HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 9/2000 HAZAg:)~OUS MATERIALS DIVISION TIME CHARGED BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PRO~ ~MBER: DA~: N~E: CHGD: COM~~S: Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ............ ,~,~,,~,,.~,~,,~.i~!i,,~,,? :~ ~,~,,,~,,~ ~ This permit is issued for the following: ~,,~,~*'*??:~'.i'.:~i~,~i~.:!!:'.':~:~'~;:~":'~:::~iiiiii!iil;,~ ~ iii~,: iiiiiiiii ii::?}~ili~e[ground Storage of Hazardous Materials OC ION 131 EAST ~.9..~ ST ~'-~ ..... ' ..................... ~;~ ':~F~LD': ~'~::EA ~95~0~''~.-.~'~ ...... ' '~.:::.[ ~,, ~ ~,~+~.~ ~:r;::~~.~(; '~:~, ~..........~ . Issu~ by: 0~ OF E~R O~3L S~ ~CES 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor B~el~ CA 93301 Voice (805) F~ (80S)~2~S76 Expiration Date: dun~ ~O~ ~000 AZARDS STUDIES · GROUNDWATER RESOURCES sTUDiES ENVIRONMENTAL'ASSESSMANT. sITE CHAJ:~ACTER ZATION 'AND · .~ REMEDIATION. EIR GEOLOGY AN0 GROUNDWATER BOx 60706 ": ' : ' : a0s ' .ersheld, CA 93386-0706 - FAX (805) 8711-3698' AUTO BODY IN .' SINCE 1938 MANUEl' OROZ. _ ~131_E,=!.9t~'stre~t!':;:: ::.: :L Phone:(80:5)~327~4941 , TELEPHONED OF YOUR CALL AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION '~ / PLEASE CALL FAX# MESSAGE ..... ~ A---- AGAIN TO SEE YOU ,.~ TO SEE YOU SMITH- GUTCHER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Geologists 2015 Westwind Drive, Suite 3 Bakersfield, California 93301 (661)633-2075 FAX (661)633-2169 May 4, 2000 Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Wines: Enclosed is one copy of the site characterization work plan for characterization of the diesel contaminated soil below the east end of the abandoned diesel tank location at Manuel's Auto Body. I will schedule the drilling rig as soon as I receive your approval of the work plan. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Yours tmly, ~ Duane R. Smith DRS/ds Smith-Gutcher · and Associates, Inc. is Moving · :- -:- -:- We arc relocating to a lar~¢r, more accessible office. Effective May 1, 2000, we will be conductin~ business from our new office at: ~015 ~estwind Drive, Suite $ Bakersfield, California ~$$ 01 Our new telephone numbers arc: Phone: (~1) ~$$-~075 F/LV: (~1) ~$$-~1~ I)urin~ thc transition period,.we will maintain our current telephone numbers with automatic forwardin~ to thc new telephone numbers. " SAflTH-G(JTCHERAtfD ASSOCZ~ T£S, ItYc. 2015 Westwind Drive, Suite $ ~ BakersJfield, California 95501 ~ (661) 635-2075 ~ Fox: (661) 633-2169 D September 5, 2000 Manuel Oroz Manuel's Auto Body 131 East 19th Street Bakersfield, Ca 93305 RE: Underground Tank Leak Investigation at 131 East 19th Street F~E C,~E~ Dear Mr. Oroz: RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES This is tO inform you that this department has reviewed thc result of thc Site 2101 "H" Street Characterization Study dated August 2000 associated with the underground tank Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 removal. FAX (661) 395-1349 Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street appropriate response actions have been completed and that, at this time, no further Bakersfield, CA 93301 investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 address. PREVENTION SERVICES Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, VOICE (661) 326-3951 current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended FAX (661) 326-0576 or shall be construed to limit thc rights of any parties with respect to claims arising ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed 1715 Chester Ave. from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (551) 326-3979 or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from FAX (661)326-0576 taking any further enforcement actions. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661)399-4697 under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, FAX (661)399-5763 additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (66 l) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services cc: D. Sholes, RWQCB $:\USTFO RM S~UST. L8 D June 7,2000 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE Mr. Duane Smith, R.G. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Smith - Gutcher and Assoc 2101 'H' Street Bakors,old, C^~J.~ 2015 Westwind Drive, Suite 3 VOICE (661)328-3941 Bakersfield, CA 93301 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES RE!' Mauel's Auto Body at 131 E. 19th St 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (,1) 32S-~ Dear Mr. Smith: FAX (.~) PREVENTION SERVlCE~ This is to notify you that the work plan for the above 1715ChesterAve. stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (.1) 32~S~ working days notice prior to the commencement of work. FAX (661) 326..os7e ENVIRONMENTALSERVlCE9 Please be advised that any work done that is not 1715 Chester Ave. performed under direct oversight by this office will not be Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE(.1) 32e-3979 accepted, unless previously approved. FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326- ~2 vk:tor ^vo. 3649. Bakerslteld, CA 93308 VOICE (.1) 399-4697 F~X (.1) ~-S7~ Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, Haxardous Materials Specialist Office of l=nvironmental Services HHW/dlm cc: Manuel Oroz S:~USTFORMS~UST.L3 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT N~E ( INDIVIDU~ FILING REPORT ~ PHONE ~ SIGNA~RE RE~EI ENTING ~ ~NE~PE~TOR ~ REGION~ BOARD ~ COMPA~ OR ~ENCY NAME ~ L~ALAGENCY ~ OTHER ADDRESS ADDRESS ~RE~ C~ 8TA~ ~lP ~ C~ ~U~ ZIP CROSS STREET L~AL AGENCY AGENCY N~E ~NT~T,PERSON PHONE (1) NAME QUANTI~ LOST (~LLONS) I ~ UNKNOWN DA~ DI~VERED *J HOW DISmVERm ~ INVENTORY ~mRm ~ SU~URFACE MONITORING ~ NUIS~CE reNDITIONS DA~ DIaNA.GE BE~N ~HOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ~L ~A* APPLY) HAS DIS~RGE BEEN STOPPED ? ~ REPAIR TANK ~ CLOSE TANK & FILL IN P~CE ~ CHANGE PR~EDURE S~RCE ~ DI~HARGE CAUSE(S) ~ TANK~AK ~ UNKNOWN ~ OVERFI~ ~ RUP~R~AILURE ~ SPILL ~ UNDERMINED ~ SOILONLY ~ G~UNDWATER ~ DRINKINGWATER-(OHEOKONLYIFWATERWELLBNA~AOmALLYBEENAFFEO~D) ONEOK ONE ONLY ~ NOAO~ONTA~N ~ P~[I~INARYS~A~[~$ENT~RKP~NSUB~I~ED ~ POLLUTIONO~O~RI~IION ~ ~ BEING ~NF~ED ~ PR~MINARY S~ A~E~ENT UNDERWAY ~ P~T OLE~UP MONiTORiNG ~N PROG~E~ ~ RE~EDIATDN P~N ~ CA~ CLUED ~E~UP ~MPLE~D O~ UNNEOE~AR~ ~ OLE~UP UNDERWAY ONEOKAPPROP~TEACTION(S) ~ EXOAVA~&DIS~SE(ED) ~ REMOVEFREEPROD~T(FP) ~ ENN~CEDBIODEG~DATION(I~ ~ mNTAINMENT BARRIER IDB) ~ ~ ACT~N REQUIRED INA) ~ TREAmEm AT Um~P (HU) ~ VENT miL ~ V~UUM EXT~GT ~ ~ OTNER (0~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT YES ~t NO RE~RT BEEN FILED ? ~ YES ~' NO ::~;~`~}::~:~[~i~::~~;~:.~::~}}}}~}}::~::~}}~;}} ...... :::::~:~... ~:.,:.;.' .:: .:+',: .::::~:::::~:.:.~:.,:::::: ..'.... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..:~:.:.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NA~E OF INDIVIDU~ FILIN~ ~EPO~ ~ SI6NA~RE ) . REPRESENTING~ L~AL AGENCY ~ OTHER~NE~PE~TOR ~ REGION~ BOARD ~MPANY OR ~ENCY NAME ADDRESS ~RE~ C~ STA~ ZIP m NAME ~ ~NT~T PERSON ~ PHONE ADDRESS F~OILI~ N~E (IF APPLICABL~ OPE~TOR I PHONE ADDRESS L~AL AGENCY AGENCY N~E ~~ PHONE (1) NAME QUANTI~ LOST (~LLONS) ~ UNKNOWN ~DA~ DI~VERED~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y~ ~, ~ H~DIS~VEREDTANK ~ST ~ T ANKINVENTORYREMOVAL~NTR~ ~ o~ERSU~URFACE MONITORING ~ NUIS~CE ~NDITIONS HAS DIS~ARGE BEEN STOPPED ? ~ REPAIR TANK ~ CLOSE TANK & FILL IN P~CE ~ CHANGE PR~EDURE sou.c ~ PIPING L~K ~ OTHER ~ mRROSION ~ UNKNOWN' ~ OTHER CHECK ONE ONLY ~ UNDERMINED~ SOIL ONLY ~ GROUNDWATER ~ DRINKING WATER - (CHECK ONLY. IF WATER WELLS HA~ ACidLY BEEN AFFEC~D) CHECK ONE ONLY ~ E~ 8EI~ ~FIRMED ~ pR~IMINARY S~ ~E~M~T UN~RWAY ~ - P~T CLE~UP M~ITORING IN PR~RE~ ~ REMED~N P~ ~ CASE CLUED ~E~UP ~MPLE~OOR UNNECE~AR~ ~ CLE~UP UNDERWAY CHECK APPROPR~TE ACTION(S) ~ ~EXCAVA~ & DISUSE (E~ ~ REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) ~ FENCED BIO DEG~DATION I ~ ~NTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) ~ NO ACTDN REQUIRED (HA) ~ TREAmENT AT H~P (HU) ~ VmT ~IL ~8) ~ V~UUM EXT~CT ~ ~ OTHER (O~ -' M~NUEL'S AUTO BODY ~C. 131 E 19 ST BAKERSFIELD CA. 661-327-4941 FAX-661-322-0957 Howard W. Wines III Hazardous Material Specialist Office of Environmental Services RE: Soil Samples Dear Mr. Wines This letter is to inform you of the progress of the soil testing on our property. As per our phone conversation on 1-31-2000, we are having Smith- Gutcher and Associates do the testing. Mr. Smith told us the time frame would be approximately 3 to 4 weeks before they start the testing process. Mr. Smith advised me they would notify you at start of project. If you have any questions, please call me at (661)-327-4941 Thank you. Sincerely Manuel Oroz - President Manuel's Auto Body Inc. ,e D FII E T November 16, 1999 Manuel Oroz Manuel's Auto Body 131 E. 19th Street FlEE CHIEF RON ~EAZE Bakersfield, CA 93305 ~Nml~ATW~SaW~C~ RE: 131 E. 19th Street 2101 'H' Street Bakersrmld, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 Dear Mr. Oroz: FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES Our records indicate that your former underground storage tank site 21Ol 'H' St~t is currently subject to Corrective Action Requirements under Article 1 1 of Bakemfleld, CA 93301 VOICE (805)326-3941 Title 23 California Code of Regulations concerning leaking underground FAX (805) 395-1349 tanks. PREVENTION SERVlCES Accordingly, pursuant to Section 2722(b) of Article 1 1 you are 1715 Chester Ave. , Bakersfield, CA 93301 hereby directed to begin the necessary work at your site within 90 calendar VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805)328-0578 days from the date of this letter. The required work shall include: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES A completed site assessment to determine the 1715 Chester Ave. full vertical and horizontal extent of the diesel Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 contamination associated with the former diesel FAX (805) 326-0576 tanks on site. TRAJNING DMSION . 5642 Victor Ave. Please be aware that, pursuant to Section 2722(c) of Article 1 1, you Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 are required to have an approved workplan on file with this office prior to FAX (805) 399-5763 initiation of any corrective action work. In addition, you are to provide ongoing status reports of all activities involving the progress of this case to this office every 90 days. If you have any questions regarding the provisions of this letter, please call me at (661)326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHVV/dm S:~.USTFORMS\UST.L5B L D October 7, 1998 Manuel Oroz, President Manuel's Auto Body FIRE CHIEF 131 East 19'h Street RON FR~E Bakersfield, CA 93305 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805)326-3941 the Manuel's Auto Body Shop at 131 East 19th Street. FAX (805) 395-1349 Permit #BR-0222. SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Dear Mr. Oroz: Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX(805) 395-1349 Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, PREVENTION SERVICES associated with the east end of the 12,000 gallon diesel tank previously located on 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 your property, has not been adequately defined. VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal VOICE (805) 326-3979 extent of the contamination plume. FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 5642 Victor Ave. days from receipt of this letter. The workplan should follow guidelines found in: Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE(805) 399-4697 Appendix A -Reports, Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for FAX (805) 399-5763 , Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; July 6, 1990. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $75.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dlm attachment EN RSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT~O IRONMENT~ SERVICES · 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FO~ OWNER ~.% U~II~ ~o~%tvc4,c~ PERMIT TO OPE~t C0~CTOR ~,~s ~.~ Im~,~ ~c- CO'ACT PERSON ~ ~O~TORY C~ ~.~ ~OFS~LES ~ST ~ODOLOGY~9~ ~ . . ~ . PRELI~Y ASSESS~ CO. ~9~w~ ~dO~ACT PERSON .~,~ CO~ ~CIEPT ~ ,ga~%a ~a 9~t~ LEL% ~ O~% PLOT P~ CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL DATE 06/05/98 08:52 '~805 32§ 057§ BFD IIAZ MAT DIV ~ Perm{t No. CITY OF BAKERSIW~ELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326'~3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SI..TE ~-~c~s~sTr~e..._UW~ ,~%~ _ , ._ .. TANK OWNER/OPERATOR~ ~ ~- Q.~S~~ . PNO~E,NO~-~(~O~) MAILINGAODREgS 13 [ E.. ~lq~ ', ,.~-Ci~ ~~ ~g , E~ ff 3~ I contractorm~ormatmn -. , ~,¢, _ INS~ANCB CAR~B~~ {~~ ~, WO~NS COMp NO. 0 COM.a~ . / ... ..O~nO. UC~nS~ nO. ADO~ESS fi 1 [ ~ , Ci~ ZIP {NSURANCE CAR~ER .,I ~ [ ~ WO~NS ~ NO. L T~NK CLEANING I~FOBMATION WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTI~CAIION ~ER NAME OF RINSA~ DIS~SAL FACILI~ ADDRESS Cl~ ZIP FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NU~ER TANK T~N~ORT~R INFORMATION ~OMPANY ~, ~~'" F~,~C~HONENO. ~57-~7q~C{~EN~E NO. TANK DESTINATION Tan~ ~n~ormatmn _ c~Mtcau DATEs cuEMlcAu tan~nO ape volume g~ sTOre~ stOr~ ere~ousuY sTO~D , F~ Official tI~ Only . . . ,..: - :...., . , '.,., ,. . . ,;, -. - · -...;.~.:~.-:~;?,;.g~:~.:~ .~;.:;';:..::.-..:..':~ :::....-..:-.' . .... '~: '$ ,:-::.;::.....::.::;::?~:~:...-:?;~:::....' . .:~,:..,:. :..:.-"L,: ..... '" · . · ' :'d':' ' '"~'?':" ' ' " ....... :~'." '.' .~'. ' ~: , .'" .'L:?: ........ :' :"'~.'::: "~":~':'":'".:::{:'$7':'' ?" ':¢' ":.,:":'::'-::~""'"":': "' TI I1'~ APPI,ICANF I lAS RECEIVEI). t~DERSTA~S, ~ ~I. CO~I.Y ~DI l'l-ffi ~'rI'ACI IED CO~DFI'IONS OF 1'i IIS PEI{MIT ~D A~Y OTHER S'rNH~, I.t~. ~D FE~ER~ I~OULA'flONS. '1'1 IlS F{ ~RM I[AS III ~EN COMPI.ETED U~DER PE~L'rY OF P[RJ[~Y. ~D TO TI IE BEST OF ~l'l'~~:~ AIq~I.ICANT N~ (PRINT) APPI.ICANT S[(]NA~ THIS APPUCATION B~COMg A P~RMIT WHeN APPROV~B CO _SOLIDATED TESTING LABORP, TO IFS, INC. Sc~i!s And Materials Testing Geotechnical And Environmental Drilling Field Inspection July 31,1998 File 4172-98 Mr. Ross Sessions Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. 9521 West Fritz Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Project: Manual Auto Body, 131 E. 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA Subject: Soil sampling at previous removed underground fuel tank locations. Dear Mr. Sessions: In accordance with your request to collect soil samples at the subject site on July 15, 1998, and in accordance with Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services requirements, we have completed the work as specified. Laboratory test results conduded on soil samples, S5 and S6, collected at the site indicated that notable detectable levels of total petroleum hydrocarbons (diesel) were present at the east end of the previous 12,000 gallon diesel fuel tank. Following review of the laboratory test results, the Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services may require additional information to further assess the extent of petroleum fuel constituents. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely, CONSOLIDATED.~STING LABORATORIES, INC. DH: rr Enclosures pc: Steve Underwood - Bakersfield Fire Department 603 East Worth Avenue * 209-781-0571 * Porterville, Ca. 93257 FAX: 209- 782-8389 IN OF CUSTODY RECOR ET CONSOLIDATED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. SOII~ INVESTIGATIONS SOII~ AND MATERIAI~ TESTING FIELD INSPECTIONS 4172-98 PROJECT NO. COUNTY INSPECTOR PROJECT LOCATION [~ AUtO ~ody, 131 ~.8t 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA TRANSPORTED BY ~t'uck COMMENTS Depth of D~pth to Sample Bottom of Storage Below Tank/Plpellne * Sample Container Existing Below Existing Date/rime Analysis No. Temp. Grade Grade Sampled Required REFER TO SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP FOR SAMPLE LOCATIONS Consolidated Testinq Laboratories, Inc. /~'"-/'~--- ~'-- ~ .~r: .~'L~C~~_ ~ AFFILIATION / DATE/TIME/ Port~v~Be Office · (20g)781-0571 · 603 E. Worth Avenue Storage Container Port.yUle, CA 93257 Temperature at lab F~ (209)782-~89 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694~01 !~BOF~TORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:30 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S1,37F,14',2' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.02 BENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH DIESEL ND 1.0 ND = Not Detected ~______~_ DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 Wesl P()l)l;Ir Avc..e, Portel'ville, CA 93257-5393 Ph(me (2119) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-53119 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-02 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:35 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S2,37F,18',6' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.02 BENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH DIESEL ND 1.0 DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West P.pla,' Avenue, Po~'terville, CA 93257-5393 Pho.e (2(~9) 78 i-9126 FAX (209) 782-5309 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-03 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:37 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S3,37F,14',2' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.02 BENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH DIESEL ND 1.0 ND = Not Detected ~/~//~~ DLR= DETECTION LIMIT F~ REPORTING $sa~e Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL LAB S~SOR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) ~ · 167 West Pol}l.'~r Avenue, Portel'villc, CA 93257-5393 Phmlc (2119) 78 !-9 ! 26 FAX (209) 782-5309 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-04 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:42 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S4,37F,18',6' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.02 BENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH DieSEL ND 1.0 DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL LAB ~RVISOR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 %Vest Poplar A~'cmle, Po,'ter~'illc, CA 93257-5393 Phlmc (2¢}9) 78 I-9126 FAX (209) 782-$31~9 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-05 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED~ : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:~45 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 5. SAMPLE ID : S5,37F,14',2' SAMPLE TYPE .' SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR .... mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.1 BENZENE ND 0.1 TOLUENE ND 0.1 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.1 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.1 TPH DIESEL 270 1.0 DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate ~1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL LAB sUPeRVISOR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West P~pl~r Average, Portevxillc, CA 9325%$393 Ph.ue (209) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-53~9 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-06 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:47 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 5. SAMPLE ID : S6,37F,18',6' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.1 BENZENE ND 0.1 TOLUENE ND 0.1 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.1 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.1 TPH DIESEL 1700 1.0 ND Not Detected DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL LAB S~EP~SOR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West P.I}l-'~r Avcm,e. Po,'tervillc, CA 93257-5393 Phone (209) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-531}9 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-07 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:55 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield .DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S7,37F,14',2' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg BENZENE ND 0.02 MTBE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH GAS ND 1.0 ND = Not Detected DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE/TPH 8020/8015M LAB/g~PE~F~SOR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poplar Avcmm, Porlerville, CA 93257-5393 Phone (2(}9) 78 I-9126 FAX (209) 782-53119 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-08 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 17:00 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S8,37F,18',6' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg BENZENE ND 0.02 MTBE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH GAS ND 1.0 ~.~D = Not Detected --'~ /~ ~--7 DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A -/~__ ~ METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE/TPH 8020/8015M LAB SUpEriOR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Popl;tr Avenue, Poctecvillc, CA 93257-$393 Phm;c (209) 78 I-9126 FAX (209) 782-53119 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-09 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 17:05 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID.' S9,37F,14',2' SAMPLE TYPE .' SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg BENZENE ND 0.02 MTBE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH GAS ND 1.0 DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A -- METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE/TPH 8020/8015M LAB S~P1~i~SOR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poplar Ave.ue, Porterville, CA 93257-5393 Phone (21~9) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-531}9 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-10 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED. : 17:10 .pROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S10,37F,18',6' SAMPLE TYPE o' SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg BENZENE ND 0.02 MTBE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH GAS ND 1.0 DLR-- DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245Aj~ ~ METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE/TPH 8020/8015M LAB ~S%~P-ERV~I~OR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West P.pl:u' Avc,~.e, P~'terville, CA 9325%5393 Phcme (209) 78 !-9126 FAX (209) 782-53119 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-12A LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 17:16 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/17/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S12,37F,16',6' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE Nm 0.O2 BE:~ENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH DIESEL ND 1.0 ND = Not Detected DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poplar Ave..e, Portem'ille, CA 93257-5393 Ph~mc (209) 78 I-9126 FAX (209) 782-5309 SUMMIT I BORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS ANALYSIS : 413.1 LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-12B CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING SAMPLE MATRIX : SOIL LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 17:16 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 REPORT DATE : 07/29/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield SAMPLE ID : S12,37F,16',6' ANALYSIS METHOD RESULTS UNITS DILUTION DLR ANALYZED OIL & GREASE 418.1 ND mg/Kg 1 5.0 NA = Not Analyzed ND = Compound Net Detected DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting ELAP Certificate #1245A LAiR 167 West P()l)l'-Ir Avenue, Portcrvillc, CA 93257-$393 Ph()nc (2(~9) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-5309 I'NASTE OIL TANK. ~ -----~? ' L_J'-- -I ~ / 51/2' FI,.]~.L TANK. ,. Pb'~L TANK. X X X X X .~. X )': X X..v.." .."' ..v .."..v~" .~. X X.." X X X..".." X , ('~ C,,H,~IN LINt( P'~C'NC.,,t~ ~[I~LY --"~--,~5/'~' ~..~,J~'&.~ LC;~.ATION AN]~ ];;:~l="rH 'T1.,~C~ F'RCk.~GT TITI. J~ ~ PiCE N~TH ET CONSOLIDATED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. SOILS hNVESTIGATIONS SOILS AND MATERIALS TESThNG FIELD INSPECTIONS 4172-98 PROJECT NO. COUNTY INSPECTOR PROJECT LOCATION ~ A~to ~ody, 131 ~ast 19r~ S~eet, ~e~sfi~d, CA TRANSPORTED BY ~t~C~ COMMENTS Depth of Depth to Sample Bottom of Storage Below Tank/Pipellne Sample Container Existing Below Existing Date/Time Analysis No. Temp. Grade Grade Sampled Required .51 91° 14 ' 2' ?-/4.-?~ 4:;t,, e'oc~6 5z 37° ~b ' ~ ' ,/ 4 :~ ~ 3 ? ~ 14, Z' ~ 4 :~7 ~ ~7° IP ~' ,/ 4:4~ 55 ~l~ i&' ~ ' '/ ~:4~ s? ~7o 14/ ~, ,/ +;~ ~ ~. ~ ~;~ tb~ ~' ,, ~:oo ,, ( ~ ) zlo .