HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-1/28/88 Diebel PLATE GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES-( 805)835-7700 1575 26th Street Bakers field, CA ~ env ir onmental/9eotechnical I LOCATION HAP Project Number' 06027 " 6ROUNDWATER RESOURCE D'r'e]3EL PLATE INDUSTRIES-(805)835-7700 1575 26TH ST]:LEET BAKF~SFIELD, CALIFORNIA I env ironmental/geotechnical services LOCATION MAP Project Number 06027 26 th. STREET 'ASPHALT ~~ ~-- % U6ST PARKIN8 LOT -- - 'x550 6AL. UGST 500 6AL. GASOLINE HONDA SOLVENT CENTER EAGLESON BODY WORKS SCALE 1' = 12' Horizontal - vertical i~ PROPOSED BORIN6 LOCATIONS 0 6 12 DI EBEL PLATE GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIE$-(805)8~S~i-7700 1575 26th. STREET BAKERSFIELD, CAI IF_ '/ environmental/geotechnical servioes ,~o~.~,...,,.~: o~o~ PLOT PLAN ! ..' 26TH 5TP..EI:T , sidewalk .; ["- " alley " Center i ' ' ' / $00 Gallon 500 Gallon ~ .................. , ,. ~:~ .~' , SCALE ' Eagleson's Auto IN FEET Body Repair o one inch = ten feet GROUNDWATER RESOURCE BI EBEL PLATE INDU,STRIE,5-(O05)035-7700 1575 26th. STREET envl._ . BAKFRSFIF! 13_ EAI IF. 2 '.unmental/geotechnical services - FILE CONTE.~TS SUMMARY PERMIT ~: )IDD0~ ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments )WATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Diebel 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of an investigation to determine the extent of gasoline contamination at the Diebel property, 1575 26th Street~, Ba~ersfield, California. ~ Groundwater Resource Industries (GRI) conducted the investigation and has concluded~ that 'the property is free from hydrocarbon contamination and no remedial action is recommended. 2.0 BACKGROUND .... ~ ~.~ ~. "'. " ~. .~ -' " On April 24, 1987, two underground storage tanks Ca' 500 gallon solvent tank and a 550 gallon gasoline tank) were removed under Heal'th Department Permit #A148. Lab analyses of a backhoe samples taken from two feet and six feet below the gasoline tank (Plot .Plan, Plate 2) reported low concentrations of benzene, toluene, xylene (BTX) and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH). The six-foot sample had higher concentrations than the two-foot sample. In response to a request from the Health Department an additional sample was taken July 7, 1987, by backhoe from 18 feet below ground level at the gasoline tank location.. Lab analysis of that 18 foot sample reported~. ~ 20 ppm benzene and 4245.98 ppm TF'H which resulted in a request from 'the Health Department for a site characterization to determine the vertical and lateral extent of the contamination. A Site Characterization Plan was submitted August 28, 1987, and an Amended Site Characterization. Plan dated October 12, 1987, was approved. Auge~ing and sampling was performed November 24 and~ ~5, 1987. 5.0 BORINGS AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES Two borings were made at the previous location of the gasoline tank:, first~ at the center of the tank and another located ten feet so~th of the first, outside of the tank excavation (Plate 2).. The borings were made with eight -inch diameter, continuous flight,, hollow-stem auger equipment. Drilling was performed by Melton Drilling of Bakersfield, under the superviSion of a GRI geologist. Cores were taken with a California Split-Spoon Sampler and a boring log describing the cores was prepared on site. The undisturbed cores were sealed in six-inch long, two-inch diameter 1 RESOURCE INDUSTRIES · Di ebel brass tubes using aluminum foil and plastic,end-caps. They were chilled on site and transported promptly to B C Laboratories for analysis. Augers and downhole equipment, including coring devices, were steam cleaned between successive borings to avoid contamination. A Chain of Custody was maintained for security of the samples (Appendix Boring B-1 was augered to 55 feet. The first·core sample was collected at 10 feet in clean backfill. At 15 feet the backfill had a faint solvent odor. An undisturbed'sample of gravel· and sand at 20 feet had no odor·and no Photoionization Detector (PID) reading. Samples from greater depths all had low PID readings and the odor of degraded petroleum product to 55 feet (total depth) where no more odor was detected. Boring B-2, .located outside of the excavation, was sampled at five feet in undisturbed soil with no odor'. The 10 foot sample was sand with no odor. At 15 feet there was a faint aromatic odor and a definite PID response. Odors were observed in all deeper samples except at 25 feet. PID readings generally increased to 40 feet (total depth). Augering was stopped at 40 feet because the contamination observed by odor seemed to be declining. 4.0 FINDINGS 4.1 Laboratory Analysis of Soil Samples Soil samples taken from the borings were analyzed by B C Laboratories of Bakersfield using California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. Method For Gasoline to determine the concentration of benzene~ toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene (BTX & E) as well as total petroleum hydrocrabons (TPH) in each sample. Field observation of odors and PID readings do not agree'wifh the laboratory results which reported all constituents below detection limits. Both the field observations and the lab results are described on the boring logs, Plate 5 and 4. These 'findings are also shown on the Vertical Cross Section Through The Borings, Plate 5. 4.2 Geology and Hydrology This site is on the Kern River alluvial fan in the City of Bakersfield, immediately south of the modern river channel. The RESOURCE Nr USrR ES Diebel sediments penetrated by the boreholes are river deposits of gravel, sand and silt.I · Well rounded pebbles .and cobbles predominate in the gravel. The cross section, Plate 5, shows the lithology observed during augering and sampling. Most recent reports of the Kern County Water' Agency Show unconfined groundwater to be 150 feet below ground level. The water table gradient is eastward at approximately 150 feet per mile. The primary source of natural recharge to the grou'ndwater is the Kern River three-quarters of a mile northwest of this 5.0 CONCLUSIONS REGARDING CONTAMINATION 5.1 Laboratory results of sample analyses indicate that the soil beneath the site investigated is not contaminated. However, the high concentrations of benzene and TPH reported in the analysis of the backhoe sample collected at 18 feet in July clearly do not correspond to the clean condition of core samples taken four months later. It should be noted that the 20 foot auger sample is of a coarser texture than the silty, clayey soil from which the backhoe sample was taken. The higher concentrations of gasoline constituents in the finer grained soil simply were not able to move from the zone of high capillary tension- saturation into the underlying coarse-grained bed. Hydrocarbon odors were noted on the boring logs at depths where lab analyses indicated no reportable constituents. While reportable gasoline concentrations are always accompanied by an odor, the opposite is not true. Hydrocarbon odors commonly occur in samples where no gasoline constituents are reported. 5.2 Regarding the 4245.98 ppm TPH reported in the 18 foot backhoe sample, if any of that contamination plume should remain in place after the excavation and backfill operations, it poses no threat to the water table which is 130 feet deeper. The Original source of contamination has been removed and the results of analysis of borehole samples show that the plume is no longer migrating downward. When the area is repaved there can be no percolation of water from the'surface to flush ~ contaminants downward. RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Diebel 5.5 The near-term threat to biological receptors is minimal. There is' little chance that sufficient concentrations of hydrocarbons now exist in the soil which could ~reate an explosive mixture. The area can be safely repaved to accomodate vehicle traffic and pa~king. 5.4 The long-term threat to biological receptors is minimal because the remaining pocket of contamination seems only to_e~ist 'between approximately 18 and 20 feet in depth. 'Ordinarily excavations to lay pipes or foundations would not be deep enough to encounter the contamination. 6.0 REFERENCES .1. State of California~Division of Mines and Geology. 19&5. "Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet." Ferry Building, San Francisco, California. · Kern County Water Agency. February, 1987. "1986 Report on Water Conditions, Improvement District No. 4." Bakersfield, California. 7.0 LIMITATIONS The discussion and recommendation presented in this, report are based on: The test borings performed at the site· The observation of field personnel· The results of laboratory tests performed by B.C. Laboratories, Bakersfield, California. Referenced documents. Our understanding of the regulations of Kern County and the California Regional Water Control Board. It is possible that variations in the soil or groundwater conditions could exist beyond the points explored in this investigation. Also, changes in the hydrogeologic conditions 4 RESOURCE · I .... INDUSTRIES Diebel found could occur ~t sometime in the future due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, .or other factors. The services performed by G.R.I. have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by p~r0fessionals currently.practicing under similar conditions in Cali'fornia. No other warranty, expressed or implied, 'is made. Respectfully submitted, G R.I. (Groundwater Resource Industries) . J ~ -- Rex O. Young Registered Geol-ogis 5 i ~. ~ GROt,,,IDWATER 58~o District Blvd., Suite 106 _ '~~ RESOURCE Bakersfield, California 93313 ~l I NDUSTR IES General Engineering Contractor Class ^ Lic. #504072 ,, (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield '-I 724-3147 -- Los Angeies. . 1575 26th Street '~ ' · ',-'.''.::~..:"""~.','"'- . i Bakersfield, California SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT Mailing Address: · P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield,. California 93389 Other Locations:- San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles RESOURCE INDUSTRIES SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT DIEBEL PROPERTY 1575 26th Street Bakersfield, California TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 0 Background 5.0 Boring and Sampling Procedures 4.0 Findings 5.0 Conclusions Regarding.Contamination 6.0 References 7.0 Limitations ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1 Loc.ation Map Plate~'~ Plot Plan Plates 3 & 4. Boring Logs Plate 5 Vertical Cross Section Through Borings APPENDICES A. Laboratory Analytical Report B. Chain of Custody F~rms I C. Sampling Protocol · KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART~NT 1700 Flower Street AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. .. Director of Public Health Bakersfield, California 93305-4198 Air Pollution Control Officer Telephone (805) 861-36:~1 January 28, 1988 L.F. and Catherine Diebel 1900 Rtdgewood Drive Bakersfield, California 93306 Dear Sir/Madam: This is to advise you that this department has reviewed the project results for the fuel leakage Investigation conducted at your facility located at 1575 26th Street, in Bakersfield, California. B'ased upon the findings described in the report, this department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination resulting from fuel' tank leakage that would threaten the groundwater was detected at the site. For this reason this department approves of the no action proposal as an acceptable means of mitigating this site. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Si[~c~erely, Amy E. G~en · Environmental Heaith"~ecialist Hazardous Materials Management Program AEO/gb . CHEHiCAL ANALYSES SAI'IPLE ~,~ Laborat,ory Field ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ILDESCRIPTION ' TPH P.LD, ppm ppm m , .. Z Z Z . _ Z Z _ . -- _ ~,}~.~.~orange moLthng, clayey, soft, . . L~F..x:.: .. · '.~:'!>-F.! ':' . .. ;· .: . ~ ..' , .... ........ medium and silt., grey, clayey, ' ~ -- i ::::::::: soft moist,, solvent odor _ <0,10 0.025 _' 20_-~ 8-1-20 ;:,~.'.;~:::GM ~av.el,(river sand) tan, sandy Bent,oniLe Seal -- <0,10 -- ~.?:~:.-'.~.., nne to very coarse, ,round, 20,050 ' 25 ~l' B-1-25 :~.~:::~:~:~:~' ........... OM Gravel, tan, sancly,.fln t ~:?!:~.!~. coarse, round PeDDleS 1.0 I inch, Sand, grey, nne very coarse, .:-:.:.common round pebbles, loose, -- -- -- :!:!:i:': moist, old product, odor -- -- -- i-:.:.:.:- SM Sand, lt. grey, vec.~ fln. e coarse, -- __ i?:o?: common round pebbles to 2 Inches, -- - -- !:!:i:i.:= loose, moist,, old product, odor -- - -- :::::::::i -- - -- -- <0.10 - ::!~{!!~::::i very coarse, rouncl pebbles to -- - -- ~,~i::~2 inches, loose, very moist, ~.,.~.~:~,,,..:~:~ old product, odor 12.467 _45--~ B-1-45 'SP .Sand, It,. gr.ey, qne t,q m.edl.um, -- -~ ' ' mose, moist, bio proauct odor 50 SURFACE ELEVATION:Esi,, 403 FT. LO66ED BY: RJY TOTAL DEPTH: 5;3 FT, SUPERVISED DY: RJY DATE DRILLED: 11-24-07 DIAMETER of DORIN6: ~ INCH WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NONE 6ROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES LOCATION: PLATE (805)8:~5-7700 envlrenmental/geotechnical services BIEBEL LOG OF BORING B-I PP. OJEOT NUMBER:, 0~027 '1 d~ Laboratory Field ~ ~ E ,?, o z '*' "'" -~: "{ SOIL DE~RIPTION t " TPH P,I,D, .~ ~ ,., .~. o ~- , I~ .. · ppm ppm ~ ~ '""" ~ 50 B-1-50 ~:'~'~:~,.:.~..:~ 6H No recovery~ravel : _ (0,10 _ _ '~ ~ <0,10 3.0 60 - - l B-1-$2 " SP $an~, orange to tam fin~.~o ver~ '1 SURFACE ELEVATION:EsL. 403 FT. LO66ED BY: RdY TOTAL DEPTH: 5;~ FT. SUPERVISED BY: RdY DATE ORILLEO: 11-24-87 DIAIqETER or BORIN6:8 INCH : ~dATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NONE OROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES o LOCATION: PLATE ( 805;)8~;S- 7700, D I EBEL environmental/geotechnical services PROJECT NUrlBER: 06027 LOG OF BORING B-I cont. 3-:d7 _ CHEMICAL ANALYSES SAMPLE Laboratory Field ~ ,~ Zn I. Benzene o ~ ~- ~ ~ ~: .SOIL DESCRIPTION opm opm ~ _ _ _ Asphalt Driveway -- 2.9 2 -_5_-~ B-2-5 ML -- _ ~.~ mort!rog, cmyey, ~ow pm,ticity, _ 7,0 7 '_10_-i B-2-10 :!:i:i:i: .... SM Sand, tan, fine [o Coarse, loose, I :::::::: moist, faint acrta aromatic oaor - <0,10 8,0 21 20-I-- B-2-20 '""~-"~'~ Sand, tan, fine to coarse, round Bentonite Seal -- <0,10 - ~.&im pebbles, moist, loose, faint odor -- -- i!~!i~i~i coarse, round peddleS, mose, ............ moist, no odor · Sand, tan, very coarse, round -- <0,10 _i iliiiii', pebbles, loose, moist, old product :~.~:~.~: loose, moist, taint old product <0,10 :398,070 40-I B-2-40 ~.~';~:~:: 811 6ravel, grey tan, sandy, fine to - -- ::~:::::::'~ very coarse, round.pebbles, T,D, 41 FT, -- <0,10 - loose, moist, faint old product ~ - ~ door ~ SURFACE ELEVATION:Est.. 403 FT. LO66EI) BY: RJ¥. ~ TOTAl. DEPTH: 41 FT. SUPERVISED DY: RJ¥ DATE DRILLEO: 11-25-87 DIAIIETER ef BORING: I~ INCtl ~ATER E#COUNTERED AT: NONE [ GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES LOCATION: PLATE (~05)~- 77oo~ D IEBEL environmental/geotechnlcai services : ,, PRoJ£cz NUr~SER: 06027 I d.S LOG OF BORING B-2 : Area of Excavation ~ B-1 ' B-2 5L ': '~ '~ sand ' ' · ..... - .... ' .....'-~[it~ - <O.lO i[xcavation. .... 42 ' '~,0_~ silty ..... ~and 20 '~ ' ~0.10 -' ~2 ........ <0.I0 30 <0.10 - - <0.10 .;, Pebbly sand 40 ..... <0.10 '~' <0.10 gravel sand so .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. <0. I 0 _- sand SCALE one inch = ten feet 60 ~ ~ ~ o lO 20 horizontal - vertical OROUNOWATER RESOURCE IND. DIEBEL PLATE (805)8;55-7700 , envirorJmerital/,;~t~hni~l services VERTICAL CROSS-SECT ION 5 Project Number: 06027 ~ Through Borings and Dispenser APPENDIX A LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGUN, REG. CHEM. ENGil. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE'327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES . Date of 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 Report: 08-Dec-87 CA. 93313 Attention: JOHN FITCH Lab No.: 22097-1 Sample Desc: PROJECT ~ 06027 KE~N CO. -' B1-20 CENTER OF TANK DATE SAMPLE .. DATE SAMPLE : DATE ANALYSIS · -Cor,r. .CTED: RECE 'ED e LAB: 24-NOv-87 25-NOv-87 08-Dec-87 · ' Reporting' Ana~sis Reporting Constituent Units ' Results Level Benzene ' ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None. Detected · 0.10 Ethyl Benzene. ug/g None Detected 0.lO p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isoprop¥1 Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons' ug/g 'None Detected 5.00 Total PetrOleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20)utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. Th~se volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Robert Plaisance Chemist AG/IICUI ? RATORIES, InC. p~CT/iOL~CU~ J.J. ~LIN, ~. CH~ ENGL 41~ PIERCE RD., BAKE~FIELD, C~IFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of _ 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 ~' Report: 08-Dec-87 BAKERSFI~.~, CA. Attention: JOHN FITCH Lab No.: 22097'2 Sample Desc: . PROJECT ~ 06027 KERN CO. B1-30 CENTER OF TANK · i.~ DATE SAMPLE . DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS ': 24-NOv-87 25-Nov-87 08-Dec-87 ~po~cir~ Analysis Repo~cir~ Constituent Uni~ Results Level Benzene u~/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene u~/g None De~ 0.10 Ethyl Benzene u~/g None De~=c~d 0.10 p-Xylene u~/g None Detecbed 0.10 m-Xylene u~/g None Dete~ted 0.10 o-Xylene u~/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene u~/~ None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons u~/~ None De~cted 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons u~/~ None De~-~ced 0.10 · TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Mat%er Basis Commen%s: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl ~ C20) utilizir~ a ~asoline factor.' As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined, on %his repot%. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum to~al of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituent~ on this repot%. ~J~J. - -' ~-Robert Plaisance Chemist LABORATORIES. Inc. PETJlOL£~I~ J' J' ~N~ R~. CH~ ENG~ 41~ PIERCE RD., BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ~g~ble ~ti~ (~IL) ~~A~ ~~ I~US~I~ ~ of 5610 DIS~I~ BL~. S~ 106 Re~: 08-~-87 ~FI~,~, CA. 93313 At~ntion: JO~ FI~ ~b No.: 22097-3 ~le ~: ~~ ~ 06027 ~ ~. B1-40 ~ OF T~ DA~ S~ ~ ~ ~ ~YSIS 24-~v-87 25-~v-87 08-~-87 Re~~ ~ys~ ~ti~ent ~ Re~ ~vel ~e ~g 'None ~~ 0.10 Toluene ~g None ~~ 0.10 E~i ~e ~g ~ne ~~ 0.10 ~lene ~g None ~~ 0.10 ~l~e ~g ~ne ~~ 0.10 o-~lene ~g None ~~ 0.10 Isop~pyl ~ene ~g ~ne ~~ 0.10 Pet.~~~ ~g ~ne ~~ 5.00 To~ Pe~l~ ~~~ ~g ~ne ~~ 0.10 ~ST ~OD: ~ifo~a D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for G~ol~e D~ ~t~r ~is ~n~: P~O~ ~~NS: ~tifi~tion of volatile p~sent CC1 ~ C20) utiliz~ a ~l~e fair. ~ ~tl~ ~ifo~a D.O.H.S. ~se volatile ~~~ ~ ~ a~tion t~ ~ti~en~ s~ifi~ly def~ on ~s ~. T~ P~O~ ~~NS: ~ s~ ~ of ~1 [non~or~- a~] ~ti~ on t~s ~. Chemist i LABORATORIES, Inc. p~cTjlOL£U~ J.J. EGLIN, REG. CHE,'qA. ENGR. , 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PUrgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 Report: 08-Dec-87 [.,ab Ho.: 22097-4: Sample Da-~c: PROJeCT # 06027 KI~ CO. B1-52 CENTER OF TANK DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE ~. DATE ANALYSIS ' COr,r,WCTKD: .. RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED:,:. 24-Nov-87 25,Nov-8? , 08-Dec-87 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl ~enzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in' addition tb~ constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Robert Pla~sanee Chemist LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGIL PETIIOL£UM · ' 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 P~rgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. SUITE 106 Report: 08-Dec-87 BAKERSFI~,B, CA. 93313 Attention: JOHN FITCH Lab No.: 22097-5 Sample Desc: PROJECT $ 06027 KERN CO. B2-15 loft SOUTH OF B-1 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE 'DATE. ANALYSIS c0r,]',k':CTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: 'COMPS: 24-Nov-87 25-Nov-87 08-Dec-87- Reporting Analysis Reporting Consti Rent Un& ts Resul ts Level Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Toluene ; ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 10 o-Xylene ug/g. None Detected 0.10 Isoprop¥1 Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5. O0 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Robert Plaisance Chemist BORATORIES, IRC:. PETROLEUM J' J' [-GUN, IIEG. CHEM. ENGL · 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) .I GROUNDWATER RESOURCE. INDUSTRIES Date of 5610 DISTRICT BLVD.. SUITE 106 Report: 08-Dec-87 BAKERSFI~.D, CA. 93313 Attention: JOHN FITCH Lab No.: 22097-6 Sample Desc: PROJECT $ 06027 KERN CO. B2-20 lOft SOUTH OF B-1 DATE SAMPLE .. DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLWLTED: RECEIVED e LAB: COMPLETED: 24-Nov-87 25-Nov-87 "08-Dec-87 Reporting Analysis ~ Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected O. 10 o-Xylene ug/g 'None Detected O. 10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected O. 10 Pet..Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected O. 10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Ik7 Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report.* TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Robert Plalssnce Chemist PETIIOL£U¥ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 41~ PIE~E RD., BAKE~FIELD, ~LIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 A%~%ion: JO~ FI~ ~b No.: ~097-7 24-~v-87 25-~-87 08-~-87 Toluene ~g None ~~ . O. 10 o-~lene ~g None ~~ O. 10 ~ene ~g None ~~ O. lO To~ Pe~le~ ~ST ~OD: ~ifo~a D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for G~ol~e p~sent (C1 ~ C20) utiliz~ a ~ol~e fair. ~ ~tl~ ~ PETROL£UM J' J' EGUN, REG. CH~ ENG~ '~ . 41~ PIE~E RD., BAKE~FI~D, ~LIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ~g~ble ~tics (~IL) ~ G~A~ ~ I~US~ ~ of 5610 DIS~I~ BL~. SUI~ 106 Re~: 08-~-87 , At~ntion: JO~ FI~ ~' 24-~v-87 25-~v-87 08-~-87 Re~~ ~ysis Re~~ Toluene ~g None ~~ 0.10 ~lene ~g None ~~ 0.10 o-~lene ~g No~ ~~ 0.10 ~ene ~g None ~~ 0.10 Pe%.~~~ ~g None ~~ 5.00 To~ Pe~le~ ~~~ ~g ~ne ~~ O. 10 TEST ~D: ~ifo~a D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for ~ol~e ~n~: p~sent (C1 ~ C20) utiliz~ a ~ol~e fair. ~ ~tl~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~NS: ~ s~ ~ of ~1 [non~or~- ~st ,~GRIC, UL TU/~£ LABORATORIES, Il-lC. - - J.J. (-GUN, REG. CH~ ENGL. -. P~rgeable Aromatics ' --. GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES' Date of I P.O. BOX 9383 . REP0~: 4-30-87 BAEEI~FIk-LD, CA. 93389 LAB No. :7795. DATE DATE SAMPLE 'DATE ANALYSIS · .. SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: . . . ~: Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~=/g none detected 0.10 Toluene p~/g none detected 0.10 Eth~l Benzene pg/g none detected 0.10 p-Xylene ~/g none del~=cted 0.10 m-Xylene pg/g none de~ec~ed 0.10 o-Xylene ; ~/g none detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene pg/g none detected 0.10 Petroleum H~drocarbons pg/g none detected 5.00 Total Petroleum F~vdrocarbons ~=/~ none detected 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS' PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: ~3_entification of volatile h~drocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizin~ a Gasoline Factor. As outlined b~ the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on this report. ,,,,,,,, LABORATORIES. Ir-lc. · - * .:,- _J.' J..EGI. IN, RE~. CHF. J~ ENGIt - PETROLEUM ' 4~00 PIERCE RD./ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 · '. P~rgeable Aromatics · "-(SOIL) ' ~ GROON]TdATER RES(XIRCE INDUSTRIES ..: .Date of -' P.O. BOX 9383 HEPOHT: 4-30-87 BAKERSFI~, CA. 93389 LAB No. :7796 ~.-~, · . . . ~; . Sample' 'Descr±ption: -. ~. ' ' :- .. ' ~" S-6-E DIEBEL ~....- .. :.' ." .~-~. DATE DATE SAMPLE 'DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COr.r,~.CTED: RECEIVED · LAB: '" " ~: 4-24-87 - :' ' ,' 4-24-87 ':,--'" " ';'~"" '' " 4-30-87 ~: - :...: .... .'. :.<.¥.;. .... .: , .'- . .' . --- Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~/g O. §B O. 10 Toluene Pg/g ' O.B7 0.10 Eth~l Benzene Pg/g none detected O. 10 p-Xylene p~/g none detected " 0.10 m-Xylene Pg/g 1.79 O. 10 o-Xylene ~g/g 2.37 O. 10 Isopropyl Benzene ~/g none detected O. 10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons Mg/g 58.01 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. ~/g 63.07 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing aGasoline Factor: "As'outlined b~ the California D. O. H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on this report. ~. ~. E~n-- Analyst : AGflI£1JL TUllE .} LABORATORIES, InC. ~T#OLEU¥ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 i Groundwater Resources Industr'ies Dace Reported: 07[14/87 :'~ 5610 D'istr'ic~; Boulevard #106 -. Dace Recet. ved: 07/06/87 . · .... Bakemf'ield, CA 03313 --. . Laborator7 Noo: 13141 I ' ' .- '~ ", ' :- '-"-:.' ~ '. ":'.;"~ ~' ' _ ...... " 'Sample Bescrtpctoa: ' .Project---#06027 '07/07/87' '-by" 'Randy Jackson ...... 18'-£ Title 22 ,. Total Metals, mg/kg Meuhod l%eference , TTLC, mg/kg . Lead 4.00 7421 1 1000. Comment: All contaminants reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques Co determine total levels. (1) "Test Methods for Ev. aluating Solids .Wastes", SW 84'6, July 1982. (-) refers tO "less than". B C LABORATOItIES,~ ,?.. [ .', CN£MIC4[ ANAL Y$15 ?,~ .~.: ,. ',,mO,[,, ": '~'' ~'-~:/.*.q/.:..41'~ piEcE RD"' oAKEUFI~D; ~,'~RN~A93308 PHO"E 32'7~91 , '[ ,j.:..~'. *. ~. . .' · ~: '~' ''-~'' ~ '" -:: '~- '~..~ ,~-'..' ?~.'.~, : .... ~,. "":.~. ~0'~.-~;?"~,~/..?~"-.~-~;',~-?:~,.' ~ - -':~ : ' '." '~ .~'.-:', :': '.:'~'.:..~::~,',v"-'~' ~- GROUNDWATER RESOURC~ 'Z"DuSTRZKS ~':.":'::":' ''~':~'' .[__ :~'~ 56~0 DZSTRICT BLVD ' .: '"' :' "",' ."'~'-'.'~-'-;:',' ::"'.:-:..:,~'~::.:-:?";Re~or~: 20-Ju~-87 .. ?.~'- .-. ' ~ BAKeRSFieLD, ' CA.: 933~3 :.;~ ~:.'::~ "~,:~:.' '~''' ::h,f'.''~ :.. ' '.-'. '~ "? ~:::::?:: :~"~?:""~"-:~'" ''~ ~"' ' .. ~... ': ~-'~::' ' · . ," ",.:' ~:-. '-'..- :.i.'..5- ~. ' -': ~'- ::'.,~'/7":~:[:~ ~ .'.:} ~' ~: ,,' ~-/ ;'--?:::Zt'..':?::'Jr:~":-iluC-:',;:~v.': :':':'-:.:. ,t-".'-'.' "..' : .- .'- : .-""'::":-:;' '". - . , '..: . ' . ': ' ., ::. '-., '/"'.L['7;'2'~*/, iL.., "' ' ; -'-. ! . ..' .... ' ..... :' '"; ~-?-:,'-.:- [- '; '.';.' ' .-'.: ~. ~.':"-',~.:b~'!'::,,;.?~?~.:[~' :.~'."..; l:':'. -'. ' :'- '.. :-::"' :. ' . -. ....' ::~ Lab No.. ..... --.13141 -.: ....... ~.,-.-,,.. ....... :~-,¥~:-~, :,,.:,,--~..,~::.--.~: .;. , .-:- ...... : ...:.. Sample Dese: :.. PROJECT~ 0602? :':'-.'--" ' .": '., -':.' ~ i ... . ": ':" ..2 .., '~'-. .," ' , · . · -'.' "...'....'- - i ./: t':~.-/:.::.F::- '.. "' ',: .,. '~., .'..:~'L~:.~ '.~'~a'~,:i t:7~::/,~:~::2.,~,.:'1: .'" ' ' - .'. -' '. '. .' i. '. ' ~' ' ',' DATE SAMPLE ."' ': ' '-.:..[ ?,']DATE SAMPLE :"" ./'"::'"'~.J:?:f:-f :~.'DATE.'~ALYSI ~: "" ::" '.- ': :/~::.'? '.':/: :" ~':' '." . COLLECTED: ' ":: :':" :' '"'?'/RECEIVED e LAB:' . . . . . . .~..:. '. . ~ . . Cons~X%uen~ ' · . Uni~ . ,.:': :.'~'"'?t;':~:;:~:'::t ': - ' ..: .:.Level . ' -" . . '. ",' ' -.- . '., "- : ..... -' v'.. :'::-, ; - ~.v.--*[:?-:~,2~'.-..:"..' ' ' Benzene" .. " ..'ug/g" /"',","/'"-" None' Toluene ' ug/g . ..'. ' ' ' .: .:." · i-~,-...:~t'h ' ' · ' ~ E~1 ~enzene .' . ug/g -...-...: · ~ 245.69 :].%~':. :....:.. 0. ~0' p-Xylene ug/g :::::''/ ~'""'-': "'?' '"'-219.66:F?~'1'~{~:':':''' "-.. ' 0.10 m-xylene ug/~ ,.' '.' 296.04. o-Xylene ug/~. 657.'49 :-' :[. "" 0.10 Isopropyl ~ Benzene ug/g 493.05 ~ : 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 2331.86' .? 5.00 Total Petroleum "~' "'.~ .... ' Hydrocarbons ug/g 4245.98 "" .-- . 0.10 Tes% He,hod: California Sta~e D.O.H.S. SW 5020: Dry ~a%ter. Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present.(C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all :non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. · Analyst ~GR~'~DWATER RESOURCE II(IDUSTRIES APpENDIx B '' ''' ' . I..:k:~"'" ~ :l&~.*l:Ir.:~ ~ ..:.''...' 5610 Dist~cl Blvd., Suite 106 ':" ' · ... .~. Bakersfield, California 93313 RESOURCE '. : . '?:... ' (805) 83~77~-~ersfie~ INDUSTRIES. : CaXm 0~ CUSTOOY RECORD :'~' ::'::?~:.~:L' :. ~:;? ~"?~: '/..~ ? ': (213) 724-3147 -- ~S ~geles . ' . ~ =z ":::"' '"-:' :' ~AB "S [TC~' '' . ~ ~ ~ ~ .... · ..,..: , .,: ~ ~ cz ':.;~' '.".';": ',. '."' ~4BER ,DATE T~E , ] ~ S~LELOCATION . ~ECEPr .~ . ' '~ ~ ~ .:: ' -- tl h' .. .... - ~ . ...: . . . ..'-~ '. ~1 ' ' ' '~/-~ ,%~ '/.v~ ~ ..,,. ,, ., ~ .~.. ~ .' .. ~-~ ~" ~ ~- ~ ,~ ,* ' ~ ~1 :'~ .... ~ .:. .... ~" -~.'.. · . ~-3o. , ~ /o~o I '* " " '-. '. ~ "'.: ~7.' '. ~z-~o,,X~ //so I ,, ,, ,, g ..: ~ '.':...,8 .. .. Rel~hed b~ ~Si~,ture) Date~ime Received b~: (Signat~) Relinquished bg: (signature) D~t, ~e Received bg: (Signature) Rel~quts~d b~: (Sign~ture) D.te, ~Ttme ~ecetved bg :(S~n~t~-e) Re~,J~shed b~: (Signature) Date/T~e Received b~: (Si~ture) I Rel~qutshed bg :(Signature) Dale~me Received for Laboratorg bV: Date~e Remar~ ' " CC: 14Z~ ' .... · · - Fit{ · '- ."- ,.:'. ',:',,:--' :;'.~ 14 ,".:..::.. '. .-: " , - ' ' · ~. ,' , ....... ,' ",":',~... ' '-'~' ':';~ · i'..' ' ' '. ' - .; '.' .',.' ,': ': . ....': ,: ?:..~" :' ,,:-',~;". ;;:4 :'.: .:- :~ -.'..~'.-'..'.'%;',:';...-. .. ' , . '' . .; --.". : :"-'-" "· -', - · .'. ' ' · ' ". ~..~',.': '-~ .... :" ~',-.,'F,'~'~""~::.:'. ":~:~'"-',./;'..~;c~7." '."'.'. ", '.'"~".:['.-'- * -'-'~'~,'!' ;. :,{' ","' . . ' -' ' '' · ::: '" . .'.:':..";"" .... 41: '": "' iT i ?? "' '"'~~mw" :'''-~ 'ESOURCE ' ' ' ; ' ...... ' "~'~'' ':~' ':" ':' "~':" """' ~ker.~.U. ,...,,,..."-"'-:~'- 93313 · . ': ". ~ · , " ' · , ' ' {. · , .... 2' ,.,:: .'." '.". .'' ~. .... ;.:-.:".'-'::"~'.~:',,~,,,,,c~.,,,,~,~" ':' ' . · '"..:'.7.-........:.::.'.::..: !.,,... · .'. :.. :. ":..." 835.77G0 -- Bakerst3eld ....i:........_.. ~./,,~?:t.~-- sfw~,,~,,,afflf~;,a . ,....... _ : .. 'i .' ' CHAIN O~ cusTooy. RECORD':~:i~."!:'?i? .' :.' .-':"..' '4~:''}': ~r'~' f213) 724-3147 -- L~s Anaeles .. s~t~.~:cs,~..t,~..~ . -; :~ c.~l~.- ~~~:. ,,.~..,- . ...... .. , : .... ,~ ~ ~-...:.~ ~.:.::~,::.'%';,-...~... ~, ..s IT% ., ~..~ · ~4BER DATE T~E~ ., -m." ."'':, ".'" .... :',.':., ' ';'.' ' '." ., '- F'.; .,:...;,,.,.., .?,';-' :..,: ..'. ';,- .. :-;,v '. ...... '~ ..,.. .., , . . .... ... ';~" ,..: ,.";' .. '-.., .:,.. ,..-::.,-:-.; . ',. .- . '.' ' '::' '" "' " ':" ..,.:!.:. :'.'. -...:'.'-if:".,/')~':.' . '..-' ~ . ' · .. .. ~ ~.. :7. : . .~.' :~ '; ... , . . ~" ':~ :" " ' " ' :' '.'~''4 "'.' ' ' ,. .: .~ .. ·. . . .'[~ . .. J..... : ~ . · . . .. -' . . . . .~ .). :... ~ -.:.. , · :.....' ~'; ~.. . '. , . . ,,. ~.. :. ....,, ..: ~:. ..~ ; ,'..., ~. .::~",~.:'.:': .. .. .. ;.- : :.,-,: ~'. ~::.,, .. ·.., ,... -. /bhJd b~ ~Sl~.ture) . D~te~tme Received bM :(St~flat~.) Reltflquist*d b~ :(Si~.ture) Date~. Received by :(~gniture) . ., .:,~. ..... .' :::~.' , ~5 .' : . ".".' ':':.'."-... . "' " -' ' : Rel~'quis~d ~g :(Si~.t~re) iO,te 'Time Received bg :(S~flat~e) Re,~,Jished bj :(Signature) Date,~Jme Received bg: (SJ~ature) Relinquished b~ :(Signi~re) Diteglme ReCeived for Laboraterg bg; Date~e Rem.r~:., " CC: TNFOIZ~IATTON ' .:~;.'~'u~.---.:. , _SRO- rp~ ' '~- *Lab Instrus'tion Laboratory reports should reference and be billed by site ID~" and :'".." contain the following: . · " 1) Summary of analytical methodology and QA work (blanks, spikes, duplicates) :,,~!",.,da.tes for (a) S~unpling, (b) lab receipt, (c) extraction, (d) injection/analysis o;"aet~ction limits for all cons. titUents analyzed for and reporting of all con::tituents , . "de.t~cted wh.i,ch were not specifically designated ~ .... 5) RESOURCE INDUSTRIES APPENDIX GROUNDWATER. I" RESOURCE INDUSTRIES " . o APPENDZX C · TEST BORING PROCEDURES I. Soil Sampling protocol ~ The following procedures are followed during soil sampling · ~ operations utilizing the hollow stem auger drilling technique. '' .' - '"- '-'.- - .: ':.'-. '-.."< ' L-:.,.- ~ ;.?:' ?C"- :-' ~' ('!'.' ? - i" ~'>. A. Hollow Ste~ Auger ........ ' '. 1. Soil borings drilled by the'hollow stem auger i,::;.~,.~ :.. .... ~:.... .... · .'/' '-":"~ utilize con~inuous flight hollow stem aUgers.` .'-?~'. "'" "' '·C';·"?"'"' "·';~" "':' ' "':' "-':' '·. "- :'·: .,'·/:;~{!:':.::i ...... - ................ 2. Augers, samplers-and all do~nhola equipment 'are a~eam cleaned prior to Use.' In the field steam .. cleaning is done between borings to minl~nize the potential for cross-Contamination ...~; .. ~. A 6.R.I.' geologist obse~es ~a work, visually logs ~he soils, and collects-samples at in~e~als. ~. The Unified Soils Classification System la utilized to classify soils encountered. ~dl=ional geologic obse~a~lons'.are no=ed as appropriate. 5. Soil s~ples des~tne'd ~or laboratory analysis are toilet=ed by a modified CaLlfo~ia Splt~ Spoon. This s~pler uses ~hree~ six inch long, by ~wo inch dice=er (o.d.) ~ubea. . Various tubes can be utilized to acconuuodate the type of analysis necosaary~. Brass - All organics and general analyses (not to be used for copper o~ ' zinc analysis). Stainless - All organics and me,als analyses S~eel " · for copper and zinc ~not to be uaed for chrome or nickel analyses) Plastic - All metals analyses (nO~ to be ~ used for organics) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES f. The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the l~boratory...TUbas ara scrubbed, inside and _ outside, with a brush and TSP.' They are next t a~eam cleaned, and packed in ·clean containers with seals. Tubes are delivered to the drilling site :- ~. in these closed con~ainers to preserve the a~ate of ..- ?. ~tar the aamplaCa) have been removed from the ! sampler, the sampler is completely disassembled ...{~_ and scrubbed in TSP and ~ap wa~er. ~-It is. then · ,' rinsed in two separate tapwa~er baths and re- -- assemhled'withthree."clean tubea.'-<~.f?..'.:.<.. 8. Dirty'tubes ara field washed.in TSP, r~nsed with water, and placed in buckets for transport back to ' the G.R.I. lab for.~leaning and preparation. 9. The sampler ia driven by a 140 pound hammer with a 20 inch free fall. Blow counts are recorded as number of blows par ~ inches-of drive. 10. The sampler is driven ~8 inches at each 'sampling interval. The first (or lowest.) tube is generally retained as the sample for analysis. The other two tubes are re~ained for. back-up or split ·samples. 11. A sand ca~cher ia used in the sampler where loose soils are anticipated.' This. will prevent the soil from falling ou~ of the sa2pler. 12. After retrieval, the. sample la.~lsually logged and immediately sealed with. aluminum foil .lined caps, labeled, and chilled.. Clea~.field ice cheats and chemical ice ('blue ice') are used to keep the samples cold until delivered to the chemical -~- laboratory. Teflon seals are also available for field samples. ., ' 13. Samples are delivered, to. hhe .iahOratory'the same day ~hey are taken, if'physically possible. If the samples must be held until the next day, they: are kept frozen in a secure' freezer at the G.R.I. facility. 14. Sample control is maintained by a Chain of Custody form which accompanies the sample. The form documents the time, data, and responsible person during each step in the transporta~ion process. RESOURCE ' ' INDUSTRIES ? ' ' · ' '.' .~oaz~oazaa'w~z~. S~LZaG ~aoroCOL ' · [ zz Groundvace~ S~pl~ng " .... .... ... ... A, Oecon~atna~lOn .-. ~. ~n decon~a~nn~ o~ groundwater inpX~n~ equ~pnen~ p:~o: X[ " ' '" ~ ' :' ' ' '~:''''::' ' '":"""'""~:.'*:."[ ~..' "" .*.'-' ' ..":. ~e~lor out~e o~ snplin~, t~es aFo decon~nlnated . sce~-cXeantn~ dor~n~ ~hdraval ~r~eve~ ~eil. '. . .. :~' ~, .. *.'...' , .~ .., · ..... . '; .~'.? 2.' S~pXe p~p La d~aann~1ed ~'d the uabd 'bladder.rem°veal. 3. Xl'l ~ c~nen~ ate' ~en ste~.cleaned*'~d*'rinsed· 4, 9rip ts r?ass~Xed vt~ a ne~ b~adder Xns~ll, ed, S. Teflon napier' l~nu are pressure Vashed ~lCh 5 ~ 10 ' .sce~-c)eanet. .nnecClon entire synton. .. ' 9. Prior ho s~Ple.~ollectlon, a mln~ o~ five ' vol~es are put,ed from the ~elX to pe~2: coils Purge Vol~. Deracination -. . Tho followtn~ precepts Aa followed ~ do~e~lno ~he . ~. "~he depth~o~ater ~e measured by a cle~n, e~ectr~c I xeveX lndlca~r. ~asugemen: dac~ ~ 'the cop ring or rep O~ ~ell PtoCectorL' · ! 2. Dephh ~ th~ bott~' o~' the ~ell la'~aaured b tape and pX~p bob... Z~ ~**-~- ..... y'a clean . ~e~l construction log :0 dare,Zee ~n~ns~nte * . · d~ged cas~ng, sadden: '~n ca~ng, arc. nc2es, ~.e. RESOURCE " · r' : INDUSTRIES · .- · ' aepCh by CAe lnildo .d~Cer o~ ~a casing. Th~s ~gura · .: '". l, ~rtor'~ 8~pltn~,' i ~~ of ~roa ~tvo v~tX 2. ~liu~n~ el pH, :conduc~lvt~y~ ~d t~peratura are : "rop~eson~ve 'fo~c~ ~lutds ara ba~ng, ra~Ved"fron- -' {. Cha ~eXX', :'-<"?":'<---':.: ': ' ",'--'~.' · .... .... ...?: . -...: ..... :::- . :..:'. j'.: :::::..::"..-:::.:'- .:: :......... . p~ocadure will bo {ollowad. ~ Once. a well Is p~pad dry, wll~, ~o~o{ore, be. p~ped d~ ~d'.ellow~d ~ recover' to 4'.: P?ge ~aUr b P~'dtrocC~y triCo'barrel8 on 8~Ca-u~Ctt ~o p~opor ~d o~ d~spos~X Ls. deCal,nad. 5.. s~Ptes p~d diro~Cly tn~ s~pl~ng'b~tt[aa 'prepared b~' ' · Oho aca~ car~tZ~ed l~r~,con~acCad Zor cae · Part,cuter ~'we~a l~belad ~d pt~cad ~n ~a~r~gar~ad ' coolers ~or Cranapo~. ~ ~o labor~Co~,. ** · o~ s~plln~ ~ ~ou~er~ vnanever rpricClcll, 'l~ naxC day dallve~ 18 neces-Sl~ oho s~plos, a~o. kepC refrigerated · aC 4 dagroo8 C ~o~n~ghC ~d delivered .Co .Oho . ooc~e~Cs C~o C~o, .~a~ ~d ro~pons~la parlon ' ' 8. '~o O.R.l. codod_~ple n~ering' a~at~ allows · aonct~tcaC~on o~. s~pte and c~lonC Co O.a.l., while . I. nec. revealing CAe client co ~e ~boraCo~ or 5Char '~ ". 'incerascad pa~c~o,.... * · . I * 17oo ~ st~t ' KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ~ omc~R Bakersfield, California 93305. leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Telephone (805) 861-3636 . · ... DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard October 2'1, 198'1 L. F. and Catherine Diebel 1900 Ridgewood Drive Bakersfield, California 93306 Re Amended Site Characterization Proposal Dear Mr. and Mrs. Diebel: The amended site characterization proposal, received on October I5, 1987, meets the approval of the Kern. County HeaIth Department and may be lmpIemented as written aiong with portions of the original site characterization plan. The Kern County Health Department must be notified 24 hours before any samples are retrieved. After all samples are retrieved a final site characterization/mitigation report must be prepared within 30 days after lab results are received. The department's outline for site characterization/mitlgation reports is enclosed. It may be used as a guide in preparing the site characterization/mitigation report. Please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636, if you have any questions. Amy E. Environmental Heal't~a-~gpecialist Hazardous Materials Management Program AEG:aa Enclosure DISTRICT OFFICES Oelano Lamont . Lake Isabella Moiave . Ridqecrest . Shafter . Taft 17~ Flower S~ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT H~L~ OFRCER Ba~r~leld, Call.mia 93305 L~n M Hebe~son, M.D. ~lephone (~5) 861-3636 ' ' EN~RONMEN~L HEALS DIVISION DIRECTOR OF EN~RONMEN~L HEALS ~rnon ~ Reichard September 22, 1987 L. F. and Catherine Diebel 1900 Ridgewood Drlve Bakersfield, Cali~ornia 93306 Re: $o~! Con~a~tnatton at ~575-26th St~ee~ ~n Bakersfield, California Dear H~. 'and Hrs. Dlebel: On September 10, 1987 representatives from this department =et with you, and John Fitch of Groundwater Resource Industries. The Site Characterization Proposal prepared 'for 1575-26th Street in Bakersfield, California was discussed. The following proposal changes were discussed and agreed upon. A reduction in the number of borings proposed was agreed upon. Four borings were proposed, one on each side of area once occupied by the gasoline tank. After discussion, the health department representatives suggested reducing the number of borings to a mi.nimum of two. One to be placed in the center of the area once occupied by the underground fuel tank and one between the tank and the Honda Center. The boring placed in the center of the tank area should be advance to a depth which will delineate the vertical extent of contamination. The other boring should be placed In an area which will provide informat'ion on the lateral spread of the contaminant. An amended proposal must be prepared and: submitted to this. department incorporating the changes described above and the additional requirements given below: 1. I.f the second boring ts advanced in an area east of the old tank center, then a third boring must be advanced south of the tank area, approximately ten feet away from the center boring to provide additional information on'the lateral extent of contamination. If the second boring is. advance south of the old tank area, a third boring will not be necessary. 2. An amended plot plan must be prepared showing the new 'sampling locations. DISTRICT OFFICES r~al~nn I ~mnnt I ~k~ I~b~lla . Mniave . Ridqecrest . Shafter Taft L. F. and Catherine Diebel Page 2 September 22, 1987 The amended proposal must be submitted to this department within 14 days. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely Environmental Heal'~-l~'Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program AgG:aa UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT EMERGENCY . · HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES i?~FOR EOCAE~AGENC¥: [] YES NO" ' REPORT 8ElaN FILED ? . [] YES ~] NO REPORTDATE -: .... ~ CASE# --.~:, .~ ADORESS L ~. " '~ ':' ~:~ : ...... ' ('L-~~~/~'" ' '- NAME ~.... ~ '..: .~, _~._ -- . ,::. ;:~,.~_ ~ I-- / I CONTACT PERSON · '~I-PHONE _: _ : '~ , . ~ ~ ~ _ ~ -~ / :~ ~ ~E OFA"~ ~MMERC~L ~ "DUS~ ~ RU~ ~ ~ ~SIN~S : ~ ~NL~ELSTA~ON A~Y ~ME . ~ : ~N~CT PER~N NAME QU~ LOST (~NS) .  ~ DIe. RED ~W DIe. RED ~ IN~ORY ~ROL ~ 9M: ~ 9D] ~I ~/Y ~ TANK~ST '~ TANK REMOVAL ~ O~R  mS :I~HARGE BEEN STOPPED, ~ ~PAI, *~[ ~ REPAIR P.m - ~ CH~ P~URE .~ ' ~UR~ OF DISCHARGE T~KS ONLY~I~ MA~RI~ C~8E(8) i~ m ~E~ONEONLY  'UNDE~RMINED ~ SOIL ONLY ~ GROUNDWA~R ~ DRINKING WA~R (CHECK ONLY IF WA~R ~LLS HAVE ACidLY B~N ~FEC~D) ~E~ONEONLY . . _ ,:  81~ IN~STI~TION IN PR~RESS (D~INING ~ ~ PROB~M) ~ ~ IN PR~RES8 ~ Sl~ O~ (~P ~MP~D OR UN~AR~ O NO~TIONT~ ~ P~T~P~NITORINGINP~ ~ ~FU~AVA~PR~ED ~ ~UA~C~RNA~S ~ TR~TATH~P(HU) ~ NO~TIONREQUI~D(NA) ~ O~ER(O~ z GRO UWATER 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 RESOURCE Bakersfield, California 93313 INDUSTRIES General Engineering Contractor , Class~ A Lic. #504072 ~ .:'...-~~. "J ~' ~_.~-~:~,' (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield , -~.;~, ;.(213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles Octo~e~ ~2, [987 Ms. Amy Green Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Amended Site Characterization Plan DIEBEL 1575 26th Street Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Green, Pursuant to ~your letter to L. ~. and Catherine Diebel, September 22, 1987, and with reference to the Site Characterization Plan submitted August 28, 1987, Groundwater Resource Industries (GRI) has prepared this amended plan showing new sample locations. This investigation site is located near the center of the Recent Kern River alluvial fan comprised of river channel and overbank deposits. Poorly compacted and uncemented sand, silt and gravel is anticipated as deep as 150 feet, where most recent published information indicates the unconfined water table. A hole will be augered in the center of the gasoline tank location to determine the vertical extent of contamination. The second boring will be placed south of the first, as near to the building as possible, or 10 feet from the first hole, whichever is the lesser distance. Should a third boring be necessary, in order to define the lateral extent of the plume, it will be located east of the previous, two. The texture and consistency of river sediments are not conducive to extensive lateral spreading, therefore the diameter of the plume is not expected to be large. Sampl~ collection procedures, laboratory analytical methods and Health/Safety considerations .will be conducted as described in the initial Site Characterization'Plan. A revised Plot Plan showing proposed boring locations is attached. Mailing Address: P,O, Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles Ms. Amy Green Kern Cognty Health Department Environmental Health Division October 12, 1987 Page Two If you have any questions or comments, please Contact our office at 835-7700. Very truly yours, Rex J. Young Senior Geolo'gist Enc 1. cc: Mr. L. F. Diebel 26 th. STREET ASPHALT J~ ~\ U6ST . ::~. PARKIN6 LOT U6ST 550 6AL. '~ 500 6AL. 6ASOLINE HONDA , SOLVENT ~ CENTER EAGLESON BODY WORKS SCALE 1- = 12. Horizontal = vertical ~I PROPOSED BORIN6 LOCATIONS " 0 6 12 GROUNDWATER RESOURCE D I EBEL PLATE ! NDUSTR I ES- ( 80 ~)8~5- 7700 · 1575 26th. STREET enviror;n';ental/ge, otecllnicai servicesBAKFRSF! FI D= CAI I F. ~ Project Number: 06027 PLOT PLAN GRO ..DWATER 5Ol o District Blvd., Suite 106 RESOURCE Bakersfield, California 93313 INDUSTRIES General Engineering Contractor Class A Lic. #504072 (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles SITE CHARACTERIZATION PLAN L.F. & Catherine Diebel 1900 Ridgewood Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93306 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles GROI ., DWATER 561 o D~strict Blvd., Suite 106 RESOURCE Bakersfield, California 93313 INDUSTRIES General Engineering Contractor Class ALic. #504072 (805} 835-7700 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles August 28, 1987 MS. Amy' Green Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Site Characterization Plan L.F. & Catherine Diebel 1900 Ridgewood Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 Dear Ms. Green, Groundwater Resource Industries (GRI) hay been retained by the above referenced owners to investigate possible soil contamination from'the removal of one (1) 500 gallon gasoline tank on April 24, 1987, from 1575 26th Street,. Bakersfield, CA. Initial soil samples taken during the removal project yielded a . request for one additional sample at a depth of ten feet below .the original tank bottom in the center of the former tank location. On July 7, 1987, this request was completed using a backhoe to re- excavate the former tank area. Your letter dated August 12, 1987, requesting a Site Characteriza- tion proposal was received. We have prepared the following plan to define both the vertical and horizontal, extent of any soil contamination or discharge. Initially, we. recommend four (4) boring locations to a planned depth of forty (40) feet. We have selected a star pattern with the four (4) borings approximately five (5) feet from the original tank excavation on all four sides. Undisturbed soil samples will be taken at planned intervals every five (5) f ' eet.~ Enclosed ~s a schematic. (Plate 2) showing the proposed borin~ locations . 0~ i ~ If . . . ~ LF~ ~X]~ ~ $~'] the initial p~ann~ borings conta~in gvious ~cc~1~a~n, as measured on site with a photo-ionization meter or LEL Meter then additional borings would be taken at increments of five (5) to ten~ (10) feet to determine plume definition. During the boring project ail borings will be logged and additional~&U% samples will be taken as determined on site. All samples wil! be Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 9~389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · l_os Angeles ~- Environmental Health Division .u us i ' Page Two ~ ¢~ ~ u~)~ ~¢~ logged and tranSported to'a State Certified 'Laboratory. All samples will be analyzed for Benzene, TolDene, Xy!ene and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH). The samples will be cooled and a Chain of Custody record will be kept. ~~~¢, After the borings are conducted and samples are analyzed, a report will be prepared for your office with all results, logs, laboratory analysis, hydrogeology, definition of' the contamination and a recommendation of remedial action alternatives. We have not as yet identified the proper method for mitigation of this site. Upon Completion of the'proposed work, we will explore the site specific.alternatives. It appears that either soil removal or vapor extraction would be most suited to this location. The final mitigation technique will be designed on field results as outlined above. A copy of our company protocol, which will be followed, is enclosed for your review. Ail work will be supervised by either our Staff Registed Geologist, Mr. Rex Young (State Registration #720) or Mr. Lawrence D. Pavlak, (C.E.G. #1187). In order to conduct the borings, the personnel on site w~!l be equipped with a Draeger PA-80 A%r Pack, Gastech D-II Vaportester or equivalent,( fire extinguishers any additionally required equipment for health and safety considerations. If you have any additional questions or input, please contact our office at (805) 835-7700. Very truly yours, ~on P. ~itch Project Manager JPF:dji .Encls. cc: Mr. L. F. Diebel _.. AG/I/C/J/Fll/l~,~~~ i ,,,,,,,-,.,,,,,.,,',,, - LABORATORIES. I.r-lC. P[TJlO/£1JA~ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGil. t..' 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ~" GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of I P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT: 4-30-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93389 LAB No.:7795 Sample Description: S-2-E DIEBEL I DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS h. SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 4-24-87 4-24-87 4-30-87 ' Minimum · Reporting Analys is Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~=/g none detected O. 10 Toluene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ~/g none detected O. lO p-Xylene ~g/g none detected O. 10 m-Xylene ~/g none detected O. 10 o-Xylene ~g/g none detected O. 10 ' Isopropyl Benzene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~g/g none detected 5. O0 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~g/g none detected 5. O0 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS ONDMMENTS: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification 'of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Gasoline Factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on this report. ~. ~. Eg~n -- Analyst L/NBORATORIES. Inc. P[TJlOL£1JM J' j' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 Purgeable Aromatics (SO~L) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT: 4-30-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93389 LAB No. :7796 Samplg Description: S-6-E DIEBEL DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: "4-24-87 b- 4-24-87 4-30-87 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~g/g O. 53 O. 10 Toluene ~g/g O. 37 O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ~g/g none detected O. lO p-Xylene ~g/g none detec%ed O. 10 m-Xylene ~=/g 1.79 O. 10. o-Xylene ~=/g 2.37 O. 10 Isopropyl Benzene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~g/g 58. O1 5. O0 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~g/g 63.07 5. O0 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS · PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrccarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Gasoline Factor. As outlined by the California D. O. H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constitnents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on this report. Analyst AGlYC. I,I! LABORATORIES, lnG. P~C TROl £1J, lt 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 · Purgeable AromatiCs . (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. Report: 20-Jul-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention: , .Lab No.: , 13141 Sample Desc: PROJE~T~ 06027 ~ 18'-E DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS ~l' COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 07-Jul-8? 07-Jul-87 15-Jul-87 , Minimum ~ Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ,ug/g 2.20 0.10 ~ Ethyl Benzene ug/g 245.69 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 219.66 .0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 296.04 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 657.49 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 493.05 0.10 ~ Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 2331.86 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g. 4245.98 0.10 Test Method: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present.(C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: 'The sum totai of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. ~'J~ J .~glin Analyst _ABORATORIES, Ir-lc. J. J. EGLIN, liEG. CHEM. ENGR. P£TROL£UI~ t 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Groundwater Resources Industries Date Reported: 07/14/87 5610 District Boulevard #106' Date Received; 07/06/87 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 13141 TOTAL EXTINCT CONtAMINANtS BY ACID DIGESTION Sample Description: Project #06027 07/07/87 by: Randy Jackson 18'-E Title 22 Total Metals, mg/kg Method Reference TTLC, mg/kg Lead 4.00 7421 1 1000. Comment: All contaminants reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. (I) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES,  GROUNDWATER ~ se~o =st,~ e~d., S.~. ~0~ ~kersfie~. ~f~n~ 93313 RESOURCE . (8o~) 835-77~ -- ~ersfield INDUSTRIES c.xm o~ cusTooY RECORD !213) 724-314~--~s~geles Relln~hed by ~Si~atur~) Dlte~ime ReeetYed by :($lgnatwe) Reltnquist~d bu :(Signature) Date~tme Received bg :(Signature) Relinqulsh,db~:(Signat~r,) 'j~]Date/Tlme eecetved forCaboratorg~_:.bg: ;a~e/T~e Remar~ ~ ~(~ ~ CC:DEB .... LAB GRO~ND~ATER RESOURCE iNDUSTRIES APPENDIX A · S A M P L I N G P R'O T 0 C 0 L GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES , ' APPENDIX . A TEST BORING PROCEDURES Soil Sampling Protocol The following procedures are followed during soil sampling operations utilizing the hollow stem auger drilling technique. A. Hollow Stem Auger I. Soil borings drilled by the hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. .. 2. Augers,' samplers, and all downhole equipment'.are steam cleaned prior to use. In the field steam cleaning is done between borings to minimize the potential for cross-contamination. 3. A G.R.I. geologist observes the work, visually logs the soils, and collects.samples at appropriate intervals. 4. The Unified Soils Classification System is utilized to classify soils encountered. Additional geologic observations.are noted as appropriate. 5. Soil samples destined for laboratory analysis are collected by a modified California Split Spoon. This sampler uses three, six inch long, by two inch diameter (o.d.) tubes. Various tubes can be utilized to accommodate the type of analysis necessary:. Brass - All organics and general analYses (not to be used for copper or zinc analysis) stainless - All organics and metals analyses Steel for copper and zinc (not to be used for chrome or nickel analyses) Plastic - All metals analyses (not to be used for organics) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE · INDUSTRIES . , Appendix A (cont' d) 6. The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the G.R.I. laboratory. Tubes are scrubbed, inside and outside, with a brush and TSP. They are next steam cleaned, and packed in clean containers with seals. Tubes are delivered to the drilling site in these closed containers to preserve the state of cleanliness. .. 7. After the sample(S) have been removed'from the sampler, the sampler is completely disassembled and scrubbed in TSP and tap water. It is then ..rinsed in two separate tapwa.ter baths and re- assembled with three, clean tubes. 8. Dirty tubes are field washed.in TSP, rinsed with water, and placed in buckets for transport back to the G.R.I. lab for cleaning and preparation. 9. The sampler is driven by'a 140'pound hammer with a 30 inch free fall. Blow counts are recorded as number of blows per 6 inches of drive. 10. The sampler is driven 18 inches at each sampling interval. The first (or lowest.) tube is generally retained as the sample for analysis. The other two tubes are retained for back-up or split samples. 11. A' sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose soils are anticipated. This. will prevent the soil from falling out of the sampler. .12. After retrieval, the sample, is.visually logged and immediately sealed with. aluminum foil .lined caps, labeled, and chilled. Clean field ice chests and chemical ice ("blue ice"), are used to keep the samples cold until delivered to the chemical laboratory. Teflon seals are a%so available for field samples. ...- 13. Samples are delivered'to, the laboratory the same day they are taken, if physically .possible. If the samples must be held until the next day, they" are kept frozen in a secure' freezer at the G.R.I. facility. 14. Sample control is maintained by a Chain of Custody form which accompanies the sample. The form documents the time, date., .and responsible person 'during each step.in the transportation process. tAPPENDIX A ' MONITORING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL i II Groundwater Sampling A. Decontamination The following procedure details· the routine that is employed ~ in decontamination of groundwater sampling equipment prior to sample collection= ' " .. 1. Exterior sUrface of sampling, tubes are decontaminated by steam-cleaning during withdrawal from every well. 2. Sample pump is disassembled and the used bladder removed. .3. All pump components are then steam-cleaned and rinsed in distilled water. 4. Pump is. reassembled with a. new bladder installed. 5. Teflon sampler' lines are pressure washed with 5 to l0 gallons of clean, hot water through direct connection to .steam-c.leaner. . 6. Five gallons Of distilled water are then'~umped through' entire system. 7. priOr to sample.collection, a minimum of fi~e well volumes.are purged from the well to permit collection of a r~presentative groundwater sample .from the aquifer penetrated. B. Purge Volume.' Determination The following procedure is followed to determine the appropr.iate purging volume prior to we1.1 sampling. 1. The depthJto~water is measured by a clean, electric water I level indicator. Measurement datum is the top of fill' ring or top of well protector. ! 2. 'Depth to the bottom of the well' is'measured by'a clean tape and plump bob.. If possible,.this is compared to the well construction log to determine incm.nsistencies, i.e. damaged casing, sediment 'in ca~ing, etc. ' '" 'l'~--Illl ~uNDWATER ' RESOURCE .. · INDUSTRIES 3. Wlter volume is calculated'by, multiplying :total water · ' depth by the inside .diameter of the casing. This figure is one well volume. C' Well Purging .and sampling' 1. Prior to sampli"~, a ~i~imum of ~hree .to five well ~ volumes are purged from each well. t~ ensure that water '~ sampled is representative of. the groundwater within the formation. ... 2. Measurements Of pH, conductivity and temperature are taken at frequent intervals during the purge. .(. Stablllizatlon :of these values indicates that representative formation fluids are 'being. removed from 3. Zn. the event that the we[l 1s'pumPed.dry, an alternate procedure will be followed.' OnCe~a well is pumped dry, the water that enters the well during.recovery is,. by. definition, representative formation water. The well .. will, therefore, be pumped dry and'allowed to recover to 80% or more of the original water level.' 4. Purge water l.s pumped directly into barrels on site-until the proper me~hod of disposal is determined. -. 5. Samples pumped direCtly into sampling bottles prepared by the state certified laboratory.contracted for the particular job'were labeled-and p~aced in refrigerated coolers for transport to the laboratory. 6. · Samples are delive~ed directly to..t~e lab on the same*day of sampling'by courier, whenever,practical. If next day delivery is necessary, the samples, are. kept refrigerated a~ 4 degrees C overnight and delivered.to.the laboratory the following morning. Samples are accompanied by a Chain.of CuStody' form.which · documents the time, 4ate and re~ponsible person during each step of the transportation process. 8. The G.R.I. coded sample numbering'system allows identification of sample and client to G.R.I.,.while I not revealing the client to the laboratory or other · interested part~es. · 17~Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEATH DEPARTMENT HEAL~ OFFICER Ba~r~ield, California 93305 ~on M Hebe~son, M.D. ~lephone (~5)861-3636 '' ENVlRONMEN~L HEAL~ DIVISION DIRE~OR OF EN~RONMENTAL HEAL~ ~rnon S. Relchard August 12, 1987 L.F. & Catherine Debel Jr. 1900 Rtdgewood Drive Bakersfield, California 93306 Re: Soil ·Contamination Beneath the 500 Gallon Underground Fuel Tank Dear Sir/Madam: .The laboratory results received on July ·27, 1987 show soil contamination in the samples retrieved beneath the 500 gallon gasoline tank. .To evaluate the extent of contamination present in that area you must prepare a site characterization proposal. This dePartment does not approve of any additional work in the area around the contamination either in defining the plume or providing a permanent cover at the site until the site characterization proposal is approved by this department. The department's outline for preparation of the site characterization proposal is enclosed. It may be used as a guide in preparing the proposal. Please submit your proposal to this department within 30 days· If you have any questions please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Amy E. G~een /' \ Environmental Heal~'~pecialtst Hazardous Materials Management Program AEG:aa Enclosure DISTRICT OFFICES Delano Lamon! ~ ake Isabella Moiave . Ridgecrest . Shafter . Taft '.' .-. ~... 5610 District BIvd.,.Suite 1 RESOURCE .... ~' , Bakersfield, California 933 'INDUSTRIES ' , ~?,.., · General Engineering Contrac .... , ~.'~ /~ .'./ ~ ~ ,~¥ Class A Lic. ~5040; .? ~, . ~ . ~.~ (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfi~ ~:~;.~ ~ ,~, (213) 724-3147 -- Los Ange~ July 22, 1987 C: MS. Amy Green Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 'Re: Additional Soil Sample L.F. & Catherine Diebel 1900 Ridgewood Drive Bakersfield, CA 9330~ Dear Ms. Green, Enclosed you will find the documentation for the additional soil sample required underneath the east gasoline tank at a depth of 18 feet. The sample was taken on July 7, 1987, using a backhoe to remove backfill. We have enclosed the chain o'f custody record, the laboratory result from B. C. Laboratories, Inc. and a copy of the original removal permit. If you have any additional questions, please contact our main offic. at (805) 835-7700. Very truly yours, Jon P. Fitch JPF:dji Encl. cc: L. F.' & Catherine Diebel Mailing Address: ' P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles RATORIES. linC:. ~mo~#~ 41Q0 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFI~D, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 3274911 · -Purgeable Aromatics · (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of 5610 DISTRICT BLVD. ..Report: 20-Jul-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93313 Attention: ' Lab No.. 13141 :'" '"' ' Sample Desc: PROJECT# 06027- · ". 18 -E :'. . .:..~:' ~ >~T. '~".' '::"- ' · . '-'~:'.~ ........ DATE'SAMPLE ';.'.,DATE ANALYSIS DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED · LAB: ..COHPLETED: 07-Jul-87 07-Jul-87 15-Jul-87 · '"'"." ' Hinimum Reporting Analysis{'.:~,::.,:.. Repor~inE Constituent Units Results.<<".>/..: Level Benzene " uE/g None Detected' 0.10 Toluene ug/g 2.20.";' .. 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 245.69..".. 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 219.66:' 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 296.04 .0.10 o-XFlene ug/g 65'7.49 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene uE/~ 493.05 0.10 Pet.Hydrocarbons ug/g 2331.86 ... 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 4245.98 '." 0.10 Test Method: California State D.O.H.S. SW 5020: Dry ~atter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: ~Uantification of volatile hydrocarbons present.(Cl to C20) utilizin~ a ~asoline factor.'These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition ~o the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin-' ated] constituents on this report. Analyst · :;m.." '" umw. _~_~..~,&~ 0a305, ~ .~ .~ .. ..,~[~.~,~. · , ~' .. . ' ' ~;' ~ ..... f:~'.i . ___ -,v".,',.:... ?. '. ~::_i~)~r''~'~ :'" ' : "'" ' '.' ~M~be~ls~n ~ "~"'~,~'~" .'- ~?'?'"':': :'~':.:'?? -:';:V ' :' ' :~~'~-~.. ' ' · ~: .'- ...... .' ~. 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"~':' '~,~'"' ......... .' ..' i.. ~:..~ .... -~..> ..... i.: ...... '.,,,....g~ g Green .. ... ....... . osT .... _.,... , . ~.&-,...:?-~ ~. ~' . . · ,~/'.:;?'~ ,. ~ :::.,:.,..,. . .: ?.~ · . ~ .... ~O~O~AS ~O~OWS .~:,'. ' ' . · ' . --' . ..... "'. '.," . "~ ~.:<~'~ ~' ,. ,. . .. ...... , : ':. . -...,. ..:....",...:'...,.~?,'". .t,';'~', li~.rocedures used must be:~n accordance with 'requirements' 'of S.ta,~d~'r'~' ar -'~.',];~..~ .~Gu~de'~lnes developed__. _-: -f°r' ~mp~ementat~on': o~ Kern Count 'ord~ ' :''. I.,'~,'"'A -minimum of .'t~o samples muSt-be retrieved beneath the center Of:es ~' at ~thS~Of a~oX~at~l~' ~' :1.8,~",'6' .. . ';~}::-.~ ~ ,.:. .... '......} ...-~.'.~..,...'~::~ .[:~:~..~.j)}..:.. · v ~}~::A.:,~i'in~mum o~' two. samPles musi'Ibe'.re~r~eVed at-'dePt'hs, o~ 'rOximatel ''~: 6" ' ...... 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'~y-.. . ..,,,,.. ;:,:~,,:~?,.., ~,,... .,... · . ~'.~-~,~.~~ .... ~,~.,~ .... :.'~3~a~.~ ..,. ,~,~_ . . .~GROUNDWATER s6~o D~st,~ct ~,d., ~te ~06 RESOURCE Bakersfield. C~ifom;a 93313 (805J 835-7r~ -- INDUSTRIES CHAIN O~ CUSTODY RECORD .~ ~,.,%* f213) 724-3147 -- S~E ATJ7 ~ S~LE LOCATION ~ECE~r Rel~bhed bv ~Si~,turp) Oete~e Received bg :(Slgnit~e) Relinqu{st~d bg :(SJgniture) Date ~e Reoelved bg :(Signature) Rel~Jshed bg :(Siqn~t~e) D~te~e Received ~er L~b~t~g bg ~ D4te~e Rem~r~ ~ ' ' FIL~ ' I - ' ~ t LABORATORIES, '1 J. J. [-GUN, IIEG. CH~. ENG,. P~T~OL~UM 41~ PIE~E RD., BAKE~FIELD, ~LIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date'of P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT: 4-30-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93389 LAB No.: 7795 Sample Description: S-2-E DIEBEL DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE CO~.~,W. CTED: ~'-~IV~ @ LAB: COMPLETED: 4-24-87 4-24-87 4-30-87 Reportin~ Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~=/g none detected 0.10 Toluene ~/~ none detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ~g/g none detected 0.10 p-X~lene ~=/g none detected 0.10 m-Xylene ~g/g none detected 0.10 o-Xylene ~/g none det~=cted 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ~/g none detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~/~ none detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~=/g none detected 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. 5020/8020: DRY MAT~ER. BASIS PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizin~ a Gasoline Factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on this report.. Analyst LABORATORIES, InD. P£T~OL£U~ J' J' EGLIN' REG. CHF. JqA. ENGII. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT: 4-30-87 BAKERSFIkW,D, CA. 93389 LAB No. :7796 Sample Description: S-6-E DIEBEL DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COr,r,~CTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPS: 4-24-87 4-24-87 4-30-87 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~g/g O. 53 O. 10 Toluene ~=/g O. 37 O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ~g/g none detected O. 10 p-Xylene ~g/g none detected O. 10 m-Xylene ~g/g 1.79 O. 10 o-Xylene ~=/g 2.37 O. 10 Isopropyl Benzene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~=/g 58. O1 5. O0 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~=/g 63.07 5. O0 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present_ (C1 to C20) utilizing a Gasoline Factor. As outlined by the California D. O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on-this report. GRO s)Ih,,4TER · ' 5610 Distdct Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 RESOURCE INDUSTRIES General Engineering Contractor " Class A IJc. #504072 (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles June 2, 1987 Ms,~ Amy Green Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: L.F. & Catherine Diebel 1900 Ridgewood Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 Dear Ms. Green, Enclosed you will find the documentation for the recent removal of two (2) underground tanks at 1575 ~6th Street in Bakersfield, California. Several lengthly delays in laboratory~analytical services were encountered due to the solvent tank samples. We have enclosed all laboratory results, chain of custody record, permits and tank destruction receipts. If you have any additional questions regarding this project, please contact our office at (805) 835-7700. Very truly yours, P. Fitch jpF:dji Encls. cc: L.F. & Catherine Diebel Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Rarnon · Campbell · Los Angeles FGL ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS CLIENT: BC Laboratories DATE REPORTED: 5/27/87 4100 Pierce Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93308 DATE RECEIVED: 5/5/87 LAB. NO.: 77971-1 DATE ANALYZED: 5/12/87 SAMPLE I.D.: 7797 .~-~--~.~ REPORT OF GC/MS ANALYSIS FOR VOLATILE ORGANICS IN SOIL {EPA 8240) Detection Detection Limit Limit Compound ug/kg ug/kg Compound ' ug/kg ug/kg Benzene ND-*34 1,1-Dichloroethene ND '14 Bromodichloromethane ND *34 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene ND *34. Bromoform ND *34 1,2-Dichloropropane ND *34 Bromomethane ND *34 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene ND *34 Carbon Tetrachloride ND *34 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene ND *34 Chlorobenzene ND *34 Ethyl Benzene ND *34 Chloroethane ND *34 Methylene Chloride ND *67 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether ND *67 1,1,2,2-Tetrachl'oroethane ND *34 Chloroform ND *67 .Tetrachloroethene ND *34 Chloromethane ND *34 Toluene ND *34 Dibromochloromethane ND. *34 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND *34 1,2rDichlorobenzene ND *34 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND *34 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND *34 Trichloroethene ND *34 1.,4-Dichlorobenzene ND *34 Trichlorofluoromethane ND *34 1,1-Dichloroethane ND *34 Vinyl Chloride ND *67 1,2-Dichloroethane ND *34 * : less than ND : Not Detgcted Respectful ly submitted, ohn~F. Quinn, Ph.D. Environmental Chemist J FQ: cem MAINOFFICE~ 853 CORPORATION STREET~ P.O. BOX272 FIELDOFFICE~ 717 BRIDGE STREET & LABORATORY SAN'FA PAULA, CALIFORNIA 93060-0272 & LABORATORY COLUSA, CALIFORNIA 95932 (805) 525-3824 ~ (805) 659-0910 (91'6) 458-5801 FGL ENVI OI MENTAL ( ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS CLIENT: BC Laboratories DATE REPORTED: 5/27/87 4100 Pierce Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93308 DATE RECEIVED: 5/5/87 LAB. NO.: 77971-2 DATE ANALYZED: 5/12/87 SAMPLE I.D.: 7798 REPORT OF GC/MS ANALYSIS FOR VOLATILE ORGANICS IN SOIL {EPA 8240) Detection. Detection Limit Limit Compound 'ug/kg ug/kg Compound ' ug/kg ug/kg Benzene ND-*34 1,1-Dichloroethene ND .'14 Bromodichloromethane ND *34 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene ND *34 Bromoform ND *34 1,2-Dichloropropane ND *34 Bromomethane ND *34 cis-l,3-Dichloroprqpene ND *34 Carbon Tetrachloride ND *34 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene ND *34 Chlorobenzene ND *34 Ethyl Benzene ND *34 Chloroethane ND *34 Methylene Chloride ND *67 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether ND *67 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 'ND *34 Chloroform ND *67 Tetrachloroethene ND *34 Chloromethane ND *34 Toluene ND *34 Dibromochloromethane ND *34 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND *34 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND *34 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND *34 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND *34 Trichloroethene ND *34 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND *34 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1,1-Dichloroethane ND *34 Vinyl Chloride ND *67 1,2-Dichloroethane ND *34 * = less than ND = Not Detected Respectful !Y submitted, uinn, Ph.D. Environmental Chemist JFQ:cem mi MAINOFFICE~ 85$ CORPORATION STREET-- P.O. BOX272 FIELDOFFICE~ 717BRIDGESTREET & LABORATORY SANTA PAULA, CALIFORNIA 93060.-0272 & LABORATORY .COLUSA, CALIFORNIA 95932 (805) 525-3824 -- (805) 65943910 (916} 458-5801 COMMERCIAL TANK & EQUIPMENT SALES, INC. 3259 South Elm Ave. (Hwy 41) INVOICE Fresno, CA 93706 ' (209) 233-6265 0 0 0 7 6 'J UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTI~ D E S C R I P T I O N I · pAY BY INVOICE' NO STATEMENT SENT. INV CC 7~3 .1 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF FIRE fREVENTION PERMIT Permit No. In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, permission is hereby ,~~d to: I~am, of ComPany / '" - - AddreG ' ~ ' to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle material, s or process involving or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: subject to the provisions and/or limitations as provided on the reverse hereof. Violation of pertin- entordinances, codes and/or regulations shall void this~mi~,~. ~,,e ,~/~l.~~-''~' v Fire Marshal "~'~, :.. '~, ..,.... . : '. .'. . !".; .. .:: . ....................... ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DE PAR'I~IENT DATE: ,2 19~7 BU~AU OF FIRE PRE~NTION PE~IT NO: Auto Tire Rebuilding Plants ~ A~unitton ~ Matches, , 14aste Handling . ids ~ ~elding & Cutting Cellulose Nitrate ~ Garage ~ Airport -lleliport C,,,,,I, ressed Gas ~ Liquefied PeC Gas ~ High Piled Stock Dust Explosion Ilazard ~ Lumber Yard Explosives ~ Magnesium This card Is to remain in a consp[c~...}s place near the installation until final inspection is made and approved, i, Eb~RKS: Final Inspection: 19~ Inspector: · . .CIIAIN OF CtI.G'I'OD¥ RECORD "' Samplers:; C~k3~tu~) [ . SIIIPPING I NFOII~IATION :'"Phone.; ' .,~.~ 'SHIP TO: · "" · .~.' , ~W, Shipment Service ~' ~ATTEN~ON,'.:~ ~ ~4,n - Airbill No. . ~h&~a'~. :'::.' Coo~= .o. .{. _. ..~ · . . ' ~e eived b : ( ' ~a) Data/Time · '.'--.~ Relinquished by= aiv~ b~ ~ Da. Ca/=ima Relinquished by: (~~) =~ . Da te/Time Relinquished by.. (~~ ~ceived for la~rato~ by* (~u}Date/Time ~' .~;~-i<-..~le · : '"Site ~ate ~alysis ~.[~le Condition : .'.';'~-'?~r'.. . Identification _~pled ~uested UL~n Receipt ."-'<=~ "~ ..; .D,~/ ~-:~-~ ~rX- p~/ .,..- . . _ - , .: .~...... , - - :...' -.,- .-i4.~' .. .'-Lab Instrustioni L~boratory reports should reference and be billed by site ID." and .r. ... contain the following: "1)' Summary of analytical methodology and QA work (blanks, ,2):, dates for (a) smnplin- ,b~ ,-~ .... :-~ , , . ' p '' [ icate~) 3)':detection limits for l~l'c'- ~.,~._~uu.uzp=, }c; ext_raction, (d) injection/analy.~is -...f onstl~uents analyzed [or and reporting of ail conntituents · Ge.tected which~_were not specifically designated :4) '-~_4L~ · . 17~Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEAL~OmCER Baker~leld, California 93305 ~on M Hebe~on, M.D. T~ephone (805) 861-3636 ,. ' ' EN~RONMEN~L HEAL~ DI~SION DIRE~OR OF EN~RONMENTAL H~L~ ~mon & Reicha~ . PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE ~ Permit Number A148-' OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS .--.. : SUBSTANCES STORAGE. FACILITY ' '. .... ' FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS:' CONTRACTOR: L. F.':& Catherine Diebel ..... L.F. & Catherine Diebel ..Shallock Backhoe Se~ 1575 26th Street .. 1900 Ridgewood DRY'". 3801 Mesa Grande ' Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield,'CA · '' License No. 291389 PERMIT TO ABANDON PERMIT EXPIRES February 6~ 1988 2 TANK(S).AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE ' February 6, ~7 Amy E. ~reen .................. POST ON PREMISES ' " .... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: Permittee must obtain Fire Department permit prior to initiating abandonmen~ action. 2. Al/ procedures used must be in accordance with requirements of Standards an~ Guidelines developed for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Code. copy of these requirements are enclosed with this permit. 3. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of each rani at depths of approximately 2' and 6'. 4. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately 2' an6 6' for every ~5 linear feet of pipe run. 5. All samples retrieved under the gasoline, tank must be analyzed for benzene., toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 6. All ·samples retrieved under the solvent tank must be analyzed utilizing EPA method #8240. 7. Advise this office of the time and date of proposed sampling ~ith 24 hours advance notice. 'ACCEPTED BY Mailed DATE Feb~_mry 3, 1987 DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont Lake Isabella Mojave . Ridgecrest Shafter . Taft Kerr'~ County Health DePartm , Pe . .~.,. Division of Environmental Health Application Date 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 No.' of Tanks to be Abandoned Type_ of A~splication (Fill Out ~e ~plication ~r Facility) .,.~.:.:Q...... ~ ~T~ra~ Closure/A~ndo~e~ ..... ~ Pe~anent Closure/~ndo~ent A. ' Project' Contact (~e, area c~e, ~one): ~ys Nigh~ Facility Na~ p~ope~ o~ed by L.~.. & M.G. Diebel Facility ~dress 1 575 26~h ' Nearest qross St. 26th & ~e "~ .T .... ;" R S~ (Rural ~catio~ ~ly) (Home. 805/871-6527) ~.~,~,~. ~ner A'i'F, & Catherine Diebel~ 'Jr, " Tele~one.'805/Bq2-9292. ....... ."~-,. '~dress 1900 RidMewood ~', .. ..... Zip 95506 ~.-,~'~-~ '~--. ~rator ........ Tele~one '. . ~ '~ ~dress .... . .. ' - Zip "... ~oil' C~racteristics at Facility. not ~o~ ~:,'~'. :'. ~sis for ~il ~ ~ Gro~ter ~pth .~temi~tio~ C 1 Contractor ~-~'--~- ~e~cc Scrvic ~e ~. 29J589 '~dress 580J Mesa Grade zip Tele~one ._. pro~s~ S~rti~ ~te Pro~s~ C~pletion "~rker.~s C~~tion Certifi~ti~n ~FB~go~-Q% Insurer Walter Mor~enson ASsoc. ~'~viro~en~t Asses~ent ~ntractor _~ ~a%~,~.~ Li'cen~ ~. ~ ... ~ress. ~ ~ .~ ~%~e ]~ ~,~ Z~ ~ Telemone ~- ~_~. , ' ' Pro~s~ S~rti~ ~e ~-~.-~ .-' . 'P~o~s~ C~plet!on ~ -~ ~rker[,s C~ation[ Ce~tific~tfon ~ ~7~/~ Insurer /~.~ ~6 D. Ch~ical. C~sition ,of,~terials Stor~ " Tank ~' Chemical Stored (non-co~rcial ~me) Dates Stored Chemi~l Previously Stor~ ,:. . · (if d~ifferent) .N0n~ieade6 gasoline-~~j. · ? to ~979 "~ CleWing solven~ - ~D~.~ _ Y to -1979 ' ~- 7 ~r~. g-- to. E. ~scri~ Meth~ for Ret~i~i~ S~ples ~ples Will ~ ~al~ for ~ratory T~t Will Perfo~ '~alyses of S~ples a~~ ~, ~dress ~ ~le~ne ' F.. This application for: ~ removal 0r -~a~ndo~ent in pla~ . · '* PL~E ~iDE I~O~TION R~UEST~ ~ ~E SIDE OF ~IS S~ B~ SU~I~I~ ~PLI~TI~ ~R ~. This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and' to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. Signature ~, _~,,~,~ '~~~/~ Title Owrier Date Provide Descfliption Ph~..cat .Layout of'Facility ~ ze Provided Below; Include All the Following Information: ! ~.__."--~Locati'on of Tank(s) , Piping. &'Dispenser(s) ~, Proposed Sampling Locations Indicating Approximate Depth ~ A~ ~ .of Sampl~s . · ' . > 'i ;< ~?.,--~--~<Nearest Street or~IntersectiOn >.- ~,~ -' . 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", '! !.',..':. .., · ,:..:J .... ' "' ' ' '''' ' ' ' " "' ' ' ' ' f , ' ' ii ' · , , I' ,. . . . , .... ... ,..:. ...,,..,..,.t:..,,...~....,. ..... ~ . .~ , , I~/ .. .... · . . . , .:. . ....1. .. :i..,:,.l.~: :,., ~,..- . ..... ,,., .,.. ::.C..e,...,., · .. . :.: . . ..~'.'.,.' ', '.,.' !h.,..,' .!:,.~..!,~'..:, , r.,:,~,~ .- . .,,. ,, -... ~: -. . .,. .; .'." " ': : ':] · .. · :' ...~'.ti,~'~;i":' '"" · . ' -" . ,' ". " App~oved Sv ' ':..: '" !.:'7::,,:':,i:~: ' ' ,~, ' . ' : ' .... ' ' ' ' : ':',i.?':., Scale I ,-T--_ ~.,~' ' ! Approved By .. Scale KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1700 Flower Street HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 . ' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Hebett~on, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 . ' ' DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reich-,rd December 11, 1986 L.F. Catherine Diebel Jr. 1900 Ridge'wood Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 Re: Abandonment of Two Underground Tanks Dear Mr. or Mrs. ~Diebel: The application for the permit to abandon your two underground hazardous substance tanks cannot be processed until information is obtained on the tan~' removal contractor. The tank removal contractor must have a valid California contractor's license, and must provide proof of a valid worker's compensation poli.cy. Please call this office when that information is obtained. These tanks must meet all rec~]irements fo~ monitoring and 'operation of underground tanks until they are removed. A permit to operate has not been issued for these tanks. To assist you in meeting these requirements I have enclosed an application for the permit to operate these tanks. Please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636· Sincere ly, Environmental Health Speclal~st Hazardous Materials Manageme .nt Program AEG: aa enclosure - ~ DISTRICT OFFICES