HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATIONTexaco Environmental Services Building on a Tradition of Quality SITE CHA RA CTERIZA TION REPORT FORMER TEXACO SERVICE STATION 901 26th STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 1991 Texaco Environmental .Services 10 Universal City Plaza - 7th Floor Universal City, California 91608-7812 (818) 505-2953 I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I page iLIST OF TABLES ........................................ ii LIST OF FIGURES ....................................... ii ILIST OF ATTACHMENTS ................................... ii IINTRODUCTION ..................................... 1 Purpose and Scope of Work ................... 1 Site Setting ................................ 1 Previous Investigations 3 CURRENT SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION ................ 8 Boring and Sampling Procedure .............. 8 ISite Geology ............................... 10 Analytical Results .......................... 10 ICONCLUSION ..... .~ ................................ 14 REFERENCES · 17 LIST OF TABLES page Table 1: Soil Sample Analyses - Previous Studies ..................... 7 Table 2: Soil Sample Analyses - Present Study .................. 11 - 13 LIST OF FIGURES page Figure 1: Location Map' . ........................... 2 Figure 2: Present Site Configuration ............. 4 Figure 3: Borehole Locations and Total Depths - Previous Studies .................... 6 Figure 4: Borehole Locations and total Depths - Present Study ........................ 9 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Tank Removal Soil Sampling and Laboratory Report Attachment 2: Tank Closure Letter, Kern County Environmental Health Division Attachment 3: Site Assessment Report, Harding Lawson, March 10, 1987 Attachment 4: Laboratory Reports and Chain-Of-Custody Documentation, Soil Borings C-1 Through C-3 Attachment 5: Soil Boring Logs - Present Study Attachment 6: Laboratory Report and Chain-Of-Custody Documentation - Present Study ii INTRODUCTION PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK Prior to sale of the property owned by Texaco Refining and Marketing Inc. (TRMI) located at 901 26th Street in the City of Bakersfield, California, a site assessment investigation was conducted by Texaco Environmental Services (TES). The primary purpose of this study is to verify the results of previous assessment investigations of the former underground storage tank pit. A secondary goal is to investigate the existence of petroleum hydrocarbons in the shallow subsurface at the former product dispensing islands and, if present, to delineate its lateral and vertical extent. On. September 19 and 20, 1991, fifteen soil drilled in the of the former tank pit and borings were area adjacent to the product dispensing islands. A total of 63 soil samples were collected from the borings and analyzed for the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons. SITE SETTING The subject property is located on the southwest corner 6f the 26th Street and P Street intersection in the City of Bakersfield (Figure 1). Land use in the immediate viCinity is a mixture of commercial/industrial and residential. Adjoining the to property the south and west are residential developments. To the north and east are light industrial facilities. Surface facilities include a kiosk-type building on the southern portion of the site and a canopy over the dispensing islands. Asphalt and concrete paving cover the remaining surface area of the site. This property is the site of a former retail gasoline outlet. Mohawk Petroleum Corporation, San Francisco, California, service station here in Records indicate constructed a 1961. underground storage facilities consisted of three 10,000 gallon gasoline storage tanks and one 550 gallon waste oil storage tank. The station operated as a branded Mohawk outlet from June 1, 1961 I I I ! ! I I I I I i I I I i Location Map Scale 1" = 2,000' ! through April 30, 1978. From May 1, 1978 through October 31, 1984 the station was operated by an independent retailer. On October 1, ceased to operate as a gasoline outlet. 1984 the station closed and It has remained vacant since that time. The underground storage tanks were removed in March 1985. Texaco acquired the property through its merger with Getty Oil Company in 1983. The present site configuration is shown on Figure 2. The site is located on the alluvial fan of the Kern River in the Kern River groundwater storage area. Surficial deposits consist of Younger Alluvium of Quaternary age. In the general vicinity of the site, the underlying consist predominantly of medium sediments grained sand and gravel with lesser amounts of silt and clay. Surface elevation at the site is approximately 405 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The surrounding land surface is essentially flat with only a very gentle southwest slope. Soil borings were drilled to a maximum depth of 40 feet below grade. Groundwater was not encountered in any of the borings, but would be anticipated at a depth of approximately 190 feet below grade according to the report 1990 Report on Water Conditions from the Kern County Water Agency. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS Underground storage tanks at the subject site were removed in March 1985. Four soil samples, one from beneath each tank, were collected on March 3, 1985 and analyzed for Benzene, Toluene, Organic Lead and Total Lead. Benzene and Toluene were analyzed separately but were reported as a single concentration. Laboratory results indicate that Benzene and Toluene constituents, and Organic Lead were below a detection limit of 0.5 parts-per-million (ppm) and that Total lead was far below the total threshold limit Concentrations (TTLC) as listed in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66699. Based upon these results, on May 20, 1985, the Kern County Environmental Health Division granted tank "closure" stating the department felt the assessment was complete and no significant soil contamination existed at the site. See 26th STREET POFYEB POLE CONC. PAD m~ c ~ ',  0 ~0 BUILDING SNICK R ~ OUTLET LIGHT STOOGE BARN HOUSE TEXACO SERVICE STATION 90t 26th STREET, ~ P STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA o~w~ s* AMA v~*~ No (BAKERSFIELD) 26-PS-BK Attachment 1 for sampling and laboratory report and Attachment 2 for Kern County's "closure" letter. In response to a request for a site investigation from Texaco Inc., predecessor to TRMI, Harding Lawson Associates of Tustin, California drilled seven soil borings on December 9 and 10, 1986 ranging in depth from 15 to 36 feet below grade (Figure 3). Borings B-1 through B-7 were drilled in the area of the former tank pit and along the product piping to investigate the existence of petroleum impacted soil. Samples were collected at regular intervals for chemical analysis. Based upon field screening results, laboratory analyses were performed on one composite soil sample from each boring with the exception of the 6.5 foot sample in B-5. Relatively high PID readings (35 ppm) together with moderate gasoline odors~ suggested possible hydrocarbon contamination and separate sample analysis 'was performed. Analytical results using EPA Test Method 8020 were below method detection limits (MDL's) of 1 ppm for Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (BTEX) in all samples. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TpH), as analyzed by EPA Test Method 8015, were found to be below MDL's (5 ppm) in all samples except the composite sample in B-3 and the discrete sample in B-5. Table 1 lists the sample ID, collection depth and analytical results for each sample. The complete Harding Lawson report, dated March 10, 1987, is found in Attachment 3. Based upon information provided by the Harding Lawson report, TES conducted a limited investigation of the shallow subsurface soil in the vicinity of boring B-5. Between May 11 and June 4, 1990 three soil borings (C-1 through C-3) were hand augured to depths ranging from 3 to 8 feet below grade (Figure 3). Laboratory analyses indicated no detectable petroleum hydrocarbons in either C-2 C- or 3. Elevated TPH values were found in samples collected at 2 and 5 feet below grade in boring C-1. However, because of inconsistencies in laboratory reports, the validity of these 26th STREET PO~ER POLE , ~ A PPB OA CH A PPR OA CH SIDE WA L K ~ CONC. PAD b~ -- ',I / · (ts') m I~ ~ J-5 ,, SIGN POLE BUILDING ''OUTLETWATER NACK BA~ ] LIGHT TEMCO SERVICE STATION 90~ 26th STREET, / P STREET. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~ SOIL BORING LOCATION. B = Hurdlng Lawson Stud~ Ma~ tO, ~987 sc~ ~"=20'-0" ~ NO. /~PROVeO B-1 AND BOBING NUMBER C = TES Study May ti, 1990 O~WN aY AMA O~ 9/30/9~ CHECKED BY TAC mDA~ 9/30/9~ ...... TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES 901 26TH STREET BAKERSFIELDt CALIFORNIA Concentrations in mg/kg Sample Sample TPH B T E X ID Depth (ft) MDL 5 i i I 1 B-1 COMP ND ND ND ND ND B-2 COMP ND ND ND ND ND B-3 COMP 5 ........ 'B-4 ND ND ND ND COMP ND B-5 COMP ND ND. ND ND ND B-5 8 200 ND ND ND ND B-6 COMP ND ND ND ND ND B-7 COMP ND ND ND ND ND MDL 10 C-1 2 ND*/540** ........ 5 ND/4300 ........ C-2 2 ND*** ........ C-3 2 ND*** ........ 5 ND ........ 8 ND ........ TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons' - Modified.EPA Method 8015 B, T, E, X = Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene - EPA Method 8020 COMP = Composite Sample ND = None Detected -- = Not Analyzed * = May 21, 1990 lab report. ** = June 1, 1990 lab report. *** = June 19, 1991 lab report. MDL = Method Detection Limit analyses is questionable. The original report dated May 21, 1990 reported non-detect values for TPH in the two C-1 soil samples. This was followed by a second laboratory report showing TPH values of 540 ppm and 4300 ppm for the same two samples. The reason for this discrepancy has yet to be ascertained. A primary goal of the second TES site assessment was to investigate the subsurface soil conditions adjacent to boring C-1 and either to validate or refute these laboratory results. Laboratory results together with chain- of-custody documentation are found in Attachment 4. See Table 1 for sample ID, collection depth and analytical results. CURRENT SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURE A total of 15 soil borings (D-1 through D-15) were drilled at the subject site on September 19 and 20, 1991. A Simco model 2400 drill rig was utilized to drill borings D-7 through D-12 which are located beneath the dispenser island canopy. All other borings were drilled with a Mobile Drill model B-53 drill rig. Both units were supplied by Gregg Drilling and Testing, Inc. of Signal Hill, California. The borings were drilled to depths ranging from 15 to 40 feet below grade with either 4½ inch (D-7 through D-12) or 8 inch (D-1 through D-6 and D-13 through D-15) continuous-flight hollow-stem augers. Pre-cleaned augers were used to drill each boring. Figure 4 shows the location and total depth of soil borings at this site. Undisturbed soil samples were collected at regular intervals from each of the borings for lithologic description and chemical analysis. Beginning at a depth of 5 feet belowgrade, samples were collected at 5-foot intervals. A lithologic log for each boring is found in Attachment 5. Samples were collected with a modified California split-spoon sampler in brass cylinders, six-inches long by two-inches in diameter. Throughout sampling operations, care was taken to avoid 26th STREET POWER POLE APPROACH APPROA CH SIDE WAL SIGN CONG. PAD PUMP ISLAND / POWER LINE ' POgER POLE D-t D-t5 gA TER OUTLET LIGHT ~ ,o~ r~ TEXACO TEXACO SERVICE STATION 901 26th STREET. / P STREET. BAKERSFIELD, CILIFORNIA B-I AND BORING NUMBE~ C = TES Study May Il. I990 ~O~WN ev AMA O~;E 9/30/9 D = TES Study September 20. 1991 :C,[¢KED S~ TAG [o~;[ 9/30/9~[[~ __~_ ~ __[_ ~s$ ~0. (BAKERSFIELD) 26-PS-BK contamination of the inside and outside of the sampling device. Prior to use, all sampling equipment was thoroughly cleaned using an Alconox wash, tap water rinse and a final deionized water rinse. Sample collection and preservation in accordance were performed with standard U.S. EPA protocol. Immediately upon collection, each end of the brass sample cylinder was covered with Teflon film and capped with a polyethylene lid. The lids were then sealed with tape and an identification label with all pertinent sample information was affixed to the tube. All samples were immediately placed in an ice chest maintained at 4° C until delivered to a California certified laboratory for chemical analysis. Appropriate chain-of-custody documentation accompanied the samples at all times. SITE GEOLOGY The site is underlain by sediments of the Kern River alluvial fan and described as younger alluvium in U.S. Geological Survey Water- Supply Paper 1469. The boring logs (Attachment 5) indicate a rather uniform lithology across the site. The soil is predominantly medium grained sand with subordinate amounts of fine and coarse grained sand. Occasional gravel and thin silt layers were also observed, color from tan Samples ranges to brown. Texturally, the grains are subrounded to rounded and poorly sorted. All samples were unconsolidated. Site geology is similar to the Gravel-To-Medium-Sand Unit described in U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report, 1966. ~ ANALYTICAL RESULTS A total of 63 soil samples were collected and submitted to BC Analytical, a California certified analytical laboratory, for Samples were analyzed TPH and BTEX chemical analysis. for volatile by EPA test methods 8015M and 8020, respectively. Table 2 lists the boring number, collection depth and analytical results for each sample. Official laboratory reports together with chain-of-custody TABLE 2 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES 901 26TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Concentrations in mg/kg Boring~ Sample TPH B T E X # Depth (ft) MDL 0.1 0.005- 0.005 0.005 0.005 D-1 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND 20 ND ND ND ND ND D-2 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND 20 ND ND ND ND ND D-3 5 ND/0.7* ND 0.007 ND ND 10 ND ND 0.005 ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND 20 ND ND ND ND ND 25 ND ND ND ND ND D-4 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND ND 0.01 ND ND 15 ND/6.3** ND ND ND ND 20 ND/6.3*** ND ND ND 0.03 25 ND/3.1** ND ND ND ND 30 ND ND ND ND ND D-5 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND/0.2** ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND 20 ND/0.4** ND ND ND ND 25 ND ND ND ND ND 30 ND/570*** ND ND ND ND 35 ND/170*** ND ND ND ND 40 ND/0.3** ND ND ND ND * - TPH in gasoline range non-detect/hydrocarbons detected in C8 to C20 range. · * - TPH in gasoline range non-detect/hydrocarbons detected in C12 to C20 range. *** - TPH in gasoline range non-detect/hydrocarbons detected in C10 to C20 range. TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) SOIL S~MPLE ANALYSES 901 26TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Concentrations in mg/kg Boring Sample TPH B T E X # Depth (ft) MDL 0.1 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 D-6 5 ND/1.4**** ND ND ND ND 10 ND/0.2** ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND 20 ND ND ND ND ND 25 ND ND ND ND ND 30 ND ND ND ND ND D-7 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND D-8 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND ND ND ND ND 17 ND ND 0.007 ND ND D-9 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND D-10 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND D-11 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND D-12 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND ** - TPH in gasoline range non-detect/hydrocarbons detected in C12 to C20 range. **** ' TPH in gasoline range non-detect/hydrocarbons detected in Ci0 to C22 range. TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSES 901 26TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Concentrations in mg/kg Boring Sample TPH B T E X # Depth (ft) MDL 0.1 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 D-13 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND 20 ND ND ND ND ND 25 ND ND ND ND ND D-14 5 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND 20 ND ND ND ND ND D-15 10 ND ND ND ND ND 15 ND ND ND ND ND 20 ND ND ND ND ND documentation are found in Attachment 6. Results of chemical confirms the findings of earlier analyses investigations that no significant soil contamination exists at this site. Detectable BTEX components were found in only 5 of 63 samples analyzed and then only at concentrations less than 0.1 ppm, all of which are below action levels as defined by the State of California LUFT Manual. Benzene was not detected above MDL's in any of the samples. TPH was detected in eleven samples but only two of these were above 10 ppm, but still well below LUFT Manual action level. Samples from boring D-5 at 30 and 35 feet contained concentrations of TPH. It should be that elevated noted, however, gasoline range TPH, i.e. C-4 through C-10, was not found in concentrations above the detection limit of 0.1 ppm. All detected TPH occurred as heavier volatile hydrocarbon components in the C-10 to C-22 range. CONCLUSION Analytical results of soil samples collected from fifteen exploratory borings drilled at the subject site confirm results of site assessment With the exception of two previous investigations. samples in boring D-5, no significant soil contamination was fOund at this site. In addition to further investigating the former tank pit area, this study also assessed the previously unsampled area adjacent to the former gasoline dispensing islands. As with the former tank pit area, no significant soil contamination was encountered. Two soil samples collected from depths of 30 and 35 feet in boring contained levels of This is not D-5 elevated TPH. occurrence considered significant since both the vertical and horizontal extent of impacted soil are defined in this and adjacent borings. At a depth of 40 feet in D-5 TPH levels have dropped to 0.3 ppm and surrounding borings limit the lateral extent of soil impact to a maximum area approximately 25 feet in diameter. It should also be 14' noted that none of the analyzed TPH values were found to be in the typical gasoline carbon range of C-4 to C-10 but rather occur as heavier volatile components in the C-10 to C-20 range. Although these carbon ranges are more typical of diesel fuels, none is known to have been at this site. It has been dispensed suggested these may represent breakdown products of gasoline fuels. / The present study disputes one of the findings of the limited site assessment conducted by TES in 1990. Hand boring C-1 encountered significantly elevated TPH readings at depths of 2 and 5 feet below grade. Boring D-3 of the present study was drilled within one foot of C-1 without encountering TPH above 1 ppm in the sample collected at a depth of 5 feet. All deeper samples in D-3 were non-detect Although a sample was a depth shallower for TPH. not collected at than 5 feet, no unusually strong odors were noted during hand auguring operations. The reason for the high TPH readings found in C-1 is not clear, however, results from D-3 indicate that, if the C-1 values are indeed valid, wide spread soil contamination does not exist and contamination in the vicinity of C-1 is laterally isolated and surficial in nature. Based upon laboratory results of collected soil samples, no significant the subject and no contamination exists at site soil remediation is necessary or recommended. Laboratory results' together with other site specific conditions were verbally discUssed with Mr. Joe Dunwoody, Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division, on October 17, 1991. He concurred with the conclusions of this site assessment report. 15 TEXACO REFINING. AND MARKETING INC. Environmental Geologist ~~r~e~egistered Geologist N~ 4913 REFERENCES' - Dale, R.H., J.J. French and G.V. Gordon, 1966, Ground-water geology and hydrology of the Kern River alluvial-fan area, California: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report, 92 p. Davis, G.H., et al., 1959, Ground-water conditions and storage capacity in the San Joaquin Valley, California: U.S. Geological Survey, Water-supply Paper 1469, 287 p. Kern County Water Agency, 1990, Water Supply Report 1989: Kern County Water Agency, 63 p. ATTACHMENT 1 Tank Removal Soil Sampling and Laboratory Report Analyt, ical Consultin Services I FHEMCO r~_horatory No: 4539 3040 H Street Date Received: 3-4-85 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 3-15-85 Attention: John Jones SOIL SAMPLER'S REPORT Samples were collected Monday, March 3, 1985, at the job site at 26th Street and P Street in Bakersfield, California. · Three product tanks and one waste oil tank had been r~noved frc~n the site. Zalco Laboratories Field Sampler, Lenard Moberg, determined the original~° level of soil beneath the tank locations. Overburden soil was moved out of the way. by FHflMCO operators. The tank sites were sampled by bucket auger technique, and soil samples were removed from depths of one foot and three feet below the original level of the tanks. Samples were sealed in Glass jars and transported to Zalco Laboratories Inc., 4309 Armour Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93308 for analysis. Soil Profile: One foot below tanks Brown, sandy lo~ Four feet below tanks Sandy soil Four feet and greater Sandy gravel JE/sw 4309 Armour Avenue Bekersfield, California 93308, FHEMCO Laboratory No: 4539,4540 3040 H Street Date Received: 3-4-85 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 3-15-85 I Attention: John Jones I I SOIL TESTING REPORT ! Site Location: 26th and P Street, Bakersfield, California Soils sampled at location of underground product tanks. The tanks had been removed prior to soil sampling by Zalco Laboratories personnel. A "blank" i sample was also collected. .. Tests Performed: Fugitive petroleum products (hydrocarbons, benzene and i toluene, organic lead, total lead. Test Results: Composited soil s~ples showed no detectable amounts of i fugitive petroleum products. Total lead levels were well below the predicted threshold limit concentrations (TITC) listed in Title 22 Division 4 Section 66699 of the California Administrative Code. I T~horatory Director JE/sw 4309 Armour Avenue Bekersfielcl, California 93308 [805] 395-0539 //11 / I '~/~/'Analytioal &Oonsulting Servioes I ' I FHEMCO Laboratory No: 4540 3040 H Street Date Received: 3-4-85 I Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 3-15-85 Attention: John Jones ! ! i lABORATORY TEST [I~TA Sample Location Constituents I Benzene Organic Total + Toluene Lead, Pb Lead, Pb i Composite samples: rog/kg rog/kg rog/kg.- North Tank <0.5 <0.5 1 I Middle Tank <0.5 <0.5 10 South Tank <0.5 <0.5 16 i Waste Oil Tank <0.5 <0.5 1 Undisturbed Soil "Blank" <0.5 <0.5 1 ! ! Laboratory Director JE/sw 4309 Armour Avenue Bekersfield, Oeliforni8 ~)3308 J [805] 395-0539 I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT 2 I I Kern County Environmental Health Division I Tank Closure Letter I I I 1 I I 1 I Texaco Refining 10 Universal City Plaza and I~arkefing Inc Universal City CA 91608 November 6, 1991 Mr. Joe Dunwoody City of Bakersfield Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: Former Texaco Service Station 901 26tn Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Dunwoody: Pursuant to our conversation on October 17,· 1991 concerning the subject site, attached for your files is a copy of the final Site Characterization Report. This report details site assessment activities conducted on September 19 and 20, 1991. Also included is a summary of past assessment activities and results. Since no significant soil contamination was found during any of the assessment studies and since tank closure had previously been granted by the Kern County Environmental Health Division, it is our understanding that no further site work is necessary.. ,~Shou!d you have. any questions or require additional information, plea, se contact me at (818) 505-2731. ~.. ~' ~Sincerely, Edward Paden EAP: ep Attachment Building on a Tradition. of Quality - .. ~_. Telephone (B05) B~1-36~ [NVI~ONM~NT~L HEALTH DIVISION i · I ~y 20, 1985 ! ~b J. Hill, President 3040 "H" Street ~ers~eld, C~ 93301 I ~r ~. H~ll: This is to advise you ~at ~is de~r~nt has review~ ~e proj~t results for ~e s~s~face cont~ination investigation conduct~ at 901 26~ Strut in ~ersfield, California. ~s~ u~n ~e findings descr~ ~ ~e re~rt, ~is de~nt is satisfi~ ~at ~e assess~nt is c~lete ~d no si~ific~t soil con--nation resulting fr~ fuel ~ le~age exists at ~e site. Th~ you for yo~ c~ration ~ ~is ~tter. Sincere ly, , ~viro~n~l H~I~ S~ialist III Haz~dous S~s~ces ~age~nt Pr~r~ 'l i ~: aa I DISTRICT OFFICES Dellno . Llmont . Llkl Illbelll . Mollve . Rldgecre~l . Shlftw' . TAft I I I I ! I I I I ATTACHMENT 3 I I Site Assessment Report I Harding Lawson Associates i March 10, 1987 I I I I I I I I I Harding Lawson Associates A Report Prepared for I Texaco USA 10 Universal City Plaza, Fourth Floor I Universal City, California 91608 FCRMER TEXACO SERVICE STATION 901 26TH STREET I BAKERSFIELD, CALIFERNIA HLA Job No. 2251,017.11 I Senior ~viror~ental Specialist Gerald M. Diaz - ~/' Harding Lawson Associates i 15621 Redhill Avenue, Suite 100 Tustin, California 92680 714/259,7992 I March 10, 1987 I Harding Lawson As~o¢iates i This report presents the results of the site assessment that Harding Lawson Associates (HLA) performed at the former Texaco Service Station located at 901 26th Street, Bakersfield, California (see Plate 1). Our services were performed according to Texaco USA (Texaco) Authorization/Job I Number 8835693 dated November 10, 1986, and HIA's Confirmation of ~k)rk i Authorization dated December 4, 1986. We understand that underground fuel and waste-oil storage tanks were I removed from the site, and tank excavations were backfilled and repaved. The station was out of service at the time of our investigation. As-built plans ! - of the site showing the location of tank excavations and subsurface distribution and utility lines were unavailable. Plate 2 is the site plan I prepared by HIA based on our observation and tape measurements during this investigation. I The object of our work was to investigate the possible presence of I hydrocarbons in soil and ground water underlying the site. The scope of our work, which was slightly different from the one proposed I by Texaco, was approved by Texaco prior to the Our initiation of field work. work plan consisted of the following: I o Use ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic (~4) means to locate backfilled tank e~cavations and subsurface distribution and I utility lines, I I I \ Harding Lawson A$~iat®~ Drill 1-inch-diameter shallow holes (approximately 1 foot deep) along the distribution lines to identify the presence of hydrocarbon vapors due to possible previous leaks, Drill tw~ exploratory borings approximately 15 feet below the ground surface near the dispenser islands if no hydrocarbon vapors are identified along the distribution lines, Drill five exploratory borings approximately 15 feet below the identified tank excavation bottom, four in the fuel storage tank e~cavation and one in the waste-oil tank excavation, If ground water is encountered at a depth of approximately 15 feet, convert one boring to a ground water sampling w~ll, Monitor the soils with a photoionization detector (PID) for possible hydrocarbon vapors , Collect soil samples at approx~imately 5-foot intervals with the first sample collected either at 1 foot below the ground surface or at the · bottom of tank excavations, Collect a soil sample from the backfill material, Collect water samples if ground-water well is installed. Sukmit the samples to a state-certified analytical laboratory to be analyzed for selected parameters, and Prepare this report. I FIELD INVESTIGATION I Tank Backfill and Line Location I On December 9, 1986, HLA located the underground tank backfill areas and distribution piping and utilities using GPR and ~4 surveying equipment. The i surveyed areas are shown on Plate 2 (Site Plan). Harding Lawson Associates I Exploratory Dr illin~ I Using a 1-inch-diameter bit, HLA hand-drilled 10 shallow holes (approximately 1 foot deep) at approximately 10-foot intervals.along the I distribution lines. Locations of these holes are shown on Plate 2. The holes were drilled to identify hydrocarbon vapors along the distribution I lines due to possible past line leaks. A PID was used to identify I hydrocarbon vapors. The PID was equipped with a 10.2-electr°n-volt lamp and was calibrated in the field against a benzene-equivalent gas standard. I On December 9 and 10 seven exploratory borings were drilled: four in the fuel storage tank backfill area (Borings B-l, B-2, B-4, and B-5), one in the I waste-oil tank backfill area (Boring B-3), and tw~ near the dispenser islands I (Borings B-6 and B-7). Boring locations are shown on Plate 2. .- ~ne borings were drilled under the direction of our field geologist who I logged the materials encountered and obtained samples. Eight-inch-diameter hollow-stem auger equipment was used. In each boring, soil samples were I taken using a Sprague and Henwood (S&H) sampler equipped with brass liner I tubes. The S&H sampler was washed with trisodium phosphate (TSP) solution and rinsed with clean tap water between samples. The augers were I steam-cleaned betw.=en borings. Soil samples were taken at approximately 5-foot intervals. In the I storage tank backfill areas, the first sample was collected in each boring at i approximately one foot below the tank excavation bottom. In the boring5 ~ drilled near the dispenser island, the first sample was collected I approximately 1.5 feet below the ground surface. In addition, one sample was collected from the backfill material (Boring B-5 at 6.5 feet depth). ! i 3 I Harding Lawson Associates Samples were checked with a PID for petroleum hydrocarbon vapors. They I were also checked for odors and discoloration caused by petroleum I hydrocarbons. Samples were classified in the field according to the Unified Soil Classification System as described on Plate A-1 in Aupendix A. Field i classification was visually checked in the HIA Laboratory. Boring logs are presented on Plates A-2 through A-8 in Appendix A. PID readings and I hydrocarbon odor conditions in each boring are presented on the cOrresponding I boring log. One sample tube was collected at each interval. Tubes were capped with i Teflon-lined caps, sealed with electrical tape, and transmitted chilled on ice until delivered to Analytical Technology Laboratories in San Diego, California under chain-of-custody protocol. I Ground water was not encountered in any of the borings. The borings were backfilled with clean drill cuttings. Cuttings from B-5 (backfill material) I that exhibited hydrocarbon odor were placed in two 55-gallon drums on site for later disposal by Texaco. I A sample collected at a depth of 5 to 8.5 feet from Boring B-5 in the backfill material recorded elevated PID readings, had hydrocarbon odors, and I was analyzed discretely. All other samples in Borings B-1 through B-7 had i zero PID readings and had no hydrocarbon odor. Samples from various depths in each of these borings were composited for laboratory analysis. I 4 I Harding Lawson Associates Samples from Borings B-I, B-2, B-4, B-5 (including the discrete sample), I B-6, and B-7 were analyzed for total fuel hydrocarbons, benzene, toluene, I xylene, and ethyl benzene, in accordance with EPA Method 8015 (modified for fuel), and' organic lead in accordance with EPA Method 7421. %~ne composite I sample from Boring B-3 was analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons in accordance with EPA Method 418.1 (modified for soil). Test results are I presented in Table 1 and the laboratory ~test reports and chain-of-custody I form are presented in Appendix B. I SITE CONDITIONS I Surface Conditions I The ground surface is paved with asphalt and the tank backfill area has been repaved. The site is approximately 407 feet above Mean Sea Level* and I is relatively level. Develop~nt in the vicinity is predominantly light co~m~rcial. Subsurface Conditions I The site is located in an area of Quaternary-age fan deposits (California Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic map of California, Bakersfield Sheet, I third printing, 1975). According to Kern County Water Agency (February 1986, i 1985 report on water condition, Plate 5), depth to ground water is about 175 feet below the ground surface in this area. i * U.S. Geological Survey 15-minute quadrangle map, Oildale, California (photorevised 1968). I- * ! I Harding Lawson Associates I Table 1. Laboratory Results i Concentrations (milligrams ~er kilogram) Total Sample Ethyl Organic Borin~ . Hydrocarbons Method Type Benzene Toluene Xylene Benzene Lead I B-1 (5) 8015 Composite (1) (1) (1) (1) (0.1) 8-2 (5) 8015 C~mposite (1) (1) (1) (1) (0.1) I B-3 5 418.1 Composite NTb NT NT NT NT I B-4 (5) 8015 Composite (1) (1) (1) (1) (0.1) B-5 (5) 8015 Composite (1) (1) (1) (1) (0.1) I B-5 (5'-8.'5') 200 8015 Discretec (1) (1) (1) (1) NT 8-6 (5) 8015 Composite (1) (1) (1) (1) (0.1) i B-7 (5) 8015 C~mpos ire (1) (1) (1) (1) (0 .~) I NOTES: a. ( ) = Indicates the compound was analyzed for but not detected at a concentration above the enclosed detection limit. b. NT = Not tested. c. Discrete = Bulk sample collected from depth of 5 to 8.5 feet had hydrocarbon odor and registered on PID, therefore was analyzed discretely. I Harding Lawson. Associates i Subsurface soils encountered mainly consisted of sand and silty sand. i However, due to the presence of cobbles, auger refusal was met in Boring B-4 at a depth of 24 feet and Boring B-5 at a depth of 33.5 feet. Cobbles '1 varying in size from 1 to 2.5 inches in diameter were also encountered at a depth of 24 feet in Boring B-5. DISCUSS ION I Based the PID visual odor on readings, observation, hydrocarbon detection, and analytical laboratory analyses, petroleum hydrocarbons and I organic lead w~re not present in the borings we drilled below the tank i excavation bottom and near the dispenser island. However, the bulk sample collected from the fuel storage tank backfill (Boring B-5 at a depth of 5 to i 8.5 feet) contained 200 rog/kg total petroleum hydrocarbons. Concentrations of benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene and xylene were below the laboratory i detection limit for this sample. Based on hydrocarbon speciation, the i laboratory has identified this material as kerosene (carbon 10 to carbon 16). A PID reading of 35 was recorded for this sample. Low concentrations I (5 rog/kg) of total hydrocarbons were also detected in the soil below the waste oil tank area. All other samples had concentrations below the I.~ laboratory detection limit of the parameters analyzed. ! I I 6 Harding Lawson Associates The hydrocarbons present in the backfill material and below the waste-oil tank are believed to be ia~obile and in pellicular-phase.* The site is currently out of service and is paved. This minimizes the possibility of these hydrocarbons migrating downward to the ground-water table which is located at great depth. ,' * pellicular-phase is a hydrocarbon which exists as a thin film attracted to soil particles primarily by capillary forces. a/,,~'% .,~,,,.,,~, ~...J[...l ..I--.~ ..- ~ ;;,..., ,. ::.. . ~;1~ ~--~.'~11 , ~ ~~ ~' ~1~ I ~1--'~"- Jl =" ~ -.::-'~t ~'..': ~' ~l .-~ .- .~ . .=.. , , ....- ~' ., ....... ~ , .... ~;t .'~-~ . . ,~ ~~ ~-' _, ;, ~ ~~' .~ .~~~~Z~  .. ~ .... ~ . . ~ . / ' :: .-., ,-'~..~,,.~ ~ ,. -~, ~¢¢~ . , .. ..~, ...... . . . ~~' '~ ..... · ~-~ ~ · ~:, ' ~,,"~ -- :'~" '~; ' ~ .' /// /. ~ ,~ .... .'~,~'.b= 4' ' ',, ~.'~ ~..-. .. ~ ....~. I, .. ~ ~ .. ~,~.~... ~ ~ ~ .~.-.. ~, ..~ .... ~ ~. r~ .. ....... >---. -~- ~,~ .... ' ~ · '~'~ '.. ' ~,,%~~. ~ ,~,~1 t !~. · ,.<.~.t-: . ..... . ..... ... . , ~ .... i .. ~, .... ~ !1 ,, .~.~.~ ' a a "." .'1: · ' ¢.. ...... :. . .,-' ' , ' - ~ ~ .~- '. I / / t~ ' ' ~lI ~ ~ .. .... ~ . /'~~ ,~ .: ix>:.:'= , ,.~~~~pE  SCALE I N Reference: USGS 15-minute quadrangle, Oildale, California Cphotorevised 1968) I Harding Lawson Associates V J C J N J T Y M A P ~ ~ ~ ~.~ Engineers Geoiog,s~s Texaco 26TH Street I ..... ~ & G~o~,~,~,~ 1 Bakersfield, California CR~N ~CB ~, .'.~SEP ~C .ED SATE RE'.:'3ED CATE ib 2251,017.11 ~ 3/10/87 I 26TH STREET Sidewalk ,.Alley ...... ! /- Concrete Slab & Pump Islands ~/---Canopy ~ ~--, .................. ~--~ , ~ \ !., ' ',, ", ', ', ',, '\ ",., ~, ',, I\ B-4~ ~B-5 : T ~' :Former Underground Tank Aroa ........ I 8-1 ' STATION __ ~- -- ..~ HLA Boring -N- ~ ~ Ground ~onotratin~ ~adar ¢~'~ Electromagnetic Survey Area Scale 0 10 20 feet Harding Lawson Associates S I T E P L A N i= ..- m.=. Eng,neers. Geolog,sts Texaco 26TH Street : = :--''= & Geophysicists Bakersfield, California DRAWN JOB NUMBER A.P~O'~ E C DATE REVISED DATE jb 2251,017.11 3/10/87 m m MAJOR DIVISIONS TYPICAL NAMES WELL-GRADFD GRAVELS. GRAVEL SAND MIXTURES CLEAN GRAVELS WITH m GRAVELS Lll-rLE OR NO FINES c)OORL¥ GRAOED GPAvELS SAND .GRAVEL MIXTURES MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION S~LTY GRAVELS P()GRL'f (~RADED ~]~AvE[. m IS LARGER THAN SANO SILL MIXTURES NO 4 SIEVE SIZE GRAVELS WITH OVER 12% FINES CLAYEY GRAVELS PO(~RLY (~RADED GRAVEL SANO. CL4¥ MIXTURES WELcGRADED SAN[}S GRAVELLY ',~ArlDS CLEAN SANDS WITH SANDS LI't-rLE OR NO FINES POORLY GRADED SANDS L~NAVELL'r SA¢~DS I MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION SILTY SANDS. POORLY GRADED IS SMALLER THAN SAND.SILT MIXTURES NO 4 SIEVE SIZE SANOS WITH OVER m t2% FINES CLAYEY SANDS. POORLY GRADED SANO-CLAY MIXTURES iNORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS. ROCK FLOUR. SILTY OR CLAYEY FiNE SANDS. m OR CLAYEY SILTS W~TH SLIGHT PLASTICITY SILTS AND CLAYS INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY. GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS LIOUID LIMIT 50% OR LESS SILTY CLAYS LEAN CLAYS m ORGANIC CLAYS AND ORGANIC SALTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY INORGANIC SILTS. MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SANOY OR SILTY m SOILS. ELASTIC SILTS SILTS AND CLAYS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY. FAT CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50% m ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PEAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS m UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM m Perm -- PermeaD~lity Shear Strength (pSf)'~ F Confining Pressure Cons: -- ConsohOat~on TxUU 3200 (2600) -- UnconsohdateO UnOramed Tr~axial Shear m LL -- L~qu~d L~m~t (%) (FM) or (S) (field moisture or saturated) Pi -- Plastic Index (%) T×CU 32U0 (2600) -- Consohdated Undrained Triaxial Shear (PI (wdh or w~thout pore pressure measurement) G -- Specd~c Gravity ., TxCD 3200 ¢2600~ -- Consohdated Drained Trlaxial Shear MA -- Particle S~ze Analysis SSCU 3200 (2600) -- Simple Shear Consohdated Undrained I · "Undisturbed" Samole (PI (w~h or w~lhout pore pressure measurement) ,, [] -- Bulk or Classdicatlon Sample SSCD 3200 (2600) -- Simple Shear Consohdated Drained DSCD 2700 (2000) -- Consohdated Dramed Direct Shear -200 -- % Finer No. 200 Sieve uC 470 -- Unconhned Compression m LVS 700 -- Laboratory Vane Shear m KEY TO TEST DATA SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART PLATE m ~.~m.~ L.~o.~-.o¢~.~.. & KEY TO TEST DATA E-g,neers. Geolog,sts A1 & Geophys,c~sts Texaco 26TH Street Bakersfield, California jb 2251,017.11 ~ 3/10/87 ~_~ , ~ = ~ Equipment 8' Hal Iow-stem Auqer 0 0; O ~ c~ ~n Elevation NA Date 12-9-86 Laboratory Tests _.T. e.. 0'" 3" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BROWN GRAVELLY SAND (SP) medium dense, moist, med i i ned urn-cra 5- FILL No 0 I " I ~o 0 20, I ORANGE-BROWN SANDY GRAVEL (,.qW) dense, moist i No 0 LIGHT BROWN SAND (SP) TPH <5 mg/kg very dense, moist, medium- I Composite Sample to coarse-grained I~o 0 30- Boring terminated at 29.5 feet. I Ground water not encountered while drilling. Boring backfiIled with soil I cuttings on 12-9-86. 35- I NOIE: TCH = Total Petroleum I Hydrocarbons (EPA Method 8o~5). 40 Hardlng Lawson Associates LOG OF BORING B-1 I -- - Eng,neers, Geolog,s;s Texaco 26TH Street i '-' i ~-" ;'i' & Geophys,c,sts A2 Bakersfield, California jb 2251,017.11 N~ 3/10/87 I -~-. ~ 8" Hollow-stem Auger m ~ ~ ~. Equipment 0 ~ m NA o @ ~ c~ Elevation Date 12-9-86 ·I Laboratory Tests -r :,., ASPHALTIC CONCRETE No BROWN GRAVELLY SA~D (SP) :.:.:.: .:.:.:. :.:.:.: :i:i:i: m 5- :::::::: FILL No :.:.:.:, :-::4 1 0-~::::::: m ,2.2,2.: i.':i:i::: No 0 15. m-:....:, medium dense, moist, "."-"." medium- to coarse-grained i No 0 !:.:.:-:' light brown 2O- .,-.4., ,:.:.:. '.:.:.:. I ~ ORANGE-BROWN SANDY GRAVEL (GW) ~?~ dense, moist No o m.~:;:~._.~ TPH < 5mg/kg LIGHT BROWN SAND (SP) · '-'.' very dense, moist, medium- m Composite Sample ,-.-.::, · '" to coarse-grained No 0 m :""'" m Boring terminated at 30.0 feet. Ground water not encountered while drilling. Boring backfilled with soil Icuttings on 12-9-86. I NOTE: TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPA Method m 8o15). 40, Harding Lawson Associates lOG OF BOR!NG B-2 m_~ Eng,neers, Geo~og,sts Texaco 26TH Street & Oeoptnys~c~sts Bakersfield, California AS m ORAWN JOB ~'JtJMBER APt~OvED DAlE RE'/~SED DA'FE jb 2251,017.11 ~ 3/10/87 'o ~ ~: 8" 0 ~- ~. Equipment Hol Iow-stem Au.qer Laboratory Tests -r a. c~ co Elevation NA Date 12-9-86 i:i:i::: AS,~HAL* ~C CONCRETE ......:. BROWN .:-:.:.: FI L _ s- ~ LIGHT BROWN SAHD (SP) -- No 0 ~':~:~:::~ medium dense, moist, 10- ,:.:.? medium- to coarse- No 0 I: · orange_brown wi~h 9ravel · :-:: ~s-' ~:~¢.... ' :F:~: No 0 I:'~:::'::.....'~ coo r s e- g r a i ned 20- ,:: '-: ,.:.:.:. ':?::': ~.'~ TPH : 5 mg/kc -:-:'-'.. Composite Samale No 0 ~!~%¥"~: ORANGE-BROWN SANDY GRAVEL (GW) 25 dense, moist Boring terminated at 25.0 fee~. Ground water not encountered wh~le drilling. Boring backfil]ed with soil 30- cuttings on 12-9-86. = Total Petroleum NOTE: TPH Hydrocarbons (EPA Method 418.1). ~ Harding Lawson Assooiates LOG OF BORING B-3 ':i~:~ Eng,neers, Gec og,sts A4 ~ &GeoDhys~c,sts Texaco 26TH Street Bakersfield, California ib 2251,017.11 ~ 3/10/87 O ~- ~. Equipment Hollow-stem Auqer Laboratory Tests ~ ~_ ~ c~ Elevation NA Date 12-9-86 I 0 3,, ASPHALTIC CONCRETE ~:~:~:~: · '.'.'.' BROWN CRAVELLY SAND (SP) :.:.:.:. .:.:.:.: 5- :::::::: ii:!:!:!: F,LL :::::::: I 10- i:i:i:i: :::::::: i ,:.:.:,: ~ ORANGE-BROWN GRAVELLY _ I ':':':': SAND (SP) '. :! medium dense, moist, ..... medium- to coarse-grained · :-:-: i No 0 ":i::::; I 20' ':-:':': dense ~ SANDY GRAVEL (GW) L.~.:i'~i? TPH < 5 mg/kg I Compos ite Sample 25- Boring terminated at 26,0 feet ground water not encountered I while drilling. Boring backfilled with soil 30- cuttings on 12-9-86. ! I.. 35- I NOTE: TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPA Method 80i5). I Harding Lawson Associates LOG OI~ BORING B-4 I .'=:~.=. E,qglneers Geologists Texaco 26TH Street : =: ~ '; & GeoDrlysicists · Bakersfield, California I jb 2251,017.11 ,v~ 3/10/87 ,_'.. 'o ~ e 8" O ~' ~. Equipment Hal low-s~:em Auqer -- ~ m NA Laboratory Tests z m ~ m Elevation Date 12-I0-86 0'" 3I' ASPHALTIC ~ CONCRETE No 0 BROWN GRAVELLY SAND (SP) moist, fine-qra[ned, with TP8 : 200 m~/k~ ar depth 6.5 feet ~ F~LL Md 35 ~0' No 0 medium dense, fine-~roined ~5' No 0 dense, coarse-grained, with I gravel TPH < 5 mg/kg SANDY GRAVEL (GW) I Compos te Sample i25- LIGHT BROWN-SAND (Sp) I No O dense, moist, medium-grained SANDY GRAVEL (GW) I I, Boring terminated at 36.0 feet. i Ground water not encountered I while drilling. NOTE: TPH = Total Petroleum Boring backfilled with clean Hydrocarbons (EPA Method soil cuttinqs on 12-10-86. i Contaminated cuttings placed 8015). 40 in drums. · .i .... ~ :" ~&'~-' &Englr~eers' OeologlsfSGeoonyslc,sts Texaco 26TH Street I Aim Bakersfield, California 'l jb 2251,017.11 ~ 3/10/87 ! O = ~ Equipment 8" Hollow-stem Auqer _ ~ m NA Laboratory Tests ~ m ~ ~ Elevation Date12-10-86 3I' ASPHALTIC CONCRETE No 0 BROWN SILTY SAND (SM) FILL medium dense, moist, medium-grained BROWN SANDY SILT (ML) No 0 5- medium stiff, moist TPH < 5 mg/kq 0RANGE-BROWN:SAHD (SP) Composite Sample medium dense, moist, coarse- grained, with gravel No 0 10- I No 0 no gravel 15 Boring terminated at 15.0 feet Ground water not encountered I while " drilling. Boring backfilled with soil cuttings on 12-10-86. I 20- I I NOTE: TPH = Total Petroleum. Hydrocarbons (EPA Method ~ 8015). 40 Harding Law,on A,so¢iat,, J. 0 G 0 I --- Eng,neers. Geolog,sts Texaco 26TH Street i==i------'. '~ &GeophysiCiStS Bakersfield, California I ~,~N JOB NuM~E~ jb 2251,017.11 ~.. 3/10/87 I i 'o = ~ 8" O = ~ Equipment Hal low-stem Auger Laboratory Tests -r a. ~ co Elevation NA Date. 12- 10-86 I 3" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE ~ No 0 BROWN SANDY SILT (ML) FILL stiff, moist ~ I GRAY-BROWN SAND (SP) No 0 medium dense, moist, fine- 5' to medium-grained TP~ < [ rog/kg I Composite Sample No 0 orange-brown, coarse-grained, with gravel ! I No 0 1 -.. Boring terminated at ]5.0 Feet. I ~round water not encountered. while drillin9. Boring backfilied with soil cuttings on 12-10-86. I 20- I 25- I I NOTE: TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPA Method I 8015). 40 HardlngL/w--onAlso~:iat/! LOG OF BORING B-7 :_~:~ I Texaco Street Eng,neers, Geolog,sts J -= J ----~--":~ & Geol::)nys,c,sts 26TH Bakersfield, California AB I DRAWP~ JO~ NUMBER AP~.RO~ ED DArE RE','ISE~ -: ". '5 jb 2251,017.11 v~ 3/10/87 '? RE;'; JAN - 9 1987 ~ ~ · e~u~ Drive Son Di~a CA ~121 (619) 4~-9141 AnalyticalTechnolo-ie lnc Car~rate Offices: 5550 Mot '- ' ATI I.D. 349.08 January 8, 1987 Harding Lawson & Associates 15621 Red_hill Avenue #100 Tustin,.California 92680 Job No.. 2251,017.11 Attention: Vahan Hoonanian On December 15, 1986, Analytical Technologies, Inc. received eight (8) soil samples for analysis. One (1) sample was anal zed for ~etroleum hydrocarbons. Six ~6~ s~-~ ......... Y- organic lead, Seven (7) samples were analyzed for fuel: hydrocarbons, benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene, and xylene. The petro%eum hydrocarbons were analyzed using freon extraction/~nfrared spectroscopy in accordance with EPA method 418.1 (modified for soil). The organic lead was analyzed using atomic absorption/graphite furnace in accordance with EPA method 7421. The fuel hydrocarbons, benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene, and xylene were analyzed using gas chromatography/flame ionization detection in accordance with EPA method 8015. The results of these analyses and the quality control data 'are enclosed. GC Supervisor Richard M. Amano Laboratory Manager Note: The samples from this project will be disposed of thirty (30) days from the date of this report. If an extended storage period is required, please contact our sample control department before the scheduled disposal date. Anal',/ticalTechnologies,lnc. ! ATI I.D. 34908 DATA SHEET CLIENT :HARDING LAWSON & ASSOCIATES DATE SAMPLED:12-9-86 JOB NO.: 2251,017.11 DATE RECEIVED:12-15-86 SAMPLE MATRIX:SOIL UNITS : mg/Kg ATI CLIENT PETROLEUM ORGANIC SAMPLE SAMPLE HYDROCARBONS LEAD I.D. I.D. .' -001 B-1 --- <0.10 -002 B-2 --- <0.10 -003 B-3 5 --- -004 B-4 --- <0.10 -005 B-5 --- <0.10 -006 B-6 --- <0.10 -007 B-7 --- <0.10 -008 B-5 5-8.5 ___ AnalyticalTechnologies,lnc. ATI I.D.34905 CLIENT :HARDING LAWSON & ASSOCIATES JOB NO.: 2251,017.11 QUALITY CONTROL UNITS: rog/Kg RPD ANALYSIS DATE SAMPLE I.D. RESULT DUPLICATE % PETROLEUM 12-20-86 34614-003 5 8 -46 2 HYDROCARBONS · ORGANIC LEAD 1-2-87 34908-005 <0.10 <0.10 N/A UNITS: rog/Kg SAMPLE SPIKED AMOUNT % PARAMETER I. D. SAMPLE SPIKED RECOVERY PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS 34614-003 40 35 95 ORGANIC LEAD 34908-005 ~' 15.9 15.9 100 I ~ AnalyticalTechnologies, lnc. : - I ATI I.D. 34908 BTX AND FUEL HYDROCARBONS i DATA SHEET CLIENT :HARDING LAWSON & ASSOCIATES DATE SAMPLED:12-9-86 I JOB NO.: 2251,017.11 DATE RECEIVED:12-15-86 SAMPLE MATRIX : SOIL DATE EXTRACTED: 12-22-86 EPA METHOD: MODIFIED 8015 (GC/FID) DATE ANALYZED:12-23-86 I UNITS :rog/Kg (AS DIESEL) I ATI CLIENT ET ,HYL FUEL HYDROCARBON I.D. I.D. BENZENE BENZENE TOLUENE XYLENE HYDROCARBONS RANGE I -001 B-1 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 5 U --- -002 B-2 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 5 U --- -003 B-3 .................. i -004 B-4 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 5 U --.- -005 B-§ 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 5 U --- -006 B-6 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 5 U --- -007 B-7 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 5 U --- I -008 B-5 5-8.5 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 200 C10-C16 U indicates the compound was analyzed for but not detected at a concentration above the detection limit for that compound, based on dilution. Anal',,,ticalTechnologies,lnc. ~ I ATI I.D.34908 QUALITY CONTROL DATA. MATRIX SPIKE/MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATES CLIENT :HARDING LAWSON & ASSOCIATES SAMPLE MATRIX:SOIL JOB NO.: 2251, 017.11 UNITS:mg/L 1ST 2ND RESULT'S RESULT'S SPIKE 1ST % 2ND % RPD COMPONENT ADDED RESULT REC. * RESULT REC. (%) ** DIESEL 146 156 107 152 104 2.6 BENZENE 12 15.6 130 16.1 134 3.2 TOLUENE 12 17.3 144 18.0 150 4.0 XYLENE 24 28.2 118 28.5 119 1:1 ! I * % RECOVERY = (SPIKE SAMPLE RESULT) X 100 SPIKE ADDED '1 ** RPD (RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE) = 1ST RESULT - 2ND RESULT X 100 i AVERAGE RESULT CIIAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Log Numbel' IClielll na~n~e I Job number Analysei lequl~ed P~ojec I Sampler Dale Sampla description Irlema~l(I ! I Harding Lawson Associates I DI ~ BUTION 4 copies: T~xaco USA I 10 Universal City Plaza, Fourth Floor Universal City, California 91608 I Attention: Mr. W. W. Wagner I QUALITY CONTROL REVIEWER: Bartlett W. Patton i Pr inci~%l Engineer I VH/GMD/c~r I I I I ATTACHMENT 4 ! I Boring C-1 I May 21, 1990 and June 1, 1990 I Laboratory Analyses and I Chain-Of-Custody Documentation I I Borings C-2 and C-3 June 19, 1991 I Laboratory Analyses I and Chain-Of-Custody Documentation I 1 I I I Report of Analysis From Texaco, Inc. Jerry Denchfield P.O. Box 400 Montebello, CA 90640 May 21, 1990 Environmental Testing Sample Type: Soil Texaco Environmental Services Extraction Method: 5030 Jack Shepard Sampling Date: 5/11/90 10 Universal City Plaza Rec'd Date: 5/14/90 Universal city, CA 91608 Analysis Date: 5/15/90 Site Location: 901 26th St. Analysis: 8015M Bakersfield, Ca Requested: TPH - Gasoline Sample Name Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Detection (mg/kg) RPM Limit C-1-2 ND < 10 PPM (mg/kg) C-1-5 ND PQL All samples were received cold and stored at 4 C prior to analysis. Chain of Custody Forms attached. Signed:~~Approved: From: Texaco, Inc. Report of Analysis Jerry Denchfield P.O. Box 400 Montebello, CA 90640 June 1, 1990 Environmental Testing Sample Type: Soil Texaco Environmental Services Extraction Method: 5030 Jack Shepard Sampling Date: 5/11/90 10 Universal City Plaza Rec'd Date: 5/14/90 Universal City, CA 91608 Analysis Date: 5/15/90 Site Location: 901 26th St. Analysis: 8015M Bakersfield, Ca Requested: TPH - Gasoline Sample Name Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Detection (mg/kg) PPM Limit " C-1-2 540 < 10 PPM (mg/kg) C-1-5 4300 PQL Ail samples were received cold and stored at 4 C prior to analysis. Chain of Custody Forms attached. TEXACO _CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY FORM Date ~///~//~'u. Job No. Page /, of Client/Project Project Location Sampler(s) Phone No. Analysis Montebello Research Laboratory Sampler(s, ~ ~~ 329 No. DurfeeAve. (signature) & South El Monte. CA 91733 /' Sample Ty~e -- Ty~ (213) 699-0948, Ext. 252 Sample of Date Time Water Air Solid Number ~mp. Grab Core Comp~ Containers ~ Sample REMARKS Grab Depth Relin~ished by: ~. ~ Date~im~ Re~ived by: Relinquished by: Date~ime Received by: (Si~) ~.~ ~*~i'"~ (Signature) (Signature) I (Signature) R~inquished by: Date~ime Received by: ~nd Lab Results to: Texaco Environmental Services (Signature) I (Signature) P.O. Box 7812, 4Ih. Floor I 10 Unive~Jal City Plaza ~ ~ Univeraa~ Cit~ Ca. eleO8 Relinquished bY: Date~ime ~~ L~a~ ~ Da}e~ime Remarks: Report of Analysis From: Texaco, Inc. Jerry Denchfield P.O. Box 400 Montebello, CA 90640 Environmental Testing Jun 19, 1990 Sample Type: SOIL Texaco Environmental Services Extraction Method: 5030 Jack Shepard Sampling Date: 06/04/1990 10 Universal City Plaza Rec'd Date: 06/05/1990 Universal City, CA 91608 Analysis Date: 06/14/1990 Site Location: 901 26th Street Analysis Bakersfield, CA Requested: 8015M TPH I Sample ID Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (units = PPM(MG/KG) ) DETECTION LIMIT less than 10.00 PPM(MG/KG) PQL I C-2-2 N.D. I C-3-2 N.D. C-3-5 N.D. I C-3-8 N .D. IAil samples were received cold and stored at 4 C prior to analysis. Chain of Custody Forms attached. I T E x A c o CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY FORM Date . Job No. Page /, of Client/Project Project Location Sampler(s) Phone No. Analysis Montebello Research Laboratory 5~ D. 8 ~P~ ~[g - ~-2~/ .Number Requested Sampler(s) ~ ~ 329 No. DurfeeAve. (signature) ~. & 8outh El Monte. CA 9t733 ~ Sample Type ~ Type Number Date Time Water Air Solid Comp. Grab core CompJ Containers ~ ~ Grab ~ ~ ~ Sample REMARKS Depth ~/~/~ ~x 6w ~o~ 6o~ t~ gold. too Relinq~hed by: Date~ime Received by: Relinq~shed by: Received by: (Signature) <s~ R~cG"by: Date~ime Received by: ~d Lab ~ults to: Tex~co Environmental Services (Signature) ] (Signature) loP'O'unlverealB°X 7812. City4th'plazaFI°°r / .~ Univers~! City, Ca. 91608 Relinquished by: Date~ime ~~ L~or~ry/ ,D~e~ime Remarks: DISTRIBUTION:White with reDort. Yellow to Lab.. Pink to Courier. Gold to I SOIL 8E]RINO SITE LOCAT[ON~ BAKERSFIELD, CA. ~)--'1 DATE: 9/19/'9] I ADDRESS: 901 26th STREET TIME START: 9:30 om DR~.LLING CO: GREGG DRILLING TIME STOP: 10:05 om LOGGED BY: T.A. GEIJER DRILLING METHOD: HSA (7" OD) SURFACE ELEV: 405' 8-53 RIG LITHOLOGY P[D TPH EPA 8020 (ppm) TPH ELm 5 ~ LOG USCS REC(;n) BLOWSry (porn) 80lSM(ppm) / ~ (ppm)418'l DESCRIPTION ~ c ~ sr,,pl,,"hdspc ~ T E X GL Asphalt _ <5~ coorse grovel, poorty sorted, subrounded, unconsolidoted, -- damp. _ · ' ' *~ 18 10/1~/20 NO 0/1~ ND ND ND NO ND Coarse ~o fine-gro~ned sana, · · · · I~ght brown/ton, 10~ fine grovel, -- poorly sorted, subrounded. unconsolidoted, domp. ..... SP _ .'.'.'."."~ 18 8/9/15 NO 3/4 ND ND ND ND ND Fine to medium-groined sond, ..... gold/ton, well sorted, subrounded, -- unconsotidoted, domp. · · * .~SW 14 12/40/50 NO 2/2 ND ND ND ND ND Fine to coorse-groined sand (moinly medium), ton/grey. - 10% coorse gr~veL poorly sorted,, unconsolidated, domp. TotoL Depth 20' SOIL BORING SITE L{3CATi~BN'. BAKERSFIELD, CA. $-2 DATE: 9/19/91 ADDF4ES.S: 901 26th STREET TIME STAE'T: 10:15 om 3F~ILLING ED: GREOG DRILLING TIME STBF': 10:44 om LBGGED BY: T.A. GEIJER D~ILLING METHBD: HSA SURFACE ELEV: B-53 RI'O PID . EPA 8080 (ppm) TPH L~THBLBGY TPH ~ ~ LDG USGS. REC BLBWS (ppm) 8015H 418,1 DESCRIPTION c ~ (ppm) / B T E X ~ ~ (in) ~ smpt/hdspc % (ppn) -- Asphalt GL - '~':';';'" SM 18 6/9/10 NC ~/0 NO ND ND ND ND Fine to coorse-gromed sand, _ dark brown, silty, <5% fine grovel, poorly sorted, subrounded, - unconsolidated, portion of sample - cemented with black hard, asphalt-like material, damp. ::::::::"' SM 18 8/9/~1 NC 0/1 ND ND ND ND ND Fine to medium-groined sand, _ dark brwon, silty, moderately sorted, subrounded, unconsolidated - damp, bottom 6" ore orange _ gravelly coarse sand. ' ' ' ' SW - · ' ' · ~ ~8 4/'I 2,/20 NC 6/0 4 ND ND ND ND ND Fine to medium-groined send, ' ' ' ' gold/ton, rnoderotely sorted, Subr'ounded. u~consol~doted, - damp. · * ' SW - .'.'.'. · J 18 19/24/51 NO O/ ND ND ND ND ND Coarse to medium-grained sand, _ ton/grey, coarse gragel (10~). poorly sorted, subrounded, -- unconsolidated, damp. SITE LOCATION: BAKERSFIELD, CA. ~)--} DATE: 9/19,/91 I ADDRESS: 901 26th STREET TIME START~ 11:05 om DF:iLL[NG CO'. GREGG DRILLING TIME STE]P~ 11:40 om LOGGED BY: T.A. GEIJER DRILLING METHOD: HSA :}UFa'FACE ELEV: 405' B-53 RIG II L[THOLOGY PiD TPH EPA 8020 (ppm) TPH I ~ ~ LOG USCS ~EC 3LOWS 8015H 4~8,I DESCRIPTION o ~ (in) ~ s~,;pt,,'h,:lspc B T E GL -- Asphalt I - - ']']']']'" SM 18 7/8/5 NO 10/1 ND/ ND 0.007 ND ND Fine-gr~ined sand, dk brown to  - 0.7* bl~ck, silty, slightly clayey, moderotly sorted, subrounded, -- unconsolidated to hard (a 2" _ section cemented with black hard ~sphaltlike maLerial). j L0- 'l.l'l.l"l.l$j'~jsM 10 t2/14/18 ~0 5/1 ND ND 0.005 ND ND Fine to coarse-grained sand, ton, silty end gravelly, poorly -- sorted, <5~ fine grovel, _ subrounded, unconsolidated, damp I - '. ' · ' · ' ·", SP 8 7/11/15 qO 0/2 ND ND ND ND ND Fine to medium-grained sand, ~ gold/tan, moderately sorted, II ~ subrounded, unconsofid~ted, domp. ~0 ~ ' ' ' ' ~SW~ 12 27/57/50 SL 4/75 ND ND ND ND ND Medium to coarse-grained sand. --' ' gold/tan, 10-15% co~rse 9ravel, poorly sorted, subrounded, _ unconsolidated, damp. _ . . . .~SW 14 27/45/15 SL 8/23 NO ND ND ND ND Medium to coarse-grained sand, tan, 10-15~ fine gravel, poorly sorted, subrounded, unconsolidated, damp. -- * TPH in gasoline range non- _ detect/hydrocarbon detected in C8 to C20 range. Depth 25' SITE LOCATION: BAKERSFIELD, CA. L_)--Z~ DATE 9/19/9] I ADDRESS'. 90~ 26th STREET TIME START: 1:00 pm DRILLING CD', GREGG DRILLING TiME STOP: 2:.50 pm LOGGED BY, T.A. GEIJER DRILLING METHE]D~ HSA (7" OD) SURFACE ELEV~ 405' B-53 RIG LITHOLOGY P[D TPH EPA $0~0 (ppm) TPH c~ ~ LOG USCS REC BLOWS (ppm, 8015M 4.18,1 DESCRIPTION - G (ppm) / ~ (ppm) '~ ~ (in) ~ sr',pl/hdspc B T E X Asphalt - °t"I'I°I°I'I°I'I'?JsM 14 8/$/6 NO 60/18 ND ND ND ND ND Fme-grah~ed sand, dark brown, silty, poorly sorted, - subrounded, unconsolidated, rare _ chert pebbles, damp. _JSP 8 37/50(5") MD 74/716 ND ND 0.01 ND ND Fine to medium-grained sand, gold/tan, moderately sorted, unconsolidated, damp. Medium to coarse-grained sand, _, SI:) 6 10/10/10 MO 412/- ND/' ND ND ND ND gold/ton, ,moderotly sorted, -- 6.3** subrounded, unconsolidated, damp _ · · · ·~jSW 14 8/8/11 MD 555/631 IND/ ND ND ND 0.03 Coase to fine-grained sand, 6.3*** gold/brown, 5% peDDles, poorly sorted, subrounded, _ unconsolidated, damp. -- ~ISW 10 25/37/50 MD t0]/'164 iND/' ND ND ND ND Fine to medium-grained sand, _'-J (4") 5.1.* gold/ton, 10-15% coarse gravel. poorly sorted, subrounded, - unconsolidated, damp --I -3SW 6 37/45/50 SL 25/- ND ND ND ND ND Fine to medium-grained somd, _ (4") fold/tan. 15% coarse (<Scm in diam.), unconsolidated, damp. - ND -- ** TPH in gasoline range -- non -detect/hydrocarbons detected in C12 to C20 range. · ** TPH in aasotine ranae -- non-det~ct/hydrocaKbons __ detected in C10 to C20 range. -I Totot Depth 30' I SB1L }BRING I SITE LOCATION: BAKERSFIELD. CA. D-~ DATE: 9/20/91 ADDRESS: 901 26th STREET TIME START: 8:50 om DRILLING CO: GREGG DRILLING TIME STOP: IO:O0 ,am LOGGED BY: T.A. GEIJER DRILLING METHOD: HSA (7" OD) I SURFACE ELEV: 405' B-55 RIG m LITHOLOGY P'! Ii I-PH EPA 8020 (ppm) TPH .=, 3 LOG USCS REC. BLOWS ,ppm, 8015M 418,1 DESCRIPTION c 6~ (ppm) " '"' (ppm) GL Asphalt -- ML Silt. dark brown, sandy, friable, -- · 18 8/7/8 NO 107/59 NE} ND ND ND ND damp. -- ' ' ' SW Fine to coarse sand, ton/gray, · * * *I 18 10/'15/'2~ NO £~/44 ND/ ND ND ND ND -- . . . ,gravelly (10%). poorly sorted, sub- - 02.. rounded, unconsolidated, damp. -- · · · Medium to coarse sand, tan. · · ,* ,I SW 18 7/9/8 NC 10/18 ND" ND ND ND ND - · · · ' moderately sorted, unconsolidated, damp. Silt. dark brown, damp. 0.4.* -- IJ Fine to medium sand, tan, · · ·.~SW; 10 12/24/50 5L '21/54 ND NB ND ND ND gravelly (20%), poorly sorted. subrounded, unconsolidated, damp. -- , .... --I Fine to medium sand, tan, _ ' ....~JsP 10 12/15/50 dD 671/578 ND/ ND ND ND ND gravelly (5%), moderately sorted, --~ 570*** subrounded, unconsolidated, damp. ~_J Fine to medium sand. tan. ~ H ' ' SW 10 15/51/47 ',4D 585/'169 ND,/' ND ND ND ND gravelly (10% fine gravel), poorly -' 170.** sorted, subrounded, unconsol- -I ;dated, damp. ~ .....ii Fine to medium sand, tan, mod- _ ..... ~_JSP 9 1 7/.32/~0 SL 9 ..... ND/ ND ND ND ND =j/,_' I erotely sorted, subrounded. _ 0.3.* unconsolidated, damp. _! · * TPH in gasoline range non- - detected/hydrocarbon detected -- in C12 to C20 range. - *** TPH in gasoline range non- detect/hydrocarbon detected in C10 to C20 ronge. Tarot Dep±h 40' I SB~L SBR~NG SITE LOCATION: BAKERSFIELD, CA. D--6 DATE: 9/20/91 I' ADDRESS: 901 26th STREET T]ME START,. 10:10 om DRILLING C0: OREOG DRILLING TIME STOP', 11:00 am LOGGED RY: T.A. GEIJER DRILLING METHOD: HSA (7" OD) SURFACE ELEV', 405' B-53 RiO LITHDLBGY PID TPH EPA 8080 (ppm) TPH c~ ~ LOG uses REC BLBWS ,:ppm) 8015M 4]8.] DESCRIPTION c -~ ~ smph/hdspc ,:ppm) '/' '%' (Opm) ~ c (in) B T E X Asphalt -- : ..... / Fine to medium sand, tan, _ ,".'.'.'.II]sp i5 11/12/1.3 NO 1/15 ND/ ND ND ND ND moderately sorted, subr<~unded, _ 1.4-*.** unconsolidated, damp. i_~ Fine to medium sand, light --_ :M:I'I:I-I:I'I: SM, 12 8/12/20 NO 21/15 ND/ ND ND ND NE) brown, silty..pGorly sorted, _ 0.2.. unconsolidated, damp. -- · · . ~ Medium to fine sand, gold/tan, _ · * · *I~SW 12 15/13/14 NO -/27 ND ND ND ND ND gravelly (15% coarse), poorly -- sorted, subrounded, unconsol- - idated, damp.. -- · · · · / Coarse to fine sand, ton/gray, _ · · · oI[sw 15 10/14/28 NO -/17 ' ND ND ND ND ND gravelly (20% fine to coarse), - poorly sorted, subrounded, - unconsolidated, damp. -- · · · II Coarse b) fine sand. tan/gray. ___Jsw 7 22/22/50 NO -//- ND ND ND ND ND gravelly (fine to coarse), poorly -- sorted, subrounded, unconsol- - idated, damp. -- ij Coarse to fine sand. tan/gray. _ "" · '.~SW 10 NO 2/4 ND ND ND ND ND gravelly, poorly sorted, -- subrounded, unconsolidated, - damp. -- ** TPH h'~ gasoline r'ange non- -- detect/hydrocarbon detected - in C12 to C20 range. __ ~,** TPH in gasoline range non- _ detect/hydrocarbon detected _ in C1O to C22 range. , Tota~ Depth 50' SOIL 'SORING ~ SITE LOCATION'. BAKERSFIELD, CA. D- '~ ~/ DATE~ 9/20/91 · ADDRESS: 901 '26th STREET TIME START:' 7:55 om I ~RILLING CE]: GREGG DRILLING TIME STDF~: :. 8:20 am ', LOGGED BY'. T.A. GEIdER ]:)RILLING METHOD: HSA (4.5" OD) SURFACE ELEV'. 405' SIMCO RIO UITHOLOGY FID TPH EPA 8020 (ppm) TPH c~ $ LOG USCS REC BLD~/S (ppr,,) 8015M 4t8.1 DESCRIPTION c ~' (ppm) / ~ (pprq) ' ' '~ '~ (in) ~ Dmpl/hdspc ]~ T E X · Concrete - SM 18 '40 8/5 ND ND ND ND ND b'rown, silty, poorly isorted,. -- subrounded, unconsolidated, - damp. i -- . . . Fine to coarse (malnly medium) · · · · I sw 18 NO 10/10 ND ND ND ND ND - . ,, . . sand, tan, gravelly (10% - 15% - fine gravel), poorly ',sorted, - subrounded, unconsbl., damp. --d ·· · · / Medium to fine sand, ton/brown, - .. . . -. v. slightly silty, mod. sorted, -- subrounded, unconsolidated, -- ddmp. -I 50 To'coL Depth 15' I SE]IL SORING I SITE LOCATIC~N~ BAKERSFIELD. CA. ~)--7 DATE~ 9/19/91 ADDRESS: 901 26th STREET TIME START, 3:25 pm DRILLING CO, GREGQ DRILLINQ TIME STOP: 4:00 pm LOGGED BY: T.A. GEIJER DRILLING METHOD', HSA (4.5" OD) SURFACE ELEV~ ~05' SI~CO RIG LITHOLOGY mid TPH EPA 8020 (ppm) TPH m ~ LOG USCS REC BLOWS (ppm~ :3015M 418.1 DESCRIPTION Concrete -- I ML 18 NO r ,~ S~t. dork brown, smndy, fF~oble, J/~ ND ND ND ND ND ~lmenSte s~m~mng, domp. ~ I~ Medium to coorse sond, ~~SM 6 ...... NO ........ rid ND ND ND ND 9~ey, poorly sorteO, subrounded -- unconsohOoted, domp. .....  Medium to coorse · '.'.'.'.' SP 12 NO 0.5,,,"13 ND ND ND ND ND groy, ~ome cobbles, moderotely - sorted, subrounded, domp. -I Tote[ Depth 15' SS~L SBR~NG SITE LOCATION~ BAKERSFIELD. CA. ~)--8 DATE,. 9/19/91 ADDRESS: 90] 26th STREET TIME STA,~T 4:00 pm DRILLING CO: GREOG DRILLING TIME STDF': 4:40 pm LOGGED BY: T A OEIJER DRILLING METHOD= HSA (4.5" OD) SURFACE ELEV: 4-05' SIMCO R~O LITHOLOGY PID TPH EPA 8020 (ppm) TPH o~ ~ LOG USCS REC BLOWS (pp,,~) 8015M 418.1 DESCRIPTION c (ppm) / 'x (ppm) ~ ~ (in)~ ~ smpt/hdsp,: B T E X GL Concrete 'I.I'I.I'I.I'I.I'-ISM ,2 NO 15/04 ND ND ND ND ND Fine sand. ton/brown, silty, --],,rt,,, ~d mode¢otely sorted, subrounded. - unconsolidated, damp. -- ' ' ' ~,lSW 12 NO 2/5 ND ND ND ND ND Medium to coerse sand, ton/ · ' ' '~__J brown, pebbly '(20%), poorly sorted, domp, -I -I ., i.i i.i l.t i. ~SM! 6 NC 0/'0.9 ND ND 0.007 ND ND Medium to coarse sand, tan/ _1 ~ brown, silty, gravelly (20% fine _ tO coarse), poorly sorted. __ subrounded, unconsolidated, damp. Toro/ Depth 17' I SOIL BORING I SITE LOCATION: BAKERSFIELD, CA. ~--9 DATE: 9/19/91 ADDRESS: 90t 26th STREET TIME START: 5:20 pm} DRILL[NO CO: GREGG DRILLING TIME STOP: 5:45 pm LOGGED BY: T.A. GEIdER DRILLING METHOD: HSA (45" OD) SURFACE ELEV: 405' SIM(30 RIG u~ LITHOLOGY P[D TPH EPA 8020 (ppm) TPH um: LOG uses REC BLOWg ~ppm) 801.5M z' 418t DESCRIPTION ~- m ~m smpb'hOspc B T E X Concrete -- ii Fine to medium sand, tan/ _ 'I'I't'I't'I'I'I"__~SM 10 NO 05/27 ND ND ND ND ND gray, slity, moderately sorted, -- subrounded, unconsolidated, -- damp -- · · ° ° _1 Fine to coarse sand, ton. <5% _ · ° · ·~_JSW 12 NO 05/1 9 ND ND ND ND ND gravel, moderately sorted, -- subrounded, unconsolidated damp. -- , , . II Fine to coarse sand, tan/gray, _ °~SW 8 NO 1.0/0.8 ND ND ND ND ND <5% fine grovel, poorly sorted, -- subrounded, unconsolidated, damp. To~a~ Depth 15' .SDtL BO~iN6 SITE LDCATIDN: BAKERSFIELD, CA. O-- I 0 DATE: 9/19/9l Al)DRESS: 901 26th STREET TIME START: 4:50 pm DRILLING CB: GREGG DRILLING TIME STSP: 5:15 pm LOGGED BY, T.A. GEIJER DRILLING METHOD: HSA (4.5" OD) SURFACE ELEV: 405' SIMCO RIO L[THOLOGY P~D TPH EPA 8080 (ppm) TPH e ~ LOG USCS BEC BLO~S *ppm., 80tSM 4t8.[ DESCriPTION '-c ~ (in) ~ (ppm) / % (ppm) "~ : ~ T E X Concrete -- Il Fine to medium sond. ton/groy, _ 'I't'I't'I'I'I'I'~sM ,2 ,0 ~s/~.5 ND ND ND ND Ne ~e. ~o~o~ - subrounded, unconsolidoted, domp. -- ' ' ' ii Coorse to fine sond, ton, groveit} - ' '~SW 10 NC 0 1/34 ND ND ND ND ND (~0% fine grovel), poorly sorted, - subrounded, unconsolidoted, demp. - sorted, subrounded, unconsol- - idoted, demp. Tot(it Depth 15' I SOIL BORING I SITE LOCATION: BAKERSFIELD, CA. D-1 1 DATE.. 9/20/91 ADDRESS'. 901 26th STREET TIME START~ 7:25 om DRILLING CB', GREGG DRILLING TIME STOP: 7:50 om LOGGED BY: T.A. GEIJER DRILLING METHOD: HSA (4.5" OD) SURFACE ELEV: 405' SIMCO RiG ,a LITHOLO6Y PID TPH EPA 80~0 (ppm> TPH C~ : LOG USCS REC BLOWS ~ppm) 8015M 418.! DESCRIPTION ~ ~ L~ (ppr,> / '" (ppM) (in) D 5mpL/hdspc ]~ T E X GL Concrete [ · 18 NO 68/6 ND ND ND ND ND moderately sorted, becoming at bottom, damp. SP Fine to medium sand, gold, · ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ 'I 18 NO 14/9 ND ND NO ND ND moderately sorted subrounded unconsolidated, damp. · · · · ii Coarse to fine sand, gold/ _ · · · ,.__,SW 12 NO 12.9/11 ND ND ND ND ND ton, poorly sorted, subrounded unconsolidoted, damp. -I Tot(it Dept;h ~O[L BORING I SITE LOCATION: BAKERSFIELD, CA. r)-- I ? DATE', 9/20/91 ADDRESS: 901 26th STREET TIHE START: 7:55 am DRILLING CE]: OREGO DRILLING TIME STOP: 8:20 om LOGGED BY: T.A. OEIJER DRILLING METHOD: HSA (4-5" OD) SURFACE ELEV: 405' SIMCO RIG LITHOLOGY PID TPH EPA 8020 (ppm) TPH c~ ~ LOG USCS REC BLOWS (ppm) SO15M 418.1 DESCRIPTION c. ~ (ppm) / ~ (ppm) Concrete Fine to medium sond. medium I 18 NO 8/5 ND ND ND ND ND brown, silty, poorly sorted, subrounded, unconsofidoted. damp. I ~ ' ' ' ' SW Fine to coarse (mainly medium) _ .' · · ,I 18 NO 10/10 ND ND ND ND ND · · · sand, tan, gravelly (1 0% - 15% fine gravel), poorly sorted, subrounded, unconsol., damp ~ · · · . Medium to fine sand. tan/Drown, · · *' · · SW 18 NO I,,'22 ND ND ND ND ND - . . v. sfightiy silty, mod. sorted, - subroun~ed, unconsolidated, - damp. To~o~ Depth 20' I SOIL SE]RING I SITE LOCATION: BAKERSFIELD, CA. D-I ~ DATEi 9/'20/91 ADDRESS: 901 26th STREET TIME START: 11:50 om DRILLING CO: GREGG DRILLING TIME STOP: 12:05 pm LOGGED BY: T.A. GEIJER DRILLING METHOD: HSA (7" OD) SURFACE ELEV: 405' B-SS RIG LITHOLOGY PID TPH EPA 8020 (ppm) TPH c~ ~ LOG ugcs REC BLOWS (ppm) 80iSM 4i8.~ DESCRIPTION ~ (ppm) '/ N (ppm) Em ~c (in) o smpt/hdspc ~ T E X GL Asphalt - Fine sand, silty, unconsolidated, " " ' ' ' SM 16 6/6/6 ~C 2/6 ND ND ND ND ND -- · · · · ~ Fine to coarse sand, ton, _ · · · *~SW 14 13/15/25 qO 2/1.6 ND ND ND ND ND unconsolidated, damp. -- · · · · I~ Coarse to medium sand. ton, _~SW 6 10/10/I0 NO -/- ND ND ND ND ND subrounded, unconsolidated, - damp. -- ' .... SP Coarse to medium sand, gold/ _ ,'.'.'.'.'I. · · . · 18 10/17/14 NO 1/0.4 ND ND ND ND ND ton, moderately sorted, -- subrounded, unconsolidated, - damp. -- Il Coarse gravel, sandy, poorly ~~GW 8 31/50(5") NO .0.7/2.0 ND ND ND ND ND sorted, subrounded, unconsolidated, damp. - 9/20/9~ Depth 25' I SOIL BORING SITE LOCAT~E]N~ BAKERSFIELD. CA. [)--'] 4 DATE, 9/20/91 ADDRESS: 901 26th STREET TIME START: 12:10 pm DRILLING CO: GREGG DRILLING TIME STOP: t2:45 pm LOGGED BY: T.A. GEIJER DRILLING METHOD: HSA (7" OD) SURFACE ELEV~ 405' B-55 RIG LITHDLQGY PID TPH EPa 80BO (ppm) TPH 4t8.1 DESCREPT[DN o, ~ LOG USCS REC BLOWS (ppm) 80ISM ~ (ppm) ~ a (in) ~ stop ,,'hr S~C B T E X ~L Asphalt .... M 16 NO 0.7/3.0 ND ND ND ND ND unconsolidated, damp. -- SP x Fine to coarse sand, med. brown _ ' '"*""'""''~. . . . . ~8 8/12//15 NO I 3//4.4 ND ND ND ND ND silty, poorly sorted, subrounded, - unconsolidated, damp. _ ' " ' ' SM t4 10/18/14 NC 1/5.5 ND ND ND ND ND erotely sorted, subrounded, - unconsolidated, damp. - ,ed u, ,ond, SP 18 5/10/16 ~0 ~ E//3 6 NE) ND ND ND ND slightly silty, and 9rave~ly, - moderately sorted, subrounded, - unconsolidated, damp. lO,Ct Depth 20' I SOIL E:OR[NG I 3ITE LOCATION: BAKERSFIELD. CA ~.)-- ] ~ DATE, 9/20/91 ADDRESS: 901 26th STREET TIME START: I:00 pm DRILLING CO: GREGG DRILLING TIME STOP 1:25 pm LOGGED BY: T.A. GEIJER DRILLING METHOD: HSA (7" OD) SURFACE ELEV; 405' 8-53 RIG LITHOLOGY PID TPH EPA 8020 (ppm) TPH c~ $ LOG USCS REC BLOWS (ppm) 80~5M 4~@.] DESCRIPTION ~ (ppm) / ~ (ppm) Asphol~ -- ' .... ~l F~ne to medium sond, ~on/gro~, --~SP 5 8/10/12 NO -/2.5 modero~ely sorted, suOrounded, - unconsoHdo~ed, domp. -- · .... .I Fine to coorse send, ton/grey, -- ' ....~SP 10 10/~8/t8 NO 1 5/24 NO ND ND ND ND grmveHy (10~ coorse), poorly -- sorted, subFounded, unconsol- -- · · · · / Coorse to fine sond, gold/ton, _ · · · .~SW 12 1~/18/11 NO 2.2/24 ND'-. ND ND ND ND gravelly (15~), poorly sot(ed, - subrounded, unconsolido~ed, - domp. -- · · · ~ Coorse grovel, ton, sondy, p~orly _ · · · .~SW 15 10/8/6 NO 1.5/2.5 ND ND ND ND ND sorted, subFounded, unconsol- - idoted, damp. Total Depth 20' I I I I I I ! I ATTACHMENT 6 I I Laboratory Analyses I and i Chain-Of-Custody Documentation I I 1 I I I i Analytical Report LOG NO: G91-09-372 Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition; 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 1 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-1 D-l-5 19 SEP 91 09-372-2 D-l-lO 19 SEP 91 09-372-3 D-l-15 19 SEP 91 09-372-4 D-l-20 19 SEP 91 09-372-5 D-2-5 19 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-1 09-372-2 09-372-3 09-372-4 09-372-5 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Date Analyzed 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 Date Extracted 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 1 Benzene, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Total Xylene Isomers, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mE/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Other 8015(M-GAS)/8020 ............... Analytical Report LOG NO: G91-09-372 Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 2 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-6 D-2-10 19 SEP 91 09-372-7 D-2-15 19 SEP 91 09-372-8 D-2-20 19 SEP 91 09-372-9 D-3-5 19 SEP 91 09-372-10 D-3-10 19 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-6 09-372-7 09-372-8 09-372-9 09-372-10 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Date Analyzed 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 Date Extracted 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 09/24/91 Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Benzene, rog/kg Ethylbenzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <O.OQ5 0.007 0.005 Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 A Hydrocarbon Matrix, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.7 <0.1 Matrix carbon range, ......... C8-C20 --- Analytical Report LOG NO: G91-09-372 Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 3 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-11 D-3-15 19 SEP 91 09-372-12 D-3-20 19 SEP 91 09-372-13 D-6-15 20 SEP 91 09-372-14 D-6-20 20 SEP 91 09-372-15 D-6-25 20 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-11 09-372-12 09-372-13 09-372-14 09-372-15 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Date Analyzed 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/25/91 Date Extracted 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/25/91 Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 1 Benzene, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.'005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Total Xylene ~somers, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mE/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Other 8015(M-GAS)/8020 ............... I / Analytical Report LOG ~0: G91-09-372 Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 4 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-16 D-6-30 20 SE? 91 09-372-17 D-13-5 20 SEP 91 09-372-18 D-13-10 20 SEF 91 09-372-19 D-13-15 20 SEP 91 09-372-20 D-13-20 ~' 20 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-16 09-372-17 09-372-18 09-372-19 09-372-20 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Date Analyzed 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/26/91 Date Extracted 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/25/91 09/26/91 Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 Benzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Total Xylene Isomers, m~/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Other 8015(M-GAS)/8020 ............... Analytical Report LOg NO: g91-09-372 Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 5 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-21 D-13-25 20 SEP 91 09-372-22 D-14-5 20 SEP 91 09-372-23 D-14-10 20 SEP 91 09-372-24 D-14-15 20 SEP 91 09-372-25 D-3-25 19 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-21 09-372-22 09-372-23 09-372-24 09-372-25 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Date Analyzed 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 Date Extracted 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 1 Benzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Other 8015(M-GAS)/8020 ............... ! AnalyticalReport ! LOG ~0: G91-09-372 I Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 I Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Services i 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield I REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 6 I LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-26 D-4-5 19 SEP 91 09-372-27 D-4-10 19 SEP 91 09-372-28 D-4-15 19 SEP 91 09-372-29 D-4-20 19 SEP 91 09-372-30 D-4-25 19 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-26 09-372-27 09-372-28 09-372-29 09-372-30 I 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Date Analyzed 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 Date Extracted 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 i Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 1 Benzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mg/kg <0.005 0.01 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 I Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.03 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 A Hydrocarbon Matrix, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 6.3 6.3 3.1 I Matrix carbon range, ...... C12-C20 C10-C20 C12-C20 ! AnalyticalReport ! LOG NO: G91-09-372 I Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 I Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Services I 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield I REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 7 I LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-31 D-4-30 19 SEP 91 I 09-372-32 D-15-15 20 SEP 91 09-372-33 D-7-5 19 SEP 91 09-372-34 D-7-10 19 SEP 91 09-372-35 D-7-15 19 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-31 09-372-32 09-372-33 09-372-34 09-372-35 I 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Oate Analyzed 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/56/91 Date Extracted 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 I Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 1 Benzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 I Total Xylene Isomers, mg/k~ <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Other 8015(M-GAS)/8020 ............... Analytical Report LOG NO: G91-09-372 Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS , Page 8 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-36 D-8-5 19 SEP 91 09-372-37 D-8-10 19 SEP 91' 09-372-38 D-8-17 19 SEP 91 09-372-39 D-10-5 19 SEP 91 09-372-40 D-10-10 19 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-36 09-372-37 09-372-38 09-372-39 09-372-40 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Date Analyzed ,09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 Date Extracted 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 09/26/91 Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 1 Benzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 0.007 <0.005 <0.005 Total Xylene Isomers, <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 rog/kg TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Other 8015(M-GAS)/8020 ............... Analytical Report LOG NO: G91-09-372 Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed' : 08 OCT 91 Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco En¥ironmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG ?reject: 901 26th St. Bakersfield REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 9 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-41 D-10-15 19 SEP 91 09-372-42 D-9-5 19 SEP 91 09-372-43 D-9-10 19 SEP 91 09-372-44 D-9-15 19 SEP 91 09-372-45 D-11-5 "- 20 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-41 09-372-42 09-372-43 09-372-44' 09-372-45 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Date Analyzed 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 Date Extracted 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 1 Benzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Other 8015(M-GAS)/8020 ............... Analytical Report LOG SO: G91-09-372 Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 10 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-46 D-11-10 20 SEP 91 09-372-47 D-11-15 20 SEP 91 09-372-48 D-12-5 20. SEP 91 09-372-49 D-12-10 20 SEP 91 09-372-50 D-12-15 20 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-46 09-372-47 09-372-48 09-372-49 09-372-50 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Date Analyzed 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 Date Extracted 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 1 Benzene, <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 rog/kg Ethylbenzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Other 8015(M-GAS)/8020 ............... Analytical Report LOG NO: G91-09-372 Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 Ms. Theresa Geijer ' Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 11 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-51 D-5-5 20 SEP 91 09-372-52 D-5-10 20 SEP 91 09-372-53 D-5-15 20 SEP 91 09-372-54 D-5-20 20 SEP 91 09-372-55 D-5-25 20 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-51 09-372-52 09-372-53 09-372-54 09-372-55 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Date Analyzed 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91' 09/27/91 09/27/91 Date Extracted 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 1 Benzene, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Total Xylene Isomers, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 A Hydrocarbon Matrix, mE/kg <0.1 0.2 <0.1 0.4 <0.1 Matrix carbon range, --- C12-C20 --- C12-C20 --- Analytical Report LOG NO: Ggl-09-372 Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 12 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-56 D-5-30 20 SEP 91 09-372-57 D-5-35 20 SEP 91 09-372-58 D-5-40 20 SEP 91 09-372-59 D-6-5 20 SEP 91 09-372-60 D-6-10 20 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-56 09-372-57 09-372-58 09-372-59 09-372-60 8015(M-GAS)/8020 Date Analyzed 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 Date Extracted 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 09/27/91 Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 1 1 Benzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 A Hydrocarbon Matrix, mg/kg 570 170 0.3 1.4 0.2 Matrix carbon range, C10-C20 C10-C20 C12-C20 C10-C22 C12-C20 ! Analytical Report ! LOG NO: G91-09-372 I Received: 23 SEP 91 Mailed : 08 OCT 91 I Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Serv±ces I 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Requisition: 022 TAG Project: 901 26th St. Bakersfield I REPORT OF ~%NALYTICAL RESULTS Page 13 I LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 09-372-61 D-14-20 20 SEP 91 i 09-372-62 D-15-20 20 SEP 91 09-372-63 D-15-10 20 SEP 91 PARAMETER 09-372-61 09-372-62 09-372-63 I ;;i;;;:;;;;;;;;; ................................................................ Date Analyzed 09/28/91 09/28/91 09/28/91 · Date Extracted 09/28/91 09/28/91 09/28/91 m Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 1 1 Benzene, mg/kg <0.005 ' <0.005 <0.005 I Ethylbenzene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 TPH-Volatile Hydrocarbons, mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 I Other 8015(M-GAS)/8020 ......... A hydrocarbon matrix was reported for several I samples. This hydrocarbon matrix did not exhibit. the characteristics of gasoline. 10/03/91. --J. Freemyer. Amended report. The results were amended to I show all analytes in parts per million. 10/18/91 -- H. Cochran IJane Freemyer, Clie/t Services Manager October 8, 1991 Ms. Theresa Geijer Texaco Environmental Services 10 Universal City Plaza, 17th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 Dear Ms. Geijer: We .at B C Analytical are pleased to provide you with a new enhancement for laboratory reporting. Along with your analyti- cal report, we have enclosed our new Batch QC report f~r this order (laboratory ID number 9109372). This report pre~ents the data for the quality control samples analyzed with your samples as described in our Quality Assurance Manual. The repOrt consists of five parts. Definitions and Terms - a glossary for your use when interpreting the Batch QC reports. Laboratory Control Standards - a report of LCS results for each analysis, at a minimum of one LCS per batch. Matrix QC Precision - a report of duplicate and/o~- duplicate spike results, with the calculated rela~ive percent difference. Matrix QC Accuracy - a summary of spike or averag~ spike results, with the calculated percent recovery. Method Blanks - a summary of blank results for each analysis, reported at a minimum of one per batch, along with the corresponding reporting detection limit ~RDL). We trust you will find this information useful. We recognize that this explanation you may more is brief and that need detailed assistance in order to use the Batch QC reports. Please call your client services representative, the local QA coordinator, or me if you would like to discuss this r~port further or want to receive Batch QC information regularly with your analytical report. Very truly yours, · Hal Cochran Client Services Representative : ORDER PLACED FOR CLIENT: Brown and Caldwell 9109136 : : BC .~2qALYT_ICAL : ANHM LAB : 'n:23:21 04 OCT 1991 P. 1 SAMPLES... SAMPLE DESCRIPTION.. DETERM ......... DATE.ANAL METHOD .......... EQUIP. BATCH ID.NO 9109136'1 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.24.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136*2 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.24.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.24.91 5030.LL 556~07 294 6881 9109136*3 G9109372 9109136*4 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.24.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136*5 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.24.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136*6 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.24.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136*7 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.24.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136*8 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.24.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136*9 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.24.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136'10 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.24.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136'11 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.25.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136'12 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.25.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136'13 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.25.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136.14 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.25.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136'15 G9109372 GAS.5030 BTEX 09.25.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136.16 G9109372 GAS.5030 BTEX 09.25.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136.17 G9109372 GAS.5030 BTEX 09.25.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136.18 G9109372 GAS.5030 BTEX 09.25.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136.19 G9109372 GAS.5030 BTEX 09.25.91 5030.LL 556-07 294 6881 9109136*20 G9109372 GAS.5030 BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136.21 G9109372 GAS.5030 BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*22 G9109372 GAS.5030 BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*23 G9109372 GAS.5030 BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*24 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*25 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*26 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTBX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*27 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*28 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*29 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*30 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136.31 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*32 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*33 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*34 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*35 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*36 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*37 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*38 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*39 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 296 6950 9109136*40 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.26.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 ~9109136.41 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*42 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*43 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*44 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*45 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 Notes: Equipment = BC Analytical identification number for a particular piece analytical equipment. of ID.NO = BC Analytical employee identification number of analyst. ORDER ?LACED FOR CLIENT: Brown and Caldwell 9109136 : BC ANALYTICAL : ANHM LAB : ' ~ 23 25 04 1991 : : OCT P. 2 ? SAMPLES... SAMPLE DESCRIPTION.. DETERM ......... DATE.ANAL METHOD .......... EQUIP. BATCH ID.NO 9109136*46 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*47 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*48 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*49 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*50 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136.51 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*52 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*53 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*54 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*55 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*56 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*57 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*58 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 297 7831 9109136*59 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 298 7831 9109136*60 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.27.91 5030.LL 556-07 298 7831 9109136.61 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.28.91 5030.LL 556-07 298 7831 9109136*62 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.28.91 5030.LL 556-07 298 7831 9109136*63 G9109372 GAS.5030.BTEX 09.28.91 5030.LL 556-07 298 7831 . Notes: Equipment = BC Analytical identification number for a particular piece of analytical equipment. ID.NO = BC Analytical employee identification number of analyst. BC ANALYTICAL BATCH QC REPORT ORDER: A9109136/G9109372 REPORTED 10/04/91 Page 1 DATE : LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARDS DATE BATCH LC LT PERCENT PARAMETER ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RESULT UNIT RECOVERY EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.25.91 294 32 27 ug/L 119 Ethylbenzene 09.25.91 294 26 29 ug/L 90 Toluene 09.25.91 294 109 105 ug/L 104 Total Xylene Isomers 09.25.91 294 105 110 ug/L 95 C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.25.91 294 1090 1000 ug/L 109 EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.26.91 296 28 27 ug/L 104 Ethylbenzene 09.26.91 296 23 29 ug/L 79 Toluene 09.26.91 296 97 105 ug/L 92 Total Xylene Isomers 09.26.91 296 93 110 ug/L 85 C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.26.91 296 930 1000 ug/L 93 EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.27.91 297 16 27 ug/L 59 Ethylbenzene 09.27.91 297 25 29 ug/L 86 Toluene 09.27.91 297 104 105 ug/L 99 Total Xylene Isomers 09.27.91 297 101 110 ug/L 92 C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.27.91 297 990 1000 ug/L 99 EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.28.91 298 16 27 ug/L 59 Ethylbenzene 09.28.91 298 24 29 ug/L 83 Toluene 09.28.91 298 92 105 ug/L 88 Total Xylene Isomers 09.28.91 298 99 110 ug/L 90 C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.28.91 298 840 1000 ug/L 84 BC ANALYTICAL BATCH QC REPORT ORDER: A9109136/G9109372 DATE REPORTED : 10/04/91 Page 1 MATRIX QC ACCURACY (SPIKES) DATE BATCH SBAR TRUE RBAR PERCEN' PARAMETER ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RESULT RESULT UNIT RECOVE! EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.24.91 294 31 27 <5 ug/kg 11. Ethylbenzene 09.24.91 294 22.5 29 <5 ug/kg 7: Toluene 09.24.91 294 93.5 110 5 ug/kg Total Xylene Isomers 09.24.91 294 97.5 110 <5 ug/kg C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.24.91 294 685 1000 <100 ug/kg 6~ EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.26.91 296 27 27 <5 ug/kg 10( Ethylbenzene 09.26.91 296 22 29 <5 ug/kg Toluene 09.26.91 296 94 105 <5 ug/kg 9~ Total Xylene Isomers 09.26.91 296 87.5 110 <5 ug/kg 8( C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.26.91 296 -685 1000 <100 u~/k~ 6~ EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.27.91 297 27 27 <5 ug/kg 10( Ethylbenzene 09.27.91 297 23 29 <5 ug/k-g 7~ Toluene 09.27.91 297 97.5 105 <5 u~/k~ 9~ Total Xylene Isomers 09.27.91 297 93.5 110 <5 u~/k~ 8~ C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.27.91 297 750 1000 <100 ug/kg 7~ EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.28.91 298 0.013 0.027 <0.005 mg/kg 4~ Ethylbenzene 09.28.91 298 0.023 0.029 <0.005 mg/kg 7~ Toluene 09.28.91 298 0.1035 0.105 0.009 mg/kg 9~ Total Xylene Isomers 09.28.91 298 0.0945 0.110 <0.005 mg/kg 8( C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.28.91 298 0.625 1 <0.1 mg/kg BC ANALYTICAL BATCH QC REPORT ORDER: A9109136/G9109372 DATE REPORTED : 10/04/91 Page MATRIX QC PRECISION (DUPLICATE SPIKES) DATE BATCH S1 S2 RELATIVE PARAMETER ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RESULT UNIT %DIFF EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.24.91 294 33 29 ug/kg 13 Ethylbenzene 09.24.91 294 27 18 ug/kg 40 Toluene 09.24.91 294 116 71 ug/kg 48 Total Xylene Isomers 09.24.91 294 107 88 ug/kg 19 C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.24.91 294 770 600 u~/kg 25 EPA Modified 8015/8020 ~ Benzene 09.26.91 296 27 27 ug/kg 0 Ethylbenzene 09.26.91 296 22 22 ug/kg 0 ' Toluene 09.26.91 296 94 94 ug/kg 0 Total Xylene Isomers 09.26.91 296 88 87 ug/kg 1 C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.26.91 296 620 750 ug/k~ 19 EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.2,7.9i-' 297 25 29 ug/kg 15 09.27.91 297 22 24 .-9 Ethylbenzene Toluene 09.27.91 297 93 102 ug/kg 9 Total Xylene Isomers 09.27.91 297 90 97 ug/kg 7 C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.27.91 297 700 800 u~/kg 13 EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.28.91 298 0.013 0.013 mg/kg 0 Ethylbenzene 09.28.91 298 0.022 0.024 m~/kg 9 Toluene 09.28.91 298 0.102 0.105 mg/kg 3 Total Xylene Isomers 09.28.91 298 0.090 0.099 m~/kg 10 C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.28.91 298 0.670 0.580 mg/kg 14 BC ANALYTICAL BATCH QC REPORT ORDER: A9109136/G9109372 DATE REPORTED : 10/04/91 Page 1 METHOD BLANKS AND REPORTING DETECTION LIMIT (RDL) DATE BATCH BLANK PARAMETER ANALYZED NUMBER RESULT RDL UNIT METHOD EPA Modified 8015/8020 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Benzene 09.24.91 294 Ethylbenzene 09.24.91 294 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Toluene 09.24.91 294 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Total Xylene Isomers 09.24.91 294 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.24.91 294 0 0.1 ug/kg 5030.LL EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.26.91 296 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Ethylbenzene 09.26.91 296 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Toluene 09.26.91 296 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Total Xylene Isomers 09.26.91 296 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.26.91 296 0 0.1 ug/kg 5030.LL EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.26.91 297 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Ethylbenzene 09.26.91 297 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Toluene 09.26.91 297 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Total Xylene Isomers 09.26.91 297 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.26.91 297 0 0.1 ug/kg 5030.LL EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.27.91 298 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Ethylbenzene 09.27.91 298 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Toluene 09.27.91 298 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Total Xylene Isomers 09.27.91 298 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.27.91 298 0 0.1 ug/kg 5030.LL EPA Modified 8015/8020 Benzene 09.27.91 298 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Ethylbenzene 09.27.91 298 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Toluene 09.27.91 298 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL Total Xylene Isomers 09.27.91 298 0 0.005 ug/kg 5030.LL C4-C12 Hydrocarbons 09.27.91 298 0 0.1 ug/kg 5030.LL CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD BCA Log Number Sample Date Time See key ~ of numbe~ sampled sampled below Sample doscriplion containers rks ~'3'~' 11:05 ( ~ { ~rn~rp~,.[d ~.' Signalure Prinl Name Company ~ t Dale Time ~ ~/~ / -- , / ~elinquished by Received by Relinquished by Received by I aboraloty ~ C ~L~JC~L Note: Samples are discarded 30 days aJler resulls are reporled unless olher mrangemenls are made. 'KEY: AQ--~ueous NA--Nonaqueous SL--Sludge Hazardous samples will be relu~ned Io clienl or disposed et al clienl's expense GW--Groundwale~ SO--Soil OT--Olhet PE--Pelroleum J ~ 1255 Powell Slreel. Enmwvdle. CA g4608 (415) 428 2300 J J R01 Weslem Ave Illo G end lie, CA 91201 (818) 247-5737 Disposal arrangements: CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD BCA Log Number --~)// Lab Sample~ gampl. DaIo Time See key of IiHInbOF sarllDlfid sampled below Sample descriplion conlainers ks Signature Prinl Name Company Date Time tlelinquished by f]ocmvod by l.abnratnry C ANaLYTICaL Nole: Samples are discarded 30 (Jays afler results air reporled unless olher arrangemerds are made. 'KEY: AQ~Aqueous NA~Nonaqueous SL--Sludge Hazardous samples will be returned Io clienl or disposed ol al clienl's expense. 125'; P~)well Sheol, Emmyvilln. CA 9,1608 (415) 428 2300 GW--Groundwaler SO--Soil OT--Olher PE--Pelroleum HO1 Weslem Aw~nue, I;en(Jae CA 91201 {fll8) 247-5737 Disposal arrangements: m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD BCA Log Humber ~e~ Sampled by Number Dale Time J See key of s~mpled s~mpled ~ below Sample descripbon conlainers Remarks ~v / ~-e,~, k~ / / / / / / / / ~'~p / ~:~, / Signature Prinl Name Company Dale ) Time m Relipquished by Received by Relinquished by Received by Lat)o~alory B C ANALYTICAL Nole: Samples ~re discarded 30 days after resulls are ~eporled unless olher arrangemenls are made 'KEY: AO--Aqueous NA--Nonaqueous Sl_~Shmdge Hazardous samples will be ~elu~ned Io clienl or disposed of al clienl's expense GW~Groundwale~ SO~-Soil eT--Other PE--Petroleum 12Y~r~ UOW~II GtreoI, Emeryville, CA 9,160R (415) 428 2300 RO1 Wo~d(~mm) Aw~mm, (;IonHalo. (iA 91201 (B18) 247-5737 Disposal arraogemerits' __ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD BCA Log Number flame Cilu ~ate. Zip ~ ' Lab Type" Sampled by ...... Number Sample Date Time See key el number sampled sampled below Sample description conlainers ks Signature Print Name Company Date Time Received by ~elinquished by Received hy I ab(~ralory ~ C ~L~lC~L Note: Samples a~e discarded 30 days alter results are reported unless other arrangements are made. 'KEY: AQ--Aqueous NA--Nonaqueous SL--Sludge ] 125'; t'owoll S~reol Fmmyv lie. CA 9,1608 (415) 428.2300 Hazardous samples will be relumed Io client or disposed of at client's expense GW--Groundwater SO--Soil OT~Other PE--Pehol~um J 801 W~mlo~nAw~mie, GlendahL CA gl201 (81R)247-5737 Disposalarrangelneuls: CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD BCA Log 8ample~ Sample Date Time See ke~ ol m~mber sampled sampled below conlain~rs Sample description Remarks / / h: e'S" / / / / / / Signalure Prinl Name Company Date Time ~ I Received by ~ /~ ~eceived by ~elinquished by B C ~N~LYTIC~ e: Sa pies are dmca~ded 30 days after resulls are made. 'KEY: Hazardous samples will be ~elurned 1o clienl o~ disposed ol al clienl's expense. GW--G~oundwaler SO--Soil OT--Olher PE--Pel~oleum I I 12.55 Powell Sheel. Eme~yville. CA 94608 (415) 428-2300 I ~ 801 Weslem Ave~ue. Glendale. CA 91201 (818) 247-5737 Disposal arrangemenls: I ~ 12[~0 P;~cilU',~ Aw,mm. Annh~im. CA ~2805 (714) 918-0i13 m m mm mm mm m m mm m m mm mm m CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Number Sample Date Time See key number sampled sampled below Sample descriplion conlainers Remarks Signature Print Name Company Date Time Relinquished by - / 7 Received by Relinquished by Receiwed by Lahoralory B C ~YTIC~L Nole: Samples are discarded 30 days alter resulls are reporled unless olher arrangements are made 'KEY: AO~Aqueous NA~Nonaqueous SL~Sludge Hazardous samples will be felurned Io clienl o~ disposed el al clienl's expense GW~Groundwaler SO--Soil OT~Other PE--Pelroleum ] 1255PowellS.eel. Emefyville, CA 94608 (415) 428-2300 ] 801 WeslemAvenue, Glendale, CA 91201 (818) 24/-5737 Disposalarrangemenls: