HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN " ' .... - '- FORM ~';~::;'~: ~':k;"::" :..'. DATE f / FACILITY N~ME: .. UNIT ~: -OF '..-..;~...- .'. -';'.:.:.'.?':?, ' ' '(CHEcK;oNE) S~TE DXAGR~ ' ~AC~LX~ D~AGR.~ .'--' '" " ' " -' " °i ...... ..,, .... ~ .. , " :. "- r .... ~. "-' " . .... .......... : L.,'~.'j, . ... ,. · .. ..., -.=,.~- . . .] ..... ,' .--~ ' ·. -'~ o'.~ .' ~[' :..: .-= ' '. ,-./,.:': _.:..,, . .~' . . . _.,. , . . =. . ~ ..... .j.., - +.. . ._ " " "' " ~..; . . '.: · ,. . ~ ~.-. ~ .:-:.:. ' :' . ~ -. -~:ra~o-. - · ,.,.,- .'. ! , '. . ~ . ~ , ~,' ' ..::. :..; ~ ..... ....' . ,:,-./ · .'. , . ' .....· ,.:.. ~... . · ... . .I ;~">'. ' :... . : ' I- .~,-.::: , ,,. : ~ . ., ... - '::."' 7'~- '"'~' :" " " ' ~': ", ' :' I - , ; - : [ ... '~· , . · . i"'~'-~;:;~-'.'...".':"..-.:,'""":' ~: ~.:. '.<':.~ ":' <.. ".. ".'-"-: · ". ~"'"'' '" " ~': ?.~' ~.~:C:~:, .~:~'~:,:...~:'~:,.~.:,,:j~?: ':. ::'. ?..?. :'. ... ~.::, . .... ... - ':/ ..... :'~::', ..' 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' - '.:~' '- -...~.:;: :.:,: ::::.~.::.:.: .:~ ~ .....'..', .,..' .:.., ,.' .;:':;'u.¢ t "''"" '" ' ~ ' - ('',- ' .... ~:'."'-" ""' -- '~" .,,.?.?:,. . .' ..... '. ("" "':' '.".."./ ' . ' . , ;~..;',.,~-.,' , ; .- ,, - .[%.,./' ', ~, ~,-. ,,-,; . - . ~~ . ~ ~ ,','. ~:: '~,' ' :.--' -OFFICI~L..,USE. ONLY- :-'., ' . . ,',:: ,' ,.'?" ' ".-' .',:':i". :-.' ':.. -F.',':?:':"':- ..... ,..-~ .... .: ;.?',[.'~,(:' :'.:-: ~?, -,.," ,..:. . ., ,...-., ::.. .;:i"'.'-. . .', - ..... .,-, . ' - ;' , ' · ': -. '1 , ..' ,~,[;/";.:'.; · .,. ~.. - 1...... : ,- .... .. · . . Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON 'REVERSE SIDE ~i This permit is issued for the following: ~ Materials Plan PERMIT ID# 015-021000289 .~,,,*~':~'~'; ;i round Storage of Hazardous Mat®dais .,,~,i?i, ement Program PUMPING UNIT REPAIR DIV Wast~ LOCATION 430 30TH ~'.~,,~-',,, ~. '.. .... ....~ "' '"'~"" '~ "'~ [ssu~ by: O~CE OFE~RON~L X~ ~CES Approv~ by: - 1715 Chewer Ave., 3d Floor Voice (805) 52~5979 F~ ¢05) 326~576 Expiration Date: ·CITY OF BAKERSFIELD "~ P.O. ~30X 2057 BAKERSFOELD, CALIFORN,A 93303-2057 , .. * 430 30T~ ~ST ' .BAKERSF'~ELD CA", 9330~- .. . " : '11 ~!:',,, ,Ih, ti ldl,,.,dh il:i:Ji [,:h, i,:lJi:J;i'J,~,l¢il I~ ' . Account Number " ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADJUSTMENT 3/6/q? New Account Date New Address · Valerie ?ender§rass Close Account From: Service Change Fire Department- Haz Mat DiVision Other Ad{. Department/Division pUmPing Unit Repair Div' Geo " Billing Name ' Billing Address .'. . Site Address Parcel # (If Applicable) Landlord Name & Address if Applicable ADJUSTMENT - ILast . Correct !Adjustment iEffective Date {Billed' Billing ' .',To Billing IOf Change i $P_50.00 ' - 0 - I 1/2/92 i I. Approved By: Remarks: Business was bought out by Lufkin in January 1991 and moved to County at that time. Should never have been billed. '....}{. ~-r:'/ ~'., }.,,/ " .... Do hereb~ o~t~-' ~ ~. _~e. that I have ~eviewea the attached Hazardous .~'laterials business ~lan (name of business) and that it along with the attached additions or corrections,constitute a comDlete and correct Business Plan for mM facility. .,~ ....... !_'.iE':.'.~:~ ',1.-. ..... ~':: PU}~PING T REPAIR LOC .~, !7 ~ :.. ~, 4 3" . ,, 30TIt ST 1~'' . O %~' F_ I~. ~z I i~] ~& LAST ¢"J'~:'-'?_,,:.~:.,,_,L 07/01/88 BY ESTER · JURIS CODE 215-004 JUR'[S BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 btAP PAOE 103 GN.ID 19D FACILITY UNZTS 1 [lAZARD RATING 3 RESPONSE SU)IHARY 2A SEC 4) EMPLOYEES HAVE TRAINING TO HANDLE SMALL EblERGENCIES IE.: FIRST AID, FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. MONTHLY SAFETY MEETINGS TO UPDATE TRAINING. EMERGENCY CONTACTS 2A SEC 2) DOUG HAWLEY - 324-0503 OR 393-6508' JIM EGAN - 324-0503 OR 834-2184 UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2A SEC 3) A)' GAS - SW CORNER SHOP, OUTSIDE WALL B) ELECTRICAL - SE CORNER SHOP, OUTSIDE WALL C) WATER - S CENTER OF PROPERTY AT STREET D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO "~-r ....... 