HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-9/25/89ALT, OF THE FOXING iNFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR APPLICATION TO BE PRCCESS~: - .. X PROPOSED SAMPLING LOCATI~S DES~IGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL "(~" ~ NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION A ~'~ ~ ~,~.~ o~ s~c~ ~s TY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. D. JOHNSON OctOber '7, '1 99 1 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Nancy Nelson Chicago Title Insurance Co. 5300 California Ave. Suite 100 Bakersfield CA 93309 RE: Property located at 430 30th Street, Bakersfield California. Reference #623247JD ( Dear Ms. Nelson, This letter confirms the completion of remedial action at the above stated site. Based on personal observation of excavation activity and the containment of excavated material and with the provisions that the information provided to this department, by Environmental strategies, was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this department that the contaminated soil, described .and defined by Environmental Strategies, was excavated, contained in barrels and subsequently disposed of in the proper manner. Please be advised that this department has not collected nor performed any independent sampling or analysis on the soil or any other relative material pertaining to the property. Nor does this office have copies of or has ever seen copies of the hazardous waste manifests, disposal receipts, or any other documents pertaining to the work performed at the above stated address. Additionally, be advised that this letter does not relieve the property owner of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code, or any other Federal, State, County, and/or City law and/or ordinance for past, present, or future operations. Nor does it relieve the property owner of the responsibility to cZean up existing, additional, Or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3797. S~nce~el~, ~,~ ~ ~ Joe A. Dunw~ ...7/// Hazardous Material Specialist PUMPING LI-NI"/' REPAIR CCC~r~ ~-7~5-¢ { 430 3~TH-ST. 060038C FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY Activity' Date .- · 0f Tanks Co~ents En~.onmental ltealth Services Depart :~?00 -15f~ street, Suite ~00 Bakersfield, ~ 93301 (80S) 861-3419 Fax Number °-, ...... PERMIT · FOR ~ERMANENT :CLOSURE ...... -~ ...... PERMIT NUMBER .A961-06 -- OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES.~STORAGE FACILITY ~. FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: .CONTRACTOR'. !' Pumping Unit Repair Pumping Unit Repair CALPI Inc. 430 30th Street 430 30th Street P.O. Box 6278 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield, CA 93386 Lioense %506025 Phone: (805) 324-0503 Phone: (805) 589-5648 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES S~ember 26, 1989 ~ TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE ' JUn~ 26. 1~89w , LOCATION APPROVED BY '~6~ ~ Dan Starkey ~ '- . .............. POST ON PREMISES ........................... CONDITIONS AS. FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be - required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must ~otify the Kern County Environmental Health Department at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank (removal) or inerting and filling) to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health Services Department and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook %UT-30. PERMIT NUMBER A961-06 PERMIT FOR PERMANENT'CLOSURE ADDENDUM OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 4. Soil sampling ' Any deivation from sample locations and numbers or constituents to be --~-~-~-~-s-a~pied~-f0~-~iChh~e- described below and in__Handbook #UT~30 m~.st.~r~cei~~` prior approval by the Health Department. a. (Tank size between 1,000 to 10,000 gallons) - a ~ of 'four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 5. If any contractors other than those listed on permit ahd permit application are to be Utilized, Prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed 6. Soil sampling (piping area) a m~ of two samples'must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15~linear feet of 9ipe run and.also near.the dispenser area(s). 7. Sample analysis a. Ail (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples mustbe analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 8. Copies of transp°rtation manifests must be submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Department within'five days of.waste disposal. 9. 'Ail applicabie state laws for h~zardous waste disposal, transp°rtation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Environmental Health Department must be notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. 10. Permittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14 da~s of tank removal. 11. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. 12. Results must be submitted to this office within 'three days of analysis completion. .' ACCEPTED BY: " DS:cas \A961-06.clo\6-26-17 GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director r Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 ;~.. Telephone (805) 861-3636 · ' Telecopier (805) 861o3429 ' STEVE Mc CALLEY .,~tor .RESOURC,E N.T AGENCY tNMENTAL -S~tember 25, 1989 3 .' ............ Pumping~Unit.Rep~.i~ ................................................. '' ' ' 430 30th Street . "Bakersfield, California 93303 -. ' CLOSURE OF.1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 430 30TH STREET IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A961-06/060038 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project resulots' for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of tile tank noted above. ,, Based upon the sample results submitted, this 'Department is "satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional· or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public .health. ~k.~o~cooperation in th~s ma~:ter.. ~ cc: CALPI INC. 1700 Flower Street ' KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEP, .RTMENT HEALTH.OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 , Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 .... ' ENVIRONMENIAL HEAL]H DIVISI(.N · *' DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH  '~ Vernon S. Relchard Facility Name '~ Kern County Perml~ # - --Address--~5~7 -~ ~ =- --- - :-__~---- . _ '* * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD * ~ This . form Is to be returned ~o the Rem County llealth Department within days of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. The ........ : .... .-'~older 'of' 'the-perm&t-'wlth'-number noted "above-is-responsible-for lnsur-tng that this fo~m is. completed and returned. .. ~ - To be filled ou[ ~ tank removal contractor: ..... , Tank Re~oval Contractor: ~ ' " ". Address ~,~~~ Phone , ~~~ ', ~ectiou 2 -~ ~ ~llled arC, ~ couCrac~or "decon~nnina~tnE ~ank(s): Tank "Oecontamina,ion" Contractor ~~, ~' Address ~, ,~ ~~ Phone ~ Authorized representative of con~rac~or certifies by signing below that tank(s) have been decontaminated In ~ccordance with Kern County llealth De~en ts. . , ~. ~ ;' .; Tt Ze ~e o b~ lille0 out and signed ~E ~ auUwrize& yepresentative o~ the treatment, storage, or disposal facility accepting tank(s}: Facility Name ~-,~~' /~.'././ -' ~ _ ~ Address ~ ~ 2 ~. ~//,~ ,~. ~hone Date Tanks ~v~~J-~ ~-/~ ~~- . No. of Tanks [ · * * ~AILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold In half and staple. (Form #tlHMP-150) DISTRICr OFFICES SMC 'Labor tory Analytical chemistry Client Name: CALPI, Inc. Address : P.O. Box 6278 Bakers fie Id, CA 93386 'D a ~ e' :"~-~Yn~p I'e s--Y e c e i v-ed' : -'6 ~-3-0=89-: ----- ..... :'~---~----<~--~ .............. ~- .......... -~- ~: .............. -- Date analysis completed: 7-01-89 ,. Date of report : 7-06-89 · ,~abora~ory No. 1737'and 1738 Purchase Order No. " '-' Project: Pumping. ·Unit Repair .¢roject 'RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #1737 rD: 2' Sample ugm/gm MRL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.1 Toluene ND 0 Ethylbenzene ND 0 1 .p-Xylene ND 0 1 m-Xylene ND :0 1 o-Xylene ND 0 1 Isopropylbenzene ND 0 TPH (Gasoline) ND 1 0 ~1738 ID: 6' Sample ugm/gm MRL,ugm/gm Ben :-:ene ND O. 1 Toluene. ND · · -,,0. 1 Ethylbenzene ND '-" O. 1 p-Xylene ND !0.. Isopropylbenzene ND TPH (Gasoline) ND ~ethod of Analysis: Californra DoHS LUFT MRL = Minimum Reporting Level 'TPH = Total Petroleum Hyd..'?ocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per' g~'am ND = Not. detected Stan' Comer . 3155 Pegasus Ddve · Bakersfield. CA 93308 ·(805) 393-3597 P.O. ~x 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · F~ (805) 393-3623 ,- jRevision No: . 0 .~ 'I ~Date: ,"./-.'~/',.f,~..- · ~,,,~.~,r'"~'~' OF CUSm, OD.," ' RECORD ~I 'iPage / of' ,. ~'~'~ '; 7" "~ . f,~ . ~.~ I PROJECT I"A~E, -- i ~..Li' ~" , :" ..."..,;:., /r/('~'- SANPLE TEAM ' ~' ~"b' ~' '" 1-805-589+5648 PROJECT NUMBER,,'"",~%{,,(;~ ,~t'~,;¢,,¢.~: LAB D~S~!NA._Oh= ~ m. , :5[' )'~:~.:~ ., :, S~ple Sample Date ~ Tim~ S~ple COntainer Condition On'-Recelet ,~o.. Location D~'scription Collected Type .~Type ~'(N~e & Date) -x ~ ',': b:~ ' ' · ' ........ ' '/~ r · -. J ' ";' ' ' ' I ' - POSSIBLE ' LAB HAZARDS?.._ ,~ ', SIGNATURES:~' (N~e, C0moa~y, Date & Time) . r . ' ' ' '.'4&P 3 ' 1 Relinbuished ~ ~. 0 · Relinquished E~ ~., ; , Recei ee By ~~~~., ~/~/~1. ~;~¢ m Received By 2 Re!!nOulshe~ ny AUTHOR!Z~**m, ReceiMed By FOR DISPOSAL .(.'~%."' i;:.' · . ..- .. P.O ~x 6~78 Petro~um & Industrial Bakersfield, CA ~6 FAX (8~) 58g-~12 ~ .: .; · INTERNAL USE ONLY: KgR.N2~{~tI,NTY HF.,A~.TH D£PARTNENT \~ ~:.: PTO ' ~ DIVISION OF ~IRO~AL ~ ' ~PLI~TION ~ ~ ~ 1700 FLOMER STREET, ~HRSFI8~. ~ .93305. 0P T~S ~ BB 'A~NED ~805) 861-3836 .,, '' ~ OP PIPINB ~ ~N CLOSURE/~DO~~ O~ ~ERGROUND ~~DO~ ~UB~C~ ~TO~O~ ~AC~ ~T~ THIS ~PLI~TION I8 ~R ~ ~AL. 0R ~ ~~ IN P~CE {~I~ 0~ ON~ ~PLI~TION P~ PACILI~) --'~ .................................... -F~NI~ W JONES ~=~=-:-~'- ............................... {==~"~iG~_805~589--5648 -{-- "~;:~. I ,.,, :. ~ ....... ~ PUMPING ~IT, REPAIR Hq0 qOm~ ~m~m ~w~n~=93303SAN Ding ' D~ER 9 ~S PHONE ~ PUMPING ?UNIT REPAIR 430 30TH STREET,BKFDCA93303 (805 )324- 0503 T~ ,~vAL ~, , . ......... ~ i~ ~ . . ~._. ~1_.,.:, ~8 0 5-? .... CALPI,.--tnc.. ....... :.'~.' L.iZ ...... ::..~:.::SJ'2:':&{P.._O_.BOX j62.18-..iKFD CA 93386:. ~- . 5805648.._;C [ " · g; 'J~g 28, 1989 ~' :~06025 ' ' { 1011809-89 I STATE 'FUND · --.., ' P 0'SBOX 27'8 BKFD CA 93386 (805 )589 5648 ~" ~RKER'S ~P~TION 8 XNS~ : A 1011809-~9 S~ATE F~D ~ ' , (805)834- 8300 ~RY ~T MILL ~E ~ - ~D~ PH~ SMC{3155 PEGASUS DR~E (805 )393- 3597 ~H~ICAL C~ITI~ OF ~I~ ~R~  '~ ~ ' -2000 UHL~ADED GASOLINE NATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY ............ ~ ~ I DK~ ~ ~~ , ' ~ NEAREST MAT~R NELL - GIVE DISTANCE AND DESCRIBE TYPE IP MITHIN ~OO FEET SOIL .. TYPR AT FACILITY ~ SW - WE ILL ' --PARK - HOMAKER PL & "Q~''STREET 1/8 M!~.E CLAY' AND SILT  BASIS FOR SOIL TYPE AND GROUNDWATER D~mTH DETERMINATION  PER KERN COUNTY WATER' AGENCY TOTAL NUMBER OF SANPLES TO BE ANALYZED IgAMPL.~S MILL BE ANALYZED FOR: FOUR SAMPLES [ BTX-TPH ]ESCRIBE HOM RESIDUE IN, TANK(S) AND PIPING IS TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL COMPANIES): CALPI,INC. TO PUMP LIQUID AND' HAUL TO GIBSON OIL TO RECYCLE. ]ESCR/BE BOTH THE DISPOSAL METHOD AND DISPOSAL LOCATION FOR: TANK(SIAMR- 2202 SOUTH MILLIKEN AVE, ONTARIO,. CA. 91761 PIPIN0 same (Form *HNMP-140 ) ~.' UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY .... ' INSPECTION REPORT' ,~PC ~ No. of Tanks ' Is Information on P~rmi~Appli~tion Cor~? Y~ No Permit Po~? Y~ __ No __ Ty~ of Ins~ion: Routine ~ Complaint Rein~ion : ITEU VIOLATIONS NOTED ~ Icte~ing and Dire~ing Sy~em b. S. ndard Inv,n~:.Control Monitoring ~, M~ ~0 ~ ~ ~aD c. Modifi. l~Con.olMonitorin9 W~ S d. i~Tank L~el ~nsin9 f. Vad~ Zone Monitoring ' ' 2. ~ond~ Co~inmnt Monito~ng: b. ~ubleWalled Tank c. Vaul~ Z Pipi~ Mon~oring: c. GraviW 4. Overfill Protection Tightness Testing iS. New Construction/Modification *. 7. Closure/Abandonment 8. Unauthorized Releasa 9. Maintenance, General Safety, and Operating Condition of Facility Comments/Recommendations: ~NSPECTOR: ~~-~'~ REPORT RECEIVED BY: Health 580 4113 170