~7o Ig' b' ,, sc,/o Zll. 9P~ Iz' ~, ,, ~./~ J s~o,~ ~ ~'~e'~.s~u' z,z° ' " I i * REFER TO SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP FOR SAMPLE LOCATIONS Consolidated Testinq Laboratories, Inc. ~ ~/~-~ :~ E'~ AFFILIATION /// ,~(/oOATE/TI~E / y-,, ~ Pon~v~e Office ' (209)781-0571 · 603 E. Worth Avenue Storage Container Port.yUle, CA 93257 TemDerature at lab F~ (209)782-~89 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-01 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:30 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S1,37F,14',2' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL .... COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.02 BENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH DIESEL ND 1.0 ND = Not Detected DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL ~NB~SUPERVISOR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Pol)lar Avenue, Porterville, CA 93257-5393 Phone (209) 78 I-9126 FAX (209) 782-5309 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-02 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:35 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S2,37F,18',6' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.02 BENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH DIESEL ND 1.0 ND = Not Detected DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Polfia,' Avenue, Pot'tctwille, CA 9325%5393 Phone (21)9) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-5309 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-03 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:37 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S3,37F,14',2' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.02 BENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH DIESEL ND 1.0 ND = Not Detected DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate ~1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poplar A~'enue, Portcr¥illc, CA 93257-5393 Pho.c (2119) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-531~9 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-04 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:42 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S4,37F,18',6' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.02 BENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH DIESEL ND 1.0 ND = Not Detected /~._~ DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL LAB $~RVISOR · ~/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poplar Avenue, Pm-terville, CA 93257-5393 Phone (209) 781-9126 FAX (2(}9) 782-5309 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-05 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:45 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR.: 5. SAMPLE ID : S5,37F,14',2' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.1 BENZENE ND 0.1 TOLUENE ND 0.1 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.1 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.1 TPH DIESEL 270 1.0 DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A - METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL LAB SUperVISOR mg/Kg -- Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) ~ 167 West Poplar Avenue, Portcr~'illc, CA 93257-5393 Phone (2~}9) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-531~9 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-06 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:47 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 5. SAMPLE ID : S6,37F,18',6' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.1 BENZENE ND 0.1 TOLUENE ND 0.1 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.1 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.1 TPH DIESEL 1700 1.0 ND = Not Detected ~ ~-7 DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL LAB SJ~PE~SOR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poi}la,- AYenue, Portc,-villc, CA 93257-5393 Plmne (21}9) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-531)9 SUMMIT I BOR/ TORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-07 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 16:55 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S7,37F,14',2' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL _COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg BENZENE ND 0.02 MTBE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 T0~j~ ~YLENE · ~ ND 0.02 TPH GAS ND 1.0 ND = Not Detected DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE/TPH 8020/8015M mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poplar Avenue, Portcrvillc, CA 93257-5393 Phone (2119) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-5309 · INVOICE TESTING LABORATORIES, . 603 E. WORTH AVE, · PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 · (209) 781-0571 FILE No. ~[72-98 INVOICE 7/3:l/98 ~- Sessions Tank Liners, !nc. -~ YOUR ORDER No. DATE L I 9521 West Fritz Lane E Bakersfield, CA 93307 N _1 Ne_ 08876 AUTHORIZED BY: ROSS Sessions PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CONSOLIDATED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. (PLEASE SHOW INVOICE No.) UNIT~-R~ ~:EE 6It AMOUNTS ITEM TOTALS DESCRIPTION: Fuel tank removal, project at HOURS HR. RATE Manuel Auto Body 131 East 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA 7/15/98 AUG 7 1998 ' Soils Technician (D.H.) iBy:~ Collecting soil samples, delivering to 3.75 hr~$42/hr... $ 157.50 laboratory for analysis and drafting location map ~ Travel time 2 hrs $42/hr. 84.00 Mileage 100 mi. $.45/mi. 45.00 BTX&E 12 $45/ea. 540. O0 T.P.H. (gas) 4 $40/ea. 160.00 T.P.H. (diesel) 8 $75/ea. 600.00 Oil and grease 2 $75/ea. 150.00 Total Amount Due $ 1,736.50 PAYMENT FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED IS DUE UPON RECEIPT OF INVOICE. A CHARGE OF 1¥~% PER MONTH WILL BE ADDED TO COVER INTEREST AND COST TO SERVICE OVERDUE ACCOUNTS. SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-08 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 17:00 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S8,37F,18',6' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg BENZENE ND 0.02 MTBE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH GAS ND 1.0 ND = Not Detected ~_~~ DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A ~f~_---~ METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE/TPH 8020/8015M LAB SU~Ef~OR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poplac Avenue, Portervillc, CA 9325%5393 Phone (2119) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-531}9 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-09 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 17:05 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S9,37F,14',2' SAMPLE TYPE .' SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg BENZENE ND 0.02 MTBE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 TO~AL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH GAS ND 1.0 DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE/TPH 8020/8015M L~OR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poi}la,- Avenue, Portcrvillc, CA 93257-5393 Phot~c (209) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-531}9 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-10 LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 17:10 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/15/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S10,37F,18',6' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg BENZENE ND 0.02 MTBE ND O.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH GAS ND 1.0 DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A/.~_ METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE/TPH 8020/8015M LAB ~S~P-ERV~I~OR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poplar Avcm~c, Po~'tc~'villc, CA 93257-5393 Phone (209) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-5309 SUMMIT .LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-11A LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 17:13 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/17/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : Sll,37F,12',2' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.02 BENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH DIESEL ND 1.0 DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL LAB ~R~SOR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poi}la,' Avcnt,c, Pot-terville, CA 93257-5393 Phone (2~}9) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-53{';9 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS ANALYSIS : 413.1 LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-11B CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING SAMPLE MATRIX : SOIL LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 17:13 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 REPORT DATE : 07/29/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield SAMPLE ID : Sll,37F,12',2' ANALYSIS METHOD RESULTS UNITS DILUTION DLR ANALYZED OIL & GREASE 418.1 ND mg/Kg 1 5.0 NA = Not Analyzed ND = Compound Not Detected ~ ~ DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting . ELAP Certificate #1245A LA~ ~ -~-~R~ 167 West PolHa,' Avenue, Porterville, CA 93257-5393 Phone (209) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-53119 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-12A LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 17:16 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 DATE ANALYZED : 07/17/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield DILUTION FACTOR : 1. SAMPLE ID : S12,37F,16',6' SAMPLE TYPE : SOIL COMPOUNDS RESULTS mg/Kg DLR mg/Kg MTBE ND 0.02 BENZENE ND 0.02 TOLUENE ND 0.02 ETHYLBENZENE ND 0.02 TOTAL XYLENE ND 0.02 TPH DIESEL ND 1.0 ND = Not Detected ~~ DLR= DETECTION LIMIT FOR REPORTING State Certificate #1245A METHOD OF ANALYSIS: BTXE TPH DIESEL LAB~Fo~E~OR mg/Kg = Milligrams/Kilogram (ppm) 167 West Poplar Avenue, Porter~'ille, CA 93257-5393 Phone (21)9) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-53119 SUMMIT LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS ANALYSIS : 413.1 LAB ID NUMBER : 05694-12B CLIENT : CONSOLIDATED TESTING SAMPLE MATRIX : SOIL LABORATORIES, INC. DATE SAMPLED : 07/14/98 CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID HARRIS TIME SAMPLED : 17:16 PROJECT # : 4172-98 DATE RECEIVED : 07/15/98 PROJECT NAME : Manuel Auto Body, 131 REPORT DATE : 07/29/98 East 19th St., Bakersfield SAMPLE ID : S12,37F,16',6' ANALYSIS METHOD RESULTS UNITS DILUTION DLR ANALYZED OIL & GREASE 418.1 ~ ND mg/Kg 1 5.0 NA = Not Analyzed ND = Compound Not Detected DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting ~ · ELAP Certificate #1245A 167 West Poplar Avenue, Porter¥ille, CA 93257-5393 Phone (209) 781-9126 FAX (209) 782-53t)9 SESSIONS TANK LINERS,Inc. P.O. Box 731 9521 W. Fritz El Cemm, CA 92244 ~, CA 93~7 (760) 352-4g~2 FAX 352-2646 (g05) 8~3-9501 FAX g~3-0423 CA L~C.NO. 418129 A-540757 A/HAZ AZ tIC.NO. 099125A NV. A22/00~9190 June 8, 1998 ~r. F. ammm re. Ho3 Steve Underwood City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental, Services 1715 Chester St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: MANUEL'S AUTO BODY 131 E. 19th Street Bakersfield, CA Dear Steve: We at Sessons Tank Liners Inc. will remove (1) 1,000 (2) 10,000 and (1) 12,000 underground storage tanks at the location above. I am enclosing a permit to construct application, and a check for $1,932.00. Also enclosed isSessions Tank Liners, Inc. "Coating Procedures & Safety Manual,"with an emergency information sheet regarding the site on page twenty seven. If you have further questions or need additional information, please comact me at the Bakersfield office. (805) 833-9501 Sincerely, .r. Betty Standford Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. 9069 L6~ ~08 '~N! · °lSNO~ A]'I~-~A ~I~ W~ 8]: 60 ~M ii __ MANUEL'S AUTO BIODY INC. 131 E 19TH ST BAKERSFIELD CA.93305 PH-805-327-4941-- FAX-805-322-0957 Mr. Howard H Wines. III "~' ~ Hazardous Material Technician APR g 9 1997 Dear Mr. Wines As per our last conversation, here is the letter you requested for your files. We have sent our paper work to the Rust program. We have filed all documents and were told that the program may take about 6 to 8 months or more, depending on how many people have applied. We will notify your office on all the progress and keep you informed as to when the removal of the tanks will begin. Sincerely, ~~dent Manuel's Auto Body Inc. RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: FAX: InspeCtor's Name: '~ Time of Call: Date: ~/~-/ Time: ~ TM # Min: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing Iai] Returned Content of Call: ~'~('J ~ ! ..~/~, ,~.¢_ ~,,/e..~/~ ~j~ Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: ~': L MANUEL"S AUTO BODY 131 E. 19TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA Coating Procedure~ and Safety Manual for Underground Storage Tanl~ Utilizing U.L. Li~ted Spray Material GC-900 Main Office Branch Office P.O. Box 731 P.O. Box 49061 El Centm, CA 92244 Bakersfield, CA 93382 (619) 352-4832 FAX 352-2646 (805) 833-9501 FAX 833-0423 CA LIC. NO. 418129 A - 540757 A/HAZ AZ LIC. NO. 099125^ TABLE OF CONTENTS (]cneral .............................................. ~ .................... ........................................ ~ ..................... 1 Dcfinitiom ........................................................ , ................................... ~ ............................... 2 R~sponsibilitivs ................................................................................................................ . .. .. 2 Pre-Entry Requir~m©nts ........................................................................................................ Isolating a Space ............................................ ~ .................................. . ..................................... 3 Atmospheric Tenting of Confined / Enclosed Space ................................................................ 4 Tank Openin8 Preparation ..................................................................................................... 5 Tank Entry Requirements ...................................................................................................... 7 Classification of Space / Entry Approval ................................................................................ Special SafcO/and Protccfivc .~Equipmcnt . . ' 8 Standby Requirements ............................. . . .... : ............................................... . , ..................... 9 Continuing Precautions and Requirements 9 Tank Clcani~ ...................... Ultrasonic Thickness (]augh~ Proceduro .............................................................................. 11 Ultrasonic *Hdckness Gauging Report (Sample) .................................................................... ^brasivc Blasting .................................................. Tank Assessment ...................................................... Spray Application ....................................................................... ; ........................................ 16 Scalin~ thc Manway ............................................................................................................. 17 Vacuum TcMin~ ............~ ......... ~.~ ..................................................... ~ .................................... 17 Additional Testin~ ................................................................................................................ 17 Confined Space Classification Table . .... 18 Test Results - Entry Classification Chart ............................. , ........ . ......................................... 1 Check List for Entry Into An Existing Confined Space . 20 Material Safety Data Sheets 0IL Listed Spray Material GC-900) 21 t~ ~r.~ Material Safety Data Sheets ~.v,,.th~l Ethyl Keytonv PcroxidO .............................................. Eme~ency Response Information ......................................................................................... 27 I, GENERAL I The nco[~e of this specification covers n turnkey job including, but not limited to, excavations; vapor fi~celn~ tank opening; _~brasi~. bhstin~; snfc ~mc:~ and lawful disposal of bottom sediment, water and tank residue; conlin~ I linin8 application; inspections; sealing manways; and final ~ting. Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. certifies that all supervin~ to be used on this work are familiar with and, except an may be specified othm~, will e, omply with the procedure9 entabllshed in the following pt.51icaliom: 1~ Cleaning Small Tanks and Containe~s '(NFPA 327, 1987) 2. Reconnemded Practice 'for'' Protection Against I~itions Arising Out of Strike, Lighteni~g,'.and Stray .C6rren't~(API RP 2003, New Edi. tion,, 1991 . 3.. Reconhended Practice for the Interior Linihg' .6f 'Ex,istirig. Steel Underground.' Storage Tanks (API RP 1631, 1992) Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. certifies that procedures haw been developed and that all personnel havo received training on and will comply with the rules and regulations of the Environmental Protection 'Agcn~ and the Oc~upalional Safety and Health Administration. Including, but not limited to ~hose are: 40 CFR: Part 262-$ta.dardn for Generalor~ of Hazardous Waste Part 262-Standards for Tramporters ofllazardmm Waste 29 CFR: Subpart H-Hazardous Matm~ Subpafl l-Personal Protective Subpm J'~,netd Environmental Controls Subpart L-Fire Protection Subpart Z-Toxic and Hazardous Substances Scsdom Tank Liners, Inc. ~ provide an on, die supervisor at all times who undentands the health and safety requirements for this work and who will be vespondble for maintahfin~ a safe cnv~onment in the work area; Sessions will have on hand at least two (2) properly maintained and tested portable fire exlhqtuishers; Sessions will IWOVMe appropriate personal protedive clothing and equipment indudi~ porn*tire pressure-full fnce ple~e, nit mash and ~ombuslilde toxi~ gas me, souring de,ben. Scudom Tnnk Linen, Inc. shrill obtnh dl required Smto nnd local penr~ and npprovab of all res~tin8 authod~'es. 'The owner sM remove the liquid product from the tank leaving the bottom sediment and ~'ater for rcmovnl by Ses~iom. Bottom se(l~ent, wfd~r and tnnk residue are to be disposed of in saf~ and lawful manner acccptabb to Io~al and SUM regulatory asencies. Before any work is done which misht re_Leaso va _p~_. ~ the world_ ~..-.~ dudl bo hnicaded and Paso I appropriate accident prevention ~ shall bo po~ed. All ,ourc~ of ignition arc to be eliminated t¥om thc area where flammable VaPor, may bo prceont or may travel. Thc area shall bo kept frcc of sources of i~nition during the work paiod. il. DEFINITIONS "Confined space", means all areas or pieces of cquipmont where. (1) existing vontilation is insufficient to remove dangorous air concentration, end/or oxygen deficiency may exist or develop, and, (2) thc ready access or cgrcU for the removal of a suddon~-disablcd worker is difficult duc to the location or .ize of tho opening. "Enclosed .paco" mesm any aroa, enclosur~ or pieco of equipment where a dangerous air concontration and oxygen deficicncy ~,doe~ not cx~ BUT thc ready acccs, or cgrc. for thc removal of a .uddcnly-di~bled worker is difficult duo to tho location or ,ize of thc opening. Note: All cncloscd ~ .hall bo considered confmcd ,pacc~ until tests vcrif~ thc space is safe for ontry. "Dangerous air concontration" is an atmoSPhoro that may cause injury, or illness, duo to thc presonco of flammable or co.mbustibio vapor, or toxic substanco in oxccss of tho safe limits. "Oxy__non doficion~" oxists if tho atmosphoro contains lo~s than 19.5% oxyl~on. "Supordsor" rofors to tho ponon who ovorsoos tho oporation of tho facility whoro tho work ' is being porformed. This may bo tho fac'dity supervi~ or his written dosisnato. "Porson in ohar~o" rofors'to tho porson who lure boon donignated to direCt tho work of tho.= " other omploy¢os involved in porfonnin~ a specific tank. "Standby" refers to tho person who is assigned to maintain surveillance on wooers insido an enclosed or confined spaCo and asnur~ that blin~ or othor equipment nfo not altered which could affeCt tho safoty of tho porsous insido tho spaoo. · "Baokup"_ rofcrs to tho porson who can b~ oasily contacted and immediately rospond to provido assistance to tho standby porson. "Do,ii,hated tester" ret'~.r~ !~ Lo pornon who lu~ ~'~oivod t~'ai~,ht8 and has a domonstrated ability in porfonnin~ tests for flammable/toxic vapors and oxyson doficionoy. IlLRESPONSH31I.ITIE~ .. Tho supervisor is responm'blo for vorifyi~ that the omployeos are adeqt~tely trained in safe Page 2 entry procedures, rescUe methods, testing requirements and sal~ety requirements for each entry. 'rb.¢ supervisor sh,?!l issu~ p~nuits and enUy tags. The supervisor shall assure that thc p,~rson-in-charsc has the necessary protective and safety equipment on-site to do the job safely. · The .person-in-charge is rcsponm'ble for assurinl~ that all rcquirmnents of this standard, · including permit requirements, are followed, He must personally oversee initial entry into a space, · and assess thc hazard~ and conditions of the space to be entered prior to and durin~ the work. He must be available at the site durin~ thc entire period that workers arc inside a confined Space. Each individual involved in a confined or enclosed space entry is responsible for conforming to the rcqukcments of applicable permits and the provisions of this standard. Violations are c0nSidercd a breech of safety rides and can subject the violator to disciplinary action. A method of rcacuins a disabled worker must be established prior to entry. If a rescue method cannot be established, entry is prohibited. Any deviation from this standard must be approved in writins. 1¥; PRE-ENTRY REQUIREKIENTS Provisions set forth shall be implemented before every entry into either confined or an enclosed space. Before work involvi~ entry into an enclosed or confined space begins, a plan for clcanin~ '~.: isolatinf~ and entcrin~ must be established by the person-in-charge. As part of this plan, thc appropriate IVlaterial Safety Data Sheets (lVlSDS) for nuttesials workers may be exposed to must bc reviewed with all l~rsons involved in the work. An entry request must be completed as part of the plannin8 phase of the work to be done. 'l~ds request is seed for thc duration of thc work Unless conditions chan~c. After an entry plan has been established, the space to lac entered must be isolated. V. ISOLATING A SPACE All lines to and from thc space shall be isolated from thc 'space by bindins, discos~ncctin~ and plusgin8, or equivalent means. Threaded lines shall be disconnected and plugged as close to thc space as possible. Any bleeders or drain connections between the blind and the space must be capped or plut~ed. Dated and signed CAUTION-DO NOT OPERATE tag shall be placed at each blind or disconnected line. The Ioc~tic.-:s of v/here tags are Placed should be mainlaincd on a lo8. should bc used to certify that all blinds have been removed and lines reconnected prior to facility start-up. All rotatin8 equipment in the space, such as mixers or motor-operated valves, shall bc e!cc*~c~-]~b, di,~onv,~cted el do-cncrsized, locked and .tagSed with a CAt~FION * DO NOT OPERATE tag accordin8 to established lockout procedures. Steam or hot oil coils inside the space shall be disconnected or blinded with valves closed Page 3 and locked at the point where they enter the space. A CAUTION - DO NOT OPERATE tab is abe required. ff aeveral pieces of equipment must be isolated ns a unit, each piece of interconnected equipment must be open to the atmosphere and made saf~ for entry. Tanks are to bo degasaed per local requirmnenh~. When a space ha~ b~n opined, but not appmv~ for entry, a DO NOT ENTER ~g must be hung at each opening When opminga are left uncovered 'and unattended for moro than a shift, addilional protection shall be taken to a~,,re c~L-y ia prohibi~:d. Th~ c, pei&ng(s) ~hould bo barricaded by a positive moam (e.g., chicken wire, hardwire cloth, etc. ~ does not block air flow). VI. ATMOSPHERIC 'YESlllq(} OF A CONFINED/ENCLOSED SPACE After a space has been isolated, opened and ventilation established (either natural or mechanical), it must be tested to establish what the conditions are within the space. DO NOT ENTER tags shall bo POsted at each entrance into a space until tests verify that conditions of a spac~ are safe and the approp{iate ENTRY PERMIF tag has been completed and approved.. Tcstin~ should bo done by the person-'m-cha~e, or a designated tester. The person conductin~ the t~ts should v~ify that thc testin~ cquipment is properly calibrated and adjusted to assure accmate results. Testing equipment should bc checked and calibrated when circmnstanc~s might cause susPicion concerning tho equipments' accuracy (i.e., unil dropped, etc). With mechanical ~ ventilation stopped, tho person-in-charge or a designated tester should perform thetests indicated on the ENTRY REQUEST at thc entrance of thc space (c.g., manway opening). Results of the tests should bo recorded on the ENTRY REQUEST. Tests must also bo taken at Iow spots in a space, in areas adjusted to pipes and tubing ~u'ound irregular surfaces and mixetx, and in areas away from oig~q~s where ventilation may be restricted. When all areas in a space cannot be thoroughly tested from the outside, further testing must be done within the space. Note: Spaces ar~ nog to be entered when flammable vapor levels measured at entrances are greater that 10% of the lower flammable limit. When a space is entered for the first time at~r having bccn removed from active service, the person peffonnin~ tests within the space must wear a supplied air or serf-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) when enterin~ the space. A standby person haviiq~ an SCBA must be present whil~ testing is being conduged. Tests for flammable &r explosive vapors, oxygen deficiency, or carbon monoxide are to be run every 4 hours, or if tho space has been vacated for over 30 minutes, or per thc enclosed/confined space entry request if it calls for more often than 4 hour interval testit~. Iiydrogen sul~de, temperature, tetra~tbyl lead or hazardous materials testing, if required, will be Pa~e 4 specified for each particular job. Continuous may be used in place of periodic monitoring. WOrk amy continue while retesfin~ is being done. Test results shall be recorded on the appropriate space on thc ENTRY PERMIT tag and initialed. Following is a list of materials/conditions which may exist within a space and if present must be evaluated as par~ of the entry process. The test results listed for each mateliaFcondition are to be used to establish the type of entry requirements that must be met. 1. Flammable or Explos~e Vapors Test results - Above 10% Lower Flammable' Limit (LFL) - NO ENTRY ,~I.I OWED; 5% to 10% LFL - SPECIAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS must be followed; Below 5% LFL - GENERAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS must be followed. 2. Oxygen Test r¢?.~',: - ,.~elow 16.1% - Entry ~'owed in ~MERGENCIES ONLY using SCBA or other supplied air respirator equipment; 16.1% to 19.5% - SPECIAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS must be followed; Above 19.5% - GENERAL EI~I'RY REQUIREMENTS musl be followed. 