HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 2 (2) I Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ........... ,,~;~,,~;~??~=.~;?~? .................... This permit is issued for the following: ?~ii?~i?i'.,:~i!:!?'"?'::;ii~:iiii}ii?~:. :,}iii!!!!iiii~. iiiii~ii iii:'::"::':.iiiii~*iilDiliO~e:rground Storage of Hazardous Materials '~?:::::::~,.~:: .::~ ?, : ........ _ ..... ~,, ~ ............ ~C.::'"-"~,. '"'~'.:'"'.:'~]'.::;C;~ .... z, ' ...... ~'-:.~::::.- E~,, ",~r~,. . '"',..-,,...: i .,,C?" .~'[ "; B~ersfield Fke Depa~ent Approv~ by: O~ICE OFE~RON~AL S~ ~CES 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor fi/ ~ph Huey~ O~ce of ~enml S~i~ B~e~fiel~ CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 F~ (S05),26-0576 Expiration Date: June 30. 2000 Stuarts' Petroleum BAK:E- RSFIELD, CA 93307 (661) 325-6320 · FAX (661) 325-8481 January 31, 2002 City of PO Box 2057 Bakersfield CA 93303-2057 Re: New owner Our location at 101 19th Street, Bakersfield CA 93307 (EZ Stop Mobil), was sold 12/27/01. The new owners are Boun Ly and Yam Vang, please forward this billing to them. Customer # 17072 Customer type 20611 If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Stuarts' Petr°leum 11 EAST 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 (661) 325-6320 · FAX (661) 325-8481 January 31, 2002 City of Bakersfield PO Box 2057 Bakersfield CA 93303-2057 Re: New owner Our location at 800 34th Street, Bakersfield CA 93301 (Yoo's 34th St Mobil), was sold 12/15/01. The new owners are Sung Hwan Yoo, please forward this billing to them. Customer # 2909 Customer type 2909 If you ha),e any qUestions please feel free to contact us. ....S~a,e o~ Ca~o,~o--~_.v~ronme"to~ Instructions on back e 6. Department o~ Toxic SubsmncesContr' Protection AgenCy ~ See ~ Sacramento. ~o~m ~ppraved OMB No, 20~0039 (Expires 9'30~99) ~~-- ~ 2. page I InformatiOn in th~ Please print or ~pe. ~orm designed for use on elite ~12-pi~r#er' 1. G~nerato~s US ~PA ~ No. Manifest Document No. ;s not required by Federa~ law. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFES~ 4, Gener~o~'s P~one ( I ~ ' ~~ ~' ~ '--~ 6. U5 EPA ID Numar ~. Tronsp0rJer ~ Company Name ! 8. US E~A ~g N~m~r ~ 7. Transporter 10. US EPA ID Numar 9, Designated Faci11~ ~ome an~ ff~UO~ ~ ~u~ ~ ~]711 14 Unit ~ Containers 13, Total I . US DOT ~scription Jincluding Proper shipping Name Hazard Class, and ID Number) -- No. ~ Quantity ,,., ~' b. I ~5~ ~,~a~;? '/? '~:~t~,~(a ~;:;:~ :'~:~t~,a~?,~:::`':~':~::~,:~ ,~ ~: 15, Special Handling Instructions and Additional ma~ked, and labeled, and are in alt respects in pro~r condition ~or trans~rt~y highway according to apphcable international and nafionaJgovernment regulations. If I om a lar · uanh' enerator, I certi that I have a ra ram in lace lo reduce the volume and tox/ci~ o~ waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically pract~cab e ~d~hat ~e selec~d the ~ctlcabJe melh~ ~ treatm~t, storag .... dispo~l ...... fly available to me ~hich minimizes th~present and future threat to h .... health - and the environment;-OR, if I am a small quanti~ ~nerator, I have made a good ~aith effort to minimize my waste gen~atiomand select lha best waste management method that ~ available to me and that I can afford. ' Month ~y Year ~ Prin~d/Typed Name ~ ig ~ ~onth ~y Year af A ~aterials ~' ~ - ~ 2 ~ckno~ ~f MateriaJ~ ~ Prin,.d/Typed Nome J Signature ~ Month · Day Year 19. Di~reponcy Indication Space Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. Prlnted/Typed Name I Sign..,ture I Monqn t,ay Year DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE.! DTSC B022A 14/97J Blue: GENERAl'OR SENDS TH~S COPY TO DTSC WITHIN 30 DAYS EPA 8700--22 To: P.O, Box 400, Sacramento, CA 95812-0400 "WE CARE" " January 30, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M. R. KELLY F,.E C.,EF W A R N I N G ! 9=0, CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED 215-000-00136~, 44~q(_o ~..~c~"~.~"edt~. CALIFORNIA BP .t i E 4TH ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this offioe. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the '2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate" box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) CaLifornia Health & Safety Code). If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ' ~' ~;' ' 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 93301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 July 13, 1995 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Enclosed is your updated Permit to Operate for the underground storage tank(s) located at the referenced place of business. Please take a moment to review the information printed on the permit to make sure everything is correct. If any corrections need to be made, please call the discrepancies to our attention immediately. Your Permit to Operate is a legal document and its accuracy determines whether you are in compliance with the law, If you are the tank owner and not necessarily the tank operator at the site, please make a copy of this permit for your own files. Forward the original permit to the tank location so that it may be conspicuously posted on site. If you have any questions regarding the Permit to Operate or your responsibilities as an underground storage tank owner, please call the Hazardous Materials Division at (805) 326-3979, or write to us at the letterhead address. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey ---~'"J Hazardous Materials Coordinator Enclosure rmit Og Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility State I.D. No. 013146 ..... ,,.??.'.?!..; ...,:,:,....,:,:,: ::,~:.~:,:,. :,:,:,...::,:~::......?:~:,.?.,,Permit No.' 1065 CONDITIONS ~ P~~i~ ~h aEVERSE SIDE .:i:i ': '- ':..i!" ;~iiii: .,., ,. Number Substance C ~p'a:~it'~:~:~:.::::::'~ I n'~'{~ii~i!?~i':iii., ~:i ~il ?:'T ¥ p e M o h i!:.~:~:i.n..::.~::i~ ?!~' Type Method Monitoring 02 SUPER iiii;::':Sii00~) i!:.? ::'::-::::;];;:'.'.':::::~:'§~iiiii;i:~iil;~il ?ii?:~SW~i':!:'::i:"~!:::::~:?.~ ...... Mi:~ ;!i:i::ii?~i LPT PRESSURE ALD 03 UNLEADED PLUS .~?:.:.::.'-,--1.'gB6 ':: ':.;ii~.27:~?::.$~?::~!):~;?:2::?:,% M!!R/TTT:.:::..[":i~i; LPT PRESSURE ALD 04 DIESEL 'ii~:O~:050 ~;i':!~: :%;i;i;i;i;~;~;l:~::ii::i!i!~,:~::::~ii~?~:~i:~:?~E:?~:~:??::.?? M:i;T~:.]:.[?:::;?i!: LPT PRESSURE ALD :::~... '??::.. .~:::di;;ii:ii::! .............. ::..~ "'"':....:: ......... :':'::::' . ..?'{ :~;:Col3d!t~ons?subj:ect.to Issued By: "::~%;;.;?'!:.]:;:::;;;?.'?~'..:?~::: '?'""::?~ !!i~;~;i!! .:?~i;~~:::. .;?.;;,::?'"i )?:?issued To:  Bakersfield Fire Dept. =================================================================================================================================================================================== ........ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DlWSlON ............................. STUARTS PETROLEUM 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 11 EAST 4TH STREET (805) 326-397~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Approved by: 12-22-93 12-22-98 V ' Ralph E, t~uey,/Hazard~ordinator Valid from: to: 11~AST th 5fREE1STUART$'4PET~QLEu~ A' Service Station DATE...12~01-93 NTD uomputer Systems,I~o N~ME... BAKERSFIELD, C~ 93307 Compute¥ized DaiLy Book. TIME...600-1000 ------1 (c) COPYRIGHT ~984 t ......... UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING STICK METHOD < .......... 800K ............ > < ......... PHYSICAL ......... > <--- RECONCILIATION ---> <OVER-LIMIT FLAGS> (- FUEL -) (- WATER -) Over Allow. % Inv. Date Time Tank Open Adds Sates Close inches gallons inches gallons Short Var. Var. INSPECT STOP WATER 11-01-93 500 I 3,370 0 439 2,931 28.00 '2,927 0.00 0 -4 200 -0.91~ 11-01-93 500 2 6,978 0 1,097 5,881 46.00 5,710 0.00 0 -171 200 -15.59% 11-01-93 500 3 3,976' 0 346 3,630 32.00 3,520 0.00 0 -110 200 -31.79% 11-02-93 500 1 2,927 0 393 2,534 25.00 2,499 0.00 0 -35 200 -8.91% 11-02-93 500 2 5,710 0 1,075 4,635 39.00 4,598 0.00 0 -37 200 -3.44% 11-02-93 500 3 3,520 0 198 3,322 31.00 3,370 0.00 0 48 196 24.24% 11-03-93 SOO I 2,499 0 430 2,069 22.00 2,086 0.00 0 17 200 3.95% 11-03-93 500 2 4,598 0 987 3,611 33.00 3,671 0.00 0 60 200 6.08% 11-03-93 500 3 3,370 0 274 3,096 30.00 3,221 0.00 0 125 200 45.62% 11-04-93 500 1 2,086 0 422 1,664 18.50 1,630 0.00 0 -34 200 -8.06% 11-04-93 500 2 3,671 0 1,243 2,428 24.00 2,359 0.00 0 -69 200 -5.55% 11-04-93 500 3 3,221 0 329 2,892 27.50 2,855 0.00 0 -37 200 -11.25% 11-05-93 500 1 1,630 2,187 355 3,462 32.00 3,520 0.00 0 58 200 16.34% 11-05-93 500 2 '2,359 5,338 1,254 6,443 52.00 6,661 0.00 0 218 200 17.38% INSPECT 11-05-93 500. 3 2,855 1,193 236 3,812 34.50 3,900 0.00 0 88 200 37.293 11-06-93 500 1 3,520 0 190 3,330 30.50 3,296 0.00 0 -34 188 -17.89% 11-06-93 500 2 6,661 0 787 5,874 48.00 6,025 0.00 0 151 200 19.19% 11-06-93 500 3 3,900 0 256 3,644 32.00 3,520 0.00 0 -124 200 -48.44% 11-07-93 500 1 3,296 0 288 3,008 28.00 2,927 0.00 0 -81 200 -28.13% 11-07-93 500 2 6,025 0 605 5,420 42.50 5,150 0.00 0 -270 200 -44.63~ INSPECT 11-07-93 500 3 3,520 0 234 3,286 31.00 3,370 0.00 0 84 200 35.903 SEVEN DAY SUMMARY 7 DAY 1. 3',370 2,187 2,517 3,040 28.00 2,927 0.00 0 -113 126 -4.49% 7 DAY 2 6,978 5,338 7,048 5,268 42.50 5,150 0.00 0 -118 350 -1.67% 7 DAY 3 3,976 1,193 1,873 3,296 31.00 3,370 0.00 0 74 94 3.95% 11-08-93 500 1 2,927 0 384 2,543 26.00 2,640 0.00 0 97 200 25.26% 11-08-93 500 2 5,150 0 1,144 4,006 35.50 4,054 0.00 0 4B 200 4.20% 11-08-93 500 3 3,370 '0 261 3,109 29.00 3,073 0.00 0 -36 200 -13.79% 11-09-93 500 1 2,640 0 39i 2,249 23.50 2,291 0.00 0 42 200 10.74% 11-09-93 500 2 4,054 0 1,107 2,947 28.00 2,927 0.00 0 -20 200 -1.81% 11-09-93 500 3 3,073 0 281 2,792 27.00 2,783 0.00 0 -9 200 -3.20% '" PETROLEUH Service Station DATE...12-O1-93 HTD /~ ~AST 4th STREET Computer Systems,Inc NAME... BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Computerized Daily Book TIME...600-1000 .............. i (C) COPYRIGHT 1984 1 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING STICK METHOD ( .......... 800K ............ ) ( ......... PHYSICAL ......... ) (--- RECONCILIATION ---) (OVER-LINIT FLAGS) (- FUEL -) (- WATER -) Over Allow. % Inv. Oate Time Tank Open Adds Sates Ctose inches gattons inches oatlons Short Var. Var. INSPECT STOP WATER 11-10-93 500 1 2,291 2,200 309 4,182 36.50 4,209 0.00 0 27 200 8.74% 11-10-93 500 .2 2,927 5,378 1,072 7,233 55.50 7,214 0.00 0 -19 200 -1.77% 11-10-93 500 3 2,783' 1,197 275 3,705 33.50 3,747 0.00 0 42 200 15.27% 11-11-93 500 I 4,209 0 439 3,770 33.25 3,709 0.00 0 -61 200 -13.90% 11-11-93 500 2 7,214 0 1,342 5,872 48.00 6,025 0.00 0 153 200 11.40% 11-11-93 500 3 3,747 0 284 3,463 31.00 3,370 0.00 0 -93 200 -32.75% 11-12-93 500 I 3,709 0 535 3,174 30.00 3,221 0.00 0 47 200 8.79% 11-12-93 500 2 6,025 0 1,251 4,774 40.00 4,755 0.00 0 -19 200 -1.52% 11-12-93 500 3 3,370 0 29Z' 3,073 29.00 3,073 0.00 0 0 200 0.00% 11-13-93 500 1 3,221 0 399 2,822 27.00 2,783 0.00 0 -39 200 -9.77% 11-13-93 500 2 4,155 0 862 3,893 34.00 3,823 0.00 0 -ZO 200 -8.12% 11-13-93 500 3 3,073 0 202 2,871 27.25 2,819 0.00 0 -52 200 -25.74% 11-14-93 500 1 2,783 1,398 231 3,950 34.50 3,900 0.00 0 -50 200 -21.65% 11-14-93 500 2 3,823 5,527 677 8,673 66.50 8,890 0.00 0 217 200 32.05% INSPECT 11-14-93 500 3 2,819 1,696 198 4,317 38.00 4,441 0.00 0 124 196 62.63% SEVEN DAY SUMMARY 7 DAY 1 2,927 .3,598 2,688 3,837 34.50 3,900 0.00 0 63 134 2.34% 7 DAY 2 5,150 10,905 7,455 8,600 66.50 8,890 0.00 0 290 350 3.89% 7 DAY 3 3,370 2,893 1,798 4,465 38.00 4,441 0.00 0 -24 90 -1.33% 11-15-93 500 1 3,900 0 556 3,344 31.50 3,44.5 0.00 0 101 200 18.17% 11-15-93 500 2 8,890 0 1,309 7,581 57.00 7,449 0.00 0 -132 200 -10.08% 11-15-93 500 3 4,441 0 198 4,243 36.00 4,131 0.00 0 -112 196 -56.57% 11-16-93 500 1 3,445 0 344 3,101 29.00 3,073 0.00 0 -28 200 -8.14% 11-16-93 500 2 7,449 0 1,267 6,182 49.00 6,184 0.00 0 2 200 0.16% 11-16-93 500 3 4,131 0 311 3,820 35.00 3,976 0.00 0 156 200 50.16% 11-17-93 500 1 3,073 0 287 2,786 27.00 2,783 0.00 0 -3 200 -1.05% 11-17-93 500 2 6,184 0 1,236 4,948 41.50 4,992 0.00 0 44 200 3.56% 11-17-93 500 3 3,976 0 244 3,732 33.00 3,671 0.00 0 -61 200 -25.00% 11-18-93 500 1 2,783 0 396 2,387 24.00 2,359 0.00 0 -28 200 -7.07% 11-18-93 500 2 4,992 0 1,217 3,775 33.00 3,671 0.00' 0 -104 '- 200 -8.55% 11-18-93 500 3 3,671 0 318 3,353 31.00 3,370 0.00 0 17 200 5.35% ~~RT'S''PETROLEUM Service Station DATE...12-O1-93 MTD //1 EAST 4th STREET Computer Systems,Inc NAME... 'BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Computerized Daily BOok TIME...600-1000 ............. '.' ................ '1 (c) COPYRIGHT 1984 I UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING STICK METHOD 4-2 ........ BOOK ............ ) { ......... PHYSICAL ......... ) (--- RECONCILIATION ---) (OVER-LIMIT FLAGS} (- FUEL -) (- WATER -) Over Allow. ~ Inv. Date Time Tank Open Adds Sates Close inches gallons inches gallons Short Var. Var. INSPECT STOP WATER 11-19-93 500 1 2,359 0 424 1,935 21.00 1,953 0.00 0 18 200 4.253 11-19-93 500 2 3,671 0 1,416 2,255 24.00 2,359 0.00 0 104 200 7.34% 11-19-93. 500 3 3,370' 0 363 3,007 28.00 2,927 0.00 0 -80 200 -22.04% 11-20-93 500 1 1,953 2,805 261 4,497 40.00 4,755 0.00 0 258 200 98.85% INSPECT 11-20-93 500 2 2,359 5,923 878 7,404 56.00 7,293 0.00 0 -111 200 -12.64~ 11-20-93 500 3 2,927 0 256 2,671 27.00 2,783 0.00 0 112 200 43.75% 11-21-93 500 1 4,755 0 109 4,646 39.00 4,598 0.00 0 -48 108 -44.04% 11-21-93 500 2 7,293 0 727 6,566 52.50 6,741 0.00 0 175 200 24.07% 11-21-93 500 3 2,783 0 243 2,540 25.00 2,499 0.00 0 -41 200 -16.87% SEVEN DAY SUMMARY 7 DAY 1 3,900 2,805 2,377 4,328 39.00 4,598 0.00 0 270 119 11.36% INSPECT STOP 7 DAY 2 8,890 5,923 8,050 6,763 52.50 6,741 0.00 0 -22 350 -0.27% 7 DAY 3 4,441 0 1,933 2,508 25.00 2,499 0.00 0 -9 97 -0.47% 11-22-93 500 1 4,598 0 262 4,336 36.00 4,131 0.00 0 -205 200 -78.24% INSPECT 11-22-93 500 2 6,741 0 1,338 5,403 43.00 5,229 0.00 0 -174 200 -13.00% 11-22-93 500 3 2,499 0 381 2,118 22.00 2,086 0.00 0 -32 200 -B.40% 11-23-93 500 1 4,131 .0 340 3,791 34.00 3,823 0.00 0 32 200 9.41% 11-23-93 500 ..2 5,229 0 1,142 4;087 36.50 4,209 0.00 0 122 200 10.68% 11-23-93 500 3 2,086 0 296 1,790 20.00 1,822 0.00 0 32 200 10 tl-24-93 500 1 3,823 0 485 3,338 30.50 3,296 0.00 0 -42 200 11-24-93 500 2 4,209 .0 1,496 2,713 26.00 2,640 0.00 0 -73 200 -4.88% 11-24-93 500 3 1,822 0 284 1,538 17.50 1,505 0.00 0 -33 200 -11.62% 11-25-93 500 1 3,296 0 61 3,235 30.00 3,221 0.00 0 -14 60 -22.95% 11-25-93 500 2 2,640 5,937 269 8,308 63.00 8,371 0.00 0 63 200 23.42% 11-25-93 500 3 1,505 2,901 76 4,330 37.00 4,286 0.00 0 -44 75 -57 11-26-93 500 1 3,221 0 373 2,848 28.00 2,927 0.00 0 79 200 21.18~, 11-26-93 500 2 8,371 0 1,110 7,261 56.00 7,293 0.00 0 32 200 2.88% 11-26-93 500 3 4,286 0 370 3,916 35.00 3,976 O.OO 0 60 200 16.221 11-27-93 500 1 2,927 0 204 2,723 27.00 2,783 0.00 0 60 200 29.41% 11-27-93 500 2 7,293 0 800 6,493 52.00 6,661 0.00 0 168 200 21.00~4 11-27-93 500 3 3,976 0 167 3,809 33.50 3,747 0.00 0 -62 165 -37.13~4 "'PETROLEUM ' ... Service Station DATE 12-01-93 MTD /1E~ST 4th STREET Computer Systems,Inc NAME... 'B~KERSFIELD, CA 93307 Computerized Daily Book TIME...600-1000 " ...... ' ................. i (c) COPYRIGHT 1984 I ............... UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING STICK METHOD ( .......... BOOK ............ ) ( ......... PHYSICAL ......... ) (--- RECONCILIATION ---) (OVER-LINIT FLAGS) (- FUEL -) (- WATER -) Over Allow. % Inv. Date Time Tank Open Adds · Sates dose inches gattons inches gattons Short Var. Var. INSPECT STOP WATER il-28-93 500 1 2,783 0 280 2,503 24.00 2,359 0.00 0 -144 200 -51.43% 11-28-93 500 2 6,661 0 732 5,929 46.00 5,710 0.00 0 -219 200 -29.92% INSPECT 11-28-93 500 3 3,747 0 204 3,543 32.25 3,558 0.00 0 15 200 7.35% SEVEN DAY SUMMARY 7 DAY 1 4,598 0 2,005 2,593 24.00 2,359 0.00 O -234 100 -11.67% INSPECT STOP 7 DAY 2 6,741 5,937 6,887 5,791 46.00 5,710 0.00 0 -81 344 -1.18% 7 DAY 3 2,499 2,901 1,778 3,622 32.25 3,558 O.OO 0 -64 89 -3.60% 11-29-93 500 1 2,359 0 449 1,910 21.00 1,953 0.00 0 43 200 9.58% 11-29-93 500 2 5,710 0 1,467 4,243 36.00 4,131 0.00 0 -112 200 -7.63% 11-29-93 500 3 3,558 0 329 3,229 30.00 3,221 0.00 0 -8 200 -2.43% 11-30-93 500 1 1,953 0 451 1,502 17.50 1,505 0.00 0 3 200 0.67% 11-30-93 500 2 4,131 0 1,367 2,764 27.00 2,783 0.00 0 19 200 1.39% 11-30-93 500 3 3,221 0 250 2,971 29.00 3,073 0.00 0 102 200 40.80% THIRTY DAY. SUMMARY / .............................. ~x 30 DAY I 3,370 8,590 10,487 1,473 17.50 1,505 0.00 0 //32 157 0/31% 30 DAY 2 6,978 28,103 32,274 2,807 27.00 2,783 0.00 0/' -24 484 7.0'.07% 30 DAY 3 3,976 6,987 7,961 3,002 29.00 3,073 0.00 O; 71 -..i.19//0.89% UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING STICK METHOD < .......... BOOK ............ > < ......... PHYSICAL ......... > < ..... ~ ....... -'-~' Date Time Tank Open Adds Sales Close inches gallops, inches galloPs Short Var. lO-(d-?2 500 c ~,o~O 0 ~c ~,/~8 46.00 ~,~0 0.00 0 -B ~gO -O.23~ ~O-Oc-~ ~Ou ~ 2~899 ~.9]~, ~.020 0.00 0 ~9 200 ~U-uo-Vc" "~ ~" 500 3 ~888 0 81~ 1~624 19.00 i,693 .0.00 0 19 ~UO~¢ 8.88% 443 0.00 0 -27 800 -9.38% 10-0~-9~ 500 lu-uo-~ 500 3 10-0%78 500 c~:, 0 606 8,0'~3 ~1.50 8,080 0.00 0 -Y~ ~uu .98Y, SEVEN DAY SUMMARY .......... O. i ~% 7 DH¥ I 3,000 1~781 8,756 ;~,U~b 81.50 8~080 0.00 0 -5 13~ -; ' 7 DAY 8 6~880 ¢.6¢8 7.009 5.463 4~.c~ . 0.00 O JOD 350 i ~ ? DAY 3 8,499 1.189 8.050 1,638 ~9.00 I'°~ ~ '-" . , , ,~,~ 0.00 0 ~ 103 8. ~k',:; i0-08-78 500 I 8s080 0 39i i,689 19.00 I~693 .0.00 0 6~ ~(.°*"o 16,3'/:(-' ,u-u~-~ 500 8 5,588 0 1~118 ~¢0 38.00 4,N41 0.00 0 -89 800 -8.59Y, 10-08-98 500 3 1,693 0 864 1~489 i7.00 I,~43 0.00 0 t6 800 5.30~ 10-09-98 500 1 1~693 0 468 1,885 15.50 1,C864 0.00 0 39. 800 8.33Y, 10-09-98 500 8 4.~4i 0 i.658 8~983 88.00 8,987 0.00 0 -5~ or, r; -3.° .... 10-0%98 .... ' ~ ~o ~fi ,. ,¢ ~uO 3 1,663 n =¢3 1,110 16.00 1,090 0.00 0 -80 c.O -6.ul,, ,-, C,"..':J ':'-) 3 ~::i (')" ~ '"' -, ........ -~ ........ ' - L.~.nhJU~..L='~ ~.zed .[)a~.iy Eook Ti]'qi= 6OO-lr~r)© / UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING STICK METHOD (~ ...........BUo~,m' ............> < ......... PHYSICA[ ......... > <--- RECONCiUATION ---> <0VER-[i~iT FLAGS> <- FUEL -)- <- ~ATER -> Ove~ Alh, w. ~ Inv. . . INorcCT STOP Date Time ..... ~,~ Open Adds ..... ~:~:: Ch, se inches gal~on~ inches g:i~ons ~a,wr~ ...... Var Var ..................................................................................................................................... 10-!0-92 500 I 1,26~ 1,687 303 8,6~8 25.00 8,~99 0.00 0 51 800 16.83% 10-I0-92 500 2 1,090 0 ~l 869 i8.75 952 0.00 0 83 200 37.56% ~,-~l-,c 500 I c~ v 306 2~193 2~.50 2,154 0.00 0 .-~Y ~OO -l~.'/~;; 10-1!-92 500 2 ~ ~' 0 ~573 38.00 ~- a" - ..... ~,ou7, 97~ a . ,., ,~ 0.00 0 -i32 ~[~u ....... 500 ' ?52 n '"" 780 11.00 ~'" 00r~ ..... lU-lc-:: ~OO i :,~ 0 ~'¢? i,855 ~0.00 i.822 e O0 0 -3~ ~00 ........ ~8~ 558 . -" :0-1o-9= ~'~ ~ 1 -: 1,~87 8,757 87.00 2,783 0.00 0 26 ~OO " ~' "' 500 ~ 4. 1.304 ' 0.00 .... ~0-,3-:8 ~ 3~370 .i16 . 6,18~ 49.50 6~864 0 88 800 6.~va ~0-~o-~. 500 ~ ~% 2,~!7 28~ 3,023 2~.75 3,03? 0.00 0 1~ ~00 ~.8~ " ~ .......... " ,--- 800 -- ~0-1~-% 500 I 2~783 0 4~8 c,oo~ to.or, 8.~ 0.00 0 -i13 ~0-1~-:~ c ~,26~ 0 1 .~7 5,0~/ " ~o~ , ~1.50 ~992 0.00 0 -~ ,, -~. ~s o,;t, 3 3~037 0 344 2~693 85.00 ~,6~t) 0.00 0 -53 800 SEVEN DAY SUMMARY 7 DAY 1 P (,'20 ~ .... - ' - L,7,~ ~,7a7 2,227 23.00 2,222 0.00 0 -~ 138 -~'; 7 DAY .2 5,588 7,589 8,83:3 4,939 ~1.50 4?98 0.00 0 53 350 0.64% 7 DAY ~q I,o~'~ B,917 ~,vO0"' '2,610 26.00 ~o~u° ,,,,0.00 0 30 100 1. ~,),:'" 10-15-98 500 1 "~:~ ' 7,..,~,, iNSF'ECi :~c~: 0 338 1,890 88.50 8,156 0.00 0 864 800 · ~-~J-,: ~vv ~ .,9~. 1,1o~ 3.807 34.00 3,823 0.00 0 ~ ~ 200 ~n_~-_o.~ ~.' 2,6q0 .......... ~,,o 3 0 2.3u~ 8~.bo 2,429 0.00 0 ~> 200 i7.58~{ 10-16-98 500 I 2,15~ 0 397 1,75~ 18.00 1,56? 0.00 0 -190 200 ~ ~- '-0'~ ~t~,~ q O ~ -- ,t la ,~ ~, 8 3,823 0 1~546 c,J/ 83.00 2~222 O.O0 0 -b~ 200 -3.56g 10-16-98 ....' ~v,> 3 2~2~ 0 ~o~ c~O~ 2~.00 ~,08~ 0.00 0 ~o 200 ~0-17-;~ ~,~'~" .~ I~567 "o,,,~'~ 613 ~872 61.50 6,vV~ 0.00 0 i2(} ~Uo lO-~-~c B 8.22~ ........ 6,592 53.00 6 oUu 0.00 0 128 200 .,.], ...... ,, ,~ 500 3 2.086. l~v~v ...... 380 8.856, ~'/.~o 2.u~, 0.00 0 .-J ~uu -0.3i~ 10-18-92 5(>0 I ~.**c, 0 cco':' ~,%2 39.50 6.677, r), .00 0 -~5 - 2f)fl.. I0-!8-q2 500 8 6.8~0, 0 ""A,o 6,i14 ~8.50 6,105 0.00 0 -9 800 -: '0 18 "8 ........... - "' /,.: CA %-'~-::.~:..~'/ ~.,~..~,...~ ..~ ~,~.-:~ :~. ~:~,d l.")a-"..~5. ],'~.-' D.:.Io~.'.,i..-: 'i-;~i"~t~: ...... 1 ............ ?× //' UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING STICK METHOD < .......... ~uOK ........... --., < ......... PSYSICAL ........ - .,.' <--- RECONCiLiATION ---). <O'¢ER-Li~iT ?~_~,J~ .... <- FUEL -)' ~- ~IAIER -). Over Allow, % .... .~ i~e Tar~k Open Adds Sales ~'~ - ~l.,s~ inches gaI!or~s inches gallons Short Var. Va~. iNSPECT STOP .................................................................................................................................... In-~--~:~- 500 1 ~,677, 0 377 4,300. 37.50 ~,36~ 0.00 0 64 ~o0~' ~ 10-19-98 500 8 6~105 0 1,330 ~,~ 40.00 4,755 0.00 O -20 800 -1.50" 10-19-98 500 3 8~6~0 0 400 8~840 83.00 8~8~8 0.00 0 -i8 ~00 --4.50~ 10-80-98 500 1 4.364 0 ,,o ~ --- , - · . g~, 3~o~ 34.85 ~ 3,861 0.0O 0 -34 Zoo ~o-=u-;c 5t~o 8 ~,~ 0 i,886 3,~69 3i.50 3,4~5 0.00 0 -84 800 -i.8?~- I0-80-72 500 3 8,822 0 880 1,9~8 81.00 i~953 0.00 0 I1 200 3.93~ l0 ~-~8 500 I 3,861 0 3'~3 3,~8 31.00 3,370 0.00 0 -98 800 10-81-98 510 ~ 3,~45 0 1,115 8,330 8~.00 8,359 0.O0 0 B9 800 8.60% ~0-~i-~ 5u.o ~ J,'~.~o 0 383 J,570 18.00 l.b6'/ 0.00 0 -3 800 SEVEN DAY SUMMARY ? DAY I 8,888 3,718 8,63i 3,309 31.00 3,370 0.00 0 61 13e 7 0AY P ~.9~8 .... 8,053 8.89~ 84.00 ...... 0.00 A 65 350 , , . . ': DAY 3 ~,~40 1.0~0. ~'"~,6 ~' ,, ~ 18.00 1.567, 0.00 0 i3 109 10-88-9~ ..... , .... , , ' ~,~, i 3.370 0 ~¥ 3,011 ~8.50 ~.000 0.00 o -il ~00 -3.06~ ~-==-9c 500 8 c,~9 o,,~ 1,809 7,608 58.50 7,683 0.00 0 7~ ~uu 6.20% 10-88-98 500 3 1.567, 1.985. 358 3,i94. o0.ov~' "" 3.88i 0.00 '0 87 E0O'" ~.~ 8,5?0 0.00 0 ,o-~-~ 500 8 7,683 0 ,~,~ 6.0'~1. .~'~.~0 6,~64 0.00 0 173 ~oo ~v-~-~ ~u~ 3 ~,ccl 0 ~4~ ~,o,~° ~o~. 87.50 ~,o~ ~'~ 0.00 0 -B~ ~JO- ' ' 10-8~-98 500 I ~,~7~ 0 315 'n 'n~ ~.=~ 84.00 , 0 104 800 33.08% ~' '~, ~ ~ ..... ~o, u~. 0.00 0 -~0~ BOO i O-:]~-~P 500 ~ .] nc~ · ...... .. -, ~ ~,~, 0 31~ ~°.5~ 85.00 ~.499.. 0,00 0 -~3. ~Ot~ -~,~.~ ~ .... i0-85-98 500 I ~359 0 ~58 2,101 ~,bO ~,0~6 O,Ob O -i5 8bO -5.B1% I0-85-~8 ~"" ~ o. ~ - --- '" ....... 500 ~55 iO-~o-*c I 8~086 0 i.63i 18.00 1~567 O.00 0 -6~ 0-%-~2 500 '~ ~.35~ 0 "" 8,093 ~8.00 2,0~6 ' ,~'~ .... .. , ,/}0-~7-93 ~,.s~r~ ~ ~.~o:, 0 ~lb ~1~ '= I~.?5 l,l?b 0.00 0 co"~ . 800 6.~>i}~' ' ,r,_~ oo 500 ~ ~'~ ' i92 '~ '~" ' .... I~ .-ct- ~c o,~o 3 2,08~ 0 1. ,~ ~0.00 1,8~'~ 0.00 0 ~r~ 200 / ~.~ i r', l:::. ,:::. I COf.F~]L~t E,y~ c2c.., ....... ?' := ~u E'm':::~ ....... .~ ]~ i']C: ~. ~ ,1 ....... ..-, CA 93307 Computer" i z~,d Dai I y Boc I.:: Ti h,::: ...... 6r ~"~.--. . b , ! .':::~ ........................................................................................................ i ( c ~ ~ 0 P Y R I ..... '" 984 ~ ............................................................................................................................................................ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONiTORiNG  STICK METHOD < .......... B~O}< ............ / < ......... ~HY$ICgk ......... > {--- n~6~Clkl.~w~ ---5 '- FUEL ......... ' ,, ~ ~ ~ATER -> Over ,1~. % !nv. ..................................................................................................................................... 10-88-92 500 i I~176 1,808 a~3 2.~o ~ '~'~ . ~. ,~ c~.v~. 8,6V9 0.00 0 -56 800 '-13.84% ~,loo 6,5]0 6,741 0.00 0 171 200 ,~-~o-7~ 500 ~ ~;OB8 5,6~V ' == ~6.¢t 6~0 0 -5! ~00 SEVEN DAY SUMMARY ? DAY 1 o,~,~" D~c, i.802, 2,~84 2,488 2S.00 2,499 0.00 0 11 134 0.4i% J~,J~ 7 DAY P ...... 18,345 8 .......... ' .. . c:oo~ ,~ 6,~ol 6.741 0.00 0 Ivu ~OO ~.~;~ ~ DAY q 1,567 3.'~o , ;~,, 1u,-2~-~. 500 I 2,~99 0 2,029 22.50 2,J54 0.00 0 ~ ~uu 10-29-92 500 2 o~,~1 0 1,311 5.630 44.00 : ~'~ ' ~' , .,3o~ 0 -42 200 -3.20% 10-29-'7~ 500 3 2,640 0 28~ 2~356 8C00 8,359 0.00 0 3 200 i.06% ~ r,_.=,-_o~ .... - -2.44% ,u oO ,~ 500 ~ 8,154 0 ~Jo 1,206 19.00 1~693 0.00 0 -11 200 ~0-~u-gc 500 ~ ~oo 0 1,~3u 3.858, 3~.00 3.823, 0.00 0 -oJ ~,~,'~"u -~.~v% 10-30-98 500 3 ~.~ug, 0 ~?~ 1.982. ~1"' .uu ~' 2~020 0.00 0 38 200 i0.08% ........... 0 i76 176 30 ~n= I ':n 1,517 1%00 1.693 0.00 ~ 1.50% ~4,~,, 3~467 3~.00 3,883 0.00 0 356 500 ~,t 8 6:880 30,9~i · ,~o .50 ~,0~0 n., ~: '" , -78 ~,¢~ 0.00 O 200 J,,-o}-,: 500 J ~,o~3 0 893 1,600 16.00 ~ ...... ~U-¢1-~ cu~, 2 3,BR3 0 1,137 2,68~ 26.50 2.712 0.00 0 25 200 ...... ¢ .... 202 ......... 10-~1-~ o~,0 ~ 8.080 0 ,~/J8 19.00 1,693 0.00 n 800 AR'rs PETRO 0 5-0 0-00 Page Overal~ Site ~ith 1 ~. Genera] Information Location: 11 E 4TH ST Map: 103 Hazard: Unrated Community: "8FD" RESPONSE AREA" Grid: 32C : 1 AOV: 0.0 --- Contact Name ---I Title I-- Business Phone --I 24-Hour Phone JOHN A STUART ICORP SECRETARY 1(805) 325-6320 x 1(805) 589-1692 JOHN W STUART IPRESIDENT 1(805) 325-6320 x l(805) 832-2981 I I I Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 11 E 4TH ST D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 9330?- Comm Code: 015-901 "BFD" RESPONSE AREA" SIC Code: O~ner: CORPORATZON Phone: (805) 325-6320 Address: 11 E 4TH ST State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 9330?- Summary MOBIL OIL PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTOR AND HERTZ TRUCK RENTAL. VERTICAL ABOVE- GROUND STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT SN PORTION OF YARD BEHIND OFFICE. A LOADING DOCK AND NAREHOUSE IN CNTR OF YARD CONTAIN OIL AND LUBE OIL IN DRUMS. BULK LUBE OIL STORAGE IS IN HORIZONTAL ABOVEGROUND TANKS AT E END ~12/12/91 PETRO 015-010-000 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in 'Reterence Number Order 02 - Fixed Containers at Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quantity Mcr 02-001 GASOLINE Liquid 20,000 Moderate > Fire, Immed H]th GAL 02-002 DIESEL Liquid 15,000 Low > Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-003 MOTOR OIL Liquid 15,000 Minimal > Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-004 GEAR OIL Liqu.id 5,000 Minimal > GAL 02-005 HYDRAULIC OIL Liquid 5,000 Low > GAL 02-006 SOLVENT Liquid 1,000 Moderate > Fire, Delay Hlth GAL ;12/12/91 ARTS PETRO 015-010 0005 Page 3 02 - Fixed Containers at Site 7~_' Hazmat Inventory Detail in ReCerence Number Order 02-001~/GASOLINE Liquid 20000 Moderate > Fire, Immed Hlth GAL CAS ~: 886619 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL .... I-- Daily Average GAL 20,000 I 12,000.00 I 120,000.00 Storage I Press I Tamp -[ Location ABOVE GROUND TANK [AmbientlAmbientlSOUTHERN EDGE - Conc -I Components [- MCr --[List 190.0% ]Gasoline IModeratel / > Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS ~= 684?6302 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days= 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL .... [-- Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL -- 15,000 I 8,000.00 I 360,000.00 Storage I Press I Tamp -I Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbientlAmbientlSOUTHERN EDGE -Conc -I Components (/_1,00.0~ IDiese] Fuel No.2 02-003 -V~M~ ~IL Liquid 15000 Minimal > Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS ~: 8020835 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL .... I-- Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL -- 15,000 I 12,000.00 80,000.00 Storage I Press I Tamp -I Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbientlAmbientlON DOCKS ABOVE GROUND TANK I I -Conc -I Components I- MOP --ILls= 100.04 IMo~or Oil, Petroleum Based '12/12/91 PETRO 015-010L0005 Page 4 02 - Fixed Containers at Site  Hazmat Inventory. Detail in Reference Number Order 02-004 OIL Liquid 5000 Minima] > GAL CAS ~: 8020835 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL .... I-- Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL -- 5,ooo I 3,5oo.oo I 30,0o0.o0 Storage I Press I Tamp -] Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbientlAmbientlNHSE -Conc -I Components l- MCr --IList 100.0% ILubricating Oil (Petroleum-Based) IMinimal I 02-005~7/~DRAULIC OIL Liquid 5000 Low > GAL CAS ~: 0 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL .... I-- Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL -- 5,000 t 4,000.00 I 50,000.00 Storage I Press [ Tamp -I Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbientlAmbientlNHSE -conc -I ~ Components [- MOP --IList 100.0~ IHydraulic Brake Oil IL°w I / > Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS ~: 64?4288? Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL .... I-- Daily Average GAL --I-- Annual Amount GAL -- 1,oo0 I 5oo.o0 I 3,oo0.oo Storage I Press I Tamp -I Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbientlAmbientlWHSE -Conc -I Components I- MCr --IList 100.0~ [Stoddard Solvent IModerateI :12/12/91 ARTS PETRO 015-010-0 Page 5 00 - Ovenall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Noti¢ication <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation BY VOZCE. WALK OUT FRONT DOOR AND EVACUATE. <3> Public Notif./Evaauation <4> Emergecny Medical Plan 911 FOR AMBULANCE BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 420 34TH ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 805-327-1792 -12/12/91 PETRO 015-010-0 Page 6 O0 - Overaql Site <E> Prev./Minimization/Cleanup <1> Release Prevention <2> Release Containment BY VOICE. WALK OUT FRONT OFFICE DOOR. CLOSE BACK ELECTRONIC GATE SO NO ONE ENTERS YARD. ZN CASE OF EMERGENCY, TURN OFF EMERGENCY PUMP SWITCH AT BACK STEPS. IF A SMALL SPILL OCCURS, USE ABSORBANT MATERIAL TO CLEAN UP. FACILITY HAS DIKES BUILT AROUND BULK TANKS. iN CASE OF LARGER SPILL, CALL A PUMPING SERVICE ANB THE FIRE DEPT. <3> Clean Up PUT MATERIAL (FLUIDS-OIL, GAS, DIESEL) AND HAVE WASTE HAULER PICK-UP CURRENTLY USE CRANES WASTE OiL FOR PICK-UP. <4> Other Resource Activation -12/12/91 PETRO 015-010-0005 Page ? O0 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS/PROPANE - FRONT OF OFFICE 4TH ST. B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE NAREHOUSE OFFICE. C) NATER - FRONT OF OFFICE 4TH ST. D) SPECIAL - EMERGENCY FUEL PUMP SNITCH ON BACK STEPS OF OFFICE. E) LOCK BOX - NONE. <3> Fire Protec./Avai]. Water IN FRONT OF MAIN OFFICE ON 4TH ST RD <4> Held for Future use -12/12/91 ~ARTS PETRO 015-010-0005 Page 8 O0 - Overall Sffte <G> Traffnffng <1> Page 1 ANY MINOR EMERGENCIES COULD BE HANDLED MITH OUR FIRST AID KIT LOCATEB IN DRIVERS ROOM, IN THE OFFICE. ALSO IF AN EMPLOYEE MERE TO GET GAS, DIESEL OR OIL ON THEMSELVES A SHOWER IS PROVIDED INSIDE MENS RESTROOM FOR RINSING THEMSELVES. IF ANY OIL OR FUEL IS SPILLED ARE CLEAN THE AREA WITH OIL ABSORBANT WHICH IS INVENTORIED INSIDE BACK TOOL SHED. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use ~12/12/91 IARTS PETRO 015-010-0005 Page 9 00 - Overaql Site <M> Events Ledger "M" 10/11/88 RE-INSPECTION/OK 09/2?/88 ANNUAL/VIOLATION ¢12/12/91 )ARTS PETRO 015-010-00057~ Page 10 O0 - Overall S~te <M> Inspections List 10/11/88 RE-INSPECTION/OK 09/2?/88 ANNUAL/VIOLATION R2,S2) INVENTORY UPDATED TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL LUBE OIL STORAGE. CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION. PLEASE LABEL ALL ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANKS OVER 100 GALLON CAPACITY WITH THE U.F.C. PLACARD IDENTIFYING THE MATERIAL THEREIN. (U.F.C. 79.504). PURSUANT TO STANDARD ?9-3 OF UNIFORM FIRE CODE. · Print vour name and address on the reverse / ----'~'~L so that we can return the card to you. C. s gnature · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece X or on the front~fspc pa e erm~ts. \ ~ -- D. Is delivery address differen~,f~ item 17 [] Y~s 1. Article Addressed to: If YES, enter delivery addre~ STUA~T~'S PETROLEUI~ 11 EAST 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 3. Service Type ~ Certified Mail [] Express Mail [] Registered [] Return Receipt for Merchandise [] insured Mail [] C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) [] Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) ''" 10 286 962 PS For"~ 381 1, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 t~ . ] First-Class Mail -- ! :'" '] Postage & Fee~d~ Sender: Please print your_...name,~a~dress,~uu~ . and ZI~,~D this bo~,~'.,,,~. ~,~/~ . .,~. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Z ~410 28 962 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for Intem~onal ~,ail (See reverse) Sent to ~' '- JOI~ STUART Street & Number 11 EAS~ 4'l~i S~IIEET Post Office, State, & ZIP Code BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 Postage $ . Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Retum Receipt Showing to ].. ].0 Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ 2. 5 3 Postmark or Date December 7, 2000 John Stuart Jr. Stuart's Petroleum 11 East 4th Street FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZ. E Bakersfield, Ca 93307 CERTIFIED MAIL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Dispensing After Hours Without an Attendant on Site 'VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661 ) 395-1349 FINAL NOTICE SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Stuart: VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 December 15, 2000 is the deadline for compliance for facilities who wish to PREVENTION SERVICES dispense motor vehicle fuel after normal store hours without an attendant on site. 1715 Chester Ave. (First notification sent on October 11, 2000). Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 Prior to December 15th, you must provide a written Routine Monitoring Procedure for unsupervised dispensing. You were given a sample form on ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 ChesterAve. October ] 1, 2000. As of this writing, we have not received a returned form. Bakersfiek:l, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 32~-3979 FAX (661)326-0576 If you have multiple stations, we need a list of those who plan to participate, along with the required monitoring procedure. If a facility is not planning to TRAIN~NG DiViSION continue unsupervised dispensing, they must discontinue after hours dispensing, 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 starting December 15, 2000. VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 Failure to comply will result in a written citation and court appearance. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 326-39?9. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm