gold co gold princed ¢Ircuic elec=rical ¢onnecclons; minimal eleccro mechanical componencs; concurrenc and/or incerchangeable use of vapor; liquid or producc line leak race dececcion and shuc-down; posicive shuc-down of :urbines. VAPOR SENSORS Vapor probes shall meeC Che following performance criceria: Small enough co fic 'inside a l" vapor monicoring well; shall indicace presence of gasoline, diesel, wesco oil and organic vapors; have a response cime of hOC greacer minuces; shall provide for an alarm range se:cing of 100 7,000. ppm in air; musc provide for operacor alerc of excessive background soil concaminacion; operace in vadose as well as sacUraced soil condiciona. LIQUID SENSORS Liquid probe shall meec Che following performance criceria: musc flc Chru .75 in cank annular space; provide for flexiable cable accachmenc chru annular :ank space co alarm panel; .25 inch minimum liquid level de:e¢=ion !imi: wi=h liquid =emp. 32 degrees F Co IZ0 degrees F. 12121~ Universal Sensors and Devices Inc." 92S6 DHring A~nue, ~au'worth, CA 9131 Phone (818} 998-712I $1TI~G ~C0~E~OATIONS FO~ USO ~O~S LIQUID P~0BES VA~O~ P~0BES C0~BO I Wells In LALS-~P LAVS-~ LACS-~P Doubl~' Containment Double Wall X (I) X (2) (3) Tanks Hydrocarbon I (I) ' I (Z) (3) · esis:ant Liner ~onl:orin~ Wells In Soil Va~ose Zone (Dry Well) ~-- Saturated Zone (~e= Well) NOTE: (1) USD iiqui~ probe will detect presense of any liquid i.e., water, gasol£=e, oil e:¢., but will no= ~lfferentlate between water and hydrocarbons (or~anic). (2)Combo probe (l sensors) will dtscrimina:e between watar and ~ydrocarbo~ (organic) based liquids. (3) Sensors [rom combo probes need no: be set ~n same monitoring location i.e., liquid sensor to double walled :ank and vapor sensor ~o vadose zone well. 1/85 Universal Sensors and Devices Inc." 9256 Deering Avenue. Chatswor~, CA 91311 Phone (818} ~8-7121 PARTIAL LIST OF D£TECTABLg GASES · Acetone £~hanol Methane · ' Acetylene g=hyl Ace=ace Me=hanol l - Ammonia Gasoline Me=hyl Acetate Benzene Hep~ane Methyl Ether Bu~adiene Hexane Methyl g~hyl Keystone Butane Hydrogen Natural Gas .. Bu=ylene Hydrogen Sulfide Octane Carbon Monoxide Iso-Butanoi Pentane Dime=hylam£ne Iso-?ropanol Propane ~-- .Ethane Lacquer Thinner. Propylene gthylene LP Gas Toluene Triclorechane 12/85 CONTRACT - ALARM RESPONSE AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE -':-:" :'.'--"-:: .......... ..... ::::-::::::::::::::::::::: ...... ::LEAK Leak Alert Service will provide a yearly maintenance and alarm response service with periodic inspection, :o assure that Universal Sensors and Devices, Inc. monitoring systems are ~ain:ained in proper working order. Many counties and local regulatory agencies are now, and will be in :he future, requiring 'minimum periodic inspection and maintenance by qualified ........ - .... .:- -,maintenance.,-organize:ion,-Insurance .compan~es.-ma-y.l~so- interested in this service. SC~PE OF WORK 1. Initial check of equipment and wiring methods to conform to manufacturing, and/or owner specifications and compliance, with local, state and county codes and repair as needed or inform owner so that he can have original installer make necessary repair's. (None I) ,? 2. Make quar:erly stops; a. Check each probe by removing and manna.1 testing. b. Check alarm panel for proper voltages & functioning. c. Repair as needed. (Note d. Tag equipment as operational. e. Fill out service card and notify owner of service visit. f. Seal alarm panel wi:h regls:ered seal. 3. Alarm response. a. On call 24 hours. (Respond by next working day.). b. Check all equipment as described above. c. Attempt to locate leak source. d. Advise customer of our findings. YEARLY LABOR CONTRACT FEE: $275.00/alarm panel (Southern California) $100.O0/probe package per site. '- .................................... Multiple sites.-.wlll~..be-quoted-on ............. , a site by site basis. NON CONT~ACT ALA~ ~ESPONSE AND ~AINTENANCE " a. If not under con~rac~, any Leak Aler: service call will be a= $a2.§0 per hour, pot=al -, 'accomplished a~ this rare per hour. c.Any parts will be quo=ed a= .manufac=urers published list prices al=er warran=ee expires (Note 2). NOTE: rates. (2) "Universal Sensors and Devices, Inc. warrants probe packages for 2 years and alarm panels for 1 year. Al=er expire=ion of warren=y, ma=erials will be char~ed a= lis= price. LAS02 12/85 The Leak Aler System · Inl:roducmg Leak Alert, a highl7 The Leak Alert Sw~tem o//ers fei/ohio, state-o[-the-an sTstem [or types oi sensing probes: (1) a thermal ! } continuous monitoring of element capaJ~[e oi detect~ug the pre- underground storage tanks. De- sence o[ at7 [/~id, and (2) a metal- ~iqnec[ a.ud developed By ~Tniversal ox~de--semiconductor"'~MOS)--sensor i.... Sensor~ & Devices, fha, ezoiting ])ut that recocy~=es the presence o~ most economical new elect~ou/c system comBust~le ~nd orgaAic gases. A ..' p=ovides Both visual and aud/h[e single alarm pa.uel wi~ work simulta- war~-gs of leaking flu/ds ~ncUor the necusl7 with Both WPes o[ sensors -- wpors o/ten generated by leaking up to !8 ch~.~els in a]/, clepen~-g flu/ds, on Leak Alert model selected. .-' _= . :. ~:..~&~fi-~:' · -~.'' '":"'-.:'f:-- R :-: t run~n =e-~: ...... ~i~:~.'-_'.~q[' :~'..- ~ : ' '" INDICATOR [~L~'~_-.,..,'~[ ~T-.~'~¥~i -~ · ~I~T.,~1 VIPMNfi : : ..:. ..oow '"''" · PROBE ~' I~;,-:-.'.:'.'~~, ;.~ -- -- . [~!$:"' . ;.'(;~ ~ '.~'~-~ ~AUDIBLE ALARM TE~T ~,~'.:.-'f~-v .'~-; ~- v . . : .; ~ ~ ~mgcnrnuur SWiTCH~' ~'"'"?'::'"" ".': -'? .... .:F- !:~ -~ ~---/'----.---.-.-.-.-.-.-.~-.~ ":~'i'~ AC ~ RELAY : '" PROBE C~8CES-- mG~U. OUTIqJTS System Features · No mov~ug p~: non-corro- · F~el~. adiu,~t,'d~le ~1,,,,,, s~t- siv~ s~n~r materials ~or point ior background v, rpor long service l~e. screening. ..: · C~mpact ~n.~ing probes · Built-in ~uclio & visual with flexible tobies: oper- ~,,~,s. ': · or FRP tanks, wet or v~e~ Aux~crf rel~' output [or zone monitoring weLLs, remote ~i,~,,,,, phon~ ~a- ':--'" ..... · Shnpie Lust,,ilation: probe ler. or pump shutdown ct~ct e,.~ily b~ r~mov~cT for lnsp~'~ion or ca. LLbra~ou. · Options! ~nalog output for · Models ,~,,.~Llable to moni- recording or coun~ ins=u- tor up to 4. 8 or 16 seo.lml per ment=tiom · The leak Alerl: SysCems have been appreved for use by =he Elec- t:,-.ical Tescinq Laboratory, Oepar~:menc of Building and Safety, City of L~s Angeles, California: Application No. 2496,49. -?:~.'...'.--...,, -' ..-,Apl~hcatmn. Examples -...-.,.~ i-'~,Specifications i"~."-..." · "d..~ -'....:.. "o .,'. ~.:: .-.:. ~ .~:.. '..? ' ..--" ~. .. /~.~!....:: ...-:... ~.:.,...-~ :-'.:,.r-:.-.'}~'=~' ':-.".:'-'."ir. :"":.~. ~'-..:'!:i '.."' '.:'- · '." '. --. "-'."..' ~'. ' '"-."..'.'.' / ' .."' .-'~.. .':"-'".' ;'- '4':!~ ..... : ' .2' .':'.'- . . . . ...,. . . . j : ,-'".:-~:,~ }~.~:.~:'.~:-'.i.2..:.-. .... ..'~-:~:: ;::~.. '..~'..-.- .... '.' '..' .-:;...." ~.:.i ~ ----, · ~..-,.,... ...-~..r-'r,~.m-~, '~ '. '.'~'"~'" ' · ' ~.:' - '.'l _.:. _,~_. · -. . .~,: ._,,.~'..., . ..~,,;.,,..,,..-...:. 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"- '.. -.-:' -~ -" ' ~' ' '"~' ' "'" ~ ":".. ~'(2~o ~.' . ..... . ....... ..... ..._-. .... :, ~..:....~,-..~.~.....? ~......... ......._ _~ ..~.. . ~',..~_ .....,.-' . , ...... ........ .' .,,... .,,, ...... ..... "- · . '~-,~?'..-.".~. -. :'-~:.'.P,~::?-,.'---:'.-.'.-"q."'~..'{'..','.: .: ...... ~-- ~-4-. :/.. ...... . .~ ........ . .... . ... ....~.....: . .. .... ' ....... '~.'- ' '' ' ........... : a~/ & t .,-. ~ .. ' ¥?:-.-~': ' ..'.~".:-' . .,' .' .. ~ . . ' .':'. . :'~ . . .. i "-:'- ....... -"-~' .. '- : '-'." ~ - ?' .... :-' CASE I~' "- '-: · ' ....... ' ~ ..... ' ...... -" ' · ........ ~" ' --- ' ' ' i ~n~ -~'~ ~'."-' - ~'-~"~":' ' '-:'-~-~ '?. ..... ,. ," rl~lllR! I=.WAI! TANK · ~.?:'.:-' . ";.::~. 7'~---.-:-". ' · - '''~ ............... ~L'?~,'r-'"-"""~:.~..:~ ~ .... .".: -. '... ;7'.: ~lnnk~ : ~,'~' ~,iccon=~p~nei. ~/.- ' ' '-.-~..':...-'--.~-.-: ...-:." .~"..'-x'.. ..'. 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'~t cable, 'u .'. .,.?: .::.'.Z..! ' - "',~"'---' ..... ~.. : ...... r'" - .: ....... .'.. az'm:z, '":"-'- .:'"':' :' ':'"' .... "'...':, i:.---; ... .... "::_~-..,. _ · .._ . ....:.......... ........ - .,..._ ..... ;.~'."~ :1 ;"' .. ::: -...~: - · ~ ..... .. . "~' " ' ..... " '"~ ':':'.i.'., "~: ~:' ~i · ":.:. '::' .. '::/:~::~'..~.-: ~--~2.-- ' .%-:..:.52i .. ,:'. .... ::-'-' ~..-. ::-.'~. U"-.-% ':i;~t .... .... ;_ ' ' ~ ......:""' '~ ~'~--'- ..... ' ...... ---'-' ..... · '~ ":."~r--. ' -, :,~.~ ~.-;',~" .'.~. '."- ~,.--. ,'.s-~. ...... -- '-'- .' '~,:...-,. -,.; ?~.r'..~?.'-;.;~,,.-..4. -.-.-..:r ~.~ .~ .~;~-,~ ~.,-.' '.~.~-~::.- :::: "-. :.,::,~:) -'- ) '~'.~};; -- i--:~;~."~ .',-~-'~(.~'?~'-'~ ".'i~'.,- '.'/?:~' ;~-.: '.:¥::'rT..,'.r.~ ~}.':.-~";.":i ! ~.'- c'--~2~ '::. :,.'.~.,~iq.~.....>.~ .-.. .~. :. . '.-..:,,.:::? .~..- ~-',,~r,.-:--- _ '"-"..'4'- ~ · · - :' '-.-":. i -'~'..~...~/ '.. . ..?2z. : flirt: 11.- ~'I.qTIN~ .'.:~:I :~?.--. ::': .~::~}' " SINGLE-WALL/ANIC';-' , .,~-...::.. . ; -.~,.~,,..~.: '...? .~ ,....,,~,--.,,,, . : .',,~:-~r..- · ~:-. ..... ., ~.,:.-.--; ,.:. ,-' ..:-. ':. :? ~ m~verdcai dri&~., :'-" ~ ,.:.' ~'~ , ,-"....?'~.~, '.-....: [ ::.-:'-~.. .... · _ .'..... ..?~.~ .;:~ ..,~. . .:-.. ..~.: ; .- .~ .: ~,_ . . ..:-..... .. , ----.~ ..... ~-'" ~- ' --- ?~:-: :~: G' catde mar I:G camter ... '.. · : ~ ; *. ~, USO BULLETIN NO. LA-c3502 Auailable Laak Alert: £quipmenc (1At'ten orc[er~nq; specL,~ ~eair~ alarm p~el, probe ~e, ~ ~e & len~ of ~ome m cable) E UQUIO SENSOR VAPOR SENSOR .... STRANDED D ~p ~ SEE NOTE ~1 R~ ~ :. [~ ~i PONIECO ~" I~I ~' C:O;PORATiON and 1 1 1 Series Manholes Pomeco Model 111 Series Spill Protection Manholes PARTIAL S~CT~ON L Spill Protection Manholes 111 Standard Spill Protection Manhole I 11:1-A Same as Model 111 except machined nipple length is adjusted for use with a vapor return value f 111-B Same as Model 111 except no drain assembiy is supplied 111-0 Spill Protection Manhole designed for use with Hytrel type material ( FEATURES Double seal arrangement with "machined nipple" to form a positive liquid seal while providing adequate flexibility between the manhole and fill riser. Buna-N seals ~e Teflon coated to reduce fdction and to provide protection against swelling due to exposure to gasoline or other toxic chemicals where the Model 111 may be required. Seals are well protected against possible damage by containment in seal rings. Re;in-rite lid and manhole dng design provides protection against floating gasoline or other toxic chemicals Whic,h may be contained in the "bucket" to ground level. A drain assembly is available for ease of draining gasoline or chemicals back to the underground tank. The flexible hose used in the drain assembly is a woven stainless · steel-teflon configuration. The exterior of Models 111, 11 l-A, and 111-1B are epoxy coated for corrosion resistance. Capacity of the Model 111 series is approximately 5 gallons. The Models 111, 111-A and 111-8 are preassembled for ease of installation. Pomeco 1 10 Series Manhole Model No. 110-12 Manhole .... '~' " A ca.st iron dng with an 11 !/2" sheet steel skirt provides ira- . . -proved fill cap protection and ease of installation. HeaVy duty ' 318' steel diamond plate lid standard with optional 3/4" fingerhole available, j ! Model No. 110-16 ~ ,.~-'~'=~"-~, Formed sheet steel skirt, depth 11 1/2", supplied with heaVy duty 3/8" diamond plate lid with 5116" slot. No. 110-W wrench' .--lid.is provided for use with-slot for ease of removing & replacinc. ~'F-'~" '1 ~,:,,.>.?~':,;}.':1 30" Round Submerg~ Pump Manhole h~ a fo~ed sheet , steel ski~, depth 11 112", supplied with 112" st~t diamond plate lid with 5/16" slo[ No. 11GW wrench is provided for user~,' with stet for e~e of removing and replacing lid. / Call or Write' for Your Nearest Distributor ~) 18237 ILLINOIS .-'VE.~IU-~ · =&= :'..4(2L'NT, C~LIFOR~41A 90722 ·;-,,~' ,-~L--.~-.,,-',.~=~. ~ . .,,,j .. \ ! I x ..... .\ I I \ x I \ \\ .I t II I / / / / / / GROOVE PA~-I'ERN IN TOP OF LID SECTION A - A ,. MODEL III-L EAIN-T1TE MANHOLE C0VEE [ ~ ~ 16Z~7 ILLINOIS AVENUE * PARAMOUNT, CALIFORNI~ ~ ~ 162=7 IL~N~iS AVEHUE · PARAM~U.NT. CA~FORNL~ POMiCO MODEL 1!! 0VE.~FILL ?RQ?Z_CTION M.~,~HOLE -~-a~s~ad' me~s ~ha= ~e ~c~ned ni~!e (se~ enc!o~e~ _. when reglacLng .~e fill adap==r. ~e ~ai~ hose is ~so ~se:~ a: a desir~!e ~si~on for ~m~ flex~i!i=y. ~.c!e is a= a heiqh= =o allow for p~er ccn~=a s!op~.for 2. I~=~! ~he No. !!I ~a~!y ~a r~ve ~he c=~ spacer Since ~e a~jus~ng nu=s (8] contain~g the seals ~e =ne ass~h!y shoed be se!f-supposing. 3. Shou!a a ~! adj~nan= he necessary' s~p!y ~ve ~e u~ or down as ~y ~e r~uired. I= should no= ~ necass~y loosen ~e adjus=~g nu=s ~o ~e ~is adjus=en=. 4. Be s~e fo!!cwinq heigh= adjus~nen= =ha= =he ~a~ hose asse~!y ia ~s=a!led :o allow for m~= riser 5. Tes= for !e~s ~y .p~ia!ly fi!~ng ~he ~s~Iy with e!i~na=a ZNST~LL~T~ON ~--- ~ZAL NOT,S: The Model No. Ill-V~ i:s:a!led will always be closed . brass strainer _scree:..., ....... . _ ~) ~si~g a MINIMUM AMOUNT of hardeci~ pi~e dope, !:stall the handle, tighten ~.c more chon half a cum ar un=i! =he cee ha=d!e is ~ara!!e% wick =he side o~ :he manhole chase :he ~/&" chrea~s ia ~he ~rai~ :cuplia~ wink a :ap ca allow I!=-~- co thread cc a pci:c'where the drain holes are even vi:h :he boo:cc cf :he !!l manhole· _ pci~: where i: is flush ~i:~ the 11! Tes= by-pu=:i=~ the !!!. lid i: place and verify!:g :ha: the valve is closed when the lid is removed. Make sure :he screw is adjus:ed so the lld is sea:ed ~ro~erly on the ~ ~ '~ ~ 7cssib!~ leakage. Following , PU H- ULL Laboratory Reports of Analytical Results ~: AnalylicalTechnologies, lnc.. . CorlDo~t. Of'fice$: ~.~C)l~or~l~ous~Or~e S(~nOiegQCA92121 (619)4,~8-9141 ATI I.D.~ 703240 J. H. Kleinfelder & Associates.. .901 W. Victoria Street, Suite-G Comp=on, CA 90220 Project: Q-1148-1 Attention: Dave Klise On March 31, 1987, Analln:ical Technologies, Inc. received eight (8) soil samples for analyses.. Four (4) of the samples were composited into two (2) samples. The composited samples and two (2) of the samples were analyzed for fuel hydrocarbons and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene~ & xylenes. The fuel hydrocarbons were analyzed using gas chromatography/flame ionization detection in accordance with EPA method 8015 (modified for fuel analysis). The benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes were analyzed using gas chroma=ography/pho=oioniza=ion detection in accordance with EPA method 8020. Sample results have been corrected for constituents found in ~he reagent blank. The results of these analyses and the quality control data are enclosed. Richard M. Amano GC Supervisor Laboratoz-t Manager PS: mag Note: The samples from this project will be disposed of thirty (30) days from the date of this report. If an ex=ended storage period is required, please con=ac= our sample control department before the scheduled disposal date. ATI I.D.~ 703240 FUEL HYDROCARBONS DATA SHEET C~: J.H. ~.~~ a ~SO. DA~ S~D: 3-24-87 PRO~: Q-1148-1 ~ ~~D: 3-31-87 S~ ~X: SOIL DA~ ~~D: 4-10-87 EPA ~OD: MODIFIZD 8015 (GC/FID) DA~ ~YZZD: 4-11-87 ~ ~TS: rog/Kg ~ ~0~ ~L ~DRO~ON ATI I . D. ~~ I . D . ~RO~ONS CO~.A S-01-11-11.6 5 U - S-01-21-21.5 03 S-01-26-26.5 5 U - CO~. B S-02-11-11.5 5 ~ - S-02-16-16.5 06 S-02-21-21~5 5 ~ - U indicates the compound was analyzed for but was not detected. ATI I.D. ~ 703240 QUALITY CONTROL DATA MATRIX SPII~/MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATES PROJECT: Q-1148-1 DATE ANALYZED: 4-11-87 SAHPLE I.D.: 70324406 UNITS: mg/Kg 1ST 1ST RESULT ' S 2ND 2ND RESULT ' S .COMPONENT ... SPIKE ADDED RESULT % RECOVERY * RESULT % RECOVERY P. PD ** DIESEL 271 267 99 271 100 1.5 * % RECOVERY - (SPIKE SAH~.w. RESULT - SAHP~.W. RESULT) x 100 SPIKE ADDED ** RPD (RELATIVE PERC~TT DIFFERENCE) ~ 1ST RESULT - 2ND RESULT ....................... x 100 AVERAGE RESULT ATI I.D.# 703240 COM~.A BENZ~NE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, & XYLENES · DATA SUMMARY (EPA METHOD 8020) CLIENT: J.H. A'r.~.INFEr.nER & ASSO. PROJECT:-' Q-1148-1 SAMPLE I.D.: S-01-11-11.6 DATE SAM~r.~.D: 3-24-87 S-01-21-21.5 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL DATE RECEIVED: 3-31-87 UNITS: rog/Kg 'DATE ANALYZED: 4-06-87 DILUTION: 1 DETECTION LIMITS SAMPLE RESULTS BENZFITE 0. 025 U TOLUENE 0. 025 U ETHYLBENZENE 0.025 U HETA XYLENE 0. 025 U ORTHO & PARA XYLEN~ 0.025 U Surrogate Percent Recovery: BROMOCHLOROMETHA/TE 80 % TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 68 % U indicates t. he compound was analyzed for but was not detected. AT~ I.D. # 7032400::3 BENZENE, TOLUEFE, ETHYLBENZENE, & XYLENES DATA S~Y (EPA HETHOD 80~-0) -' --CLIENT': -- J.H.-F~i~-INFELDER & ASSO. ' .... PROJECT: Q-1148-1 SAM~n~- I.D.: S-01-26-26.5 DATE 'SAMPLED: 3-24-87 SAM~T.W. MATRIX: SOIL DATE RECEIVED: 3.-31-87 UNITS: rog/Kg DATE ANALYZED: 4-06-87 DILUTION: 1 DETECTION LIMITS SAMPLE RESULTS BENZE~ 0.025 U TOLUENE 0.025 0.054 ETH~LBENZF/TE 0.025 U M~TA XYLENE 0.025 U ORTHO & PARA XYLENE 0.025 U Percent Recovery: BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 83 % TR!FLUOROTOLUENE 84 % U indicates the compound was analyzed for but was not detected. · ATI I.D.9 703240 COM~.B t* BENZ~TE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, & XYLENES DATA SUMMARY (EPA METHOD 8020) SAM~.w.I.D.: S-02-11-11.5 DATE SAH~LED: 3-24-87 S-02-16-16.5 SAM~~'~' MATRIX: SOIL DATE RECEIVED: 3-31-87 UNITS: mg/Kg DATE ANALYZED: 4-06-87 DILUTION: 1 DETECTION LIMITS SAMPLE RESULTS BENZENE ; 0. O25 U TOLUENE 0. O25 U ETHYLBENZENE 0. 025 U HETA ~ 0. 025 U ORTHO & PARA XYLEIFE 0 . 025 U Surroga=e Percent Recovery: BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 81 % TRIFLUOROTOLLTENE 84 % U indicates the compound was analyzed for but was not detected. " ATT I.D.,~ 70~240RB BENZENE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, & XYLENES DATA SUMMARY (EPA HETHOD 8020) SAH~ I.D.: REAG~ BLANK DATE SAMPLED: N/A SAM~- MATRIX: SOIL DATE RECEIVED.' N/A UNITS: rog/Kg DATE ANALYZED: 4-06-8? DILUTION: DETECTION LIMITS SAHPLE RESULTS BENZENE 0. 025 ~ TOLUENE 0. 025 0. 051 ETH~LBENZ~FE 0. 025 0.26 M~TA XYLENE 0 . 025 0 . 19 ORTHO a PARA XYLEN~ 0 . 025 0 . 22 SurT_oga=e Percen= Recovery: BROMO CHLOROMETHANE 80 % TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 97 % U indica=es t. he compound was analyzed for bu= was no= de=ec=ed. .. ,,,. it DATE SAMPLE I.D. TAINERS REMARKS ~.~ ~-~ I !~-I!. ~, ,. ,. '~l.zt.~ ~-om. ~-2!,~ o-~ I ' / . '- ~.g4..¢~ s. ¢ I ' zG-2~,5~ o '~ i : ~' V ? , ~i 366 w,,,,.,.~,,., ,.,., ,,,,.,,,,,. ,,.,..,co,, . g'l' J H. KLEINFELDER & A 41, VICTORIA CORNER BUSINESS co~os, (213) 638-934~ - ... ..... Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Attention: Ann Boyce/Bill Scheide i Subject: Underground Storage Tank Leak-Detection Program Coca-Cola Bottling Company.Facility " 414 19th Street, Bakersfield Dear Ms. Boyce: J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES (JHKA) has been retained to conduct an underground storage tank leak-detection program in the City of Bakersfield on behalf of Coca-Cola Bottling Company. Contained herein is the proposed Work Plan to be implemented at the above-referenced facility. JHKA is prepared t.o mobilize for field operations within two weeks after approval has been issued from your office. The monitoring option selected is based on anticipated groundwater conditions specific to the site. However, an optional monitoring approach is described if other than antici- pated conditions are encountered. All proposed monitoring options are consistent to the intent of applicable regulations for exist- ing underground storage tanks as established by the Kern County Health Department. Also, the installation and operation of a leak-detection system is proposed that will provide continuous monitoring of the vadose-zone soils about the underground tanks. The appropriate fees and applicable permits will be fo~arded to your office as necessa~ to perfo~ the tasks as entailed in the proposed Work Plan. We will re~ire receiving ~ from you the pertinent fo~s and cost rate to conduct this underground tank investigation. Your review of the proposed Work Plan for this Leak Detection Program is appreciated. Should you have any ~estions or re~ire clarification on the overall program, please do not Walnut Creek · SanRamon · Sacramento · Stockton · Fresno · Fairfield · Merced · Rohnert Park · Reno · /as Vegas · St. George. Utah · Denver b~H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES Q-1148-1 hesitate to contact us. We look forward to your approval to proceed with the investigation. Sincerely, J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES ....... David H. Klis~ Geologist .- ,,' ..... ... Randolph C. Harris, R.G. Senior Hydrogeologist DHK/RCH:gw ~ cc: Richard Saunders Coca-Cola Bottling Company PLAN FOR UNDERGROUND TANK INVESTIGATION, MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION, AND INSTALLATION OF LEAK DETECTION SYSTEM FOR · COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY - i.· BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA JULY, 1986 Prepared by: .. J. H. Kleinfelder & Associates 901 W. Victoria Street, Suite G Compton, California 90220 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES i! J:~-H. KLEINFELDER &ASSOCIATES · . Q-1148-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I . INTRODUCTION 1 1. HYDROGEOLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SITES 3 2. BORING, SAMPLING, AND ANALYTICAL METHODS 4 a. Number of Monitoring Wells 4 b. Test Boring Locations 4 c. ~Drilling of Test BOreholes ..................................... :.:~:~4.- ......... -. .... - d. Soil Sample Acquisition 5 e. Groundwater Sampling 6 f. Soil Sample Analysis 7 3. TEST BORING AND SAMPLING OPTIONS 7 a. Option I 8 b. Option II 8 4. REPORTING OF RESULTS 9 III.. TANK MONITORING PROGRAM 10 1. MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 10 2. MONITORING WELL DESIGN - OPTION SPECIFIC 12 a. Option I - Shallow Groundwater (.Dry Vapor) 12 b. Option II - Deep Groundwater (Wet Vapor) 12 3. MONITORING, OVERSPILL PROTECTION, AND REPORTING 13 a. Continuous Electronic Monitoring 13 b. Overspill Protection 14 c. Reporting Schedule 15 LIST OF PLATES PLATE 1 - Site Location Map PLATE 2 - Proposed. Well Locations PLATE 3 - Monitoring Well Construction PLATE 4 - Monitoring Well-Head Completion PLATE 5 - Representative Vadose Zone Monitoring Well and Groundwater Monitoring Well ii '~ J.:"H. KLEINFEL'DER & ASSOCIATES " Q-1148-1 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 - Tank Integrity Test Reports APPENDIX 2 - Site Specific Information APPENDIX 3 - Test Boring Procedures APPENDIX 4 - Chain-of-Custody Record APPENDIX'5 - Monitoring Well Sampling Protocol APPENDIX 6 - Leak-Alert System - Specifications and Description APPENDIX 7 - Overspill Protection Manhole Specifications iii , ~,. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES · ' Q-1148-1 I. INTRODUCTION In order to be in compliance with regulatory guidelines governing_t~e operation of underground storage facilities, .... J~.-H.---~-~-~ .... KLE'INFELDER & ASSOCIATES (JHKA) has developed the following Work Plaq for leak detection and on-qoing monitoring at the COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY facility in the City of Bakersfield. The faci- .... lity is located at 414. 