2 . NOTIFICATION / pUBLIC EVACUATI"ON LAST CHANGE / / BY' of public plans are to: First notify the.Fire Dep.ti:.;>~ai~d;!:: Notification City Police; Then in the case of a hazardous condition that".w'0~d':~l'!~¢~i!~ii!!:~!'.?,~':i'?!(;~:,.(',.': endanger the aener'al public to make person to person contact w*:th-~;t~l&~t¢~:,~;:¢,': anyone in the general vi'cinity < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > . Contact: AER Services 420 - 30th Street '- '..".:.::,. 323-8319 Kern Electric Distribu't°rs 415.- 30th Street 327-9716 PAGE 1 12/16/88 11:5 ~ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTESIS, INC. (805) 648-6800 NO I:*l'_*~m:-~L,.,.~:' RECORDED F,~~,-,.LS 5=C.T~O~' > All employees are trained at monthly safety meetings to handle, use, and store the various materials that they may o~ may not contact while employed at this location. M.S.D.S. are available to all employees and are reviewed at safety meetings. 4 . LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASS ISTANCE LAST CHANGE 07/01/88 BY ESTER MEDI CENTER - 820 34TH ST - 325-6334 _- ............ CITY FIRE DEPT. gll PAGE 2 12116/88 11:5< MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 I 1 PURE UNLEADED GASOf.'INE 800 GAL HIGH N q~N-TER OF YARD LIGHTS UNDEBGROUND TANKS FUEL 1182.00 100.0 GASOLINE HIGH 2 PURE DIESEL FUEL 1000 GAL MODEBATE N CENTE~ OF YABD LIGHTS ABOVE GROUND TANK~ FUEL ID PERC=~,=:,T COMPONENTS* HAZARD LI 1178.03 100.0 DIESEL FUEL NO,1 MODEBATE 3 MIXTURE SOLVENT ~¢~~¢ 500 GAL EXTREME N CENTER OF YARD LIGHTS ~ TANK~ COOLANT-~""~'~JJ~:~:~'---ARD~i~:~' ~HAz ID PERCENT COMPONENTS ' LI 1203.02 100.0 NAPHTHA SOLVENT ~/??~:i!'EXTREME 4 PURE GEAR OIL 200 GAL LUNKNOWN N SIDE SHOP OUTSIDE WALL ABOVE GROUND TANK~ LUBRICANT ~?-<~:~-~" 2808.00 100.0 MOTOR OIL B . FIRE PROTECTION / WATER SUPPLIES LAST CHANGE 07/01/88 BY ESTER 3A SEC 4) INTERIOR OF SHOP BLDG HAS OVERHEAD SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN SHOP AND S~ROUNDING FACILITY EQUIPPED WITH FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. 3A SEC 5) PAGE 3 12/16/88 11:5 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 i ;~ ~ REPAIR DIV GEO INc ' ,. ' ...... PU h-I: ,~ UNIT _ ~, '.~.F~ 215-000-000289 430 30TH ST : .... ~Lt,:. ~.:.~-'~'.~.~,..~, 3 L A S T '- .... "~ :~AN,.,z 07/01/88 BY ESTER 3A sEc 21 NOTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES WOULD EITHER BE PERSON TO PERSON OR VIA PA SPEAKER SYSTEM. EVACUATION PLANS ARE DISCUSSED AT SAFETY MEETINGS AND WOULD BE THROUGH THE SAFEST OF ALL (5)'SHOP DOORS (4 EA. OVERHEAD AND 1 EA. PERSONNEL DOOR). ~ E . MITIGATION / PREVENTION / ABATEMENT LAST CHANGE 07/01/88 BY ESTER .. -_ 3A SEC 1) ALL ABOVE GROUND TANKS ARE E~UIPPED ~ITH DUAL SHUT-OFF VALVES AND UNDERGROUND TANK HAS A REMOTE ELECTRIC SHUT-OFF S~ITCH TO PREVENT SPILLAGE IN CASE OF EQUIPMENT FAILURE. ALL E~PLOYEES ARE I~ST~U~TED ON HO~ AND ~HEN TO USE ALL SAFETY EQUIPMENT ~E HAVE AVAILABLE IE. FIRE EXTIN6UISHER8, SHUT-OFF VALVES, ETC. SPILLAGE ~OULD BE CONTAINED BY EARTHEN BERGS AND O~ ABSORBENT CLEAN UP. PAGE 4 12/16/88 11:5 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 CITY of BAKERSFIELD '~ ~ HAZARDOUS MAT~IRT ALS I NVW~-NTORY' N O N-- T NAD E S E C R E 17 S ,us~,zss .A.~: Pumping Unit Repair o..~ ~A.~: GEO Ch 'chill Inc. . c~Tv, zxP: oaKersTlemo, ~JJu~ cxTv. zx~: . unanute,- KS 667~0 DUN AND BRADSTR~T P.ON~ ~: (80~) 324-0503 ~SOm~ ~: (316), 43~,-0500 __ - - (~e C~e Mt Mt Est Units mS)te I~ ~m IM ~ .. St~ Iff FKtilty~' ~ Inst~i~ ~,ll,~,,~ly) Unleaded Gasoline (C~k ell t~t appmyl ~ . . _S.~I 200 .l 80 I 600 h9ll 9 pl °2 I I ! 4 126 j North Shop Wal'l _ (C~k ill tMt apply) Hfllth of Presort HNIth ~e~k,U,m,..~y) 100 $o]veet ................................ ftreHizird [ ~tivity Wla~ u~u ~ Relme u_u I~tltl 98%Paraf[ins & Na~hthenes .ERGEMCYCmlAClS I, Doug Hawley Manager 3932mG~08 m2 james [~n m,/.~r_~Q-L ...... ~~ .... Cert~f~C~ti~ (Reid 4nd ~i~ after colpl~tJn~ 4~1 Jffct~ons) '~' Doug~awlez - D~vision M~,naqer Z~ ~~ ' CITY of BAKERSFIELD N O N-- T itAD E S E C R E T S ' P~e2 oil ~ susx.zss .AMg: Pumping Unit Repair Owsga N~Mg: gFfl Churchill: Inc.' .NAME Og T~ FAOILITY: Pal ~1 nocax~oN: ~430 - 30th Street, ADDRgSS: 3781 Johnson ~d. STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE .... ~ C~TV, Z~V: ~'ak~sfield~ 93301 c~xg, Z~P: ChanlJf~. mK~ fifiT~ DUN AND BRADSTRg~T HUmBeR v.o.~ ~:~5) 324-0503' v~osg .: (316) 431-0500 . __ - - 'P._I.~..J ..... ~9~..1 .... 500,1 ~2,°°q(ff~ ~UJ °ql~' ~1 · of P~ ~lth · h of P~ ~lth (C~k ill tMt epoly) r--~ ~ ~ r--~ ~t I~ NM&C.A.S. ~" Hellth of Pr~su~ HNIth ~°ug Uawley ¥4inager ' ~93.6508' ' '"~ames Egan Foreman ~~q 08 Cerlific~ti~ (Read and sign after comp/etlng al/ sections) Doug Hawley - Division, Manager .... /~.?';.~,* . , January 31, 1989 ERFORMANCE ... A Baker Hughes company . - _ February '22, ]~988 Mr..Ralph E..-Hdey - Hazardous Materials' Coordinator HazardouS~Materialls Div{sion . Bakersfield Fire-Department -' 2130-"~'! Street: ~Ba'kers~ieId.~/GA-' 9+3'30i i · - : Dear MX'; 'Huey: ...... -Attached is the material safety data sheet for Ardril 2659, -'-- which you. requested in'y. our-let~'e-r-of-January 29,' 1988. -' if we can be of.-further-assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.. . ' Very truly yours, · '- At tachment - '-' 3920 E~sex.Lane. ® P.O..Box 27714. ~® Houston,-Texas 77227-7-714 ® (713) 59~'7400 '® Tele.x: I.TT 46200,56_ ® Date Printed: 02-22-1988 Page 1 BAKER PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS INCORPORATED MSDS for ARDRIL* 2659 CAUTION CODE 2-3-0 1 - Site Specific Information *ARDRIL is a trademark of Baker PerfOrmance Chemicals Incorporated. 2 - SECTION I - IDENTITY BAKER PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS, INC. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER: A Baker Hughes company CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-5900 3920 ESSEX LANE, P.O. B0X 27714 713-599-7400 HOUSTON, TX 77227-7714 TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR INFORMATION: 713-599-7400 ARDRIL 2659 CHEMICAL NAME: COMPLEX MIXTURE CHEMICAL FAMILY: IMIDAZOLINE 3 - SECTION II - REGULATORY CLASSIFICATION ENVIRONMENTAL OCCUPATIONAL TRANSPORTATION RQ= 7205 GALLONS OSHA Non-Hazardous: NA Not Regulated: NA TPQ= NONE OSHA Hazardous: YES Regulated: YES X Acute SARA S313: YES X Chronic FLAMMABLE LIQUID X Fire NA Pressure ID#: UN 1993 NA Reactive DOT Response #: 27 4 - SECTION III - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS CAS OSHA* TLV* MFG COMPONENT # PEL CEIL A/L TWA STEL REC Methanol(Skin) 67-56-1 200 200 250 (<9%) *ppm unless otherwise indiciated Date Printed: 02-22-1988 Page 2 BAKER PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS INCORPORATED MSDS for ARDRIL* 2659 CAUTION CODE 2-3-0 5 - SECTION IV - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Specific Gravity @60F: Vapor Pressure Estimated: (H20=l) (mm. Hg @68F) <1 0.926 pH: Vapor Density 5% of Product: 6.0 - 7.0 (air=l) >1 Solubility in Water: OIL SOLUBLE Appearance and Odor: CLEAR, DARK GREENISH LIQUID WITH MUSTY ODOR Flash Point (Method): 74F (TCC) Stability: STABLE Haz. Decomp. Prod: CARBON MONOXIDE Conditions to Avoid: OXIDIZERS; HEAT, SPARKS OR OPEN FLAME Hazardous Polymerization: WILL NOT OCCUR FIRE CONTROL PROCEDURES: Use foam, dry chemical, CO2, water fog or spray. Do not enter a fire area without proper protective equipment, including NIOSH/MSHA approved, self-contained breathing apparatus. Cool exposed containers with water spray. Avoid vapors. FIRE HAZARDS: Material is flammable. Vapors are heavier than air and may travel along ground to ignition source and flash back. Never use welding or cutting torch on or near drums, even when empty. Explosion may result. 6 - SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARDS EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: INHALATION: Inhalation of vapors my cause irritation of upper respiratory tract. High concentrations of vapors may cause acute pulmonary edema. EYE CONTACT: Eye contact may cause irritation and redness. SKIN CONTACT: Prolonged or repeated contact with skin may cause irritation or contact dermatitis. INGESTION: May be harmful if ingested. OTHER INFORMATION: Methanol is a component of this product and can be absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes. Exposure to high levels of airborne methanol can Date Printed: 02-22-1988 Page 3 I BAKER PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS INCORPORATED MSDS for ARDRIL* 2659 CAUTION CODE 2-3-0 6 - SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARDS (continued) cause headaches, weakness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, drunkeness, irritation of the eyes, blurred vision, blindness and death. Chronic exposure to methanol can cause irreversible damage to the optic nerve, leading to permanently impaired vision. Methanol (100%) Toxicity: Oral hmn LDLo = 340 mg/kg Inh hmn TCLo = 86,000 mg/kg Oral rat LD50 = 5628 mg/kg Inh rat LC50 = 64,000 mg/kg Skn rabbit LD50 = 20,000 mg/kg Skn rabbit = 500 mg/24 hrs = mod. irrit. TARGET ORGANS (29 CFR 1910.1200-APPENDIX A): EYE HAZARD CUTANEOUS HAZARD (SKIN) 7 - SECTION VI - EMERGENCY & FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes immediately with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician if irritation persists. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If labored breathing continues, contact a physician. SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothes. Wash skin thoroughly with mild soap and water. Launder clothes before reuse. INGESTION: If conscious drink two (2) glasses of water and induce vomiting. Contact a physician. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. 8 - SECTION VII - PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS VENTILIATION: The use of mechanical ventilation is recommended whenever this product is used in a confined space, is heated above ambient temperatures, or is agitated. Where engineering controls are not feasible, assure u~e is in an area where there is natural air movement. RESPIRATORY CHEMICAL RESISTANT EYE/FACE APPAREL X As Needed X Gloves X Goggles Air Supplied (SCBA) Clothing Full Face Shield X Air Purifying Boots Full Face Piece X Half Face Piece Date Printed: 02-22-1988 Page 4 BAKER PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS INCORPORATED' MSDS for ARDRIL* 2659 CAUTION CODE 2-3-0 8 - SECTION VII - PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (continued) X Cartridge or Cannister Acid Gas X Organic Vapor Ammonia Under normal operating conditions, no excursions above the regulated (recommended) exposure levels should occur. However, if used at elevated temperatures, lower atmospheric pressure (high altitudes) or any other physical conditions that may increase the inhalation exposure, respiratory protective equipment as described above, should be worn. Also, due to individual susceptibility and sensitivity, before respirators are used, a full medical evaluation should be performed per 29 CFR 1910.134(b)(10). A thorough review of the job task (job safety analysis) by a competent safety professional should be conducted to determine the appropriate level of protection. See 29 CFR 1910, Subpart I and 29 CFR 1910.133 for further information. 9 - SECTION VIII - SPILL & LEAK PROCEDURES Don appropriate protective clothing and respiratory protection prior to entering a spill/leak area. Eliminate ignition sources. Approach area upwind if possible. Shut off leak if it can be done safely. Dike and pump large spills into salvage containers. Soak up residue and small spills with absorbent clay, sand, or dirt and place in salvage containers. If RQ (reportable quantity) is exceeded, report to National Spill Response Office 1-800-424-8802. Also, in some jurisdictions, spills or leaks of any hazardous materials are reportable--consult local lead agencies for further information. Continue to observe precautions. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD(S): Re-evaluation of the product may be required by the user at the time of disposal, since the product uses, transformations, mixtures and processes may change the classification to non-hazardous, or hazardous for reasons other than, or in addition to product characteristics. Dispose of all waste and/or containers in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. REQUIREMENTS FOR TRANSPORTATION, HANDLING AND STORAGE: Transport, handle and store in accordance with OSHA Regulation 1910.106 and applicable DOT regulations. Avoid inhalation of vapors or mists. Do not get in eyes,on skin or on clothing Keep container closed when not in use. Wear suitable protection for eyes and Date Printed: 02-22-1988 Page 5 I BAKER PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS INCORPORATED MSDS for ARDRIL* 2659 CAUTION CODE 2-3-0 +- __+ 9 - SECTION VIII - SPILL & LEAK PROCEDURES (continued) skin when handling. Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with oxidizers. Store in well-ventilated area. Store in cool, dry area. Control ignition source; keep away from heat, sparks and open flame. NOTE: The information on this MSDS is based on data which is considered to be accurate. Baker Performance Chemicals, Inc., however, makes no guarantees on warranty, either expressed or implied of the accuracy or completeness of this information. Baker does expressly disclaim any loss incurred with the handling, storage, transportation, use or disposal of the product. By: KARLA M. SCHWEINBERG Date: 02/19/88 Supercedes: NEW Regulatory Information Specialist BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPART~IENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS lV~ATE R I ALS B.USINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE INSTRUCTIONS: ho~l~00 ,. .' 1. TO avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a w 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: PumDinQ Unit Repair. Divi~ia~ ar a~a fib,re,i:: ~nc B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 430 - 30th Street CITY: Balarifi~d, CA ZIP: 93301 BUS.PHONE: (805) 324-0503 SECTION 2: EI~ERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency'involving the release ov threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A. Doug Hawley ph#324-0503 Ph# 393-6508 B. Jim Egan ph#324-0503 Ph# 834-2184 SECTION $: LOCATION OF UTILITY SI{UT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: SW corner of shod - outside W~]] B. ELECTRICAL: SE corner of s'hop - Outside w~ll C. WATER: South-ceDter of proper~y a~ s~reet D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES /.~Q) IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES ,/ NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE ~o~es nave training to handle small emergencies i.e.; first aid, fire exti n~ ~i~,h,'~rs. Monthly safety meetings to update training. SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY 1WEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Medi-Center Hall Ambulance Bakersfield City Fire Dept. SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING. ~. EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS' - ~ NO ~ NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... ~ NO ~ NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT:.. ................ NO NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. NO NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... NO NO SECTION ?: HAZARDOUS ~ATERIAL CIRCLE{~OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... YES NO I, Dou§Haw]ey, Certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information.constitutes perjury. SIGNATU~ TITLE I..lanager DAT-E 6-11~87 - 2B - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ' v OFFICIAL USE 0NL. ID# BUSINESS N~E: BUS~I NESS pLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT~ INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must:be r~eturned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as .possible. FACILITY b~IT# CAL #1 FACILITY UNIT NAME: P. umPinq Unit ~Repair SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES All above §round tanks are equipped with dual shut-off va]yes-.and under§r0und tank has a remote electric shut-off switch to prevent s'P~llage~in case of equipment'failure. All emploYees are instructed.onl.h~w::and.when to 0se all safety equipment We have available i.e.; f~re'extin§uilSher'g':~i'-'shut-off values, etc. S~illage would be contained by earthen berms and'or absorbent clean up' materials. ...: SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDL~ES AT THIs UNIT"0NLY- Hotification of employees would.either be p.ers0n ~o.pers0n or via P.A. speaker system. £vacuation plans are discussed at safety meetin§s and would be throu§h the safest of all (5) Shop doors.(4 ea. overhead and l'ea pe'rsonnel door). - 3A - SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS<~TERIALS~FOR THIS'UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Haz,ardous Materials? ....... ~ NO' ', If YES, see B. If NO, continue with.SECTi0N 4. B. Are any of'the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES~ If No,.complete a separate hazardous materials inventory fo~m marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-l) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only'the trade secrets on fonm 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION Interior of shop building has overhead sprinkler system- shop and surrounding facility equipped with'fire eXtingeishers. SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR.USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS b~IT ONLY. A. NAT. ~AS./PROPAN~'! South west corner of shop building on outside wall by meter. B. ELECTRICAL: Southeast corner of shop building on out'side wall C. WATER: South-centen of side of facility near 30th street. D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs° YES "NO FLOOR PLANS9 YES / NO KEYS? YES /' NO - 3B - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT " ~,' I.D. # FORM 4A-1 Page -. of NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: Pumping Unit Repair OWNER NAME: GE0 Churchill FACILITY UNIT #' L,#1 ADDRESS:43O - ~Oth Street ADDRESS :370] ,]nhnson Rd. FACILITY UNIT NAME: Pumping Unit CITY, ZIP: Rakr~fi~]H= CA 03301 CITY,ZIP: ChamJt~= KS 66720 Rmoair , PHONE {: (~) ~?~-~3 PHONE #: (3]~)a31-0500 {OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE { ONLY I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT. WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE  No~th,.,ceqte~ of P ~00 4',200 Gal. 0~ ~ ~e~.~ar~,ts~ard . ~n~eaded ~as°line //%~ ~)~ ~.000 ~0.000 ~. 0~ ~ Same a~a~o~e 0~ese~ ~ue~ //7%~©~ ~M 500'~: 1.200 GAL 0~ 09 Same asabove So]vent /~(]Z~. 0~--_ FLL~ ~orth s~de of shop P 200 600 Gal. 02 26 outside wall Gear Oil ~0~ FLL~ NAME: Doug Ha~wley TITLE: 'Manager SIGNATURE: DATE: 6-11-87 EMERGENCY CONTACT:Doug Hawley TITLE: ...... ]Manager PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: ,324-0503 AFTER BUS HRS: 393-6508 EMERGENCY CONTACT: ,]am~s Egan ~ TITLE:, Foreman .. PHONE # BUS HOURS: 324-0503 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: 0IkFIELD SERVICE AFTER BUS HR$: _834-2184 - 4A~l -