HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 2 (2) SITE/FACILITY D I AG R.z~v~ FORM 8 NORTH SCALE: BUS INESS N~uME: FLOOR: OF DATE: ]~.,/IW /~? FACILITY N~%ME.: UNIT ~: OF '(CHECK ONE)- SITE DIAGRA.%! ~ FACILI~ DIAGR.~M ~ ~V . . (Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - 5A - SITE DIAGRAM (Rm items) 1. Address: Identify.the 9. Lock (key) Box principle buildings by the'Street numbers, lO. MSDS'Storage Box 2. S~reet(s), Alleys, 11, Railroad Tracks Driveways. and Perking Areas adjacent to Che iR. Fence or Barrier property. Include the a. Wire street names. b. Masonry 3. Storm Drains, Culverts, Yard Drains c. Wood 4. Drainage Canals, Ditches, d. Gates Creeks, 13. Powerllnes 5. Buildings a. Frame construction 14. Guard Station b. Masonry construction IS. Storage Tanks: Identify the c. Metal construction capacity in gal. a. Above ground d. Access Door ...... b. Underground .' 6. Utility Controls a. Gas 16. Diking or Bern· b. Electricity 17. Evacuation Route c. Water 18. Evacuation Area: Identify.the ?. Fire Suppression SysCens: locatidn'~ere a. Fire Hydrants employees will meet, b. Fire Sprinkler 19. Outside Hazardous Connections Masts Storage c. Fire Standpipe 20. Outside Hazardous Connections .... Material Storage d. Water Control Valves 21. Outside Hazardous for protection systems Material Use/Handling e. Fire Pump 22. Type o~ Hazardous Material/Waste Stored 8. Fire Department Access or Used (See Below} TYPE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL Fl.amaabla g - Explosive L - Llquld R - Radiological Corrosive 0 · Oxidizer G - Gas P - Poison M - Water Reactive T - Toxic S - Solid R - Cryogenic O - Waste · ' B ..Etiological Example: Flaeaabie Liquid - FL FACILITY DIAGR~4 (Required 1tees in addition to the above) 1. Risers for' Sprinklers 8. Fire Escapee Partitions g. Air Conditioning Unltm 3. Stairways: Indicate the 10. Wlfldo~e levels served ~rom highest to lowest. 11. Inside Hazardous Waste Storage 4. Escalator: Indicate the levels served from 12. Inside Hazardous highest to lowest. Materials Storage S. Elevator 13. Inside Hazardous liaterlale Use/Handling 6. Attic Access 14. Sewer Drain Inlets 7. Skylights RECEIVED NOV 2 ~_ 1989 For Ail our 'P~"~fi~]'Needs' (805) 325-9093 .......... - ............... 801 - 20th STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIE 93301 Booklets · Business Forms · Brochures · prOcess Color · Web Offset BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPAR/Q. IEXT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFF.iCi.iL USE OXLY ID~ BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACI LI T1z UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by.: ~2 .--Tt'R,E,<PR IN_T,~YOUR~ ANS~ERS_I,,_N~ENGL _I.SH ..... 8. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. ' FACILITY UNIT~ FACILITY UNIT NAME: SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEME5'r PROCEDURES SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS-U~.'iT ONLY I SECTION 3: [fAZ:\RDOUS M~T.'fRTALS FOR T~IS I;XIT A. Does this Facility' Unit conraln Hazardous >Tater~:-~l,;? ...... 5'ES X0 If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION B. Are any of the' hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES NO l~ No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (~hite form =4A-I) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (~'ellow form ~4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secr~-t fOrm. List onl~' the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SEcTiON 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SECTION 8: LOCATION' OF WATER Sb'PPLY FOR IJSE BY EMERGE~CY RESPON~OERS SECTION'S: LOCATION OF tWILI?f SHrbW-OFFS AT THIS B~IT ONLY. A NAT. GAS..'PROPANE~ B ELECTRICAL: C WATER: O S?EC-~AL: LOCK ,'B.,¢LY: YES vo r'r ",,-'i:TM OC" '"" ....... -, [. ..... T :0.,,: , .v-,_.~. _ .,,..,~9~ ,, BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPART~ENT~ . , (805) 326-3979 OEC'I 5 1987 OFFICIAL USE ONLY U01175 BUS INESS' N~E HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLEFoRM 2A 1. To avoid ~urther actlon, return this for~ b~ 2. TYPE/PRInT ASS~ERS-IS ESGLISH. a. Answer the questions belo~ ~or the business as a ~hole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: B~SI~gSS IDE~I~IC~TIO~ B, LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: ~ O ~ ~O~% ~T. SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In. case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify you? local fire deP~Ftmen~ and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. ' EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS.' HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: ~ -~ £¢.vA~)~ , Q~TSI~ ~o~,,~'~ B. ELECTRICAL: ~Y-~'~c a~.- ~u~o/~6- i/t35, O~ C. WATER: ~-~ ~ Oo~ D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES /~ IF YES, LOCATION.: IF YES, DOES' IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TE,~J,f FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE - ~..~ -. ~ ,,~, ~ SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRA~ WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:.... .................................... Y~ NO YES NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... (~ NO YES NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: ........... ' ....... YES (~ YES NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. (~E-~ NO .YES NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ........ ~YES (~ YES NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS NATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO' DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500' POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, 'OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... - YES ~ I,~ ~,_. f ~ /~ ~ ('3~16-- ~-.~'~'t.~ , certify that the above information is accurate. I unders~nd that this information will be used to ·fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.98 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate'information constitutes perjury. SIGNATURE ~"~ ~ ~ TITLE I/~- DATE /~//~/~~ · ~. . ; ..., Daie complet~d_ [J6.. 9. 1989 " -- " - "'~ ' '- '.... .- .. · Loca~on: : _ --'; ' ' '-" .plan ID ~ 215~000//¢~: (Top .hght-:comer Busi,~s~-:P!a'n)_ . '- Sta'tioo. No;. / Shff ~" inspec.tor..~~f . "' : · . . :..... ', ... . A~quate Inadequate. ' ", '~'~.'' ;" '.' Verification of Invento~ Materials ..:" ' Vedficafi0n of Quantities' "· ~ ~" [/[ '~" ~0per~e~egafiono~Matefi~ . '~. :~. , ~~ 'c "Co~:. " .. '" ~. . .....-, ... .. ~enficanon of MSDS Avmlabfl~W . '~ Nmber of ~ployees /~ ' ~' ~ VefifiCh'fion of Haz Mat Tra'i~ng ~ ~- - Ve~cafion o~Abatement Supplies & Procedures '- ~e~en~Pr~ed~s P~ted ~/-- Containers'Properly Labeled, .. '"- Co~m~: Ve~cafion of FaciH~ Dia~m "'. ' .. SPeci~ Haz~ds ~sociat~d ~ t~s. Fac~: ~01afiom: FD 1552 {~v. ~) Wbite-H~ Mat Div. Yel'low-St~tion COpy :ink-Business ~ice. I.D. # BUSINESS NAME ADDRESS: ~ot CITY, ZIP: $~~ PHONE ~: ,~-~ . ;~ BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ FORM 4A-1 Page of /~ NON--TRADE SECRETS '! HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY OWNER NAME: ~f~ ~.~-~ FACILITY.UNIT #:~ ADDRESS: /~l~ ~/~-z~m~ ~ FACILITY UNIT CITY,ZIP: ' PHONE #': ~!-~ .:} OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE I l! ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 ii 7 8 ?9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE~. LOCATION IN THIS HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT , AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT . WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME ~ CODE GUIDE ~ -'/~ ...... ¢'o ~'~-~5 04 ,m~~ ......... '"' NAME: ~/~-~ ~,~ TITLE: ~.~. SIGNATURE: ~ ~ ~ DATE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: ~/~ ~r~ '! TITLE: ~ ~ PHONE # BUS HOURS: ~.~-~6~ } AFTER BUS HRS: EMERGENCY CONTACT: ~'~ ~> ~, TITLE: ~,,~ PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: $~,~-~ ' PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: ~'~ AFTER BUS HRS: ~-/7.~ ~ - "- 4n-1 - HAZARDOUS"MA'TERIALS'3;' I'NVENTORY ," BUS~NESS NAHE:HoN~/~-~A~F~ . OWNER NAME: ADDRESS; LOCATION; ~ol ~o~ 5T ...... CITY, ZIP~ PHONE ~: ¢~:~¢ -- . PHONE ~: ~-' '~'/.o ~ '::,%~.: ": -'-: - - Irons [y~e H~x Average Annual Yeasure I ~y~ Con[ '.' toni:': :t' Cont', :: Use" :.,.::j;:/:,:-SL , ', Code aoae Z~t Ami Est Un,ts "on 5ice 'Type .':"Press.'.:. letup :". Code ~ F t~' ;;:: . ':. :f{. See lnst-ru,t~ons ' Ph~sic~l ~nd Health H~z~rd C.A,S. ~u~ber ' '.: ..... co:~Ponek~' iI'.'Na~e ~ c;A,S:~Nu%er.:,.,., .~:~: :,-~:'?:~. ~ .... · '"' Check al1 that apply) - ~ L, .',,. , : ,.-. :..:,.:, ,.::. :.:. :. : ' ,?:. :: :, ':". .:.. :?::~..: ., ~'~ .~ om'~ ' ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I~ediate:'.... · .7 . '.:. , : :;;.;:..,.:,..-',:,. : ::.:.:.' '~o ~/(~1~7 Health 0f Pressure H~alth : ? :':' ::".::..' -~ ' ~ ~.,.: ,' "" :"::' .... ., .:: C0~p0n~[:13'::,Nale.:4,,c t:S;,.:~berL'.:':: :.: ,: ':.'?:' , ,: ,, . . , , ~ .... ,;. ..... ... ;., ,:~,.,,- ~ ~Ao~ Check ali that apply} : :::' ~ .',:'::'::-"::- .".:::.;'..'.:,':~:. , :' '."::', :.:' ... .: , . . .:::: ~ Fire Eazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed D Sudden Release D Ima~dia[e, :':.:: .'.' "';',":'::' ':': ::::':') ":.':;::.:::/~ ' · . com~Onent:13 'Name & 'C.A S.~'Humber'? :"~:/'.;.:':- ,':;::: ' Health 0f Pressure Health' :.' :::'; ':':; '. '. <':'-?':.'r''?'' ,,: >. ' ", .... ,,,:: ~:- ..:.: ~ .:.. ,::.,'.. , . :...... , ..:: : ?.?~..: .",:.' .:._ .:: ,:..: ~0 ~Lt~c Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Hu~ber , _,; _".:: Component Il ..Nam~'l,C 'A.S.':Number:'; ~;. ,. >..:"' . ..' :. ,:/.:.., ,,. -, I~,~ ~l IFC~: I~ (Check all thnt ~pply) ' · .... ', ', :, .:,'-"~' : ,"' ..... ' ':":' Immediate,.' ... ::: , -'. ::,.,.,?':~:;:::.,, · ,: .,, ;, re Hazard D Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ · . ...... : .. ,, :,. :::.:-:. /.~: ~4m~ Hea Ith of Pr essur e Heal th ~ .: :- ':: ~ ',:~-. :.- "::: .. ' '~:: .''~',:' '~<"' '- , ;.., .,::- . :,:. . , . · , ':., , .:C0~p0'nent,:13 Ha~e l' C;i,S'."Hu=ber:::.:,, ,.'.:'::: %:;~: .: : .... - - Phy:ical and Health HazArd C.A.S. Humber , :: .,.'...'r/,cO~ponent 'll,:Hame & eTA.ST:Humber .' :;' , :;::-: '~g ' '"' (Check al1 that appll) . . , .~..,.:~ ; ..:~ ,'., ,':..:.. , .. ,.:; ...... .<~.~ ., .... . ~,: :,,: , . :': ,":'..,h:Coaponen:t/2' Name::& :~/A.:,~:":',~mb~r'>..,.' :: ':':. ?:;, z,o ~Fire Hazard D Reactivity U Delayed D Sudden Release D ~,neo,a:e:. ..: ,::,..- . :..... :.: . .:_". :.....:.:.',. Fo~V~iyro~ E~E~C: CONTACTS , J ~t~ ~ S :~, :~:- ~ ' Hame ~r Phone - · .:....aae,. - . , :. TI ' . ~ ....... .' . ' · ' af' er c m I tTn all;sections') --;- ';' .... i~i:~:~oO~:~:~:~0n ~s true, accurate: an~ co:~ete, ..:,,'~ ,' .'" ~ .~::'".' .. ..:....:~ ,' ;. ' HAZARDOUS, ,.MAT ERTALS.:]:. f NV ENTORY-~:~ C,~< NON:'TRAIDE':::;iSECRET's',' ': : :i' ;....'¥'...'.'. ::. ADDRESS: ' · . ' '.'STANDARD IND'... CLASS CODE: LOCATION; ~'o~ ~ot,. 5'r- "- . CITY. ZIP:~~ DUN AND BRADSTREEI NUHBER OILY. ZIP': ru4-~-e;-~__z_~z.o CA- '~--~-'3..~ -- ~z; o~C . . ..... PHONE 1~: C~-,~-\ s~¢-so~'~ .... ...... PHONE ti- G[~--,~ /~ .... ~::.;. ' :. · ..'- · ' '~ .... - - :FER YO~STRUCFZO~S ~PON.:PROP~"'CODES .... ~ .. Physical and Health Hazard C,A,S, Humber - . ~:;~,:: ':,'COmponent II/. Name (Check all that apply) ~: ,'.::': :-.' ...,,,':, ...:': ,'..,..~'..:.:" re Hazard. 0 Reacti~itF ~ Bela~ed ~ Sudden.Release ~i~he,,....:,,...,,,.'.::,. -..::..-,:., ..~':: , ::.' : -'': . '.' :.::,'::, :. '.; , ~ ~ ~ '.~ ,e,ith of Pressure '...',..:Ca~,po,den-t,/.l~,,.,NaAe..i./C:,i...s'::':H'~be~:~.:. , ~ - . . , Physical ~od Health Hazard .C,A.S. Number component ii :Na~e.t (Check al/ that appll} · , ',.~,.~ :/ ,,..>.": '....,._:. .. ,...;;,. :. : ..:'., , ...: .,. ...... Health of Pressure- : ..... · ..... :" ". :'Component 'H .Name I'. C:A;S',,' Number .,:.,: ,' .'/. ~ . .= . ', : .. .' ". ~,~:~ ........ :~.¢,:'"~ Physical ~nd Health Hazard C,A,S. Number -~" "' ::~" ""~'"'~ 'r":"':':' '" ''/ -- ' {Check all that apply) .... ..,.. : -~,. :,:.,,.-.. --..... ,: .... ....... ' ,. Health of Pressure Health ':....:::' :..:':',", :' ',.,". : . .:.:. '.Component 13: Ha~e I' I ::, : ,.~:.,.. . :Physical end HeslLh H~z~rd C,A,S. Nu~ber ":r~:'"* '':'':'': 'Comp°nent'll..Na~e l' C:A:Sj. Ngmber {Check ali that appl~) .' .:. :...:::::, . .:...:. ,...:....: ......,:..,:..:,.:: .,.: L: .,:,..: ..: :':~ ":': '"' "'"' ': :~' ?' '~' 0 Fire Hazard 0 ReacLivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~Immediate' : .. .':::. ' Health of Pressure . · ,Health', ',,,: ': ': · .. ~ComponenL' 13:"Hame 't.::,,:.. .. -. - · ....: :z4 Hr. ~one, ..:~..' ~ame.. · , ~ ., ;erti!j atioq ,(Rep¢ a..n.d.~ign ~f~,er cO/np7~t,i/;]g,,~77' sec't;i~ast~On"~"'~itie in.'h~S ndaii~ '':' certll under enalty dj' lal~ in,It Inaveper. sonaHy, examln~O~lqOtlm lamiliar..~/jLI] Lhe in! . $ I~ ,d t ' ;8 ' · · ' ' : ,ti'.aqhedY. docvment.s, an~ t.hat baseC~u~t? i~tugr)'_l~et~n0se ,n0,v,0uals responslo,le t0r..0btatn,ng, the ,nr0rmac!0n, !believe that the.::..,.' // ;ubmltted IjllOrl~atlOI1 IS cr.,ue, ac~ o c..g~p . .' ,': .::. ,'" ,' .... ,' : -.{ :. ': ": '.' -' // ~:~o ap ~Ot-0~ner/0oerat0r uR-own.r/- pe ' Z p · . .. · · °'~""(~ ..- ~ .' .: ,.-,.' ' i, :' ' . . ", ' :' :'.:. ,:'.. ' .'".: :.'i,'.'.". :'.,'. '.:,: ' :: .BAKERs "~" CITY :.,:-of,., FI ELD .., :HAZARDOUS:_; HATERiALs;:,,:ENVENTORY Standard Business ?~t A]T/X) (~: pAJC NON,.TRAD E:i, S EON ETS " ' ' "':""':' ' .... "?~.¢:' :.':;'"' NAHE OF THIS FACILITY' NAH~E~:/Cu,)-/-~A-DA~¢NsF/~-~~-2 ' ~e~AHE: 'dA*t'~ ~- ;." STANDARD IN0 CLASS C0B~: 5~- . ...... . '~ 9V~P= ' ~ .' '' ... '....'":DUN AND BRAD~TREE] NUMBER Page ~ of._ irons'.: "lll~e . Hax Average Annual ' Heasure 6'ode~" '.CoDe Am( · AmC Est UnIts '51t,e ::fype-'""?ress :'" ~emp'"' Code:-".':i".?:.'Stored ]n FacileLy PhysFc-i~l and Health Hazard C.A,S, Number ,'-:.;':.:comPonent,. II ;'.Hame.&'.C,X,S, Number ~eal~h of Pressure : ComponenB t C,A,S, Number : ire Hazard B ~ac~iri~ B Oel~'yed ~'Suddcn ~elease " Heakh ' of.Pressure - ,6omponen~ 13.Name I C,A,S, (umber and ~ n ~ e~ corn 7 ~¢ng ¢7Z seo~7ons~ .': . . . ¢::e[tifj'atio '. Re I exa~n ¢ m familiar iL '~he ~n[ormmon 8u ~Lted ~n h~s ~ndall I1 ~ta~es of ~ixture/(c~Donents 5~e ]nsC. ructions Farm and Agticulture I-1 'nu~JCn ~JaME' ,,~/,4-i/'= '[~:¢" :' ':~ ~',:~-i ~'~NAME:OF-THIS-:FAClLITY: BUSINESS NAME:#c~]~-~A- rZ,4-~:~'~s~g'LQ XK~S~ ......... "- ' ~ ' '/" ~ :~8TANDARD, IND': CLASS CODE: LOCATION; ~o~ ~'~ ~ ~ - ...... ~ Y~ ~7~p:- ~~~ ~"~'DUN AND BRAD~TREET NUMBER '.' .. R~I-t-N IU ZNI~IIXUL, tr.Lu/VO. /-L/M .r-n~r-,-n ~.,~,~,~_,., ...: .. · . . lrans lyQe Max Average Annual Measure _. I..Oy.s ·Cont :" Cont -., Cont:';- Use: :~'"': LOcationLWhece . i.' .:' ;.:,~ by.' )la.es of ~ixture/Cce~onents ' """"" ' -." :~-.';~". Wt: See Inst. ruct~ons ' ' ' Code code Amt AmC . Est Un,ts on 51ce ..... Type ':"Press.~,-:i.i' leap':.? Code.i;:~:¥:~.L:.~ Stored In Fac~mtty +'"~L' . r&' ' & 4~'"~" ~. .-. :.. -Component. i1' Hame-A C;A,S,:'H'dmber.'... ',-...f..',:.. :[',;..~::.~ ~ ~hysical end Health Hazard C,A,S Humber . . ........ '-~, (Check all that apply) · . .... ",.'-~-..,?-..". .... '.'...''~--".;"... :' "7"':~ '- .. U Fire Hazard D Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~Immediatb:" ,.v- '"' .... +:-.-; ~ ;:.."':':':...-"~' ":' "' Hea [th · of Pressure Health ' :- ~:: :.'".'~.;'~:': ,,".". '?': . >:;.".:. :'-: ':" ' '::' .' :~' .";' ~'?:,;: ~ ' . , Com'ponent"13. Hame & C;A;St..Number... ..... ..;:::' ...;. .: . ', .,, , . ,,: , . .?:.:::' ,,.,....~;~-:,.. .,. · .'~: ~ Physical ~od Hesith Hazard .C.A.S. Number ' · .:Component '1. Name & C.A.'S: Number.. ' :.".':'?:.::' /0: ~r~,-~ (Check al/ that appl~) ',.': ... _ /,~ :'":.:.'comp~fi'eht "12" Hame' '~ .c.x S'~:'NO~b~f.~::.'--":..':'~:~',.:'~:, - . ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~lm~i~e', ' , .?.~' ,~-.,:':. ,:. '- ..-::::::./: .... '::..~,:-.,::: ". ::i:i,"/' Health of Pressure . 'C~m~hen'~::.13':"~e '&, C.A.~ ~-~U:m'b~ef ~' :":':'~:"':~?: '?::'.: .., · Physical end Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber ' .:~ ComPonent:,ll':,: .,.,Hame & C.A.S. Humber.;..,,' ,~. .?/-, ,. .. .... ,...... ,.:~.,,:.,,,. :,~:~,, ,,.~'" (Check al1 Chat apply) .. .. ,, .. , -.: ? . --'- ,,. .,,: ~ ..~,?~ . . .:/:~ ';. : ;;,"..,; , . :' :.'? '~ ?c~:mp~':"12':: N~e &'.'C.'A:S';'/'H~m~er'''.'''::': ":""~ ??~' ;' ' : ' '" Hea ICh of Pressure HeaICh::C.O~,~R,eA~/13,.;Ha~~' &.'.~.A~.:~?~O,be'r' :., ~..:/....'..': =:~':.: Physic~l ~nd Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber ',: ,'.~? Component II 'Hame & C.A ,S'.;,Humber :: .,,.. · . :~' "." /':"¢[~A3: ':'~'~:? . :::~,.~?: (Check all that apply) . ' ..~ '-?' :',,'.;/'," ":'::' ";',':' .':.'' -' '' :~..~. . :' ',~-~?./~o.~Ponent::12',.:Ham~ '&'C .X ~.:N~mber" .'., '?: . '-, ::.':. ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ 1mmed~a~e~ '. '" .' ,. , "'',.' ' ' ' ' '-' Heal~h of Pressure , 'Health, ";' ,, :' ' " ' : ., · ' '- " ' .... Component 13 Hame ~C.A;S H~ber.,, .: .... · , , · .. ., · EMERGENCY CONTACTS ¢1~~ : ., ~ ..~ C.~ $~' . .. TI~' "'erti[igatioq .(Re~t An.d.$ign after comp l~tT(~g,all, sect ~ar, with the information f certify under penalty o)')aw cnac i nave persona|Iv examlnqoaqo Qm tamil ~u~mitted in this and all at~ached.docvment), anO t~at based on.my )nquiry Q[.those lnolv~Oua)s responsio/e for obtaining.the ~nTor~aclon, I believe that the suomltteu InTormacIon IS true, accurate, and compdece, ~- rtitie ot o~n..r/oo~rator UH o~ner/~r s authorized representadv~) .... ,'::,. " . CITY. i:'°f'- BAKERSFIELD :, ' HAZARDOUS'{"NATERIALs,., INVENTORY ' " ' ~'~'__ Of. and XgLIcult. ure I-]. Standard Business '1~' Page 121LiZUTl?~(~..~lz~u (. N O N--T RA E) E!:'.'', s E C R ET S -- · , · ' ",,. ,;'.'i',:,;' ;' "' ' 0US~iBESS NAIsIE: ¢c~9~£~J~/IKe~fFSr:/~ 'OWNER NAHE: ~'/P/r,-'E;Z~:-/'r'~'~" ":'" ' NAHE.OF THTS FACTLTTY: ....... .~--~.-~o f lr~ns~' .lyqe Hax Average Annual.Heasure ! ..Oy.s ; Cunt '.'~!: C. onL::'t. C. ont i-. U. sq :~' ': tocqtion?el:e. ..' ~!~?' ~l~eSseeOf ~ixturel¢~onentSlnst. ru:t.~¢ns . Cod~ A~t Amt. EsL Un~ts on ~ce Type ..... rress::'~.' ~emp','- uoae:~.::'.~?.' Storeu ~n Pac~L~cy ,hy:si:ial~.and Healt. h Hazard C,^.S. Humber ' " ' :":-Component. II :;Hame~&' C.X,S. Humber .- '- ~hy~al ~nd~ealthHazard C.A.S. Humber. ~. · .; Componentll.':H~me & C,X.S. Humber .... . '~Compo'nenC:.13: Ha~e'I' C.X.S.' Humber · I Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed'Heaith . ~' ~ .Suddpn_Release.. uT ~ressure - "'r ~ Imqedi~.eHealcn ' :' ',: ":' :" ":" · 'f atTo Re .a.n.d. i n aft:pr compl¢tTt.]g,~qll secti,ons.) , , : '[,~[;~'~:~['..V~""~nJ t~aC ~ase~ on my ~nouiry d those lnolv~oua/s .responsible .lor:oOcalnlnr9 ~lle:llHU~mA~u,,, ] believe that the -'~[[d'~tormat~on Ts true, accurate; And co,p/ere, . . . '.. - . ::~ ~'~..:':../'...:..:.: '-. '-.... '::. {. :. .. ~ .~ ,....:./..:,:.~::,. ~ - ... ...'.:'-..:::.::.,': ... .... . ..:. ,.. %. :'.: ::,,:- . , "~ ~ -~ ,::. ', .: : PROCEDURES FOR EVACUATION -IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ].. The first, person to be aware of an emergency should call 911 first and advise them of the type of emergency'. 2. Notify one of the office people. 3. Office person will make anouncemet over loud speaker. (dial ICM 85) ~ 4..Office person will check all areas or assign a person to check all areas to make sure everyone heard ann ouncement. 5 Everyone will meet in the rear of the parking lot for a head count. If the parking lot is a danger area meet at the northwest corner o'f vacant lot next door to Hunter Printing. SAFETY MANUAL SECTION '1: GENERAL SAFETY RULES: 1. No wet or dry intoxicants to be on the premises. 2.No person to be under the influence of ~ny intoxicants while working. 3.Excessive absence may be the cause for discipline 4. Keep restrooms and sink area clean 5. Each Person will keep }lis work area neat for those who work in the same. area later. 6. No horseplay or practical jokes '7. Do not distract others while they are working with machinery 8.Visitors in' the work area pose a safety and liability concern. Ask visitors to come to the office to talk. 9.Wear.suitable clothing; loose clothing and Jewelry may get caught in moving equipment. Open toed shoes or sandals are not considered appropriate 10. Use correct tool for the job. Do not modify tools or equipment without consulting management. 11. Use forklift or ask for help when lifting heavy objects 12. Obey all traffic laws while driving company vehicles. SECTION 2: ~Flammable and hazardous materials and chemicals 1. Watch for flammable materials around open flames. 2. Be suren'~lgarettes and matches are completely out before putting in trash 3. Know where the fire extinguishers are located. Never hang anything on or put anything near an extinguisher which would impede anyone from using it '4. Know Which chemicals· in use are flammable a. isopropyl alcohol b. Varns Typewash c. Varns Blanket WaSh d. Varns Pronto d. Paint Thinner 5. Minor spills of flammable chemicals should· be mopped up with the press and rags placed into 'the flame retardant cans to be picked up by the company which cleans the rags. 6. Major spills of chemicals should be handled by trained ~ersonnel, fire dept. etc. 7. The first person to notice a'major spill or emergency should call 911 and then notify someone in the office. 8. All chemicals should be handled with caution. 9. Some chemicals· have been designated as hazardous and are known to cause cancer or have other types of unhealthful effects. lO,,Material Safety data sheets are included in this manual. Read t~em and understand them. 11..Pour chemicals carefully to avoid splashing into eyes or on the skin of building and on.a sticker inclUded below. HEALTH HAZARD ~ FIRE HAZARD 4 Deadly f Flash Points 3 Extreme ,,,..... 4 Below 73°F danger 2 Hazardous (Boiling pt. below 100~F) I Slightly 3 Below 73°F hazardous (Bolling pt. at/above 100°F) 0 Normal material and/or at/above 73°F-not exceeding 100OF 2 Above 100° F, Not Exceeding 200° F I Above 200° F 0 Will not burn REACTIVITY SPECIFIC HAZARD 4 May detonate Oxidizer 3 Shock and heat may detonate Acid ACID 2 Violent Alkali ALK chemical Corrosive COR change Use NO WATER :V~ 1 Unstable if heated Radioactive ~&,'~ 0 Stable L95 Printed by Labelmaster, Div. of American Labelmark Co. Chicago, IL 60646 12. All chemicals in unmarked containers must be' labeled with the product name and manufacturer 13. Know the NFPA rating symbols. Blue ......... Health hazard toxicity to the skin or individual's health Red .......... Fire Hazard The fl~mmability of the ~aterial Yellow ....... Reactivity the potential explosiveness of. the· material white ........ Specific Hazard Warnings for oxidizers, acids, alkalies corrosives or special warn~.ngs 14. Know NFpA rating numbers (Sample for Blue; Health Hazard,.shown below) 0 ......... No precautions necessary 1 ........ Breathing apparatus may be worn 2'. ....... Breathing apparatus with face mask should be worn 3 ..... '..'.Full protective suite & breathing apparatus should be worn 4 ...... '..Special full protective suite must be worn · Ratings for all Colors can~be seen on sign posted in rear 15. A copy of this .manual will be kept in each department. 16. Each person shall read the manual and sign that he. has read and understands the above rules. · I have read and unders%and the rules previously as wri%%en in %he safety manual,. ( Signature ) HOW TO READ THE MSDSI. ~I). ---~--'-"-...._..__.- ,,o=,,,,,,, oA,, ,,- Important · phone number ----~ """~"" ~in case of ~--, I ~ spillage or in a medical ~.--.~,,.~-~ .... medical I '~"~~ emergency ~emergency, a '--~~ .... ~ __---~~ · ~ · physician will~ _~ want this ~ ~information. -- --~--~-"" ~' '". ~---~-- "".. The ~8DS sho~n .... --,.--.,~--. ,,', -., here is the most .~..--~~,, common format. ........ ~......=, ,,.~_.~ Look for these ..... ~~---"'-- same headings o~ : ~"-"~'" other formats. Symptoms of ~~;~-;,~-~---~~. -- [~xposure and i rst-aid · ' ~'" ""' details are ..... ~_l I here. ;~"-.- .- ~-"' ~'--" ==- I:~- I,I ~ ~ Improper '~"~"~~m~?~~'~"'""~ ~cleanup-- can Note: Work ~~...,,,~.~.~,~~' .--create problems. environment , This is impo~ant and special ~ =--.~~~. ............ ,._,,,~. information. Clothing ~.L~~- requirements .... ~ 'pre covered , ~ection. ~Oe 3 I1~1'1011 VI; TOIII~I~Y ~ NF.~LII( ~ DATA ~C~: M Stlte St~t I~lltJ~: ~ ~zord for utdf ;~ttrlll ~ll~. ~ll~ · with ~l~ty of ~tw. ~ ~ with I ~ MI~ ~. ......... II ~ f ~ ~ MTi ~,~l' . FI~ ~ off of ~l~ wl~h pIMty of Itw. glPI1.S ~ ~1 111~ i. ~i~Ti~: W~l~ FJrlt Aid: In ~N of M ~lKt, i~iltJiy fl~ wl~ pl~y of WI~ f~ It lint 1S oi~. bt ~i~t att~l~. ~ ~ ~in ~t~t I~lotelf ~ with ~ ~ pl~ty ~ ~1~ fl~ ~l~. L~. ~ 01~ ~ , W ~itF (Air t I): - O.l ~ll ~i~l f~lltlM ~ mt M tilth f~ ~Ir~tll ~lfla blty (gtO· 1): 1.~ PIll.Il f~ t~ .j~ ~tl Of thit ~i~l fnllti~, Fire ~ ~lli~ ~t ~ ~ ~ti~ ~ ~ I .O,~WL ~ I.I ti mt I~tN to ~ ~ ~. ~lrwtll ~l~ IllI ~1~ .' v~ ~lty (lit · I): ~ldlllt7 in Wtw (~ WIpt): ~111 lire llpIl~ ~: V NIf~tlll VNthlq ~t~.~ ~OIKII~ ~t~. : St~ll Ity: St~le .. . ~. ~ ~'.~'X"X:.. ~".'..X'..~; ................................. ~1~ vi, T~I~I~ H G~ ~ ~1 ~0 LINII v~: ~ ~tlM II I, ~ ~lCII: I~1111~: ~ ~ ~ ~l~llNle tem IKlvl~ll. ~ !~ ~ Irrltlllm, ~ ~11 I. I IIIqle ~ln ~IIlM, leIIlll? Ill I~11111~ 11~ il. - ~ ........ . ........ ~ ~ ~'" ~l~l II II. ~llluIll Ill I. ~lll ~c~l ~ ~;~;l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~IlIIlI~IIllIIIlI IIIIIlIIIlIII ~OIll~lll~t~l I. III i ~ (lI.) ' ~tIl~ III ~I~ Ill llll~ · ;" ~ r~ll~ I II I lll~ll~ {Iii) I~ ti ~ al~ ~tlI ~l~l,I ~ fill) ~ll IIlI. ~.l.~.~ ~~l~ ~ tW~I~ lily dill, IIIll, V Iai IH, elfNtl. I IMII~ N II II II~ It I ~ ~ illlIM tn file alii II I II~ H ~ I II~ltlll lat. Jlad~tlr, h'M htll~ 01~ ~: M ~ I~lt~l~. SECTION I IIU~ST GI/~HICS, INC. SECTION III · PHYSICAL DATA .CTION IV · FIRE ~O ,XPLOS'~ H~ARODATA ~ 11~) . ,CTIQN.y · HEALTH HAZARD OAT& ,,MJ,M~O L~-9 v~ui E~0 ppi ~l~.lllt M. I~TIM: ~e M fmh mir ~ clll I p~lclan; l~11 .~1~ VI . REA~IVITY DATA ..... I-- I f~;::;:::- · I::::: I'-'-'0'"' vlth IKll, store aM f~erll rlpJltl~s.. SECTION VIII · SPECIAL. PROTECTION INFORMATION ....... I ........... '" i ~CTI~ IX - .~EClAL I · . ~ ~y f~ ~t,lNrks Itt~tlM. ~1~ I, I~I~I~TI~ I ~I~ll II~lI ~IIq I(I)I ~I I~ ~ - ! bll~ I, NI~I~ ~l~I I · ~ ~lty (AI~ a I): 0.6 i ~ r ~' - - A. E~S~ ~INITJ~ b~ Apptiesble ' . ~: No *~cific kitord k~ to tlltufl K~lk Cmplny. B~e~er, ~.. Ski~: ~ hatird for usual teduitriel h~udltn8. ~ ' C. FI~T AED: In cedi of eye c~tict, fluih u[th plenty of viler. *Typicslty !0 ~oom vol~eo p*r h~r Il eoeoidered 8~ 8eneTol A. SKIW A~ EYE ft~ZON: A~id sootier vith *irKS elklll~  ioeheTee, tTeitmot, ff dle~oel m7 be lubjee~ es fibril, Dote of frepirori~: 12/~/83 M Appr~ed by U,S, ~pir~mn~ of Labor A. ~2 ' oviitible foe the Mjor emits of ~bio cb~tcll fo~leci~. * bit ~e~ra~ic ~icato Catal~ Mr(O)~ ~T lot ??&8 - S ' Gollo~ ~io chNiefl fo~litt~ boo I hash biololieol osyieo dmM iud 0~ peones. T~ CMBCl of ~bio emicll fo~llci~ ore C~(S): rErceoc '~ .~0 ~Ceooi~ ~. ~S Ret, ~, directly or ludireetly Into tb ~ir~ne io ~e e~eced co Meter ~O --- 035290 7731-t8-S e eiluificone i.~et. ' mia thiooulft~ · For EM~e~y bolth, Sofe~y, oM Euvt~u~.l Info~ti~, emil (716) ' S~l~ eeetete S-LO ~ 9~227 t27-09-3 Os~e of Pre.forint 3/18183~evtoe~ Appro~ ~ U.S. ~rtMut of bf~e itid ( ~ ~ --- 9OI06~ IOM3-3~-3 · o V~r Dfloity (Air - l):' ~ 0.6 - blebtlity in' Voter: ~lete - flieb fdiet: * l~ie~ebiel Ndil: bt Applleible ~l~ eeif~ta~u~ breithin8 - hull ~i~e ~ Exploel~ Betaedo~ Fire ff eleeeoive heat My e~oe pt~Mcl~ of * bterdm be~oiti~ f~uet*~ .MERICAN HOECHST CORPORATION MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET . 8oot~0n I Seotion JJ HA2AKDOUS INGrEDiENTS ~Jeotion Ill-PHYSICAL DATA 8Htiofl IV-FIRE AND ~PLOSION HMARD DATA Ifltlon VI-REACTiVI~ DATA 8~tion VII.SPILL Off LEAK PROCEOUflE8 S~tfon VIII-SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION ~. . ~ 8~lon IX-BPEGIAL PRECAUTION8 AMERICAN HOECHST CORPORATION MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET · ({O~J Section Il HAZARDOU8 INGREDIENT0 beetiofl III-PHYSICAL 8eatlon IV-FIRE AND ~PLOglON HA~RD DATA hetion V-HEALTH HAZARD DATA 6eetion VI-REACTIVITY OATA 8~tlofl VII-SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURE0 8Ntlen VlII~BPEGIAL PROTECTION INFOnWTION O~tlon ~-SPEGIAL PRECAUTION8 -MATERIAL-SAFETY DATA SHEET - Pag~ ~ S~C~NI Revised I Nov. 1985 VARR PR~UCT8 CO., ~. -~600 Z75 ROUte 208, OekZand, ~ 07436 Hot AooI Lcablg 80- Aliphat ic 5olven~ 100 400 [6032-32-4' ]~ Polyqlycol ~checs ~iO 100 (107-96-2~, (34S90-94-8] IICT1QN m · P~KmCAL OATA 0 66°~ ~C CO2, Povder, foam ?teat no hlg~ volatile petroleum fife. Keep container cool 390 PPM lnhola~ionz diszineoo, headache. Eyes 8~lngiflg. gkfnz c~neae, dyrfleea, itching. Skin: vlfh vi~h 'soap and ve~or, apply hnd crei.. Eft serious CIBoB, call phyolclan. CO2, Co off ignition alloy to air ~ry In very veil venctlot~ area. Large spillm, ~p ofld o~ore ~, ~e~al dcuo. a~ove or l,~ec~io, i,~lnera~Lon. 9ub~e~ ~o local sanl~o~lon Self c0ntaln~ breathing 8ppacatuo if TLr etceed~d. k proog synthetic goggleo recomndod hea~ i ' .. -~ UCTION IV IqRe AND IXPl.0~ON HakT. ARD DATA · - ll°r ~CC 'I '. CO2 I~ovd~r fo~m ~ ~'~MM~ High volatile petroleum tice~ keep con,*inet ~ool. ~v boiling paine. Could pcoducl pcessuce cln above ]40 . 275 ~eM~M lnhai*~ion: dlzztness~ headache, nausea. 8ye= s~lnging. Skin~ cedness, l~ching~ dcyneas. *~MWM~ ~cesh aic. ~ye: il'Jab vi~h lacge volume of varec. Skin: rash v~h soap and v~Cec, apply hand cceam. In casco, call phystcian. Sttonq oxtdl~ifl~ material CO~ CO on ignition . · ~m.~ ~ ~'~" SpFead absorbent. Sveep up absocben~ and air dry tn a ~tl ventilated area. large spills mop up and state " in s~8Je~ m~tnt ~an. Stay up-~ind from spill. ~'-- Self coflCained breeching apparatus Se ~LV exceeded . ~ ~ O~OOf syfl~he~ Lc goggles I y en lilies, 8pack8 o~ high heat MATERIAL-SAFETY DATA SHEET. YARN PR~UCTS CO., IHC. . 3600 ~,', 175 ROU~e 208, Oakland, ~ 07436 HoC ~ppltcablo VAR~ ~lPg ~ASH NO~ Applicable applicable SE~N N* H~ 40- Aromatic ~olvent 60 zoo [zoo-'e8-]l Aliphatic Solvent 30 SO0 [llO-S4-3J Alcohol · 30 t~u ( SECTION ill. PHYSICAL DATA · m.,..~,~ Initial isloF NNemw. W*'~ .~98 I -. w*~,.q 58.S ~m~.~ 100 ~ 4.0 ~ (n-bu~ylacecaCe) .43 22-25t ~m Cleat ·Liquid. PoCFoAouo odoE'. well ventilated ~reo. torte aprils - Bop up ~nd score la Dealed mtel co6totfler. mdua,,mi-4s ifs above, tarI or i,JecCion incineration. Subject to Io~ai mealie'clan reauletio~o. ' ~ via · {P~ po~Yl~ mPoat~TJoe m'~e~ --con ca / fle~ brea£htnu rubber or synthetic · U~. DEPARTMENT OF L,AOOR '"" '~""" MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET' ~ vnsw ~j~i34. kgea~ ~ HEMI~ #q~M.m~ ~ I~de IkmMml. yBee ~ Kevieed t flor. SSCTION ! VABN J~K)DUCT5 CQ.. lW:. ~6oo 17~ go~te 208, 0uktand. Ney Jerseg 07436 {Sot kDolicebto [~Ot Aaoltc&b~ INflr A~)~lirahl~, SECTIO~ B, H&2AROOUS 4romKic Hvdrocerkm J 30- I 50 100 (6.74Z-9:5-6) Potlltycot. Ethers CiO IOO (107-96-2) llin~mt lc #vdrvcor bo~e 50 200 /Mill-eS-7) · Trmle S4qreca ¢S I (c~h..ttbloJ .j ~ m. P~ f)~TA mmN,,,~a Initial 313 m~Nu-q · ,N,m,m~ 4.5 mN~E..~ (n-but,taq~ata) mo,mm Pamiet~,m I mm relier I-i~uid. {'~trote~m Odor. 8i~ IV. ~ AND IXPLO~ON HAZARD OATA ~J I . :' 'Tre~t lo jmrrolm fire. 150 PPi4 · mum Inhoiott°fl'he~odKhe, dl~ztneas, nauaea. Eye-silesia8. ttchtnS, dryneso ,m,m,,e*,,,,,mmmu Fresh mir. Eye-flash uith terse volume of voter. Skins-yeah with seep a~d water, oppi! {tend cram. la DeriDeD cane colt physician. ,. 'MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revis~ I Nov. ~ ~o~te 208. Oakla~d~ ~.J. V~8~ · The ACGI# rECO.T~ndS ~ chln~, to " ! ppi C ~nd ~95tlng ~onm~deh2~e es ~ ~t ~T~ ~ll~t splll~ mterlll. ~lea. up SECTION III. PHYglCAL DATA ~ Tan~ o~aQu~ IJqu[~ - ~o~v~nt ~ECTION ~ · ~RE ANO ~PLO~N H~RO OATA COl, Povde~, ~ lnhol~cto~dt~tlne~,, nausea, he.d,c,. Eye-*ttnltn8 sea~tlon. Fresh air. Flush eye~ vtth larse vol~s ol rater. ~ skin, and voter follov~ by ha~d cream. Il ~erious call physician. Strnn8 o~ldlztn8 ~tert*ls ~epinRo to dry Iff veil veflttlot~ nreo. ~rBe spillo con be mpped up end · tor~ lo seale4 ~el container. ' a~e~-contnined breath~nK apparatus if 'TL¥ e~ceeded. neraJ type r~nded Gossleo r~nd~ U.S. OEPARTMENF OF LA~R ~Je, ' Keep avoy (tm o~n s~rko or fTaM9 and htsh beet. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 9~Nf Revj~d I ffnv. 198~-- ~ ROU~e 20~, OakJand, H,J, 0743~ ~'~pllcabte J~[ Appltcabl~ . . : AwBm~B~..dOd~, Rllkv-vhltl. Slier ~lv~t ~. (COr~sl~). LIQeld IS lrrltltlml ~ ~y be ~ful. ~versl~ Irrltltiofl. If In~lt~, ~ KT I~l ~ttl~. (:all I physiclln. For skiff Cofl~ct, ~sh 4f~t~ a~l vlth ~oap i~ ~ter. ~vl I~ leu~er cont~lflltN ClOthl~ A~ld skin aM e~ contact. ~lh ~MS Ifter usl~. ~kl tull tip ti SK~IY cloth CI~ ~ ~t iff UtE,