19th Street (Plate 1). The plan presents - - i' the general characteristics of an investigation' of underground tanks which is then applied to site-specific conditions. The intent of the ~lan conforms with procedures necessary to protect the groundwater and public health from the effects of leaks from underground tanks storing hazardous materials. The tank monitoring plan we propose to implement is designed to provide for earliest detection of tank-leaking materials. The design employs the use of electronic vapor-sensing probes emplaced within the upper-casing sections of monitoring wells coincidental to mid-to-bottom tank levels. The probes are thus positioned to intercept initial vapors from escaped product within the soils or shallow groundwater surrounding the tank. The specific approach is to install vapor-deteCtion sensors in either wet or dry wells dependent upon whether first- encountered groundwater is found at depths shallower or deeper than .30 feet. If groundwater level is at depths less than 30 feet, then wet-vapor wells will be constructed. Where groundwater, is deeper than 30 feet, dry-vapor wells will be Jt H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES · ' Q-1148-1 constructed. This approach can be used for both Alternatives 2 and 4 of the State regulations which allows for the continuous monitoring of the vadose-zone area in which the tank is buried. This monitoring technique is considered more viable than solely the visual examination of groundwater for contamination, particularly if groundwater occurs at relatively deeper depths beneath -the 'tank facility. Product ..... vapor would proceed throughout the soils and be intercepted by the vapor sensors much sooner than product liquid, leading to quicker leak-response action. In contrast, product filtration throughout the soils and sufficient accumulation to permit visual detection within deeper groundwater wells would probably occur over a more prolonged period. Consequently,'greater amounts of product would be released to the surroundings before being noticed. The Work Plan is divided into two sections. The first section , addresses the proposed monitoring options of a Leak- Detection Investigation. The actual requirements for each monitoring option are subject to the hydrogeologic character- istics of the sites, the siting of monitoring wells, soil and groundwater sampling, and sample analyses. The second section applies to a Tank Monitoring, Program which provides the scheme for adequate detection monitoring of the underground tanks. Monitoring well construction and design are defined, as well as the. monitoring method to be employed. ~ J~ H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .. Q-'1148-1 Shallow and deep groundwater conditions are assigned as monitoring Options I and II, respectively. Option-specific cri- teria is as follows: OPTION DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER (from ground surface) I - Wet-Vapor Well Less than 30 feet (Shallow) .... II - Dry-Vapor Well .Greater than 30 feet (Deep-) ~-- .... II. LEAK DETECTION INVESTIGATION The purpose of the Leak' Detection Investigation is to determine the adequacy of present and past storage through tank integrity tests and by field or laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater samples. Tank integrity tests have already been scheduled, the results of which will soon be forwarded to your office. The tank testing method to be conducted is described in Appendix 1. 1. Hydrogeologic Characteristics of Site It will be the responsibility of a California registered geologist or certified engineering geologist t'o determine if the storage facility to be investigated is located within an area described as being applicable to Option I or. II. A pre-investigation effort will be made based from available geologic information to determine groundwater level (Appendix 2). In cases where site-related information may not be available, actual determination of the conditions at the site and J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .- Q-1148-1 resultant assignment of option designation may be dependent upon the results of on-site borings performed during the Leak Detection Investigation. 2. Borinq, Sampling', and Analytical Methodg a. Number of Monitoring Wells ~ The minimum number of monitoring wells per tank -.. will be set per State regulations. (see -Table 4,1 - Section 3A of Alternative 2) as specified for groundwater depths equal to or less than 50 feet deep. The set number of monitoring wells will apply, even if the determination is made that first groundwater is deeper than 50 feet. This will usually require that 2 wells be drilled per tank or that at least one well per tank be drilled for a cluster of two or more tanks, with one of the wells located down-gradient. b. Test Boring Locations The underground storage-tank configuration at the Coca Cola facility consists of one 10,000-gallon regular gasoline tank. The tank underlies asphalt paving. Test boring locations are shown on the plot plan in Plate 2. Boreholes will be drilled as near as possible to the tank. c. Drilling of Test Boreholes A mobile, truck-mounted dr'iil rig with 8-inch, continuous-flight, ~hollow-stem auger will be used to H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES vertically drill each test boring. Prior to drilling, all bits, auger flights, and associated down-hole equipment will be steam cleaned to avoid cross- contamination between borings. Drill cuttings will be .... placed in DOT-approved, 55-gallon drums. Any test borings not converted to a cased monitoring well will be backfilled with concrete or bentonite. Excess soil materials removed from test borings will be examined in the field for visual evidence of products stored in the subject tanks. Instrumentation to be utilized on site will include a H-NU Photoionization Detector (PID) to provide on-site determination of contaminant concentrations in the soils. Soil materials exhibiting significant evidence of product will be disposed of by an authorized.hazardous waste hauler. We have assumed that COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY will dispose of any cuttings generated. JHKA can arrange for disposal of drill cuttings, if desired, although this would entail an extra handling cost for the service. d. Soil Sample Acquisition Soil samples will be taken from every 5-foot interval below ground surface using a 2-inch diameter, modified Porter Sampler with brass-insert sampling tubes. Three tubes, each of 6-inch length, are inserted ..... within the sampler core barrel'to give up to a total of--- ~ J~ H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .' Q-1148-1 18 inches of soil recovery at the selected depth interval. One tube, usually the bottom most of the three, depending on soil recovery, will be retained for subsequent laboratory, analysis. Our standard field procedure in processing each soil sample is to seal both ends of the tube with a foil-lined plastic, cap. ~--Samples are labeled and will'be continuously refrigerated from time of collection. Details of standardized test boring procedures are given in Appendix 3. Ail samples collected will be retained for a period of two months should laboratory analysis be required. Sample control will be maintained by our standard chain-of-custody procedures in order to safe- guard sample integrity. The chain-of-custody record which will be used is provided in-Appendix 4. e. Groundwater Sampling Groundwater samples will be taken from completed monitoring wells (as described under Tank Monitoring Program) using a clear (transparent) plastic ball-valve bailer. Field samples will be observed for the presence of product odor and product sheen on the water surface. Where more exacting water-quality sampling procedures may be required, we will follow the protocol outlined in Appendix 5. J~H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .- Q-1148-1 f. Soil Sample Analysis Discrete soil samples which exhibit obvious contamination will be analyzed by a state-certified ..... laboratorY'according to apPropr±ate EPA methods. '=-":~ ...... These soil samples would be subjected to analyses for total petroleum hydrocarbon by infrared spectroscopy (TPH by IR, EPA method 418.1). If' field detection methods indi- cate no apparent contamination~': 'then only samples from boring intervals coincidental to and just below tank bottom will be composited and analyzed. If this zone is found to be free of contaminants, then other borehole sample intervals- will be excluded from laboratory analysis. If laboratory results find that contamination is present in the soils near tank bottom, then succeed- ingly deeper samples may be analyzed down to the total depth of the test boring. 3. Test Boring and Sampling Options Outlined below are test boring and sampling procedures to be implemented in the Leak Detection Investigation relevant to the two delineated depth-to- # groundwater options.. In general, at least one test boring will be drilled to a depth of 30 feet at the site in order to characterize the subsurface geology and to determine the approximate depth-to-groundwater level. If groundwater has not been encountered at a depth of 30 feet, then this boring will serve as confirmation that J~ H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES Q-1148-1 the depth-to-groundwater level is greater than 30 feet. In the event that groundwater is encountered at a depth of less than 30 feet, test borings will be extended a sufficient depth (i.e., 20 feet below groundwater level) to allow for seasonal groundwater fluctuation in the screened section of the monitoring well. If an aquitard of thickness greater than 5 feet is encountered below a' saturated'aquifer, the boring Will terminate within the aquitard to prevent hydraulic connection to deeper aquifer strata. a. Option I - Shallow Groundwater Level In Option I, the depth-to-groundwater level will have been determined to be between 30 feet or less below the ground surface. Soil samples will be obtained at 5- foot intervals beginning at. the depth even with the tank bottom and extending down to the water table. If the bottom level of the tank is unknown, sampling will initiate 5 feat below ground surface. Samples taken below the water table will be used for visual logging of the soils only and will not be retained. A groundwater sample will also be obtained and field 'inspected upon completion of the monitoring well. b. Option II - Deep Groundwater Level In Option II, the depth-to-groundwater level is . greater than 30_ feet. Soils will be sampled at 5-foot J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES " Q-1148-1 intervals beginning at the bottom level of the storage tank to the total depth of 30 feet. If the depth of the bottom of the tank is unknown, sampling will initiate "- -' '5 f~et bei'ow ground surface. As the borings will not have encountered any groundwater, no water quality ¢ samples will be obtained. 4.. Repor. tinq of Results .......... . Upon completion of the Leak-Detection investigation, a report will be prepared and submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Division. The contents of the report will include geologic logs, well construction characteristics, laboratory reports of analytical results and procedures used in the data-acquisition phase of the investigation. If no leakage or contami- nation is evident, COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY can pro- ceed with implementation of the Tank Monitoring Program as approved by the Environmental Health Division. In the event that leakage has been detected, the tank owner or operator may be required to i~plement a Site Investi- gation. The purpose of a Site Investigation would be to identify the extent of the potential problemand develop measures to mitigate any adverse impacts of the leakage. J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES III. TANK MONITORING PROGRAM The Tank Monitoring Program has been developed for facilities where 'soils or groundwater have not been adversely affected-~ by the underground tank system. In these instances, the test borings drilled for the. Leak Detection Investigation will be converted to monitoring wells. The monitoring welL1 construction -----. Standards.-for~----6p~mum--~mplih~0f gr~ndwater qUality' and'-:f6r -.-~. detection of vadose-zone vapors are delineated according to the depth-to-groundwater options. 1. Monitoring Well Construction Standard~ All monitoring wells will be constructed of 2-inch diameter flush-threaded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) well casing. The bottom of the well will have a threaded PVC cap. Screened intervals will consist of' commercially- slotted (0.020-inch) PVC. Well. casing . and other associated materials will be thoroughly cleaned prior to · installation. The borehole into which casing is installed will be of great enough diameter to allow for sufficient, annular space for proper filter packing and grouting. In all cases, the filter pack, which consists of.#3 Monterey sand, will be installed to cover the full length of the screened interval and will extend to a minimum of 1 foot above the uppermost perforation. Blank casing will be installed above the screened J.'H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES · ' Q-1148-1 section. A minimum 1-foot-thick bentonite-pellet layer will be emplaced above the filter pack. The remaining annular space will be sealed to the ground surface with grout or concrete. The annular seal will extend a minimum of 5 feet below the ground surface unless the groundwater level is encountered at a depth less than 5 feet. The typical configuration of a monitoring well in relation to a cross-sectional view of the tank is shown in plate 3. Monitoring wells will be protected at ground surface with 13-inch diameter fill rings with screw- fastened lids mounted in a 3 x 3 foot concrete pad. Electrical entry to the well head will be installed beneath the pad to permit later wiring of well sensors and probes to an accessible control pane].. The design of the surface protection will prevent inflow of rain- fall or surface runoff into the well. The construction design of the well-head completion is shown in'Plate 4. Each well will have an identification number permanently affixed to the installation. FUrther .. identification information such as well o%~er, depth of well, hol.e and casing diameters, and depth of a screened interval will be kept on file at. an accessible office on the site premises. J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES -' Q-1148-1 Monitoring wells constructed for groundwater sampling may have to be'developed by pumping or bailing . to clean the well. In Iow permeability formations, clean water may be introduced to the well to aid in the removal of sand, silt, or turbidity. 2. Monitoring Well Desiqn - Option Specific ..... ~.'-' Option I--Shallow Groundwater -(Wet~Vapor'Wel'I) ..... - ...... P ' ..... Monitoring Option I will be used where depth-to- groundwater has been determined to be shallower than 30 feet below the ground surface. In this case, the wells will be constructed to intercept the upper 20 feet of saturated aquifer and the estimated zone of seasonal fluctuation in water table elevations (Plate 5). Hydro- carbon vapors emanating throughout the soils or from product floating on groundwater will be detected by sensors installed within the casing section above. Where a competent clay layer (5-feet thick or greater) is encountered less than 20 feet below the water table, the bottom of the well will be placed at the top of the clay layer. The portion of the test boring drilled into the clay layer will be backfil!ed with concrete to the top of the aquitard. b. Option II - Deep Groundwater (Dry-Vapor Well) For Option II, groundwater will have been ............... docUmented or estimated to be deeper ~han 30 feet.' ": J~ H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .. Q-1148-1 Under these conditions, vadose zone monitoring wells will be constructed. The screened interval 'of the vadose zone monitoring well will be placed from -~Ppr0kimately 5 feet above to 5 fee~ below-the bottom of the tank backfill. A vapor-sensing probe will be positioned within 'the casing to detect for volatile organic compounds penetrating from surrounding soils. Any portion of the test boring below the screened interval will be backfilled with bentonite/concrete slurry. The annular space will be sand-packed adjacent to the screened interval. A minimum 1-foot thick bento- nite-pellet seal will be placed above the sand pack. The remaining annular space will be sealed to the sur- face with grout or concrete (Plate 5). 3. Monitorin9r Overspill Protectionr and Reporting a. Continuous Electronic Monitoring The continuous monitoring of the underground storage tanks will be provided by an electronic system capable of both visual and audible warnings of vapors given off by leaking products. JHKA proposes to install the Leak Alert System for this purpose. This system offers various sensor types that detect vapors produced by gasoline, diesel, and oil. Information and specifications concerning the system are attached for your review in Appendix 6. Particular options available f~r thi~ ~ystem 'include the following: '~ J."H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES ~' Q-1148-1 o Individual monitoring of each well. o Individual calibration ranging from 100 ppm to 7,000 ppm for each well. .o Ease of operation and 24-hour leak-response technician available at tank-owner's option. o Ease of installation with expansion capability to meet changing needs. The Leak Alert SYstem is designed for monitoring .well applications and can provide adequate detection of volatile organic compounds from nearby soil or groundwater. The system basically consists of one vapor- sensing probe per well, an alarm panel, and necessary connections. b. Overspill Protection Fill tubes on all existing tanks will be retrofitted with spill protection manholes to eliminate accidental overfill spillage during time of tank filling. The manhole covers are water tight and mounted 1 inch above grade to prevent rainwater/fluid inflow to tank. A POMECO Model III-VE with drain valve (or equivalent model) will be installed. Special features and design of this spill-protection manhole are specified in Appendix 7. 14 J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES Q-1'!48-1 c. Reporting Schedul~ Ail records of monitoring will remain on file with .Coca Cola an~made available upon request of the Kern County Environmental Health Division for a period of three years. If any leakage is detected in either ~ vadose zone or groundwater monitoring wells, the Envi- ..... ronmental Health .Division will be notified and appro- priate actions implemented to mitigate potential adverse impacts of the leakage. This concludes the Work Plan for this phase of the investi- gation at COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, David H. 'KliFe "* / Randolph C. Harris, R.G. #3708 Geologist Senior Hydrogeologist DHK:RCH:kl 15 ,-,,.- , ~,. ,,.~,,~ :, .... * ' -;7 ..,:'g,,...,,'~ .~ ~ · . ..,.,-. . .. 8 ~. ..a ,, ,'.','.., " , '_-E""- ...~ , COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY P L A T E .... . .............................. ' Ba.kef.sf_ie!._d, California .... : J.H. K LEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES LJlI~ GEOTECHNICAL & GROUNDWATER CONSULTANTS.~q!~ I SIT;:: LOCATION MAP Project Number Ql148-1 July 1986 20th STREET ~ REGULAR GASOLINE ~ ALARM PANE O Q : I I..___.t I I z , STORAGE BUILDING WAREHOUSE w I O O i ASPHALT PARKING LOT -I J EXPLANATION ~ MONITORING WELL ~ ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK .......... PRODUCT LINE . ~ DIRECl' BURIAL SENSOR CABLE COCA--COLA BOTTLING COMPANY p / A T E j.H. KLEiNFi~LDER-~,~SsOCiATE~ LJI~ Bakersfield, California and PROPOSED MONITORING WELL .Project Number Q1148-1 ,July ~ ~$sLOCATIONS ul ......................................................... COCA-COLA 0OTTUN~ COMPANY ................. G,o,,c..,~. , G,,o..o.,^,,. co.,.L,^.,, MONITORING WELL '~ CONSTRUCTION Proiect Number Q-1148-1 July. 19861[ I" SEE INSET .... '',, HASP FOR PADLOCK ', R-TIGH'T SCREW FASTENED HINGED ,STEEL FILL BOX FILL BOX LID STEEL LID TAPERED CONCRETE ........ .~ % -:. . - ...... ~-: ~ ~. 'h' . . -. - -- · · 2' r' 'X6' DIAMETER BLANK PVC STEEL CASE I DEPTH ~NCRETE VARIES --BENTONITE SEAL . SAND FILTER PACK 1.020' MACHINE SLOTTED 2' DIAMETER PVC INSET 3' / x -CONCRETE SLAB cocA-co~ BO'i'I'LING COMPANY P [. AT E j.H.-KL~..iNF[i[~ER' &"A-S$oCIATES' Bakersfield, California .......................... 4 ~,o,~..,,:^, .. ~.ou.o,.^,. co.,u.,..,, MOI~NG WF; ~ -HEAD COMPtETION Project Number Q-1148-1 July 19 i :COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY P L A T E J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATFS REPRESENTATIVE VADOSE ZONE ~ Proi,ect Number Q-1148-1 ,july ? ?.~.e GROUNDWATER MOFITOF~NG WIT! ! TANK INTEGRITY TES~ REPORTS COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES Homer Creative Products, Inc. EZy-CHEH" 412 STATE PARK DRIVE · RAY GITY, MICHIGAN 48706-1338 · (517) 684-7180 Dear Fr~ends : Since 197g Homer Creative Products h~s been dedicated to only one goal, the development of ~ sensible, ace~rate~ and --- method or.device te ~est ~de~o~d s~rage t~k syst~m~ size ~ pro~t. The Ho~er EZY-CHEX Leak Detection S~st~m is the results of ~ ye~s rose,ch ~ field development. ~e EZY-GHEX provi~d you more tools to work with t~ other system more info~ation t~ ~y other devi~e ~ offers ait~tive to the old ~"ya gotta bre~ concret~") discove~j method. With t~ EzY-cHEX System you e~ test ~ove or bel~ ~, de Iineat~ pipe leaks from t~k leaks, overcome vapor pockets high water t~ies ~d you never circulate ~y pro,ct or di~ the t~k. Fo~ ye~s ago Ho~er Creative ~o~ts pioneered ¢he ts~e~e probe thereby ~chi~ving the first acc~e m~thod of proper t~er~e cc~ensation. ~nese o~;gi~l desi~ probes ~ s;i!l in use to~y ~ ~e consisted "~ ~:ce~;io~llu good e:~i~ of the f~mentais of engineering ~ ~hysi~s ~ppli~d to solve ~s~;ai problems." But Ho~er Creative Pro,ors WaSh 't content with "exae~io~!ly good". We w~;~d ~ t~er~e probe tha; was jus; as acc~t~ but eaiser to use, a probe ~ limited ~he possbiii~y for opera~or error, ~ probe w~; was faster ~d ve~fi~ie. We ~e pro~ to in~ro~e the firs~ Digital ~ectr~ia Averaging Te~er~e Probe. ~nis new t~era~e sensing ~vice is fully electronic ve~;fi~ie to the Natio~l B~e~ of St~r~. It is proven ~cx~t~ to . ~I o F of te~e~ ~ge, co, act (fits in b~efcase)'~ e~le of providing ~erage te~erat~e r~ings ' in t~ks from 24" ~o 126" in di~e~r. In ~ i~t~ t~ ~s been e~loying ~ester~ys m~ ~aling with to~s problems, Or i~t~ 't~t ~s seen no ~or tec~ologia~ ~veIopm~t~ in ~lmos~ 15 ye~s, t~ deveIopm~ of the digital ~eraging probe represents ~ bre~ough, ~ ~~ le~ fo~d. Ho~er Creative ~o~ts will eontin~ to ~vise new ~' le~ ~eetion e~sier, more ~pe~le ~ cost effective .~. For more info~a~i~ call (517) 684-7180. HoFner Creative Products, Inc. Homer - EZY- CHEK" - ~13 STATE .ARK [DRIVE · 9AY C~, MICHIGAN 48706-1338- · {51~ 604-7180 detector HO~ER EZY-C~K T~ TESTING SYSTEM " Our objective was to design and fabricate a simple, easily transported system that anyone with experience in underground tanks and piping of storage systems ...... could operate with .the knowledge-that'when a test was completed ~he operator ' left with complete confidence the results were correct and was positive the system was tight or if a leak was detected, where in the system it wa~ located, and at what rate it was leaking. In the majority of cases without breaking concrete. FACTORS ~AT MUST BE K~NOWN There are four ~hings ~ha~ must be known to complete a tank test. We have simplified this so everyone can understand it. i. Tank end deflection must be eliminated. R~f~;~I~ 2. Changes in the liquid level. APR ! 8 986 3. Temperature change, to .001 degree fahrenheit. '4. Overcoming water or vapor pressure. J~;i ~ LA SOLUTION TO ABOVE ~ROBL~-MS 1. Tank End ~eflection - The ~anks should be filled up into the fill- pipe the nigh: before or at least 4 hours prior to :he test. This will allow tanks ends to stablize. ..2. Liquid Level Monitoring .- We use an old reliable process to monitor ~he liquid level. I~ consists of an air supply tank and char: recorder with ~wo pens to do two tanks simultaneously. This recorder is no more than a pressure recorder with full range of approximately 1 oz. o,f pressure. The air supply tank forces a small movement of air into the top 1/2" of liquid in ~he tank, (just enough to cause a bubbling action) through a 1/4" t~be clamped =o the fillpipe. The pen recorder measures the pressure it takes to cause the bubbling action (approximately 1/2" oz.). If the pen charts a straight line ~he liquid level is not changing. The recorder can easily detect a change of .005 inches in :he liquid level. This method is not new. Liquid level bubble systems have been used in the petroleum indus,.fy for tank gauges for years. We have simpl7 made ~t ~ery sensitive with a special bellows. PEI, ~'~"'"'~ LD i' .\ Hamer Crea ue ?rEdacts,/nc. 413 STATE PARK DRIVE ~ BAY CITY, MICHIGAN 487C6.~338 · (51~ 684.7180 detector 3. Monitoring' Temperature Change of ~he Produc: - The ~empera~ure probe is designed ~o monitor ~he entire volume of ~he tank and ~o show any change of 9roduc: temperature Co .001 degree fahranhei~ om a dfgi~ai readou:. The ~ank probe is an averaging probe.24 foo~ lon~ incased in a nMlon ~ubing formed in a ..... coil' spring design, wi:h more coils in ~he cen=er of the top and bottom ~o conform ~o ~he configuration of the tank. I~ is inserted in ~he produc= with a weigh= at ~he. bo==om =o automatically adjus= ~o any diame- '~er t~nk from 24" ~o 20'. The digital readou~ is powered by the 12 vol= DC ¢igare~:e lighter found in almost any vehicle, or can be powered from an optional 12 volt power pack. The.readou~ is capable ~o monitor from one ~o four tanks simultaneously with a selector switch ~o read each individual tanks temperature change. Full' scale of ~he raadou~ is zero to 100 degrees fahrenheit. 4. Overcoming Wa~er or Vapor Pressure - The Homer S~andpipe K/= is designed ~o add addi~iouai head pressure ~o ~he product ~o overcome wa~er and/or vapor pressure. Wi=bout any modifications of comple=e for working wi:h 2", 3", or 4" fi!!pipes. The sigh= glass can be raised =o =he necessary level =o overcome =he head pressure. ADVANTAGES OF THE EZY-CHEKMETHOD ' 1. Recorder motor is spring wound, no elec:rici:y required, up. 2. Very pot:able, weighs only 15 lbs. 3. Is no= affacsad by outside =emperauure changes, as i= is a constant movemen= of air. 4. Is not affac:ed by barometric pressure changes, as the same pressure on =he liquid is applied on =he bellows. ' 5. Two pen system, color coded, on one charu =o do Cwo tanks simultan- eously with a permanent record of each =es=. 6. Takes only 10 m/nu=es =o se= up and is clamped ='o' =h~ fillpipe so any ground movement does no= affeCu it. Ho'mcr Creative Products, Inc. ' le~ detector 7. Liquid level can be taken a: any level in the tank or fillpipe to pinpoint at what level the leak is at, or if it is in the tank or. piping. 8. Can test manifolded tanks as one system or in a submerged pump system can test each tank individualiy without breaking concrete by just lowering the level in ~he fillpipe to below ~he manifold and disconnecting the vacuum line ac the submerged pump. 9. Tanks can now be tested as two sepera~e tanks without breaking concrete. - '-. .... 10. With suction.pumps and two tanks manifolded together they are . :. tested as one. If a leak is detected in the tanks concrece must be broken and the manifold disconnected, as there is no way to tell which tank.leaks unless you can remove the check valve poppet and lower the product level below the manifold. TO SU~W__(R!ZE Tankend deflec=ion is e!imina~ed by filling ~he tank ~he nigh~ before the test. Recording the liquid level to .005 inches. Monitoring the products average temperature change to .001 degree fahrenheit. All of this is being done with equipment That is very light, small, portable and everyone can operate and understand. SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA J... KLEINFELDFR & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES J~. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES SITE SPECIFIC DATA Site Name: Coca-Cola Bottling Company Project No: Q-1148-1 Site Address: 414 19th Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Tank Owner Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Los Angeles 1334 South Central Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90021 Tank Characteristics:. Tank Size Pump Leaks/ No. _(Gal.) Type Age Piping SC/CP/LD Contents Type Repair 1 10,000 ST +15_yrs. ST No/No/No Regular Suct. Unk. Hydroqeology: Surficial Geology: Alluvium (gravel; sand, silt, clay) Depth-to-GroUndwater (est.): >200 feet Flow Direction: east/southeast GW Quality: Good Aquifer Use: Nearest Known Well: Calif. Water Nearest Surface Water: Kern Domestic Aquifer Name: Unk. 93-1 River Leak Detection System: Monitoring Alternative: Leak-Alert System System Characteristics: Continuous Electronic Vapor Monitoring Number of BOrings/Wells: 2 Boring Depth (Est.): Monitoring Device: Vapor Sensor in Wet or Dry x well. Installation Schedule: Soil Sampling & Well Construction - 8/86 Report of Investigation - 9/86 Monitoring Implementation - 8/86 Installation Firm: J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES 901 W. Victoria Street, Suite G Compton, California 90220 (213) 638-9344 SC = Secondary Containment. CP = Cathodic Protection LD = Leak Detection FRP = Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic ST = Steel W.O. = Waste Oil C.O. = Clean Oil Disp. = Dispenser Suct. = Suctionpump ' ' Ukn. = Unknown ~ J.'H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES Project No: Q-1148-1 Proposal No: PQ86-108 UNDERGROUND TANK CHECKLIST Client Name: Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Address: 414 19th Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Contact Name: Mike Ainsworth/Don Brightwell Phone No: (805) 324-6531 County: Kern Number of Tanks: ~ 2 3 4 5 More Size(s) Tanks (Gal): 10,000 Product(s) Stored: Regular Gasoline Pavement Type: Asphalt Covered Underground Utilities: Clear Access for Rig: Clear Soils Conditions: Alluvium (gravel, sand, silt, clay) Groundwater Conditions (DTW): · 200 feet -Regulatory Agency: Kern County Health Dept.-Environmental Health Div. Site History: AGE OF TANKS: 1971 PREVIOUS DRILLING: No INVENTORY CONTROL: Yes KNOWN LEAKAGE: No ....... "AP P END~I X 3 ................... TEST BORING PROCEDURES COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA '! J.H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES ~. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX 3 TEST BORING PROCEDURES I. Soil Sampling Protocol '" ~' The following procedures are followed during soil sampling ~ operations utilizing the hollow stem auger drilling ~'technique. A. Hollow Stem Auger 1. Soil borings drilled by the hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. 2. Augers, samplers and all downhole equipment are steam cleaned prior to use and between borings to minimize the potential for cross-contamination. 3. The Kleinfelder geologist observes the work, visually logs the soils, and collects samples at appropriate intervals. 4. The Unified Soils Classification System is utilized to classify soils encountered. Additional geologic observation are noted as appropriate. A Munsell Soil Color Chart is used in documenting soil color. Rocks are classified by the Colorado School of Mines "Classification of Rocks" (Travis, 1955). 5. Soil samples destined for laboratory analysis are collected by a modified Porter sampler. This sampler uses three, six inch long, ~y two inch diameter (o.d.) tubes. Various tubes can be utilized to accommodate the type of analysis necessary: , Brass - all organics and general analyses (not to be used for copper or zinc analyses) Stainless'- all organics and metals analyses for copper and zinc (not to be used four chrome or nickel analyses.) 'Plastic - all metals analyses (not to be ..... used .for organics) J.:H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES 6. The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the J.H.K. laboratory. Tubes are scrubbed, inside and outside, with a brush and TSP. They are next steam cleaned, and packed in clean buckets with lids. Tubes .are delivered to the drilling site in these closed buckets to preserve the state of cleanliness. 7. After the sample(s) have been removed from the sampler, the sampler 'is completely disassembled and scrubbed in TSP and tap water. It is then rinsed in two separate tapwater bathes and reassembled with three-clean tubes. 8. Dirty tubes are field washed in TSP, rinsed with water, and placed in buckets for transport back to the JHK lab for. cleaning and preparation. 9. The sampler is driven by a 140 pound hammer with a 30 inch free fall. Blow counts are recorded as number of blows per 6 inches of drive. 10. The sampler is driven 18 inches at each sampling interval. The first (or lowest) tube is generally retained as the sample for analysis. The other two tubes are retained for back-up or split samples when required. 11. A sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose soils are anticipated. This will prevent the soil from falling out of the sampler. 12. After retrieval, the sample is visually logged and immediately sealed with aluminum foil lined caps, labeled, and chilled. Clean field ice chests and chemical ice ("blue ice") are used to keep the samples cold until delivered top the chemical laboratory. 13. Samples are delivered to the laboratory the same day t~ey are taken, if physically possible. If the samples must be held until the next day, they are kept frozen in a secure freezer in the JHK facility. J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES 14. Soil samples are numbered in the following manner: S-XX-Y Where: ~ " -S' - designates soil sample XX - boring number Y - footage depth of sample For example, S-01-10 indicates a soil sample from boring number 1, from a depth of ten feet. 16. The complete labeling of the soil sample tube .includes:' Job number (client number) with appropriate phase number included after the dash (i.e. Qll01-1) Sample number Date This information should be written: Ql101-2 s-01-10 3-20-85 17. An indelible non-water soluble marking pen must be used to mark the tubes. WELL CONSTRUCTION 7/..~;~-/ SOIL DESCRIPTION -40- SURFACE ELEVATION: LOGGED BY: TOTAL DEPT~ SUPERVISED BY: DIAMETER of BORING: DATE DRILLED: WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: PLATE C[OTECHNICA[ & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT5 ~ATERIA[5 TESTINC -- LAND AND WATER RESOURCES PROJECT NUMBER PAGE~of~ APPENDIX 4 CHAIN--OF--CUSTODY RECORD COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES .. _ GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIAI~ TESTING' ................... : ...................... i.AND AND WATER RESOURCES CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~" '~ SHIPPING INFORMATION SAM PLERS: (S/gnature) Phone: SHIP TO: Shipper Address Date Shipped Shipment Service Airbill No. ATTENTION: Cooler No. Phone N~ Relinquished,by: (Signature) Received Dy: (Signature~ Date/Time Relinquished by:, (S/gnature~ . Received by;, (Signatumj .... .... .. Date/Time Relinquished by:, (Signature) Received by;, (S/gnatumj Date/Time Relinquished by:. (Signature) Receive for laboratory by': (Signature) Date/Time °~nalysis laboratory should complete, "sample condition upon receipt", .~:tion I~tow, sign and tatum or~ginai (white~ copy to J. Iq. KLEINF~LDfiI:I & A~OClATI:$, 901 W. ¥ictoda Strut, Suito Sampl~ Site Date Analysis Sampl~ Condition Number Identification Sampled Requested Upon Receipt LAB INSTRUCTIONS: Laboratory reports should reference and be billed by site ID# and contain the following: (1) summa,'y of analytical methodology and QA work (blanks, spikes, duplicates) (2) dates for (a) sampling, (b) la{) receil3t, (c) extraction, (d) injection/analysis _ _ (3) detection limits for all constituents analyzed for and reporting of ail constituents detected which were not specifically designated (4) (53' MONITOR'ING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ,1'-". KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES ~~ GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING .... . ..... LAND AND WATER RESOURCES J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX 5 MONITORING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL II. Groundwater Sampling A. Decontamination The following procedure details the routine that is employed in decontamination of groundwater sampling equipment prior to sample collection: 1. Exterior surface of sampling tubes are decontaminated by steam-cleaning during withdrawal from very well. 2. Sample pump is disassembled and the used bladder removed. 3. All pump components are then steam-cleaned and rinsed in distilled water. 4. Pump is reassembled with a new bladder installed. 5. Teflon sampler lines are pressure washed with 5 to 10 gallons of clean, hot water.through direct connection to steam-cleaner. 6. Five gallons of distilled water are then pumped through entire system. 7. Prior to sample collection, a minimum of five well volumes are Purged from the well to permit.collection of a representative groundwater sample from the aquifer penetrated. B. Purge Volume Determination The following procedure is followed to determine the appropriate purging volume prior to well sampling. 1. The depth-to-water is measured by a clean, electric water level indicator. Measurement datum is the top of fill ring or top of well protector. 2. Depth to the bottom of the well is measured by a clean tape and plump bob. If possible, this is compared to the well construction log to'determine inconsistencies, i.e. damaged casing, sediment in casing, etc. -- G J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES' 3. Water volume is calculated by multiplying total water depth by the inside diameter of the casing. This figure is one well volume. C. Well Purging and Sampling ~ . ...... 1. Prior to sampling, a minimum of three to five well volumes are purged from each well to ensure that water sampled is representative of the groundwater within the formation. 2. Measurements of pH, conductivity and temperature are taken at "frequent ~ intervals -during the ~purge. Stabilization of these values indicates that representative formation fluids are being removed from the well. 3. In the event that the well is pumped dry, an alternate procedure will be followed. Once a well is pumped dry, the water that enters the well during recovery is, by definition, representative formation water. The well will, therefore, be pumped dry and allowed to recover to 80% or more of the original water level. Purge water is pumped directly into barrels on site until the proper method of disposal is determined. 5. Samples pumped directly into sampling bottles prepared by the state certified laboratory contracted for the particular job were labeled and placed in refrigerated coolers for transport to the laboratory. 6. Samples are delivered directly to the lab on the same day of sampling by courier, whenever practical. If next day delivery is necessary, the samples are kept refrigerated at 4 degrees C overnight and delivered to the laboratory the following morning. 7. .Samples are accompanied by a Chain of Custody form which documents the time, date and responsible person during each step of the transportation process. 8. The JHK coded sample numbering system allows identification of sample and client to JHK, while not ': revealing the client to the laboratory or other interested parties. J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES -Water samples are numbered in the following manner: W-Xx-YY Where: ..... W - designates water sample .......... -- - XX - well number YY - sequential sample number For example, W-01-22 indicates a water sample from well i number 1. The sample is the.22nd water sample taken at ~ the site. 9. The complete information on the sample label includes: t Date and time I Client job number (never client name) Sample number ~ Initials of sampler Analysis desired (if known) Preservatives in sample bottle (usually noted by lab) 10. Each sample bottle is given a separate sequential number. LEAK--ALERT SYSTEM -- SPECIFICATIONS AND DESCRIPTION COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA J. H. KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES · - GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS · MATERIALS TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES Universal Sensors and Devices Inc. 9256 Deering Avenue, Chatswor~h, CA 91311 PhOne (818) 998-7121 LEAK DETECTOR ALARM PANEL The alarm panel shall provide for the following: Weather-proof ope'ration; lead seal panel lock-up; audio and visual alarm for each individual probe; intrinsic safety barriers for each channel; overall auxllliary alarm relay; built-in provision for individual channel alarm relays; built-~n~provisions for recorder or computer output; transformer isolated/regulated power supply;gold to gold printed circuit electrical connections; minimal electro mechanical components; concurrent and/or interchangeable use of vapor; liquid or product line leak rate detection and shut-down; positive shut-down of turbines. VAPOR SENSORS Vapor probes shall meet the following performance criteria: Small enough to fit inside a 1" Vapor monitoring well; shall indicate presence of gasoline, diesel, waste oil and most organic vapors; have a response time of not greater than 2 minutes; shall provide for an alarm range setting of 100 to 7,000.ppm in air; must provide for operator alert of excessive' background soil contamination; operate in vadose as well as saturated soil conditions. LIQUID SENSORS Liquid probe shall meet the following performance criteria: must fit thru .75 in tank annular space; provide for flexiable cable attachment thru annular tank space to alarm panel; .25 inch minimum liquid level detection limit with liquid temp. 32 · ' degrees F to 120 degrees F. Universal Sensors and Devices Inc. 9256 Deering Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Phone (818} 998-7121 SITING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USD PROBES LIQUID PROBES VAPOR PROBES COMBO PROBES Wells In LALS-IP LAVS-iP LACS-1P Doubl~ Containment Double Wall X (.1.) X (2) (3) Tanks Hydrocarbon X (1) X (2) (3) Resistant Liner Monitoring Wells In Soil Vadose Zone X (Dry Well) SaTurated Zone X (Wec Well) NOTE: (l) USD liquid probe will detect presense of any liquid i.e., water, gasoline, oil etc., but will not differentiate between water and hydrocarbons (orga~ic). (2)Combo probe (2 sensors) will discriminate between wa=er and hydrocarbon (organic) based liquids. (3) Sensors from combo probes need no= be se= in same monitoring location l.e.~ liquid sensor to double walled tank and vapor sensor =o vadose zone well. 1/85 Universal SenSors and Devices Inc." 9256 Deering Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Phone (818) 998-7121 PARTIAL LIST OF DETECTABLE GASES Acetone Ethanol Methane [., " Acetylene Ethyl Acetate Methanol Ammonia Gasoline Methyl Acetate Benzene Heptane Methyl Ether Butadiene Hexa.ne Methyl Ethyl Keystone Butane Hydrogen Natural Gas Butylene Hydrogen Sulfide. Octane Carbon Monoxide Iso-Butanol Pent'ane Dimethylamine Iso-Propanol Propane Ethane Lacquer Thinner Propylene E:hylene LP Gas Toluene Triclorethane 12/85 LI:::AK ALl=FIT ~I::FIVIOE INO. CONTRACT - ALARM RESPONSE AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE ::_-~.:~_ ............ : ...... .--_ ....... LEAK ALERT/LEAK RAT. ER ,-~ ......................... Leak Alert Service will provide a yearly maintenance and alarm response service with periodic inspection, to assure that Universal Sensors and Devices, Inc. monitoring systems are maintained in proper working'order. Many counties and local regulatory agencies are now, and will be in the future, requiring minimum periodic inspection and maintenance by qualified maintenance-organization. Insurance companies may also be '- interested in this service. SCOPE OF WORK 1. Initial check of equipment and wiring methods to conform to manufacturing, and/or owner specifications and compliance with local, state and county codes and repair as needed or inform owner so that he can have original installer make necessary repairs. (Note 1) 2. Make quarterly stops. a. Check each probe by removing and manual testing. b. Check alarm panel for proper voltages & functioning. c. Repair as needed. (Note 2) d. Tag equipment as operational. e. Fill out service card and notify owner of service visit. f. Seal alarm panel with registered seal. 3. Alarm response. a. On call 24 hours. (Respond by nest working day.).' b. Check all equipment as described above. c. Attempt to locate leak source. d. Advise customer of our findings. YEARLY LABOR CONTRACT FEE: $2.75.00/alarm panel (Southern California) $100.00/probe package per site. Multiple sites-will be quoted on a site by site basis. NON. CONTRACT ALARM RESPONSE AND MAINTENANCE a. If not under contract, any Leak Alert service call will be at $42.50 per hour,, portal to portal. --.'.~-"---. ~' :-b,~-.~:The .s.cgpe 0f ~ork ~provided i:n::i_Cems l~.-an-d 3 would, be accomplished at this rate per hour. c. Any parts will be quoted at manufacturers published list prices after warrantee expires (Note 2). NOTE: - ~- ..... (i) Repair labor and parts will be quoted' at pu~blished rates. (2) Universal Sensors and Devices, Inc. warrants probe packages for 2 years and alarm panels for 1 year. After expiration of warranty, materials will be charged at list price. LAS02 12/85 LEAl-(. ALERT LEAK " -- ....... · ,~,, L~AK ALERT : , 1~. ~ / ~..., ~,. ~T The Leak Alert System · Introducing Leak Alert, a highly The Leak Alert System offers two reliable, state-of-the-art system for types of sensing probes: (1) a thermal continuous monitoring of element capable of detecting the pre- underground storage tanks. De- sence of any liquid, and (2) a metal- ; ............ signed and developed by Universal oxide-semiconductor (MOS) sensor'-.. Sensors & Devices, this exciting but that recognizes the presence of most : economical new electronic system combustible and organic gases. A provides both visual and audible single alarm panel will work simulta- warnings of leaking fluids and/or the neously with both types of sensors -- vapors often generated by leaking up to 16 chanrtels in ail, depen,~g fluids, on Leak Alert model selected. POWER . ~ :  VIEWING : ,.o8 c, BLEs- 1 S .ALOUTPOTS System Features · No moving parts; non-corfu- · Field adjustable alarm set- sire sensor materials for point for background vapor long service life. screening. · Compact sensing probes · Built-in audio & visual ; with flexible cables; oper- alarms. ate in double-walled steel .-' or FRP tanks, wet or vadose · Auxiliary relay output for ': zone monitoring wells, remote alarm, phone dia- ': ............ · Simple installation; probe let, or pump shutdown can easily be removed for applications. inspection or calibration. · Optional analog output for · Models available to moni- recording or control instru- tor up to 4. 8 or 16 sensors per mentation. alarm panel. The Leak Alert Systems have been approved for use by the Elec- trical Testfng Laboratory, De,p. artment of Building and Safety, City of L~s Angeles, California. Application No. 249649. ~:i~..,.j-~i~' 7?i~Applicat~on Examples '-'~?:~:?' ~. ? ~ii~!~, Specifications :q ~:'~:" "<~:~.~F~:~,~;~::~!-'~/:-??T~ ,;?: .:::~:"~ . ':~:'9:::~?~'/" ~ ~ ~ ~OX NE~ T~e 4 eh- out dom Power Requirements IlSvac± lOvac@ i 60 ttz. powersuppl¥, i Pow~ Co~pfion 2 ~i~ per ~ ~, m~. AUdible Alarm ............ : ..... ?$ctaatlOOcm: ............. Relay Contact SPDT. $ aml~. 125 vac, V'zsuaI Alarms Bright red/nd/ca-' tom for both over- afl & /nd/vidual '::r "~!':;. .:"-.;w'-':'*-'..:-. .... : helldS. /nterface between -':": ,-~ .."~.:~-: ' .......... : '.: ammd'amubr gap bet- "il sea.~or~ & elec=o- ~',/~'"~ ': ~ !;-i~-:'"..*':'''~'~':' .'':11:*: L :~'-""1 a~ccon=olpaneL .~!~.I.~F,~.~,...-.. :'::?:~-..,,;.:..~'.!;::-,:: .-. :.-. ~." ..'?':. ' ..~::..~;'.:,:~?: I /: .e .. ~Z:-~:::.::..~ ,.. ~-~-'.._ .. e,..-,., · -': .... ' · ?:' ':' '"-'"' ' .¥': .... '. ":" ." ~"'""~ ':' .::. . . '::;'~",:::{.,-::~ ':,. ~' ~T'I' -. -", ..: .j, ~....::. '.:' - . ..'J' ' - ' ,~e .... ' ',k??~:::. .:~ · . .... - . '-'..: -:.: ~ ~-.:'-.:..~- .:.. ~-;:~: ::=~ ~ H~e R~ C~Ie ~o. 18AWG, 4-con- [ :.:,-.-. '~ :..~z,:,)~.,.:~-.~.~. :- ~ ........ ~ -.~-.:"-. , :-~.'c~.~=- :.?::~.z:,,~ ::-:~ d~or, ~~- .......... ' .-.:'~' .. SING~-WA~TANK ::~:ll to meet ti=ss L '~C~ ~' ...... ;~"~:~::. '~;~:-.'":.~'2... :' : . .. ~.:~. ~., -.~- ,::7, t',~...' -' ~:: · ' ,::":: ' ~ · . ' ' :.'; -- , ,~ .~ ..:v:.:.:~F':'' :-..~,=-??':~?-:'.: "':~' .. : .... :.,F'",, :~.' ~::"?: '";":::""-':~2:~Z"~s~L I '" ":s:-" '.:~"~,~?~",/,' -C~Z~" , .'~ :: ': ..... '~' .<;~ ..',: L'~f)Z~ ' ;~: .'~;~FJ:~j U.,~'~:,"~C-?~?;~,~, ~ ' ' ..... ~*' ~ ' '" ' - c.~...~ ............ :~-~* - .'~' ~t-'~ "~"' '~.'?:'y.-'c-' .: ' ~- ' ~ :~L~ ~':.',. ":F~/'' , :,.. ~. - ~'~t I "- ' '.'-'~ ' ",~ --~ .:~"~..~. i.'.-:~ - .:.:~ .-.,.~, ~:~.~-~ .~? - "~:'-:'~='~ .... -~~'~c:-:~ ~~::~ '- '~ ": .... ~, :f" ~ · , - ' '.: '."-.¥~'.~'..?' ~; :' :52'"" '% "'.%." .::~?F"" ~ ~ .~: ~) . ~ ,,':1 '.: :. ' ~'*' ~t~ ',="...*~.'.. -/ ;.:-~'¢'?;'¢ ..~~~-'..~1 - '~ :-~'~---'-".' ~-~.N -'~.'.-C.:<. /"":"~":'~%.' ' * -- . ~'"~l ~ ~..: ~. ·, .:, .,~..,.,.::~: ...~. -:;...,.:.....:-~.... .~:~.~ ~ ~1 ~ ~,'~ I .... "~~" '"' ..... ~-. ...... - ....... ~ .... - .... .,. ........... ~ -*~ - ~ , ......... :,.· . ~ ': ,.~ .~:, ·-.,::~..:: .. :'.t. '~:, .~: t~ ?:- ':.~,~;' A~le ~ude se~o~ ,~ '-':.' ::- :..,~'*:.. '".~: ,, ..:'. *'... '~::.. ~,."C,:' ..,~', ":~' '-'*:~ met~de-se~conduc~r (I~) ~d a fi~id-se~m~ ~e~ ~ement (~g~t). USD BULLETIN NO, LA-8502 Available Leak Alert Equipment (When ordering, .specify desired alarm panel, probe type, and type & length of home run cable) ~.,M,~DEI':~CAPABILIrrY~EXTERNAEDIMENS[ONS (INCHES)~:':-.~.~MQUNTING DIMENSIONS {INCHES): ~~~s~ ~e~: ~_ ..... . ........ . ~.~. - ,~ -. . - ... · E , LIQUID SENSOR VAPOR SENSOR ~ 5/16 DI~ ~LS-1 ~VS-1 [: . For ordering or t~ohnioai information RANMAR, INC...,,,. UNIVERSAL SENSORS 8' DEVICES, INC. 20621 Reef Lane ....~~---. 9256 Deering Avenue ...... H~ Beach, CA 92646 "~---'~-~-~- ~;-,i,,-~or~ CA 91311 ...... {'/14) 962-5025 ' ' ' (818) 99&7121 ~ Colfffight 198~ Univln~ Simmers 8. OgVilam, Inc. APPENDIX 7 OVERSPILL PROTECTION MANHOLE SPECIFICATIONS COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA L H. K~iNFELDI-'R & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS . MATERIAI.~ TESTING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES CORPORATION 1 10 and 1 1 1 Series Manholes Pomeco Model 11 1 Series Spill Protection Manholes 6237 ILLINOIS AVENUE · PARAMOUNT, CALIFORNIA 90723 TELEPHONE (213) 633-5515 WELO DRAIN TO STORAGE TANK PIP~ COUPLING , PARTIAL SECTION (PATENT PENOING) Spill Protection Manholes 11.1 Standard.Spill Protection Manhole 11'~-A' Same as Model 111 except machined nipple length is adjusted for use with a vapor return value 111-B Same as Model 111 except no d~ain assembly is supplied 111-C Spill Protection Mani'iole designed for use with Hytrel type material FEATURES Double seal arrangement with "machined nipple" to form a positive liquid seal while providing adequate flexibility between the manhole and fill riser. Buna-N seals are Teflon coated to reduce friction and to provide protection against swelling due to exposure to gasoline or other toxic chemicals where the Model 111 may be required. Seals are well protected, against possible damage by containment in seal rings. Rain-rite lid and manhole ring design provides protection against floating gasoline or other toxic chemicals which may be contained in the "bucket" to ground level. A drain assembly is available for ease of draining gasoline or chemicals back to the underground tank. The flexible hose used in the drain assembly is a woven stainless steel-teflon configuration. The exterior of Models 111,11 l-A, and 111-B are epoxy coated for corrosion resistance. Capacity of the Model 111 series is approximately 5 gallons. The Models 111, 111-A and 111-B are preassembled for ease of installation. * Pomeco 110 Series Manhole ~odel ~o. 110-12 Manhole A cast iron ring with an 11 1/2" sheet steel skirt provides im ................ proved fill cap protectior~ and-ea~se of installation. Heavy duty -' ~ t " 3~8" steel diamond plate lid standard with optional 3/4" ,'-- fingerhole available. I Model No. 110-16 ~, ~,, Formed sheet s~teel skirt, depth 11 1/2", ~supplied with heavy ,,. duty 3/8" diamond plate lid with 5/16" slot. No. 110-W wrench is provided for use with slot for ease of removing & replacin.c .,~.,~,,~ ~-~,~,, ' .~1.~ 30" Round Submerged Pump Manhole has a formed sheet steel skirt, depth 11 1/2", supplied with 1/2" steel diamond ~.~_ plate lid with 5/16" slot. No. 110-W wrench is provided for use ~,,.~_ with slot for ease of removing and replacing lid. '"'1' Call or Write' for Your Nearest Distributor o coco. o o. 16237 ILLINOIS AVENUE · PARAMOUNT, CALIFORNIA 90723 TELEPHONE (213) 633-5515 GROOVE PATTERN IN TOP OF LID 12 1/8" SECTION A- A' MODEL III-L RAIN-TITE MANHOLE COVER o, co co. o o. ~ 16237 ILLINOIS AVENUE · PARAMOUNT, CALIFORNIA 90723 ., TELEPHONE (213) 633-5515 5~86 ? p1010049.jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST REMOVAL & REMEDIAL ACTION REPORT For Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility 414 19th Street in Bakersfield, California Prepared For: Coca-Cola Enterprises P.O. Box 4067 Oakland, CA 94614-4067 Attn: Ann Macdonald I File No. 03-10406 I Prepared By: I Soils Engineering, Inc. I 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 I I I October 2003 I 4400 YEAGER WAY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ° PHONE(661)831-5100 · FAX:(661)831-2111 ! I October 21, 2003 File No. 03-10406 I Mr. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield Fire Department I Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 I Subject: UST Removal & Remedial Action Report Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility I 414 19th St. Bakersfield, California I Mr. Wines: i Soils Engineering, Inc. (SE1) is submitting this UST Removal & Remedial Action Report after the completion of remedial activities of a 1,500 gallon fuel underground storage tank (UST) at the former Coca-Cola Bottling Company (CCBC) of Bakersfield facility located at 414 19th Street in IBakersfield, CA. (site). See Plate 1 for Location Map. The UST was located within the northeastern end of the Garage building as shown on the attached Plot Plan (Plate 2) and the Sample Map (Plate 3). I BACKGROUND INFORMATION The CCBC facility has been around since the 1930's as a bottling, storage and distribution center for l- the beverage company in Bakersfield, CA. The site is undergoing a potential sale and during a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment conducted by A J Environmental in July 2003 a suspected UST fill pipe was observed outside the northern edge of the Garage building in the northeastern comer of the i site. A vent pipe and two (2) floor patches were also observed within the building just south garage of the fill pipe. On August 1, 2003 a site inspection was conducted by SEI in which gasoline odor and trace gasoline was observed within the fill pipe. Based on field observations and the analytical I assessment appears that this UST provided leaded gasoline to vehicles at results from site activities it this location. It is the desire of Coca-Cola to gain. closure of this UST per local regulatory i requirements. PREVIOUS ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES i On August 5, 2003 SEI subcontracted Strata Geophysical to conduct a magnetometer survey in the suspected UST area to determine the approximate size and location of the UST. The metal sheeting on the outside of the Garage building created magnetic interference preventing an accurate location I of the UST footprint utilizing the magnetometer. The geophysical survey did identify the possible location of a former dispenser which was the sout,hem most patch within the building approximately 15' southwest of the fill pipe. The other surface patch within the building was unknown. The vent I I 4400 YEAGER WAY ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ° PHONE(661)831-5100 ° FAX:(661)831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Removal & Remedial Action Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility October 21, 2003 414 19th Street in Bakersfield, California Page No. 2 line also to connect to the southern most floor patch. appeared SEI subcontracted Marcor Remediation to abandon or remove the UST at the site in accordance with an approved Bakersfield Fire Department UST permit. August 25, pipe removal On 2003 the fill was uncovered outside of the Garage building and appeared to continue southwesterly inside the building toward the southern floor patch. The southern floor patch turned out to be the northern end of the UST. The majority of the concrete cover was removed over the suspected UST and then uncovered with a backhoe. The steel single wall UST's actual dimensions were approximately 15' long and 4' in diameter for a capacity of approximately 1,500 gallons. The lower explosion limit (LEL) within the UST was <1% indicating it was safe to cut an observation window in the top of the UST. The UST was observed to be approximately 2/3 full of drilling mud type fluids in a semi-solid state with no petroleum odor. This indicated that the UST had been previously abandoned utilizing the pre-1985 methods. During field activities conducted on August 26, 2003, Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) inspector Mr. Steve Underwood was onsite and verbally approved the abandonment in-place as is, as long as an assessment of soil conditions beneath the UST and along the product piping was conducted per present BFD regulations. SEI utilized a backhoe to acquire soil samples adjacent to and beneath the existing UST to assess possible hydrocarbon impacted soil prior to final abandonment in-place. Soil samples (T1-2' and T1- 6') were collected out of the backhoe bucket at depths of 2' and 6' below the bottom of the UST as directed the BFD Brass sleeves were filled with soil, sealed with Teflon-lined plastic by inspector. caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. Soil samples were also collected at depths of 2' and 6' beneath ground (bgs.) at surface the former dispenser location (D 1-2' and D 1-6') just northwest of the UST and at the fill pipe location (FP-2' and FP-6'). A 2' bgs. soil sample (P1-2') was also collected along the piping run between the fill pipe opening and the UST. One (1) sample (T-INT) of the drilling mud within the UST was also collected to evaluate this material. These soil samples were collected with a hand-auger and placed into brass sleeves at each sampling interval then sealed with Teflon-lined plastic caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. No groundwater was encountered during any of these soil sampling activities. See Plate 3 for the soil sample locations. The UST assessment soil samples (total of 7) were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m, for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX)) by EPA Method 8020b and for total lead by EPA Method 6010 at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the UST interior sample (T-INT) was analyzed for CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 6010/7471, for volatile organics by EPA Method 8260, for pH and for TPHg by EPA Method 802 lB. In addition soil samples T1-2', T1-6', FP-3', FP- 6' were all analyzed for Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) for lead and sample T1-6' was also analyzed for Threshold Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for lead. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Removal & Remedial /lction Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility October 21, 2003 414 19th Street in Bakersfield~ Cali['ornia Page No. $ Analytical Results of Initial UST Area Soil Samples The analytical results of the soil samples are shown in Table 1 and indicate no detection of TPH as gasoline, BTEX or MTBE in any of the seven (7) UST assessment soil samples collected and analyzed. Total lead concentrations were elevated in soil samples T1-2', T1-6', FP-3' and FP-6' and additional analysis indicated California hazardous levels (greater than 5.0 ppm STLC lead) in soil sample T1-6' at 7.9 ppm STLC lead. The analytical results of the drilling mud sample (T-INT) indicated no hazardous concentrations of metals, TPHg, BTEX, pH or volatile organics. Minor BTEX concentrations were detected in this sample, but at concentrations below regulatory actions, which are shown on Table 1. Soil Borings Based on the California hazardous lead concentration in the T1-6' soil sample additional assessment of lead content in the soil around the UST was warranted. On September 15, 2003 SEI contracted HP Labs to utilize a Strataprobe rig to advance four (4) soil borings (B-1 to B-4) to a depth of 30' within and adjacent to the UST excavation. Soil samples were collected at 5' intervals in borings B-1 and B-2 and at 10' intervals in borings B-3 and B-4 beginning at 10' below ground surface (bgs) at each location. Soil encountered beneath the site consisted of silty sand in the top 5 feet underlain by mainly fine grained sand to a depth of at least 30' bgs.. See Plate 3 for soil boring locations. was not encountered in any of the soil borings conducted at this site to a depth of 30' Groundwater bgs.. Analytical Testing of Soil Samples From Soil Borings Selected soil samples (total of 10) from the soil borings were analyzed for total lead by EPA Method 6010 at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the soil sample with the highest PID reading in each boring was analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m and for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020b. The analytical results of these soil samples are shown in Table 1. With the exception of soil sample B 1-30', the analytical results indicate no detection of TPH as gasoline (TPHg) and BTEX in the soil samples collected and analyzed for these constituents. Only soil sample B1-30' had minor gasoline constituents of 100 ppm TPHg and 360 parts per billion (ppb) xylenes reported. Total lead concentrations were slightly elevated in soil sample B1-30' (61 ppm), and additional Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) analysis for lead indicated non- hazardous lead concentrations (3.8 ppm) of less than 5.0 ppm STLC in this soil sample. Soil boring B-1 was located approximately 7' south of the UST. In the UST Assessment Report dated September 19, 2003, which was submitted to the Bakersfield Fire Department, SEI recommended the removal of the UST and soil surrounding the UST down to a depth of approximately 10' bgs. and the disposal/recycling of the removed soil at a permitted facility. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Removal & Remedial /lction Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility October 21, 2003 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eld~ Cali[ornia Page No. 4 included all of the assessment soil analytical results This UST Assessment Report previous sample and reports from the August 26, 2003 and September 15, 2003 field activities, chain of custody documents, boring logs, a discussion of field activities, along with conclusions and recommendations for the site. A copy of this UST Assessment Report is included in Appendix F. REMEDIAL ACTION ACTIVITIES Removal of UST On September 22, 2003 the UST was emptied of its contents, cleaned and removed from the excavation by Marcor Remediation. The non-hazardous drilling mud within the UST was stockpiled with the rest of the excavated soil and profiled for disposal/recycling. The UST was taken to Sierra Iron and Metal in Bakersfield, CA. for recycling (see attached receipt in Appendix C). Removal of Lead-Impacted Soil & Confirmation Soil Sampling Soil beneath and adjacent to the former UST location was removed with a backhoe down to an average depth of approximately 10' bgs. and temporarily stockpiled within the garage building by Marcor Remediation. The excavation walls were very loose and undercut the concrete slab a few feet to the south, west and east. The final excavation dimensions were approximately 18' by 16' and averaged 10' deep. Soil samples were collected from the base (BTM-11') and four (4) sidewalls of the excavation with the backhoe bucket to evaluate the soil left in-place. A composite soil sample collected from the soil for of the soil for future (STP-l) was also stockpiles profiling disposal/recycling. The soil samples were placed in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined plastic caps, labeled and placed into coolers with blue-ice. The soil samples were over-nighted to Positive Lab Service in Los Angeles, CA. in a sealed cooler along with a chain of custody document. See Plate 4 for excavation soil sample locations. Analytical Testing of Excavation Soil Samples The bottom, sidewall and stockpile soil samples (total of 6) were analyzed for total lead by EPA Method 6010, for TPHg by EPA Method 8015m and for BTEX by EPA Method 8020b at Positive Lab Service in Los Angeles, CA.. Only soil sample SWALL-9' was analyzed for STLC for lead based on a slightly elevated total lead result of 62 ppm. The analytical results of the excavation soil samples are shown in Table 1 and indicate no elevated detection of TPH as gasoline or BTEX above regulatory standards in the six (6) soil samples collected and analyzed for these constituents. Soil sample SWALL-9' had minor gasoline constituents of 13 parts per billion (ppb) xylenes and soil sample STP-1 had 0.64 ppm TPHg, 6.8 ppb ethylbenzene and 27 ppb total xylenes reported. Total lead concentrations were only slightly elevated in soil sample SWALL-9' (62 ppm) and additional STLC analysis for lead on this sample indicated non-hazardous lead concentrations (3.9 ppm) of less than 5.0 by STLC analysis. See Table 1 and the attached analytical reports in Appendix A for ppm more detail. mI I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I UST Removal & Remedial Action Report File No. 03-10406 I Former Coca-Cola October 21, 2003 Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility 414 19th Street in Bakerst~eld, Cali[ornia Page No. 5 I & Restoration of Former UST Area Backfilling · The UST excavation was filled with pea-gravel up to 6" from the surface to ensure adequate compaction and infilling beneath the undercut areas of the concrete slab. A sieve analysis was I conducted by SEI on a sample of the backfill to material evaluate the size distribution of the backfill material. The results of this sieve analysis indicates a size range of 3/8" gravel to very coarse sand which will self-compact to at least 90% relative density (see attached in Appendix D). Rebar (#4) I was placed on approximately 18" centers and doweled into the existing concrete slab. Approximately 5.5 yards of 5-sack concrete was poured and finished to match existing concrete I surfaces (See Appendix D for concrete receipt). The interior of the Garage Building was cleaned by a street sweeper to remove any residual dust and concrete debris from the project. Disposal/Recycling of Soil The stockpiled soil was placed into eight (8) 10 to 15-yard bins supplied by MP Environmental in order to cleanup the interior of the garage building while the approval of the disposal/recycling of the waste material was pending. Based on the analytical results of the composite stockpile soil sample STP-1 the waste material was profiled as non-hazardous soil with leaded gasoline residue. On October 10, 2003 the eight (8) bins of soil were transported to Waste Management's McKittrick Waste Treatment Facility in McKittrick, CA. under six (6) non-hazardous waste manifests (included in Appendix B). According to the weigh tickets a total of 104.89 tons of soil were disposed/recycled from the site. Photographic Documentation Select photos showing the assessment and remedial activities conducted at the site are included within Appendix E. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions Based on field observations and analytical testing the following is concluded: 1. The former 1,500-gallon gasoline UST and lead-impacted soil (104.89 tons) have been successfully removed from the site and properly disposed/recycled at permitted facilities. 2. The analytical testing of the soil samples collected from bottom and sidewalls of the remedial excavation indicate the successful removal of the lead-impacted soil leaving only very minor non-hazardous concentrations of lead (<5.0 ppm STLC) in-place, well below any regulatory action levels. In addition, no TPHg or BTEX concentrations were detected above any regulatory action levels in the confirmation soil samples. 3. No groundwater was encountered in any of the excavation or soil boring activities conducted SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Removal & Remedial.4ction Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility October 21, 2003 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eld? Cali[ornia Page No. 6 at the site to 30 feet Kern Water records indicate the depths as great bgs.. as County Agency depth to groundwater in this area of Bakersfield was approximately 190' bgs. in the Fall of 2000. Based on the analytical results of soil samples collected at the site and the depth to groundwater, any residual leaded gasoline left in-place at this location would not be a threat to the groundwater table well over 100' beneath the site. 4. The excavation was backfilled with self-compacting pea-gravel and resurfaced with concrete to match existing surfaces. Recommendations The following are SEI's recommendations for the site: 1. SEI recommends that no additional assessment or remediation be conducted at this site. I 2. SEI requests that closure of the site be granted by the BFDOES. LIMITATIONS I This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Coca-Cola Enterprises as it relates to the i property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: - The soil sampling performed at this site. i - The observations of field personnel. - The results of laboratory tests performed by Positive Lab Services of Los Angeles, California. i - Our understanding of the regulations of the BFD, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the DTSC and the EPA. I Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this I report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of which could affect this report. I The services performed by SEI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this Ireport. SEI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No other warranty expressed or implied is made. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST Removal & Remedial Action Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility October 21, 2003 414 19th Street in Bakersfield? Cali[ornia Page No. 7 Please call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions concerning this Report. Sincerely, ~,~v,-, - Environmental Division Manager _ ~.~o~c~0~4~ Enclosures: Table 1, Analytical Results of Soil Samp~r~'- Location Map, Plate 1 Plot Plan, Plate 2 Assessment Soil Sample Map, Plate 3 Excavation Soil Sample Map, Plate 4 Appendix A: Analytical Report (September 22, 2003 samples) Appendix B: Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests Appendix C: UST Disposal Receipt Appendix D: Grain Size Distribution Report, Concrete Receipt Appendix E: Select Photos of Site Activities Appendix F: UST Assessment Report dated September 19, 2003 cc: Ann Macdonald, Coca-Cola Enterprises TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bakersfield Facility, Bakersfield, CA. Other CAM 17 Sample TPHg Volatile Organics EPA 8021B or 8260B (ppb) EPA 8260 Metals Sample No. Date (ppm) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes MTBE OtherVOC's (ppb) Total Lead (ppm) (ppm) pH ASSESSMENT SAMPLES T1-2' (UST) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 61, 3.8 STLC NA NA T1-6' (UST) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 170, 7.9 STLC, 0.71 TCLP NA NA D1-2' (Dispenser) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 10 NA NA D1-6' (Dispenser) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 31 NA NA P1-2' (Along Piping) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA -1.7 NA NA FP-2' (Fill Pipe) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 94, 3.1 STLC NA NA FP-6' (Fill Pipe) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 72, 3.4 STLC NA NA 1,3,5-Tdmethylbenzene = 38, 1,2,4-Tdmethylbenzene =76, ** None T-INT (Interior of UST) 08/26/03 <0.5 7.4 21 18 123 <4 Naphthalene = 5.1 7.3 Elevated 9.4 B1-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.89 NA NA B 1-20' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 NA NA B 1-30' 09/15/03 100 <50 <50 <50 360 <50 NA 61, 3.8 STLC NA NA B2-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.2 NA NA B2-15' 09/15/03 NA NA N^ NA NA NA NA 3.9 NA NA B2-20' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.91 NA NA B2-30' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 2.9 NA NA B3-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.6 NA NA B3-20' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.4 NA NA B3-30' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 1.6 NA NA B4-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.5 NA NA B4-20' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 < 10 <5 NA 1.2 NA NA B4-30' 09/15/03 NA NA N^ NA NA NA NA 1 NA NA EXCAVATION CONFIRMATION SAMPLES NWALL-10' 09/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 0.9 NA N^ EWALL-9' 09/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 0.59 NA NA BTM-11' 09/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA 01/02/00 12 NA NA WSIDE-9' 09/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 0.93 NA N^ SWALL-9' 09/22/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 13 NA NA 62, 3.9 STLC NA NA STP-1 (Stockpile/ 09/22/03 0.64 <5 <5 6.8 27 NA NA 19 NA NA *Regulatory Action Levels >100 100 15000 70000 175000 50 Varies 1000 Total, 5 STLC, 5 TCLP Varies <2 or >12.5 Notes:ppm=parts per million (mg/kg), ppb = parts per billion (ug/kg), TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, TPHg = as gasoline, ND = None Detected above detection limits, NA = Not Analyzed, Bold = Elevated Concantration, STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, TCLP = Threshold Characteristic Leaching Procedure. * = Regulatory Action Levels from Regional Water Quality Control Board & Confirmed By BFD, ** = No reported concentrations of metals above regulatory action levels. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313Bakersfield, CA. = (661) 831 - 5100 PROJECT: 03-10406 Location & Hospital Map N 21st Street Central PARK 20th Street UST. I Area rehluse Garage Building / FORMER --- / COCA-COLA Office / BOTTLING Warehouse / FACILITY 19th Street Not To Scale SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. ~ (661) 831 - 5100 Z PROJECT: 03-10406 Plot Plan N 20th Street Fill Pipe / FP-2' &-6~// Vent'"~'-- ~/"PL-"' East Property FormerD1-2'&-6' ~~Suel Line/~ Dispenser B-3* B-2*i i~ B-3 /'~ ...................... i ....................,~!' ............... I\T1-2' Concrete ~w~, ........... \ & ~6~ B-I*~ Former 1,500 Gallon Gasoline UST Garage Building 0 25' 0 Soil Sample Location ~ Soil Boring Location Approx, Scale SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. t~] (661) 831 - 5100.~1 DATE: 9/03 ~ PROJECT: 03-10406 Assessment Soil Sample Map 20st ~eet F~ill Pipe Former Vent -~--~ .,'~ Former NWALL-10'.." ,~ · l'l Former Dispenser · i -~u~ .." ~ · -. · ! \=: ..." I **Line "i - :'""~i.'":: I : ..... WslD.~-~ I~'""~I -: ... · ~ . '_~ i:~i ~. · . ...... ;' ~' '. i .~-~i~, i~.~-~;' ·'. bTOOKplIGCI. ~1 · '_ ~ · . /~. · ..'..~~.~..~, ~.,.-:.,.~,,' Ap roximateX,:o. r Extonl Of covc on 10 1 0' BOS. ~,s00 ~.o~ " Gasoline UST Garage Building · Soil Sample 0 Approx. S¢olo 1' = 12' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. ~ (66i) 831 - 5100 · DATE: 10/03 PROJECT: 0340406 Excavation Soil Sample Map I I I I i I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix A Analytical Report (September 22, 2003 Samples) i09/2512003 17:33 213745B372 POSITIVE LAB SERVICE PAGE 03 DOSJTJVE 78-1 East Washington Bird,, Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SE-RViCI - (243) 745-5312 FAX (213)745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 09~25~03 Soils Engineering Inc, File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Cove 10406 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn: Robert Becket ...,,.,.,:..:...:.:,.:.r. ................... .,.,.,. .......................................................... Method: Picked up by PLS Sample#; 20031968-001 Collector~ Client Received: 09/2M2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/22/2003 1:20:00 PM Type: Soil 1. D.: NWALL-1O' Prep Date: 09123/2003 Anal~ySis Date: 09/23/2003 Lead EPA 30508 EPA 60108 0.90 mo~<g 0.5 .P'rep Date: 09/23/2003 Awal~sis Date: l,ead, S'IU_,C WET/3010A EPA 60108 NA .mffl 0.05 Prep Date: 09/23/2003 Analysis Date: 09/23/2003 'lTH-G.,~goli~c E'I'A 50308 8021. B/§0158 ND ms/kg 0,5 :Benzene EPA 50308 8021B/~0158 ND xwg/kg 5 I:,,'PA 50308 802113/80158 1CD us/kg 5 "tokai.n) e ug/k~ 5 Etltyl ber~-m~c EPA 50308 g0218/80158 ND EPA 50308 80218/80] 58 N-D ug/~g 10 Xytcxte ('l'otal) , EPA 50308 80218/801.58 Su~:og~:tes ...... 'EPA 50~08 $O21B/$.0,.IJB .............. ~.,6. ..................................................................................... Sample#: 20031968-002 Collector: Client Method: Picked up by PLS Received: 09/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/22/2003 1:35:00 PM Type: Soil Prep Date: 0912312003 Analysis Date: 0912312003 l.~ad ' 'I{PA 30508 EPA 601.08 0.59 mg,0;g 03 Prep Date: 09/23/2003 Analysis Date: L~d, S't',LC WET/3010A EPA60]0B NA mgn 0.05 ' Prep Date: 0912312003 Analysis Date: 09~23~2003 'rPH-CmsolLac EPA 50308 80218/80158 1~) m~kg 0,5 B~mzen¢ EPA 50308 8021B/80158 ND ugjkg 5 Tolu,-'.nc EPA 50308 802 ] B/gO 158 ND ug/kg 5 EPA 5030B g02]B/g015B N'D ug/kg 5 Ethyl bea~zene ag/kg 10 EPA 5030B 80218/8015B ND Xyl=~e (Tol~fl) , Sum~gate, s EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B Perceai Trilluorotolut-m,e EPA 50308 8021B/8015B 84 Sample#: 20031968-003 Collecl:or: Client Received: 09/23/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/22/2003 1:55:00 PM Type: Soil BTM-lr Prep Date: 1')9/23/2003 Analysis Datc: 09/2~1g003 Lc~d ' KL>A 3050B EPA 601 OB 12 rog/kg 0.5 I 2003:1.968-003 POSITIVE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 09125103 File~ 73~3 ~00 Yeager Way ~ Cove Z0406 Bake~field~ LA 93313 A~n: Robe~ Becket Prep Date: 09/23/2003 ~aIysis Date: .I.~ad, S~I.,C WET/301~A EPA6010B NA mg~ 0.05 Prep Date: 09/23/2003 ~aly~ Date: 0P/~3/2~ '~H-(g~so'~h~e gPA 5030B g021B/gOlSB ~nu mn~x~ .,~ B~;' ' EPA 5030B 8021B/S015B 'l'oB~c EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ~ ug&~ 5 I':d~vl b~m EPA 5030B g021I~g015B ~ ug~ 5 ~} ( 'To~" I~AS030B 8021. B/S015B ~ u~g 1.0 Received; 09/23/2003 Sampling uae/lime: 09/22/2003 2;10:00 PM Soil ' Prep Date: 0~/23/200~ ~-si~ Date: ~9/~3/2003 [,~d EPA 3050B E:PA 6010B 0.93 xn~g 0.5 Prep Date: 09/23/2003 Analysis Date: Lcud, S'I'LC ~'r/3010g EPA 6010B N~ ~A 0.05 Prep Date: 09/2312003 Analysis Date: 09/2~/20(13 '~H~(~o~c EPA 5030B 8021BIS015B ~ m~ 0.5 Bc~e~e EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ~) ug~g 5 'rolum= EPA 5030B 8021B/g0'[ 5B E'thyl hc~zm~e EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B Xy~e (To~) EPA 5030B 802 lB/80'[ 5B EPA 5030B 8021B/80'l 5B * Smxagates EPA~030B 8021B/g015B 85 P~'c~xt TffilaomroBcn= ....................................................................................................... * ............................................................................... · -. - ....................................................................Calle~mr: Client Sampleg; 20031968-005 Reeeiwd: 09/23/~003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/~2/2003 3:00:a0 T~pe~ Soil I,D.: SWALL-9' Prep Date: 09123/2003 ~ysis ~ate: 09/~/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 62 mg~g 0.5 Prep Dat~: 0~123/2003 .~aly~s Date: 09/25/2003 l.,m~ S~c ~T/3910A EPA6010B 3.9 .m~l 0.05 · r~O Date: O9/2312003 Analysis Date: ~II&~so~¢ EPA 5030B S021B/g01. SB ~ mgmg 0.5 Bc~ene 'EPA 5030B 8021B/g01SB ND TOI:LLene EPAS030B g021B/g015B ND Ethylbm~me EPAS030B 8021B/g01. SB ND ug~g 5 XyI~ {To~I) EPAS030B 8021B/g015B 13 2 2003~9~00S POSITIVE , 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 i-liar LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213)745-6372 CERTI'FI'CATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. Og125~03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Cove 10406 Bakersfield, CA 933:13 Attn: Robert Becket Sm~ogu~ EPA 5030B $021B/80I ~B * EPA 5030B 8021B/~015B 90 " ........................................................................................................... CollatOr; Client Method: Pi~ed up by PLS Sample~: 20031968-006 Received: 09/23/2003 (x~ ~ Sampling Date/~me~ 09/22/2003 2:55:00 Prep Date: 0~/23/2003 A~gysis Da~e: Prep Date: 0~123/2003 Aaaiysis Oate: L~ad: STLC ~T/30'IOA EPA 6010~ NA m~ 0.05 Prep Date: 09/2512003 Analysis Da~e: 09/23/200~ ~H~o~e E['A 5030B g021B/i0],5'B 0.64 lUg~ 0,5 B~]~c EPA 5030B g021B/g015B '~ tt~g 5 Tolu~:,.e EPA 5030B ~021B/8015B ~ ug~<g 5 I~PA 5030B 8021B/80] 5B 6,8 ~:tg~cg 5 E~yl b~zene Xvl~e (TotaI) EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B 27 ~g ' EPA 5030B g021B~015B * Sun~gate~ EPA 5030B 8021B/3015B 92 Percent ~amplm~: 20031968-0fl'7 Collector; Type: Soil I.D.: Me~ofl Blank Prep Date: 09/23/2003 ~aly~i~ Date: 09/23/~003 Le~ E~A 3050B EPA~0I 0B ~) ms/kg 0.5 ~rep Date: 09/23/2003 Analysis Date: 09/2S/2003 I~t~ S~. ~T/3010A EPA6010B ND mg~ 0.05 p~p D;de: 09/23/2003 Analysis Date: 09/23/200~ "rt'H~aso~c E~A 5030B g021B/8015B ND mg~ 0.5 Benzeae EPA 5030B 802].B~01SB N1) u~g 5 Tulu~m EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ~3 ug~ 5 EflxyI boE~ EPA 5030B g021B/g0ISB ND u.~ 5 Xyl~ne(Toml) EPA5030B g021B/g015B ~ ug~g 10 Smxoga~ EPAS030B g02IB/g015B * Tt~u.or~tolu~e EPA 5030B 8021B/g015 B 87 P;~-cent I I 3 20031968-007 SITIVE I (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering [nc. 09125103 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Cave 1.0406 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attn'. Robert Becket ...... c,,~ /" 2003196~007 m m m m m m m m m m mm m m m m m m c.^~. o~ custody ^.o ^.~¥s~s .~UES~ ~/~/~ ~ ! o~ / DATE:.- ~ .aD POSITIVE _ LAB ~ERVICE (2~)7.~2 F~ (213) 745-6372 CLIENT ~ME: ~ Pmje~ NameNo, ~~ P.O. NO. )LER ANALYSE~ REOU~STEO: ~DRESS: ' ~ PRESERV~O:~ REBARKS: NA~E: TAT(Anam~calTu~nA~oundTime) 0 =S~ed~y; I =24 Hou~ 2 = 4B Hour', [Etc.) 'N RMAL ~ ~ ~, CO~AiNER ~ES: B = Brass, E = Enrage G = Glass, P = Pl~t~, V= VOA Vial, 0 = O~er: ~ ~~ ~ '[ .... ~AUPLE CO~DITIO~/ USTPmjecl: Y N · Glob~llD~ ~~- '~~- MATRIX C0NTMNE~C0MMENTS: DATE -TIME SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SAMPLED SAMPLED CH t.D LO 8 - ~ 10 ar.d Pdr;~J Name) Date;. '~.e: SAMPLE DISPOSITION: I. Samples returned to client?. YES CH ~ecek, e~1~ 2. Samples witl not be stored over 30 days, unless additional storage lJme is ~equested. ~ . ~: (Signa~u,'6and f)dn[~l 1.3ame) 3- SI. ora!I-3 time reo, uesled: days ;IAL iNSTRUCTIONS: i LAB COPY I I I I I i I ~ Z i -~ I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix B Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests McKITTR~ L;K,, WA~S'I'E TREATMENT SITE. '~' Ticket: 37210 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering I Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: COCA COLA PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 10:45 DATE: 10/02/2003 PREPARED BY: CONNIE I PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. PO#: I COMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 01 IGEN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 31.94 ( 63880 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 17.32 ( 34640 ) (LBS) i T ONS/NET: 14.62 ( 29240 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 ! I I ! ! I , ~ NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. Manifest Doc. No. 2. Page 1 WASTE MANIFEST C.. ~r C O. O. ~,.~.~. ~. ~'. ~.c:/, of 3. Gene[,stoFs Name and Mailing Address 4. Generators Phone ( ~[O ) 8/6 -- ~q 7. Transpolar ~ Oomp~n~ ~m~ ~. O~ ~P~ ID Number ~. Tmnspo~s ~. Designated Facili~ ~me 8nd Site Aoo~ess 10. OS EPA ID Number O. 6~cili~'s Phono 11. Waste Shipping Name and Description 12. containers 13. Total Ooanti~ b. c. d. D. Additional Descriptions for Mate~als Listed Above ~ E. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Printed/TypedName~to~e~,,.,,,~ 'ecZe. ~-c.<.-,,~, Signature~ ~ Day Year Si Month 18. Transpolar 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printe~yped Name ~ Signature Month Day Year J 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facili~ Owner or Operator: Ce~ifi~tion of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. ~me ~ ~~ Month Day Year ORIGINAL- RETURN TO GENERATOR McKI'I'I'RICK WASTE TREATMENT I51'I'E " '" Ticket: 37209 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering I Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: COCA COLA PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 10:44 DATE: 10/02/2003 PREPARED BY: CONNIE I PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. PO#: I COMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 02 I GEN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 29.55 ( 59100 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 17.3 ( 34600 ) (LBS) TONS/NET: 12.25 ( 24500 ) (LBS) I CUBIC YARDS: 0 ,! NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. [ Manifest Doc. No. 2. Page 1 3. Generato~sNameandMailingAddress~A_~O[ ~ E"~I'~ ~ ~; ~ [ ~ /~ 5. Transpolar I Company Name 6, US EPA ID Number 7. Transpolar 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number B. Transpo~efs Phone 9. Designated Facili~ Name and S~e Address 10. US EPA ID Number C. Facili~'s Phone 11. Waste Shipping Name and Description 12. Containers 13. Total . Quanti~ a. C. d. D. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above E. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Printed/Typed Name ~ (~. ~'~, ~1~ ~. Signature .~'~ ~ ~ /~ ,~1,) . Month Day Year 17. Transporter I Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Name Signatur~ ,~ ~ /~ Month Day Year 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name I Signature ~' Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space ~ ,.~,,,,~/.,~ 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. Signature Month Day ORIGINAL - RETURN TO GENERATOR ,I McK.I'I"IRICK WA~S'I'E TREATMENT ~SI'I'E Ticket: 37237 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 your VEHICLE ID#: COCA COLA you for business. PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 15:01 DATE: 10/02/2003 PREPARED BY: CONNIE PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. pO#: COMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 03 GEN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 48.11 ( 96220 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 19.09 ( 38180 ) (LBS) TONS/NET: 29.02 ( 58040 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 ,! ! NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. TManifest Doc. N( 2. Page 1 WASTE MANIFEST )g,~.~'.C~. / '~'~/ . . . of 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Addressca~.,~_ COtq i~.,*~l"'dl";.j"~-J F~:t~: q/q 4. Generators Phone ( 5. Transpo~er I Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number A. Transpo~e~s Phone 7. Transpo~er 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number B. Tmnspo~e~s Phone 9. Designated Facili~ Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number C. Faciliys Phone 11. Waste Shipping Name and Description 12. Containem 13. Total . Quanti~ D. Additional Descriptions for Matedals~~j/~Listed Above ~ ~0~~ ~~--~ E. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Printed/Typed Name .~ ~'", ~-,,~ Signature .,~~/~ Month Day Year 17. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Signatu~e~ ~ Month ransporter 2 9merit of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19.  Month Day Year ORIGINAL- RETURN TO GENERATOR Mclq,l'l"~'ltlCl<,, WA~S'I'E TREATMENT ~;I'I'E Ticket: 37224 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering I Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: COCA COLA PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 13:51 DATE: 10/02/2003 iPREPARED BY: CONNIE I PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. PO#: ICOMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 04 I(]EN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 29.41 ( 58820 ) (LBS) TONS/rARE: 17.74 ( 35480 ) (LBS) i T ONS/NET: 11.67 ( 23340 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. l Manifest Doc. No. 2. Page 1 WASTE MANIFEST OO '~. 6.~'. 1 .'~,.c~I .O.i of 3. Generator'sNameandMailingAddress~o~,,4~_~.,~)l~,~ Generato~s~'O ,~Phone ~O~ 4. 5. Transpo~er I Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number 7. Tmnspo~er 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number B. TmnspodeFs Phone O. ~osi~nat~d Facili~ ~ame and S~o ~ddmss 10. US [~ ID ~umber G. Faciliys ~hono 1~. Wast~ 8hippin~ ~ame and Ooscfiption ~2. Gontainom Total Ouanti~ b. D. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above E. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materiats described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Name ~ ~', ~. ¢ ~', [ Signature ~ Month Day Year 17. Transpoder 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Name Signature . ~ ~ ~ Month Day 18. Transpo~er 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials ~~~ Printe~yped Name Signature ~ Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facili~ Ownor or OporaIor: Godifi~tion of rocoipt of wasto materials covorod by this manifost oxcept as noted in Itom ~ame ~ Day Yoar ORIGINAL - RETURN TO GENERATOR McKII"IRIL;K WAIfi'I'E 'I'REA'I'MENT ISI'I'E '" ' x'~ Ticket: 37225 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering I Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID/t: COCA COLA PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 13:51 DATE: 10/02/2003 i PREPARED BY: CONNIE I PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. PO#: COMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 05 I GEN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 47.01 ( 94020 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 19.28 ( 38560 ) (LBS) iTONS/NET: 27.73 ( 55460 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 NON-HAZARDOUS t. Generator's US EPA ID No. ~'-'~?1 Manifest Doc. N( 2. Page 1 WASTE MANIFEST ,A~. ~'. ~. ~). ~., ~ ?./. of 3. Generators Name and Mailing Address 5. Transpolar 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number Phone 7. Transpofler 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number B. Phone 9. Designated Facili~ Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Numbur C. Faciliys Phone ii. Waste Shipping Name and Description 12. Containers 13. Total a. No. [ Type Quanti~ ... C. d. D. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above E. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Hand~ Inst~ctions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not su~j~ect to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Pdnted/Typ.ed Name -- -- ~ ~', ~', d, Signature ~/~ ___ /~ ~ ~, Month Day Year 17. Tr.~sporterl Acknowledge,~3p.~o, Receipt of Materials I' I ~ // P/'in~p/'l'yped Namex.~,'~ /__,, I Sigr'~re 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials " Printed/Typed Name I Signature Month Day Year I 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. Name'~ [Signature ~.,~~ Month Day Year ORIGINAL - RETURN TO GENERATOR McKI'I'IRIISK WASTE TREA'I'MENI' SI'I'E Ticket: 37231 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Soils Engineering Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: COCA COLA PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 14:53 DATE: 10/02/2003 PREPARED BY: CONNIE I PROFILE: 903-492PB \ Coca Cola Ent. PO#: I COMMODITY: FUELSUR \ FUEL SURCHARGE HAULER: MP MANIFEST#: 06 i GEN: COCA NAME: Coca-Cola Ent. TONS/GROSS: 27.3 ( 54600 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 17.7 ( 35400 ) (LBS) TONS/NET: 9.6 ( 19200 ) (LBS) I CUBIC YARDS: 0 NON-HAZARDOUS 1. Generator's US EPA ID No. Manifest Doc. No. 2. Page 1 WASTE MANIFEST of 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address 4. Generators Phone(~10) RI~-.Z~4q ~qEtq- qOd ~ 5. TranspoRer I Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number A. Transpo~efs Phone 7. Tmnspo~er 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number B. Tmnspo~efs Phone 9. Designated Facili~ Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number C. Facili~'s Phone 11. Waste Shipping Name and Description 12. Containers 13. Total No. Type Quanti~ a. b. C, d. D. Additional Descriptions for Mate~als Listed Above E. Handlino Codes for Wastes Listed Above 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify the materials described above on this manifest are not subject to federal regulations for reporting proper disposal of Hazardous Waste. Printed/Ty.y.y~edName -/~ ~'o(~.~'. Signature~.~.~ ~'~.~Z_ Month Day Year bet 1'- 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials~~ inted/l'yped Name~: . . ~ Month Day Year 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name ~;~nature Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. Name ( Month Day Year ORIGINAL - RETURN TO GENERATOR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ! i Appendix C ! I UST Disposal Receipt I ! I ! ! ! ! I I ! ! ! 7--' ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ rn ~ z I - I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Appendix D Grain Size Distribution Report & Concrete Receipt 1 i Grain Size Distribution Report .~ .~ o o o I I 200 100 10 1 0.1 0,01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm % GRAVEL % SAND % FINES % + 3" CRS. FINE CRS. MEDIUM FINE SILT CLAY © 0 0 31 53 10 5 2 SOIL DATA SYMBOL SOURCE SAMPLE DEPTH DESCRIPTION USCS NO. (ft.) © 1569 Random POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL GP Grain Size Distribution Report Client: COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES Project: Phase I & II Assessment ofUST @ Old Facility ~ 414 19th Street. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Project No.: 10406 Fiqure A-1 . CUSTOMER,~C,,OPY WEIGHED AT: " ': ..... . ~ ' " ' ' ~ ' "' .... CERTIFICATION OF QUAL~ ........ L' '... · 1. 216 Mt~ vernon, Bakersfield, CA (661) 325-~ ' We guarantee that THIS CONCR~E WILL EQUAL OR EXCEED THE QUALI~ ORDERED if upon arrival at 2. 1316 Wesco Ave,, Was~, CA 932~ , the jobsite, it is tested in STRICT ACCORO~CE WITH ~ERICAN SOCI~Y FOR TESTING MATERIALS 3. 8211Gosford Road, Bakersfield, CA 93313 ' ' ST~DARDS." '~ ;' ' ' .... ' .... ' ' ' ' ' "' · Material was delivered from plant numar . ..~ .. r CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE '- . "' "' ' ' ' . ' . '" indicted above..- . . . - , '~-' : .~, . · :. WE CERTI~ THA~ THE ~PE II MODIFIED ~RT~D CEMENT coNTAINED IN ~ NAT ONAL / LOS ROBLES '.~ ., " THE MATERIALS DESCR~SED ON TH~S TICKET ~S OF THE SRAND STATED U c~vERAS/MONOUTH ' : .; ~; '; . ..~ ~ AND COMPLIES WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE LOCATION LISTED..', , . ,~ . ~..~ .': ~EIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE: ~is is to ~ that the:bllq~ing d~ib~ ~mmodi~ was weigh~, me~sur~., or ~unt~ by ~e~hmaster, wh0~ ~ ~ ~ ~, IO ~e ~w~s~on o~ Measuremem ~[an~ams of the Cali~n~a Oepartmbnt of. Fo~ and Agncu,[um..' {P NT I .ZONE I CUSTOMER,. I ,RE NO. '" ' ' ' ' Soi].~; Enpineer'in9 414 -- 19th street, Bakersf;'ie.[d ...... ' .'.. : .... -.'. .... ~ .: w of v at'Feet on 20th t. hen $out NOTES ,.- 2 6,.OO NPS.00 Sk ,3rD yd 6.()O sTAR~D,~?,,L C , '~.' 4 UNLOAOED ':~. }~ EXTENDED PRICE EXTENDED PRICE ' ', EXTENDED PRICE , E~ENDED PRICE EXTENDED PRICE E~ENDED PRICE E~ENDED PRICE' DEPUTY · REC'D BY ' ,'" :, '--'/ // ..... WE MAKE OELIVE~NSI~t'I~:~HE LOT AT CUSTOMEfl'~ RiSK ONLY AHD ACCEPT HO RESPOHSIBILI~ WHATSOEVER FOR DAMA~Eff~E~ULTING FROM SUCH DELIVERIES. IMPOflT~N~: YOU MUST REVERSE GIDE FOR INFORMATION REGARDING MECHANICG LIEN ~WS, CREDIT SALE INFORMATION, WARNING CONCERNING PRODUCT USE AND'I~RMS AND CONOITIO~S OF SALE. I NON-SiMULATED NUfl .BATCHES. 1 ' , '9',. '~j lb ~/C: 0.835 ~ATER/CE~ENT: O.~ST OEE, IGN ~TER: 2B2.~ ~1 ACTUAL ~I[R: 2;'2~ g[ [~.~ f~DO: l S~ uNp: A.C,O ' ~'[ER iN TRUCK.: O,O nl ADJUST ~TER: 0.0 ~! /i,.~d TRIM ~ATER: -.].0 g! zyd SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix E Select Photos of Site Activities ! I Picture 1: Fill Outside of Northern EndBuildin I I Picture 2: Interior Of Garage Building With UST Lines Marked I Picture 3: 1500-Gallon UST Within Gara Buildin ' Picture 4: Excavation/~fter UST Removed ! Picture 5: Removed UST On Surface Picture 6: Majority of Lead-Impacted Soil RemoVed FrOm Excavation Picture 7: Excavation Backfilled With Pea, raVel & Pre For Concrete I' Picture 8: Former UST Area Repaved With Concrete I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I I Appendix F I I UST Assessment Report Dated September 19, 2003 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. September 19, 2003 File No. 03-10406 Mr. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: UST Assessment Report Former Coca-Cola Facility 414 19th St. Bakersfield, California Mr. Wines: Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) is submitting this UST Assessment Report after the completion of assessment activities of a 1,500 gallon gasoline underground storage tank (UST) at the former Coca- Cola facility located at 414 19th Street in Bakersfield, CA. (site). See Plate 1 for Location Map. The previously unknown UST is located within the northeastern end of the Garage building as shown on the attached Plot Plan (Plate 2) and the Sample Map (Plate 3). Background Information The Coca-Cola Bottling Company facility has been around since the 1930's as a bottling, storage and distribution center for the beverage company in Bakersfield, CA.. The site is undergoing a potential sale and during a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment conducted by A J Environmental in July 2003 a suspected UST fill pipe was observed on the northern edge of the Garage building in the northeastern comer of the site. A vent pipe and two (2) floor patches were also observed within the garage building just south of the fill pipe. On August 1,2003 a site inspection was conducted by SEI in which gasoline odor and trace gasoline was observed within the fill pipe. Some petroleum staining was also present on the asphaltic surface north of the fill pipe. It is the desire of Coca-Cola to gain closure of this UST per local regulatory requirements. FIELD WORK CONDUCTED Geophysical Survey On August 5, 2003 SEI subcontracted Strata Geophysical to conduct a magnetometer survey in the suspected UST area to determine the approximate size and location of the UST. The metal sheeting on the outside of the Garage building created magnetic interference preventing an accurate location of the UST footprint utilizing the magnetometer. A pipeline locator was also utilized which gave a better impression of the UST outline with less interference. The geophysical survey of the UST area indicates that the UST may have been 4' to 5' long and 3' to 4' wide lying perpendicular to the I4400 YEAGER WAY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 · PHONE (661) 831-5100 ° FAX: (661) 831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST.4 ssessm ent Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 200t For 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eldt Cali[ornia Page No. 2 edge Garage building. The geophysical survey did identify the possible location of a northern of the former dispenser which was the southern most patch within the building approximately 15' southwest of the fill pipe. The other surface patch within the building was unknown. The vent line also appears to connect to the southern most floor patch. See attached geophysical survey field notes for more detail. UNCOVERING OF UST SEI subcontracted Marcor Remediation to abandon or remove the UST at the site under a Bakersfield Fire Department permit. On August 25, 2003 the fill pipe was uncovered outside of the Garage building and appeared to continue southwesterly inside the building toward the southern floor patch. The southern floor patch turned out to be the northern end of the UST. The majority of the concrete cover was removed over the suspected UST and then uncovered with a backhoe. The UST's actual dimensions are approximately 15' long and 4' in diameter for a capacity of approximately 1,500 gallons. The louver explosion limit (LEL) within the UST was <1% indicating it was safe to cut an observation window in the top of the UST. The UST was observed to be 2/3 approximately full of drilling mud type fluids in a semi-solid state with no petroleum odor. This indicated that the UST had been previously abandoned utilizing the pre-1985 methods. On August 26, 2003 Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) inspector Mr. Steve Underwood approved the abandonment in- place as is, as long as an assessment of soil conditions beneath the UST and along the product piping was conducted per present BFD regulations. ASSESSMENT OF UST AREA Initial Assessment Of Soil Conditions SEI utilized a bac 'khoe to acquire soil samples adjacent to and beneath the existing UST to assess possible hydrocarbon impacted soil prior to final abandonment in-place. Soil samples (T1-2' and T1- 6') were collected out of the backhoe bucket at depths of 2' and 6' below the bottom of the UST as directed by the BFD inspector. Brass sleeves were filled with soil, sealed with Teflon-lined plastic caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. Additional soil samples were collected at depths of 2' and 6' beneath ground surface (bgs.) at the former dispenser location (D1-2' and D1-6')just northwest of the UST and at the fill pipe location (FP-2' and FP-6'). A 2' bgs. soil sample (P 1-2') was also collected along the piping run between the fill pipe opening and the UST. One (1) sample (T-INT) of the drilling mud within the UST was also collected to evaluate this material. These soil samples were collected with a hand-auger and placed into brass sleeves at each sampling interval then sealed with Teflon-lined plastic caps, labeled and placed in iced storage. No petroleum-impacted soil was evident in any of the soil samples collected during this assessment. The hand auger borings were backfilled with clean soil cuttings and capped with concrete if SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST,4ssessment Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 2003 For 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eld~ Cali[ornia Page No. $ appropriate. See Plate 3 for the soil sample locations. Initial Analytical Testing The UST assessment soil samples (total of 7) were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m, for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE) by EPA Method 8020b and for total lead by EPA Method 6010 at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the UST interior sample (T- INT) was analyzed for CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 6010/7471, for volatile organics by EPA Method 8260, for pH and for TPHg by EPA Method 8021B. In addition soil samples T1-2', T1-6', FP-3', FP-6' were all analyzed for Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) for lead and sample T 1-6' was also analyzed for Threshold Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for lead. INITIAL FINDINGS Analytical Results of Soil Samples The analytical results of the soil samples are sho~vn in Table 1 and indicate no detection of TPH as gasoline, BTEX or MTBE in any of the seven (7) UST assessment soil samples collected and analyzed, were elevated in soil samples TI-2', T1-6', FP-3' and FP-6' and Total lead concentrations additional analysis indicated California hazardous levels in soil sample T1-6' at 7.9 ppm STLC lead. The analytical results of the drilling mud sample (T-INT) indicate no hazardous concentrations of metals, TPHg, BTEX, pH or volatile organics. Minor BTEX concentrations were reported in this sample of no concern. See attached analytical reports and chain of custody documents for more detail. ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES Soil Borings Based on the California hazardous lead concentration in the T 1-6' soil sample additional assessment of lead content in the soil around the UST was warranted. On September 15, 2003 SEI contracted HP Labs to utilize a Strataprobe rig to advance four (4) soil borings (B-1 to B~4) to a depth of 30' within and adjacent to the UST excavation. Soil samples were collected at 5' intervals in borings B-1 and B-2 and at 10' intervals in borings B-3 and B-4 beginning at 10' below ground surface (bgs) at each location. A California registered geologist observed the drilling process. Soil samples xvere hydrocarbons (staining and odor), soil type and photo-ionization evaluated in the field for petroleum detector (PID) readings. A soil sample from each sampling interval was sealed, labeled and placed in an iced cooler. See Plate 3 for soil boring locations and attached boring logs for more detail. The borings were backfilled with bentonite. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST.,lssessment Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 2003 For 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eldt Cali[ornia Page No. 4 Analytical Testing of Additional Soil Samples Selected soil samples (10) were analyzed for total lead by EPA Method 6010 at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition the soil sample with the highest PID reading in each boring was analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015m and for volatile aromatics (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE) by EPA Method 8020b. Only soil sample B1-30' was analyzed for Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) for lead based on a slightly elevated total lead result. See Table 1 and attached analytical reports for more detail. Analytical Results of Additional Soil Samples The analytical results of the additional soil samples are shown in Table 1 and indicate no elevated detection of TPH as gasoline, BTEX or MTBE in of the four soil any (4) samples collected and analyzed for these constituents. Soil sample B1-30' had minor gasoline constituents of 100 ppm TPHg and 360 parts per billion (ppb) xylenes reported. Total lead concentrations were only slightly (61 ppm) additional STLC analysis for lead indicated non- elevated in soil sample B1-30' and hazardous concentrations (3.8 ppm). See attached analytical reports and chain of custody documents for more detail. Minor gasoline odor was noticed in soil sample B 1-30' with the highest PID reading recorded at 70 ppm. No other soil samples had any indication of gasoline or lead contamination. Conclusions & Recommendations Based on field observations and analytical results of soil samples SEI concludes the following: 1. The analytical results of the soil samples collected beneath and adjacent to the formerly active 1500-gallon gasoline UST were none detected (ND) for TPHg, BTEX and MTBE, indicating no significant release of gasoline fuel has occurred beneath or adjacent to the UST. Total lead concentrations were elevated in some soil samples adjacent to the UST and at the fill pipe with a hazardous concentration of 7.9 ppm STLC reported in sample T1-6'. Additional soil samples indicate that the California hazardous lead concentrations are restricted to the top 10' adjacent to the UST. 2. The analytical results also indicate that the interior of the UST is filled with non-hazardous drilling nmd-type material that can be safely left in-place. SEI recommends the following for this site: 1. The UST should be removed from the excavation and the lead-impacted soil removed down to a depth of at least 10' bgs.. The removed soil should be sampled and properly disposed of at a permitted facility per local, State and Federal regulations. It is estimated that SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST ,4ssessment Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 200.t For 414 19th Street in Bakersl~eld~ Cali[ornia Page No. $ approximately 50 cubic yards will be removed from the UST excavation area. Soil samples should be collected from the base and sidewalls of the excavation to confirm the successful removal of lead-impacted soil from the UST area. 2. SEI recommends that the UST be removed from the site and disposed of per local, State and Federal regulations. 3. The excavation area should be backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density along with a concrete cover matching existing surfaces. LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Coca-Cola Enterprises as it relates to the property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: - The soil sampling and water sampling performed at this site. - The observations of field personnel. laboratory tests performed by Positive Lab Services of Los Angeles, The results of California. Our understanding of the regulations of the BFD, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the DTSC and the EPA. Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions ~vhich may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of which could affect this report. The services performed by SEI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this report. SEI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found the on property. No other warranty expressed or implied is made. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. UST,4ssessment Report File No. 03-10406 Former Coca-Cola Facility September 19, 2003 For 414 19th Street in Bakers~eld~ California Page No. 6 Please call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions concerning this Robert J. Becker, R.G.., REA ~, CEG ~ .~£N ~/J/tO ~/~. ~ Envir°nmental Divisi0n M .anager_ Enclosures: Table 1, Analytical Results of Soil Samp Location Map, Plate 1 Plot Plan, Plate 2 Sample Map, Plate 3 Appendix A: Analytical Repons Appendix B: Boring Logs TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Site Assessment, Former Coca-Cola Facility, Bakersfield, CA. Other CAM Sample TPHg Volatile Organics EPA 8021B or 8260B (ppb) EPA 8260 17 Metals Sample No. Date (ppm) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes MTBE Other VOC's (ppb) Total Lead (ppm) (ppm) pH T1-2' (UST) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 61,3.8 STLC NA NA T1-6' (UST) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 170, 7.9 STLC, 0.71 TCLP NA NA D1-2' (Dispenser) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 10 NA NA D1-6' (Dispenser) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 31 NA NA P1-2' (Along Piping) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 1.7 NA NA FP-2' (Fill Pipe) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 94, 3.1 STLC NA NA FP-6' (Fill Pipe) 08/26/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 NA 72, 3.4 STLC NA NA 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene = 38, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene =76, None T-INT (Interior of UST 08/26/03 <0.5 7.4 21 18 123 <4 Naphthalene = 5.1 7.3 Elevated 9.4 B1-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.89 NA NA B1-20' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 NA NA B1-30' 09/15/03 100 <50 <50 <50 360 <50 NA 61,3.8 STLC NA B2-10' 09/15/03 N^ NA N^ NA NA NA NA 1.2 NA NA B2-15' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.9 NA NA B2-20' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.91 NA NA B2-30' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 N^ 2.9 NA NA B3-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.6 NA NA B3-20' 09/15/03 NA N^ NA NA NA NA NA 1.4 NA NA B3-30' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 < 10 <5 NA 1.6 NA NA B4-10' 09/15/03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.5 NA NA B4-20' 09/15/03 <0.5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 N^ 1.2 NA NA B4-30' 09/15/03 NA N^ NA NA NA NA NA 1 NA NA Notes:ppm=parts per million (mg/kg), ppb = parts per billion (ug/kg), TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, TPHg = as gasoline, ND = None Detected above detection limits, NA = Not Analyzed, Bold = Elevated Concentration, STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE 4400 Yeager XVay 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. · (¢i~il) 831 - 5~oo ?ROJECT: 03-]0406 Location & Hospffal Map N 21st Street Central PARK 20th Street UST- , Area reh fuseGarage Building / FORMER ,~- / COCA-COLA Office / BOTTLING Warehouse / FACILITY 19th Street sot To Scale SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Former Coca-Cola Bottling Company Facility PLATE, 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield, CA 93313Bakersfield, CA. t'% (661) 831 - 5100 ,,~o~¢~: o~_,o~o~ PIo~ Plon N 20th Street Fill ]['ipe FP-2' &-6~ East Property Vent--'~ 1 ,~o! '~' D 1_2,&~6_~:~ _~- ~ ._,-., Line Forme~,,~,.. / C ~ . _. ,Dispenser ii~.'.:iT~ !~e~l_q~.ne / B_3-ffi' B_2*i ~ _-6, B-3 Concrete 13-1~ ~ 1500 Gallon Floor Gasoline UST (Abandoned Portion In-Place) Of Building Garage Building o Soil Sample Location -q¢ Soil Boring Location 0 25' Approx, Scale 1"= 25' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Coca-Cola Garage & Truck Storage Bldg PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 414 19th St. Bakersfield,(661) 831 CA_ 510093313 Bakersfield, CA. Sample Map PROJECT: 03-10406 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix A Analytical Reports POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFTCATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering :[nc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Sample#: 20031778-00! Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:20:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: T1-2' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result Prep Date: 09/03/2003 Analysis Date: 09/03/2003 TPH-~solh~e EPA 50308 8021B/g015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Ethyl be~ene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xytene (Total) EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B ND ug/kg 10 MTI3E EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B ND u,_,/k_o 5 Sun*om~tes EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * ~ ~ Tfifluorotohtene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 98 Percent Prep Date: I)9/t12/2t)03 Analysis Date: I)9/I)2/2111)3 l.cad EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ................................................................ 61 m,_,/k~ 0 5 Sample#: 20031778-002 Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:25:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: T1-6' Para.met;er Prepl.Test;,!~!eth0d Re~u.!t Unit P..QL Prep Date: 09/02/21)05 Analysis Date: I}9/02/2003 Tl'H-Gdsoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EI'A 5030B 8021B/gO15B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 I'~thyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 15B ND ug/kg 5 Xylcne (Total) EI'A 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B ND ug/kg 5 Stu'ro~atcs EPA 5030B 8021B/g01513 * Trilluorototuene EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 104 Percent Prep Date: 1)9/02/2003 Analysis Date: 1)9/1)2/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 170 ................... !.~!.[~.g., .............. !).:~ Sample#: 20031778-003 Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:30:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: D1-2' .Po ra.m.e.. ,e.r d Result Upi.t P.o..iL Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 rl'l'l-I-C?dsoline EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 15 B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene I);PA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 20031778-003 POSITIVE ~-V 781East Washington Blvd., Los ^ngeles, C^90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSi'S Soils Engineering Znc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 933:!.3 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 1.0406-2 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: ('661) 831-S100 Fax: ('661) 831.-2111. :!:!:!:!:?:?:?:?:E:!:!:!:!:?:!:?:!:?:!:!:!:!:!:! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:!:!:?:!:!:!:! :!:!:!:?:!:?:~:~:!:! ~:!:!:! ~:!:?:?:~:?:E :!:!:!:!:!:!:!:?:~:;:!:¢!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:?:!:~:~:?:!:~:~:~:~:?:?:?:?:!:!:;:!:!:!:!:! :!:i:?:!:?:~:?:!:! ~:! ~:!:!: ~:E:!:!:! ~:~:;:~:!:!:!:!:!:!:! ~:~ :.'-:E:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:?:?:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:! ~:! ~:~:~:~:;:E:?:!:!:!:!:!:!:?:!:;:~:~:¢;:;:!:!:~::;:;:?:~:~:;:~:?:?:!:!:!:?:!:!:~:!:!:?:~:!:!: !:?:?:!:?:!:!:!:!~ Ethylbetrzene EPA 5030B 8021B/80I 5B ND us/kg 5 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND us/kg 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND us/kg 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * Trilluomtoluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 89 Percent Prep Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 Date: 09/O2/2003 l.ead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 10 m~/k,., 0 5 Sample#: 20031778-004 Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:40:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: Dl-6' ................... ................ Be~.u.!.~ .................. U0it; ............ P~L. Prep Date: 09/02/2005 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 TPll-(&~solhm EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B ND ms/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Ethytbcnzcne EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Xylene(Total) EPA 5030B g021B/g015B ND u,2/ka 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * Tritluorotoluene EPA 5030B 8(/21B/g015B 106 Percent Prell Date: 09/02/2003 Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 31 ms/k,2, 0 5 Sample-g: 20031778-005 Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/lime: 08/26/2003 1:45:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: PDT ............................... ........ ........ Unit ...... P.O..L Prepl...Ie,..t. Result Prep Date: 09/03/20113 Analysis Date: 09/03/2003 TI'Il-Gasoline EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 ND ms/kg 0.5 13cnzcnc EPA 5030B 802 IB/8015B ND us/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND us/kg 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Xylcnc (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg lO MTBE EPA 5030B 81)21 B/g015B ND us/kg 5 Sttn'ogatcs EPA 5030B 8021B/801517, * Trilluorotoluenc EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 104 Pcrccnt Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Date: Analysis O9/02/2O03 Lead EI'A 3050B EPA 6010B 1.7 rog/kg 0.5 2 20031778-005 POSITIVE ~-~ 781East Washington BIvd., Los An§eles, CAg0021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSZS Soils Engineering i'n¢. 09/03/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 ~!!!!!:*~.?~?.?3.:::.::!::!~!:~:~!?5!!:~:~:~:?/~:~!:~?~!:!:?!:.:~!:~!!!?3.!:~!:.?.!:.~::!:~!:~?~!:~?~!:~?~!:~:*.!!?~!:~!:~:**~!?~!~..:*:!!!?~!..:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;*~;~;*~;*~;~!:~!:.!~!..:.::~!!?*!:3.!:.!:~!!?}!:?/::~?~;*~;**:!:.?}?} Sample#: 20031778-006 Collector: Client Method: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/:27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/2.6/2003 1:50:00 PM Type: Soil :I.D.: FP-2' .Pa.r. am.e~er ................................... Prep/Te.s,t .He.tho.d.. .............. Rgs.u.!t .................. U!!it .............. PO..L Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 TPl-l-C?~soline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xvlene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 IVI~IT3 E EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 SmTo,-'atcs EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * 'l'rifluorotoluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 105 Percent Prep Date: (}9/02/2005 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 .!5!!~ ..................................................................................... [~!.~.?!~!!.E......[~.~.!~!.!!.E .............................. '~ .......................... !!!.~(~. .............. ~.!:.s.... Sample#: 20031778-007 Collector: Client Hethod: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Samplino Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:55:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: FP-6' ..Par. a.m~r ................................. Pr. ep/T~s.t**..H~l;h.pc! ................ Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 '1'1>I l-(.k~solinc EPA 5030B 81)21B/8015B ND rog/kg 0.5 Bcnzcnc EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 NI) ug/kg 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylcnc (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 ND ug/kg 5 Sum)gates EPA 5030B 8(/21B/8015B * Trilhtorotolucne EPA 5030B 8021 B/8¢) 1513 104 Percent Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 .!:s!!~ !}.[~...~!!~.!!.E.........E!~E ~.!~..!.!?.r~ .................................. 7~. ............................................. .~.~.~. ....................... ~.!:.~ .... Sample#: 20031778-008 Collector: Client Hethod: Via: Fed-Ex Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:28:00 PM Type: Soil T.D.: T-[NT ..P~ r.a.m.et~r .................................. Pm.~lT. es~..Het, h.0~ ........Result U~it~ ............. P,Q.L Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 TI'I I-Gasoline EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B N'D rog/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 802 IB/8015B ND ug/kg 5 3 20031778-008 I POSITIVE I ~~ 781East Washington Blvd., Los An§eles, CA90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I CERTZFICATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering Znc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 9331.3 No. 03-1.0406 P.O. No. 1.0406-2 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 18 ug/kg 5 I Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 121) u,,/ko 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ue/ke,, -o 5 Stm'ogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B * Tritluomtoluene EPA 5030B 802 lB/8015B C)eluth~g P Percent I Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Antilnony EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog~kg 0 Arsenic EPA 3050B EPA6010B 4.2 rog/kg I Barium EPA 3050B EPA6010B 90 rog/kg 13erytlimn EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND rog/kg Cadmium EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog/kg i Chromiuxn EPA 3050B EPA6010B 9.5 rog/kg Cobalt EPA 3050B EPA6010B 2.6 rog/kg Copper EPA 3050B EPA6010B I I rog/kg Lead EPA 3050B EPA6010B 7.3 rog/kg 0.5 I Molybdenum EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog/kg 5 Nickel EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 12 rog/kg 2 Y, clcnium EPA 305013 EPA 6010B NI) rog/kg 1 i Silver EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND rog/kg 1 'lhallium liPA 3050B EPA 601 OB ND mg&g 1 Vanadium EPA 3050B EPA6010B 9.4 rog/kg 1 Zinc EI'A 3050B EPA 6010B 30 rog/kg 5 Prep Date: 119/I)2/21)1)3 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 Mcrcttrv EPA 7471A EPA 7471A ND rog/kg 0.1 Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 I pll EPA 91)45 9.4 Units ().05 Prep Date: I)8/28/21}1)3 Analysis Date: 08/28/2003 l)ichlorodilluoromethm~e EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorolnethanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I Vinyl chloride EPA 5030B EPA 826013 NI) 4 I;romoxnethane EI'A 5030B liPA 8260B NI) ug/kg 4 Chkm)ethane F, PA 5030B EPA 8260B NI) ug/kg 4 I Trichlorolluoromethane EPA 503013 EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Acetone liPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 80 Carbon disulfide EI'A 5030B liPA 8260B ND ug/kg 40 i 1,l-l)ichkm)ethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Methylene chloride I','PA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 20 lrans-l,2-dichlomethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I,l-I)ichloroethane EI'A 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I Vinylacetate EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 411 2,2-1)ichloropropttnc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 cis-1,2-1)ichk>rocthcne I','PA 5030B EPA 8261)13 ND ug/kg 4 I 2-1:httanonc (MEK) I£PA 5030B EPA826013 ND ug/kg 40 13romochlorolnethane EPA 5030B EPA826(')13 ND ug/kg 4 4 20031778-008 I I ,an POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFI'CATE OF ANALYSZS Soils Engineering Znc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 Yeager Way 4400 Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: ('661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Chloi'ofom~ EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 l.l.l-Trichlorocthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Carbon tetrachlofide EPAS030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.l-Dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Benzene EPA5030B EPA8260B 7.4 ug/kg 4 1.2-Dichlox*octhane EPA5030B EPA8260B 4 Trichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2-Dichloropmpane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Dibromomethan¢ EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Ih'omodichkmm~ethane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 2-ChlorocthyMnylether EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 40 cis-l.3-Dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 4-Methyl-2-pentanone EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg Toluene EPA 5030B EPA8260B 21 ug/kg 4 trans-l.3-dichlompropcn¢ EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I.I.2-Triclfloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Tcm~chlorocthenc EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.3-I)ichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 2-1 lcxtulOllC EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 40 l)ibromochloromcthane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2-Dibromoethane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Chlm'obenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ttg/k,g 4 I. I. 1,2.-Tctrachloroethane EPA 5(}3(}B EPA 8260B ND 4 Ethylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B 15 ug/kg 4 Para and Meta Xylenes EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 94 ug/kg 4 o-Xylcne EPA 5030B EPA8260B 29 ug/kg 4 Styrene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ti,g/kg 4 lh*omofom~ EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Isop'opylbenzene EI'A 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Ih'omobcnzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 l,l.2~2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug&g 4 1,2,3-Trichkm)propane EPA 5030B EPA 826013 ND ug/kg 4 N-l'ropylbenzcnc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B NI) ug/kg 4 2-Chlorotolucne EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 4-Chlorotoluene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1,3.5-'"methylbcnzcne EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 38 ug/kg 4 tcrt-llutylbenzcnc EI'A 5030B EPA 826013 NI) ug/kg 4 1,2,4-Trimethylbcnzenc EPA 51)30B EPA 8260B 76 ug/kg 4 scc-Butylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug&g 4 1,3-1)ichlorobenzcne EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND 4 ug/kg 4-1sopropyl toluene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1,4-Dichlorobenzcne [!PA 5030B EPA 8260B N1) ug/kg 4 1,2-1)ichlorobcnzcnc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 n-Butylbcnzcnc EI'A 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I5 20031778-008 nPOSITIVE ~_~r 78] East Washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 Yeager Way 4400 Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 At/n: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 :~:~:!:~:!:!:?:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:!:! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:~:! :~:~:!:!:! :~:~:~:~:~:?:~ :!: ~:~ :~ :!:!:~:!:~:!:!:~:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:~:?2~:?:?:!:!:?:~:~:!:!:?:!:?:!:~:!:~:!:!:! :.-':!:! ~:!:!:~:!:~:!:~:?:~:~:!:~:?:!:!:!:! ~ :!:!:!:!:!:! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:!:!:~:~:~:?:!:? ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !2!: !2!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:! 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2.4-Trichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Hexachlorobutadiene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 N;,phthalene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 5.1 ug/kg 4 1.2.3-Tfichlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 MTBE EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ttg/kg 4 1.4-Dioxtme EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 80 StuTogates EPA 5030B EPA8260B * l)ibromoth~orometh~me EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 89 Percent Tohtene 1)-8 EPA 5030B EPA8260B 144 Percent 4-13romolluorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B 99 Percent Sample#: 20031778-009 Collector: Method: Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: Type: Soil I.D.: Method Blank Para.m~/;~r .............................. Pr. epl. Te.s.t,M elLh.p.d, ........ : Result .......... U!~i~; ............. Prep Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 'l'l'll-~tsolh~e EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND lng/kg 0.5 I lcnzcnc EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND u-/k,, 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylene(Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 MTI3E EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 8021B/8015 B * Tfithtorotolucnc EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 104 Percent Prel) Date: 09/02/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2003 Antimony EPA 3050B EPA 6010B Nl) rog/kg 1(} Arsenic EPA 3050B EPA601013 ND rog/kg I.~afium EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND lllg/kg I~cryllium EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog/kg Cadmium liPA 3050B EPA6011)B ND mg&g Chromiuxn EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog/kg Cobalt EPA 3050B EPA 6010B Nl) rog/kg Copper EPA 3050B EPA6010B ND rog/kg Lcad EPA 3050B EPA6011)B ND mg&g 0.5 Molybdenum EI'A 3050B EPA6010B N1) mg&g 5 Nickel EPA 3050B EPA 6010B NI) mg&g 2 Sclenittm EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND rog/kg I Silver EI'A 3050B EPA6010B Nl) rog/kg l 'llwllium EPA 3050B EPA 60 lOB NI) rog/kg 1 Vanadium EPA 3050B EPA 601013 ND rog/kg 1 Zinc EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND rog/kg 5 6 20031778-009 POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering Znc. 09/03/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 AU:n: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: {661) 831-2111 Prep Date: I)9/I)2/2003 Analysis Date: 09/02/2005 Mercury EPA 747 lA EPA 747 IA ND rog/kg O. l Prep Date: 119/I}2/21}03 Analysis Date: 09/02/21103 pl I EPA 9045 ND 1/nits 0.05 Prep Date: 08/28/2003 Analysis Date: 08/28/2003 l)ichlorodilhtoromethane EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 Chloromethane EPA5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 Vinylchloride EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 13romomethm~e EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorocthane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Tricldorotluoromethm~e EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Acetone EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 80 Carbon disullld¢ EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 40 I. I -l)ichlomethen¢ EPA 5030B EPA 8260B N'D ug/kg 4 IVlcthylenechloride EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 20 mms-l.2-dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND 4 ].l-Dichloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Vinyl acetate EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 40 2.2-Dichloropropane EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 cis-l.2-Dichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 2-Butanone (MEK) EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 40 13mmochloro~nethane EPA 5030B EPAg26()B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorofimn EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I.l.l-Trictflorocthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Ctu'bolltetrachloridc EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I. I -Dichloropropcne EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Benzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1,2-1)ichlorocthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Trichloroethene EPA 5030B EPA8260B N1) %&: 4 1.2-1)ichloropropanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I)ibromomcthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND uo/ko 4 lh'omodiclfloromcthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 2-Chloroethylvinylcther EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND 40 ttg/kg cis-l,3-l)ichloropropcne EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ttg/kg 4 4-Methyl-2-pentmmne EI'A 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 40 Toluene EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 trans-l,3-dichloropropene EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 I. 1.2:l'richlorocthunc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Tctrachlorocthcnc EPA 5030B EPA82601:/ ND ug/kg 4 1,3-1)ichloropropane EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND rig/kg 4 2-11cxunonc EP^ 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 40 I)ibromochloro~ncthane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ttg/kg 4 1.2-1) bmmocthanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Chlorobenzene EPA 5030B EPA826013 N'I) tt,,~g 4 7 20031778-009 I nPOSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Inc. 09/03/03 I File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 P.O.No. 10406-2 I Attn: Robert Becker Phone: ('661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 I.l,l.2.-Tetrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I Ethylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Para and Meta Xvlenes EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 o-Xylene EPA5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I St.wene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 Bromoform EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug&g 4 lsopropylbenzene EPA5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 Bromobcnzenc EPA5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I l.l.2.2-Tctrachloroethane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B 4 1.2.3-Trichloropropm~e EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 N-Propylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 I 2oChlorotoluene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 4-Chlorotoluene EPA 5(')3()B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.3.5-Tfimethylbcnzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 i tert-Butylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2.4-Trimethylbcnzene EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 scc-Butylbenzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.3-1)ichlorobenzcnc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I 4-1sopropyltoltxene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.4-Dichlorobcnzene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2-1)ichlorobenzene EPA 5f)30B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 I n-Butylbcnzenc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND u,,/kg 4 1.2-1)ibromo-3-chloropropane EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 1.2,4-Tfichlorobenzcne EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 llexachlorobutadiene EPA 5030B EPAg260B ND ug/kg 4 I Naphthalene EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND 4 1.2,3-Tdclflo,'obcnzene EPA 5()3(')B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 4 MTFIE EPA 5030B EPA8260B ND ug&g 4 I 1.4-Dioxanc EPA 5030B EPA 8260B ND ug/kg 80 Sm'rogatcs EPA 5030B EPA 826013 * I)ihmmofluoromcthanc E1)A 5030B EPA 8260B 84 Percent i Tohtcnel)-8 EPA 5030B EPA8260B 93 Percent 4-11romolluorobcnzcnc EPA5030B EPA8260B 91) I'crcent NI) = Not Detected NA = Not Applicable (1~ · P()I,: Practical Quantitation Limit l';nviromncntal Laboratory Accreditation Pro,am Cc~lilicate No. 1131. LACSD No. 10138 Any remaining sample(s) f[q' testing will be disposed o1'30 days l?onl receipt date tlnlcss notilicd. g 20031778-009 POSITIVE · r 781 East Washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CA 9002 ] LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213)745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32408260-1 REPORT NO: 20031778 DATE EXTRACTED: 08/28/& 29/03 MATRIX: Soil DATE ANALYZED: 08/28 & 29/03 METHOD: EPA 8260B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD32408260 AMT AMT SPK REC SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT PARAMETER UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD 1,1 DICHLOROETHENE LCS 20 14.6 73% LCSD 20 14.9 74% 79-123 -2% BENZENE LCS 20 16.7 83% LCSD 20 17.6 88% 87-129 -5% TRICHLOROETHENE LCS 20 19.2 96% LCSD 20 21.0 105% 87-132 -9% TOLUENE LCS 20 17.9 89% LCSD 20 19.1 96% 83-130 -7% CHLOROBENZENE LCS 20 18.7 93% LCSD 20 20.2 101% 89-129 -8% MTBE LCS 20 16.5 83% LCSD 20 17.8 89% 67-114 -8% TOLUENE D-8 (SURROGATE) LCS 10 9.10 91% LCSD 10 9.18 92% 87-113 -1% S: Spike DS: Duplicate Spike LCS: Laboratory Control Sample LCSD: Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD: Relative Percent Difference ND: None Detected 9/8/03 POSITIVE ~~ 781EastWashingtonBlvd.,LosAngeles, CAg0021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32458015/8021-1 REPORT NO: 20031778 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/02-09/03/2003 MATRIX: SOIL DATE ANALYZED: 09/02-09/03/2003 METHOD: EPA 8021B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD-32458021-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT PARAMETER UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD BENZENE LCS 100 107.0 107% LCSD 100 100.1 100% 67-128 7% TOLUENE LCS 100 104.9 105% LCSD 100 98.0 98% 62-120 7% ETHYLBENZENE LCS 100 104.8 105% LCSD 100 98.0 98% 56-132 7% M+P XYLENES LCS 200 206 103% M+P XYLENES LCSD 200 189 95% 61-128 8% O-XYLENE LCS 100 106.9 107% O-XYLENE LCSD 100 101.5 102% 61-128 5% MTBE LCS 100 101.5 102% LCSD 100 106.3 106% 50-116 5% SURROGATE LCS 30 34.4 115% TRIFLUOROTOLUENE LCSD 30 32.7 109% 66-121 5% I S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike I LCS = Laboratory Control Sample LCSD = Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference I ND = None Detected I POSITIVE I ~-V 781East Washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CAg0021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I QUALITY CONTROL DATA ! CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32458015/8021-1 I REPORT NO: 20031778 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/02-09/03/2003 MATRIX: SOIL DATE ANALYZED: 09/02-09/03/2003 METHOD: EPA 8015B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD-32458015-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC, % ACCEPT % PARAMETER MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD GASOLINE LCS 0.910 0.872 96% LCSD 0.910 0.960 105% 67-143 10% I i S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike LCS =Laboratory Control Sample LCSD =Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate IRPD = Relative Percent Difference ND -- None Detected ! I I I II II I ,~ ,~1 POSITIVE AB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX(213) 745-6372 LOG BOOK NO..~ FILENO. LABNO. ' ~ ~ , - ProjectName/No. ~-~/~~ P.O. NO. /~_~ AIRBILLNO:~ CLIENT NAME: /~ ~ ~ / ~ ~/~ ~ . _ ~ ~ COOLER TEMP: .. ANALYSES REQUESTEB: ADDRESS: ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ '~/~ PRESERVED:.~ P O: PROJECT MANAGER: ~, ~ ~ ~/~/~o?X NO: ~/, ~/// ~ REMARKS: SAMPLER NAME: ~ ~ ~~ ~ (Signature~~~ .~ ~ TAT(Anal~icalTurnAroundTime) 0=Sameday; 1=24Hour; 2=48Hour;(Etc.)N=NORMA~ ~ ~ ~ ~', CONTAINER ~PES: B = Brass, E = Encore G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = VOA Vial, O = Other: ~ ~ " MATRIX CONTAINER ~ SAMPLE CONDITIO~ SAMPLE DATE TIME sAMPLE DESCRIPTION ~ ID SAMPLED SAMPLED WATER SOIL SLUDGE OTHER TAT CONTAINE~COMMENTS: ) Relinquished By: (Signature and P~~..~~ Rece~d By: (Signature and Printed Name, _~ ~ ~ .~ ~~ ~.'~' ~te:, Time: ,AMPLE. SamplesDISPOSITION:returned ,o client? YES Relinqui~: JSianature~nd~d~ed Name) ~ hecei~~me) ~~ re: { Ti~: ' ~/'~. )~'~ ~/Jl ;~ /~ ~/~~ ~ ~~'.~ 2. Sampleswillnotbestoredover30days, unlessadditional storage time is requested. ~'1~ ~ Received By~a~d Prin(ed ~ Date: Time: Relinquished By: (Signature and Printed Name) 3. Storage time requested: days SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: By Date I.AD COPY POSITIVE ~~r LAB SERVICE 781 EastWash,n§tonBlvd.,LosAn§eles, CA g0021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 Quality Control Report Post Leaching Spike Client: Soils Engineering, Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 QC Sample ID: 20031820-001 Date Analyzed: 9/5/2003 Report No.: 2003-1832 Batch: 2003246-STLC Units: mg/l Sample Spike Acceptance Element Amount Added [ Recov'd %R Range% Lead [ 0.141 [ 5 [ 4.98 I 97 [ 70-130 '1 Dup denotes duplicate %R denotes percent recovery NA denotes not applicable ,! '1 I ! ,4r POSITIVE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I ~ Quality Control Report Laboratory Check Sample I Soils Engineering, Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 ii!clhl tN; 2003246-STLC Date Analyzed: 9/5/2003 I o 2003-1832 Units: mg/l I Spike Acceptance Element Added [ Recov'd %R Range ILead [ 5 [4.42 [ 88 [ 80-120 I I I I I I ! POSITIVE I ~r ~ ~ ~,,~o~ ~,~., ~o~ ^~e,~, C^ ~00~ LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I Quality Control Report Post Leaching Spike I Client: Soils Engineering, Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 QC Sample ID: 20031820-001 Date Analyzed: 9/5/2003 I Report No.: 2003-1832 Batch: 2003246-STLC Units: m~l I Sample Spike Acceptance Element Amount Added [ Recov'd %R Range% ILead [ o.~4~ [ 5 [4.98197170-130 I Dup denotes duplicate %R denotes percent/'ecove/y NA denotes not applicable ! I i ! POSITIVE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 9002] I [~!-~ LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I Quality Control Report o La~oratory Check Sample I ' : Soils Engineering, Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 ::~ohr tN; 2003246-STLC Date Analyzed: 9/5/2003 i o 2003-1832 Units: mg/l I Spike Acceptance Element Added [ Recov'd °AR Range I Lead [ 5 [ 4.42 [ 88 [ 80-120 I I I I I I i m POSITIVE I ~[~ LAB SERVICE 781EastWashingtonBIvd.,LosAngeles, CA90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 m CERTI'FI'CATE OF ANALYSZS Soils Engineering Inc. 09/05/03 File# 73443 m 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 m Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Sample#: 20031832-001 Collector: Client Method: Fax Order 9/3/03 m Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:20:00 PM Type: Soil T.D.: T1-2' m . . Unit POL Parameter Prep/Test Method Prep Date: 09/03/2003 Analysis Date: 09/05/2003 Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B 3.8 mo./l 0.05 Sample#: 20031832-002 Collector: Client Method: Fax Order 9/3/03 Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:25:00 PM Type: Soil m I.D.: T1-6' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result Unit POL Prep Date: I19/I13/2003 Analysis Date: 09/05/2003 m l,cad, STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B 7.9 0.05 lllg/1 Pm'el} Date: 09/03/2003 Analysis Date: 09/04/2003 Lead. TCLP EPA 1311 EPA 6010B 0.71 .......... - ............................................ ~ne/l 0 005 m Sample#: 20031832-003 Collector: Client Method: Fax Order 9/3/03 Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:50:00 PM Type: Soil m I.D.: FP-3' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result Unit POL Pm'eI} Date: 119/03/2003 Analysis Date: 09/05/2003 m Lead, S'H,C WET/3010A EPA6010B 3.1 me/1 0.05 Sample#: 20031832-004 Collector: Client Method: Fax Order 9/3/03 Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 08/26/2003 1:55:00 PM m Type: Soil T.D.: FP-6' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result . Unit. POL · Prep Date: I19/113/2003 Analysis Date: I19/115/211113 · Lead, STLC WEq73010A EPA6010B 3.4 rog/1 0.05 Sample#: 20031832-005 Collector: Method: m Received: 08/27/2003 Sampling Date/Time: Type: Soil I.D.: Method Blank h.o..d Prell Date: 09/03/2003 Analysis Date: I19/115/211113 Lead, SFJ'LC WE173010A EPA6OIOB ND mg/l 0.05 m Pm-ei} Date: 09/03/2003 Analysis Date: 09/04/21}03 Lead, TCLP EPA 1311 EPA 6010B ND ~ng/1 0.5 mI 20031832-005 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SF:R.V'ICF (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering Inc. 09105103 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 No. 03-10406 At-tn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 I = Not Detected Authorized re(s) NA = Not Applicable PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit Envirotm~ental Laboratory Accreditation Progn-am Certificate No. 1131, LACSD No. 10138 .MLv remaining sample(s) tbr testing will be disposed of 30 days t?om receipt date unless notitied. I ! 2 20031832-005 ! POSITIVE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 r~ Quality Control Report i Post Leaching Spike Client: Soils Engineering Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 I QC Sample ID: 20031820-001 Date Analyzed: 9/4/2003 Report No.: 2003-1832 Batch: 2003246-TCLP Units: I Sample Spike Acceptance Element Amount Added [ Recov'd %R Range% I Lead I 0.0~ I 0.5 I 0.45 I 88 I 70-130 I I Dup denotes duplicate %R denotes percent recovery NA denotes not applicable ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I ~OPOSITIVE I ~~' t. Ag SI:=RVICF 781 East WashingtonBIvd.,LosAngeles, CA90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I Quality Control Report i Laboratory Check Sample Client: Soils Engineering Inc. Date Prepared: 9/3/2003 i Batch No.: 2003246-TCLP Date Analyzed: 9/4/2003 Report No.: 2003-1832 Units: mg/l I Spike Acceptance Element Added [ Recov'd %R Range I Lead [ 0.5 [ 0.47 I 94 I 80-120 I I I I I I I i I I I I :* ~Mir~.~.~-.,,l~l[.[~/;c...:,:,.-,.: :.: :CHAIN'OF:CUSTODY'AND ANALYSIS REQUEST -,/.; / > ' ' "?~.'?::':.'!'i'-:i~-g::~:., ~~~3'i~1~[:.,~" :':--'-~'.:~'- "' .. ','.' :~' ~~7~E~B~:;SERV i'~ E,..(~3) 745~312' .FAX (213) 745~372 ' · - LOG BOOK NO . ELK NO. . ........ . · ~,.~_ , , '. Proje~ N~o. P.O. NO. ~' ~ ' C00LER'T~P: :. ~DRE~::'.,...' :' .-; :: - ' ' ':'" . . ~--.~.- . / ..... ,-. - , ..... .pRESERVED;~ ""'ID:-''''~.S~PLED SAMP~D .. · 'SA~PLEDESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~. o~.~. TAT · ~[ " CONTAtNE~CO~S: '-'."::::. ' ", -': : t~ ~.r.. .... ~- 4~ ~ ~X xXX)/''~,~. . ':-:"~-'":: :-.'"'? '['? "/~"w ~-,z ' ~ (~~ · ":" - ii " '::-:' ?"'"' t:' ~.;~ ~ / _ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~Z-2~ .., ~ ~ ~ addillonal sto~ge ~me is ~uesl~. .... SP(C~ IN.RUmOrS: By Dale CUENT COPY SEP'O3-ZO03 09:08AM FRO~$OILSENCiINEERIN(; 681-831-~'111 T-808 P.OO1/OOe F-O03 . SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 ¥¢ager Way /~1¢~- Bakersfield, CA 93313 66 !-$31-5100 661-831-2111 Fax Transmittal Sheet BA?E: Septembor 3, 2003 TIME: 8:45 AM. 10: John $chmidt PHONE: 215-74§-§312 Positive Lab Service FAX: 213-745-6372 FROM: Bob Becker PHONE: (661) 831-5100 FAX: (661) 831-2111 RE: Additional Analysis CC: Number of pages including cover sheet: ( 2 ) Message Jolm - Here is a COC with additional sampling requests for lab# 20031778 T1-2' for STLC Lead T1-6' for STLC & TCLP Lead FP-2' for STLC Lead FP-6' for STLC Lead 2 day TAT is requested Please call me at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions. Bob I . . 4400 YEAGER WAY ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ' PHONE(861)831-5100 ' FAX:(661)831-2111 I POSITIVE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Znc. 09/Z8/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 933:!.3 PO# 10406-P CC/#10406 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 83~-5~00 Fax: ~661~ 83~-211! Sample#: 20031917-001 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 9:40:00 AM Type: Soil Z.D,: Bi-10' . . POL .. Parameter ....................... ,..........,.........: .....,...... Prep/Test . ....,..... :............. Method........ ...... ........~ ..... Result ............ ........... . Unit..... ........ .........~..... Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lez,d EPA3050B EPA6010B 0.89 rog/kg 0.5 Prep Date: I)9/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead, STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B NA m~/l ) )5 Sample#: 20031917-002 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 10:10:00 AM Type: Soil I.D.: B~-20' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result Unit POL Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 14 rog/kg 0.5 Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead, STLC WET/3010A EPA 6010B NA m~/l 0 05 Sample#: 20031917-003 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 10:40:00 AM Type: Soil I.D.: B1-30' .Par.~.m.et~r ................................ Pre. pl]~.e.s~;..H..et h..o..d .............. R~..u.!.t; ........ .~J0.it PO.,..L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 61 rog/kg 0.5 Prep Date: 09/16/201}3 Analysis Date: 09/18/2003 Lead, S'H~C WET/3010A EPA 6010B 3.8 mg/l 0.05 Prep Date: 09/17/2003 Amdysis Date: 09/17/2003 TI'H-Gasoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 100 rog/kg 5 Ilcttzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 50 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 50 I'~thyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015 B ND ug/kg 50 Xylcne ('['otal) EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 360 ug/kg 1 O0 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 50 Nttm~gatcs EPA 5030B 8021B/801513 * Trifluorotolucnc EPA 5030B 8021 B/8¢115B 97 I'crccnt I i1 20031917-003 POSITIVE ~r 781 Fast Was,in§ton BIYd., Los ^n§el~s, C^ 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFTCATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering [nc. 09/18/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 933:13 PO# 10406-P CC/#10406 Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-S100 Fax: (661) 83:1-21:1:1 Sample#: 20031917-004 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 11:05:00 AH Type: Soil I.D.: B2-10' .Par. am.e~er P~eplTe~;,M..e~hqd. Re.~p!,t U~it PQ.L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 1.2 rog/kg 0.5 Prel) Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Leud. STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B NA m,_,/1 0.05 Sample#: 20031917-005 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Samplino Date]Time: 09/15/2003 11:15:00 AM Type: Soil I.D.: B2-15' .Parameter ............................... P rep/...Tes:~..Het!!o.d. ................. Re.s.p.!.t ................. Uni~ ............. P~.L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/21103 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 3.9 rog/kg 0.5 Prep Date: 09/1612003 Analysis Date: Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B NA me/1 0.05 Sample#: 20031917-006 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 11:25:00 AM Type: Soil I.D.: B2-20' .Pa. rame!;er ................................. Prepl. Te$l;..Heth.o.d. ................ Res.pit ........... !J~it ....... PO..L Prei) Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EP^ 3050B EPA6010B 0.91 rog/kg I).5 Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: .!:~.~...,S.~.?. w~.T./.~.o..!.!!5....E.P.~. ~.!!.! !!..E ~. ?.~ ......................... !!.:!).~ .... Sample#: 20031917-007 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 12:10:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: B2-30' ,Parameter ................. Pre. p/Test Method .......... Re.~..u. !.t. .................... U.n,. i~ ............. p~...L, Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 I,cad EPA 3050B EPA 60 lOB 2.9 rog/kg 0.5 PreI) Date: 09/16/2(}03 Analysis Date: l,ead, STLC WF, T/3010A EPA6010B NA mg/l 0.05 Prep Date: 09/17/2003 Analysis Date: 09/17/2003 '11'1 l-(hsoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015 B ND ~ng/kg 0.5 I~cnzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015 B ND ug/kg 5 2 20031917-007 all POSITIVE I~ ~' ' 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTI'FZCATE OF ANALYSTS Soils Engineering Inc. 09/18/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PO# 10406-P CC1#10406 AU:n: Robert Becker Phone: ('661) 831-S100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND ug/kg 5 Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND ug/kg 10 MTBE EPA 5030B g021B/8015B ND ug/kg 5 Sun'ogates EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B * Tritluorotoluene EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 15B 95 Percent Sample#: 20031917-008 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 12:30:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: B3-10' .Pi!r~.me..t;~r ................................... P ~ep./.~....M...e.U~.oc! ................ ..R.e.~..u!..t .................. Un. it; ............ P..o...L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 l. ead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 3.6 ms/kg 0.5 Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA 601 OB NA mg/l !!:!!.~ .... Sample#: 20031917-009 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 12:40:00 PM lype: Soil I.D.: B3-20' Par.am.~? ................................. P r. ep./...T,e~; .:M...~U!..o.d, ................. p~.~s...p.!.~t .................. Q~i.t., ........... p, ol, Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 1.4 ms/kg 0.5 Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B NA mg/l I).05 Prep Date: 119/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Tl'H-Oasolh~e EPA 5030B 8021B/8(}15B ND ms/kg 0.5 Benzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 15B ND ug/kg 5 Ethyl benzene EPA 5030B 8021 B/go 1513 ND 5 Xylene (Total) EI'A 5030B 8021B/80151t ND ug/kg 10 MTBE EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND ug&g 5 Surrogates EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B * Trithmrotoluene liPA 5030B 8021 B/go 151:3 87 Percent Sample#: 20031917-010 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 12:50:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: B3-30' .Pi~.rp..m...eter ................................ Prep/Test Method ..... R.e~;p!..t Up!t. ............. PQ.L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 1.6 ms/kg 0.5 Pl'ep Date: 119/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead, STLC WET/3010A EI'A6010B NA mg/l 0.05 3 20031917-010 I nPOSITIVE I J~l~~' LAB SFR~/ICF 781East Washington Blvd,, Los An§eles, CAg0021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I CERTTFTCATE OF ANALYSIS Soils Engineering Znc. 09/18/03 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PO# 10406-P CC/#10406 i Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-S100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Sample#: 20031917-011 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS I Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 1:20:00 PM Type: Soil I.D.: B4-10' I Result Unit POL Parameter Prep/Test Method Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 1.5 ms/kg 0.5 I Pm'ep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead. STLC ' ....................... WET/3010A EPA 6010B NA nm/1 0.05 Sample#: 20031917-012 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS 'l Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 1:30:00 PM · Type: Soil I.D.: B4-20' I .Para.meter ................................ Prepl.~es,t..H~t~.0d ............. Resu!.t .................. U~it ............ P~.L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6(.)10B 1.2 ms/kg 0.5 I Pm'ep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA6010B NA ms/1 0.05 Pm'ep Date: I}9/16/21}113 Analysis Date: 09/16/2003 Tlql-Chsoline EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND llle,/k~ 0.5 l:/enzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Toluene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 Ethyl be~tzene EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg 5 I Xylene (Total) EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND us/kg I 0 MIT3E EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B Nil us/kg 5 Sm'rogates EPA 5030B 81)21B/8015B * Tritluorotoluene iEPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 91 Percen~ Sample#: 20031917-013 Collector: Client Method: Via: UPS Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: 09/15/2003 1:35:00 PM Type: Soil I I.D.: B4-30' Parameter Prep/Test Method Result Unit POL I Pm'ep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: I)9/16/2005 Lead EPA 3050B EPA6010B 1.0 ms/kg 0.5 Pm'eI} Date: 0911612003 Analysis Date: I Lead. STLC WET/3010A EPA 6010B NA mg/l 0.05 I i4 20031917-013 I POSITIVE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTZFZCATE OF ANALYSZS i Soils Engineering Znc. 09/1.8103 File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 PO# 10406-P i Attn: Robert Becker CC1#~0406 Phone: (661) 831.-5:[00 Fax: ('661} 831-211! Sample#: 20031917-014 Collector: t4ethod: Received: 09/15/2003 Sampling Date/Time: Type: $oil LD.: Method Blank I .Parameter .................. ,~rep/Tes.t .Method .... . ....... R. es.u..!t ................... U~it ............ PO..L Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Anah'sis Date: 09/16/2003 Lead EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND ma/kg 0.5 I Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: 09/18/2003 Le~,d. SI-LC WET/3010A EPA 6010B ND mg/] 0.05 ',-,, .... Prep Date: 09/16/2003 Analysis Date: I)9/16/2003 ,t rt-~som~e EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND nm/ko_ 0.5 II EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND u"/kg 5 H)mene EPA 5030B 8021B/g015B ND u~,/k- .Eft?l benzene EPA 5030B 802 lB/g015B ND ua/k- II EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B ND i.l~/'k~ 10 ,.M FBE EPA 5030g 8021 B/S015B ND t,~/k~, S ~m'ro,2atcs EPA 5030B 8021 B/g015 B * I l Tfitluorotolucne EPA 5030B 8021B/8015B 86 Percent I I N' ' / ,/~/f,~'5'?'i )~.=~'~otA licable ' ~ · . ~ , ~' : PQL = Practical Quantitation Linfit ~// / ' ' I:;nvironmental Laboratory Accreditation Prognm~ Ccrtilicate No. 1131, LACSD No. I Any remaining sample(s) lbr testing will he disposed of 30 days l?om receipt date unless notilied. I i5 20031917-014 ,4n POSITIVE 78~ East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 9002] (21 3) 745-53~ 2 FAX (213) 745-6372 Quality Control Report Post Leaching Spike Client: Soils Engineering Inc. Date Prepared: 9/16/2003 QC Sample ID: 20031903-001 Date Analyzed: 9/18/2003 Report No.: 2003-1917 Batch: 2003259-STLC Units: mg/l Sample Spike Acceptance Element Amount Added I Recov'd %R Range% Lead [ 9.155 [ 5 [ 14.00 I 97 I 70-130 Dup denotes duplicate %R denotes percent recovery NA denotes not applicable POSITIVE ~' 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 Quality Control Report o Laboratory Check Sample C Soils Engineering Inc. Date Prepared: 9/16/2003 ~ ~Cohr tN; ': 2003259-STLC Date Analyzed: 9/18/2003 o 2003-1917 Units: m~l Spike Acceptance Element Added I Recov'd %R Range Lead I 5 [ 4.52 I 90 I 80-120 I POSITIVE I /~ 781East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CAg0021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I Quality Control Report i Matrix Spike & Duplicate Spike ?lient: Soils Engineering Inc. Date Digested: 09/16/03 C Sample: 20031917-002 Date Analyzed: 09/16/03 eport No.: 2003-1917 Batch: 2003259-3050-2 Units: rog/kg [ Sample Spike Spike Dup Acceptance Element Amount Added [Recov'd Added IRecov'd %R %RD Range% %RPD lead I 14.261 SO [ 60.1 150 161.3[ 92 194 [ 70-130 [ 3 1 I Dup denotes duplicate iRdenotes percent recovery I i I I I I I 1 I I I ~n POSITIVE I ~~ 781East Washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CAg0021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I Quality Control Report Laboratory Check Sample I~lient: Soils Engineering Inc. Date Digested: 9/16/2003 Batch No.: 2003259-3050-2 Date Analyzed: 9/16/2003 Iteport No.: 2003-1917 Units:mg/kg Spike Acceptance [lement' Added ] Recov'd %R Range ~ead [ 50 [ 48.3 [ 97 I 80-120 · I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ~!5 POSITIVE ~,~,o~ I ~~' LAB SERVICE 78] East washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CAg0021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I QUALITY CONTROL DATA I CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32598015/8021-1 I REPORT NO: 20031917 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/16/03 MATRIX: SOIL DATE ANALYZED: 09/16/03 METHOD: EPA 8015B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD-32598015-1 · SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT % I PARAMETER MGIKG MGIKG MG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD GASOLINE LCS 0.910 0.876 96% ~ LCSD 0.910 0.880 97% 67-143 0% '1 I i S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike LCS =Laboratory Control Sample LCSD =Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate I = Relative Percent Difference RPD ND -- None Detected I I 9/17/O3 nPOSITIVE I 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32598015/8021-1 I REPORT NO: 20031917 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/16/03 MATRIX: SOl L DATE ANALYZED: 09/16/03 METHOD: EPA 8021B QC SAMPLE: LCS-32598021-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT PARAMETER UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD BENZENE LCS 100 84.2 84% 67-128 TOLUENE LCS 100 81.9 82% 62-120 ETHYLBENZENE LCS 100 80.8 81% 56-132 M+P XYLENES LCS 200 159 79% 61-128 M+P XYLENES O-XYLENE LCS 100 82.2 82% 61-128 O-XYLENE MTBE LCS 100 106.7 107% 50-116 SURROGATE LCS 30 27.8 93% 66-121 TRIFLUOROTOLUENE I S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike I LCS = Laboratory Control Sample LCSD = Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference I ND = None Detected I 9/19/03 POSITIVE I I~-~' LAB SI::::I~VIC~ 78~ East Washin§ton Blvd., Los An§eles, CAg0021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 I QUALITY CONTROL DATA ! CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32608015/8021-1 I REPORT NO: 20031917 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/17/03 MATRIX: SOIL DATE ANALYZED: 09/17/03 METHOD: EPA 8015B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD-32608015-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT % PARAMETER MG/KG MGIKG MG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD GASOLINE LCS 0.910 0.896 98% LCSD 0.910 0.776 85% 67-143 14% ,'1 I i S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike LCS :Laboratory Control Sample iLCSD =Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference ND = None Detected I POSITIVE LAB SERVICE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CLIENT: Soils Engineering, Inc. BATCH No: 32608015/8021-1 REPORT NO: 20031917 DATE EXTRACTED: 09/17/03 MATRIX: SOl L DATE ANALYZED: 09/17/03 METHOD: EPA 8021B QC SAMPLE: LCS/LCSD-32608021-1 SAMPLE AMT AMT SPK REC RESULTS SPIKED REC. % ACCEPT UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG REC RANGE (%) RPD PARAMETER BENZENE LCS 100 96.0 96% LCSD 100 100.9 101% 67-128 5% TOLUENE LCS 100 89.7 90% LCSD 100 97.3 97% 62-120 8% ETHYLBENZENE LCS 100 86.3 86% LCSD 100 98.0 98% 56-132 13% M+P XYLENES LCS 200 167 84% M+P XYLENES LCSD 200 190 95% 61-128 13% O-XYLENE LCS 100 85.8 86% O-XYLENE LCSD 100 96.0 96% 61-128 11% MTBE LCS 100 95.5 96% LCSD 100 105.3 105% 50-116 10% SURROGATE LCS 30 29.5 98% TRIFLUOROTOLUENE LCSD 30 30.2 101% 66-121 2% I S = Spike DS = Duplicate Spike I LCS = Laboratory Control Sample LCSD -- Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate RPD = Relative Percent Difference I ND = None Detected POSITIVE o.,.. / ,, 781 East Washington Blvd.. Los Angeles, CA 90021 ~?~ LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX(213) 745-6372 LOGBOOKNO. FILENO. ~BNO. ' ~ CLIENT NAME: ~ ~ Project Name/No. ~ ~ ~/~ P.O. NO. Z~ ~- ~ AIRBILL NO:. COOLER TEMP: AD~ESS: ~ ~~ /-~ ~a~~e~ r~ ~~ ~.~L~S~S.EOUES~E~: / / / PRESERVED:~ TAT(Anal~ical Turn Around Time) 0 = Same day; 1 = 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; (Etc.) N = NO~AL ~ ~ ~ )~l ~ / ~ CONTAINER ~PES: B = Brass, E = Encore G = Glass, P = Plastic, V = VOA Vial, 0 = Other: SAMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX COUTA~UER SAMPLE CONDITIO~ ID SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ,w~, so,~ S~UD~ OmE, TAT · TYPE ' CONTAINE~COMMENTS: ' 1~ ,~Z~ / , t q>7~o~'lVZOl[Ib/~ 1. Samples retumedtoclientt YES Relinquishe~B,: (Sign~ure and Printe~a~e~ Re~ B,~ (Signature a~e~e) Da,~ /- Time: ~/~ .- ,/ /.~: .//. /.=~ ~¢ y: ~,/y ?. Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless Relinq~y: (Signatu:~~ "ReceivedB,,~and:'~t'o~Name, ..... "~'~ : ~) ''"~7 additional storage time is requested. ' ' -"-?'//'~/~'"' ~ ~ ........ " '"~(~/~. · 3. Storage time requested: days LAB COPY POSITIVE CHAIN OF CUSTODY AND ANALYSIS REQUEST ~ - 781East Washington BIvd., Los Anqeles, CA90021 DATE: ~;~/~..,t'"',/~...j~ PAGE_~ OF~ ~ LAB SERVI~E (213) 745-5312 FAX(213) 745-6~72 LOG BOOK NO.~ FILENO. _LABNO. ~ CLIENT NAME: ~ ~ Project Name/No. ~ ~ P.O. NO./~_~ AIRBILL NO: ADDRESS: ~ O ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ANALYSES REQUESTED: COOLER TEMP:~ PROJECT MANAGER: ~, ~~ PHONENO~~Zf.~/~AXNO:~/)~/.Z///~~~ PRESERVED: REMARKS: TAT(Anal~ical Turn Around Time) 0 = Same day; 1 = 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; (Etc.) N = N~MAL ~ ~ ~ ~/[~/~ ~ CONTAINER ~PES: B: Bra~s, E= Encore G= Glass, P= Plastic, V= MOA Vial, 0 Other: ~ ~ ~~~/ : ~ USTProject: Y N - GIoballD~ ....... ~ ~ ~' ~o5~/~ ID SAMPLED SAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION TAT ~ ;AMPLE CONDITION/ ~ ~ w.~, so,~~u.~ o~.~. ~ ~"~ CONTAINE~COMMENTS: ' Received By (S,gnature ~ nd pnn ed Name) ~ ~~ Relinquished ~d~ ~~ ' : --- Relinquished B~ (~ature a~;i~ed Name)~ ~ ~~ ~ :~?~;~ ~ ~'77~ C~'/~/~0 / Date SAMPLE DiSPOSiTION: //Heceived By: (Sign~~d Name) D~e: / Time. ' Samples returned to client? YES ~ ~elinq~y:,Sig,at~re and ~~__ , Received B~ Signature a~ P,n,~e) ~/f~ ~:~q':7~ addJtJoRa, storage time JS requested. ~EClAL INSTRU~IONS: .~-" .~' ,, _3. Storage time requested: days By Date SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix B Boring Logs ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring Abandonmen! Lab Field YPH0 [J NUMBER ~ ,~ SOIL DESCRIPTION Benzene Total Lead 0 [.~ Concrete _ _ 0 '_ . _ - - - ' - SM Silty Sand - med yelsh bm, dry, v th-med gr, - - - ~ ._- med dense, no odor, no staining.. Bentonite -- _ _ · - _ NA 5 _-10-I--- BI-10' ~i~ SP Sand-ltyelshbm, dry, loose, vfntomedgr, -- NA - - ,,'::.: no staining or odor. -- 0.89 - - ,':L4.: _ 20- -15- - 1 Bl-15' -' ~- SM SiltySand-dkyelshbm, damp, vfngr, vsilty, -- _ _ -' :- med dense, no odor, no staining.. -- _ _ r~:~ :.s:.":~ NA ..".- ~. - -- - .'"'SP Sand - It yelsh bm, dry, med dense, vfn to fn gr, NA :.:::.',:': - - - :,:.~ no staining or odor. -- 14 _ _ ,,.'. __ ;~:~-'.. ~:.! _ 35----25-1- B1-25' :'~:.?.'SP Sand-ltyelshbm, dry, meddense, vfntofngr, _ _ _ .i.~:.x.' no staining or odor. ,,'.:::y? _ 100 70 ----30-l- B1-30' :$.'.".'4.. ,. SP Sand- It yelsh bm, dry, med dense, vfn to med gr, --<0.05 - - no staining, v sli odor. --[3.8 STLC -- - -35- -40- -45- -fiO~ DATE: 9/15/03 Drilling Method: Strataprobe Geologist: R. Becket PROJECT NAME: Former Coca-Coca Facility PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE NAME: 414 19th St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, California Bakersfield, CA 93313 BORING LOCATION: 7' South of UST, 31' S. Of N. Building Edge DATE:Pr°jectNumber:9/19/03 10406 B-1 BORING LOG PPi' ~ of 1 ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring Abandonmen! Lab Field ~ .g ..~ .~ ,, SOIL DESCRIPTION TPHo NUMBER Benzene Total Lead (ppm) Concrete _ _0= . _ -- - - ' -'SM Sil~ Sand -med yelsh bm, d~, v ~-med gr, -- - - ~ ~ reed dense, no odor, no staining.. Bentonite -- _ _ · - NA 30 ---10-l- B2-10' ',~'~:2 SP Sand-ltyelshbm, d.,loose, v~to~gr, -- NA - - ~:; no staining or odor. -15-_ _1 ~j:~ Sand - as above, no odor, no stabbg.. -- NA 25 i B2-15' -20- - NANA 35 _ ---1 B2-20' [~}~SP Sand -med yelsh bm, ~, med dense, ~ gr, -- - - ..~. > no stainbg or odor, _ 4o _ _ 1 B2-25' :'~:~ SP Sand -med yelsh bm, damp, med dense, fn gr, _ _ _ :.~:~ no staining or odor. :'~:~ 45 --3~I- B2-30' .:,'"'~> SP Sand - It yelsh bm, ~, med dense, ~ to med gr, -- <0.005 -- - no sta~g, no odor. -- 2.91 -- - -35- -4~ -45- DATE: 9/15/03 Drilling Method: Strataprobe Geologist: R. Beaker PRO,CT NAME: [ormer Coca-Coca Facili~ PLATE SOILS [NGINE~RBG, BC. sit~ N~E: 414 19th St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, California Bakers~eld~ CA 93313 BOBG LOCATION: W. Ed~ of UST, 14' S. O~N. Building Edge ,040 B-2 BeiNG LOG DA~: 9/19/03 ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring Abandonmenl Lab Field ~ --- ,, SOIL DESCRIPTION TPHo ~ ~" NUMBER Benzene ~ ~ Total Lead ~ ~Concrete _ _0 2 . _ .... · -SM Sil~ Sand - med yelsh bm, d~, v ~-med -- - - ~ ~ reed dense, no odor, no staining. Bentonite -- _ _ · - :.'.Z -- -- - :~%. · _ NA 50 ----10-I--- B3-10'~,:~:~ SP Sand-ltyelshbm, d~,loose, v~to~gr, -- NA _ :,.... no staining or odor. -- 3.6 -- - .:.~:~. -15- - Z : NA 50 --20- 1 -- NA -- -~ B3-20' ::'(~}~ 1.4 :,~.. no stain~g or odor. -- -- -- :,"Z __ ':'~:~' -- _ - ?~:~, - - - -- _ -- :,¥~. __ <0.~ 50----3~_ 1 B3-30' :.:':'~SX:~: SP Sand - It yelsh bm, damp, med dense, ~ to med gr, -- <0.005 - - no stabbg, no odor. -- 1.6 - - -35- -4~ -4~ -50- DATE: 9/15/03 Drilling Method: Strataprobe Geologist: R. Becker PROJECT NAMe: Former Coca-Coca Facili~ PLATE SOILS ENGINEER~G, INC. SIT~ NA~: 4~4 ruth St. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, California Bakersfield, CA 93313 ~OmNG LOC~TION: ~2' W. Of~-2, 25' ~. OCW. ~iiai~g ~d~ ,0406 B-3 BO NG LOG PS' 1of 1 ANALYSES SAMPLE Boring Abandonment ~ Lab Field ~ TPHg ~ NUMBER e ., SOIL DESCRIPTION Benzene ~ ~ Total Lead ~ ~ ~ {ppm) ~ ~ ~ 0 ._ Concrete ..... _ _ _ ~ 7 SM Sil~ Sand - med yelsh bm, d~, v ~-med gr, -- - - ~ .~ med dense, no odor, no staining.. - : 52 5 ': Bentonite -- -- -- L' - - - :~'.: _ NA 50 -l°-l_ - B4-10' g;~jSP Sand-ltyelshbm, dw, loose,~gr, d~,loose, NA :,.... no staining or odor. -- 1.5 - - _ _ _ -15- -- -- _ <0.5 55 -Z l B4-20' ~:~:SP S~d-ltyelshbm,~,meddense, v~to~gr, _ <0.005 - - :,v. no staining or odor. -- 1.2 - - .;j:~: :,,.:~ -2~ :~:5:: NA 45 E3~ I B4-30' :'"'>," i I I -- NA - - gr, no sta~ing, no odor. -35- ~ ~4~ - -50- DATE: 9/15/03 Drilling Method: Strataprobe Geologist: R. Becket PROJECT NAME: Former Coca-Coca FaciliW PLATE SOILS ENGINEER~G, INC. SITE N~E: 414 19th St. Bakersfield, California 4400 Yeager Way ~0' E. Of UST Excavation, 6' W. OfE. Bldg Bakersfield, CA 93313 BeiNG LOCATION: Edge~ 12' S. Of N. Building Edge. ProjectSumber: ,o406 B-4 BeiNG LOG DATE: 9/19/03 p~. 1 of 1