HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-6/6/89 (2)PROVIDE DRAWING OF PhySICAL ~-.fOUT OF FACILITY USING ~FACE P~ IDED B~_~(]W. i~T,T, OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR APPLICATION TO BE PROCES SEID: ~ TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS ,--~-- PROPOSED SAMPLING IJ2CATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL "~ '/ NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION  ANY WATER W~T.T.q OR SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY NORTH ARROW MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" July 21, 1995 TO: Donald Anderson, Real Property Agent ~- FROM: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinato~ SUBJECT: Bakersfield Senior Center Storage Facility ""--'[/'-' Per your request I have reviewed the Bakersfield Senior Center Storage facility located at 601 5th Street, for any known or obvious environmental/hazardous materials problems. The property did contain an underground diesel storage tank that was removed in 1989. The site was properly closed, soil sampled and found to be clean, ie: "no significant soil contamination present." A copy of the closure letter from Kern County Environmental Health is attached as figure 1 for your review. One additional area of concern was found on the property. An open pit approximately 10ft by 4ft by 2 1/2ft deep was found. This pit contained a liquid that appeared to be an oil water mixture with a heavy sludge on the bottom of the pit. The pit was pumped out and cleaned. Analysis of the sludge and liquid showed that the material was not a hazardous waste and it was therefore disposed of at McKittrick Waste Disposal site. A copy of the laboratory results are included as figures 2 thru 6. I have also included a copy of the non-hazardous waste data form is included as figure 7 to complete the package. After pumping and cleaning the pit it was found to be sound with no large cracks, and free of any exit pipes or drains. It does not appear that this pit is a source of contamination, and no environmental problems appear to be related to this structure. If I can be of any further service, please let me know. cc: G. Gonzales H. Pacheco ' .ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM 2700 M Street HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Mailing Address: ~~ DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1415 Truxtun Avenue /~///.~,i~j~l~-~ Bakersfield, California 93301 jp, % Vernon S. Reichard mos) BB -3B3B June 6 ~. n9 City ,Df Bakersfield 1501 Truxtv. n Avenue Bakersfield, Caii forni,? CLOSURE OF_ i '"'I"'c'~':Rr~TttTt~...:' L.~ ............ HAZ,','?'t~OU$ .qUnSTA.NCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 5TH & "R" STREET II; THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERM.T.'!' ~ A?'.i,.-.i,~..' ew the n~oject U~llJ. ff~ ~('F E[!~ l~r9 ] ~ ;U.[;.!~ ..... ~.~S~:t:]lt~II ,_ a~soci?.'~=~ ~-;i ~h tile closure of tile "~ " ,~,n '?d . ~ _.[~ .... ~ above serisf~=,q ............ tha~ '},~ ~=~cn- ............. ..... is comoier~ an,q no sig~ific~n~ soil contamination has resulted from discharges from the subject ~ank. Thank you for /'% TURONDA ~,. ~., .......... ~ .......... , HAZARDnr;~ ~,[A~=RiALS SPECIAL~ cc: P.L N. =OUZPME:'-,.,_ C' DISTRICT OFFICES LABORATORIES ~age TOTAL CONCE~RATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) CALPI Date RepSr~ed: 07/12/95 P O BOX 6278 . Date Received: 07/07/9S BAKERSFIELD, CA ~93386 Laboratory NO.: 95-08217-11 An~n: PAT ~$JLLHOF~ ~ Sample Descri~3tion: WASHRACK SUM~ "R" & STH STREET SAHPLED BY DAVID RITT~NHOUSE! Title 22 Waste T~e: Type iii: Non-filterable, non-millable sludge. RegUlatory Criteria Hethod STLCi~ TTLC Constituents SamDte Results Units P.O.L_ Method mg/Li ~ mg{kg Antimony None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-~010 15. i 500. Arsenic !. 7 mg/kg 0.4 SW- 7060 5.0; SOO. Barium 9!. mg/kg 0.5 $W-6010 !00. i 10000. Beryllium None Detected mg/kg 0.5 SW-6010 0.75 75. Cadmium 1.5 mg/kg 0.5 SW- 60!0 1.0~ 100. Chrcml/urn 11. rog/kg 0.5 SW-60!0 560. Cobal= None Detected mg/kg 2.5 $W-6010 80. i ' CoD[Der 7.7 mg/kg 0.~ SW-6010 2~. ; Lead 5.3 mg/kg 2. S SW- 6010 S. 0! ~ercur~ None Detected mg/kg 0.2 SW-7%71 0.2: 20. ~lybde~u/n None Detected mg/kg 2.$ SW-6010 350. :~ 3500. ~Nickel 5.3 mg/kg 2.5 SW- 6010 20. ; ,~000. Thallium None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW- 6010 ,.. ,i!~':7.0~; '70.~." vanadi%un : !5. rog/kg 0.5 SW-6010 2~. Zinc 118. mg/kg 2.5 $W-6010 25~, i · 5000. Comment: ~%11 above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) samole basis. -:.Q.L. = Prat=leal Quantita~ion Limit (refers to th~'%~least amo~ of anaiy%~i~ i '"':'..; quantifiable based on s~m.~.le size used and analytical t=-ch:~ique STLC = Soluble~ Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration w-PA-SW-~46, September, !986. '- ..~- ,... ...... Laboratory Director ..... .. ........ '"?' Page LASORATORI~:S W~T TEST EXTRACT CONTAMI~S AKALYZ~-D ACCORDING ~ TI~ 22, ~TI~,~ 11, ~iFO~ CODE OF ~TI0~ FOR ~0US W~ D~~TION (S~C) ~PI Da~e Reposed: 07/~3/95 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 07/07/95 ~FIE~, ~ 9~86 ~rato~ No.: 9~-0821~-1 A=~: ~AT ~,T,KOFE~ 589-56~8 S~le Descr=pt~on: W~CK S~ "R" & 5~ S~ ~D ~Y ~D ~~US~ Title 22 Waste ~: ~e iii: N~-~ilter~le, non-~lI~le sludge. ; , Re~la=o~ S~le Results ~e~ C~teria Cons=ituent s m~/! i=.er 9. O.L. ~ethcd ~. S~C Lead None Detected 0.5 SW- 6010 ; . ~. 0 Set.eni~ 0.05 0.02 SW- 77~0 ~ :1.0 Co~enu: .~1 metals repomed ~ove ~e in mg/li~er ~ a fil~raee basis (S~). i~ese California A~inistrative Code usiag -.~... ~. P.Q.L. = PractiCal ~titation Limit (refers to ~cifi~le ba~ed on s~le size used ~d ~l~ical =e'~i~e ~I~d) . STLC = Sol.lo Threshold L~i~ Concentration page i LABORATORIES CI-[E]~ CA~ ANALYSIS CALPI Dace Reported: 07/13/95 P 0 ~OX 6278 Date Received: 07/07/95 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Lab~ra=o=~ No.: 95-05217-1 At=d: PAT ~I3L/~HOFER 589-5648 Sample Description!: WASHRACK SUMP "~" & 5TH STREET SAMPLED BY DA%-/D RIT'fENHOUSE Title 22 Waste Type: Type iii: Non-filterable, non-millable sludge. Method Constituents SamDte Results Units P.Q.L. Method. ~ensky-Har=en ~lash ~oin= > 170. F 20. SW-1010 ,~,,.,.- ~,.'..~ -; .:. ~.Q.L. = 9rac=icai Qu~%ntltation Li~L%t (refers =o =he l~as~ ~o~ 8f ~al~e { .Pa~'e LABORATOR~ES TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) CAL~I Date Reported: 07/13/9~ P 0 BOX 6278 Date Rec'eived: 07/07/95 BAKERSFIELD, CA : 93386 Laboratory No.: 95-08217-1 Att. n: PAT MI~.T.E~FER 589-5648 Sample DescriptiOn: WASHRACK SUmP "R" & 5TH STREET SAiLeD BY ~AVID RITTENHOUSE Title 22 Waste TYpe: Type iii: Non-filterable, non-millable sludge. Regulatory. C~{teria Method ' STLC TTLC Cohabit%lents Sample Results Units P.O LL. Method mg/~ m~/k~ pH (Straight) 9.22 pH units 0.01 SW-90%5 2 - 12.5 Reactive Cyanide:. Non-Reactive mg/kg 1.0 SW- 7.3. B. 2 Reactive Sulfide! Non-Reactive mg/kg 50. SW- 7.3. ~. 2 Corrosi%-ity - Determined by DH =o be Non corrosive SW-9045 Commen;: Ail above constituents are reported on an as received (we=) sample Results reposed reDresen= totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to a~pro~rlate technic/ues to determine total leve!s.?~i'!~'~.:~i~ii. P.Q'.L_ = Practi~al ~titation L~mit (re,ers to quantifiable based on sample size used STLC = So!u~le Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concen=rauion .SW = "Test ~thods for Ewaluatinq~:i~ Waste~a~cal/~al ~eth~ Dan Schultz 'C':::; ............ '~ "', ,;..r2.,,. Laboratory Director :.;L;.~.'':~''.'.:''~ '.,,!~] [~:;?i~ ....... · '.'.'. ' ~ ....... · .'", .'.: ' ":~.~]'.;~',(.!:( .: ;.= .'..'..'.: ,...' . =:;~.,..; , ..... ...... ' :, Z)'.-'; · · : ~ '.i · LABORATORIES Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons . Page CALPI' Date Reported: 07/10/95 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 07/07/95 BAKERSFIELD, CA ~ 93386 Laboratory No.: 95-08217-~! Sample Description: W~RACK SU~ZP "R" & 5TH STREET SAMPLED BY DAVID RITTENHOUSE Sam~lin~ Date/Time: 07/07/95 ~ 09:10AM Constituents $_~le Results Units P.0.L. Total Petroleum ~ . Hydrocarbons: 130. mg/k~ 20. EPA-418.1 HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS: .-' I THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES THAT ~ .. /" ~"'ON-.A'ARO0,.,S. ~ ~'-,'~'-~..>"/~ ~': · ~,~ ....,,."_,,:'r.,~...:..~ .:.. TYPED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATUREf A ~ "O' F-----17~ I~1~' ~ I,PI~ I~1.~1 7[~ 1.7 1~' NAME :~--'~' 'NO. '- .:P: o/,Ps ~" ADDRESS 0 ,,, O,TY. STATE.,,, ;~.~,:.':',',.'.~ C~ y'~7o~- P,~,OPOATE 2: ' .,- TRUO<. UN~T. ,.O. NO V' 7"- / TYP~0 C~ PRINTE0 FULL NAME &~,,~nE '~ ;', 0ATE , NAME /~c/¢/~J.,-.,< i' DISFIO~4~L ME"I'IIIOD >. ~1" CITY. STATE. ZIP //~I~ //~//-7~/P/'C/d ~__..~'"~,~ GZ-~ ~'/ /-' ,. .-- .. &'"' ' < ,=',.ONE NO. p,'.~ '26 ? - ?:£d :" ..-~..? . t .. . ,-, " ~f ,"i/,.:.>/~ ',,/ ///_',r,'L'.,>;;.'~ ,,././~.<,~,j,4.,~4.,',":~;':"'. ~/(/'G ', I'"' ;.} D /_...~/- GEN OLD/NEW L A TONS TRAN$ S B ~. '~' C/O '~?<o HwO~ NONE , DISCREPANCY [^.,o~ ~o,~I 'McKittrlck l~l';i~sJTreatment Site' si~stvr8 m~ ~e provjdeg ~o MWTS FRIOi~, I'_0 DISFOSAL,. ill.. ] . . ,J · i '' ~ ~' ' · - * ...... . 1.0 C. eneral~rlnroi'ma iJ~ ' /~. "1.~ 1.4 Com~ey l~n~tlvw: ~a~ }, ~ e,/ . . 1.9 r Hou~ Phone: Title:. ~a ~ ~ ~ T~ c k ~ ~c~ ~ ' - ' -~ ..... - __ .'..~i~ ..... F .... ..-~r-:~. oa,:- ~2,,m ~,,~'{I l_ ":.o ~j ~ .. . . :1 ;~pe~ture Iolid Ill JUL--13--9$ THU ~ .'44. 76884825539467 .............. ?.. _~2 _- .~ ~.: ~ Iransportatlon. 4.2 U.S. D~ H~ Gm: .... T~cmt C~; ,~ :; ' [~ mil ~ '~is W~ ~S NOT ! DOT H~tdous Matcflal $~ ~d~ ,~ ~ ~ F~te ~11 ' ' ' ' a ~[ ~ ' ' - -~.0' A~ed ~, -~1 ~TEX Il 'H Oil CA Tiffin 22 ~ S~volatile Org~ ~ Volatil~ ~ca ~:(. ~ic;d~tlcid~ f . 6.0 Bt~ng Infomatl ' " I h~y c~fy ~at ~1 Info,ration auppi~ is ~ly r~rc~nu] ~ of ~e a~vc m~on~ w~, I agr~ to p ' ~iy r~ y th , a my e ~nsc, I ~l~: ~ ~at ~ ~mpl s t ac~r~ins to ~A Meth~ SW-84B ~d ~at sa~]~ w~ ~"~::~1 by a C~fomia S~ C~fi~ ~b ~at the a~prop~at~ ch~n of ~tody wa~ at~ch~. I ~nh~ ~,':jl~ffy ~at the w~ sub.ned for G~c~tor Signatut . . ,' // .... ~A.)_. ..... ,_ . I?..,~ .. " _ III t._  MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" DATE: June 28, 1995 TO: Donald Anderson, Real Property Agent 'FROM: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinat0r~~ SUBJECT: Disclosure, Bakersfield Senior Center Storage Facility. Per your request, I have inspected the Bakersfield Senior Center, with you, for the possible presence of hazardous waste on site. In our inspection this morning, a open pit approximately 10'x 4'x 2 1/2' deep was observed, that was full of liquid. After testing the depth with a dip stick it appears that the liquid was primarily oily water with approximately three inches of oily sludge on the bottom of the pit. This pit is currently covered with wood planking and appears to have been used for vehicle repairs. Several questions regarding this pit should be addressed. A. VVhat is the liquid in the pit and does it contain hazardous waste? B. Are their any drains or other conduits for liquid waste to be transported from this pit to some other disposal device? C. If so, what other disposal device? ie: sewer sump etc. D. Is their any likelihood of soil or water contamination associated with this open pit? I would recommended the pit be emptied and then inspected for drains, exit pipes or large cracks. If no means of exiting the pit are found then cleaning the pit will have removed any environmental problem. If a conduit is found then further investigative work is called for. To properly clean the pit, the material should be removed and water washed using a licensed hazardous waste hauler (vacuum truck). The liquid would also require sampling, a full analytical profile, transportation to a disposal site and a final disposal. The total cost of this process should be between $2,000 and $2,400 as long as the waste does not contain any hazardous components other than grease and oil typically associated with vehicle repair. Three local companies can complete the full scope of the work. Calpi, Kern Environmental Services and MP Vacuum. There are several other local engineering companies that could complete the job, but, would sub-contract significant components. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. REH/dlm cc: Henry Pacheco, Assistant Chief George Gonzales, Community Development Coordinator 06/27/95 10:03 8805 324 7483 C 0 B/PURCHASING [~001/002 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Facsimile Transmission DATE: June 27, 1995 TO: Ralph Huey, R.E.A. Hazardous Material Coordinator CO: Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division FAX: 326-0576 REF: Predisposal Due Diligence (Disclosure) FROM: Donald M. Anderson, Property Management FAX: 805 324-7483 NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: 2 VOICE LINE OF SENDER: 805 326-3061 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Per our previous conversation, In 1989 the City removed an underground storage tank at the property now known as the Bakersfield Senior Center Storage Facility. You asked for a specific address for this property, unfortunately all I can find is the attached map prepared in 1989. 5TH STREET ~,]ll II III II il I i fll ~i lil'l I II!1 I! IIIII II1'11 II Il I Illl II!1 I !1 IIi I Jill I[I I II'l IIi'il'J'/! hill BUILDINO EXIS . BUILDING } ! I I ~=~ . 5_- ~soU~ 1 -- EXISTING GASOLINE ~'£~c£ - EXISTING - -~U~L6~ COUNTY OF KERN , l~. 'ronmental Health Services Depam '~t 270O ~ Stree~ Smile .3OO Baiwrsfleld. CA 93301 (80~) 8~1-3429 Fax Number ~ ~. June 9, 1989' McNabb Construction 7808 Olcott Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Re: Permit Number 2000~'3; A914-20 On May 30 ment received the results of the laboratory analyses for the soil samples taken at 601 5th Street, Bakersfield, California. The laboratory analyzed the soil samples for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) for diesel for an underground storage tank that contained gasoline. The sample should have been analyzed for TPH for gasoline. After investigation it was discovered the error was due to an incorrectly marked chain of custody form filled out by B.C. Laboratories. In the future, additional soil samples and analyses maybe required when incorrect analyses are performed and results submitted to this Department. If you have any questions, please do not he~tate to contact me at (805) 861-3636. Your cooperation is much appreciated. Sincerely, Turonda R. Crumpler, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program TC: cd cc: B.C. Laboratory crumpler\mcnabb, let 6-8-34 .ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEt, 2700 Nt Street HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Mailing Address: ~~ 1415 Truxtun Avenue DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Bakersfield,(805) California861.363693301 ~11'~ ~ Vernon S. Reichard June City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtu. n Avenue Bakersfield, Cai ifornis, g :?.'_% 01 CLOSURE OF I UNDERGR(~U!,ID HAZAR~3OUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 5TH & "R" STREET IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # Ag'f4--i~O,."200OOt~ This is to advise you. that this Department has reviewed the project results for tile pl'e/J, milla.,"]- ~.ss~s~smezit associated with the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon t:he sample res~ l't:s sYtbmi tted, th.:, ?' Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination has resulted from discharges fi'om the subject tank. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. TURONDA R. CRUMPLER, R.~:.H.S. , HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ..PECIALISTS "' cc: R.L.W. EQUIPMENT C~'. DISTRICT OFFICES Delano · Lamont · L. ~bella · Mojave · Ridgecrest · ShaHer · Ta[t FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY PERMIT ~: ,~d~OOQ%' ENV. SENSITIVITY: Actlv~ty Date # Of Tanks Comments 1700Flower Street KERN COUN'rY I IEALTH DEPARTMENT [IEAL3HOFFICER Bakersfield, Caltlornla 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805)86t-3636 ENVIRONMENYAL HEAL1H DIVISION Faci_~llty Name..-~ . , ',;'~!~~--~ Kern County Permit ~ · * * UNDERGROUND TANK DIsPoSITION TRACKING RECORD * * Tills form is to ,be returned ko tile gem Counl'¥ llealth Depar~menl: Nlthin 1--4 _da_q~ of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. The holder oi the permit with number noted above is responsible for insuring that tills form is completed and returned. Section _1 - To be. filled ou.___~t b__y. t_a_pl_( j.'(:l__~nova__~l .c_on~ractor: _ Section ~ - To be filled out ~ contractor "deconkamlna~lng tank(si: Authorlzed represen~a~l, ve of eon~ra~or ~er~tfles b~ slgalng below that Department requlre~ea~s. ~na~ure Title Sectloa~ -To be filled out and slMned'~M a[~ authorized representative of the ~reatment, storage, oz~ disposal faclzl, ty accepting tank(s): Facility Name Date Tanks l{ecetved ~-~g ~' .o. of Tanks (Author.ized Rept'esenta * * * MAIbING INSTRUCTIONS: Foid Jn half and staple. (Form #1lblblP-150) omln,CT OFFICES Chain of custody oegan ~o~ all analysis samples and hold~n~ samples, and ~rans~erred to approved laDoratoFy , .. fo~ anaiysis. . ~ Properly completed Tank Traclcing Form returned within 14 ' '~ Copies of all hazardous waste manifests fo~~~' ~ ' ~~%~nP rinseate, wastes, hazardous ran~s/piping submitted. ~ Sample analysis results submitted fo~ ail sample locations for all ~e~ui~ed analyses as pe~ permit, with analyses ~un no later than ]4 days after sampJes were obtained. TANK PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT COMPLETE. , BS:cas Scheide~Ohecklis ATORIES, Inc. PETROLELIPJ J' J' EGLIhl, REG. CHF. JA. Ef4GR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 , PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydrocarbons (SOIL). McNabb Construction Date of 7808 Olcott Ave. Report: 13-May-89 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Bryan McNabb Lab No.: 3364-7 Sample Desc.: City of Bakersfield 5th & "R" St. West 2" Gasoline DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS 04-May-89 04-May-89 09-May-89 10-May-89 .Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g None Detected O. 02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.02 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 10.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g No~e Detected 0.02 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (C~arbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter -Basis the PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: ~_~__~ntification of petrole~f~ hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel standard. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum ?~drocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The s~ total of all constituent~ on this report. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 By' ~ ."~" -~' Chemist LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGil. PETROLEU¥ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydro~rbons (SOIL) McNabb Construction Date of 7808 Olcott Ave. .Report: 13-MAY-89 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Bryan McNabb Lab No.: 3364-8 Sample Desc.: City of Bakersfield 5th & "R" St. West 6"Gasoline DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: EXTRACTED: C(lV~LE-TED: 04-May-89 04-May-89 09-MAY-89 10-May-89 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.02 Toluene - ug/g None Detected 0.02 Ethyl Benzene . ug/g None Detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.02 Petroleum Hydrccarbons ug/g None Datected 10.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g N0~e Detected 0.02 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis Comments: the PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of petroleum hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel standard. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydr~x~arbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all cor,-~tituents on this report. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 · E~in Robert Plaisance Chemist BORATORIES, Ir'lc. ~E~'J~OLHgM J' j' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGII. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydrocarbons (SOIL) McNabb Construction Date of 7808 Olcott Ave. Report: 13-May-89 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Bryan McNabb Lab No.: 3364-9 Sample Desc.: City of Bakersfield 5th & "R" St. East 2." Gasoline DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE · DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: EXTRACTED: COMPLETED: 04-May-89 04-May-89 09-May-89 lO-May-89 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.02 Ethyl Benzene . ug/g None Detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 02 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.02 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 10.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g No~e Detected O. 02 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis the PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of petroleum hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel stanMa~d. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. Tb~se petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all constituents on this report. California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 F__~'~n t~obert P~aisa~ce C~e~rd. st ,',,,,-,,-,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, BORATORIFS, Inc. PETROLEUM J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEA~. ENGII. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydrocarbons (SOIL) McNabb Construction Date of 7808 Olcott Ave. Report: 13-May-89 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Bryan McNabb Lab No.: 3364-10 Sample Desc.: City of Bakersfield 5th & "R" St. East 6" Gasoline DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: EXTRACTED: COMPLETED: 04-May-89 04-May-89 09-May-89 lO-May-89 Reporting Analysis ReportLn~ Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected O. OP. Toluene ug/g None Detected O. 02 Ethyl Benzene · ug/g None Detected O. 02 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 02 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 02 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 02 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None' Detected 10. O0 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g Nohe Detected O. 02 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis the PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of petroleum hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel standard. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all constituents on this report. California D.O.H.S. Cert. $102 · . F_~in 8obert Plaisance Che~ist Date Ret'd: ~/~ BC CHAIN OF CUSTODY NO. L- Client: t Sampler: Sample Type: Analysis Requested: Name:Address:~lC ~(~ (i~lr~. Address:uName:~) ~J~{~ ~~[V ~ 0 '~'~ ~~~ %'~" ' 'LI~K ~i Watersoil .... ~ (specify)Other: Attn: Sludge ' Oil o o 0 0 Lab ~ Descfipti0n: 4 ~ Other Tests Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Comments: State of Calilornm----Health end Welfare Agency See Instructions on,~1~ck Of (~ Department of Health Service Form Approved OMB No. 2050~.0039 (Expires ~} Page Toxic Substances Control Divisio: Please ~rint or tyoe. (Fo~ de~n~ f~ use · ~-~ch ~e~). and Front~e 7 Sacramento. Caliform: ~ UNIFORM HAZARDOL I~ ;en~at~'s US EPA 10 No. Ma, 2. Page 1 ~ . ~ ~,~ Docum~..~. Informeti~ in the ~aded areas ~ 5. Transpo.erx 1 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number C. State T~s~o..'. ~ I. Transporter 2 Company Name 8. ~S EPA ID Number E. Stale YranaOofler'a ~ ~Designated Facility Nam~and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Num~ G. ~ale F~ili~'~ ID ~ 12. Containem 13. Total 14. I. ~~' 1 I. US DOT Descripti~ (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class. and ID Number) No. Ty~ Quantity wtUnit/Vol Waste No. ~ T EPAI~h~ ~ R c. State m d. State Z ~ I I I I I I I ~ J. Additional Descripti~s for Materials Listed ADove ~ ~ling C~es f~ Waste8 List~ Above Z Z 15. Specml Handling Instructions and Additional Inlo~ation GENERATOR'S CERTIFICA~ON: I hereby declare thai the contents of this consignment are ful~ and accurate~ de~ribed above by proper shipping name and are classili~, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transpo~ by hi,way according to applicaDle international and national governm~t regulations. If I am a large quantity gen~rator. I ce~i~ that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxlci~ of waste generated to the degree I have determined 0 to be economica~ practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currentN available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human he31/h and the environment; OR. [I I am a smell quantity ge~efator, f have made a good faith effo~ to minimize my waste 0 generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that~ aff~. m Printed / Typed Name Signetu ' Mo~th Day Year ~ T 17. Transpolar 1 Acknowledgemenl of Receipt of Materials ~~~ <Z R NA ~d / Typed Name , I Si~a~ Mont~Da, Yea~ ~ 0 ltl. Ttan~pofler 2 Acknowledgement ol Rece*pt of M~/eri~l~ ~ Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year E 19. Discrepancy Indication Space F A C L I 20. Facility Owner or Operator Gasification of receipt of hazardous malerials covered by this manifest except as ~n Item 19. PHS eo22 A (~) Do Not Write ~low This Line EPA 8~22 (Rev. 9-88) Previou3 editions are obsolete. White: TSDF SEN05 THIS COPY TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DAY To: P.O. ~x 3~, Socromento, t Environmental Health Servi, ~.~s Department 2700 ".~l" $1re~t, SuRe 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 {80~ 861.-3636 (805) 861-3429 Fax Number ~~\· OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES 'STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Old Barc Bldg. (whse) City of Bakersfield R.L..W. Equipment Co. 5th & "R" Street 1501Truxtun Ave. 2080 So. Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 9330? License #294074 Phone: (805)-326-3724 Phone: (805)-834-1100 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES Julv 24, 1989 ~ TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE .. ADril 24_x 1989 Dan Starkey/. ................................ POST ON PREMISES .............. ~. ............ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. A copy of thi~ permiL has been provided to the Kern County Fire Department. ~e~mittee must noti£v the Gout]tV Environmental Health Department at (805) 861-3636 two working days p~'io~ to tank (r~moval) or in~rting and filling) to arrange fo~' required inspections(s) . 2. Permittee must obtain a Gity Fire Department permit pr%o~ to initiating closure action. 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern Gounty Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. Soil Sampling Any deviation from sample locations and numbers or constituents to be sampled for' which are described below and in Handbook UT-30 must receive prior approval by.the Environmental Health Department. a. (Tank size between 1,000 to 10,000 gallons) -a minimum3 of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A914-20 OF UNDERGROUND }{AZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY §. If any contractors or disposal facilities other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, p~'io~' approval must be Granted by the specialist listed on the permit. 6. Soil Sampling (pipin~ area) a minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet fox' evex'y 15 lineax' feet of pipe run and also near the dispenser area(s) . 7. Sample analysis a. All (leaded/unleaded) Gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene, tuluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 8. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Environmental Health Depa~'tment within five days of waste disposal. 9. All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or tz'eatment must be adhered to. The Ke~'n County Environmental Health Department must be notified befo~'e moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. 10. Permittee is ~esponsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking reco~'d" issued with this permit is prope~'ly filled out and returned within 14 days of tank removal. 11. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 48 hour's advance notice. 12. Results must be submitted to this office within thz'ee days of analysis completion.. DS:cd stark~y%Ag!4-20.pta 4-21-05 DIVISION OF ENVIHONPIENTAL HEALTH APPLICATION DATE 1700 FLOW~R STREET, BAKERSFIELD. CA 9330~ P OF TANKS ~ (805) 861-3636 LENGTH OF P~PING APPLICATION FOR PER~XT FO.R PERCENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND .HAZARDOUS SUBST~CES STO~A~E FACI THIS ~PLI~TIO~ IS FOR V/L. O~ ~DO~ IN P~C~ I~ILL O~ O~ ~L~mTXO~ PB~ ~aC~LI~) ' ~JECT CONTA~ ] r~ . ]PHONE ~ ~ JSEC/T/R (RU~L' LO~TIONS ONLY) WORKER'S COMPENSATION ~ INSURER PHONE . ~DOR~Y TBAT~ILL ~ALYZ~ ~PL~ ~ESS ~ PHONE ~ T ~L~ CH~I~ S~R~D (~-C0~RClA~ ~E~ DA~S S~R~ CHE~I~L PREVIOUSLY ~0~O WATgR T0 / --"~}; - . O~.X ~ ORO~AT~ nESCRI~ BOW RgSIDUE IN T~K(S) A~ PIPING IS TO BE RE~D ~0 DISPOS~ O~ (INCLUDE ~NSPO~ATION ~O ~POSAL CO~ANIES): , DESCRIBE BOTII T~E ~SPO~AL METHOD ~ DISPOSAL LO~TION FOR: ~ ,i [,it~ / : I I,~ PROVTD~ INPOR~TrON REQUESTED ON RE~SE SIDE DP THIS SHEET BEFORE THIS FORM HAS.B~OMPLETED U~ER PENAL~ OF PERJURY AND ~ THE BEST OF ~ ~LEDGE -IS ~UE ~ CORRECT. . . S IGNA~RB TITLE ~ DATE (Form KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, ;.. 1700 FLOWER STREET ~t BILLING DATE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 933135 I 0 3 / 1 8 / 8 9 (80.5) 861-3636, . ~ ~ AMOUNT DUE ~ITY OF BAKERS~ IELD CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY BKSFD. ASSOC. RETARDED CITIZENS ~0~ TRUXTUN AVENUE '~%~ ~. ~;-~ DUEDATE BAKERSFIELD, CA 0330~ 04/~7/8g DETACH HERE PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMENT IDENTIFICATION . DETACH H SESD PAYHENT ~ITHIN 30 DAYS TO AVOID 50g PESALTY st~,~ .,' ms~o DESCRI PIIO~ AMOU N7 DATE 03/18/80 PERMIT/INVOICE ~ 200003C-89 ........ ~'~ANNUAL FEE FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY WITH 1 TANK{S) LOCATED AT: ~7.L~.-..-~ ~) ':): ~5 601 5TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA ' ~ ~ ~ 100. KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ;[c,:o~ :~7 ~ ~s [, o.v f ................................ d .......... ~ ]J BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 .............. · -KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARI~F'-"~' 2700 M Street HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California · ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Mailing Address: . - 1415 Truxtun Avenue DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Bakersfield, California 93301 Vernon S. Relchard (sos) s6~-:~6 April 26, 1988 Hr. Ed $chultz 1501Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 RE: Interim Permit to Operate Underground Storage Tank #200003C Dear Mr. Schultz: According to Mr. George Oonzales, the reason our Invoice #200003C-88 was returned unpaid by the Bakersfield Association of Retarded Citizens is that they have moved and the underground storage tank ts no longer in use at the site. This does not exempt the tank owner from permit requirements. The following are requirements In order for this department to process an amendment to the conditions of your interim permit to operate: 1. Gauge and inspect .tank once per week per UT-15 (enclosed). 2. The tank must be emptied of all 'hazardous substances with the exception of the small amount necessary to retain a safe, vapor rich atmosphere Inside the tank. No liquids of any sort may be added to the tank while these amended permit conditions are in effect. 3. Tanks must be secured from unauthorized access. 4. Annual permit fees must be paid Immediately. 5. These amended conditions are not to exceed one year from the above date. 6. A letter of acceptance of these conditions must be received by this department within 14 days. DISTRICT OFFICES Mr. Ed Schultz April 26, 1988 Page 2 RE: Interim Permit to Operate Underground Storage Tank ~200003C These amended conditions to. your permit can be for a temporary basis only. If at the end of the one year period you decide not to permanently close the tanks according to this department's requirements, the tanks must be monitored in accordance with all operating permit conditions. If you have any questions please 'call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Mark Campbell Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program MC/gb enclosures BAKERSFIELD ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CITIZENS August 21, 1986 JAMES VARLEY Ms. Anne Boyce ZNO V~CE PRESm~NT Kern County Health Dept. Underground Tank Section WALTER CLAPP 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA. 93305 EARL k~RSCHENMAN Re:Underground Hazardous Storage Facility Permit No. 200003C FREDERIC HOUGARDY Dear Ms. Boyce: BARC has been unable to return the fully completed Permit Checklist to your office within the required 30 day time period because we have not obtained the required calibration chart for our tank. I hereby request an extension of time in which to submit the Permit Checklist to your office. A written response would be most appreciated. Sine,tel y ,/~ , P; xoe stedt ~iscal Officer cc: Frederic Hougardy Executive Director 2240 SOUTH UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307 (805) 834-BARC A UNITED waY ~ MEMBER AGENCY 1700 Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805)881-3636 ' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard INTERIM PERMIT FERMI T82 OOOO3C TO OPERATE: ISSUED: JULY 1, 1986 EXPIRES: JULY 1, 1989 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY NUMBER OF TANKS= 1 FACILITY: I OWNER: BKSFD. ASSOC. RETARDED CITIZENS I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 601 §TH STREET I 1§01 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA I BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330! TANK # AGE(IN YRS) SUBSTANCE CODE PRESSURIZED PIPING? 1 10 MVF 3 UNK NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM' OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABLE ~ ~ ~ POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAIT,k- : JUL i ]9G6 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: Kern County Health Departm~r~ Permit. ~,.. ~ Division of Enviror~ental Hea'~: Applicationv ' [,~'r~.h 71 ,. 1700 Flo~sr Street, Bakersfielo, CA 93305 'APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND ~IAZABDOUS SUBSTANCES STCRAGE FACILITY Type of Application (check): DNe-~ Facility ~]Modification of Facility ~Existing Facility ~lTransfer of A. Emergency 24-[~our Contact (name, area code, phone): Days J0iln i.(0ehn~stedt 834-2272 Nights Joe :.)0r. za] ez 39?-95£6 Facility Name Bakersfield Assoc. for ~etar~e~ t]'~]zen$ No. of T~ks Type of Business (check): UGasoline Station ~Other (describe) Nonprofit Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? [-~Y~ Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for ;~gricultural Purposes? DYes , ~a. Nearest Cross St. R Street Facility Address 601 5th Street, Bakersfield ~ T R SEC (Rural Locations ~ly) Owner C]t,/ of 3akersfieid Contact Persc~ Stan ~rad'y zo~ lruxtun'Ave. Bakersfield Zip 93301 Tmle[mhone 326-3764 OperatorSakersf]e,a .Assoc. 'For Re'Larded ~tizens. Contact Pers~ ~$hr. i' Address 2240 South Union Ave. Zip 93307 ~ele~ 834-2272 B. Water to Facility Pro~tded by Calif. Water Service Co. Depth to' Grou~mtax Unknown Soil Characteristics at l~aciltty Unknown Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Dete~inations C. Contractor H/A CA Contractor's Licensm Addr ess Zip Proposed Startir~ f~ste Proposed Ccmpletio~ Worker' s C~pensati~ Certification ~ Insurer D. If This ~ermit Is For Modification Of An Existir~ Facility, Briefly Dm~cribe ~odificati~ Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): .T..ank ~_ %~a. ste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Pr~mit~ Diesel 1~mste ~. Ch~lcal Ccmp~sltion of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vmhicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stored (nofl-co~ercial name) CAS $ (if kno~m) Chamical Pr~iou~l¥ Stored (if diffe~ent) ~/~ G. Transfer of Ownership Date of ~-ansfer' ~]/A Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Permit N~. issued tc · I understand that the Pemittin~ Authority may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this ~l~clm~g~cK~d storage facility upon receivir~ this ccmpleted form. · his form has~)een c~mpleted under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge Signature ~-,.'..//~4~.'f~.J' ... >2-- Tttle Fisca] ',ff,cer Date Facility Name Bakersfield for Retarded Citizens Permit No. ~O.-~'~_..~ TANK ~ (FILL OUT sEpARATE FORM FOR ~ACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: D Vaul ted []Non-Vaulted []D°uble-Wall ,~Single-Wal 1 2. ~ Material [] Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel [] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Alt~ninum [] Bronze ~lUnknown [] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 1975 3/16" 4,000 McCarthy Tank & Steel C 4. Tank Secondary Containment [] Double-Wall L~ Synthetic Liner [] Lined Vault ~q None [-]Unknown [-]Other (describe): Manufacturer: []Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining ~Rubber []Alkyd []Epoxy []Phenolic []Glass []Clay [~Unlined []Unknown []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection -~Galvanized ~JFiberglass-Clad []]]PolyethYlene Wrap []Vinyl Wrap~in~ ~Tar or Asphalt []']Unknown []None []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: [~None []Impressed Current System r~Sacrificial ;%~ode System Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) [[Groundwater Monitoring' Well(s) [] Vadose Zone Monitoring Well (s) [] U-Tube Without Liner []~U'Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity senSOr* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [] Liquid ~%~trieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [] Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing ~ None [] Unknown !-'1 Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping~ [] Monitoring S~p with Raceway [] sealed Concrete Raceway []Half-Cut compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway []None [] Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model: --- 8. Tank Tightness l~l~lS ~lank Been Tightness Tested? []-lYes []No []Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing C~mpany 9. Tank Repa i r Tank Repaired? []Yes ~No []Unknown ~ Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection [X1Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors [~vel []Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls []Capacitance sensor [-]sealed Fill Box []None []Unknown []Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping Schedul a. Underground Piping: F~Yes []]No []]Unknown Material ~alvani'zed Pipe 40 Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer [-]Pressure []Suction []Gravity 'Approximate Length of Pipe ~ b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : ~]Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad ~lImpressed Current [-]Sacrificial Anode [-]Polyethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolation [-]Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or Asphalt []Unknown []None []Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary containment: [-]~ouble-Wall ~-]Synthetic Liner System ~]None []unknown [']Other (describe): perated, by ded Citizens Inc. ' ....... -' - 5th Street ~OODSHOP 601 5TH STREET Bakersfield, CA. X UNDERGROUND GASOBI~E ~, STORAGE TA~K KERN~UNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT !-.~'- ~' PERMIT TO OPERATE 1 01..H..$T.E£T.$UiTi=250 TELEPHONE (8OS) as~.~az Number: 8422001 A PERMIT TO OPERATE IS GRANTED TO: Bakersfield Association for Retarded Citizen FOr equipment located at: 530 4th Street Equipment or Process Description: GASOLINE STORAGE OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW. THIS PERMIT BECOMES VOID UPON ANY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OR LOCATION, OR ANY ALTERATION. NOTE: The permittee may be required to provide adequate sampling and testing £acilities. LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Equipment modification requires AIR POLLUTION CONTROL OFFICER a new permit. REVOCABLE: This permit does not ~._._~ authorize the emission of air . contaminants in excess of those By: allowed by the Rules and Regu- lations of the Kern County Air Pollution Control District.. Period: 2/28/85 %o 2/28/86 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: GASOLINE STORAGE, including the following equipment: · One 4,000 gallon regular grade underground gasoline storage tank(s) each with a permanently affixed tube terminating no more than six inches from the bottom of the tank and provisions for the collection of gasoline vapors during the filling. OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: 1. At least 90% by weight of all gasoline vapors displaced during the filling of storage tanks shall be prevented from being emitted to the atmosphere. 2. All lines, fittings, adaptors, caps and connections shall be leak free.. 3. Liquid spillage and drippagesa.t disconnect shall be prevented. 4. Only California Air Resource Certified" vapor control equipment shall be utilized. 5. Tanks on delivery vessels shall be leak free. 6. Tank filling shall be accomplished only through a permanently affixed submerged fill device. 7. Tank contents shall be transferred into "non-exempt" delivery vessels.