3. Hydro~_en 3ulfid~ It15) Test results - Above 10 ppm - SPECIAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS must bt fo~lowed, IG opm or less - GENER,~L t~N'I'RY REQUIREMENTS must bo followed. 4..Ligh_ t Hydorcarbons (l~asoline-like vapors) - Test results - Above 300 ppm- SPECIAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS must be followed; 300 ppm or less - GENERAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS must be followed. 5. Temperature Test results - Above 100 degrees F- Entry allowed if cooling ventilation is provided and time in the area is limited to no more than 30 minutes continuous with 15 n~ute break between periods. VII. TANK OPENINO PREPARATION . Safety precautions - A combustible gas indicator shall be used to check for hazardous vapors in thc area. Ail open flames and spark-producing ~luipmcnt within thc vapor hazards area · shall be shut down. Electrical equipment used in tho area Shall be explosive proof or approved for the service. Tank Isolation - Before any work on the exterior surface of the tank begins, tanks shall be inspected to determine how the tank is to be isolated. If a ~ is equipped with a vent manifold, fill line or syphon assembly, necessary measures shall be taken to isolate each tank. The vent for the tank being lined shall be isolated from vents of other tanks which may still be in service. This may require a temporary separate vent for the tank being lined. All electrical switches supplying electrical current to submerged pumps and/or other equipment Conneclrd to the tank shall be disconnected and locked. Page 5 R~moval of Liquid Products - As much product, water and sediment as possible shall be removed usinlg cxpiosion-proof or air driven pumps. ~ - This section shall bc conducted in accordance with all applicable local r¢l~ulalions, ff local regulatiotm require control syst~n~ for vapor freeing, tho method to be used shah be spccificd in the permi~ process. A. The tank shall bc thoroughly dcgassed with air to remove flammable vapors. Residue capable of producing flammable vapors ~ be removed. Thc concentration of flammable vapors h~ a tank may go flu'ough the flammable range before a safe atmosphere is obtained. Thcrcfore, it is necessary that prccaution~ arc 'taken to eliminate the possibility of thc discharge of stati~ electricity durin8 thc degassin~ procedure. Consideration sludl be given to cusure that thc vapors arc not ventcd into arca~ where they could produce a hazardous condition. B. Pressure in the tank shall not exceed 5 P$I'3. T- prc~.'~t c.".ce_~s pressure, thc vent linc sitaii bo checked to make certain it i, frcc from obstructions and traps prior to ventilating the tanks. C. Ventilation of thc tanks shall be accomplished by one of thc following methods: 1. IF SELECTED, an air or approved electrically driven cductor type air mover shall be properly bonded to'prevent the possibility of s~atic electricity generation and discharge. When using rids method, thc fill (drop) tube shall renudn in place to assure that thc vapors will bc drawn from the bottom of the tank. An extemion ~ be uscd to discharge the vapors in the tank a minimum of (12) fcct above grade. Vacmun in thc lank shall not exceed 5.3" Hg. 2. IF SELECTED, a defused ak-blower shall, have thc ak diffusing pipe properly bonded to prevent thc discharge of a spark. Fill (drop) tubes may bc removed to enhance diffuaion of thc ak in the tank. Air supply ~ be ~om a compressor, which has becn checked to ensure a clean ak supply, free from volatile vapors. Air pressure in thc tank shall not exceed 5 PSI(]. 3. IF SELECTED, a fan type ak mover may bc used .lp blow ak into thc tank through thc fill opening of the tank. Thc fan shall be driven by compressed ak of an approved electric motor. The fan shall bo properly bonded to the tank. Fill (drop) tubes may be removed to enhance diffusion of ak in thc tank. The tank vent shall be inspected to make smc it is frcc of all obstructiorm. Air pre~sure in the tank shall not exceed 5 D. All equipment and ventilatiom systems used in the confined space shall comply with Arliclc 502 and 503 of thc National Electric Code. Testing Flammable Vapor Concentrations - An important phase of thc operation is thc tcstinl~ of thc vapor flammability in thc excavated area and in thc tank. Such tc~ts~ shall be made with a combustible ga~ indicator that is properly calibrated with haxanc in ak, and thoroughly Page 6 checked and maintained in ac, c, ordanco with manufa~turcn imtructiom. Pcnom r~pomible for testing shall be completely familiar with the u~ of the imtnunent and the interprctatiom of its readhq~s. When purging is bein8 p~formed by a diffused or fan typ~ air mov~r, the tank vapor space shall be tested by p 'lacin~ the combustible 8aa indicator probe into the till opening with tho fill (drop) mbo rtanov~d. Readinss shall bo takm at the bottom, middle and upl~r podions of the tank ~md the imtmment shall be pursed with fresh air ~ each readins. Readin~ of 5% or less of tile Lower Flammable Limit (LFL), as indicated in the tank and at tho vent riser or eductor, sh',fll bo obtained before the tank is considered safe for opening. When purging is being performed by an eductor-typ~ air mover, readings shall be taken by placing the combustible gas indicator through a probe hole provided in Ihe sid= of the eductor. Tho probe acee~ 8hall be Io~ated whero the vapors being r~moved fi'om the tank are tested prior to mixing with compressed air induced into the eductor fi.om the air compressor. Readings of tank vapors which are 10% or less of the LFL shall be obtained before the tank is considered safe for opening. yin. TANI QUi tvn t s Opening the tank - Entry into the tank, or any work upon the tank which could result in the itptition of tank vapors, is prohibited until testing of the tank atmosphere has determined that the tank vapors sro less than 5% I~L. Entry personnel shall wear a mtfety harness connected to a safety line held by the standby man outside the tank. ff no manhole and cover exists, an opening with the minimum dimensions of 22"x 22" or, in tanks where a permanent manway is to be atlachcd; a circular access openin~ a minimum of 22" in diameter shall be cut in the tank lop avoidinl~ fabricalion se, ams. A manhole-cover joint shall be provided with a trowel material dOermined to &e suitt~ for/hlu/d to 0e stored and shall have a thickness of not less than 1/8 inch (3.2 nun). When cutting into a tank for marry, the tank wall section being removed shall be marked with chalk. The t~-~ :'epc.'~ ~hall be continuousiy tested by ins~rtin8 the meter probe at least 24" into the hole verifying the vapor concentration is less than 5% or the LFL before proceeding with the oponin~ procedure. WARNING: Fentilm~on tmd po~odi~ tmrting for ~l~ ~,t~ors shall continue tkrougkout tk~ entire lining operation. Pe[sorm¢l shall n~er enter a tank without prior adequate ventilation, and ventilation shall continue while ponmm are in the tank. During tank ~utting operations, air pressur~ less than 5 PSI(] shall be maintained to prevent a blow out when blowing air into the tank during thc gas freeing process. ?b a~oid b~did up o/flammable ~apors, air shall be drmm from tk~ tank bottom tkroughout tke lining operation. The tank shall be ~ut using a cold chi~l or snipper using lubrioating oil to reduce friofion, heat and possible sparks. Prior to the final ~ut, the section being removed ~hall be supported to preve~a its falling into the tank. Page 7 !..-<. CLASSIFICATION OF SPACE / ENTRy APPROVAL After the atmosphere within a space has boon mstexi for the materials/conditions indicated on tho ENTRY REQUEST, th~ person-in-charge, together with tho supervisor, should ovalUate thc· results, classify the space as either cxmfin~ or enclosed and establish tho appropriate requirements to be followed for the entry to continue. Tbe person-in-~:hargc will r. ompleto thc required entry Permit. Thc person-in-charge will double check to anure lines into and out of the spa~e are properly blinded or disconncote, d and tagged, and electrical equipment in tho space is locked and tagged out. He will initial thc ENTRY PERMIT tag in tho spa~o used to verify that the area being ~ama'ed is properly isolated. Thc person-in-charge will assure that there is a plan of rescue to be used in the event that a worker becomes disabled and must be removed from thc spacx. Ho will review thc method with all personnel involved with the operation prior to approving the ENTRY PERMIT tag. s]~ecif~d on fie Sl~l~rol~rid~ ,",ff.c, Cerl~ gaf,~t~ Dsm Skeets ~ 8ll l~ersorts ~ko ~ &e entering ~e s,oaee. After thc review, tho pcrson-in-~hargo will sign and date thc tag in thc spac,~ "This equipment is safe to enter" and afTLx it to thc spac~ where l~ople can enter. A propcrly-~ompleted and signed ElqTP, Y PERMIT tag af~ed to an entrance constitutes approval for entry, provided th~ conditions lifflcd in the ElqTRY PERMIT arc followed. The E1WI'RY PERMIT tag is good for tho duration of the day. If work is to continue, thc tag shall be renewed. R~ncwal is accomplished by retcsting and re,he, king thc conditions. If tests and conditions are within safe limits, the person-in-charge renews the "This equipment is safe to (:ntcr" space and enter thc new expiration date in the "peflnit expires" spa~e. X. SPECIAL SAFETY AND PROTECTIVE EQUIP~ Whenever entry requires wearing of supplied ah' respiratory protection, persons entering shall wear a safety harness with an attached line. Thc harness shall be the type capable of suspending a person in thc upright position. Wristlets shall not be used. The lifeline shall bo rope of a minimum 1/2 inch diameter and 2000 pound test with the free end anchored outside the space. For top entry, a mex:hanical hoisting device shall be provided Jbr lifting persons out of thc space. Persons working in spaces which hav~ last contained substances which could be harmful if absorbed through tho skin shall wear protective clothin8 as specified by the supervisor. Only lightin8 and electrical equipment which has been approved safe for thc area shall be used. In addition, to luinimize sho~k hazards, su~h lighting and equipment shall be oPerated at 12 'colts or less or protected by an approved ground fault circuit interrupter to shut down electrical l~ower should a short-circuit be detexted. A fi~t aid kit shall be available in tho immediate area outside thc space.' A type of wamin8 dcvir, c shall bo available immeAiately outside tho spacc to summon assistance if thc need arises. Thc requirement may bc waived by thc supervisor if there will be Po. go 8 , ample people in thc area in case of an emergency. ff welding fumc, a are present inside, or if thc temperature in thc space exceeds 100 degrees F, thc space must bc ventilated by an cductor or blower. Thc cductor or blower should bc mounted on thc roof or as near thc top of the space as possible to maximize ventilation. Mcam ehould be taken to reduce vibration noise by. thc cductor ~ctting on mctel su,"facc (i.e. bolthq~ it to a tl~c). XI. STANDBY REQUIREMElqTS A atandby i~ always required when entry i~ to b~ mado into oithor a %nfinod or ~paoo. During a confined space entry the standby must romain at the entrance as long as workors :~rc inside. At Ioa~t OhO addilional work~ who may havg other dufi~ ~ b~ wiflfin sight or call of lhi~ atandby. This l~"r~on ahall Ig known as a baokup. Tho ~landby ghall b~ .l~o~itione, d oulaid~ th~ ~ntry point hearst the must be aware of th~ nature of th~ work b~ing l~'rformed and th~ possible hazard~ that might bo on~ountore, d. The ~tandby is to a~ure no on~ rcanoves blinds, or ~hut~ off air blowors or othor equipment n~ary for saf~ entry and is to b~ alc~'t for changing condilion~ and hazards lhat might affect tho safety or per, om insid~ the spaoe. Th~ alandby ahould try to r~nain in vimml c, onlaot and commmfioalion with tho I~rson(s) inside at all times, ff ~ i~ not possiblo, a plan must bo worked out that tho standby will be a~surod th~ l~r~on(a) in~id~ oan get hi~ ammtion if they ar~ in troublo. 'I'hg ~tandby mu~t haw 8CBA immcdiatoly available for tho roguo of a disabled per,on or olher emergency. When entry is into a confined spa~o, ~ith~ tho ~,andby or backup p~on must b~ ~rainod in first aid and cardiopulminary r¢su~itation (CPR) ff ~utting, burning, w~lding, grinding or ~hipping i~ b~g performed in the spa¢o or other sources of ignition arg induced, thg ~tandby must haw 2 rated tiro gxtinguiaher~ (and tiro hose if possibl~) and bo trained in fa~ fighting. ff tho l~r~on(s) insid~ the spa~g are wearing respiratory p~ot¢~tion, the standby must haw with him. roapiratory proration ~quipmcnt whioh ha~ a a~parat~ air ~upply. Thg rospiratory protection cquipmont ahall b~ provided with a c, ommunigation d~vig~ if thg l~r~on(a) inaidg arg out or th~ lin~ of aight of th~ standby. A atandby may ~nt~r a confineA ~pa~e only in an emorgenoy and only after alorting anothgr p~rson ou~id~ of th~ intent to enter, l]'tk~ ~n~rgznq,/~ ~z r~g/t $CBA mu~t bt ~orn &y ~/ XII. CONTINUING PRECAUTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Air testing inside the space shall be c, ondu~t~d at guffi~icnt intervals (no Iongor than 4 hour) to cn~m'g thg atmosphere r,,~ius fre~ of flammable, hy&'ocarbons, toxins and/or oxygen d¢fi¢i~noy, ff the apace is I~fl vacant for 30 minut~ or long, r, r~tosting i~ required bcfor~ entry is Pag~ 9 per.filled. All test results shall be recorded on the ENTRY PERMIT tag. If continuous monitors with alums are used, test rcsuils need not be recorded. if conditions inside the space change, r~te~lin8 is required before work can continue. Retesti~ of a cm~,d sp~e should bc~ conducted aha the rcsull~ show llmt all ' matcriaVcondition levels ar~ within the acceptable ran~s for Oeneral Entry. Pe~_'~op_~ pc::fnrmin~ ;~.~.~ls of enclosed spaces need not wear an SCBA because in order for a space to be classified as an enclosed space, dangm'ous air concen~'ations and oxygen deficiency must not be present. The basic procedure in rctcsting an enclosed space is: 1. If available, atmospheric tut equipment that can be equipped with telescoping shall be used 2. Extend test probe~ to their full lensth, rctc~t the space at iH main entry point and at aH areas that the test probe can reach. 3. Record tcs. t results on cxislin~ cnt~ la~. 4. If test rcsult~ are within the acceptable range, slowly ~nter the space keeping test probe fully extended while ~ the test apparatus time to respond to changing conditions. NOTE: When no other worker is present within a 8pace during retesting, a standby person must be present oulside thc space. Portable powered equipment should be located outsid~ the space on the downwind side of manway opcnin~ to prevent their exhaust or flammable vapors from bcin~ pulled inside. If an un~afe condition arises or an emergency occurs at the facility, aH persons inside shah exit the space immediately and ENTRY PERIVIIT tabs shall be removed and replaced by DO NOT ENTER lags, At li~e end of each day, prior to tl~e completion of the job, the space must bc seem'cd to pt,:vent entry by unauthorized p~rsons. ENTRY PERIVlIT tags s.hall be removed and replaced by L~O NOT ENTER lags. ~i!!. TANK CLEANING 2. Wooden handled broom 3. Floor dry absorbent 4. Plastic, aluminum handled buckets 5. Explosion proof drop light Safety _rco_uircments - During the entire cleaning opol'ation, file funnel must remain operative to allow maximized fresh air into the tank. Un'cat cato must be taken when one,ring tho la~lk, taking extra mcaaurcs to avoid standing in sludge or gasoline that is on tho floor. Allow time for light adjustment; if there is not ad,q-_ate lighting, an c:~g!osi~ii proof :hop light may be Usc& NOTE: Ilt_.e _.drql~ light mt4v. not be ttsed until afl¢..? the lfrag laver o£ [Ioor dry ha~' been ,up trod removed from the tank A blower-type or positive-pressure airline hose should be worn by anY person who enter a leaded gasoline tank that has not been thoroughly cleaned and freed of toxic vapors. This applies not only to tank cleaners, but to all others who go into the tank for any purpose. Thc hand-operated blower-type cq.nipmcnt 1" hose ia commonly used. Other types of positive-pressure respiratory equipment may be used if it ia recognized tank cleaning equipment and its usc is fully understood. Canister masks shall not be used. Hose lines for air maaks should be kept clean. If pcrsormcl notices any odor while wearing thc mask, ho must leave the tank at once and not rc-cntcr until tho condition is corrected. In thc event of any i~dication of respiratory equipment not working properly, thc personnel should immediately leave thc tank. All p©rsonncl shall wear clean clothing from the skin out; also approved impermeable gloves and boots of good quality, and in good condition. Clothing shall bo changed (and laundogd) and a bath shall bc taken every day. If; at any time, the clothing gets soaked with gasoline or sludge, the personnel shall bathe at once and put on clean clothes. At thc end of thc~day, and after thc job has bccn completed, respirators, boots, gloves, and tools must be cleaned. XIV ULTRASONIC ~ITI1CKNESS (3AUCiIN(] PROCEDURE Tho objective of thickness gauging is to assure thc average metal wall thickness through a stoics of identified, average measurements of one-foot by one-foot sections. Ultrasonic testing may also bo pcrtbrmcd on tanks with existing interior lining. Original wall metal thickness shall b~ established by gauge measurements takc~ at thc tank top manway. After tho tank hem boon emptied and the interior surface has boon cleaned out, tho tank walls arc divided into sections aa follows: 1. Walia- Measurements for tank walls shall bo divided into one-foot by one-foot sections beginning at thc fill end of thc bottom of thc tank and extending outward around tho tank length. Any additional arcs of thc tank wall which ia. less than one-foot by one-foot shall bo measured and treated aa an additional section. 2. Heads - Measurements for tank heads shall divide thc head into four equal sections by cstablishing a horizontal and vertical diameter linc aa an ~ center point extending Page 11 · outward on each axis line. Any additional area of the lank head which is lcss than one-foot by one-foe! shall bc mcasurcd~and tr~atcd as an additional scction. Thickness gauging measurements shall bc takcn in thc ccntcr ff cach section of thc tank wall' aud heads. Tanks shall bc closed in accordance with Article 7 of thc California Underground Storage Tank Rcgulations ff thc tanks' average metal thickness is less than 75% of thc original thic~icss or if thc tank has any of thc folio 'wing defects: 1. Opcn scant or split longcr than 3 inchcs 2. Perforation larger than 1-1/2 inches in diameter or below a gauging opcning at thc bottom of a tank where the perforation shall be no hrger thaii 2-1/2 inches in diameter 3: Five or more perforations in any one- square foot area 4. Multiple perforations of which any single perforation is larger than 1/2 inch in diameter 'Fo dctenaine adhcrctice to these guidelines, perforations shall bo brass ballp~cn ham~ercd'~° (!:~!brc, ~d after ab:.'asiv~ blasting} to remove thin metal and obtain structurally sound' edges. Pcrtbrations shall bo roamed until the edges of the hole arc a minimum or l/O" thick. Stool. plates may also be welded to the interior wall to maintain compliance with the acccptahle wall thicknoss ht pcrtbrated areas. Repair Of seam splits may bo repairs by welding. Welding shall bo conducted by persons familiar with hot work. Repairs may bo made to tho tank if tho tank meets requirements set forth in tho California Underlp'ound Storage Tank Regulations, subsection 2660 (k). lloles hi steel tanks shall be plugged using self tapping bolts, borer plugs, watc~r-fighi hydrauliv cement, or by wclding. In addition, holes hi steel and fiberglass tanks shall bo repaired as follows: Repair areas shall be covered with epoxy or isophthalic resin. Tho resin base shall bo compatible with tho intended uso of tho tank. Fiberglass cloth with a minimum weight of 1.5 oz/yd that is silano treated shall bo worked completely into the resin base. Tho resin base shall be applied a minimum of two inches beyond thc fibcrglass cloth. All repairs shall include installation of fiberglass cloth with a minimum dimc-nsion of 12 x 12 inches centered owr th~ ar~a to bo repaired. 1,argot rep',firs shall require th~ cloth to bo large enough to provide cloth coverage of at least five inches of cloth bonded to thc tank wall, measured from the outermost edge of tho repair area to thc cloth's edge. A second layer of fiberglass cloth, 1.5 oz/yd, shall bo i.%stal1~d tiirecfly owr the primary cloth layer and shall bo cut to overlap tho primary patch by 1.5 inches on all sides. The repair shall be allowed sufficient cure time, as dctcmfined by tho resin manufacturer, to provide an acceptable base for tank lining application. Page 12 ' 3'e~'sio, s TaM{ Liners, lttc. " Ultrasonic Thiclmess Gaugi,g Report Name: " ~tlk Size:; /l d~&ess: ~k Lotion: Date: ..... T, nk Dltmleter: __1~1' Tank Length: Pa8~ 13 Sessions Tank Liners, Inc. Ultrasonic Thicl~ness Gauging Report ~khead " F#l End Opposffe End CYLINDER WALL Total of Gauee~' . , = Averag$ ?hteknesr 7bt. I Number of Gm~ger PILL,END ~lbt~d of G,,ue~ _~.- ..... ~ .... ' _ A~era~t ]l~Jckn~s ' 7~ttd Number of Gauges OI'I'OSITE END 'lbt~d vf Ganees - Average lhtclmes$ . Toted Number of Gauges 707~L ?>iNK 811ELL A VHItAGH ~bfid of Ga~ggs ,, = Average 7hic~ess 7bt~d Number of Gauges A 1.3;IOlGE ~IIICKNES,~ X 100 = % OF DESIGN DESIGN 'llllC~'NE.~Y ]IIICKNESS A CCT!I'T ~ RILII~.CT_ A U~IIlORIZED 8IGNA Page 14 .... XV. ABRASIVE BLASTING Tanks shall bc abrasive blasted to a white metal, removing all sludge from pits, rust plugs, perforations, and any other openings. ~pecial c_~t.~pment - A. Approved safety equipment as follows: 1. White disposable plastic coveralls 2. Blasting helmet with positive air displacement 3. Wrisflct safety harness B. Silver duct tapc C. Abrasive Blasting equipment 1. Abrasive blaster with dcadman centred and light 2. Abrasivc matcrials 3. Nozzles I). Two plastic buckets E. Broom .' F. Aluminum shovcl Safc~/_fc_quircmcnts Blast operators shall use U.S. Bureau of Mines approved helmet connected to a source of clean, compressed air. Canister type masks may not be wed: Blast hoses shall bc grounded to dissipate static charges. Only nonferrous tools shall bc used for cleaning surfaces of mst, sediment, crc. Personnel working on ~d~ will wear robber boo~, fresh air masks, life lines and clean clothing with no metal butto,ls ,,r fitthigs. l':illcr type .:.ir real, haters should bc worn by all others who arc exposed to blast dust cnvironmcm. Adequate protection for personnel from flying partiglcs shall also be provided in any blasting operation. Safety goggles shall be worn by all persons near any blasting'operation. Fresh ah' shall be supplied to thc mask through a hose with a positive displacement air blower to the windward side of thc manhole in the tank. Adequate power operated blowers shall conthmc thc air supply until personnel wearing masks have IcH tank and removed face Pieces. One end of a rope shall be secured to the hame, ss to assist in removal, ii' necessary. Extra respirator equipment shall be available for emergency usc. BEFORE. BEGINNING THE ABRAS.. IVE BLAST OPERATIONS, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE AIR HOSE BE CHEGKED TO ENSURE CLEAN AIR IS COMING OUT OF THE AIR HOSE. XVI. TANK ASSESSMENT Page 15 Corrosion does not _usually take the form of a uniform loss (i.e., general deterioration of a surf acc area). Most corrosion occur~ by leaving a pitted appearance rcsultiug in perforations. A small pcrforafion in a ta~ wall can result when thc entire tank surface has lost no more than is /bund in a 50 cent piece. Numerous perforations in a one foot area indicates localized corrosion. Thc number and size of perforations in a tank ar~ the criteria used to evaluate if a tank can be lined to give maximum of a 20 year ~'~ extension. If a tank has perforations not exceeding the limitations, the tank is considered not to have been structurally impaired. A tank with a perforation or leak can, in fact, have over 100 years of structural Lite remaining before the tank is impaired to the point that the tank collapses. Prior to the application of the lining material, a minimum 1/4" thick steel reinforcing plate, rolled to the contours of the lank, with minimum dimensions of eight inches by eight inches be inslaHcd under the fill (drop) tube and gauging tubes. Thc plate shall be covered with fiberglass cloth cmb~dded in resin. XVII. SPRAY APPliCATION Special Equipment Respiratory - Scott air supply, wristlet safety harness and lanyard, and protective clothing Air supply - !00 psi c~ntinuous input pressure and 50 ,~fii, stdnimum volume at she spray equipment ttoses - 100 fl. of material hose Spray gun Catalyst delivery unit Material pump Buckels - (2) plastic with aluminum handles Mil gauge Cotton rags Brushes Explosion proof drop light Safe~y Requiremenls NO FLAME, SMOKING, MATCHES OR WELDING IS ALLOWED WITIHN (50') FIFTY FEET. Tbore should bo at least (2) men on all interior tap_k jol~,. One should bo outside ~quippcd wi~h an approved air hood, plus a rope with safety harness. Enough ventilation shall be provided to change tho air inside once every six minutes. Air must be circulated into all parts of the tank. Thickness shall be checked regularly with .the mil gauge. The en~ir~ ar~a shall be checked for pinholes with a holiday detector and any such holidays shall be coated over. The coating ~hickn~ss shall bo ch~cked for pinholes before closing the tankl using' Page 16 either an Elcometcr or a Bronson coating gauge. Lining ahab be hardncs~ tested ming barcol hardness tester, or equivalent instrument, to determine that the lining hardness meets thc abow re, quh'cments. XVIII. 8EALIN(} ]'lie MANWAY Thc manway shall be closed with a 1/4" thick steel (but not less than o 'nginal thickness) and overlapping thc hole at least two inches on each side. The cover plato shall bc pre-formed to file tank contour and must tit snugly to the tank surface at the plate edges. Thc cover plate shah be abrasive blasted and coated as described in section XV. Approved sealing compounds that are compatible with thc lining system shall be applied to tile tanks mating surface. Thc cover plate shall be securely fastened to thc tank by bolts on 4** centres. Scaling compound shall bc applied over the cover plato outside thc cdgc and bolts to ensure proper scaling, with a 4" overlap on the tank and cover plate. After thc tank and cover plato compound have fully cured, tank tightness testing shall bc conducted. A 5 lb. air test of thc tank with thc usc of soap solution to check thc lid shall be the minimmn tighmcss test. XIX. VACtRJlVI TESTING Testing buried steel tanks for structural soundness may be accompl[~;hcd by vacuum testing, and when required by thc authority having jurisdiction, sit'all be porfbrmed in thc following lnalRlcr: 'lbo ~ shall withstand, without collapsing, a vacuum for no less that 1 minute. Thc vacuum shall not cxcccd 5.3"Itg. The vacuum in tho tank must not exceed V-(I/2 1) + H) X 0.88 I. V = Vacuum in inches m~rcury 2. D = Diamggr in feet 3. H = Thc maximum actual burial depth in feet, but not loss than 3 feet, to the top of the XX. ADDITIONAL TESTING The tank and piping ahab be precision tested in accordance with NFPA 329. TIlE TANK SHM_~L NOT BE PLACED BACK INTO SERVICE UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION IS APPROVED. Page 17 CONFINED SPACE CLASSIFICATION TABLE Charactcfistics CIca A - lmmcdiatcly dan~crous, lJfc-rcscuc procedures rcquh'c fl~c cnU'y of more than one individual. Fully cquipped life support cquipmcnt is mandatory. Maintcnancc of commmfication rcquir©s an additional standby person stationed within thc colflincd space. Class B - Dangcwus, but not/mmcd/aicly I/t~ thrca/cn/ng. Rcscuc proccdurcs rcquirc thc cnh'y of no more than one individual fill cquippcd with liiB support equipment, lmdircct visual or auditory communication wi~h personnel. Class C - Potcntially hazardous. Requires no modi_ficntlon of work proccdurcs. 3iandard rescue procvdurcs. Direct communication with personnel from outside the confined spacc. Oxy§on Class A - 16% or less Class B - *(120 mmHg) or greater than 25% Class C - *(190 mmHg) F~nmability Class A - 20% or grcatcr of LFL (:lass B - 10% to 19% LFL Class C - 10% LFL or less Toxicity Class ^ - **IDI ~I ('.lass B - Gt~is,.~r/hai~ coniaminatio~ l~wl, less than **II)I.H Class C - L~ss than conlamination level * Based on a total atmospheric pressure of 750 mmttG (sca level) ** hnmedial¢ly Dangerous ~ Life or ttcalth (IDLH), as rcfcrcnccd h~ NIOSIt Registry Toxic and Chcmical Substanccs, Manufacturing Chemists data shccts, hlduslrial hygicnc guidcs or other recognized authorities. Pa~c lg TEST RESULTS - ENTRY CLASSIFICATION CHART The chart below lists the materials that must tm evaluated as part of the confined/enclosed space entry procedures. Acceptable levels of these materials have been set to serve as a basic criteria in deciding which type of ~ntry to follow. The chart contains the name of the material to Im ~valuated, along with the corr~ponding acct:ptable lewis for each of the two types of entry, General and Special. NOTE: All materials must test at or below the acceptable limits for General Entry before a space can be declared safe for entry following General Entry requirements. If any one lnatcfial tests above the acceptable Il,nits, Special Entry requirements must be followed. ENCLOSED SPACE Materi',d or Condition General Entry Acceptable Test Results Flammabl~ vapors Below 5% LFL Oxygen Greater than 19.5°,5 oxygen liydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 0 Pm'ts per million (ppm) l .ight Ily&ocm'bous (gasoline-like materials) 300 ppm or less l.~ad Compounds Levels below 4ms per cubic foot after clca~fing Olhor Toxic/Combustible Maleriab Consult with Division Complianco apecialist for requirements CONFINED SPACE Malofial or Condition special Entry Acceptable Rest Results Fianunablc Vapors 5% to 10% LFL Oxygen IA:ss that 19% Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) I to 10 ppm Light Hydrocarbons (gasoline-like materials) Cvreater than 300 ppm IA:ad Compounds Levels above 4 mE per cubic foot after cleaning (')lhcr Toxic/Combustible Materials Consult with Division Compliance Specialist for requirements ADDITIONAL ENTRY RESTRICTIONS Material of Condition Restriction Flammable Vapors C_n'eatcr than 10% LFL - NO ENTRY ALLOWED Oxygen Less than 16.1% EM£RGENCY ONLY With self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) ltydrogcn Sulfide (t12S) Over 10 ppm - EMERGENCY ONLY - with (SCBA) Page 19 CHECK LIST FOR ENTRY INTO AN EXISTING CONFINED SPACE ri'EM Class A Class B Class C 1. P¢lmit X X X 2. Atmospheric ~csfing X X X 3. Moni~orin~ X 0 X 4. Mc~c~ X X O . 5. Trig of p~o~cl X X X 6. ~bc~ ~d pos~ X X X 7. ~'cp~a~on ~o~kou~ X X 0 P~o ~d ~to X X 0 CIc~ ~es O O O ~. ~oced~ ~ p~ X X X - S~dby X X O Co~ca~o~obs~afi~ ' X X X Work X X X 9. S~Iy Eq~pm~nt ~d Clo~ H~ ~o~fion O O O ~d ~fi~ O 0 O Foot pro~c~on O O O B~ ~o~i~ O O O 10. R~cu~ Eq~l X X X P~ 20 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MANUFACTURER: ARMOR SP3ELD, INC. ADDRESS: #1 SCHOLL ROAD FALMOUTH, KENTUCKY 41040 PHONE: For informat~o~purposes $:00 am - 5:00 pm, Ea~em Standard Time Telephone: 1-606-654-8265 FOR EMERGENCY: Call CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 to be used "ONLY IN THE EVEN OF CHEMICAL EMERGENCIES INVOLVING A SPILL, LEAK, FIRE EXPOSURE OR ACCIDENT INVOLVING CHEMICALS" DATE OF PREPARATION: December 11, 1991 SUPERSEDES M_SDS DATED: January 12, 1991 PRODUCT NAME: C~ - 900 Lining Material SECTION I - COMPONENT DATA HAZ, ARDOUS INGREDIENTS: COMMON NAME CHEMICAL NAME C.A.S. NO. · Styrene Vinyl Benzene 000100-42-5 Percent Composition - 58% Osha ~ Pel $0ppm g-hr Twa, 100 ppm Stel Aggih-TLV: 50 ppm 8-hrTwa, 100 ppm Stel . OTHER INGREDIENTS Proprietary Ingredients SECTION H - PHYSICAL DATA (For Styrene) BO~ING POINT; 293°F SPECIFIC GRAVITY; (h o = 1) Approximately 1 MELTING POINT; Not Applicable VAPOR PRESSURE; (mm ltg ~ 20°0:4.5 mm ttg) .PER.CENT VOLbTILE BY VOLUME; 20-80 VAPOR DENSITY; (Air = 1): 3.6 Evaporate Rate (Ethyl Ether = 1): ND SOLUBILITY IN WATER; Not Applicable pH: Not Determined APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Red Viscous Liqdid SECTION IH- FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA ' .. LASH POINT (°F): 86 METHOD USED: TCC I FLAMMABILITY LIMITS (%): (For Styrene) .LEL: 111 UEL: 6.1 AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATUR~ (°F): 914 (For Styrene) ~.XT[~qGLIISHING MEDIA: Alcohol type foam, CO:, dry chemical (NFPA Class B Extinguisher) SPECIAL FIRE-FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: T~ea~ as a flammable liquid type fire and wear protective goggles and self contained breathing apparatus. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Material is flammable. Prevent smoking, open flame static and electrical sparking. Ambient temperatures over 100°F, or heat from fire situationg may eau$~ rapid polymerization, heat generation, and vapor expansion. May cause closed containers to rapture. Keep cool with water spray. SECTION IV - REACTMTY DATA STABILITY (Conditions to Avoid): Unstable, Excessive heat may cause a closed container to explode. INCOMPATIBILITY (Material to Avoid): Peroxides, oxidizers, acids, bases HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS~ CO, CO:, Iow molecular weight hydrocarbons, organic acids. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: May occur if exposed to heat sources or prolonged storage above 38°C (100°F) SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA ~MARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: Inhalation, skin contact HEALTH HAZARDS: (Including acute and chronic effects and symptoms of overexposure) (Health ha:,ards are given for styrene) ACUTE: Inhalation; Upper respiratory tract irritation. Possible central nervous system effects include headache, drowsiness, dizziness, loss of coordination, impaired judgment, nausea, gastric upset and weakness. Effects mimic drunkenness and th effects will be increased by consumption of alcohol or moed alte,ring drugs. Exposure to dust from fabrication of finished (cured) parts may result in temporary discomfort or irritation of the upper respiratory tract. Skin Contact; May result in skin irritation. Styrene is considered to be a primary skin irritant. Eve Contact; May cause severe irritation, redness, tearing and blurred vision. Ingestion: May cause mot,~h, ~'oat and gastrointestinai irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Aspiration material into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. CHROlkIIC: Prolonged exposure may result in nausea, loss of appetite, general weakness, changes in blood chemistry and skin contact may r~sult in dermatitis, marked by rough, dry or cracked skin. Prolonged or repeated eye exposure to the vapor may caus irritation to the lining of the eyelids. In laboratory animals, chronic exposure at high concentrations has been found to cause liver abnormalities, kidney damage and long damage. In addition, preliminary results of inhalation studies indicate that laboratory rats exposed ~.o 800 nun styrene via inhalation showed evidence of hearing loss. Relevance to humans remains unclear. CARCINOGENICITY: HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS: Listed By: ACGIH IARC NIP OSHA ,yrene No Yes No No IARC: In March, 1987, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reclassified styrene as possibly carcinogeni to humans (Group 2B) due to "inadequate evidence in humans", "Limited evidence in animals" and "other relevant data". Previously, ~/rene was classified as a Group 3 compound, not. classifiable as to carcinogenicity in humans. The IARC working group determined ~at the weight of data on genetic and related effects together with the consideration that styrene is metabolized in humans and animals st3a~ne oxide, for which there is sufficient evidence of carcinggenicity in experimental animals which has been classified by IARC as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A), ~ sufficient reason to recommend the change in ciassific~tion. Medical Conditions Aeersvated by. Exposure: Persons with a history of chronic respiratory disease, skin disease, or central or peripheral nervous system disorders may at increased risk form exposure to this product. SECTION VI - EMPLOYEE PROTECTION VENTILATION: Provide adequate general and/or local exbaus~ ventilation to maintain exposures below PEL's and TLV's. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION.: If irritation occu~ or if the PEL or TLV is exceeded, use a NOISH/MSHA approved air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridges or canisters or supplied air respirator. Always'use respiratory protection in accordance with yo company's respiratory protection program and OSHA regulations under 29 CFR 1910.134. EYF. PP-OTECZ~!..O~I: If ~'¢ c:~ntaci i~.possible, were chemical protective goggles. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Long sleeved clothing, long pants and polyvinyl alcohol or polyethylene or viton gloves. WORKJHYGIENIC PRACTICES: Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practices. Safety showers and eyewa stations should be available. Launder cont~aninated clo~xing before ~wearing. Use explosion proof motors and equipment. MATERIAL SAFETY-" HA T ER I AL SAFETY DATA S tlEET Atochem Cod~ 116 Revision Oste~ 06/20/90 S~rsede~ Fo~ Da~ed~ T~DENAHE ................. L~ak Oe]~-X-9 Red ~I~L FAHILY ................. Organic Peroxide Ol~l~k HARE ....... Hethyl Ebhyl Katie Peroxide " ..... SY~ .................... l-~tenone ~LE~ ~ ..,,,,.,,.,.. Hlxture of C H 0 C.A.S. RECIS~Y ~BER(5) . Peroxide: Hexylene ~lyaol~ 107-~1 Hyd~og~ Poro~de~ Ha~erl,1~ or ~nen~s RO/lbs ~ w/~ Hazard Det~ Ha~hyl EEhyl Ke~ne Pdroxlde t~rue~ure, I0 3k.3 TLV1977 - 0.2 p~ (ceiling) · ~C~ for 8.8 * 0.1~ .o~tve oxygen He~yt E~71 Ketone* 50~ 3.0 TLV 1976 ~ 200 pp~ (TWA) 9t~yl Ph~ala~e* 5000 35.0 TLV 1981 5 mg/~~ (TWA) I~xylene Glycol 5.0 TLV 1977 - 25 p~ (T~) Red Dye 0.2 Hydrogen P. rOxlda = 2.0 TLV 19~6 - 1 p~ (TWA) ~Thls produ~ eo~a~ns t~c chemleal~ subJ~ ~o ~e re~r~l~ requtre~n~s of section 313 of ~he Emergency Planning and C~uniE~ Rlgh~-To-Xn~ Act of 1986 and of ~0 ~ 372, SHI~I~ INFO~ATIO~ D.O,T, SIII~ING NAH~.,, Nethyl EEhyl Ko.ne Peroxide FREIO~ C~51FI~TION ......... Chemfca]s ~SI~L PROP~T I ~ SPECIFIC ~AVITY (N20 a 1), ~5/25'C ..... I.k?2 min ~ VO~TILE~ ~ VOL~[ .... .. ......... . ...... ~.A.~.T ..................................... 71*C~ ~P~ANCE & O~R ........... Red q3~ ~ ketone odor ~elf Accelerating Oecom~ltlon T~r~t~re ~L~ILITY {n II]0 ................... Insoluble FI~ A~ ~PL~ION DATA EXHNGUISHIHG H~IA,,.,..,.., ...... * ....... .. ~a~ar sprly~ ~a~er Fog, Bry ~teat~ Foam SPECIAL FIRE FIQITING P~RE~ .......... .. If large e~t te Involved. ~a~uate area and fight fire fr~ tefe dJt~enCe. Cool surrounding m~terf.l wt~h water. UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION ~ .......... ... Con~mtnet~ T~rature - Con dec--se wl~h force If con- fined during exposure to fire. REACTIVI ~ DATA COHOI110NS COHTRI~TING TO IHSTABILI~ ...... Ther~l deo~sJt~on~ ~NC~ATIDILI~ (avoid con~aa~ wlth} ..... ... S~rong aolds~ s~rong elk~lt~ s~ong o~ldl~ere~ ace~one~ tr,n~l~on ~oi salts~ proofers and reducing agefl~s ~ZAR~ OE~ITI~ P~TS ........... · ~e~p¢sl~lan p~ducCs ere fle~eble and may C~ITIO~ TO AVOID ................. .. ......~e~ fl*~e~ spark~, tgnltlon eources~ SPILL OR ~AK 15 ~LF~SED OR SPILL~ ...... ........ .*.. .... sparking ~le end disuse of W~TE DISPOSAL NETteD ......... .............. Con~ulE wt~ en Atochem representative for ~e Eele~one n~ber-of ~se etate*~ he,ardour ~est~ agent. HATER I AL SAFETY DATA SHEET t.L~ER$OLOelta-X-9 Red Page TOXICITY ORAL (acute)Irate! ......... , ........ LDeA- 6~1 ag/kg NOT[St Data obtained on !1% active DERHAL (acute)(rabbit).,., ..... .....N/Ev ' ' oxygen material, Should be INHALATION (acute}Irate) ............ L¢50 ' 33 ag/! (~ houra}(1977) similar CHRONIC, SUUCHRONIC, ETC. I AHES TESTr #egattve HEALTH HAZARD INFORHATION .................................... r ............... r ....... ~T: ................................................ IRRITATION .......................... SKIN - Severe CORRO$1¥1TY. .... ....,...... . ,.,...., SK$N - ~/~ EYE - Severe EYE - Hay Cause Bllndnees SEHSITIT-RTION ............... · · , ........ , ..... , HIE LUNG F. FFECT~ ,,,,,, ..................... Irritant INHALATION EFFECTS .... Irritating to aIr~aya & lungs OTHER ..................................... ENERC£NCY FII~iT AlOt : INC~$TION .................. ~o NOT Induce vomiting. Cea emergency medical attention for lavege. OERIdAL ..................... Flus'fi--wltttaoap and water. Cea medical attention. EYE CONFACT ......... ; ...... IMMEDIATELY flush wlthple~ty of water for at least 1~ minutes, Cet emergm~ey medical attention. I~LATION .... .., .......... Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give erttrlolal respiration, Get medical attentiOn, SPECIAL PROTE~T lan INFORHAT 1/ENTILRTION I~OUIRI~ENT$ ... Use with adequate venetia:tone Local exhaust, EYE ........................ Safety glaasea~ goggle% face shield llANO (Glove Type} .......... Neopee~e~ nltrile rubber · RESPIRATOR TYI~o... ...... ,., Can or cartridge, gas er vapor OTH£R PROTECTIVE E~UIPH~NT.. Eyewash station · Uae emiy NIO$11/NESA approved equipment LAgEL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONARY LABELING ...... '#aah* thoroughly afte~ handling Do not get in eyes~ an skin or ctol~lng Do rmt afore near combustibles Keep container Ke~p away. from heat~ ~patka~ and flames Oo not reuae co.~S~r .. OTHER STORACE ANO IIRNOLING COI~ITIOtIS ......... Store below 10Oaf (38eC} to maintain motive oxygen content. PRr~", .~;~ ;iy: Al)OR(SSs PtDN~; t~TE5~ tl/~ ~ Hut £~tebll~hed #~ · Not Applloeble "~hn above t nfnrmabJon la accurate te ~he best of our kn~ledge. Haw,evers mince darns safety a~andarda~ and government regulations are subject to change and.the eondlt$ona of handling and use, or misuse ara beyond our ~ontrol, ATOCHEH HA~ES NO ~ARRANTY, ~lTHr~q EXPRESS OR INPLI£Dr WI1tt RESPECT TO T~ C~LETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURA~ "' *,s 811 current data relevant ~o his part(tulsa use." ~ /-~ 'd 2,TT/.,-£ExT.-£TC: -fg.L oTqO / Iaqaaqo$ ~laeI3 O(DIDO 9T:OT L-'~, C~ 'des ~ ~ ~ EHERG£1tCY RESPOHSE IHFORFLa, TIOH DIHETHTUUIILIME Poison B Liquid, #.O.S. UN ~810 - U.S. DOT - g'R-Dimthylantltne UN 2253 - International ... IUq3.Al~ SLJPPARI DAHGER: Hazardous ltqutd and vapor. Raptdly absorbed through sktn, lungs and eyes. Causes cyanosts. Hatertal ts combustible, Do not get-IA eyes, on.skin or clothing. Avoid breathing vapor. Use only with adequate ventilation. HFPA Ratlnq: I~15 Rattm]: 4 t Extreme Health 3 llealth 3 3 ~ Htgh Flammability 2 Flammability 2 ~ m Hoderate Reactivity 0 Reactivity 0 '! -.Sltght 0 - InsigniaS?at (~Iore detatls on hazards are given in succeeding sections.) F]~AffDE~PLO$]OIIHAZARDDAIA ~i~e~hyianlllne ts a Class ]iZA ~ombusttble Liquid. Flash Point: i63°F (73°C) Flammable Limits: LFL: ].OZ by vol. ~FL: Hot found. Extinguishing Hedta: Foam, Carbon Dioxide, dry chemical. Auto i~nlttcn T~mp.: Specie1 Fire Flghtinfl Procedures & Equipment: ~votd contact vtth llqutd and vapors. ~'ear full protective clothing and self contained breathing apparatus, Clear area down,tad of Incident'. Cool containers exposed to heat with water. ~ater will spread spilled material.) Unusual F~re & Explosion Hazards:-Vapors and liquid are toxtc and flammable. Hay form ex~$ostve mixtures air. Oangeroes ~hen heated ~o decomposition, tlay emit toxic fumes of anlltne. Hazardous. Incomplete Combustion Products: HOx, CO. Also possible nttriles~ aromatic amines; aldehydes; acids; c)'antde~ Phenols. SPILL OR LEAK PROCI~URES Steps Tc Be T~ken If Hatertal Is Spilled or Released: Clean up spills promptly. Avoid contact ~dth llqute cr vapor fcr~s. Yenttlate tmm, edtate ·area, clear area do~n~tnd. Absorb spills using "Speedy Ory" or similar absorbent. ~hovel and s~eep up saturated absorbent material. Hose ~rea do~n ~tth ~ater. Persons not ~earfng protective equipment and clothing should be restricted from area of spills and leaks. Call Chemtrec 1-800-4~-g300. Local environmental'agency should be notified. Disposal ~ethods: Deposit absorbent material saturated ~tth product tn a separate labele~, leakproof container and take to an approved treatment, storage or disposal facility. EJI~R(;EIlCYMD FIRST AID In case of contact get medtc41 attention. Remove person from exposure site. Immediately flush eyes or skin ~tth large amounts of ~,ater for at least mtnutes,~htle removing contaminated clothing, tnclu¢tng shoes. Sho~er thoroughly and doc clean, dry clothing and clean shoes. Thorough cleansing of the entire contaminated area of the bod~ Including scalp and nails ts of utmost'lpportance. Discard all contaminated clothing and shoes. If tn~est~e and @erson ts conscious, induce vomiting. Support ~reathtng ,tth artificial respiration, If ne£essar~. tlote to PhySician: Spectal Hedtcal Surveillance: £Iood methemoglobtn tf exposure or d~?ee cf cyanosts ts doubt. Avoid aspirin or aspirin-like products for complaints of headache. Advise patient tc avoid alcohol for 2-3 days. ~n case of ski, absorption s~mptoms may be delayed. SPECIAL PI~CAUTIUNS Vapor a~d liquid forms are toxic if breathed, s~allcwed or absorbed through the skin. ::~ on skin has poor warning properties. EMERGENCY INFORMATION SITE LOCATION: MANUEL'S AUTO BODY 131 E. 19TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA CONTACT: GARY-837-2744 EMERGENCY PHONE: 911 FIRE DEPARTMENT: 911 MEDICAL EMERGENCY: 911 NEAREST HOSPITAL: BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 420 34TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 DIRECTIONS: GO EAST ON 19TH STREET TO UNION AVE. GO LEFT ON UNION TO 34TH STREET MAKE A LEFT GO DOWN 2 BLOCKS TO PHYSICAL ADDRESS 420 34TH STREET. P 390 214 482 Receipt f~3r Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided ~ Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) Sent to t,L-~lU EL OROZ Street and No. 131 g. 19TIt STREET P,O., State and ZiP Code BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 Postage ~ .32 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Shewing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage &Fees $ 2.52 Postmark or Date  CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE, · BAKERSFIELD, CA ° 93301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 February 6, 1996 Mr. Manuel Oroz Manuel's Body Shop 131 East 19th Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 CERTIFIED MAIL NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Mr. Oroz: It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at 131 East 19th Street, in Bakersfield which contains at least 3 underground storage tanks. The tanks have not been properly permitted and have been out of service, therefore, you are in violation of the following sections of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64: Section 7902., Uniform Fire Code (1994 edition). "Underground tanks which have been out of service for a period of one (1) year, shall be removed from the ground in accordance with Section 7902.1.7.4 and the site shall be restored in an approved manner". In order to avoid regulatory action, you must either properly permit and bring the tanks up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tanks within 14 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Carl Hernandez, III, Assistant City Attorney P 024 368 495 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided mm Do n~tf"uee ~3~'- International Mail ~ (See Reverse) S~NUEL OROZ st~ lndl~O.! 9Tfl : P.O. State and ZIP Code B~RSFIELD CA 93305 , Po~tage i $ .32 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee ~. Return Receipt Showing to W~om & Date Delivered ]-. ]-0 Return Receipt Showing to Whom, _ ¢~ Date, and Addressee's Address : : -~ TOTkL Postage c; & F.es $ 2.5 2 g Postmark Date or BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT March 13, 1997 Mr. Manuel Oroz Manuel's Auto Body .~ CHIEF 131 E. 19"~ Street MICHA~[R. KEllY Bakersfield, Ca 93305 CERTIFIED MAIl. ADMINISTRATWE SERVICF. S 2101 'H' Street Bake~fleld, CA 93,301 (805) 326-39~1 FINAL FAX (805)395-1349 NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE supp~,o. ~Rv,cEs FAILURE TO RESPOND WILL RESULT IN ENFORCEMENT 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 Dear Mr. Oroz: FAX (~05) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES You have been previously notified on February 6, 1996 that you currently own 1715 Chester AYe. property located al~!t~~-e~ in Bakersfield which contains at least 4 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 underground storage tanks. The tanks have not been properly permitted and have been FAX (806) 326-0576 out of service, therefore, you are in violation of the following sections of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 Section 7902., Uniform Fire Code (1994 edition). FAX (805) 326-0576 "Underground tanks which have been out of service for a period of one (1) TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street year, shall be removed from the ground in accordance with Section Bakersfield, CA 93308 7902.1.7.4 and the site shall be restored in an approved manner". (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 In order to avoid enforcement action, you must either properly permit and bring the tanks up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tanks within 10 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician cc: Carl Hemandez, m, Assistant City Attorney TITLE ,SHEET TITLE ..... {2ATE - -~J~/:~, 5AHPLJ~ L(:;~ATION AN~ l~t~Pth THIn. EOF ~ ~fRAFTIN~ - ~4/~' ¢Ol~JtE~ ~ll~ - P~O I~GT NO. 41-/2-~ NO~ .... O' ID ~( ' &O' - 4 J ~_,~ i.J TAN'I< ~,,E~MOVAL 5,~ALE, I" -- ~O' SENDER: I also wish to receive the · Complete items 1 and'~ '2 for addition~ services. Complete items 3, a~ /& b, ", followir ~rvices (for an extra : Print your name and a't~'ess on the re~.rse pf this form so that we can fee): return this card to you. · Attach this form to the fro~ of the m~ilpiece, or on the back if space 1. does not permit. · Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the a~icle number 2. · The Return Receipt will show to whom the a~icie was delivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. ~ 4a, Article Number 3.~Article Addressedo~oZ to:. ~ ~--390--214--482 ~L ~ S BOD~ ~P { 4b. Service Type 131 ~ST 1~ S~E~ { ~ Registered { ~ Certified B~RSFIE~, CA 93305 { ~ Exnress Mail ~~ , ................ Merchandise __ ~ { 7. Date~of Delivery ~ 8. A~dressee's'~ress (Only if requested I and fee is paid) 5. Signature (Addressee) 6 S~ nature~Agent'L : ~ ,.. ~ .... ~ - ~,,~ . ' I TO ~/ ~ ~ ' DATE ,, ~TME EXT. ...............................................  G ............. ,,, , ,, . 'terns- '~ ' ~nd/o; · ~l;k~xtra, ._~, · Complete items ~d 4a'~~ _,~ ~, A · Print your name~addres~e~e~se o~s form so th~ return this card to you. ~ ~ ~ f ~ --~ '" ; · Att'~ch this form ,o the fro~%th[~e,~°n the back it~ ~SS ~- does ~ot permit. ~- ;_ _ ~ ~ . . ~ · The R~urn Receipt wiB sho~~icle w Consu{t postmaster for fee. delivered. 4a. Article Number 3. Article Addressed to: ~ 02~ 36844~5 ~ O~OZ 4b. Service Type ~,' ~S A~O ~O~ ;~ ~ Registered ~ insured 131 S [9~ S~ET ~Certified ~COD .~]. S~S~[[~ CA 93305 ~ Express Mail ~ Return Receipt for 7, Date of D~iver~ 8. Addres~ee's Add~s (Only if requested 6: Signature (Agent) ..... ::~;:: ~ ~. , :'~ . ?;~' ~"~,-,,,: