HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-10/25/91 CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. D. JOHNSON October 25, 19 9 1 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Barry Burris Dawson Enterprises 2853 Cherry Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT 1519 32nd St., IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # BR0004 Dear Mr. Burris, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. This letter does not relieve you of any liability for past, present, or future operations. In addition, any future changes in site use may require further assessment or mitigation. It is the property owners responsibility to notify this department of any changes in site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3797. /~o~4Ce~.ely' /~ Hazardous Haterial Specialist Underground Tank Program REPORT REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK AND SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION 1519 32ND STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT 712- IH Prepared For: Dawson Enterprises 2853 Cherry Avenue Long Beach, California 90806 Prepared By: Maness Environmental Services, Inc. 1101 East Spring Street Long Beach, California 90807 September 6, 1991 M A ~ i~ S $ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. A DIVISION OF MANESS INDUSTRIES September 6, 1991 Project 712- iH Mr. Barry Burris Dawson Enterprises 2853 Cherry Avenue Long Beach, California 90806 REPORT REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK AND' SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION .1519 32ND STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Bun-is: Enclosed please find Maness Environmental Services, Inc., (MES) final report for closure by removal of one 2,000 gallon gasoline fuel underground storage tank (UST) and soil sample collection at the Dawson Enterprises facility on 1519 32nd Street in Bakersfield, California. i The work completed consisted of: (1) excavation, decontamination, removal and disposal . of the UST and one product dispenser, (2)'soil sample collection and analysis from beneath the former UST location and dispenser, (3) backfill and recompaction of the i excavation, and (4) a final tank closure report, summarizing the results of all field - activities and analytical testing. Results of laboratory testing indicate that the underground storage tank and connected product dispenser previously at the site have not contaminated the surrounding subsurface soil. 101 East Spring Street · P.O. Box 7917 Long Beach, CA. 90807-0917 Contractor License No. 553633 (213) 595-4555 (714) 995-7162 FAX: (213) 427-8420 lvlr. Barry Burris Septe, mber 6, 1991 MES appreciates the opportunity to provide environmental management services for Dawson Enterprises. If you have any questions regarding the report or require additional information, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Maness Environmental Services, Inc. ~~~'~ Paul David Herrera Project Director cc: Mr. Joseph Dunwoody Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Material Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Mr. Barry Burris September 6, 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS " ITEM PAGE 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Work 1 1.2 Background 1 2.0 Field Engineering 1 2.1 Tank Removal Operations 1 2.2 Soil Sampling 2 3.0 Site Geology 2 3.1 Site Stratigraphy and Hydrogeology 2 4.0 Laboratory Testing 2 4.1 Methods of Analysis 2 4.2 Results of Analysis 3 5.0 Conclusions 3 Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Plan and Soil Sample Locations Appendix A - Laboratory Reports Appendix B - Chain of Custody Documents Appendix C - UST Removal Permit Appendig D - Hazardous Waste Manifest Appendix E - Tank Disposal Form REPORT REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK AND SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION 1519 32ND STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT 712- IH 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes tank closure operations recently completed at Dawson Enterprises, 1519 32nd Street in Bakersfield, California. 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK As per state, county and local guidelines governing the storage of hazardous materials, the subject site has been mandated to comply with current regulations regarding the storage of hazardous materials underground. The work completed consisted of the closure by removal of one 2,000 gallon gasoline fuel underground storage tank (UST) and product dispenser. Additionally a MES geologist collected four soil samples, to verify if the underground storage tank and the dispenser have impacted the surrounding subsurface soil. 1.2 BACKGROUND Dawson Enterprises engaged the services of Maness Environmental Services, Inc., (MES) to perform the following: (1) excavation, decontamination, removal and disposal of the UST and one product dispenser, (2) soil sample collection and analysis from beneath the former UST location and dispenser, (3) backfill and recompaction of the excavation, and (4) a final tank closure report, summarizing the results of all field ' activities and analytical testing. 2.0 FIELD ENGINEERING 2.1 TANK REMOVAL OPERATIONS On August 22, 1991, MES cleaned the gasoline fuel UST at the subject site. We pressure rinsed the tank sufficiently, until satisfactory lower explosive limits (LEL) and total oxygen content levels were achieved. On August 22, 1991, under the direction of the Bakersfield City Fire Department, Hazardous Material Division, MES removed and disposed of the UST and the dispenser properly. MES transported the tanks to Wilmington Salvage, Inc., in Wilmington, California for disposal. MES transported the tank rinsate to Gibson Oil & Refining Mr. Barry Burris September 6, 1991 facility in Bakersfield, California. The hazardous waste manifest for the tank rinsate and the tank disposal form have been included in Appendix D and E respectively. 2.2 SOIL SAMPLING On August 22, 1991, under the direction of Bakersfield City Fire Department, Hazardous Material Division, MES collected four soil samples from the tank excavation and from beneath the former dispenser location using a backhoe tractor. MES collected two soil samples from the center of the excavation, at two and six feet beneath the base of the original tank location, and two soil samples two and six feet beneath the former location of the dispenser, that was connected to the 2,000 gallon gasoline fuel UST (see Figure 1 - Site Plan and Soil Sample Locations). MES collected soil in 250 milliliter Qorpak glass jars, sealed with Teflon-tined lids, labeled and immediately placed on ice in an ice chest until received by a state certified analytical laboratory for testing. Laboratory results and chain-of-custody documents have been included in Appendix A and Appendix B respectively. 3.0 SITE GEOLOGY 3.1 SITE STRATIGRAPHY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The subject site overlies alluvial sediments consisting of brown, pebbly, medium to coarse grained sand and dark brown, silty, fine to medium grained sand of recent geologic age. The surrounding topography is consistently fiat. A review of the Kern County Water Agency hydrologic records indicates, that the first groundwater beneath the site is approximately 155 feet below land surface, last measured in September, 1990. 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING 4.1 METHODS OF ANALYSIS MES collected, maintained, prepared and analyzed all soil samples according to Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, (SW-846), Third Edition, November 1986. These methods, as prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), provide test procedures, which determine wether the sample is a hazardous waste within the definition of the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA). The soil confirmation samples, collected from beneath the former UST location and product dispenser, were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons, in accordance with EPA test method 418.1, and for purgeable aromatic hydrocarbons (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Total Xylenes) in accordance with EPA test method 8020. 2 Mr. B~ury Burris September 6, 1991 4.2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Results of laboratory testing for the soil samples collected from beneath the former UST and dispenser location indicate, that the gasoline fuel UST and the dispenser have not contaminated the surrounding subsurface environment. However, sample T1-6' shows very low levels of total petroleum hydrocarbons (9.0 mgdkg). The results of the soil samples collected on August 22, 1991 have been summarized in Table-1. After the results of the laboratory analysis had been released and it was assured that no contamination was present in the subsurface soil above regulatory action levels, MES backfilled the excavation on September 9, 1991, with clean soil. We properly compacted the excavation to existing grade and repaved the work area. TABLE 1 Soil Samples collected on 8/22/1991 1519 32nd Street Bakersfield, California SAMPLE BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYL- TOTAL TPH ID BENZENE XYLENES m~COVERABL E EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 418.1 T1.2' ND ND ND ND ND T 1 - 6' ND ND ND ND 9.0 D1-2' ND ND ND ND ND D1-6' 1SD ND ND ND ND Limit (mg/kg) 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 ND = None Detected (rog/kg) = Milligram per Kilogram TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Results of soil sampling indicate, that additional soil sampling shall not be necessary, as the surrounding subsurface environment has not been impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons in the vicinity of the former UST location at the subject site. In accordance with state, county and city guidelines for the regulation of hazardous materials stored underground, MES has completed all onsite work, necessary to close the underground storage tank at 1519 32nd Street in Bakersfield, California. Mr. Barry Burris September 6, 1991 MES appreciates the opportunity to provide Dawson Enterprises with environmental management services. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Maness Environmental Services, Inc. ~~ Paul David Herrera Project Geolo~,ist ' Project Director FIGURE I SITE PLAN AND SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS -"~. ~IOUI~E ! " AND '"- SOIL SAMPLE '-,....... L 0 CA TIONS '-.. SITE LOCATION '""-. CA VINS OIL IrELI. TO OLS "'-.,. A DI IrlSION OF DA IgSON ENTERPRISES "-.. BgKW~FIEL~, CALIf'O~NIA ~ , '"'".~&.. J[R. BARRY BUI~RIS DA I~ON 2853 CIIERI~Y A VENUE ~ ~~ · ~ '"'"'"'"'"'""~ LONG BEUI CIl, CALIFOIiNIal + S OIL .551A[PLE ///' UNI)~'R G]~ 0 U~D S TOI~A G~' ~/ TAN]( AND FUEl, DISI~gNSER ~"..... PROPERTY BOUNDARY ' '"-.~ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32ND STREET b PROJECT ~: 712 -- [H DRAWN BY: ~ ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~  DATE: 9/6/199 I G. BAADER ENWRONMEN'rAL SERWCES CHECKED BY: - AI. SCItOFIELD · , ~ A DIVISION OF 0 20 40 MANESS INDUSTRIES ~~ APPROVED BY: APPENDIX A LABORATORY REPORTS E N V I R 0 N M E N T A L T E S T I N G '% 7i4.757.7022 ;~ LAE~OP~TORY R~POF~T F~;, 7,4.757.7274 Client: Maness EnvironmentaJ Report Date: 9/3/9t Client Address: 1101 East Suing Street L~b P.N.: 2281 ~J'I Long Beach, CA 90807 Client P.N.: 712-1H Contact: Gabrielle Baader 'J Project Name: 32nd Street Date Sampled: 8/22/91 Project Address: Bakersfield, CA Date Received: 8/23/91 Date Analyzed: 8/28/91 Physical State: ,~lid Quality Assurance/Quality Control Summary I] QC Percent Acceptable Relative Percent Acceptable Parameter fMethodl Tvce Recovery Ranae Difference Ranoe Benzene (EPA 8020) M 89 39-150 1 0-25 Toluene (EPA 8020) M 99 46-148 1 0-25 Ethylbenzene (EPA 8020) M 93 32-160 2 0-25 Xylenes, Total (EPA 8020) M 97 48-148 1 0-25 TPH, Recoverable (EPA 418.1) M 110 70-125 0 0-20 M = Matrix Sp~ke / Spike Duplicate L = Laboratow Ccf~trcI Sample Sp~e / Spike Du~ica!:e -! Rev~,~ A~. rovecl V Page 1 , E N V I R 0 N M E N T A L T E S T I N G ~BO~TORY RESULTS Client: Maness Environmental Re~a Date: 9/~9i Client ~dress: 1101 ~st S~ing Street ~b P.N.: 2281 Long ~ach, CA ~807 Cli~t P.N.: 7i 2-1H ~oject ~e: 32nd S~eet Date ~pi~: ~2~91 Reject ~dress: ~ersfield, CA Date ~a~ed: ~2~9i ~mene Toluene E~yl~ Total R~overable EPA ~20 EPA 8020 EPA ~20 EPA ~20 EPA 418.1 T1-2' ND ND ND ND ND T1-6' ND ND ND ND 9.0 D1-2' ND ND ND ND ND D1-6' ND . ND ND ND ND ~tection limits m~kg 0.~5 0.~5 0.~5 0.~5 t.0 ND; Not Detectable The Laboratory Results are only a portion of the Laboratory Report. ~. Page 2 ?. ,. APPENDIX B CHAIN OF CUSTODY DOCUMENTS J[~/A~'~,\~J~ 1101 E. Spring St. ' SAMPLE SUBMITTAL FORM/CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ~//a~ Long Beach, CA 90807 AND TIME WHERE ~ Telephone {2131 595-4555 PLEASE REPORT DATE ANALYZED { NECESSARY ) WITH ANALYTICAL RESULTS FAX (2131 427-8420 OD NOT EXCEED THESE MUST B~ ANALYZED WITHIN MUST ~E A~ALYZED SITE ~ ~/., ~A ~ ~ ~ ~ HOLDING TIMES 40 DAYS ~TER EXTRACTION WITHIN 28 DAYS MES PROJECT NO. -- N N SAMPLE NUMBER DATE ~-~, ~,~% / / /~ / / /,~/ / / ,~ ..... ~///////// ........ / ,/ // / / // // REMARKS: ~ ~~' ~~ [~ ~Tota, Number of Containers Signature Time Signature ~gnat~r~ - Time ...... P~ Na~ - ' Ti~e Printed N~me Date Pdnted Name Time P[inied Name Date Rec'd G~ Condition/Cold C~mpany ~ ~ ~at~ Company Company Date Company Lab No. WHITE COPY-~BORATORY CANARY COPY-JOB FILE APPENDIX C UST REMOVAL PERMIT · _Ba:ersfze!d FLre Dept. P~,:,Ii? :~o.~/ PSRMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK '~{., MAILING ADDRESS /¢/ ¢--_** ~ .~,' CI~~ ZiP COde - ..~ CONT. ACTO, INFO,M*TION i / 4 ADDRESS /~¢/ ,.¢'. ~',O~z~ ~. _ . CI~ ~ ZIP CODE ~ INSURANC~CARRIER ~~~ ~ ~/~ WOR~E~M~o. ~-- ' ' - PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT INFO~MATION . COMPANY~~'~' ~,,~¢:~ PHONE NO. 2, y.~¢¢~ICEN~E No. ~~ AOD~ESS 1101 ~'. %¢,~.~ ~, C~ ~Z~PCOD~ ~ ~NSU~ANC~CA~ ~~A: ~.~.¢ WO~KME~COMP No. ' - TANK CLEANINO INFORMATION ~ . ' '. NAM E OF RINSTATE DI~LOSA~FA~LI~ ~~ ~'xX ~.~~b ~ .,~ ~ ?] FACILI~INDENTIFICATION NUMBER ,,, ~ %~ ~Xq~ , :. TANK TRANSPORTE~INFORMAT, ON COMPANY ~~x ~,~=~N PHONE No. ~X~ %~~ICENSE No. ADDRESS ~X ~. %~m% ~ CIW ~%~ .ZIP CODE ':' TANK DESTINATION ' ~~~ ~~ ~~% ~~ [:: ~ TANK INFORMATION I:. ~ TANK NO. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL .. ] kS~OR ED STORED PREVIOU~ STORED ~[:.. :. :: · · . :.: :-: ::::~ ?.:.:::.::" '::: :.. ~': % :.?[-:: :... ~......: .[: k: :...-. '-;: ............. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........ :. ========================= ::.:¥:('. ===============================================================================================.:.::::.;:. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .................... '..:'-.' [~ . TNE APPLICANT HAS REC ~tV ED, UNDERSTANDS. A NO WILL COMPLY WITN THE AWACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER ~:' STATE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. ~: ~ THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL~ OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS T~UE'ANO CORRECT. :J;:~:. ~ / ' APPLICANT NAME (PnlNT) ,[~t: P. ROVED BY: ~APPLICANT SI~ATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED PLOT PLAN CAV l NE; 0 1L WELL TOOLS · o d i v i s i on or DAWSON ENTERPR l ~ES 22nd STREET '" ~ BAKERSF I ELD, CA 93301 ,,: GAS T~ ~ISTINS g. 170' x 75' I ~ PA~ING AR~ . . 3and S T R E E T APPENDIX D HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST B~E~SFIELD, ~. 93308 ~ ~ ~ ~9 ~ JO 18 18 13 1 17 17 S051323~2178 ..... ~a, ~ ~, fe~ ~4.' -7 L~-- , GLOVES', ~LES, ~ ?ROTECTZ~ O~gR G~S. ..... '~"~'*~"'~ ....... 1'~ "~ ~ ~" I I I I I I J APPENDIX E TANK DISPOSAL FORM 2133 E. ANAHEIM STREET VVILM!NGTON, CALIFORNIA 90744 PHONES (213) 435-4555 / 438-8545 ':'lan es s Environmental lon~ ~each, Ca. This is to confirm *.hat we have cut and destroyed the above item/items. ~Cons=ruc~ton Petal= I Da=e ~Permi~ ~o abandonl No. '0f-Ta~ks Da~e . ' ~ended Permlc ~Perml= Appttca~lon Form, ~ / .... Tank Sh'ee~s, ~App%lca~ton ~o Abandon . ' ~'anks(s) Da~e ~Annual Report ~orms · ' ~Copy se ~rttten Contr~t~ Bdt'ween OWner & Ope~ot ' ~Znspectton Reports ....... ~Co~ree~ndence - Received ~Corres~ndence - Nailed ~ ~ampl i ng/L~b ~NV~ C~pltanee Check (New Con'ntr~c'~o'n C~e'dkl~it} -~ - '' ~57D C~pltan=e Check (Me~ Construction Checklist) ~NVF Plan Check (Mew Conztruction) ~57D Plan Check (New Construction) ~HVE Plan Check (Bxintin~ I~ OS~ Plan Chook (.lxlsti~ Facility) ~"[ncoep~ete Application" Fore " ~Permlt Application Checklist  Permit Instructions . ODiscarded TighCflo~ Teat Results -- Da ~Monitotl~ Wel~ Construdt(on' ~Bnviro~en:a~ Sensitivity Data~  Gtound~ater Drilling, Boring Logs Location of ~ater Nails Statement se Underground Conduits ~Plot elan Featuring All enviconmentally Sensitive Data ~PhoCoS OConscruction Dra~ings Location ~Hale sheet sho~ing date received and tally of inspection ~t'imd~ Ftc ~Mt scel laneous RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEVE Mc~. ~, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR A~ Po~ Con.o~ Oi~ct DAVID PRICE !II WU..UAM .J. ReeDY. APCO ASSL~ANT DIRECTOR Plannina ar Dev~lot:m~nt ~ ~ TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT February 8, 1991 Cavins Oil Well Tools 1519 32nd Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Gentlemen: A routine annual Inspection of the underground storage tank located at 1519 32nd Street, Bakersfield, California, was conducted on January 14, 1991. Atthat time it was noted that an acceptable inventory control program needs to be implemented in order to satisfy the leak detection monitoring requirements for underground storage tank operations in Kern County. Electronic leak detection monitoring would also satisfy the requirements. Enclosed is a copy of UT-10, the Standard Inventory Control Handbook, and seVeral copies of the Kern County Inventory Control forms. If any questions arise or If Instruction is desired in completing these forms please contact me at the number given below. it was also noted during the inspection that a product tight overfill box needs to be installed at this facility as required by Kern County Ordinance Chapter 8.48, for underground storage tanks. At the time of the inspection it was mentioned that this tank was tentatively scheduled for removal within the year. If a timetable for removal of this tank is submitted in writing to this Department, some of the requirements listed above could be reduced or waived. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636 extension 564. Sinaerely,.? _ ~ Chris Finberg' _ / / Hazardous Materials Speclali81 ~/ Hazardous Materials Managem'~nt Program CF:cas Enclosures cc: Dawson Enterprises File \cavlns. oil 9'7f~1 "M" STREET. SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861.3636 ~ .,~.KERN COUNTY RESOURCE M~NAGEMENT ~ ~ ENVIRONHE~ . HEALTH SERVICES. OEPART~~ '- 300, ~ 2700 "M" STREEt, SUITE 8AKERSFZELD,-%~.93301 (80S)861-3636 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY * INSPECTION REPORT * PERMIT POST~. .................... '~"~SPECTION OATE: .... TYPE OF INSPECT[ON: ' ~ ~ "' INSPECTION ......................... COMPL~"i"~'~ FACILITY NANE:CAVINS OIL WELL TOOLS o WN E R s N AM E: .D~.~,~._~N_Z~.~2~J~.~ .................................................................................................................................................................. O P E R A T 0 R S N A M E: ~,~ff,~_,,~J.~,.~,L_,.Y 00~ ........................................................................................................... COMMENT~: ITEM V I OLAT I ON$/O8 SERVAT ION$ c. ~ft~ Inv~to~y Cmt~ol - d. In-~enk Leve3 ~ng ~v~ce e. ~ound~ate~ ~tto~ng f. Vadose Z~e b. ~b3~3]~ tank .. 3. P[P[N6 ~N[TOR[N6: c. Gravity '. UNAUT"0RiZE, RELEASE ~a' ~'5'~'4~ KER NTY AIR POLLUTION CON'IR ICT 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 (805) 861-3682 ~ PHASE I VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM * & , 4. BROKEN OR MISSING FILL CAP ....... s. BROKEN C~-OCK ON VAPOR CAP .- 6.. FILL cA~S'N~T PROPERLY SEATED :'.- "~' "7. VAPOR CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED 8. GASKET MISSING FROM FILL CAP .. 9. GASKET MISSING FROM VAPOR CAP 11. VAPOR ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT :~ ' 12. GASKET BETWEEN ADAPTOR & FIL[~., TUBE MISSING / IMPROPERLY SEATED 13. DRY BREAK GASKETS DETERIORATED 14. EXCESSIVE VERTICAL PLAY IN -" COAXIAL FILL TUBE .... 15. COAXIA£ FILL TUBE SPRING '-: MECHANISM DEFECTIVE 16. TANK DEPTH MF_~..SUREMENT ~ _. 17. TUBE LENGTH MEASUREMENT 18. DIFFERENCE (SHOULD BE 6" OR LESS) 19. OTHER . w=.,.o; .,~.. ~,~ ~.. c.~c. ~ov~ ~.~,. ~o~o~ o~.~.~ou.~ ~,I ~u~o. cocci DI~I~ RU~(S) 2~, 412 AND/OR 412.1. ~E CAMFO~ H~ & ~TY CODE SPECIFIES PE~L~ES '- ' OF UP ~ $1,~.~ ~R DAY FOR ~CH ~O~ON. ~PHONE (~) ~1-~2 CONCERNI~ R~L RESO~-  KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PERMIT TO OPERATE2700 ..M.. $,,EET su,,E Number: 8232001" BAKERSFIELD. CA 9330t · : TELEPHONE: (805) 861-3682 PER.M~T TO OPERATE IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: CAVINS OIL NELL TOOLS FOR EQUIPMENT LOCATED AT: ]5~9 32nd Street, Bakersfield EQUIPMENT OR PROCESS DESCRIPTION: Gasoline Storage & Dispensing System OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW. THIS.PERMIT BECOMES VOID UPON ANY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OR LOCATION, OR ANY ALTERATION. NOTE: The permlttee may be required to provide adequate sampling and testing WILLIAM J. RODDY facilities. Equipment modification AIR POLLUTI..OI~LCQ~TRO~OF~ICER requires a new permit. the emission of air contaminants in excess of those allowed by the Rules and Regulations of the K.C.A.P.C.D. For Period: 08-3]-90 TO ~~__. CONDITIONAL APPROVe: Compliance with ail conditions of approval imposed by any applicable Authority to Construct is required for life of this equipment unless modified by application. E~UIP~ DESCRI~IOM: OASOLINE STOOGE SYSTEM, including the following equipment: One 2,OOO gallon Unleaded grade underground gasoline storage tunk(s) each with a permanently affixed fill tube terminating no more than six Inches from the bottom of the tank and provisions for the collection of gasoline vapors during filling. ~PERATIONAL CONDITIONS: 1. At least 90~ by weight of all gasoline vapors displaced during the filling of storage tanks shall be prevented from being emitted to the atmosphere. 2. All lines, fittings, adaptors, caps and connections shall be leak free. 3. Liquid spillage and drlppage at disconnect shall be prevented. 4. 0nly California Air Resources "Certified" vapor control equipment shall be utilized. 5. Tanks on delivery vessels shall be leak free. 6. Tank filling shall be accomplished only through a permanently affixed submerged fill device. 2853 CHERRY AVENUE P.O. BOX ~039 LONG BEACH. CAUFORNIA ~)805- 0039 Pt-lONE (213) 424-8564 FAX: (213) 595-6174 TELEX 65-6349 May ll, 1989 Kern County Environmental Health Department Hazardous Material Management Program 2700 M Street, Suite 300 'Bakersfield, CA. 93301 ATTENTION: Permitting Gentlemen: SUBJECT: 1519 32nd Street, Bakersfield, CA. We have recently had a Petro Tite systems test to an under- ground tank at our branch .office located at the above subject address. Enclosed is a photocopy of the test results form along with a letter received from the company who performed the test. Please notify us if you have any questions.' Sincerely, .~Purchasing DepWrtment /reed Enclosures ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DATE OF TEST 4/13/89 P.O. BOX 2384.` BAKERSFIELD.` CA ~3303 Attention: P.O. 90??3? Ref: 1519 32ND ST., BAKERSFIELD.` CALIFORNIA On 4/13/8~, a Petro Tite systems test was made at the above-referenced location. The test was performed by James Messer., technician~ certification #~14813187 The NFPA code 32~.0~ criteria for a tight system is a ma~,~imum gain or loss of ,05 gallons per hour. Because of the almost infinite variables involved.` this is intended to be a mathematical tolerance and i~ not the permission of actual leakage. During the stand-p~pe procedure.` the internal liquid · the hydrostatic pressure applied to the underground tank system is generally two to,three times greater than normal liquid storage pressures. This increase in hydrostatic pressure will amplify the indicated rate of leak accord ing I y. TANK NO. WEST SIZE - ~000 GALLON STEEL TANK. PRODUCT -REGULAR The test showed a leakage -0.035 GALLONS PER HOUR. and based on the criteria we find the system mathematically tight. If you haye questions regarding the results~ please contact me. It is your responsibility to notify your local County Health Depar.~t.~)e~nt~: ~?v~ronmental Health~ within thirty ¢30) days of the Yesu~lt.s~of th~s~'test. This notificatio~ is ~-equired byi ithe California' iAdministrative Code., Title Chapter 3 .'Wate.r~Resou'~es°Control Board.` Sub-chapter- Underground Tank R~gulations.` Article 4.30. Gene (Butch) Comb~ III Enclosure M lY I HYHEC 5&3q DISTRICT BLVD., SUITE IOE BAKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 933t3 TANK OUHER'$ ~IAHE CALVIN OIL DATE OF TEST ~00RE~3 OF TANK 15t9 3END ST, BAKERSFIELD, CA PRODUCT IN TANK REGULAR LOC x ~TN ID I519 3~N0 ST, BAKERSFIELD? CA NORINAL CAPACITY DO00 TYPE OF PRQDUCT RE6ULAR THERN~L SENSOR BOX READIN6 1480E TANK D[ANET TOTAL TANK QUANTITY Z.~aO TEHPERATURE DETNEEN (IN F) OeSE~VEO aF~ GRAVITY 55.3 D161TS PER DE6REE IN RANGE ~FLE TEH~. fin F) ?? OF EXPECTED CHAN6E ?EHP. IN TANK AFTER CIRCULATION (IN F) &?.~ DIFFERENCE lO READIN6 INTERVAL 5 NIN R E.£ I P R"O C A L t534 PA6E NUNDER 5~ INTERVAL FACTOR ?ARK a~ANT]TY e,oe DIVIDED BY RECIPRQCAL 1534 · COEFFICIENT OF EIPANSION COE~F. OF EXPANSIQN 1,31~816 DIVIDED DY D]6]TS 3e6 · A FACTOR FOR THIS TEST 0.00~ NYDRDSTAT]C VOLUHE TENPERATURE NET ACCUN. PRESSURE NEASUREItENT. CONPENSAT]Oll VOLUHE CHAII6E CONTRDL CNAN6E VDLUHE TNERHAL REPLACED - SENSOR 8E~IN RESTORED DEFORE AFTER RECOVERED ~ READING CHANGE CONP, TENP ~A~E rEADIN~ 4~ ~?ART H/L I. ~I.7 4~ ~70 4~§ -0.015 14DO~ ? O.Oe8 -0.0~3 ~. ~l.B 4~ 455 445 -0.010 14D17 6 0.03~ 3. ~I.~ 4e 445 440 -0.005 14G~5 B 0.03~ -0.037 4. ~,0 ~e 4~0 ~40 0.000 I~S3E ? O.Oe8 -O.Oe8 5. 7. 10. : !1. ~ . ~.. BA~E READING lEtO" ~ ' l~B~l S!~RT L/L 1. I~.S l~.O 5~0 )BO 0.040 14B4B ? O.O~S 0.01~ ~. I~.S l~.O )BO ~0 0.0~0 I~B)6 B 0.0~ O.OOB 3. 1~.$ l~.O ~O &~) 0.0~I l~8t) ? 0.0~8 -0.004 -0.00) ). l~.& 1~.0 ~4f ~80 0.034 14B?~ 9 0.09~ -0.001 -0.004 f. lO.5 le,O hBO 705 O,Oe5 14881 9 O,03& -0.011 -0,015 b, rE.7 le,O ?05 750 0,045 1488~ 8 O,03E 0,013 -0,002 ?, 12,7 le.O ?50 ?85 0,035 ' 14S% ? O,OES 0,007 0,005 B. 12.5 IE.O 785 Olq O,OE5 14905 9 0.036 -0,011 -0.006 9, !~.$ le.O BIO 830 0.020 1491e 7 O.O~B -0,006 .-44,01~ 10. tR.6 12.0 830 S60 0,030 14919 7 O,OeB O.OOe -0.012 Il. 12,? I~,0 960 895 0.035 149~8 9 0,036 -0,00! -0,013 I~. IE.4 l~,O 895 910 0,015 t4936 8 O.03e -0,017 -0,030 t3. 1~.6 1~.0 910 940 0.030 !W944 9 O.03e -0.002 -0.03E 14. 1~.$ Ie.O ?40 ?65 O.Oe) 14950 6 O.Oe4 0.001 -0.031 ,, (~ q v~ n ?A~ $00 0.035 14~5B B O.03E 0.003 -O,O~G 1700 Flew~r I~I[ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMI HF.~.THOFFICER ~ke~lflMd, Cellfomll Telephone (806)861-~e,16 ENVIRONMEN1AL HEALTH . ~' I~qECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH I NTERI M PERMIT PERMI T~eO6OO2 1 C' TO OPERATE : .'.. I SSU~..D: JULY 1, 1986 FACILITY: [ o#NgR: CAVINS OIL HigT. L TOOLS I IIARRY #.A. DA#SON TRUST 1519 32ND STREET I P.O. BOX 6039 BAKERSFIELD, CA I .LONG BEACH, CA 90806 NG?.~ · . '.'j::f: NOTE: ,:: ALT,, DATE .-~T '!'.'.: · :"~' ::'i", ~'oo ;k,,,,,. st,Bet BERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMI~ ,e..,u.'m o~;~c;R Bake~lfleld, Cellfomlm 93306 leon M Hel~rt~on, M.D, Telephone (ii05)~1-~36 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIV1810N DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH T NTERI M PBRlV~I T PBRMI T#08002 TO OPERATE : .'. X S SUED: JULY 1, 1986 EXPI RES : JULY 1, 1989 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES .. STORAGE FACILXTY NUMBER O~ TANKS= FACIL!TY: I OWNER. CAVINS OIL WELL TOOLS ] HARRY W.A. DAWSON TRUST '.'.:; 1519 32ND STREET I P.O. BOX 6039 :~' BAKERSFIELD, CA I LONG BEACH, CA 90806 TANK #' '8UBSi"'*';': ''''''':'~ 'CODE .... iPIN...~O?.~ ! :'. .'V:, '.'"~:;' ~.., - ..~?,'! . ..,..: · :,-_?,::~.- .... ..... ~.::': ,. ..... .... ,-..: Ke[n County ite.,[th 0epa[tment Pe[mit Div [sion o~ Enviro~ental He~. A~i ication 1700 Flo~ Street, Bake~sfi~, ~A 9]]05 ~PLI~T[ON FO~ PE~IT ~ OPE~TE ~~S SUBST~CES S~E ~ACXLX~ T~ o~ Appl i ca t i on (ch~k): ~ Facility ~ification of Facility ~lsti~ Facility ~nsfer.of Kirk Moore, Area ~anager A. ~ergen~ 24-~ur Contact (~e, area c~e, ~one): ~ (805) 327-7154 Cavins Oil Well Tools, Nights same Facility ~A Division of Dawson Enterprises ~. of T~ks i .. ~ of B~iness' (dheCk)': ~'~lfne ~tion ~r '(de~ri~) sales & service Is Tank(s) ~cat~ on ~ ~ricultural Fa~? ~Y~ ~ Is Tank(s) Us~ ~i~rily for ~ricultural ~r~ses? ~Yes ~ Facility ~dre~ 1519-32nd Street, Bakersfield Nearest Cro~ St. Chester T R S~ (R~al '~a~o~ ~ly) ~er Harry W. A. Dawson Trus~{)~ ~D.~f ~n~ct ~r~ Jim Dawson ~ress 2853 Cherry Avenue, LiB. 'Zip 90806 ~le~ne (213) '424-85'64 " ~0~rator Cavins Oil Well Tools ~n~ct ~r~ Kirk Moore ~dress 1519-32nd Street, BakerSfi~I~ZiP 93303 Tele~ne (805) '~27-~1~54~. B. ~r ~ Facll~ Pr~id~ byCalifornia Water Servic~p~ ~. Gro~~r not known ~il ~racteristics' at ~cllity not known ' ' _ ~sis for Soil ~ ~ Gro~ter ~ ~temi~tio~ not Rnown C. Contractor N/% .-. ~ ~ntra~or's ~e ~. ~dre~ Zip ~le~ Pro~'"~rtl~ ~ ' pro~s~ C~pleti~ pro~ N/A :~;;J "~ E. T~(s) S~re (~k all ~t a~ly): T~ ~ ~s~ Pr~uct ~tor Vehicle Unlead~ R~ular Pr~i~ Die~l ~te Ta~ ~ C~l 8~or~ (n~c~,clal ~) ~ ~ (If kn~) ~lcal Pr~t~}~S~r~ G. Transfer of Ownershi[~ Date of ~-ansfer ~/~ ,, Previous Owner Pre~ious Facility Name I, accept f{iily ali' obligat{ons of 'Permit No. l'ssued t:o · ! understand that the Permitting Authority may re~iew and modify or ter~'lnate the transfer of the Permit to O~erate this ~derground storage facility upon receiving this c~mDleted form. This form has been c~mDleted under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledcje is true and correct. Signature ~ ~ ... Title Vice President Date 6/18/85 Perm1 t Queatlonn&l te Normally, perml, ts are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern County. they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit s and check one of the following before returning this form with payment: For PERMIT # 060021C 1. Send ali information to Owner at the address listed on invoice (if Owner is different than Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility · to prov with pertinent / ---~ ~..i .......' ) [ ~.o. ~x ~o3~ ~ ~ 3~for~ation to Opera~ Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner). Facility Nam~ Pemit No. TANK ~ (FILL OUT ,~EPARATE FORM TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted ['~ Non-Vaul ted [-1Double-Wal 1 ?fl Sirlcjle-Wal 1 2. ~ Mater iai ~] Carbon Steel ~] Stainless Steel [-] Poll/vinyl Chloride [-] Fiberglass-Clad Ste~l Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic t-]Concrete []Al~nin~n [-]Bronze nUnknown Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date InsEalled 'Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer .. 6- 78 Unknown 20 O0 Unknown 4. Tank Secondary Con'tairsnent []Double-Wall ~]Synthetic Liner nLined Vault []-]None C]Unkno~n []-[Other (describe): Manufacturer: []'[Material Thickness (Inches). Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior ~ ~'~Rubber []']Alkyd []']Epoxy C]Phenolic nGlass []-]Clay [-]ttllined ~lt~kno~r~ ~ ~Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --]~G~ -~~a~lad [']Pol~thylen~ Wrap ~]Vin¥1 Wrappin~ ['[Tar or Asphalt ~TUnkno~l _~No~e ~]Other (describe) ' Cathodic Protection: F1None r]Impressed Current System :~lSacrlflci'al ~ SyStem Describe System & Equipuent: ~': .... 7. Leak Detection, ~it~, and ~ ' -'-"~ ' []]Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ~]U-Tube Without Liner "! ~, . %,~ ' []U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monet•ring Vapor Detector* [-[ Liquid Level Sensor~ [] Conductivity Sensor:: Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank~.. ' Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube,_Monitoring Well or Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation nperiodic Tightness Testing None ri unknot1 [] Other b. Piping: F]Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized. ~f'ping~ ...... [-[Monitoring S~p with Race~ay [-[Sealed Concrete Race, my ~]Half-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Race~ay []Synthetic Liner Race~ay C]No~e []Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model: 8. ~en Tightness Tested? ~]Yes []NO ~]Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name .... ----T~sting Caapany 9. Tank ~. ' ~ Repaired? OYes [~NO n~known Date(s) of Repair(s) Dascrll~ Repairs ......... 10. Overfill ProtectiOn •Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors C]Tepe Flo~t Gauge r'lFloal: vent Valves C]Auto Shut- Off Controls  Capacitance Sensor [-]Sealed Fill Box nNone []Unknown Other~ List Make & Nodel For Above Devices ' ' a. Underground Piping: ~-lyes I-IN• nunkno~n Material Carbon steel Thickness (inches) u n known Diameter Manufacturer u nk nown" ' []Pressure PgSuc~Gravity Approximate Length o'f' 'Pipe Ri~I. 10" ~eet b. Underground Pipirg Corrosion Protection : [-[Galvanized [']Fiberglass-Clad nlmp~essed Current [-ISacrifiicial Anode [-IPolyethylene Wrap [~Electrical Isolatio~ []Vinyl Wrap [-]Tar or Asphalt []Unknown nNone []Other (c~ascribe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Contairsaent: [-]Oouble-~all r']s~nthetic Liner System []None ~l~Unknown [']Other (describe): ,zoo w~ow., st,Nt ~r:nN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTME .EALTH OFFK:". BlkefillMd, CiII/omll g3305 Leon M Helxdlml, M.D. Telelglone (808) 861-363e ENVIRONMEN1AL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon ~. Reich=rd October 10, 1986 Harry #.A. Dawson Trust P.O. Box 6039 Long Beach, CA 90806 Dear Sir/Madam: On September 12, 1986 this office sent to you an interim permit to operate .the underground hazardous storage tank at your facility located at Calvins Oil #ell Tools, 1519 32nd Street, Bakersfield, CA (permit #060021C). This Per~i~ listed your substance code as ~F 3 when in actuality the substance code Is ~ 2. ' '"- The .motor vehicle fuel code i8 based on the environmental.!~'(:'. sensitivity of the area. In your area the depth to ~r'oundwater '.' is between' 50 to 100 feet. This information comes from municipal water district records and historical data. EnClosed you will find the correct permit for your facility. Please .destroy the previous permit as it is no longer valid. .If you have any questions concerning this cOrrespondence please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Jants Lehman Environmental lleslth Sp~claltst Hazardous Substances Management Program JL:aa Enclosure DIgI~IICT OFFICES ~ C H $ T E IR A V E · -- zu' F PLOT PLAN CAV I N.S OIL WELL TOOLS I ,, o d i v i s i on oP DAWSON ENTERPR I SES '~' 1 5 1 9- 3~nd SIRE-ET ',' > 15AKERSF ! ELD, CA 93301 '~' ~' H ~-':' GAS TANK F EXISTINO BLDG. \ 170' x 75' ! I ~' PP~:~ I.N~ ~ t~ ? 32nd S T R E E T PLOT PLAN ]2: ' CAV l NS O! L WELL TOOLS '? o d i v i s i on oP DAWSON ENTERPR I SES ,, " >' ! 5 ! 9-22nd STREET > 15AKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ;.. Z ~ P~ INS A~ 0 '~ 3Znd S T R E E T i I PLOT .PLAN i: " CAVINS OIL WELL TOOLS ~ !, o division oP DAWSONENTERPRISES ¢ 1519-32nd STREET > , BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 · PARKING AREA 201.98' CONCRETE CURB ' · .... ~r~d .. T ¢~ 61'~, T .;~. :' ...... ,- .'~ '.i., -%".'-- '-"F ' ' ' ' '.. - ...:, ;,:',;i?.,..: ' i, ,:"~- ...' ,- '~.::..~:" ?"- ,".C:. :'.' ...' ,- . "; .. ' '..' .'i--1'".'.' , · " ;"1 ' "' ":' "' ' '""" ' ' ' .. ' . ' '. ' ' ' .. 't' , ..~-:' .. : '-.'' i : ' ? ~,' CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. D. JOHNSON October 25, 199 1 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Barry Burris Dawson Enterprises 2853 Cherry Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT 1519 32nd St., IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT % BR0004 Dear Mr. Burris, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. This letter does not relieve you of any liability· for past, present, or future operations. In addition, any future changes in site use may require further assessment or mitigation. It is the property owners responsibility to notify this department of any changes in site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3797. rdous Material Specialist Underground Tank Program BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT , BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION 1 M~7 197~ FL 031 Date APPLICATION Application No. In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, application is made by: ~ JoeT 8. Mundorf 1519 - 32nd Street Name of Company Address to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involving or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: ! - 2;000 ~al!on underground ~soltr~e storage t~nk. issued Permit denied ................................................ By., Date CAVINS OIL WELL TOOLS Fac. Unit: Overall Site <M> Events "M" Overall List Key I Reference CodesI Dates I Sunm~ ary Description I <1> M COHEN 10/08/92 FOLLOW UP / / <2> T JOHNSON 08/10/93 OK ~ / / <Key> Item/Event details <O> Order/Focus <P> Print <C> Fac. Units <PgUp/PgDn> Scroll <Fl> Help <Eec> Exit HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3970 UNDERGROUND TANK QUESTIONNAIRE RECEIVED · No. OF TANKS' ~ ~ HAZ MAT. DIV. DBA OR FACILITY NAME NAME O~ OPERATOR Cavins 0il Well Tools AUDREY, S NEAREST CROSS STREET PARCEL No.(OPTIONAL) 1519 32nd Street. ' CITY NAME ISTATE ZiP CODE Bakersfield, ICA 93303 ~" BOX TO INDICATE I~coRPORATION [~INDIVIDUAL [~PARTNERSHIP [~[OCALAGENCYDISTRICTS [~COUNTYAGENCY [~$TATEAGENCY QFEDERALAGENCY TYPE OF EUSlNE.~._ ~ 1 GAS STATION ..... D 2.DISTRIBUTOR- I KERNCOUNTY'PERMIT ........................... , n~FARM Q 4 PIK:X:ESSO. ~ $ OmERJ TO OPERATE NO. 8232001 EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY) oDtJonol DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE Ho. WITH AREA CODE MOORE, Kirk (805) 327-7154 NIGHTS: NAME (L~ST. FIR$~ PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE 11.. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION ' Dawson Enterprises MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ~ BOX [~ INDIVIDUAL · ~ LOCAL AGENCY [~ SLATE AGENCY 2853 Cherry Avenue ,.. TO,.D,CATE ~P^.~E.SH,P QCOU.~GE.CY Q~EOE~LAGE.CY cITY NAME STA"JE ZIP CODE j PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE Lonq Beach, CA. 90806 CA 90806 ...J (213) 424-8564 III. TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION Same as II MAILING OR S1REET ADDRESS ~' ~OX ~ INDIVIDUAL ~ LOCAL AGENCY [~ STATE AGENCY TO INDICA.TE ~PARTNERSHIP C~ COUNTY AGENCY [~FEDERAL AGENCY CITY NAME ~I'ATE j ZIP CODE j PHONE No. WITI.I AREA CODE I OWNER'S ' DATE VOLUME PRODUCT IN TANK No. INSTALLED STORED SERVICE 1BK 1978 2000 gal. unleaded gas Y/~])* YIN YIN YIN YIN YIN * Please be advised that the above tank is going to be removed in thirty (30) days. DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? Y/N TYPE J "~ KERN .COU~I"Y RE$OU RCI:: ~~AGEMENT ~.-~'~: 2'$00 "M"..STREEt, SUITE 300, BAKERSFIELD, '~.93301 (805)861-3636 " '"':'~ UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY -PER~ZT POSTE~ YeS ........... NO J .............. ~NSPECTZON [ FACILITY NAME:CAVINS OIL WELL TOOLS -OWNER3 NAME:DAWSON ENTERPRISES ". : 1 ;PR[~RY C~TA[N~T ~ON[TORZNG: · c. "~ifimd [nv~tory C~tro3 2. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: _ 6. NEW CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATIONS N/~' CLOSURE/ABANDONHENT OPERATING CONOITION OF FACILITY .......... REPORT RECEIVED' BY: /~~~ INSPECTOR: ..................................... .~ ................... 'ii ' ,~.~-'~:., . KERN;, ~U'NTY AlR POLLUTION CONTROL'b',STRICT · "I ~ " .....' 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 "..t' ':~:' .... Bakersfie,d, CA. 93301 . · _:'~..:' :~:~ ~o~...~ .... Notice Rec d ~ 1~. ' ~SKET DE~EEN ADAPTOR & FI~ ' 14. EXCESSIVE VE~ICAL PLAY IN ..... - -'.'-' COAXIAL FI~ TUBE MEC~NISM DEFECTIVE . · .. ..: 16. T~K DEPTH M~SUREMENT :.. ..: ~ ., ~ .._.. ~. .': 17. .~BE ~NGTH M~SUREMENT ' 1~. O~ER ~ ' ".. .. '' : ': "WARNING: SY~MS MARKED WI*; CHECK ABOVE ARE IN VIO~O~ OF KERN~OUNT; A,~ POLLU~ON CONSOL'· DIS~I~ RULE(S) 209, 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEAL~ & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENAL~ES ..' ' ',-., OF UP TO $1,~.~ PER DAY FOR EACH VlOLA~ON. ~LEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLU- ~ ~ONOF~EVlOLA~ON(S) ~~w~~w~W~~w~w~~~'~ ~9-~OlO APCD FILE '~'-'" ' UNDERGROUND iSTORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED REI. EASE (LEAK)./,CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT [] YES NO' ' REPORTBEENFLED? ~ YEs' '~'~NO REPORT DATE ~D~ESS' m CROSS STRE~ ~ L~AL AGENCY AGENCY ~ME ~NTACT PER~N P~NE m m ~GION~BOA~ ~ ' P~NE ~ (1) / NAME ~ QU~TI~ LOST (GALLONS) m ~ UNKNO~ ~ ~TE Di~VERED ' ~ "" ', ~ ' ~W,D~VE~D ~ ~NVE~ORY ~ROL ~ SU~URFACE MON~TOR~N~ ~ NU~SA~E ~ND~T~NS ~SD~H~R~EaEENSTOPPED?~'' - . ~. ~ ~PNRT~K ~ REPA~Rm~NG ~ C~EPR~EDURE ~ ~ ~ T~K~ ~?U"~O~ : OVERFEL : RUP~R~AILURE : SPI~ ~O ~ PIPINGLE~ ~ 0~ER ~ ~R~SION ~NK~WN ~ O~ER m m ~E~ONEONLY ~. '~ UNDE~RMINED ~ILONLY ~ ~ GROUNDWA~R ~ DRINKINGWA~R-(CHECKONLYIFWA~R~LLSHAVEAC~LYBEENAFFEC~D) CHE~ ON[~NLY , ~ ~O ACTION TAKEN ' ' ~' PREUMiNA~ S~TE ~E~E~R~N SUa~D ~ ~LLUT~ON CHA~C~R~T~N ~ REUED~AT~O~ p~ ~ CASE ~OS~D ICe'UP COUP~TED OR UNN~C~SSAR~ ~ CLEANUP UNDERWAY C~ECK ~PROPR~A~ ACT~ONIS) ~ EXCAVATE & D~SPOSE lED) ~ REMO~ F~E P~CTIFP) ~ ENH~CED a~O ~GRADAT~ON ~ Z I~K~ =~< ~ CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) ~ACT~NREQUIRED(NA) ~ T~ATMENTAT~OKUP(HU) ~ VENT SOIL ~S) ~ VA~uM E~RACT ~E) ~ OTHER (O~ O INSTRUCTIONS EMERGENCY Indicate whether emergency response personnel and equipment were involved Preliminary Site Assessment Workplan Submitted - workplan/proposal at any time. If so, a Hazardous Material Incident Report should be filed requested of/submitted by responsible party to determine whether ground with the State Office of Emergency Services (OES) at.2800 Meadowview Road, water has been, or will be, impacted as a result of the release. Sacramento, CA 95832. Copies of the OES report form may be obtained at Preliminary Site Assessment Underway ~ implementation of workplan. your local underground storage tank permitting agency. Indicate whether Poilu%ion Characterization -~responsible party is in the process of fully the OES report has be~n filed~ as of the date of this report, defining the extent of cont~a~.ination in soil and ground water and assessing impacts on surface and/or gr6und water. LOCAL AGENCY ONLY Remediation Plan - remediation plan submitted evaluating ions term To avoid-~duplicate notification pursuant%o. Health and Safety code Section remediation options. Proposal and implementation schedule for appropriate 25180.7, a designated government emp~6yee .should sign and date the form in remediation options also submitted. ~his block. A signature here does not mean that the leak has been Cleanup Underway - implementation of remediation plan. determined to pose a significant threat to human health or safety, only Post Cleanup Monitorin~ in Pro, tess - periodic ground water or other that notification procedures have been followed if required, monitoring at site, as necessary, to verify and/or evaluate effectiveness · ~' of remedial activities~ ~ ~'EPORTED BY ~ ~ Case Closed ~regio~ai board and local agency i~:~oncurrence that no ~nter your name, telephone number, an~ address. ~ndicate which partY~Tou further work ~s nece~sar~at the site. mep=esent and provide company Or agen6M name. ~ ~ ': IMPORTANT THE INFORMATION P~OVIDED ON THIS FORM IS INTENDED~ FOR GENERAL RESPONSIBLE PARTY . STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS REPRESENTING THE Enter name, telephone number, contact Person, and address of the party OFFICIAL POSITION OF ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY' responsible for the leak. The responsible party would normally be the tank owner. REMEDIAL ACTION Indicate w---~lch action have been used to cleanup or remediate the leak. SITE LOCATION Descriptions of OPtions follow: Enter information regarding the tank facility. At a minimum, you must Provide the facility name and full address. Cap Si~e - install horizontal impermeable layer to reduce rainfall infiltration. IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES Containment Barrier - install vertical dike to block horizontal movement of Enter names of the local agency and Regional Water Quality Control Board contaminant. involved. Excavate and Dispose - remove contaminated soil and dispose in approved site. SUBSTANCES INVOLVED Excavate and Treat - remove contaminated soil and treat (includes spreading Enter the name and quantity lost of the hazardous substance involved. Room or land farming). ~s provided for information on two Substances if appropriate. If more than Remove Free Product - remove floating product from wate~ table. two substances leaked, list the two of most concern for cleanup. Pump and Treat Groundwater - generally employed to remc-.'e dissolved contaminants. DISCOVERY/ABATEMENT Enhanced Biode~radation - use of any available technology to promote Provide information regarding the discovery and abatement of the leak. bacterial decomposition of contaminants. Replace Supply - provide alternative water supply to affected parties. SOURCE/CAUSE Treatment at Hookup - install water treatment devices at each dwelling or Indicate source(s) of leak. Check box(es) indicating cause of leak. other place of use. ' Vacuum Extract - use pumps or blowers to draw air through soil. CASE TYPE Vent Soil - bore holes in soil to allow volatilization of contaminants. Indicate the case type category for this leak. Check one box only. Case No Action Required- incident is minor, requiring no remedial action. type is based on the most sensitive resource affected. For example, if bot~ soil and ground water have been affected, case type will be "Ground CO~4ENTS - Use this space to elaborate on any aspects of the incident. Water''. Indicate "Drinking Water" only if one or more municipal or domestic water wells have actually been affected. A "Ground Water" SIGNATURE - Sign the form in the space provided. ;designation does not imply that the affected water cannot be, or is not, Used for drinking water, but only that water wells have not yet been DISTRIBUTION affected. It is understood that case type may change upon further If the form is completed by the tank owner or his agent, retain the lasb copy investigation, and forward the remaining copies intact to your local tank permitting agency for distribution. CURRENT STATUS 1. Original - Local Tank Permitting Agency Indicate the category which best describes the current status of the case. 2. State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Loans and Grants, Check one box only. The response should be relative to the case type. For Underground Storage Tank Program, P.O. Box 944212, Sacramento, CA 94244- example, if case type is "Ground Water", then "Current Status" should refer 2120 to the status of the ground water investigation or cleanup, as opposed to 3. Regional Water Quality Control Board that of soil. Descriptions of options follow: 4. County Board of Supervisors or designee to receive Proposition 65 notifications. ~o Action....Taken - No action has been taken by responsible party beyond 5. Owner/responsible party. initial report of leak. Leak.Bein~ Confirmed - Leak suspected at site, but has not been confirmed. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK)/CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT · ~-~eNO REPORT BEEN FILED ? [] YES Z NO YES NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILI~ R~RT , REPRESE~I~ ~ OWNE~O~ATOR ~ REGIONAL~ARD ~MP~YORAGENdY~ ~ ~' ~L~ AGENCY ~ O~ER A~RESS ~DRES~ ..... ,/ ~' ~DREss ' , ," /. / CROSS STRE~ /: i',.,: Vr L~AL AGENCY , AGENCY ~ME ~NTACT PER~N P~NE ~EpJgN~ BOARD / , i , ' P~NE (1) / NAME W QU~TI~ L~T (G~LONS) ~ UNKNO~ ~TEDI~O~RED ~WDISCOVE~D ~ INVE~ORY~ROL ~ SUBSURFACE MONITORING ~ NUISA~E~NDIT~NS ~MOVE ~N~NTS REP~E T~K CLOSE T~K ~S DI~HARGE BEEN STOPPED ? ~ ~PAIR T~K ~ REPAIR PIPING ~ CrinGE PR~EDURE ~ ...,.~ ~ o~. ~ ~.~,o. '~.~w. ~ o~. ~E~ ONEONLY CH~NLY ~ NO ACTION TAKEN ~ PRELIMINA~SITE~ESSME~R~NSUBM~D ~ POLLUTIONCHA~C~R~T~N ~ L~BEI~NFIRMED ~ PRELIMINA~SI~ESSMENTUNDERWAY ~ POST ~EANUP MONITORING IN P~GRESS ~ REMEDIATION P~ ~ CASE ~OSED (C~UP ~MP~D OR UNNECESSAR~ ~ ~EANUP UNDERWAy CHECK ~PROPRIA~ ~TION(S) ~ ~CAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) ~ REMOVE FREE PRO.CT (FP) ~ ENH~CED ED ~GRADATION (1~ C~ SITE (CD) ~ EXCAVA~ & TREAT (E~ REP~CE SUPPLY (RS) ~ CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) ~ACT~N REQUIRED (NA) ~ TREATMENTAT ~OKUP (HU) ~ VENTSOIL (VS) ~ VACUUM E~RACT ~ ~ O~ER (O~ INSTRUCTIONS EMERGENCY Indicate whether emergency response personnel and equipment were involved Preliminary Site Assessment Workplan Submitted - workplan/proposal at any time. If so, a Hazardous Material Incident Report should be filed requested of/submitted by responsible party to determine whether ground with the State Office of Emergency Services (OES) at 2800 Meadowview Road, water has been, or will be, impacted as'a result of the release. Sacramento, CA 95832. Copies of the OES report form may be obtained at Preliminary Site Assessment Underway '-implementation of workplan. your local under,round storage tank permitting asency. Indicate whether Pollution Characterization - responsible party is in the process of fully the OES report has been filed, as of the date of this report, definin& the extent of contamination in soil and ground water and assessing impacts on surface and/or ground water. LOCAL AGENCY ONLY Remediation Plan - remediation plan submitted evaluating long term To avoid~uplieate notification pursuant-to. Health and Safety code Section remediation options. Proposal and implementation schedule for appropriate 2§180.?, a designated ~overnment empi6y~e .should sign and date the form in remediation options also submitted. this block. A signature here does not mean that the leak has been Cleanup Underway - implementation of remediation plan. determined to pose a significant threat to human health or safety, only Post Cleanup Monitorin~ in Fro~ress - periodic ground water or other that notification procedures have been followed if required, monitoring at site, as necessary, to verify and/or evaluate effectiveness of remedial activities. REPORTED BY .~.' . Case Closed - regional board and local agency in concurrence that no Enter your name, telephone number, and address. Indicate which party you further work is necessary at the site. represent and provide company or a~ency name. IMPORTANT: THE' INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM IS INTENDED FOR GENERAL RESPONSIBLE PARTY STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS REPRESENTING THE Enter name, telephone number, contact'person, and add~ess of the party OFFICIAL POSITION OF ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY responsible for the leak. The responsibleparty would normally be the tank owner. ~- REMEDIAL ACTION Indicate which action have been used to cleanup or remediate the leak. SITE LOCATION Descriptions of options follow: Enter information regardin~ the tank faci!~ty. At a minimum, you must provide the facility name and full address. Cap Site - install horizontal impermeable layer to reduce rainfall infiltration. IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES Containment Barrier - install vertical dike to block horizontal movement of Enter namesof the local agency and ReEional Water Quality Control Board contaminant. involved. Excavate and Dispose ~ remove contaminated soil and dispose in approved site. SUBSTANCES INVOLVED Excavate and Treat - remove contaminated soil and treat (includes spreading Enter the name and quantity lost of the hazardous substance involved. Room or land farming). is provided for information 'on tw6substances if appropriate. If more than Remove Free Product - remove floating product from wate~ table. two substances leaked, .list the two of most concern for cleanup. Pump and Treat Groundwater - generally employed to remc.e dissolved contaminants. DISCOVERY/ABATEMeNT Enhanced Biode~radation - use of any available technology to promote Provide information reEarding the discovery and abatement of the leak. bacterial decomposition of contaminants. Replace Supply - provide alternative water supply to affected parties. SOURCE/CAUSE Treatment at Hookup - install water treatment devices at each dwellin~ or Indicate source(s) of leak. Check. box(es) indicating cause of leak. other place of use. Vacuum Extract - use pumps or blowers to draw air through soil. CASE TYPE Vent Soil - bore holes in soil to allow volatilization of contaminants. Indicate the case type category for this leak. Check one box only. Case No Action Required - incident is minor, requiring no remedial action. type is based on the most sensitive resource affected. For example, if both soil and ground water have been affected, case type will be "Ground COPIMENTS - Use this space to elaborate on any aspects of the incident. Water". Indicate "Drinking Water" only if one or more municipal or domestic water wells have actually been affected. A "Ground Water" SIGNATURE - Sign the form in the space provided. designation does not imply that the affected water cannot be, or is not, used for drinking water, but only that water wells have not yet been DISTRIBUTION affected. It is understood that case type may chan~e upon further If the form is completed by the tank owner or his a~ent, retain the last copy investi&ation, and forward the remainin~ copies intact to your local tank permitting a§ency for distribution. CURRENT STATUS 1. Original - Local Tank Permitting Agency Indicate the category which best describes the current status of the case. 2. State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Loans and Grants, Check one box only. The responss should be relative to the case type. For Underground Storage Tank Program, P.O. Box 944212, Sacramento, CA 94244- example, if case type is "Ground Water", then "Current Status" should refer 2120 to the status of the ground water investigation or cleanup, as opposed to 3. Re§ional Water Quality Control Board that of soil. Descriptions of options follow: 4. County Board of Supervisors or designee to receive Proposition 65 notifications. No Action. Taken - No action has been taken by responsible party beyond 5. Owner/responsible party. initial report of leak. Leak..Bein~ Confirmed - Leak suspected at site~ but has not been " confirmed. RECEIVED SEP 1 .~ lggl REPORT A,~;'lJ ............ REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK AND SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION 1519 32ND STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT 712- 1H Prepared For: Dawson Enterprises 2853 Cherry Avenue Long Beach, California 90806 Prepared By: Maness Environmental Services, Inc. 1101 East Spring Street Long Beach, California 90807 September 6, 1991 M A N ESS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. A DIV~SION OF MANESS INDUSTRIES September 6, 1991 Project 712- 1H Mr. Barry Burris Dawson Enterprises 2853 Cherry Avenue Long Beach, California 90806 REPORT REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK AND SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION 1519 32ND STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Burris: Enclosed please find Maness Environmental Services, Inc., (MES) final report for closure by removal of one 2,000 gallon gasoline fuel underground storage tank (UST) and soil sample collection at the Dawson Enterprises facility on 1519 32nd Street in Bakersfield, California. The work completed consisted of: (1) excavation, decontamination, removal and disposal of the UST and one product dispenser, (2) soil sample collection and analysis from beneath the former UST location and dispenser, (3) backfill and recompaction of the excavation, and (4) a final tank closure report, summarizing the results of all field activities and analytical testing. Results of laboratory testing indicate that the underground storage tank and connected product dispenser previously at the site have not contaminated the surrounding subsurface soil. 1101 East Spring Street · P.O. Box 7917 Long Beach, CA. 90807-091 7 Contractor License No. 553633 (213) 595-4555 (714) 995-7162 FAX: (213) 427-8420 Mr. Barry Bums September 6, 1991 MES appreciates the opportunity to provide environmental management services for Dawson Enterprises. If you have any questions regarding the report or require additional information, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Maness Environmental Services, Inc. ~~~'~ ~raUoje cDtavDiidre cH~or~e r a cc: Mr. Joseph Dunwoody Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Material Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Mr. Barry Bums September 6, 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Work 1 1.2 Background 1 2.0 Field Engineering 1 2.1 Tank Removal Operations 1 2.2 Soil Sampling 2 3.0 Site Geology 2 3.1 Site Stratigraphy and Hydrogeology 2 4.0 Laboratory' Testing 2 4.1 Methods of Analysis 2 4.2 Results of Analysis 3 5.0 Conclusions 3 Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Plan and Soil Sample Locations Appendix A - Laboratory Reports Appendix B - Chain of Custody Documents Appendix C - UST Removal Permit Appendix D - Hazardous Waste Manifest Appendix E - Tank Disposal Form REPORT REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK AND SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION 1519 32ND STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT 712- 1H 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes tank closure operations recently completed at Dawson Enterprises, 1519 32nd Street in Bakersfield, California. 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK As per state, county and local guidelines governing the storage of hazardous materials, the subject site has been mandated to comply with current regulations regarding the storage of hazardous materials underground. The work completed consisted of the closure by removal of one 2,000 gallon gasoline fuel underground storage tank (UST) and product dispenser. Additionally a MES geologist collected four soil samples, to verify if the underground storage tank and the dispenser have impacted the surrounding subsurface soil. 1.2 BACKGROUND Dawson Enterprises engaged the services of Maness Environmental Services, Inc., (MES) to perform the following: (1) excavation, decontamination, removal and disposal of the UST and one product dispenser, (2) soil sample collection and analysis from beneath the former UST location and dispenser, (3) backfill and recompaction of the excavation, and (4) a final tank closure report, summarizing the results of all field activities and analytical testing. 2.0 FIELD ENGINEERING 2.1 TANK REMOVAL OPERATIONS On August 22, 1991, MES cleaned the gasoline fuel UST at the subject site. We pressure rinsed the tank sufficiently, until satisfactory lower explosive limits (LEL) and total oxygen content levels were achieved. On August 22, 1991, under the direction of the Bakersfield City Fire Department, Hazardous Material Division, MES removed and disposed of the UST and the dispenser properly. MES transported the tanks to Wilmington Salvage, Inc., in Wilmington, California for disposal. MES transported the tank rinsate to Gibson Oil & Refining Mr. Barry Burris September 6, 1991 facility in Bakersfield, California. The hazardous waste manifest for the tank rinsate and the tank disposal form have been included in Appendix D and E respectively. 2.2 Sore SAMPLING On August 22, 1991, under the direction of Bakersfield City Fire Department, Hazardous Material Division, MES collected tour soil samples from the tank excavation and from beneath the former dispenser location using a backhoe tractor. MES collected two soil samples from the center of the excavation, at two and six feet beneath the base of the original tank location, and two soil samples two and six feet beneath the former location of the dispenser, that was connected to the 2,000 gallon gasoline fuel UST (see Figure 1 - Site Plan and Soil Sample Locations). MES collected soil in 250 milliliter Qorpak glass jars, sealed with Teflon-lined lids, labeled and immediately placed on ice in an ice chest until received by a state certified analytical laboratory for testing. Laboratory results and chain-of-custody documents have been included in Appendix A and Appendix B respectively. 3.0 SITE GEOLOGY 3.1 SITE STRATIGRAPHY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The subject site overlies alluvial sediments consisting of brown, pebbly, medium to coarse grained sand and dark brown, silty, fine to medium grained sand of recent geologic age. The surrounding topography is consistently flat. A review of the Kern County Water Agency hydrologic records indicates, that the first groundwater beneath the site is approximately 155 feet below land surface, last measured in September, 1990. 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING 4.1 METHODS OF ANALYSIS MES collected, maintained, prepared and analyzed all soil samples according to Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, (SW-846), Third Edition, November 1986. These methods, as prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), provide test procedures, which determine wether the sample is a hazardous waste within the definition of the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA). The soil confirmation samples, collected from beneath the former UST location and product dispenser, were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons, in accordance with EPA test method 418.1, and for purgeable aromatic hydrocarbons (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Total Xylenes) in accordance with EPA test method 8020. 2 Mr. Barry Burris September 6, 1991 4.2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Results of laboratory testing for the soil samples collected from beneath the former UST and dispenser location indicate, that the gasoline fuel UST and the dispenser have not contaminated the surrounding subsurface environment. However, sample T1-6' shows very low levels of total petroleum hydrocarbons (9.0 mg/kg). The results of the soil samples collected on August 22, 1991 have been summarized in Table-1. After the results of the laboratory analysis had been released and it was assured that no contamination was present in the subsurface soil above regulatory action levels, MES backfilled the excavation on September 9, 1991, with clean soil. We properly compacted the excavation to existing grade and repaved the work area. TABLE 1 Soil Samples collected on 8/22/1991 1519 32nd Street Bakersfield, California SAMPLE BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYL- TOTAL TPH ID BENZENE XYLENES ~COVE~,ABL E EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 418.1 T1.2' ND ND ND ND ND T 1 - 6' ND ND ND ND 9.0 D1-2' ND ND ND ND ND D1-6' ND ND ND ND ND Detection Limit (mg/kg)II 0.005 [0.005 0.005 [0.005 I 1.0 ND = None Detected (rog/kg) = Milligram per Kilogram TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon 5.0. CONCLUSIONS Results of soil sampling indicate, that additional soil sampling shall not be necessary, as the surrounding subsurface environment has not been impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons in the vicinity of the former UST location at the subject site. In accordance with state, county and city guidelines for the regulation of hazardous materials stored underground, MES has completed all onsite work, necessary to close the underground storage tank at 1519 32nd Street in Bakersfield, California. Mr. Barry Bun-is September 6, 1991 MES appreciates the opportunity to provide Dawson Enterprises with environmental management services. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Maness Environmental Services, Inc. Paul David Herrera · Project Geologist Project Director FIGURE I SITE PLAN AND SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS -'"' FIGURE ! ...... SITE PLA N '-..A ND '" SOIL SAMPLE '"' L O CA TIONS " SITE LOCATION '"% CA VINS OIL DELL TOOLS '"" A DIVISION OF '"'. DA W'SON ENTEBPRISES '... BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA F~EPA~gD FOR MR. BARRY BURRIS '-...~...........~. DA2853WSONcHERR yENTERPRISESA VENUE LONG BEACH. CALIFORNIA SOIL SAMPLE "'. LOCATION .. PROPERTY BOUNDARY ' _ .......... 32ND STREET DATE: 9/6/199 I G. BAADER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. CHECKED BY: , ~. ~CHOF[E~D A DIVISION OF  o 2o 4o MANESS INDUSTRIES ~ APPROVED BY: APPENDIX A LABORATORY REPORTS 1920 E. Deere Ave. Suite 130 Inc. California E N V I R 0 N M E N T A L T E S T N G 92705 Tel 714.757.7022 LABORATORY REPORT Fax 714.757.7274 Client: Mane,ss Environmental Report Date: 9/3/91 Client Address: 1101 East Spring Street Lab P.N.: 2281 ~ Long Beach, CA 90807 Client P.N.: 712-1H Contact: Gabrielle Baader Project Name: 32nd Slreet Date Sampled: 8/22/91 Project Address: Bakersfield, CA Date Received: 8/23/91 Date Analyzed: 8/26/91 Physical State: Solid Quality Assurance/Quality Control Summary QC Percent Acceptable Relative Percent Acceptable Parameter fMethodl Tvoe Recovery Ranae Difference Ranc~e Benzene (EPA 8020) M 89 39-150 1 0-25 Toluene (EPA 8020) M 99 46-148 1 0-25 Ethyibenzene (EPA 8020) M 93 32-160 2 0-25 Xylenes, Total (EPA 8020) M 97 46-148 1 0-25 TPH, Recoverable (EPA 418.1 ) M 110 70-125 0 0-20 M = Matrix Spike / Spike Duplicate L = Laboratof,/Cc~t~ Sample Spike / Spike Duplicate Reviewed Approved l~e s~mp~ were rec~ by 1~ 7~ L~, I~C. ~a~l~ stye, ~ a~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~p~ ~ T~ T~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u~ r~iot. ~at~ ~ a~ ~ to ~ ~p~ m~ ~ ~ m~ ~ ap~y to ~ a~ ~ ~ ~mi~ ~p~. Page 1 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING LABORATORY RESULTS Client: Maness Environmental Report Date: 9/3/91 Client Address: 1101 East Spring Street Lab P.N.: 2281 Long Beach, CA 90807 Client P.N.: 712-1 H Project Name: 32nd Street Date Sampled: 8/22/91 Project Address: Bakersfield, CA Date Analyzed: 8/26/91 Physical State: Solid Xylenes, TPH, Benzene Toluene Elhylbenzene Total Recoverable EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8O20 EPA 418.1 Sample ID mq/kq mq ./k.q mq/kq mq/k.q mq/kg T1-2' ND ND ND ND ND T1-6' ND ND ND ND 9.0 D1-2' ND ND ND ND ND D1-6' ND ND ND ND ND IDetection ~imits mg/k9 0,005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 ND; Not Detectable The Laboratory Results are only a portion of the Laboratory Report. Page 2 APPENDIX B CHAIN OF CUSTODY DOCUMENTS Maness Environmental Services, Inc. 1101 E. Spring St. SAMPLE SUBMITTAL FORM/CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD  Long BeAch, ~A 90807 " ANDTIME WHERE Telephone (213) 595-4555 PLEASE REPORT DATE ANALYZED ( NECESSARY ) WITH ANALYTICAL RESULIS (213) 427-8420 DO NOT EXCEED THESE MUST SE ANALYZED WITHIN MUST BE ANALYZED SITE .... ,.~AiCE~E[c:,/' ~.~___ HOLDING TIMES 40 DAYS AFTER EXTRACTION WITHIN 28 DAYS I- uJ MES PROJECT NO. __ '- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ × x ~ z~ z> z~ ~,~o$~ R~PORT,.~ .~ ~_. DAYSAF~ER OF ANALYSIS S^MPI ES S~ND ~ ~'~' R~SUi.TS A~N. !~ ,.z, >O o~ ~,- ,-'~ ,,, ~ <~ ~ O ~- g~o >O5 ~ ~ ~ ~ o~O ~ ---- O~ '"~ ~fi u, '~ ~,--'-~ ~ ,,,O << :' o~ '~ i~ ~'- ,-- ""'""O "'< × --~ ,~ ~P" '- ' ~O ~O ° ~ ~,- '"< ,--'~ ~ ,,,O~ ~ ~ ,,,O <<~ _ ~ ~ ,,,O <~--~ ~,- ,-~' ~ '"~ <<--- MIDTIME ID Z ~o ~o . , ///////// , / / / / ? / //////// ~EMARKS: RECEIVED BY RELINQUISHED BY RECEIVED BY (LABOP.~TORY~ SAMPLE RECEIPT ~--~,~ Sign alu re Time Sign alu re Time Printed~-~'Name TiTe Chain of Custody Seals Printed Name ime hied Name Dale Printed Name Dat'-~ Rec'd Good Condition/Cold .~/ ' '~ Conlorms to Record ~ Company Company Dale Company Lab No. WHITE COPY-LABORATORY CANARY COPY-JOB FILE APPENDIX C UST REMOVAL PERMIT  ~~ Bake'~sfield Fire Dept. PERU,T ~~~ HAZ. MAT. DIV. PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFO"MATION -- . TANK OWNER/OPERATOR--/~~ ~~/~~HgNE ~.~ MAILING ADDRESS /~/~--~~ ~,' CI~~ zIp CODE COMPANY ~~ ~'~~ONE NO~/~'~5~ICENSE NO.~~ INSURANCE CARRIER ~~~ ~/~ WORKME~ COMP NO. PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION , / COMPANY~~'5' ~,~~ PHONE NO. ~7.~~ICEN~E No. ADDRESS ~/~/ F ~,~ ~. CI~ ~ZIPCODE INSURANCE CARRIER ~~~ ~.~.~ WORKME~ COMP No. TANK CLEANING INFORMATION ' COMPANY ,. No.NX% ADDRESS X~%~ ~- ~ ~% ~ __ CI~%~~ ZIP CODE WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFIC~ATIO~UMBER ~ ~%~~~ ~ NAME OF RINSTATE DIS~OSALFA~LI~ ~~ ~',~ ~ ~ ~ - ADDRESS ~~, ~~~ ~. CI~~~~ ZIP CODE FAC1LI~INDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~ ~ TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY ~~ ~,~~ PHONE No. ~ ~~ICENSE No. ADDRESS ~ ~, ~~~ CI~ ~ ~ ZIP CODE TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL · · ',..:.i''~ .._ ~;:': ..'. - :: -: ...::-.- ::::if::i!i]:i:ii:iiil]i:i:i::::!:?!:i:i:]:~:::::::!:!,!:::!:~.~':- --'.: .... ::.:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :..:.::.:......,.;¢;.;;.;;. ......... . ........ THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNOERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OFTHIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORMHAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY. AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS T,I~U E AND CORRECT. THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED APPENDIX D HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST UNIFORM HAZARDOUS GIBSON OIL &' ~F2NING E~ OF CO~RCI~ DR. A) DIESEL/G~OLI~ O~LY VATER GLOVE~, ~LES, ~ present IM ~ure threat to h~ih APPENDIX E TANK DISPOSAL FORM WILMING'-FON ~AL-VA',3E inc. 2.133 E. ANAHEIM STREET WILMINGTON, CALIFORNIA 90744 PHONES (213) 435-4555 / 436-1~545 ,~'!aness Environmental P. O. 3o× 791,' Long ~,each, Ca. 90~,07 This is to confirm %,hat we have cut and destroyed the a%ove item~items. Thank You :.'[ilmin_~on Sa'Irate, Inc. ~ IA~ Bakersfield Fire DeptJ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM ~~~ HA~. MAT. DIV. P~MIT APPLICATION FO~ R~MOVAL OF ~~~~ ADORERS ~[ ~''~ ZIPCOOE ~/ APN FAC~U~ N~ ~~ ~/~ ~//~C~S~ STREET TANK OWNEE/OPEEATO~-- /~~-~ ~~/~HONE ~.~_~~/~ MAILING ADDPESS /~/ ~--~ ~ ~,' CI~~ ~IP COaE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I / COMPANY ~~ ~i~~ONE No~/~'~55~LICEN~E No.~~ ADDRESS /7~t '~. 54r~'~ ~, _ . INSURANCE CARRIER ~~~ ~/~ WOR~ ~OMP ~o. PEELIMANAEY A$SEMENT INFOEMA~ION , COMPANY~,~~ ~,~~ PHONE NO. INSURANCE CARR{~R ~~) ~_~~ WORKME~CO~o. TANK CLEANIN~ INFOEMATION · ~ ADDRESS N~%~ ~- ~X~ ~ ~ CI~~~ZIECODE WASTE T~ANSPO~TER IOENTIFIC~TIO~E~E~ ~ NAME OF RINSTATE DISROSALFA~LI~ ~~ ADDRESS ~~ ~~~ ~. · CI~~~~ ZiP CODE FACILI~ INDENTIFtdATION NUMBER ~ TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY ~~ PHONE No. ESr NA ]ON TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL ~S~O R ED STORED PREVIOU~ STORED :., ..:.-....... .... , ::::::::::::::::::::: ............ :::::-:'::! THE APPLICANT HAS RECE{VED, UNOERSTANOS, AND WiLL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THiS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STAI'E, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORMHAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS T,~LU E AND CORRECT. ,~PPROVED BY: / APPLICANT hAME (PRINI') ""-"APPLICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ~{'ATE DF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM A COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR EACH FACILITYISITE MAP~Y~ Ot~LY [] 1 NEW PERMIT [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION ~ 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE ONEITEM [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE I, FACILITY/SITE. INFORMATION & ADDRESS- (MUST BE COMPLETED) CA I { *o3 32.7- ~ ~X TO INDICA~ OR~RA~ON ~ tNDIVIDUAL ~ P~TN~RS~IP ~ L~AL-AG~C~ ~ COUP-AGOnY ~ STA~-AG~NCY D~TRICTS ~PEOF ~USINESS ~. ~ 31 ~S STATIONFARM ~ 42 DISTRIBUTOR ~PROCESSOR THER =ORRESERVATIONTRuST~ IF INDIAN I' OF TANiS AT SITE ~ E' P' A'~DS I.D.,(~ti~) EMERGENCY CONTA~ PERSON (PRIMARY) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY). optional DAYS: NAME (~ST. FIRS~ PHONE · WITH AREA ~DE DAYS: NAME (~ST. FIRS~ NIGHTS: NAME (~T. FIRS~ PHONE ~ WITH AREA CODE NI~TS: NAME (~T. FIRS~ PHONE ~ WITH AREA CODE II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION- (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME ~_ CARE OF ADDRE MAILING OR STREETADDRESS - ~ -- ~ I ~ ~ ~ INDblDUAL ~ L~AL-AG~CY ~ STA~-AG~CY III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION - (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME OF OWNER CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ~ ~x ~i~m ~ INDIVIDUAL ~ L~AGAGENCY ~ STA~-AGENCY ~ COR~RA~ON ~ P~TNERSHIP ~ COU~-AGE~Y CI~ NAME ~TATE ZIP CQDE ~ PHONE ~ WITH AREA CODE IV, BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER - Call (916) 323-9555 if questions arise. V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, (MUST BE COMPLETED) - IDENTIFY THE METHOD(S) USED ~ ~ ~[~ ~ I ~LF-I~URED ~ 2 GU~A~EE ~ 3 INSURANCE ~ 5 ~EROFCRE~ ~ 6 ~EM~ON ~ OTHER VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILLING ADDRESS Legal notifi~tion and billing will be sent to the tank owner unless box ] or II is checked. ~ CHECK ONE BOX INDICATING WHICH AaOVE ADDRESS SHOULD BE USED FOR LEGAL NOTIFICATIONS AND BILLING: I,~ I1,~ II1,~ THIS FORM HAS BEEN cOMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST ~ MY KNOWLEDGE,.IS TRUE AND cORREcT NAMPRINTED & SIGNATURE) ] APPLICANTS TITLE MONT~DAY~R u0caL usE 0.uf COUN~ ~ dURIsDICTION ~ FACILI~ ~ LOCATION cODE - OPTIONAL CENSUS TRACT ~ - OPTIONAL SUPVISOR - DISTRICT CODE - OPTIONAL THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BYAT LEAST (1) OR MORE PERMIT APPLICATION · FORM B~ UNLESS THIS IS A CHANGE OF SffE INFORMATION ONLY. FORM A (5-91) BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM OWNER _~,6;,~ - ' PERMIT TO OPERATE# O¢. OO.~ /.. ~__ CONTRACTOR/'~./~, ~ g.~ CONTACT PERSON ~z~/ LABORATORY' ~~ ~~ ~ OF S~PLES ~ TEST METHODOLOGY ~/~ ; ~~ ~ P~LI~ARY ASSESSMENT CO. ~/~3 CO.ACT PERSON~~~W COm RECIEPT ~, '' LEL% ~ . Om% / ~'~ PLOT P~N CONDITION OF SOIL INSPECTORS ~E / ' S IG~AT~ . BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMINATION I, -~'~ ~'~7 an authorized agent of name ~~ here by attest under penalty of contracting co. perjury that the tank(s) located at /J/.~~~._ and address being removed under permit# ~ OO~ ~ has been cleaned/decontaminated properly and a LEL (lower explosive limit) reading of no greater than 5% was measured immediately following the cleaning/decontamination process. date name ( print  1101 East Spring Street '- ": P.O. Box 7917 ·" Long Beach, CA. 90807-O917 . :..' ~'" Contractor License No. 553633 '-. '.'..Z ;' · ~'- M A N E $ S (213) 595-4555(714)995.7162 ® Diagnostic Engineering Inc. "':"' :' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. FAX: (213) 427-8420 .~:~'...:? .,. ,.; A DIVISION OF 50 East F,o(Xhill Blvd. "" "i'?.' ' '~ -'." MANESS INDUSTRIES An:adia, California '. "'d'. ' - 91O06 MIKE MURRAY 818-447-5216 John Nicolich Superintendent FAX: 818-447-7593 Senior Hydrogeologist  1101 East Spring Street P.O. Box 7917 Long Beach, CA. 90807-0917 Contractor License No. 553633 1519 32nd Street ·Bakersfield, California 93301 U A N E S S (213) 595-4555(714)995-7162 (805) 327-7154 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. FAX: (213) 427-8420 A SUBSIDIARY OF MANESS INDUSTRIES KIRK MOORE GABRIELE BAADER . Area Manager Geologist gE.. COU.TV ^ ..OLLUT O. CO. .OL ' PERMIT TO OPERATE · ~ 2700 "M" STREET. SUITE 275 Number: ~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 9330! -~ TELEPHONE: (805) 861-3682 PERMIT TO OPERATE IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: CAVINS OIL NELL TOOLS -~''=- ~b'R ED AT: 1519 32ndrStree~';'"Bakersfield EQUIPMENT OR PROCESS DESCRIPTION: Gasoline Storage & Dispensing System OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW. THIS PERMIT BECOMES VOID UPON ANY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OR LOCATION, OR ANY ALTERATION. ............ ~':'~'-'~he permittee may be'requi~-~ provide adequate sampling and testing WILLIAM J. RODD¥ facilities. Equipment modification AIR POLLUTI~TRO~OF~ICER' requires a new permit. REVOCABLE: This permit does not authorize By: the emission of air contaminants in excess of those allowed by the Rules and Regulations of the K.C.A.P.C.D. For Period: 08-31-90 TO CONDITIONAL APPROVAL: Comp]lance with all conditions of approval imposed by any applicable Authority to Construc't is required for life of this equipment unless modified by application. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: GASOLINE STORAGE SYSTEM, including the following equipment: One 2,000 gallon Unleaded grade underground gasoline storage tank(s) each with a permanently affixed fill tube terminating no more than slx inches .... from the bottom of the tank and provisions for the collection of gasoline vapors during filling. ~PERATIONAL CONDITIONS: 1. At least 90~ by weight of all gasoline vapors displaced during the filling of storage tanks shall be prevented from being emitted to the atmosphere. 2. All lines, fittings, adaptors, caps and connections shall be leak free. 3. Liquid spillage and drippage at disconnect shall be prevented. 4. 'Only California Air Resources "Certified" vapor control equipment shall be utilized. 5. Tanks on delivery vessels shall be leak free. 6. Tank filling shall be accomplished only through a permanently affixed submerged fill device. 2.853 CHERRY AVENUE R O. BOX 6039 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90806-0039 PHONE (213) 424-8564 - FAX: (213) 595-6174 TELEX 65-G349 May ll, 1989 ............................... Kern' County Environmental- Health DepaP'tm~nt ............................ Hazardous Material Management Program 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 ATTENTION: Permi tti ng Gentlemen: ~ SUBJECT: 1519 32nd Street, Bakersfield, CA. We have recently had a Petro Tite systems test to an under- ground tank at our branch office located at the above subject .. address. Enclosed is a photocopy of the test results form along with a letter received from the company who performed the test. Please notify us if you have any questions. Sincerely, DAWSON ENTE~RISES ~ ' . · Purchasing Depa/rtment ~ /med osures ~~ MAY 1:2 .................. _ ........ ENVIRON.MENTAL HEALTH DATE OF TEST 4/13/89 P.O. BOX 8384,' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303 Attention: P.O. 907?39 Ref:~ 1519 32ND ST, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA On~ ~/13/~9, a Pmtro Tite systems test was made at the ................ above-~efer~enced--'loc~t'i~] .... The .... ~t--~as~ ~perfoi-~e'd~5~ James Messer, technician, certification ~1481318~ The NFPA code 389.0~ criteria for a tight system is a maximum gain or loss of .05 gallons per hour. Because of the almost infinite variables involved, this is intended to be a mathematical tolerance and is not the permission of actual leakage. During the stand-p~pe procedure, the internal liquid the hydrostatic pressure applied to the underground tank system is generally two to three times greater than normal liquid storage pressures. This increase in hydrostatic pressure will amplify the indicated rate of leak accordingly. TANK NO. WEST SI~E - 2000 GALLON STEEL TANK. PRODUCT -REGULAR The test showed a leakage -0.035 GALLONS PER HOUR. and based on the criteria we find the system mathematically tight. If you have questions regarding the results, please contact me. 'It is your responsibility to notify your local County Health Depml~..~me~nt, Environmental Health~ within thirty (30) d~ys Of the ~resu~lt]s-E,f~this"test. This notification is required b'~'i '~the California' ~Administratiw~ Code, Title Chapter 3 ~Wate~r. Re~our~es'Control Board, Sub -chapter 16 Underground Tank Regulations, Article ~.30. Gene (Butch) Combs I I I ~nclosure ~Y ~ '~ l~ 5630 DISTRICT BLVD.~ SUITE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 TAN!: O~ffE'S flaME ..., . DATE OF TEST ~113187 ~DDREDS OI TANK 1519 ~ND ST, BAKERSFIELD, CA PRODUCT iN TANK REGULAR LOC ~ 5TN ID 1519 ~ND ST, BAKERSFIELD. CA NOHINAL CAPACITY ~000 TYFE OF FR'OOUCT REGULARI '. , THERHAL SENSOR BOX READING t~OOe TAHK DIANET ' ?O~L TAN~!i~OU~NTITY e.O~O : ." TEHPERATURE BETWEEN (IN F) ; 6?/68 OeoE~VEO ~!~ ~RAVIT¥ . 55,! ' , DI61TS PER DEGREE IN RANGE TEH~?. !IN F) ?? - OF EXPECTED CHANGE TEHP. IN l~qK AFTER CIRCULATION (IN F) 67.~ DIFFERENCE lO RE~DING IHTERVAL 5 ~ E C I P ~iO C A L I53~ PAGE NUHOER 5~ INTERVAL FACTOR TA!~K ~AHTI~Y . ~,0~0 DIVIDED BY RECIPRQCAL 153~ = COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION 1,31~818 COEfF. GF EiPAtlSIOtt 1.316919i DIVIDED DY DIGITS '3~6 ~ A FACTOR FOR THIS TEST O.OO~ ~ HYDROSTATIC I : VOLUHE 1EHPE~ATURE NET ACCUH. ~li ~RESSURE I .'. HEASUREHENT COHPENSATION . VOLUHE CHANGE ~i CQUTROL ! ' . ' CHANGE ', ~ VOLUNE THERHAL REPLACED - SENSOR BEGIN ~ESTORED: BEFORE AFTER RECOVERED ~ READING CHANGE COHP, TENP AD3 '~A~E READIN~ ~ l~BOe START H/L i, ~L ~i.7 q~ ~70 ~55 -0.015 lqBO9 ? O.O~B -O.Oq3 5. 1~,5 I~,0 ~ 680 705 0,0~5 I~BBI 9 0,036 -0.011 -0,015' ,. 6. i, 1~,7 i~,O 1 705 750 O,Oq5 lqBB9 B 0,03~ 0,013 -0,00~ ?. !, 1~,? l~,0 ?50 ?B5 0,035 lqB% ? O,O~B 0,007 0,005 ii. ~ lB.7 ' 1~,0 -IBGO B95 0,035 1~988 ~ 0,036 -0.00! -0,013 .... .~1~.7 I~.0. ~5 800 0.035 l~SB B 0,03~ 0,003 -O,O~O 16. i l~.6 18,0 BOO B30 0,030 lq%8 8 0,03~' -0,00~ -0.030 '- {?. 1~,8 l~,O B30 BSO 0.0~0 i~75 ~ 0,036 -0.0{6 -0,0~6 . 1t. {i~.? 1~.0 5~5 555 0.030 ' l~?m3 lO 0,0~0 -O.OlO -0,053 80. 18.8 i~,O 555 5B5 0,030 15001 B '0,03~'! ' .-0,00~:., -0,055 21. ~1~,7 l~.O 585 6i5 0,030 i50;0 9 0,036 -0,006 -0,061 ~3. !1~.6 l~.O 6§5 685 0.030 15087 6 0.0~ " 0,006 -0,05~ FILIAL READING PIVI~ED BY INIERVAL FACTOR = TEST RESULT ~ INTERVAL FACTOR t TEST RESULTS -0.035 1700 Flower Street . .ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART ,' HEALm OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805)861-3636 ".' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ... · ~ DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ' ' f,~~~ Vernon S. Relchard TO OPERATE : '~"[~R~..~,,~J~/ ' ISSUED: JULY 1, 1986 FACILITY: I OWNER: CAVINS OIL WELL TOOLS ~ HARRY W.A. DAWSON TRUST 1519'-32ND STREET I P.O. BOX 6039 BAKERSFIELD, CA I LONG BEACH, CA 9080~ I 7 ~VF 2 N0 NOTE: ALL INTERII~ REQUIRE~IENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERI~IITTING AUTHORITY I~UST BE I~.T DURING THE TERI~ OF THIS PERI, IT NON--TRANSFERABLE ~* POST ON pREMI SES DATE PERMi~ MATT,m: S~..O~ · JoQ-I jq~w[,~ :' ..- DATE PERMIT CH~CK LIST RETURNED: Kern County Health [kpa~tmen~ Divi~sion 9t Environmental He~],'-'/ Applicationl 1700 Flower Street, BakersfieId, ~A 93305 · APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type of Application (check'): r~Ne-~ Faci"fit'y r~Modification of Facility ~]Existing Facility [-]Transfer of Ownership Kirk Moore, Area Manager A. Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days (805) 327-7154 Cavins Oil Well Tools, Nights same Facility NameA Division of Dawson Enterprises No. of Tanks ..... ! ..... Type,-of-Business. ~(check). L_~Ga~oline-.--Station --~Other -~(describe)=-sale-s-&c:~se.rv i~e_.~. ...... Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? rqyes [~No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? Byes ~]NO Facility Address 1519-32nd Street, Bakersfield Nearest Cross St. Chester T R SEC (Rural [~oca'ttons O~ly) Owner Harry W. A. Dawson Trust ~0~& A/~37 Contact Person Jim Dawson Address ~853 Cherry AYen.ue, ~L.._B. 'Zip 90806 Telephone (213) 424-8564 Operator Cavins Oil-'Well Tools Contact Person Kirk MOore ....... Address ~--t 51.9 -~32nd-.S t r e e t;~ B a ke r-s f iei~QZ ip -93303 ........ Telephone.. -('80 ~")-- ~-2J--~ltL5.4' B. 9~ater to Facility Provided byCalif°rnia Water ServiceDepth to'GroU~water nOt knOwn Soil (~aracteristtcs at i~acility not known Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determi'na~ions 'ndt ~nown C. Contractor N/.A CA Contractor' s License No. Address ' ' Zip Telephone Proposed Startin~ Date Propose~' C~pletion Date : ' Worker' s C~mpensation Cert~fication ~ Insurer - ' ......... D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed N/A. ....... E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded ~ Premium Diesel Waste []o [] o ....B F. Chemical Ccmposition of Materials Stored (not necessary for ~otor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-co~ercial name) CAS ~ (if kno~) Chemica~Stored (if different) N/A · G. Transfer of Ownership Date of ~-ansfer N./A . Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept f~lly all of~ligat'i'~ns of Permit NO. __ issued' to · I understand that the Pemitting Authority may review and modffy or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this ~dergro~d storage facility upon receiving this completed form. This form has been c~mpleted under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. Signature ~ ~. .............. Title Vice President Date 6/18/85 Permit Questionnaire Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted. . Please fill in Permit · and check one of the followin~ before returning this form with payment: F~r PERMIT · 060021C ................................... 1 .... ~end all information., to--Owne~-~t~ -the_~address .... listed on invoice (if ~ner is different than Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility ~-~ · to prov' with pert inent ~ a~~on to Oper~ Name: Address: (.Operator can make copy of permit for Owner). Facility Name Permit No. Trak ' OUT ' UP TE FOR T K) H. 1. Tank is: ['3 vaU~ ted []Non-Vaulted [~Double-Wal 1 ~]Single-Wal 1 2.. ~ Material []Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel []Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel B Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Al~int{n [] Bronze []Unknown Other (describe) 3. Primary Contairunent Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer ...... . 6--7 8 -'Unknown .... "---~ ....... - .......... -2 0 0 0-~-~ . ..... ~ .... Un k'no-w~ " 4. Tank Secondary Containment []Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault []None []Unknown [~Other (describe): Manufacturer: [3Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank ,Interior Li~i'n~ ---~[Rubber r]Alkyd []Epoxy rlPhenolic []Glass []Clay []Unlined J{-3Unknown 6~ --Tank', Corrosion Protection .............................................................. --~Galvadized ~ass-Clad []Pol~thylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrappin~ []Tar or Asphalt r~Unknown []None rYother (describe):~ Cathodic Protection: []None []Impressed Current System C]Sacrifibial J~de Syst~ 'DeSCrib~ System & Equipment: .:~ "-": ~! 7 Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception -:, ' '~ · -~.~ a.~Tank: [:]Visual (vaulted tanks only) [3Groundwater Monitoring' {~lX(a) [] Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) [']U-TUbe Without liner ..~ [3~-'l'ube with Cc~.patible Liner Directing Flow to Moni.toring Vapor Datector* F] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity Senao£." .,., ~.,~ ~- = ' [3 Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank' [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [-~ Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [] Periodic Tightness Testing [] None [] Unknown [3 Other b. Piping: C]Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping~' []Monitoring sump with Racev~y []Sealed Concrete Raceway []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway, []Synthetic Liner Race~y []None [] Unknown [] Other · Describe Make & Model': 8. Tank Tightness ]~-~is Tan~ Been Tightness Tested? []Yes []No []Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Re~ai,r Tank Repaired?. []Yes ~NO []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs - 10. Overfill Protection []Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level []Tape Float Gau~e []Float Vent Valves [2]Auto Shut- Off Controls ? Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box [-]None [~Unknown Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. P, ip~ng a. Underground Piping: ~qYes [3No ~Unknown Material Carbon steel Thickness (inches) unknown Diameter Manufacturer unkhOwn "' []Pressure [X3suction []Gravity Approximate Length o'f 'Pipe R~m~, 10 feet ...... i ..... b Underground--piping Corrosion Protection : []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad [-]Imp~essed Current [3Sacrificial ~ode []Polyethylene Wrap ,~Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap {-]Tar or Asphalt. []{Unknown []None [3Other (describe): ~ c~ Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: [3Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System [-]None []{Unknown [3Other (describe): 1700 Flower Street ~ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 leon M Hebert$o~, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 · ' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION · ' DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard October 10, 1986 .......... ..A.. Oa..on Trust. ' P.O. Box 6039 * . ,. Long Beach, CA 90806 . .. Dear Sir/Madam: On September 12, 1986 this office sen~ to you an interim permit to operate the underground hazardous storage' tank at your facility located at Calvins 0il Well Tools, 1519 32nd Street, Bakersfield, CA (permit #060021C). This permit listed your substance code as MVF 3 when in actuality the substance code ts MVF 2. The motor vehicle fuel code is .based on the environmental sensitivity of the area. In your area the depth to groundwater is between' 50 to 100 feet. This information comes from municipal water district records and historical data. Enclosed you will find the correct permit for your facility. Please.destroy the previous permit as it is no longer valid. If you have any questions concerning this correspondence please call me at (805) 861-3636. · , Sincerely, Janis Lehman Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Substances Management Pro,ram JL:aa ........... '- Enclosure DISTRICT OFFICES